[HN Gopher] Writing like a pro with Vale and Neovim
       Writing like a pro with Vale and Neovim
       Author : feross
       Score  : 155 points
       Date   : 2022-06-17 16:01 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (bhupesh.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (bhupesh.me)
       | remoquete wrote:
       | As a technical writer, I use Vale every day. It helps protect
       | consistency and style. I wrote a brief tutorial here:
       | https://passo.uno/posts/first-steps-with-the-vale-prose-lint...
         | lifeisstillgood wrote:
         | Thank you for this - an example of the config made it all so
         | much clearer - I would recommended the author steal some of
         | that post for their README
         | To over-simplify, vale runs hundreds of pre-built regexes that
         | suggest changes to over-used phrases, likely function names etc
         | etc. Google etc have pre-built fairly good defaults I suspect.
         | (To be fair this is trying to get consistency across huge
         | document bases, and will never replace a human's authentic
         | voice for communication. But sometimes you just want to make
         | sure there are the same number of blueberries in each muffin)
         | Ok - my mission after next - get something like this brought in
         | at work
           | mjrbrennan wrote:
           | What a coincidence, I watched Casino just last night!
           | remoquete wrote:
           | Feel free to reach out to me if you need some ideas. I
           | brought it to work successfully and I'm now trying to get the
           | rules to go open source.
             | lifeisstillgood wrote:
             | Thank you - I could not find your details in your profile -
             | my email is in my profile so please feel free to ping me
             | :-)
               | malikNF wrote:
               | It's in their about page. https://passo.uno/about/
         | mooreds wrote:
         | I took a whack at using Vale a year or so ago, but was
         | overwhelmed by having to either:
         | * creating my own style guide
         | * using one of the existing ones
         | We have a DevDocsReadme that has some style rules we enforce
         | manually. Is the best way to get going with vale to start with
         | that doc and write rules for that?
         | Can you apply rules to asciidoc and markdown source docs, or do
         | you have to apply it to the end product (HTML, etc)?
         | It seems like such a cool idea. Any pointers to 'get started'
         | for existing largeish documentation sets would be much
         | appreciated. (I will read your tutorial, @remoquete.)
       | user3939382 wrote:
       | It feels weird to me to read/write prose in monospaced fonts.
         | Semiapies wrote:
         | I'm comfortable writing prose in monospaced fonts, but I tend
         | to switch out for reading and revising. In Emacs, I just hit
         | variable-pitch-mode.
       | 1970-01-01 wrote:
       | >Installing vale
       | >Download a latest version of vale from their github releases
       | page.
       | Looks like Vale took a break in this section.
       | mempko wrote:
       | This is really cool. Never heard of vale until today. Is there a
       | vim plugin that can take advantage of it? I don't use neovim and
       | never plan to.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | vim-ale[1] combines a LSP client with the ability to shell out
         | to linters and supports vale
         | 1: https://github.com/dense-
         | analysis/ale/blob/master/supported-...
         | tombert wrote:
         | Out of curiosity, and this isn't meant to be passive aggressive
         | or anything, but why the resistance to NeoVim?
           | teruakohatu wrote:
           | I have an old vim config that I haven't had motivation to
           | switch over to Neovim.
           | I find configuration frameworks, which are so popular right
           | now, a lot of work to understand and not very
           | flexible/opinionated.
           | Lastly, vim is usually available everywhere, so I am just a
           | git clone away from having my configuration deployed.
           | halostatue wrote:
           | There's no good replacement for gvim / MacVim.
           | I've tried _all_ the GUIs that compile for the Mac. I can't
           | stand a single one of them.
           | I can't stand using vim / nvim on the terminal for most of my
           | editing. Not sure why, but that's my reasoning.
           | joemi wrote:
           | I'm not the person you asked, but in my case it's mostly a
           | "if it's not broke, don't fix it" situation. I don't need
           | neovim since vim is just fine for me. There are a few neovim-
           | only plugins I wouldn't mind trying out sometime, but I don't
           | need them, and I use very few plugins so they probably
           | wouldn't make the cut for me anyway. And there aren't any
           | neovim-only features I care about (besides mild interest in a
           | few plugins).
           | That's what most of my personal "resistance" is about. The
           | rest is due to fact that I'm still a little bitter from some
           | bad interactions with some early neovim developers and fans.
         | alpaca128 wrote:
         | A quick search got me `vim-compiler-vale`, which seems to do
         | exactly that.
