[HN Gopher] Show HN: Avo - Build Ruby on Rails apps faster
       Show HN: Avo - Build Ruby on Rails apps faster
       Author : adrianthedev
       Score  : 235 points
       Date   : 2022-06-21 15:14 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (avohq.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (avohq.io)
       | MattyMc wrote:
       | adrianthedev: THANK YOU for implementing a one-time fee. It
       | actually make using this realistic for us.
       | Quick question: Do you have support for front-end frameworks
       | (i.e. React)? I did try to crawl the docs to find out.
       | We have a Rails monolith, but we're unique in that we have a
       | highly interactive educational app with a boat load of
       | javascript. Our mantra has been: use React only if we absolutely
       | have to. I realize we're unique in this regard.
       | Totally cool if not; just thought I'd ask. Great work on the
       | project!
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Thanks for the kind words!
         | Avo is built using Hotwire (Turbo and StimulusJS) so no fancy
         | framework (React, vue, svelte) under the hood. We love Stimulus
         | and goes very well with Rails development.
         | That beign said, Avo supports adding your own custom content
         | (erb templates) and your own asset pipeline (webpacker,
         | sprockets, or something else), so in theory you could inject
         | React or Vue sprinkles here and there.
       | bradgessler wrote:
       | It's great to see folks building frameworks on top of frameworks.
       | I've started to look into full stack starter-kit frameworks that
       | goes beyond the admin panel and here's what's out there these
       | days.
       | * https://bullettrain.co - Opensource, $0/year
       | * https://jumpstartrails.com - Opencore, $249/year
       | * https://www.bootrails.com - Closed source, ~$83/year
       | I've even started to piece on together for my own projects at
       | https://github.com/rocketshipio/monolith, which will be open
       | source, $0, and MIT licensed.
       | Some of the libraries I'm noticing that seem "settled" include:
       | * Devise for authentication
       | * Pundit for authorization
       | I started to piece on together for my own projects at
       | https://github.com/rocketshipio/monolith, which will be open
       | source, $0, and MIT licensed.
       | I'm hoping enough people converge around any one of these
       | products where we end up with something as high quality as Rails.
       | If the community agrees on how users, authorization,
       | subscriptions, etc. should be modeled, it opens up the door for a
       | set of APIs and plugins that will make creating SaaS products
       | even easier.
       | My thinking on the economics of this is the Opencore stuff will
       | be a race to the bottom in terms of pricing towards free or a
       | nominal fee (I guess $250/year is that). What will end up costing
       | money is tech support. I do see an ecosystem of third-party
       | services that integrate with SaaS kits emerging, such as rapid
       | ways to deploy, analytics services, etc.
       | mediaman wrote:
       | Can I drop this into an existing Rails app? I use Jumpstart but
       | would like a nicer admin experience.
         | Simpliplant wrote:
         | Yes, very easily.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Yes you can. Our site uses Jumpstart (lovely app) and we use
         | Avo everyday with it.
         | Avo was designed to be unopinionated. I know that might sound
         | off. Avo has a DSL, it must be opinionated, and it is with that
         | DSL, but with the rest, we'd like to allow the developer to use
         | what they want.
         | BYOB.
         | Bring your own authentication. You might not want to use
         | devise, but something else. Avo enables you to add your own
         | auth layer.
         | Bring your own search. Avo plays well with ransack, but you can
         | hook into it and do your thing with algolia or something else.
         | Bring your own layer of multi tenancy. Scope things out as much
         | as you need it. We have a customer that runs three platforms in
         | one app using Avo. Believe me when I say they were able to
         | scope out their data "to the bone".
         | So yeah. Avo plays amazingly well with existing apps. It was
         | designed that way.
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | I mentioned this before, that I spoke with Chris Oliver, and
           | started work on bringing Avo inside Jumpstart rails as an
           | alternative to rails admin.
       | victor9000 wrote:
       | Any similar back office projects written in python? I'd like to
       | reuse some existing data access code and I'm currently looking at
       | using django. So I'd love to hear if others have a better
       | suggestion.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | I wouldn't know. I'm not that connected with the Python
         | ecosystem. Maybe someone else can shed light. I only know about
         | Django Admin.
       | martibravo wrote:
       | This looks so good... I've been always using Node, Deno or .NET
       | Core for backend infrastructure, but Avo makes me wanna learn
       | Ruby and RoR and make the jump for client-related work. Congrats!
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | It's not that difficult. Really. I have a developer friend that
         | comes from Node.JS world and is amazed how quickly he can build
         | apps with Rails.
         | I'd love talk to you if you ever want to try it out.
       | adrianthedev wrote:
       | Hey HN,
       | I'm Adrian, an indie developer and creator of Avo. For more than
       | ten years, I built countless admin panels and back-offices for
       | all types of apps. After a while, you start to notice patterns
       | and extract functionality away to make the job easier. I took
       | those patterns and applied them to Avo. Now, in just an hour, a
       | developer can build production-ready applications that with
       | traditional coding techniques take a few days, if not weeks.
       | Avo is suited to agencies that build a lot of products for their
       | clients and need to move fast and have a beautiful and robust UI,
       | indie developers trying to test out their ideas fast, technical
       | teams in companies of all sizes that need to build internal tools
       | based on Ruby, and start-ups.
