[HN Gopher] I fucking hate Jira
       I fucking hate Jira
       Author : yakshaving_jgt
       Score  : 682 points
       Date   : 2022-06-20 18:40 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (ifuckinghatejira.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (ifuckinghatejira.com)
       | geocrasher wrote:
       | The main problem with Jira is that it echoes the people who
       | manage it almost perfectly. Crappy Management = Jira Hate, but
       | it's really Manager Hate. I figured this out at my last job. Then
       | I left.
       | ggm wrote:
       | Love the idea, hate the implementation.
       | How can it be proper to show me the outcome of applying JQL to a
       | db query but refuse to show me the JQL because of an
       | ownership/acl problem.
       | Want automation? Chain tasks but it has no "this" or "self" so
       | that last thing you made? Have fun reconnecting to it.
       | So many options but no way to flatten them and define a template
       | with specific ones: some are baked in and some can't be easily
       | specified as important to float to top.
       | Still no clean way to uplift org to confluence with native
       | support
       | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
       | I feel like hating on Jira is the pastime that is now passed down
       | from each generation of programmers to the next.
       | I'm going to stick up for Jira. I certainly don't "love" Jira,
       | though I do think they've made significant improvements with "new
       | Jira" (I think they call them team-managed projects now).
       | The problem I have with the incessant Jira bitching is that I
       | rarely feel that bitchers have a true understanding for the
       | _extreme_ difficulty of the _organization-wide_ problem Jira is
       | trying to solve. It 's always taken on from the position of
       | "well, it didn't make my specific use case easy", but never with
       | an appreciation with some of the complexity that Jira needs to
       | solve for other users at your company, never mind other
       | companies.
       | Obviously some of the complaints (speed, stability) are very
       | valid, but here's a question I think is just as valid: why don't
       | you think some other company has come along and toppled the Jira
       | crown? Certainly tons of them have tried, and while many have
       | their supporters, they are almost equally likely to have their
       | detractors.
       | The fact is, building a generic project management and tracking
       | tool is a really difficult, hard problem. In my old age as a
       | programmer I feel like Jira is kind of like our form of
       | government: "Jira is the worst project management tool, except
       | for all the others".
         | blowski wrote:
         | I totally disagree with you, but I upvoted you for making me
         | think about it differently.
         | tootie wrote:
         | JIRA is the medium that cranky devs interact with disinterested
         | managers. It's just a vessel for data and metadata. And as far
         | as I'm concerned it's one of the best at doing what it does.
         | There's no tool I prefer to JIRA. Asana is a joke by
         | comparison. TFS is just Bad JIRA. Issue trackers like Trello or
         | GitHub issues are fine for creating a dumping ground for ideas
         | but not for organizing.
         | If you can get away with less structure than JIRA affords then
         | congratulations for not having a budget or timeline but the
         | rest of us need some deniability. Every other problem in the
         | world of software projects is human and can't be solved with
         | tickets.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | Your point is admirable but its also short sighted. You're
         | right that building a one size fits all tool is a large task
         | and it's easy to complain about something hard.
         | But the flaw is in assuming it's a problem that should be
         | solved in a one size fits all way. In my experience the pain
         | points come from top down process that's at odds with the
         | reality of the work.
         | throwk8s wrote:
         | > It's always taken on from the position of "well, it didn't
         | make my specific use case easy"
         | For customers, their own specific use cases are the only ones
         | they _should_ care about.
         | I don't know why there isn't a good solution to the problems
         | Jira attempts to tackle, but that's no reason to get
         | philosophical. It's OK to hate every existing option.
         | babypuncher wrote:
         | People who hate Jira need to spend a year working in VersionOne
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Same here, I really don't get the cargo cult hate against Jira.
         | Before I got to use Jira for the first time around 2006,
         | everything I used before was crap, either in-house solutions
         | out of CGI scripts or crap like ClearQuest.
         | Stuff like Trello just seems too basic for typical enterprise
         | workflows that overlap sprint planning, with project roadmap,
         | milestones and change requests, mapping of tickets to source
         | code, pull requests, documentation,...
         | If I have decision power, I will always pick the Atlassian
         | product suit versus the competition.
           | timmytokyo wrote:
           | >Same here, I really don't get the cargo cult hate against
           | Jira.
           | That's funny, because I've always thought of Jira's most
           | ardent defenders as a cargo cult. As this comment section
           | indicates, Jira can do no wrong. It can only be done wrong.
           | Cult.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Jira is like democracy, it isn't perfect and is full of
             | flaws, yet it still is better than the alternatives.
           | cotillion wrote:
           | I think those of us who have had to suffer through
           | ClearQuest, Lotus notes etc have an entirely different scale
           | on how bad things can be compared to those who appear to
           | really really hate Jira today. I'm not a fan of Jira but
           | atleast it loads, eventually.
             | bamboozled wrote:
             | Those things were like 20 years ago ? JIRA is working years
             | old. We've developed better more simple issue trackers
             | since, such as GitHub issues and projects. Much simpler.
           | prmoustache wrote:
           | I think the problem is not what it does or solve. I have used
           | jira in 8 companies, maintained an instance in 2 of them and
           | I have never seen a fast one nor figured out to make them
           | fast.
           | Any single click you do on it reminds you of the time when
           | people were waiting literally minutes to be able to do
           | anything when booting windows on a laptop with 5400rpm hard
           | disk.
           | Whatever help it is for your company, it makes you pay for it
           | with billions of swears.
           | djur wrote:
           | Trac has been around nearly as long as Jira and I'd much
           | rather use it.
         | zild3d wrote:
         | Jira is Salesforce
         | sanderjd wrote:
         | I think the answer to your question is that it's because the
         | complaints aren't actually mostly about the tool, but about the
         | processes the tool targets. Jira competes both with different
         | tools and with different processes that use neither Jira nor
         | its competitors.
         | throwawaymaths wrote:
         | > the organization-wide problem Jira is trying to solve
         | Yeah that problem is that in many places management sucks and
         | can't trust their developers to get shit done, so you have to
         | put metrics on it to bring down anxiety brought about by
         | incompetence.
         | There are large open source projects that don't use jira; the
         | extreme complexity of managing a distributed team with all
         | sorts of interests -geneally even more complex than what a
         | company has to deal with- is _empirically doable_ without jira.
         | When an organization pivots to using jira it is a sign that
         | their managers are no longer capable of respecting the
         | programmers that work for them. If an organization starts out
         | using jira, that means they never were.
         | To be charitable I'm sure there are a few corner cases where a
         | manager came up through the ranks and "only knew jira" but that
         | really means they don't understand open source IC, especially
         | in the era of GitHub and gitlab issues.
         | (Btw GitHub issues is absolutely the thing that is slowly
         | replacing jira)
         | asah wrote:
         | +1 to all this. Plus, Jira *scales* - all the cutesy drag-and-
         | drop tools are good for 100 tickets/issues/etc and then fall
         | over.
         | JQL and bulk edit are just warming up at 1,000 tickets.
           | sidlls wrote:
           | You must have been using some alternate-universe Jira. The
           | Jira installations I've had to suffer with fall over bulk
           | editing a handful of issues. I've never seen a "bulk edit"
           | like feature implemented as poorly as it is in Jira. It
           | shouldn't take 15 seconds to complete a simple bulk edit of a
           | handful (single-digits) of issues.
         | bityard wrote:
         | > The fact is, building a generic project management and
         | tracking tool is a really difficult, hard problem.
         | This is pretty much the core of it. I use Jira daily, but my
         | exposure to it is the tip of the iceberg in terms of what it
         | can do.
         | I think what most people forget is that this Jira is basically
         | an ERM but for development-focused organizations. (Where the
         | resources are time and people instead of processes and
         | inventory.) If you've ever seen the complexity (or price tag!)
         | of a real ERM, Jira actually looks very reasonable.
         | That said, smaller companies and teams should definitely use
         | simpler tools that are more appropriate for their scale. Hire a
         | Jira consultant and make the switch only when you're big enough
         | to justify it.
         | tshaddox wrote:
         | I'm not sure what "the usual complaint" about Jira is. It
         | sounds like you perceive the usual complaint to be about
         | feature bloat. You only briefly mention speed, which is the
         | _only_ complaint I had about using Jira as an IC developer.
         | From the perspective of an IC I think all these systems are
         | incredibly similar. Jira is the only one that was, very simply,
         | ridiculously slow. As in 5-10 seconds to load any page.
         | TameAntelope wrote:
         | Jumping on the "Jira isn't the problem" bandwagon, 99% of what
         | people hate about Jira now is that the people who manage it
         | make Jira hard to deal with.
         | I'm at an early startup and we use Jira; it's great because I'm
         | an admin and I can make Jira reflect whatever I need it to
         | reflect.
         | It's also highly compatible with compliance nonsense -- if you
         | can say, "Every change to code is tracked in Jira" (the
         | decision process not the literal diff) the auditor's eyes glaze
         | over and they just move on.
         | randomdata wrote:
         | I'm not sure that is quite the right take. When someone says
         | "Jira" they are referring to the style of product management
         | that Jira enables, not the specific tool. Like how "Google" is
         | used to refer to web search, even if one actually uses Bing.
         | Jira, the software, is far from perfect, but when one talks
         | about hating Jira, they are really talking about the people who
         | use Jira. The same people moving over to a competing product
         | that offers the same feature set perfectly implemented would
         | still leave people hating it. The software itself doesn't
         | matter that much here. It's a people problem.
         | So, why do people cling to a project management style that
         | everyone hates? There is a lot of friction. Nobody wants to be
         | the guy who pushed for an alternative that turns out to be just
         | as bad. "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM", as they say.
         | You know that IBM will deliver a failure, so everyone is ready
         | when it does fail. If you hired Mom and Pop, you are doing so
         | expecting them to be better than IBM, so when they fail equally
         | there is a buildup of blame to go around. That's not a
         | comfortable position to be in.
         | I would suggest that winds of change are in the air, but it is
         | indeed a slow process to find a critical mass willing to take
         | new risks.
         | ziolko wrote:
         | I get paid for developing plugins for Jira since 2014. One can
         | complain about UX and speed of this software, but I saw it
         | being the hearth of businesses of all kinds and sizes.
         | Just like you won't get fired for using React in your project,
         | you won't get fired for using Jira. It will support whatever
         | your workflow is (and I don't mean only software development,
         | but things like hiring or office management). If the built-in
         | features are not enough, you will find a plugin that meets your
         | needs.
         | I think long-term it's important to use a tool that give you
         | this flexibility.
         | wpietri wrote:
         | > building a generic project management and tracking tool is a
         | really difficult, hard problem
         | I would say building a good one is an _impossible_ problem,
         | because of conflicting needs both across and within companies.
         | The primary job of Jira isn 't to help work get done. It's to
         | give managers and executives feelings of knowledge and control
         | even when that makes everything worse.
         | You don't need fancy planning systems to get good work done.
         | Indeed, I think it's the opposite. I've done many years of work
         | with only index cards. E.g.:
         | https://williampietri.com/writing/2015/the-big-board/
         | As Poppendieck has talked about, we live in a "Tyrrany of the
         | Plan" age, but that's not necessary and it often makes things
         | worse: https://chrisgagne.com/1255/mary-poppendiecks-the-
         | tyranny-of...
         | I think this has happened because of the rise of managerialism,
         | where management becomes a self-justifying caste. :
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Managerialism
           | mountainriver wrote:
           | Yes this is exactly right, it's all about top down feeling of
           | control. You can very easily manage even a large organization
           | with just basic Kanban boards
           | NikolaNovak wrote:
           | >>"You don't need fancy planning systems to get good work
           | done"
           | I mean, as a single individual, in some circumstances, sure.
           | If we think a bridge or railroad or spaceship get built
           | without fancy planning, we've taken our software engineering
           | paradigm to new level of delusion. Why does engineer or
           | constructor worker understand that you need planning to align
           | thousands of people over many years to build a great big
           | thing, but we feel in software we are just too darn special
           | of snowflakes to need or agree to that?
           | Sorry if I got your comment way out of context or scope, but
           | it just struck me as a very circumstantial statement, but one
           | that is bandied a lot as a generically applicable one - which
           | it isn't. For many things you need very fancy planning
           | indeed.
             | BlargMcLarg wrote:
             | I'll ask you the reverse. What proof is there we absolutely
             | _need_ all this to function? If people are so sure of this,
             | surely they can substantiate it with more than just
             | rationality. If the similarities are fine, just pull that
             | information from the other disciplines you insist know
             | better than the  "special snowflakes".
             | >Why does engineer or constructor worker understand that
             | you need planning to align thousands of people over many
             | years to build a great big thing
             | You're conflating "needing to align thousands of people"
             | with "needing a fancy system which pulls everyone in its
             | web to deal with multiple times a day". If anything,
             | construction shows just how little ICs need to know to
             | function. You don't boggle your construction workers with
             | bureaucracy, you take it away and let architects, managers
             | and foremen deal with it.
             | 8ytecoder wrote:
             | It is an issue in all fields. The reason why we have delays
             | in major infrastructure projects and why software projects
             | are notoriously hard to plan both boil down to unplanned
             | and unexpected changes to requirements. The fact that it's
             | easy to change software makes it that much more vulnerable
             | to last minute requirement changes. If something is exactly
             | the same we can just reuse existing software and we don't
             | call that "development". It simply becomes "buying"
             | instead. And that makes most software development
             | explorative in nature. Now tell me how many explorative
             | real world, non-software projects have a well-adhered to
             | and exact plan.
               | wpietri wrote:
               | You're exactly right about software being exploratory,
               | but I think the whole notion of fixed, up-front
               | requirements is part of the problem.
               | In the lean analysis, the problem isn't changing
               | requirements, which is a natural consequence of changing
               | circumstances and people learning over time. The problem
               | is building up a large inventory of poorly-tested,
               | underinformed plans and then doing a lot of work based on
               | them without taking advantage of the opportunities to
               | learn.
               | Especially here on HN, we know that startups don't
               | succeed because they come up with a fixed initial plan
               | and then spend years marching to it. Instead we have all
               | set of techniques for releasing early and often so we can
               | see what really works for users. A key competitive
               | advantage for startups is how their fast OODA loops allow
               | them to run rings around larger companies that slowly
               | drift into being very plan-based.
             | wpietri wrote:
             | I was talking about software, not spaceships. Software,
             | being soft, is fundamentally different.
             | However, you should watch the Poppendieck talk I linked.
             | The Empire State Building had construction start before
             | they finished designing it. The waterfall hallucination,
             | where people imagine perfect results come from perfect
             | plans perfectly executed, has been hugely enabled by
             | software. But if we look at the actual results of heavily
             | planned activities, like buildings, roads, and weapons
             | development, the track record is terrible.
             | So if modern planning techniques don't work well even in
             | areas, like construction, that they are most suited for,
             | then it should be no surprise that people are skeptical
             | when they are applied to domains that are very different,
             | like software.
           | silisili wrote:
           | I agree, but wish/think this can change if the product is
           | good enough.
           | Meaning, if someone could write a super fast, easy to use,
           | minimal planning/task tracker, with a good set of reporting,
           | I feel it could coerce companies to adjust their models to
           | use it.
           | It's a risky venture, but products like Slack, Docker/K8S,
           | git, and VS Code gained wide adoption without trying to cater
           | to existing organizational processes.
             | wpietri wrote:
             | I hope you're right, but I'm suspicious. For the ones I
             | know well there, they worked because the didn't need
             | permission from the powerful Git, Slack, and Docker were
             | definitely like that in the early days. But planning
             | systems are chosen by the powerful and cater to their needs
             | first.
             | There are plenty of minimal planning tools out there.
             | Github issues, for example. Or I use KanbanFlow quite a
             | bit. But having driven adoption of simple tools, I think
             | you at least need an environment of benign neglect, as with
             | a skunkworks project, or a tech project at a non-tech
             | company. From what I've seen, in a lot of companies systems
             | like Jira are too entrenched and too visible to management
             | to allow for guerilla-style adoption of something that's
             | more developer/worker friendly.
         | ulkesh wrote:
         | For the most part, I agree.
         | But...
         | If the UX wasn't garbage I'd defend it, too. It has a lot of
         | nice features and integrations. But the UX changes they have
         | made in the recent past (few years-ish), made it worse, for me.
         | And, in my opinion, the reason some other company hasn't come
         | along and toppled it: critical mass. It's the same reason Epic
         | is king in the hospital IT world. The UI/UX can be garbage (and
         | it's so much worse with Epic than with JIRA), but organizations
         | will still stick with it, because it's what they know.
         | hammock wrote:
         | >It's always taken on from the position of "well, it didn't
         | make my specific use case easy", but never with an appreciation
         | with some of the complexity that Jira needs to solve for other
         | users
         | Your insight is the same reason why people hate boarding
         | selection for planes, or McDonalds breakfast ending at 10:30am
         | or fill in the blank.
         | polotics wrote:
         | Does Linus use JIRA on that little project called the Linux
         | kernel? Why is git with good readmes and clear pull requests
         | not enough project management? If you're not doing PR's you are
         | just LARPing software development. I don't hate JIRA, I hate
         | "IT" employees that can't program.
           | jsiepkes wrote:
           | No Linus uses Bugzilla [1]. Have you ever used it? You'll be
           | begging for Jira once you've used Bugzilla.
           | Also Linux doesn't use pull requests. GIT doesn't even know
           | the concept of a PR. You are supposed to generate a patch
           | with 'git format-patch' and submit it to a mailinglist.
           | [1] https://bugzilla.kernel.org/
             | polotics wrote:
             | git doesn't know the concept of a Pull Request?
             | https://git-scm.com/docs/git-request-pull
             | Bugzilla is for bugs and that's the point, right? A project
             | is not a set of bugs...
             | djur wrote:
             | What's wrong with Bugzilla?
         | lamontcg wrote:
         | > I rarely feel that bitchers have a true understanding for the
         | extreme difficulty of the organization-wide problem Jira is
         | trying to solve.
         | I think the problem is that Jira is optimized for productivity
         | theater and top-down management.
         | When an organization deploys Jira it is usually because upper
         | management thinks that it needs a deluge of task tracking so
         | that everyone can stay perfectly "aligned" all the time.
         | This creates an annoying amount of make-work on the part of
         | Engineers and their immediate managers, slows down velocity and
         | the vast majority of the time spent on inputting data into Jira
         | never results in anything actionable.
         | Jira is just a symptom of the disease though.
           | serial_dev wrote:
           | > Jira is optimized for productivity theater and top-down
           | management
           | Hit the nail on the head.
           | I don't hate Jira.
