[HN Gopher] Bunny fonts - privacy respecting drop-in replacement...
       Bunny fonts - privacy respecting drop-in replacement for Google
       Author : merlinscholz
       Score  : 426 points
       Date   : 2022-06-19 11:24 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fonts.bunny.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fonts.bunny.net)
       | hedora wrote:
       | I wonder if browser manufacturers could do a better job of this
       | by just keeping a list of junk that > 99% of web browsers will
       | eventually download anyway, and then just prefetching it all at
       | initial install.
       | martini333 wrote:
       | Host your own damn fonts. like holy shit
       | unicornporn wrote:
       | A CDN for this? Sorry, but just store the fonts on the same d**n
       | server you're serving the site from. Files are tiny, it's not
       | 1080p video we're talking.
         | aembleton wrote:
         | d**n?
         | Is that damn, or down, or something else? Why astreisk it out?
           | unicornporn wrote:
           | Damn if you want it spelled out.
       | 60Vhipx7b4JL wrote:
       | No info how to host this myself? I thought the top goal was to
       | host the crap yourself so you don't have to load from google.
       | kadutskyi wrote:
       | How many fonts do people use on their websites? 2-3? Just host
       | them on your server. It will add 2-3 more requests when user
       | first loads you websites but after that fonts are cached so no
       | more additional requests.
       | 323 wrote:
       | Don't trust Google, trust us, a 30 person company.
       | This is exactly what a FBI/CIA/GCHQ/FSB front company would say.
       | They love to set up fronts in good-reputation countries, like
       | Switzerland, or Slovenia in this case.
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | > like Switzerland, or Slovenia
         | As a Slovenian, thanks for the laugh.
         | epigramx wrote:
         | Sites like this have many Google employees though.
         | Nextgrid wrote:
         | Google has a proven track record of being malicious and a
         | business model that relies on it.
         | If I had to choose I'd take the unknown evil rather than the
         | 100% known evil, though in this case it's dumb to use either
         | option when you can trivially self-host.
       | mimsee wrote:
       | Or better yet, include the ttf/woff/woff2 files inside your
       | project as an npm package using Fontsource[0].
       | [0]: https://github.com/fontsource/fontsource
         | usrn wrote:
         | Or even better just don't use custom fonts because they break a
         | lot of things anyway.
           | xigoi wrote:
           | I wish there was a way to use KaTeX/MathJax without custom
           | fonts.
           | vehemenz wrote:
           | Can you give some examples? Custom web fonts have been well
           | supported since the late aughts.
             | usrn wrote:
             | They're a big reason pages load slowly and cause text to
             | jump around when they do. Custom web fonts are awful.
               | lelandfe wrote:
               | And while we're at it, custom colors are a big reason for
               | legibility issues. Custom colors are awful.
           | jhanschoo wrote:
           | Font variety help legibility through creating distinctions in
           | context and hierarchy, though.
         | aldebran wrote:
         | Won't that cause the fonts to download again if they were
         | loaded by Google fonts? I thought the reason to use something
         | like Google fonts was to have the fonts download only once.
           | eurasiantiger wrote:
           | That hasn't worked for a while. Browsers will NOT use cached
           | resources loaded for foo.com when loading bar.com, even if
           | they are the same resource from the same CDN.
             | chiefalchemist wrote:
             | Can you provide a link to support / verify this?
               | steve_taylor wrote:
               | https://google.com
               | kenniskrag wrote:
               | https://developer.chrome.com/blog/http-cache-
               | partitioning/
       | blip54321 wrote:
       | If it were me, I'd make third-party font sources require a SHA
       | hash. In pseudocode:
       | url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/comic-sans", sha="abcd1234")
       | This way:
       | - If my browser has comic-sans cached, no request is made
       | - Caching works even if the same resource is sourced from
       | multiple places (e.g. I can host comic-sans locally, but if they
       | got it from a CDN, they don't need to get it again)
       | - If a malicious site replaces a resource, that's flagged
       | I think the trick would be to make this optional (but
       | bandwidth/privacy-saving), and gradually to make this
       | increasingly mandatory for different types of resources. AJAX
       | calls obviously can't have SHA hashes, but JavaScript libraries
       | can.
         | missblit wrote:
         | Couldn't you use a Content-Security-Policy for this?
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Co...
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Co...
         | jfk13 wrote:
         | Sounds like you're basically reinventing SRI:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subresource_Integrity
         | One issue with cross-site caching, though, is that it may
         | enable timing-based attacks on privacy.
           | blip54321 wrote:
           | No, I'm not reinventing it, but extending it by:
           | 1) Mandating it for certain types of resources
           | 2) Extending caching to cover the cross-site case.
           | Can you please explain the proposed timing-based attack?
       | midislack wrote:
       | Do people still seriously download fonts? I turn that crap off.
       | pdimitar wrote:
       | And I am supposed to believe a semi-pretty marketing site that
       | they don't do server statistics gathering that they periodically
       | sell to Google, Facebook and any other data brokers?
       | Yeah, sure.
       | Or maybe just host your own fonts. 350KB traffic per unique
       | visitor per month isn't going to kill your bill unless you serve
       | millions of visitors a day.
       | richdougherty wrote:
       | While we're talking about privacy and CDN delivery, check out
       | Decentraleyes. It's a browser extension which keeps a local cache
       | of common CDN-delivered files.
       | https://decentraleyes.org/
       | I wondered if it supports fonts out of the box, but not
       | currently.
       | https://github.com/Synzvato/decentraleyes/issues/105
       | cramforce wrote:
       | Do not use this, use Google Fonts, just self-host them. This site
       | claims better privacy, but does so using the wrong solution since
       | you still have to trust them.
       | Self host (supported by Google Fonts but not by this service): -
       | Better privacy - Better performance (no extra DNS lookups, TLS
       | connection)
       | Their default embed code is a CSS @import directive. These must
       | never be used in production code (It's fine as a directive for
       | the compiler for local files but not with remote URLs). Leads to
       | FOUC and FOIT.
       | Also, next step in amateur hour: They serve their CSS and fonts
       | on the same domain as their marketing website. Cookies galore.
         | aembleton wrote:
         | > Leads to FOUC and FOIT.
         | What are those acronyms?
           | wkirby wrote:
           | Flash of Unstyled Content and Flash of Invisible Text.
           | * FOUC: when you see content in the wrong font, then it
           | switches to the correct font, sometimes leading to page
           | layout jumps.
           | * FOIT: when you see _no_ text content because the desired
           | font is missing with no fallbacks/the CSS directed not to use
           | fallbacks. Once the font loads, page layout might jump.
             | cramforce wrote:
             | Here the definition is actually broader than FOUC just for
             | the font part. It can cause rendering without any CSS
           | 0des wrote:
           | Flash of Unstyled Content, and Flash of Ice Tea
       | xnacly wrote:
       | This looks really interesting, does anybody have an insight on
       | whether or not all families on gfonts are also on bunny fonts?
         | phphphphp wrote:
         | Google Fonts: "1424 of 1424 families"
         | Bunny Fonts: "1429 families"
         | Presumably Bunny Fonts is, essentially, just a pass through to
         | Google Fonts.
       | abrudz wrote:
       | > With a zero-tracking and no-logging policy
       | Behold exhibit A: https://i.imgur.com/6F7fZVm.png
         | notpushkin wrote:
         | Next project idea: cdnjs.bunny.net.
       | Destiner wrote:
       | I'd suggest stop using 3rd party font hosting altogether and
       | adopt something like Fontsource [1]. That way, no reliance on 3rd
       | parties, full privacy, and full control over font file changes
       | (yeah, apparently, fonts are changed from time to time).
       | [1] https://fontsource.org
       | Raed667 wrote:
       | All these hoops we have to jump though and products to create,
       | juste because the USA decided that no other country matters, and
       | pushed the CLOUD Act
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CLOUD_Act
         | gbear605 wrote:
         | It's also good because Google almost certainly uses data from
         | Fonts for selling ads. I'm much more concerned about that than
         | the theoretical uses by the US Govt, though I'm not a fan of
         | those either.
           | thematrixturtle wrote:
           | https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq#:~:text=/google/font.
           | ...
             | jefftk wrote:
             | _The Google Fonts API is designed to limit the collection,
             | storage, and use of end-user data to only what is needed to
             | serve fonts efficiently.
             | Use of Google Fonts API is unauthenticated. The Google
             | Fonts API does not set or log cookies._
             | In other words, data from font serving does not feed into
             | advertising personalization.
             | (Disclosure: I used to work on ads at Google)
               | johnchristopher wrote:
               | > _Google Fonts logs records of the CSS and the font file
               | requests, and access to this data is kept secure._
               | and https://www.theregister.com/2022/01/31/website_fine_g
               | oogle_f...
               | leads me to believe that Google has PI when people visit
               | sites using google fonts.
               | Even if they don't use it for advertising purposes long
               | term log keeping is not required to serve fonts.
               | It doesn't really matter what the service is doing, they
               | didn't ask for consent to log the IP of people
               | downloading fonts.
               | To be perfectly clear: it wouldn't keep me from sleeping
               | at night and fonts permissions should be bundled with
               | cookie consent or there should be a permission prompt
               | (just like when asking for youtube vid.).
