[HN Gopher] Why does science news suck so much?
       Why does science news suck so much?
       Author : sohkamyung
       Score  : 217 points
       Date   : 2022-06-19 08:49 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (backreaction.blogspot.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (backreaction.blogspot.com)
       | MichaelApproved wrote:
       | In her video, she claims that linking to studies is the proper
       | way to present news.
       | Then she quotes a study and doesn't link to it in the video
       | description. She doesn't link to this post either.
       | I like the videos she makes explaining scientific concepts but
       | her criticism videos tend to miss the mark with me.
       | einpoklum wrote:
       | *edit:* Recalled the quote, thanks raphlinus
       | This reminds me of the "Gell-mann amnesia effect":
       | http://www.sfu.ca/~easton/Econ220W/WhySpeculate.pdf
       | Media carries with it a credibility that is totally undeserved.
       | You have all experienced this, in what I call the Murray Gell-
       | Mann        Amnesia effect. (I refer to it by this name because I
       | once        discussed it with Murray Gell-Mann, and by dropping a
       | famous        name I imply greater importance to myself, and to
       | the effect,        than it would otherwise have.)
       | Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You
       | open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well.
       | In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the
       | article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding
       | of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong
       | it actually presents the story backward -- reversing cause and
       | effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories.
       | Paper's        full of them.             In any case, you read
       | with exasperation or amusement the multiple        errors in a
       | story, and then turn the page to national or        international
       | affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper        was
       | somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you
       | just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.
         | raphlinus wrote:
         | If you're not able to remember, it seems like you're suffering
         | from some form of amnesia. You know who wrote about amnesia in
         | this context? Murray Gell-Mann, that's who!
       | [deleted]
       | bannedbybros wrote:
       | kosyblysk666 wrote:
       | mrfusion wrote:
       | FYI it's actually all news. It's just that you know some science
       | and recognize it more there.
       | graycat wrote:
       | > Why does science news suck so much?
       | Gee, back some weeks ago at
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31463927
       | I presented my opinion:
       | "... the worst bottleneck in civilization, bad documentation of
       | computer hard/software, ... "
       | And my opinion would be similar on nearly all less important
       | topics, that is, not really _bottlenecks_ for civilization.
       | Long my usual summary view has been that the MSM (mainstream
       | media) has some traditions: Create _narratives_ as in E. Bernays.
       | Repeat those narratives as in Nazi Minister of Propaganda Dr. J.
       | Goebbels and his famous
       | "If you tell a lie often enough people will believe it.".
       | Then have the media outlets gang up, pile on, form a mob, and
       | repeat the most recently selected narratives over and over. Do
       | this with deceptive "click bait" headlines to get eyeballs for ad
       | revenue and, maybe, to push some specific political agenda. A
       | little more generally, have the writing borrow from formula
       | fiction and _belle lettre_ , that is, with my view of such
       | _literature_ , create VEFEEE -- vicarious escapist fantasy
       | experience emotional entertainment.
       | The technique is to grab people by the heart, the gut, and below
       | the belt, always below the shoulders, nearly never between the
       | ears.
       | Missing are, say, the standards of common high school term papers
       | with careful quotes of credible, hopefully primary references,
       | etc.
       | Also usually missing is a goal of providing objective, credible
       | information as needed by an informed electorate or credible
       | information for any purpose, science, cooking, parenting,
       | software development, much more in careers, finance, ....
       | Also nearly totally missing is credible, meaningful presentations
       | of quantitative data, e.g., statistical hypothesis tests with
       | stated probabilities of Type I and Type II errors. Actually, far
       | simpler than hypothesis tests, the media commonly is unable even
       | to report percentages carefully. E.g., instead we get some
       | "up 7.60%"
       | without since when, measured how, by whom, reported where? And,
       | why is this not just some case of _cherry picking_? What about
       | corrections for inflation? What about over more points in time
       | than just two? What about causes?
       | While generally I'm outraged at the writing and content in the
       | media, apparently some people like it. So, my condemnations have
       | to be just my own opinions.
       | E.g., my standard remark about the NYT and WaPo is that
       | "On paper they can't compete with Charmin and on the Internet are
       | useless for wrapping dead fish heads."
       | but lots of people like the NYT and WaPo and disagree with me.
       | Maybe due to bad writing lots of old media outlets are losing
       | readers and, thus, ad revenues and are on the way to massive
       | change or just out of business, now to be replaced by _new_ media
       | on the Internet, media that gets to save on ink and paper. Maybe.
       | I can wish but can 't be very confident.
       | Let's give the Internet and its _new_ media a few more years and
       | see if some greater variety of content sprouts up from the
       | landscape.
       | phlogisticfugu wrote:
       | except https://www.sciencenews.org/ doesn't suck. They're just
       | not on YouTube
         | freediver wrote:
         | Unfortunately, maybe only if you can get to the journalism
         | itself through shoe ads first (which is what takes 1/3 of my
         | screen when I open an article on climate change).
         | Jaruzel wrote:
         | And they have an RSS feed. Nice. Added to my reader! Thx.
       | chiefalchemist wrote:
       | > It seems to be written for an audience which doesn't know the
       | first thing about science.
       | I don't think it's limited to being a for issue. The by and
       | source (i.e., publisher / editor) as have an impact on quality.
       | verisimi wrote:
       | Is it because so much science is now theoretical or niche, with
       | little practical application?
         | wolverine876 wrote:
         | I think the focus on 'practical application' is an attempt to
         | analyze the problem of the challenge of communicating science,
         | but it's a red herring. What's the practical application of
         | discovering Pluto or black holes? Walking on the moon - maybe
         | in decades, but now it has no practical effect.
       | bobthechef wrote:
       | knapcio wrote:
       | I would risk to say that nowadays any news suck which implies
       | that it's not a problem of science but journalism in general.
         | gonzo41 wrote:
         | Science is hard, slow, there's lots of negative results, and
         | also sometimes it's very abstract and how a bit of research
         | connects to a persons lived experience.
         | Most people who consume the news, consume it online. The
         | attention economy is destroying everything of substance,
         | because substance is also hard, hard to produce and hard
         | consume.
           | knapcio wrote:
           | I don't disagree that it may be worse in case of science but
           | just pointing out that the problem is possibly broader and
           | science news is just one of the victims. IMO news may be one
           | of the areas where pure capitalism doesn't work well.
             | hnhg wrote:
             | It's also not a new phenomenon. Watch this BBC documentary
             | that covers the history of news reporting and it goes back
             | to the early days:
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mJFKlla-U0
             | gonzo41 wrote:
             | yeah, I tend to agree with capitalism not being a good fit
             | for the 4th estate. For something that is required so
             | essentially by democracies I've always been surprised we
             | don't publicly fund more news.
             | I remember when all the news papers were folding up around
             | the early naughts, there was talk about making them all
             | non-profits and giving them tax free status to produce. But
             | that never happened. I think it was a missed opportunity.
         | influxmoment wrote:
         | It probably always sucked but it was our only source of
         | information before so we didn't know better
           | SyzygistSix wrote:
           | True but news media also knew less more slowly because
           | everyday people on the ground had no way to make stories
           | public through cell phone or a video on social media. And
           | before the 24 hour news cycle, there was less expectation for
           | the most immediate reporting.
           | tgv wrote:
           | Or not. They had a lot more resources before everybody
           | started leeching the newspapers' contents, and offering free
           | escapism. Yes, the internet is certainly to blame for the
           | decline in journalism.
           | wolverine876 wrote:
           | People have been saying the same about journalism for
           | decades, long before the Internet.
       | mattkrause wrote:
       | As a counterpoint, I'm a scientist whose work occasionally gets
       | media attention.
       | I was definitely worried about my name being featured in the
       | middle of absolute nonsense, but the experience has usually been
       | good: very few of the journalists completely missed the mark. The
       | "tone" didn't always match what I was trying to get across, but
       | it was usually close to someone in the field's attitude.
       | There were some minor errors and a lot of them come from a
       | surprising source: many journals believe it's unethical to show
       | "copy" (the complete article) to a source--or sometimes _anyone_
       | outside the newsroom. Some scientific terms have nuances that
       | aren 't immediately obvious to people outside the field. For
       | example, mine distinguishes between "inhibition" of neural
       | activity, which involves specific molecular mechanisms (GABA,
       | mostly) and suppressing it, which could be anything. This
       | distinction probably isn't obvious to even attentive "general"
       | fact-checker.
         | s0rce wrote:
         | My experience when my work was covered is that the articles are
         | generally decent, but the titles or initial claims are
         | overblown ("clickbait"). I was often directly contacted by more
         | reputable organizations to comment and explain and they didn't
         | simply regurgitate the press-release. There were many many
         | websites that are just carbon copies of press releases, most of
         | which I had never heard of previously and didn't really
         | understand their purpose.
         | CWuestefeld wrote:
         | _many journals believe it 's unethical to show "copy" (the
         | complete article) to a source--or sometimes anyone outside the
         | newsroom_
         | It seems like you didn't quite complete this thought. It sounds
         | like your point is that inaccuracies creep in because the
         | journalists won't give a chance to vet an article's accuracy to
         | the people who have the expertise to do so?
           | openknot wrote:
           | I'm not the same commenter, but I completely agree from
           | previous experience in journalism. Many journalists who write
           | about research findings are in the same publications who
           | publish general news (e.g. national politics). So, many
           | science journalists are held to newsroom policies where they
           | can't share drafts with sources before publication, to avoid
           | bias. This is highly relevant for sharing drafts with a
           | politician, but much less relevant for sharing articles with
           | a scientist.
           | Some newsrooms do have exceptions for scientific expertise,
           | or have wiggle room saying that experts can verify whether
           | quotes or sections of the article are accurate, versus the
           | whole draft. This is a decent compromise if a publication
           | allows it, though I'm personally in favor of having a more
           | trusting relationship between journalists and scientists for
           | typical articles on research findings (unless the article is
           | investigative).
           | Well-funded magazines (e.g. The New Yorker) also get around
           | this by having fact-checkers with strong scientific
           | backgrounds. This is probably the best solution for editorial
           | independence that avoids sharing drafts, but there's not a
           | lot of money in media and writing as-is, so it's not a
           | realistic solution for the vast majority of publications
           | (especially when even big magazines have been cutting funding
           | for their fact-checking teams, shifting more responsibility
           | to the editors/journalists for accuracy).
       | foreigner wrote:
       | It's not that science (or tech) news is bad, it's that all news
       | is that bad. We just don't notice it outside our area of
       | expertise. The next time you're reading an article about some
       | field you're not an expert in, try to remember that it is just as
       | bad as the news in your area of expertise.
         | [deleted]
           | [deleted]
         | gradschoolfail wrote:
         | It's true! If you happen to be an expert hacker, you realize
         | that Hacker News is pretty horrible too.
         | padolsey wrote:
         | > We just don't notice it outside our area of expertise.
         | This is a common trope - and has a name - "gell-man amnesia",
         | that people raise again and again, but I don't think it's the
         | whole story. There are different incentives at play.
         | Journalists are sometimes investigators, sometimes
         | storytellers, and other times just mediators. The article
         | mentions the exagerations and unique incentives at play in the
         | research domain. It is in universities' interests to present
         | research in a certain way. Journalists, as well, are
         | incentivised to create juicy headlines for mainstream
         | consumption, but not always and not consistently. Sometimes
         | it's necessary to simplify, but that doesn't mean truth is
         | completely lost. Detail is not always necessary for insight.
         | Sometimes as well, a news domain is suffiently well understood
         | to be applied as intended; e.g. traffic, weather, crimes in
         | general, matter-of-fact reporting of sequenced real-world
         | events. But then we get nth-order insights: e.g. geo-political
         | reporting from "this thing happened" to "the implications
         | are...", and those necessarily lose some truth because
         | consequences and causalities are hard.
         | I'd say, generally, things are not so simple as "news =
         | ~lossy". Some domains suffer from bad reporting more than
         | others, and it's worth inquiring why that occurs on a domain-
         | by-domain basis.
           | logicalmonster wrote:
           | > Journalists are sometimes investigators, sometimes
           | storytellers, and other times just mediators.
           | You didn't mention their 2 biggest modern functions:
           | sometimes professional activists who deliberately use their
           | position to promote their world view, and sometimes operating
           | as presstitutes who use their positions to earn their 30
           | pieces of silver for manipulating the public to support their
           | own destruction.