           | I hate working for companies and with "micromanagers" that
           | prioritize bs metrics over improving customer satisfaction,
           | and busywork over impactful projects. And these kinds of
           | people / companies always use Jira.
         | atoav wrote:
         | I worked at a company once (not programming, more like an
         | online shop) which did _everything_ via email. And I mean
         | _everything_. Tickets, issues, orders, repair requsts, refunds,
         | you name it.
         | It worked flawlessly -- in fact I haven't been at a place that
         | was as well organized since. And it all came down to one thing:
         | everybody understood that there is only email and that if it
         | isn't an email it will be forgotten and fall in some crack, so
         | you better make it an email, that has a propper subject, is
         | searchable, etc. That meant everybody was writing emails with
         | nearly military rigour, while the asynchronous nature of the
         | electronic letter always reminded you, that you just needed
         | your emails done and then you were fine. Depending on your
         | position you had multiple (shared) inboxes that corresponded to
         | the tasks. Of course there were some old emails, that were more
         | of a "if anybody finds the time and will" type and sometimes
         | emails from the guy from the day before had to be done etc. But
         | all in all it was surprisingly pleasant to work just with
         | email.
         | The point of the story is: You can turn _any_ tool to shit if
         | people use it in a bad way. And you can make anything work if
         | people use it in the right way. Most problems with
         | communications are people-problems, not tool-problems. Sure
         | certain tools may lend themselves to certain behavior more than
         | to others but ultimately a team can decide how they wanna
         | communicate effectively and which behavior produces chaos and
         | problems.
         | zwischenzug wrote:
         | I couldn't agree with this more. What people hate is not Jira
         | but the organisational thinking that it facilitates. I've used
         | jira in other contexts and it's been mostly a joy because the
         | processes it modelled were happily simple.
         | nipponese wrote:
         | Totally agree with this argument, INCLUDING almost making the
         | same Churchill quotation joke at the end.
         | thefaux wrote:
         | It's not that I think is a particularly good or bad
         | implementation of project management software (though I think
         | as others have pointed out, in its effort to be all things to
         | all people, I think it has converged on a lowest common
         | denominator solution). I reject the concept of general purpose
         | project management software. I think that at best these tools
         | are primarily surveillance tools for middle management. They
         | disempower workers and make them fungible. The workers are
         | evaluated on tool points rather than the actual value they
         | create (sometimes these may be alignment, but often they are
         | not). At worst, I think they actually lower product quality
         | because of the poor incentives that are inherent in a system
         | that rewards closing issues and creating "features".
         | I believe the best workers (at both the management and IC
         | level) are not going to want to waste a significant chunk of
         | their professional lives in Jira world and the worst workers
         | just want to keep their paycheck coming every month so they
         | will just submit to it and keep cashing their checks. The
         | organization will thus rot and converge on the lowest common
         | denominator employee, which is indeed what the tool kind of
         | promised: fungible, low skill workers with predictable (low)
         | output.
         | shagie wrote:
         | > why don't you think some other company has come along and
         | toppled the Jira crown?
         | I really wish Jetbrains Spaces was around when the organization
         | I work for was doing the "everyone under one umbrella"
         | migration.
         | Prior to Jira, we had one team using GitLab issues, one team
         | using Redmine, one team using Borland Star (with a tight limit
         | on licenses), and one team using Excel.
         | I personally would have gone with Redmine over Jira...
         | _however_ that also would have tied me to doing a lot more
         | setup work, upgrades, and care and feeding of the system
         | compared to the relatively turn key setup of Jira.
         | lmm wrote:
         | > Obviously some of the complaints (speed, stability) are very
         | valid, but here's a question I think is just as valid: why
         | don't you think some other company has come along and toppled
         | the Jira crown? Certainly tons of them have tried, and while
         | many have their supporters, they are almost equally likely to
         | have their detractors.
         | Trello was a much better solution to the problem, that's why
         | Atlassian made sure to buy it and is now hard at work ruining
         | it.
         | josephcsible wrote:
         | > why don't you think some other company has come along and
         | toppled the Jira crown?
         | Because the people who get to decide whether or not to use JIRA
         | aren't the people who it causes the most suffering for.
         | cogman10 wrote:
         | > why don't you think some other company has come along and
         | toppled the Jira crown?
         | Because it's really hard to kill off the market leader when the
         | market leader is embedded into the core of how a company works.
         | I don't buy that it's a matter of competitors not being better.
         | It is more about inertia.
         | The argument you have here could equally be applied to C++ or
         | Cobol "Why is new code being written in these languages? Why is
         | C++ so popular even when there are many other competitors?
         | Certainly tons of languages have tried."
         | I currently work in a field that is disrupting existing
         | products that were, no joke, written in the 90s in VB6. It can
         | be super hard to sell our product to a lot of people, not
         | because our product isn't better, but because they've been
         | using our VB6 competitor since the 90s.
           | bee_rider wrote:
           | It isn't that surprising that a programming language has
           | inertia, it has lots of 'mass' so to speak -- programmers
           | have to specialize in the language, and an ecosystem of
           | libraries has to be built. It is more surprising to me that
           | an issue tracker like Jira does. Surely people aren't
           | specialized in... Jira-ing or whatever.
             | Judgmentality wrote:
             | > Surely people aren't specialized in... Jira-ing or
             | whatever.
             | There are people who build their careers on this. Their are
             | consultants who do this, and _only_ this. And the
             | unfortunate reality is, Jira is so complicated, there
             | actually is a reason for these people to exist.
             | halostatue wrote:
             | You get a few projects in JIRA...and you're stuck. Then you
             | add JIRA Service Desk or Service Management or whatever the
             | hell it's called these days...and you're stuck. Then you
             | add some Confluence docs linked to your tickets...
             | Unless one is really willing to throw institutional
             | knowledge _out_ , changing tracking systems is extremely
             | costly.
           | thomastjeffery wrote:
           | Here's a better answer to that question:
           | Crowns don't come from inherent value. They come from
           | monarchy.
           | Jira holds the crown because so many are convinced the
           | "industry" in which it leads is worthy or valuable.
           | What value does a monarch provide? Order. Structure.
           | Authority. Corporate environments value these because - art
           | its core - that is what "Corporation" is: a new system of
           | governance.
           | Most of the complaints about Jira can be turned to
           | Corporatism itself.
           | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
           | I disagree with this. Absolutely, once Jira (or any
           | particular project management tool) gets it's "tentacles"
           | into a sizable enterprise, it's very difficult to dislodge.
           | But I've seen _tons_ of other examples in my career of
           | companies making larger, more difficult transitions because
           | they clearly felt the risk /benefit was worth it: moving from
           | CVS/Subversion to git, moving from on-prem to the cloud,
           | moving from Windows to Mac, moving from hipchat to Slack,
           | moving from Oracle to postgres, yada yada yada.
           | I'm certainly not saying it's easy, but I fully believe that
           | if a project management solution came along and _all_
           | stakeholders went  "holy shit, this is so much better than
           | Jira", that many companies would make the switch. This hasn't
           | happened, and honestly if you hear people complain about
           | Fogbugz or Asana or whatever that it's probably an equal
           | "per-capita" bitch rate.
             | kelnos wrote:
             | I think it's maybe a bit of both? I worked at an org that
             | was using Trac for most things. It's probably fine for a
             | small, engineering-driven company, but it's not very full-
             | featured and isn't great for PMs and other business types.
             | So once the company got large enough, management wanted to
             | switch. Many of us essentially said, "ok, that's fine, but
             | please please please not Jira". And yet, they went and
             | hired some consultants who were like "oh, Jira is the
             | industry standard for your line of work, you'd be taking on
             | a huge risk not using it, blah blah blah". Management
             | bought it, and they've been on Jira ever since.
               | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
               | If you said "please please please not Jira", what other
               | options did y'all suggest that you thought would be
               | better?
             | cogman10 wrote:
             | > moving from CVS/Subversion to git
             | Was that really painful? We did that transition and it
             | amounted to having teams one by one run the "git-svn"
             | script on their repos to port over to git. Even with over a
             | million commits on our central SVN server, the whole
             | process generally took around 5 minutes per project. Even
             | in the worst cases, it was something like 1 hour.
             | The most painful part we had was putting a rate limiter in
             | place to keep our SVN server from toppling over.
             | > moving from on-prem to the cloud, moving from Windows to
             | Mac, moving from hipchat to Slack, moving from Oracle to
             | postgres
             | These are certainly all more difficult but also things that
             | aren't central to the way the company operates AND can be
             | done a piece at a time. Moving from Jira->something else
             | can't really be done in a piecemeal fashion.
             | The other big problem here is Jira has a wider audience
             | than just the dev department. Dev saying "Let's go from svn
             | to git" is something that doesn't hardly need involvement
             | from the C levels. They never (usually) touch or look at
             | the VCS interface. In fact, the only thing you listed that
             | I think would be a hard sell to C levels is switching from
             | windows to mac. Though, I suspect a lot of them are using
             | macs anyways. Try getting your C levels to agree to switch
             | from mac or windows to linux and I bet that'd never fly in
             | any organization.
             | > I fully believe that if a project management solution
             | came along and all stakeholders went "holy shit, this is so
             | much better than Jira"
             | I just disagree. The best counter example is Internet
             | Explorer. Both Firefox and Chromium have been better than
             | IE for a long time (10->15 years). So why didn't every
             | corporation switch to Firefox? Why did Chrome end up
             | winning for desktop web browser even though it came so much
             | later (2008)?
             | The answer is simple, chrome advertised on media that
             | stakeholders watched.
             | Chrome eventually won, but it got there through deep
             | pockets and advertising. If there's anything that will
             | topple atlassian, it will have to be through the same
             | route. That product/product set has to be better AND they
             | have to spend a lot of capital advertising so that other
             | shareholders find out they exist. Without doing both those
             | things, toppling atlassian will be a long nearly impossible
             | slog.
               | spc476 wrote:
               | It depends upon how SVN is used, and for the team I'm on,
               | it's going to be painful. SVN allows you to checkout a
               | subdirectory of any given repository, and because of our
               | history, we have everything my team writes (10 programs)
               | in two repositories, with a lot of sharing between the
               | two repos. This is something that is ... not easy ... to
               | replicate with git [1].
               | As far as Macs go, the company I worked for was 50/50
               | Mac/Windows, with the majority (if not outright all) of
               | the developers using Macs. We got bought out, and our new
               | corporate overlords were purely Windows, and didn't know
               | what to do about our Macs. Personally, I ended up with a
               | fully manged Windows laptop that I never used [2] for
               | three years before I could send it back and send me a
               | "semi-managed" Mac laptop.
               | As for Jira, eh. I didn't mind it that much, except when
               | management mandated that every team use the same queue
               | for everything. That queue didn't match our preferred
               | method of working, so we kept our old queue purely for
               | internal stuff. Our time tracking system is way worse
               | than Jira by far.
               | [1] Not to say I love SVN---I hate it actually, and would
               | prefer to use git. But having used SVN for over a decade
               | on these two repos, and given their structure, it's going
               | to be interesting.
               | [2] Except to turn it on to have it autoupdate when I got
               | "the email". What a colossal waste of resources. My team
               | kept on using the Macs.
           | spullara wrote:
           | We start new companies all the time and nothing has been able
           | to replace JIRA past the 5-10 engineers who know exactly what
           | they are supposed to do stage.
           | bragr wrote:
           | >Because it's really hard to kill off the market leader when
           | the market leader is embedded into the core of how a company
           | works.
           | eh. I've experienced a number of painful tool and platform
           | shifts in my career that basically came down to "it's
           | cheaper" so I don't buy that companies are unwilling. If
           | someone provides the feature set that is some combination of
           | cheaper and better, then the only thing you really need is a
           | migration path (Jira import tool in this case), and you'll be
           | able to make some sales. Make enough sales and you start
           | looking popular and that can provide its own inertia. The
           | fact that this has not happened is, to me, evidence that
           | nobody has done it better so far.
             | cogman10 wrote:
             | > Jira import tool
             | This is the problem. Jira is so highly configurable that
             | without recreating a good chuck of the Jira feature set, an
             | "import" tool will be pretty hard to make.
             | Any competitor in this marketspace will have to invest a
             | considerable amount of their time creating and maintaining
             | such a tool, which I imagine if they ever became a serious
             | contender, Atlassian would put up some anti-competitive
             | road blocks. (For example, forcing everyone into their
             | cloud offering so they can more easily control endpoint
             | access....)
               | shagie wrote:
               | I'll note that most other competitors that are engineer
               | (rather than management) focused don't use a jira
               | workflow approach and instead tend to be more of an adhoc
               | "apply labels" and "we trust you to apply the correct
               | labels".
               | The Jira complex state table tends to be something that
               | isn't replicated as its part of the "we're not Jira"
               | value proposition.
               | cogman10 wrote:
               | I don't disagree, but just to point out the issue with
               | transitioning, even in a basic sense, is that Jira allows
               | and can invisibly create new states for pretty critical
               | pieces.
               | Your case might be in a "Closed" state on the UX, but
               | internally that can be "custom state 48083232" because
               | some wingus decided to first start by naming it "to be
               | closed" and then changed it to just "Closed". That can be
               | different for every project.
               | This is why an import tool is a complex thing to figure
               | out. You have to translate all the potential custom
               | states into the "we're not Jira"'s states that make
               | sense.
               | shagie wrote:
               | Yea... I wrote a redmine to Jira importer. That was...
               | interesting. I'm familiar with Redmine and its table
               | structure. I was able to reverse engineer the json
               | schemas (there are examples at
               | https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-
               | administration/docs... but little in the way of actual
               | schemas and DTOs to work from) and successfully imported
               | everything including a number of custom fields in Redmine
               | and comments and attachments.
               | The only "oops" part of the Great Import was that the
               | users that were in Redmine but not in Jira (people who
               | left the org and thus were never imported into Jira) had
               | entries created as the sysadmin who ran the import.
           | axlee wrote:
           | You mean as hard as when Git obliterated every other VCS
           | within the span of a few years? If products are better, they
           | get adopted. How do you think every single company in the
           | world started to develop for iOS between 2008 and 2010? When
           | the upside is obvious and the path to transition is well-
           | defined, there is very little friction.
             | wizofaus wrote:
             | I still don't understand how git won the source control
             | battle so decisively. I respect git for what it's good at
             | and its power, but from what I've observed it's far from
             | clearly being the obvious choice of source control for
             | closed source software shops. JIRA I can take or leave, it
             | does the job - it's hard to imagine anyone being driven to
             | hate it, but I can believe having it badly configured would
             | be a serious drain on productivity.
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | > I respect git for what it's good at and its power, but
               | from what I've observed it's far from clearly being the
               | obvious choice of source control for closed source
               | software shops.
               | At this point git is the incumbent, which is self-
               | sustaining: developers already know git, so you'd need a
               | really compelling reason to use anything else and take on
               | the burden of training your developers to use it.
               | It helps that git is freely available and is by far the
               | top choice for Free and Open Source projects.
               | Of course, SVN used to be in the same position, but git
               | is such a great improvement that it was able to win out.
               | I imagine git's origins in Linux kernel development may
               | also have been a factor in its early success.
               | ecuzzillo wrote:
               | I can only speak to the comparison with hg, but for large
               | repos, git's performance is literally 10x better in our
               | case (we have two parallel copies, one in hg and one in
               | git, so as to smooth the transition to git). hg seems
               | more usable, but certain decisions are poor (e.g. baking
               | the branch name into each commit); overall I have no
               | strong preference between the two except for the speed.
               | But the speed pretty much drowns out any other signal.
               | dijit wrote:
               | Migration was easy, it was decentralised, had a famous
               | original author & a huge famous project using it _and_
               | had a lot of  "hip" source code platforms such as github,
               | gitorious, bitbucket (pre-atlassian) and gitlab.
               | I'm not surprised it won tbh.
               | Game companies are still using Perforce though.
               | andybak wrote:
               | > Game companies are still using Perforce though.
               | Maybe the ratio of text to non-text assets?
             | cogman10 wrote:
             | > You mean as hard as when Git obliterated every other VCS
             | within the span of a few years
             | There's not a concept impedance mismatch going from
             | CVS->SVN->GIT. The concepts are so similar that git-svn
             | exists to convert a SVN repo into a git repo (and a similar
             | conversion tool exists for CVS->SVN)
             | Jira is so flexible and configurable that no such tool
             | could exist. Migrating to a new tracking system requires
             | that you either lose all currently tracked issues and their
             | history OR you spend the money and effort handcrafting for
             | your org a Jira->Foo translator to preserve some semblance
             | of history. The larger and more diverse the org, the harder
             | such a tool will be to craft.
             | > How do you think every single company in the world
             | started to develop for iOS between 2008 and 2010?
             | Because ignoring a company that commands 30% of the market
             | is a bad idea? How do you explain the flop of WebOS which
             | was, IMO, a far better UX and OS compared to either IOS or
             | Android?
               | axlee wrote:
               | How about when every single company rewrote their
               | frontend stack in React after angular.js was done, circa
               | 2015? Or when everyone moved to k8s within 2 years around
               | 2017-2019? Hell, now even companies that definitely
               | wouldn't benefit from anything related to k8s are diving
               | into it.
               | What I am trying to show by these examples is that things
               | can move fast, very fast, and that in our industry there
               | are no such thing as well-entrenched tools. Yarn got
               | adopted within a year above npm, the "default node
               | package manager". Everything is always up for grabs, if
               | you can show the benefits, however small they are. And
               | the history aspect of Jira isn't an unsolvable problem,
               | pretty much every single issue tracker in the world
               | offers a Jira import, and losing issue history is far
               | less damaging than it was losing "commit" history when
               | everyone was moving to git back in the days. If a company
               | can show that their alternative to Jira solves a
               | percentage of common complaints against Jira, while
               | offering the same capabilities of scaling that Jira does,
               | people will follow. Nobody wants to deal with crappy
               | products. Especially since the ones suffering the most
               | from Jira are usually the ones in charge of setting up
               | the very processes that Jira is supposed to help with,
               | and to procure the tooling.
               | cogman10 wrote:
               | > How about when every single company rewrote their
               | frontend stack in React
               | God I wish that were the case. My company is still
               | rocking Angular unfortunately :(
               | > Or when everyone moved to k8s within 2 years around
               | 2017-2019
               | That did not happen. k8s got a good share of the market,
               | but it's far from "everyone moved".
               | > What I am trying to show by these examples is that
               | things can move fast, very fast, and that in our industry
               | there are no such thing as well-entrenched tools.
               | The tools you are listing are all dev tools picked, used,
               | and curated by development. Jira isn't a dev tool, it's a
               | product management tool. There's a major difference
               | between tools that devs can pick and choose and tools
               | that an organization gets to pick and choose.
