[HN Gopher] Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022
       Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022
       Author : klez
       Score  : 248 points
       Date   : 2022-06-22 15:05 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (survey.stackoverflow.co)
 (TXT) w3m dump (survey.stackoverflow.co)
       | bluedino wrote:
       | I'm kind of shocked at the small amount of developers with > 15
       | years experience (as well as the amount with 1-4 years) but I'm
       | just betting it's more to do with the developers that are more
       | likely to respond to the survey.
         | TrackerFF wrote:
         | I guess either:
         | A) The most senior programmers simply don't visit Stack
         | Overflow that much
         | B) The more senior you get, the less actual programming your
         | work entails, and you again visit Stack Overflow.
         | Or something similar.
         | bombcar wrote:
         | I assume you mean greater than 15 years, but my experience is
         | that many of the programmers with 25+ years experience don't
         | bother with things like Stack Exchange, especially if they're
         | in a programming world that is "old and out of date" anyway.
         | ilikehurdles wrote:
         | 10 years post college experience and I didn't even realize
         | there was a developer survey to answer.
       | nomilk wrote:
       | "Fully remote" is the most common work environment! Wasn't
       | expecting that, even considering covid. I wonder if employers
       | will pressure staff to return to the office (e.g. hybrid) and
       | fully remote will lose that number 1 spot next year. Time will
       | tell. https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2022/#section-employment-
       | wor...
       | yuy910616 wrote:
       | Udemy coming in at 66% is pretty surprising to me. I personally
       | purchased some 50 courses on there, and am happy with the result
       | (especially owning the course and not having to deal with a
       | subscription), but it is surprising to me that it basically won
       | that market. It isn't all that friendly to course maker iirc. And
       | the course quality varies a lot. Its pricing model is also very
       | shady, giving me the impression that it is a poorly run company.
       | Of course - youtube is not included; I imagine that'll really
       | skew the graph
       | edit: shoot, I just checked and I actually purchased 98 courses.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | Yeah, though I thought Udemy had the least favorable reputation
         | just because of the weird pricing tactics and a lot of courses
         | being glorified tutorials. There's some great stuff on there,
         | but I didn't think it would rank that much higher than
         | Coursera.
       | jedberg wrote:
       | > A majority of respondents (75%) have been working for 14 or
       | fewer years as a professional developer, meaning they've never
       | worked in a world without Stack Overflow.
       | Oh boy did this make me feel old.
         | vgeek wrote:
         | The horrors of expertsexchange?
           | jedberg wrote:
           | Even worse -- the horrors of having to find a _book_ in the
           | _library_ to answer your question.
           | When I started working all the senior devs had full
           | bookshelves of O'Reilly books, and if you got stuck you went
           | to them to either ask a question or use their books. Then as
           | they left the company, all of us would fight over who got
           | ownership of the O'Reilly book collection!
       | TIPSIO wrote:
       | Interesting as always. It would be great to have a UX to easily
       | compare the trends, such as 2022 vs 2021 vs 2020 though. Unless I
       | missed it.
       | The "Web framework and technologies" section doesn't seem
       | accurate to compare in a meaningful way.
       | For example, they have Node.js as a standalone option probably
       | throwing off everything. Then these compare weird when put
       | together as options: Next, Nuxt, React, Vue, etc.
       | Love it or hate it, jQuery was also #3.
       | pastor_bob wrote:
       | As an aside, I find the search-ability of this presentation to be
       | terrible.
       | I tried looking for word with CMD+F and the section I was looking
       | at completely disappeared!
         | Aachen wrote:
         | I don't remember last years' but this was pretty mediocre
         | indeed. E.g. after the first two graphs, I used autoscroll
         | (middle click, move mouse) so that I 'saw' the whole page and
         | all the graphs loaded and animations triggered. Then ctrl+up
         | and read more comfortably.
         | How stackoverflow builds this in when flashing content is such
         | a common annoyance, I don't know. Sure, you don't want to load
         | a megabyte of data for when people open the page for just 2
         | seconds, but there are animations on top of the lazy loading,
         | the actual data is not that large anyway, and the loading
         | distance is not hard to increase either.
         | rurp wrote:
         | Breaking cmd+f functionality will immediately sour me on a
         | site. It's surprising how many tech companies go out of their
         | way to ruin basic behavior like that.
       | Yuioup wrote:
       | One web framework I expected to see trend downwards for
       | professional developers is Angular, slowly being replaced by vue
       | but my prediction did not seem to come true.
       | Angular is steady while vue even trended downwards.
       | The absolute king is React. Clearly professional developers are
       | choosing to go for it because it looks like a safe bet.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | They are also choosing it because that's what they know, or
         | that's what the project lead picked. And the project lead might
         | have picket it because it is a company policy or because their
         | manager told them to pick what ever would have the most
         | available talent, etc.
         | blablabla123 wrote:
         | I kind of want to like Angular since it's so nicely integrated.
         | But working with it is clearly not fun...
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | I like vue a lot for weird reasons, but it seems vue3 hit some
         | roadblocks. The boxed refs are unpretty, and now they look like
         | react-metoo product.
       | layer8 wrote:
       | They don't seem to answer the most important question: Does using
       | spaces over tabs still predict a higher salary?
         | kwertyoowiyop wrote:
         | Tabs, but only when set to three spaces.
         | ho_schi wrote:
         | I'm using tabs. Explains a lot...
       | newaccount2021 wrote:
       | TrackerFF wrote:
       | Wonder if that Rust lust comes from Rust developers themselves -
       | i.e, programmers that use Rust a lot in their spare time, and
       | really want to use it in their work too.
         | Macha wrote:
         | My understanding is this is the generally accepted theory for
         | most of the highly "want to use" technologies. Likewise the
         | least "want to use" technologies tend to be business-y type
         | tools where people might be made to use them for the ease of
         | other stakeholders, or integration with frameworks only used by
         | e.g. legacy enterprise software.
       | pxeger1 wrote:
       | Could the title be updated to include the word "Results"? When I
       | saw this, I thought it was the survey itself (which has already
       | happened, obviously)
       | whatever1 wrote:
       | How many web frameworks are people building per day? I built my
       | last website in 2018 and I cannot recognize any of the top
       | frameworks listed today by SO. Even worse the frameworks I knew
       | are now at the bottom lol
       | pier25 wrote:
       | Svelte is doing great in the loved/dreaded metric.
       | First of all JS technologies. Second overall.
         | gedy wrote:
         | I love Svelte and maintain some open source libraries for it,
         | but in recent job search I was struck by a near total lack of
         | jobs mentioning it being used.
           | pier25 wrote:
           | I don't think it will ever get as big as React or jQuery, but
           | once SvelteKit is released I expect it to grow much faster.
       | kertoip_1 wrote:
       | I wish they asked more about remote working, e.g. "Do you work
       | for a company that operates overseas?". I'm also curious how does
       | those answers differ by country: which nationalities are most
       | open to work remotely for foreign companies? Where do people from
       | my country work when they work remotely abroad?
       | juice_bus wrote:
       | (semi unrelated) Does anyone else find them selves using SO less
       | and less as you gain more experience? I'm over 10 years now and
       | rarely find my self on SO.
