[HN Gopher] Writing one sentence per line
       Writing one sentence per line
       Author : Tomte
       Score  : 690 points
       Date   : 2022-06-20 09:25 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (sive.rs)
 (TXT) w3m dump (sive.rs)
       | enriquto wrote:
       | beautiful html, indeed!
       | mixedmath wrote:
       | I write a lot of LaTeX and articles. I _sort of_ do this, except
       | that I also really want reasonable line lengths. Each sentence
       | starts on its own line, but I also hard wrap at 80 characters. I
       | have a completely different set of editing tidbits for writing
       | equations.
       | luhn wrote:
       | One big advantage not mentioned in the article particularly
       | relevant to this audience: git diffs (or your VCS of choice). One
       | sentence per line means diffs will operate per-sentence, rather
       | than per-paragraph. This way the diff can capture the
       | restructuring of the paragraph (adding/removing/replacing a
       | sentence), which gives much more insight than swapping out the
       | paragraph wholesale. It also means minor changes (e.g. typo
       | fixes) will only add+delete a single sentence, making it much
       | easier to identify what has actually changed from one commit to
       | the next.
       | I take this a step further and will often split out a single
       | sentence into a clause per line, but this is a judgement call
       | rather than a hard and fast rule.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I think we need to start changing this. In an era of language
         | servers, perhaps our diff tools should be semantic instead of
         | line based.
         | I get so tired of seeing diffs where I add a function and the
         | diff shows that I added it inside the previous function instead
         | of between them, because it starts the diff one line too early.
           | emmelaich wrote:
           | Have you tried patience diff?
           | See `git help diff`
           | dahfizz wrote:
           | Yes! I find `git diff` to be the most annoying thing about
           | git. I can be pretty forgiving of the clunky UX, but the diff
           | output is just wrong.
           | People often say of git, "The porcelain is bad but the
           | plumbing is good". The opposite is true for digging, IMO.
             | sangnoir wrote:
             | Fortunately, git permits the use of external difftools. One
             | can easily configure git to use their preferred semantic
             | diff tool and git wouldn't even care. The plumbing is
             | excellent.
           | Groxx wrote:
           | Debuggers and stack traces too. _Logic_ is not line-based.
           | When you get a NPE on a line containing `thing.method(x.y.z,
           | q(), w.e().rty())`, which item is it on? Type information is
           | insufficient, there could be multiple of the same thing on
           | the same line.
           | Some debuggers are smarter ("step to cursor" sometimes goes
           | to in-line locations), but many are not, and most languages
           | I've seen will give you precise compile-time error locations,
           | but at runtime all you get is _lines_. Lines suck.
             | btgeekboy wrote:
             | Aside, I'm really excited to move to a newer JDK:
             | https://openjdk.org/jeps/358
         | FullyFunctional wrote:
         | It's mentioned by Mihail Milchev in comment #13. I say that
         | exactly because this is the reason I've been doing this for
         | years myself.
         | majormajor wrote:
         | Many GUI diff tools will do this neatly regardless of
         | whitespace, FWIW, so this hasn't been a motivator for me for
         | code or text.
       | davnn wrote:
       | I write one sentence per line as well, but use line wrapping to
       | make it more readable during writing. Reading long sentences on a
       | single line is unpleasant imho.
       | I'll try switching from line wrap to full display to get a better
       | picture of the overall structure.
       | If the structure is easy to recognize I would probably prefer a
       | simple model that tells me a good line length for the current
       | line I'm in, e.g. a simple writing plugin for the editor of
       | choice.
       | vishkk wrote:
       | "Words are not forms of a single word.
       | In the sum of the parts, there are only the parts.
       | The world must be measured by eye."
       | - Wallace Stevens
       | bee_rider wrote:
       | It is the easy way to do things when writing LaTeX in vim.
       | lqet wrote:
       | I started doing this mostly for cleaner commits in version
       | control systems. After a while I also noticed it made the writing
       | more concise. It's much easier to spot redundant "filler"
       | sentences.
       | abhayhegde wrote:
       | Similar advice was given by a famous VC, Tomasz Tunguz, a few
       | years ago: https://tomtunguz.com/writing-separate-lines/
       | drewg123 wrote:
       | Just please, for the love of god, don't do it in slack. Nothing
       | annoys me more than a colleague writing a long slack message when
       | I'm AFK, and having my watch buzz like an angry bee when they hit
       | one carriage return (and send a new slack message) every 10
       | seconds.
         | Beltalowda wrote:
         | You should really be angry at Slack and not your colleagues.
         | There are loads of ways to prevent this like sending at most
         | one alert per user per minute (if message is unread). It's not
         | rocket science.
         | Most times when loads of people are "doing it wrong" then it's
         | the technology that is at fault, and not the people.
           | DawsonBruce wrote:
           | Over the past year I've disabled all Slack notifications and
           | the result is increased focus while I'm writing some code or
           | an email. All the messages will be queued up regardless if
           | I'm being notified (and disrupted) often. Perhaps give it a
           | try!
           | drewg123 wrote:
           | Yes, I'm angry at slack. No other messaging system I've used
           | does this..
         | eCa wrote:
         | Personally, I have mapped 'send' to cmd+enter, to avoid
         | accidentally sending too soon. Also, to make it behave
         | similarly within a code block as without.
         | lo5 wrote:
         | One of the problems with Slack/Discord desktop clients is that
         | the message area (center column) tends to be far too wide on HD
         | monitors (1200px+), making it difficult to read[1] anything
         | that hasn't been manually line-wrapped.
         | [1] https://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability
         | secondcoming wrote:
         | Joke's on you for connecting your watch to Slack.
           | drewg123 wrote:
           | Sadly, I have no choice. I have a Garmin connected to an
           | iPhone. Even when I disable most notifications for an app, it
           | will still hit my watch.
           | On Android, I could filter out which apps could notify the
           | watch, on ios, it seems Garmin has not been able to do that.
         | avgcorrection wrote:
         | Ctrl+Return
       | amake wrote:
       | \\(;D;)/
       | > be me
       | > write one sentence per line
       | > looks like greentext
       | > mfw
         | swamp40 wrote:
         | Then they accuse you of reddit spacing.
       | 3qz wrote:
       | This is awful. It's the LinkedIn writing style and I can't look
       | at it without being reminded of all the shitposting that "thought
       | readers" do.
       | Thoughts?
         | jyriand wrote:
         | I don't think it's awful. As he says you shouldn't publish your
         | text that way. In editing phase you will merge one line
         | sentences into paragraphs.
         | matwood wrote:
         | I'm not really a fan of 1 line per sentence _as the default_ ,
         | but agree with more breaks. Also know your audience. My default
         | structure is:
         | - Ask for what I want/why did I sent this email.
         | - Explanation why using logical breaks.
         | Which usually means I write my email, take the last line and
         | make it first.
         | If I'm emailing a technical colleague I'll include more
         | details. CEO, 1 line bullet points.
         | mirrorlake wrote:
         | My criticism is that nearly the whole page is the comment
         | section. The article itself is very short--pasted into an
         | editor, ~200 words excluding titles. Perhaps putting every
         | sentence on its own line also inflates an author's sense of how
         | long their article is.
           | dchest wrote:
           | Why do you need a longer article for such a simple idea?
         | zaps wrote:
         | Agree
       | MengerSponge wrote:
       | This is a good habit if you write LaTeX documents, particularly
       | with collaborators. It's much easier to diff a file where each
       | sentence has its own line!
       | dilap wrote:
       | If that's too much trouble, just write your essay as a series of
       | tweets. Similar focussing effect.
       | (And part of why I think the essay-as-tweet thread is so
       | popular.)
       | clord wrote:
       | This is my primary objection to using 80 columns everywhere.
       | Markdown specifically is a painful place to require it, but also
       | latex and HTML. For source code, 80-col works out ok most of the
       | time since "sentences" are relatively short, but even there I
       | prefer to use more semantic line breaks when the style guide or
       | formatting tool does not omit them.
       | pauljonas wrote:
       | Jose Saramago would hate this.
       | hammock wrote:
       | Most news articles are written one sentence per line.
       | You might not have ever realized this fact because the character
       | length of a typical line is so short, both in a columnar
       | newspaper and on an ad-ridden website.
       | cb321 wrote:
       | Most writing style rules are context-dependently apt. The quote
       | by Disruptive_Dave of Gary Provost rings true for artistic
       | writing. Sentence length limits are more helpful for technical
       | writing like papers/documentation, with its many side-details -
       | just as a complexity control.
       | Either way, though, for sentence source formatting, sentences on
       | line boundaries also help version control systems since a diff
       | shows the delta on a per sentence basis. Note that this is
       | _slightly_ different than one per line - it is more integer
       | number of lines per sentence since some are multi-line. Same
       | ethos, though.
       | kwelstr wrote:
       | James Joyce best advice? :-O
       | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
       | If what you're writing gets rendered as markdown (i.e. a readme
       | on github), you can actually publish as one-sentence-per-line,
       | because the markdown parser will make them into a paragraph for
       | you.
       | HeavyStorm wrote:
       | I cannot disagree more profoundly with the author. Write in a
       | very different way from which you read? From how texts are
       | formatted in general?