       | groby_b wrote:
       | Pretty much every recommendation in the example screenshot is
       | nonsense.
       | I strongly suggest learning to write better instead of relying on
       | this. There are writing classes. There are teachers. There are
       | editors. And if all of that is too expensive for you, ask friends
       | and colleagues for feedback.
       | Relying on algorithms to improve your style is at best a no-op,
       | and at worst actively harmful to good writing.
         | andrewflnr wrote:
         | IMO one of the best ways to improve your writing is just to
         | read a metric crapload of good writing so it seeps in to you.
           | tombert wrote:
           | Another thing is to not be afraid _rewriting_. Usually when I
           | write an essay /paper, I take a short break after the first
           | draft, and then go through, re-read it, and make major
           | changes to the wording/structure in the process. Generally,
           | the first revision is substantially better than the draft,
           | and the second revision is substantially better than the
           | first revision.
           | There's no law saying that you have to get all of your
           | phrasing and flow perfect the first time around.
       | runevault wrote:
       | Huh never seen this before or managed to forget it exists. Also
       | looks like it does have a VSCode plugin for those of us who don't
       | wanna fight with Vim. Tempted to try it with the write-good
       | linter and see what it says about some of my novel prose.
       | ComputerGuru wrote:
       | The answer to writing better isn't a "static code
       | completion/linting tool, but for English."
       | Leave it to the tech industry to really exemplify the "when all
       | you have is a hammer..." mentality.
         | d0mine wrote:
         | Any activity has boring aspects. Using the tool to automate
         | such things should be encouraged.
         | Obviously, linters can produce many false positives--they
         | shouldn't be used blindly.
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | I can see where you're coming from but I don't believe
           | something like Vale will - in practice, not in theory -
           | actually do that. You would need a general purpose AI to pull
           | that off, otherwise domain-specific, bespoke, one-off tools
           | (eg to transform an API into a documentation template, to
           | make skeleton release notes out of git/GitHub/Jira/whatever
           | records, etc) combined with a two-hour crash course on
           | effective writing are probably the way to go.
           | But obviously enough people disagree that this is a thing..
           | although that could be said for quite a number of "technical
           | progress" milestones we currently celebrate.
           | vorpalhex wrote:
           | Sometimes tools that seem to help us make us more reckless.
           | I wonder if tools like grammarly have this problem..
           | rojobuffalo wrote:
           | boredom is useful to a writer. a lot of my favorite writers
           | have mentioned writing all first drafts with pen and paper.
           | what happens in your brain when you're writing is important,
           | even when it feels boring, slow, or repetitive. who has a
           | better sense of where my attention should be, me or a tool?
           | imo better writing is the product of practice, reading, and
           | better thinking. all of that to say, if you have a pre-
           | publishing step where you need to check spelling, grammar,
           | capitalization, punctuation, etc. a linter might fit in at
           | that step. but i really don't think a tool is better than
           | your own reading or giving it to an editor you trust.
             | Jolter wrote:
             | Nice post contents, but is your shift key broken or
             | something?
         | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
         | You don't use any kind of spellcheck / grammar checks on
         | documents?
           | ComputerGuru wrote:
           | That's hardly the raison d'etre of Vale and co, and that's
           | arguably replacing (quite poorly!) the job of an _editor_ not
           | the _writer_.
             | stingraycharles wrote:
             | Most people that write content, even more so the target
             | audience of this post, don't have a editor (other than the
             | software editor).
               | vorpalhex wrote:
               | Please use editors.
               | I typically get two different people to edit my blog
               | posts...
               | toma_caliente wrote:
               | As someone considering starting a casual blog, I would
               | not use an editor and defintiely not editors. Seems like
               | a weird gate to keep.
               | vorpalhex wrote:
               | One misspelling, mixed metaphor, missing contraction.
               | Nobody writes flawlessly. It is hard to find your own
               | mistakes, much less understand if content will make sense
               | to someone else.
               | An editor is someone who can read your work, help catch
               | errors and suggest improvements.
               | No you don't need to go pay someone, but either trade
               | editing with a friend or find another way to compensate
               | whoever is providing editing for you. I usually buy my
               | editors dinner but adjust based on how much time
               | investment you are asking of them.
               | cestith wrote:
               | I see a typo.
               | You do not get to choose when a writer uses a
               | contraction. You might expect that I'd have used "don't"
               | there, but the simple truth is people use the full words
               | even conversationally sometimes. This is especially true
               | when they want to emphasize the "not" part of a phrase
               | like "will not", "would not", or "do not". Your suggested
               | edit changes the meaning of the parent post a shade.