         | [deleted]
         | a_chris wrote:
         | I can confirm. Also the technology used really counts: with
         | Javascript I got weird error and there are no standard in the
         | ecosystem so I found my self looking on Google and SO all the
         | time. With Ruby, on the other hand, there are better
         | documentation, no weird errors and everything seems so smooth
         | that I visit StackOverflow just once a month. I have been
         | working with JS for 3 years and just 1 year with Rub
         | vitorsr wrote:
         | I believe that Stack Overflow belongs to a time when VCS was
         | the exception rather than the rule, codebases were scattered
         | across many different providers, discussions took place on
         | dedicated channels or mailing lists, documentation was scarce
         | and of poor quality, and tooling was limited to the most
         | essential. All this added friction to any form of shared
         | knowledge of being built by the general public.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | I can only talk about my personal experience:
         | - Documentation seems to have gotten way better overall.
         | - Github issues are often a good place to search for
         | open/resolved problems.
         | - I've simply gotten better at reading and debugging code over
         | time.
         | - There are often chat rooms for larger communities on
         | Slack/Discord nowadays. You get a more fluent and direct form
         | of communication there.
         | - I still sometimes reach for Stack Overflow. But it tends to
         | be for things where I'm a total newbie.
         | bitwize wrote:
         | Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow Guidelines.
         | It is currently not accepting answers.
         | mtoddsmith wrote:
         | There always those really weird esoteric bugs that someone has
         | already slogged through lots of trial and error to resolve. SO
         | is great for those kinds of problems.
           | wizofaus wrote:
           | Yep - if you're getting a particular error code or message
           | that makes no sense, googling as often as not finds it in a
           | SO post, along with 20 ways to solve it, of which at least 1
           | usually gives you what you need to do so. It's hard to
           | imagine how much time I'd have spent tracking it down
           | otherwise.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | I find myself using it equally much, but maybe in a different
         | way. There are always times I find my self wanting to do
         | something weird in a framework a specific framework or a
         | language so I go see if there are already solutions out there.
         | There are also times where I find an existing question but I'm
         | not happy with the answers so I write my own after some
         | research--which I would have hoped to have been able to skip--
         | then my answer serves as a reference for the next time I need
         | to do something similar (which may be as long as a year or two,
         | so I won't remember).
         | captainkrtek wrote:
         | I find this as well. Earlier in my career it was useful, but in
         | the last bunch of years I rarely if ever am on SO, and if I am,
         | I'm trying to contribute answers. Wouldn't be surprised if the
         | survey data is largely skewed to more junior people.
         | binarymax wrote:
         | Anecdotally, I find that web search has been doing a much worse
         | job of recognizing my query and presenting an SO result - which
         | is why I personally use it less. Blogspam created from scraping
         | SO has been completely pwning top results in Google and
         | DDG(bing) and it's really disheartening.
         | See for example "geeksforgeeks" and similar sites, which I find
         | to be a poor and overly verbose resource, which now dominates
         | the top position
           | plonk wrote:
           | > See for example "geeksforgeeks" and similar sites, which I
           | find to be a poor and overly verbose resource, which now
           | dominates the top position
           | Google Search's and Facebook Messenger's spam filters started
           | letting tons of garbage through at roughly the same time. I
           | wonder if the advances in generative deep learning helped
           | with that.
           | bil7 wrote:
           | DDG usually shows a SO preview in the right hand gutter for
           | code related searches. I guess that must be a bing feature.
             | binarymax wrote:
             | It does when it works, but I've found it to work less often
             | these days.
         | [deleted]
         | heretogetout wrote:
         | StackOverflow has become nearly useless because they don't
         | mandate version numbers on questions and answers. I never start
         | searches on SO and walk away empty handed probably 95% of the
         | time I find my way there.
           | Aachen wrote:
           | I was actually part of a study on improving that. They
           | selected for some criteria that I'm not privy to, but part of
           | it was being active on the site. Iirc only a few hundred
           | meeting invites went out in total. Some of the questions I
           | was asked were also geared towards validating the problem so
           | they could present it to management and get more manpower on
           | solving it.
           | Since then I've seen sorting by 'recently most voted' being
           | used by default sometimes, but I still have to read up on the
           | actual results. They're somewhere on meta SO or meta SE.
             | heretogetout wrote:
             | Part of the problem is the attitude that questions are
             | duplicates of questions posted 10 years ago, so they get
             | closed without answers. I am not sure recently most voted
             | is enough. I think the culture needs to change
             | substantially, maybe figure out some way to discourage
             | closing as duplicate (cost N*5 points where N is the age of
             | the supposed duplicate in months or years). Make it really
             | expensive.
               | TheCapn wrote:
               | Maybe my attitude is wrong, but I've always felt the onus
               | is on the Question asker to dictate that they've found
               | the old answers and provide explanation to why they're no
               | longer relevant to the problem. "I've already tried
               | solutions from <x>,<y>, and <z> but they use functions
               | depreciated in 2.1 and I'm using 3.0."
               | I do recognize the problem you're describing though. I
               | think I've developed this mindset because I stopped
               | helping out in StackOverflow a lot due to the low quality
               | of many questions. I did a bit of time moderating with
               | the intent to teach new users how to improve their
               | questions, but ultimately the amount of users who want
               | quick answers outpaces my patience so I just moved on. I
               | follow two niche categories now that I consider myself an
               | expert in and that's about all I help out with anymore.
               | heretogetout wrote:
               | Yeah, questioners should be encouraged to include version
               | numbers. Ideally there would be a specific mandatory
               | field for a version number. I'm honestly shocked there
               | isn't one, it seems so obvious there's no way I'm the
               | first to think of it.
         | kitsunesoba wrote:
         | Absolutely. Two of the big reasons are improved understanding
         | and problem solving skills on my part and improvements in the
         | tech stack I use day to day making things more clear and
         | covering more use cases cleanly.
         | The third is that I've come to recognize that the average
         | quality of answers on SO is quite poor -- while they
         | technically serve as solutions to posted problems, they often
         | come with big caveats... use of private/deprecated APIs,
         | hackiness, and feature misuse abound.
         | As such when I use SO these days it's usually not for wholesale
         | solutions to problems but rather to add to a greater body of
         | examples of APIs in action which I can then abstract and use as
         | needed. It's decent for this use case.
           | plonk wrote:
           | > The third is that I've come to recognize that the average
           | quality of answers on SO is quite poor -- while they
           | technically serve as solutions to posted problems, they often
           | come with big caveats... use of private/deprecated APIs,
           | hackiness, and feature misuse abound.
           | The real clean answer is usually a mildly upvoted comment
           | that scolds the answerer for violating a standard or using a
           | bad practice. SO is still useful when that happens.
         | [deleted]
         | figassis wrote:
         | I find that in recent years my best resources are official docs
         | because that's where I find the "obvious" answers to the issue
         | I'm having by not having previously read the docs. I also find
         | lots of answers in gh issues (often unresolved) where I gain
         | insight into what might be happening so I can come up with a
         | solution. SO answers that I find useful are usually ones which
         | link to related docs.
           | pasc1878 wrote:
           | Why is that in recent years. The best resources have always
           | been thofficial docs and that has not changed since before
           | SO. The issue is that official docs are often not good and
           | you need pointers too them. In fact I would say that official
           | docs are getting worse and you need more help from SO now.
           | Agreed that github issues are very useful for understanding.
           | But even there for popular reps there are too many stupid
           | questions to wade through.