               | jefftk wrote:
               | "by including Google-Fonts-hosted font on its pages,
               | passed the unidentified plaintiff's IP address to Google
               | without authorization and without a legitimate reason for
               | doing so"
               | It isn't about whether the IP address was logged, but
               | about whether it was sent. Which is an unavoidable aspect
               | of loading a resource from a server.
               | johnchristopher wrote:
               | My concern is totally about whether or not the IP is
               | logged though and google's vague language doesn't clear
               | doubts about that. On the contrary:
               | > Google Fonts logs records of the CSS and the font file
               | requests, and access to this data is kept secure.
               | Why does it point this data is kept secure if there is no
               | PI in the first place ?
               | hedora wrote:
               | Secure from whom? The mob? China? The US government?
               | Google?
               | I'm more worried about the last two than the first two.
               | It'd be illegal for them to secure it against US law
               | enforcement, and they don't claim they're secure the data
               | they log against access from themselves.
               | reaperducer wrote:
               | _The Google Fonts API is designed to limit the
               | collection, storage, and use of end-user data to only
               | what is needed to serve fonts efficiently._
               | There's an awful lot of weasel words in there.
               | If it was a simple "The Google Fonts API doesn't collect
               | or store any user data" that would be good. But there's
               | so much hidden language in that one sentence.
               | - "Designed" -- Well, it was designed to do that, but it
               | doesn't. After we're caught, we'll put out a press
               | release saying We Can Do Better(tm).
               | - "Limit" - It limits the collection. It doesn't prevent
               | the collection. It doesn't not collect any data. It just
               | collects "limited" data. And "limited" is defined by us
               | and can be revised whenever we want.
               | - "collection, storage, and use of end-user data" has so
               | many ways to be abused.
               | - "efficiently" -- Efficient for who? Google? Google's
               | advertising department? Google's profiling department?
               | What if there's an inefficient way? What if there's a
               | more efficient way, but it gives Google less data?
               | All this may seem unkind, but Google has earned the
               | planet's distrust. In the early years, Google didn't
               | believe that reputation matters. It does. And that's why
               | the legal departments of billion-dollar companies like
               | the one I work for don't allow us to use Google products.
               | yunohn wrote:
               | There is no such thing as absolute privacy. By virtue of
               | being a web-hosted service, you will need to interact
               | with the end server, and that already has the potential
               | to expose details like IP, referer, user-agent, etc.
               | The wording around designing and limiting collection is
               | acknowledging this inherent problem and letting the user
               | know that they've done their best to prevent malice.
               | It's not weasel wording except for anons who like hating
               | on the internet.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | You can load fonts with absolute privacy from google by
               | not loading fonts from google.
               | eurasiantiger wrote:
               | The service serves very fine-grained CSS based on device
               | detection. I'm sure there is some fingerprinting going
               | on.
               | bscphil wrote:
               | Thank you for saying this. Memory suggested that this was
               | the case; I think one problem that happens on this site
               | is that people distrust Google so much that they will
               | trust some completely unknown organization that they've
               | never heard of before over one (Google) that has
               | presumably made themselves legally liable if they use
               | your data to track you.
               | (I would also note to everyone that you can simply
               | disable sending referrers third party, which means that
               | even if Google is using this data to track you, they
               | won't know what sites you are visiting unless those sites
               | use very specific combinations of fonts.)
               | wewxjfq wrote:
               | Does Chrome send the unique identifier with Google Fonts
               | API requests? If so, they don't need cookies.
               | jefftk wrote:
               | Are you talking about the x-client-data header (which
               | isn't unique, but is relatively high entropy at <=
               | 13-bits)? [1] that is used for evaluating the effect of
               | experiments that Chrome is running on other Google
               | services, which does include ads. But it is not used for
               | personalization (I wish they would say that publicly).
               | For example, when I look at a Google Fonts request in
               | Chrome developer tools I see:                   x-client-
               | data: CKe1yQEIkrbJAQiitskBCMS2yQEIqZ3KAQiVocsBCOeEzAEIhKv
               | MAQjys8wBCL+1zAE=         Decoded:         message
               | ClientVariations {           // Active client experiment
               | variation IDs.           repeated int32 variation_id =
               | [3300007, 3300114, 3300130, 3300164, 3313321, 3330197,
               | 3342951, 3347844, 3348978, 3349183];         }
               | Each of those numbers represents an experimental
               | treatment that is currently active for my Chrome
               | instance. (It looks like more entropy because it's
               | multiple values, but they're all derived from a single
               | 13-bit per-instance seed.)
               | [1] https://www.google.com/chrome/privacy/whitepaper.html
               | #variat...
               | pdkl95 wrote:
               | > is relatively high entropy at <= 13-bits
               | That is only true _if-and-only-if_ we pretend those 13
               | bits are the only identifying information being sent to
               | Google when requesting a font. The HTTP request is almost
               | certainly being sent to Google wrapped inside an IP
               | protocol packet. For most[1] requests, there are _at
               | least_ 24 additional bits (why 24? see: [3]) of very-
               | identifying data in the IPv4 Source Address field. More
               | fingerprinting can be probably done on other protocol
               | fields, and IPv6 obviously adds an additional 96 bits.
               | Yes, IP addresses are not unique, but ~13 bits is easily
               | sufficient to disambiguate most hosts on a private
               | network behind a typical NAT. Correlating the tuple {IPv4
               | Src Addr, x-client-data} received on a font request is
               | trivial: it only requires a user to login to any Google
               | webpage that includes a font request.
               | >> re: your [1]                   A given Chrome
               | installation may be participating in a number         of
               | different variations (for different features) at the
               | same time. These fall into two categories:
               | Low entropy variations, which are randomized based
               | on a number from 0 to 7999 (13 bits) that's randomly
               | generated by each Chrome installation on the first run.
               | High entropy variations, which are randomized using
               | the usage statistics token for Chrome installations
               | that have usage statistics reporting enabled.
               | How many users have 'usage statistics reporting' enabled,
               | and are there for a "High entropy variation"? Is it
               | enabled by default and thus will only be disabled by the
               | minority of people that know how to opt-out?
               | [1] Google reports[2] they currently see about a 60%/40%
               | ratio of IPv4/IPv6.
               | [2] https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html
               | [3] my previous posts on this topic - re: x-client-data
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23562285 re:
               | 24-bits-per-IPv4
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15167059
           | [deleted]
       | brycewray wrote:
       | Interesting and cool, although apparently no variable fonts[0] as
       | yet. While it's best to self-host whenever possible, this appears
       | to be a great alternative to GFs if one isn't willing or able to
       | do that.
       | [0]: https://web.dev/variable-fonts/
       | favourable wrote:
       | This is a great project, but I learned to use a system font
       | stack[0] instead to address latency issues on my sites. I run an
       | e-commerce site and every millisecond in rendering time is
       | potentially a lost sale. It needs to be fast, especially for
       | those on 3G (or 2G?) connections.
       | [0] https://systemfontstack.com/
         | _fat_santa wrote:
         | I have a question about system fonts. Whenever I declare system
         | fonts I always use: `serif`, `sans-serif`, or `monospaced`
         | rather than the actual fonts like:
         | ```
         | font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next,
         | avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, Cantarell, Ubuntu,
         | roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif;
         | ```
         | Am I doing it wrong by declaring it just like `font-family:
         | sans-serif`?
           | ayushnix wrote:
           | No, you're not doing anything wrong. In fact, you're giving
           | users choice to use the fonts that they want, if they
           | customize their fonts in their web browser. However, this
           | choice comes at the cost of potentially ugly default fonts
           | out of the box. Courier New, Times New Roman, Arial, for
           | example. Of course, this is completely subjective.
           | Use `font-family: sans-serif` for your everything on your
           | website except code blocks and inline code elements, which
           | should use `font-family: monospace, monospace`. Yeah, you
           | have to specify `monospace` twice. If you don't, monospace
           | fonts will be unnaturally smaller than sans-serif fonts.
           | Please don't use serif fonts on your website, ever. Most
           | people on the planet don't have a high resolution display and
           | serif fonts look chipped and broken on those displays. Serif
           | fonts make sense if you're using them inside a media query
           | for print.
           | xigoi wrote:
           | No, it's a matter of preference. The default fonts in some
           | browsers are pretty ugly, so if you want at least a chance of
           | getting a better font, you can use a stack like this. But
           | it's fine if you don't.
             | meribold wrote:
             | > The default fonts in some browsers are pretty ugly
             | Is this really the case anymore these days? I think Firefox
             | uses Courier New on Windows as the default monospaced font,
             | but other than that I'm not aware of popular browsers using
             | terrible fonts by default.
             | A nice aspect of using just serif or sans-serif is that
             | users who configured their browser's font options get what
             | they chose.
               | jfk13 wrote:
               | > I think Firefox uses Courier New on Windows as the
               | default monospaced font
               | Actually, it was recently changed to use Consolas:
               | https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1607913
           | chipotle_coyote wrote:
           | The system font stacks are trying to target the fonts that
           | the _operating system_ uses by default (e.g., using San
           | Francisco as the sans serif font on a Mac). If you just use
           | "serif", "sans-serif", and "monospaced", you're targeting the
           | fonts that the _browser_ uses by default, which probably aren
           | 't the same fonts.
           | So, you're "doing it wrong" in the sense that you're not
           | actually doing the same thing, but you're not _wrong_ in some
           | kind of cosmic sense. :)
           | (This does make me wonder for the first time why, when system
           | font stacks started to become popular, browsers didn't just
           | make the system fonts the defaults, though. Sure, it would
           | mean that web pages that only specified "sans-serif" would
           | change appearance between the old and new browser versions,
           | but if they only specified "sans-serif" they were declaring
           | "I don't care what font you give me as long as it's sans
           | serif" anyway.)
             | kevincox wrote:
             | Browsers "fixed" the problem by adding system-ui, ui-sans-
             | serif and ui-serif.
             | I guess displaying an ugly font was important for backwards
             | compatibility so instead of fixing millions of existing
             | wrbsites they created new keywords that you need to opt
             | into.
         | cageface wrote:
         | This is my preferred solution too. It's really not necessary to
         | use custom fonts to achieve a nice design in most cases.
           | AtNightWeCode wrote:
           | Except for Android, very poor default fonts.
             | kube-system wrote:
             | They won't notice if your website looks bad: https://images
             | .techhive.com/images/article/2014/04/customize...