       | Avo runs on top of Ruby on Rails, which is a powerhouse of a
       | framework and uses the most modern tech stack (Hotwire,
       | TailwindCSS, esbuild).
       | Avo has three main parts that you can choose from:
       | 1. The CRUD UI
       | 2. The Dashboards UI
       | 3. The custom content
       | The CRUD UI is not something generated that takes maintenance in
       | the long run. Instead, it's a familiar Ruby DSL that's easy to
       | extend with Rails code if you need to break away from it. It
       | features about 30 fields with more advanced ones like (one-liner)
       | file uploads, WYSIWYG, and key-value fields.
       | The Dashboards are a light layer on top of chartkick where one
       | can query the data from the DB or an endpoint and quickly show
       | the data in metrics, charts, or custom partials.
       | The Custom Content part is the secret sauce of Avo. It enables
       | the developer to extend it even further using regular Rails code.
       | You get access to partials, controller, action, params, and
       | anything else you need to bring your own logic into the UI on
       | every level (field, resource, tool).
       | Avo has a free Community version that features the powerful CRUD
       | UI, and a paid Pro version for those who need more power and
       | custom content. We also provide technical support for enterprise-
       | like customers.
       | I know that Rails devs will immediately think of Active Admin,
       | administrate, and other similar projects, and I want to mention
       | that Avo is not them. It's built on a modern stack, and its
       | mission is to become the back-office app and not just an "obscure
       | admin panel that only the core team visits". I don't want to seem
       | harsh, but I challenge non-believers to give Avo an hour of their
       | time to see how it's different.
       | TBH, I believe Avo is the secret weapon in any developer's
       | toolbox.
       | I'm here to answer all of your questions.
       | Thank you
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | If you want to keep up with updates you can reach us on
         | Twitter[0], Discord[1], or GitHub[2]
         | [0] https://twitter.com/avo_hq [1] https://avo.cool/chat [2]
         | https://github.com/avo-hq/avo [3]
         | https://twitter.com/adrianthedev
         | highwaylights wrote:
         | "I don't want to seem harsh, but I challenge non-believers to
         | give Avo an hour of their time to see how it's different.
         | TBH, I believe Avo is the secret weapon in any developer's
         | toolbox."
         | Earnestly, I wish you well. These are rather bold claims.
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | I was on the fence if I should add those in, but I'm kind of
           | glad I did.
           | I feel a little bit like Taylor Otwell in the old days when
           | he was telling people about Laravel, or Evan You back in the
           | day when you'd search for "JS framework" and you'd only get
           | React and Angular.
           | They were on the verge of something new and useful, but
           | nobody believed. I think developers, in general, are pretty
           | inflexible when it comes to new things (only my oppinion),
           | that's why I wanted to add those.
           | It's obvious that Avo is not the silver bullet for any app
           | and has caveats in some scenarios. All tools do (Rails,
           | Laravel, NextJS, django, spring, you fill in the rest), but
           | for most apps it really does give you superpowers. You build
           | apps 10x faster and the maintenance work is second to none.
           | And in the end, you get a beautiful app ready to present to
           | your customers or team.
           | Thank you for the encouragement! I need it :)
             | JohnBooty wrote:
             | I haven't used Avo, but if it works well, I think it's an
             | appropriate claim.
             | I've worked in the industry for a while and admin pages /
             | reports usually being _at least_ 50% of the effort.
             | Sometimes, it 's more like 90%.
             | So, there's a lot of potential impact there.
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | Yes brother! I remember the days when I was building "an
               | internal admin for the agency". Something to have for all
               | apps and customers.
               | We'd build it for customer 1, and then for customer 2
               | we'd add some features and change some. Same for customer
               | 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. After a few years we ended up with 10
               | different apps that should be the same. No documentation,
               | sometimes the developer that worked on the app is no
               | longer with the company, a real mess.
               | This way, it would be like using Rails. Documentation,
               | release, maintenance, the whole shebang!
               | Thanks for sharing!
             | tomhallett wrote:
             | When I was skimming your homepage I was thinking "I really
             | wish this was built on Hotwire" and then I saw that it was.
             | That architecture choice makes me think your bold claims
             | might actually pan out, :).
             | The fact that the ways to customize/escape are "vanilla
             | rails" and avo is deployed within my app as an engine, make
             | this very very interesting.
             | As compared to:
             | * something like retool which is deployed (ie hosted) as an
             | additional layer which calls an api my app exposes. Great
             | for huge organizations, but overkill for a small team
             | (similar to SPA vs Hotwire tradeoff)
             | * activeadmin where escaping the standard path is extremely
             | hard. Not to mention it's built on gems which are no longer
             | in favor (inherited resources, etc)
             | * administrate which I really enjoyed, but felt like the
             | support/roadmap was more of a side project vs an "open
             | core/commercial offering"
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | Thank you for the kind analysis! I see you understand the
               | product very well from the start! Yes, it's built with
               | the knowledge of past projects you mentioned above and is
               | deisgned to be very easily "escaped from". I know that
               | "escaped from" might sound like you're trapped, but the
               | experience is not that. Avo works with you to build the
               | app you want.
               | Looking forward to see what you're going to build, and
               | get in touch with me on Discord or Twitter.
               | https://avo.cool/chat
               | https://twitter.com/adrianthedev
         | andrewmutz wrote:
         | How does your offering compare to Jumpstart Rails
         | (https://jumpstartrails.com/)? Are they competitors? If so,
         | what are the pros/cons of Avo?
