[HN Gopher] The Grug Brained Developer
       The Grug Brained Developer
       Author : huimang
       Score  : 393 points
       Date   : 2022-06-22 19:00 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (grugbrain.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (grugbrain.dev)
       | sovietswag wrote:
       | > oh well, grug end up at good company anyway and rob pike dress
       | habit increasingly erratic, so all work out in end, but point
       | stand: logging very important!
       | beautiful...well done....
       | twhitmore wrote:
       | Microservices
       | grug wonder why big brain take hardest problem, factoring system
       | correctly, and introduce network call too
       | That made me laugh. The microservices madness of the past decade
       | is now starting to settle down to more mature understandings, but
       | there are still a lot people biting off large testing,
       | operational, and data transactionality/ reporting costs.
       | People often don't recognise beforehand the magnitude of extra
       | complexity & associated productivity costs.
       | I've seen companies architecting 50 microservices with 50
       | separate datastores when they actually needed 5 midi services..
       | Then lose half their productivity trying to work with all this.
         | strix_varius wrote:
         | I don't know if this is universal, but in my circles
         | "microfrontends" are now all the rage.
         | How do you bring up concerns with that in good faith? It's so
         | obviously terrible that I've no idea where to begin.
       | charlie0 wrote:
       | Never before have I read such wisdom. Young grug impressed.
       | whiddershins wrote:
       | > Microservices
       | grug wonder why big brain take hardest problem, factoring system
       | correctly, and introduce network call too
       | seem very confusing to grug
       | >
       | Yes.
         | tharax wrote:
         | This is perhaps the most succinct way I've ever seen this
         | expressed. Agree 100%.
       | tines wrote:
       | As a grug-brained developer, I love the spirit of this, but it's
       | kinda hard to read. Maybe the author can publish an English
       | translation? :)
         | crooked-v wrote:
         | On the other hand, I'd be interested in seeing a 'ten hundred
         | most common words' version of it that dumps those complicated
         | words like 'refactor'.
         | bitwize wrote:
         | This reminds me rather of a cross between "Code Monkey"
         | (Jonathan Coulton song) and Film Crit Hulk Smash.
           | egypturnash wrote:
           | (Film Crit Hulk released a book; half of it was in all caps,
           | the other half was the exact same text except in normal
           | sentence case.)
         | andrepd wrote:
         | grug think grugposting is part of the charm
           | layer8 wrote:
           | Grug thinks there would be middle course keeping most of
           | charm but less exhausting to read.
             | manmal wrote:
             | Exhausting make grug read more slowly and parse well.
         | raphlinus wrote:
         | I might be willing to give this a shot. I appreciated the charm
         | and humor in the original, but especially for readers who don't
         | have English as a first language it probably gets in the way of
         | the message.
       | jstanley wrote:
       | > grug no able see complexity demon, but grug sense its presence
       | in code base
       | This is the key problem with complexity.
       | Complexity is fine if you understand it! It's when you're aware
       | that something is complex, but you start to get these mental
       | force-fields pushing you aware from the scary parts, that it
       | becomes a problem.
       | > demon complexity spirit mocking him make change here break
       | unrelated thing there what!?!
       | That's the happy case! The sad case is when you make a change and
       | don't observe any obvious breakage, but then 3 years later you
       | realise something you somewhat care about has been silently
       | broken for a very long time.
       | bekantan wrote:
       | > grug very like type systems make programming easier. for grug,
       | type systems most value when grug hit dot on keyboard and list of
       | things grug can do pop up magic. this 90% of value of type system
       | or more to grug
       | This resonates with me
       | LawnGnome wrote:
       | Australians of a certain age might have a different (yet not that
       | different) take on the Grug brain:
       | https://www.simonandschuster.ca/books/Grug/Ted-Prior/9780731...
       | bpicolo wrote:
       | Grug and I have essentially identical software development
       | philosophies. I appreciate you Grug. This, especially, was where
       | I felt kindred spirits colliding.
       | > type systems most value when grug hit dot on keyboard and list
       | of things grug can do pop up magic
         | strix_varius wrote:
         | For me, that's 50% of it. The other 50% would be:
         | > type systems other most value when grug make wrong, but no
         | user see because big red arrow point to first.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | This reads a lot like like commit comments, status reports,
       | e-mails and tickets in a company in which everyone is from a
       | different country from around the globe.
       | If you can't read grug English, you will find it hard to navigate
       | in the global workforce.
         | girvo wrote:
         | I have accidentally introduced "dope" as a thankful affirmative
         | into our international developers lexicon at work. There's
         | another even more amusing one too but I can't remember what it
         | is. Working with global teams is fun!
       | whiskeytuesday wrote:
       | > grug understand all programmer platonists at some level wish
       | music of spheres perfection in code. but danger is here, world is
       | ugly and gronky many times and code so also must. humility not
       | often come big brained or think big brained easily or grug even,
       | but grug often find "oh, grug no like look of this, grug fix"
       | lead many hours pain grug and no better or system worse even.
       | grug early on often charge into code base waving club wildly and
       | smash up everything, learn not good
       | > grug not say no improve system ever, quite foolish, but
       | recommend take time understand system first especially bigger
       | system is and respected code working today even if not perfect
       | grug read this and grok spirit, grug enlightened. master not club
       | grug so much.
