[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Best beginner friendly linear algebra book?
       Ask HN: Best beginner friendly linear algebra book?
       Hello all, the title really says it all. Hoping to find a linear
       algebra book that is friendly for visual learners.  EDIT: thank you
       all for the great responses!
       Author : belfalas
       Score  : 106 points
       Date   : 2022-06-11 19:00 UTC (4 hours ago)
       | throwaway81523 wrote:
       | I liked Hirsch and Smale's old book called something like "Linear
       | algebra, differential equations, and dynamical systems". It is
       | now replaced by an expanded edition with a 3rd author added and a
       | longer title, that I expect is also good, though I haven't looked
       | at it.
       | I don't know if the H&S book is beginner friendly, but what I
       | found good about it was studying linear algebra and differential
       | equations at the same time, i.e. treating them as closely related
       | topics rather than separate ones. So you could use your physical
       | intuition about (say) a harmonic oscillator (mass on a spring,
       | the archetypal second order ODE), then see how the 2nd order
       | equation can be separated into a system of first order ODE's, and
       | solved by finding matrix eigenvalues.
       | That worked better for me than the abstract linear algebra
       | approach that was purely about vector spaces with nothing going
       | on in them. It showed real sensible motivations of linear
       | algebra.
       | jerDev wrote:
       | YouTube. Khan academy. There are so many people trying to make a
       | buck with a whiteboard online. Find one that you like ( gender,
       | nationality, accent, whatever works for you ) and then stick to
       | it
       | krosaen wrote:
       | Strang has a newer book aimed at being more approachable and
       | tying in a preview of deep learning and other modern topics. I
       | like it a lot.
       | "Linear Algebra for Everyone"
       | https://math.mit.edu/~gs/everyone/
       | harshreality wrote:
       | Try Singh's _Linear Algebra: Step by Step_, along with youtube.
       | Higher math tends to be abstract; you can't visualize higher-
       | dimensional linear algebra concepts directly. The standard
       | resources (Strang, Axler, etc) are worth the effort.
       | abxytg wrote:
       | What are you learning for? I'm in the industry learning for work
       | in medical image visualization.
       | ThatGeoGuy wrote:
       | "Linear and Geometric Algebra" by Alan Macdonald.
       | It's definitely not the norm compared to many of the other
       | listings in this thread but it definitely gave me a better
       | understanding of many algebraic properties and helped build an
       | intuition around spaces, vectors, products, etc.
       | It doesn't have a ton of graphics, to which you might snub your
       | nose at it (you mentioned visual learning), but the graphics it
       | does have are incredibly useful for building a geometric
       | understanding of what linear algebra concepts map to. The
       | subsection on quaternions and pseudoscalars is one of the best
       | descriptions of such in my experience.
       | nojito wrote:
       | Nothing holds a candle to https://web.stanford.edu/~boyd/vmls/
       | Applied learning is the best way to learn linear algebra.
       | saeranv wrote:
       | I wouldn't reccomend Strang's "Introduction to Linear Algebra"
       | textbook to a beginner. Strang has a very odd, dense way of
       | writing, often with references to material that has yet to be
       | introduced. I think this is a consequence of it's intended use as
       | an aid to his lectures, and can't really stand on its own. The
       | goodreads reviews on the textbook seems to share my opinion:
       | https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/179700.Introduction_to_L...
       | I think it's great for an intermediate student, or someone who's
       | also watching Strang's lectures.
         | tptacek wrote:
         | I agree, but would recommend his video series to beginners. The
         | books themselves are less important than the exercises in the
         | book, which unfortunately sort of demand that you have the book
         | because they refer back to them. But the package of (exercises,
         | video lectures, book), in descending order of importance maybe,
         | I think is a worthy recommendation. Ultimately, the book is the
         | only part of that you actually have to "acquire", so it might
         | be ok that it doesn't stand on its own.
       | dragontamer wrote:
       | Why are you trying to learn linear algebra?
       | This is highly important. Linear algebra is applicable to so many
       | fields, but learning linear algebra for say... Graphics
       | Programmers, is a completely different feel from learning linear
       | algebra for an Electrical Engineer Signals-and-systems engineer.
       | Graphics programmers largely need to learn "how to use"
       | matricies. Emphasis on associative properties. Emphasis on non-
       | communitive operations.
       | In contrast, Electrical Engineers / Signals-and-systems want to
       | learn linear-algebra as a stepping stone to differential
       | calculus. In this case, you're going to be focusing more on
       | eigen-values, spring-mass systems / resonant frequencies,
       | applicability to calculus and other tidbits (how linear algebra
       | relates to the Fourier Transform).
       | ----------
       | The graphics programmer (probably) doesn't need to learn
       | eigenvalues. So any textbook written as "linear algebra for
       | graphics programmers" can safely skip over that.
       | The electrical engineer however needs all of this other stuff as
       | "part" of the linear algebra class.