               | Where's the mixed metaphor? You may be able to sell me on
               | "weird gate to keep" being a trite metaphor or perhaps
               | even an awkward metaphor. What's mixed about gatekeeping,
               | which seems to be a single common metaphor?
               | If this is the quality of editing the tool offers, one
               | may wish to stick with spellcheck. Encouraging a
               | particular organization's writing style within that
               | organization can have some nice effects, but you don't
               | get to determine everyone else's writing style.
               | corrral wrote:
               | Editors are expensive and publishers don't really provide
               | that service to authors, anymore. You're expected to have
               | that all taken care of before you submit, even to
               | publications that _barely_ pay (or even some that don 't
               | pay at all).
               | leephillips wrote:
               | I make most of my income from writing. My experience is
               | the opposite of this.
               | https://lee-phillips.org/whypay/
               | vorpalhex wrote:
               | As a heads up, this is not loading for me. Your other
               | pages seem fine, and I'm not getting a 404, just an empty
               | page. Doesn't seem to be adblock or pihole.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | Thanks for the heads up. It's fixed now.
               | corrral wrote:
               | Page is blank for me and I couldn't find a version though
               | your site's search.
               | Your experience is that editors are cheap and that
               | publishers readily supply substantial editing services,
               | _not_ requiring that practically all editing work is done
               | before entertaining a submission? That 's contrary to the
               | experience of multiple close friends and relatives who
               | are writers or are working on getting published, and to
               | that of multiple others I follow whose experiences I've
               | heard or read about.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | Sorry about that. I don't know how it happened, but it's
               | fixed now.
               | I don't know what you mean by editors being cheap. I
               | don't pay them, they're employees of the publications I
               | write for. I assume they're underpaid, of course.
               | My first draft is better than the finished product you'll
               | find in most publications (not bragging, it's just the
               | truth). Before it's published, however, it goes through
               | several rounds of editing with from one to three editors,
               | and a technical review. This can last weeks. I may have
               | to generate five revisions before it's good enough. It
               | could be that your acquaintances are writing for
               | publications with lower standards.
               | EDIT: By the way, if you have friends who are submitting
               | to publications that don't pay, or pay only a token
               | amount, please suggest to them that they stop. This
               | depresses the market for writers who are tying to make a
               | living with it. Don't fall for the "exposure" gambit or
               | give away your stuff to feed your ego. You're being
               | robbed.
               | corrral wrote:
               | > Sorry about that. I don't know how it happened, but
               | it's fixed now.
               | No problem, shit happens.
               | > My first draft is better than the finished product
               | you'll find in most publications (not bragging, it's just
               | the truth). Before it's published, however, it goes
               | through several rounds of editing with from one to three
               | editors, and a technical review. This can last weeks. I
               | may have to generate five revisions before it's good
               | enough. It could be that your acquaintances are writing
               | for publications with lower standards.
               | Premier genre periodicals, as no other short fiction
               | venues pay worth a damn, these days. Novels through trad
               | publishing--the ones I know who self-publish barely edit
               | at all and certainly don't pay for editors, which is,
               | judging from the quality of the median self-published
               | work, evidently the norm in that world. Household-name
               | monthlies, with non-fiction writing, in those cases,
               | though some of those publications do also print fiction.
               | The ones I know who publish longer-form non-fiction
               | writing do seem to get somewhat more support from their
               | publishers, to be fair, but _most_ of the editing work
               | does still need to be done before submission or you 're
               | getting round-filed. Those also tend to be more well-
               | defined and goal-oriented pieces, so content editing is
               | less necessary or extensive.
               | What most will do, at least, is tell you what to cut if
               | they need the piece to be shorter.
               | [EDIT]
               | > EDIT: By the way, if you have friends who are
               | submitting to publications that don't pay, or pay only a
               | token amount, please suggest to them that they stop. This
               | depresses the market for writers who are tying to make a
               | living with it. Don't fall for the "exposure" gambit or
               | give away your stuff to feed your ego. You're being
               | robbed.
               | Oh don't worry, they're all pretty allergic to that. Good
               | warning though, and worth mentioning. The lit-fic market
               | especially is a complete joke in this regard. But I
               | suppose it's hard to blame publishers when they have such
               | a glut of people willing to put words to paper for little
               | or no compensation.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | Hmm. I had in mind non-fiction, as we were discussing
               | editing. I can't imagine a fiction writer wanting his or
               | her creations to be touched by an editor. But I accept
               | your report that such people exist.
