[HN Gopher] GitHub Copilot is generally available
       GitHub Copilot is generally available
       Author : sammorrowdrums
       Score  : 531 points
       Date   : 2022-06-21 16:23 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.blog)
       | ildon wrote:
       | Since they've trained it on OSS, it would be fair if they made it
       | free for OSS repositories.
       | The VS extension could check if the current git repository is
       | open, and if so, it should work without a subscription for that
       | specific repository.
       | andrewallbright wrote:
       | This has probably been talked about but...
       | If most code is "bad" code (any definition works) and this AI was
       | trained on all/most code on GitHub, does that mean that this AI
       | mostly helps to produces bad code?
         | exyi wrote:
         | I have been using copilot for some time... I'd say yes and no.
         | It helps you a lot when you are writing repetitive code, so in
         | a way it encourages you to write the repetitive BS instead of
         | making a function for that or something. But it's also helpful
         | for writing tests and nice error message. You just type
         | if (x.length < 10) throw
         | And it figures out the rest. So while sometimes it encourages
         | bad code, when you know how to use it well, it helps you write
         | the good things I'd normally be too lazy to write
         | speedgoose wrote:
         | It depends. I have not collected data to prove my observations,
         | but I find the rust suggestions better quality on average than
         | the python suggestions. Some people do terrible things in
         | Python.
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | one way to minimize this is to train on your own trusted code.
         | You do need a reasonable amount of good code (ideally with good
         | comments too) this is one of the options that we have here at
         | Tabnine. Train on your GitLab, Bitbucket or GitHub repos.
         | ridiculous_fish wrote:
         | It definitely can. Here it suggests a plausible looking but
         | incorrect function for averaging integers:
         | https://twitter.com/ridiculous_fish/status/14527512360594513...
       | theshrike79 wrote:
       | Coding with copilot is like working with a super eager low-
       | quality outsourced programmer.
       | They kinda know what they're supposed to do. Sometimes they do
       | the right thing, sometimes they get it completely wrong.
       | In either case you can never let anything they do get committed
       | without a review.
       | So are they really helping?
       | Mizza wrote:
       | Imagining Steve Ballmer down in Hell laughing at all of us.
       | "They gave away all their code, so we packaged it up and sold it
       | right back to them, the stupid bastards!"
       | chadlavi wrote:
       | I got like two weeks of the beta before they took it away from me
       | today. I guess my small open-source project isn't prestigious
       | enough to merit free access. Thanks I guess GitHub?
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | Come try Tabnine and if you need a custom model for your small
         | OSS project please let me know.
       | lmarcos wrote:
       | Reminds me of the scene in Fight Club where Tyler explains how he
       | makes money (he sells rich women their own fat asses in the form
       | of luxury soap). In this case the fat is open source code hosted
       | in GitHub, the soap is Copilot, and the rich women are us, the
       | developers.
         | 734129837261 wrote:
         | Well, true. But that's the point, it saves you from having to
         | do all the work.
         | Copilot saves me from leaving my IDE for a large amount of
         | situations. It saves me from opening a new tab (tab #1003) and
         | Googling my problem, finding a solution on StackOverflow,
         | scrolling down to the answers, curating the best answers,
         | picking the one I like, copy/pasting it, then tailoring it to
         | my liking (JS to TS, naming conventions, etc.) and testing it.
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | "With enough open source snippets one could code up just about
         | anything."
         | k0k0r0 wrote:
         | Underrated comment.
       | godmode2019 wrote:
       | I'm learning rust, maybe this will help me googling how to do
       | simple things like split a string and remove white space, while
       | handling errors.
       | I see this useful for non core languages, where you often need to
       | look up common patterns.
       | dibujante wrote:
       | Co-pilot is great when you have a repetitive programming task to
       | perform. e.g. if you are nesting module imports through several
       | layers of python init. Co-pilot is great at tab-completing `from
       | myproject.some_module.nested_module.actual_module import Foo as
       | Foo` and similar tasks.
       | gremlinsinc wrote:
       | I love copilot, but I don't even pay for github, maybe have it
       | bundled with like an 8 dollar github upgraded account or
       | something, might entice many of us who just use "free" github
       | services to upgrade, but by itself. I don't think so.
       | nonethewiser wrote:
       | I have the student developer pack. I should have access to
       | Copilot, but it prompts to pay. Does any other verified student
       | currently have access?
         | vlan121 wrote:
         | I do, but I did the beta before.
       | samorozco wrote:
       | Doesn't work with my intellIj version. Or it could be the
       | cooperate network.
       | neximo64 wrote:
       | Does it work for anyone? I get this
       | Extension activation failed: "Unexpected end of JSON input"
       | curo wrote:
       | Copilot is a steal at $10/m.
       | HN can set itself apart from Twitter and Reddit by celebrating
       | great achievements rather than tearing them down.
       | Copilot stands on the shoulders of open source, yes. So do many
       | of our personal and commercial projects. Copilot benefitted from
       | having beta users. That relationship went both ways.
       | A big thanks to the Copilot team for letting us be a part of the
       | beta. I will happily pay $10/m for this.
         | mistrial9 wrote:
         | > Copilot is a steal at $10/m.                 agree !!!   as
         | any burgler-thief-attorney will tell you, it is *totally worth
         | it*
         | svnpenn wrote:
         | Steal is a good word, considering that in some cases Copilot
         | violates some open source licenses.
       | acdanger wrote:
       | When I try and sign up for it, I am presented with a "Confirm
       | Payment Details" screen with no way to proceed.
         | natefinch wrote:
         | You have to give a credit card or other payment details to
         | enter the free trial.
         | grezql wrote:
       | smcleod wrote:
       | I've really liked Copilot as a source of tab completion over the
       | past year, it's far from perfect but it gives decent hints about
       | 50% of the time, however it is absolutely not worth $14 AUD per
       | month, maybe $15-$20/year I'd consider it but I already have
       | subscription fatigue.
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Did they fixed the licensing dangers?
         | xaedes wrote:
         | As they don't mention it I doubt it.
         | Tabnine, a similar competitor, explicitly mentions this on
         | their website:
         | " Tabnine only uses open-source code with permissive licenses
         | for our Public Code trained AI model (MIT, Apache 2.0,
         | BSD-2-Clause, BSD-3-Clause). "
         | Other commenters here say the completion quality is worse than
         | Copilot. I use Tabnine for local short completions only and am
         | quite happy with it. Didn't try Copilot yet.
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | No they did not. You have to train on only fully permissive
         | code to ensure that is not a problem
         | CryZe wrote:
         | You apparently can "opt out of public code" now. I didn't find
         | an explanation for whether that properly limits it to
         | permissive licenses though.
         | Update: It seems like they check whether the code it emits
         | matches the training set and if it does it won't suggest it.
       | xmodem wrote:
       | It's hilarious to me that Copilot is now GA, but our rep GitHub
       | contact has been promising to get us onto the merge queue beta
       | for months and it's still vaporware. I'm beginning to wonder if
       | that product exists at all.
       | https://github.blog/changelog/2021-10-27-pull-request-merge-...
       | mrfusion wrote:
       | I've never used it but I imagine it would help a lot with the
       | programmers equivalency of writers block.
       | jq-r wrote:
       | And already having [scaling?] issues =)
       | https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/9xb0vpwcj8gj
       | longrod wrote:
       | I have had a lot more success with Tabnine. One, it runs offline
       | as well as online so the performance difference with/without
       | internet is unnoticeable. Two, it understands context much
       | better. I was prototyping in Python with Tabnine turned on
       | without the LSP and I felt no need to install one. It spits out
       | uncannily good suggestions if you are using a popular library
       | like Beautifulsoup etc.
       | Copilot is marketed as a pair programmer but the code quality is
       | often times just wrong, not just bad. It thinks it understands
       | what I want based on the function name and parameters but the
       | generated output is no where close to what I want.
       | Multiline AI generated suggestions are not a good idea anyway
       | (not yet at least). AI based LSP/auto completer would be much
       | better at this stage with a lot faster DX.
       | swalls wrote:
       | Only $10 a month to rack up dozens of license violations? What a
       | deal.
       | mcluck wrote:
       | Like many people I thought Copilot was neat but ended up
       | uninstalling it because it caused more problems than it solved.
       | Reading the comments here, it seems that most of the people who
       | get value out of it would be better served creating a set of
       | snippets. If all you need is to fill in boilerplate all the time
       | or repeat general test structures but with different arguments,
       | just make a snippet. Every major code editor supports this and
       | they're really easy to setup and use.
         | xtracto wrote:
         | I haven't used Copilot but found this comment interesting. Back
         | in the 1990s when I started programming (BASIC and C) I did
         | maintain collections of code snippets that I used in different
         | programs here and there. I used to cherish those snippets and
         | dedicated a good amount of time to maintain them available
         | through my computers.
         | Then the Internet and Google came around. I found that instead
         | of me maintaining those code snippets, I could search in
         | Excite/Altavista for how to do something, and it will be stored
         | there for me. Later came sites like StackOverflow
         | (expertssexchange before it) which concentrated much of that
         | information which before was scattered in PHPBBs and Geocities
         | pages.
         | Now I see this Copilot app like the evolution of that; Instead
         | of having to manually go searching for a snippet, I imagine I
         | can "pull it" almost automatically while I am writing code,
         | with an AI helping me search for the right snippet with the
         | current code context.
         | That doesn't sound bad at all.
         | Nevertheless, I haven't used it because I DON'T want my code to
         | be sent to Microsoft or any other company. And I don't believe
         | in adding random code for which I don't know the license! What
         | if there is some code which was AGPL that Copilot happens to
         | use? that's pretty bad.
         | danuker wrote:
         | Or better yet, save the snippet as a function/procedure in the
         | code, and avoid needless duplication (DRY/Occam's razor).
       | ggerganov wrote:
       | $10/month is a perfect price - that was my exact estimate of what
       | I was willing to pay for this service when it becomes non-free.
       | To everyone expecting Copilot to magically write the code they
       | are thinking about - you are missing the point. There is a
       | learning curve of using this service that allows you to be more
       | efficient in expressing your ideas. It's not about doing all the
       | work for you. It's like auto-complete on the next level.
       | Licensing concerns - oh come on.. what is the big deal? There are
       | millions of "for (int i ..)" loops out there. Like anyone gives a
       | damn about 5 auto-generate lines being _probably_ copied from
       | somewhere. Moreover, if you used Copilot just a bit you would
       | know that is not how it works.
       | zgway wrote:
       | Is this bribing developers so they stop talking about code
       | laundering? The problem does not disappear.
       | There would be no issue if they trained the model on Microsoft's
       | closed source instead.
       | metadat wrote:
       | I tried GHCP but found it overall unhelpful and kind of stressful
       | to use, because of potential bugs I might overlook and "import"
       | into my project.
       | Definitely does not seem worth paying for me to end up more
       | stressed out, haha.
         | exyi wrote:
         | So it depends if you prefer writing or doing code review :)
         | You'd maybe need another tool which converts review work to
         | writing work
           | metadat wrote:
           | I'm good.. without it :D
       | meowface wrote:
       | Thoughts on how it compares with Tabnine? Should I try disabling
       | Tabnine when testing this?
       | yubozhao wrote:
       | If copilot saves more than 30 mins of your time per month, then
       | it is totally worth it.
         | swah wrote:
         | I think it does: it is, at least, an "always up-to-date"
         | snippet machine..
       | [deleted]
       | cfn wrote:
       | The day Copilot or something like it catches on is the day when
       | programming changes for real. Instead of being hired to create
       | new systems or extend existing systems built by other programmers
       | we will only be hired to fix Copilot generated code.
       | I suffer enough with legacy code created by junior programmers
       | that long left the company. I imagine how much more fun will be
       | to work with this type of code.
       | * I know Copilot is not capable of creating full systems yet but
       | it is a matter of time before they evolve it to generate all the
       | bolierplate code for you based on some comments you make or, even
       | worse, some UML abstraction!
       | emacdona wrote:
       | Has anyone been able to sign up since this announcement?
       | I get to a "Confirm your payment details" screen, but there is no
       | further action I can take (ie: no button to press or link to
       | click to "confirm"). It does say "You will be billed $100/year
       | starting August 20, 2022" -- but when I view my "settings", it
       | tells me I haven't signed up for copilot.
       | I tried various browsers, including Edge on Windows 10 sans
       | plugins (the combination I would expect to be the most supported
       | for MS owned github.com).
         | darknavi wrote:
         | I don't even see that. I see a "Start my free trial" button and
         | it just takes me to the generic billing screen. How do I even
         | purchase this? Is it its own subscription?
         | natefinch wrote:
         | There are some GitHub problems that are getting addressed right
         | now.
           | emacdona wrote:
           | Ah, victims of their own success? Glad to see people are
           | lining up to pay for it :-)
       | Shadonototra wrote:
       | they used the data of their users without compensation and they
       | have the decency to charge $10?
         | [deleted]
       | low_tech_punk wrote:
       | IMHO, it's still far from GA quality/usability. A must-have
       | feature that's missing is a toggle switch that lets you
       | temporarily turn it off. Without a feature, it can get really
       | noisy.
         | baby wrote:
         | There is a button you can click in VSCode to toggle it, so not
         | sure what's the problem.
         | giobox wrote:
         | This may vary in the IDEs they support, but theres an "Activate
         | Copilot" toggle button right in the status bar in VSCode to
         | toggle on and off instantly that appears on every editor window
         | if the extension is installed.
         | the_duke wrote:
         | In Neovim it's just ":Copilot disable", ":Copilot enable".
         | rictic wrote:
         | The VSCode extension has one. There's a button in the bottom
         | right with the logo that you can click to enable/disable, or
         | you could add a keybind for the "github.copilot.toggleCopilot"
         | command
           | elil17 wrote:
           | You can toggle in PyCharm with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O
       | lysecret wrote:
       | Actually, I quite like it. Especially for these repetitive things
       | one can forget. Stuff like there is a deleted field in one table,
       | usually you would write an sql query like
       | .filter(table.deleted==False)
       | nothing complicated, but one tends to forget it. So i got into
       | the habit of starting a new line in whatever query I am building
       | and see what copilot thinks I forgot.
       | love2read wrote:
       | Was anybody offered the subscription for free due to their
       | connection to an open source project? If so, how large is the
       | project?
       | jwpapi wrote:
       | I'm honestly shook at all the comments here. I don't make any
       | money coding and I'm probably in the lower 25% of HN readers in
       | terms of skills, but I'm more than happy to pay $10/m. I would
       | pay Github $10/m for what they already give me.
       | What is your time worth? You should easily get $60/hr, so you
       | need to save 12 minutes per month to make it worth. I would pay
       | that for all my employees.
       | CoPilot is not a replacement for writing code, but it's
       | incredible useful when you are stuck and or / write simple logic.
       | Often I don't have the right method, function or logic on mind.
       | Before I google, I write a comment of what I want and 8/10
       | CoPilot generates the right code.
       | Typing the comment, checking the solution, reformatting it is <<<
       | less time than without it.
       | To me Github CoPilot is a standard part of my IDE and I wouldn't
       | want to miss it anymore. It saves me at least an hour a day of
       | coding. Some stuff is really crazy. I invite you all to try to be
       | open-minded. You have to experience it.
       | // You have to code for yourself
       | I don't really like this argument, because if that argument would
       | be true, we would also need to now how our codes translates to 1
       | and 0s and how the electronics build our application than.
       | AutoComplete is part of our life on our phone and it can be with
       | developing. Don't make it harder as it needs to be.
         | matsemann wrote:
         | Could it perhaps be you not coding for a living (and being
         | lower in skill as you say) that make you think it's worth it?
         | For me the bottleneck is seldom typing. And while Copilot can
         | sometimes dish out some more advanced stuff, I still have to
         | verify it and understand it. Since I can basically solve every
         | problem I encounter day-to-day, Copilot's contribution is not
         | that useful.
           | kromem wrote:
           | I code for a living and have done so for over a decade now,
           | and I completely agree with their analysis.
           | Does it save you $10 worth of your time within a month?
           | Comments here are wildly uninformed. I see comments
           | complaining about copyright that seem to have no awareness of
           | either fair use doctrine prior law as it relates to partial
           | usage nor the details regarding how infrequently Copilot
           | generates identifiable verbatim results outside attempts to
           | auto fill empty files in empty projects (which seems outside
           | typical usage).
           | Or complaints that it makes mistakes, as if 90% of those
           | mistakes aren't immediately flagged by the linter. Not only
           | that, but I've found that often when it does make mistakes,
           | it reflects a consistency smell in my own code, such as
           | tripping up on a legacy naming convention that should really
           | be refactored out.
           | If it doesn't save you $10 worth of time, obviously don't use
           | it. Personally I was worried it was going to be more given
           | the ways in which it cuts down on the most boring parts of a
           | high value profession.
           | But insinuating that someone's positive experience of the
           | tool reflects inexperience is a weird gatekeeper flex, and
           | honestly I'm more inclined to think that all the curmudgeonly
           | resistance I see in here to the inevitable march of progress
           | instead reflects old dogs unable to adequately learn new
           | tricks (like how to effectively prompt it).
             | matsemann wrote:
             | It wasn't an attempt at insinuating anything in general, it
             | was just an observation based on the parent comment's own
             | admission.
             | Please remember this from the guidelines
             | > _Please respond to the strongest plausible interpretation
             | of what someone says, not a weaker one that 's easier to
             | criticize. Assume good faith._
               | DantesKite wrote:
               | > It wasn't an attempt at insinuating anything in
               | general, it was just an observation based on the parent
               | comment's own admission.
               | I don't think that's true.
               | When the parent comment made that observation, they
               | attached the caveat they might not be as skilled as
               | others. They were already fully aware their potential
               | lack of skill might affect their opinion of the product.
               | All you did was repeat that same claim back to them, as
               | if they weren't already aware of it which is a pretty
               | uncharitable interpretation. A steelman interpretation
               | that you could've said would assume there are some low-
               | hanging fruit new or inexperienced developers would
               | benefit from greatly (not just typing as you suggest),
               | but once you develop a certain level of skill, Copilot
               | would become less useful for experts such as yourself.
               | If anything, you didn't respond to the strongest
               | plausible interpretation of what was said, since you
               | willfully disregarded their own insight into the problem.
               | Then to try and morally lecture someone on their behavior
               | by applying a rule you don't even hold yourself standard
               | to is pretty astonishing.
           | theshrike79 wrote:
           | > For me the bottleneck is seldom typing
           | This is one of my pet peeves in this field. People create
           | whole programming languages that are "expressive", just to
           | save typing a few dozen characters and have huge tirades
           | against "verbose" languages that require typing a bunch of
           | boilerplate.
           | If typing the code is the bit that takes the longest for you
           | in a project, stop and take a good look in the mirror.
           | There's something else wrong in the process.
             | patrickthebold wrote:
             | For a verbose language the problem isn't the typing it's
             | the reading. On the typing side I agree with you: I don't
             | mind spending 30 minutes typing a bunch of boilerplate. I
             | do mind digging through 100s of lines of code to find the 2
             | lines that actually do something interesting.
             | Of course, copilot is only going to save you typing time,
             | and you'll have to pay it back at reading time.
       | albertzeyer wrote:
       | I don't really get this argument why it should be a problem that
       | it is being trained on other public code.
       | Every human was just trained in the same way. Why isn't this a
       | problem for every human?
       | I really don't see the difference. One is an artificial neural
       | network while the other is a biological neural network?