           | raphlinus wrote:
           | I think the operative trope is more Sturgeon's Law than Gell-
           | Mann Amnesia. I had a period where I was reading obsessively
           | about Covid, including reading papers and listing to TWiV
           | (which is very informative but requires a massive time
           | commitment). What I found is that the _best_ of the science
           | journalists (Helen Branswell, Jon Cohen, Kai Kupferschmidt,
           | Amy Maxmen, Ed Jong) were excellent, writing with a deep
           | understanding of the subject material and providing useful
           | context. The median news story was just awful, and the WSJ
           | and NYT opinion pages were for the most part a dumpster fire
           | ( "There Isn't a Coronavirus 'Second Wave'" is a masterpiece,
           | chef's kiss).
           | I've _generally_ found the same thing is true in other
           | domains. Seek out writers who know their stuff. They exist,
           | they 're just not consistently the most popular.
           | MichaelZuo wrote:
           | Any form of communication is lossy
           | The only differentiator is to what degree. Gell-man amnesia
           | is stating that all news has a high degree of it, not exactly
           | equal amounts.
           | pvg wrote:
           | _and has a name - "gell-man amnesia_
           | It's actually better when stated without this 'name' like in
           | the GP because then its weird nihilism and tropey-ness is
           | more obvious. "Gell-Mann Amnesia" elevates a funny warmup bit
           | Chrichton did in a talk once to something that sounds
           | sophisticated and scientific.
         | dimal wrote:
         | I've been ignoring most news since about mid January. My
         | thought was that if it's important enough, I'll find out
         | eventually, and I'll reduce the amount of information noise
         | going into my brain. That's turned out to be true. But another
         | unexpected effect was that it's become much easier to spot bad
         | news outside of my expertise. I'm center-left, and find it
         | pretty easy to pick out nonsense from the right, but looking at
         | centrist and left wing news now (even "good" sources) is
         | horrifying. What passes for reason is astounding. I think that
         | without the daily firehouse of bias reinforcement, it's really
         | helped me to see that, yeah, all news is really really
         | terrible, and probably does more harm than good.
         | mjw1007 wrote:
         | But it's hard to know whether or not this is true. There's no
         | obvious reason to suppose that journalism is doing equally
         | badly in all fields.
         | I can ask someone who's an expert in a different field, and
         | they might say "yes, it's terrible there too", but maybe what
         | they're thinking of as "terrible" is considerably better or
         | worse than what I am.
         | And it seems clear that journalists in general are much more
         | interested in some fields than others. I don't think it makes
         | sense to assume that coverage of (say) party politics is as bad
         | as coverage of science, because they're surely putting much
         | more effort in there.
         | (Coverage of party politics is probably bad too, but if so I
         | think it's bad for different reasons.)
         | Gimpei wrote:
         | I think this is true to some extent. The fundamental problem is
         | that the majority of journalists are generalists with training
         | mostly in writing. This may have worked in the past, but the
         | world has become very specialized. Generalized knowledge with a
         | hermeneutical approach to discovery just doesn't cut it. Media
         | organizations seem to have realized this when it comes to law
         | where many analysts are now lawyers, and in medicine to a
         | certain extent as well. But not in the social or hard sciences.
           | amelius wrote:
           | The good news is that we're about to have AI that can make
           | anybody a geat writer, including any researcher whose
           | reporting the general public finds boring and
           | incomprehensible.
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | I believe that, when I see it.
             | What I expect, is more wordy gibberish, that gives the
             | impression of high level writing, but is not.
             | notahacker wrote:
             | Nah, we've got AI that avoids the need for a researcher
             | because instead of taking time to read the material you can
             | use it as inputs to a neural network and get a near-instant
             | response in the form of paraphrases of the key points and
             | other statements which aren't true but involve enough
             | relevant terms in syntactically correct English to get past
             | a subeditor...
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
         | I see "all news bad, don't trust media" so often on this site
         | that I'm beginning to question if there is a motive.
           | Veen wrote:
           | Perhaps the motive is that we want to see better science
           | reporting and are dismayed when the media fails to do its job
           | of producing accurate and informative journalism.
         | lifthrasiir wrote:
         | In fact, _every_ point raised by her equally applies to any
         | kind of news. She basically gave a good summary of why news
         | sucks in general.
         | areoform wrote:
         | Good investigative journalism is usually quite the opposite.
         | Some of my favorite pieces have times, dates, who, what, where
         | etc and are firmly rooted in data.
         | There's also a new sub-field that explores topics through data
         | and they're usually quite excellent.
         | Such pieces often turn into books or a series because it's
         | difficult to condense it all into one article. My favorite
         | example is the article series about illegal plutonium
         | experiments by the US Government on civilians where they
         | injected poor (and mostly minority) people and dying children
         | with plutonium just to see what would happen.
         | The articles forced disclosure from the US Govt. in the form of
         | an executive order and led to the book, The Plutonium Files
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Plutonium_Files
         | > The government covered up most of these radiation mishaps
         | until 1993, when President Bill Clinton ordered a change of
         | policy and federal agencies then made available records dealing
         | with human radiation experiments, _as a result of Welsome 's
         | work_. The resulting investigation was undertaken by the
         | president's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments,
         | and _it uncovered much of the material included in Welsome 's
         | book_. The committee issued a controversial 1995 report which
         | said that "wrongs were committed" but it did not condemn those
         | who perpetrated them.[3] The final report came out on October
         | 3, 1995, the same day as the verdict in the O.J. Simpson case,
         | when much of the media's attention was directed elsewhere.
         | You should be able to read it here,
         | https://repository.library.georgetown.edu/handle/10822/86870...
         | Another great example is the assassination of the head of
         | Iran's nuclear program by the NYT,
         | https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/18/world/middleeast/iran-nuc...
         | It's a beautiful example of great journalism.
         | If you notice both pieces took a lot of time to compile and
         | were about events that had happened in the past. It's much more
         | difficult to do this with breaking news, which is where the
         | "all news is bad" perception comes from.
         | News can be great. Given enough time and research.
         | bakuninsbart wrote:
         | > "Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows.
         | You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know
         | well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You
         | read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no
         | understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the
         | article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward--
         | reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause
         | rain" stories. Paper's full of them.
         | > In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the
         | multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national
         | or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the
         | newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the
         | baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you
         | know."
         | https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia/
           | noduerme wrote:
           | I always found it funny that the example used to illustrate
           | the effect is 'Palestine'.
         | atoav wrote:
         | > it's that all news is that bad.
         | I don't think so. Weather news are alright, traffic news are
         | alright, etc. There are fields that suck harder and there are
         | fields that just work okay, maybe because they are simple
         | enough, maybe because you can learn them once and apply what
         | you have learned forever.
         | But science is different for sure and the journalism on it
         | sucks because getting to the point where you even understand
         | the problem might require _years_ of preparation. And the
         | journalist might not have had those years, despite them having
         | to explain it in a _simpler_ way to an audience which might
         | even know less. A good journalist writing about any other topic
         | might be able to grasp a topic quite firmly when they prepare
         | for a week or two, but something as complex as the bleeding
         | edge of any scientific field will be extremely hard to grasp at
         | times for them (understandably so).
         | Now the issue is: to explain a complicated issue in a very
         | simple fashion requires _more_ proficiency in that subject, not
         | less.
           | Closi wrote:
           | Weather news is ok if you are outside the weather industry -
           | but to those in the industry the forecasts are simplistic and
           | biased, and the news doesn't generally cover developments in
           | forecasting technology or technique. The broader topic of
           | climate in popular news is known to be a total shit show
           | however (not just science, also policy etc).
           | For what it's worth, I work in Supply Chain and articles
           | around that in the last year range from vaguely accurate to
           | wild stabs in the dark.
             | areoform wrote:
             | Which ones were the best, in your opinion?
           | Clubber wrote:
           | >Weather news are alright, traffic news are alright
           | I'd venture to say weather news is also alarmist and
           | therefore bad, particularly during severe weather events and
           | hyping up hurricane news.
           | Peritract wrote:
           | > But science is different for sure and the journalism on it
           | sucks because getting to the point where you even understand
           | the problem might require years of preparation.
           | This is not at all unique to science; people tend to assume
           | this about their own fields, not realising that it actually
           | applies to most of them.
             | ghaff wrote:
             | "Terrible" reportage can indeed mean getting quotes wrong
             | and basic established facts incorrect.
             | But it also covers simplifying things for a (somewhat
             | educated) lay audience, making decisions about what to
             | include and exclude, and including perspectives that some
             | experts may take issue with.
             | Certainly, it would be nice if many journalists had a
             | better background in what they're writing about. But it's
             | also a case that experts can have unreasonable expectations
             | about the depth and nuance of something written for the
             | more or less general public.
             | mattkrause wrote:
             | I think the nature of science reporting exacerbates it.
             | The "Science Section" of your local paper covers an
             | absolutely massive range of topics: astronomy one week,
             | zoology the next, and everything in between. Nobody--
             | literally nobody--has the breadth of expertise to do all of
             | those fields justice.
             | The rest of the paper has a more consistent focus. If you
             | covered last year's debate over gun control, that
             | background carries over to this week's debate. The players
             | change slowly too--some of the folks in Congress have been
             | there for decades.
           | Mountain_Skies wrote:
           | Until weather reporting became mostly automated, most news
           | agencies had a policy of never reporting a chance of rain as
           | being less than 20%. If it was 8%, it was always rounded up
           | to 20%. If you remember seeing "20% of rain" excessively most
           | of your life, this is why. Some of them still do this,
           | especially with on the air reports by a human.
             | dtech wrote:
             | That actually sounds like good practice, due to humans not
             | having good intuition about chance.
             | Most people will interpret "8% of rain" as "it's not going
             | to rain", and then be mad at the "inaccurate" weather
             | report if it rains the next day.
         | solardev wrote:
         | I dunno if that's strictly true. Many fields can be reasonably
         | covered with some minimal training. The hard sciences, though,
         | are constantly changing so much that even practitioners in the
         | same field of science can barely keep up in peer review... much
         | less scientists from other disciplines, and much less poorly-
         | paid journalists without dedicated science training. And these
         | days, so many of the findings are subtle and perhaps somewhat
         | interesting in a purely scientific sense, but have to be hyped
         | up in marketing dept PRs to make the general news cycle at all.
         | The issue compounds when poorly trained, poorly paid
         | journalists interview scientists and then misreport and
         | misquote their findings, leading to a loss of a trust, the next
         | interview being less detailed, etc. It's a vicious cycle of
         | dumbing down and hyping up, all to fit our clickbait-sized
         | attention spans.
         | Is there an easy way around it? I doubt it. You're essentially
         | reporting bleeding-edge findings from leading PhDs flailing
         | under a publish-or-perish model, to an audience who mostly has
         | not touched science since middle school (if even then). People
         | don't even know why they should CARE about science, much less
         | what your margins of error and P-values are, etc.
           | feet wrote:
           | Maybe reporters just shouldn't be reporting on every little
           | paper but rather universities should have a media department
           | with scientists that handles press releases so they don't
           | suck ass
             | davrosthedalek wrote:
             | Having seen the PR disasters from CERN, I'd say we need
             | less PR releases.
               | feet wrote:
               | Yea because those were undoubtedly worse than your
               | average scientific reporting from whatever Times?
               | Honestly, come on
               | davrosthedalek wrote:
               | The problem is that they caused that reporting. No PR
               | about superluminal neutrinos, no hysterical reporting
               | about them. This would have given the community time to
               | find the bad connection which caused the bad data.
             | photochemsyn wrote:
             | I'm sure that would go down well, I mean what better way to
             | make enemies at your university than by publishing critical
             | reviews of your colleagues work in a public press release.
             | A better idea would be to have the anonymous peer reviews
             | published as an addendum to each paper, that would be fun.
             | Also highlight whether or not the work was published in a
             | 'private club' journal with lax standards or not. Maybe
             | interview the lab techs as anonymous sources to see what
             | kind of standards the lab really operates with? Do some
             | investigative journalism? Cue furious PIs demanding the
             | entire media relations department be fired...
             | University media relations departments are just not going
             | to to point out flaws in the work of their own PI-led
             | research groups, they're in the business of fluffing their
             | reputations, because that means they might get more
             | students, more grants, more positive media coverage, etc.
             | It's a business these days, isn't it? Corporate PR
             | professionals are running that show more often than not.
               | feet wrote:
               | I agree with essentially everything you say, although I
               | would hope we could figure out a way to structure our
               | research organizations to prevent that sort of bias but
               | having a dedicated scientific reporting organization of
               | some kind that does serious due diligence I think could
               | definitely work
         | crispyambulance wrote:
         | It's true, many of the problems Sabine Hossenfelder cited about
         | science news apply just as well to news about any topic.
         | But is the news categorically "bad"? No.