               | halostatue wrote:
               | A lot of fiction writers don't, but desperately need such
               | editing.
               | I've read plenty of books that could have told the story
               | in 20% fewer pages, or had a swapped character name,
               | or...
               | Some of these passed through multiple layers of editing.
               | Some of these "passed" through those layers because the
               | writer got too famous or cantankerous or...
               | I acted as one of my wife's editors for her books, and
               | some of the things that I checked (as it was recent
               | historical fiction) included whether the weather she
               | described for a chapter _matched_ the weather reported by
               | Environment Canada. She had one scene in early April of a
               | year where she said that the  "last of the snows had
               | gone...", but there was a snowstorm on the 3rd of April
               | or something like that. As the weather was _not critical
               | to the scene_ , I insisted that it either be dropped or
               | changed (she changed it) -- because getting that sort of
               | item wrong can throw a reader out of the flow of the
               | book.
               | In another instance in her second book, she had a weather
               | condition that was crucial to the plot. We looked to see
               | that it would be _plausible_ (e.g., it was not 50 in
               | February in Toronto in 1979), then let the weather
               | condition stand because it mattered.
               | vorpalhex wrote:
               | Editors are expensive. There's also a reason most
               | publishers who have stopped using them have experienced a
               | major decline.
               | Skilled labor is expensive. Editors are skilled labor.
               | Those who use them will benefit from that labor.
               | corrral wrote:
               | Yes, editors are _wonderful_ and ought to be paid well
               | (even if authors aren 't...) but authors who can't afford
               | editors (i.e. _all_ the ones trying to break in to
               | writing but who don 't have substantial financial
               | backing) benefit greatly from tools that help them do
               | their own editing more efficiently.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | I don't believe it (but am willing to consider actual
               | evidence, if any exists). Spellcheckers, sure. But until
               | we get an actual AI with general intelligence and
               | cultural awareness sufficient to understand the nuances
               | of human language, even "grammar checking" can not be
               | mechanized.
               | Really, anyone considering working as an author who can't
               | produce an excellent, polished first draft without an
               | editor should consider a line of work more attuned to his
               | or her talents.
               | vorpalhex wrote:
               | > Really, anyone considering working as an author who
               | can't produce an excellent, polished first draft without
               | an editor should consider a line of work more attuned to
               | his or her talents.
               | Really, anyone considering being a programmer who can't
               | write a program without bugs on the first try without an
               | IDE should...
               | Yeah that seems overly harsh and incorrect. Skills take
               | time and practice to develop.
               | corrral wrote:
               | Sure, maybe, but the better automated tools get, the
               | higher standards will be before submissions are
               | considered. I bet slush-pile readers were a lot more
               | tolerant of the occasional tranpsosed letter before spell
               | check existed, for instance. Now if there's even _one_
               | misspelling in a piece it looks like you 're not trying
               | at all, since you should have seen the red-squiggle, and
               | into the rejections you go. So it will become (already is
               | becoming) for brevity, clear wording, avoiding
               | repetition, et c.
               | If tools save time or reduce the technical skill
               | required, that seems great to me. Art's about the
               | finished product, not how it gets there, though popular
               | understanding of how artists work and how they _actually_
               | work may differ substantially. Almost no authors can
               | _always_ recall the exact word they want, the precise
               | wording of that phrase they want to quote, the rule for
               | some particular piece of grammar, and so on--they may
               | have a whole shelf of _Brewer 's_ and _Roget 's_ and
               | _Webster 's_ and _Garner 's_ and Strunk & White for that,
               | plus computerized tools, these days. Why _not_ have tools
               | for the other aspects of editing? Why _not_ have a
               | computer find a suggestion for you, before you even think
               | to consult a source or scrutinize a passage more closely?
               | Plus, I guess I don't care much about any sort of purity
               | in the writing process since practically the only
               | accepted style, these days, in English writing at any
               | rate, is fairly rote and prescribed and very simple. Did
               | that sentence seem too complex? Did it have too many
               | clauses? Does your inner editor's voice pipe up while
               | reading it? Yep, exactly--it violates that very-modern
               | style, even if only a bit. May as well take the next step
               | and let a machine enforce those rules.