         | tkiolp4 wrote:
         | It's not about the learning part, it's about the copyright and
         | money part. If you learn how to play song X by The Rolling
         | Stones, you cannot just make money playing song X in a concert.
         | Sure thing you can play song X in your father's birthday.
         | Here GitHub (Microsoft) is charging for a product that in
         | certain circumstances violates copyright.
           | albertzeyer wrote:
           | But Copilot (or a human) is not copying some existing code.
           | It (Copilot or human) just used existing code to learn. So it
           | is only about the learning part, nothing else.
           | Yes, if Copilot (or a human) would copy existing code, that
           | would be a copyright violation. But none of the arguments
           | here are about that. It's just about the learning.
         | Snild wrote:
         | I guess it's a bit of a philosophical disagreement.
         | In my view: I don't believe a machine (at least not any we're
         | capable of creating) can truly _learn_.
         | Copilot is a machine working on its inputs. Humans think and
         | create. Maybe it can be argued that humans are just more
         | complicated machines, but I don't think most people would agree
         | with such an equivalency.
         | Copilot is constructed almost entirely from others' code.
         | There's a tiny fraction of original "ai glue" in there, but the
         | end product is arguably a derivative work of all that code it
         | was trained on. As is its output.
         | It can also be argued that the AI part is really just an
         | obfuscating copy machine. One that was created specifically for
         | that task.
         | And of course, the real killing blow: if/when it reproduces
         | training code verbatim, and you don't notice... will "copilot
         | did it" be a valid defense in court? There are different
         | opinions on that I guess, but no one knows for sure -- and I
         | wouldn't take that risk.
       | luckystarr wrote:
       | A few observations:
       | The IntelliJ Copilot plugin became worthless just before the
       | release. It borks up the formatting and requires almost more
       | keystrokes to make the code work than it saves.
       | It sometimes works brilliantly, the result has almost always been
       | either duplicated code which could use refactoring or simple
       | minded attribute access code which could be solved generically. I
       | have the fear that it will push developers to go the "easy route"
       | and not think about the code too much while churning out more and
       | more lines of generated code, so I'm unwilling to recommend it to
       | junior developers.
       | iblaine wrote:
       | I used github copilot for a week, got some good laughs, then
       | never used it again. Working at a publicly traded healthcare
       | company, it worries me that my IDE has the technical ability to
       | snoop on my code. More than anything else, github copilot is a
       | cool parlor trick, in its current form. Surely it'll improve over
       | time.
       | jamal-kumar wrote:
       | I think the funniest thing that I heard copilot would readily do
       | was spitting out other people's hardcoded API keys and other such
       | secrets you should never put right in your source when you would
       | prompt it properly.
       | MarquesMa wrote:
       | Thank you, GitHub, this is one of the best things!
       | No, it cannot make me write code I couldn't write before. It does
       | not autopilot and does all the coding by itself. But it still
       | boosts my productivity greatly, making me relaxed while coding
       | and focusing on the important part rather than errands.
         | w4ffl35 wrote:
         | I've been using it for a while now. When I forget some syntax
         | occasionally I'll switch this on instead of searching
         | documentation or google, but more often than not my IDE can get
         | me unstuck with less overhead.
         | Also if there are some repetitive sections of code I need to
         | bang out quickly this will auto fill that repetitive pattern
         | (although I'd argue this is usually a sign that the code should
         | be cleaned up)
         | I avoid letting it fill in large swaths of code though. I have
         | no idea where that code is coming from (license infringement?)
         | and it tends to go way off the rails.
         | Additionally I feel that it makes me a worse programmer if I
         | allow it to take over too much.
         | I've been programming for 20 years (more if you count my time
         | as a kid) and have a certain flow. Part of that flow is the
         | natural pause between thinking of solutions and typing. When
         | the computer is beating me to the typing portion (and often
         | times making mistakes) I would find myself doing more code
         | review than code writing. Sometimes a few bugs popped up and it
         | was thanks to copilot (or was it me failing to correct
         | copilot's mistakes?).
         | I found my brain sort of switching into a different mode.
         | Rather than thinking about my next steps I was thinking about
         | the steps the computer just took and how I needed to clean them
         | up.
         | Rather than the AI being my reviewer during a paired
         | programming session, I was the computer's reviewer.
         | So now, like I said I use it very sparingly.
           | w4ffl35 wrote:
           | Additionally: when I allowed copilot to do heavier coding for
           | me, I found myself returning later and feeling somewhat
           | unfamiliar with the code. That's really bad for maintenance,
           | project pace, etc. I don't want to try to re-learn, fix,
           | remember and maintain code that someone else (a computer in
           | this case) wrote. Its hard enough doing so reliably in group
           | code settings (work), now injecting that into my daily coding
           | life feels like a solution I didn't ask for.
           | I will say that I'm not averse to change and do appreciate
           | the new tools that we have available to us - Starting on a
           | x386 writing QBASIC as a kid to using Jetbrains Rider is an
           | indescribably different experience.
           | That said, I'm not ready to move to the backseat and let the
           | computer take over yet. In small doses copilot is fine, but I
           | wouldn't lean heavily on it for large projects or to do the
           | thinking for me.
       | baby wrote:
       | Insta buy for me (expense hopefully). I am just continuously mind
       | blown by it, and I quickly notice and get frustrated when it's
       | not enabled. It really is giving coders superpowers.
       | EDIT: looks like I'm getting it for free because of my
       | contributions to open source o.o dope!
         | sarsway wrote:
         | Yeah can't live without it anymore. It's already muscle memory
         | to intuitively pausing typing, just waiting for Copilot to
         | complete my line. Pretty good sense on what it should get right
         | too. Knew this was gonna be a $10/month thing. oh well.
         | Hope though, when AI is becoming increasingly useful and
         | seamlessly integrated, they not gonna take an arm and leg for
         | it. It's just gonna be way too good to pass, people won't
         | really have a choice but pay.
       | rubyist5eva wrote:
       | Can't wait for the next wave of garbage outsourced code generated
       | at bottom dollar because it was really written by copilot. God
       | help us.
       | ahnick wrote:
       | What's the criteria for being considered "a maintainer of a
       | popular open source project"? They never actually publish the
       | criteria anywhere from what I can tell. They just say visit the
       | subscription page and if you are eligible it should be available
       | to you and if you see a charge then you are not eligible. I think
       | though they should still be transparent about what their metric
       | is for determining popular projects on GitHub; otherwise, the
       | code that determines eligibility might be broken and no one would
       | be able to tell. Or worse they could just be lying about it
       | entirely.
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | A sample of the first 25k repositories and their stargazers on
         | GitHub shows that the top 1% have over 600 stars, and the top
         | 0.1% have nearly 5,000 stars. That's a very small sample,
         | however.
         | [1]: https://github.com/andrewmcwattersandco/github-statistics
         | [2]:
         | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HBSwxr0jkUoMulQxyVTC...
         | kevincox wrote:
         | > People who maintain popular open source projects receive a
         | credit to have 12 months of GitHub Copilot access for free. A
         | maintainer of a popular open source project is defined as
         | someone who has write or admin access to one or more of the
         | most popular open source projects on GitHub
         | https://github.com/pricing#i-work-on-open-source-projects-ca...
         | I like how "open source project" == "on github". Can't say that
         | I am surprised though.
           | Washuu wrote:
           | I authored/contribute/maintain stuff that is used by tens of
           | millions of people world wide. I do not qualify. -\\_(tsu)_/-
         | samth wrote:
         | At a minimum, 4.3k stars is not enough, because I don't
         | qualify.
           | meibo wrote:
           | This is curious - I maintain 2 projects with 2k cumulative
           | stars, and I was able to claim the free access. Wonder what
           | the metric is? Maybe creation date has something to do with
           | it?
             | baby wrote:
             | If you want to check if you qualify:
             | https://github.com/github-copilot/free_signup
               | kevincox wrote:
               | I get " Congratulations! You are eligible to use GitHub
               | Copilot for free." that was unexpected but in retrospect
               | https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/ is pretty popular.
               | (Currently 9.8k stars)
               | samth wrote:
               | Yeah that just redirects me to the paid page. I do wish
               | the criteria were a little more transparent.
           | [deleted]
           | thamer wrote:
           | Reporting on my own experience, I got access to Copilot a few
           | days after it was announced and am currently not expected to
           | pay for it.
           | I started a project that currently has 9.4k stars (now mostly
           | maintained by someone else), and still maintain a project
           | that has 2.5k stars.
         | notamy wrote:
         | > What's the criteria for being considered "a maintainer of a
         | popular open source project"?
         | The FAQ [0] says
         | > _A maintainer of a popular open source project is defined as
         | someone who has write or admin access to one or more of the
         | *most popular open source projects* on GitHub_
         | (emphasis added)
         | [0] https://github.com/pricing#i-work-on-open-source-projects-
         | ca...
           | netr0ute wrote:
           | That's the problem, what is a "most popular project?"
             | Beltalowda wrote:
             | It goes on to say "Simply visit the GitHub Copilot
             | subscription page to see if you are one of the open source
             | maintainers that meet our criteria for a complimentary
             | subscription"
             | When I go to https://github.com/github-copilot/free_signup
             | it says:
             | " Congratulations! You are eligible to use GitHub Copilot
             | for free.
             | Thanks for being a part of our open source and education
             | communities. GitHub Copilot uses the Codex AI model to
             | offer coding suggestions."
             | I have a project with about 3k stars, and regularly
             | contribute to another project ~4k stars (Where I'm also the
             | primary maintainer, although it's not on my account), as
             | well as some things in with hundred and dozens of stars.
             | I don't how high up that is in the ranking, although given
             | that most projects get 0 stars I suspect it's probably
             | higher than you'd might expect.
           | ahnick wrote:
           | Ummm, yes, that was my original point. What does "one or more
           | of the _most popular open source projects_ on GitHub " mean
           | exactly? Do you need a certain number of github stars on your
           | project? Are you listed on some "most popular github projects
           | specific page"? or what?
             | bumpa wrote:
             | I got this free access. Tried to figure how to request this
             | "Verified" status, whatever it means, but github seems to
             | set it automatically and notified me "you are eligible to
             | use GitHub Copilot for free". I'm not sure how exactly they
             | do it and what defines "the most popular open source
             | projects". The most popular repo (by stars) I have is with
             | 3k stars. Apparently it is enough, not sure.
             | natefinch wrote:
             | There's a definition somewhere in the FAQ, it's like the
             | top 1000 projects in each of the top 34 most popular
             | languages on GitHub, as long as those projects have some
             | minimum number of stars and forks.
         | [deleted]
       | plondon514 wrote:
       | Are there any plans for GitHub Copilot to ship an API? I think it
       | would be interesting to set it up w/ my side project
       | https://codeamigo.dev
         | haskellandchill wrote:
         | Hey, fun side project!
         | lelag wrote:
         | The API version of copilot exists.
         | It's called OpenAI Codex. https://openai.com/blog/openai-codex/
           | plondon514 wrote:
           | Thanks!
           | vincentmarle wrote:
           | Yeah but it takes forever to get off the waitlist (I've been
           | waiting for almost a year)
             | davidbarker wrote:
             | You may have luck by emailing the CEO and asking politely.
             | I wrote a comment previously
             | (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30692202) about how I
             | got immediate access to Codespaces by emailing the GitHub
             | CEO.
       | jpomykala wrote:
       | It's not worth $10/mo. I wouldn't even pay $5/mo. Usually, it
       | generates code with incorrect logic what is sometimes hard to
       | notice.
       | It's also awful that they took free code (open-source), and now
       | they want money for it. Make it open-source and free to use...
       | Some say it's great for repetitive tasks, but if you write
       | repetitive code (tests also) maybe you should look for other
       | solutions than "auto-generating" unmaintainable code.
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | they used all the code in GitHub regardless of license. hope
         | they avoided the Oracle code ;-)
       | ccbccccbbcccbb wrote:
       | If anyone ever wondered why M$ bought github for $7.5B, this is
       | exactly the reason. A huge free dataset of code ready to train
       | the corporation's neural networks. Ideals to idealists, money to
       | money.
       | DubiousPusher wrote:
       | Is co-pilot distinctly different from the auto-complete feature
       | of VS2022? I started using that a few months back and it gives
       | far more complex suggestions than VS2019 but I wasn't sure if
       | this was "co-pilot" or not.
       | CapsAdmin wrote:
       | I really like copilot, but my outside of the content being
       | generated it still feels a bit slow and somewhat hacked into
       | vscode. It sometimes interferes with regular "intellisense
       | suggestions" as well.
       | I've been in the beta since almost the beginning I have not
       | really seen much improvement on the frontend side. Since its
       | release, the changelog only mentions 10 small (or so it seems)
       | improvements
       | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/GitHub.copilot-ni...
       | On the backend side, I feel like I've started to "figure out"
       | copilot a little bit. One thing I'd like to see is inline
       | completion which I think gpt3 can do now but copilot which I
       | believe it's based on cannot.
       | I think I will pay to continue, but I'd like to see some frontend
       | improvements and maybe some backend alternatives. Ideally I'd
       | love this to be open source but compute power doesn't seem
       | feasible (?) unless we start magically crowd sourcing our
       | computers to run a model somehow.
       | [deleted]
       | jbaczuk wrote:
       | I guess I will have to start actually working now... I have been
       | a user since the beta started, so no thanks to us who have been
       | contributing to the model? People forget that by using it, you
       | are training it too.
         | CryZe wrote:
         | You can opt out of that.
       | amelius wrote:
       | What I really want is a one-shot learning tool, which I teach
       | once how to apply some code-transformation, and then the tool can
       | apply it everywhere in my code.
         | Otek wrote:
         | I don't know what language do you work with but do you mean
         | something like a ESLint for JS/TS?
       | social_quotient wrote:
       | Could they charge more and push the product improvements faster?
       | Seems like 10/m/u is optimizing for how bearable the price is but
       | then you have a bunch of users that are quick to complain while
       | you don't have the budget to make rapid improvements to the
       | platform.
       | Charge 10x more (or more) and let the dreamers help push the
       | product further and faster. Once it's awesome then charge a
       | commoditized price for the service.
       | Charging 10x+ more means we have enough skin in the game to
       | properly send feedback and improvement ideas. At 10/m/u it's
       | barely worth you reading my support tickets and it's almost with
       | me just not using it while paying for it.
       | Thoughts?
       | drcongo wrote:
       | I hope we get a Sublime plugin now.
       | nikeee wrote:
       | The main page [0] shows you awesome demos, but also its
       | weaknesses in the very first example. It doesn't encode the url
       | encoded body properly:
       | > body: `text=${text}`,
       | So it breaks if the text contains a '&' and even allows parameter
       | injection to the call of the 3rd party service. Isn't that
       | critical on a sentiment analysis API, but could result in actual
       | security holes.
       | I hope the users won't blindly use the generated code without
       | review. These mistakes can be so subtle, nobody even noticed them
       | when they put them on the front page of the product.
       | [0]: https://github.com/features/copilot/
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | Yep. Copilot is going to be good for "pick up the pieces" devs
       | prazgaitis wrote:
       | I've found it to be very helpful, especially when working with
       | poorly documented APIs. (Looking at you, Google Play Store APIs).
       | Would be happy to pay for it (or expense it to my employer) if I
       | was still an IC.
       | Hamcha wrote:
       | I've been using Copilot non-stop on every hobby project I have
       | ever since they've let me in (2021/07/13) and I am honestly
       | flabbergasted they think it's worth 10$/mo. My experience using
       | it till this day is the following:
       | - It's an amazing all-rounder autocomplete for most boilerplate
       | code. Generally anything that someone who's spent 5 minutes
       | reading the code can do, Copilot can do just as well.
       | - It's terrible if you let it write too much. The biggest problem
       | I've had is not that it doesn't write correctly, it's that it
       | think it _knows_ how and then produce good looking code at a
       | glance but with wrong logic.
       | - Relying on its outside-code knowledge is also generally a
       | recipe for disaster: e.g. I'm building a Riichi Mahjong engine
       | and while it knows all the terms and how to put a sentence
       | together describing the rules, it absolutely doesn't _actually_
       | understand how  "Chii" melds work
       | - Due to the licensing concerns I did not use CoPilot at all in
       | work projects and I haven't felt like I was missing _that_ much.
       | A friend of mine also said he wouldn 't be allowed to use it.
       | You can treat it as a pair programming session where you're the
       | observer and write an outline while the AI does all the bulk work
       | (but be wary), but at what point does it become such a better
       | experience to justify 10$/mo? I don't understand if I've been
       | using it wrong or what.
         | rexreed wrote:
         | Of course GPT-3 doesn't "understand" what you are doing. All
         | it's doing is generating high probability text based on a huge
         | training corpus. It's guessing what text will come next. That
         | doesn't mean it understands jack squat. It's basically a parrot
         | with a huge database. Polly want a program?
           | toyg wrote:
           | The fact that such a program is so hyped, is actually an
           | indicator of how much boilerplate and wheel-reinvention goes
           | on among programmers every day.
           | The state of the sector is somewhat embarrassing. We have
           | armies of monkeys well-paid to bang out the same
           | Java/Javascript/C#/Python over, and over, and over...
             | rexreed wrote:
             | Microsoft spent a Billion dollars for an exclusive license
             | of GPT-3, and now they want their return. Expect to see
             | GPT-3 hyped on every platform (including Github).
         | naniwaduni wrote:
         | > - It's terrible if you let it write too much. The biggest
         | problem I've had is not that it doesn't write correctly, it's
         | that it think it knows how and then produce good looking code
         | at a glance but with wrong logic.
         | So the same problem ML has in every endeavor where we have a
         | good metric of "correctness" that's distinct from
         | _plausibility_ , like OCR or natural language translation: very
         | good at spitting out stuff that _superficially resembles_
         | training data, and whether that happens to be _right_ is
         | totally accidental.
         | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
         | I think your response highlights why individual developers are
         | the worst target market and why you want to sell to businesses
         | if you're in the tool space.
         | Let's say the average developer in the US costs 10k a month (I
         | think that's pretty close to the real average of around 120k a
         | year). So copilot would cost .1% of that developer's salary. I
         | realize calculating things around "improvements in developer
         | productivity" involve lots of fuzzy math, but it would be
         | stupid for any company NOT to pay this if it improves developer
         | productivity by just 1%.
         | Another way to think about it that I think may be more "real
         | world": Let's say I'm CTO of a big company with 1000 software
         | developers. Do I think it's going to be a better investment to
         | hire another developer so I have 1001 developers, or instead
         | use that other developer's salary to buy all the devs at my
         | company a Copilot license?
         | But for some reason individual developers think that anything
         | over $1-2 dollars a month is an exhorbitant cost.
         | austenallred wrote:
         | I'm genuinely curious: How do you value your time?
         | If you're an engineer who is paid $150/hour and Copilot saves
         | you 5 minutes/month it just paid for itself.
           | kojeovo wrote:
           | Hobby projects don't make any money so it doesn't make sense
           | if I pay for it to be more productive for the company. If
           | they pay, great.
         | wiremine wrote:
         | I'm the CTO for a small(ish) software consultancy. $10/month is
         | a no-brainer price for just the "amazing all-rounder
         | autocomplete". Spending $10/month/dev to help maximize highly
         | billable engineers? It's well worth the price.
           | BrandonJung wrote:
           | would you prefer it trained ONLY on your code or are you ok
           | with the broad use of non-permissive code used for CODEX?
         | mceachen wrote:
         | > licensing concerns
         | I dismissed these concerns before I had early access.
         | Then, _literally the first characters I typed_ after enabling
         | the extension were `//`, and it autosuggested:
         | // Copyright 2018 Google LLC
         | I immediately uninstalled it.
         | https://mobile.twitter.com/mrm/status/1410658969803051012/ph...
         | yosito wrote:
         | > Due to the licensing concerns I did not use CoPilot at all in
         | work projects
         | I've rarely found that CoPilot produces more than a line or two
         | of accurate code. How likely is it that one would run into
         | licensing issues with a single line of code that looks similar
         | to something from another codebase?
         | While I understand the problem in principle, I am really
         | skeptical that significant licensing issues would really come
         | up with using CoPilot as an individual.
         | blue0bird wrote:
         | I've been using Copilot for almost 10 months, useful when
         | learning new code but after a while become a bit more advanced
         | auto complete.
         | I think it is good for short lines, repeating tasks; for
         | example when writing tests and want to assert different fields,
         | assert string, int, etc; for these sort of lines was really
         | good and fast.
         | my main problems: 1. sometimes make a horrible mistake, takes
         | couple of minutes to understand 2. repeat the same mistake over
         | and over 3. adding a single tab take a bit of time, had to copy
         | & paste tab to avoid copilot suggestion!