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | I used to do this all the time, when I worked for a Japanese
       | company.
       | They used to translate my emails, "in-place," so this allowed the
       | translators to insert a line of Kanji characters, below each of
       | my lines.
       | It also taught me to be frugal in my content, but you'd never
       | know it, reading my stuff, these days...
         | dnpp123 wrote:
         | It's also one of the first rule I've learned when communicating
         | professionally in Korean.
         | Write the _exact_ same paragraph, one with an EOL between each
         | sentence, one without.
         | Natives always understood the paragraph with EOL. Personally I
         | didn't see any difference but -\\_(tsu)_/-
         | I think it's true all the time, but it shows a lot more when
         | you speak in a language where the grammar is super different
         | from what you're used too.
       | Mageek wrote:
       | I absolutely love doing this. I often write in LaTeX, where new
       | lines don't effect the typeset output. It is so much easier to
       | see git diffs, comment sentences out, move sentences, identify a
       | sentence by its line number, etc. as well.
       | myfonj wrote:
       | Reading this makes me think it might be generally beneficial to
       | finally convey the semantics of sentence boundaries to the
       | resulting output as well, like some `<p><span>Sentence #1.</span>
       | <span>Sentence #2.</span>` wrappers: it would introduce
       | possibility (for author or user) to break it into lines again or
       | apply any other styling, and might improve interaction (think:
       | _select single sentence_ ), or some further processing or
       | contextual styling (think _" make all single-sentence paragraphs
       | stand out"_.)
       | Strange there is no truly "semantic" way to mark-up sub-paragraph
       | chunk of text in HTML; all 'inline' tags are intended for "words"
       | or for including several sentences at once (like emphasis, quote,
       | code, sample, mark, etc.). I have some murky memory I've read
       | some discussion explaining that the concept of "sentence" is
       | quite problematic and in no way universal, but cannot dig it up
       | now.
       | (This comment started as _But how are we supposed to sneak our
       | beloved double spaces between sentences in the output now?_ semi-
       | pun, but after all, this post-processing idea answers it.)
       | dang wrote:
       | I tell founders not to write like this, at least for HN, and I
       | edit their launch posts when they do
       | (https://news.ycombinator.com/launches), because it reads like a
       | sales letter.
       | But the OP is saying that it's useful to _make_ the sausage that
       | way, not sell it that way, which is a different point.
       | ngrilly wrote:
       | I'm doing that almost systemically when writing Markdown for
       | similar reasons to the blog post author.
       | longrod wrote:
       | For me context is very important. Separating out the sentences,
       | although makes them stand on their own, often sounds
       | discontinuous and jarring like a too long pause. Not to mention
       | how awkward it looks on the page (if double spaced which I
       | prefer).
       | That's not to say it's a bad technique. It might work for some,
       | not for others. For me it doesn't.
       | I have found writing to be much like coding where if you think
       | through the idea properly, writing to the end is not such a big
       | problem. The main hurdles is getting stuck which is often an
       | indicator of a poorly thoughtout idea.
       | The other thing that helps me escape the over-editting issue is
       | putting my words down with as much brevity is possible. The more
       | fluff there is, the harder it is to change. Simpler to read,
       | simpler to edit.
         | hansword wrote:
         | You might have missed a part of the article, where author says
         | they write single line sentences as 'code', but both Markdown
         | and HTML automatically turn concescutive sentences into
         | paragraphs, unless you (using a blank line or <p>) explicitly
         | end a paragraph.
         | > Not publishing one sentence per line, no. Write like this for
         | your eyes only.
         | (Edit: added quote from article)
       | rvnx wrote:
       | This is perfect in the era of fast-food media like TikTok or
       | shorts. We don't need long sentences, 140-chars are enough.
       | supersrdjan wrote:
       | One sentence per line can paralyze your writing. It invites you
       | to over-scrutinize each line and lose sight of the whole. It's a
       | view that's better suited for analysis than synthesis. So it's
       | better for editing than composing.
       | rpastuszak wrote:
       | I approach this by separating writing from editing. Just keep
       | writing, ignore the typos, self-censorship or formatting and keep
       | moving.
       | So, I've build myself an app to make that easier. Essentially,
       | it's just a more stupid version of a text box. It's free, it's
       | private, and it's meant to put you in the state of flow.
       | I've been using it every day for the past 3 years or so and I
       | know that some people find it useful too, but even if I was the
       | only user, I'd still be quite happy with it, since I suck at
       | sticking with habits :)
       | Check it out!
       | https://enso.sonnet.io
         | napolux wrote:
         | I like it!
         | ryan-duve wrote:
         | I just gave this a whirl and I wanted to let you know it's very
         | fun! For anyone else that wants to give the demo a shot, here's
         | the direct link:
         | https://write.sonnet.io/
         | MrGilbert wrote:
         | There is a small typo on the start page:
         | "[...] to say istead of how you want to say it."
         | Instead is missing a "n". :)
           | rpastuszak wrote:
           | Good timing, I took today off to do some (late) spring
           | cleaning. Fixed, thanks.
         | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
         | I totally agree. My approach is to just turn of the monitor.
           | reirob wrote:
           | I made a colorscheme for vim that uses same color for font
           | and background. Use it sometimes when I need to write long
           | confusing thoughts. It's quite a nice experience, the
           | sentences turn out to be similar to the way I would speak,
           | but still with more thought and deepness.
         | edjw wrote:
         | Similar idea I made a few years ago. A text editor with no
         | editing allowed and lets you export to Word/MD/HTML for later
         | editing
         | https://first-draft.netlify.app
           | rpastuszak wrote:
           | Sweet! If you don't mind sharing, did anyone donate through
           | ko-fi?
           | I think there's still potential in writing tools with decent
           | UX (iA Writer and such) and I know that some people wanted to
           | pay me for Enso, so I'm trying to figure out the best course
           | of action: either charge premium for a premium native app or
           | let the people chip in. Paid products tend to get more
           | valuable feedback.
             | edjw wrote:
             | I just checked and nobody did. I didn't really promote it.
             | Might have helped if I had said what I might do with the
             | money to improve it?
         | javajosh wrote:
         | _> I approach this by separating writing from editing. Just
         | keep writing, ignore the typos, self-censorship or formatting
         | and keep moving._
         | You've (re)discovered the old adage: write drunk, edit sober.
           | rpastuszak wrote:
           | Close but, no cigar. Code sober, debug drunk!
           | https://sonnet.io/posts/code-sober-debug-drunk/
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
         | MrDunham wrote:
         | Here's my biggest critique of Enso: It's not very easy to send
         | myself a reminder when I'm back at my computer to use it.
         | Content: i'm currently on my mobile phone and I absolutely
         | adore the idea of Enso (funny enough I'm currently holding &
         | feeding my infant named Enzo). I would like to write with it
         | and try it when I don't have an infant on my lap but that
         | requires me remembering it and looking it up when back on my
         | laptop and ready to write something.
         | I added my email on the mobile sign-up but frankly I don't
         | really want a mobile app as 60% of my long-form mobile writing
         | is done via voice to text and edited later. What I'd like is a
         | "remind me via email to give Enso a try" signup that says "hey,
         | this is a reminder to try Enso... The flow focused, low editing
         | app for creative writing" or something like that.
           | SamBam wrote:
           | You want a sign-up on the site that just sends you an email
           | and tells you to use it?
           | You could also just send yourself an email, you know.
           | Or, if you're fancy, use a to-do list that you can access
           | both on your mobile and your computer.
           | (To be fair, I recall the brain-fog that comes with having an
           | infant.)
             | rpastuszak wrote:
             | Fair enough, but I still think the user could benefit from
             | a gentle nudge here:)
           | rpastuszak wrote:
           | > remind me via email to give Enso a try
           | I like this. Thanks! Email notifications nowadays are a bit
           | of a pain to set up, since they need to contain the physical
           | address of the sender in the footer, so this is a piece of
           | work I _always_ keep postponing. I was even considering
           | dropping that form completely. Maybe I could generate a
           | calendar event with a reminder instead? This way I won't have
           | to store any data about the user and I could probably piggy
           | back on the phone UX when it comes to reminders. Just
           | thinking aloud here.
           | > as 60% of my long-form mobile writing is done via voice to
           | text and edited later.
           | Yeah, your description matches my own usage patterns. And,
           | I've reached a similar conclusion. Mobile-first Enso would
           | probably have two modes: keyboard + dictation.
       | kstenerud wrote:
       | When I write for myself, it's all over the place. Mostly it's
       | short phrases, unordered lists and the odd diagram, followed by
       | lines of --- to separate thought arenas. All of these are
       | fragments of ideas that I feel will probably be important to the
       | finished piece. Usually about half of them actually are.
       | I just continue writing down thoughts as they occur, any time
       | they happen during the day or during periods of concentration on
       | the piece itself. If the current thought is not an extension of
       | the last thing I wrote, I make a new line and start the new
       | thought.
       | Here's a small section of draft notes for a technical article
       | that I never published:                   Streaming only for top
       | level args, not deeply nested.... ?         - With set of files,
       | need lots of streams of data.         -- How to get metadata when
       | ordering not guaranteed?
       | ------------------------------------              Is there a way
       | to evaluate, send data from smallest piece to biggest piece?
       | - Walk the tree, assign weights to branches?              If a
       | hierarchy contains multiple big data pieces, how to tell the
       | receiving function?              Some method to pump in top level
       | args X items at a time?         - 1 item at a time for non-array,
       | x bytes at a time for array
       | -----------------------------------
       | Every so often I'll draw another line and summarize everything in
       | a way that succinctly discusses what I'm writing about in note
       | form. Then I draw another line and start writing notes again.
       | Eventually, the summary notes start to feel solid in my mind, at
       | which point I turn them into prose and then start embedding my
       | notes between the paragraphs, turning them into sentences only
       | once I feel I know where they should go in the overall piece.
       | Once the notes finally disappear from the prose, I have my first
       | draft.
       | swamp40 wrote:
       | I have to do this in my emails. Most people just ignore the
       | second and third sentences in a paragraph. No idea why, drives me
       | crazy - but this does help.
       | You can tell they don't read them because they ask questions that
       | were answered in them.
         | afterburner wrote:
         | Although the article does mention this is supposed to be an
         | organization trick for your eyes only:
         | > Not publishing one sentence per line, no. Write like this for
         | your eyes only. HTML or Markdown combine separate lines into
         | one paragraph.
           | crayboff wrote:
           | Ironically it seems he may have only read the beginning of
           | the article and skimmed past the rest.
         | ghaff wrote:
         | >No idea why
         | Because that tends to be how people skim.
         | If the first sentence of a paragraph doesn't catch their
         | attention in some way, they subconsciously assume that the rest
         | of the paragraph (which is presumably related) doesn't need to
         | be read.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | Which is why "don't bury the lede" is such important advice.