         | Rantenki wrote:
         | Grug state Chesterton's fence very easy understand way.
       | odipar wrote:
       | big brain really like post. lesson learn is deep!
       | "(best grug brain able to herd multiple big brain in right
       | direction and produce many complexity demon trap crystals, large
       | shiney rock pile!)"
       | tboyd47 wrote:
       | The advice is fantastic! Fear the club.
       | > grug tempted to reach for club and yell "big brain no maintain
       | code! big brain move on next architecture committee leave code
       | for grug deal with!"
       | > grug tempted reach for club when too much agile talk happen but
       | always stay calm
       | beckingz wrote:
       | Now we add GRUG to KISS and YAGNI.
       | arthurcolle wrote:
       | > test shaman have good point on importance of test, even if test
       | shaman often sometimes not complete useful feature in life and
       | talk only about test all time, deserve of club but heart in right
       | place
       | > also, test shaman often talk unit test very much, but grug not
       | find so useful. grug experience that ideal tests are not unit
       | test or either end-to-end test, but in-between test
       | amazing
       | bfung wrote:
       | this grug read article, but author grug big brain, article too
       | long. If article was smaller with less complexity, easier for
       | regular grug to read and remember.
       | </grug>
       | whoomp12342 wrote:
       | this is nothing short of amazing
       | TranquilMarmot wrote:
       | I think this nicely captures everything I've learned about
       | programming over the past n years that I wish other people would
       | realize too.
         | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | What have been the most complex business requirements for a
         | project you have worked on, and what made them complex? Was the
         | resulting system less complex than the requirements?
       | resters wrote:
       | I can't tell who this article is making fun of.
       | arbenpurben wrote:
       | This makes me so happy
       | MrPatan wrote:
       | "deserve of club but heart in right place"
       | I love it.
       | cubano wrote:
       | The problem here as I currently see it.
       | What could be complex to some could be simple to others.
       | How could grug developer possibly make sense of such a
       | contradictory statement?
       | My name is Groot!
       | planarhobbit wrote:
       | Horseshoe theory right once again: Grug and 100x'er megaminds are
       | aligned, and the midwits are over complicating and
       | underperforming.
       | phailhaus wrote:
       | Love this. Always keep it simple, because future me is dumb. I
       | will say though that frontend dev gets a bad rap, and the tooling
       | is complex because the problem is. UI's are incredibly stateful
       | by nature, and you're not going to get anywhere unless you use a
       | mature framework that lets you reason about it effectively. No,
       | I'm not talking about using React to make a static site, but
       | anything with a modicum of complexity gets out of hand pretty
       | quick.
       | [deleted]
       | elwell wrote:
       | Basically "Simple Made Easy"
       | maest wrote:
       | > sometimes probably best just not tell project manager and do it
       | 80/20 way. easier forgive than permission, project managers mind
       | like butterfly at times overworked and dealing with many grugs.
       | In my experience, I have to fight to keep my devs from over
       | engineering their solutions and just get something going.
       | I'd love to work with a dev who's happy to think about how to
       | most quickly deliver value and who's willing to help with the
       | cost-benefit analysis for each suggested feature.
       | Problem is, for that, you need a developer who cares about and
       | deeply understands the use case/the product. Many of the devs
       | I've had to work with were more interested in building pristine
       | codebases with clever abstractions and ability to scale to
       | unnecessary numbers of users or bytes.
         | TideAd wrote:
         | Do you understand the basic reasons why?
         | Developers are on the hook for bad code and complexity. Rushed
         | code makes feature work take longer, it makes working more
         | irritating, and creates operational work. Everyone is burned by
         | a team that does these things poorly at some point in their
         | career and it drains the life out of you.
         | They need to trust that you'll schedule time to go back and do
         | things correctly. Clean up technical debt, nail down all the
         | requirements, etc.; you don't want to be jumping from MVP to
         | MVP. Maybe you do this well, I don't know. But you need to
         | understand the motivations and incentives of the devs you work
         | with better or you're going to be fighting them constantly.
           | devmunchies wrote:
           | > Rushed code makes feature work take longer
           | grug say nothing of "rushed code". Grug get sick if grug
           | drinks from dirty water, even if it is closer than walking to
           | clean water. Rushed code and dirty water hurts Grug.
           | But that not mean that Grug needs to dig a trench to clean
           | water, or build wall like beaver to get more clean water, it
           | hurts Grug's back. Grug just walk to clean water when Grug is
           | thirsty.
           | Grug dig canal to clean water before, and Grug need to always
           | keep canal clean and me not able to hunt for food because me
           | digging new holes. One time, chief said village need to move
           | to other side of mountain. Grug said goodbye to canal and my
           | beaver wall. Grug should not built them.
           | verve_rat wrote:
           | 100% A bad code base is a mental health hazard, and that shit
           | hurts. Of course time crunch isn't the only thing that makes
           | a bad code base. Devs bike shedding to much, or just not
           | being good at maintaining a code base can have the same
           | effect, but not having the time to protect your own future
           | mental health really starts to weigh on a workplace.
           | ornornor wrote:
           | You nailed it.
         | riazrizvi wrote:
         | The difference is mostly a result of perspective, that could be
         | fixed. The PM has the use cases and product gestalt, if this
         | was shared and made the environment in which the devs work,
         | their prioritizing shifts to product, and engineering concerns
         | would be limited to more obvious ones that make sense.