         | Macha wrote:
         | Broadly, yes. It's been years since I asked a question, and for
         | searching and finding an answer, github issues has replaced it.
         | stemlord wrote:
         | That would be great. I work in a generalist type of field where
         | learning new tools is part of the job so I am still googling
         | the same stupid questions almost every day
           | plonk wrote:
           | I google the same git commands three times a day and end up
           | on stackoverflow. Everything else is answered by the github
           | issue comment with 10 emojis under it.
         | clumsysmurf wrote:
         | It probably depends on the technology you are using. For
         | example, the Android conceptual guides are very good, but the
         | javadoc / references are abysmal. You simply can't get anything
         | done without SO because its more authoritative than the Android
         | javadoc.
         | cpascal wrote:
         | I probably take more guidance from blog articles and GitHub
         | issue comments than I do from StackOverflow. I think this
         | started to happen for me around 2015/2016. I'm not sure though
         | if that's a function of me requiring more niche/targeted
         | guidance, or StackOverflow no longer capturing as much
         | knowledge as it once did.
         | lawn wrote:
         | In the beginning I used SO a ton, both asking questions and
         | using existing answers.
         | But now I can't remember the last time I visited SO and I
         | stopped asking questions many years ago.
         | This is true even when learning new languages and other things.
         | jjslocum3 wrote:
         | I was asking myself similar questions after finding that the
         | survey results bore little resemblance to what I've encountered
         | in the US software industry in the last few years (I've been at
         | it for decades). My first hunch is that the results say more
         | about SO survey takers than about the actual software industry
         | - similar to how various political polls (e.g. FoxNews,
         | Politico) seem skewed towards the bias of the polling
         | organization. My second hunch is that it's a big world, and I
         | and my colleagues may just inhabit a bubble far from the center
         | of the bell curve.
         | These days, the only time I drop into SO is when a "how do you
         | do that again?" search yields a relevant-looking question asked
         | within the last year or so. As often as not, the search leads
         | me to a blog post or primary source (e.g. mozilla javascript
         | documentation). But when I do make it to SO, I find that it's
         | still a bustling community full of legitimate expert guidance.
         | shagie wrote:
         | Yes. Several parts to it.
         | 1) My experience is greater. Many of the problems that I
         | encountered before, I know how to solve.
         | 2) I know what knowledge I'm looking for if I don't know the
         | answer. Instead of searching for the problem I am having (and
         | ending up on SO), I am searching for the specific part of the
         | documentation that I need for solving the problem that I have.
         | 3) I tend to bias to project specific knowledge now. The
         | general pollution of search on Stack Overflow means that it is
         | more productive to search Spring documentation or the project
         | specific forums ( https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-
         | kafka/discussions ) rather than Stack Overflow itself.
         | 4) Stack Overflow content is having difficulty with the lack of
         | curation of old answers and the deceased quality of people
         | answering now. Finding an answer written in recent times with a
         | few variations on "have you tried {x}?" without the material
         | leading to how that suggestion was derived means that trying to
         | apply the answer is shotgun "maybe this works" without an
         | understanding for _how_ it works or if that is the right
         | solution.
         | 4b) I try to avoid the "have you tried {x}" answers as that
         | impacts the rate I grow my experience (and thus part 1) at.
         | Likewise, in general, people who try the shotgun solutions (and
         | I can see that in code reviews if they're not good about
         | cleaning up (and they aren't) tend to continue to make the same
         | type of errors again as they are following cookbook / paint by
         | numbers approaches rather than understanding some basic food
         | science or aesthetic theory.
       | [deleted]
       | billpg wrote:
       | I answered "Very Favorable" to "How favorable are you about
       | blockchain, crypto, and decentralization?"
       | I am indeed very favorable indeed to decentralization.
       | I also think blockchains are almost always a waste of electricity
       | by computers pointlessly playing Numberwang all day. (I'm not
       | quite sure if "almost" is needed there.)
         | bitwize wrote:
         | "Pointlessly playing Numberwang all day" is _the_ best, most
         | accurate description of blockchain activity I 've ever heard.
         | boardwaalk wrote:
         | I agree this is a very unfortunate grouping of topics. The
         | irony is that there's a lot of cryptocurrency stuff that isn't
         | even well decentralized, so it's almost an objectively bad
         | grouping.
       | butterNaN wrote:
       | I went through 'I need to learn a new language' phase a few weeks
       | ago.
       | I decided to go with Elixir because it seems fun (I have no
       | Functional experience). However, I am seriously considering Rust,
       | because it seems so universally loved.
       | Maybe the grass is greener on the other side?
       | I will definitely pick up Rust when I feel I am comfortable
       | enough with Elixir.
       | I primarily want to work with Distributed Systems, but It seems
       | the best 'setup' is Elixir for Distribution logic and Rust for
       | leaf-nodes-number-crunching logic.
         | kretaceous wrote:
         | I'll politely hijack this thread to ask for suggestions about
         | what functional language to learn next.
         | I have no functional experience apart from dealing with
         | similar, toned down concepts in JavaScript.
         | I was considering Clojure or Elixir depending on tooling,
         | ecosystem, market worth and most importantly, what can it teach
         | me.
         | The reason I got inclined to Elixir was to learn
         | Phoenix/LiveView. The reason for Clojure was it's very much
         | adored here and it seems a good starting language for FP.
         | Rust is in my list but maybe sometime later this year.
           | H12 wrote:
           | As someone pretty plugged-in to the Elixir community, I can
           | fully endorse it. There are a lot of really exciting new
           | developments happening on the regular, but it also has really
           | solid foundation, being built on the BEAM (Erlang's VM).
           | As a language, the syntax is pragmatic and approachable like
           | Ruby, but the VM scales super well since it's Actor model
           | provides concurrency by default.
           | There are even projects working to enable GPU-accelerated
           | numerical computations (Elixir Nx) and Jupiter Notebook style
           | collaboration and code sharing.
           | If you're primary goal is to learn something fun that's also
           | great for getting actual work done, you'll probably really
           | like Elixir.
           | My recommended introduction would be installing it, and
           | running through their official guide from the top:
           | http://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/introduction.html
           | ducharmdev wrote:
           | While I like the functional aspects of Rust, not sure I would
           | call it a functional language - still very much worth
           | learning though.
           | Maybe a slightly unconventional answer, but F# is quite nice.
           | https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/
         | cigrainger wrote:
         | They work really well together. Check out Rustler.[1]
         | [1]: https://github.com/rusterlium/rustler
         | lawn wrote:
         | Both Rust and Elixir are languages people generally love, and I
         | too really like them both.
         | Taywee wrote:
         | I'd recommend Rust even if just because the available material
         | for learning it is really good: https://www.rust-lang.org/learn
         | I'm just recommending Rust in general, not over Elixir, because
         | I've never used Elixir and have no experience in that area.
         | Rust is a pretty easy language to love.
       | politelemon wrote:
       | > A Linux-based OS is more popular than macOS - speaking to the
       | appeal of using open source software.
       | I'm glad to see this, and I hope this trend can continue. Though
       | I wish I worked for such a company, and I friendly-envy people
       | who have such a privilege.
       | ask_b123 wrote:
       | I always miss out on answering these surveys and only remember
       | their existence when the results come out.