           | Also please rehearse what you would say to your family if you
           | got into a car wreck and they wanted to check you out at the
           | hospital versus "mom is going into surgery for massive
           | hemorrhaging."
           | "Hey son, we're okay, but we got into a bad fender bender and
           | we're getting checked out at Hoskin's Hospital. The car is
           | dead so can you come pick us up, maybe bring X and Y and have
           | your sister check on the cats?"
           | Is a way shorter moment of sheer terror than switching around
           | the sentence fragments at the beginning. Also if you're a
           | boss having an unscheduled meeting with someone, stalling the
           | agenda is just torturing the other person.
             | Groxx wrote:
             | This is all also useful advice for helping people deal with
             | notifications for work. They might see "@xyz can help you
             | with this..." and miss "... when they have time next week".
             | Help people triage. Make the urgency clear in the first
             | couple words. Don't just send "hi" and then wait for a
             | response, nor "X is down" when someone else is already on
             | it and you're just giving them an FYI.
         | warmwaffles wrote:
         | Why would you do that in your emails?
         | /s
         | dctoedt wrote:
         | > _Most people just ignore the second and third sentences in a
         | paragraph._
         | The military expression is BLUF - Bottom Line Up Front. (It
         | works for paragraphs as well as for entire documents.)
       | golergka wrote:
       | Its also very comfortable when you're using vim or vim-emulation
       | plugin in another editor.
       | black_puppydog wrote:
       | Or, with a bit more nuance: Semantic line breaks
       | https://sembr.org/
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | > _5. A semantic line break SHOULD occur after an independent
         | clause as punctuated by a comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:),
         | or em dash (--)._
         | Uh oh, that's incompatible with standard em dash usage, which
         | is with no surrounding whitespace.
         | (I'm designing a lightweight markup language of my own, and
         | it's tempting to special-case an em dash at the end of a line
         | that is not preceded by a space, to join to the next line
         | without inserting a space, but I've been trying to avoid nuance
         | in rules. But I definitely do want to put line breaks after em
         | dashes sometimes.)
           | lifthrasiir wrote:
           | If you are using Markdown you can use an HTML comment--<!--
           | -->like this. I'm okay with that because there are some edge
           | cases [1] in CommonMark that I absolutely need to use one
           | anyway.
           | [1] https://talk.commonmark.org/t/foo-works-but-foo-
           | fails/2528
           | bloak wrote:
           | According to Wikipedia: "Dashes have been cited as being
           | treated differently in the US and the UK, with the former
           | preferring the use of an em dash with no additional spacing
           | and the latter preferring a spaced en dash."
           | Though I prefer the spaced en dash myself, and I am in the
           | UK, I think there's probably a lot of variation on both sides
           | of the Atlantic.
           | nequo wrote:
           | Useless info but in LaTeX, you could write %\n instead of \n
           | to prevent the surrounding whitespace.
           | avgcorrection wrote:
           | A hairline space between em-dashes can be quite visually
           | pleasing (in American writing; British uses full spaces
           | around en-dashes). Like what Medium does.
           | But in that case I would prefer that the source text still
           | has no spaces. Such things can be added in postprocessing.
         | elfrinjo wrote:
         | Looks good - but I do not agree with
         | > 3. A semantic line break SHOULD NOT alter the intended
         | meaning of the text.
         | That should be #1 MUST NOT
           | _mattt wrote:
           | SemBr author here. I chose SHOULD NOT for this rule for a
           | couple reasons: First, as an affordance for text with
           | ambiguous or unknown meaning. Second, as a hedge against
           | introducing new meaning unintentionally.
           | Adding a semantic line break inherently changes the
           | relationship between words, and we can't always be sure about
           | the intended meaning of text. If this were MUST NOT, then any
           | modification would risk violating the spec.
           | Then again, this may be my own, idiosyncratic reading of RFC
           | 2119. If you'd like to discuss this further, feel free to
           | open an issue on the GitHub repo here:
           | https://github.com/sembr/specification/issues
         | DarkWiiPlayer wrote:
         | Came here to say this too. Huge fan of semantic line breaks,
         | both for VCS and for the eyes (makes it easier to parse the
         | structure of a document)
       | joegahona wrote:
       | I read Ken Rand's "10% Solution"[0] in ~2001 on the
       | recommendation of longtime Washington Post copy chief Bill Walsh,
       | who died a few years ago[1]. I can't believe how much of its
       | advice has stuck with me and how much it has helped me. Highly
       | recommended for anyone who wants to optimize their writing.
       | [0] https://www.amazon.com/10-Solution-Ken-Rand-
       | ebook/dp/B07FC7G...
       | [1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/bill-walsh-copy-
       | editor-...
       | michaelmior wrote:
       | I personally use this approach but mostly because a lot of what I
       | write ends up in a git repository and diffs make _way_ more sense
       | when there is only one sentence per line. I also find things much
       | easier to manipulate in vim when sentences don 't span lines.
         | avgcorrection wrote:
         | I mean, I'm happy that this was not a yet another
         | sysadmin/programmer-as-writer justification (adjusting one's
         | whole workflow based on the handful of terminal programs that
         | one uses).
         | EDIT: Meaning that I think this kind of justification is more
         | interesting since it is meant to affect the process of writing
         | itself.
           | michaelmior wrote:
           | I won't say I'm not guilty of that too sometimes. Although I
           | don't think it's so bad. If there's a tool that you really
           | like using that can be adapted to work in a variety of
           | scenarios, I can understand the justification. For some of
           | the things I do, there probably are better tools for the job,
           | but if I can make use of existing tools I already know how to
           | use well, even if in a suboptimal way, that might be more
           | worthwhile to me than investing in learning something new.
             | avgcorrection wrote:
             | Yep, indeed. Whatever works.
         | ketzu wrote:
         | > diffs make way more sense when there is only one sentence per
         | line
         | I did the same thing for some time for papers at university for
         | the same reason. It used to annoy me, because I hate to change
         | for my tools, I rather have my tools support my workflow: There
         | should be a nicer diff for that.
           | fragmede wrote:
           | There is! If you're using Git, you can do _git diff --word-
           | diff_ to enable word mode, which is computationally more
           | expensive, but computing power is cheap these days. There 's
           | also an "ignore whitespace" mode ( _-w_ ), though that
           | doesn't play well with Python.
             | [deleted]
             | irq-1 wrote:
             | Cool! An example:
             | You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all different.
             | You are in a little maze of twisty passages, all different.
             | You are in a little maze of twisting passages, all
             | different.
             | You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all different.
             | You are in a[-little-] maze of twisty {+little+} passages,
             | all different. You are in a[-little-] maze of
             | [-twisting-]{+twisty little+} passages, all different.
             | You are in a {+little+} maze of twisty[-little-] passages,
             | all different. You are in a little maze of twisty passages,
             | all different. You are in a little maze of
             | [-twisting-]{+twisty+} passages, all different.
             | You are in a {+little+} maze of [-twisty
             | little-]{+twisting+} passages, all different. You are in a
             | little maze of [-twisty-]{+twisting+} passages, all
             | different. You are in a little maze of twisting passages,
             | all different.
           | m4lvin wrote:
           | git diff --word-diff
             | [deleted]
           | TheFreim wrote:
           | You could write a script which replaces the end of sentences
           | with a new line and use git hooks[0] to run it before every
           | commit. You wouldn't have to write any differently.
           | 0. https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks
             | michaelmior wrote:
             | This would require accurately detecting the end of the
             | sentence which is not an easy thing to do correctly
             | consistently.
               | [deleted]
               | dubya wrote:
               | Two spaces between sentences makes this easy, and should
               | be just as easy a habit as one sentence per line.
               | avgcorrection wrote:
               | I used to write like that (even though I'm not an
               | American or a former typewriter) but pressing double
               | space got annoying after a while. :-)
               | kadoban wrote:
               | That's about as unnatural for most people as newline per
               | sentence, and has the added risk that you'll accidentally
               | publish like that and it'll look weird. One per line
               | would be _much_ harder to accidentally publish because
               | it's more obvious.
               | BeFlatXIII wrote:
               | Two spaces between sentences is how I've always typed
               | them, even if it's in HTML or MD or other forms that will
               | condense them into a single space in the final render.
               | The two spaces mark a clear intent to end a sentence
               | instead of a period to punctuate an abbreviation.
               | TheFreim wrote:
               | Many people learned to add two spaces to the end of each
               | sentence which is now built in to their muscle memory. My
               | father learned to type adding two spaces to the end of
               | every sentence, they tried to teach that to me in
               | computer class in middle school but since I had a lot of
               | experience typing already without it I never felt
               | motivated to change my habit to add two spaces. I never
               | really saw the point, in most formats I can't see the two
               | spaces.
               | avgcorrection wrote:
               | Good typography seems to dictate a wider space after a
               | sentence than between words. So this is a typewriter
               | habit to mimic that kind of thing (like the sibling
               | noted).
               | jhardy54 wrote:
               | Some people might prefer two spaces, but my understanding
               | is that all authorities on "good typography" have
               | standardized on one space:
               | https://practicaltypography.com/one-space-between-
               | sentences....
               | yellowapple wrote:
               | Those authorities on "good typography" are wrong. They
               | prioritize text looking pretty over text conveying
               | information clearly and accurately, and the world is
               | worse off because of it. Two spaces as the sentence
               | delimiter is superior in every way that actually matters,
               | and I will die on that hill.
               | harshreality wrote:
               | Rendering engines can do anything they want. The question
               | is about _source representation_ only, for semantic
               | purposes. That has nothing to do with _output_
               | representation. Even practicaltypography completely
               | misses that distinction.
               | You wouldn't publish anything with line breaks between
               | sentences either. Double spacing or line breaks both work
               | nicely for semantic purposes because html (or markdown
               | which almost always ends up displayed somewhere as html)
               | will ignore it.