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | The particular stacks advocated by that site aren't
         | particularly good (though they're not all that bad either). It
         | was discussed at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31543054
         | a few weeks ago.
         | I would scrap _at least_ Avenir Next, Avenir, Helvetica Neue,
         | Helvetica, Ubuntu, Roboto, Noto, Arial, Apple Garamond, Times
         | New Roman, Droid Serif, Times, Source Serif Pro, Apple Color
         | Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Monaco, Liberation Mono
         | and Lucida Console, and probably a couple more, for one of
         | three reasons: that the family is superfluous, for an obsolete
         | platform, or inferior.
           | zerocrates wrote:
           | Most actual versions of this kind of thing out in the wild
           | have Roboto; what's your reasoning for wanting to exclude it?
           | "Inferior"?
             | chrismorgan wrote:
             | Superfluous: it's there for Android, but I believe that
             | sans-serif will normally resolve to that anyway.
             | (I'm not _certain_ about that, and can't confirm it as I
             | don't have ready access to Chrome on Android but I got the
             | impression some years ago that Chrome on Android uses the
             | system font, which is Roboto. But even apart from that, the
             | general idea is "stop specifying specific fonts and let the
             | browser do its thing and the user get their chosen fonts,
             | unless what the browser does by default is _too_ bad, like
             | Courier New for monospace".)
               | zinekeller wrote:
               | _looks at Samsung and Chinese manufacturers having their
               | own house fonts_
               | ... and now you know why Roboto is _explicitly_ included
               | - because sans-serif won 't necessarily resolve to Roboto
               | on an Android device.
       | politelemon wrote:
       | On the font pages, they use this as the example sentence:
       | > The quick brown bunny jumps over the lazy dog.
       | While the site is trying to be quirky and cute, replacing 'fox'
       | with 'bunny' doesn't showcase what 'f' and 'x' look like.
         | jobigoud wrote:
         | Shortest I could find in a few minutes:
         | The quick brown fox jumps over the glazed bunny.
           | ntoskrnl wrote:
           | If a fox encountered a glazed bunny in the wild, it probably
           | wouldn't jump over it...
             | gandalfgreybeer wrote:
             | By this logic, why would it also jump over a lazy dog?
               | bee_rider wrote:
               | Perhaps the dog had cornered the fox, but in an a
               | location that the dog couldn't reach. So it decided to
               | wait the fox out, but then fell asleep because it is
               | lazy.
         | zarzavat wrote:
         | Wrote a quick Python script to explore alternatives. The best I
         | found with two words was:
         | - The quick brown bunny jumps over the lazy podgy fox.
         | If you want to do it with one word you can do:
         | - The quick brown bunny jumps over the oversexualized
         | dragonfly.
           | tigerlily wrote:
           | A touch of DRY and you get:
           | - The quick brown bunny jumps the oversexualized dragonfly.
             | dspillett wrote:
             | Or "The quick brown bunny jumps over the sexualized
             | dragonfly", which scans a little better for me.
           | jaclaz wrote:
           | I propose:
           | The quick brown bunny jumps over the lazy dog, here, fixed.
         | httpsterio wrote:
         | you can replace the text with whatever you wish though so it's
         | not an issue
           | RobLach wrote:
           | It's an issue because you have to replace the text.
       | sdze wrote:
       | Why wouldn't I just self-host the fonts on my server? What are
       | the benefits of such CDN? Years ago I could understand it because
       | it may reduce latency (cache), but since browsers don't cache
       | from 3rd party servers anymore, also this is argument is obsolet.
         | nyanpasu64 wrote:
         | I just went through the process of self-hosting Google Fonts.
         | The process is actually surprisingly tricky.
         | Google Fonts lets you download fonts for desktop use, in the
         | form of .ttf or .otf rather than the .woff[2] with one file per
         | Latin/Greek/Vietnamese/etc. script served by Google Fonts
         | itself. If you want the same font-embedding CSS as Google Fonts
         | itself, you can use https://google-webfonts-
         | helper.herokuapp.com/fonts (a font browser, outdated, doesn't
         | support font-display: swap), or
         | https://nextgenthemes.com/google-webfont-downloader/ (a
         | converter from Google Fonts CSS URLs to downloadable font
         | packs, supports font-display: swap, it works well but I chose
         | to not host the large CSS files with embedded fonts in base64
         | format).
         | As a technical curiosity, the second site _can_ suffer a race
         | condition resulting in partial or broken file downloads (I
         | never tested what happens), if two people request the same font
         | bundle at the same time, and they overwrite each other:
         | https://github.com/nextgenthemes/open-webfonts#bug-reports-a...
         | I wish browsers would give users an option to set the default
         | font-display policy to swap.
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | I would guess they have a server nearer your client than you
         | do.
           | marginalia_nu wrote:
           | Fonts would be served over the same HTTP/2 line as your main
           | content though.
           | That's pretty much always faster than a new TLS handshake,
           | regardless of roundtrip.
             | Gordonjcp wrote:
             | Exactly this. The last mile is always going to be the
             | slowest. Where you serve stuff from makes (almost) no
             | difference).
         | lbotos wrote:
         | Browsers don't use cross-site cache anymore (so if 2 sites are
         | both using google fonts you don't get the speedup) but I
         | _think_ browsers still cache content from request to request
         | for a domain.
         | Additionally, a CDN will let that content be closer to your
         | customer, so even if it wasn't cached with the magic of CDNs it
         | should be faster than one origin server.
           | jefftk wrote:
           | _> Browsers don 't use cross-site cache anymore_
           | Correct. The last major browser stopped in early 2021.
           |  _> I think browsers still cache content from request to
           | request for a domain._
           | Definitely! A cache still provides substantial speedup.
           | Modern browsers fragment the cache on a per-site basis:
           | www.example.com and www.example.org don't share, but
           | www.example.com and forums.example.com do share.
         | blondin wrote:
         | people finding excuses against your suggestion are choosing to
         | ignore history.
         | PDF won the text presentation format war because among other
         | things, PDF embedded the user's font.
         | for consistency, and if you care about not using google's CDN,
         | just self-host your fonts.
         | Twixes wrote:
         | True that there's no 3rd party caching benefit anymore, but
         | it's still just very convenient - select fonts a'la carte, copy
         | the CSS/HTML snippet, paste it in, and that's it. All for free,
         | no licensing considerations with Google Fonts.
       | markx2 wrote:
       | Firefox > Settings > General > Fonts > Advanced
       | Uncheck "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your
       | selections above"
       | No remote fonts anywhere.
         | weird-eye-issue wrote:
         | Breaks lots of icons and such right? I disabled fonts for like
         | a day with Ublock Origin but it was too inconvenient
           | midislack wrote:
           | Just close the offending site and never, ever return. Works
           | wonderfully!
           | markx2 wrote:
           | I have not noticed any breakage though it may well happen.
           | But pages are fast to load, I get a consistent chosen font
           | across all sites and my privacy (at least for font loading)
           | is respected.
             | reaperducer wrote:
             | A few elections ago, the New York Times used a font of
             | state glyphs to display icons in its real-time election
             | results.+
             | If you didn't have that font, you couldn't figure out the
             | election results without clicking through to each state's
             | page to see the results.
             | + It's quite nice. If memory serves me correctly, the Times
             | even open-sourced it.
           | xigoi wrote:
           | If you block via uBlock Origin, you can make exceptions for
           | sites that get broken too much.
             | weird-eye-issue wrote:
             | Yeah but it just kept happening so much with regular
             | browsing I decided it was simply not worth it
             | moffkalast wrote:
             | You underestimate the average person's laziness.
       | zagrebian wrote:
       | Shouldn't the website disclose who funds this service? Like,
       | what's the catch?
         | mishafb wrote:
         | It is a real cdn with paying customers, trying to advertise its
         | product, there is no catch
       | omoikane wrote:
       | After changing the sample text on fonts.bunny.net to something
       | that is non-English, all missing characters are all rendered with
       | the same font. Chrome inspector will show the actual font being
       | used under "Rendered fonts", and it appears to be whatever the
       | locally configured fallback is.