               | Even with your "yarn" example, while it took over it
               | didn't replace "npmjs" as the centralized repository
               | server. Just like gradle still gets it's artifacts
               | primarily from maven central.
               | I'll go back to something I said elsewhere. If it's so
               | easy to move and change why is C++ still being written?
               | Why does it remain one of the most popular programming
               | languages even though most people are VERY quick to point
               | out it's major flaws. Even though other better
               | alternatives exist (Rust, Nim, D, etc).
               | > losing issue history is far less damaging than it was
               | losing "commit" history when everyone was moving to git
               | back in the days.
               | Assuming you like everyone else went from svn->git I
               | don't see how you'd have lost commit history. I
               | personally converted a BUNCH of repos to git and didn't
               | see any cases of lost history.
               | wheresmycraisin wrote:
               | Migrating very large SVN repos to Git is far from
               | trivial.
           | oneplane wrote:
           | > embedded into the core of how a company works.
           | Doubtful. Unless you are working for a shitty company in the
           | first place, bad tools essentially just get skipped and
           | disused by autonomous teams and none of this matters. If the
           | company 'embeds' a product in place of a workflow, that's not
           | something a product is ever going to fix, that's an
           | organisational problem.
         | BlargMcLarg wrote:
         | >The problem I have with the incessant Jira bitching is that I
         | rarely feel that bitchers have a true understanding for the
         | extreme difficulty of the organization-wide problem Jira is
         | trying to solve.
         | This is a lot of hearsay which tends to devolve into a debate
         | of "we absolute need this!" vs "no you don't, see X".
         | >Obviously some of the complaints (speed, stability) are very
         | valid
         | I don't think people defending it fully grasp just how
         | important speed and stability are, or at least live in a
         | corporation where Jira was optimized better than the average
         | corporation does. Given not everything is the fault of Jira,
         | but when Jira is expected to be the place you go to all the
         | time and it is that slow, it becomes _very_ impactful to
         | morale.
         | >"Jira is the worst project management tool, except for all the
         | others".
         | This doesn't work until big corps actually try something
         | different, but pretty much all of them push back on the mere
         | _idea_ of trying alternatives. If you can 't invest a few
         | months trying a different system, you can't judge it. And since
         | those few months are seen as a "great risk", no manager is
         | going to push the issue any further, even if Jira's costs per
         | developer could easily run into the hundreds (or thousands, for
         | 6-figures) a year on morale loss and time loss alone.
         | And this is the crux of the matter. Management likes concrete
         | numbers. Management likes mimicking what other successful
         | companies do. Management does not like fairly abstract things
         | with great risks. Management does not like big risks with
         | abstract rewards.
         | steve918 wrote:
         | I feel like a lot of great programming talent has been wasted
         | by very smart engineers who felt the pain of their current
         | ticketing system and spent years building countless startups
         | only to end up with something occasionally marginally better
         | than Trac (2004).
           | oneplane wrote:
           | Back in 2008-ish a lot of projects I came across tried to use
           | Redmine because their company had a sucky JIRA or sometimes
           | even Mantis implementation. Redmine turned out to be highly
           | unsuitable in a matter of a few months and after trying out a
           | few options that are mostly just tickets+kanban boards, it
           | turned out that the simplest 'fix' was just setting up an
           | individual JIRA just for the team so it could be used
           | properly instead of some heavy handed top-down "use this tool
           | in this specific way" approach. Once more teams started to do
           | it, the 'company-wide' JIRA essentially just contained
           | managers and a few product owners and it got deleted in a
           | year or so.
           | Afterwards, all the 'team JIRAs' got merged into a normal
           | JIRA again, but this time everyone had full control over
           | their own projects and boards, problem, solved.
             | djur wrote:
             | What necessary features did Jira give you that Redmine
             | and/or "tickets + kanban boards" didn't?
         | chillingeffect wrote:
         | >why don't you think some other company has come along and
         | toppled the Jira crown?
         | Why haven't cowboys found a different way besides horses to get
         | around? _They 're not interested in what those under their
         | asses think or feel._
         | travisgriggs wrote:
         | I don't use Jira. I'm aware of what it basically is. We're
         | small, we use a pin board, 3x5 cards, and a drawer.
         | Do open source projects of any size use Jira? If not, do they
         | use a basic knock off? The few not-so-big ones I've contributed
         | to seem to get by without it, but maybe I just don't have
         | enough exposure with these. If the open source world can be
         | semi-productive without Jira, I think that's telling. The
         | interested student can decide the details of what it's telling.
           | rightbyte wrote:
           | Jenkins uses Jira. Only one I know of.
         | [deleted]
         | stack_framer wrote:
         | > "Jira is the worst project management tool, except for all
         | the others"
         | I came here to say precisely this. In addition to Jira, I've
         | used Clubhouse, Trello, monday.com, and GitHub Issues. Jira
         | sucks slightly less than the alternatives I've used.
         | CSMastermind wrote:
         | > I do think they've made significant improvements with "new
         | Jira" (I think they call them team-managed projects now).
         | I feel totally the opposite. If you've ever had to administer
         | Jira at a large company than team-managed projects are the bane
         | of your existence. If you think, there's even a small chance
         | that your company will grow to 300+ engineers any time in the
         | next several years then do yourself a favor and turn off team
         | managed projects entirely or else you'll face a painful
         | migration away from them.
         | Though I will generally defend Jira as a product for many of
         | the reasons you said.
           | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
           | I upvoted your comment because I believe it's a perfect
           | example of what I was trying to point out: it is _impossible_
           | to please everyone with a company-wide project management
           | tool, but the fact remains that it is a necessity.
           | For all the people bitching about how Jira makes it hard to
           | work like they want to work, their are folks like you who
           | will complain that Jira makes it to easy to get around a
           | company-wide standard.
           | To emphasize, I'm not saying either side is right or wrong,
           | I'm just saying it's impossible to build a project management
           | tool where large subsets of people won't complain about the
           | exact same set of features that another subset of
           | stakeholders likes.
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | > but the fact remains that it is a necessity
             | I am interested on why people think that.
             | It doesn't look like a necessity to me. Ok, in a medium
             | company, with dozens or maybe a hundred or two people,
             | centralizing all the workflow is probably cheaper and more
             | productive than siloing teams. But in a large company the
             | inverse can very easily be true.
           | thfuran wrote:
           | What fails to scale?
             | halostatue wrote:
             | We added a team-managed project a while back, and built a
             | _really good_ workflow around it that satisfied the needs
             | of everyone who works in that project.
             | We can't easily replicate that workflow anywhere else. This
             | isn't the end of the world, but I should be able to create
             | a new team-managed project based on another team-managed
             | project and then modify its workflow _separately_. So far,
             | I can't figure out how to do that.
             | I'd love to take the team-managed workflow and _promote_ it
             | to a company-managed workflow now that we've experimented
             | with it. So far, I can't figure out how to do that.
             | Don't get me wrong, I _really_ hate JIRA. I've written my
             | own bug tracking system. I've tried lots of other tracking
             | systems. JIRA is wrong on so many levels, but eventually
             | you hit something in one of the other tools that you cannot
             | address with those tools, but is _possible_ (but painful to
             | configure, and it might cost you extra money) in JIRA.
             | The only other tracking system I really like is GitHub
             | issues, but it _also_ has problems and limitations. And
             | then you have things on GitHub that actively make things
             | much worse (the autoclose bots; forms like the ones that
             | Vue puts up, etc.).
             | I've never seen any organization need the level of
             | complexity that they end up using in JIRA ( _especially_
             | the access permissions, which _consistently_ get borked
             | sideways), but most organizations eventually need something
             | better than Bugzilla, Trac, or Github Issues.
             | The other difficulty is that switching bug tracking systems
             | is _tough_. I want to really try Tara, or ClickUp, or
             | Monday or a few different ones, but adding another tool is
             | literally _adding another tool_. This is the same reason
             | we're using Confluence, even though it's objectively the
             | worst wiki in existence.
             | I hate Atlassian products with a passion. There's nothing
             | better, and the cost of switching is too high.
           | lewispollard wrote:
           | Yeah. My employer has company managed projects on by default,
           | and there are several features which still haven't been re-
           | implemented from OG team-managed Jira, particularly around
           | workflow automation, that have tickets from 4 years ago
           | saying "we're looking into implementing this in the next
           | year!"
         | TheMagicHorsey wrote:
         | I think the issue is that because Jira offers the hope of a
         | tractable customizable management process, it invites
         | management to put in more process to improve their visibility
         | of a project. This should not result in micromanagement, but it
         | usually does. From a programmer's vantage point this is lose-
         | lose, because your day to day tasks are weighted down by Jira-
         | related bureaucracy, and your mastery of your schedule is
         | continuously threatened by managers peering down from above to
         | ask questions about this and that individual item on your work
         | list.
         | I suppose its a necessary evil for an organization of a certain
         | scale, but for whatever reason, I've chosen to work in teams
         | that are small enough that we can dispense with JIRA all
         | together.
         | DRW_ wrote:
         | I'm on the same page as you, I don't love Jira either, it's not
         | something I think about in the conversation of
         | "software/services I enjoy using" - but I think it's _fine_.
         | Jira cloud in our organisation is also reasonably fast, the
         | front end can be a bit janky sometimes, but overall considering
         | the complexity of the application, it's not too bad.
         | tomohawk wrote:
         | The problem with Jira is that it is checkbox software, designed
         | to sail through the checkbox procurement processes that large
         | organizations have. "It checks all the boxes!"
         | Because of this, it is basically jello. It is everything, and
         | it is nothing.
         | It makes nothing simple, and encourages people to overachieve
         | with the tool. If you overachieve with the tool, you will
         | underachieve on what it is you're really trying to do.
         | This is why much simpler tools are better. They are usually
         | free, or at least a lot less expensive, and they come with
         | constraints that you have to live within. Usually those
         | constraints prevent you from going tool crazy, and guide you to
         | actually focus on getting work done instead of doing
         | performance art with Jira.
         | NonNefarious wrote:
         | You need SOME kind of tool to provide a repository of issues
         | and assignments, and Jira could probably be fine.
         | But the simplest things are baffling in Jira. Any issue-
         | tracking system that requires the users to learn some obscure
         | syntax (or even to use SQL to refer to its internal data
         | structures is a failure.
         | markshead wrote:
         | > "Jira is the worst project management tool, except for all
         | the others"
         | This is key. The problem with Jira is less about Jira as a tool
         | and more about how we approach project management.
         | I've seen some teams thrive with Jira. I wouldn't say they
         | "loved" Jira but they had a light weight project management
         | structure that let them get work done and enough control over
         | Jira to set it up to stay out of their way. They didn't give
         | Jira credit for their ease of working because it was their
         | _processes_ that were good. Jira just gave them a way to not
         | have to write everything down on paper.
         | I've seen other organizations create a horrible project
         | management structure and then use Jira to "enforce" those
         | structures in ways that magnify all the worst aspects of what
         | they are doing. In those situations it is usually more
         | politically palatable to blame Jira rather than the management
         | processes. Those type of organizations usually blame the tool
         | while hoping that a different tool will force the
         | organizational changes that are needed to make life better.
         | vosper wrote:
         | Yeah I've been defended Jira here in the past, too.
         | My opinion is that Jira reflects the organisation that manages
         | it. It's basically a whole lot of customizable UI and
         | permissions hanging off a user-defined state machine. You can
         | set it up so that individual teams can fully administer their
         | own projects, or you can go all the way in the other direction
         | and have centralized, locked-down management where you beg some
         | internal specialist Jira admin(s) to make your changes.
         | Also, in the last couple of years it's got a lot better. It's
         | faster, there are options for simpler configuration, and more
         | stuff out-of-the-box (assuming you're on Cloud, but isn't
         | everyone these days?).
         | In detraction: configuring it can be a huge PITA. So many
         | screens, concepts, and so much clicking. But when it's done it
         | works, and I think most of the hassle is just inherent
         | complexity from such a configurable tool (if you haven't
         | Admined Jira: you can change almost anything).
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | > It's faster, there are options for simpler configuration,
           | and more stuff out-of-the-box (assuming you're on Cloud, but
           | isn't everyone these days?).
           | My understanding is that the Cloud offering is the slower
           | one, assuming you can dedicate a beefy server (but probably
           | under $200/mo on hetzner or ovh for most businesses) to
           | running your Atlassian stuff.
           | colechristensen wrote:
           | Jira doesn't just reflect, it drives convoluted unhelpful
           | bureaucracy. The tool drives the organization to look like
           | the tool wants it to, which is disorganized half broken
           | "organization" with silly overcomplicated rules that give
           | people something to discuss enthusiastically instead of the
           | actual work that needs doing.
           | Jira is organization poison, not just a reflection of what an
           | organization is.
             | oneplane wrote:
             | No, it isn't. We have plenty of setups in multiple
             | organisations where even within the org only the
             | administrative settings of the server are locked down and
             | everyone else is free to do whatever they need. Lots of
             | teams just use it as a kanban board, while others setup a
             | state machine-based funnel to process user/business input
             | into usable tickets.
             | JIRA in its default configuration essentially lets you
             | create anything, anywhere in any state. Anything beyond
             | that is just bad product configuration. Now, there are
             | plenty of products out there that suck no matter how you
             | configure it (looking at you, ServiceNow).
             | Especially the comments about "I would rather use trello"
             | seem extremely uninformed as you pretty much *are* trello
             | when you just stick to one kanban board and one project.
               | Ensorceled wrote:
               | > JIRA in its default configuration essentially lets you
               | create anything, anywhere in any state. Anything beyond
               | that is just bad product configuration.
               | That's kind of the point, JIRA has been made into
               | monstrosity at many organizations because the "create
               | anything" mindset.
               | oneplane wrote:
               | How does that make it a monstrosity? Unless we're talking
               | about things that are shared across multiple teams, does
               | it really matter how people use it? Nobody is going to
               | care what someone else does in JIRA when they aren't
               | touching that part anyway. Even with 1000 differently
               | configured projects, your 1 or 2 projects you actually
               | work with and configure are the only ones that matter.
               | colechristensen wrote:
               | Because it attracts somebody 4 layers up to tell somebody
               | 3 layers up to come up with a common Jira platform for
               | everybody and then you don't control how your project is
               | run and then Jira becomes the enemy, a faceless
               | micromanager driving your work life that has strong
               | opinions on how you do everything, a dozen steps that
               | need to be done "right" or you get your half a dozen
               | managers asking if you read the memo about TPS reports,
               | er, Jira tickets.
               | oneplane wrote:
               | So that is not a JIRA problem since you can do a
               | > it attracts somebody 4 layers up to tell somebody 3
               | layers up to come up with a common
               | with pretty much everything, including a spreadsheet or a
               | plain text file.
               | Conflating bad business practises with tool configuration
               | or products in general doesn't help anyone. If a business
               | is very stiff and scared of its employees, they will try
               | out all sorts of useless control methods hoping it will
               | somehow make some metric 'better'. You can do that with
               | Trello too. Doesn't make Trello a bad product, and it
               | doesn't make JIRA a bad product.
               | At the same time, pretending a larger organisation with
               | many teams can function without any form of state
               | tracking is a nice dream but not a reality either, so
               | it's not like you can do without anything at all. But
               | like reposted a bunch of times, how you do it and who is
               | responsible for it is pretty important.
               | colechristensen wrote:
               | The point is that there are tools that enable and
               | encourage bad behavior. The kinds of organizational
               | toxicity simply aren't possible with some tools, sure an
               | ambitious executive could try but the attempt would fail
               | very quickly. Such attempts to do the broken overburdened
               | nonsense that frequently comes with Jira don't fail, they
               | are enabled and encouraged. What is technically possible
               | and what is likely are two very distant things.
               | oneplane wrote:
               | JIRA really doesn't encourage anything in any direction
               | except writing down what you are up to in a reasonably
               | friendly way. Anything beyond that is up to the
               | implementors, and there is nothing in the world that can
               | prevent bad top-down behaviour within a company.
               | msla wrote:
               | "The tool can't do it" is an excuse. Excuses aren't
               | tolerated. Now, make it happen.
               | Tools can't prevent bad management because bad managers
               | don't care about tools. They care about getting what they
               | want, and if the tool doesn't enable it, that's their
               | underlings' problem, not theirs. Jira doesn't stand in
               | their way because _nothing_ stands in their way.
               | colechristensen wrote:
               | And how long is this going to last before someone further
               | up decides that Jira needs to be unified for reporting
               | purposes?
               | Eventually somebody with the organization obsession is
               | going to get hired and put somewhere important and their
               | goal is going to be making something complicated and
               | unified and dissent will be "discouraged".
               | oneplane wrote:
               | Depends on where you work I guess. In reality, reporting
               | really has nothing to do with SWE state tracking. You can
               | also just write a report in a letter and mail it to the
               | board. It's not like they are going to log in to JIRA or
               | even have an account or SSO-allowed credentials since
               | they don't need to be there.
               | On the other hand, like almost copy-pasted here, if a
               | top-down 'unification make it worse for everyone' effort
               | is started, no vendor or tool is going to stop that and
               | your work will get worse.
               | geraldwhen wrote:
               | This happened to me!
               | femiagbabiaka wrote:
               | "Data needs to be unified for my executive use case"
               | sounds like an org problem not a JIRA one. I've
               | encountered it at companies that didn't use JIRA at all
               | asfhagsdf wrote:
               | It amazes me how much hate Jira gets compared to
               | ServiceNow. My last two roles have been heavy on the
               | ServiceNow, and I'd take a fresh breath of Jira any time.
               | My guess is it's because Jira actively targets SMB, while
               | ServiceNow is almost strictly enterprise, and folks in
               | enterprise have already resigned to their fate.
               | blacksmith_tb wrote:
               | Well said. I have to deal with both of them in my current
               | role, and while Jira is... not great, ServiceNow is next-
               | level-clunky.
               | oneplane wrote:
               | I think the comparison mostly stems from the legacy
               | enterprise where badly configured tools are pushed top-
               | down and workers are told to 'deal with it'. Either
               | you'll be a developer mostly using JIRA or a non-
               | developer mostly using ServiceNow, and if you're really
               | unlucky in such an organisation you'll be using both.
               | Having a Service Desk that actually provides usable and
               | composable tooling is a benefit for all. Having a random
               | contractor "implement" ServiceNow because Gartner said so
               | is a pain for all. This is of course a bit of opposing
               | extremes, but the same applies to JIRA and AD and pretty
               | much anything else. Hard-pushed bad implementation will
               | ruin your workday.