       | jarek83 wrote:
       | Salary part - I wonder if those results make much sense. I
       | remember that question did not specify the currency and also the
       | previous question to it was the country of origin, which could
       | suggest to use your local currency. At least I was not sure what
       | to put there.
       | jedberg wrote:
       | It blows my mind that 72% of developers love Slack. I absolutely
       | hate it with a passion. It's like someone walking up to your
       | desk, except we made it way easier because they don't have to get
       | up and feel the social pressure of waiting for you to stop what
       | you're doing and take off your headphones.
         | mulmen wrote:
         | It's IRC without the headaches.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | I have the same complaint about IRC. :). I'm ok with both
           | Slack and IRC for collaborating on an immediate problem, like
           | an outage, but I hate having it just sit there as a way for
           | someone to ping me any time.
             | mulmen wrote:
             | Sure but your complaint is about chat apps, not Slack
             | specifically. For the people who "love" Slack it is just
             | IRC but easier.
               | boredtofears wrote:
               | It's about the proliferation of slack being treated as
               | the primary mode of communication at many companies now
               | instead of email.
               | I'd much prefer default asynchronous communication than
               | default real time communication (or some kind of hellish
               | mixture of the two).
               | jedberg wrote:
               | That's fair, but even between slack and IRC I much prefer
               | IRC for real time collaboration and any chat app for one
               | on on conversations.
               | Slack threads are the worst thing to happen to IRC. Pick
               | a modality. Is it a real time conversation or
               | asynchronous threads? And then having one on one and
               | group collaborations in the same place means both are
               | done poorly.
               | It also means the notifications for both get mixed
               | together. I want to get notified when someone posts to a
               | group in slack, and I also want to get notified when I
               | have a direct message, but not at the same time.
               | mulmen wrote:
               | I love threads. They're lightweight channels. In large,
               | busy channels it allows parallel conversations. I see no
               | reason a thread would be strictly asynchronous or real
               | time. That's an organizational expectation. And anyone
               | who expects real-time responses outside of a call needs
               | to come back down to Earth.
         | VirusNewbie wrote:
         | My company basically uses slack as an improved email. We don't
         | expect immediate responses unless we specifically tag someone
         | and say ASAP or whatnot. Works out well.
         | windows_sucks wrote:
         | I think you can disable notifications, so you're not disturbed
           | jedberg wrote:
           | You can, but people get annoyed if you don't respond quickly,
           | because they expect a quick response, otherwise they would
           | send an email.
             | loudmax wrote:
             | This is really a social problem, not a technical problem.
             | The technology for instant communication exists and it
             | isn't going to disappear. Your coworkers need to learn to
             | give people space to do their job. Sorry that's scant
             | comfort if that's what your workplace is like.
               | cudgy wrote:
               | Or is it a technical problem that creates a social
               | problem, thereby making the technology the problem?
               | jedberg wrote:
               | It's a product marketing problem, specially Slack's. They
               | market it as an instant communication product, but then
               | they put threading and other asynchronous type modalities
               | into it.
               | I have no problem with instant chat apps. I can set
               | myself as away and people know not to expect a response.
               | But in slack it's a group conversation with the
               | expectation of instant response, because that's how they
               | market it.
         | cauthon wrote:
         | Note that all of these percentages are a little misleading.
         | It's the percentage of developers who responded to the
         | question, not the percentage of developers who participated in
         | the survey.
         | For the slack question, it's 72% of 34,440 responses (24,635
         | love vs 9,805 dread), or about 36% of the 70,000 participants
         | (with ~50% of participants giving no response and I'm assuming
         | therefore being neutral or having no experience.)
         | slindsey wrote:
         | Does your company culture expect immediate response? I like it
         | because we treat it like short-form email, maybe with a slight
         | expectation of quicker response. If I send you an email, it
         | will have some detail and please get back to me within a few
         | days. If I send you a slack message, I expect a sentence or two
         | and a response today or tomorrow.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | I've never worked anywhere that didn't expect an immediate
           | response from Slack. If they wanted a delayed response,
           | they'd send an email.
           | Worse yet, if I try to enforce that myself by not responding,
           | there is a whole conversation in the channel before I get
           | there and then I have to respond to all the messages in a
           | mess of threads or some big long response block.
             | scarface74 wrote:
             | I very much have "deep work" time where I turn off
             | everything. If there is a house on fire emergency, they can
             | use our paging app that can bypass DND on the phone.
             | ozim wrote:
             | You know you set the expectations. Is it firing offense if
             | you reply in 30 mins.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | My interpretation: Devs like the experience of interactive
         | instant messaging without any hassle and simply equate Slack
         | with that experience. Slack is really pervasive in our industry
         | despite its subpar experience for developers.
         | I largely agree with 72% of developers here, although I would
         | gladly swap it out for something better. The notification
         | scheme is good enough. I don't like to be disturbed a lot, so I
         | disable sound notifications, and just notice the red dot in the
         | browser tab occasionally (which I promptly ignore if I don't
         | want to stop and read messages).
       | gdsdfe wrote:
       | Wait so in Canada a student is payed $116k+ more than a data
       | scientist or a data engineer or a backend developer etc. ?!? How
       | does that make any sense ?
       | prohobo wrote:
       | I love that C++ developers only want to work with C++ and Python,
       | while nearly everyone else is doing web stuff.
         | a_e_k wrote:
         | 1. It's a combination that hits the sweet spot for the
         | "alternate hard and soft layers" architecture.
         | 2. Python is quick to write for scripts, one-offs, and things
         | that don't need to the performance of C++.
         | 3. The ecosystem is fairly stable and low-drama.
         | (Speaking as one of those C++ and Python devs.)
         | TillE wrote:
         | This is hilarious because that's literally me. I use C++
         | professionally and where it's appropriate for hobby stuff, and
         | Python for nearly everything else.
         | Ok I also use C# for the parts of game development where Python
         | is too slow / not well integrated, but C++ would be overkill.
         | But web dev? No way. Trendy new languages? Meh.
       | jarek83 wrote:
       | I wonder if there might be a bias in lang/framework popularity
       | results towards those that give more challenge to devs. Like the
       | more problems you have with a tool the more often you go to SO
       | and it makes it more likely to fill the survey.
       | treis wrote:
       | (1) My poor back button
       | (2) Those YoY salary increases are bonkers
       | (3) Poor Ruby on Rails. Seems to be slowly sliding into
       | irrelevance in the face of stiff competition.
         | tra3 wrote:
         | Rails is boring tech [0] now. Phoenix seems to top the "wanted"
         | listed, but it only has about a ~1000 respondents. If I had to
         | guess I'd say js/typescript will eventually eat rails, django
         | etc. If I started coding today, or indeed within the last 10
         | years, it's not clear why I would choose anything other than
         | Javascript.
         | [0]: https://mcfunley.com/choose-boring-technology
       | mayormcheeseman wrote:
       | I really want to learn Rust, but I just don't have enough time in
       | the day to commit to learning it if I'm not going to be able to
       | find a job with it that doesn't involve blockchain or
       | cryptocurrencies.
       | Can anyone tell me how the general Rust job market looks for you
       | guys outside of things like Indeed?
       | jonteru wrote:
       | Interesting results as always, but on the salary side I find it
       | really hard to believe that on the executive level (C suite/VP)
       | the median annual salary is just 6k bigger than that of
       | engineering managers. I'd imagine not a lot of executives respond
       | to this survey so that probably skews the results.