         | Certainly there are awful news outlets, terrible journalists,
         | stories which never get the treatment they deserve, and a
         | downward spiral of sensationalism and disinformation. But
         | journalism still serves a purpose. Someone can still read news
         | articles about topics which they aren't expert in and still be
         | reasonably informed about the basics of whatever is going on
         | with those topics.
         | Are things going to get oversimplified, improperly cited, or
         | have background material glossed over or omitted? sure, but one
         | simply can't write academic papers in a newspaper and expect
         | the general public to spend the time and effort to read them.
         | There ARE some long form news outlets that take deeper dives,
         | but they have a decidedly academic feel to them, which is fine
         | for audiences who are motivated for that but these just don't
         | fly with regular folks who just want to know what's happening
         | and satisfy some curiosity.
         | [deleted]
       | nathias wrote:
       | very good points, especially about focus on 'consensus' which
       | seems to be a consequence of US reception of global warming but
       | has become a standard in discourse about science ...
       | nioj wrote:
       | Reminds me of this satire piece:
       | https://www.theguardian.com/science/the-lay-scientist/2010/s...
       | andreyk wrote:
       | I can add my cents wrt AI coverage.
       | First, remember the rule that 'most of everything sucks'. Is
       | science coverage especially worse than politics, economy, etc.?
       | Not sure.
       | Secondly, over the years there have been more and more reporters
       | who specialize in writing about AI, and whose articles are
       | generally of very high quality.
       | It's not as bad as it used to be, and I'd argue it's better than
       | most people thing.
       | Some context: I co-run the Last Week in AI newsletter and
       | podcast, so I am exposed to a loooot of AI coverage.
       | Cupertino95014 wrote:
       | Sabine Hossenfelder is a great source to follow (and author of
       | books to read).
       | One of the absolute _worst_ things about the pandemic was the
       | deluge of garbage articles about COVID, like the ones she 's
       | talking about. "Someone somewhere found a correlation of X with
       | Y!!!" gets reported as if it were Nobel-worthy.
       | "Did it used to be different?" No, science reporting has always
       | been garbage. But in the before times, the mainstream news still
       | reported garbage, but there was less of it to report, and you
       | could easily find quality reporting if you looked for it.
       | Now there are many more "experts" vying for press time, and the
       | press is able to disseminate their garbage much more effectively.
       | begueradj wrote:
       | Maybe the beginning of the solution is to start by hosting your
       | science articles on a paid domain, with a short and easy to
       | remember name. Once you do that, you can maybe start complaining.
       | aaaaaaaaaaab wrote:
       | I'm getting a bit tired of Sabine to be quite honest...
       | Maybe it's time for her to go back to sciencing instead of
       | creating youtube videos?
       | indymike wrote:
       | Science is really hard to make into news for three reasons:
       | 1. Error and uncertainty. The news like concrete facts, not
       | (paraphrased from the article), "3 months plus or minus 100
       | years". Also, a lot of science does not hold up over time. It
       | takes a long time to explain uncertainty and it also dilutes from
       | how interesting the article might be.
       | 2. Science is mostly boring. Incremental, tiny improvements in
       | understanding add up over time, but really are hard to get
       | excited about individually. Once in a while we get a huge leap,
       | but most of the time, it's "we got a few more digits of pi
       | calculated". It's really hard to extrapolate these tiny changes
       | into anything that the average reader will even notice in their
       | lifetime.
       | 3. Ultimately, science has to compete for attention with wars,
       | politics, sport, local, finance (ok, might be as boring as most
       | science, but at least people are literally invested).
       | So, it's hard. BTW - the author of the article does a great job
       | making science more interesting. Would love to see more writers
       | cover the subject at the level Sabine Hassenfelder does.
         | RosanaAnaDana wrote:
         | On your first point about uncertainty, I think both scientists
         | and non-scientists struggle with how to have a meaningful
         | conversation where real world decisions and policies have to be
         | made in the face of material uncertainty.
         | I generally see two ways of dealing with this on the ley side,
         | which is to either ignore it altogether or to write if the
         | finding or result completely. Neither is really appropriate and
         | I think it's due to humans not being well wired to appreciate
         | how uncertain _everything_ that we don 't have uncertainty
         | parameters for actually is. Establishing a probable interval
         | doesn't actually affect the probability of a thing.
         | On the academic side, the problem is that most academic are
         | cowards. They see a disproportionate cost to being wrong, and
         | culturally, are trained to always be able to give a 'right'
         | answer, even if that answer is useless. Theres a kind of
         | automoton language that is used by researchers that allows them
         | to escape any real consequences that might extend from having
         | an opinion. It's a kind of aloofness that pretends that the
         | science is happening in some kind of white tower vacuum of pure
         | intellectualism. And they aren't wrong from a social
         | perspective, in that academia will enforce a serious cost to
         | them for being wrong.
         | To sum up, my broader point is that both journalists and
         | academics tiptoe around and hide behind uncertainty far too
         | much. Any issue worth having a conversation on is one where
         | decisions will need to be made inspite of uncertainty. As well,
         | everything is uncertain, and just because we haven't/ can't get
         | an uncertainty on something, it shouldn't give you more
         | confidence than something we can establish an uncertainty for.
           | mikkergp wrote:
           | While I don't disagree with anything you said, I think it's
           | more a supply and demand thing. Many(most?) people seem to
           | value certainty over truth, in fact some people seem to think
           | one is an indicator of the other and uncertainty is a form of
           | weakness.
       | concinds wrote:
       | There's 2 huge huge problems not mentioned in the article:
       | 1. Take Taleb's piece on IQ[0]. Which journalists have the
       | mathematical background to understand it? None. Most of the
       | psychologists who reponded to Taleb didn't understand his math
       | either (some did). So how do you know if Taleb's bullshitting?
       | McClure tried to dumb it down in a great article[1], but even if
       | you understand _those_ arguments, practically no journalist would
       | want to go on a limb and declare a  "consensus" is dead wrong,
       | when both sides have seemingly coherent arguments.
       | 2. There's always what I'll call "pendulum effects". If science
       | journalism took the "skeptic" POV to try to increase scientific
       | literacy, by showing the many cases where the scientific
       | consensus was wrong historically (with the hopes of improving
       | people's critical thinking), you'd just end up giving fodder to
       | people to arbitrarily distrust any consensus they don't like (for
       | political reasons). So it becomes "socially useful" for people to
       | believe that consensus means truth. If you taught people all the
       | ways in which science can get it wrong, even highly cited studies
       | in top journals, they'd burn Harvard down. The bias is in the
       | opposite direction: Freakonomics-style 'science journalism' that
       | takes one finding and turns it into an overarching narrative
       | 'truth'.
       | Science in more complex fields (quantum, economics, sociology) is
       | getting out of reach of journalists and average people. People
       | apply simplistic and inadequate statistical tools to complex
       | systems and reach BS conclusions. Complexity science isn't taught
       | enough. Will journalists ever understand complexity theory? Power
       | laws? If even AI researchers can misunderstand what they're
       | doing[2], how can journalists keep up?
       | [0]: https://medium.com/incerto/iq-is-largely-a-
       | pseudoscientific-...
       | [1]: https://seanamcclure.medium.com/intelligence-complexity-
       | and-...
       | [2]:
       | https://twitter.com/sean_a_mcclure/status/153423172385190707...
         | zeroonetwothree wrote:
         | I'm sympathetic to the argument but Taleb's writing is
         | horrendous. He doesn't explain things well at all, seems to
         | mainly criticize strawman datasets, and primarily engages in ad
         | hominems against anyone that doesn't agree with him.
         | cycomanic wrote:
         | Taleb's piece is great, thanks for posting!
       | omershapira wrote:
       | Among my TV jobs, I was a science reporter in a highly rated news
       | show in Israel. Younger, more educated audience, relatively long
       | attention spans and all.
       | Because the EP trusted my judgement, Science items on that show
       | had 4 minutes max, which was very generous, considering that news
       | items can be given 1:40-2:00 on 8pm news and 2:30 for late-night.
       | During those 4 minutes, every box of daily journalism still had
       | to be checked:
       | * Is it clear?
       | * Does it explain why it's news?
       | * Is it informing people of an ongoing event they're familiar
       | with?
       | * If it's entirely new, are they given enough context to make
       | independent judgement?
       | Unfortunately, scientific content rarely checks these boxes. If
       | you want to explain the LIGO gravitational waves discovery or the
       | Higgs Boson discovery, you can't give enough background for the
       | user to feel informed other than "scientists believe this is
       | significant" - so it's only fit for print. If you want to explain
       | a new discovery in 4 minutes, it better come with a demo, that
       | demo better be rendered/filmed like a product video, or people
       | lose interest.
       | So the science you end up covering is either from highly funded
       | labs (think labs in Harvard and MIT that have DOD/industry
       | sponsorship), or venture-funded companies with whitepapers and
       | cool demos.
       | If you're lucky, you have a relationship with the labs, and you
       | get to serve as their informal media adviser. I often met with
       | professors for coffee to teach them to make press kits for their
       | papers.
       | As a researcher, if you do market your paper, you run the risk of
       | the press distorting it, as OP said.
       | tl;dr: science is slow and rigorous. News defers rigor to the
       | extent permitted by law. Incentives follow.
       | Hnrobert42 wrote:
       | I'd argue you get what you pay for. That's why I donate money and
       | subscribe to a number of news sources I like, e.g. ars technica
       | and the Guardian.
       | in3d wrote:
       | Not too be overly negative but Hossenfelder herself is a good
       | example. She posted many authoritative-sounding videos about
       | topics where she has little knowledge and it shows quickly. She's
       | a walking illustration of Gell-Mann amnesia. But clicks are good
       | for her business, just as they're good for the business of
       | newspapers.
         | mort96 wrote:
         | Examples to substantiate this accusation would be good.
           | wiredearp wrote:
           | It says in the article that there are
           | > ... stories about how the increasing temperatures from
           | climate change kill people in heat waves, but fail to mention
           | that the same increasing temperatures also save lives because
           | fewer people freeze to death. Yeah, I don't trust any of
           | these sources.
           | This is not sourced, but then again it is also not science.
       | vkou wrote:
       | Does it? I'm not sure it sucks any more than regular news.
       | Perhaps we just hold it to a higher standard.
       | jelliclesfarm wrote:
       | Because we have more bloggers than journalists these days. And
       | the latter have to compete with the former for likes and
       | eyeballs.
       | ekianjo wrote:
       | You could remove science from the title and it would still make
       | sense.
         | [deleted]
       | rayiner wrote:
       | There is a saying: "those who can do, do, and those who can't do,
       | teach." Maybe it would be fair to augment that with, "those who
       | don't understand a subject well enough to do or teach, report."
       | The problem is particularly bad in science journalism, but exists
       | across the board. Financial journalism is really the only area
       | I've seen where the journalists tend to have real backgrounds in
       | the subject. And unsurprisingly financial journalism stands head
       | and shoulders above other journalistic fields.
         | ReptileMan wrote:
         | That is because there is actually audience willing to pay for
         | the quality content. We really should solve how to pay for
         | content problem. Subscription is not cutting it, but per
         | article seems to be abandoned. Add driven drives everything to
         | crap.
         | Couple of years ago I was joking that Jezebel and
         | EverydayFeminism dies because NYTimes became them with better
         | spellcheck. Unfortunately not a joke anymore.
         | tensor wrote:
         | This is an arrogant and toxic saying. Let's not repeat it let
         | alone add to it please.
           | rayiner wrote:
           | But is it true or not? That's what matters right?
             | tptacek wrote:
             | It's obviously not true. Teaching is a distinct skill (it's
             | probably a large basket of distinct skills). People having
             | varying aptitudes for it. Common sense tells you that the
             | cliche can't possibly be true. George Bernard Shaw put
             | those words deliberately into the mouth of a character you
             | in particular would find absolutely insufferable.
               | pen2l wrote:
               | To go even further, I find a saying attributed to
               | Aristotle to be quite true: "Those who know, do. Those
               | that understand, teach."
               | I find that true experts are able to explain subject
               | matter in their domain _simply_ , they can ably distill
               | complicated issues to their essence lest their pupil be
               | bogged down in unnecessary side-details. I used to think
               | Raymond Hettinger was just an awesome teacher because he
               | could make certain programming tasks seem like things a
               | 3rd grader could do with ease, then I discovered he's a
               | big force behind the creation of py and he just sees and
               | presents things at a very fundamental level.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Seems pretty unlikely that Aristotle said anything like
               | that; all these epigrams are kind of silly, in that
               | they're all stemming from something _a fictional
               | character_ said (or wrote) in a play.
               | But I agree, it's cringe-y to see people try to dunk on
               | teachers like this. There are good teachers and bad
               | teachers like there are good and bad everythings; if
               | you've had a good teacher for something before, it's hard
               | for me to imagine that you'd take Shaw's character
               | seriously with the "those who can" stuff.
               | dctoedt wrote:
               | > _George Bernard Shaw put those words deliberately into
               | the mouth of a character you in particular would find
               | absolutely insufferable._
               | Akin to Shakespeare having the evil Dick the Butcher
               | saying, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the
               | lawyers."