       | This is in contrast with the behavior on fonts.google.com where
       | missing characters are rendered with an inline image to
       | explicitly show the missing glyph.
       | I prefer the fonts.google.com behavior here, which makes it
       | easier to find fonts that have all the glyphs I need.
       | AtNightWeCode wrote:
       | This has a joint problem with GF though. There is no option to
       | download the resulting font.
       | usrlocal1023 wrote:
       | The service doesn't seem to support IPv6 as there are no AAAA DNS
       | records.                 $ dog A AAAA fonts.bunny.net       CNAME
       | fonts.bunny.net.      10s   "bunnyfonts.b-cdn.net."         A
       | bunnyfonts.b-cdn.net. 10s       CNAME
       | fonts.bunny.net.       9s   "bunnyfonts.b-cdn.net."         A
       | bunnyfonts.b-cdn.net.  9s +
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | I'm still not entirely sure why anyone would load fonts from a
         | 3rd party link that's bound to break sometime. Just add it to
         | your assets like a normal person and Cloudflare will cache it
         | for you anyway.
         | The license is non-standard too, something called SIL. I'm not
         | gonna bother looking up what that weird thing permits when I
         | can get thousands of CC0 fonts from like a dozen sites.
           | matthews2 wrote:
           | > The license is non-standard too, something called SIL. I'm
           | not gonna bother looking up what that weird thing permits
           | It's the same as Google Fonts (because they're the same
           | fonts). Most of the fonts are released under the terms of the
           | SIL Open Font License 1.1, and a handful of them released
           | under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.
           | Most free fonts are OFL'd.
       | DantesKite wrote:
       | Google uses fonts to track users? I didn't know that. Man, that's
       | crazy.
         | mda wrote:
         | It doesn't.
       | huhtenberg wrote:
       | How is this service financed exactly?
       | One would expect this to be at the top of their FAQ.
         | jorams wrote:
         | Bunny.net is a CDN company with paying customers. This is a
         | free service provided by that company.
         | sascha_sl wrote:
         | Presumably marketing budget.
         | Bunny is an extremely affordable CDN. The business they'd get
         | from medium to large sites that already trust them enough to
         | serve fonts over them should easily make up for it.
         | [deleted]
       | hannob wrote:
       | I find it really strange where some privacy debates have gone
       | wrong, and this is a perfect example. It's basically a form of
       | "don't trust them, better trust us, also we're in a country with
       | better privacy laws". Which is an imperfect solution at best, and
       | given that I have no idea who bunny.net is it's a questionable
       | one at best.
       | If you embed a font hosted somewhere else you expose some of your
       | user data to them. Now with fonts there's a really simple
       | solution: Just don't. As an added bonus, hosting fonts on your
       | own server is faster as it goes through the same HTTP connection.
       | There are situations where you can't completely avoid privacy
       | issues, and then you can try to do better than others. But if you
       | can completely get rid of a privacy issue then obviously that's
       | what you should do.
         | _fat_santa wrote:
         | > If you embed a font hosted somewhere else you expose some of
         | your user data to them. Now with fonts there's a really simple
         | solution: Just don't. As an added bonus, hosting fonts on your
         | own server is faster as it goes through the same HTTP
         | connection.
         | I never quite understood the debate around fonts. You could use
         | the CSS/Link import that Google provides, but that's never the
         | optimal solution. Like you I always download the fonts and use
         | them directly via @font-face.
         | The only advantage I see to using Google Fonts / some privacy
         | respecting font service like this one, is when you are first
         | prototyping an app and want to either test fonts, or want to
         | move quickly and not worry about setting up fonts properly. We
         | also used in a places like Storybook where having correctly set
         | fonts is not as important.
         | But even if you did use it in prototyping, it's best practice
         | to pull down those fonts and store them locally before going to
         | production (at least in my mind).
         | Am I missing something?
           | ncmncm wrote:
           | On Firefox desktop, I force literally all fonts -- serif,
           | sans, what-have-you -- to Linux Libertine. Dingbats can look
           | odd, but you get used to that.
           | For reasons I am sure I will never fathom, browsers on mobile
           | provide all the same settings options, and religiously ignore
           | them.
           | heretogetout wrote:
           | If the font is already in your browser cache (which it might
           | be if they're hosting it on a common CDN) web pages should
           | load with the correct font right away instead of either
           | loading blank areas or a default fallback font before
           | switching to the correct font, causing jank.
           | The best solution here is to use standard fonts that are
           | available in all browsers, of course.
             | modeless wrote:
             | Sorry, not since cache partitioning.
             | https://developer.chrome.com/blog/http-cache-partitioning/
             | Privacy killed the shared cache.
               | SquareWheel wrote:
               | And it's such a niche privacy issue too. I would gladly
               | take a shared cache over cache isolation. Especially for
               | something used on as many sites as Google Fonts is.
         | yetanother12345 wrote:
         | > have no idea who bunny.net is
         | $ whois bunny.net (...) Registrant Name: Registration Private
         | Registrant Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC Registrant
         | Street: DomainsByProxy.com Registrant Street: 2155 E Warner Rd
         | Registrant City: Tempe Registrant State/Province: Arizona
         | Registrant Postal Code: 85284 Registrant Country: US (...)
         | > we're in a country with better privacy laws"
         | ...it appears that the domain registrant is not, so you will
         | just have to trust that the company is not in the US or not
         | owned by a US entity (mostly relevant for the rest of the
         | world, probably).
         | > with fonts there's a really simple solution: Just don't
         | This was worth repeating :)
           | helldritch wrote:
           | This is run by BunnyCDN, I've been one of their smaller users
           | for a few years now (live video hosting and delivery, mostly
           | .m3u8, mpegts, HTTP Live Streaming type of stuff) and I've
           | always found their service reliable and cheap. One of the
           | primary reasons I liked them was that their API is REALLY
           | fast at making changes to the files (you make the call and
           | 100ms later the file attributes / content have been updated
           | throughout all their delivery locations) and the interface is
           | pretty easy to use.
           | This isn't an advertisement, I had a very specific use-case,
           | but it follows into this:
           | Of course, just like with Google, we are the product here.
           | Google Fonts is an analytics data collection platform, Bunny
           | Fonts is an advertisement for their CDN services.
           | I'm going to stick with a /fonts/ directory, I think, despite
           | being one of their current users. It's really not very much
           | bandwidth for the fonts, it's not 2010 anymore, and I prefer
           | the control (and the local development environment being the
           | same, I don't always have internet and I don't want a dev
           | toggle for something as silly as fonts).
         | tyingq wrote:
         | It seems okay to me for the case of google. Since Google-owned
         | sites, Adsense, Gmail, and Google Analytics are so ubiquitous,
         | things like a font download are trivially easy for Google to
         | correlate to your other activity. There's much less value for
         | BunnyCDN to abuse it, because they don't have the critical mass
         | of your other activity.
         | Yes, just serving up your own fonts is better, but this is an
         | improvement that seems to work with only a minor change.
           | rrdharan wrote:
           | I see this completely the opposite. There's much more risk to
           | Google to be lying about the privacy agreement applicable to
           | Google Fonts (https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq#what_do
           | es_using_the_...) than there is to some unknown company that
           | won't be a target for regulators and won't make any news for
           | casually violating your privacy through shoddy engineering
           | work or incompetence let alone maliciousness.
             | tyingq wrote:
             | I read that pretty carefully, and didn't see anything about
             | not saving and correlating the visit with other logs they
             | have.
             | ncmncm wrote:
             | I perceive exactly zero risk to Google in lying about
             | literally anything at all. Have you ever heard about them
             | being even slightly inconvenienced in response to any
             | abuse?
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | For both bunny.net and Google Fonts, using a CDN is useless
           | with the advent of timing attacks related to the browser
           | cache https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24894135. Storing
           | fonts on the same domain avoids a DNS lookup and extra TCP
           | connection.
         | rmbyrro wrote:
         | Can someone point out a good reason for not downloading the
         | font files and serving them directly from your CDN or servers,
         | without any calls to third-parties in your HTML?