               | Teams that are capable and allowed to self-steer and
               | deviate from company policy if they come up with a good
               | enough reason seems to be the sweet spot of attainable &
               | realistic.
               | mathattack wrote:
               | And try to get a straight answer on pricing from the
               | ServiceNow rep...
               | _jal wrote:
               | The answer is "way more than is sensible, even factoring
               | in how absurd pricing on crap like this has gotten."
               | We dropped SN a couple years back over this. They were
               | charging us about 6-7x what we pay for Jira, and we still
               | use the on-site enterprise version of Jira.
               | oneplane wrote:
               | We have a few of those around as well. While they work
               | fine, I don't really get why anyone would want to self-
               | host JIRA or any COTS product like that anymore. Most
               | instances now seem to be just a case of "our hosting
               | company is fully responsible for it and it's pretty cheap
               | and reliable" and until it starts failing or falling
               | behind the cloud offering it'll probably stay like that.
               | Usually, if it isn't better from a staff-perspective or
               | better for the customer, self-hosting or self-building is
               | less likely to be the answer these days.
               | shagie wrote:
               | Self hosting is sometimes easier to do than to argue with
               | data governance about putting the information out a
               | system that is offprem. The additional precautions for
               | HIPAA or PII data that may show up in the comments or
               | attachments can problematic. There are far too many users
               | of all stripes that copy and paste data that they have
               | access to without doing a check on it to see if it really
               | _does_ belong there (and if it does belong in the issue,
               | then applying appropriate permissions to the object).
               | colechristensen wrote:
               | I have only ever seen servicenow used for... well,
               | service requests. Reset my password, grant access, create
               | this resource. Always administration, never product
               | development.
             | bragr wrote:
             | Jira is highly flexible and customizable, almost to a
             | fault. One Jira can look and operate almost totally
             | different to another with enough customization. If Jira
             | feels inflexible and bureaucratic to you, I'd argue that's
             | only a reflection of how your Jira admins operate or the
             | rules they are forced to implement.
               | Redsquare wrote:
               | Jira admins....says it all
               | colechristensen wrote:
               | >customizable, almost to a fault
               | Customizable, absolutely to a fault. It is the infinite
               | customizability of a tool targeted towards middle
               | management which is why Jira can go to hell.
               | It is indeed possible to not be in Jira hell, but
               | inflation of complexity is inevitable and almost entirely
               | irreversible. It encourages and accelerates the path
               | towards bureaucratic hell. Any avoidance of this is a
               | temporary aberration.
           | lmm wrote:
           | It's not a neutral tool. Jira makes micromanagement easy and
           | trusting people hard; you _can_ use it for good, but you 're
           | working against the grain of it the whole time. Everything is
           | default deny (issues can only go through approved
           | transitions, by default regular users can't change the
           | available transitions), the default issue forms have way too
           | many mandatory fields, and a bunch of reports that only
           | micromanagers want or need are front and center in the UI.
             | arcticbull wrote:
             | I find Jira isn't a tracker, it's a tracker construction
             | kit.
             | You can make it be pretty much anything you want - except,
             | you know, fast.
               | Frost1x wrote:
               | I view Jira as the embodiment of the misguided software
               | engineering practice of trying to generalize and abstract
               | too high level of a task of something like "project
               | management" and distill it down into one tool.
               | While the Golden perfect abstraction handed down for the
               | heavens by the gods is what you seek, it ultimately
               | passes down complexity to end users through its generic
               | approach. You need to create opinions within the generic
               | world and then your team needs to understand Jira's
               | abstraction combined with the opinion your company builds
               | around it that's probably not documented.
               | The end result is unless you're running a large project
               | that really requires the functionality possible in Jira
               | where creating the overhead or overloading something
               | simpler isn't practical, then you're probably better off
               | using something simpler and more opinionated--a nice
               | simple solid framework to keep everyone on track.
             | tharkun__ wrote:
             | Almost none of that is true depending on which version of
             | Jira we are talking about and what type of project you have
             | chosen.
             | I'm in the Jira is actually pretty good camp. I've
             | administered Jira instances from the ground up, including
             | installation, integrating it with directory services,
             | customizing workflows or just as a user in large and small
             | organizations.
             | The defaults even way back when actually made quite a bit
             | of sense. The default workflow for many project types were
             | very workable. Some transitions make more sense than
             | others. It was also quite tedious to create transitions
             | from "all other states" to some state. So admins were
             | incentivized to only allow transitions that immediately
             | made sense to them and not bother with the others. From the
             | end user perspective this obviously looks like draconian
             | overlordship. While in reality in many cases its just too
             | tedious. Atlassian has heard user complaints though and an
             | "all states can transition here" option is available since
             | some time ago and the default workflow for some types of
             | projects are basically just a few workflow states that all
             | have this transition as the only possible one. That's
             | pretty open.
             | If your organization chooses to instead use this very very
             | configurable tool to lock things down you can't blame Jira.
             | Locked down workflows and transitions, restructured
             | editability etc do have their place in many valid use
             | cases. A simple one being as a customer facing tool where
             | you need to enforce certain things directly because your
             | customer is not first going to learn your conventions and
             | then self apply these.
             | The same goes for mandatory fields. The only mandatory
             | field you have to choose yourself really is the issue
             | summary. Everything else if mandatory by default has
             | default values. I have used many a Jira instance where
             | Priority (a default mandatory field that also has a default
             | value though) was all but ignored by everyone even if it
             | was still on screen.
             | Can you elaborate on the reports that only micromanagers
             | would ever use? I agree that some of them can be used by
             | micromanagers as can a lot of Jira functionality. There are
             | many that can also be very useful directly in the hands of
             | teams.
             | Team managed projects are awesome because sharing Jira
             | admin rights in a large org was hard. Because things are so
             | configurable a good set of naming rules were essential. It
             | was usually easier to set up individual instances for
             | projects instead of having a shared instance for large
             | orgs. And if you centralize administration too much then
             | changes grind to a halt. I have shared admin right with
             | many others successfully though where these standards were
             | adhered to by everyone and changes to work flows, issue and
             | custom field definitions and such were easy to get through.
             | Just required discipline.
             | vosper wrote:
             | If you sign up to Jira today and start a new project,
             | you'll get the options of a simple workflow with a minimum
             | of fields. The beginning statuses are basically "to do",
             | "in progress", and "done". There's a fair amount of trust
             | in those steps, IMO.
             | > by default regular users can't change the available
             | transitions
             | I can't imagine allowing this. This would be a recipe for
             | chaos. The transitions are supposed to indicate agreed-and-
             | defined steps that work goes through. They're supposed to
             | reflect your team/org process, to the granularity that you
             | want to capture it in Jira. Letting anyone edit them ad-hoc
             | is akin to saying there is no process at all for doing
             | work. How would anyone be able to interpret the state of
             | work if everyone has their own ad-hoc process that they can
             | change on the fly?
             | If that's okay on a team then that team probably shouldn't
             | use Jira. I also would not want to be the team-lead, or
             | anyone else trying to figure out what's going on or keep
             | track of work!
             | xedrac wrote:
             | I realize company-wide planning is extremely hard,
             | especially when there are many inter-dependencies that can
             | block entire departments if a single deadline slips. But in
             | my experience, the only thing that Jira brings to the table
             | is the ability to document, in a centralized place, the
             | pieces of work that need to be done, and what stage they
             | are currently in. In my field, anything software related is
             | really hard to estimate accurately, which makes the whole
             | aggregate estimation in Jira not only worthless, but
             | actively harmful because management will treat it as truth.
             | We could replace Jira with a big whiteboard of TODOs and
             | we'd likely get things done faster, and with higher
             | quality.
             | pid-1 wrote:
             | > the default issue forms have way too many mandatory
             | fields
             | I only fill points and name for my issues. My company never
             | customized anything.
           | throwaway3l2ff wrote:
           | Yes, we switched to Jira from a piece of abandonware (simple
           | php based bug tracker) several years ago. Jira is kinda slow
           | sometimes, but not horrible. And yes, like you said, once you
           | get it configured it works great.
           | Overall, we are very happy with Jira and it's worth the cost
           | for the value it brings to the organization (still hurts the
           | wallet, but it's at least justified).
           | ...and then Atlassian comes along and rug-pulls on-prem Jira.
           | We only have ~80 users, so 1000-user-minimum data center
           | isn't going to cut it for us. And there is an on-prem
           | requirement, so no cloud option either (wouldn't want to
           | anyway). And for that, I bitch. Fuck Atlassian and everything
           | they do to appease their shareholders before the customers.
           | madmax108 wrote:
           | "My opinion is that Jira reflects the organisation that
           | manages it."
           | Came here to say EXACTLY this. I've used Jira across 3
           | companies, and in the first 2, I always felt like folks
           | complaining about Jira were just being picky developers
           | wanting the sun, moon and the stars, because Jira worked
           | perfectly fine for me and my team (in fact, it was the
           | backbone of our process).
           | Then in the third org, I felt like I was hit with a brick
           | wall of every single issue folks complaining about jira point
           | out. Needless workflows, Middle Managers wanting to "control"
           | how stories/epics get closed, multiple levels of convoluted
           | manual configurations, automated processes creating Jiras
           | that for trivial non-issues which clogged notifications and
           | team backlogs and brought jira to a crawl etc. Heck, at one
           | point, the mess got so bad, that the company considered
           | hiring a third party to "fix" our Jira workflows. And note
           | that this was a <100 person startup!
           | On introspecting, I completely felt that in the first 2
           | companies, the organization was structured around "getting
           | stuff done" and "keeping stuff as simple as possible, but no
           | simpler" and that naturally flowed into how Jira was set up
           | as well, while in the latter, the focus was entirely on top-
           | down "process", and that showed in the Jira setup as well.
           | Honestly, I now think I can say a lot about a company's
           | engineering/product culture just by spending 15 minutes on
           | their Jira ;-)
           | SamuelAdams wrote:
           | This applies to all enterprise software. It's also called
           | Conway's Law:
           | Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will
           | produce a design whose structure is a copy of the
           | organization's communication structure.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_law
           | msbarnett wrote:
           | The central problem with JIRA is that, once you've gotten
           | beyond the overly customizable functionality and difficult-
           | to-reason about permissions, and once you've managed to avoid
           | organizations that go too far off of the deep-end and once
           | you've finally found a happy simplicity in a kanban-ish
           | board,
           | once you've done all of that, it is _still_ unbelievably,
           | unjustifiably, just incredibly and amazingly so very very
           | _goddamn slow_.
             | andy_ppp wrote:
             | There's a screen in jira if you change multiple items with
             | a progress bar. I looked once and the operation seems to
             | happen instantly and the progress bar is just there because
             | of some bad designers ego...
             | plonk wrote:
             | As someone who uses both, let me recommend to you Microsoft
             | Teams, the only enterprise software that manages to be
             | slower.
         | ketzo wrote:
         | Additionally, people's associations with Jira are not strictly
         | related to the software itself.
         | Jira is often the domain of PMs, management, and other
         | leadership; if you have bad people / product leaders, you're
         | used to Jira being a source of great stress.
         | thedougd wrote:
         | I was asked during a merger, which work management tool do you
         | think we should keep/use? I replied, don't ask me, I'll hate it
         | anyways.
         | It's not because I hate Agile, Scrum, or even Waterfall
         | (although I do hate SAFe). I just know these tools all suffer
         | from similar drawbacks, and somebody will ultimately codify all
         | our organizational problems into the tool. Then, rather than
         | spend an hour a week of their own time, they'll create a new
         | mandatory field and ask thousands of people to spend an hour a
         | week each populating that field.
           | lmm wrote:
           | Sounds like a strong argument for using a tool that doesn't
           | have custom mandatory fields. They do exist.
         | ZainRiz wrote:
         | > why don't you think some other company has come along and
         | toppled the Jira crown?
         | Jira is the way it is because Jira ISN'T built for developers.
         | Devs may have to use Jira, but they're not the ones who have to
         | pay for it.
         | I wrote about this a while back:
         | "Who is Jira's target customer? It's certainly not the poor
         | developer who struggles to add a link to his bug report. (I'm
         | still mad at them)
         | Take a look at Jira's site and see what they emphasize:
         | Those pages glamorize having an overview of what work your
         | employees are doing. It's a tool made for managers. Especially
         | higher level ones. The VP won't be filing work items, but
         | they'll be very interested in the insights those dashboards
         | offer.
         | Jira spends all their software cycles building new features for
         | that VP, ignoring what you and I might consider critical user
         | bugs."
         | Source: https://www.zainrizvi.io/blog/never-focus-on-the-
         | user#jira-s...
           | bamboozled wrote:
           | Which is funny because 99% of what project managers seem to
           | be about is making sure work gets done. So the first thing
           | they do is deploy a hurdle to this by ensuring they use a
           | tool which is time consuming and confusing for the people who
           | do the work (usually developers to use).
           | JIRA is so slow and the UI so clunky the project managers
           | where I work use some type of spreadsheet upload mechanism
           | with XML spreadsheets to automate the cruft creation. It's
           | fun to watch.
           | ratww wrote:
           | Yep. We often talk about enterprise software, and how it's
           | often bad and, has superfluous features and almost no UX
           | design because it is made for buyers rather than for the real
           | users. Well, guess what. We're the users now.
         | colechristensen wrote:
         | >The problem I have with the incessant Jira bitching is that I
         | rarely feel that bitchers have a true understanding for the
         | extreme difficulty of the organization-wide problem Jira is
         | trying to solve.
         | I think the core problem with Jira is organizations trying to
         | use it to solve complex organization-wide problems. It is an
         | enormous time sink, and using Jira to rule the workdays of
         | employees is the problem.
         | Anything much more complicated than a checklist is wrong. Jira
         | is an attractor for middle management growth that gives people
         | who don't need to be doing anything something to do, and adding
         | complexity gives more opportunities for more people to not do
         | very much and generally get in the way of execution. It is also
         | a way to give people who aren't very necessary or very good at
         | understanding the big picture something that they _can_ do _to_
         | do.
         | Take away Jira and _tools_ that you can order other people to
         | use and you end up with middle management that literally doesn
         | 't know what to do because they couldn't organize or ease
         | productivity to save their lives. Jira becomes the thing being
         | managed instead of whatever is actually to be done.
           | oneplane wrote:
           | If a company is trying to use JIRA for more than state
           | communication they are doing it wrong IMO. Planning goes into
           | calendars, ephemeral stuff goes into chats and calls, and
           | code and code-level issues goes into repositories. I have
           | seen plenty of attempts to make a product like JIRA the
           | 'interface' between some management person and 'the
           | subordinates' and it never works, simply because trying to
           | place an 'interface' there in itself doesn't work.
             | ryanbrunner wrote:
             | I think what other tools miss that JIRA did well is giving
             | engineering managers _tools_ to communicate with upper
             | management. You 're right that actually attempting to use
             | JIRA as the medium of communication with people outside the
             | product org is hopelessly, fatally flawed, but being able
             | to visualize an issue like an unmanageable backlog, or team
             | productivity, or quality issues is invaluable, and a lot of
             | simple tools throw the baby out with the bathwater by
             | completely failing to give any tools to analyze how your
             | team is doing.
             | If it's configured properly, JIRA can be a fairly effective
             | tool that mostly stays out of the way of developers but can
             | help team leads and managers communicate things about the
             | team.
               | oneplane wrote:
               | That is indeed what happens with the simpler JIRA clones.
               | On top of that, usually the org has no idea what is going
               | on, who is working on what or what is still waiting to be
               | looked at by anyone.
               | Normally those issues would be handled with a simple 5
               | minute meeting (DSU or some variant thereof) where
               | everyone shares their current state, and then a few times
               | per month some form of "where are we and where are we
               | going" type of planning. (Be it a sprint planning or
               | something like it) Combining that with a state tracker
               | seems like a fairly obvious thing to do, and having the
               | tools to then report on that over time (graphs can be a
               | helpful visualisation that simple tools usually lack)
               | gives everyone some context as to how healthy the team
               | is.
               | But even that last bit, the concept of periodically
               | having a bit of a check up to see how things are going is
               | often lacking in "we can do it better and simpler" types
               | of setups. In then end, it gets reduced back to the
               | manager walking around with a whip shouting "work
               | harder!" instead of teams having some autonomy and
               | figuring their own state out themselves.
             | colechristensen wrote:
             | >If a company is trying to use JIRA for more than state
             | communication they are doing it wrong IMO.
             | This is why tools that _don 't allow_ this kind of doing-
             | it-wrong are significantly superior to Jira.
               | oneplane wrote:
               | That's a nice theory, but in practise people have been
               | mailing to Slack, using meetings to read emails and using
               | JIRA to track Git commits.
               | Tools are just slaves to reality, not the other way
               | around. If a legacy top-down organisation wants you do to
               | a certain thing a certain way, and you have no recourse
               | but to do as you're told, that's your organisation's
               | fault and nothing else. You can either gain a position
               | where you can make changes, or leave the company.
               | Complaining about a tool that has no influence over your
               | work process really doesn't change anything.
               | lmm wrote:
               | > Tools are just slaves to reality, not the other way
               | around. If a legacy top-down organisation wants you do to
               | a certain thing a certain way, and you have no recourse
               | but to do as you're told, that's your organisation's
               | fault and nothing else. You can either gain a position
               | where you can make changes, or leave the company.
               | That's naive; tools influence the way they're used. When
               | a tool defaults to having manager accounts that can
               | change how things get done and developer accounts that
               | can't, it nudges the organisation in that direction.
           | synu wrote:
           | Agreed, it's like a big flashing neon sign that promises
           | middle management a stage on which to act out all their worst
           | impulses. It's the exact opposite of "keep it simple and
           | communicate with each other like humans."
             | bamboozled wrote:
             | 100% agree, in my current role it's used this, if what
             | you're working on doesn't have an issue, you're a naughty
             | person.
         | matwood wrote:
         | I agree. I routinely explore JIRA replacements b/c of various
         | JIRA annoyances, but none of the ones I find will hook into our
         | process as neatly as JIRA.
         | JIRA is a lot like agile though where everyone is using a
         | different version ranging from this works fine, to this is a
         | dumpster fire.
         | Ensorceled wrote:
         | > The problem I have with the incessant Jira bitching is that I
         | rarely feel that bitchers have a true understanding for the
         | extreme difficulty of the organization-wide problem Jira is
         | trying to solve.
         | No, I have a really good understanding of that. My problem is
         | that Jira, in actual implementation, tends to be how some parts
         | of the organization (often Product) tries to exert fine grained
         | control over other parts of the organization (design, qa,
         | development, operations, etc.) by micromanaging the process.