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_kill_all_the_lawyer
               | s
             | loeg wrote:
             | No, it's not true.
           | zaphar wrote:
           | Someone made a statement of opinion without supporting
           | evidence. You followed that up with another statement of
           | opinion without supporting evidence. As a result no consensus
           | was reached and this entire exchange went no where.
           | Why do you think it was an arrogant and toxic statement? Do
           | you disagree that financial journalism is better? Do you
           | think finance journalism itself is toxic? Do you have
           | evidence that a belief such as "finance jounalism is
           | generally more excellent than others" is toxic in some way?
             | the_only_law wrote:
             | They're referring the first sentence, with the cliche
             | phrase. I personally don't make it seriously, because half
             | the "doers" I've met can hardly do shit.
       | tehchromic wrote:
       | The big news in Science (big S for the institution of) is the
       | existential crises of the Anthropocene, the art and technology of
       | sustainably occupying planet e, radically transforming human
       | culture around primary support for the ecological planetary
       | biosphere vs the old dominionist paradigm of human centered
       | everything, and the fight to preserve the biological wealth of
       | the planet against the inexorable onslaught of mass consumption
       | and exploit, especially as it impacts global systems like
       | atmospheric and ocean chemistry, threatening habitability of the
       | surface. This news is very exciting!
       | I think one can only call science news boring if one clings to
       | merely the old idea of science as a simple methodology for
       | validating laws/truth of reality rather than appreciating that
       | Science is the institution of cultural realism and the modern
       | religion to which we all subscribe, so much so that we take it
       | for granted. This is the problem with "science news", is that
       | it's news performed under the presumption that the methodology of
       | scientific practice needs to be more explicit for it to be
       | effective news. This is only true for folks who accept
       | superficial obeisance towards science as significant equivalence
       | for factuality.
       | zefei wrote:
       | It's just that science is easy to verify for the people that know
       | how. If you are actual expect of any other topics (thus can
       | verify if their news is any good), you'll find the news for those
       | topics is at best as bad as for science, if not much worse. News
       | cannot be 100% faithful to the material it covers, and the more
       | you understand about the topics, the more discrepancy you can
       | see.
         | GeorgeTirebiter wrote:
         | I'm not sure I understand your comment that science is 'easy to
         | verify' - how would any of us verify that the LHC actually
         | found the Higgs boson a few years ago? (10 year anniversary
         | coming up on July 4th)
           | Izkata wrote:
           | You're missing the "for the people that know how".
           | I agree with GP: Most news is bad, but people can really only
           | tell when it bumps up against something they know. News on
           | science just has a bonus where research gets published
           | separate from the news, and so even people outside the field
           | can compare the two and point out exactly where the news is
           | wrong.
       | arnaudsm wrote:
       | A friend of mine worked for a mainstream European science news
       | website. Most journalists had no science background, and were
       | pressured into writing 4 articles a day.
       | The result of course, was low quality articles and hastily copied
       | press releases with no critical thinking. They believed
       | everything corporations said, because they had no time to check.
       | I don't blame the journalists, but the work conditions and
       | economical situation of the media industry.
         | walrus01 wrote:
         | > I don't blame the journalists,
         | writing and publishing four articles a day with only cursory
         | review/editorial oversight, if any, isn't journalism at all,
         | it's a content mill
         | bsenftner wrote:
         | The behavior we see due to the private ownership of media and
         | news publishers betrays the colossal failure it is for the
         | public and nations at large to have our society's self-
         | reporting undermined by profit motives. News and media need to
         | be treated as protected speech, with more formalization and
         | more regulation. Leaving the governance of our society's self
         | reporting to greedy Capitalists is a clear and active recipe
         | for doublespeak and fascism.
           | wutbrodo wrote:
           | The profit motive does a poor job of handling the
           | externalities journalism should be addressing. But govt
           | control of the media landscape to the degree you're talking
           | about can easily hamstring the important adversarial function
           | journalism has vis-a-vis govt.
           | It's a very hard problem, and there are no obvious or pat
           | solutions.
             | bsenftner wrote:
             | Not government control, more regulation in the form of
             | transparencies towards what gets reported and what does
             | not, protections for investigative news journalists and
             | whistleblowers, and no more masquerading entertainment as
             | news journalism. Just as cigarettes have warnings about
             | lung health, Fox News should have warnings about "not
             | journalism, entertainment and the political opinion of
             | Robert Murdoch".
           | CWuestefeld wrote:
           | On the contrary, letting the government determine what comes
           | through the media is the recipe for fascism. As evidence,
           | consider that the first thing that any authoritarian regime
           | does is to take control of the media.
           | The first test you've got to do for any proposal like yours
           | is to consider what the impact of it will be when your
           | political opponents are at the reins. Are you comfortable
           | with Donald Trump (or really, anyone of his faction) having
           | this power?
             | bsenftner wrote:
             | Who said "government control"? I said more regulation. Of
             | course letting any one power source control society's self
             | conversation is bad. We need to accept the concept that
             | regulation exists because the alternative is worse, and
             | that includes regulation of how the news is delivered and
             | the rights of those collecting information for news
             | reporting. As it stands, society expects "good journalists"
             | to give their lives to report the truth the public needs to
             | understand how far our lack of regulation has allowed
             | things to become.
               | barry-cotter wrote:
               | > Who said "government control"? I said more regulation.
               | You do realize government control and regulation are
               | synonymous, right?
               | bsenftner wrote:
               | Yes, they are, and in practice regulations exist not
               | because some evil bureaucrat wants to oppress free
               | enterprise; regulations exist because one or more parties
               | abused a freedom to the degree their behavior's impacts
               | harmed others enough for laws to be written.
         | permo-w wrote:
         | the news industry needs public investment from all angles.
         | right now the incentives are completely wrong
           | refurb wrote:
           | I mean we have public broadcasters like Canada's CBC and they
           | still do the same thing.
           | Why?
           | Because they need to justify their budget. If nobody
           | reads/views your reports, why should the government pay for
           | it.
           | The real answer is: the public doesn't want science reporting
           | unless it's punchy, simple and exciting.
             | bawolff wrote:
             | I would say quanta magazine is a counterexample
               | jelliclesfarm wrote:
               | Also: Nautilus
               | https://nautil.us/
               | openknot wrote:
               | Nautilus is actually an example that supports how in-
               | depth science reporting can be difficult to monetize. I
               | really like many of their articles in the publication,
               | but there was a major incident a while back when they
               | were severely (many months, even longer than a year)
               | behind on paying their writers.
               | I actually happened to meet a writer who had this happen
               | to them, but this incident was also publicized in an open
               | letter (source: https://nwu.org/an-open-letter-from-
               | freelancers-at-nautilus-..., with discussion about this
               | on Twitter at:
               | https://twitter.com/aznfusion/status/941051077922869248).
               | This happened in 2017, and I'm not sure how long it took
               | to get resolved.
               | jelliclesfarm wrote:
               | That's very sad. There is go fund me and crows funding
               | for all kinds of weird causes and 50k isn't such a huge
               | amount either.
               | The future seems bleak.
               | ETA: Oh!! The link re: the Twitter thread is gnarly! I
               | hope this got resolved and the freelancers got something
               | out of this.
               | spaetzleesser wrote:
               | How do they finance themselves?
               | evanpw wrote:
               | A finance billionaire with a background in math and
               | physics (Jim Simons)
             | pclmulqdq wrote:
             | Sorry, but news organizations aren't out there doing what
             | the public wants. Most of them are doing what will get
             | attention. That is very different. The public doesn't want
             | to have to give them attention, but when they say things
             | like "X cures cancer" or "X is a threat to your children"
             | it makes people listen. When the article turns out to be
             | nothing, a small fraction of the people you fooled turn off
             | your channel forever, and the rest just say "this was a
             | waste" and go on to read the next piece of clickbait.
             | This behavior needs to be called out and there needs to be
             | accountability. However, there is none. Even when the
             | stories are completely fabricated, as happened at USA Today
             | recently.
             | What the public wants and what tricks people into giving
             | you attention are different things. Journalists today go
             | for the latter, which is why we have all of these
             | "alternative" news sources now.
               | robonerd wrote:
               | > _This behavior needs to be called out and there needs
               | to be accountability. However, there is none. Even when
               | the stories are completely fabricated, as happened at USA
               | Today recently._
               | I'd love a browser extension that shows me a crowd-
               | sourced batting average for the author of any article I'm
               | reading online. Something that tells me _" Oh, you're
               | reading an article written by journalist Joe Schmoe? Joe
               | has previously written 400 breathless articles about
               | scientists discovering space aliens"_
               | I know I know, technical solution to a social problem.
               | And curating these crowdsourced article tags and
               | statistics would probably be an intractable nightmare. It
               | probably can't hurt much to try though. I think the
               | fundamental problem is there are too many journalists for
               | many individual journalists to develop a reputation in
               | the minds of readers. I read several hundred, maybe a few
               | thousand articles a year, but I could only tell you the
               | names of a handful of journalists at best. There must be
               | some way for technology to help bridge this gap.
               | CWuestefeld wrote:
               | The idea sounds good, but I don't think it could work in
               | the real world. The result wouldn't be people endorsing
               | the _quality_ of an article, but rather whether the
               | article weighs on their political side of an issue
               | pclmulqdq wrote:
               | I've heard of newsguard and ground news. Both are biased
               | in favor of "reputable" sources who should have been
               | punished for fake news and haven't (USA Today, NY Times).
             | marginalia_nu wrote:
             | Sometimes it's not about what the public wants, but what it
             | needs.
               | ekianjo wrote:
               | what do you know about the public needs?
               | marginalia_nu wrote:
               | I don't claim to, but I do think it's pretty trivial to
               | demonstrate that what one wants and what one needs is not
               | necessarily the same.
               | refurb wrote:
               | Do you force the public to read it? Or just live with the
               | fact you get dozens of views for news that took hours and
               | thousands of dollars to create.
               | marginalia_nu wrote:
               | Well, if you've made dozens of people learn something,
               | then that's surely better than filling millions of
               | peoples heads with nothing but vapid nonsense, isn't it?
               | refurb wrote:
               | Sure it better.
               | But instead of making dozens of people learning something
               | you paid for school lunches for 200 students each month?
               | It's a limit pot of tax payer money and it needs to be
               | used on the highest impact things.
               | marginalia_nu wrote:
               | How can you tell what has impact, though? What's the
               | point in paying for school lunches for kids who have no
               | interest in learning?
               | refurb wrote:
               | The impact is they aren't malnourished? Seems like a good
               | goal.
               | Edit: we prioritize feeding people over giving them
               | educational science articles; seems appropriate
               | feet wrote:
               | Something that should be noted here is that our brains
               | won't work properly without adequate nutrition. Our
               | neurons require plenty of potassium to operate and other
               | minerals such as magnesium and zinc. On top of that
               | essential fatty acids and amino acids are super important
               | for making neurotransmitters
               | All of this gets ignored because the poors deserve it or
               | some stupid nonsense thrown around by the people with
               | money and power
               | marginalia_nu wrote:
               | Many things are noble goals. Why is one to be preferred
               | over another?
               | Spooky23 wrote:
               | It's easier to talk about feeding children to ignore
               | stuff like out of control military acquisition or
               | allowing oil companies to pillage public lands for
               | peanuts.
               | marginalia_nu wrote:
               | The question is, given a sum of money and a goal to
               | further the education of the people, what is the best way
               | of spending that money.
               | What other people are doing that is wrong is rarely
               | particularly useful to think about when working toward a
               | goal of your own.
               | robonerd wrote:
               | > _What 's the point in paying for school lunches for
               | kids who have no interest in learning?_
               | Because the state requires them to be there anyway, so
               | it's the state's responsibility to ensure they are well
               | fed? Academic performance has no bearing on whether
               | somebody deserves food.
               | ben_w wrote:
               | Even with your cynicism -- and from your argument, why
               | send them to school at all? -- food is so cheap that
               | paying for everyone's school meals (even if they could
               | afford it without help or hate learning) is a _really_
               | cheap way to help those that are interested but can't
               | afford to eat well.