         | StevenWaterman wrote:
         | A 3-person startup probably has a CEO, probably doesn't have an
         | engineering manager
         | wiseowise wrote:
         | > Interesting results as always, but on the salary side I find
         | it really hard to believe that on the executive level (C
         | suite/VP) the median annual salary is just 6k bigger than that
         | of engineering managers.
         | C suite/VP that receive salary that is substantially higher
         | than engineering managers don't sit on StackOverflow.
       | ctvo wrote:
       | Surprising for me: AWS's market share is still Azure + GCP
       | combined amongst professional developers [1]. With various
       | articles about Microsoft's success I was expecting lower. The
       | same for loved / dreaded. AWS scores significantly better [2] in
       | terms of loved over other cloud platforms. Being in the HN bubble
       | I was expecting that to be lower also. The other items that
       | scored high on loved / dreaded were mostly new technologies vs.
       | dominant incumbents.
       | 1 - https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2022/#most-popular-
       | technolog...
       | 2 - https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2022/#most-loved-dreaded-
       | and...
         | clumsysmurf wrote:
         | As an Android developer since 2009, I will not touch anything
         | from Google ever again. Its a very asymmetrical relationship,
         | and if something goes wrong, like your account gets suspended,
         | its a Kafkaesque nightmare, with usually no recourse.
           | geek_at wrote:
           | same goes for other platforms too, you know.
           | The only advantage for Android is that you can theoretically
           | also just distribute via sideloading
         | npalli wrote:
         | Regarding Azure, it is quite possible the primary developers
         | are corporate/in-house types and not big on responding to this
         | particular survey. About 70,000 developers (in total) responded
         | which is a small fraction of the developer universe.
           | swyx wrote:
           | always the same criticism with surveys. and yet this is one
           | of the biggest surveys in the world. one has to try.
           | isbvhodnvemrwvn wrote:
           | And I believe microsoft counts their SaaS offerings in their
           | Azure usage, which significantly skews the numbers.
       | andsoitis wrote:
       | Of the ~52k responses:
       | - almost 33% of people have programmed professionally for less
       | than 4 years
       | - just over 27% have programmed professionally between 5 and 9
       | years.
         | ARandomerDude wrote:
         | I suspect junior developers care a lot more about Stack
         | Overflow than more experienced developers. When I first started
         | my career, I looked at SO at least daily. Now (10 years later),
         | I look at it maybe monthly when I'm searching for a solution to
         | a weird library/config issue.
         | If that hunch is correct, it would explain why the data are so
         | skewed towards people with less than 5 years of professional
         | experience.
           | Washuu wrote:
           | 30 years of coding experience here.(Professional + student) I
           | only end up on Stack Overflow for cryptic regex stuff that I
           | forgot and ffmpeg syntax.
       | Barrera wrote:
       | > Clojure remains the highest-paid language to know.
       | Any ideas around why that could be?
         | caterwhal wrote:
         | I've been a professional Clojure developer for some time now.
         | My main observation when it comes to this is that Clojure is
         | often picked to solve particular problems based on the
         | capabilities it offers over other languages very deliberately.
         | I've seen quite a few cases where an organization had attempted
         | to solve a really high value problem with a more mainstream
         | language, realized that it was next to impossible to succeed
         | that way, and then tried Clojure with great results. In short,
         | oftentimes Clojure makes it easy to solve really difficult
         | problems and expert Clojure developers are in short supply.
         | Some examples of problems that I've seen Clojure excel in
         | solving: 1. Complex rule modeling 2. Optimization systems 3.
         | Big Data pipelines 4. Highly concurrent systems 5. Streaming
         | systems
         | yen223 wrote:
         | My hypothesis is that Clojure doesn't get used outside of the
         | US, and so the median salary isn't pulled down by the
         | comparatively lower salaries outside of the US
           | askonomm wrote:
           | Tons of Clojure in Europe. Especially Northern Europe.
           | Following the job boards and Clojurians Slack channel's #jobs
           | channels I figure it's about 50/50 for US and EU.
         | ilikehurdles wrote:
         | Many people using clojure were already senior level engineers.
         | Few jump into clojure (or elixir or some of those other top
         | languages) straight out of college. They make conscious choices
         | to introduce these technologies to their companies or to seek
         | out companies that utilize them, which implies they're at a
         | level where they're able to exert more influence.
         | rr888 wrote:
         | Because there is like one project and they had to pay a fortune
         | to find anyone.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | Common trope which if you'd actually read through any real-
           | world data, is nowhere near to be true.
           | One basic example: https://jobs.braveclojure.com/, five pages
           | of jobs that are all about Clojure (and some others languages
           | + Clojure)
           | Not to mention when you're running a Clojure company and you
           | go out to find candidates, most of them are really good and
           | you won't have to look for very long, as long as you can
           | compensate them well, as the competition between companies
           | (for candidates) is fierce.
             | ilikehurdles wrote:
             | And few clojure shops will require previous experience with
             | clojure. The ones I've worked on have all welcomed
             | engineers new to the language, which on its own is a
             | refreshing approach to hiring. I don't think highly of
             | companies that hire at the level of specificity of "X years
             | in Y technology".
             | Good engineering principles translate across stacks.
       | NKosmatos wrote:
       | When you see (once more) that despite your 20 years of experience
       | you're being paid less that what students are being paid in other
       | countries :-) (yes people, I know it's my fault that I'm still
       | staying at this job... no need for downvotes or negative
       | comments).
         | anticristi wrote:
         | Depending on your geography, it might be a fair price to pay
         | for universal healthcare, free daycare and university for your
         | kids, as well as having a notion of evening and weekend.
         | I'm still looking for a golden tool to convert total
         | compensation plus geography into expected happiness.
           | mminer237 wrote:
           | The average American pays 10% of his income on healthcare
           | expenses. [1] That would mean it would be around $5,000/year.
           | The US charges maybe $30,000 more for college than some
           | cheaper countries. With two kids, that's maybe $1,500/year
           | amortized over a career.
           | Those aren't going to be worth it for the average person
           | unless you live in Norway, Luxembourg, or the UAE. I doubt
           | there's any country where those outweigh the average
           | programmer salary difference, let alone after taxes. Even if
           | you have a serious health condition and crappy health
           | insurance, deductibles cap out at $7,000/year.
           | [1]: https://www.advisory.com/daily-
           | briefing/2019/05/02/health-ca...