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | We can reasonably assume that bunny.net doesn't also correlate,
         | cross-link, and permanently store which sites our IPs visit,
         | for the purposes of enhanced ad delivery. Which Google does:
         | that's literally what every single service they offer does in
         | addition to "the thing you need that service for". Even sites
         | that don't offer Google ads or Google analytics _still provide
         | Google with behavioural data linked to you_ by using Google
         | fonts.
         | So no, this is not one of those examples, this is a great
         | example of someone setting up a service to remove all those
         | free, extra data points that Google harvests. Today it's fonts.
         | Maybe tomorrow, it's the rest of their "it's not explicitly
         | Google Analytics" offerings.
           | skybrian wrote:
           | I don't think we can reasonably assume either of those
           | things. You're speculating about both Google Fonts and Bunny
           | fonts based on very little information.
             | TheRealPomax wrote:
             | No, and yes, respectively. If you consider "Google
             | recording and monteizing on CORS URL requests" speculation,
             | I'm not sure you know much about the company we're talking
             | about here. They've been sued and fined over tracking quite
             | a number of times.
             | Do we know whether bunny.net is any better? In the
             | abstract, no we don't, but we're not dealing in abstracts,
             | so we actually do because of where they operate. A real
             | European operation (not an international company with EU
             | presence but an HQ outside of direct EU jurisdiction) is by
             | default quite a bit better at not violating GDPR, and runs
             | the actual risk of being fined into financial insolvency
             | (rather than getting a few hundred million slap on wrist
             | that a multibillion dollar company goes "pff, whatever, let
             | legal sort it out" to).
             | By virtue of Google's track record, and by virtue of where
             | this new service is located, and the track record of EU
             | based services with regards to privacy compared to their US
             | counterparts:
             | Yes, we can _very_ reasonably assume both of those things.
               | skybrian wrote:
               | I used to work at Google and I'm sure I don't know how
               | most of it works, outside the area I worked in. It's a
               | big company and the systems are complex.
               | Why do you think you know how it works? What do you
               | actually know about Google that doesn't come from outside
               | speculation?
               | That link says that a website leaked an IP address to
               | Google. It doesn't say that Google did anything with the
               | IP address.
               | [deleted]
         | ntoskrnl wrote:
         | If you're requesting data over a network, ultimately you have
         | to trust someone. Fwiw bunny.net is pretty well respected. I
         | view them as one level "below" the mega-enterprise CDNs like
         | Cloudfront/Akamai, the same way Digital Ocean is one level
         | "below" AWS/GCP/Azure
           | lolinder wrote:
           | > If you're requesting data over a network, ultimately you
           | have to trust someone.
           | If I self-host my fonts, the people I have to trust are only
           | those people I have no choice but to trust: those who get my
           | site into the user's browser. Every additional cross-domain
           | request I add is an extra party I have to trust.
         | 1337shadow wrote:
         | Can't you self host this?
         | jokethrowaway wrote:
         | The only reason is to escape regulatory fines for something 99%
         | of the world doesn't give a shit about.
         | Not using fonts is not always an option
           | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
           | > Not using fonts is not always an option
           | The silliness of this is that someone is going through the
           | effort to set up hosting for a website but hosting the
           | _fonts_ is just too difficult and has to be delegated to a
           | third party. The laziness of webdevs never fails to astound.
             | lolinder wrote:
             | I don't think it's laziness. My conscious brain knows that
             | it's anachronistic, but I still have the instinct to use a
             | CDN for the shared caching between sites. Obviously,
             | browser privacy changes mean that isn't a valid reason any
             | more, but for me the instinct is still there.
           | vorticalbox wrote:
           | > Not using fonts is not always an option
           | Do you have an example where doing something in an external
           | font is not possible in one that's built into the browser?
             | colejohnson66 wrote:
             | Sure, not all sites need them custom fonts; I hate when I'm
             | reading a page and it reflows because the font changed, but
             | there's legitimate uses for fonts. Case in point: icon
             | fonts that work using the "private use area" in Unicode.
         | moritzwarhier wrote:
         | I always opt for self-hosting, be it fonts or other assets.
         | Sometimes I am briefly envious of the ability to use things
         | like Google Fonts, Unpkg or polyfill.io when setting up a
         | project. But I started doing web dev in 2018 when GDPR was
         | introduced here, and I always was kind of paranoid regarding
         | that.
         | Self-hosting is probably a better habit to acquire anyway, the
         | only alternative being explicitly contracting with a company
         | that offers edge CDN.
         | https://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com/fonts
         | is great for quick self hosted local Google Webfonts
         | fritigern wrote:
         | > we're in a country with better privacy laws
         | Speaking as a European: I think this is a very important topic
         | for us. I don't think Americans and American companies
         | understand how little trust rest of us have for the American
         | government. Working with a company that is not subject to the
         | whims of the American government is a huge privacy win. If a
         | company pitches me a product, they start 1 points ahead if they
         | are based on Switzerland, Netherlands or somewhere similar.
           | BurningFrog wrote:
           | The US government has some restrictions of spying on inside
           | the country. Much less so abroad.
           | So you're safer from the USG inside the US.
           | Then again, they don't have a great track record of following
           | those restrictions, so I doubt it really matters.
           | dundarious wrote:
           | I'm surprised you emphasized government wrt. privacy here.
           | Sure, despite the fact that the US government institutions
           | have more mechanisms for oversight and transparency after 20
           | or 40 years, etc., they are certainly the most profligate in
           | their use of surveillance and hacking, etc., and US three
           | letter agencies are the most adept at completely side-
           | stepping those publicized limitations -- so it's not like the
           | government isn't an issue, and the US government most of all.
           | But when it comes to surveillance on this quotidian level, I
           | think private/corporate surveillance it's far more relevant
           | and problematic. In that regard, I'd slightly prefer a
           | European country with good privacy laws like those you
           | listed, because (probably) Bunny is not itself at the level
           | of a panopticon such as Google, and the likelihood it has or
           | would avail of avenues for resale to panopticon capable data
           | brokers is less than it would be for US companies.
           | But even there, it does seem like a quite incremental
           | improvement. The door is still wedged open, but now probably
           | less wide, and probably with a stronger doorstop. It would be
           | nice to not leave the door open at all.
             | fritigern wrote:
             | I am not worried too much about corporate surveillance. I
             | can always shop somewhere else. I can't change my
             | government.
             | I use DDG because I don't like Google. I can't do the same
             | with my government.
           | DocTomoe wrote:
           | > ... for the American government
           | or any government, especially our own, for that matter. Some
           | just have a better track record at being bound by the rules
           | they give themselves than others.
             | fritigern wrote:
             | When it comes to privacy and human rights, America's record
             | is one of the worst in the world.
               | kopochameleon wrote:
               | Says who? "Worst in the world" would suggest worst
               | 10-20%, while most metrics I can find put America in the
               | best 60-20%
               | https://ourworldindata.org/human-rights
               | https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores
               | https://www.cato.org/human-freedom-index/2020
               | From your repeated comments in this post saying
               | essentially "America bad" without any additional details
               | it seems like you may have some anti-American bias
               | unrelated to the topics at hand leading you to
               | proselytize against all US associated activities. It may
               | be worth questioning some of your priors.
           | shrimp_emoji wrote:
           | I always had the suspicion that the (seemingly higher)
           | interest in privacy/FOSS in Europeans is fueled partly by
           | anti-Americanism. In America, even if you don't trust the
           | government, at least it's _your_ government, so I don 't feel
           | like that plays as big a role, and any interest in
           | privacy/FOSS (like mine) is untempered by the anxiety of an
           | alien government's interference. :p Regardless, I love how
           | much more Europeans seem to value privacy.
             | fritigern wrote:
             | > I always had the suspicion that the (seemingly higher)
             | interest in privacy/FOSS in Europeans is fueled partly by
             | anti-Americanism.
             | Of course it is. After American Wars in the Middle East
             | killed and displaced millions, there is good reason to be
             | wary of Americans and the American government.
               | [deleted]
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | > at least it's your government
             | What? Your government is the worst one to go not respecting
             | your rights.
               | fritigern wrote:
               | I worry more about my government compared to the
               | government of a county far away that has no power over
               | me.
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | How do the laws play out in practice? If bunny.net started
           | storing user agent and IP address information indefinitely,
           | and someone complained, how likely is it enforcement action
           | is actually enacted on them? It seems such a low-impact
           | privacy violation would be a waste of time for a GDPR/etc
           | agency to focus on compared to things like ad companies
           | selling location data.
             | brnt wrote:
             | > How do the laws play out in practice?
             | I think this is important to consider. In practice, it's
             | difficult to have any recourse with an American company. In
             | Europe it's more expected and common that government and
             | consumer orgs take an active role. Both legal culture and
             | culture-culture (?) are just very different, leading people
             | to preferring to steer clear of this expensive and
             | adversarial (compared to EU climes) environment.
               | judge2020 wrote:
               | That's the exact scentiment the parent to my comment is
               | suggesting; I'm saying that GDPR agencies probably aren't
               | going to care at all about the type of data sent to a web
               | host when all they're doing is serving fonts for 3p
               | websites.
           | geraneum wrote:
           | People are talking about the possibility of being spied on by
           | governments. I think if you're targeted by government or
           | intelligence agencies, then even self hosting most likely
           | won't save you from them.
           | What is important here, and why these laws matter, is how
           | trivial it is to get access to your data, or for companies to
           | sell your data. That's why I appreciate the European's effort
           | to have better laws for our privacy.
           | If you really want to be government proof, then you better
           | host everything in a server in a remote secret location out
           | of their reach.
             | dorgo wrote:
             | Goverments and intelligence agencies can't target everyone.
             | But they can gather data for future use. So if you don't
             | give them your data you won't be targeted in the future.
               | geraneum wrote:
               | This is a good point. I would say we shouldn't make it
               | easy for the governments to access the data as well as
               | private interest or companies. These are not mutually
               | exclusive.
               | EU privacy laws are a step in the right direction. It's
               | progress. We can build on it.
               | pdimitar wrote:
               | This goes both ways, the lack of the usual amount of data
               | about you is a data point in itself.