               | Let me use UK costs as an example, to show how cheap
               | school lunches are compared to all the other aspects of
               | education, because I don't know the USA well enough: If I
               | assume PS2/school lunch (mine were PS1, but that was the
               | 90s), and if the school year is still 39 weeks, that's
               | PS390/year, or PS11,700 per year for a class of 30,
               | compared to a qualified teacher's _starting_ salary of
               | PS25,714 (head teachers go up to PS125,098 in London),
               | and then you need to add the cost of books, and
               | consumables, and the building itself, and insurance, and
               | support staff (HR, caretakers, supply teachers).
             | BeFlatXIII wrote:
             | It's the difference between the government justifying the
             | funding and politicians (who control the budget) justifying
             | funding. The government could easily justify funding as its
             | own in-house journalism team that processes raw scientific
             | publications into information usable by various government
             | agencies. Politicians, instead, pander to voters with their
             | cost/benefit metrics.
         | yunohn wrote:
         | > I don't blame the journalists, but the work conditions and
         | economical situation of the media industry.
         | Why wouldn't you blame people who voluntarily took a job
         | writing science articles while having zero credentials? They
         | could be normal news journos, nobody forced them to report on
         | science specifically.
           | openknot wrote:
           | I once went to a journalism conference, and there was a panel
           | where a professional science journalist strongly pushed for
           | the view along the lines of, "you don't need a science
           | background to be a science writer," instead of encouraging
           | aspiring journalists to study the relevant background over
           | the years.
           | I'm sure a view against credentials isn't shared by all
           | journalists (for example, many publications do require a
           | relevant background), but that experience was personally
           | disheartening because it seemed to be supported in the room.
           | I was also disheartened by the focus on self-marketing and
           | self-promotion in general over doing quality, accurate
           | journalism, and a much bigger focus on having a good
           | "narrative" and writing engagingly versus having a discussion
           | on ethics. To some extent, I get it, because the advice
           | likely works in helping someone succeed in their career. But
           | there are clearly problems in science news related to
           | precision and accuracy, and not much drive in many
           | publications to fix it.
         | snarf21 wrote:
         | Exactly this. It is all about click bait to drive digital
         | advertising. It is largely our own fault. We (by and large)
         | don't want to pay good journalism. We want it to be free which
         | means ads. NPR/PBS tends to have better and more balanced news
         | but it is largely because of their donor/patron model. But to
         | be clear, they are surely not immune. They are still run by
         | people who are judged by views and reach and other eyeball
         | metrics. We don't really want news anymore. We want our
         | preconceived notions affirmed (we like to be "right") and we
         | want to be entertained. Unfortunately, we get what we've asked
         | for.
           | giantrobot wrote:
           | > It is largely our own fault. We (by and large) don't want
           | to pay good journalism.
           | It's not about people not wanting to pay, it's that the value
           | of a single article is too small to charge money for. A
           | single article is maybe worth a hundredth of a cent to me.
           | There's no viable mechanism for me to pay a hundredth of a
           | cent to a writer, just transaction fees will be more than the
           | amount transacted.
           | I'm not going to pay a subscription to a site I might not
           | ever visit again. I'm also not going to pay a subscription
           | fee to every site I come across that might have a decently
           | written article once in a while. Advertising ends up being
           | the only viable way to "charge" a tiny fraction of a cent to
           | readers.
             | caenorst wrote:
             | > I'm also not going to pay a subscription fee to every
             | site I come across that might have a decently written
             | article once in a while.
             | What if the site was consistenly putting decent articles? I
             | think one of the argument is that you would see more of
             | those decent articles if people were more enclined to
             | follow a subscription model where the journal is
             | accountable to its customers.
               | openknot wrote:
               | >"you would see more of those decent articles if people
               | were more inclined to follow a subscription model where
               | the journal is accountable to its customers."
               | I think this argument holds up. For example, publications
               | like the Scientific American and The Scientist tend to be
               | very high quality in terms of accuracy (usually with
               | unobtrusive citations, if I recall correctly). It's too
               | bad their subscriptions prices are so high; they were
               | hundreds of dollars a year if I remember correctly,
               | versus less than 50 dollars a year for other magazines.
               | Ii'm not sure about how financially successful they are,
               | but I found myself struggling to justify such a
               | subscription price, when the purpose was essentially edu-
               | tainment. The publications that can more easily get
               | people to pay more, in my view, ostensibly help people
               | make more money or find career success, which is why
               | industry publications like STAT for biotech/medicine (and
               | more generally, publications like the WSJ/Bloomberg) tend
               | to be more financially successful.
           | wutbrodo wrote:
           | > NPR/PBS tends to have better and more balanced news but it
           | is largely because of their donor/patron model.
           | This is an interesting hypothesis, because PBS is near the
           | top of my quality ranking for news orgs while NPR is near the
           | bottom (obviously excluding the long-tail of sources I don't
           | often encounter, like breitbart). I don't see much of a
           | correlation with manner of funding.
             | pclmulqdq wrote:
             | NPR used to be my main news source until around 2016.
             | Despite the bias in their funding source (~90% left-leaning
             | donors), they put out a lot of important stories that
             | criticized both sides of the aisle. Then they got a serious
             | case of TDS.
               | hourago wrote:
               | > Despite the bias in their funding source (~90% left-
               | leaning donors)
               | Despite? Or because of it? Left leaning politics need
               | trust worthy news to advance, right leaning politics
               | don't as their goal is to maintain tradition and the
               | status quo. If nobody mobilises the right wing polices
               | win by default, noise instead of news helps to create
               | apathy, apathy is the bread of the status quo.
           | mike_hock wrote:
           | I agree except for the implication that it used to be
           | different.
           | Consultant32452 wrote:
           | There's a bunch of millionaires who have broken off from
           | legacy news to make written and/or podcast style news
           | content. We're willing to pay for quality work, but the
           | legacy news isn't creating it.
           | bsenftner wrote:
           | It is not "largely our own fault", this situation has been
           | engineered by the billionaires and the rest of the media and
           | political power brokers specifically to create anxiety and
           | confusion in the general public. Perfect preparation for
           | eternal political divisions and whatever distracting whims
           | they choose: War in Russia? Celebrity divorce! Planet on
           | fire? Race on commercializing space! How's about an official
           | Olympics digital coin and NFT series? Why not?
           | timr wrote:
           | NPR's science reporting has been abysmal for the past few
           | years. Maybe they don't have the click-bait problem
           | (debatable), but they routinely report everything one side of
           | the political spectrum says as scientific fact. They also
           | fall victim to the "experts say..." and "scientific consensus
           | is..." tropes. Their "scientific expert" source list looks
           | suspiciously like a group of the loudest voices on Twitter.
           | I say this as someone _on_ that side of the political
           | spectrum.
             | zenithd wrote:
             | openknot wrote:
             | >"Their "scientific expert" source list looks suspiciously
             | like a group of the loudest voices on Twitter."
             | That's probably where the journalists find people to
             | interview, likely because a large majority of journalists
             | are active on Twitter.
             | This definitely isn't the only place, because there are
             | free services like SciLine by the AAAS (source:
             | https://www.sciline.org) and many others for connecting
             | journalists to researchers. Many universities also have
             | their own expert directories set up, and journalists can
             | also find papers and contact their authors.
             | However, for many journalists on deadline, it's just far
             | less effort to message vocal professors on Twitter, so this
             | may be a reason for this effect if it's true. The people
             | who market their research more on Twitter may be more
             | likely to get covered in the press, and thus interviewed.
           | robonerd wrote:
           | > _Exactly this. It is all about click bait to drive digital
           | advertising. It is largely our own fault. We (by and large)
           | don 't want to pay good journalism._
           | I'm not buying it. Science reporting from university press
           | departments is just as bad if not worse, and they are funded
           | by the university not advertising (tuition, grants, alumni
           | donations, etc..)
             | caenorst wrote:
             | This is not a proof. In logic, you can't say A and C => D
             | is wrong just because B and C => D is wrong.
             | An example, "My uncle became blind because of diabetes",
             | similar answer: "I don't buy it, my father is diabetic and
             | never got blind". Doesn't work.
             | In other words, the reason why scientific journalism in
             | non-university press could be bad for various different
             | reason than university press.
               | robonerd wrote:
               | Well first off, this is an informal discussion. Secondly:
               | > _It is ALL about click bait to drive digital
               | advertising_
               | (Emphasis my own.) Science reporting is still crap even
               | when it isn't funded by advertising, so there's obviously
               | more going on than the funding model making things shit.
               | The BBC and CBC both have crappy science reporting too,
               | as do university press departments. These counter-
               | examples refute the claim which was stated too strongly
               | (I do think advertising plays some role in it, but
               | obviously not all.)
             | seoaeu wrote:
             | University press departments are (indirectly) funded by
             | grant agencies. Thus, it is strongly in their interests to
             | convey to those agencies that their institution is doing
             | groundbreaking work.
             | [deleted]
             | quest88 wrote:
             | IMO: People that write well are not jumping at the chance
             | to write science articles for universities. Writing is hard
             | and science is hard, and being passionate about both is
             | rare.
               | native_samples wrote:
               | It's not that rare, but the problem is that a lot of
               | people who are outsiders, yet who truly understand
               | science and then write about it, often end up becoming
               | quite sceptical of it. Just like how journalists who
               | understand politics end up sceptical. The difference is,
               | journalists holding politicians to account is well
               | understood to be a critical part of democracy, but for
               | science it's the opposite. If journalists start asking
               | tough questions they're immediately evicted from the best
               | known institutions because scientists (academics) have
               | done a great job of convincing those in power that
               | doubting scientists in any way is immoral and dangerous.
               | So what you get is worthless fanboy journalism in which
               | those who are smart enough to ask tough questions get
               | removed, and those who are left just want to copy paste
               | university press releases.
               | In turn that beds general scepticism amongst the
               | population because they can sense that nobody is
               | challenging the "experts".
               | pclmulqdq wrote:
               | It would help if journalists would hold anyone's feet to
               | the fire these days. Science journalism is so bad at this
               | that it seems to drive scientists to create low-quality
               | studies.
               | openknot wrote:
               | Retraction Watch (source: https://retractionwatch.com)
               | and independent consultants like Elisabeth Bik (article
               | about her in Nature:
               | https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01363-z) are
               | good for this, though they aren't really traditional
               | media. ProPublica and large newspapers (e.g. The New York
               | Times occasionally) do publish investigative work on
               | science topics sometimes too.
               | openknot wrote:
               | You would be surprised. Universities pay substantially
               | better than newspapers (likely with better job security),
               | and writing jobs are typically hard to find and low-
               | paying in general. Many former experienced journalists
               | end up working at university press departments because of
               | the better working conditions.
               | From an enjoyment side, writing is hard, but for a lot of
               | people, it's much easier than research. There are fewer
               | credentials needed for a career in science journalism
               | versus scientific research (a Bachelor's only versus a
               | PhD for many senior scientist positions). I know a lot of
               | people who have a natural skill at writing who decided to
               | major in a science field for one reason or another,
               | performed okay-ish at their courses, and tried to get
               | back to writing work.
               | The end result is also similar writing for a
               | magazine/newspaper versus a university. A university may
               | have higher standards for accuracy and precision
               | (especially if an interviewed scientist wants to review
               | it, while a newspaper/magazine may have a policy to avoid
               | sharing drafts to avoid bias in the article). However,
               | higher-end magazines (like the New Yorker) have more
               | prestige. There is also far less room at universities for
               | dissent (e.g. presenting an opposing scientific view or
               | publishing investigative work).
         | beloch wrote:
         | >"Another problem with sources is that science news also
         | frequently just repeats press releases without actually saying
         | where they got their information from. It's a problem because
         | university press releases aren't exactly unbiased."
         | This is probably why exaggerated claims from press releases
         | usually just get passed on and, frequently, exaggerated. Even
         | someone educated in the field doesn't have time to dig into 3
         | or 4 new sub-fields a day and actually _understand_ the papers
         | that press releases are talking about. e.g. A physicist with a
         | background in optics is better situated than most to understand
         | an experimental quantum cryptography paper, but they 're still
         | going to have to bang their heads against several walls to
         | figure out what's going on. Head-banging takes time. Copying
         | from a press release doesn't.
           | duskwuff wrote:
           | And those press releases are often written by university PR
           | offices without a clear understanding of the research they're
           | promoting, and the articles repeating those press releases
           | frequently get copied poorly by _other_ science publications.
           | It 's a game of telephone all the way down.
       | colechristensen wrote:
       | I've thought about doing news well on a small scale for a long
       | time. Who wants to write freelance for me and how much do you
       | want?