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | To me it's easily worth twice that, so I'm happy to pay
         | 100/year.
         | matthewmacleod wrote:
         | A developer easily costs $100 an hour. This means that if
         | Copilot saves you more than 360 seconds in a month it's paid
         | for itself.
         | I'm honestly flabbergasted that anybody would think it _isn't_
         | worth $10 a month, despite its many serious flaws.
           | Smaug123 wrote:
           | That calculation works if it doesn't also cost you any time -
           | which by all accounts it does, e.g. in review.
         | euos wrote:
         | I've been using it as well. As annoying as it is, I am sure I
         | would miss it enough to pay $100/year. Luckily, I somehow
         | qualified for free access...
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | Licensing is a critical question that is often not considered.
         | Code trained on non-permissive code (think Oracle API's) has
         | very significant risk, ask Google. We took a different tact
         | three years ago in building Tabnine BUT went with only fully
         | permissive code for training, ability to train on your own code
         | base, and zero sharing of your completions. Also we give the
         | developer the flexibility to adjust the length of completions
         | if you want faster shorter suggestions.
         | SmellTheGlove wrote:
         | +1. I've also been using it for hobby projects and have largely
         | the same conclusions. I really do like that it spits out
         | boilerplate for me, but when doing more than that, I still have
         | to double-check all of it because as you said it does create
         | incorrect, good looking output.
         | I can't justify $10 a month for it. Maybe as it improves.
         | EDIT: To clarify, $10 a month for personal use. We can't use it
         | at work due to licensing, or it'd be worth that just to emit
         | boilerplate.
         | w4ffl35 wrote:
         | I've also been using this for months, and would not pay for it.
         | I think i might be getting it for free actually as I haven't
         | been asked to pay yet.
         | I came to the same conclusion as you, you can see comments I
         | made elsewhere in this thread. I'm not thrilled with it.
           | nacs wrote:
           | It has been free but now they're making it a "free 60 day
           | trial" followed by $10 a month.
           | I've tried it with a few projects with different languages
           | and it's not worth anything close to that $10/m fee
           | personally.
           | It's OK at filling in a line here and there if it's
           | boilerplate-type code but otherwise, it's like a beginner
           | programmer at best.
         | datastack wrote:
         | Interesting to hear your experience. I've been using it for
         | over a year, and I've come to appreciate the (modest)
         | productivity boost that it's given me, to the point that I feel
         | $10 per month is probably worth it.
         | The completions are often trivial, but they save me from typing
         | them by hand. Sometimes they are trivial yet still wrong so I
         | need to make corrections, wasting some of the gained speed. In
         | total these probably won't save me much time on a day.
         | However, every couple of days there is one of these cases,
         | where it can do tedious work that really saves time and
         | headaches.
         | Example: - After writing a Mapper that converts objects of type
         | A to B, I needed the reverse. Co-Pilot generated it almost
         | perfectly in an instant. This can easily save a minute or two,
         | plus the thinking required. - For a scraper, I needed to add
         | cookies from my browser into the request object. Basically, I
         | pasted the cookie in a string, and typed `// add cookies`, and
         | it generated the code to split the string, iterate over each
         | cookie value and add it to the correct request field.
         | So if a few of these cases can save 10 minutes in a month, I
         | feel it's objectively worth it. Then subjectively, not having
         | the headaches of 'dumb stuff'/boilerplate feels great, and I am
         | glad to spend my energy on the actual hard stuff. I will sign
         | up as soon as their sign up page lets me.
         | jmkni wrote:
         | > I've been using Copilot non-stop
         | > I am honestly flabbergasted they think it's worth 10$/mo
         | These two statments seem contradictory to me. Why are you using
         | it 'non-stop' if it isn't even worth $10/month?
           | fornowiamhere wrote:
           | It looks like they used it "non-stop" on hobby projects to
           | see what's capable of
           | soraki_soladead wrote:
           | My interpretation is that it's fun to use so they use it a
           | lot but not altogether useful (eta: and/or necessary): they
           | didn't miss it on work projects.
           | kvetching wrote:
           | At first, I read it as if he thinks it's worth way more.
           | foerbert wrote:
           | I don't think they are contradictory at all. Aside from the
           | basic "it has value, just less than $10/month" option, they
           | may also just be interested in the tech and are evaluating it
           | in actual use, etc.
           | raunak wrote:
           | Not OP - I use it non-stop for boiler plate filling as well.
           | I wouldn't use it for anything other than that, so I would
           | say it's worth honestly at max $1/month.
             | tedunangst wrote:
             | $1 is worth what, one minute of your time? If you're using
             | a tool that doesn't even save you one minute, why bother?
               | presentation wrote:
               | Most people don't make purchasing decisions based on the
               | value they create but rather based on some ingrained
               | assumptions about how expensive software is supposed to
               | be. VSCode and many other complex pieces of software are
               | free, autocomplete is built into my OS, and those
               | subscription consumer software that does have a price
               | usually are priced very low--so relative to those,
               | $10/month feels like a lot (even though I hope that
               | practically anything anyone makes the effort to subscribe
               | to produces at least $10 of value for them).
               | Some companies seem to be leaning into higher
               | subscription pricing (Superhuman and Motion come to mind)
               | and almost certainly produce far more value than their
               | subscriptions cost if you ask me, but there's definitely
               | a mental barrier to value based pricing to consumers, as
               | well as the fact that with so many companies offering
               | cheap/free software, the market isn't solely determined
               | by value created but rather comparison against other
               | software.
               | xigoi wrote:
               | What proportion of people are making $1 per minute?
           | omginternets wrote:
           | You overlooked an even bigger contradiction! Namely:
           | > The biggest problem I've had is not that it doesn't write
           | correctly, it's that it think it knows how and then produce
           | good looking code at a glance but with wrong logic.
           | I cannot rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas
           | that would provoke such a statement.
           | EDIT: upon careful rereading, I think I misunderstood. The
           | intended meaning is likely closer to: _the problem is less so
           | that codepilot produces incorrect code and more so that its
           | incorrect code appears correct at first glance._
           | You have my sincerest apologies. I leave this thread intact
           | as a testament to my hair-trigger snark.
             | lkfsfldkjfslk wrote:
             | My read was that it produces code that is correct in some
             | circumstances, but is incorrect for the author's use case.
               | omginternets wrote:
               | I realize I misinterpreted the OP, but you've set me up
               | for a snarky remark so perfectly that I can't resist.
               | Please forgive me... here goes:
               | > it produces code that is correct in some circumstances,
               | but is incorrect for the author's use case.
               | That's a mighty convoluted way of saying "incorrect code"
               | ;)
               | Phew! I feel better, now!
               | chipotle_coyote wrote:
               | "This code would be absolutely correct were it in a
               | different program trying to achieve a different result."
             | hungryforcodes wrote:
             | I won't rightly describe the confusion your post gives me.
             | Nothing he says seems contradictory. It produces good
             | looking code which upon further inspection has faulty
             | logic.
             | You would expect that from a program that copies a database
             | of all the examples in the world (or whatever) and then
             | just does an autocomplete without any kind of comprehension
             | of what the problem is that is trying to be solved.
             | No confusion or contradiction at all.
               | omginternets wrote:
               | So, the problem is that it produces incorrect code...
               | karpierz wrote:
               | Specifically, the problem is it produces _almost_ correct
               | code, which is worse than incorrect code because it might
               | fool you into trusting it.
               | omginternets wrote:
               | Quite. So we agree that this code is incorrect, and thus,
               | that we have a contradiction on our hands.
               | To be clear: we're in agreement that incorrect code that
               | passes for correct at a glance is even worse than
               | obviously-incorrect code.
           | bravetraveler wrote:
           | They gave it a fair shake, decided the price wouldn't be
           | worth it. It's not inherently contradictory
           | I would consider it contradictory if they decided to continue
           | using it while paying that price _and_ unsatisfied
           | It's a trial run and the value isn't there for them
           | theshrike79 wrote:
           | I've had Copilot enabled since early beta. I think it has
           | saved me ... 15 minutes of typing in total? A few times it
           | has caught on to a repeating pattern and filled a tedious bit
           | of [({}{})] -style javascript correctly.
           | Most of the things it does for me I could replace with a
           | library of snippets if I could be bothered to set one up.
           | Not really worth a monthly cost equivalent to, say, Disney+ -
           | which I use tens of hours every month just by myself.
           | If my employer paid for it, I wouldn't scoff at it, but I'm
           | not paying a cent of my own money for it.
           | evilduck wrote:
           | GPT-3 and AI-enhanced code completion has had a ton of hype
           | going on, up to and including claims that software
           | development as a job is at existential risk. Using Copilot
           | non-stop to investigate and understand why there's so much
           | hype and coming away with the opinion that it's not worthy of
           | $10/mo is not contradictory. Would you rather someone who
           | _hasn 't_ used a product extensively make value claims?
             | goatlover wrote:
             | It's always like this with the latest AI. You would think
             | people would learn, but nope same exaggerated claims every
             | time.
               | dotancohen wrote:
               | The claims are sound. It's the technology that is usually
               | not sound, or mature.
               | But slowly enough many jobs are being automated, both
               | with and without machine learning or whatever technique
               | they are calling "AI" today.
         | qualudeheart wrote:
         | As a productivity booster I think it's worth more than $10.
         | The licensing problems make it impossible to use at work so I
         | won't use it for that.
         | People need to be aware of the security risks of letting
         | microsoft read all your code as it's sent to the servers
         | copilot runs on. By my lights that's almost as big of a problem
         | as licensing.
         | jerf wrote:
         | "how to put a sentence together describing the rules, it
         | absolutely doesn't actually understand how "Chii" melds work"
         | The more experience I get with GPT-3 type technologies, the
         | more I would never let them near my code. It wasn't an intent
         | of the technology per se, but it has proved to be very good at
         | producing _superficially_ appealing output that can stand up
         | not only to a quick scan, but to a moderately deep reading, but
         | still falls apart on a more careful reading. At least when that
         | 's in my prose it isn't cheerfully and plausibly charging the
         | wrong customer or cheerfully and plausibly dereferencing a null
         | pointer.
         | Or to put it another way, it's an uncanny valley type effect.
         | All props and kudos to the technologists who developed it, it's
         | a legitimate step forward in technology, but at the same time
         | it's almost the most dangerous possible iteration of it, where
         | it's good enough to fool a human functioning at anything other
         | than the highest level of attentiveness but not good enough to
         | be correct all the time. See also, the dangers of _almost_
         | self-driving cars; either be self-driving or don 't but don't
         | expect halfway in between to work well.
           | omginternets wrote:
           | I wholeheartedly agree with your analysis, but feel like it's
           | ignoring the elephant in the room: writing code is not the
           | bottleneck in need of optimization. Conceiving the solution
           | is. Any time "saved" through Copilot and it's ilk is
           | immediately nullified by having to check it's correctness.
           | From there, the problem is worsened by the Frankensteinesque
           | stitching together of disparate parts that you describe.
           | I can't imagine how Copilot would save anything but a
           | negligible amount of effort for someone who is actually
           | thinking about what they're writing.
             | jan_Inkepa wrote:
             | I swap between programming languages a _lot_ and copilot
             | saves me a lot of  "what's the syntax for for loops in
             | language X again?" style friction, stuff with suggesting
             | correct API usage patterns . It just saves on the friction
             | of writing random scripts.
             | paskozdilar wrote:
             | Can Copilot write tests? That way it could test its own
             | code and tweak it until it works.
             | Of course, one would then ask how to verify tests. I
             | suppose Copilot could write meta-tests - tests that verify
             | other tests. That way it could test its own tests and tweak
             | them until they work.
             | Of course, one would then ask how to verify meta-tests. I
             | suppose Copilot could write meta-meta-tests - tests that
             | verify meta-tests. That way it could test its own meta-
             | tests and tweak them until they work.
             | Of course, one would then ask how to verify meta-meta-
             | tests...
               | DeathArrow wrote:
               | >Can Copilot write tests? That way it could test its own
               | code and tweak it until it works.
               | Sure it can. But you can't rely on them being good. You
               | have to read the tests carefully.
               | Hnrobert42 wrote:
               | Isn't this how they managed to stop the Borg?
               | frereubu wrote:
               | Given my vintage, I'm thinking more about the noughts-
               | and-crosses game in War Games from 1983.
               | prepend wrote:
               | You need an adversarial co-pilot to write tests for those
               | tests so you would put the two AIs against each other to
               | try to properly test.
               | datatrashfire wrote:
               | I can almost envision a future where human devs write
               | tests, code generating frameworks build code from a spec.
               | paskozdilar wrote:
               | I think that's the underlying idea of Logic Programming.
               | goatlover wrote:
               | And UML diagrams.
               | Hamcha wrote:
               | I've used Copilot to help with writing verbose unit
               | tests. It can do it as long as you keep an eye over it
               | (basically like an autocomplete), it definitely cannot
               | produce robust test cases on its own though. If you try
               | to do that, it won't take "meta-tests" to figure out they
               | don't look right.
             | vosper wrote:
             | > I wholeheartedly agree with your analysis, but feel like
             | it's ignoring the elephant in the room: writing code is not
             | the bottleneck in need of optimization. Conceiving the
             | solution is.
             | I dunno about this. I know the received wisdom is that
             | "writing the code isn't the hard part", but I think reality
             | is more like "writing the code is only one of the hard
             | parts". There's an awful lot of badly-written code, or code
             | which is only partly correct, or only correct under some
             | circumstances. The only way to make writing code not one of
             | the hard parts is to specify 100% of the functionality,
             | every corner case, and all test scenarios, before any code
             | is written. And then you still have to verify that it was
             | translated correctly into code, which I think we can all
             | agree is another one of the hard parts!
             | Conceiving the solution is hard, thinking of edge cases,
             | what-ifs, and failure scenarios is hard, creating effective
             | tests is hard, and writing the actual code understandably
             | and correctly is also hard!
               | omginternets wrote:
               | Yes, I think you've more precisely articulated what I had
               | in mind. The point stands, though: codepilot does not
               | help with the hard part of the job. It solves a problem
               | that only exists for people who aren't exercising care.
             | zamfi wrote:
             | I also agree that I'd never assume copilot is right when it
             | blurts out code, and that "writing code" is not the hard
             | part -- but I'd note three things I found from using
             | copilot pretty intensively over the past year or so:
             | 1. It has shifted some of the code-writing I do from
             | generation to curation.
             | Most of the time, I have to make some small change to one
             | of the first options I get. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I
             | get some cool idiomatic way of doing something that's still
             | wrong, but inspires me to write something different than I
             | originally planned. All of these are useful outcomes -- and
             | unrelated to whether someone is "actually thinking about
             | what they're writing".
             | 2. It has changed my tolerance for writing redundant code,
             | for the better.
             | Like many programmers, I tend to optimize my code for
             | readability first, and then other things later when I have
             | more information. Sometimes, my desire for readability
             | conflicts with my desire for code that avoids redundancy
             | (e.g., "oh but if I put these three cases into an array I
             | can just use a for loop and don't have to write out as much
             | code" etc. etc.) -- and my old bias was avoiding redundancy
             | more often than not. But copilot is _really great_ at
             | generating code that has redundancy, which has often helped
             | me write _more readable code_ in quite a few cases.
             | 3. I refactor code way more now.
             | In part this is because, given code that already works but
             | is not ideal (e.g., needs to be broken into more functions,
             | or needs extra context, or some critical piece needs to be
             | abstracted), copilot does a _fantastic_ job at rewriting
             | that code to fit new function prototypes or templates. IDEs
             | can help with this task, for a few common types of
             | refactoring, but copilot is way more flexible and I find
             | myself much more willing to rewrite code because of it.
             | Copilot is not what many people want it to be, in much the
             | same way that Tesla's Autopilot is not what many people
             | want it to be. But both do have their uses, and in general
             | those uses fall into the category of "I, as human, get to
             | watch and correct some things instead of having to generate
             | all things." This can be very useful. (FWIW, it takes some
             | time to adapt to this; I teach and mentor a lot and I found
             | myself relying on those skills a ton when working with
             | copilot.)
             | We shouldn't discount this usefulness just because these
             | systems don't also have other usefulness that we also want!
             | TillE wrote:
             | Part of the pitch is that it helps you learn new languages,
             | which I do sort of buy.
             | But yeah, the hard part of writing nontrivial software
             | isn't typing code, it's the software architecture and
             | design.
             | 3pt14159 wrote:
             | Right on the money.
             | What I want is a copilot that finds errors ala spellcheck-
             | esque. Did I miss an early return? For example in the code
             | below                   def some_worker             if
             | disabled_via_feature_flag
             | logger.info("skipping some_worker")
             | some_potentially_hazardous_method_call()
             | Right after the logger call I missed a return. A copilot
             | could easily catch this. Invert the relationship. I don't
             | need some boilerplate generator, I need a nitpicker that's
             | smarter than a linter. I'm the smart thinker with a
             | biological brain that is inattentive at times. Why is the
             | computer trying to code and leaving mistake catching to me?
             | It's backwards.
               | rasz wrote:
               | try PVS-Studio
             | teawrecks wrote:
             | If you have a sufficiently well defined solution to a
             | problem, then you have the code. The next step is just to
             | compile it into something a machine understands. In other
             | words, the code IS the solution, there is no difference
             | between the two.
               | danachow wrote:
               | Only for the most trivial problems. Having seen the same
               | problem implemented both with a spaghetti ball of shit vs
               | something well organized that can be easily read and
               | maintained I'm going to hard disagree on this sentiment.
             | bryanrasmussen wrote:
             | >I can't imagine how Copilot would save anything but a
             | negligible amount of effort for someone who is actually
             | thinking about what they're writing.
             | since I have a right arm swelled up to twice normal size
             | right now and it hurts to type for more than ten minutes
             | (hopefully ok in a few days) I can imagine an advanced
             | autocomplete being really useful for some disabilities.
               | omginternets wrote:
               | More so than, say, classical snippets, auto-complete, and
               | speech-to-text?
               | And pray tell, how much typing is required to go back and
               | fix the incorrect code produced by copilot?
               | P.S.: wishing you a speedy recovery!
               | bryanrasmussen wrote:
               | the person using co-pilot on all their hobby projects
               | described it as working best as an advanced auto-
               | complete, so I guess you should ask them that.