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | They are orthogonal tools. They blend together nicely. I use
           | both on our infrastructure.
           | Jumpstart is an amazing starter kit (starter kit doesn't do
           | it justice) that gives you accounts, billing, notifications,
           | etc. and Avo takes it over and gives you the ability to build
           | your admin panel/back-office fast AF. It's like you replace
           | rails_admin from Jumpstart.
           | I've spoken with Chris Oliver and started work on adding Avo
           | to Jumpstart and to have it as an alternative to rails_admin.
         | latsnoopy wrote:
         | Hi! Is it possible to have multi language support?
         | (translations of records, think globalize)
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | The UI is fully translatable and you can hook into the
           | localization system and have multilingual content too.
           | https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/recipes/multilingual-content.html
         | schappim wrote:
         | Could you please compare and contrast Avo with Jumpstart Rails
         | (Pro)?
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | Yes, sure.
           | They are tools that work together nicely. I use both on our
           | infrastructure websites (https://avohq.io). Jumpstart is an
           | amazing starter app that gives you accounts, billing,
           | notifications, and others, and with Avo you can take over and
           | build your admin panel/back-office fast!
           | I've spoken with Chris Oliver and started work on adding Avo
           | to Jumpstart and to have it as an alternative to rails_admin.
             | excid3 wrote:
             | Yeah, Avo is a great alternative to the free admin we ship
             | with (Administrate). And Jumpstart Pro customers get 20%
             | off their first year of Avo. Thanks for sharing that
             | discount Adrian!
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | Yeah, my bad there. Jumpstart ships with Administrate,
               | not rails admin.
               | I'm humbled to have built something that could ship with
               | Jumpstart. Thank you for the kind words!
               | weaksauce wrote:
               | Is there a reason jumpstart runs on madmin and jumpstart
               | pro runs on administrate?
         | picardo wrote:
         | Why did you call it Avo? I'm curious because I know of at least
         | 4 SaaS companies called Avo.
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | The original name was project Avocado, but I didn't find any
           | good domain names and social media handles. I agree the
           | naming could have been better.
             | 0des wrote:
             | I like it. Its better than naming it something with "rails"
             | embedded like "trailsblazer".
       | vlunkr wrote:
       | Shouldn't the tagline be more like "Build Ruby on Rails admin
       | panels 10x faster"? Since that seems to be the intent.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | When one says "admin panel", the general belief is that it's an
         | obscure space where only the core team comes to check on some
         | stats, or update some records. Avo is more about building a
         | real app with it. It's meant to be what the user sees when they
         | interact with your app. You actually build your app with Avo.
         | Avo becomes the app.
         | When I talk to Rails developers and mention the words "admin
         | panel", they automatically think about Active Admin, or
         | administrate, which were great alternatives in the past, but
         | nothing compared to Avo (apologies, sounds like I'm bragging,
         | but I'm really not exaggerating). That's the reason I don't
         | communicate that.
         | I have a "Rails admin themed" page[0] where I speak more about
         | the benefits as a Rails admin.
         | https://avohq.io/rails-admin
       | matt_s wrote:
       | For something like this, I bet a chunk of your target market for
       | "Pro" level is people running ActiveAdmin. The beauty (and
       | nightmare) of ActiveAdmin is it just looks at your tables and
       | gives you an admin UI. If you have a mostly API based app, this
       | can be great to give internal people some power tools so they
       | leave the engineers alone.
       | Would love to see demos with real world complexity level of
       | things instead of the typical Blog or Todo list trackers. To give
       | that some scope for a complex Rails application lets use counts
       | of objects, something like 100 models and 80 active admin pages,
       | scatter in some 50-100 jobs/workers and like 50-100 service
       | objects.
       | What does Avo provide for a menu-ing or UI customization to deal
       | with that level of complexity?
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | I would say that the Community version (free) covers most of
         | what Active Admin does. The search is paid with Avo (and
         | included in AA).
         | The Pro users are those who need to build upon Avo. They need
         | custom content (fields, resource tools, custom pages), and they
         | need to make it look the same as the rest of the app. Avo
         | provides view components that help with that. This way you
         | create a seamless UI for your users.
         | I think of Avo as more than just and admin panel framework
         | (although power tool sounds great), but the place where you
         | build your app. It becomes the app your users see.
         | Regarding API based apps, yeah, that's something I'd loke to
         | support soon. Offer HTTP adapters where you coudl hook in your
         | Stripe/Shopify/Intercom/Custom API endpoints.
         | Regarding complexity, I tried to cram as much as I could
         | (whenever I push out a new feature, I add it) to the demo
         | site[0].
         | One of the biggest apps I've seen has about 41 resources, 431
         | fields, and quite some complexity because it's a multi tenancy
         | app that serves three marketplace platforms. There's a lot of
         | complex scoping applied to the data to match the accounts and
         | views.
         | But, yeah, I'd love to see an app that size. I think the
         | project is still young (about two years. version 2.0 three
         | months old) and these kinds of projects tend to get built out
         | with time. I can't imagine there are a lot of teams with an app
         | that size you mentioned that are in a hurry to rip out
         | everything they have to replace it with Avo (or any other
         | package or app) in such a short time. Even our customers above
         | are slowly switching from their homegrown admin panel to Avo.