       | wafriedemann wrote:
       | News are irrelevant for your life. Period. That's why the news
       | industry is the way it is. And that's why it is of no concern
       | wether it is this way or not. The biggest benefit you can get is
       | not to consume any news. Changing news has none.
       | permo-w wrote:
       | this is largely a reaction to the old stereotypical attitude
       | towards science: i.e. nerdy and uncool and for boring people.
       | news sources - in some ways admirably - have tried to make it
       | more interesting for the general public. they've achieved this,
       | but at a pretty high cost, which are the points laid out in this
       | article.
       | considering the size of the scientific community (i.e. people who
       | could tell you what a confidence interval is) vs the size of the
       | general news-reading population, I'd suggest that the likely
       | alternative to a lot of the science reporting referred to in the
       | article is not better science reporting, but less of it overall.
       | sadly, these companies are simply meeting a demand from a
       | relatively uneducated population a large proportion of whom's
       | brains will switch off at the sight of the words "confidence
       | interval"
       | my suggested solution to this is more public investment in the
       | news industry. more grants for independent journalism
       | james-redwood wrote:
       | www.quantamagazine.org www.nature.com
       | It doesn't suck. People don't know where to look.
         | robonerd wrote:
         | Even Nature has a sensationalism bias; that's why they're so
         | well known. They like to publish papers with the most punch.
       | blhack wrote:
       | Because people use "news" articles as a type of fashion. A fancy
       | watch isnt' better at telling time, but it _does_ signal both an
       | alliance to a certain ideology, and the ability to display that
       | alliance.
       | Rolex isn't optimizing for time accuracy anymore, they're
       | optimizing for that type of social signaling.
       | Similarly, science journalism (and really, all journalism) isn't
       | optimizing for dissemination of information, they're optimizing
       | themselves as a fashion/signal.
       | setuid9001 wrote:
       | I would also argue that science sucks in it's current state as
       | well. It's all about Hirsch-Index. Looking as scientific and
       | complicated as possible, so other scientist want to quote you and
       | the Hirsch-Index rises. Also if numbers don't fit, they will be
       | made fit. Fake or not doesn't really matter because no one will
       | ever read it anyways. See the auto generating tools for papers
       | and positive submission of them. This is by all means not the
       | case for all scientist. There are lots of good, talented people
       | there. But they get overshadowed by the previous mentioned.
       | photochemsyn wrote:
       | Nothing new here, this has been a steadily increasingly problem:
       | media outlets generally don't hire people with even a basic
       | scientific eduction to do science journalism. A lot of this has
       | to do with the 'expert propaganda' phenomenon - corporations and
       | government have a list of so-called experts that they want the
       | journalists to act as stenographers for, and the media
       | corporations oblige by hiring ignorant journalists who will just
       | repeat whatever they're told. This suits the interests of
       | pharmaceutical corporations ('buy our wonderful new Vioxx drug!
       | don't ask us about flaws in clinical trial design!), financial
       | fraudsters ('our expert economists say get an adjustable rate
       | loan! it's the way of the future!), and similar types.
       | Here's a similar discussion from a decade ago, a rather defensive
       | piece from a journalist:
       | https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddisalvo/2011/08/08/why-sci...
       | Corporate media is, more often than not, just a mouthpiece for
       | state and corporate propaganda, and the types of journalists who
       | succeed in that environment are just pliable weathervanes who do
       | what their editors tell them to do, and the editors do what the
       | owners tell them to do, and hey, meet the Washington Post owned
       | by Jeff Bezos whose AWS got a $600 million CIA contract for web
       | services, so no more investigative journalism like Top Secret
       | America, please!
       | As far as the main points Hossenfelder raises, i.e. basic
       | concepts like original sources, range of uncertainties, margins
       | of error, unquestioning reliance on press releases, alternative
       | hypothesis, understanding of how mathematical models of physical
       | phenomena are tested against observational data - well, that
       | might force the public to think about what they're reading.
       | That's not the job of the corporate media, they're not there to
       | encourage critical thinking - they're there to take complex
       | topics, simplify them to the point where a small child could
       | understand them, and then repeat, repeat, repeat. That's the
       | essence of propaganda tactics.
         | samhuk wrote:
         | Are you implying that, historically, journalists either 1) had
         | some basic education in what they are reporting about, or 2)
         | actually wanted to educate themselves in what they are
         | reporting about, and that today, increasingly, journalists
         | don't or don't want to do either 1) or 2)?
         | That is, at it's core, saying that journalists are, on average,
         | getting more and more stupid.
         | This seems a bit strange and unsubstantiated, but could very
         | well be true. What would cause a gradual decrease in the
         | intelligence of humanity's journalists?
         | Or are things like science just getting more complex (more
         | specialized) that an average journalists requires "too much"
         | time to educate themselves about. That would then mean they
         | aren't getting less intelligent, per se...
           | photochemsyn wrote:
           | My point is that media owners and their pet editors don't
           | want competent science journalists, they want compliant
           | stenographers who will go to their assigned experts and
           | repeat what they say. They don't want stories that will
           | encourage their readers to engage in critical thinking.
           | There are plenty of people who could do competent science
           | (and other) journalism if that was the standard they were
           | held to. Such work can still be found here and there, in
           | specialty journals (Science and Nature news reports are often
           | quite good), but it's increasingly rare in corporate media
           | for the above reasons.
         | [deleted]
       | cm42 wrote:
       | "It seems to be written for an audience which doesn't know the
       | first thing about science. But I wonder, is it just me who finds
       | this annoying?"
       | Nope, and that's basically the root cause: it's designed to get
       | clicks and shares from people who Believe (rather than
       | Understand) Science(tm)
       | rexreed wrote:
       | Tech news / "journalism" is even worse.
       | antisthenes wrote:
       | Same reason most news suck.
       | Journalists aren't subject matter experts and by definition will
       | not understand the full depth of the scientific publication.
       | And most won't even try to. They're happy to write their twitter-
       | ized clickbaity headline and move on to the next article.
       | physicsguy wrote:
       | Because science is reaaaally hard to generalise for the public,
       | and Universities love to put out press releases. Finding someone
       | qualified to go to for comment is not straightforward. They're
       | not necessarily even going to be in your country.
       | I'm a physicist by background and even when active in academia it
       | was hard for me to understand some papers in closely related sub
       | fields, and that was with working experience in that area. I did
       | theoretical and computational physics research and understanding
       | leaps forward in for e.g. experimental hardware would have got
       | blank stares from me. For a journalist, who may have been out of
       | academia for some time, a large amount just gets taken on trust
       | from what the academics themselves say, because you haven't got a
       | hope of understanding the fine points of the research.
         | Ekaros wrote:
         | I'm also starting to think that most of the low hanging simple
         | ideas are done already, so what is left is exceedingly
         | technical and field specific ideas. Either these aren't very
         | interesting for general public or explaining them is difficult.
         | Not to forget push for media by most institutions on anything
         | that could garner positive press.
           | wrycoder wrote:
           | That's what Lord Kelvin thought. Then Roentgen discovered
           | X-rays.
             | Ekaros wrote:
             | So how many such findings per year we are currently
             | producing?
               | ben_w wrote:
               | Judging by the output of the scientists I follow on
               | YouTube because they also explain things for outsiders
               | (and that I only subscribe to a few specific domains of
               | science), at least dozens.
               | throwaway14356 wrote:
               | there is a lot of space between fields as it is hard
               | enough to do one.
               | wrycoder wrote:
               | About once a century is all you need.
         | wolverine876 wrote:
         | I have no problem reading most scientific papers I encounter,
         | at least to a certain level. I almost never check the numbers,
         | and can skim over things that I just don't understand - a
         | luxury of not needing to understand every detail
         | professionally.
         | I'm not trying to one-up you; I'm sure you have far more
         | capacity to understand papers in adjacent subfields to yours,
         | and probably in other fields. I'm wondering what the difference
         | is between our experiences.
         | I find scientific papers easier to read than most news articles
         | - much more clear, informed (of course), they ask and address
         | much better questions - and generally don't skip the obvious
         | ones that I think of. The graphics in papers are so much better
         | than in news articles, I wonder where scientists get such good
         | training in visual presentation. Mostly I read papers in
         | Nature, Science, or more highly-cited ones I find through
         | Google Scholar. Maybe that population skews toward better
         | writing.
         | freework wrote:
         | > it was hard for me to understand some papers in closely
         | related sub fields, and that was with working experience in
         | that area.
         | I've noticed this too. The reason why I think this happens is
         | because if you're an employed scientist, then the system is set
         | up in such a way that you HAVE to publish, or else you lose
         | your job. If someone criticizes your paper, and it gets pulled
         | from publication, then thats the same as having never published
         | anything in the first place. Therefore, the technique to
         | survival is to write your paper in such a way that repels
         | criticism as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is to
         | write it in such a way that makes it hard to read, but not in
         | such a way that makes it obvious it's gibberish.
           | wolverine876 wrote:
           | I don't find them hard to understand, at least to a certain
           | depth of understanding - but deep enough that I get a lot of
           | value out of them, far more than news articles.
           | On the other hand, Avicenna claimed to have read Aristotle's
           | _Metaphysics_ 40 times before Avicenna could understand it.
           | So it 's not a new problem!
           | vapemaster wrote:
           | > If someone criticizes your paper, and it gets pulled from
           | publication, then thats the same as having never published
           | anything in the first place. Therefore, the technique to
           | survival is to write your paper in such a way that repels
           | criticism as much as possible.
           | Not trying to be snarky, but that's not how publishing
           | works.. you don't get a paper retracted for criticism, you
           | get it retracted if there was scientific malfeasance. And
           | retractions are actually exceedingly rare.
           | In fact having criticism / debate around your paper is a
           | great way to get more citations, the real publication
           | currency in academia...
             | freework wrote:
             | > you don't get a paper retracted for criticism, you get it
             | retracted if there was scientific malfeasance.
             | Why would somebody criticize a scientific paper for
             | something other than to point out some kind of scientific
             | malfeasance?
             | If the paper is written in such a hard to understand
             | manner, then its not possible to make any response at all.
             | That's the point.
               | timr wrote:
               | > Why would somebody criticize a scientific paper for
               | something other than to point out some kind of scientific
               | malfeasance?
               | Because most papers are not actively deceptive, they're
               | just _wrong._ Or if not just wrong, they 've got some
               | critical error. Even great papers. Most people don't seem
               | to get this.
               | Out of every paper I've read in my life (easily in the
               | thousands now), the number that I think are/were
               | unquestionable I can count on one hand, and have fingers
               | left over. Case in point: once I made the mistake of
               | pulling the "source paper" on Okazaki fragments (a Nobel-
               | caliber discovery on a core part of DNA replication) for
               | a seminar I was teaching in biochemistry. I thought it
               | would be neat to go back to the source material for such
               | an important discovery.
               | What I didn't realize is that the original paper
               | was...let's just say that it wasn't really conclusive. It
               | didn't take long for my students to rip it apart, and I
               | was chastened. I _should_ have gone into it with the
               | attitude that I was going to show them how hard and messy
               | real science is. Instead, I feel like I made them believe
               | that their textbook was wrong!
               | Science is Hard. Even stuff that is considered Nobel-
               | worthy after years of post-hoc examination is rarely
               | definitive when it first gets published. These
               | "reporters" who rush out and breathlessly write a
               | fawning/sensational/scary article about something after
               | they half-read an abstract on arXiv, but question
               | _nothing_ within the article itself, are tremendous
               | hacks.
               | [deleted]
           | abdullahkhalids wrote:
           | > The easiest way to do this is to write it in such a way
           | that makes it hard to read, but not in such a way that makes
           | it obvious it's gibberish.
           | I am not sure where these weird beliefs come from. Scientific
           | papers are difficult to understand because it's incredibly
           | difficult to explain things that have never been explained
           | before [1]. I encourage anyone who has the above view to
           | spend two years solving a difficult scientific problem, and
           | then do a comprehensive summary in 10ish pages.
           | A more direct criticism of the above comment is that
           | publication pressure is a very post-world war 2 thing. But
           | you can pull random papers from earlier and find many of them
           | extremely difficult to understand. Here is the 2nd most cited
           | paper by Pauli from 1939 [2]. Try understanding what it truly
           | says. This is one of the smartest humans to ever exist.
           | [1] To your knowledge at least. People who write bad papers,
           | or do stuff similar to what has been done before often do it
           | because they don't understand the work of others fully.
           | [2] https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rspa.1
           | 939...
         | robonerd wrote:
         | > _Finding someone qualified to go to for comment is not
         | straightforward._
         | Not straightforward for the university press department? What
         | could be more straightforward? Tell the university press
         | writers to go talk to the university researchers they're
         | writing about. If the researchers refuse to cooperate, then
         | don't write the press release!