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | you are not alone
       | wiseowise wrote:
       | Surprised at average Ocaml salary. But then Jane Street folks,
       | probably, don't use platforms like StackOverflow.
         | acchow wrote:
         | It's because Ocaml is from France and is taught in many schools
         | in France. Europe overall has much lower salaries than the US.
       | viggity wrote:
       | Is the raw data available?
         | jesprenj wrote:
         | +1. The website is unusably slow for me.
       | usrbinbash wrote:
       | Docker going strong :-)
       | Unsurprising, really. The usefulness of it cannot be overstated.
       | Doesn't even matter if its used anywhere in the deployment chain;
       | simply having the ability to pull up a replica of almost any *nix
       | environment on my laptop _in mere seconds_ , using it for tests,
       | and then throwing it away resetting it _again in mere seconds_ is
       | beyond awesome, no matter if what I 'm working on then goes into
       | a huge complicated deployment chain, or is shoved onto some on-
       | premises, zero-abstractions, baremetal server.
       | And how is it all configured? Plain text files. How is it
       | controlled? Command Line. Meaning I can script it every way I
       | want, using the tools I already have and use. Doesn't get in the
       | way, doesn't demand that I work around it...it works with me and
       | my tools in the same way they already work together.
       | Oh, and of course, good bye and good riddance to the days when I
       | had to install and configure local RDMS for tests. Everything I
       | use has an official image, so I just write some small setup
       | script, a Dockerfile, knit everything together in a docker-
       | compose.yml and presto, done: Application stack is up and
       | running.
       | To me, Docker is as essential as my text editor these days.
         | KronisLV wrote:
         | > Unsurprising, really. The usefulness of it cannot be
         | overstated.
         | Furthermore, in addition to the points you mentioned, it also
         | lets us:                 - trivially remap ports to whatever we
         | want (and expose whichever we'd like to the outside)       -
         | easily set resource limits, so your instance of MariaDB doesn't
         | bring the whole server down and make it unresponsive       -
         | abstract away storage, in case you want a specific directory
         | for your backups instead of following HFS (say, just have /app,
         | treating the rest of the server as throwaway)       - perhaps
         | most importantly, your host OS is now separate from the actual
         | containers that you are running, updating/redeploying either
         | becomes a breeze
         | Recently, I actually decided to build my own containers for all
         | of my personal use cases and it's been an interesting
         | experience: I base everything on a LTS version of Ubuntu and
         | just use apt for getting all of the runtimes (Node, Java, .NET,
         | PHP, Ruby, Python, ...) for my own software, and so far it's a
         | nice experience.
         | All I need is the base Ubuntu image from Docker Hub and the
         | rest is up to me and the regular mirrors/repositories for the
         | software packages in question, most of which can be stored on
         | my own Nexus instance as needed, as well as the whole build
         | process is primarily driven through Gitea, Drone CI and a few
         | "servers" (repurposed old computers with passive cooling) that
         | I have on my desk.
         | Though for now I also use Bitnami images for databases and
         | such, which are also decent and which I largely just cache on
         | my end: https://bitnami.com/stacks/containers
         | So what I'm trying to say, is that there's a lot of flexibility
         | that you can enjoy, both in making your own "templates" for web
         | servers, programming languages, build toolchains etc., as well
         | as you can grab pre-made stuff that other people have made, be
         | it on Docker Hub, someone's Nexus/Artifactory/Harbor instance
         | or another registry out there.
         | Docker and other OCI compatible tools have largely achieved the
         | sort of adoption and widespread usage that projects like Nix
         | and Guix could also benefit from.
         | mynameisash wrote:
         | I sorta learned a little about Docker+Kubernetes on a previous
         | project, and it was a nightmare. I don't have a good mental
         | delineation between the two products because the whole thing
         | was a trainwreck, though I'm inclined to think that 95% of the
         | horribleness was K8s.
         | That said, I also don't remember the Docker documentation to be
         | very good. For someone that doesn't work with it
         | professionally, what's a good starting point to learn Docker
         | well?
           | [deleted]
           | EnKopVand wrote:
           | Are you sure you need to learn Docker well? I ask this
           | because I use docker on a daily basis, but I rarely actually
           | "use" docker. What I mean by this is that we deploy
           | everything using docker, but it's handled by our DevOps
           | pipeline and the "docker" part is really just a dockerfile
           | that is typically given to us by our cloud vendor. I think
           | the only thing I've changed in ours for nodejs, c#, Python
           | and go images is the image version they get build with.
           | Lets say I want to write a typescript microservice and deploy
           | it to azure as a serverless functions app. I'll fork our bare
           | metal nodejs project for azure functions, which is
           | essentially the standard azure cli "create nodejs function
           | -typescript -docker" (this isn't correct syntax but you get
           | it) with the linting and ts-compiling rules we use on all our
           | projects (and an updated image version in the docker file as
           | mentioned). While I build things and run them locally, I
           | don't use docker, it's not until I actually want to deploy to
           | azure and setup the release pipeline and trigger it that
           | docker comes into play, but those DevOps steps (also
           | streamlined) aren't really docker heavy as they simply use
           | the dockerfile that was mostly provided by Microsoft.
           | I can certainly build and run my micro service as a docker
           | container locally, but I don't need to. In fact the only
           | times I did was when it failed to build during the azure
           | pipeline but it turned out to be the azure container registry
           | access controls every single time that happened, so these
           | days I almost never "use" docker. In fact I use it so rarely
           | I almost always have to Google command lines.
           | I know people use docker in many different ways, and that
           | many use things like docker compose, but my point is that you
           | can deploy everything you build with docker and never
           | actually have to care much about docker itself. So maybe you
           | should ask yourself if you really need to learn docker good
           | before you spend too much time on it.
           | tacker2000 wrote:
           | Though k8s works with docker, you shouldnt need to use it off
           | the bat, especially in the beginning without having lots of
           | experience with docker itself. Most projects dont need k8s
           | and i personally have never used it.
           | I agree the docker docs are lacking, i basically learned
           | everything by googling stuff, stack overflow and reading some
           | blog posts
         | Taywee wrote:
         | I find for builds especially it's invaluable. I have a Makefile
         | that builds Docker images and runs build processes for all 4
         | supported versions of Debian, 3 LTS versions of Ubuntu, RHEL7,
         | and Fedora 35 and 36. It builds and packages the software on
         | all of these, giving me debs and rpms for every relevant distro
         | ("relevant" meaning distros used for servers or workstations
         | for any of our employees and clients).
         | I then have another set of docker images for making package
         | repositories and signing everything.
         | I do have a lot of mostly-redundant dockerfiles in some places,
         | but in others I've managed to leverage m4 to reduce the
         | redundancy (though I'm trying to keep it as slim as possible to
         | avoid the pain of turning everything into a convoluted set of
         | impossible-to-maintain macros).
         | Before this, I was using Vagrant and Ansible for builds, which
         | was slow, memory hungry, and frustrating to debug. Not to
         | mention that dependencies that needed to be built statically
         | couldn't be easily cached, which comes out of the box with
         | Docker.
         | toastal wrote:
         | And yet here I am having used Docker like 3 times. I've used
         | Heroku, Nix, or even just versions through asdf if necessary
         | and been fine--though Nix is the only truly reproducible option
         | here. None of these options involved containers or overhead.
           | seabrookmx wrote:
           | What overhead?
             | mulmen wrote:
             | The virtual machine?
               | mandarax8 wrote:
               | What virtual machine?
               | city41 wrote:
               | Docker requires a Linux VM when not ran on Linux.
               | noisem4ker wrote:
               | ... unless you're running Windows containers (on
               | Windows).
               | KronisLV wrote:
               | > ... unless you're running Windows containers (on
               | Windows).
               | But aren't most Windows containers a bit on the heavier
               | side? And don't you then need to also use the whole MS
               | server setup for deploying your stuff to prod, which is a
               | no-no in certain settings?