       | I'm sure other fields (statistics, error-correction codes/galois
       | fields, abstract algebra, etc. etc.) have "their own ways" of
       | teaching linear algebra that is most applicable to them.
       | Yes, "linear algebra" is broadly applicable. But instead of
       | trying to "learn all of it", you should instead focus on the
       | "bits of linear algebra that is most applicable to the problems
       | you face". That shrinks down the field, increases the
       | "pragmatism" of your studies.
       | Later, when you're more familiar with "some bits" of linear
       | algebra, you can then take the next step of generalizing off of
       | your "seed knowledge".
       | --------
       | I personally never was able to learn linear algebra from a linear
       | algebra book.
       | Instead, I relearned linear algebra 4 or 5 times as the "basis"
       | of other maths I've learned. I learned it for differential
       | calculus. I relearned linear algebra for signals. I relearned
       | linear algebra for Galois fields/CRC-codes/Reed Solomon. I
       | relearned linear algebra for graphics.
       | Yes, it seems inefficient, but I think my "focus" isn't strong
       | enough to just study it in the abstract. I needed to see the
       | "applicable" practice to encourage myself to learn. Besides, each
       | time you "relearn" linear algebra, its a lot faster than the last
       | time.
         | tzs wrote:
         | > I personally never was able to learn linear algebra from a
         | linear algebra book.
         | > Instead, I relearned linear algebra 4 or 5 times as the
         | "basis" of other maths I've learned. I learned it for
         | differential calculus. I relearned linear algebra for signals.
         | I relearned linear algebra for Galois fields/CRC-codes/Reed
         | Solomon. I relearned linear algebra for graphics.
         | If I were way better at websites and at advanced mathematics
         | than I actually am, I'd make a site for learning math in a top
         | down manner where you start with some result or application
         | that interests you and then are taught just enough more
         | elementary math to support that result or application.
         | The site would have a list of results and applications, and for
         | each tell what math is necessary to understand it. You pick a
         | result or application that interests you, either because it is
         | interesting to you itself or because you see that it depends on
         | some more elementary math that you wish to learn.
         | Once you pick, the site would show you a proof of the result or
         | development of the application, at a level that one would find
         | in a journal aimed at professionals in the relevant field. This
         | of course will most likely be largely incomprehensible at this
         | point.
         | You can select any part of the proof or development and ask the
         | site for more information. There are two kinds of additional
         | information you can ask for.
         | One is to ask for smaller steps. You use this when there is
         | some step A -> B where you are comfortable with A and B but
         | just don't see how it jumps from A to B. You understand what A
         | means, what B means, just not why A -> B. The site fills in the
         | intermediate steps.
         | The other is to ask what something means. This is for when the
         | proof uses something you have not yet studies. For example if
         | the proof uses integration and you have not yet studied it
         | calculus that would be a great place to use a "what does this
         | mean?" request. The site would then give you a short
         | explanation of integration.
         | A key feature of the site would be that this is all recursive.
         | If you use a "what does this mean?" request on an integral and
         | get the short explanation of integration, you could use
         | "smaller steps" requests and "what does this mean?" requests in
         | that explanation.
         | Using "what does this mean?" requests recursively should let
         | you go all the way down to things that can be explained with
         | only high school algebra and precalculus.
         | Note that if you've never studied anything past high school
         | algebra and precalculus and then use the site to learn
         | something like say an analytic proof of the prime number
         | theorem you will learn much elementary calculus but not all.
         | You will learn just what is needed for the prime number
         | theorem.
         | But there would be other interesting theorems and applications
         | that use different parts of elementary calculus, so doing those
         | would fill in more of your elementary calculus.
         | The site should have a planner that lets you pick areas of
         | undergraduate or masters level math that you would like to
         | learn and then shows you lists of interesting theorems and
         | applications it has that will cover those areas.
         | I think this would be an interesting and effective way to
         | learn. At all points everything you are learning goes directly
         | toward supporting the top level proof you have chosen to learn,
         | and you have an idea of why it is useful because you are there
         | because you've already encountered something where you need it.
         | I think that for many people this will provide better
         | motivation. In the conventional approach, where you do say a
         | whole class in calculus or abstract algebra, then do a more
         | advanced class that uses those results, and so on, a lot of
         | time you are learning stuff with no idea of why it is useful.
         | belfalas wrote:
         | Thank you, this is a great point! I am in the category of
         | someone who needs linear algebra in order to apply it for day-
         | to-day stuff, hands on not blue sky. Currently my primary use
         | case is image filtering but a bit down the line signal
         | processing will come up.
           | dragontamer wrote:
           | > Currently my primary use case is image filtering but a bit
           | down the line signal processing will come up.
           | Image filtering _is_ signal processing, two-dimensional
           | signal processing to be precise.