         | Right now, the UI customization wasn't our main concern. I do
         | want it to look amazing so I work a lot (alongside the
         | designer) to keep it looking excellent. This being Rails, you
         | can always override the partials and view components to add
         | your own and tweak Avo's. The first iteration of UI
         | customization will be to enable the developer to change the
         | colors of the UI.
         | Regarding general customization, you can already plug in Avo on
         | multiple levels. One can add new fields, sections on resource
         | pages, totally new custom pages, etc.
         | Avo is ready for customization complexity.
         | [0] https://avodemo.herokuapp.com/
       | danneciu wrote:
       | Amazing! Keep up to good job Adrian! Really like the features you
       | ship every week.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Thanks Dan! I appreciate the support and the kind words
       | stickyricky wrote:
       | Brilliant work. Looks terrific. Very easy, declarative interface.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Thank you Ricky! I appreciate the kind words.
       | turriblegrapes wrote:
       | How would you compare or contrast this with motor_admin
       | https://github.com/motor-admin/motor-admin-rails
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | I haven't used motor admin extensively so I couldn't speak
         | about it's features very precise. It seems to me that motor
         | admin is like a giving a power tool to your end-users. It's
         | empowering the citizen-developer. They can make their own admin
         | panel. You might end up with a good product, but it also can go
         | the other way and build something not that good.
         | With Avo, you, the developer, draw the lines on what the user
         | can and can't do. This way you make sure you give them the best
         | experience.
       | jmann99999 wrote:
       | I am excited to see more of these Frameworks on top of Frameworks
       | happening. Folks interested in this may also want to check out
       | Bullet Train [0]. They are also a Rails Framework/Framework. I
       | believe they started out with a pricing model that was more
       | expensive than this but have pivoted to open source.
       | I appreciate Bullet Train's opinionated idea that APIs and
       | webhooks should be part of any project and they have built it in.
       | Anyhow, it's worth checking out, in addition to Avo.
       | [0] https://bullettrain.co/
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Yeah, I mentioned bullettrain somewhere in a comment below.
         | It's an amazing SaaS starter kit.
         | As far as I know, they have some things as open source and some
         | not. Not sure if they published the pricing for the
         | subscription packages though. A lot of people are wondering
         | what that's going to cost.
         | I used Avo with Jumpstart and they go together wonderfull.
         | Probably with bullettrain too.
       | jressey wrote:
       | This is a serious question: Do any of you folks get paid good
       | money to _start_ projects? In my career I have  "started"
       | projects for maybe 2-5% of my time. All of the real effort goes
       | in to massaging the app to actually solve unique business
       | problems, about 80-90% on edge cases.
       | Bold and cynical claim: Making and selling apps like this is akin
       | to building a social media brand about building social media
       | brands. The problem this solves is only experienced by serial
       | creators who like _starting_ projects, not making useful stuff. I
       | personally know 2 people who are like that attempted to start
       | this exact same concept for a company, and that was like 6 years
       | ago, and it was Rails too.
         | vladcodes wrote:
         | > Making and selling apps like this is akin to building a
         | social media brand about building social media brands
         | So much this.
         | I really can't understand all the excitement above, unless
         | you're starting a new proof of concept daily (but then, the
         | price looks ridiculous) and you're ready for the "buy now - pay
         | later" way of development. If "move fast break things" is still
         | the thing in 2022, then it makes more sense to just draft an
         | MVP in html/js with something like Firestore as a backend?
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | "draft an MVP in html/js with something like Firestore as a
           | backend"... so much here. It sounds easy, but is it? I
           | remember the days when I would get stuck on a webpacker
           | config issue instead of working on the real meat of my app.
           | I speak weekly with developers that tell me "oh, you made an
           | admin panel. I could build that in a few hours. we don't need
           | it." and they never do. They really can't. It's a tough thing
           | to make something quick, reliable, and that gives you no
           | headaches in the short and long run.
           | And, I guess the excitement is not just for building MVPs,
           | but in general for how much things have evolved and that we
           | have alternatives to copy and pasting forms and fields
           | around.
           | I'm not going to say that everyone should use Avo. I believe
           | that each developer vibes with some technologies. That's why
           | we use ruby, PHP, JS, VSCode, vim, chrome, firefox, linux or
           | macs. Because we understand them, think in that way, and push
           | out great work with them. So yeah, if Firestore is your thing
           | you should use it. I'm not pointing any fingers.
             | vladcodes wrote:
             | > "oh, you made an admin panel. I could build that in a few
             | hours. we don't need it." and they never do.
             | I was never saying making anything with any technology is
             | easy.
             | Developing with plain Rails and a minimum of gems is
             | linearly difficult while developing with a set of
             | DSL/generators like Avo can lead to a complexity spike from
             | 1 to 11 in no time. And the worst thing -- at a random
             | stage of development.
             | From the business perspective of view, I really like it:
             | it's a perfect example of a micro-project and I wish you
             | the most of luck.
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | > "Developing with plain Rails and a minimum of gems is
               | linearly difficult while developing with a set of
               | DSL/generators like Avo can lead to a complexity spike
               | from 1 to 11 in no time. And the worst thing -- at a
               | random stage of development"
               | I agree 100% with your statement! Really!
               | Thank you!