               | Any print publishing software in the 21st century should
               | be aware that two spaces in a prose text source is a hint
               | for a sentence break, and treat it appropriately. They
               | often apply custom spacing (slightly more than 1, but
               | nowhere close to 2) between sentences anyway. Without the
               | two spaces, they have to algorithmically guess at
               | sentences. You just won't notice when there are sentence
               | detection errors, unless you're a typography fanatic;
               | who's going to notice 1 space instead of 1.2 or whatever
               | the optimum happens to be?
               | sam_bristow wrote:
               | Maybe I'm just being slow this morning, but isn't the
               | fullstop the indication of the end of the sentence?
               | What extra information is encoded by fullstop + 2 spaces?
               | andreareina wrote:
               | The period also indicates the previous word was
               | abbreviated, or can be used in an ellipsis, probably
               | other situations that aren't top of mind right now.
               | avgcorrection wrote:
               | Interesting. I definitely respect Butterick's opinions on
               | typography.
               | dubya wrote:
               | For me it's a holdover from a high school typing class,
               | but I find it useful. I mostly write in LaTeX which just
               | ignores the extras. On the iphone, two spaces are
               | replaced by a period and a space, which is quite handy.
               | wongarsu wrote:
               | Two spaces after each sentence comes from typewriters,
               | where it supposedly looked better. On computers it made
               | sense in the time of monospaced fonts, but with "modern"
               | fonts being able to control the amount of space behind
               | punctuation it's largely redundant.
               | blowski wrote:
               | Except for when you want to do diffs at the end of a
               | sentence.
               | kadoban wrote:
               | Yeah I believe this is a generational thing. I learned
               | double-space as well, but pretty sure not long after me
               | they stopped teaching that, and I've totally stopped
               | doing it.
               | ghaff wrote:
               | Double spaces was the norm on (almost always monospaced
               | font) typewriters [EDIT: in English]. I assume it
               | lingered on computers until sometime in the 80s but was
               | shifting especially once proportional fonts for written
               | material (other than things like code of course) became
               | the norm.
               | I couldn't tell you when I switched.
               | usr1106 wrote:
               | Double spaces was the norm for English. I understand it
               | is considered mostly obsolete nowadays.
               | It has not been the norm for German ever.
               | Edit: Related discussion:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22975299
               | earth_walker wrote:
               | I was taught to use double spaces in highschool typing
               | class (we used electric typewriters with the buffer off).
               | In the ~35 years since I have only ever met a handful of
               | people, all older than me, who did it in practice.
               | I continued through university while using a computer to
               | type things up, I'm pretty sure my thesis had double
               | spaces after periods, written in WP. Once I graduated I
               | dropped it pretty quickly.
               | Was there an early version of Word's spell-check-on-the-
               | fly that underlined double spaces, or am I miss-
               | remembering?
               | ghaff wrote:
               | >Was there an early version of Word's spell-check-on-the-
               | fly that underlined double spaces, or am I miss-
               | remembering?
               | I don't remember that and I was a fairly early user of
               | Word going back to DOS days although I rarely use it any
               | longer.
               | earth_walker wrote:
               | Apparently you could set up one or two spaces depending
               | on your preference, however recent versions of Word now
               | mark double spaces as an error by default.
               | euroderf wrote:
               | I've seen two spaces listed as a "resume don't-do" cos it
               | marks you as an oldster.
               | yellowapple wrote:
               | My resume is in LaTeX, so they literally would never
               | know.
         | arathore wrote:
         | Exactly, I mostly write in Latex and one-sentence-per-line
         | makes so much sense for that.
         | pointlessone wrote:
         | Vim has built-in text object for sentences. It supports
         | sentences spanning multiple lines.
           | michaelmior wrote:
           | Yes, but I still find it more convenient to have sentences on
           | their own line. Vim's sentence text object does also not
           | always correspond correctly to actual sentences.
         | TremendousJudge wrote:
         | Yeah, same here. If you're going to have any text commited to
         | git, it'll work much better if it's one sentence per line. Not
         | that git is great for prose, but it kinda does the job and I
         | don't need to have a new tool. Hammers, nails.
           | kadoban wrote:
           | > Not that git is great for prose, but it kinda does the job
           | and I don't need to have a new tool.
           | Is there really something better? Git is pretty great in
           | general, and prose doesn't seem like there'd be much room for
           | improvement in tooling. I'm not a writer really though, so
           | maybe I'm missing something?
             | ghaff wrote:
             | At least with a controlled circle of people who respect
             | that, say, handing off a doc to an editor means they
             | shouldn't make inline changes any longer, collaborative doc
             | editing like Google Docs.
             | As the above implies, you don't have great version control
             | and some of the process management is manual. But it works
             | well for people accustomed to working that way and it's
             | much more familiar for people who don't regularly use git
             | (or use it at all).
       | bertil wrote:
       | I remember struggling to write essays when I was in highschool.
       | Well, _I_ was fine, but my teachers insisted it was long-winded
       | gibberish. Concerned, my grand'mother told me: "Ask Sonia" I knew
       | she was her friend, and they liked to argue a lot, but I was a
       | bit confused by the advice.
       | It turns out, editing was Sonia's job: she was the head reader at
       | a very prestigious publishing house, meaning she was giving notes
       | and feedback to very famous authors, including four Nobel Prize
       | laureates. You kind of have to know what you are doing when you
       | are sending a manuscript full of red in the margins and the
       | person can respond "I've got a Nobel Prize and you don't." She
       | definitely had the icey stare to match.
       | Oddly, her advice was incredibly simple, and fitted in two very
       | short pieces:
       | * Subject, Verb, Complement -- in that order. If you see two
       | verbs, but a period between them.
       | * Things are confusing if you don't put them in order: start by
       | the beginning, find the widest piece of context that explain the
       | rest.
       | I don't apply her rules every time, but for every technical
       | document, every time I've tried, it's been night and day.
       | That typographic argument is really resonating with me.
         | drivers99 wrote:
         | > find the widest piece of context that explain the rest.
         | Sounds interesting. Can you explain this?
           | bertil wrote:
           | French, especially academic writing, can have a lot of
           | subordinate clauses:
           | > I asked the person _who_ was standing there.
           | It has even more oratory precautions:
           | > We can argue that this result, that was seemingly proven
           | wrong by a previous analysis, appear to be a consequence of a
           | previous attempt that was investigated by my esteemed
           | colleagues, who have looked into the author and found out
           | that they ...
           | If you want to split between each verb as they are, you end
           | up with sentences that are in the wrong order:
           | > I asked a person. That person was standing there.
           | > We can argue that this result appear to be a consequence of
           | a previous attempt. This result was seemingly proven wrong by
           | a previous analysis. The attempt was investigated by my
           | esteemed colleagues. My colleagues have looked into the
           | author. They found out that the author...
           | So you are better off by thinking: what comes first? The
           | person was standing there _before_ I asked, and I asked them
           | because they were standing, so that information should come
           | first:
           | > A person was standing there. I asked them.
           | Further, most actions in a chain of preposition explain a
           | decision: those should come first.
           | > This result was surprising. Sceptics wanted to verify it.
           | Their investigation concluded that the result was wrong. My
           | colleagues wanted to know more. They investigated the authors
           | of the result. They found out...
           | The outcome is a bit drier. The benefit is that if one
           | sentence is longer, or an adjective inverted, or a complement
           | put at the begining of the sentence, it's more striking. That
           | helps attracting attention to what matters, selectively.
           | For academic writing, you don't need as many oratory
           | precautions because you can report other findings without
           | having to validate them as yours: you present them all as
           | facts on equal footing. If you agree, it's implied from the
           | lack of criticism. If you disagree, it's on you to prove why
           | _after_ presenting the work fairly. For that, you have to
           | include the key aspect to support you criticism in your first
           | presentation.
           | I can also give the impression that you are just moving
           | forward without a clear goal: "This happened, in particular
           | then this happened, then this reacted..." which is why you
           | want to summarise your point early: people will see the
           | arguement getting closer to its goal, knowing what that goal
           | is.
       | throwawayHN378 wrote:
       | Been doing this forever but not for a particular reaso.
       | danielvaughn wrote:
       | I always do this for markdown, makes it waaay easier to edit,
       | reason about, cut, etc.
       | elfrinjo wrote:
       | I completely agree. Using one line per sentence (and soemtime
       | more lines when the sentence is longer) makes it way easier to
       | structure the text. Markdown and are perfectly able to fit the
       | text to the device you are reading on. It also makes version
       | control and diffs more usable.
       | However, I can also agree that this style might be not suitable
       | for non-technical writing.
       | trasz wrote:
       | This is how man pages are written, and in the long run it's
       | really convenient. I'm guessing that's also why it recently
       | become the rule for FreeBSD documentation, after migrating from
       | DocBook to AsciiDoc.
       | bronikowski wrote:
       | As a fan of Proust I feel he already did that but not in the way
       | Derek intended.
       | It's more like "One sentence per page(s) --
       | https://nathanbrixius.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/the-five-long...
       | generalpf wrote:
       | Is this what inspires LinkedIn engagement hackers?
       | jvanderbot wrote:
       | If you've ever had LaTeX docs in version control, you'll quickly
       | appreciate this approach as well, since VCS is much more sane
       | when dealing with lines.
       | edpichler wrote:
       | It is an advice for Internet only, right?