           | Traditionally, a college would take you through linear
           | algebra -> differential equations -> signals and systems, to
           | approach this subject.
           | I found it easier to go through the reverse: start at
           | signals-and-systems (to see what you have to learn), then
           | work your way back down to linear algebra, and then work your
           | way back up to signals and systems.
           | ---------------
           | From a "signals and systems" point of view, your image
           | filtering functions are 99% going to just be a "kernel"
           | applied to an image.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(image_processing)
           | IMO, its easier to start with a 1-dimensional version, where
           | you perform kernels upon sound and/or RADAR signals rather
           | than 2-dimensional images.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolution#Visual_explanation
           | You can see that the 1-dimensional version of the convolution
           | applied between (data x kernel) is extremely simple and
           | "obvious" to think about, given this GIF: https://upload.wiki
           | media.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Convolut...
           | Where blue-box is the original signal, and red-box is the
           | convolution-kernel, and the black-line is the output of blue
           | convolve with red.
           | From there, you generalize the 1-dimensional convolution,
           | into a 2-dimensional convolution. To do so, you need to study
           | linear algebra and matricies. But now that you're "focused"
           | upon the convolution idea, as well as the idea of a "kernel",
           | everything should be "more obvious" to you as you go through
           | your studies.
           | You can see that a "Matrix", in your specific field of study,
           | represents a kernel to a discrete system. The image you want
           | to manipulate is a 2-dimensional signal. A "matrix" is many
           | different things to many different mathematicians /
           | engineers. "Focusing" upon your particular application is key
           | to learning as quickly as possible. (You can generalize later
           | after you've mastered your particular field).
           | Still, the study of signals / systems is a very generalized
           | and large field. Mechanical engineers study this, because it
           | turns out that an "impulse" that is "convoluted" with a
           | "kernel" is descriptive of how a speed-bump affects your
           | car's suspension system (!!!!). (EDIT: A youtube video
           | demonstrating the same math for earthquakes vs buildings:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1U4SAgy60c)
           | So studying signals-and-systems is still a very abstract goal
           | of yours. It sounds like you need to focus upon the image-
           | processing portions of signals-and-systems.
           | ---------
           | IMO, you'll find that there's probably very little linear
           | algebra you actually need to learn for your particular path.
       | axegon_ wrote:
       | One which was posted here is an absolute masterpiece if you ask
       | me:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24892907
       | isaacimagine wrote:
       | I enjoyed _Linear Algebra Done Wrong_ [0], to be used in
       | combination with a more traditional textbook, like _Linear
       | Algebra and its Applications_ [1] (which has some good diagrams).
       | I 've already seen it mentioned, but I'd like to add that 3b1b's
       | _Essence of Linear Algebra_ [2] videos are well made and make for
       | a good supplementary resource early on.
       | [0]:
       | https://www.math.brown.edu/streil/papers/LADW/LADW_2017-09-0...
       | [1]: https://www.amazon.com/Linear-Algebra-Its-
       | Applications-5th/d... -- PDFs exist.
       | [2]:
       | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZHQObOWTQDPD3MizzM2x...
         | doppioandante wrote:
         | That is really a wonderful book which I perused when learning
         | linear algebra, maybe a bit on the mathy side for OP expecially
         | as he is asking a book for a "visual learner". Fortunately
         | linear algebra can be grasped intuitively in dimensions above 3
         | even if it can't be visualized, but maybe I'm biased as it is
         | bread and butter for me now.
         | Syzygies wrote:
         | The title of _Linear Algebra Done Wrong_ is an unacknowledged
         | nod to Sheldon Axler 's _Linear Algebra Done Right_. I know
         | Sheldon; he believes it 's a crime to teach people
         | determinants. I teach people determinants. _Wrong_ features
         | determinants in Chapter 3.
         | I was once part of an interactive learning software demo, where
         | Sheldon had provided the sample linear algebra problem. I
         | solved it in seconds using determinants. That really made my
         | day.
           | f0e4c2f7 wrote:
           | >I know Sheldon; he believes it's a crime to teach people
           | determinants.
           | Any way to explain to a lay person why?
             | yCombLinks wrote:
             | Determinants are usually introduced in Linear algebra out
             | of the blue because you can't get to other important topics
             | in Linear Algebra without them. Calculating them is a
             | complex mess best left for a calculator. Sheldon teaches
             | Linear Algebra as a theoretical math course, along the
             | lines of learning Abstract Algebra. He approaches those
             | other important topics from a different direction entirely,
             | and determinants are just a trivial part of his book
             | because of the different approach.