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | A very pertinent question. If you're asking if Avo "pays the
         | bills", it doesn't. I hope it will some day. Damn, I hope I
         | earn money in some other way and donate Avo to Ruby central,
         | becomes free so it becomes the default way of building Rails
         | apps.
         | Until that time, I am pretty stocked that other developers want
         | (and pay) to use something I've created.
         | Yeah, it takes a lot to build the messaging around a product.
         | This current message "Build apps 10x faster" is probably the
         | 10th or 20th iteration. I had to speak with a lot of users and
         | try to figure out how it helps them in their daily dev life.
         | Building the product is the easy thing (for a developer), doing
         | the marketing, steering it into the right direction, figuring
         | out what the best features are, sales, funnels, etc. Those are
         | the difficult things. They are difficult for me because I don't
         | have a following.
         | Regarding your "Bold and cynical claim", I respect your
         | opinion. I wouldn't go to say that everyone just want to build
         | a following and launch useless product to achieve that.
           | jressey wrote:
           | I respect your hustle and understanding of what makes a
           | successful product. I'm making no comment on that.
           | I was in general asking the community about how often they
           | get paid to start apps vs. continue them.
             | adrianthedev wrote:
             | Oh, I see what you mean. What kind of "gigs" they get.
             | "Starters" or "continuers" (maintenance).
             | Gotcha! Personally I started a lot of projects. Probably
             | more than 50%. And the money were good, but not as good as
             | doing maintenance for a big company with a big product.
         | pmontra wrote:
         | I've been working on four projects in the last 12 months. I
         | helped starting one of them in 2017 (Elixir / Phoenix.) I
         | inherited a RoR one in 2012 and two Django ones in 2016 and
         | 2019.
         | Given the long life of projects that make money one doesn't
         | start many of them but being able to show something in a short
         | time is important. It helps to focus on features and not to get
         | lost in architectural yak shaving.
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | Yak shaving. It's "my mission in life" to avoid that. I like
           | pushing things out fast and early.
           | "Listen to your customers and push out the features they
           | need, not the features you think they need."
       | mdw wrote:
       | Very glad to see this, I'm currently building a SaaS with Rails
       | and can totally use this for our admin panel.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | One of our biggest supporters Equipe Technique are building a
         | Shopify like platform ontop of Avo. It's not their admin, but
         | the actual user interface, so go for it! Dream big!
       | gingerlime wrote:
       | looks neat. A quick question: you mention pundit, but we use
       | cancancan. Would it cause any conflicts?
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | I'm confident there will not be conflicts. You will have to
         | write pundit policies to enable authorization.
         | Also, I think you could make some sort of adapter between the
         | two. Pundit is mostly a Ruby class.
       | andi999 wrote:
       | Pricing is unclear. It has a fixed price and later talks about
       | subscription. How much is the subscription.
       | Also at what is the frameworks strategie on locking doing
       | transactions in the database.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Sorry about that. I'll try to make that clearer. We have an FAQ
         | item on teh bottom of the page.
         | The pricing is per project (per app). You pay $250, and you get
         | one year of updates and then use it forever.
         | The license is a Perpetual Fallback License. When you stop
         | paying for a subscription, you will still be able to keep and
         | use the latest version of Avo at the point in time when the
         | subscription ended but you will loose the ability to update to
         | a newer version.
         | Regarding locking and doing transactions, it does not support
         | that, but that's a very good idea and not that difficult to add
         | in the near-future. Ideally to let the developer specify what
         | kind of locking strategies to use.
         | I added this topic to keep track of. https://github.com/avo-
         | hq/avo/discussions/982
           | danenania wrote:
           | The "one year of updates" thing is kind of confusing. What if
           | an app has a longer lifetime than that? Can you no longer get
           | updates to Avo? What about bugs and security updates?
           | I think you're over-complicating the pricing. Why not just
           | say it's $250 per project per year? You can still keep the
           | fallback option and explain it in your FAQ. It would be more
           | immediately understandable this way imo.
             | adrianthedev wrote:
             | I tried that and the question that popped up was "what if I
             | don't pay anymore? will I not be able to use it then?". It
             | kind of turned people away, and that's why I change the
             | copy.
             | If an app has a longer lifetime than a year, and I hope it
             | does, then you'd have to resume the subscription to get the
             | updates (bugs and security). It's the way the perpetual-
             | fallback license works. There are plenty of products (table
             | plus, jumpstart rails) and large companies (jetbrains) that
             | practice this model. I wish there was an easier way of
             | shipping those updates without a subscription.
               | danenania wrote:
               | I think it's a mistake to optimize for people whose focus
               | is what happens if they stop paying you. They're unlikely
               | to pay in the first place and are more likely to be
               | difficult customers even if they do.
               | Customers who get value out of your product will want to
               | pay and keep paying and be sure they're not going to miss
               | important updates if they forget to renew in a year.
               | These are the customers to focus on imo.
               | People are happy to pay subscriptions for software they
               | get continuing value from. There's no need to reinvent
               | the wheel on this.
               | nirvdrum wrote:
               | This is the approach JetBrains takes with their IDE suite
               | and it's the best of both worlds in my opinion. It takes
               | most of the risk out of the decision-making process. To
               | date I've kept my subscription active, but I probably
               | wouldn't have signed up if I didn't have a fallback
               | option.
               | Maybe this is an esoteric case, but I have a project from
               | a previously operating business (TechStars Boston 2010).