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | Is this why HN joins consecutive lines? This is on line 2.
       | And this is on line 4.
         | wccrawford wrote:
         | No, that's just how markdown works, and HN uses markdown.
           | an_ko wrote:
           | HN does not use Markdown. Compare HN formatting options
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/formatdoc to Markdown
           | https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
             | wccrawford wrote:
             | I'll concede that.
       | innocentoldguy wrote:
       | I write this way in Asciidoc, with a single line break between
       | sentences and two line breaks between paragraphs, since it
       | automatically compiles into normal paragraphs when I generate
       | PDFs or Word documents. It makes editing so much easier.
       | cjsawyer wrote:
       | I love the irony of using a two sentence opening paragraph to
       | sing the praises of not using paragraphs.
       | Good advice though ;)
       | dandare wrote:
       | Maybe this is the right thread to ask for help:
       | I am looking for resources on the technical aspects of creative
       | writing. Like this post. Or as mentioned below, on using semantic
       | line breaks https://sembr.org/
       | I am trying to improve my creative writing style but most what I
       | find on Google is about the creative aspect and not about the
       | technical aspect.
       | Disruptive_Dave wrote:
       | This sentence has five words. Here are five more words. Five-word
       | sentences are fine. But several together become monotonous.
       | Listen to what is happening. The writing is getting boring. The
       | sound of it drones. It's like a stuck record. The ear demands
       | some variety.
       | Now listen. I vary the sentence length, and I create music.
       | Music. The writing sings. It has a pleasant rhythm, a lilt, a
       | harmony. I use short sentences. And I use sentences of medium
       | length. And sometimes, when I am certain the reader is rested, I
       | will engage him with a sentence of considerable length, a
       | sentence that burns with energy and builds with all the impetus
       | of a crescendo, the roll of the drums, the crash of the cymbals-
       | sounds that say listen to this, it is important.
       | So I write with a combination of short, medium, and long
       | sentences. Create a sound that pleases the reader's ear. Don't
       | just write words. Write music.
       | (Gary Provost)
         | jstummbillig wrote:
         | That's beautiful.
         | To be fair, and are we not all about being fair around here, he
         | explicitly states:
         | > Not publishing one sentence per line, no. _Write like this
         | for your eyes only._
         | On the other hand, I find it hard to believe that there should
         | be no spillage between how you write and how you publish. For
         | example, I found "How to live" unreadable partly because of
         | what I suspect this style of writing did to the published
         | product.
           | pgcj_poster wrote:
           | I tend to write prose source code
           | with line breaks after grammatical units.
           | I've noticed that since I started doing so,
           | I've been writing longer paragraphs and sentences,
           | since the line breaks in the source do for me
           | what paragraph and sentence breaks do for the reader.
           | It's something I have to pay attention to.
             | kadoban wrote:
             | Writing like this works really well for vim and git as
             | well. It makes it easy to delete/move/edit lines (eg with:
             | d2j), and then in git the diffs are by default formatted
             | nicely and contain only sentences.
             | Though if you wanted to get fancy you could use other vim
             | movement commands (yank the next 2 sentences), I still
             | think it's easier using lines.
           | SamBam wrote:
           | GP was echoing the article's point that writing one sentence
           | per line lets you notice, and vary, your line lengths.
             | jstummbillig wrote:
             | Ah. If that's the case (and I can see how it might be) I
             | misunderstood. Thanks.
           | [deleted]
         | xwowsersx wrote:
         | My favorite excerpt from that book!
         | HKH2 wrote:
         | Five word sentences are fine. The first paragraph is not; the
         | content itself is dull. Do it with useful sentences.
           | fknorangesite wrote:
           | Of course. Hence
           | > But several together become monotonous.
           | joedavison wrote:
           | The semicolon is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that
           | sentence. That makes your example 5-10-5 words instead of
           | 5-5-5-5. Try using a period instead of semicolon and hear how
           | it sounds.
             | HKH2 wrote:
             | What difference does it make? They are multiples of five.
             | Are they okay to him? I doubt that is so. He dislikes
             | chunks of five. He was not prescribing semicolons. That
             | would still bother him.
               | fknorangesite wrote:
               | I think you might be missing the forest for the trees,
               | here. It's not about five-word sentences; it's about the
               | repetition making the paragraph as a whole monotonous and
               | robotic - something you demonstrated very well in this
               | very comment.
         | [deleted]
         | pagutierrezn wrote:
         | "We need to vary the lengths of our sentences. Sometimes short.
         | Sometimes long."
           | Ensorceled wrote:
           | The comment was a "yes, and" not a "no, but"
             | eesmith wrote:
             | Yes, and the hyperlink for "vary the lengths of our
             | sentences" in the linked-to essay goes to another essay, by
             | the same author - https://sive.rs/book/WritingTools - which
             | includes that Gary Provost "tour de force".
         | eddd-ddde wrote:
         | I'm gonna be honest, my mind got bored in the long sentence and
         | completely skipped like half the words. I think I'm just too
         | used to reading documentation and skipping 50% of the words so
         | I can see how to do something quicker.
           | OneLessThing wrote:
           | I had the same experience when my brain decided that I get
           | the point of the sentence and where it was going. Perhaps if
           | there was actual content in the sentence this wouldn't have
           | happened.
           | andruc wrote:
           | I wouldn't recommend consuming art like we do documentation.
         | gnulinux wrote:
         | I remember reading this as a child (maybe in elementary school)
         | and it affecting my writing. I have to admit, especially when
         | writing something technical, forgetting about this and focusing
         | on making small, easily-understandable sentences can help the
         | reader. (even though it's more boring)
           | wongarsu wrote:
           | A paragraph with just one 50-word sentence doesn't have
           | varied sentence length either ;)
           | For technical writing, "no more than one thought per
           | sentence" works quite well in my opinion. Or at least it's a
           | good guideline to apply in the first pass of proofreading.
             | andai wrote:
             | I agree with no more than one thought per sentence in
             | general, though I have the opposite problem: it often takes
             | me several paragraphs to get a single thought across. So
             | the end result ends up being something like 0.1 thoughts
             | per sentence.
             | I guess what I'm trying to get across is not a single
             | thought but a _perspective_ which requires some background
             | and context to appreciate, and I struggle with separating
             | out the essential from the incidental, and structuring it
             | for maximum engagement.
               | cseleborg wrote:
               | I struggle with this, too. I'm just very verbose. I try
               | to keep this piece of advice about working to shorten a
               | text in mind: it's done, not when there is nothing more
               | to add, but when nothing more can be removed. (Saint-
               | Exupery, I believe). It helps me a little bit.
               | andai wrote:
               | "Forgive me this long letter--I had not the time to make
               | it short."
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | Technical text has an excuse to be boring and repetitive. The
           | content is king, clarity and lack of ambiguity are the next
           | most important things, and style is just a fourth place
           | contender.
           | EDIT: I just want to point that differently from this thread,
           | the article is not about text style.
         | SkeuomorphicBee wrote:
         | Reading this makes me angry at all my school teachers for the
         | subjects of [my-native-language] and writing.
         | It is such a simple technique, that makes such a huge impact on
         | ones writing, and yet no teacher bothered to teach it. I spent
         | all my school years writing monotonous essays of five-word
         | sentences. Week after week I would make another one, and I
         | could clearly see for myself that they were bad, I just
         | couldn't tell why. So when I asked my teachers for help, asking
         | "what is wrong with my writing?", "what am I missing?", all I
         | ever got back was a bad grade and the same useless tip: "just
         | read more".
         | They might just as well have said to "draw the rest of the
         | fucking owl."
           | swyx wrote:
           | as they say: those who can't do, teach
             | bombcar wrote:
             | That is five words long.
               | yellowapple wrote:
               | So is that, my friend.
             | alar44 wrote:
             | They = idiots
           | coliveira wrote:
           | This is a problem with most advice on English writing. They
           | only teach you how to write as at a level that a 8 years old
           | reader would understand. Most modern books, fiction or not,
           | are written at a juvenile level, at the formal request of
           | publishers. As a result, the level of reading and
           | comprehension for most people has decreased to a level that
           | is lower than in any other literate society.
             | JoshCole wrote:
             | > they only teach you how to write as at a level that a 8
             | years old reader would understand.
             | Many if not most modern writing advice will remind you to
             | focus on your audience. Most audiences aren't composed of
             | eight year olds. So it isn't true that most advice suggests
             | writing for eight year olds.
             | > As a result, the level of reading and comprehension for
             | most people has decreased to a level that is lower than in
             | any other literate society.
             | We track statistics like reading comprehension and you can
             | look them up. I did. The source I found showed that every
             | state in the US I checked - with the exception of Michigan
             | (??) - has reading comprehension improve relative to the
             | year 2003. In some cases this improvement is by a notable
             | amount, in some cases not so notable.
             | It seems unlikely to me that people now are worse at
             | reading and writing than people used to be. Writing is more
             | common now and reading is more common too. Once,
             | journalists wrote. Now everyone does.
               | ghaff wrote:
               | >So it isn't true that most advice suggests writing for
               | eight year olds.
               | That may be true although I can tell you from personal
               | experience that writing optimizers for places like trade
               | press sites absolutely push you towards more basic
               | language, shorter sentences, etc. One site in particular
               | I used to write for sometimes told me every single time
               | that I should basically dumb down my prose. And I don't
               | write in a particularly literary way and I've pretty much
               | never had this feedback from human editors.
               | >Once, journalists wrote. Now everyone does.
               | Interesting observation. At one point, most business
               | people above a certain level were "writing" by dictating
               | to their secretaries which is a completely different mode
               | of getting information onto a page.
               | DiggyJohnson wrote:
               | I think you're both making good points in this thread.
               | I'm writing a non-fiction book in my spare time, and I've
               | had to face the fact that my default get-words-on-the-
               | page is _extremely_ flowery.
               | Would it be possible for you share an example of your
               | prose that received this criticism?
               | JoshCole wrote:
               | I believe you. Medium is the message is a term from media
               | theory. It refers to the idea that messages aren't in a
               | vacuum, but are shaped by where they are transmitted.
               | Often that shape is a function of what the audience will
               | find appealing. You can tie this sort of thing to bellman
               | equations to get a mathematical grip on the effect.
               | It does exist. It can be as harmful as you think it is.
               | Yet it isn't harmful everywhere - isn't the world at
               | large without any variation. It is intimately tied to the
               | environment you are in, because that environment produces
               | the rewards. Different environment, different reward,
               | different impact on your writing. The effect is local,
               | not global.
               | Which means you get to have a superpower.
