[HN Gopher] More than you ever wanted to know about font loading...
       More than you ever wanted to know about font loading on the web
       Author : Brajeshwar
       Score  : 110 points
       Date   : 2022-06-09 13:14 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.industrialempathy.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.industrialempathy.com)
       | dingleberry420 wrote:
       | Alternatively, just stop messing with the font. It's not
       | necessary, annoys users and takes a lot of work to get right.
         | spread_love wrote:
         | Big hit to site identity though. Agreed it introduces issues,
         | but it's not realistic to think you'll convince Marketing to
         | drop all custom typefaces. Used responsibly, they can improve a
         | site's appearance without hindering UX.
         | bilater wrote:
         | That's like saying everyone should dress in plain clothes and
         | not waste money on fancy shit. I mean sure...but also not
         | really a viable solution.
         | lelandfe wrote:
         | I know HN can be pretty utilitarian at times, but custom fonts
         | are nice. The New Yorker simply would not be The New Yorker
         | without their font stack.
         | It's not that hard to get right (seriously, it should take
         | _maybe_ an hour?) and won 't need to be touched ever again once
         | you have it in good shape :)
           | azemetre wrote:
           | If you don't use custom fonts and strictly system fonts, you
           | get a lot of performance benefits; which may seem minor, but
           | multiple this by tens of millions of people and you're
           | talking about a real world climate impact here.
           | If the choice is between style vs performance, we should
           | always default toward performance. Besides many OS's have
           | added more system fonts throughout the last two decades. If
           | anything we need to encourage OS's to have more interfont
           | operability (if that's a word), I don't know the legal
           | ramifications (there's gotta be one) but there's no reason
           | why the most popular google fonts couldn't be included in
           | various OS's.
           | Obviously I'm not an OS dev, so I'm curious if the
           | limitations are purely legal or implementation.
             | lelandfe wrote:
             | Browsers are actually going the opposite way now, and are
             | locking down access to system fonts beyond a standardized
             | list: https://wicg.github.io/local-font-access/
             | This is to prevent fingerprinting of users (adding _new_
             | browser-accessible fonts would sadly mean more accurate
             | fingerprinting)
               | xigoi wrote:
               | I'm wondering, would it be possible to add a mechanism
               | that would allow JavaScript to get information like the
               | list of fonts, but make it impossible to send it
               | anywhere? Have the list wrapped in some special type that
               | infests everything it touches and things that perform
               | requests will refuse to send it.
               | azemetre wrote:
               | Wow, I had no idea. Thanks for the info but this is
               | beyond disappointing.
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | I've wondered if Cumulative Layout Shift is more of a feature
       | than a bug.
       | All the time I try to click on something, the layout shifts, and
       | I wind up clicking on an ad. Maybe that's how Google can get $50B
       | a year in ad revenue but you can't find anybody who admits
       | they've clicked on an ad.
         | nonameiguess wrote:
         | Fat-fingering links on a touchscreen that you have to touch to
         | scroll is likely at least as big a factor, but I would hope the
         | ad network is able to measure whether a person actually stays
         | on the page versus immediately hits the back button and not pay
         | for the immediate back buttons.
         | egberts1 wrote:
         | Yes. This is a problem when trying to speed clicking NEXT
         | button, it shifted and it's "AD TIME!"
         | I am looking at you, Taboola.
           | lowercased wrote:
           | agreed, but i've found it easier/safer to just back out of
           | sites when I see taboola stuff on them in the first place. it
           | seems to be an indicator of the (non)quality of many sites.
           | jfk13 wrote:
           | In my experience, if you're reading something that involves
           | constantly clicking a NEXT button, you're generally reading
           | garbage anyhow.
       | chrismorgan wrote:
       | There are various other CSS properties that are linked to the
       | font so that the result is bad if another font gets used.
       | letter-spacing: this has been giving me grief recently. It's
       | mostly a tool for people second-guessing the font designer
       | because they chose a font that they liked but didn't _actually_
       | like because it was too wide, and now they're tightening the
       | letter-spacing, but poor people like me who have told their
       | browser not to let pages override their font choices1, or those
       | for whom the web font just fails to load for whatever reason, now
       | have to suffer for it, surprisingly often to the point where
       | letters collide (not _often_ in the scheme of things, but
       | surprisingly often to me). My opinion is that you should
       | _absolutely never_ adjust letter-spacing at body text sizes, with
       | the sole exception of all-caps text where it is generally
       | desirable to add up to about 0.05em. If you feel the need to set
       | letter-spacing on body text in any other situation, you're using
       | the wrong font.
       | font-feature-settings: some OpenType features are generic, like
       | _tnum_ for tabular numbers, but others like stylistic sets are
       | explicitly linked to a particular font, so that if you set this
       | globally in this way, you might actually trigger something in
       | another font that ruins things. For example, my monospace is
       | Triplicate, and _ss01_ makes it not monospaced (called the Poly
       | variant), so if you activate ss01 _and_ were doing box drawing or
       | similar, it just got ruined. Or if you're using a version of
       | panr's Terminal theme2 for Hugo from more than a few months ago
       | (when it got fixed for the wrong reasons, but it got fixed), it
       | has the _case_ feature set improperly, which is supposed to just
       | adjust vertical positioning of some punctuation to fit all-caps
       | text, but in practice a number of font foundries (including at
       | least one of the biggest) have decided to work around inferior
       | desktop publishing software (leastways, that's why Matthew
       | Butterick decided to do it) by making that feature also
       | substitute uppercase glyphs--so now the entire page is all caps.