               | More generally, as a lover of books and reading and
               | writing, I'm pessimistic about the future of the whole
               | enterprise. I think making a living as a writer, outside
               | the usual handful of trust fund minor-celebrity lit-fic
               | authors, is going to involve _a lot_ of machine
               | assistance, to the point that  "writing" will mostly be
               | massaging and curating the output of machines.
               | Ghostwriters beware--and/or get ready to quintuple your
               | output, using new tools, just to keep your head above
               | water. In the meantime, a little help from tools like
               | this might get the last generation of small-time authors,
               | with actual ideas of their own but without an eye for
               | editing, to print, before that becomes all but impossible
               | even for the very-talented.
               | It's a good thing there's already enough excellent fully-
               | human-produced writing to last even fairly-avid readers
               | _several_ lifetimes. At least until and unless life
               | extension really gets going.
               | [EDIT] I'm aware, incidentally, that some of these
               | paragraphs disagree with one another. I stand by my
               | contradictions. :-)
         | alehlopeh wrote:
         | I don't think "writing better" is even a question, so what are
         | you expecting out of an answer? Whatever it is, this article
         | doesn't claim to have it.
         | TFA is explicitly targeting technical writing.
           | Semiapies wrote:
           | And specifically certain prose issues in technical writing.
           | It's like writing is a complex activity, and just _one_ of
           | its sub-tasks is editing prose.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | I don't think Vale aims to bring someone that already knows
         | English into mainstream-author territory of writing, but rather
         | help with basic/medium errors that everyday writers do. Or even
         | help people who maybe don't write that often.
         | stingraycharles wrote:
         | This seems to be an overly negative take on the article. There
         | are many different qualities of good writing, and this happens
         | to automate one of them.
       | triyambakam wrote:
       | Tab9 is an ML powered completion engine that works for code and
       | prose. It won't help you write better but it is very good at
       | suggesting word I was about to use next.
       | gnuvince wrote:
       | A post about writing means that I need to plug a couple talks by
       | Larry McEnerney. [1,2]
       | The tool described in this blog post is all about text-based
       | rules: what the _text_ ought to look like. To improve your own
       | writing (a) learn who your readers are, (b) know what they value,
       | and (c) write so that as readers, they find your work valuable to
       | them.
       | [1] https://youtu.be/vtIzMaLkCaM [2] https://youtu.be/aFwVf5a3pZM
         | Semiapies wrote:
         | Only if you consider it worthwhile to spam with links about
         | agile development in discussions of linters.
         | Writing, like programming, is a task that involves work at
         | multiple levels.
       | user3939382 wrote:
       | I just learned that my IDE, PhpStorm from Jetbrains, comes
       | bundled with a plugin called Grazie which wraps vale. So you may
       | have been using this and not even realize it.
       | henning wrote:
       | > Vale requires to have a .vale.ini config file
       | Having to provide a configuration file for every little fucking
       | thing and completely refusing to have any set of reasonable
       | defaults when you install a package is the worst part of Neovim.
       | lijogdfljk wrote:
       | This is neat, any other projects similar? Notably ones that work
       | perhaps with more of an LSP-like API?
       | Not sure if it makes sense as an LSP, but if it was i could hook
       | it into my editor of choice (Helix, at the time of writing)
       | easily
         | guessmyname wrote:
         | > _This is neat, any other projects similar? Notably ones that
         | work perhaps with more of an LSP-like API?_
         | https://valentjn.github.io/ltex/
       | jcoder wrote:
       | This seems interesting, but given that the recommendations in the
       | very first screenshot are >50% "wrong" ("HOW" is not an acronym,
       | "tap" makes no sense in this context), I can only imagine that
       | using this tool would be a huge distraction while writing.
         | leephillips wrote:
         | In fact, _all_ the recommendations in the screenshot are wrong
         | or useless. This is the example they chose to showcase the
         | awesomeness of this software? Amazing.
           | skrebbel wrote:
           | It has been demonstrated that you're entirely out of tap if
           | you can't imagine Home Office Weekly this could be useful.
             | nmilo wrote:
             | Avoid second-person pronouns such as "you're".
           | ryanklee wrote:
           | Yeah, this is not good at all.
           | Even something arguably well-executed and compatible with
           | "established" style heuristics, like Grammarly, will always
           | be dubious, as they perpetuate the myth of linguistic
           | prescriptivism weaponized by language pedants. All of whom
           | are annoyingly, vocally, interminably incorrect.
           | But this, this is just baldly idiotic.