         | But it's human nature to protect one's job and decision making
         | autonomy. PMs being no exception, often underweight their roles
         | in communication transfer and overweight them in decision
         | taking.
         | [deleted]
         | goodoldneon wrote:
         | It's a balance. As an engineer, I'm constantly dealing with the
         | consequences of a "the feature worked so we shipped" mindset.
         | Churning out features without thinking about architecture
         | creates increasing amounts of code "tangle" that gradually
         | slows down feature dev. On the flip side, thinking too much
         | about architecture slows down feature dev
         | galaxyLogic wrote:
         | You have the right insight I think. The thing about putting
         | lots of effort into "refactoring" is that the code you refactor
         | may actually not end up in the product at all.
         | I think "prototyping" is better than "refactoring". Prototyping
         | basically means that you write your app more than once. On the
         | 2nd round you know what needs to be there and what not. You may
         | have come up with a much better much simpler design for the
         | whole system when you know what needs to be there and what it
         | needs to do.
         | Code-quality is important no doubt, but it is not important for
         | code that doesn't end up in the final product.
         | lmarcos wrote:
         | That's because such developers know that they won't have to
         | maintain such code. They will probably be gone (switch to
         | another company) in 1 or 2 years.
         | jbreckmckye wrote:
         | It's a question of incentives and accountability.
         | PMs aren't accountable when their shortcuts come and bite the
         | team further down the line. Developers feel the pain instead.
         | PMs won't be honest with the business that they sold an
         | undercooked product. Need to suddenly scale up that
         | "pragmatically" designed database? I know in my heart that you
         | will almost _never_ manage expectations with your superiors if
         | you can harangue developers into overtime or death marches.
         | "Who could have guessed this could happen?"
         | Don't take that personally. It's just the way incentives are
         | structured for middle managers. By the time the problems of
         | your "pragmatic" architecture have emerged, your typical PM /
         | EM / team lead will either be working on another team, doing
         | another job, or talking about "tech debt" as "just one of these
         | things", a mysterious natural force, visiting your team
         | stochastically like a freak summer snowstorm or an outbreak of
         | measles.
         | _That_ is why developers are cautious. Do you _seriously_ think
         | that you are the only person in your team who understands
         | "commercials" or "cost benefit analyses"? Experienced
         | developers do, which is why we've learned the best strategy in
         | the long run is to avoid offering concessions to people without
         | any skin in the game.
         | xupybd wrote:
         | I've been there, so far away from the business use of the
         | product that my solutions focused on the tech.
         | I'm sorry.
         | Now I'm right on the front lines of the business and it's eye
         | opening. I think we need to take time to tech the domain to
         | devs first. It's expensive and won't pay off unless the dev
         | stays on the project for a while but it's the only way to allow
         | the dev to understand what they're trying to do for the
         | business.
         | In reflection I'm wondering if the problem is more that an
         | external consultant is often not aligned with the business.
         | Being directly employed helps with alignment.
           | charlie0 wrote:
           | The problem is that most companies don't proactively teach
           | the business side to the devs, I know mine doesn't.
       | galaxyLogic wrote:
       | Nice article but a bit tedious to read improper English. It is
       | fun for paragraph or two but wears out rather quickly. If you got
       | something important to say why not just say it as clearly as
       | possible?
       | going_ham wrote:
       | > good debugger worth weight in shiney rocks, in fact also more:
       | when faced with bug grug would often trade all shiney rock and
       | perhaps few children for good debugger and anyway debugger no
       | weigh anything far as grug can tell
       | grug know debugger good but grug often realize grug no need
       | debugger on smaller cases and only run it when grug need it, grug
       | try simple code like print and log first, if grug sad and no
       | understand grug go for debugger
         | dmix wrote:
         | On the frontend I have a sweet debugger setup with neovim and
         | chrome but there's definitely a time investment setting it up.
         | The overhead exists almost entirely because of how the code
         | goes through a Typescript, Vue/Vite transpiler and needs to
         | sync with the source map... so breakpoints aren't a 1-to-1
         | connection.
         | So yeah console.logs are still quite common even if you have a
         | great debugger because it's the most accessible and laziest
         | option.
         | But there's something very rewarding about getting really good
         | with a debugger and figuring things out quickly.
         | mattmanser wrote:
         | Relying on log and print statements is like giving up. I would
         | claim that's not simplicity, that's inexperience, but I have no
         | idea what language you're referring to. Sometimes I do it with
         | JavaScript when I didn't setup the project, it's using a
         | framework I don't know and I'm not willing to spend the time
         | figuring out how to get real debugging working so there are
         | caveats.
         | But you definitely should not be doing that if you have a good
         | debugger as It's faster to click the line to add a break point
         | and press play. You can SEE the state. And you can view other
         | variables at the same time if something's looking whiffy,
         | usually by just hovering your mouse. Plus see the entire call
         | stack.
         | The thing that's boggling my mind about this is that if you
         | know the line to add a log statement on, you know the line to
         | add a breakpoint on. It's so much easier to just add a
         | breakpoint.
         | In some languages if I saw someone adding a log statement while
         | debugging I would immediately classify them as a junior
         | programmer and start teaching them how to debug properly.