               | When you have a bad transformation that degrades thinking
               | that makes the term "medium is the message" feel
               | dangerous. So you get things like Neil Postman's Amusing
               | Ourselves to Death. I think your post is an example of
               | the same type of fear. This focus - on the examples of
               | times where things are negative - it misses the
               | opportunity. Since messages are a function not of raw
               | ideas, but of their audiences you have an incredible
               | power. Choose the right audience. Set the expectation for
               | evaluation in advance. Pick the medium that helps you to
               | think clearly and makes it easy to be judged. Now,
               | instead of being destroyed by your incentive environment,
               | you get empowered by it.
               | Take a look at Amazon's writing culture for an example of
               | that. Or more broadly, the many companies which chose to
               | ban powerpoint for reasons which are fundamentally
               | related to what I'm talking about. We're not worse at
               | understanding writing than ever before. We're more
               | advanced than ever before, because we stand atop the
               | giants that came before us. Yet at the same time - we're
               | not, because that too is local and not global. The future
               | is often already here, but isn't evenly distributed.
           | t-3 wrote:
           | Reading more _is_ the best way to learn though. Having good
           | examples to imitate and build off of make writing clear,
           | engaging prose much easier. When my math teachers told me
           | "just do the practice problems", I also thought they were
           | idiots, but they were actually right...
             | latexr wrote:
             | > Reading more _is_ the best way to learn though.
             | It's useless advice to a student asking for specific help.
             | A cooking student asking "why is my rice always soggy"
             | should hear "let's start by examining how much water you're
             | using", not "watch more cooking shows until you understand
             | through osmosis".
             | The point of a teacher is to teach. If the only guidance
             | they can muster is "consume more of what you're trying to
             | create", there's no point to having a class.
               | misterprime wrote:
               | Yes, not everyone can notice the important element of
               | what they're witnessing, especially not a novice.
               | I've seen a lot of baseball and golf, and I still don't
               | know how to even try to swing those things properly.
             | Disruptive_Dave wrote:
             | Reading as a reader is kinda different than reading as a
             | writer. Different mind states. As a reader I'm getting lost
             | in a story, not picking up on writing styles and patterns.
             | You're not wrong. Just need the caveat of reading with the
             | intention (or partial intention) to pull yourself out of
             | the story and check out the architecture.
             | awestroke wrote:
             | Reading more is good, but what if the teacher had pointed
             | out the sentence length and told the student to start
             | reflecting on sentence length while reading?
               | strgcmc wrote:
               | Outside of classroom-style dedicated instruction, this
               | really does seem to be the best form of learning, i.e. a
               | semi-active/not-fully-passive approach.
               | There is generally no "hack" that the student can use to
               | avoid having to read a lot of stuff, in order to learn
               | and especially to become an expert. What a student needs
               | to read, isn't necessarily textbooks or the traditional
               | orthodoxy of materials, but still there is undoubtedly a
               | lot of reading that must be done, to "get good" as they
               | say.
               | That being said, for a teacher to GUIDE that reading, to
               | give some hints, pointers, themes, interconnections,
               | sequencing (start with X, then read Y to deepen your
               | knowledge of X), etc., is absolutely invaluable.
               | To me, this seems like the Pareto-optimal 80/20
               | breakdown, where 20% of the teacher's investment in time
               | and energy can get you 80% of the benefit of having
               | teaching at all (i.e. don't need a full curriculum or
               | full-time commitment to dedicated instruction, but do
               | need to spend some time/energy pointing the student in
               | various directions and giving them some ideas to think
               | about while reading).
               | Qub3d wrote:
               | This is all brushing up against the central theme of "Zen
               | and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", which approaches
               | its core thesis by dissecting the process of teaching
               | college students how to "write Quality".
             | Zababa wrote:
             | > When my math teachers told me "just do the practice
             | problems", I also thought they were idiots, but they were
             | actually right...
             | Reading more would be reading problems. Doing practice
             | problems is equivalent to writing and having
             | someone/something point out if it's good or not.
           | blobbers wrote:
           | Some people are going to respond "reading more is the right
           | thing to do".
           | As in: practice makes perfect. Observing a master, will make
           | you a master.
           | But unless your eye or brain can detect what they're doing,
           | it can feel hopeless.
           | Sometimes having it broken out like this really helps. I
           | found this amazing too!
           | So really, perfect practice makes perfect. Or at least saves
           | time and avoids forming bad habits along the way.
           | riazrizvi wrote:
           | I'm curious, what language/country was that?
         | exysle wrote:
         | He is not saying short sentences are necessary, he is saying
         | that each sentence stands out with a newline, which means they
         | can be judged at an individual level.
           | rsfern wrote:
           | The authors second point is that the length of each sentence
           | also stands out. This helps you assess the flow of the
           | writing.
           | I thought it was a useful point because I write with one line
           | per sentence, but had only considered the first advantage.
         | paulpauper wrote:
         | it makes no difference tbh how varied the sentence length is or
         | other aesthetic factors. nothing is reliably been shown to make
         | writing more successful.
         | jalino23 wrote:
         | Where can I read more of this kind of musicly writing? It was
         | so satisfying to read! I truly enjoyed it like no other reading
         | I've experience before
           | keithalewis wrote:
           | I can highly recommend "The Heavenly City of the 18-th
           | Century Philosophers" by Carl Becker.
           | auxbuss wrote:
           | Sebastian Barry is a master. Try Days Without End.
           | Quotes: https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/50666270-days-
           | without-...
           | The criminally unknown Janni Howker borders on poetry in her
           | prose. Try Martin Farrell.
         | soheil wrote:
         | > The writing is getting boring.
         | What is this obsession with writing not being boring? If you're
         | reading the passphrase to disarm a nuclear missile do you think
         | you might get bored halfway if the sentences are too long?
         | I never understood why people insist on having short sentences.
         | Human thought does not come in a small pre-packaged short
         | sentence form. Some of the best philosophers wrote very long
         | sentences, look at Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kant. Let's not
         | dumb ourselves down by sacrificing rich, deep thoughts just
         | because our ADHD might kick in and we might get distracted by
         | the next YouTube cat video.
           | fknorangesite wrote:
           | > What is this obsession with writing not being boring?
           | This may come as a surprise, but sometimes a piece of writing
           | is not technical documentation.
         | novalis78 wrote:
         | The most fascinating experience is trying to understand
         | Schopenhauer in German and then reading the same paragraph in
         | an English translation. It feels pre-digested or narrowed down
         | to one possible interpretation.
         | A professor at college tried to hone into us the short-precise
         | nature of English as a cultural phenomenon and considered the
         | paragraph long highly artistic German texts a reflection of a
         | culture that felt the need to impress.
         | Still to this day, I admire both: the sophisticated elaborate
         | construction of long flowery sentences that strain your memory
         | as well as the ultra-concise that brilliantly clear short
         | (often technical) prose.
         | [deleted]
       | who-shot-jr wrote:
       | This is my sentence.
       | There are many like it, but this one is mine.
       | wnoise wrote:
       | Many comments have mentioned both the benefits to diffing, and
       | various --word-diff options. Unfortunately word-merge tools are
       | harder to find. You can of course use smudge/clean filters to
       | unwrap and rewrap text, but those are quite fiddly to set up and
       | fragile in practice.
       | It isn't the main point of https://github.com/neilbrown/wiggle ,
       | but it can actually diff and merge on a word basis. A git merge
       | driver is fairly easy to set up.
       | mic47 wrote:
       | And it makes git diff pretty.
         | nazzacodes wrote:
         | *more functional
       | gist wrote:
       | > My advice to anyone who writes: Try writing one sentence per
       | line. I've been doing it for twenty years, and it improved my
       | writing more than anything else.
       | Who is the judge of 'it improved my writing more than anything
       | else'? What was the 'anything else' for that matter.
       | This is a particular writing style just like Aaron Sorkin has a
       | particular style. Some people like that style to others it's
       | annoying.
       | https://thescriptlab.com/features/10569-5-secrets-to-aaron-s...
       | > We sometimes write sentences that don't need to exist. Hidden
       | in a paragraph, we might not notice. Standing on their own, we
       | notice. Delete any sentence not worthy of its own line.
       | If you proofread and review what you write why would you not
       | notice?
         | pessimizer wrote:
         | This isn't suggesting that the things that you publish be one
         | sentence per line. It's suggesting that you write one sentence
         | per line, polish the individual sentences (and question their
         | right to exist at all) then edit them into paragraphs. You
         | might have assumed this assume this by noticing the fact that
         | the article has more than one sentence per line.
         | > Who is the judge of 'it improved my writing more than
         | anything else'?
         | Who do you think? Who wrote the article? The word 'my' might be
         | a hint.
         | > What was the 'anything else' for that matter.
         | Would you give him permission to describe _one_ practice he
         | adopted while writing without describing every single step he
         | 's made in learning how to write since he was a child?
           | gist wrote:
           | > Who do you think? Who wrote the article? The word 'my'
           | might be a hint.
           | I am challenging how someone arrives at that conclusion if
           | they are the judge (which seems implied). Sivers gives
           | nothing at all to indicate - not even anecdotes - as backup
           | for the improvement. His statement is general and broad.
           | Let's say he was instead describing writing he did for school
           | or for work. So before he applied his technique he was rated
           | or judged a certain way (grades, reviews). Then he started to
           | use the technique he describes. He then gets better grades or
           | reviews. In that case he concludes 'it improved my writing
           | more than anything else' (and I might still ask 'what are the
           | other things you tried that did not work'. But in this case
           | all he says (again) is a very broad and not in any way backed
           | up 'it improved my writing'. And he claims 'advice to anyone
           | who writes' he can't be serious using 'anyone' in that
           | 'polished' sentence other than to get people worked up over a
           | blog post and talking about it (which to be clear is a
           | technique that bloggers use)
           | > Would you give him permission to describe one practice he
           | adopted while writing without describing every single step
           | he's made in learning how to write since he was a child?
           | People read what others have written and critique. My guess
           | is that if he read my comment he might think that someone
           | thought a certain thing and wonder and then maybe he would
           | learn and/or make an adjustment. Not the reason I made my
           | comment but there is nothing that indicates he should not be
           | criticized or that others can't learn from the statements
           | that I made whether they agree or not with what I said.