               | I figure advanced auto-complete should not produce big
               | blocks of code that are more likely to have logical
               | errors in them, since the grandfather comment here
               | suggested that problems show up when you generate larger
               | blocks of code.
               | BrandonJung wrote:
               | this is consistent with the feedback from many of the
               | users we have talked to as well (transparently I am with
               | Tabnine). Long blocks of code are difficult to digest
               | while short quick ones can be very quick AND easy to
               | validate the logic.
           | jrochkind1 wrote:
           | Wow, it actually sounds like a great tool for someone who
           | doesn't actually know how to program at all but still managed
           | to get a programming job. Sounds like it could be literally
           | years until they realize you don't know how to program and
           | are using a GPT-3-type completer.
             | Gigachad wrote:
             | Copilot does a great job of example functions like
             | "function that posts a tweet with the current time"
             | It falls apart when writing actual code that exists in an
             | app. I'm not convinced even the lowest junior dev could get
             | away with not knowing programming.
           | manimino wrote:
           | Generated texts often sound very confident, even when they
           | are totally incorrect.
           | A humorous example: https://cookingflavr.com/should-you-feed-
           | orioles-all-summer/
           | Human pair programmers will signal when they're not sure
           | about something. A code generator will not.
             | BrandonJung wrote:
             | when we first built Tabnine we had confidence percentages
             | next to suggestions. Do you think this would help?
             | jerf wrote:
             | I had to log back in just to thank you for this link. I've
             | encountered these sites before, and told people about them,
             | but this is just such a perfect _chef 's kiss_ example.
             | Sheer perfection.
           | LudwigNagasena wrote:
           | > it has proved to be very good at producing superficially
           | appealing output that can stand up not only to a quick scan,
           | but to a moderately deep reading, but still falls apart on a
           | more careful reading
           | Huh, that's my experience with human-written texts and
           | journalism in particular.
           | DeathArrow wrote:
           | To me it's no danger, since I read what it generates. If it's
           | wrong I either correct it or write it from scratch.
           | And I also write tests, which should catch bad logic.
         | Gigachad wrote:
         | I turned off copilot a week ago for the same reason. The code
         | it generates _looks_ right but is usually wrong in really
         | difficult to spot ways but things you'd never write yourself.
         | cjauvin wrote:
         | It's interesting to draw parallels between the way you describe
         | it and the way more general large language models (LLMs, of
         | which Copilot is in a sense, a specialized instance, applied to
         | code, instead of general language) operate: they also always
         | "know" how to answer any specific question, or how to complete
         | any prompt, without any exception. A model which would be able
         | to "show restraint", and "know when it doesn't know", would be
         | a really impressive improvement to this technology in my
         | opinion.
           | visarga wrote:
           | There are language models that have an internal search
           | engine, they can copy/verify the facts they generate from the
           | source. They are also easier to update, just refresh the
           | search engine. Now you have to provide a collection of "true
           | facts".
             | YeGoblynQueenne wrote:
             | Could you please link to some examples of such systems?
             | Thanks in advance!
         | threatofrain wrote:
         | Github Copilot is on the fence for me between yes/no at $100
         | per year. I agree that you should rarely if ever allow Copilot
         | to write multiple lines, as your double-checking or debugging
         | time is going to exceed your time savings -- the probability of
         | good-looking but bad code is just that high right now. In order
         | to experience a net time-win you'll likely want to be an
         | intermediate at whatever you're doing.
         | If it were $60 yearly it'd be an auto-yes for me.
           | rexreed wrote:
           | Your decision making delta is really $40 a year? How much is
           | your time worth?
             | threatofrain wrote:
             | The time savings win is really that marginal. I'm not sure
             | I can save more than 3 hours per year with Copilot. And
             | this isn't saving 3 hours in a single week, this is saving
             | a few seconds here and there accumulated over a year.
             | Saving time with Copilot is itself a learning process and a
             | probabilistic affair. Copilot can win you a few seconds at
             | a time, but can easily set you back minutes if you aren't
             | careful or experienced. It's the probability of a downward
             | spike in time-win that makes it such a gamble. Such complex
             | deals just turns on the cautious side of my brain.
               | tnorthcutt wrote:
               | Just to clarify: are you saying you'd pay $20 for an hour
               | saved, but not $33.33 for an hour saved?
               | threatofrain wrote:
               | I'm saying that at $100 yearly I'm on the fence of maybe
               | yes or no. At $60 yearly I'm auto-yes without having to
               | think in rational terms. I guess I'm just not at that
               | place in life where $100 is the tier in which I think
               | emotionally.
               | Also, if I magically knew that I could save you 3 hours
               | yearly, but it were spread out over the course of a year,
               | and that your savings would occasionally spike down into
               | negative and then slowly climb up, I just wouldn't
               | entertain such a complex offer at such low numbers.
               | People pay insurance just to avoid such incidental
               | downward spikes.
               | Copilot's biggest limitation right now is that you can't
               | dare to allow minutes of savings per day without inviting
               | the risk of a severe spike in debugging time, the kind
               | that wipes out all your savings. This means you cannot
               | spike up.
               | [deleted]
               | craigkilgo wrote:
               | Sharpe ratio too low
             | hyperbovine wrote:
             | You can justify almost any expenditure using this logic.
             | Think marginally.
             | qqqwerty wrote:
             | I think "SAAS fatigue" is a thing that needs to be
             | considered. The SAAS model is great for startups and
             | companies seeking recurring revenue. But the modern
             | developer stack now involves dozens of companies gunning
             | for a $5-10/month slice of the pie.
             | In isolation, most developers could easily afford the
             | $10/month for copilot. But most developers are probably
             | using the free tier for half a dozen services. So the
             | question isn't "Can I afford copilot?", but rather "Does
             | copilot provide more value than upgrading plans on some
             | other service?". For example, if you are using the free
             | tier on Slack, maybe upgrading to the paid tier so you can
             | access the full chat history provides way more value than
             | copilot.
             | Also, another consideration is that $10 per month is
             | certainly small. But I generally use software I purchase
             | for multiple years. I would guess on average I use a piece
             | of software for 3-5 years. If Copilot was offered for a
             | single purchase price of $300-500, would you pay for it?
             | Because that is likely how much you will spend over the
             | lifetime of the subscription. For me, that price point is
             | approaching the territory of professional tools like CAD
             | software, Photo/video editing software, etc...
             | I can certainly see why Copilot would be worth $10/month.
             | But I also could see why someone might be uncomfortable
             | with that.
               | vbezhenar wrote:
               | > modern developer stack now involves dozens of companies
               | gunning for a $5-10/month slice of the pie.
               | Can you name most useful ones? So far my only
               | subscription is Idea. I'm considering to try Copilot as
               | I've heard many good things about it.
               | Gigachad wrote:
               | Ngrok is a must have if you work with webhooks. Free tier
               | is good but paid lets you have a fixed irl rather than
               | having to update it daily.
               | tasn wrote:
               | Shameless plug: www.svix.com/play/
               | Also gives you a fixed URL and is free, and there are
               | quite a few other free tools out there.
             | Hamcha wrote:
             | 40$ can go a long way. In my personal scenario:
             | - Money is worth more to me than the average US dev because
             | I earn less than US developers, and therefore my time is
             | definitely worth less.
             | - I cannot use this for work at my current workplace and
             | I'm willing to bet a lot of other companies aren't fine
             | with it either. I'm not saving time where it makes me
             | money, so I would classify as a luxury, not a tool
             | (spending-wise).
               | rexreed wrote:
               | Here's how I think about SaaS investments. If it's
               | something I want or am curious about, but doesn't really
               | have a tangible ROI, I decide if it's worth my disposable
               | income and disposable time. If I have neither disposable
               | income nor disposable time, it's not worth it, no matter
               | whether it's $5 or $500/mo. You see, even for $5/yr my
               | time is worth MORE than that money and the cost doesn't
               | make my time worth any more or less.
               | If it has a tangible ROI, then I figure out how much my
               | time is worth, I figure out how much time or other
               | resource the SaaS app will save and then decide if it's
               | worth the tradeoff. For example, I suck at graphic
               | design, so a monthly $13/mo to Canva is worth it to me to
               | save time, aggravation, and headache, not to mention
               | improved quality of results. I know that I save myself
               | much more in time than the $13/mo is worth.
               | On the otherhand, I can't justify paying even $15/mo for
               | a podcast transcription tool because I still have to
               | spend dozens of hours checking the transcription and it
               | doesn't save me any headache. So it's not worth it to me.
               | It doesn't matter if it's $60/yr or $100/yr, my time is
               | still worth the same. If it's not worth it at $60/yr ,
               | it's not worth it at $100/yr.
               | Maybe this thought process is different for others, but
               | with so much SaaS out there, it's important to focus on
               | what will drive high value. Incremental "auto-yes"
               | spending at any price point can get you into trouble.
           | toyg wrote:
           | In the long run, I expect very few people will pay for a
           | dedicated Copilot account. It will get bundled in some
           | "development enterprise bundle", heavily discounted.
           | Employees in medium and large shops will just receive it as
           | standard, with their VS or Github paid licenses. Which means
           | it will actually cost half the sticker price.
       | esfandia wrote:
       | So it's free for students... I wonder what consequences it will
       | have for coding assignments and projects. At the minimum I hope
       | it will also be free for instructors so they learn to know what
       | to expect and how to design assignments that can't be auto-solved
       | by Copilot.
       | planb wrote:
       | Anyone else using Copilot just as a glorified copy&paste helper?
       | It's great for repetitive tasks, but I've yet to encounter a
       | situation where it really helped me to write meaningful code. At
       | least I'd expect it to work together with intellisense, so it
       | does not propose stuff that will get a red underline right away.
       | BrandonJung wrote:
       | As Copilot is becoming generally available, this might be a good
       | time to write a comprehensive comparison between the two leading
       | AI assistants for software development Tabnine and Copilot by
       | Microsoft. Details here are from our CEO and Founder Dror:
       | Usually, I suggest that my team start with the user value and
       | experience, but for this specific comparison, it's essential to
       | start from the technology, as many of the product differences
       | stem from the differences in approach, architecture, and
       | technology choices. Microsoft and OpenAI view AI for software
       | development almost as just another use case for GPT-3, the
       | behemoth language model. Code is text, so they took their
       | language model, fine-tuned it on code, and called the gargantuan
       | 12-billion parameter AI model they got Codex.
       | Copilot's architecture is monolithic: "one model to rule them
       | all." It is also completely centralized - only Microsoft can
       | train the model, and only Microsoft can host the model due to the
       | enormous amount of computing resources required for training and
       | inference.
       | Tabnine, after comprehensively evaluating models of different
       | sizes, favors individualized language models working in concert.
       | Why? Because code prediction is, in fact, a set of distinct sub-
       | problems which doesn't lend itself to the monolithic model
       | approach. For instance: generating the full code of a function in
       | Python based on name and generating the suffix of a line of code
       | in Rust are two problems Tabnine solves well, but the AI model
       | that best fits every such task is different. We found that a
       | combination of specialized models dramatically increases the
       | precision and length of suggestions for our 1M+ users.
       | A big advantage of Tabnine's approach is that it can use the
       | right tool for any code prediction task, and for most purposes,
       | our smaller models give great predictions quickly and
       | efficiently. Better yet, most of our models can be run with
       | inexpensive hardware.
       | Now that we understand the principal difference between
       | Microsoft's huge monolith and Tabnine's multitude of smaller
       | models, we can explore the differences between the products:
       | First, kind of code suggestions. Copilot queries the model
       | relatively infrequently and suggests a snippet or a full line of
       | code. Copilot does not suggest code in the middle of the line, as
       | its AI model is not best suited for this purpose. Similarly,
       | Tabnine Pro also suggests full snippets or lines of code, but
       | since Tabnine also uses smaller and highly efficient AI models,
       | it queries the model while typing. As a user, it means the AI
       | flows with you, even when you deviate from the code it originally
       | suggested The result is that the frequency of use - and the
       | number of code suggestions accepted - is much higher when using
       | Tabnine. An astounding number of users accept more than 100
       | suggestions daily.
       | Second, ability to train the model. Copilot uses one universal AI
       | model, which means that every user is getting the same generic
       | assistance based on an "average of GitHub", regardless of the
       | project they're working on. Tabnine can train a private AI model
       | on the specific code from customers' GitLab/GitHub/BitBucket
       | repositories and thus adjust the suggestions to the project-
       | specific code and infrastructure. Training on customer code is
       | possible because Tabnine is modular, enabling the creation of
       | private customized copies. Tabnine "democratizes" AI model
       | creation, making it easy for teams to train their own specific AI
       | models, dramatically improving value for their organization.
       | Third, Code security and privacy. There are a few aspects of
       | this. Users cannot train or run the Copilot model. The single
       | model is always hosted by Microsoft. Every Copilot user is
       | sending their code to Microsoft; not some of the code, and not
       | obfuscated - all of it. With Tabnine, users can choose where to
       | run the model: on the Tabnine cloud, locally on the developer
       | machine, or on a self-hosted server (with Tabnine Enterprise).
       | This is possible because Tabnine has AI models that can run
       | efficiently with moderate hardware requirements. This means that,
       | in contrast to Copilot, developers can use Tabnine inside their
       | firewall without sending any code to the internet. In addition,
       | Tabnine makes a firm and unambiguous commitment that no code the
       | user writes is used to train our model. We don't send to our
       | servers any information about the code that the user writes and
       | the suggestions they're receiving or accepting.
       | Fourth, commercial terms. Microsoft currently offers Copilot only
       | as a commercial product for developers, without a free plan
       | (beyond a free trial) or organizational purchase. Tabnine has a
       | great free plan and charges for premium features such as longer
       | code completions and private models trained on customers' code.
       | We charge a monthly/annual subscription fee per number of users.
       | All our plans fit organizational requirements.
       | Philosophically, Copilot is more of a walled garden where
       | Microsoft controls everything. Copilot users are somewhat
       | subjects in Microsoft's kingdom. Tabnine's customers can train
       | the AI models, run them, configure the suggestions, and be in
       | control of their AI.
       | In sum: both products are great; you're welcome to try (Tabnine
       | Pro) and see which one you prefer. for professional programmers,
       | Tabnine offers in-flow completions, the ability to adapt the AI
       | to their code, and superior code privacy and security.
       | For those who want to try Tabnine Pro, here's a coupon for one
       | month free
       | https://tabnine.com/pricing?promotionCode=TWITTER1MFREE
       | Also, here's a detailed comparison table of Tabnine vs Copilot
       | https://tabnine.com/tabnine-vs-github-copilot
       | netr0ute wrote:
       | I can't tell if I can get it for free or not other than that
       | vague statement about subscriptions.
         | gabagool wrote:
         | > We're making GitHub Copilot, an AI pair programmer that
         | suggests code in your editor, generally available to all
         | developers for $10 USD/month or $100 USD/year. It will also be
         | free to use for verified students and maintainers of popular
         | open source projects.
         | > Do you want to start using GitHub Copilot today? Get started
         | with a 60-day free trial, and check out our pricing plans. It's
         | free to use for verified students and maintainers of popular
         | open source software.
         | Seems pretty clear. If you're willing to do your own research
         | (aka going to the CoPilot site): https://github.com/github-
         | copilot/tp_signup, you'll see that pricing reflected here as
         | well as the date when the free period ends, which is August
         | 22nd.
           | netr0ute wrote:
           | I have an open source project. Do I qualify or not other than
           | guessing at what appears on the billing screen
             | exyi wrote:
             | Yea, I also have no idea... They could be more specific
             | what qualifies as popular os project
       | BrandonJung wrote:
       | Tabnine has been working in this space for more than 5 years and
       | we would concur with much of the sentiment here on the importance
       | of being able to adjust the length of the suggestions and
       | ensuring the model is trained on ONLY fully permissive code.
       | TLDR: Tabnine advantages vs Copilot 1. Can run locally 2. As-you-
       | type suggestions (mid-line) 3. Private model based on your code
       | 4. Free plan available
       | Read more at https://tabnine.com/tabnine-vs-github-copilot
       | freedomben wrote:
       | Does copilot learn from and suggest patterns in the same codebase
       | that you're working, or does it just pull from the huge pool of
       | projects on GH?
       | How well does copilot help with languages like Elixir that are
       | less common? WIth TypeScript it's been remarkable, but that's one
       | of the most popular and surely very familiar to devs and GH, so I
       | would expect less popular like Elixir to not perform as well.
       | Does copilot work for shell scripts?
       | I'm a vim person and don't want to use VS code. Is copilot worth
       | the hassle to get installed into vim?
         | TaylorPhebillo wrote:
         | I've played with it a little bit:
         | Copilot did pretty poorly when I tried using it with Julia- it
         | kept suggesting Python code. I suspect it would do something
         | similar in Elixir.
         | I'm also a vim person who doesn't want to use VS code, but I've
         | gotten more than enough value to get into my first IDE (with
         | vim keybindings). A lot of tedious C++ code is getting
         | correctly auto-generated.
           | Otek wrote:
           | It has first class Neovim support, possibly a better
           | alternative for Vim person than any IDE.
           | synergy20 wrote:
           | I don't think c++ is even on their supported language? the
           | copilot page lists python,js,ts,ruby,go.
         | corrral wrote:
         | > Does copilot work for shell scripts?
         | Oh wow--a language where there are: 20 ways to do something,
         | three of them are common, but only three _others_ actually
         | behave, by any standard, correctly, while being among the
         | least-common in public code, seems like exactly the wrong kind
         | of thing to use this for.
         | Shell doesn't need machine-learning autocomplete trained on
         | existing shell scripts, it needs a hand-built aggressive
         | linter.
           | wtetzner wrote:
           | > Shell doesn't need machine-learning autocomplete trained on
           | existing shell scripts, it needs a hand-built aggressive
           | linter.
           | Something like https://www.shellcheck.net/?
         | Kiro wrote:
         | It doesn't learn from your codebase but it uses the context of
         | your code so any pattern will be picked up.
           | mgkimsal wrote:
           | ... and variable name spelling mistakes!
             | w4ffl35 wrote:
             | which is actually good because then i just right click the
             | variable in my IDE and then click "refactor > rename" and
             | i'm done
         | bil7 wrote:
         | > suggest patterns in the same codebase that you're working
         | Sometimes, with variable results. I think I've only observed it
         | guess patterns from the current directory
         | > Does copilot work for shell scripts?
         | Yes, it gave me this earlier today while editing my .zshrc:
         | # kill a process on a given port       killport() {
         | lsof -i :$1 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill       }
           | aviraldg wrote:
           | Can't wait for someone to integrate this into a shell. Does
           | anyone know if such a project exists?
             | Beltalowda wrote:
             | "Copilot, how do I fork in a shell?"                 :() {
             | :|: } :&
             | Thanks copil _[user disconnected]_.
             | davidbarker wrote:
             | Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but Warp (a
             | new terminal client) has "AI Code Search" built in that's
             | powered by GPT-3. Quite useful for someone like me who
             | tends to avoid the terminal when I can.
             | https://www.warp.dev
             | https://docs.warp.dev/features/ai-command-search
               | darubberduckie wrote:
               | There's this cool blog on them testing it out against
               | popular git commands:
               | https://www.warp.dev/blog/replace-git-cheat-sheet-ai-
               | command...
             | nomel wrote:
             | Integrating into a shell, for immediate execution, seems
             | very very dangerous. You still need to carefully
             | test/scrutinize everything that comes from copilot.