             | mseri wrote:
             | The book is open access (https://linear.axler.net/), I am
             | going to quote directly the author in the preface:
             | << all linear algebra books use determinants to prove that
             | every linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex
             | vector space has an eigenvalue. Determinants are difficult,
             | nonintuitive, and often defined without motivation. To
             | prove the theorem about existence of eigenvalues on complex
             | vector spaces, most books must define determinants, prove
             | that a linear map is not invertible if and only if its
             | determinant equals 0, and then define the characteristic
             | polynomial. This tortuous (torturous?) path gives students
             | little feeling for why eigenvalues exist. In contrast, the
             | simple determinant-free proofs presented here (for example,
             | see 5.21) offer more insight. Once determinants have been
             | banished to the end of the book, a new route opens to the
             | main goal of linear algebra-- understanding the structure
             | of linear operators.>>
             | If you like mathematics, it is actually a pretty nice book.
               | na85 wrote:
               | I don't believe it's open access, or at least I see no
               | download link on that page.
       | hn_version_0023 wrote:
       | I'd ask a follow-up question of: what are the prerequisites for
       | being able to successfully complete any of these courses/books?
       | I've been thinking of doing something similar myself, and am 20
       | years removed from daily math exercises. Thanks in advance!
         | tptacek wrote:
         | Algebra I and some trig, at least to get pretty deep into a
         | first college course syllabus and get enough exposure to see
         | where you want to go with it. That "10th grade" level of math,
         | for instance, is actually enough to get you pretty far into the
         | practical applications of linear algebra in cryptography, but
         | it's not enough to get you all the way to machine learning.
           | hn_version_0023 wrote:
           | Thank you kindly! Its always nice to learn you're more
           | prepared than you supposed!
         | wrycoder wrote:
         | I'd recommend Kahn Academy. They have a way of quickly
         | reviewing what you know. You ought to refresh any gaps in high
         | school math. Then take the Kahn courses in linear algebra.
         | For more and deeper, see the other recommendations here.
       | photochemsyn wrote:
       | I'll recommend Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction by David
       | Poole (which I picked up rather randomly in a library clearance
       | sale for $2). It tackles most subjects from both algebraic and
       | geometric perspectives, so from the visual aspect it might fit.
       | What's particularly useful about it relative to HN is it leans
       | into computational applications pretty heavily.
       | For example, if some particular method is computationally
       | efficient relative to others, the text makes a note of it, and
       | has lots of computational examples. Most of the examples could be
       | set up fairly straightforwardly with something like a Python
       | notebook and Numpy for matrices. It also covers things like
       | computational errors wrt floating-point operations when doing
       | vector and matrix calculations, efficient algorithms for
       | approximating eigenvalues of a matrix, etc.
       | And!, the full text is available on archive.org with a free
       | account:
       | https://archive.org/details/linearalgebramod0000pool
       | rileytg wrote:
       | I would highly recommend starting with khan academy. it's pretty
       | visual and worked great for me- a largely visual learner.
       | aurnik wrote:
       | Fun series on learning practical linear algebra from a robotics
       | engineer: https://youtu.be/FKs1XhlrZDw
       | I don't remember how I found this guy but watching him feels more
       | like learning from a friend who's extremely knowledgeable about
       | linear algebra rather than sitting in a university course.
       | mch82 wrote:
       | "Linear Algebra" on Wikibooks may be worth a look (and consider
       | helping to make it better if it's not useful enough yet)
       | https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Linear_Algebra
       | ibobev wrote:
       | http://immersivemath.com/ila/index.html
       | i-das wrote:
       | Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra - Vectors, Matrices, and
       | Least Squares : https://web.stanford.edu/~boyd/vmls/
       | rglullis wrote:
       | Off-topic, I know... but let's not propagate the idea that there
       | is such a thing as "visual learners":
       | https://www.veritasium.com/videos/2021/7/9/the-biggest-myth-...
       | fugalfervor wrote:
       | There's no such thing as a visual learner
         | bryanrasmussen wrote:
         | I guess I'm going to have to call up that psychologist that
         | gave my daughter that evaluation and give him a piece of your
         | mind! But aside from the flat statement do you have anything to
         | back it up?
           | thaumasiotes wrote:
           | > But aside from the flat statement do you have anything to
           | back it up?
           | Well, here's a comment from elsewhere in the thread:
           | > If you can do one thing now, watch this Veritasium video to
           | disprove the myth that you're a visual learner:
           | https://youtu.be/rhgwIhB58PA.
           | ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31707314 )
           | I haven't watched the video, but, like your parent comment, I
           | was already aware that "learning styles" was a research area
           | supported almost exclusively by fraud. If you want more
           | links, you can find them pretty easily through
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_styles#Criticism .
           | Diris wrote:
           | Veritasium has a very good video on the subject.[0] Sources
           | are in the description but I might as well post them here.
           | Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008).
           | Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological science
           | in the public interest, 9(3), 105-119. --
           | https://ve42.co/Pashler2008
           | Willingham, D. T., Hughes, E. M., & Dobolyi, D. G. (2015).