           | > It's suggesting that you write one sentence per line,
           | polish the individual sentences
           | Again he is not even indicating when his technique matters. I
           | write every day (for sales) I get very good results (judged
           | by replies and results). In my case I don't have to polish
           | every sentence I write enough and have enough feedback that I
           | find that sometimes you don't even want to care that much
           | because that in itself (in certain situations) telegraphs
           | something.
           | You don't think starting a post with this is a bit to broad:
           | "My advice to anyone who writes: Try writing one sentence per
           | line."
           | Seems very clear to me 'advice to anyone who writes'
           | seriously 'anyone'?
       | stewfortier wrote:
       | I think the spirit of this advice translates well to publishing
       | style, too.
       | I get intimidated when I see big blocks of text.
       | But take that same, intimidating block and thoughtfully break it
       | into short, punchier paragraphs and I'm in.
       | Shorter paragraphs make it easier for me to skim and get a sense
       | of where something is going. They also give me more chances to
       | pause, catch my breath, and internalize what I'm reading.
       | This is harder for me to do in a big block of text where I'm
       | afraid I'll lose my place if I divert my attention.
       | gjvc wrote:
       | just don't take this as "one sentence per paragraph" unless you
       | want to sound like a used-car salesman.
       | oever wrote:
       | It's like poetry.
       | nunez wrote:
       | this is actually really good advice. shorter paragraphs force you
       | to be concise, and concise is really good in short-attention-span
       | mediums like reddit or email.
       | AndyJado wrote:
       | Here is an app takes one line as first class citizen.
       | it records the time you spend on each line.
       | it feels like writing on paper, but more efficient if you dealing
       | with lines.
       | https://github.com/AndyJado/Boya
       | elchin wrote:
       | LaTeX does the same as Markdown and HTML - I used to do this when
       | I was in academia.
       | wheybags wrote:
       | Slightly off topic, but a pet peeve of mine is how you don't get
       | a real line break in markdown when you insert a newline. Sometime
       | I want a line break without a vertical apace for a new paragraph,
       | I can't be the only one here! I know I can normally just add a br
       | tag, but that looks nasty when you read it as plain text.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | That depends on the markdown implementation (like so many
         | features). But most of them implement "two trailing spaces on
         | previous line force line-break" so you can (in most places) do
         | something like this:                   This is a paragraph with
         | no linebreaks.                  This is a paragraph with
         | one linebreak but without trailing spaces                  This
         | is a paragraph with one           line break and trailing
         | spaces on previous line
         | That will render correctly on GitHub and other places (meaning,
         | when rendered, the first one has no line-breaks, the second one
         | has no line-breaks but the third one does [select the full
         | third example to see the trailing spaces])
         | Here is a demo of it in action: https://jbt.github.io/markdown-
         | editor/#dY3RCYAwDET/M8VN4DQuE...
           | Beltalowda wrote:
           | The two spaces-is-linebreak thing is in the commonmark
           | specification, and has been a Markdown feature from the first
           | Gruber Perl script, so it should be pretty compatible.
           | The problem with it is that it's so "invisible" and that some
           | editors/people have things setup to strip trailing whitespace
           | by default.
           | I wish there was a simpler way, like "@ at the end of a line
           | indicates a hard line break", but at well.
           | xigoi wrote:
           | Significant trailing whitespace is awful. Many editors have
           | it invisible and/or automatically remove it.
         | Jaruzel wrote:
         | Markdown allows you to inline HTML, so just use the <BR> tag
         | for a newline.
         | Edit: Oh come now... Editing your post to also say what I
         | replied, then voting me down is poor sportsmanship old chap.
           | wheybags wrote:
           | I wrote that bit about br tags before seeing any replies,
           | sorry :p My sportsmanship is immaculate!
           | colejohnson66 wrote:
           | You can't downvote direct replies; Only upvote. Meaning any
           | downvotes you've received were from others.
             | Jaruzel wrote:
             | good point! (I knew that, honest)
       | lo5 wrote:
       | Related: Cormac McCarthy's tips on how to write a great science
       | paper[1]
       | > Limit each paragraph to a single message. A single sentence can
       | be a paragraph. [...] > Keep sentences short, simply constructed
       | and direct. [...]
       | [1] https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02918-5
       | aasasd wrote:
       | Such, errr, 'giants' as BBC evidently already adhere to this
       | advice, and others follow in their step.
       | Though I suspect that the motivation is different.
         | Angostura wrote:
         | No. Their paragraphs rarely extend beyond two sentences in news
         | reports https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61859881 but it
         | does happen.
         | honksillet wrote:
         | I was going to say this. New reporting has denigrated to two
         | sentence paragraphs. It is ridiculous.
           | aasasd wrote:
           | > _denigrated_
           | I don't think that's the word you're looking for =)
           | (Since we're on the topic of words in this thread.)
       | btrettel wrote:
       | Some previous discussion of this writing/coding style (though not
       | of this particular page, which didn't go online until today):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31695393
       | https://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2012/one-sentence-per-line/
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4642395
       | http://www.uvm.edu/pdodds/writings/2015-05-13better-writing-...
       | globular-toast wrote:
       | This is not a bad idea. Any decent toolchain will support
       | rendering as paragraphs, including LaTeX. Another advantage not
       | stated is version control and diffs work much better. You do have
       | to put up with long lines, but most editors support wrapping long
       | lines for display purposes.
       | I wish I had done this while writing my PhD thesis.
       | mjcohen wrote:
       | The mathematician Lillian R. Lieber wrote a number of expository
       | books in which the text had one phrase per line. I found this
       | extremely easy to read, and I write my LaTex this way, which
       | makes it very easy to edit.
       | Here is what the previous paragraph would look like in her style:
       | The mathematician Lillian R. Lieber
       | wrote a number of expository books
       | in which the text had one phrase per line.
       | I found this extremely easy to read,
       | and I write my LaTex this way,
       | which makes it very easy to edit.
       | I highly recommend the wikipedia article about her and its
       | references:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lillian_Rosanoff_Lieber#Unusua...
       | dws wrote:
       | Elsewhere, https://sive.rs/book/ShortSentences, Sivers recommends
       | "Several Short Sentences About Writing", which is a perspective
       | on writing that I'd not seen before. A useful read if you want to
       | practice his present advice.
       | erellsworth wrote:
       | Tangentially related:
       | "Omit needless words."
       | -William Strunk, The Elements of Style
       | Highly recommended book for anyone who wants to be a more
       | effective writer.
         | eesmith wrote:
         | Have you read any of the criticism of the book? Its Wikipedia
         | entry quotes Pullum:
         | > The book's toxic mix of purism, atavism, and personal
         | eccentricity is not underpinned by a proper grounding in
         | English grammar. It is often so misguided that the authors
         | appear not to notice their own egregious flouting of its own
         | rules ... It's sad. Several generations of college students
         | learned their grammar from the uninformed bossiness of Strunk
         | and White, and the result is a nation of educated people who
         | know they feel vaguely anxious and insecure whenever they write
         | however or than me or was or which, but can't tell you why.
         | (See also "50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice" at, eg,
         | https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-file-manager/fil...
         | . Language Log recommends
         | https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Strunk+site%3Ahttp%3A%...
         | as a way to find further criticism from them.)
         | For "Omit needless words", a problem is identifying what
         | "needless" means. Quoting http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/langua
         | gelog/archives/004552.h...:
         | > Whenever you see an appeal to ONW, you should wonder what
         | people are doing with those "needless" words. Most of the time,
         | those extra words are serving some function that conflicts with
         | brevity; they're doing some work.
         | There are also examples how that phrase (likely) caused people
         | to believe that if a word _can_ be omitted then in _must_ be
         | ommitted, like
         | http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/004176.h...
         | and
         | http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/000994.h...
         | .
         | Or how in White's own writings he "sometimes throws in a few
         | extra words just for the sheer resonant fun of it" -
         | http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/001904.h...
         | .
         | FWIW, I think "don't be too wordy" is more accurate and less
         | likely to be misunderstood than "omit needless words", and one
         | character shorter.
         | (Personally, I still recall my utter confusion in 11th grade
         | English trying to figure what "passive" meant when told to
         | avoid it. Turns out three of the four examples of passive in
         | "The Elements of Style" ... aren't passive! And yes, I got
         | marked off for using what may- or may-not have been the
         | passive.)
         | supersrdjan wrote:
         | Authors of the excellent "Clear and Simple as the Truth:
         | Writing Classic Prose," Francis-Noel Thomas and Mark Turner,
         | have this to say about Elements of Style:
         | Strunk and White's disarming treatment of what everybody really
         | needs to know about writing has been treasured by generations
         | of people who are occasionally forced to write something and
         | view the prospect with a sinking feeling of dread. As a guide
         | to writing, The Elements of Style, being little more than an
         | apparently arbitrary mixture of grammatical digest, handy list
         | of common mistakes, and expert hand-holding, is drastically
         | incomplete, but it is a masterpiece of psychological insight.
         | Its attractions derive, we suspect, first, from its implicit,
         | cheery, and optimistic promise that if you just read its few
         | pages and work those few surface tricks it teaches you ("In
         | summaries, keep to one tense," "less should not be used for
         | fewer"), you will not embarrass yourself; second, from its
         | exhortatory cheerleading that seems so assured and upbeat; and
         | third, from its tone of common sense that masks, at key points,
         | an essential vacuousness: "Choose a suitable design and hold to
         | it."
         | Edit: oh and by the way, the two authors recommend this as a
         | better alternative (I haven't read it): Style: Toward Clarity
         | and Grace, by Joseph Williams and Gregory Colomb
         | mattbee wrote:
         | As a writing manual, I am also a big fan of "First You Write a
         | Sentence" by Joe Moran.
       | personlurking wrote:
       | Reminds me a bit of Jordan Peterson's advice to rewrite every
       | sentence until it's the best it can be, and then repeat that with
       | each paragraph.