         | [deleted]
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | They have rules loaded that are primarily for writing technical
         | documentation. (I assume the tap/touch is from the Google
         | rules). Most technical documentaition style guides will
         | recommend avoiding first person, but that makes zero sense for
         | e.g. a blog post. Assuming ALL CAPS words are likely to be
         | acronyms is also reasonable in such a context.
         | Vale also has multiple severity levels, so disabling e.g. the
         | "suggestion" (and maybe even "warning") level while writing
         | live would make a lot of sense.
           | leephillips wrote:
           | "Most technical [documentation] style guides will recommend
           | avoiding first person"
           | Not even true. They recommend against first person singular.
             | cbsks wrote:
             | Google recommends avoiding first person:
             | https://developers.google.com/style/person
       | nathias wrote:
       | I had a linter for text, it kept coloring 'black' as offensive so
       | I uninstalled it.
       | adamgordonbell wrote:
       | They don't mention that you can write the rules yourself and also
       | pick and choose from existing rules from GitHub.
       | There is an attempt to build and open source version of Grammarly
       | using vale rules here[1]. Rules are mainly regex based, but some
       | target readability measures[2] or use parts of speech[3].
       | [1]: https://github.com/testthedocs/Openly
       | [2]:
       | https://github.com/testthedocs/Openly/blob/master/Openly/Rea...
       | [3]: https://github.com/errata-ai/vale/issues/356
         | blameitonme wrote:
         | Openly, last commit: 13 months ago :(
         | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
         | I've always been hesitant to use a service which ships thing's
         | I write back to home base. Instead I used Microsoft word, which
         | turns out does similar.
           | kgarten wrote:
           | It seems openly is just a folder with rules on your hard
           | drive. Vale is also offline ... don't really understand your
           | comment.
           | I would not use anything closed source and bloated as Word. I
           | wrote my BSc. thesis in it in the 2000s. Could not open it
           | correctly anymore after 5 years. It took ages to open.
           | Switched to vim and latex for my master and phd thesis. Never
           | looked back ...
             | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
             | Sorry see my post direct in parent. My statement was poorly
             | worded.
           | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
           | It's too late to edit my original post but this wasn't meant
           | as an accusation of vale, it was actually intended as praise
           | for vale the tool given most others are basically keyloggers.
           | Very poorly worded on my part.
           | dijit wrote:
           | Scathing accusation. Is there a citation?
           | I won't use another office product from them if so.
           | Seriously.
             | AlanYx wrote:
             | You can see Grammarly's statement on the matter here:
             | https://support.grammarly.com/hc/en-
             | us/articles/360003816032...
             | When enabled, it does basically send every keystroke to the
             | mothership except in some fields on webpages and on mobile
             | apps marked sensitive.
             | However, they do have what seems like a solid privacy
             | policy in how they handle the data they receive.
               | bachmeier wrote:
               | > However, they do have what seems like a solid privacy
               | policy in how they handle the data they receive.
               | Not to be a Debbie Downer, but that provides no comfort
               | at all. The best privacy policy is to not have access to
               | your data.
       | andrewflnr wrote:
       | Ah, so not related to Vale the programming language,
       | https://vale.dev/, which IMO is much more interesting.
         | LionTamer wrote:
         | Just discovered the Vale programming language for the first
         | time thanks to your link - looks pretty interesting. I've been
         | meaning to learn a new language that is (a) simple (or if not
         | simple, at least elegant enough to make the lack of simplicity
         | worthwhile) (b) type-safe & performant. I was between Nim & Zig
         | but might need to give Vale a shot.
       | nagisa wrote:
       | I tried running vale with the good-writing plugin on one of my
       | blog posts. I won't claim I produce great literary works, but a
       | fair bit of warnings it output were false positives. Even
       | conjugates such as "write-only" would trigger its weasel word
       | trigger for "only".
       | Ultimately, it is the technical limitations that make the tool
       | unusable for me. On one hand, a Github-flavoured markdown parser
       | is used. It filters out some obscure HTML tags such as `mathp`,
       | and I couldn't find a way to configure the tool so it would
       | ignore the math segments. I even tried to forgo vale's built-in
       | markdown converter, and run the check on the output of the static
       | site generator instead, but that plan was quickly foiled by the
       | soft hyphens my generator inserts. Given such an input vale
       | considers every syllable a separate word.
         | lyjackal wrote:
         | regex based prose linting seems rife with opportunities to
         | write buggy regexes
       (page generated 2022-06-17 23:00 UTC)