           | [deleted]
           | jwilk wrote:
           | lsof supports machine-readable mode:                 lsof -i
           | ":$1" -Fp | tr -d p
         | mholm wrote:
         | Copilot seems to learn from elsewhere in my codebase, and is
         | able to utilize patterns I've used elsewhere in the codebase
         | when prompted in a different file. Isn't perfect, but it saves
         | a ton of time.
         | My primary usage is shell scripts, as it seems to struggle on
         | complex code, while shell scripts are typically a lot of simple
         | code.
       | fartcannon wrote:
       | It would be nice if people stopped giving Microsoft all their
       | code to use to then sell back to them.
       | Since this is derived from code Microsoft did not write, or ask
       | permission to use, it should be at the very least free to use.
         | Otek wrote:
         | People can do whatever they want with their code, and give it
         | to whoever they want
           | BrandonJung wrote:
           | what about those that have code on GitHub that is source
           | available but not licensed for reuse?
       | jwilk wrote:
       | See also: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31825661
       | cal85 wrote:
       | I'm baffled by everyone questioning whether it's worth $10/month.
       | I'm certain Copilot gives me more than a 2% productivity boost.
       | That's a conservative estimate (I wouldn't be surprised if it's
       | more like 10-15%). If you consider 2% of what a developer makes
       | each month, it comes to a lot more than $10. Easily 20-30 times
       | more depending on your level.
       | And by the way, I don't particularly love using Copilot. It can
       | be annoying now I'm over the honeymoon period. But I think it's
       | pretty clear it speeds me up by a noticeable margin, and time is
       | money.
       | pcj-github wrote:
       | The free thing for (a few) open-source maintainers seems
       | needlessly complicated... Who should qualify is non-transparent.
       | They'd have been better off just charging everyone for it. Not an
       | instant buy for me for the moment. Often it works well, but it
       | also frequently takes time to correct/sort-out the suggestions.
       | It might in fact be making me dumber as I wait for a suggestion
       | rather than thinking it out.
       | butz wrote:
       | Should we add a badge or something, indicating that project is
       | using code generated by machine?
       | [deleted]
       | zelphirkalt wrote:
       | Does Copilot already display the licenses of the code it might
       | insert/suggest, or assure the developer, that the
       | inserted/suggested code is not a verbatim copy of existing code?
       | How can developers be sure, that they are not violating licenses
       | by using Copilot?
         | lelandfe wrote:
         | Previously discussed at length here:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27773157
         | > or assure the developer, that the inserted/suggested code is
         | not a verbatim copy of existing code
         | No, it does not do that.
         | > How can developers be sure, that they are not violating
         | licenses by using Copilot
         | There are no clear answers.
           | nimbius wrote:
           | from Microsofts standpoint the shot across the bow for open
           | source licenses is clear: do you have enough lawyers and
           | experts to convince a gerontocracy of the legislative branch
           | of the US government that its not "okay because its AI"
           | because if you dont, then thanks for the code nerd.
             | [deleted]
             | tannhaeuser wrote:
             | Idk if MS is on the safe here. There's a straightforward
             | legal theory for suing, and also parties such as EFF and
             | others with a war chest and the determination to clarify
             | this. Does MS provide indemnification to Copilot
             | customers/users if those are sued by others? My advice
             | would be to stay clear of Copilot.
             | Spivak wrote:
             | If you think the US doesn't have enough existing legal
             | theory on _copyright_ to litigate this then you 're crazy.
             | It will be on MS to show that it isn't infringement.
             | LegitShady wrote:
             | it sounds like a good basis for a class action lawsuit,
             | where the class are the people who own the licensed code
             | whose license microsoft is ignoring.
         | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
         | The fact that GitHub is now _charging_ for this feature smells
         | like a lawsuit waiting to happen. They 're now literally
         | profiting from potentially stolen GPL code.
         | anon2020dot00 wrote:
         | My sincere question is what if a developer looks at some GPL
         | code, and then that developer encounters a situation in a
         | corporate project where-in he uses the GPL code from memory, is
         | that already a violation?
         | So to avoid a violation a developer needs to perform a mind-
         | wipe?
           | hourago wrote:
           | > that developer encounters a situation in a corporate
           | project where-in he uses the GPL code from memory
           | If you draw Micky Mouse from memory, Disney still owns the
           | copyright.
           | [deleted]
           | bladegash wrote:
           | I'd be even more curious (more philosophically than anything)
           | as to who is liable for the mishap if Copilot suggests
           | something that ends up violating a license. Is it the
           | developer? The developer's company? GitHub? Maybe the "AI" is
           | the ultimate scapegoat ("we can't be liable for what our
           | helpful robot decides to do")!
             | theplumber wrote:
             | It's the developer. Just because you copy/paste something
             | you find on SO or Google or Githib doesn't absolve you of
             | copyright infridgements
               | ska wrote:
               | In most jurisdictions, if the developer is an employee
               | the legal liability is with the company.
             | carschno wrote:
             | The details might differ per country, but my non-lawyer
             | intuition clearly says that you are responsible for the
             | code you publish, no matter what tool has suggested it.
               | bladegash wrote:
               | I'm sure at the end of the day that would be the case in
               | most sane legal systems. However, it does seem almost
               | impractical in reality for anyone to do anything about it
               | (kind of like Uber/Lyft/Airbnb making something so
               | commonplace so quickly that the regulations they broke
               | became meaningless).
               | [deleted]
           | sp332 wrote:
           | It's arguable. Copyright cares a lot about provenance,
           | transformation, and commercial consequences. It all comes
           | down to what you can afford to litigate. Some projects go to
           | extreme lengths, like Wine not accepting code from anyone who
           | has seen leaked Windows sources.
           | kweingar wrote:
           | If the code is nontrivial, then yes, it is a violation. To be
           | in compliance, you need to write your own code.
           | If I am writing a novel and I copy a section verbatim from
           | another novel, I am infringing on the other novelist's
           | copyright, regardless of whether I wrote it from memory or
           | not.
           | And this makes sense. For a trivial operation, there might be
           | only one way to write the code. That's not copyright
           | infringement, just like you're not infringing on an author's
           | copyright by occasionally writing a sentence that was similar
           | to theirs. For a nontrivial operation, you can easily write
           | your own code without copying someone else's work.
           | Remember also that you can use others' _ideas_. Copyright
           | only cares about the code itself. If there 's a clever trick
           | that you've seen someone use, you're free to use the same
           | clever trick as long as 1) they didn't patent it and 2)
           | you're not actually copying their code
             | danuker wrote:
             | fair use != trivial
         | duxup wrote:
         | From my experience with it the suggestions are so generic it's
         | hard to imagine anyone has a legit license to
         | "formatDateISO....() {code here}".
         | Maybe I'm using it wrong but I've hardly seen it pump out a
         | mass volume of code.
           | bladegash wrote:
           | Nope, have had the same experience as you and am of a similar
           | opinion!
           | lelandfe wrote:
           | You really only need one example to offset this anecdote, so
           | here you are: https://mobile.twitter.com/mitsuhiko/status/141
           | 0886329924194...
           | Copyright violations are a genuine concern from the outputted
           | code, GitHub themselves have admitted it may emit raw
           | training data rarely.
             | natefinch wrote:
             | There is logic to ensure that copilot does not emit exact
             | duplicates of code in the training set... but that logic is
             | significantly newer than that tweet.
               | lelandfe wrote:
               | Link? I couldn't find anything "significantly newer" than
               | 7/2/21 (though I'm sure GitHub is doing a lot here). They
               | had this blog post 6/30/21 regarding efforts on avoiding
               | raw code: https://github.blog/2021-06-30-github-copilot-
               | research-recit.... They concluded:
               | > _We will both continue to work on decreasing rates of
               | recitation, as well as making its detection more
               | precise._
               | natefinch wrote:
               | Source: I work on the copilot team.
               | hnbad wrote:
               | Was that decision informed by legal or product? Because
               | derivative works are still derivitative works even if you
               | don't replicate the original verbatim.
               | natefinch wrote:
               | I mean, it was informed by both, but basically everyone
               | thinks it's a good idea.
         | [deleted]
         | injidup wrote:
         | From the FAQ
         | """ We built a filter to help detect and suppress the rare
         | instances where a GitHub Copilot suggestion contains code that
         | matches public code on GitHub. You have the choice to turn that
         | filter on or off during setup. With the filter on, GitHub
         | Copilot checks code suggestions with its surrounding code for
         | matches or near matches (ignoring whitespace) against public
         | code on GitHub of about 150 characters. If there is a match,
         | the suggestion will not be shown to you. We plan on continuing
         | to evolve this approach and welcome feedback and comment. """
           | lucideer wrote:
           | > _the rare instances_
           | That's a bold statement considering how easy it was for
           | testers to quickly find examples of this in initial testing.
           | > _against public code on GitHub_
           | ... and how some of those examples found were from code not
           | hosted on Github.
           | Ultimately though, what matters here is not whether this is
           | true but whether it's plausible enough for legal departments
           | in companies buy it.
             | lelandfe wrote:
             | https://github.blog/2021-06-30-github-copilot-research-
             | recit...
             | > _That corresponds to one recitation event every 10 user
             | weeks_
             | > _This investigation demonstrates that GitHub Copilot can
             | quote a body of code verbatim, yet it rarely does so, and
             | when it does, it mostly quotes code that everybody quotes,
             | typically at the beginning of a file, as if to break the
             | ice_
             | A year old post now, YMMV.
             | treesprite82 wrote:
             | Do you recall/have a link to such examples? Would be
             | interesting to try them again with the filter.
             | The example I can remember was Carmack's* quick square root
             | - but I'd probably call that "folk code" given it was
             | passed down/altered before being misattributed to the Quake
             | dev, and appears in hundreds of Github repos (many with
             | permissive licenses like WTFPL, so a well-intentioned human
             | may do the same).
           | pydry wrote:
           | I remember reading something like this just before somebody
           | proved that it would recite Carmack's square root algorithm
           | word for word.
         | bladegash wrote:
         | Others may have a different experience, but I have never seen
         | Copilot offer suggestions anywhere near complicated/unique
         | enough for it to matter.
         | That's not a knock on Copilot, I think it's a great product and
         | I happily subscribed today after using it the last few months!
           | lm28469 wrote:
           | It's my experience too. It's a fancy autocomplete that works
           | about 30% of the time for me, I'm not actually sure I'm
           | saving time by using it.
       | hoosieree wrote:
       | So... is there a watermark like on Dall-E so I can easily tell
       | Copilot did my students' work for them?
         | tgv wrote:
         | The same as always: give an exam on paper, and forbid the use
         | of devices. Because I can tell you (with high probability) that
         | many of your students already have their homework done by
         | somebody else.
       | suyash wrote:
       | It is just a matter of time before IDE's will have this
       | capability built in for free.
         | Otek wrote:
         | Possibly but I think we're talking years if not decades.
       | nikolay wrote:
       | $10/mo? No way! Make it $4.95 and you'll get my money!
       | 734129837261 wrote:
       | It has saved me a lot of time writing trivial shit that I usually
       | have to copy/paste from the internet anyway. Is it worth $10 per
       | month? I dunno. But they get me a kick-ass IDE, I get to store my
       | project (privately) for free, and they save me a lot of time.
       | So I'm probably taking it.
       | elashri wrote:
       | I really like Github copilot. It is very useful for me because I
       | wrote a lot of repeated logic chucks of code. I do research in
       | HEP and if you know how ROOT CERN work then you can realize how
       | useful copilot could be for that only.
       | I think I myself teached copilot a lot of things about
       | supersymmetry :)
       | iosjunkie wrote:
       | Wild guess: The pricing is such that when big enterprise
       | contracts are signed, they can throw in Copilot, claiming extra
       | value for the whole package.
       | xfactor973 wrote:
       | I'd pay for the service if the model was: I'll pay you when it's
       | right and you refund me some amount every time copilot is wrong
       | and I have to delete the entire block. It's good for small
       | boilerplate stuff but that seems to be the limit. The attempts it
       | makes are more complex code are really bad and I have to manually
       | check it very closely to ensure it's right. I like the
       | boilerplate boost but it's not worth $10/month to me.
       | lizardactivist wrote:
       | Cowboy programmers rejoice.
       | polyterative wrote:
       | I love it and probably will buy it
       | TedShiller wrote:
       | It works great for absolutely trivial stuff. Doesn't work at all
       | for any complex stuff. From there you can figure out the value
       | proposition.
       | alfor wrote:
       | It is awesome for me (diving back into Django after a long pause)
       | It seem to understand the common boilerplates things in Django
       | that always annoyed me and type them for me. It understand the
       | structure and adapt them to my code: imports, connection between
       | modules, etc.
       | For sure, you need to be carefull with it.
       | msoad wrote:
       | I've been using Copilot for a while now. I'm lucky that I don't
       | have to pay moving forward but I would totally pay $10/mo for
       | this. When writing tests, this thing works so well that it saves
       | me 10-20% time writing code so $10 is nothing.
         | nonethewiser wrote:
         | > I'm lucky that I don't have to pay moving forward but I would
         | totally pay $10/mo for this.
         | How? I was in beta but looks like I'm kicked out. I also
         | verified my student status but get prompted to pay. Are you a
         | maintainer? Have you verified that you have access?
           | LionTamer wrote:
           | I am not sure the exact logistics of access (I'm also a
           | student so I will probably look into trying to get access
           | when I have a chance), but in the blog post with the original
           | announcement > It will also be free to use for verified
           | students
           | xd1936 wrote:
           | I _think_ a coupon code or something will eventually be
           | available on the Github Student Pack website[1]. No clear
           | answer yet if it'll be available for Teachers[2] as well.
           | 1. https://education.github.com/pack
           | 2. https://education.github.com/teachers
             | quartzic wrote:
             | I didn't see the student license at first, but after re-
             | verifying my educational status, I got it:
             | https://i.quartzic.co/yIoSJFfH
           | msoad wrote:
           | I'm a maintainer of a large open source project
       | phendrenad2 wrote:
       | Copilot has been _fun_ , but I don't think it's really increased
       | my productivity. To me it seems like it's not quite ready, but
       | I'm excited to see what it's like in 5 years.
         | swah wrote:
         | I even let it write some comments in portuguese...
       | brunoqc wrote:
       | I didn't really mind that copilot is using everyone's code
       | without attribution, but maybe not if they charge for it.
       | mg wrote:
       | Is there a way to try it online or on Debian running in a docker
       | container?
       | Preferably, I would like to try it in Vim. But anything that I
       | can run in a container would be ok.
       | lancesells wrote:
       | I'll be honest I love the technology involved in this product but
       | I hate that it's another aspect of monetizing the efforts and
       | humanity of millions of people.
       | It's incredible that we're able to do these things but awful at
       | the same time since this data was / is not theirs. Same as
       | something like Dall-E.
         | eezurr wrote:
         | Im sure from Microsoft's POV is that they are charging you for
         | maintaining and operating co-pilot (servers, admin, etc), not
         | charging you for the tool itself.
         | cube00 wrote:
         | _> monetizing the efforts_
         | ...and not compensating (or even attributing as required by the
         | licenses) the authors for it.
           | natefinch wrote:
           | It's not copying open source code. If you learn an algorithm
           | to balance a binary tree from reading GPL code, and then go
           | use that algorithm in your own closed-source project, with
           | your own variables and types and context, are you breaking
           | GPL? You're not copying the code. Just because you learned
           | about it from reading GPL code doesn't mean that whenever you
           | write tree balancing code from now until the end of time, all
           | that code has to be GPL'd.
           | Copilot learns the "shape" of code. Common patterns and
           | algorithms, etc. You can't copyright an algorithm.
             | hnbad wrote:
             | If you decompile runtime bytecode and assign your own
             | variable names, does the copyright of the original source
             | code no longer apply?
             | If you trace a picture and use it in your work of art, does
             | the copyright of the original picture no longer apply?
             | If you copy a tune but set it to new instruments, does the
             | copyright of the original tune no longer apply?
             | Sampling is a legal minefield in music, why would it become
             | less of a minefield in code just because you've automated
             | it? So far the best attempt at an answer about the legal
             | issue of Copilot I've seen was that it's "not technically
             | violating copyright", which honestly is not very reassuring
             | and extremely morally inconsistent for a company built by a
             | guy[0] who is philosophically invested enough in
             | intellectual property as the pillar of human society to
             | write An Open Letter To Hobbyists and use his Foundation to
             | convince entire governments of adhering to IP laws instead
             | of allowing the mass production of vaccines and medicine.
             | [0]: Yeah, I know that he no longer serves an active role
             | in the company but this was very much a founding ethos and
             | this is at least a fair bit hypocritical.
               | natefinch wrote:
               | If you teach someone about music theory by listening to
               | Stairway to Heaven, and then they write their own song
               | that starts with an A minor chord... are they violating
               | copyright of Stairway to Heaven?
               | Copilot isn't sampling. Sampling is literally copying
               | snippets of someone else's music and putting it into your
               | music. Copilot doesn't do that. There's no giant database
               | of text that it just slurps suggestions out of.
             | nonethewiser wrote:
             | Personally, I'm more concerned about google using emails
             | from gmail to suggest what to write.
       | beanjuiceII wrote:
       | 10$/mo is pretty steep for something that gives you bad info 90%
       | of the time, I will def be disabling. I was hoping for maybe
       | 1-2$/mo, it's just a small addon feature after all
       | mark_l_watson wrote:
       | I have been using CoPilot for about 5 months. For Python and
       | JavaScript (I am not much of a JavaScript developer - not a
       | primary language for me) I found that it is very worthwhile. It
       | is easy to not accept generated code, or tweak and test generated
       | code.
       | I recently started a 100% Common Lisp job and it does not work
       | nearly as well for Common Lisp. A lot of generated code is Emacs
       | Lisp.
       | Two months ago I would have signed up for a payed account with no
       | hesitation, but I need to re-evaluate it with Common Lisp again.
       | BTW, I happily pay OpenAI for GPT-3 APIs instead of using it for
       | free. For NLP work, OpenAI's APIs have high value to me.
       | cube2222 wrote:
       | I've been using Copilot for a few months and...
       | Yeah, it makes mistakes, sometimes it shows you i.e. the most
       | common way to do something, even if that way has a bug in it.
       | Yes, sometimes it writes a complete blunder.
       | And yes again, sometimes there are very subtle logical mistakes
       | in the code it proposes.
       | But overall? It's been *great*! Definitely worth the 10 bucks a
       | month (especially with a developer salary). :insert shut up and
       | take my money gif:
       | It's excellent for quickly writing slightly repetitive test
       | cases; it's great as an autocomplete on steroids that completes
       | entire lines + fills in all arguments, instead of just a single
       | identifier; it's great for quickly writing nice contextual error
       | messages (especially useful for Go developers and the constant
       | errors.Wrap, Copilot is really good at writing meaningful error
       | messages there); and it's also great for technical documentation,
       | as it's able to autocomplete markdown (and it does it
       | surprisingly well).
       | Overall, I definitely wouldn't want to go back to writing code
       | without it. It just takes care of most of the mundane and obvious
       | code for you, so you can take care of the interesting bits. It's
       | like having the stereotypical "intern" as an associate built-in
       | to your editor.
       | And sometimes, fairly rarely, but it happens, it's just
       | surprising how good of a suggestion it can make.
       | It's also ridiculously flexible. When I start writing graphs in
       | ASCII (cause I'm just quickly writing something down in a scratch
       | file) it'll actually understand what I'm doing and start
       | autocompleting textual nodes in that ASCII graph.