       | His son recently released Essay, a tool to help write better, in
       | the sense mentioned above.
       | https://essay.app
         | hanifc wrote:
         | This entire comment was what came to mind as soon as I opened
         | the post. Glad I found it here.
         | His process is outlined here:
         | https://medium.com/practicecomesfirst/dr-jordan-b-petersons-...
         | I believe the app is a tool to help you learn, practice, and
         | internalize that process.
       | preseinger wrote:
       | One sentence per line makes prose feel sanctimonious, even self-
       | aggrandizing. I find this dude's writing un-readable for exactly
       | this reason. All of his articles are like HTML versions of the
       | Ducks Go Quack TED Talk [0]. I just roll my eyes.
       | [0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tom6_ceTu9s
         | kuhzaam wrote:
         | In his defense, he is saying to write "one sentence per line"
         | only _while_ you are writing/editing. He says this is "for your
         | eyes only", and that you'll recombine into paragraphs
         | afterwards.
         | I think the idea is that, if your sentence can stand up to the
         | added scrutiny you'll give it while seeing it sitting all
         | alone, then it is worth keeping. Otherwise it is a wasteful
         | sentence.
         | Anyway, I do agree that the actual "one sentence per line"
         | prose that is so pervasive on places like LinkedIn is awful.
           | Semiapies wrote:
           | At this point, I think it's wasted breath to try to respond
           | to the people who skim over articles without comprehension
           | (or who don't appear to read the articles at all) and who
           | instead just respond to the title.
             | preseinger wrote:
             | I understand the difference between one line per sentence
             | at the source level, and at the presentation layer. As far
             | as I can tell, articles on sivers.org demonstrate both.
         | Enginerrrd wrote:
         | I think the advice is still useful for editing. Personally, I'd
         | add the extra step of re-consolidating the sentences into
         | paragraphs after going through this editing phase though. That
         | said, I do a lot of technical writing and I often find
         | paragraphs with fewer sentences are my better written
         | paragraphs.
           | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
           | I'd argue that the job of clumping adjacent sentences
           | together into paragraphs is a job for whatever builds/renders
           | the writing, not for the writer.
             | preseinger wrote:
             | (laughs) what??
             | Paragraphs -- like punctuation, grammar, syncopation, etc.
             | etc. -- express semantic intent. They're not, like, type
             | faces. They're one of the tools that *authors* use to
             | communicate meaning.
         | CoryAlexMartin wrote:
         | I also find his writing very unnatural and hard to read. It
         | makes me seriously doubt his method, which he claims he's been
         | using for twenty years.
         | The first thing that stood out to me was the robotic nature of
         | his writing. It seems like he's going so far out of his way to
         | remove "unnecessary" words from sentences, and remove
         | "unnecessary" sentences from his paragraphs, and to stringently
         | vary his sentence lengths, that he winds up writing unnatural
         | language. If you write in a way people aren't accustomed to,
         | your readers are going to have a harder time understanding you.
         | "Sometimes short. Sometimes long." "Cut three lines. Paste them
         | up above."
         | This isn't how English is used.
       | sequoia wrote:
       | I'm surprised no one has mentioned ventilated prose, which is
       | like this but even moreso:
       | https://vanemden.wordpress.com/2009/01/01/ventilated-prose/
       | nojs wrote:
       | > Not publishing one sentence per line, no. Write like this for
       | your eyes only.
       | Many news outlets now use this as standard for publishing.
       | Random example: every article at https://www.abc.net.au/
       | I challenge you to find a (non-quote) paragraph with more than
       | one sentence!
         | II2II wrote:
         | However, the intent is different. The author is suggesting a
         | general purpose method to facilitate a more engaging writing
         | style that can be used even if the product contains paragraphs
         | of multiple sentences. News outlets use it to facilitate the
         | conveying of information to the reader.
         | (Incidentally, it is not too hard to find multi-sentence
         | paragraphs in news stories, though it is rare to find anything
         | exceeding three sentences.)
       | pkdpic wrote:
       | Ok.
       | I love it.
       | This could change everything.
       | Future historians may thank us.
       | Seriously.
       | mad44 wrote:
       | I had copied this Emacs macro just for doing that.
       | ;; one sentence per line (defun wrap-at-sentences () "Fills the
       | current paragraph, but starts each sentence on a new line."
       | (interactive) (save-excursion ;; Select the entire paragraph.
       | (mark-paragraph) ;; Move to the start of the paragraph. (goto-
       | char (region-beginning)) ;; Record the location of the end of the
       | paragraph. (setq end-of-paragraph (region-end)) ;; Wrap lines
       | with 'hard' newlines (i.e., real line breaks). (let ((use-hard-
       | newlines 't)) ;; Loop over each sentence in the paragraph. (while
       | (< (point) end-of-paragraph) ;; Determine the region spanned by
       | the sentence. (setq start-of-sentence (point)) (forward-sentence)
       | ;; Wrap the sentence with hard newlines. (fill-region start-of-
       | sentence (point)) ;; Delete the whitespace following the period,
       | if any. (while (char-equal (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\s)
       | (delete-char -1)) ;; Insert a newline before the next sentence.
       | (insert "\n")))))
       | (global-set-key (kbd "M-j") 'wrap-at-sentences)
         | mad44 wrote:
         | Fine, here you go, with the line breaks
         | ;; one sentence per line
         | (defun wrap-at-sentences ()                 "Fills the current
         | paragraph, but starts each sentence on a new line."
         | (interactive)            (save-excursion              ;; Select
         | the entire paragraph.              (mark-paragraph)
         | ;; Move to the start of the paragraph.              (goto-char
         | (region-beginning))              ;; Record the location of the
         | end of the paragraph.              (setq end-of-paragraph
         | (region-end))              ;; Wrap lines with 'hard' newlines
         | (i.e., real line breaks).              (let ((use-hard-newlines
         | 't))                ;; Loop over each sentence in the
         | paragraph.                (while (< (point) end-of-paragraph)
         | ;; Determine the region spanned by the sentence.
         | (setq start-of-sentence (point))                  (forward-
         | sentence)                  ;; Wrap the sentence with hard
         | newlines.                  (fill-region start-of-sentence
         | (point))                  ;; Delete the whitespace following
         | the period, if any.                  (while (char-equal (char-
         | syntax (preceding-char)) ?\s)                    (delete-char
         | -1))                  ;; Insert a newline before the next
         | sentence.                  (insert "\n")))))
         | (global-set-key (kbd "M-j") 'wrap-at-sentences)
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Ironically, this snippet seems to be a bit _too_ much wrapped!
         | You need to have a empty line between each line on HN for it to
         | format correctly. If you also ident it by four space, it gets
         | marked as code in the markup.
         | yvdriess wrote:
         | I just love the irony that one needs to manually insert
         | newlines to copy over code to automate inserting newlines.
       | jillesvangurp wrote:
       | Good advice. There are a few nice tools out there to support
       | technical writing. I think one of them was featured on HN a few
       | days ago: vale.
       | This is a tool that allows for applying simple regular expression
       | based rules to enforce style rules. The idea is that you can tune
       | this to your needs and cover all sorts of stylistic rules. For
       | example, gender neutrality might be a desirable thing in the
       | documentation for some tech companies and you can get it to flag
       | things that are clearly not gender neutral.
       | Another thing worth mentioning is Jetbrains Grazie Professional
       | (warning it's different from the normal grazie plugin, which is
       | confusing), which actually integrates vale and can be used as a
       | plugin for editing both code comments and markdown files in
       | Intellij and other Jetbrains IDEs.
       | In general, treating text like you would treat programming code
       | as a thing that has rules that can be figured out and enforced is
       | a good mindset. I learned to write coherent text while doing my
       | Ph. D. a long time ago. At some point I figured out that anything
       | I'm doing consistently wrong, I can just learn to do consistently
       | right. I just need to be open for criticism and figure out why
       | something is wrong/not ideal. You kind of learn to look for
       | things that you've done wrong before in your own text and then
       | you fix it. A lot of these rules aren't rocket science. You just
       | need to know about them. There's a whole grey area between
       | grammatically correct and stylistically pleasing/acceptable.
       | Having tools point out things that are likely problematic helps.
       | keewee7 wrote:
       | Months ago I noticed that I was doing this because of a (bad?)
       | coding habit. It meant that my writing was recognizable across
       | multiple reddit and discussion board accounts I don't want to be
       | associated with each other. I stopped Writing One Sentence per
       | Line after that.
         | iLoveOncall wrote:
         | Did you read the article? The author says to write with one
         | sentence per line, not to _publish_ with one sentence per line.
       | Hendrikto wrote:
       | This reads like it was written by a third-grader. Accessible?
       | Maybe. Enjoyable? Not in my book.
       | As a German speaker, I feel like English prose is already
       | extremely biased towards short sentences. This makes some sense,
       | as German has much more grammar to make these sentences readable
       | and unambiguous.
       | At some point, I feel like making sentences even shorter does not
       | aid the readability, but rather stands in its way.
         | xwdv wrote:
         | Sentences are just a tool for exchanging an idea. The actual
         | sentence doesn't matter, only the idea.
         | thejohnconway wrote:
         | The article isn't advocating making sentences shorter. It is
         | using short sentences, but that is not what is being said.
         | avgcorrection wrote:
         | If you want five-line sentences with plenty of dashes and
         | semicolons then the American Humanities still has got you
         | covered.
         | mbg117 wrote:
         | This article had more to do with the visual separation of
         | sentences, so they're easier to inspect at a glance, and not so
         | much how small they are.
         | Not necessarily the containment of each sentence to a single
         | line, but a new line between each sentence to maintain
         | separation.
       | planetsprite wrote:
       | tech bloggers discover greentexting
       | bregma wrote:
       | This was the rule in the 1980s when using nroff and it's a habit
       | I developed when using any markup. It's good to know that it's
       | been rediscovered again as newcomers mature in their tool use.
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