               | Every now and then I think I'd like to take a nice stroll
               | down memory lane. And then I remember I have one
               | component that was an annual SaaS that I no longer have
               | an expensive license for, so the thing won't boot. And I
               | don't have the wherewithal to invest the time to replace
               | it. It's extremely unlikely I'll ever adopt something
               | similar in future projects, personal or otherwise.
               | I get "continuing value" from all sorts of things I'd
               | never want a subscription for. If you're confident in
               | your product's ability to innovate and continue to add
               | value, you shouldn't worry about attrition. Providing a
               | fallback option makes it clear to me that you have that
               | confidence and that makes a huge difference during a
               | purchase decision.
               | danenania wrote:
               | Just to be clear, I'm not arguing that he should remove
               | the fallback option, just that a subscription should be
               | the default. I agree the fallback is a good thing that
               | reduces lock-in/shutdown risk. But that benefit can still
               | be offered alongside a yearly subscription.
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | I mostly agree with you, but that's on more "traditional"
               | SaaS products. When it's a service. This is more of a
               | product.
               | There are developers and agencies that buy Avo, build
               | something for a customer and then transfer the license to
               | them. The customer might not even know that the agency
               | bought something. They might not want to pay something
               | ongoing.
               | Yes, one could make the case that "hey, you pay hosting
               | ongoing after the project is delivered, why not pay the
               | admin framework?" and that's fair, but I just don't know
               | if we're at that point yet. I'd love it if Avo would
               | bring us closer to that point.
               | danenania wrote:
               | I see your point, but I think it's just a framing issue.
               | It's great to have an option for people who are concerned
               | about this, but not at the expense of confusing customers
               | who just want to pay you and keep paying you for your
               | thing, and also killing your year 2 retention by making
               | it opt-in instead of a normal subscription.
               | Looking at jumpstart rails, they seem to be doing exactly
               | what I'm suggesting. It's a simple per project per year
               | price, but then in their FAQ they explain that you stop
               | getting updates if you stop paying.
               | On the agencies point, yeah I think it's normal for
               | agencies to sign a client up for a bunch of services they
               | need to build the project. You'll just be one more on the
               | list.
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | Well... Avo's pricing is exacty like Jumpstart's (except
               | the $750 for unlimited). So pay $250, get Avo (or
               | Jumpstart) with a year of updates. When you stop paying,
               | you keep what you have until that point and no more
               | updates. Isn't that the same? Am I missing something?
               | Also, you do make a point regarding agencies "sign a
               | client up for a bunch of services". I'll try and
               | experiment with that. Thanks for the nudge!
               | danenania wrote:
               | Right, that's exactly my point! Jumpstart has basically
               | the same pricing/licensing but doesn't frame it in a
               | confusing way.
               | At first glance, it's just a yearly subscription per
               | project. Simple and standard. Everyone understands it.
               | If I'm concerned about what happens if I stop paying for
               | jumpstart, I can find that information, but it's not
               | emphasized at the top like it is on your pricing page.
               | And the yearly subscription is the _default_ , not
               | something I have to opt into again every year.
               | Most customers are just going to sign up for a yearly
               | subscription and never look back. It's better for the
               | customer and for jumpstart.
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | Ok. Got it! It's mostly about the phrasing. Pushed
               | changes now.
               | "It's better for the customer and for jumpstart." It's
               | true.
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | but I see what you mean and I think you're not wrong.
               | andi999 wrote:
               | But you dont say how much the subscription is.
               | adrianthedev wrote:
               | Ok. I see that. I pushed an update to fix it. It's
               | $249/year afterwards.
       | bestinterest wrote:
       | Looks great from the demo
       | https://avodemo.herokuapp.com/users/sign_in
       | My only suggestion would be to perhaps try out a beefer instance
       | for heroku or perhaps it is http/1.1 limitation of heroku and a
       | switching to one of the disruptors like render.com would help
       | performance?
       | It also may completely be because I am in the UK. Clicking around
       | just feels slow 700-800ms+ response times, assuming its hosted in
       | US.
       | Also another quick fix might be sending the request on mouse
       | down. I know unpoly (side competitor to Hotwire) does this
       | https://unpoly.com/a-up-instant
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Oh darn. I forgot about the demo site to beef up the hosting
         | for this post. I'll do that this week. I'll probably move it to
         | a separate instance.
         | Yes, it's hosted in the US.
         | Thank you for that and unploy. I'll have a look.
       | philip1209 wrote:
       | Looks cool - looking forward to trying it out. One thing I feel
       | is missing from rails today is a great text editor. ActiveText
       | feels old compared to editors like TipTap.
       | Any plans or recommendations on standardizing on a new rich text
       | editor for Avo?
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | I feel your pain. I see the talk in the community around text
         | editors and I monitor it closely.
         | TBH, I haven't built anything like that before and I'm not sure
         | if my efforts would be spent in the best way if I tried to. I
         | added Trix to Avo because it played well out-of-the box with
         | Rails.
         | I'll be watching the text editors race and will add the winners
         | to Avo.
       | fishtoaster wrote:
       | Very neat! My first thought was that this was a competitor to
       | https://bullettrain.co/.
       | Looking into it a bit more, it seems more aimed at building admin
       | panels than whole apps. I guess it competes against tools like
       | https://activeadmin.info/?