           | physicsguy wrote:
           | No, as in - even if you don't want to take the scientist's
           | word for it, finding someone who is able to make an informed
           | comment about whether the work is actually any good or not is
           | really hard.
             | wrycoder wrote:
             | Heh - ask another faculty member.
         | jelliclesfarm wrote:
         | I agree..especially with your first sentence. I still read
         | encyclopedias and DK publications meant to explain science for
         | kids. I learnt a lot of science concepts from encyclopedias as
         | a child.
         | I find that today children's education of scientific concepts
         | is cartoonised and made into 'fun'. These kids grow up to write
         | about science as entertainment.
         | Any form of education should be challenging. Not fun. I am very
         | taken aback and strongly disapprove of the American tendency to
         | inject 'fun' into everything.
         | Example: learning Math should bring joy..not fun. If learning
         | science and math is about 'fun', when the next fun thing comes
         | along..learning would be abandoned.
         | I also believe that learning should keep one hungry and wanting
         | more. In that.. it has to be a goal that is always a tad
         | difficult to reach. America fails badly here. I can't speak for
         | other countries.
         | India and Europe where I have spent time do a better job in
         | this regard, but my opinion about these places are dated.
           | pvaldes wrote:
           | You have a point. Replacing the stupid message "science is
           | fun, (thus scientists are here to entertain us)" by "science
           | is important (so scientists are here to solve our problems)"
           | would be a drastic improvement.
           | If we don't have better science news is direct consequence of
           | the disrespect or even deliberate mocking shown for science
           | in the last decades by prominent politicians.
           | Deliberate dehumanization or mocking of scientists by
           | journalists is also a really old problem; A piece of news
           | titled: "'politicians' say that X is true" would be redone
           | immediately and replaced with the name of the politicians
           | saying that. For science, not having the right of linking
           | your name to your hard work until the four paragraph is the
           | norm.
           | And this if you have luck, I know the case of a scientist
           | that was asked to be interviewed for a newspaper about their
           | career. She thanked him for their patience, time and free
           | advice, calling him egghead in the newspaper.
           | Another problem is the infamous formatting all scientific
           | news to pulp format with variants of "scientists are
           | perplexed!" at the end (just to tickle your audience with the
           | implicit message that "they are not smarter than us"). When
           | people is bombed constantly with "science can't explain it",
           | "researchers are puzzled", etc, the trust in science is
           | seriously damaged. And then we have people acting
           | irrationally in the middle of a pandemic, just to make a
           | point.
       | swayvil wrote:
       | Haphazard methodology. Profit driven. I think that covers it.
       | If we want to deliver the scientific gospel to the laymen we need
       | some kind of rigorous technical writing thing.
       | Unless entertainment is literally our method and profit is
       | literally our aim. Is it?
       | [deleted]
       | noduerme wrote:
       | It's like this. (Not that it needs to be stated. We all know
       | this.) The Delta Airline pilot union today put out a terse, two
       | paragraph letter to the public, blaming the airline for their
       | forced overtime and subsequent flight delays. There were
       | _hundreds_ of news articles about this, all of which strung out
       | the lead into several paragraphs and doled out a few sentences of
       | this bland letter. Most of them did not link to the actual
       | letter. By reading the articles you would notice a few things:
       | 1. They were all written by barely sentient hominids, or possibly
       | AIs who were tasked at 4am with turning a very short letter into
       | a clickbait story
       | 2. None of these hominids had actually read the letter in a
       | linear way
       | 3. None of them had the slightest reason to think you would read
       | all the way to the end of the article they were writing.
       | Take this form of 'journalism' and apply it to anything about
       | black holes, quantum physics, strawberry ultra harvest moons,
       | yesterday's Wordle, inflation, riots, covid, etc. and you
       | basically have the recipe for (a) a severely bewildered
       | population and (b) an extremely frustrated small group of people
       | trying to hack through all this bullshit to obtain some idea of
       | what, if anything, is actually going on.
       | Oh. That reminds me. This was good:
       | https://leightonwoodhouse.substack.com/p/the-generation-that...
         | yetanother12345 wrote:
         | Thanks for submitting that link. It was a very interesting
         | perspective although I doubt that the author (or Bourdieu, or
         | both) really understands the nature of the Art MarketS (with a
         | capital S to emphasize that it is not just one market but
         | several, with similarities and differences).
         | Eg, in the text it is presented as if the actual producer
         | (artist) is somehow involved in the value adding while in most
         | Art markets I know of the production is really removed from the
         | actual value chain and the market is largely a market that adds
         | value starting on the second sale, ie. after the producer has
         | lost touch with the value chain. Also, Art as such was really
         | tangential to the subject matter of Media and Journalism.
         | So, that part of the article could have been left out, as it
         | brings no extra clarity - especially as the main point was not
         | really about market value for the product (neither Journalism
         | nor Art) but instead market value for the producer (either
         | "Artist" or "Liberal Arts Graduate" on a totally different
         | market: The Job Market.
         | Still, it was an interesting read, and it did add another piece
         | to the puzzle of "understanding some of the reasons we as a
         | civilization are steadily losing our grip on reality" (here, I
         | assume that "we" and "civilization" is lacking the unstated
         | specifier "USA/American")
         | [deleted]
       | drewcoo wrote:
       | Science news sucks because their audience is a science-illiterate
       | public that doesn't really want to learn but feels it knows
       | enough to make important decisions. To be eye-catching (ad-
       | attractive) enough for widespread broadcast it needs to have
       | human interest angles and show "both sides" (as if there are 2)
       | and not alienate that ad-clicking audience.
       | No matter how good the advice to reporters is, no matter how
       | closely they follow that advice, science news will still suck.
         | [deleted]
       | booleandilemma wrote:
       | I think part of the reason is because there's a disconnect
       | between science and the rest of society. Science doesn't work in
       | 2 week sprints or fiscal quarters or election cycles. It's not
       | something that can be scheduled or forecasted. It's slow and
       | error-prone and there may just not be anything newsworthy for
       | several years at a time.
       | cortic wrote:
       | like to add;
       | 11. Don't conflate correlation with causation.
       | spinaltap wrote:
       | Well lady, too bad, you have a conflict of interest with the news
       | writers. What you care about is the news, what they care about is
       | how much traffic they get.
       | hatware wrote:
       | I don't know where folks decided that if science is involved,
       | corruption isn't possible.
       | Science is the new religion.
       | 6510 wrote:
       | Odd that no one mentioned SEO?
       | Linking to anything in your article is bad, if people click on it
       | they are not clicking on advertisements.
       | If its a page not often linked to by high profile websites _you_
       | are endorsing it.
       | The target page (journal publication) might not be available to
       | the crawler. It could be poorly formatted from a search engines
       | perspective.
       | But if it isn't paywalled the article about the publication is
       | pretty much a less specific duplicate of the page you've linked
       | to. Which one to rank higher? The duplicate or the original?
       | Extra points if you copy the illustrations too.
       | Ah, you've been using the big words now have you? These big
       | unusual words must be important to the context of the article.
       | The average casual reader most likely prefers English.
       | You put a date at the top of your article? That means it is
       | important today but less important on every day that follows.
       | I'm sure I'm missing 20 other relevant "optimizations".
       | edit: Try imagine what happens with the news website if it is
       | dropped from the index because it doesn't follow the SEO
       | guidelines. Is there any hope?
       | kurupt213 wrote:
       | the real question is why aren't they just publishing the abstract
       | with a doi link
       | Helithumper wrote:
       | Is is just me, or is this article missing links that it should
       | have?
       | > Exactly 5 million on exactly that day? Probably not. But if not
       | exactly, then just how large is the uncertainty? Here's an
       | example for how to do it right, from the economist, with a
       | central estimate and an upper and lower estimate.
       | Where is the economist example? It's not linked or quoted or
       | anything.
       | > Here's an example for how not to do it from the Guardian. This
       | work is published in the journal Physical Review Letters. This
       | isn't helpful. Here's the same paper covered by the BBC. This one
       | has a link. That's how you do it.
       | The BBC Example isn't even linked (which I find hilarious bc the
       | sentence is describing the BBC not linking the paper). I don't
       | know what BBC example the author is discussing.
       | > An example is this story from 2019 about a paper which proposed
       | to use certain types of rocks as natural particle detectors to
       | search for dark matter.
       | What story? It's not linked....
       | Reading back to the top this appears to be a transcript, however
       | it doesn't make much sense that only some of these parts are
       | linked and as a result the transcript (for whatever reason)
       | randomly includes links.
       | cycomanic wrote:
       | The irony here is that Sabine Hossenfelder falls into exactly the
       | same patterns as the science media that she is criticizing. A
       | punchy headline, with significant oversimplifications. For
       | example, she makes it sound like science news is always aimed at
       | scientists, and that they do not explain the science (I have
       | several excellent counter examples). That doesn't mean there is
       | not some very good points in there (e.g. put your dates at the
       | top, cite your sources...)
       | As a side note, I hate how her channel has become something which
       | exemplifies much of what I dislike about the now typical youtube
       | channels: Top ten lists, grossly overstated titles, "give me your
       | opinion in the comments", the awful generic CGI backgrounds ...
       | The other irony is that likely she does it for exactly the same
       | reasons as why science media is often bad: economics.
         | [deleted]
         | wrycoder wrote:
         | She also mugs for the thumbnail, like so many others. This
         | seems unique to YouTube.
         | jahnu wrote:
         | I feel differently about her work. I think she is doing the
         | less popular and therefore less lucrative work of summarising
         | what is just not correct out there. She spends time deflating
         | amazing claims. The medium of YouTube is not conducive to
         | lengthy expositions and is definitely not academic grade but it
         | shouldn't be! She is making pithy responses to headline
         | grabbing sensational mainstream hype reporting. There is an
         | audience for that and she caters to it. You don't like her
         | aesthetic, fine. That's a valid opinion but it doesn't
         | invalidate her work or make her the equivalent of what she is
         | criticising. Headlines are to grab attention and sorry but
         | that's a fact for YouTube, trade books and even peer reviewed
         | papers. The content is what ultimately should be judged and her
         | content is high quality for what it aims to be. Want academic
         | level peer reviewed literature? Go read a paper, text book or
         | take a course.
         | We need more Sabines not fewer.
           | zarzavat wrote:
           | The issue for me with her videos is that she mixes two very
           | different kinds of criticism.
           | The first is criticism of things that are clearly wrong, such
           | as the aforementioned science journalism. This is a good
           | public service, I agree.
           | The second is criticism of other physicists' ideas. i.e. her
           | personal opinions and professional disagreements with other
           | physicists.
           | She doesn't delineate the two clearly enough to her audience,
           | so some of her viewers may come away thinking that views that
           | are held by physicists who are her peers, are in the same
           | bucket as junk pop science articles. Just read the comments
           | on her videos, they are full of "physics is a scam" type
           | people who feel vindicated.
             | jahnu wrote:
             | I really don't think it's her problem to fix that the
             | crazies latch on to it. I have no problem getting when she
             | is offering a view or criticising consensus. And to be
             | honest it seems you don't either.
             | cycomanic wrote:
             | On top of that, in her more recent videos I get a weird
             | feeling of her leaving some things purposefully ambiguous
             | for that audience.
             | For example in the video to this article she was using a
             | lot of climate science examples, which will be interpreted
             | in a certain way by the "science is a scam" crowd. I'm not
             | sure she is doing this on purpose (I have the impression
             | she strongly believes in climate change), accidentally or
             | if I'm just oversensitive to some things.
               | tene wrote:
               | I think it's normal and expected that people who are
               | skeptical are looking for people who will take their
               | questions and concerns seriously.
               | I am very personally convinced of anthropogenic climate
               | change and that it's a serious risk for humanity. I still
               | believe that it's important to take people's questions
               | seriously, and to respect that people who aren't
               | convinced have been making their best attempt at
               | understanding the world. For these people, biased stories
               | that don't put numbers in context are seen as deceptive,
               | and I think that perception is legitimate. The only way
               | to actually meaningfully reach them is to credibly
               | demonstrate that you're actually checking the evidence
               | that disagrees with your conclusion.
               | jahnu wrote:
               | She absolutely 100% accepts human caused climate change
               | is happening and is a big problem
           | yakubin wrote:
           | _> The medium of YouTube is not conducive to lengthy
           | expositions_
           | I've actually found a couple channels on YT specialising in
           | lengthy reviews/essays, which I find very good. Off the top
           | of my head:
           | 1. Whitelight[1] - game reviews/critiques/analyses.