               | `SELECT * from citizens where data_points < 50;`
               | And then somebody aims a botnet armed with zero-days in
               | your direction. But yeah, that requires dedicated
               | adversaries that actually notice you -- which is not a
               | given, I'll agree.
             | fritigern wrote:
             | You are probably right, but that doesn't mean I want to
             | make it easy for them.
           | ByteJockey wrote:
           | > I don't think Americans and American companies understand
           | how little trust rest of us have for the American government.
           | Have you... have you seen our politics? What makes you think
           | that we think other people trust our government? We don't
           | trust our government. Hell, it's trusted so little that one
           | of our large political parties is basically entirely devoted
           | to making sure that the government can't get anything done.
             | KennyBlanken wrote:
             | That political party's actions are about weakening the
             | federal government so as to make it easier for large
             | corporations to behave abusively, not because of trust.
             | States have less resources, and can be played against each
             | other.
             | The public-facing excuse for Joe Q Public is "they can't be
             | trusted!", "less taxes on your hard-earned money" (when
             | corporate share of taxes has plunged from the 50-50 split
             | it used to be, increasing individual taxes), "the
             | government is not efficient" (usually because of lots of
             | onerous regulations and reporting and oversight that, ahem,
             | a certain political party insisted on to fight "abuse")
             | ncmncm wrote:
             | ... and, at the same time, to radically increasing
             | government spending literally everywhere except where there
             | might be a possibility of benefit for an individual who
             | needs help (just because said individual could possibly be
             | ("a") black).
           | troynt wrote:
           | Would you trust a Switzerland based company that uses GCP or
           | AWS?
           | encoderer wrote:
           | Surely you realize that if a modern sophisticated
           | _government_ wants to see your data, they are going to be
           | able to access it, even if it's stored in the Netherlands?
           | What threat are you protecting yourself against?
             | dorgo wrote:
             | > What threat are you protecting yourself against?
             | Against modern sophisticated governments who are busy,
             | lazy, distracted to ask Netherlands to give them my data.
             | I'm not exactly a high priority target. All I have to do is
             | to make it a little harder for them to access my data.
             | fritigern wrote:
             | No reason to make it easy for them.
             | Also, proper client side encryption is really difficult to
             | break. Usually they need to compromise the client in order
             | to read it.
             | the_common_man wrote:
             | So, with this logic you would host your data in Russia
             | (just to give a random country) ?
               | pdimitar wrote:
               | Why not? Make encrypted backups with `borg` and use
               | `rclone` to distribute them to a number of free cloud
               | storage services -- this is what I and many others do.
               | One of my destinations is Yandex Disk. They all only see
               | an encrypted Borg repo. And in the next few weeks or
               | months I'll make sure they won't even be seeing that.
               | Just a few opaque files several tens of megabytes big
               | each. I wish them luck cracking it, lol.
               | What are they going to do, fly to my fringe country,
               | knock on my door and politely ask me to stop storing
               | encrypted blobs on their servers? No, they will not.
               | First, their TOC does not forbid it and second, they are
               | way too lazy to scope me out of the crowd, and third,
               | they will only start shutting users down if their free
               | plan starts costing them too much. I've been doing this
               | for years and nobody seems to give a frak (Google
               | included).
               | And I am just a regular guy who wants to make sure his
               | code and passion projects (and personal / family photos)
               | are never going to get lost even in a case of disaster. I
               | never in my life did anything to warrant government
               | attention.
             | josefx wrote:
             | If the government wants to go after you in specific? You
             | might be screwed. If the government wants to identify
             | "criminals/degenerates" by checking against
             | sexualPreference="gay", semitic="yes", numAbortions > 0.
             | Then you at least wont turn up because that would require a
             | lot more effort.
           | throwaway1777 wrote:
           | Between the joke of an energy policy in Germany this year and
           | Douglas Murray's books I have no confidence in European
           | governments either. I used to feel Europe's system was more
           | competent but the illusion has been shattered.
             | 0des wrote:
             | Wait what the heck are they doing to books?
             | zeven7 wrote:
             | To add to that now every other website has an annoying and
             | useless cookie dialog I have to dismiss, as if that's
             | forward progress in privacy protection.
               | dspillett wrote:
               | That is the website owners implementing the rules in the
               | worst way possible, either through incompetence or
               | through deliberately trying to annoy (or fool) you into
               | accepting everything.
               | Be angry at the sites, not the legislation.
               | lolinder wrote:
               | Can I be angry at both? Legislation is only required to
               | regulate bad behavior by some set of entities. As such,
               | legislation should be written _assuming_ that those
               | entities will exploit any loopholes. Malicious compliance
               | is exactly what the EU should have expected and planned
               | for.
               | dspillett wrote:
               | _> Malicious compliance is exactly what the EU should
               | have expected and planned for._
               | It usually isn't compliance, malicious or otherwise.
               | It is malicious "we know we are breaking both the letter
               | and the intent, but we know they don't have resources to
               | properly enforce against _everyone_ , so we are going to
               | chance it for as long as we can". The vast majority of
               | these consent systems are not compliant with any of the
               | relevant regulations (ePrivacy Directive, GDPR, CCPA,
               | ...). They will fix it when they get a slap on the wrist.
               | If they get anything it will be a slap or a warning
               | because while anyone in their right mind is pretty sure
               | that the non-compliance is deliberate, that is nigh-on
               | impossible to conclusively prove.
               | 6510 wrote:
               | They are now forced to tell you what they are doing. That
               | it makes you angry is a design goal.
               | dspillett wrote:
               | Well, not quite. They are forced to stop hiding what they
               | were doing. They _could_ make everything opt-in, and it
               | could be simple single checkbox or button, they are not
               | forced to do any of what they are currently doing.
               | And if it makes people angry at the legislation, the
               | lying back-stabbing "your privacy matters to us"
               | arseholes in marketing are successfully making that goal
               | backfire.
           | pydry wrote:
           | >If a company pitches me a product, they start 1 points ahead
           | if they are based on Switzerland
           | Crypto AG was based out of switzerland.
             | fritigern wrote:
             | It was owned by American Government.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | Secretly, for decades.
               | You don't know who secretly owns any companies in
               | Switzerland today. Your favorite Swiss VPN could be owned
               | by Equifax or Acxiom for all you know.
           | [deleted]
           | fredgrott wrote:
           | is that really a mistrust of US gov and firms or a mistrust
           | of the results of the exportation of US Federalisms?
           | kube-system wrote:
           | Unless you're under a totalitarian government, spies aren't
           | really interested in most people's data. Data brokers, on the
           | other hand, are willing to sell anything they can profit
           | from.
             | fritigern wrote:
             | eivarv wrote:
             | Yet bulk data collection (in effect "mass surveillance")
             | happens, and poses a risk in and of itself to data
             | subjects.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | You can't use the internet without risk. All you can do
               | is measure relative risks and decide which are
               | acceptable. Means, motive, and opportunity matter.
               | Someone who is missing the motive portion is less of a
               | concern than someone who has all three.
               | fritigern wrote:
               | No one expects zero risk, it's about reducing risk. I
               | choose to avoid American companies in favour of non-
               | American competitors because the American government is
               | hostile to privacy and is a warmonger.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | 90%+ of governments are more hostile to privacy than the
               | US. It might make sense to prefer countries with GDPR,
               | but the vast majority of "non-American countries" have
               | even worse protections for your data.
               | > and is a warmonger.
               | This is flamebait unrelated to data privacy risk. If you
               | don't want to use American companies because you have an
               | political opposition to supporting US companies, that's
               | also a valid opinion. You don't have to twist it into a
               | data privacy argument.
               | fritigern wrote:
               | > This is flamebait unrelated to data privacy risk.
               | It's not flamebait, it's a legitimate reason. A country
               | who has been killing people in various wars/invasions is
               | unlikely to behave ethically when it comes to privacy.
               | If you behave unethically in one area, I have every
               | reason to assume that you'll also behave unethically in
               | another area.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | The number of governments that have not had to deal with
               | ethics concerns is exactly zero.
               | Rather than drawing a broad hand-wavy link between ethics
               | concerns and respect for privacy, you'd be much more
               | accurate in measuring privacy by directly considering
               | their practical legal frameworks that protect privacy.
               | > A country who has been killing people in various
               | wars/invasions is unlikely to behave ethically when it
               | comes to privacy.
               | This doesn't hold up. There are many countries that will
               | straight up man-in-the-middle internet traffic with no
               | oversight that have been at peace longer than Germany.
               | fritigern wrote:
               | > The number of governments that have not had to deal
               | with ethics concerns is exactly zero.
               | Some are worse than others. America is one of the worst.
               | War, invasions, mass surveillance, mass incarcaration...
               | kube-system wrote:
               | This is simply not factual, it is an information
               | availability bias. America is one of the most publicized
               | nations, and sunlight is one of the best disinfectants.
               | By any academically rigorous measure, the US ranks high
               | in ethics, along with most other western style democratic
               | systems.
               | fritigern wrote:
               | Tell that to the people that were killed by American
               | military in Iraq, Afganistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan,
               | Yemen and probably other places I am forgetting.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | This has nothing to do with internet privacy.
               | fritigern wrote:
               | Of course it does.