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Great comment! It does intersect a bit with Active Admin, but
         | it's meant to do so much more.
         | Avo is not meant to be an "obscure admin panel" where only the
         | core team members go to do some CRUD operations. It's meant to
         | be the interface on which you build your back-office. Something
         | that you'd love to give to your users from day one. Something
         | that will make you, the developer, look like a superhero, all
         | with little to no sweat.
       | mgkimsal wrote:
       | Seems reminiscent of both Nova and Filament for Laravel/PHP. Nice
       | work :)
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Nova was a big inspiration for me to build Avo. I don't think I
         | would have started Avo without using Nova before.
         | My train of thought was "Rails helps you build apps fast! If we
         | had something like Nova it would make it 10x faster!".
         | I belive the pair (Rails and Avo) is one of a kind in the
         | frameworks world.
           | mgkimsal wrote:
           | I suspect it won't be for long. The concept of the
           | programmable/standard 'resource wrapper' around the models in
           | a framework like laravel or rails provides a decent
           | separation for adding on standard behavior without actually
           | having to touch any of your existing code. If you're the
           | first in the rails world to do this, you won't be the last.
           | Look at filamentphp as well for some inspiration/ideas.
             | adrianthedev wrote:
             | I agree with you.
             | I'm aware that Avo (like Nova) is not suitable for any type
             | of app. It's for "most apps" where you use common things
             | like CRUD, dashboards, and cards.
             | Speaking of competition, it's only going to make the
             | ecosystem better, so I'm all up for it.
       | mark242 wrote:
       | You may want to check your branding -- https://www.avo.app/
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Do you think my branding is similar to avo.app?
       | pantulis wrote:
       | This delivers quite a lot of value in terms of developer time...
       | pricing seems incredibily low!
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Thank you for the compliment. Yes, I agree the pricing is quite
         | low.
         | I launched this pricing scheme in March and since then I added
         | a ton of features that, IMHO, have increased Avo's productivity
         | 2x. I haven't updated the pricing yet, but I'll probably do it
         | soon.
         | I also spoke with other indie developers and they agree that
         | the pricing is quite low.
         | Thank you for the feedback!
           | mgkimsal wrote:
           | The pricing may be 'low', but you may help foster a larger
           | 'avo' ecosystem if more people are using it (AKA, keeping the
           | price lower). What was/is attractive about Nova and Filament
           | in the PHP world is that both have moderate ecosystems of
           | packages (free and paid) which extend out the base admin
           | system in niche ways. "avo" might be really good on its own -
           | coupled with dozens of custom add-ons that demonstrate a
           | community of people building their own solutions on top would
           | propel this even farther (imo).
             | adrianthedev wrote:
             | Tell me about it!
             | Yeah, that's my vision too. To create the plugin system and
             | enable developers to hook into that ecosystem and earn
             | money.
       | Simpliplant wrote:
       | We've been using Avo on my latest side project
       | (https://aoe4world.com) and it has been great experience and Avo
       | saved us a lot of time that we would otherwise spend on building
       | admin interface. Highly recommended it.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it!
       | sandGorgon wrote:
       | this is very very cool. Any plans of making this for the js
       | ecosystem ?
       | Unfortunately not all of us are on ruby...but everyone is on js.
       | Would totally love something like this on React/Next.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Haha. Funny you should mention that.
         | Me, together with my brother, built basetool, which should have
         | been Avo but for TypeScript (framework agnostic). You give it a
         | database URL and it will build the admin panel for you.
         | Today was the day that I decided to sunset it, but you could
         | try to use it with docker or compile it from source.
         | https://basetool.io https://github.com/basetool-io/basetool
         | sy_174 wrote:
         | fzaninotto wrote:
         | Are you looking for react-admin? https://marmelab.com/react-
         | admin/
         | dchuk wrote:
         | > Unfortunately not all of us are on ruby...but everyone is on
         | js.
         | This is such an interesting statement.
           | yoda97 wrote:
           | Yeah, I can already see someone screenshoting and posting it
           | to r/ProgrammerHumor
             | adrianthedev wrote:
             | I don't want to start anything here :P
       | mberning wrote:
       | Looks incredible. Seems like it is really tailored to small
       | -medium sized apps or devs doing client work. How do you deal
       | with objections around scaling out and lock in?
       | I am loving the renaissance of "boring" tech stacks.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | It's Rails code under the hood. We do a little bit meta-
         | programming but try to keep things as basic as possible exactly
         | for this reason so we don't get in the way of the parent app.
         | We mitigated the "tiny stupid" mistakes like n+1 with dedicated
         | includes option. The front-end is powered by Hotwire so a very
         | small JS bundle.
         | We have a few customers that are running medium-to-large
         | applications with Avo and they are quite happy with the
         | results. I do admit they have started to do a bit of "magic" to
         | support their use cases, but we're in contact with them and
         | actively extracting things to make the developer experience
         | better and support more use-cases. One example is the tabs and
         | panels features that we're preparing to release next.
         | Yup. Boring is good. It just works!
       | AncoraImparo wrote:
       | People still use rails? Wild.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Haha. You're trying to stir sh*t up.
       | danbee wrote:
       | This looks very similar to Administrate by thoughtbot
       | https://github.com/thoughtbot/administrate
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Yes, they do intersect in some areas as you can build CRUD UIs
         | with both. Avo takes it further to give it a nicely designed
         | UI, all the "missing" features like extending the interface,
         | adding custom content, supporting all associations thoroughly
         | and more.
         | I think of it like the next iteration of these kinds of tools.
         | Have you built something using administrate?
           | danbee wrote:
           | Yeah, I've used Administrate a bunch. All those things are
           | possible in Administrate as it generates controllers that can
           | be customized, so anything it doesn't do out of the box can
           | be added easily. It's also easy to define custom input types
           | and content types.
       | chourobin wrote:
       | congrats on launching, what's the landscape now and who are your
       | competitors? it could be nice if you had a comparison page as a
       | way to sell it further.