         | Also, sometimes your organization is just not that complicated.
         | I've been in startups using Jira with dozens of states, with
         | complicated transitions and approval steps, that would have
         | been over kill in medical companies I've worked at.
       | mixedbit wrote:
       | Issue tracking is difficult in general. Any piece of software can
       | be improved or extended in an infinite number of ways. Ideas for
       | improvements are often too eagerly turned into issues, which
       | looks like an easiest way to quickly deal with an idea, but soon
       | issues management becomes an overwhelming activity.
       | ngvrnd wrote:
       | Ooh ooh! Now do git.
       | lisper wrote:
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | I fucking hate JIRA because it encourages people to create and
       | abandon tickets for years, creating an alternate dimension of
       | irrelevant trash that gets in the way of doing things.
       | If your team has an append-only doctrine to information, like
       | most tech debt mills in the industry have, JIRA will become an
       | extension of that ever increasing pile of unmaintained,
       | disgusting, revolting monolith of excrement that captures every
       | activity in software development.
       | Nothing can be done about the gigantic monolith of soul crushing
       | chaos therefore we need to embrace it, at the expense of our
       | sanity. Nothing can be done about the hopeless hoarding of
       | irrelevant, duplicate tickets that distract people from work.
       | JIRA makes it very easy to create new tickets, and much harder to
       | close them. So naturally it becomes a virtual sewer. JIRA is
       | about being able to present a large amount of information to
       | easily impressionable people so that so some people can justify
       | their job.
       | amerine wrote:
       | One word: GUS. IYKYK
         | Jach wrote:
         | The worst part about it is that it's actually not the worst,
         | proved if only by getting worse over time, but also that Jira
         | can easily be configured by management to be worse...
       | [deleted]
       | s0uthPaw88 wrote:
       | Jira works well for my organization. I think the simplicity of
       | our setup is the key. We have just 4 issue statuses: Not Started,
       | In Progress, QA, Done... also no restrictions on state
       | transitions. Any status can move to any other status. Each team
       | gets their own project so that they can easily manage their own
       | issue backlog. That's pretty much it. My team also uses a plug-in
       | for async planning poker which is useful.
       | EastSmith wrote:
       | I use Jira for 10, 20 minutes a day every day, and it almost
       | always works just fine. Not spectacular or anything, but just
       | fine.
       | teilo wrote:
       | This is not a rant about Jira. This is a rant about doing Agile
       | in the enterprise.
       | I can rant about Jira, but it's about the horrible UI. It's
       | buggy. The settings system is a mess. It's not intuitive. Even
       | clever people need hand holding to figure out what's going on.
       | Things randomly break for no apparent reason.
       | gladed wrote:
       | Jira does for software engineering what software engineering does
       | for everything else.
       | mm007emko wrote:
       | After spending some time with Trac, Redmine and IBM ClearCase, I
       | have to say that Jira and MS AzureDevOps are not THAT tragic.
       | However it's a tool targeted at managers, not us, developers. At
       | my previous company one of the KPIs was a number of closed Jira
       | issues. Total BS, needless to say.
       | khalladay wrote:
       | Where I work got rid of Jira and switched to some other,
       | ostensibly better(?) competing product. I never had strong
       | opinions about Jira before the switch, but now, after nearly 2
       | years of a Jira free existence... I miss Jira dearly. The grass
       | is always greener.
       | Does Jira suck? sure maybe, but my personal experience suggests
       | that everything else sucks equally as bad if not worse, and I
       | know where all the buttons are in Jira.
       | cosmiccatnap wrote:
       | Yea yea yea...but you still use it because the alternatives while
       | better performing and even more secure...are not as feature rich
       | or as well known.
       | I feel like this thread comes up in one way or another every few
       | months but in a place where people almost have a hellbent desire
       | to reinvent wheels nobody has reinvented this one in say...go or
       | rails or whatever.
       | Why? Because for all of the hate jura actually does what it does
       | pretty well when it's working and for most people and most
       | businesses that aren't your homelab it works just fine provided
       | you pay someone to maintain and administer it.
       | gboss wrote:
       | Jira drives me crazy. Why do I need to mark an epic as closed two
       | different ways? Why is it really difficult to see what tickets
       | were in a closed sprint? Why is it so slow or why does it
       | sometimes get in infinite reload loop? Features randomly break
       | like the ability to create tickets from confluence. My company is
       | locked in and I doubt we would change, I just wish Atlassian
       | focused on performance and consistency
       | CivBase wrote:
       | I'll start complaining about JIRA when I find a reasonable
       | alternative for my organization. Until then, I'm just glad we're
       | not using IBM Rational ClearQuest anymore.
       | dvtrn wrote:
       | I wanted to make a site very similar to this but for Jenkins.
       | Even bought a domain for it.
       | And never built the thing.
       | Some of these made me chuckle.
       | givemeethekeys wrote:
       | The two people who drove our company to Jira from other tools:
       | - One of them resigned soon after the migration.
       | - The other barely uses it today - in fact, he found other tools
       | for his team because Jira is too cumbersome.
       | The rest of us are left holding the bag because "Jira is the
       | industry standard".
         | hinkley wrote:
         | Struts was an industrial standard for longer than most things,
         | and everyone hated using it for most of that time.
         | A quarter pounder with cheese is an industry standard too, but
         | that doesn't mean you should give it preferential treatment.
         | Industry standards are often more like consolation prizes than
         | a special experience.
       | arnvald wrote:
       | I've used Jira in my last 3 jobs. I tried to like it, I tried to
       | tolerate it, now I just try to spend as little time using it as
       | possible.
       | I'm an engineer, I'm a problem solver. I want to add a task, move
       | task to "doing" and then "done" and that's it. But Jira is not
       | created for me. Jira is created for SAFe expert who wants to
       | create workflow so complex nobody understands it. Jira is created
       | for Scrum master who wants to create 25 reports to show their
       | boss how beautifully our burndown looks sprint after sprint. Yes,
       | Jira doesn't force anyone to do this stuff, but it enables it,
       | because Jira is created for process managers, for people who just
       | report things.
       | But that's not me. Jira is not for me and the best I can do it to
       | use it as little as possible.
       | lizardactivist wrote:
       | Edgy.
       | derelicto wrote:
       | Not affiliated but linear.app looking good
       | akamaka wrote:
       | I'm starting to wonder if one of the best features of Jira is
       | that it directs all of the developer hatred away from management
       | and toward the task-management software. I've worked on projects
       | that used Jira very effectively, so I'm convinced that all of the
       | complainers actually not fully aware of how bad their managers
       | are.
         | alephxyz wrote:
         | JIRA configs are usually the visible manifestation of your
         | organisation's processes. It's Conway's law applied to task
         | management workflows.
       | sshine wrote:
       | I don't remember Jira as being that bad.
       | It was mostly the Scrummy culture that seemed like a bit of a
       | waste of time.
       | I wasn't a big fan of the wysiwyg editor. This seems to address
       | mostly non-technical people. I would always go for "Markdown with
       | preview" (HackMD split-screen, or GitHub issue tabs, or Discord
       | apply-formatting-to-codes).
       | I also don't like that it isn't an integrated part of a pull
       | request system. GitHub/Gitea issues inter-linking with PRs in the
       | same namespace is... golden. With the right habits, you can
       | become an effective time-traveler.
       | lazyant wrote:
       | Meh Jira is OK and people who hate Jira I feel like they really
       | hate any process. I've used other tools and they are mostly the
       | same.
       | rsstack wrote:
       | I was one of the Jira admins two jobs ago (in additional to more
       | normal responsibilities of product management & engineering). I
       | finally got back to Jira at my current company and I texted an
       | ex-colleague who was also an admin of the same Jira server (also
       | part-time):
       | "We're starting the migration to Jira. The next sprint will be
       | entirely in Jira. Honestly, I kind of missed it."
       | She replied: "That's the real test of a tool. Not 'would you
       | recommend it to a friend?', but 'if you were to start a company,
       | would you use it again?'"
       | And - I would and did with Jira. If you know the tool well, and
       | your company doesn't have stupid technical workflows and human
       | processes, it's just great. Too many people suffered from using
       | it wrong or suffered from using it with the wrong colleagues.
         | lolc wrote:
         | What's the secret of making it acceptably responsive? Asking
         | for a friend.
           | wizofaus wrote:
           | From what I've read it's the cloud hosted version that's
           | slow. Seems to be fine locally hosted, and probably if you
           | host yourself with another cloud provider. Unless by
           | "responsive" you mean works well on tiny screen devices...
             | plorkyeran wrote:
             | The self-hosted version is discontinued and you can't buy
             | it any more if you aren't already a customer.
               | originalvichy wrote:
               | Incorrect. The cheapest license version is discontinued,
               | "server". Data center license is not.
       | tormeh wrote:
       | I suspect issue tracking software is one of those domains where
       | if a piece of code hangs around for long enough it will become a
       | mess due to incentives. Which begs the question: What are y'all's
       | opinion on the open source competitors? Redmine, OpenProject,
       | Apache Bloodhound, and whatever else exists?
       | ch_123 wrote:
       | Jira is a product which serves two masters - one are development
       | teams which use it to track bugs, tickets, projects, etc. The
       | other one are middle management types who use it for project
       | tracking, reporting to upper management, tracking metrics of
       | different teams (no matter how dubious) etc.
       | The people who decide which software gets adopted internally
       | generally care about the latter, and thus Jira is selected, and
       | thus Jira grows to their needs - where complexity is often a
       | bonus, and poor day to day performance a minimal concern.
       | system16 wrote:
       | Examples escape me at the moment, but there have honestly been so
       | many times I've hit a wall trying to do - what seem to me like -
       | basic things in JIRA; I couldn't comprehend how such a complex
       | tool could not accommodate them.
       | And the stuff that can be done is often so comically painful it's
       | mind-blowing. Trying to do something as seemingly simple as
       | create a useful saved search in JIRA is so painful I can't
       | imagine its creation was not an act of sabotage.
       | MediumFalse wrote:
       | Due to the slow loading, I ended up writing some simple Jira API
       | wrapper scripts for submitting bug reports quicker in our
       | systems. I don't see our organisation switching anytime soon.
       | smileybarry wrote:
       | I _used_ to like JIRA, back when it was _only_ issues /tickets.
       | It was essentially a nice, organized database for humans that you
       | could sift through with precise filters & searches. Bug applies
       | here, workflow describes where handling it is in the pipeline,
       | issue _types_ meant you could filter by  "what is this", etc.
       | I loved using "basic" JIRA, mentioning issue IDs in places to
       | clearly reference a web of "why this bit of code is the way it
       | is", so someone digging into source code can self-answer stuff
       | like "why not do X". (e.g.: because it caused a bug for Y)
       | Now there's _stories_ , and _boards_ , and _sprints_ , and
       | _agile_ , and the worst part is that they all interact like crap.
       | Why do "tasks" and "stories" exist? Why not the old: New Feature,
       | Bug, Improvement? At least with those you could always see at a
       | glance _what_ that issue is.
       | Graffur wrote:
       | Wait until you try Microsoft DevOps boards
       | janaagaard wrote:
       | I agree that Jira isn't wonderful, but I can't think of any of
       | any task management system that I have used, that I would
       | recommend.
       | Are GitHub Issues the answer? I have only tried those for small
       | open source projects and not big enterprise projects.
       | nlh wrote:
       | I promise I am not a shill: Our team is on the verge of switching
       | 100% to ClickUp. Are we crazy?
       | Nobody really loves Jira, and we've gotten our Product, Design,
       | Sales, and Customer Success teams using ClickUp and everyone is
       | really happy so far (especially with the speeeeeeeeeeed. OMG
       | coming from Jira it's a breath of fresh air).
       | We are chasing the dragoon of having a single tool and everything
       | in one place. So far the eng team seems amenable to give it a
       | shot (although we're going to transition slowly).
       | Are we crazy?
       | antux wrote:
       | Not surprised that many are having a bad user experience with
       | Jira. The interface design and usability is atrocious because
       | it's a tool designed by developers. Developers lack the UX
       | training and thinking that's needed to make the tool intuitive
       | and easy to use.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | Reminds me of this classic piece of Internet lore:
       | https://www.internetisshit.org
       | throwaway787544 wrote:
       | I don't. I use it every day and rarely ever have an issue. It's
       | well integrated with Confluence. There's even some decent CLI
       | tools now (still young but have promise) that mean we could
       | automate away the interface.
       | All the reviews I see on that site seem to be upset that it might
       | require training, or that their project's admins have made it a
       | nightmare. It's not a nightmare out of the box.
       | shadowtree wrote:
       | The people hating on JIRA never worked in a shop without it.
       | If you're old enough to remember before Atlassian came along -
       | just how was it better? Spreadsheets? Trax?
       | You don't want structured workflow? Don't work in a company with
       | more than 5 people.
       | "I am an accountant and hate ERP" .. tough shit, for real.
         | 01100011 wrote:
         | For the first 20 years of my career I worked with organizations
         | that used Gantt charts and MS project combined with a dedicated
         | project manager to keep things in sync with actual progress. It
         | was minimally invasive to engineers and didn't require them to
         | do the soul-sucking JIRA dance. It also generally delivered
         | dozens of projects on time or with reasonable delays and
         | surprises.
         | Even when working on 'buckets of tasks/bugs' where Gantt charts
         | don't make sense, a locally customized version of Bugzilla or
         | other bug tracking software(i.e. Phabricator or whatever)
         | worked very well.
         | There is a generation of engineers that has only known Agile, 2
         | week sprints, and shitty software to manage it. After having
         | used Jira at two companies for the last 4 years I can say it is
         | one of the worst pieces of software I have ever been forced to
         | use and lowers productivity from multiple angles.
       | [deleted]
       | djhaskin987 wrote:
       | > Also LOL to SourceTree. The git command line commands aren't
       | exactly rocket science.
       | This one caught me off guard. I know of no other free GUI for git
       | that's as easy to use or install.
       | oneplane wrote:
       | Ironically, most of the stuff seems to be about Confluence. And
       | almost all of the commentary is about bad company workflows and
       | bad company processes and not really about the product itself at
       | all.
       | Nextgrid wrote:
       | What I really hate is not Jira itself, it's the company behind it
       | and its engineering practices. Their mediocrity goes beyond Jira.
       | They've had server-side-rendered features that while slow,
       | contained the slowness to the backend and bundled it into one
       | single slow request - once you waited for that, you had a fully-
       | working page in your browser. Since it was all on the backend,
       | your browser remained responsive while waiting.
       | Nowadays however there's no longer a single operation to wait for
       | - they've split their pile of shit and offloaded it to your
       | browser. You have to wait for the backend which is slow, but then
       | you _also_ have to wait for megabytes of JS to load  & execute in
       | your browser, all while the page moves around and your CPU is
       | pegged at 100%. And God help you if you click on something by
       | accident, as "undoing" that means waiting for another load. To
       | add insult to injury, _everything_ is clickable and triggers some
       | actions, even elements that represent content and that you wouldn
       | 't normally expect to be clickable (nor would want to - let's say
       | you wanted to copy the text).
       | Recently they've added another annoyance - in Bitbucket they've
       | done some changes with regards to diff rendering and obviously
       | have to let you know. They do so via a _persistent_ floating
       | popover in the bottom-left of the screen that you have to
       | manually dismiss and the dismissal status seems to be contained
       | to the browser - if you switch browsers or use private mode you
       | have to deal with it continuously.
       | My experience with Atlassian products has actually deteriorated
       | _despite_ CPU speeds, browser performance  & network connections
       | improving. I used to have a mostly positive opinion of the
       | company 5 years ago but that's no longer the case.
       | lordleft wrote:
       | What are some alternatives to JIRA? Also, how much of the hate
       | directed towards JIRA buried resentment towards Agile and other
       | project management paradigms?
         | CookiesOnMyDesk wrote:
         | Backlog by Nulab is pretty much all the good features of Jira
         | distilled down into a simple product. I've used it and been
         | very happy with it. https://nulab.com/products/backlog/
         | ibiza wrote:
         | I had no issues using YouTrack from JetBrains. It's fairly
         | lightweight w/ a focus on ticketing (MarkDown + images), good
         | search, and Kanban views, if that's your thing.
         | https://www.jetbrains.com/youtrack/
         | chillingeffect wrote:
         | >Agile >resentment
         | Yup.. at least fake agile... where every "sprint" is the same
         | length and features aren't customer-oriented.
         | alluro2 wrote:
         | We switched to Quire (https://quire.io) - it has a generous
         | free plan, it's simple yet very flexible, and, most importantly
         | for us, quick enough to not be a chore to update (Jira was
         | horrible). Some small UI bugs here and there, but
         | inconsequential.
         | trhway wrote:
         | > Also, how much of the hate directed towards JIRA buried
         | resentment towards Agile
         | it is kind ironic, yet pretty typical and very telling, that
         | the slow as hell Jira is tightly associated with Agile
         | t3e wrote:
         | Shameless plug for Constructor[1], we're early (new website on
         | the way) but have a bunch of happy customers, many of whom came
         | from Jira, the rest mostly from Trello (to which we're most
         | often and justifiably compared, we keep it simple!)
         | 1. https://constructor.dev
         | jamal-kumar wrote:
         | If self hosted is your thing I like taiga for kanban integrated
         | with gogs for the issue tracking/VCS integration side of
         | things. Didn't take me more than a day to get working and
         | everyone signed up on it, isn't a lot of maintenance, just
         | works, costs nothing.
         | Ancalagon wrote:
         | Highly recommend ClickUp
         | ianbutler wrote:
         | PivotalTracker, GitLab has pretty great project tracking and
         | ticket management if you're on them. These are the two I can
         | think of off the top of my head. Personally I really like
         | Pivotal.
           | halostatue wrote:
           | Pivotal Tracker is only good if you buy into the way that it
           | works and are willing to lose all knowledge that your tickets
           | represent.
           | Pivotal is really only good at a particular _type_ of project
           | tracking (mostly building greenfield features and projects),
           | and absolutely _godawful_ at issue tracking.
           | I'll use JIRA over Pivotal any day.
         | bsuvc wrote:
         | I like shortcut and use it whenever I have a say in the matter.
         | https://shortcut.com/
           | mattpallissard wrote:
           | Shortcut is pretty stripped down and lacks several features
           | conducive to cross team collaboration. In particular I
           | dislike shortcut's lack of internal comments. It's a much
           | bigger annoyance than anticipated.
           | I dislike atlassian products in general, but having some
           | discipline with the config/workflows was much better than
           | shortcut.