       | The particularly galling part to me is that there actually _is_ a
       | defined way of doing this properly for font-feature-settings,
       | scoping by font, but Firefox implemented it in 2014 and no one
       | else has touched it. Sigh.                 /* The current and
       | inferior way: */       code {           font-family: triplicate,
       | monospace;           font-feature-settings: "ss01";       }
       | /* The new and improved way that Google and Apple haven't
       | implemented: */       @font-feature-values triplicate {
       | @styleset {               poly: 1;           }       }
       | code {           font-face: triplicate, monospace;
       | font-variant-alternates: styleset(poly);       }
       | I'd really like something better for letter-spacing, too. Maybe a
       | letter-spacing-adjust @font-face property or something. I dunno.
       | --***--
       | 1 I started doing this a few months back in Firefox as an
       | experiment, and I've never gone back--it _significantly_ improves
       | the web, with Google's Material Icons web font with its stupid
       | ligation technique being practically the only meaningful
       | casualty.
       | 2 Which I hate, by the way--monospaced fonts are generally quite
       | bad for long-form reading, and are still more so when presented
       | light-on-dark and with excessively wide columns. Do you know just
       | _how much_ more readable those sorts of pages become when you
       | swap in a serif or sans-serif font? Try reading half an article,
       | then swap it and go away for a few minutes so that it doesn't
       | feel weird, then come back and read the rest. The effect is quite
       | remarkable.
         | clairity wrote:
         | it's frustrating to see the most relevant and informative
         | comment at the bottom while tangential blathering sits at the
         | top.
         | thanks for pointing out that css font settings can be scoped to
         | fonts, even if it's firefox only for now.
         | wildrhythms wrote:
         | I am usually forced to apply some 0.2px or 0.3px letter spacing
         | because the designers I work with don't realize that their
         | design software renders fonts completely differently than the
         | browser, and that added letter spacing in the browser makes it
         | 'look right' to them.
           | madeofpalk wrote:
           | I have never encountered this. What OS/design software does
           | this?
         | [deleted]
       | missblit wrote:
       | > browsers no longer cache resources across top level sites.
       | Wait is this true? Definitely warrants some kind of citation. If
       | no one's heard one way or another I might test it later because
       | I'm pretty skeptical of this claim.
       | Edit: mind blown
         | robin_reala wrote:
         | The reasoning behind this is a privacy leak attack. Let's say
         | that you know that, say, your competitor is loading a specific
         | asset at a specific version from a CDN. You can then attempt to
         | load that asset as well, and using the Resource Timing API[1]
         | see how long it takes to come down. If it's 500ms+ you can
         | guess that it's a network load. If a lower number you could
         | guess that instead it's come from the cache. You could then
         | target that user with that new knowledge. Safari realised this
         | a long time ago, but it took Firefox and Chrome a while to
         | catch up, or at least to decide that the harm outweighed the
         | benefit.
         | [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/API/Resource_Ti...
         | bombcar wrote:
         | It's true and kind of asinine in my opinion, and actually makes
         | setting up a Squid cache worthwhile again, potentially.
         | beejiu wrote:
         | Yes, it seems like it is now true.
         | https://developer.chrome.com/blog/http-cache-partitioning/
         | kube-system wrote:
         | https://developer.chrome.com/blog/http-cache-partitioning/
         | zinekeller wrote:
         | Yes, all modern browsers divide their cache per-site. Some
         | large advertising companies like Taboola have abused caches to
         | store unique identifiers. I won't be shocked if Google and
         | Facebook have also used this, so Safari (from 2013,
         | https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=110269), Firefox
         | (depending on settings from 2018 and widely deployed in 2020,
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/Privacy/State_P...) and Chrome (from 2020,
         | https://developer.chrome.com/blog/http-cache-partitioning/) now
         | separate caches.
       | everdrive wrote:
       | I wonder if there is some way to always block remote fonts? Seems
       | like a real bandwidth saver.
         | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
         | Some adblockers can do this.
         | sogen wrote:
         | In Chrome, uBlock origin can block webfonts.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | Be sure to block JavaScript as well. Makes the web a lot
         | faster, and very often better too, with only the occasional
         | site (though considerably more of certain _types_ of sites)
         | breaking. What I settled on a couple of years back was to
         | disable JavaScript with uMatrix, but have that extension
         | disabled in Private Browsing mode, so I can just open a Private
         | Browsing window if I want to run something with JS.
         | In Firefox, you also just have the "Allow pages to choose their
         | own fonts, instead of your selections above" checkbox in
         | Settings - Fonts - Advanced that you can untick, which will
         | stop most web fonts from loading, though Private Use Area code
         | points (used in icon fonts) will still work from web fonts (so
         | that Google's Material Icons with its stupid ligation technique
         | is just about the only thing that will be mangled).
           | mmmpop wrote:
           | > only the occasional site (though considerably more of
           | certain types of sites) breaking.
           | That is not at all my experience while browsing without JS
           | enabled.
         | ormax3 wrote:
         | uBlock Origin can: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Per-
         | site-switches#no-...
         | forgotmypw17 wrote:
         | It can be done in Firefox, it is just one setting in
         | about:config.
         | gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled
         | Some sites rely on icon fonts for buttons, and they appear as
         | Unicode placeholders instead. I don't mind, and consider it a
         | time-saving benefit which reduces my effort spent on low-
         | quality websites.
       | kuharich wrote:
       | Past comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25976844
         | lelandfe wrote:
         | And today's discussion, where this came from:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31680414
       (page generated 2022-06-09 23:01 UTC)