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | I'd say that the classic direct competition are Active Admin,
         | Administrate, rails admin. They are the OG admin panel builders
         | in the Rails world. They focus a lot on building just classic
         | CRUD admin panels.
         | I focused on making Avo a whole app development platform. It's
         | not that hidden place where just a few team members go to
         | update some records, but the actual UI that you give to your
         | users.
         | I'll make sure to create an "alternatives" page with
         | competitors.
         | sy_174 wrote:
       | gkoberger wrote:
       | Hey! Minor bit of feedback on the homepage UI; I saw the pricing
       | calculator and the big number wasn't obviously my savings (I
       | assumed it was the cost). I'd make sure that for anyone scanning,
       | it's clear the large $$ amount is savings vs the actual cost!
       | (Also, while I do think it's important you come off as cheap, I
       | wouldn't lead with "saving money" as the main reason to use your
       | product. It looks like you've built something really interesting,
       | and you don't want early customers to only use you because they
       | think you're the cheapest option!)
       | Overall, this looks really great... good luck!
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Wonderful! On point feedback!
         | I had quite a tough time promoting the product and the homepage
         | calculator was one push to highlight one quality of Avo ($
         | savings). But I agree, that's shouldn't be the biggest selling
         | point.
         | I'll make sure to position the product differently.
         | Thank you!
           | gkoberger wrote:
           | For what it's worth, I do like that it builds as you scroll
           | down! It shows how much goes into building an app. I wonder
           | if switching the focus to just the dev time, or even have
           | some sort of chart of all the other tools that slowly merges
           | into Avo?
           | EDIT: Or a cute "Dev todo list" that gets crossed off
           | (https://roughnotation.com/) as you scroll down, and Avo
           | takes care of things for you?
             | adrianthedev wrote:
             | Those roughnotation.com animations look so cool! I don't
             | know how much time was spent on building those, but you
             | don't want to know how much time I spent on building that
             | calculator :grinning face with sweat:
       | nico wrote:
       | This is great. We definitely need more tools/frameworks like this
       | to allow for faster development.
       | It reminds me of Bullettrain: https://bullettrain.co/
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | Yeah, the guys at bullettrain do a good job! I think of them as
         | being in the same category as Jumpstart. They give you the
         | tools to build the SaaS part of your app, Avo takes it from
         | there and enables you to move very fast with the rest of your
         | app.
       | upupandup wrote:
       | is there anything like Avo out there? This is great work but I'm
       | not a Ruby/RoR dev
         | MSkog wrote:
         | ActiveAdmin gets the job done well enough in my opinion. Not
         | nearly as slick as Avo though.
           | adrianthedev wrote:
           | Yeah, for sure! This post, or Avo's existence is not about
           | bashing other tools.
           | Each project has it's own requirements and budget.
           | Thank you for your message!
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | There are a few free packages (Active Admin, administrate,
         | rails admin) built a few years ago that can help you build a
         | CRUD UI, but the conversations I had with developers is that
         | they are a bit annoyed with them.
         | I built Avo as a modern alternative learning from the past
         | products and improving on them.
           | alexalx666 wrote:
           | I think it makes total sense for client work and almost no
           | sense for startups
             | adrianthedev wrote:
             | Why do you say that? Start-ups by definition need to move
             | fast and test out hypothesis. With a tool like Avo you
             | could prototype something, get it out to your customers and
             | get feedback fast.
             | The secodn use-case is internal tooling. When I worked at a
             | start-up we had a lot of "shady" internal tools built fast,
             | crappy and unreliable (because it's just an internal tool)
             | and we always had issues working with them.
             | I build a lot of internal tooling using Avo and the process
             | is quite painless.
       | canadiantim wrote:
       | Looks awesome. I'm a bit jealous Rails has this resource coming
       | from the Django world (although I know django admin also great
       | but has its limitations)
         | adrianthedev wrote:
         | I believe it's better than having nothing. I think there's a
         | lot to be done in this space and having someone or a team
         | working on it full time is the way to go.
           | canadiantim wrote:
           | Absolutely. I know there are some projects kind of like this,
           | but right now they are lost in my bookmarks folder
           | somewhere... I recall a couple of good admin dropin
           | replacements, I think one or two even have a paid-model which
           | I dig cause I'm more than willing to pay for django-specific
           | code that will save me development time. Likewise, I know
           | there's some good projects trying to do something similar to
           | Avo, but again I've lost them in bookmarks and my google-fu
           | isn't working to retrieve them.
             | adrianthedev wrote:
             | If you can, buy their product or sponsor the project. The
             | amount of work it goes into maintaining this kinds of
             | products is quite high. Spread the love!
         | focom wrote:
         | Yes its a shame django isn't as active as rails
           | canadiantim wrote:
           | Certain parts are and there is some encouraging development
           | work going, e.g. Tetra (https://www.tetraframework.com/) -
           | but yeah it can be sparse.
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