               | Edit: provided that you can even find an image for the
               | software you need (from an official provider/latest
               | versions/with proper instructions and source). Consider
               | the following:                 - https://hub.docker.com/s
               | earch?q=postgres&operating_system=windows       - https:/
               | /hub.docker.com/search?q=postgres&operating_system=linux
               | Then again, WSL2 is pretty okay for running *nix based
               | OCI containers, apart from the file permissions (SSH keys
               | and anything like that is a pain, especially with bind
               | mounts).
               | Even a Hyper-V VM was a decent choice, though any sort of
               | a performance overhead was also negligible - I've heard
               | the story being worse on OS X in regards to disk
               | performance, though not sure whether that's still
               | relevant. The worst thing about Docker on Windows has
               | generally been the weird bind mount syntax for the
               | Windows file system paths (not too bad, to be honest) as
               | well as the whole file permission thing, as well as the
               | Hyper-V approach eating some of your RAM in the
               | background.
               | Apart from that, it's _mostly_ passable, though Docker
               | /Podman on *nix is comparatively painless. Though I could
               | say that about most development ecosystems, from PHP to
               | Java. Windows is just generally better for certain
               | classes of desktop software and gaming, *nix is generally
               | better for most development related tasks and servers.
               | /opinion
         | lmarcos wrote:
         | > simply having the ability to pull up a replica of almost any
         | *nix environment on my laptop
         | Umm, I struggle with that. I have Ubuntu machines that run in
         | production. They are VMs that run systemd for some stuff and
         | Docker containers for others. The only way to (easily)
         | replicate such machines on my laptop is via VMs (e.g., Vagrant
         | + VMware), not via Docker only.
         | I do use Docker a lot... Inside VMs.
         | _ZeD_ wrote:
         | > Unsurprising, really. The usefulness of it cannot be
         | overstated.
         | meh, I can count on my hand the times it was useful to me.
         | oh, and having to deal with docker desktop is not fun
           | swyx wrote:
           | fwiw you can run docker without docker desktop now
           | https://www.swyx.io/running-docker-without-docker-desktop/
           | umvi wrote:
           | Well yeah, Docker + Windows isn't the best experience. I
           | recommend WSL if you must go down that route.
             | tester756 wrote:
             | I wish installing Docker inside WSL2 wasn't so problematic
             | - the networking part to make it work is messy
             | GordonS wrote:
             | It used to be a bit flakey pre-WSL2 integration ~2-3 years
             | back - it's been absolutely rock solid for me on Windows
             | since then, just like on Linux.
               | skinnyarms wrote:
               | Same, I can't even remember the last time it's crashed
               | for me or anybody on my team.
               | folkrav wrote:
               | You don't even have to bother with Docker Desktop these
               | days, you can start it in `/etc/wsl.conf` directly with
               | `service start docker` and forget about it, it'll start
               | with the VM. I think this is a rather new feature though.
           | plonk wrote:
           | > oh, and having to deal with docker desktop is not fun
           | To stay sane, just forget it exists until it crashes
           | irretrievably, then reinstall it and repeat. Containers and
           | images being disposable is the whole point anyway.
         | mythrwy wrote:
         | Not denying the potential usefulness, but I've seen a lot of
         | time get lost to faffing around with Docker when it completely
         | added nothing at all.
         | melony wrote:
         | Except when it comes to paying for it. Developer tooling is
         | still a dead end business model if you are not subsidized by a
         | bigger company.
         | scarface74 wrote:
         | One of my updated "Joel Test" job requirements is "do you give
         | each developer access to a dev cloud account with fairly wide
         | guardrails."
         | I would much rather just spin up all my resources on a dev
         | cloud account using CloudFormation/Terraform, and spend them
         | down when I'm done.
         | Before I get (rightfully) called out. Yes I work at AWS now.
         | But I also found that just as appealing three years ago when I
         | worked at a 60 person company.
       | shagie wrote:
       | Students claim to have 4.86 years (on average) of professional
       | experience. O_o
       | The lowest years of experience of actual professionals belongs
       | to... blockchain developers with 9.63 years (on average) of
       | professional experience.
         | kiernanmcgowan wrote:
         | My guess is that there's some sampling bias for the student
         | population - if you're plugged in enough to be doing this
         | survey you've probably been hacking for a while.
         | Fwiw, I started getting paid for slinging code at 16,
         | maintained the website for a university group in college, while
         | still doing other work in the summers. I probably would have
         | answered with "6 years of experience" if asked when I
         | graduated.
         | Is that truly "professional experience"? In retrospect probably
         | not, but 22yo me would have been too stubborn to answer
         | otherwise.
           | tester756 wrote:
           | Do you take hours ratio into the account?
           | e.g if you've been working 4h a week,
           | then it'd be weird to say after year that you have 1 year of
           | commercial experience, when your colleagues spent 40 hours /
           | week and have "only" 1 year too
           | I believe that pay is not necessary, but working for somebody
           | else or in team (e.g OSS) is necessary.
           | So yea, I wouldn't say that hacking something even cool, but
           | alone is commercial xp.
         | kerblang wrote:
         | Just a note, the comment is quoting from this:
         | https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2022/#section-experience-yea...
         | BTW many people go (back) to school after obtaining some
         | professional experience. Not sure about the context of this
         | part of the poll though.
           | shagie wrote:
           | The 4.86 years of experience is the mean of the 677
           | respondents who indicated student.
           | Going back to school after a few years is one thing... (and I
           | lack the median, but I'm going to guess that it isn't too far
           | from the mean) but having _most_ students go back to school
           | after 4 years of professional experience seems a bit odd.
           | I really suspect that they're either counting their 2 months
           | of summer internship as a year several times over, misreading
           | the professional part of it and including hobby, or
           | misreading the professional and considering that they're a
           | senior with 3 years of academic experience which translates
           | 1:1 with professional, so they'll put that down.
           | The issue is that type of "something is fishy here" without
           | further drilling into it makes me more skeptical of other
           | data outliers and suspect more reporting and analysis issues
           | than a (self reported) poll can be trusted.
         | BlargMcLarg wrote:
         | >Students claim to have 4.86 years (on average) of professional
         | experience. O_o
         | You've heard of "5 years of experience" entry level jobs, now
         | meet the "5 years of experience" students
           | bierjunge wrote:
           | The eight Canadian students claim to have an income of (avg)
           | $116,850.5. I think it's time for me to move to Canada.
           | https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2022/#salary-canada
             | trinovantes wrote:
             | Those are probably 16-month (effectively fulltime) coop
             | students working at big tech/finance. By senior year some
             | of my classmates were making 10-12k/month.
             | 908B64B197 wrote:
             | That's not at all surprising.
             | It's their intern salary projected on a yearly basis so ~
             | $9737/month.
             | juice_bus wrote:
             | I'm in Canada and these students allegedly make more money
             | than I do with ~12 years of experience.
               | mistrial9 wrote:
               | it gets better -- twenty years experience and you will
               | make much less again
               | gopher_space wrote:
               | There are probably crypto-fintech-medtech jobs out there
               | that pay 500k but we'd never get to the salary part of
               | the conversation because the whole idea feels shady.
               | Security might also pay well but there are too many
               | personalities involved in the domain for me to find out.
         | tester756 wrote:
         | I do have 4 years of commercial experience and I'll be getting
         | masters next year.
         | That's because I've been working full time since 2nd semester
         | But I still do believe that it's weird.
         | Maybe people think about experience in general instead of
         | commercial, full time?