             | jtcruthers wrote:
             | > lack of internal comments
             | What do you mean by this? There's a section to comment in
             | each card/epic/milestone and you can ping team members.
             | Comments also sync with slack so you can get notifications
             | there if you'd like. I don't have a ton of JIRA knowledge,
             | so there's a chance I'm missing something.
           | casion wrote:
           | Slightly more than a +1, the team I work on switched to
           | Shortcut and the quality of our tickets went up, more tickets
           | were resolved, and fewer ended up lingering in backlog hell.
           | Why? I'm sure there are many possible reasons, but the
           | results stand on their own.
           | There was no directive other than "Ok, we're going to use
           | this tool for now". Everything was self-organized within the
           | bounds of the business/stakeholder goals.
           | I'm sure you can use either Jira or Shortcut in a manner
           | which makes either tedious, but at face value we found
           | significant improvements simply through adopting Shortcut.
         | typeofhuman wrote:
         | https://ora.pm
         | nightwatchinc wrote:
         | Linear.app
         | RedShift1 wrote:
         | Depending on what you use it for, Gitlab springs to mind
         | y0ssar1an wrote:
         | https://monday.com
         | SigKill9 wrote:
         | For something less task-focused and more customer-oriented, we
         | built https://www.kitemaker.co :)
         | bobbygoodlatte wrote:
         | Linear https://linear.app/
         | It's a joy to use
       | imdsm wrote:
       | <!--                 Atlassian, please don't sue me.
       | -->
       | kerbs wrote:
       | I can't take credit for this, but I also don't recall where I
       | heard/read it from:
       | "Most teams would be better off using a shared spreadsheet for
       | task management than they would using Jira"
       | Rings true to me to this day.
       | imdsm wrote:
       | "<!-- Atlassian, please don't sue me. -->"
       | therufa wrote:
       | part of the hatred has to come from the fact that it's a tool
       | used for hidden micromanagement. Whenever I experienced Jira
       | being introduced into the workflow, human connection vanished,
       | work became laboring and many times the better devs left the team
       | due to lack of autonomy. Who remained were the people who didn't
       | mind to just work and never question, like factory workers of the
       | 1900's.
       | I don't mind using Jira as a verbose platform which aims to map
       | project state and helps communication BETWEEN all participants,
       | but this is rarely the case, especially with all those pseudo-
       | agile practices that are part of mainstream software development.
       | Another part of the hatred may come from the fact that it's an
       | overcomplicated tool for a moderately simple task. This
       | complexity is standing in the way most of the time. I just want a
       | simple board for a simple project with simple issues/user
       | stories/whatevers and update their state which gets reflected on
       | the board. For additional features i want to install/write a
       | plugin and that's it. If I need a manual for software in 2022
       | it's either trash or something far from mainstream (in which case
       | complexity and/or lack of ux might be acceptable).
       | t43562 wrote:
       | It appeals to companies that think they only have to pay for one
       | tool. It's awful for agile work but your boss sees the "agile"
       | tickbox and says "fine"
       | linsomniac wrote:
       | One real benefit of Jira is that almost everything else out there
       | has an importer for Jira. We chose to move from FogBugz to Jira
       | ~3 years ago, in part because we knew if it didn't end up working
       | for us, it would be relatively easy to move to another platform.
       | Many of the competitors don't fully understand this. They offer
       | importers for Jira, but not an *exporter to* Jira. It's a pretty
       | hard sell to even consider something else if I know I'm going to
       | be stuck there. I wrote the tools for FogBugz to Jira migration
       | and it took a stupid amount of time to do.
       | FYI: FogBugz provided a Jira exporter but it was abandoned (much
       | like FogBugz as a whole), and was totally unusable for the
       | migration.
       | chillingeffect wrote:
       | I also hate:
       | The gray text. Cmon, we have a roomful of ppl and 1 monitor.
       | Subtasks fuck up the whole layout. And appear _above_ everything.
       | Suggestions that only include the 1st N values from a list. You
       | have to know what youre searching for.
       | Can't preview fakeSprint until it's started.
       | No easily-available view of each developer's workload.
       | monkeybutton wrote:
       | All the confluence hate speaks to my soul. It's where ideas go to
       | die. If you want to start a successful internal project and
       | someone tells you to start documenting your ideas there, you
       | might as well just move on to something else. Whatever you were
       | going to do is already dead. It's just so ignorable. Nobody gives
       | a shit about a confluence doc. Write up your thoughts and send it
       | as an email to your boss, your peers, whoever. That demands a
       | response and you'll get one, for good or ill! Getting outright
       | rejected is still better than the sad withering away that is
       | putting it into confluence. Anyways, what's the most common
       | signal that people hate confluence? When they use it as a link
       | repository to docs stored elsewhere.
       | Sebguer wrote:
       | The real problem with Jira is that every company adopts it
       | without sufficient support. It needs dedicated admins. You can't
       | just let every single team YOLO things.
       | Unfortunately, what happens is a company adopts it from the
       | start, and then it grows into an impossible-to-use forest where
       | there's no meaningful way to bring things back to actually
       | usable, and everyone is miserable.
         | thomaslord wrote:
         | Even with zero customization, just using it for a Kanban board
         | is incredibly slow and frustrating. My 2-person team was using
         | the free version of Target Process and needed to migrate to
         | something else since we hit the entity limit, so we went with
         | Jira because it seemed like the industry standard. What we got
         | was the slowest initial page load and slowest interactions of
         | any webapp I've ever used.
         | After struggling along for 2-3 months, we moved over to
         | Clubhouse (now called Shortcut) and the difference in speed and
         | overall experience is night and day.
         | sanderjd wrote:
         | I honestly can't imagine trying to hire someone for such a
         | terrible job.
         | jokethrowaway wrote:
         | If a tool needs this level of support it's not a good tool and
         | not even a tool - it's the no-code equivalent of a framework.
         | I'd rather pick any other ticketing system which has things
         | done in one way than waste my life configuring jira
           | Pasorrijer wrote:
           | Just about every enterprise tool requires a proper
           | implementation and system admins and business process
           | analysis and change management to get setup.
           | A lot of enterprise tools are "crap, why would the company
           | ever use this", and 90% of that is in the implementation (or
           | lack thereof)
             | Sebguer wrote:
             | Yep! It also comes down to a difference between the people
             | the tool is primarily targeted at, and who actually has to
             | interact with it. Salesforce's CRM (and its various sub-
             | products) is very similar.
           | Sebguer wrote:
           | This is an inane take. Almost every system we use in a
           | business requires support, and management to be used
           | effectively. You wouldn't fire the people responsible for
           | maintaining your other services.
           | You can either have something incredibly powerful, like Jira,
           | with a lot of sharp edges, or you can use something
           | incredibly similar. The latter would be more like 'no-code'
           | since it's going to be drastically limited in terms of
           | adapting to how your business does work, versus Jira which
           | can be transformed into just about anything.
           | That 'just about anything' is the root of the problem, since
           | over years a business will let dozens of people alter
           | configurations and do special little bespoke things on their
           | projects until it's unsustainable.
             | AnimalMuppet wrote:
             | > You can either have something incredibly powerful, like
             | Jira, with a lot of sharp edges...
             | It's powerful. But I think a bunch of the dislike is
             | because the edges are _not_ sharp. They 're very dull.
             | That's why it's so clumsy to use. (Sure, it's still easy to
             | cause damage, but that's not the same thing...)
             | Disclaimer: I have never actually had to use Jira. This is
             | just my impression from listening to others complain.
               | Sebguer wrote:
               | The point of something being sharp is doing damage with
               | minimal effort, which I think fits here! Though, I won't
               | disagree that a lot of parts of the Jira UX are more
               | blunt-force.
         | zippergz wrote:
         | Dedicated admins make it even worse, because they have the
         | bandwidth and inclination to do all kinds of crazy
         | customization, which is what takes jira from merely bad to
         | terrible. The worst jira instances I've ever seen are the ones
         | that had full-time people customizing them.
           | Sebguer wrote:
           | You've clearly not worked in places where it's people part-
           | time customizing them, because I guarantee the outcome is
           | worse!
             | WorldMaker wrote:
             | You are both right! What you really want is a place that
             | doesn't customize Jira _at all_ , and if you find such a
             | place you'll find out that they eventually switched to
             | something else because everyone also hates Jira's default
             | out of the box behaviors.
             | outworlder wrote:
             | I don't know, because the part-time customizers are
             | scratching some itch. Maybe they are messing up because
             | they don't know any better.
             | The full time customizers need to justify their salary.
       | more_corn wrote:
       | The worst thing about jira is it leaves the door open for
       | confluence which is the actual worst thing.
       | kerblang wrote:
       | In my experience, Jira is the dog that begins to resemble its
       | owner. If you are working in a toxic, dysfunctional organization,
       | Jira will reflect that:
       | - Giant forms with dozens upon dozens of nonsensical fields
       | (preferably with abbreviations as names, like "IFE App.") half of
       | which are required so you just stuff random words in them to make
       | it shut up
       | - Thousands of tickets that would probably take 30+ software devs
       | 100+ years to implement
       | - Can't find your project because your project's name is nonsense
       | (also preferably with abbreviations)
       | - Task descriptions have hundreds of words of nonsensical
       | boilerplate but don't actually say anything at all
       | - 50 different ways each to say "Finished", "Started" or
       | "Abandoned"
       | - Workflow state transitions reminiscient of the outdoor maze in
       | The Shining (crazy man with axe optional)
         | alephxyz wrote:
         | One I found particularly annoying was having too many
         | hierarchical levels for taks. Something like : Client,
         | Contract, Deliverable, Product, Release, Change Request,
         | Requirement, Task, Sub-tasks
         | audunw wrote:
         | > - Thousands of tickets that would probably take 30+ software
         | devs 100+ years to implement
         | I feel like the company I'm working for has a reasonable
         | attitude towards Jira, and they recently just batch closed all
         | tickets that were older than some date in many projects. So
         | you'd have to actively re-open tickets you had created to keep
         | them alive, if needed. Great decision IMO.
         | It's an interesting exercise to be forced to deal with old
         | tickets you've created. It gets you thinking.. "well, this
         | thing should probably be done at some point, but then if it's
         | actually important we'll probably think of it again and can re-
         | create the ticket then". Might give you experience that
         | encourages you to be careful when creating new tickets too.
           | EnderWT wrote:
           | We've automated this in our propriety system. After an amount
           | of time with no activity, change requests expire and someone
           | can resubmit if they're still valid, otherwise they close
           | after a number of days. They also get a notification in
           | advance in case they want to investigate validity before
           | expiration. Has worked well for us since our software is
           | decades old and the number of change requests are
           | substantial.
       | dboreham wrote:
       | I've probably said this before here but I just don't see what was
       | wrong with Bugzilla. We spent years getting it honed to suit a
       | good bug lifecycle model. Everything since has been fubar one way
       | or another.
       | kstrauser wrote:
       | I don't hate Jira. I strongly dislike working with people who
       | love it. From https://honeypot.net/post/jira-is-a-code-smell/ :
       | > A useful task manager will be somewhat opinionated. It will
       | almost, but not quite, do what everyone wants, and will annoy
       | everyone equally with the few things they think it does wrong. A
       | tar pit of a task manager will claim to be everything to everyone
       | after customization, meaning that a few people will think it's
       | heavenly and everyone else will despise it with the heat of a
       | thousand suns.
       | stevebmark wrote:
       | Tehchops wrote:
       | Jira is bad, but the worst part about it is that it makes it non-
       | trivially more likely you'll also be using Confluence, which is
       | an absolute blight upon the software landscape.
       | apocalyptic0n3 wrote:
       | Jira isn't perfect, but it fit our agency's needs well enough and
       | the short comings haven't been bad enough to cause us to rethink
       | it.
       | The truth is that there's very few project management tools out
       | there that offer the flexibility to run individual projects the
       | way an individual team wants to. When you're an agency with
       | hundreds of projects in the system, that's invaluable. I
       | researched 2-3 dozen competitors to find a better solution and
       | there just wasn't. Other than maybe Redmine and its derivatives,
       | which the team basically dismissed for being too outdated.
       | ETA: I should clarify that I'm using Jira Cloud and we don't have
       | many issues with speed (at least today, anyway. Maybe in a few
       | years, who knows)
       | blowski wrote:
       | OK, so what don't I like about Jira?
       | 1. It's extremely slow.
       | 2. It's difficult to predict the effect of making any kind of
       | change.
       | 3. The permissions system is so convoluted, I can be the admin of
       | a board, and yet not have permission to see a ticket on it.
       | 4. It relegates the conversation to a second-class UI element,
       | when this is the most important part of any project management
       | system.
       | 5. Trying to operate on a bunch of tickets all at the same time
       | (e.g. move all tickets in this status into some other status)
       | requires a lot of time.
       | 6. Every Jira setup is so different, trying to compare a piece of
       | work from one area of the organisation to a similar piece of work
       | elsewhere is useless.
       | 7. The UI is extremely buggy. I can add a mandatory field to a
       | ticket, then when I try to use a shortcut to create a new ticket,
       | it won't work because I can't fill out that mandatory field.
       | 8. There are random side-effects when one person does something
       | on one bit of the system, and VOILA everybody's workflow is
       | broken, with no obvious warning that would happen.
         | rsanek wrote:
         | > Trying to operate on a bunch of tickets all at the same time
         | (e.g. move all tickets in this status into some other status)
         | requires a lot of time.
         | Have you used the bulk issue change tool? The UI isn't
         | necessarily very user-friendly but I would not label it as
         | requiring a lot of time, I actually feel it works quite well
         | for this use case.
         | slaymaker1907 wrote:
         | In defense of complex permissions, this often ends up being
         | necessary to avoid single points of failure. For example, if
         | someone can turn off the setting preventing force push to the
         | master/main branch, that person should not be able to commit
         | code thereby requiring more than one person for a commit to be
         | force pushed in practice. Even better would be to require a
         | config change like that to be approved by more than one person,
         | but that can be difficult to implement compared to adding in
         | narrow permissions. Even if you just prevent force pushing in
         | general, another common bypass would be disabling CI for
         | certain commits (such as in cases where the CI infrastructure
         | is down and the commit is necessary to fix some ongoing
         | incident). Yes trusting developers is always going to be
         | necessary to some degree, but that doesn't mean absolute trust
         | is required all the time.
         | For your specific example of not being able to see tickets as
         | admin, I imagine that feature was added for teams where
         | sensitive information is stored in the ticketing system for
         | things like user reported issues. User reported issues often
         | has PII or other personal data and while developers need to see
         | that information, admins often don't. When I worked at a bank,
         | any remotely sensitive columns in the database were either
         | inaccessible to developers by configuration or by encrypting
         | them to and from client code when the DB didn't support column
         | level permissions (while Sybase could manage column level
         | permissions, Mongo and Elasticsearch didn't at the time).
           | blowski wrote:
           | That's the thing about Jira.
           | I don't understand why I can't see a ticket on my board
           | because some team in another company once requested a
           | seemingly unrelated feature. It's trying to be too many
           | things to too many companies all at the same time, and thus
           | ends up as an unusable mess of complex settings.
         | bamboozled wrote:
         | Awesome list and objective.
         | I'd like to add another point:
         | #. There are too many "views" or ways of visualizing the work
         | that needs to be done, ie the plan view and the kanban view, my
         | issues etc.
         | If I'm not looking at the 'right' view I'll miss something and
         | maybe get in trouble from project management.
         | meibo wrote:
         | 9. The text editor is still busted and I just don't understand
         | why. It's one of the most important parts of the UX, please
         | please fix it. Writing any kind of nicely formatted long form
         | posts is a lost cause.
           | macintux wrote:
           | At the very least, use the _same markup language_ for both
           | Confluence and Jira.
             | yamadapc wrote:
             | Jira/Confluence Cloud use the same markup and editor.
               | eikenberry wrote:
               | But neither supports a markup language AFAIK. They used
               | to support Markdown but they dropped that long ago and
               | never replaced it. Now the only choice is their garbage
               | WYSIWYG editor.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | Amusingly, it used to be great! When I first started using
           | JIRA, it was just markdown. Then they introduced their
           | WYSIWYG editor, but at least they still had the button to see
           | the raw markdown and you could still edit the raw markdown
           | (but the GUI made terrible markdown so if you wanted to use
           | markdown you better start with that and never touch the GUI).
           | And then I guess at some point they just removed the markdown
           | part?
             | geysersam wrote:
             | It boggles the mind. Who made that call? What were their
             | reasons?
           | pm90 wrote:
           | This is my biggest gripe.
           | I make an effort to write detailed comments about what I did,
           | what I discovered etc. This is really helpful to reproduce
           | the issues, and a few months down the line it helps to
           | clarify exactly what happened.
           | JIRA text editor is FUCKED. Try adding bullet points after a
           | code insertion. Does not work. I have to first create all the
           | bullets, then step through them and write out whats on my
           | mind. For more complex stuff, I just write in my code editor.
           | How can you fuck up the most basic functionality?!
           | ericbarrett wrote:
           | My gripe for the text editor--if you navigate away from the
           | page, by an accidental click or keypress, all your text is
           | lost. This kind of thing was solved 15 years ago; it's table
           | stakes!
             | shrikant wrote:
             | My favourite gripe about text editing in Jira is that the
             | ticket body and ticket comments require subtly different
             | formatting mark-up, and the wysiwyg widgets for formatting
             | are also ever-so-slightly different.
             | This results in a fun game of me trying out single
             | backticks, triple backticks, braces, double braces, other
             | miscellaneous punctuation symbols, and various indents
             | before giving up and trying the formatting toolbar, only to
             | waste another couple of minutes clicking around to see what
             | works.
             | Somehow I can never remember what worked either, so I find
             | myself repeating this ridiculous dance on at least a weekly
             | basis.
             | Although IIRC, there was a recent update that at least
             | harmonised the code formatting syntax between editors,
             | although I can't remember if it actually worked....
           | fmakunbound wrote:
           | Definitely this 100% I proposed for company game night:
           | Predict where the Jira cursor goes next in response to right
           | arrow. There's so many possibilities: right left up down,
           | teleports, disappears. My favorite is when the cursor splits
           | into two at two different seemingly unrelated locations. Two
           | cursors?? How do you even do that in a text area?
         | devoutsalsa wrote:
         | I still can't figure out how to search it
           | exyi wrote:
           | I just wrote the search query to our PM, since I was unable
           | to find anything myself... I don't understand why just
           | couldn't use, IDK, a shared spreadsheet, even that would be
           | more productive (from my perspective)
           | cuteboy19 wrote:
           | Find the person in your organization who knows JIRA. After he
           | doesn't manage to find it, open outlook and search for it in
           | the notifications@jira folder, where you would most likely
           | find it
           | sophacles wrote:
           | This is a solved problem. The most efficient way to search
           | Jira is to type random characters into the search bar until
           | you find the ticket you were looking for on page 3 of the
           | results.