         | Either you are using a shitty language with a crap debugger or
         | you need to learn how to use your IDE.
           | nwatson wrote:
           | You can't run a system handling real money or real medical
           | records in a debugger. Or if you are, you're violating a
           | bunch compliance standards and will get sued into oblivion.
           | going_ham wrote:
           | It totally depends on the case at hand!
           | I use debugger all the time when I run into pointer related
           | issue, or some checking some tensors in deep neural nets etc.
           | In some cases, I throw debugger just to see what is going on.
           | However, I have had few cases where debugger slowed me down.
           | If you are doing something in graphics that requires you
           | debugging issues that spans multiple frames, sometimes it's
           | easier to notice the value over a period of time and see why
           | things are behaving that way. From there you can reason what
           | might be causing the issue. It can be done frame per frame
           | inserting multiple breakpoints, recording them and viewing
           | them accordingly! However, I prefer simple logs in such
           | cases.
           | I have used both approaches as time demanded.
           | iamthepieman wrote:
           | If I set a breakpoint somewhere and it ended up being a
           | location that was useful, that's usually a good place for a
           | log statement.
           | As for your point about logging being a fail condition, I was
           | working on a distributed system where I had no control over
           | which instance my code was running on. I would attach a
           | debugger and make the same request a dozen times before the
           | instance I had attached the debugger to processed the
           | request. This wasn't a system I could setup a local instance
           | of. I also couldn't reduce the instances to a single one
           | because there were other devs, testers, data engineers
           | working on it and the system did raster processing that
           | regulary took 1-5 minutes. I resorted to log debugging.
           | IsopropylMalbec wrote:
           | You are not able to, or at least should not be able to debug
           | your code in production. More than likely all you will have
           | is your logs.
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | Printf bad, log good. Grug already have logging in app. Grug
         | use logging, Grug no reinvent logging with printf.
       | ath3nd wrote:
       | This. Is. Pure. Gold!11
       | jamal-kumar wrote:
       | smol brain can dodge [1]
       | [1]
       | https://preview.redd.it/g1lpdmt1iiv51.jpg?auto=webp&s=a5f27c...
       | 5cott0 wrote:
       | sometime grugbrain sometime complexitybrain
       | GrumpyNl wrote:
       | That's a great write up.
       | lxe wrote:
       | Start calling bad abstraction "indirection". If I'm debugging
       | something, I don't want to be chasing a rabbit through figuring
       | out what calls what, and what constant is stored where, what
       | pattern created what instance, etc...
         | crooked-v wrote:
         | I hated dependency injection until I escaped Javaland and
         | discovered that you could do it with direct interface
         | references instead of four layers of indirection.
       | csours wrote:
       | Even big brain developer is grug brain when read code later.
       | sdfhdhjdw3 wrote:
       | Too difficult to read, can't be bothered.
       | Does this style really appeal to anyone at all?
         | bigbillheck wrote:
         | I didn't think reading it was very hard at all.
       | tragomaskhalos wrote:
       | Wise fellow, that grug.
       | abecedarius wrote:
       | cf. 'Grunk' in the very funny Lost Pig: https://pr-
       | if.org/play/lostpig/
       | I skipped most of this post, but the combo of name and writing
       | style seems like a homage.
       | dugmartin wrote:
       | Grug no talk of estimation spirit demon.
       | mcbishop wrote:
       | that grug say many variables good. make this grug many happy.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | put explicit type on variable even more good for read code
       | throwawayacc2 wrote:
       | Grug no read good but grug fink is good advice here
       | wly_cdgr wrote:
       | This bats 0.950+
       | Who is this person? They must be a very senior Jedi
         | palotasb wrote:
         | > grug not like big complex front end libraries everyone use
         | > grug make htmx and hyperscript to avoid
         | https://twitter.com/htmx_org/status/1539713592794169346
         | https://github.com/bigskysoftware
         | ntoskrnl wrote:
         | His name is grug.
           | philangist wrote:
           | His name is Robert Grugson
       | smm11 wrote:
       | I sense a certain age-range here.
         | recursive wrote:
         | grug sense a certain age range in comment
       | genjipress wrote:
       | You've heard of Film Crit Hulk? Here's Software Dev Hulk.
       | trwhite wrote:
       | I have been thinking about the complexity bias that affects our
       | perception of quality. I think as programmers it is our natural
       | assumption that if something is complex, lots of thought must
       | have gone into it beyond our understanding. This is especially
       | true when starting a new job. But this is slightly ironic because
       | often more code makes something slow, which isn't a good thing at
       | all.
       | dgb23 wrote:
       | What a fun article!
       | When reading it, I felt like it was loosely inspired by A
       | Philosophy of Software Design by Ousterhout. And it was! Near the
       | end it is listed as recommended reading. Cannot recommend it
       | enough.
       | pawelduda wrote:
       | > grug has never used erlang, hear good things, but language look
       | wierd to grug sorry
       | maybe grug try drink elixir?
       | nathias wrote:
       | complexity isn't bad, redundant complexity is
       | [deleted]
       | dack wrote:
       | As funny as this post is to read, I don't want to see yet another
       | developer say "complexity bad". I want to see a company deliver
       | high-quality products with very few bugs at a fast cadence, and
       | continue to make major changes long into the future without
       | slowing down.