       | davidspiess wrote:
       | Is it possible to find out the average salary of a specific
       | country? In the survey it's only possible to switch between US,
       | India, Germany, UK and Canada.
         | speedgoose wrote:
         | My union does that, you may have one for IT professionals where
         | you live.
         | pxeger1 wrote:
         | I presume that's because they didn't have enough data for other
         | countries.
       | throwaway889900 wrote:
       | People love APL more than Java? Interesting, I always bring up
       | APL as a joke.
         | Beltalowda wrote:
         | Only about 500 people filled in APL, whereas about 22k people
         | filled in Java. For a lot of people APL isn't really on the
         | radar.
         | abrudz wrote:
         | Makes sense to me (but I'm of course biased) due to selection
         | bias. My impression is that those for whom APL clicks, find the
         | day-to-day APL experience very enjoyable, while those that just
         | don't get it will tend to leave APL behind. Probably not so for
         | more widely-used languages, where people will stay with them,
         | even if it means daily frustration.
       | mayormcheeseman wrote:
       | I expected C#/dotnet to make a little more headway considering
       | all of the work being done and released recently, plus the push
       | to make it more cross-platform than it already is.
         | BlargMcLarg wrote:
         | Microsoft usually has pretty good documentation. Maybe that
         | lowers the need to use SO, which would lower the odds of those
         | developers being active on SO.
         | 28% is still pretty good compared to Java's 33%.
           | mayormcheeseman wrote:
           | Oh definitely, Microsoft docs are usually very well written.
           | And you're right, those percentages look pretty good.
       | khoobid_shoma wrote:
       | The numbers do not say what is really better. It just reflects
       | responders' opinions.
         | bigbillheck wrote:
         | > It just reflects responders' opinions.
         | That's why they called it a 'Developer Survey'.
       | mg wrote:
       | Observations:
       | 1: Amazing that Javascript is the most popular language, despite
       | nobody has yet managed to write a fast FizzBuzz in it :)
       | https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/215216/high-thr...
       | 2: SQL and Bash both went up a percentage point! Yay! The art of
       | terse and efficient code is not yet dying.
       | 3: Strange that "Web frameworks" mixes backend and frontend
       | frameworks. Why is "node.js" listed here? Isn't node.js a
       | runtime?
       | 4: Docker made a big jump from 49% to 64%. I consider that a good
       | thing. I don't believe in "containerizing" applications. But I
       | prefer to have Docker stay around for the long term. Because
       | containers on their own are so darn useful.
       | 5: Git is at 94%! Really? 94% of developers use Git? Or do they
       | use some tool that is using abstracting Git away, like GitHub?
       | Anyhow. Thats great, because Git (like vim) is one of the best
       | pieces of software out there and I love that it will be around
       | for a very long time.
         | GlitchMr wrote:
         | > 1: Amazing that Javascript is the most popular language,
         | despite nobody has yet managed to write a fast FizzBuzz in it
         | :)
         | The reason for that is that standard output implementation in
         | Node.js is very slow. When the challenge is to write as fast as
         | possible to standard output that's not ideal.
         | speedgoose wrote:
         | It's because it's not possible.
           | shepherdjerred wrote:
           | Why not?
             | trinovantes wrote:
             | This fizzbuzz competition specifically requires the
             | solution to work up to 2^63 which is not possible as the
             | largest int in JS is 2^54-1. You would have to use BigInt
             | which would greatly reduce your performance.
             | So not impossible but kinda pointless for JS
               | pbhjpbhj wrote:
               | I'm not a programmer just a pedant ... can't you just
               | concatenate two integers one as your bigend and one as
               | your little end. Sure, probably not fast, but slow !==
               | impossible.
               | city41 wrote:
               | That's pretty much what BigInt is doing for you.
               | TJSomething wrote:
               | The thing that was said to be impossible was writing a
               | fast FizzBuzz. Assuming that your reference is C, it kind
               | of is.
               | shakna wrote:
               | There's ASM and C answers, without going near BigNum
               | libraries. You wouldn't necessarily have to implement or
               | use a BigNum library.
               | Taywee wrote:
               | ASM and C have access to native 64-bit integers.
               | Javascript does not.
               | shakna wrote:
               | Javascript does [0]. Shipping in Chrome v67, and rolling
               | out elsewhere.
               | [0] https://chromestatus.com/feature/5371603852460032
               | Taywee wrote:
               | That's not native 64-bit integers. That's BigInt, and
               | it's already out everywhere, and unless the situation has
               | changed, it's significantly slower than just 64-bit
               | integers would be.
               | I'm not actually attacking JavaScript for this, note. I
               | don't think it's really all that much of a problem given
               | the purposes of JavaScript, and I think it could really
               | be better fixed by doing something similar to what Lua
               | did, and have all numbers transparently either a 64-bit
               | floating point number or a 64-bit signed integer. If you
               | are using JavaScript and something like specifically
               | needing 64-bit integers is an issue for you, there's a
               | good chance you should just be using WebAssembly.
         | bluedino wrote:
         | There is no way that 94% of programmers know how to use Git.
         | Most of them barely know how to program.
         | silentguy wrote:
         | Regarding Git being 94%, if you see the table just below about
         | interacting with the version control system, you'd see 83.57%
         | users using command-line. 28.44% are using version control
         | hosting service web GUI. 83.57% is still a big number of people
         | who are using git with fewer abstractions on top.
         | thunderbong wrote:
         | > Git is at 94%! Really? 94% of developers use Git?
         | I think this means that 94% of the people using Git have
         | questions!!
         | IMHO, this means that a simple Distributed Version Control
         | System is really required.
           | _ZeD_ wrote:
           | like mercurial?
           | layer8 wrote:
           | > a simple Distributed Version Control System is really
           | required
           | Right, it would be nice to have a simple one.
           | kwertyoowiyop wrote:
           | All the Git users took a break from reading tutorials and
           | googling for solutions, and took this survey.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | > Amazing that Javascript is the most popular language, despite
         | nobody has yet managed to write a fast FizzBuzz in it
         | It's almost like "Best performance of all languages!" is not
         | that important of an requirement for a language to become
         | popular :)
           | runarberg wrote:
           | Being the native language of the most popular information
           | sharing standard in the history of humanity surely must
           | account for something.
         | AnimalMuppet wrote:
         | Re 2: Bash can be terse, yes. Efficient? Depends. It can be
         | efficient in terms of developer time to get something running.
         | Efficient in terms of CPU time? Maybe not.
         | waylandsmithers wrote:
         | > Why is "node.js" listed here? Isn't node.js a runtime?
         | In this context this almost always means node.js with express
           | MattGaiser wrote:
           | I so rarely hear of Express in the context of backend JS.
           | People always just say Node. Curious convention.
       | diarrhea wrote:
       | I was under the impression Solidity was a dumpster fire language.
       | For example: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14810008. It
       | ranks surprisingly high. Is this riding off of Ethereum's
       | popularity? Perhaps in combination with the skewed sample
       | (towards young/beginning devs).
       | Xenoamorphous wrote:
       | Race "European"?
         | tacker2000 wrote:
         | Found that interesting too. But i guess that has to do with the
         | fact that if youre not in the US then the concept of "race" is
         | different.
       | badrabbit wrote:
       | Not gonna lie, I am a little upset about Ocaml here.
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