               | A country like America that has been murdering people in
               | many wars around the world without hesitation is unlikely
               | to take my privacy seriously. They don't respect my right
               | to live, do you think they will respect my right to
               | privacy?
               | kube-system wrote:
               | Germany is widely regarded as having the best privacy
               | laws in the world, and they participate in NATO
               | conflicts.
               | Several countries in SE-Asia have been at peace for much
               | longer and will happily man-in-the-middle your internet
               | traffic at the whim of their unchecked government powers
               | [e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_i
               | n_Vietnam].
               | A country's participation in war and their effective
               | protections for privacy are not strongly correlated,
               | demonstrably so.
               | 6510 wrote:
               | I think he is referring to the drone strikes based on
               | meta data.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | Maybe, but that doesn't have any relation to the state of
               | data privacy in a particular country. Most of the
               | countries with almost no data protection at all (or laws
               | that _require_ your data to be compromised) don't even
               | have drones.
           | pdimitar wrote:
           | Have you considered that Switzerland and Netherlands might
           | just, you know, hand other agencies your data without telling
           | you?
           | At this point we're supposed to believe what amounts to feel-
           | good talk.
           | But I keep asking: "How do we know for sure?"
           | I haven't done anything illegal nor do I need to protect some
           | mega-important knowledge but I still dislike giving easy
           | access to my data so I automated parts of my workflow to
           | double-encrypt my most important data and send it to several
           | off-sites plus an own self-hosted server.
           | Sure, they likely know remote Linux network zero-days but the
           | odds of them wanting to target me in particular are minuscule
           | so... -\\_(tsu)_/-
           | yieldcrv wrote:
           | The internet culture's understanding of Swiss privacy laws
           | are laughable at best. Switzerland has existing laws to any
           | and everything for records.
           | You are trusting them just as much as a server in any other
           | country. Saying "Switzerland" is all marketing for privacy
           | enthusiasts who aren't going to do anything on their own.
           | itake wrote:
           | My understanding of privacy international privacy stuff is if
           | a European gov wants to spy on their own citizens, but the
           | law prevents them, they phone up the USA and have the USA do
           | the spying(hacking?) and get the data from them.
           | European countries do the same for USA gov on US citizens.
             | judge2020 wrote:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes?wprov=sfti1
             | In the US at least, any spying is illegal when both parties
             | are within the US and the packets never leave the US.
               | patrec wrote:
               | > In the US at least, any spying is illegal when both
               | parties are within the US
               | And no doubt it must be even more illegal to then perjure
               | yourself in front of congress about not having engaged in
               | such illegal spying, when in fact you have.
               | DocTomoe wrote:
               | And, who ever got executed for spying domestically? Who
               | ever got a prison sentence in line with the rough prison
               | sentences the US happily gives out for much lesser
               | offenses? Wo ever got so much as a bad performance
               | review?
               | Noone? Why am I not surprised?
               | the_only_law wrote:
               | Illegal things are ok if they involve "national security"
               | or are useful for cold war dick measuring.
               | DocTomoe wrote:
               | In countries that follow the rule of law, they are not.
               | kube-system wrote:
               | Who has been executed for violating GDPR?
               | Laws can be enforced without executing people.
               | DocTomoe wrote:
               | That's why I gave two "lesser punishments", which also
               | are apparently not used.
               | [deleted]
               | 6510 wrote:
               | More interesting : Anyone outside the US is fair game.
               | Anything goes - by law.
               | pdimitar wrote:
               | As if anyone have ever proven that those laws were broken
               | -- which we know they were -- let alone ever get
               | convicted of it.
               | These laws are a formality and have no teeth.
               | youngtaff wrote:
               | But if you arrange for the packets to be routed outside
               | the US and then back all sorts of possibilities open up
               | ajsnigrutin wrote:
               | Yep, that's why they "coincidentally" do a traffic stop,
               | and find stuff "by accident".
           | misslibby wrote:
           | I'm a European and I have very little trust in European
           | governments. Not much trust in the US government, either.
             | blooalien wrote:
             | I'm an American and I have next to _zero_ trust for
             | governments in general.  "Absolute power corrupts
             | absolutely" and humanity has given too few entirely _too
             | much_ "absolute power". I feel much the same about most of
             | the massive corporate entities as well.
               | jen20 wrote:
               | The difference is Europe is better at restricting
               | corporate overreach than the US is, regardless of how
               | similar their governments have become. That said, I'd
               | take almost any European government over any US
               | government of my entire lifetime, especially when it
               | comes to actually enacting privacy legislation.
               | I couldn't care less about web fonts though. I'm not
               | downloading them from Google or "bunny.net" or anywhere
               | else. My computer has some of the nicest-looking fonts
               | around as system defaults, and websites can either work
               | with that or get put into reader mode.
             | ajsnigrutin wrote:
             | Yep, and also the whole EU... Every few months, they either
             | want to make encrpytion illegal, scan more private data,
             | scan files on end user devices, outright ban e2e
             | encryption, or worse.
               | dmix wrote:
               | And we can thank EU for the extremely annoying cookie
               | pop-up's on every website. Every site has a slightly
               | different UI and the options/button labels always vary.
               | Declining is always a multi-step process with various
               | checkboxes.
               | They are never geo-filtered either so everyone is forced
               | to see them.
               | I'm usually a big advocate for privacy and this was
               | obviously done with good intentions but there were so
               | many better ways to do it and I doubt 99% of people do
               | anything but click okay without reading it.
               | At least if the browsers did it the UI would be
               | standardized and you could have default persistent
               | settings.
               | Now that there has been a massive effort to implement it
               | I doubt it will ever get fixed or go away. Even though
               | the decline of supercookies and Firefox's new 3rd party
               | policy has largely made it obsolete.
               | cromka wrote:
               | > Declining is always a multi-step process with various
               | checkboxes.
               | https://oblador.github.io/hush/
               | You're welcome!
               | bitofhope wrote:
               | >And we can thank EU for the extremely annoying cookie
               | pop-up's on every website. Every site has a slightly
               | different UI and the options/button labels always vary.
               | Declining is always a multi-step process with various
               | checkboxes.
               | No we can't. We can think of scummy adtech companies who
               | feel entitled to their business model.
               | The GDPR very specifically says that the option to
               | decline tracking must be at least as easily accessible as
               | the option to accept.
               | The only way the EU is to blame for the pop-ups is that
               | the regulation hasn't been enforced strictly enough.
               | 6510 wrote:
               | If the cookies are needed for functionality the popup is
               | not required.
               | [deleted]
               | ajsnigrutin wrote:
               | Criminals will avoid laws, and lawmakers should write
               | laws in a way that makes them hard to be avoided.
               | If they asked anyone with atleast a minimal technical
               | knowledge, they'd get a lot better solutions.
               | anyfoo wrote:
               | > And we can thank EU for the extremely annoying cookie
               | pop-up's on every website. Every site has a slightly
               | different UI and the options/button labels always vary.
               | Declining is always a multi-step process with various
               | checkboxes.
               | I don't understand this line of thinking. You are
               | declining the cookies, so obviously you prefer not to be
               | tracked. And it's obvious that it's not the EU who made
               | the varying, annoying, and often purposely misleading
               | dialog boxes to decline the cookies, but the companies
               | who want to force their tracking on you. Without the EU
               | law, they would just do it without asking for permission.
               | So why blame the EU?
               | dmix wrote:
               | Of course the outcome of random unfriendly and annoying
               | UIs is the only predictable outcome... so why wouldn't
               | the EU responsible? Who else would be?
               | Would some design guidelines be helpful? Maybe but it's
               | still fundamentally flawed and I doubt it'd be enforced.
               | As I said the only possible option where there could be
               | design cohesion is via the browsers (or maybe a EU-
               | controlled open source JS plugin but that's even worse).
               | I don't ever use the cookie popups because fine-tune
               | control of cookies doesn't have much privacy ROI. I
               | _want_ to use cookies on most sites and ublock does the
               | rest.
               | I highly, highly doubt the tiny percentage of people not
               | using an adblocker but are still technical enough to uses
               | cookie popups regularly and effectively is really worth
               | the cost.
               | I get the impression people _want_ this to be a good
               | idea, because it sounds like one, instead of considering
               | whether it is.
               | Has the ever been a study that shows the real-world
               | utility of forcing sites to use cookie popups?
               | anyfoo wrote:
               | > Of course the outcome of random unfriendly and annoying
               | UIs is the only predictable outcome... so why wouldn't
               | the EU responsible? Who else would be?
               | "Of course burglars choosing less protected houses is the
               | only predictable outcome... so why wouldn't the makers of
               | security systems be responsible? Who else would be?"
               | I still don't get it. Without the EU laws, it wouldn't be
               | magically easier to block tracking cookies, they wouldn't
               | offer a choice _at all_? What are you arguing for?
               | > As I said the only possible option where there could be
               | design cohesion is via the browsers (or maybe a EU-
               | controlled open source JS plugin but that's even worse).
               | We tried that, it failed:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_Not_Track
               | > I don't ever use the cookie popups because fine-tune
               | control of cookies doesn't have much privacy ROI. I want
               | to use cookies on most sites and ublock does the rest.