       | _THEN_ I want developers from that company to share their
       | opinions about how they do it. Do such companies/products even
       | exist? Software is so bad these days that maybe no existing
       | software lives up to our ideals.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | You mean in the form of books, tech talks, articles and so on?
         | There's plenty of that. But it is usually very technical or
         | about abstract problem solving, sometimes also
         | historical/anecdotal. Things like that.
         | Methodology stuff sometimes comes from people who don't seem to
         | code much at all, or haven't for a long time. I don't really
         | read those things often and when I do I tend to skim them out
         | of boredom.
         | Software design, architecture and paradigms are a mixed bag.
         | There is plenty of distracting stuff there, and much is from
         | people who again, don't code. But there are a bunch of rare
         | gems in this area, even coming from academics/teachers or
         | veterans who haven't been in the trenches for quite a while,
         | but have plenty of useful things to say.
         | l5ymep wrote:
         | Complexity doesn't necessarily slow down feature development.
         | In my experience it reduces the project longevity. At some
         | point it will be too big and complex to rewrite all the while
         | more glaring problems emerge and cannot be dealt with.
           | [deleted]
       | dusted wrote:
       | Well meaning..
       | However, what I _REALLY_ want is a sw-dev (let's just say it like
       | it is _PROGRAMMER_) version of the BOFH stories.
       | agentultra wrote:
       | Ah, the ample club of wishful thinking.
       | There are two general ways of approaching software design (and
       | I'm paraphrasing Tony Hoare here):
       | 1. You can write software so simple there are obviously no errors
       | 2. You can write software so complex there are no obvious errors
       | One thing that escapes "grug" is that achieving 1. often requires
       | more sophistication than their magical club allows. Most well-
       | intentioned "grug" developers will write software so simple that
       | it becomes it's own form of complexity: a giant mud-ball of for-
       | loops, while-loops, variable assignments, and other wonderful
       | side effects. Instead of addressing complexity head-on with
       | abstraction, "grug" will beat "galaxy brain" over the head.
       | What grug fails to understand is that simplicity isn't easy or
       | familiar. It doesn't mean "sticking to what you know." If often
       | requires being able to reason about programs and to verify that
       | reasoning!
       | But go ahead grug... keep beating people over the head with the
       | club and hope that the complexity will go away.
         | keerthiko wrote:
         | > a giant mud-ball of for-loops, while-loops, variable
         | assignments, and other wonderful side effects.
         | Woah woah. This is literally the kind of complexity grug wants
         | to avoid. Simple doesn't mean using the fewest language
         | features or keywords, it means simple to read, follow along,
         | reason about, and debug. Abstractions can aid in that (like
         | using a third party library!), until they are
         | imported/implemented aspirationally and thus often
         | unnecessarily, and sometimes resulting in abstractions for
         | abstractions, selective application of the abstractions vs
         | fresh implementation, etc (...and thus AWS)
         | At no point does grug argue that you should stick to what you
         | know, he just says you should trap your complexity in crystals
         | ie literally suggesting to use the Good Abstractions, When They
         | Make Sense.
         | kazinator wrote:
         | Software in category (1) and (2) can be of any relative size.
         | 1 could be 50,000 lines, 2 could be 500.
         | coldtea wrote:
         | > _There are two general ways of approaching software design
         | (and I 'm paraphrasing Tony Hoare here): 1. You can write
         | software so simple there are obviously no errors 2. You can
         | write software so complex there are no obvious errors_
         | And both are neither here, nor there, regarding what the
         | article talks about, which is basic advice that always holds:
         | avoid complexity, say no whenever possible, opt for 80/20
         | solutions.
         | > _One thing that escapes "grug" is that achieving 1. often
         | requires more sophistication than their magical club allows._
         | Which is irrelevant to grug's point, as he doesn't pretend to
         | advocate achieving 1.
         | nonethewiser wrote:
         | You're focusing on coding style but it sounds more like hes
         | talking about business requirement.
         | If we are talking about coding style, then the things you have
         | identified as actually not simple are by definition not what
         | the article favors.
         | Barrin92 wrote:
         | > Instead of addressing complexity head-on with abstraction,
         | "grug" will beat "galaxy brain" over the head.
         | the argument made in the piece is more nuanced than that. The
         | author points out that you often _cannot_ address complexity
         | head on (in particular not with abstraction), because you don
         | 't even know what your complexity looks like, as the author
         | says, complexity isn't trivial to see.
         | This was the old problem of inheritance as a paradigm which
         | tried to anticipate structure of programs and code when often
         | you can't anticipate what shape your program is going to take,
         | often leaving you in dead ends and wrong hierarchies or
         | taxonomies.
         | The author isn't saying to not abstract at all but to not do it
         | early. Casey from Handmade Hero had a similar style he called,
         | IIRC 'compression' based programming, implying that you write
         | your code, and as you go over it again and again you see where
         | duplication pops up and only then you factor it out into some
         | higher abstraction.
           | geekbird wrote:
           | This. Develop the logic and flow for all of the thing, make
           | it big, code it simple and even redundant, but really basic
           | and simple. That's your "proof of concept". Pass two is
           | finding and factoring out all of the redundant stuff into
           | functions and libraries, grouping like with like. It's like
           | in relational database design - first you grab all the fields
           | needed, then group them and normalize them.