           | Particularly worthy of note are the Assassin's Creed Unity[2]
           | (1.5h), Batman Arkham City[3] (3h 10min) and Watch Dogs[4]
           | (1h 15min) reviews.
           | 2. MauLer[5] - critiques of mostly Star Wars, but sometimes
           | also other mainstream films. The ongoing series of TFA
           | critiques has 4 parts so far (there is going to be at least 6
           | total), each part taking anywhere between 2 and 4 hours.
           | I also feel that I'm forgetting some, which I don't watch
           | regularly, but periodically am reminded about their existence
           | and then after a long break spend several days watching, to
           | then forget about them again.
           | But the channels I listed aren't fringe. Quite the contrary,
           | they're quite popular. I think it's also interesting that one
           | of, if not the most popular Vsauce video is the one about the
           | Banach-Tarski paradox[6], which is almost 30 minutes long.
           | His other videos also show this trend, where the long-form
           | ones seem to get more views in general.
           | And those are just essays/reviews/etc. There is a whole genre
           | of podcasts on youtube dedicated to 3-4h in-depth interviews.
           | Everybody knows a whole bunch of them, therefore I don't even
           | need to list any examples here to support that.
           | So it seems that YouTube is a pretty good place for long-form
           | in-depth exploration of whatever topic (as long as you don't
           | say "fuck", "murder" or show a human body).
           | [1]: <https://www.youtube.com/c/Whitelight>
           | [2]: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5dOporS8IY>
           | [3]: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3U1TL5yBm4>
           | [4]: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk2G6zc5pKo>
           | [5]: <https://www.youtube.com/c/MauLerYoutube>
           | [6]: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s86-Z-CbaHA>
             | jahnu wrote:
             | Good point well made.
           | cycomanic wrote:
           | I sort of agree and disagree with you. I think generally you
           | are correct we do need more Sabines not fewer.
           | However, I disagree that what she does is the "less popular
           | and therefore less lucrative work of summarising what is just
           | not correct out there". The sort of takedowns she does are
           | quite popular and very easy to do. However, my criticism is
           | that quite a few of them are superficial and fall essentially
           | into the same traps that she criticises, i.e. the actual
           | topic is much too complex to either present or take down
           | without a more comprehensive in-depth discussion (which would
           | be much less popular).
           | Now this is still somewhat ok if she's the expert on the
           | topic she is talking about as she has the expertise to know
           | how good/bad the simplifications she makes are. However,
           | recently she has started weighing in on topics where she not
           | an expert at all: diesel fuel, antibiotic resistance, light
           | pollution to name just 3 from the front page of her youtube
           | channel. In this case things become quite problematic,
           | because she is simplifying things that she might not have a
           | full grasp of herself but still talks about like an expert.
             | jahnu wrote:
             | I hear you and respect your point of view. I just have
             | different tolerances it seems.
         | diognesofsinope wrote:
         | > The other irony is that likely she does it for exactly the
         | same reasons as why science media is often bad: economics.
         | Can we all stop blaming 'economics'. Economics says people are
         | largely self-interested, selfish and maximize their own utility
         | (happiness-whatever).
         | It's not 'economics', it's people. Labor unions are also
         | maximizing their revenue.
           | einpoklum wrote:
           | > Economics says
           | You mean, "many Economists with a simplistic, reductionist
           | view of human societies' behavior say".
           | feet wrote:
           | You're assuming that the entire field of economics isn't
           | bullshit
           | tomrod wrote:
           | Yes, the processes of incentives driving outcomes is
           | economics.
         | [deleted]
         | kortex wrote:
         | > Top ten lists
         | I couldn't find any "listicle" style top N list, the closest
         | was "top players in quantum computing"
         | > awful generic CGI backgrounds
         | That's pretty par for the course for this tier of channel.
         | Arguably the "quirky room with nerd tchatckies backdrop" is
         | more authentic, but both are just filler behind a talking head.
         | > give me your opinion in the comments
         | Necessary evil to drive engagement to appease The Algo.
         | Imho her work is a step above the lion's share of science
         | reporting, but I can see how she might be polarizing.
           | cycomanic wrote:
           | >> Top ten lists
           | > I couldn't find any "listicle" style top N list, the
           | closest was "top players in quantum computing"
           | The whole premise of the video of this article is "I give you
           | the ten reasons why I think science suck". Sure it's not in
           | the title (which is even more polarizing), but it's still a
           | top ten list.
           | >> awful generic CGI backgrounds
           | > That's pretty par for the course for this tier of channel.
           | Arguably the "quirky room with nerd tchatckies backdrop" is
           | more authentic, but both are just filler behind a talking
           | head.
           | She could just be sitting at her desk though, but I agree
           | this is more aesthetics and it would have not grated me if it
           | wasn't for the other things
           | >> give me your opinion in the comments
           | > Necessary evil to drive engagement to appease The Algo.
           | That's exactly my point. I don't necessarily blame her, but
           | am more lamenting the fact that all videos seem to have to
           | become like this, if a creator wants to make a living on
           | youtube.
           | > Imho her work is a step above the lion's share of science
           | reporting, but I can see how she might be polarizing.
           | I'm not sure, her work is definitely not on par with quanta
           | magazine for example.
         | rob_c wrote:
         | Thank you for saying it
       | random_upvoter wrote:
       | All news sucks that much, it just so happens that you know enough
       | of the subject to recognize the suckage.
         | [deleted]
         | pixodaros wrote:
         | Journalists can be pretty good at reporting local events and
         | uncovering the relationships between local people ("this
         | property developer's husband made a big loan to that town
         | councilor before the councilor suddenly changed his vote to
         | approve a development"). Where they almost always fail is
         | analysis and domain knowledge. Gell-Mann amnesia describes the
         | failures of technical reporting.
       | ThomPete wrote:
       | Because there isn't enough proper progress within the field of
       | science so the media have to create news in order to have
       | something to write about.
       | musk8tor wrote:
       | Because the fix is already in, it's not science, it's fundraising
       | to do what you're told to do.
       | voxadam wrote:
       | This reminds me of a How Science Journalism Works by
       | CurryFriedSquid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLSMRp1ARUc
       | ReptileMan wrote:
       | Well all news sucks lately. We are not paying for news but for
       | infotainment.
       | Noughmad wrote:
       | Simple answer: because you know enough about science to recognize
       | how bad the news articles are.
       | If you knew a lot about ice cream, you would be asking why ice
       | cream news suck. All news suck.
       | rob_c wrote:
       | The article is simply glossing over the fact that a lot of
       | "science news" is lies to make it sound like someone just
       | invented the warp drive to sell stories. It's because the
       | education system around us is so bad that if they mentioned half
       | of these things (or heaven forbid basic stats) on the news people
       | would either switch off or decry you as a modern day witch...
       | posterboy wrote:
       | In short, I guess, reporting scales with the complexity of the
       | field, contrast war reports, and "science" is a very big field at
       | that, and by the way it's self referential when reports report
       | and analyse reports.
       | PS: Indeed, pretty much every point made can be found in
       | Aaronson's how to tease out bullshit papers. So the problem is
       | highly fractal (in 8 dimensions if going by the keypoints as
       | definition space)
       | xiphias2 wrote:
       | I subscribed to Nature magazine, and I don't see that it ,,sucks
       | so much''. The answer is simple: you get what you pay for.
       | Also there are lots of high quality youtube channels for any
       | specific area of science...some of my favourites:
       | - Everyday Astronout (his interviews with Elon were awesome)
       | - CrisprTalk (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8TW2xKYRqbLvfGaT7
       | 83WQA/videos)... a retired guy with lots of lab experience going
       | through clinical trial results, investing in CRISPR stocks and
       | bashing ARK invest's stock picks            - Modern Healthspan
       | interview with Gregory Fahy (the channel has lots of other
       | interesting videos, but I'm less interested in supplements and
       | more about future research reversing aging).           https://ww
       | w.youtube.com/watch?v=4x_OTIP7kjo&list=PLkfzM7KJv6vY68Fvw1g7l9vN9
       | NqhW7Fay
         | davrosthedalek wrote:
         | Nature and Science took a big hit in my personal rating because
         | they allow/encourage the publication of reviewer names for
         | accepted papers. I think this will corrupt the review process
         | in the long run. In addition with their clear money making
         | agenda and limited preprint compatibility (this might have
         | changed), I strongly prefer Physics Review Letters.
           | cycomanic wrote:
           | Why I am highly critical of Nature (and to somewhat lesser
           | degree of Science) I do believe the review process needs much
           | more transparency. I am not yet convinced that making reviews
           | public will make much difference to the better, however
           | saying it will corrupt the review process is completely
           | missing how broken the process is right now, in particular
           | for these high-impact journals. Some copernicus journals [1]
           | (I have no association, never even published there) seem to
           | follow some interesting ideas.
           | [1] https://publications.copernicus.org/open-
           | access_journals/jou...
             | davrosthedalek wrote:
             | I don't think it's that broken in nuclear physics. sure
             | there are bad reviewers, but it's on the editors to sort
             | that out. But opening the door to "that reviewer reviewed
             | us favorably, so we have to do the same" is not good.
             | Edit: Can only speak of nuclear physics.
       | camillomiller wrote:
       | If you're asking this question, to me you're saying you know how
       | science works, maybe, but you have absolutely no clue how
       | newscycles and the news work. If you'd knew both, you would
       | definitely see the (honestly unsolvable) incompatibility between
       | the pace and approach of science and the need for ephemeral news-
       | able items to make a science publication actually compelling to a
       | larger non-technical audience.
       | A science publication that wouldn't care about news economics and
       | readership -- therefore maybe only a publicly-funded no-profit --
       | could maybe approach science news in a way that would solve the
       | problem illustrated here.
         | projektfu wrote:
         | Like any good nerd kid of the early 90s I read Discover
         | magazine. Looking back I see that it was filled with breathless
         | coverage of the discoveries of a decade ago, rehashes of
         | 101-level science, and a few newsy articles about a current
         | topic. There was always a little bit of red meat for people
         | like dinosaur enthusiasts and space futurists. Many topics
         | would get recycled a year or two later.
         | I guess my point is that science is large enough and has enough
         | history that it doesn't need the 24 hour news cycle to be
         | interesting. In the sense that what you already know is news to
         | most people, you can stay interesting without getting a scoop.
         | I tried following ScienceDaily with an RSS feed a while back
         | and it was just too much. A fire hose of articles and little
         | organization.
         | One thing I wonder is why there isn't a resource like HN
         | outside of this area. I suspect that people aren't doing as
         | much writing to understand themselves in other fields, and at
         | the same time, they are afraid to discuss preliminary results
         | publicly.
           | openknot wrote:
           | >"science is large enough and has enough history that it
           | doesn't need the 24 hour news cycle to be interesting. In the
           | sense that what you already know is news to most people, you
           | can stay interesting without getting a scoop."
           | For additional evidence, consider how History Today articles
           | often reach the front page of HN, about historical findings
           | that haven't necessarily been published recently. There is
           | certainly an interest for well-written timeless articles.
         | noduerme wrote:
         | >> the need for ephemeral news-able items to make a science
         | publication actually compelling to a larger non-technical
         | audience
         | What is this need of which you speak?
         | Let's say some responsible journalistic outlet decided to just
         | store it up, filter it, edit it and publish it in something
         | like Popular Mechanics. Does that mean that Yahoo and Google
         | _have_ to still scrape the bottom of the barrel for new daily
         | garbage from space-fun.biz to fill their  "science news"
         | sections?
           | barry-cotter wrote:
           | Scientific American is already scraping the bottom of the
           | barrel. You can't trust any publication to be written in good
           | faith.
           | > Scientific American has hit rock bottom with this new op-ed
           | that is nothing more than a hit piece on Ed Wilson, basically
           | calling him a racist.
           | > It is written by someone who apparently has no training in
           | evolutionary biology, though she says she "intimately
           | familiarized [herself] with Wilson's work and his dangerous
           | ideas on what factors influence human behavior."
           | https://whyevolutionistrue.com/2021/12/30/scientific-
           | america...
           | https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-shameful-
           | decline...
           | > Scientific American just did a hit job on one of America's
           | leading biologists and conservationists. All that, right
           | after his passing. This marks a shameful low point in a steep
           | decline of the magazine in recent years.
           | > Scientific American is the oldest magazine in the US
           | dealing with science. Continuously in print since 1845, it is
           | known for being full of articles by world-class scientists on
           | different topics. According to its About page, over 200 Nobel
           | Prize winners have contributed to it.
       | Rerarom wrote:
       | Why is science news bad so often?
       (page generated 2022-06-19 23:00 UTC)