           | The scientific status of learning styles theories. Teaching
           | of Psychology, 42(3), 266-271. -- https://ve42.co/Willingham
           | Massa, L. J., & Mayer, R. E. (2006). Testing the ATI
           | hypothesis: Should multimedia instruction accommodate
           | verbalizer-visualizer cognitive style?. Learning and
           | Individual Differences, 16(4), 321-335. --
           | https://ve42.co/Massa2006
           | Riener, C., & Willingham, D. (2010). The myth of learning
           | styles. Change: The magazine of higher learning, 42(5),
           | 32-35.-- https://ve42.co/Riener2010
           | Husmann, P. R., & O'Loughlin, V. D. (2019). Another nail in
           | the coffin for learning styles? Disparities among
           | undergraduate anatomy students' study strategies, class
           | performance, and reported VARK learning styles. Anatomical
           | sciences education, 12(1), 6-19. --
           | https://ve42.co/Husmann2019
           | Snider, V. E., & Roehl, R. (2007). Teachers' beliefs about
           | pedagogy and related issues. Psychology in the Schools, 44,
           | 873-886. doi:10.1002/pits.20272 -- https://ve42.co/Snider2007
           | Fleming, N., & Baume, D. (2006). Learning Styles Again:
           | VARKing up the right tree!. Educational developments, 7(4),
           | 4. -- https://ve42.co/Fleming2006
           | Rogowsky, B. A., Calhoun, B. M., & Tallal, P. (2015).
           | Matching learning style to instructional method: Effects on
           | comprehension. Journal of educational psychology, 107(1), 64.
           | -- https://ve42.co/Rogowskyetal
           | Coffield, Frank; Moseley, David; Hall, Elaine; Ecclestone,
           | Kathryn (2004). -- https://ve42.co/Coffield2004
           | Furey, W. (2020). THE STUBBORN MYTH OF LEARNING STYLES.
           | Education Next, 20(3), 8-13. -- https://ve42.co/Furey2020
           | Dunn, R., Beaudry, J. S., & Klavas, A. (2002). Survey of
           | research on learning styles. California Journal of Science
           | Education II (2). -- https://ve42.co/Dunn2002
           | [0] The Biggest Myth In Education
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhgwIhB58PA
           | atty wrote:
           | I am no expert just a curious outsider, so take this with a
           | large grain of salt, but it is my understanding that that's
           | one of the most pernicious misconceptions even in practicing
           | psychologists, but that the current high quality research
           | suggests the learning styles theory is flawed at best and
           | wrong at worst. This article is ~8 years old but I don't
           | think anything has quantitatively changed the conclusions
           | over the intervening years.
           | https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/brain-based-learning-
           | myth-v...
             | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | bajsejohannes wrote:
       | I really liked Linear Algebra And Its Applications by David C
       | Lay, although it seems that more people dislike it. I believe
       | it's a pretty common book for college intro courses. It does
       | illustrate everything pretty well if I remember correctly.
       | Perhaps a game development book is even more visual? I haven't
       | read it (yet), but this book is getting recommendations:
       | https://gamemath.com/book/
       | jimhefferon wrote:
       | I have a text at https://hefferon.net/linearalgebra/index.html.
       | It is aimed at beginners. It comes with perhaps two dozen
       | exercises per lecture along with complete worked answers to every
       | question, with videos of the lectures, a lab manual using Sage,
       | and some other ancillaries.
       | Like others here I recommend 3B1B, which may be what you are
       | looking for visually, but whatever you end up with it is
       | absolutely crucial that you do exercises. Do many of them. It is
       | the only way to get better.
       | haneefmubarak wrote:
       | Personally I liked the No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra. It
       | kind of builds up things slowly and in a conversational manner,
       | but you can also skip thru pretty quickly if you just need a
       | reference.
       | I don't think I've been able to find any particularly good visual
       | LinAlg books - most of what you're trying to achieve is actually
       | quite abstract and I found the classic books a little confusing.
       | As an addendum - if you live stateside, classes at community
       | colleges may be quite inexpensive and fairly approachable.
         | nsv wrote:
         | Second to No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra. It's well
         | written, has plenty of practice problems, and an interesting
         | applications section.
         | kqr2 wrote:
         | https://minireference.gumroad.com/l/noBSLA
         | The author is also on HN:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=ivan_ah
         | thunkle wrote:
         | I'm going through this right now. It's really great at giving
         | refreshers and not assuming you know anything.
         | maerF0x0 wrote:
         | +1
       | seltzered_ wrote:
       | Not my interest but some bookmarks :
       | http://betterexplained.com/articles/linear-algebra-guide/
       | http://immersivemath.com/ila/index.html
       | https://www.scribd.com/document/376657416/Linear-Algebra-in-...
       | whatsakandr wrote:
       | Highly recommend 3blue1brown's essence of linear algebra playlist
       | as a supplement to anything you do. I "knew" linear before
       | watching this playlist, now I know it. Link:
       | https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0-GT3co4r2y2YErbmuJw2L5t...