         | ImprobableTruth wrote:
         | I think the post actually touches on this? It doesn't say that
         | you shouldn't abstract, just don't abstract too early.
         | shams93 wrote:
         | Then there's the Super Mario developer, I putta all 50,000,000
         | lines of code into one a fantastic pasta bowl file just for a
         | you!
         | frostwarrior wrote:
         | That's the classic "only coder" mindset. Instead of being
         | uncomfortable learning about software architecture, side
         | effects or even pure functions, tries to solve every problem
         | with for and while loops.
           | WesolyKubeczek wrote:
           | Sir, may I remind you that when you get down to it, your
           | architecture and higher order functions are all made of
           | branching and for and while loops, and branching and for and
           | while loops are all made of goto.
             | vnorilo wrote:
             | And gotos are made of jump instructions which are made of
             | NAND gates, transistors and silicon. Good abstraction is
             | all about hiding the details that are not essential to the
             | problem at hand.
               | WesolyKubeczek wrote:
               | I wanted to say jump instructions at first, but gotos are
               | more hated and considered harmful in these quarters.
               | You hide the details but you never forget they're there,
               | lest they spoil and start smelling really bad.
               | (Also, apparently the MOV instruction on amd64 gives you
               | Turing completeness as proved by that crazy compiler, so
               | gotos may be made of MOVs sometimes, but meh)
             | lmm wrote:
             | A particular _implementation_ might use those things, and I
             | will meet it on its terms when I need to. But that 's a
             | mechanical convenience, nothing more. My top-level code is
             | written for people to read, and only incidentally for
             | machines to execute.
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | ^ sound convince and probably very big brain right at times
         | however!
         | beware apply advice put form data from web page into database
         | with many layers abstraction not needed! grug see many time!
         | fear of looking dumb (FOLD) _great danger_ in such
         | conversations and beware!
           | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | titzer wrote:
         | Undoing someone's copy-pasted for-loops and while-loops is
         | called "factoring" and undoing someone's bad abstractions is
         | called "re-factoring" and is about 10x as slow. At this point
         | in my career I have seen _way more_ crappy abstractions and
         | needlessly abstracted code than grug-brain code.
         | And, to be brutally honest, as much as I love those functional
         | combinators, first-class functions, streams, etc, they suck to
         | reason about.
         | Sometimes loops are better!
           | lmm wrote:
           | > And, to be brutally honest, as much as I love those
           | functional combinators, first-class functions, streams, etc,
           | they suck to reason about.
           | > Sometimes loops are better!
           | That I think is backwards. A loop could be doing literally
           | anything - it probably _is_ futzing with global variables -
           | so there 's no way to reason about it except by executing the
           | whole thing in your head. A map (or mapA) or a fold (or
           | foldM) or a filter or a scan is much more amenable to
           | reasoning, since it's so much more specific about what it's
           | doing even without looking at the body.
             | andyferris wrote:
             | I like to write loops where they follow the functional
             | map/filter/reduce paradigm where they don't mutate anything
             | except some initial variables you "fold" over (defined
             | immediately prior to the loop) and which are treated
             | immutable (or uniquely owned) after the loop.
             | I find this has good readability and by containing the
             | mutation you can reason about it "at a distance" quite
             | simply since further away it's for-intents-and-purposes
             | pure code.
             | What you might lose are the compiler-enforced guarantees
             | that a functional language gives you. Some languages give
             | you the best of both worlds - with rust you could put this
             | in a pure function (immutable inputs, owned outputs) and
             | the borrow checker even reasons about things like this
             | within a function body.
               | galaxyLogic wrote:
               | I think a loop is ok if it only modifies variables whose
               | scope is the loop.
               | And that's what map() basically does.
             | philosopher1234 wrote:
             | Not true in reality, so your theory must be wrong.
               | lmm wrote:
               | I've been doing this professionally for over a decade and
               | it's been true in my experience, shrug.
           | eurasiantiger wrote:
           | I think you found the head of the nail, so let me hit it:
           | "Simple" code is simple to reason about, but it is not as
           | expressive.
           | "Complex" code is just as simple to reason about, but being
           | more expressive, it requires more intimate knowledge of the
           | language features and abstractions used.
           | Then there is "bad" code, which is confusing for reasons
           | other than domain complexity.
           | Sometimes complexity just gets handed to a developer even if
           | they say no, and that doesn't make their complex code bad
           | code.
           | stonecolddevin wrote:
           | I personally almost always use loops (in Java) unless I know
           | the dataset being dealt with is small, unless I'm writing
           | stuff in Scala where maps and flatMaps are first class, but
           | diving into Scala is its own can of worms.
           | joshuamorton wrote:
           | I've seen a massive, "simple", abstraction-free function of
           | 500-1000 lines take smart engineers _quarters_ to safely
           | "factor". I've seen this same thing happen a handful of
           | times. Big spaghetti function requires someone to build a new
           | test suite from scratch so that they can refactor safely,
           | because everything ends up having spooky surprising distant
           | effects, because there isn't any abstraction to contain
           | things.
           | They're dead simple, there's no abstraction, its just loops
           | and variables (and state, which is the real killer). But
           | they're impossible to reason about as a result.
         | jjoonathan wrote:
         | It _will_ go away -- to other devs, who will awkwardly and
         | painfully route around grug, adding loads of complexity. Not
         | grug 's complexity, though!