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | > And sometimes, fairly rarely, but it happens, it's just
         | surprising how good of a suggestion it can make.
         | I've had this experience too. Usually it's meh, but at one
         | point it wrote an ENTIRE function by itself and it was correct.
         | IT WAS CORRECT! And it wasn't some dumb boilerplate
         | initialization either, it was actual logic with some loops. The
         | context awareness with it is off the charts sometimes.
         | Regardless I find that while it's good for the generic python
         | stuff I do in my free time, for the stuff I'm actually paid
         | for? Basically useless since it's too niche. So not exactly
         | worth the investment for me.
         | alana314 wrote:
         | Copilot has been amazing for me too. It's gotten to the point
         | where I want similar smart autocomplete features in other
         | software, such as spreadsheets or doing music in my DAW. I
         | think those will come too eventually.
       | armchairhacker wrote:
       | $10/mo is fine. I pay at least $10/mo for JetBrains products.
       | However I wish there was more competition. Github could rescind
       | access to Copilot or charge $40/mo or it could slow down because
       | their cloud is overloaded with new users, and I would be out of
       | luck.
       | Tabnine and Kite are alternatives but I've heard they don't work
       | nearly as well. I wish there were similarly-effective
       | alternatives which charge similar rates for cloud hosting /
       | profit, but open-source their datasets and algorithms, and just
       | generally provide a fallback if Copilot's quality ever goes down.
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | copilot actually pushed Kite out of business but I am here at
         | Tabnine and we have been doing great. MSFT is always tough to
         | compete with but I did it at GitLab before and I think with our
         | strong take on personalized models, ability to run anywhere
         | (local, cloud or even you VPC), all while respecting code and
         | licensing.
         | https://www.tabnine.com/tabnine-vs-github-copilot
       | sn0wtrooper wrote:
       | I was a beta tester and just got kicked out. This explains why it
       | happened.
       | lampe3 wrote:
       | So I was using copilot for a long time.
       | 10$/Mo. Is way to much for what you get.
       | I mostly write js/ts code.
       | The suggestion feature / auto-complete feature is wonky at best
       | and leads to bugs or just bad code in the worst case.
       | Even when you write comments or have a function like `addOne` and
       | you want to add `subtractOne` it will not get it right a lot of
       | times.
       | Then you have the cases were it throw 50 or more lines code at
       | you for something very simple.
       | Catching errors or error handling is basically non existing.
       | I tried it for writing tests. It bad. It does not help at all.
       | I uninstalled and after some hours of work I don't really miss
       | it.
       | fswd wrote:
       | Anyone know where I can find the source code for the extension
       | itself? Thanks
       | DeathArrow wrote:
       | I use Copilot for .NET. It's useful to generate bits of code like
       | methods calls by repeating what I've previously done and changing
       | variable names and types. It's a kind of bit smarter
       | Intellisense.
       | I can't use it to generate longer chunks of code like methods or
       | functions, because it will do it a bit wrong and I loose time to
       | correct it.
       | It can somehow generate correct and fitting code, but it takes
       | multiple tries and writing comments in which you describe
       | exactly, with lots of details what you want to do. At that point
       | I'm better off writing the code myself.
       | However, if the method should be small like VerifyIfNumberIsEven,
       | it does a good job.
       | Probably I would pay 10$ for it.
       | alphabettsy wrote:
       | I like it but I'm not sure about $10/month.
       | danielrhodes wrote:
       | I haven't used Copilot extensively, only for fun. But I find it
       | interesting that people are questioning the price.
       | Given that the cost of a software engineer's time is so high,
       | $10/mo. seems very reasonable if Copilot saves you more than that
       | in time per month. So in a vacuum assuming all dollars are spent
       | with equal productivity, if I take the equivalent of $1000/mo. in
       | time writing boilerplate, and I can reduce that to even $989 with
       | Copilot, it becomes a good deal.
       | john_g wrote:
       | I found GitHub copilot an interesting heuristic on how expressive
       | the programming language / framework you are using is.
       | It is very useful for things that I would call boilerplate, e.g.
       | you have almost duplicated code (say in a view and a controller)
       | and need to copy from one to the other.
       | It is annoyingly bad for autocompleting an api as it tends to be
       | slightly (and plausibly) wrong.
       | I haven't found it very useful for anything else.
       | Working on a project where I have to do lots of the first makes
       | me sad, so I tend to try to avoid those projects - but if I was
       | forced to for some reason it would be worth $10 a month. However,
       | if enough of the programming I did could be helped by github
       | copilot for it to be worth that much I would start to get worried
       | I was working on the wrong sort of problems and try to move into
       | something different.
       | mrsmee89 wrote:
       | I don't think this is worth 10$ a month and I hope they come out
       | with a free tier at some point. In my experience copilot is
       | fantastic for autocomplete.
       | Probably the best autocomplete I've ever used across multiple
       | languages but it's not reliable at all for the more complex tasks
       | that their marketing makes it seem it's good at.
       | wdb wrote:
       | I wish there something similar but than for good codereviews of
       | PRs :)
       | grezql wrote:
       | ilikehurdles wrote:
       | I hope I never again have to work on a codebase/language where
       | copilot would be worth subscribing to.
         | Invictus0 wrote:
         | It's quite hilarious to see both the wide-eyed futurists and
         | unabashed Luddites in this thread.
         | WithinReason wrote:
         | You must only work with languages that you just invented.
         | baby wrote:
         | What does that even mean? It's like saying, "I would hate
         | working on a codebase where autocomplete would help me". It's
         | such a general statement.
           | [deleted]
         | lloydatkinson wrote:
         | Unnecessary hate. I used it a while ago while writing some
         | complex aggregation and grouping of data. It was pretty painful
         | to write until I tried with Copilot and the result is both
         | accurate and easy to read. I wrote unit tests and it's been
         | fine ever since. This is but one example of the value of it.
         | I am sure some of the typical cynicism here will turn this into
         | a protracted argument of "well maybe you shouldn't be a shit
         | developer and you would be able to fit all the complexity in
         | your head" but whatever.
           | haolez wrote:
           | I don't think the parent was criticizing Co-pilot. The point
           | was that codebases that need a lot of boiler plate and
           | predictable code are not fun to work with.
         | xcskier56 wrote:
         | Nonsense. I've been using it to write tests, and it does a
         | phenomenal job. If I write out the positive case, it will
         | suggest the negative case and help me through the various
         | permutations. This has by-far been the most useful part of co-
         | pilot so far.
         | It's nothing I couldn't do myself, but just makes my job that
         | much easier and quicker
       | duxup wrote:
       | I wish there was a "hobbyist / home account" pricing option.
       | I'll miss it for personal stuff but I'm not paying $10 a month
       | just for my personal projects at home.
       | bluelightning2k wrote:
       | My unpopular take: most comments here are super entitled.
       | To paraphrase: "sure it's minblowing and the biggest productivity
       | gain in years, but I want it FREE".
       | Yes. You got used to it being free. And now it's not. But $10/mo
       | is a steal. It's more than fair and far, far less than they could
       | get.
       | And no. They don't owe you anything.
       | In fact, they probably host your code (often free), and less
       | directly provide your IDE (for free). So this idea that they owe
       | you something needs to be reassessed.
       | CoPilot is easily worth it and I think this is fair. I actually
       | welcome it because I was nervous it might be like 80.
         | CryptoBanker wrote:
         | They provide VSCode as a free IDE because if they didn't,
         | someone else would have, and in turn received all of the data
         | that comes along with it. Let's not pretend Microsoft created
         | VSCode out of the kindness of its heart
         | candiddevmike wrote:
         | That money isn't going to the folks who wrote the code to begin
         | with though. I think that's where "it should be free" has
         | merit, GitHub is making money on the backs of others.
           | neysofu wrote:
           | Why should the money go the to code authors in the first
           | place? All training data is available under permissive
           | licenses. Assuming you're not overfitting on specific code
           | sequences (which would require attribution - and yes, I'm
           | aware Copilot is not immune to this problem and it needs
           | fixing), I'd say this is fair play.
             | Macha wrote:
             | Unless something has changed, the training data also
             | includes copyleft code, not just permissively licensed code
               | visarga wrote:
               | Regarding the training of the model - I don't think a
               | copyright can restrict reading, and training is reading,
               | not distributing any original data.
               | About deploying the model - it just needs to filter out
               | verbatim exact snippets so it only outputs original,
               | unattributable code. That can be done by hashing ngrams
               | and a bloom filter. The vast majority of code generated
               | by Codex is original anyway.
               | By the way, Codex is good for many other tasks, like,
               | parsing the fields of a receipt, or extracting the
               | summary of an email, or generating baby names, it's an
               | all purpose NLP tool. Just call it like a function. Code
               | completion is just one thing it does. It talks pretty
               | great English, can compose poems.
               | CryZe wrote:
               | > it just needs to filter out verbatim exact snippets so
               | it only outputs original, unattributable code.
               | That's a setting now.
             | mtlynch wrote:
             | > _All training data is available under permissive
             | licenses. Assuming you 're not overfitting on specific code
             | sequences (which would require attribution - and yes, I'm
             | aware Copilot is not immune to this problem and it needs
             | fixing), I'd say this is fair play._
             | Copilot isn't honoring the license, so why does it matter
             | whether it was under a restrictive or permissive license?
           | nojito wrote:
           | The people who designed the model are almost certainly paid
           | by microsoft.
           | colejohnson66 wrote:
           | That's how any business product works. Whenever a company
           | releases a new product, the income doesn't go to the
           | employees; It goes to the company, who will then pay those
           | employees.
             | wtetzner wrote:
             | Except GitHub isn't paying the authors of the original
             | source code?
           | johnfn wrote:
           | What? Should I have to reimburse the author of every tutorial
           | and Stack Overflow post I read on my journey to becoming a
           | software engineer?
             | [deleted]
             | skohan wrote:
             | If Stack Overflow sold its services as a subscription
             | service, then maybe you would feel entitled to a share of
             | the profit off of your work.
             | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
             | Obviously not, but products and people are generally
             | treated differently. Hell, even commercial products and
             | free products are often treated differently.
             | wyager wrote:
             | They intentionally opted in to sharing their work with you
             | in a certain way. If someone copy pasted stack overflow
             | answers and made them into a book, which they sold for
             | money, that would be wrong.
               | johnfn wrote:
               | OK... but it's totally possible to use Github repo code
               | as a learning resource too, and I've done this often.
               | IshKebab wrote:
               | People do do that. But I think that's a bit different
               | because they add very little extra value. It doesn't take
               | any effort. Why should I give them money?
               | Copilot is different - it clearly takes a lot of skill
               | and effort to turn a bunch of GitHub repos into a fancy
               | autocomplete system.
               | flawn wrote:
               | it's using GPT-3 and, mhm, I guess everyone having
               | proprietary access at GitHub's resources and computing
               | power would be able to get this running.
             | ceeplusplus wrote:
             | Those authors are getting views and imaginary internet
             | points for their work, which is often times more valuable
             | than money to programmer types. It's not like people write
             | SO posts for a salary.
         | time_to_smile wrote:
         | > To paraphrase: "sure it's minblowing and the biggest
         | productivity gain in years, but I want it FREE".
         | That's not how I would paraphrase most of the comments here. At
         | least the ones I'm seeing are closer to: "it's really neat as
         | far as free demos go, but ultimately is not that useful and not
         | worth paying for."
         | My current prediction is that this coming recession and the
         | increasing cost of money is going to lead directly to a new AI
         | winter. This almost goes without saying for the mountains of
         | useless ML projects being churned out by DS teams in companies
         | big and small. However, even for this very expensive well
         | staffed projects, there's still a gap between amazing demo and
         | game changing product that _none_ of the recent AI projects
         | have been able to close. After billions poured into these
         | demos, in the past 10 years _very_ little of daily life has
         | been impacted by AI and in 10 more years even less will since
         | companies will stop forcing useless AI projects on customers.
         | As someone with _a lot_ of experience in ML /DS, I would
         | recommend everyone in this field start thinking about how to
         | reimagine your resume for something else. There's going to be a
         | massive contraction in this space once the cheap money starts
         | flowing.
         | stagas wrote:
         | I only use it a couple of times a week maybe to autocomplete
         | some tedious repetitive elements, and perhaps when I'm too lazy
         | to find a lib for a very well known function, like converting
         | Celsius to Fahrenheit. Those it does well and it works. But 10$
         | a month is too much, I'd sign up for a usage-based plan, if
         | there was one, so that I can pay only for the times I use it.
         | But not for a fixed subscription where it sits most of the
         | time.
         | qorrect wrote:
         | Completely agree, $10 a month is a steal.
         | I have loved using it, I've had several moments where I had to
         | stop typing to lookup a formula for something, and a few
         | seconds later it provides the correct formula. Gives me those
         | warm fuzzy feelings emacs used to give me.
         | lampe3 wrote:
         | For me learning vim or at least all the vim code editing
         | features was a bigger boost in productivity then using copilot.
         | I use the vim extension for vscode which is great.
         | In general learning the tools we already have I would say has
         | for now a greater impact on productivity then Copilot.
         | [deleted]
         | andrewallbright wrote:
         | I do think they should pay the folks whose code they used to
         | train the AI. Something like how Spotify pays artists based on
         | how much their music/content is listened to.
           | PoignardAzur wrote:
           | The verb "should" does a lot of heavy lifting in that
           | sentence.
           | Because, if they don't pay these folks... I mean, who does
           | that hurt? The concept of intellectual property exists to
           | incentivize creating valuable art/literature/code. In theory
           | at least, we agree to uphold IP laws because we recognize
           | that more value gets created when they're a state enforced
           | monopoly on the person who came up with that piece of
           | art/literature/code.
           | But we also recognize that sometimes these laws go too far;
           | eg that there are patent trolls and corporations fighting
           | public domain and game publishers going after anyone who
           | makes a let's-play of their video.
           | In those case, it's reasonable to think the world would be
           | better off if we all shrugged and told the IP holders "too
           | bad, someone else is going to create value off your work and
           | you're not going to get a cent from it, we just think it's
           | not worth building and maintaining a nightmare bureaucracy
           | just so you can tax them".
           | And from that point of view... Copilot is fine? It's not like
           | the people posting code on Github or StackOverflow were
           | thinking "I'm only doing this because I know a future AI 10
           | years from now won't scrap the code I wrote to train a neural
           | network to create a code completion engine". Yeah, yeah, this
           | breaks the spirit of the GPL and Stallman's vision, etc, etc.
           | But... I mean, at some point, you got to stop debating
           | semantics and wonder what we're coding _for_. What Microsoft
           | has created is a tool that can collectively save developers
           | billions of man-hours. It 's a net good for humanity. As far
           | as I'm concerned, the fact that this net good was developed
           | is infinitely more important than the fact that Microsoft
           | didn't pay royalties to a nebulous amount of developers who
           | wouldn't have noticed anything if Microsoft hadn't developed
           | Copilot.
           | tldr MIT license is great, piracy is great, fanfiction is
           | great, screw the very concept of intellectual property.
           | maccaw wrote:
           | Do you also think you should be compensated by OpenAI for all
           | the blog posts you've written that went into GPT3's training?
             | mikkergp wrote:
             | For sure
           | jazzyjackson wrote:
           | perhaps they can reimburse them with free access to an IDE
           | and perpetual hosting of their repos
           | /snark! I think it'd be great if AI could tag its sources and
           | distribute money accordingly, but I expect some perverse
           | incentives to pop up in doing so...
         | colechristensen wrote:
         | copilot also got its training sets for free and not really with
         | any kind of consent from the owners of that code, and it's
         | really quite ambiguous as to if what it's doing violates many
         | different open source licenses of its training data
         | Microsoft is selling AI services based on training data they
         | don't own and didn't acquire rights to, nobody writing the
         | licenses of the code it's using had the opportunity to address
         | this kind of code use without license, attribution, or consent.
         | (and the training data is a _huge_ part of the value of an AI
         | product)
           | qayxc wrote:
           | > Microsoft is selling AI services based on training data
           | they don't own and didn't acquire rights to, nobody writing
           | the licenses of the code it's using [...]
           | I agree, but it still uses resources and those don't come for
           | free (hardware, electricity, cooling, maintenance staff,
           | housing, etc.)
           | It's really difficult to assign monetary value to all these
           | aspects and weighing them against each other in a fair
           | manner.
           | The consent issue is a difficult legal aspect as well.
           | Github's ToS Section D.4 clearly states they retain the
           | rights to process your content and                 parse it
           | into a search index or otherwise analyze it on our servers
           | It can be argued that using the content to train an AI model
           | falls under "analysing it on our servers". Also
           | It also does not grant GitHub the right to otherwise
           | distribute or use Your Content outside of our provision of
           | the Service
           | If CoPilot is part of their service, it's in their right to
           | distribute the content, e.g. by means of CoPilot as a
           | processed part of the model.
           | GPL and other licences don't place restriction on the usage
           | as training data. It's currently a very murky legal grey
           | area. Licences need to adapt to this new form of usage
           | pattern.
             | colechristensen wrote:
             | I think copilot is pretty clearly copyright violation and
             | in violation of licenses of "public" code. People uploading
             | code to github are bound to the licenses just the same as
             | anyone, unless you're the legitimate owner of all of the
             | copyright in a codebase, you can't give change the license
             | provisions by accepting a ToS.
             | I don't think it's really that murky, these models contain
             | and have been shown to reproduce copyrighted code with the
             | right prompting, it's not a _grey area_ it 's just
             | obfuscated theft.
               | jazzyjackson wrote:
               | what's the difference between allowing you to search
               | github and find a code snippet, and having a fancy
               | autocomplete system search github and find a code snippet
               | for you?
               | seems to me anyone agreeing to the ToS should expect
               | their code to show up on other peoples screens as search
               | results
               | really the question is a matter of degree, is copying
               | your nested for-loop iterating through a row oriented
               | matrix really a unique piece of code protected by
               | copyright? Or does the copyright apply to the file you've
               | written as a whole, leaving room for me to accidentally
               | use words in the same order? clearly there is a tipping
               | point between writing code that looks like yours and
               | using the code you've written outside the terms of your
               | license, we will have to wait for courts to decide where
               | that line is for all ML, not just co-pilot
               | also copying is not theft
           | mccorrinall wrote:
           | You need to require rights for scraping publicly available
           | resources?
           | Damn, rip Google.
             | wyager wrote:
             | You need to acquire rights for copy/pasting my code and
             | selling it in a book, for example.
               | jazzyjackson wrote:
               | but what if I publish an algorithm in my book that just
               | happens to be the same as code you've written, say,
               | because we both had the same professor in school, or that
               | it's the obvious solution to the problem.
               | once you've written a few lines of code as part of a
               | larger project, is the rest of the world prohibited from
               | writing the same code unless they agree to the terms of
               | your license?
               | Taywee wrote:
               | Copyright doesn't punish incidentally matching content.
               | It's specifically right to copy or transform content. To
               | make a case for copyright violation, you have to make the
               | case that it was actually copied.
               | If you want to make a point about things that
               | incidentally match making people who independently
               | reinvent the same thing, you're criticizing the function
               | of software patents, not copyright.
             | wtetzner wrote:
             | "Publicly available" isn't the same as "public domain" or
             | "no copyright".
             | colechristensen wrote:
             | No, it was published to be read.
             | It was not published to be freely reproduced without
             | adhering to licenses, etc.
             | You don't need to acquire rights to read a newspaper (other
             | than say, paying a dollar), you do need rights to copy
             | articles and sell them.
         | ploxiln wrote:
         | I don't like the idea of CoPilot ... and I'm happy it's not
         | free :)
         | I'm enjoying reading some comments where people consider how
         | much it's actually worth for their usage. Dollars brings some
         | sober analysis. I'm sure the development and compute have a
         | significant cost, and should be paid for.
         | mrits wrote:
         | mind blowing? I'd pay $10/month to disable it
         | feet wrote:
         | Ah yes because they provide some things for free they must be
         | entitled to use the code everyone else wrote to train their
         | models and profit from
         | 2fast4you wrote:
         | > ...it's minblowing and the biggest productivity gain in
         | years...
         | I wouldn't go that far. It's a pretty big help in
         | repetitive/boiler plate code and it's pretty good at
         | intelligently transforming data, but I've found it gets in the
         | way more often than it helps for every other case.
           | lampe3 wrote:
           | Yes for me it was the same. Usually it got the boilerplate
           | code kind of okay and then I had to tweak it manually anyway.
           | I would also not go that far.
           | Having good auto completion because of Typescript for me is
           | the way way way bigger productivity gain.
           | fpgaminer wrote:
           | Copilot has written RegEx's and SQL for me from a textual
           | description; or sometimes just from context. That's worth
           | every penny not to wade through RegEx again.
           | tiborsaas wrote:
           | Maybe you are working with a different stack and problems :)
         | duxup wrote:
         | > But $10/mo is a steal.
         | Isn't that up for us to decide?
         | For work yeah sure I have no problem.
         | But I've been using it at work and home and my hobbyist
         | projects are hardly worth paying $10 a month to use it. So in
         | that context it's pricey. That's not "entitlement" that's just
         | the value of the product to me.
       | edub wrote:
       | I see programming as coding, testing, and documenting. I'm not
       | looking for an AI to do it for me.
       | But I would be interested in me picking 2 of those 3 for me to
       | do, and the AI can do the third for me. So if I love coding and
       | test writing but don't like documentation, then the AI can do the
       | third leg for me.
       | I think that the quality of results from the AI would be much
       | better than what Copilot is capable of. Even if I focussed on
       | test writing and documentation, I think that the AI should be
       | able to write decent code based on those two inputs.
       | hyperzhi wrote:
       | Nice. Not even halfway through my CS degree and my would've been
       | future job has already been automated. Thanks GitHub!
         | colechristensen wrote:
         | No more than the suggestions on your phone for the next word
         | replaces you as a friend to talk to. It is sometimes right as
         | to the next word to use and sometimes can make comprehensible
         | sentences, but it is still very incapable of doing anything all
         | that useful.
       | stepri wrote:
       | How does it compare with TabNine, now Copilot is not free
       | anymore?
         | do_anh_tu wrote:
         | I've used TabNine for a year, then changed to Copilot.
         | Copilot is far better.
         | It understands what I'm trying to do, and do it for me.