       | ycdavidsmith wrote:
       | "Introduction to Linear Algebra" by Gilbert Strang is the book.
       | Recommend getting a used older edition as not much has changed.
       | His course at MIT is legendary, completely available online
       | https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-06-linear-algebra-spring-2010...
       | And there's so much good linear algebra stuff on YouTube from
       | 3brown1blue.
       | If you can do one thing now, watch this Veritasium video to
       | disprove the myth that you're a visual learner:
       | https://youtu.be/rhgwIhB58PA.
         | lamename wrote:
         | The point of the hook statement "You are not a visual learner"
         | in the Veritasium video is not to "disprove the myth that
         | you're a visual learner."
         | The point is that there's little evidence behind different
         | people having different learning styles, and that in general
         | everyone is every "style".
         | This implies that vision, in addition to many other sensory
         | modalities, is useful. As you point out, the utility of of 3b1b
         | is in line with this point.
         | tptacek wrote:
         | Just chiming in to say that you can dive directly into Strang's
         | Youtube lecture series, without a book or anything else; like,
         | an immediate next step you could take if you wanted to is just
         | to pull up his first lecture right now and watch it. (I mostly
         | watched him at 2.5x speed).
         | notfed wrote:
         | Also, Khan Academy is an excellent supplement for parts you
         | find confusing.
       | jjtheblunt wrote:
       | https://www.amazon.com/Numerical-Linear-Algebra-Lloyd-Trefet...
       | that book, i think, is fantastic. i was a TA for a graduate (and
       | undergraduate) level course using it in Urbana-Champaign around
       | 25 years ago. It's just a great book.
       | gnicholas wrote:
       | Several commenters have mentioned 3B1B and other youtube videos.
       | I'm curious about the suggested ordering: should one watch the
       | videos to get an intuitive sense of things, then proceed with a
       | textbook/practice questions? Or would it be better to struggle
       | through a textbook/problems, and then watch videos to crystalize
       | concepts after you've primed your brain a bit?
       | I realize the answers will differ for different
       | people/situations, but I'd be curious to know what has or hasn't
       | worked for others.
       | enhdless wrote:
       | I recommend _The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra_! I read it the
       | summer before college and their visuals and analogies really
       | helped me grasp basic concepts.
         | dragontamer wrote:
         | I disagree. I personally found that one to be a poorly written
         | "Manga Guide". (Manga Guide to SQL was a good one, but there
         | really weren't as many good analogies for Linear Algebra).
         | A lot of the "examples" were "This is complicated and abstract,
         | so we'll just say it is and go to textbook form".
           | belfalas wrote:
           | I am indeed here posting my original question after first
           | trying the Manga Guide to Linear Algebra and finding it was
           | not what I was looking for. Where I wanted visual explanation
           | they went to textbook definitions, not helpful. A few
           | illustrations in the book I did think were valuable so it
           | wasn't a total loss.
             | wrycoder wrote:
             | LA is about vectors and rotations and stretches of vectors,
             | which is what happens when you multiply a vector by a
             | matrix. That's what you will be visualizing.
             | Try the Kahn videos, then watch the 3B1B videos, which are
             | very visual, but somewhat advanced. Or, watch both of them
             | several times in parallel.
       | FastMonkey wrote:
       | 3blue1brown is fantastic. Every once in a while I'll be like
       | "what is the intuition behind determinants again?", and boom,
       | there's a thoughtful and concise video on it.
       | However, there's no magic bullet that will let you learn linear
       | algebra in a couple of hours. At some point you have to sit down
       | and work to figure it out. The field has university departments
       | researching it, so there's a lot more to it than just multiplying
       | mxp by pxn matrices.
       | I don't know what you mean exactly by beginner, but assuming you
       | have some level of mathematical maturity, UT Austin has an edx
       | course you can audit for free, "Linear Algebra Foundations to
       | Frontiers", and FastAI also have a pretty good free video
       | series/course on it too.
       | lamename wrote:
       | I've found the "_ for Dummies" series to be quite clear for math.
       | I used Linear Algebra for Dummies to brush up on some concepts
       | recently to solve a problem at work.
       | graycat wrote:
       | I'll get you a start here:
       | For the _graphical_ part, start with, say, (3,7). Regard that as
       | the coordinates in the standard X-Y coordinate system of a
       | _point_ on the plane. So, the X coordinate is the 3 and the Y
       | coordinate is the 7. You could get out some graph paper and plot
       | the thing. So, more generally, given two numbers x and y, (x,y)
       | is the coordinates of a point in the plane. We call (x,y) a
       | _vector_ and imagine that it is an arrow from the origin to an
       | arrow head at point (x,y). Then we can imagine that we can slide
       | the vector around on the plane, keeping its length and direction
       | the same.