         | lijogdfljk wrote:
         | > Most well-intentioned "grug" developers will write software
         | so simple that it becomes it's own form of complexity: a giant
         | mud-ball of for-loops, while-loops, variable assignments, and
         | other wonderful side effects. Instead of addressing complexity
         | head-on with abstraction, "grug" will beat "galaxy brain" over
         | the head.
         | Hah. Related, i became disgruntled with my previous favorite
         | language for this reason. It promoted this style of
         | development. Surface level simplicity built into the language,
         | with minimal tools to actually manage the complexity that is
         | inherent to the problem space you're working in.
           | short_sells_poo wrote:
           | Alright I'll bite :)
           | Python? Java? C? Assembly?
             | mgsouth wrote:
             | That would make for some interesting posts. "How X promotes
             | wishful simplification," for various values of X. I imagine
             | some common traits would be probably be "X makes simple
             | things simple," with "it makes hard things look like simple
             | ones." But there's also "X has defaults that Just Work"
             | with "until they don't." I don't think I'd include
             | assembly, C, or Java in those categories. Python? Maybe;
             | "batteries included" is starting to break down. Go? Yep.
             | Goroutines and channels usually work well for simple stuff,
             | often for more complicated, and the core libraries follow
             | that pattern. Model failures tend to be buried and solved
             | when the service is turned off and back on. Rust? Don't
             | think so; its schtik is making hard things into blockers.
             | Web frameworks? Yes, oh very yes. Lisp? "Simple? Blink
             | blink. Oh, you mean elegant."
             | kapp_in_life wrote:
             | My guess would be Go since I've heard that as a common
             | complaint.
             | bityard wrote:
             | Not who you're replying to, but Tcl was that language for
             | me. Dead-simple syntax, documentation, and behavior. I
             | loved it. But also dead-simple tools. And if you wanted to
             | do anything that wasn't a "solved problem" already, you had
             | to write your own library.
             | When I switched my focus to Python, everything was more
             | effort but I could also do _much_ more with it.
               | lmm wrote:
               | Interesting - I found TCL to be very much the opposite,
               | because it makes "meta" things so easy. Like, if you want
               | to write your own control flow construct, you can go
               | right ahead, it's like Lisp except that it's easier to
               | write macros.
               | dusted wrote:
               | > And if you wanted to do anything that wasn't a "solved
               | problem" already, you had to write your own library.
               | For which language is that statement not true ?
               | girvo wrote:
               | Their point is that the language they're discussing
               | requires you to write that library far more often than
               | other languages, as a second order effect of few using
               | it. But you know that already, you just want to make a
               | semi-snarky reply instead, I guess.
         | dahdum wrote:
         | As usual the truth is somewhere in the middle. I've seen nearly
         | $1m in development cost and a year of time lost to the
         | complexity demon due to big brains playing AWS Service Bingo
         | while a competitor hired a single grug to do the same task.
         | That single grug got it done in ~1 month for basically nothing,
         | and without the multiple AWS service overhead it ran much
         | faster, fewer resources, and dead simple to maintain. Bigger
         | company bought the smaller one, then proceeded to toss the grug
         | code and continue the big brained approach, as far as I know
         | never reaching parity.
         | But there were cool network diagrams, data diagrams, and all
         | sorts of new, interesting, and complex technology developers
         | enjoy playing with.
         | I'm more inclined to side with grug now.
           | joe_the_user wrote:
           | The OP's point is that being able to produce a simple
           | solution to a complex problem only seems like the product of
           | "refusing to be smart" from the outside. From the inside,
           | there's always a delicate balancing act - each step involves
           | choosing approaches that may generate complexity just in
           | different ways. The same data used in different places in the
           | application? What do you do? Objects? Globals? Cut-and-paste.
           | Any of those solutions might be fully justified or might
           | degenerate into a tangle by the time the application is done.
           | Once, if you have a nice, simple working application, you can
           | say "it's all just 'grug'" but that's essentially what they a
           | call "humble brag".
           | [deleted]
         | pkulak wrote:
         | Whoa now, I was with you until you seemed to imply that
         | "simple" software means shitty code. Simple in this context
         | means a solution with as little complexity as possible.
         | Hopefully written elegantly and carefully, with lots of thought
         | for future maintenance and readability.
         | Maybe you use a 10-year-old, constantly maintained and
         | thoroughly tested library to do 90% of the work instead of
         | writing everything yourself.
         | Would it be faster to compute some end state without
         | intermediate calculations? Probably. But how about we just spin
         | a loop forward instead if it's more accurate that way and
         | easier to understand.
         | What if we cached values, then made sure the caches are always
         | in sync? That should speed things up. Well, maybe we'll write
         | it without caching and see how that goes first.
         | How about an intricate system of locks and serializable
         | transactions so that multiple requests can run at the same
         | time? Or maybe we just queue things up and run them one at a
         | time.
         | Nothing to do with nested for loops.
         | femiagbabiaka wrote:
         | I think of it as being more of a spectrum where abstractions
         | get introduced as they're needed. The case where one has
         | thousands of lines of imperative code that is terrible to debug
         | and probably not unit tested is one where the correct
         | abstractions were never introduced at the place and time they
         | were appropriate. Getting this right is almost impossible,
         | that's why we have refactoring practices.