       | brailsafe wrote:
       | I'm fine with Jira now. As long as I don't have to use it that
       | much. I agree about conversation being a second class citizen. I
       | wish I could get integration with my mac notification system more
       | easily. But the positive is that I can do a screen recording and
       | drag and drop that video straight into a comment which is cool
       | hansoolo wrote:
       | I don't really get the hate to be honest. Maybe it's just me, but
       | our DevOps team seems to have squeezed the best out of Jira. They
       | organized the workflow very well, the Bitbucket Integration is
       | seemless and I can easily get to the builds of my current issue
       | and see what happens there. The only gripe I have about Atlassian
       | suite is confluence. It's a mess.
       | I think it really depends on how Jira and the overall workflow is
       | taken care of. For our part, it has been a pretty good experience
       | and the DevOps team used the APIs pretty well and wrote their own
       | tools.
       | To be honest, I don't have used many other tools, but it seems
       | like our company has made a good choice in configuring the whole
       | system "just right".
       | hkgjjgjfjfjfjf wrote:
       | tdgs wrote:
       | Wait until you use notion. I've been forced to use it for the
       | last year, and I miss jira. I never thought I'd say this, but I
       | really do miss it.
       | bitwize wrote:
       | Just be glad you don't have to use VersionOne.
       | Anyone who's coped with VersionOne will nope back to Jira in a
       | hot second.
       | SilverBirch wrote:
       | Shout out to the programme manager at my old company. His
       | attitude was "Use jira in the way that works for you". He could
       | set up and modify workflows for me, he had good useful advice,
       | and in total I probably spent 20 minutes a week dealing with
       | jira. Which as a manager of a decent sized team I think is fairly
       | good. As one of the comments on that site said "I'd rather use
       | trello" I disagree, it was much better for having multiple views
       | on things and by standardising across the company it was much
       | easier to just get an informal view on what other teams were
       | doing.
       | Most of the problems with jira are the people using it.
       | newobj wrote:
       | So say we all
       | Tade0 wrote:
       | My Jira experience improved a lot when I wrote a tool that parses
       | and serves the content of HTTP Archive files - not having to wait
       | for all those panels, menus etc. was a huge boon, even if this
       | view was necessarily read-only.
       | Also I'm pretty sure Jira saved my friend's marriage because he
       | used the free version to coordinate finishing up their house.
       | Lastly while JQL has limited capabilities, it's better than
       | having a bunch of API endpoints.
       | That being said it still baffles me how badly some UI elements
       | are done there. Especially the menus would benefit greatly from
       | some caching or preloading.
       | amelius wrote:
       | Ripe for disruption.
       | kringo wrote:
       | JIRA is the definition of building everything for everybody and
       | let them customize it, it's got complex and to a point highly
       | productive engineers don't want it anymore, it's a OVERKILL!
       | mberning wrote:
       | These people are pampered brats. Try being forced to document all
       | your time and projects in Rally or Version1. You will beg to get
       | Jira back. Software "engineers" are such divas. "I don't play
       | other people's song." As if they are some kind of celebrity.
       | vjust wrote:
       | Its like you can't be fired for buying Microsoft (as an IT
       | purchase decision). You can't be fired for buying JIRA. JIRA
       | makes everything, the most broken or dodgy processes look
       | respectable. It keeps Managers and scrum masters busy. They have
       | a toy to play with, and why not?, why should only devs have toys.
       | I'm not saying I hate JIRA, or that it doesn't work. Its just
       | that sometimes the tail wags the dog.
       | sto_hristo wrote:
       | I've seen absolutely ridiculous workflows on Jira. Things like -
       | "i'm gonna make the most ridiculous workflow out of spite and
       | boredom just to troll you."
       | From that perspective it's easy to hate it, but you hate the
       | actual use of the tool not the tool itself.
       | Currently i enjoy more sane use of it. Simple workflow. You get
       | in, read the ticket, clicky a button, get out. Slowness in that
       | regard is very tolerable.
         | easytiger wrote:
         | Wait till you hear about servicenow
       | Maakuth wrote:
       | Single letter hotkeys are pretty bad. If it's not an input field
       | you've focused but the page itself, you might assign the ticket
       | to yourself and set it to some crazy state before you realize the
       | focus is all wrong. Ask me how I know...
         | iso1631 wrote:
         | I do believe I managed to disable those in preferences or
         | similar
       | AtNightWeCode wrote:
       | Not going to read this rant because of time. But let me guess.
       | Jira is a giant time waster. My main problem with Jira though is
       | that it takes a lot of effort to configure it in good way. Jira
       | is a piece of software that comes with plain horrible defaults.
       | [deleted]
       | phendrenad2 wrote:
       | Not using Jira is a red flag for me, and I won't work for any
       | company that doesn't use Jira. The reason is, Jira is so standard
       | at this point, if a team uses a non-Jira product, they must have
       | an overly powerful CTO or team lead who rules with an iron fist.
       | Sure, it sucks, but working under such conditions is worse.
       | cptcobalt wrote:
       | I came from Apple (and their excellent Radar issue tracking tool)
       | to a company that uses Jira.
       | Jira is the _worst_. I routinely lose data in jira, like saving
       | errors. Dragging and dropping attachments sometimes causes the
       | page to crash and reload. Everything in the UI moves around or
       | obscured behind some tabs. I want to be able to file a network of
       | issues all at once, something Radar did great. Jira workflows are
       | much to complicated, and their flexibility just increases your
       | administrative hell. I can go on and on.
         | NonNefarious wrote:
         | Also ex-Apple here. Radar does suffer (to a lesser extent than
         | Jira) from a profound defect, though: Searches are "exact
         | match" for whatever text you put in the title. To find a bug
         | YOU filed, you have to remember the exact words and sequence
         | you used in the title. Did I say "resize window" or "resize a
         | window?"
         | I filed a bug against Radar for this behavior, and developers
         | from other teams added comments expressing surprise that the
         | tool was crippled in this manner. I think a year later, someone
         | said, "Yep, our team got bit by this today again. We assumed
         | this was fixed years ago."
         | This fundamental flaw may explain why some widely-encountered
         | bugs in Apple products don't get fixed, or at least fixed in a
         | timely manner. A dozen Radars could be filed for the same
         | defect, but if they aren't phrased the same way you'll never
         | find all the dupes. So dumb.
         | Still... I could construct queries based on status and product
         | more easily in Radar than in Jira.
           | phist_mcgee wrote:
           | Well it's obvious then. Apple needs to create a new and
           | bespoke issue tracker just for radar.
       | hancholo wrote:
       | Thankfully my company built its own internal tool similar to
       | Jira. Unfortunately this is not the case for other companies or
       | smaller companies since it can be cost-prohibitive.
       | zaphar wrote:
       | Jira's web interface I can live with. I've internalized the
       | workaround for the UI bugs and I've learned to live with the
       | slowness. Sure it reflects all the worst aspects of your
       | organizations structure and process but that's not really it's
       | fault.
       | What _is_ it 's fault is their REST API. In theory it's a well
       | architected API. Follows REST principles. You can tell they read
       | the whitepaper. But you have to jump through a _ton_ of hoops to
       | get any data beyond surface details.
       | Example: Want to find what epic a User Story is part of? It's a
       | custom field. Which one? depends on how your instance has evolved
       | over time. You'll have to scan through all the fields to find the
       | field id.
       | This is what happens when an API isn't designed to fulfill a
       | particular need but instead is meant to be infinitely
       | customizable. Ergonomic APIs are impossible.
       | irusensei wrote:
       | Good. I'd also like one of these but with Citrix.
       | meowface wrote:
       | I'm sometimes kind of surprised at how often I see people say
       | they don't mind it. It's by far the tool I like the least out of
       | everything I've used at any job I've ever been in.
         | wyldfire wrote:
         | I only use Jira for defect tracking and not project planning.
         | In that regard it seems to be only slightly worse than
         | Github/Gitlab's issue tracking. It'd be kinda nice if it
         | supported Markdown but it's not a big deal.
         | The only things I need it to do are: (1) record an archive of
         | comments describing the progress on the issue's resolution, (2)
         | be able to store attachments, (3) be able to cross-reference
         | other issues. Maybe I have a really low bar? But it seems to do
         | those without much problem and in my case it doesn't seem to be
         | slow.
         | tormeh wrote:
         | There's lots of worse shit here:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_version-
         | control_softwa.... I remember IBM ClearCase in particular as
         | vile.
         | jrib wrote:
         | What tools do you like the most?
         | bpodgursky wrote:
         | The UX is annoying as hell but I am almost never unable to do
         | what I need to do. I can't say that for all SaaS tools.
         | pydry wrote:
         | It's quite easy to have a minimized exposure to jira as a
         | developer. I hate its guts but if my interactions are limited
         | to writing a few tickets and changing statuses then its
         | awfulness is more somebody else's problem and it doesnt bother
         | me nearly as much.
         | happytoexplain wrote:
         | If it's set up properly, it's easy for developers to browse the
         | tickets, log work on them, and update their status - and that's
         | all they will need to do. So, from their perspective, it's
         | fine. However, getting to that point is unnecessarily
         | difficult, and if you fail, that difficulty spills over into
         | the developer experience.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I would fight you about how Bamboo is the worst tool I've had
         | to use, but since they're both from Atlassian that feels a bit
         | like splitting hairs.
         | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
         | It's a tool for the boring part of software engineering- I
         | don't expect it to spark joy. I wish it were faster, scaled the
         | full width of my monitor, allowed external editors, etc.
         | Overall it gets the job done well. Everything else that I've
         | used is horrible which makes it the best in my experience but
         | that's still not saying much.
           | tommoor wrote:
           | But what if it _did_ spark joy... https://linear.app/readme
             | camer0 wrote:
             | We use Linear at my job too - it's very smooth and easy to
             | use and certainly does spark joy
             | jbluepolarbear wrote:
             | I use linear and I hate it more than jira. It's jira with
             | all the useful production features removed, making it
             | useless for large teams and qa teams. Beyond simple task
             | tracking it has been a chore to use.
             | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
             | This looks really nice but it scares me to think of what my
             | large (60,000+ employees) employer would do to it. Thanks
             | for sharing though- I'm going to check this out.
             | conradfr wrote:
             | We use it at my current work and I'm not impressed. We even
             | moved back some workflow steps to Notion because of lost
             | work in the editor.
             | Frankly, I miss the limited GitHub PM tools we used at my
             | previous job.
             | Even their one true limitation, no sub-issues, is very meh
             | on Linear.
         | kzrdude wrote:
         | I don't mind it. Maybe because I only peek into it about once
         | per week or so, so we don't really drive daily work using it.
           | codebolt wrote:
           | Same, I check into Jira once per day, max. It's useful to
           | give an overview of what everyone is working on in the
           | "Kanban" meetings twice weekly. I use quotes because we
           | really don't follow any strict rules or structures, everyone
           | just kind of does what needs to be done to keep things moving
           | forward.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | Maybe a couple times a day for me, but mostly if I somehow
             | have two things going at once.
             | Meanwhile I'm battling Bamboo regularly, and I hate
             | everyone who has ever worked on that crime against
             | humanity.
         | Tao3300 wrote:
         | I don't love it, but I sure hate it less than just about
         | everything that came before it.
       | RadixDLT wrote:
       | if you hate jira try Trello, "the baby version of jira"
       | felixgallo wrote:
       | Jira is the worst possible choice, except for all the others.
         | labster wrote:
         | I was honestly really pleased when we moved to Jira at a
         | previous job, having lived through three other worse ticket
         | systems. It's just more powerful, and has ways of keeping
         | tickets from falling into a black hole. None of that is an
         | excuse for the slow, terrible frontend for Jira, or the
         | complete lack of discoverability in Confluence.
         | bko wrote:
         | Has anyone tried to use something like notion? Depending on
         | your size you don't necessarily need all the stuff around it.
         | Whats the difference between a story and an epoch? Most people
         | don't really care. They just need something to track stuff
         | being done, like a glorified to-do list with rich text.
           | jitl wrote:
           | Disclaimer: I work at Notion.
           | I think Notion works well for tasks if your organization is
           | small, or you are happy with lightweight process. There is no
           | way to ensure all updates to a Notion page follow a strict
           | state machine like Jira. Notion just doesn't have those kind
           | of validation / restriction tools yet.
           | For our 100ish engineers it works well especially because
           | planning docs flow seamlessly into project specs and then
           | tasks... but we suffer a bit from loosely defined workflows
           | around 2-week sprints that take more clicking than anyone
           | wants.
             | djur wrote:
             | Shouldn't these tools be used primarily at the team level?
             | Large organizations don't necessarily have larger teams.
             | I'm not sure why it should make a big difference if you
             | have 2 or 200 teams of 5 using the tool.
         | TLadd wrote:
         | Yep. Jira is far from perfect, but I've not had any better luck
         | with anything else.
         | cowmix wrote:
         | g_delgado14 wrote:
         | Have you tried Linear [0]?
         | ----
         | [0] - https://linear.app/
       | originalvichy wrote:
       | I read some of those rants and almost 50% of them were not rants
       | but people ignorant of features and how they work getting angry.
       | I'm not saying they deserve to be angry, but if a passionate rant
       | can be dismissed by a "you're holding it wrong" it isn't really a
       | rant.
       | There are tons of real issues like ages old bugs or weird design
       | decisions years ago that make something that feels very sane feel
       | impossible to deliver.
       | All in all my point is that most of these rants are against
       | knowledge of features/design and misuse by colleagues.
       | anonytrary wrote:
       | Jira was supposed to help us do the work, not become the work.
       | We have at least three people employed who's sole responsibility
       | is to pester people about ticket status, apply bulk changes in
       | Jira, define conventions, and ultimately make life harder for
       | individual teams who wanna follow their own processes. As an EM,
       | my higher-ups would rather have me ensuring ticket status is
       | perfect to the T instead of pairing with and assisting my
       | engineers.
       | I kid you not, we have directors of engineering who spend half
       | their working day making bump/nudge comments on tickets.
       | airfishey wrote:
       | I'm curious what other people's thoughts are when comparing CA
       | Agile Central (formerly known as Rally) to Jira. Which do you
       | like more and why?
       | 7357 wrote:
       | I fucking hate software.
       | wly_cdgr wrote:
       | I think Jira development is secretly supported by Microsoft to
       | make sure there's always at least one enterprise software product
       | that developers hate more than Windows
       | avignome wrote:
       | I hate BitBucket more!
       | pyrolistical wrote:
       | Jira is practically called out in the phoenix project. Their
       | solution?
       | 1. Don't use it
       | 2. Do a manual process
       | 3. Get buy in and deliver actual value
       | 4. Run into scalability issues
       | 5. Now automate which could be Jira but now you know what value
       | your process is achieving
       | 6. Don't let Jira be the end in itself. Focus on the value of the
       | process and tune that
       | https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/17255186-the-phoenix-...
       | simonbarker87 wrote:
       | I've used it at three companies and thought it was fine. Maybe my
       | tastes aren't refined enough or something but I thought it was
       | fine.
       | Confluence is terrible but that's a different product.
         | BitwiseFool wrote:
         | For me, the worst part is how the search feature naturally
         | defaults to searching over the entire organization and there is
         | no setting to preserve space preference. I'm sure a product
         | manager or sales person pitched this as a wonderful thing, but
         | in a massive organization I really only want to search within a
         | small number of spaces, over and over again. I rarely, if ever,
         | want to access the _entire_ company 's confluence but that's
         | what the search bar does.
       | Minor49er wrote:
       | The problems with Jira can be extended to the rest of Atlassian
       | and all of their offerings. Their company culture is very much
       | one of "we're right, no matter how many people bring up the same
       | issues." Things like:
       | - Shoving political messaging into git terminal messages -
       | Renaming "blame" to something else without notifying the userbase
       | ("annotate"? It's been a while) because, despite "blame" being a
       | git term, its usage hurt someone's feelings (yes, seriously, even
       | though no proof or elaboration has ever been provided) - Not
       | fixing a bug for 6+ years where, if someone's typing a comment
       | and accidentally hit the escape key, the entire post gets deleted
       | with no option to recover it (I'm not sure if this ever actually
       | was resolved)
       | That said, for a while, Jira had a lot of good things going for
       | it. But by now, enough competitors have popped up with similar
       | offerings that are easier to use without all of the unnecessary
       | self-importance buried within it.
       | For a Jira alternative specifically, I've been using Linear.app
       | for the last 8 months and enjoying it overall
         | eterm wrote:
         | Annotate was the SVN term, have you considered it might just
         | pre-date git?
           | Minor49er wrote:
           | That's interesting. This change certainly came post-SVN. I
           | don't recall that ever being used as an explanation, though.
           | Still, quite a silly thing to do based on the presumption
           | that a benign word hurt a hypothetical person's feelings
       | avh02 wrote:
       | I tried giving atlassian some feedback recently when they asked
       | for it (via email). Unfortunately the very end of their survey
       | had some fancy widget to upload a recording (which was absolutely
       | unnecessary). The widget didn't load, and because of that the
       | form didn't allow a submission - so I didn't bother figuring out
       | how to give them my feedback, even after i had done a 3 page
       | survey.
       | I hope it was a widespread issue.
       | sefrost wrote:
       | I wish the comments were more specific about which features they
       | don't like.
       | For me a particularly frustrating aspect is the way the UI moves
       | around a lot. I'm quite anxious to click anything until all the
       | loading spinners have stopped in case I click the wrong thing.
       | Then I could be taken to a page or feature I've never seen
       | before.
       | Also it's really annoying when I try to copy something from a
       | ticket description but it starts editing the whole description
       | field.
       | EDIT - I'd also like to add that as a developer, once I finish my
       | ticket I assign it to a QA. Then I can never get back to the
       | ticket. I'd like a really easy way to see all of the tickets I've
       | ever completed. But completed tickets aren't assigned to me,
       | they're assigned to QA.
         | bryanrasmussen wrote:
         | Jira has JQL (Jira Query Language)
         | https://www.atlassian.com/blog/jira-software/jql-the-most-fl...
         | you can search for a lot of different things, it is possible to
         | construct queries for items you have touched in the past.
         | on edit: once you have a query you like save it as a personal
         | filter and it will show up somewhere in the UI, because Jira
         | sucks who knows where (changes all the time), but you can of
         | course also make personalized dashboards and place the filters
         | you have made on to that dashboard with a widget that runs the
         | filter.