               | The cookies for functionality/session are not affected by
               | the cookie popup.
               | > I highly, highly doubt the tiny percentage of people
               | not using an adblocker but are still technical enough to
               | uses cookie popups regularly and effectively is really
               | worth the cost.
               | I use an adblocker and still decline on the cookie
               | popups. I assume you are doing, too, otherwise you
               | wouldn't complain about popups you don't see?
               | > Has the ever been a study that shows the real-world
               | utility of forcing sites to use cookie popups?
               | Me able to decline them is real-world utility. If a
               | majority or at least significant portion of users is
               | successfully tricked into accepting the cookies, then
               | that calls for a refinement of the law along with better
               | enforcement, not for retraction of the law. "Let them
               | have it", what a bleak, defeatist thing to suggest.
               | You are blaming the makers of the law for what is very
               | obviously the fault of the perpetrators, who are trying
               | to get around the law in profoundly shady and just
               | downright shitty ways.
               | I am glad the EU law exists, without it there wouldn't
               | even be the option.
               | ajsnigrutin wrote:
               | There are many ways to solve this issues, and EU chose
               | one of the worst ones, that for most people doesn't help
               | at all.
               | anyfoo wrote:
               | Sounds good, can you name a few ways?
               | I'm being serious. If there are better ideas, which there
               | probably are, let's put them out there.
               | ajsnigrutin wrote:
               | Client side blocking (by that I mean removing them after
               | the tab/page close)? First for third party cookies, then
               | for all of them, and add a "button" next to the url bar,
               | to enable cookies for that specific site (to allow
               | logins).
           | jokethrowaway wrote:
           | Any government sending any request to any company is very
           | likely to get a compliant answer if they want to operate in
           | that market.
           | You can only trust services like signal which make it
           | impossible for the operators to access your data
           | GDPR is mainly against corporations making money out of
           | knowing who you are across the web, it won't save you from a
           | government actor
             | fritigern wrote:
             | Signal Foundation is based in the US. It takes only 1
             | national security letter to compromise them.
         | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
         | "Which is an imperfect solution at best, and given I have no
         | idea who bunny.net is it's a questionable solution at best."
         | Anyone doing internet research in Australia/NZ/Oceania who
         | peruses publicly available scans of HTTP or DNS ports would
         | likely be familiar with bunny.net as they are a large enough
         | CDN in the region to have many thousands of subdomains for
         | customer IPs. And if sorting by the non-numerical portion of a
         | subdomain, as these begin with the letter "b", it is seemingly
         | impossible to miss this company's presence toward the beginning
         | of the scan.
         | The company has been around since 2012. It seems reasonable
         | that this CDN might offer alternative for its customers. Why
         | not. Look at how many extra "services' AWS offers. The founder
         | of bunny.net posts questions in nginx forums. I suspect a
         | customer could probably get him on the phone. This is not
         | Amazon or Google. Amazon sells goods. Google sells online
         | advertising services. Both are primarily intermediaries
         | (middlemen) who try to prioritise their own competing
         | goods/services. All the data those companies collect may feed
         | into another businesses that strives to study and understand
         | human behaviour, placing internet-connected microphones
         | (referred to only as "speakers") in people's homes. Bunny sells
         | CDN services. At present, that's it.
         | 1. https://bunny.net/our-story
         | The solution may be questionable for someone who does not know
         | bunny.net as a CDN, but for someone in the region who has a
         | paid agreement with the company, it seems to be a perfectly
         | reasonable solution, although certainly not the ideal one which
         | is of course to use local fonts.
         | Or do not use fonts at all. As a text-only browser user, and
         | author of own utiliies for information retrieval, I can attest
         | that the world is not going to end if websites stop using CSS,
         | Javascript or other "features" that are easily used to assist
         | with surveillance for advertising purposes. In fact, IME, the
         | web actually works much faster for information retrieval
         | without those "features".
         | The bizzare thing about this HN submission is that it purports
         | to be the recent announcement of fonts on the bunny.net blog
         | however it currently points to an "About" page not the blog
         | entry. The blog entry discloses the rationale for the decision
         | to incorporate in Germany and offer fonts. It suggests the
         | intended purpose here is not to protect www users, it is to
         | protect CDN customers.
         | https://bunny.net/blog/bringing-privacy-back-into-your-own-h...
         | hsjdbdksjsj wrote:
         | you won't believe this, but as the end user you can solve this
         | in your life once and for all, and also improve your life!
         | something rare for online annoyances nowadays.
         | any decent browser, i mostly use firefox, have a checkbox in
         | the font screen that prevents sites from changing the page
         | font.
         | i set all sites to user Ubuntu Mono. always. all the time.
         | everywhere.
         | the _only_ downside are sites that use winding-like
         | fontawesome. you will get  "S" instead of the magnifyingglass
         | icon... i got used to things like that. Google meet screen is
         | particularly weird. meh.
         | but after you are past the initial shock, having the same font
         | everywhere is the ideal usability hack. faster reading. less
         | distraction. it's perfect.
         | and as a bonus i don't even care (as i block referrer headers
         | xdomain), not a single request ever goes to googlefont and the
         | likes.
           | nyanpasu64 wrote:
           | I used to disable font overrides altogether. Another failure
           | mode of that mode is that the omnipresent Material Icons
           | displays words (the font contains ligatures replacing words
           | with icons) instead of icons.
           | chrismorgan wrote:
           | Icon fonts that use the Private Use Area code points _do_
           | still work when you just instruct the browser to not let
           | pages override your choices. This is the way almost all icon
           | fonts work. In the last few months I think I've observed only
           | three fonts not doing so; DuckDuckGo is one, the second was
           | some small business's site using a style from many years ago,
           | and the third is Google's Material Icons font, distressingly
           | widely used, which uses a ligation technique the implications
           | of which _really_ weren't thought through properly. (It was
           | supposed to improve accessibility in case of the font not
           | loading, but in practice it makes it disastrously bad much
           | more often, as can be seen on a number of Google properties,
           | like their docs sites and Google Translate which are both
           | significantly mangled by it.)
           | michaelmior wrote:
           | And that I don't get to see the site as the original designer
           | intended. It's of course perfectly fine for others to not
           | care about that, but I enjoy it.
           | KennyBlanken wrote:
           | You can also use the DecentralEyes plugin, which caches
           | javascript and font resources from the common third party
           | providers.
           | tokinonagare wrote:
           | > the only downside
           | Ubuntu Mono coverage is only 1200 glyphs as per its website,
           | that's very very few.
           | ncmncm wrote:
           | Doesn't work on mobile anyplace I have tried. Setting is
           | there, result nil.
           | justinclift wrote:
           | Oh, that'd probably work really well with dyslexic style
           | "easier reading" fonts too.
           | eg: https://opendyslexic.org /
           | https://github.com/antijingoist/opendyslexic
           | jstummbillig wrote:
           | Upside: Consistency. Downside: Consistency.
             | HelloNurse wrote:
             | Without forgetting consistent detection of fragile extreme
             | typography that breaks layout or looks strange when fonts
             | are replaced.
           | ajvs wrote:
           | Alternatively people can use uBlock Origin and simply block
           | all remote web fonts. It'll break some sites which use fonts
           | to replace icons, but the add-on can easily be disabled for
           | those specific sites.
         | miohtama wrote:
         | You can self host Google fonts, so you need to trust no one.
         | Not sure if I see the point of this service.
       | TazeTSchnitzel wrote:
       | Years ago I did                 sudo bash -c 'echo "::
       | fonts.googleapis.com" >> /etc/hosts'       sudo bash -c 'echo
       | " fonts.googleapis.com" >> /etc/hosts'
       | and I haven't looked back.
         | einpoklum wrote:
         | I am often tempted to push this further to:
         | sudo bash -c 'echo ":: google.com" >> /etc/hosts'       sudo
         | bash -c 'echo " google.com" >> /etc/hosts'
           | 0daystock wrote:
           | What exactly do you believe doing this will accomplish, other
           | than cutting off access from a search engine?
             | midislack wrote:
             | Stops the biggest advertiser from profiling you on every
             | site, obviously.
               | dan_pixelflow wrote:
               | It doesn't, though. Google use other domains.
               | midislack wrote:
               | Blacklist those too then.
               | blacksmith_tb wrote:
               | I'd suggest 1e100.net[1] too.
               | 1: https://support.google.com/faqs/answer/174717?hl=en
         | sbf501 wrote:
         | ...and the other 10,000 sites you interact with per year? I
         | realize security posture is about layers, but this is
         | pointless.
           | TazeTSchnitzel wrote:
           | It's not for privacy's sake! I leave that to Privacy Badger.
           | I just prefer having pages load quickly and don't generally
           | think custom fonts improve the experience.
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | Blazingly fast!
       | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
       | Perfect and easy to switch. Great work bunny. Also their cdn is
       | the fastest I have ever used.
       | jollybean wrote:
       | Can someone please answer the question ... why don't companies
       | just self-host the fonts? And why aren't people doing that in the
       | first place?
         | grzm wrote:
         | Cost of storage and management.
         | Time is money, and it's expensive to pay people to mess with
         | things if they don't have to.
         | I might not choose to make the same tradeoffs, but I can
         | understand why others might.
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