         | jfoutz wrote:
         | could you give an example of (1)?
         | Only because i have run into weirdness with printf calling
         | malloc, back in the day. Even hello world makes me a little
         | nervous about those claims.
         | But I'd love to see a sample with explicit assertions about the
         | environment, so I could be sure there are obviously no errors.
         | emilsedgh wrote:
         | > a giant mud-ball of for-loops, while-loops, variable
         | assignments, and other wonderful side effects. Instead of
         | addressing complexity head-on with abstraction
         | I very much prefer to work in a codebase of poorly written
         | loops and variable assignments rather than one with poor
         | abstractions.
         | Poor abstractions can harm way, way more than spaghetti code.
         | Their harm usually spreads out through system.
         | Imagine this:
         | * 1 single poorly written function which takes a number of
         | inputs and has an output, but internally it's long and messy.
         | * A bunch of abstracted entities, which interact throughout the
         | system, but are poorly designed.
         | The complexity of 1 is isolated to the implementation. There's
         | a nice encapsulation. Removing/Rewriting is easy.
         | But 2 becomes a complete mess which is not isolated. You'd have
         | to skin it layer by layer. Thats way more scary to me.
       | [deleted]
       | kinbiko wrote:
       | Kevin, is that you?
       | beaker52 wrote:
       | Grug feel related, make grub happy. And not know why but grug
       | notice that grug style make easier leave club resting. Grug think
       | practice talk grug to inside grug, make club battle few.
       | Also, grug not know if big brained or grug. Grug think grug but
       | not see big brained. Big brained think big brained stop big brain
       | and become grug. When stop think grug big brain, big brain grug
       | return. Hard, and bore. Life such.
       | Now sleep, soon shiny rocks collect.
       | armatav wrote:
       | Now this is a good post. Especially the part about the frontend
       | Complexity Demon having a grip on the entire industry, and the
       | Fear Of Looking Dumb. It goes hand in hand.
         | 49531 wrote:
         | > frontend Complexity Demon having a grip on the entire
         | industry
         | Is frontend web development more complex than it needs to be?
         | If so, how?
           | aaaaaaaaaaab wrote:
           | Hehe, good one!
           | Oh, you're serious? :D
           | recursive wrote:
           | npm, babel, webpack, module compatibility, et al
             | koonsolo wrote:
             | You are free to develop everything in vanilla JavaScript
             | and run your coded scripts straight in the browser. Very
             | non-complex.
             | But the team that uses npm, babel, webpack etc will crush
             | you both on development speed and stability.
             | crooked-v wrote:
             | The whole CJS/AMD/UMD/ESM nightmare has included some
             | prominent devs intentionally breaking packages for certain
             | build types because 'ESM has been around for a while, why
             | haven't you updated yet?'
       | bobkazamakis wrote:
       | this is art and all of us should be ashamed.
       | DevKoala wrote:
       | > unfortunately also many test shamans exist. some test shaman
       | make test idol, demand things like "first test" before grug even
       | write code or have any idea what grug doing domain!
       | I am keeping that.
       | MrPatan wrote:
       | This is true and excellent, and I'd put it next to Hickey's
       | "Simple made easy" and Metz' "The Wrong Abstraction" as something
       | I wish every developer would grok.
         | TheOtherHobbes wrote:
         | In "Simple Made Easy" he's recommending XML, JSON and even SQL
         | for data. So I'm going to have go to with "No."
         | All that does is move somewhat messy language constructs into
         | somewhat messy data constructs.
         | The data is static-ish, which is nice. But the associated code
         | has exploded in complexity and with XML particularly you can't
         | even be sure if it's truly compliant - especially if it's
         | coming from an outside source.
         | So I think that whole talk is spectacularly missing the point.
         | The _idea_ is good but functional /read-only doesn't solve the
         | problem.
         | Because some problems are just hard, and no amount of
         | functional twiddling makes the hardness go away.
         | Names are hard. International localisation is hard. Dates and
         | calendars are hard. International holidays and special dates
         | are hard. Addresses are hard. Timezones and time systems are
         | hard. Phone numbers are hard.
         | There is no trivial solution to any of these problems.
         | The most effective solution would be an international standard
         | collection of algorithms and APIs baked into identical standard
         | libraries for each mainstream language.
         | What you get instead is a lot of people wasting time and energy
         | solving these problems over and over - badly.
         | And in fact XML, JSON, SQL, etc are similar. There are
         | _countless_ libraries and frameworks for managing these, and
         | they 're all slightly different and likely to fail in different
         | ways - not just in different languages, but in multiple
         | competing frameworks for the same language.
         | The problem isn't the code, it's the culture around it. Instead
         | of solving a problem completely and standardising, the industry
         | is addicted to nearly-but-not-quite solving the same problems
         | over and over.
         | That's where a lot of unnecessary complexity comes from.
         | vlunkr wrote:
         | I would recommend those to anyone here that hasn't seen them.
         | I think this requires a big shift in community thinking.
         | Programmers are trained in universities to throw OOP principles
         | at every problem, and the DRY principle has deeply taken hold.
         | Obviously both have their place, but they often used
         | overzealously and come at the expense of readable and
         | maintainable code.
       | pyrolistical wrote:
       | Heh, me not grug brained right?
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