       | What we did for the plane and X-Y we could do for space with
       | X-Y-Z. So, there a vector would have three coordinates. Ah, call
       | them _components_.
       | Now in linear algebra, for a positive integer n, we could have a
       | vector with n components. For geometric intuition, what we saw in
       | X-Y or X-Y-Z is usually enough.
       | We can let R denote the set of real numbers. Then R^n denotes the
       | set of all of the vectors with n components that are real
       | numbers. Our R^n is the leading example of a _vector space_.
       | Sometimes it is good to permit the components to be complex
       | numbers, but that is a little advanced. And the components could
       | be elements of some goofy finite _field_ from abstract algebra,
       | but that also is a bit advanced.
       | Here we just stay with the real numbers, elements of R.
       | Okay, suppose someone tells us
       | ax + by = s
       | cx + dy = t
       | where the a, b, c, d, s, t are real numbers.
       | We want to know what the x and y are. Right, we can think of the
       | vector (x,y). Without too much work we can show that, depending
       | on the _coefficients_ a, ..., t, the set of all (x,y), that fits
       | the two equations has none, one, or infinitely many (points,
       | vectors) solutions.
       | So, that example is two equations in two unknowns, x and y. Well,
       | for positive integers m and n, we could have m equations in n
       | unknowns. Still, there are none, one, or infinitely many
       | solutions.
       | C. F. Gauss gave us _Gauss elimination_ that lets us know if
       | none, one, or infinitely many, find the one, or generate as many
       | as we wish of the infinite.
       | We can multiply one of the equations by a number and add the
       | resulting equation to one of the other equations. We just did an
       | _elementary row operation_ , and you can convince yourself that
       | the set of all solutions remains the same. So, Gauss elimination
       | is to pick elementary row operations that make the pattern of
       | coefficients have a lot of zeros so that we can by inspection
       | read off the none, one, or infinitely many. Gauss elimination is
       | not difficult or tricky and programs easily in C, Fortran, ....
       | Quite generally in math, if we have a function f, some numbers a
       | and b, and some _things_ , of high generality, e.g., our vectors,
       | and it is true that for any a, b and things x and y
       | f(ax + by) = af(x) + bf(y)
       | then we say that function f is _linear_. Now you know why our
       | subject is called _linear algebra_.
       | A case of a linear function is Schroedinger's equation in quantum
       | mechanics, and linear algebra can be a good first step into some
       | of the math of quantum mechanics.
       | Let's see why those equations were _linear_ : Let
       | f(x,y) = ax + by
       | Then
       | f[ c(x,y) + d(u,v)]
       | = f[ (cx, cy) + (du,dv) ]
       | = f(cx + du, cy + dv)
       | = a(cx + du) + b(cy + dv)
       | = c(ax) + d(au) + c(by) + d(bv)
       | = c(ax + by) + d(au + bv)
       | = cf(x,y) + df(u,v)
       | Done!
       | This _linearity_ is mostly what makes linear algebra get its
       | mathematical theorems and its utility in applications.
       | We commonly regard the plane with coordinates X-Y as _2
       | dimensional_ and space with coordinates X-Y-Z as _3 dimensional_.
       | If we study _dimension_ carefully, then the 2 and 3 are correct.
       | Similarly R^n is n dimensional.
       | We can write
       | ax + by = s
       | cx + dy = t
       | as x(a,c) + y(b,d) = (s,t)
       | So, (a,c), (b,d), and (s,t) are vectors, and x and y are
       | coefficients that let us write vector (s,t) as a linear
       | combination of the two vectors (a,c) and (b,d).
       | Apparently the _superposition_ in quantum mechanics is closely
       | related to this linear combination.
       | Well suppose these two vectors (a,c) and (b,d) can be used in
       | such a linear combination to get any vector (s,t). Then, omitting
       | some details, (a,c) and (b,d) _span_ all of R^2, are _linearly
       | independent_ , and form a _basis_ for the vector space R^2.
       | Sure, the usual basis for R^2 is just
       | (1,0)
       | (0,1)
       | And that our basis has two vectors is because R^2 is 2
       | dimensional. Works the same in R^n -- n dimensional and a basis
       | has n vectors that are linearly independent.
       | Now for some geometric intuition, given vectors in R^3 (x,y,z)
       | and (u,v,w), then for coefficients a and b, the set of all
       | a(x,y,z) + b(u,v,w)
       | forms, depending on the two vectors, a point, a line, or a plane
       | through (0,0,0) -- usually a plane and, thus, a vector _subspace_
       | of dimension 0, 1, 2, usually 2.
       | And this works in R^n: We can have vector subspaces of dimension
       | 0, 1, ..., n. For a subspace V of dimension m, 1 <= m <= n, there
       | will be a basis of m linearly independent vectors in subspace V.