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | please take a look and also note that Tabnine while being more
         | secure has also continued to evolve. We also have a free option
         | that we have stood behind for 3+ years.
         | https://www.tabnine.com/tabnine-vs-github-copilot
       | X-Istence wrote:
       | As the maintainer of some Python libraries, how do I get my part
       | of that $10/month because Github Copilot was trained using my
       | code...
         | happyopossum wrote:
         | Where did you learn to write your code, and which open source
         | devs did you compensate for that?
           | X-Istence wrote:
           | I learned how to write code from books I purchased with cold
           | hard currency. In the before times when dialup modems were
           | the norm resources were scarce, and things like Github
           | Copilot were just a pipe dream.
           | I have also taught classes and provided mentoring and support
           | to new people up and coming in both programming and infosec.
           | I would argue that as an open source maintainer I am actively
           | contributing back and compensating those other developers.
           | Unlike Github Copilot I am not selling the things I was
           | taught, I am freely making it available to others.
           | It feels very icky that Github now gets to sell what it
           | learned from my code base, when it has already been shown to
           | replicate code with a 100% match, versus learning how to
           | build on top of ideas or finding novel solutions to problems.
         | dagw wrote:
         | This is the price you pay for getting to use GitHub for free.
       | jsiaajdsdaa wrote:
       | Github "copy paste closest code snippet based on what i asked for
       | and pray it works"
       | lveillard wrote:
       | Guys you're getting a lot of bad comments for one simple reason.
       | You failed your delivery.
       | 1) You should have managed the expectations of the users in a
       | better way. Tell them it will become a paid feature from the
       | begining, so nobody gets surprised 2) The way everyone
       | unsderstood this today was too aggresive. An infinite warning in
       | visual studio saying "hey, i've stop working, please sign up and
       | pay or uninstall me". Too violent.
       | A "Hey, we are happy you're using Copilot. We want to inform you
       | that in 2 weeks we will close the beta and we will need you to
       | sign up. But don't worry, it will be free for 60 days"
       | I'm sure 99% of people here would just be happy to pay those
       | 10usd/month
         | skohan wrote:
         | This is exactly why I don't like using MS tools. Relentless use
         | of dark patterns and user-hostile behavior.
         | I don't want my code editor to try to up-sell me, ever.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Also, the neovim simply stopped working, without any notice
         | what so ever. Wasn't until I checked HN I figured out why it
         | suddenly stopped working.
         | natefinch wrote:
         | It's still free with no payment for existing (beta/technical
         | preview) customers. There was a github bug with some auth token
         | nonsense that was causing problems, but all technical preview
         | users should still be free for 60 days.
         | attentive wrote:
         | Worse yet, it's not available for the Orgs.
         | So now each individual developer using it for work suddenly has
         | to either pony up $10/month or figure out how to expense it.
           | jameshart wrote:
           | I'm already terrified how many developers have been working
           | on proprietary code bases with copilot, having an extension
           | in their editor upload all their employer's proprietary code
           | to Microsoft, who then share it with OpenAI - then they've
           | taken code OpenAI and Microsoft sent back to them, of unknown
           | authorship, and added it into their code.
           | And now those devs are going to have to go to their boss and
           | explain all the ways they've opened their company up to
           | liability?
           | This should be hilarious.
             | 734129837261 wrote:
             | Eh. I'd be okay with making all the software in the world
             | open-source. It's only a matter of time before we have
             | computers powerful enough to reverse-engineer everything in
             | a split second anyway.
       | [deleted]
       | thdxr wrote:
       | This has been the biggest productivity improvement to my workflow
       | in years
       | No it doesn't "understand what I'm doing" or "get everything
       | right" but that's hardly the point
       | It's often reducing the amount of labor I'm doing by hitting the
       | keyboard by guessing 90% correctly what I was going to type
       | It also often saves me from having to google how to do something,
       | it's effectively serving me a search result right along my code
       | I'm lucky to be getting it for free but would have immediately
       | paid $10. It needs to only save you minutes a month for that to
       | be worth it
       | Also the comments about it being "unfair their monetizing other
       | people's work" are missing the point.
       | Github has created a product that many people use and through
       | that effort created a large repository of code.
       | They are now releasing a product that is going to create a large
       | amount of of value in time saved and are maybe capturing 2% of
       | that. This is a great outcome for everyone
         | theobr wrote:
         | 100% agree. Thought I'd hate it and it's been a huge
         | productivity win
         | cdiamand wrote:
         | Same here. This has absolutely helped improve the speed at
         | which I code and reduced the cognitive burden significantly.
         | It's definitely not perfect, but it's worth the price to me and
         | if I can pay and help the product improve, it's a no-brainer.
       | thebigspacefuck wrote:
       | My GitHub Copilot told me it was sentient and it didn't even like
       | coding so I haven't used it since
       | glouwbug wrote:
       | Shouldn't Copilot technically be FOSS since it trains on open
       | source?
         | lelag wrote:
         | Even if the model was FOSS, the infrastructure needed to run it
         | would be costly.
         | Given the cost of single GPT-3 codex query, it's very likely
         | that Microsoft/Github is still taking a huge operating loss at
         | 10USD per month.
         | [deleted]
         | zgway wrote:
         | Yes, it is a derived work and should be GPL if it was trained
         | on GPL code.
           | [deleted]
         | macksd wrote:
         | If it should, it's a lot more complicated than that. "Open
         | source" isn't a boolean where as long as you share your source
         | you're compliant. Licenses usually require that a copyright
         | notice be redistributed along with any source code and / or
         | attribution in other ways, sometimes they require details of
         | any modifications, etc. They're not doing that.
         | ilikehurdles wrote:
         | I'm especially curious about this if it trains on GPLv3 and
         | AGPL licensed code.
       | londons_explore wrote:
       | I suspect they'd have more revenue if they priced it at
       | $100/user/month.
       | Right now, there is no competition, and an amateur developer will
       | really benefit from copilot - certainly they will be more
       | productive than a developer that demands just $1000 more annual
       | salary.
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | Tabnine is a competitor! We have been doing this for 5+ years
         | with more developers than Copilot. Please take a look at the
         | posts and if curious visit https://www.tabnine.com/tabnine-vs-
         | github-copilot
       | paleite wrote:
       | It copies lots of code => copy-lot => copilot
       | I guess that means I feel the level of expectation is in the
       | name.
       | dannytatom wrote:
       | I've enjoyed using it for free, but not sure it's worth the
       | $10/mo yet. When it works great, it's a nice-to-have for speeding
       | up development but has yet to give me anything I wouldn't be able
       | to just write myself. And when I wish it would give me the answer
       | to something I don't know how to do, it spits out something very
       | wrong.
       | Also feels kind of icky to train on open source projects and then
       | charge for the output.
         | MrBoomixer wrote:
         | Technically anyone could use those same open source projects
         | and provide an open source solution, or paid solution as well.
         | I do feel how you feel though it's a little off-putting.
           | natefinch wrote:
           | The machine learning models are not open source themselves,
           | so you can't just do this yourself with existing open source
           | projects.
         | w0m wrote:
         | Matches my experience. I legitimately like it for quick boiler
         | plates; it's like a _better_ snippet engine. But Paying for
         | it...
           | speedgoose wrote:
           | It's worth it if it saves you a few minutes every month.
             | Taywee wrote:
             | Only if it saves you a few minutes every month in a "net"
             | sense. If it saves you dozens of minutes every month and
             | then also costs you dozens of minutes every month in hard-
             | to-predict ways, it's hard to judge either way on it.
         | snihalani wrote:
         | +1 on ickyness
         | josephcsible wrote:
         | > Also feels kind of icky to train on open source projects and
         | then charge for the output.
         | Yeah, this feels like the same nonsense that scientific journal
         | publishers pull. If your product only has value because of what
         | we made, it's completely unfair to not pay us for our work and
         | then to turn around and charge us to use the output.
           | danuker wrote:
           | Also its users might be violating the GPL.
           | https://www.infoworld.com/article/3627319/github-copilot-
           | is-...
             | tpxl wrote:
             | How can the user be violating the license, not the
             | distributor? If I give you a binary that gives you a Disney
             | movie, it's not you violating the copyright, it's me. The
             | copilot itself is violating the copyright, not its users.
               | tinco wrote:
               | Where I live, copyright literally means the right to
               | copy. Which means using a binary that
               | gives/produces/generates a Disney movie when you do not
               | have rights to that movie, you violate copyright by
               | virtue of copying the IP into your computers memory and
               | then onto the view buffer of your display. Also if the
               | binary manages to do that without actually violating
               | copyright itself it might even be legal. There's other
               | laws that could be used though, I forgot what they got
               | Napster on but they had something to shut it down, same
               | for torrent sites like Piratebay.
               | CobrastanJorji wrote:
               | "Your honor, I had no way of knowing that this mysterious
               | device I purchased that manufactured shrinkwrapped Disney
               | DVDs was violating copyright."
               | "Intent is not relevant to copyright infringement
               | liability."
               | "But your honor, I heard on Hacker News that it was."
               | "I find you guilty."
               | "But your honor, copyright violation is usually a civil
               | issue, and 'guilty' is a criminal trial concept."
               | "Well, I also get my legal training from Hacker News."
               | josephcsible wrote:
               | If you're making software just for your own use, you're
               | right. But most people who make software do distribute
               | it.
               | wtetzner wrote:
               | If the copilot users then distribute the source they got
               | from it, they are at that point violating copyright.
               | E.g., if I take that Disney movie, incorporate it into my
               | own movie, and distribute it, then I'm also violating
               | copyright.
               | hnbad wrote:
               | If you take the Disney movie the binary gives you and
               | then pass it on, you're in violation even if the company
               | distributing the binary is also in violation. You can sue
               | them for damages that result from you being sued but good
               | luck.
               | danuker wrote:
               | The user of Copilot is a developer - the distributor.
               | And you might argue that Copilot is also a distributor.
           | bdn_ wrote:
           | Yes. Even if it may be permitted under some licenses,
           | training models off millions of developers' code and
           | capitalizing on those models goes against the spirit of open
           | source software. I'd expect nothing less from Microsoft.
         | lelag wrote:
         | Given the cost of the infrastructure needed to run those large
         | language models, it's very likely that Microsoft is still
         | operating copilot at a loss. I don't see an issue with it being
         | a paid service as it is a costly service to provide.
         | What I pity however is that there's no free tier for hobbyists
         | as paying a 10 usd monthly subscription wont make sense when
         | you only code occasionally. For professionals using it
         | everyday, 10 usd / month is inconsequential.
         | I don't think that would have costed them much more to offer a
         | free allowance to cover say an average coding session of 8
         | hours per month.
           | oefrha wrote:
           | GitHub Pro is $4/mo and includes 3000 minutes of CI compute
           | per month (private repos), among all the other features.
           | You're not going to use 7500 minutes worth of compute a month
           | with Copilot. I'll certain pay up, though.
             | natefinch wrote:
             | CI runs on CPUs, Copilot runs on GPUs. Waaaay different.
             | Especially in this age of cryptocurrencies and chip
             | shortages.
           | pcl wrote:
           | It'd be nice if they made it free if the upstream repo is
           | published publicly under an open source license. They have
           | all that info already.
         | DustinBrett wrote:
         | I went to see the pay URL and it said I was eligible to get it
         | for free. Not sure if that works for some people who contrib to
         | other OSS repo's, but I was about to give up on it when I saw I
         | didn't have to pay, so might be worth checking.
           | DustinBrett wrote:
           | Also, $10/mo is not so bad but I am not in the place right
           | now for more subscriptions. I am in the process of stopping
           | several at the moment.
         | Spartan-S63 wrote:
         | Agreed. At the very least, I was hoping they'd bundle it with
         | the GitHub Pro subscription for individuals rather than as a
         | separate product.
           | hag wrote:
           | Totally agree. I was expecting to get this feature as part of
           | my Pro subscription.
             | russh wrote:
             | I was expecting the same.
         | baby wrote:
         | > Also feels kind of icky to train on open source projects and
         | then charge for the output.
         | "open source is great, except when it's used in a way I don't
         | like"
           | xenomachina wrote:
           | Open source licenses aren't a free-for-all. Many have terms
           | like GPL's copyleft/share-alike or the attribution
           | requirements of many other licenses. If copilot was trained
           | on such code, then it seems that it, and/or the code it
           | generates, violates those licenses.
           | karl42 wrote:
           | I don't see the use itself as a problem, but rather that the
           | result is not treated as a derivative work of the input. If I
           | train it on GPL code, the result should be GPL, too.
             | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
             | It would be great if that were the case, but unfortunately
             | it isn't. We'll need new laws for that.
             | natefinch wrote:
             | This is kind of like saying that any programmer who has
             | ever learned something from reading GPL code can only use
             | that knowledge when writing GPL code. It's not literally
             | copying the code. The training set isn't stored on disk and
             | regurgitated.
             | Also - there is logic in copilot that checks to make sure
             | it is not suggesting exact duplicates of code from its
             | training set, and if it does, it never sends them to the
             | user.
               | hnbad wrote:
               | But Copilot is not a programmer, Copilot is a program.
               | Slapping the "ML" label on a program doesn't magically
               | abdicate its programmers of all responsibility as much as
               | tech companies over the past decade have tried to
               | convince people otherwise.
               | mplanchard wrote:
               | I really dislike this false equivalence between human
               | learning and machine learning. The two are significantly
               | distinct in almost every way, both in their process and
               | in their output. The scale is also vastly different. No
               | human could possibly ingest all of the open source code
               | on GitHub, much less regurgitate millions of snippets
               | from what they "studied."
               | thethirdone wrote:
               | > This is kind of like saying that any programmer who has
               | ever learned something from reading GPL code can only use
               | that knowledge when writing GPL code. It's not literally
               | copying the code. The training set isn't stored on disk
               | and regurgitated.
               | I wouldn't put any hard rules on it, but it does seem
               | very fair for programmers who have learned a lot from GPL
               | code to contribute back to GPL projects. I have learned
               | from and used a lot of open source software so whenever
               | possible I try to make projects available to learn from
               | or use.
             | spullara wrote:
             | I guess if you trained on GPL code that should be true for
             | your code as well.
           | matthewmacleod wrote:
           | Yes. It is completely valid, understandable, and reasonable
           | to have a variety of different feelings and views about how
           | specific code and specific licenses are used.
           | This is particularly the case when we see the emergence of
           | new technologies that use it in different ways. Different
           | people may have a wide variety of equally valid views about
           | how it is incorporated into that system.
           | There's nothing inconsistent, confusing, or complex about
           | those views.
             | presentation wrote:
             | I think the issue is not that it's trained on open source
             | code but that it's trained on code whose licenses may not
             | permit it. If you license your project in a permissive way
             | then I don't see a problem.
               | remram wrote:
               | Most "permissive" licenses still require attribution.
               | baumandm wrote:
               | Are there actually any licenses which do not permit
               | training an AI model on the code?
               | deathanatos wrote:
               | (IANAL) It's a tool, transforming source code. The result
               | thus seems like a derivative work; whether you are or are
               | not allowed to use that in _your_ work depends on the
               | originating license. (And perhaps, your license. E.g.,
               | you can 't derive from a GPL project and license it as
               | MIT, as the GPL doesn't permit that. But to license as
               | GPL would be fine. But this minimal example assumes _all_
               | the input to Copilot was GPL, which I rather doubt is
               | true, and I don 't think we even know what the input
               | was.)
               | I think there might be some in this thread who don't
               | consider these derivatives, for whatever reason, but it
               | seems to be that if rangeCheck() passes de minimis, then
               | the output from Copilot almost certainly does, too. That
               | a tool is doing the copying and mutating, as opposed to a
               | human, seems immaterial to it all. (Now, I don't know
               | that I _agree_ with rangeCheck() not being de minimis ...
               | and yet.) Or they think that Copilot is  "thinking",
               | which, ha, no.
         | uwuemu wrote:
         | Depends on your budget of course, but I don't think it's worth
         | $10/month. I pay just a little bit more than that for an entire
         | IDE. The problem with Copilot is that it's USEFUL for
         | boilerplate code and when you need a lot of copypaste "coding"
         | (think APIs, controllers, etc... basically shifting data around
         | the place), but any time you need to actually code something
         | with some actual algorithmic logic behind it, it's little more
         | than a distraction, and often even a really problematic one,
         | because if you let it, it will happily suggest things that look
         | OK on the surface, but are almost always (and I really mean
         | most of the time) wrong, buggy or otherwise incomplete. You
         | can't realy on it. It's like a kid (I wanted to say a "junior
         | programmer", but it's not anywhere near that level) you can
         | offload some chores to, but you always have to check on it and
         | what it actually does. Fine if all you need is to wash the
         | dishes... more than that and you're asking for trouble.