         | on second edit: evidently I earned someone's downvote by not
         | being adequately anti-jira despite having put in that Jira
         | sucks, but really the comment to which I'm replying ends with:
         | " I'd also like to add that as a developer, once I finish my
         | ticket I assign it to a QA. Then I can never get back to the
         | ticket. I'd like a really easy way to see all of the tickets
         | I've ever completed. But completed tickets aren't assigned to
         | me, they're assigned to QA. "
         | which, using JQL, is real easy.
         | outworlder wrote:
         | > I wish the comments were more specific about which features
         | they don't like.
         | I have a very specific complaint: the ease which all sorts of
         | custom fields can be added for _everyone_. Sales will want to
         | add a field to hold their contract status. Lo and behold,
         | engineering now has it. It can be done in the proper way, but
         | it seems that doing it at a global level is easier since that's
         | how multiple Jira installations at multiple companies were
         | configured.
         | All I want is a ticket, with a title, description, assignee,
         | the current status, an easy way to transition, and comments.
         | That's it. Let my project _opt out_ of any global customization
         | if making global stuff is unavoidable.
         | Also, the newest Jira UX is... terrible. Tickets should not be
         | THAT easy to edit. How often do we want to change a ticket's
         | description, or title? I'd say, not often. If we do, there's
         | really no harm in having an "edit" button. Old Jira versions
         | had one.
           | rozap wrote:
           | Every time I'm highlighting and ctrl+c'ing something out of a
           | ticket and it turns into edit mode, I tense up a little bit.
           | Ugh.
           | Buttons840 wrote:
           | I had a similar thought: Jira is very customizable; if people
           | hate something that is so customizable then part of what
           | they're hating is the organizations customization of it.
           | I've seen the same thing at multiple companies. Someone comes
           | up with a Jira workflow, it doesn't match the needs of some
           | people, but the company wants to standardize on that
           | workflow, so now people are stuck using a stupid workflow
           | that doesn't work for them. I've also seen a bunch of stupid
           | custom fields on every single ticket. Is this Jira's fault or
           | the organization's fault? You complain but the word from your
           | immediate manager is that the team is already in hot water so
           | escalating complaints about the Jira configuration isn't
           | going to help, etc.
             | lmm wrote:
             | If only one organisation did that, it would be that
             | organisation's fault. When every organisation using Jira
             | does that, it's Jira's fault.
             | Why does everyone standardize on a company-wide workflow
             | that the developers can't change with a bunch of stupid
             | mandatory fields? Because that's what Jira nudges you to
             | do. Workflow editing is for managers only, fields are
             | mandatory by default...
           | lp0_on_fire wrote:
           | > Tickets should not be THAT easy to edit. How often do we
           | want to change a ticket's description, or title? I'd say, not
           | often. If we do, there's really no harm in having an "edit"
           | button.
           | It's very useful for when the user submits a ticket with "My
           | computer isn't working" as the title and "excel is broken" as
           | the description.
             | exyi wrote:
             | I'd not mind to press edit to change it.
         | cogman10 wrote:
         | What I hate about jira is it's flexibility.
         | The biggest issue I have with jira is it's so dead simple for
         | braindead process zombies to cram another field, another label,
         | another required text box, 4 new transition states, 20
         | difference confusing priorities, etc. Then, require everyone to
         | follow through with this (with 90% of the time putting some
         | form of "not applicable" in the boxes they added).
         | It is built for anal retentive "rule enforcers" to jump in and
         | chastise you because you checked box 4a but didn't fill out sub
         | box 3c.
         | FFS, I have an easier time filling out my taxes than some
         | project's jira setups. (And I live in the US).
           | midasuni wrote:
           | Isn't there problem the people cramming those things in?
           | We use jira as a way to track ongoing tasks, we use subject,
           | description, comments/attachments, and assigned to.
             | cogman10 wrote:
             | > Isn't there problem the people cramming those things in?
             | Yes.
             | However, the feedback loop for "that's a dumb mistake" both
             | takes too long and is easily ignored.
             | Even with CRs, spaghetti code still gets written. There's
             | no CR for a Jira workflow change. Further, the people
             | making such changes are frequently unimpacted by them (or
             | they like them because they are the aforementioned anal
             | retentive process zombies)
         | pydry wrote:
         | It's such a bloated mess that it's hard to point to a specific
         | thing.
         | Lammy wrote:
         | The composer in general. I often have to intersperse log/code
         | lines with prose, and there's no telling what the Formatting
         | menu will do. Some times selecting a formatting will apply to
         | selected text, sometimes not. Sometimes it will apply when
         | choosing a formatting then pasting text, some times not. Some
         | times it seems to apply to a selection as well as everything
         | after it. It does support Markdown with backticks for
         | monospace, but that's a lot of manual editing I would rather
         | not do.
         | I also get annoyed at the subtle ways the top-level Issue
         | composer is different from the comment composer, most
         | frequently with the top-level composer's refusal to allow image
         | embedding/positioning. You can only add images to a new Issue
         | as file attachments displayed as a row of tiny thumbnails under
         | all the Issue text, so I will frequently create a mostly blank
         | Issue and then write what I want to say as the first comment
         | where I can embed images and talk about them inline.
         | In the interest of also saying something nice, I think it's
         | cute how the JIRA logo seems to be a Jera/"j" rune :)
         | https://wac-cdn.atlassian.com/dam/jcr:e348b562-4152-4cdc-8a5...
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C4%93ran
         | nikanj wrote:
         | It's like trying to describe why a McDonalds $1.99 burger is
         | bad, to someone who just lists ingredients and insists it has
         | just the same mayo, cheese & patty as a $12.99 burger does.
         | It's not about any single feature being missing, it's just
         | terrible the same way Vista was terrible
         | efortis wrote:
         | How do I find an old story in Jira? *Without searching my
         | email.
         | daigoba66 wrote:
         | > I'd like a really easy way to see all of the tickets I've
         | ever completed.
         | Can be solved by creating a custom person field called
         | "Developer". Then you can customize the Status transition for
         | your In Progress status to automatically set that field to the
         | current user or maybe the issue assignee.
         | For better or worse, Jira is quite powerful and flexible. But
         | it's not always simple to setup.
         | monkeybutton wrote:
         | Everything turning into an edit action when I just want to
         | click a link or copy a bit of text is super annoying! Also is
         | thinking you're in a text field, typing out something and
         | realizing you've done a whole bunch of random actions because
         | of all the hotkeys.
           | corrral wrote:
           | The #1 thing I want out of every project management thingy
           | I've used is the ability to have direct links to a
           | ticket/issue or list of tickets/issues load as a basic HTML
           | page, that's either read-only or uses a "save" button rather
           | than persisting edits instantly. Provide a link to the full-
           | fat version of the page, on the off chance I want that.
           | I just want tickets to load instantly (trivial, if you're not
           | loading an "app" with it), not use hundreds of MB of memory
           | and tons of background processor cycles (ditto) so I feel
           | like I can't just leave it open, and not to have to worry
           | I'll click in the wrong place or accidentally trigger some
           | hotkey thing and screw something up.
           | Let the PMs have their version of the site with live-edited
           | everything and janky (because Web) drag & drop galore and a
           | whole universe of hotkeys and combos. I just want a fucking
           | web page with the info I need.
         | heretogetout wrote:
         | I can't help but wonder what PM tools Atlassian developers use.
         | Surely it can't be JIRA? Maybe they have some browser
         | extensions that make the interface less frustrating.
           | servercobra wrote:
           | I assume they do use JIRA, hence the mess.
         | JackFr wrote:
         | > Also it's really annoying when I try to copy something from a
         | ticket description but it starts editing the whole description
         | field.
         | +1. Absolute garbage interface.
         | YetAnotherNick wrote:
         | The hate is not for JIRA the tool, but JIRA the way of managing
         | things.
           | mnd999 wrote:
           | No, the tool is shit too.
           | cassianoleal wrote:
           | Yes, but also Jira the tool with it's horrendous UX, janky
           | markdown (which is also different from Confluence's wtf),
           | memory foortprint, slow loading, slow everything, controls
           | moving from under your cursor just as you're about to click
           | them...
           | Honestly, it's a horrendous piece of software however you
           | look at it.
         | deathanatos wrote:
         | - For a while, we had tickets in done states that just roll
         | over to the next epic, like they were still open. Nobody knew
         | why, and it went away with nobody making any fixes to anything.
         | - For a while, the side pane when you open an issue would just
         | be blank.
         | - Setting a ticket's epic makes me want to tear my eyeballs
         | out. The button has the tiniest hitbox, the suggestion list is
         | always wrong.
         | - Bulk operations are just a PITA
         | - the search box is always description. I'm almost always
         | filtering on other criteria, and so, have to suffer a page
         | load.
         | - and every page load is long and slow. Loading my backlog page
         | is 186 requests, 4.4 MiB _on the wire_ , and takes 9.4s. For
         | one page.
         | - UIs that have drag & drop, but don't support simultaneous
         | scroll are annoying. I have to wait for the view to move at
         | JIRA's speed, which is ofc., slow.
         | - it encourages "sprints" and "agile", which in turn encourage
         | "process" over just getting shit done.
           | dfcowell wrote:
           | All valid criticisms, especially the slowness and heavy page
           | sizes. Another perspective on 3 of your points though (and a
           | free quality-of-life tip!)
           | > For a while, we had tickets in done states that just roll
           | over to the next epic, like they were still open. Nobody knew
           | why, and it went away with nobody making any fixes to
           | anything.
           | I almost guarantee someone forgot to set the resolution field
           | when creating a workflow transition, noticed and went back
           | and fixed it.
           | > Bulk operations are just a PITA
           | Agreed that the UI is jank AF, but it works reliably on the
           | order of tens of thousands of tickets at a time.
           | > UIs that have drag & drop, but don't support simultaneous
           | scroll are annoying. I have to wait for the view to move at
           | JIRA's speed, which is ofc., slow.
           | Almost every operation you want to do this for can also be
           | done by right-clicking and "move to." There's "move to top of
           | backlog", "move to sprint x", "move to top of column", you
           | can also ctrl/cmd click (or shift-click) to select multiple
           | issues.
         | hkgjjgjfjfjfjf wrote:
         | tacostakohashi wrote:
         | > I'd also like to add that as a developer, once I finish my
         | ticket I assign it to a QA. Then I can never get back to the
         | ticket.
         | That's not JIRA, that's your organization's crappy
         | workflow/customization. That's the problem... JIRA is a tool
         | that encourages setting up elaborate yet dysfunctional
         | workflows.
         | Regarding your actual problem, just create a tickets.txt in
         | your home directory and store your list of completed JIRAs and
         | whatever else is important to you there.
         | ortusdux wrote:
         | We are looking at switching vendors, but the fact that they
         | EOL'ed the server version makes JIRA a non-starter for us.
         | https://www.atlassian.com/migration/assess/journey-to-cloud
         | MetaWhirledPeas wrote:
         | > For me a particularly frustrating aspect is the way the UI
         | moves around a lot. I'm quite anxious to click anything until
         | all the loading spinners have stopped in case I click the wrong
         | thing. Then I could be taken to a page or feature I've never
         | seen before.
         | This is a common antipattern that doesn't get talked about
         | enough. It's very common in the era of interactive ads,
         | websites with 3rd party web UIs layered on top, lazy loading,
         | and just "rich" UIs in general. A user needs to be able to
         | trust what they are about to click. This is fundamental.
           | macintux wrote:
           | The Vera functionality in Jira likes to move me ahead in a
           | test sequence, so each time I touch something in a long test
           | sequence I have to make sure I'm on the right test step.
           | Absolutely trash.
           | ectopod wrote:
           | This is something browsers should solve. If the thing you
           | clicked on wasn't there 0.2s ago then you didn't intend to
           | click on it, so just ignore the click. And add an API for
           | twitch games to turn this off.
             | heretogetout wrote:
             | I'd probably support a page similar to the one used to warn
             | you about certificate problems. "This page is using a user-
             | hostile interface that may cause you to interact with
             | unintended elements. Do you want to proceed?" But, you
             | know, worded better.
       | [deleted]
       | balls187 wrote:
       | Came to the comments hoping to find some solid Jira alternatives
       | "the community" recommends. Sadly not the case. Instead this is
       | my take-away:
       | * Jira sucks big time, and people hate it.
       | * There are no other tools that do what jira does, that doesn't
       | also suck.
       | * After trying Jira alternatives that suck worse, folks move away
       | from the Jira sucks camp to no-longer minding using Jira.
       | andreime wrote:
       | You should try VersionOne :) That tool made me appreciate JIRA.
       | wiremine wrote:
       | Jira is bloated. Full stop.
       | It feels like there isn't a strong unified product vision for
       | Jira. It's just trying to solve everything. It's all "just
       | configurable." That likely is a selling point into Enterprises
       | who need some level of flexibility.
       | But for a lot of situations, people just want something that
       | works well out of the box.
       | I often wonder what the 37signals guys would do if they ever
       | decided to tackle this problem. They don't always hit the mark,
       | but I give them a lot of credit for self-curating and having a
       | strong product vision for what they ship.
         | blowski wrote:
         | > I often wonder what the 37signals guys would do if they ever
         | decided to tackle this problem.
         | Wouldn't they build Basecamp?
         | awad wrote:
         | Isn't that what Basecamp from 37signals is meant to be? Perhaps
         | I'm missing something as I've only used it a bit.
       | baal80spam wrote:
       | Is there a way (setting?) to completely disable keyboard
       | shortcuts (hotkeys) on Jira sites?
       | etchalon wrote:
       | Once a JIRA shop, we moved everything to Asana years ago, after
       | trying literally everything else. Our design team just could not
       | get on board with JIRA. It was too much "work", in their words,
       | to track their efforts.
       | Asana seems to be a good balance between the depth of data
       | developers want to track and the high-level task management every
       | other team wants.
       | scotty79 wrote:
       | Jira should just start configured out of the box to look and work
       | like Trello.
         | yamadapc wrote:
         | This is the experience team-managed projects should have out of
         | the box in Cloud if using kanban.
         | You create a kanban team-managed project and it'll pretty much
         | be a Trello board. If you want sprints or a backlog or reports
         | you can go into the project features page and flip a switch.
       | greatgib wrote:
       | I used to hate Jira, and then, I had to use Asana...
         | yAak wrote:
         | Yeah, I've yet to use something that doesn't make me sad and
         | aggravated at the same time.
         | On my "hate" list: Jira, Asana, Zenhub &/or Github Issues,
         | Trello.
         | pcthrowaway wrote:
         | Wow, I like Asana _much_ more than Jira. We 're using Linear
         | now, which I know is a favourite here, but I actually think
         | Asana is pretty close in quality (better in some ways)
       | GoOnThenDoTell wrote:
       | Jira need to fix their loading times
         | snowstormsun wrote:
         | This
       | jarek83 wrote:
       | Part of our company started using Click-up. If JIRA is really
       | bad, Click-up is levels worse than it. I hate JIRA too, but maybe
       | there is no a better thing out there?
       | FpUser wrote:
       | I fucking do not hate Jira. Cause I do not use it.
       | geekamongus wrote:
       | I like Jira because it hides the crap I don't want to do or think
       | about in this thing called the backlog, which I can point to as a
       | "see, it is something in the works but we don't have enough
       | resources" thing, and then I can focus on the things I need/want
       | to do by putting them in the Will Do Soon column.
       | epalm wrote:
       | Ok, it's slow, and navigation sucks, and lots of other things.
       | Workflows are easy to get out of hand, but as long as you keep
       | your workflows lean/tame/flexible, it's mostly "good enough". I
       | suspect a sizable portion of the "Jira sucks" crowd are under the
       | thumb of a maniacal administrator creating intense workflows.
       | That said, which competitor has a visual workflow editor, to
       | which I can add custom statuses/transitions, which are applied
       | based on various conditions/validations? And custom screen/field
       | configurations? And custom resolutions? And time tracking? And
       | apply security/permission schemes across all these things?
       | I get it, Jira sucks, I agree, but what's the go-to competitor?
         | tannhaeuser wrote:
         | An ad-hoc Excel sheet coded by an anal retentive management
         | assistant to show em all ;)
         | jrockway wrote:
         | Linear is much nicer. Very quick issue entry and very nice
         | looking sprint summary/status and roadmap tabs. It's everything
         | I want. Most importantly, it's fast. I work with issues a lot,
         | so a slow tool like jira just isn't acceptable.
         | Jira exists to check every checkbox so you feel serious remorse
         | if you pick anything else, but in terms of day-to-day
         | productivity, it doesn't do too well. "Nice to look at" and
         | "Fast" aren't checkbox items for managers. They're eventual
         | problems for someone to solve when they notice engineers never
         | touch the bug tracker.
         | At my current org, my advice to use Linear was overruled in
         | favor of jira, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only engineer that
         | regularly touches jira.
         | (I intentionally write "jira" in all lowercase because I like
         | to call it JIRA, but jira's built-in text editor unconfigurably
         | autocorrects "JIRA" to "Jira". That's the feature they spent
         | engineering time on? Fuck them.)
           | epalm wrote:
           | I looked at Linear and it's very software-specific. The
           | features page says it's "the new standard for modern software
           | development".
           | I do use Jira for software, but also for generic state
           | tracking of non-software processes. E.g. some projects have
           | no use for sprints, or code integration, or user stories.
         | zmxz wrote:
         | > I get it, Jira sucks, I agree, but what's the go-to
         | competitor?
         | You started to ask hard questions but you hit nail on the head.
         | Jira is bad because it's slow and doesn't telepathically adjust
         | itself to everyone's needs.
         | Perhaps the author can buy ifuckinglovejiragotocompetitor.com
         | to provide us with the answer.
       | greenthrow wrote:
       | Jira is as good or bad as you configure it to be. It's a tool. We
       | long ago learned how to use JavaScript effectively despite its
       | numerous flaws. If you're at an organization where you have to
       | use Jira, surely you can find a way to make it work.
       | That said, it's certainly not the Right Answer for everyone. But
       | unilaterally hating on it is just kinda childish.
         | snowstormsun wrote:
         | You cannot really configure Jira so that the interface is free
         | of lags and loads faster, though. Or that it does not make tons
         | of network requests in the background. It's a tool, but there
         | are bad also tools.
       | gjvc wrote:
       | Maybe the web is/was shit for this kind of application which has
       | caused it to become the beast it is.
       | bradwood wrote:
       | Gitlab Enterprise.
       | It's _far_ from perfect, but Gitlab Issues is a damn sight better
       | than JIRA IMHO...
       (page generated 2022-06-20 23:01 UTC)