       | Let's explain matrix notation: Back to
       | ax + by = s
       | cx + dy = t
       | On the left side, let's rip out the x and y and write the rest as
       | /a  b\          |    |          \c  d/
       | So, this _matrix_ has two rows and two columns. Let 's call this
       | matrix A. For positive integers m and n, we can have a matrix
       | with m rows and n columns and call it an m x n (pronounced m by
       | n) matrix.
       | The (x,y) we can now call a 1 x 2 matrix. But we really want its
       | _transpose_ , 2 x 1 as                    /x\          | |
       | \y/
       | Let's call this matrix v.
       | We want to define the matrix product                    Av
       | We define it to be just what we saw in
       | ax + by = s
       | cx + dy = t
       | That is, Av is the transpose of (s,t).
       | If we have a vector u and coefficients a and b and define matrix
       | addition in the obvious way, we can have                    A(au
       | + bv) = aAu + bAv               = a(Au) + b(Av)               =
       | (aA)u + (bA)v
       | that is, we have some (associativity), so that A acts like a
       | linear function. Right, the subject is linear algebra.
       | And matrix multiplication is associative, and the usual proof is
       | just an application of the interchange of summation signs for
       | finitely many terms.
       | We can define the length of a vector and the angle between two
       | vectors. then multiplying two vectors by an _orthogonal_ matrix U
       | does not change the length or angle of two vectors.
       | Then for any orthogonal matrix U, all it does is reflect and/or
       | make a rigid rotation.
       | We can also have a _symmetric, positive definite_ matrix S. What
       | S does is stretch a sphere into an ellipsoid (the 3 dimensional
       | case does provide good intuition). Then A can be written as SU.
       | That is, all A can do is rotate and reflect and then move a
       | sphere into an ellipsoid. That is the _polar decomposition_ and
       | is the key to much of the most advanced work in linear algebra.
       | Turns out, once we know more about orthogonal and symmetric
       | matrices, the proof is short.
       | That's enough for a fast introduction!
       | gadrev wrote:
       | I believe I used this back in the day when preparing the LA
       | course at uni, A First Course in Linear Algebra:
       | http://linear.ups.edu/download.html .
       | Also I'm sure it's been mentioned here already, but the MIT
       | Linear Algebra course by Gilbert Strang was absolutely
       | phenomenal. Really made it click for me.
       | tptacek wrote:
       | This video about "learning styles" and the idea that there's no
       | such thing as a "visual learner" is all over the thread:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhgwIhB58PA&feature=youtu.be
       | It's worth calling out that the video itself doesn't support some
       | of the blunt arguments being made here. The point of the video is
       | that it's likely that everyone does better with a _multimodal_
       | approach. It thus remains reasonable to seek out books that do a
       | good job with visual representations! No visual components, or,
       | worse, bad diagrams are, according to the video, an impediment to
       | everyone, not just people who have used a disfavored term in
       | their Ask HN question. :)
       | I like 3Blue1Brown as much as everyone else, it's an achievement
       | and kind of a joy to watch, but my experience was that, after
       | many go-rounds over the years, the thing that made any of this
       | actually stick was doing exercises. I tend to bang the less
       | abstract ones out in Sage: https://www.sagemath.org (you have to
       | do a little bit of extra work to make sure Sage isn't doing too
       | much of the work for you.
       | I'm a fan of Strang's approach. But I'm bad at linear algebra,
       | so, grain of salt.
       | scott01 wrote:
       | Lots of great suggestions here! The original question was
       | probably answered already, but nevertheless I'd like to humbly
       | leave a link to the article "So You Want to Study Mathematics..."
       | by Susan Rigetti [1] -- it covers not only linear algebra but
       | other parts of math as well. Quite inspirational, I'd say.
       | [1]: https://www.susanrigetti.com/math
       | rscho wrote:
       | If you want something hands on: "coding the matrix"
         | navbaker wrote:
         | I'll second this book, tons of very practical exercises to help
         | you understand what's happening for every main concept.
       | gmw wrote:
       | Although it's not a book, a good series on YouTube is 3Blue1Brown
       | Essence of Linear Algebra. That explains it in a very visual way.
       | That, in addition to Linear Algebra and its applications by
       | Gilbert Strang, would be a strong mix. I would also recommend
       | 3000 solved problems in Linear Algebra by Seymour Lipschutz as a
       | strong foundation in linear algebra requires practice.
         | aidos wrote:
         | Essence of linear algebra is an absolutely wonderful series. It
         | gave me an intuition of the subject in a matter of hours in way
         | years of university didn't do.
         | https://youtu.be/fNk_zzaMoSs
           | lagrange77 wrote:
           | Yes. The moment, when the background grid gets distorted by
           | the matrix. Really helped me to calibrate my mental models.
         | threatofrain wrote:
         | It should be noted that the sum of the 3B1B videos is like 2
         | hours, and that Grant himself says that these videos are for
         | summarizing and providing intuition _after_ you have already
         | taken the course.
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