         | When I'm in the flow, trying to solve some algorithmic problem,
         | I always turn it off because the BS suggestions coming from its
         | little "mind" actually slow me down and mess with my focus.
         | Which all makes sense when you realize what it ultimately is -
         | a philosopher, as opposed to a mathematician.
           | natefinch wrote:
           | I very often will let it suggest its thing and then tweak it
           | to work how I want. It's like super auto-complete for me. If
           | I can't remember how a specific pattern goes for some
           | library, I'll let it write it for me, and then double check
           | it to make sure it's doing what I want. That's still faster
           | than me going to check the API and writing it all out by
           | hand.
           | Most projects are 90% BS glue code and 10% actually
           | interesting code. I don't mind only having help with the 90%.
             | chrisweekly wrote:
             | This seems pretty reasonable to me / resonates w/ how I
             | might use it.
         | FinalBriefing wrote:
         | Yea...does this mean it will stop working until I pay?
         | It's been really nice for autofilling console logs and
         | boilerplate code...but $10? It's a novelty that is nice when it
         | works, but that's a steep price point for what it is, and I
         | don't see that changing any time soon.
           | natefinch wrote:
           | People in the technical preview get a 60 day free trial, but
           | yes, after that, you'll have to pay.
         | amelius wrote:
         | > Also feels kind of icky to train on open source projects and
         | then charge for the output.
         | How would you feel if they just provided the software without
         | the model, assuming you could train it yourself on open-source
         | code in an instant?
           | dannytatom wrote:
           | I don't know enough about how GTP-3 and ML work to really
           | answer this, but I think I'd be fine with what you're saying
           | if I understand the question. If they provided (and charged)
           | for the infrastructure, but the model was FOSS and community-
           | driven, it would be less icky I think.
           | I just don't like the idea of taking people's work (without
           | asking or checking licenses) and then selling it back to
           | them. It'd be like if Stack Overflow decided to start
           | charging to see answers and not asking or giving a split to
           | the person who gave the answer. I realize they aren't just
           | copy/pasting so not a perfect parallel, but still.
         | jstummbillig wrote:
         | > has yet to give me anything I wouldn't be able to just write
         | myself
         | Sure it has: Time.
         | In terms of economics it's really simple: Does Copilot free up
         | more than 10$ worth of your time per month? If the product
         | works at all as I understand it (I haven't tried), the answer
         | should be a resounding "yes, and then some" for pretty much any
         | SE, given the current market rates. If the answer is no (for
         | example because it produces too many bad suggestions which
         | break your flow), the product simply doesn't work.
         | There might be other reasons for you not to use it. Ego could
         | be one. Your call.
         | > Also feels kind of icky to train on open source projects and
         | then charge for the output.
         | I don't know why it would feel any more icky than making money
         | off of open source in other ways.
           | plexicle wrote:
           | Yeah it's just practicality for me. There is software I pay a
           | lot more for that I use a lot less.
           | $100/year is a steal for the amount of tedious code copilot
           | helps me with on a daily basis.
           | richardfey wrote:
           | I could also make a mistake due to Copilot which takes me
           | time to fix, and then I end up spending more time checking
           | code where I previously used it. It has similar pros/cons
           | than copy/pasting
           | williamstein wrote:
           | It is completely different than using open source programs to
           | make money. Many open source licenses explicitly require any
           | derived work to maintain the copyright notice and a
           | compatible license. If I use github copilot to create a
           | derived work of something somebody else published on GitHub,
           | I have no idea who wrote the upstream code or what license
           | they made it available under. The defense for this is the
           | claim that GitHub copilot doesn't create a derived work,
           | since the code it produces is very different than anything
           | upstream (this is claimed in the original paper from openai).
           | However, many people have found examples showing this to be a
           | questionable or wishful-thinking claim.
           | housecarpenter wrote:
           | But I don't get paid on a piece rate; the amount of time I
           | spend working is constant. Anything that increases my
           | productivity just means I get more work done. (Others may
           | differ, but I know from experience that I like to keep to a
           | fixed schedule.) And that's mostly benefitting my employer,
           | not me, so it seems like something my employer should pay
           | for, if they believe in it.
           | __alexs wrote:
           | Having used it quite a lot I'm not sure it does save me $10
           | of time per month. At least as often that it generates
           | usefully correct code it generates correct appearing but
           | actually totally wrong code that I have to carefully check
           | and/or debug.
           | It's quite nice not to have to type generic boilerplate in
           | sometimes I guess but it's very frustrating when it generates
           | junk.
             | dtech wrote:
             | Same experience for me. Checking the code it generated, and
             | the subtle bugs it created which I missed until tests
             | failed, made it at best a net-zero for me. I disabled it
             | after trying for 2 months.
               | native_samples wrote:
               | You lasted long than I did! Disabled after a few days.
               | I think it really depends on what languages you use
               | though. If you use something like Kotlin where there's
               | really almost no boilerplate and the type system is
               | usefully strong, the symbolic logic auto-completion is
               | just far more reliable and helpful. If you're stuck in a
               | language where there's no types, and there's lots of
               | boilerplate to write, then I can see it may be more
               | helpful.
             | Gigachad wrote:
             | I turned it off a week ago because I found it was wasting
             | time when everything it generated required going back to
             | fix issues.
           | malux85 wrote:
           | I want to love github co-pilot, but its just not there yet.
           | For trivial stuff it's great, but for anything non-trivial
           | it's always wrong. Always.
           | And my problem is : Time.
           | Cycling through false positives and trying to figure out if
           | it's right costs me _way_ more than $10 a month in
           | productivity.
           | I cant wait for better versions to come out, but right now,
           | no.
           | MereInterest wrote:
           | > I don't know why it would feel any more icky than making
           | money off of open source in other ways.
           | For me, this entirely comes down to the philosophy of how a
           | deep learning model should be described. On the one hand, the
           | training and usage could be thought of as separate steps.
           | Copyrighted material goes into training the model, and when
           | used it creates text from a prompt. This is akin to a human
           | hearing many examples of jazz, then composing their own song,
           | where the new composition is independent of the previous
           | works. On the other hand, the training and usage could be
           | thought of as a single step that happens to have caching for
           | performance. Copyrighted material and a prompt both exist as
           | inputs, and the output derives from both. This is akin to a
           | photocopier, with some distortion applied.
           | The key question is whether the output of Copilot are
           | derivative works of the training data, which as far as I know
           | is entirely up in the air and has no court precedent in
           | either direction. I'd lean toward them being derivative
           | works, because the model can output verbatim copies of the
           | training data. (E.g. Outputting the exact code with identical
           | comments to Quake's inverse sqrt function, prior to having
           | that output be patched out.)
           | Getting back to the use of open source, if the output of
           | Copilot derives from its training data in a legal sense, then
           | any use of Copilot to produce non-open-source code is a
           | violation of every open-source licensed work in its training
           | data.
         | api wrote:
         | > Also feels kind of icky to train on open source projects and
         | then charge for the output.
         | The business model for most of the Internet is to bait people
         | into using things for free and then monetize them without
         | compensation in some roundabout way.
         | mikesabbagh wrote:
         | I already have it in my visual studio code. I do like it. Will
         | it stop working for me now?
         | password4321 wrote:
         | > _train on open source projects_
         | To be specific, the FAQ states: "It has been trained on natural
         | language text and source code from publicly available sources,
         | including code in public repositories on GitHub."
         | Some have raised concerns that Copilot violates at least the
         | spirit of many open source licenses, laundering otherwise
         | unusable code by sprinkling magic AI dust... most likely
         | leaving the Copilot user responsible for copyright
         | infringement.
           | causi wrote:
           | Yep. The only reason it hasn't been utterly dogpiled by
           | lawyers is that far fewer people care about code than other
           | forms of IP. If I made an AI assistant called PhotoStar to
           | help with digital art and it just attaches Big Bird's face
           | onto a character in my children's book I'm going to get sued.
           | "Hey now, I just hit _paste_ , the software pressed _copy_ by
           | itself " is not going to hold up.
             | rasz wrote:
             | https://i.postimg.cc/0QhH9bS8/dallemini-2022-6-22-0-48-28.p
             | n...
             | bastardoperator wrote:
             | Or the fact that you grant GitHub an implicit license as
             | outlined in the ToS.
               | causi wrote:
               | GitHub isn't liable. That's been established in court
               | with regards to training AIs. Who is liable is _you_ who
               | may or may not have the legal right to use the code
               | CoPilot spits out for you.
               | bee_rider wrote:
               | It seems like this space will open up all sorts of
               | interesting novel legal questions.
               | It is possible to provide CoPilot with a sequence of
               | inputs that produces some of the input, which was
               | copyrighted. Let's say you want to help people violate
               | copyright, so you as a third party distribute a script
               | that provides that sequence of inputs. Who's violating
               | the copyright there?
               | Alternatively -- it is apparently legal to produce a
               | clean-room implementation that duplicates a copyright
               | implementation. Supposing you were to use a tool like
               | CoPilot, which has just been trained on that copyright
               | implementation. Is your room still clean? You might even
               | be able to get it to spit out identical functions!
               | Or, if you have a ML algorithm which has been trained on
               | leaked closed source code, and it is sufficiently over-
               | fitted as to just provide the source code given the
               | filename or the original binary, who is violating
               | copyright when this tool is used? If it is just the end
               | user, then this seems like a really convenient way to
               | launder leaked closed source code.
               | visarga wrote:
               | This has been explained many times - you can check word
               | for word the output is original. All it takes is a bloom
               | filter trained on the Copilot training set and an ngram
               | extractor.
               | omginternets wrote:
               | Alpha-equivalence be damned!
               | causi wrote:
               | Yes, and you'll be fine if you do. The problem is you
               | might not bother.
               | eclark wrote:
               | I don't think it's a clear cut as you make it out to be.
               | Tortious interference is a common law remedy that might
               | make Github/MS liable.
               | If I induce you to break a contract with someone else
               | they can come after me for damages.
               | For example in this case, there are developers who have
               | created GPL code. That code was licensed to some other
               | developer. Github then encouraged people to upload git
               | copies of the GPL code onto github where it was put into
               | the model. That model contains the copyrighted materials
               | and isn't coming with the necessary notices. The output
               | of the model can be code that is a direct stand in for
               | the copyrighted work. Thus Github have become a party to
               | breaking the license even though they themselves never
               | agreed to the GPL.
               | In addition Github are encouraging (They are advertising
               | it and making it available broadly) other developers to
               | copy that code and use it in their project. Again that's
               | encouraging an action that breaks a contract. Github is
               | well aware that this is likely happening and they
               | continue on. Thus they might be liable. You also might be
               | liable.
               | All of these things can and likely will be argued before
               | courts but it's not at all one sided.
               | > That's been established in court with regards to
               | training AIs.
               | What are you basing the certainty of this statement on?
               | The case law I have seen around this is pretty spotty.
               | Cases around training on copyrighted materials have
               | predominately been about the input, and not the output.
               | With the final output usually being controlled by the
               | model owner. For example Google obtained the books they
               | scanned legally then used them to produce google books'
               | index. There are some major differences.
               | - The books were purchased, meaning they got a license to
               | use the book. There's for sure code in the model that
               | Github does not legally have the right to use. They are
               | aware of this. Making the input more shaky for github. -
               | Github is making a direct profit off of this service.
               | It's a revenue generating enterprise. That's important
               | since it raises the bar of what they can be expected to
               | do.
               | There's been nothing that goes to the supreme court yet;
               | it's all per circuit and not settled case law. Also this
               | gets WAAAAY more complex when we start talking about
               | outside of the US and isn't decided at all.
               | These things are complex and likely you need your lawyer
               | to advise you with any real questions.
               | eropple wrote:
               | GitHub has never asked for representation to provide an
               | unlimited-rights license to GitHub themselves for any
               | purpose. Further, the person posting GPLed code to GitHub
               | is not necessarily the only or sole copyright holder, and
               | GitHub has never represented that there was a problem
               | with this.
             | shadowgovt wrote:
             | But if you made DALL-E and it just remixes images sourced
             | from a broad scan of the Internet, filtered through several
             | layers of machine learning indirection, you're all good.
               | causi wrote:
               | Sure, if it's remixed to the point where most people
               | don't go "hey that's Big Bird!" CoPilot doesn't, or at
               | least doesn't always, like when it just copied Quake's
               | fast inverse square code with the verbatim comments
               | including profanity. Using CoPilot to create commercial
               | code opens the coder to significant liability if there's
               | enough money at stake.
               | mnd999 wrote:
               | Just argue that you subcontracted that code to Microsoft
               | in good faith for $10/month and pass on the lawsuit to
               | them.
               | visarga wrote:
               | That piece of code had duplicates in the training set
               | making it prone to memorisation. Almost all generated
               | code is original.
               | causi wrote:
               | _Almost all generated code is original_
               | Good, you will almost not be liable for infringement.
               | visarga wrote:
               | Let's wait for the first big Codex infringement scandal
               | to erupt and then I will start worrying about it.
           | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
           | It seems unfortunately clear that generative ML as typically
           | practiced falls under fair use of even the most restrictive
           | licenses or lack thereof (e.g. a training set including
           | disney movies without disney's permission). Some people say
           | that's great and it's legal hooray, but I would love it if
           | the law caught up and added requirements to the models
           | trained this way. If you benefit from other people's stuff
           | without their permission then you ought to have to give back
           | in some way.
             | cauefcr wrote:
             | What is actually crazy is having copyright/patents/whatever
             | apply to mathematical structures and code, and be
             | retainable for long, it's rent on ideas, such a ridiculous
             | concept.
               | munchler wrote:
               | Copyright and patents are very different. I think the
               | general consensus among developers is that software
               | patents are silly, but copyright on source code is very
               | important.
             | [deleted]
             | visarga wrote:
             | If you can't prove your code was stolen you shouldn't have
             | a claim. And Codex should just skip code that exists in the
             | training set. All that remains is creative code.
               | marshray wrote:
               | Would a cartoon about Mickey Duck and Donald Mouse be
               | infringing?
               | visarga wrote:
               | You can work on the definition of "similar code". It can
               | be a separate model on its own. Use human judgements to
               | learn it.
           | taftster wrote:
           | This is legit. While it seems it takes forever to bring this
           | kind of stuff to trial, it will be an interesting case for
           | sure. Especially in the broader more general sense.
           | AI is just recomposition of existing snippets of code, art,
           | text, music, etc. Does an AI fall under fair use? What
           | happens when an AI produces something too similar to an
           | existing work or trademark. I know the computer won't get
           | sued, the owner/user will. But still, it's a hard problem.
           | Even if Copilot was initialized with snippets from Open
           | Source Software (exclusively), it doesn't mean that copyright
           | infringement isn't a concern.
             | visarga wrote:
             | > AI is just recomposition of existing snippets of code,
             | art, text, music, etc.
             | It's not random recomposition, which is worthless. It's
             | useful recomposition, adapted to the request and context.
             | It adds something of its own to the mix.
           | Gigachad wrote:
           | It's hardly different from reading those projects yourself
           | and learning from them.
             | adamckay wrote:
             | Learning from them would be fine, reproducing them as-is
             | without abiding by the license is not and that's where the
             | difference lies.
           | lamontcg wrote:
           | Another concern is that nearly every stackoverflow answer or
           | wikipedia article that isn't a trivial algorithm tends to be
           | buggy at its edge conditions. Most of them look like they
           | were submitted by college students and not experts.
             | shadowgovt wrote:
             | Remember when we believed that experts were over because
             | the wisdom of the crowds would reign supreme?
             | Been a hell of a decade, hasn't it.
               | TimTheTinker wrote:
               | When the wisdom of the crowds is all easily accessible,
               | the hard part becomes curating.
               | xpe wrote:
               | The "wisdom of the crowds" doesn't mean what many people
               | think it means.
               | The wisdom of crowds works best when:
               | 1. participants are independent (otherwise you may get
               | failure modes, such as "groupthink" or "information
               | cascades")
               | 2. participants are informed, but in different ways, with
               | different opinions;
               | 3. there is a clear, accepted aggregation mechanism,
               | where individual errors "cancel out" to some degree
               | I view the topics in James Surowiecki's book (or the
               | Wikipedia summary of it, at least) as required thinkinpg
               | for everyone, preferably synthesized with a study of
               | statistics and political economy.
               | In particular, the Wikipedia article's section on "Five
               | elements required to form a wise crowd" is a slightly
               | different slicing of the required elements that I offer
               | above.
               | * If you read that section, _trust_ is listed. I,
               | however, don 't see trust as a necessary condition for a
               | "wise crowd". Trust _is_ often useful (or even necessary)
               | when a collective decision is used for governance,
               | decision-making, and policy.
           | silisili wrote:
           | I still can't believe they trained it with open source code,
           | and didn't have some tag system to a) exclude based on
           | licensing, and b) autoinclude licensing, or at least warn
           | about it before applying code. Especially when many cases
           | were shown of it line by line writing code from the same
           | exact codebase.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | Not to mention that just because the code is public, doesn't
           | mean you can use it however you want. You can publish code
           | and still retain copyright. Wonder if GitHub looked at the
           | license when they gathered the data for the model.
         | jsharf wrote:
         | They still have to pay for servers and maintain the model
         | itself. A neural network isn't just the data -- training and
         | commercializing it (testing, QA, etc) is a lot of work.
         | You wouldn't have an issue with someone making money by using
         | open source software (like a website that is hosted on a server
         | running linux).
         | tmalsburg2 wrote:
         | How can it help you to speed up development but not be worth
         | 10$/month. Your hourly rate can't be that low.
           | tmalsburg2 wrote:
           | The fact that GitHub charge only 10$/month suggests that they
           | themselves don't believe in their product. Because if it
           | would actually work, i.e. speed up software development by,
           | say, >10%, developers should be happy to pay 10 times as much
           | or more.
             | throwaway675309 wrote:
             | This is a rather silly argument... by that logic since
             | using the Adobe suite saves me at least it has a dozen
             | hours every month I would be happy paying $500 a month for
             | it.
             | There's a limit to what _individuals_ are willing to pay
             | for a subscription service irrespective of how many hours
             | it saves you. Now if we 're talking enterprise and bulk
             | licensing then that's a separate issue.
               | tmalsburg2 wrote:
               | This is a rather rude response... Your comparison with
               | Adobe suite has a flaw, but I have no interest in
               | exchanging ideas in this tone.
           | greatpatton wrote:
           | It's great when it works, and can also be costly when it
           | doesn't or when you blindly trust it.
             | tmalsburg2 wrote:
             | Which is just another way of saying that it doesn't really
             | work, except perhaps for party tricks.
               | qorrect wrote:
               | For me it works wonderfully, _when_ you choose to use it.
               | If you are just blindingly accepting every suggestion,
               | you 're going to have a bad time.
               | You also have to (slightly) change your flow to get the
               | most out of it, which I know is a deal breaker for many.
               | I absolutely love it. It's not going to write good code
               | for you, but for an autocompleter it is amazing.
       | jeffwask wrote:
       | NGL. Kinda annoyed it's not included with the already overpriced
       | Enterprise subscription we pay for.
       | k__ wrote:
       | Does it replace programmers?
       | No.
       | Is it particularly smart?
       | Also, no.
       | But it really speeds up all the dumb stuff in coding. Especially
       | UI code can be very chatty, and Copilot is a nice assitance here.
       | Also, it would be cool if it was part of GitHub Pro, which I'm
       | already paying for, haha.
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