[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Does anybody still use bookmarking services?
       Ask HN: Does anybody still use bookmarking services?
       If not, do you collect web pages some other way?
       Author : joe8756438
       Score  : 250 points
       Date   : 2022-06-23 12:40 UTC (10 hours ago)
       | blaydator wrote:
       | I will self promote as it's one of the main use cases of
       | Boomerang. It's a minimal mail to self app for iOS and Android
       | with share extension to bookmark website in one click. Emails are
       | super convenient because you consult them everyday so your links
       | doesn't get lost in an app.
       | https://boomerang-app.io
       | smusamashah wrote:
       | I use Dynalist and a custom chrome extension which uses its API
       | to save links to a list. On Android I use an app which can send
       | http requests to any address. I use that to share urls from
       | browser etc to that app which again send that link to Dynalist.
       | jamifsud wrote:
       | I've tried just about every app in the space (some great tools
       | listed in this thread) and haven't found one that works for me,
       | so I'm building one!
       | My workflow is save for later focused (I tend to save content to
       | read / learn from vs bookmark resources to visit) and now days
       | I'm collecting content in so many different forms (podcasts,
       | video, newsletters, etc). I've found that nobody has native
       | support for every content form I save and it's been a big pain
       | point. We're focusing on nailing native support for all content
       | types / sources and building tools to help you manage the forever
       | growing list of content that can sometimes happen when your
       | library grows!
       | It's called Upnext (https://www.getupnext.com), happy to share
       | invites with HNers in search of a tool in this space, email in
       | profile!
       | mr-karan wrote:
       | Yup, I use a self hosted version of [1]
       | [1]: https://github.com/sissbruecker/linkding
         | jpeeler wrote:
         | This is the one I'm leaning towards using as well. (Though
         | https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori was a close second.)
         | Linkding uses SQLite as the database, which for self-hosting is
         | such a huge win. It doesn't do much in the way of local
         | archiving, but the interface looks so incredibly clean.
         | I haven't tried this yet, but since I have "HTTP Shortcuts"
         | (wonderful Android app) already installed I really appreciated
         | the ability to be able to send bookmarks from my phone easily
         | without installing anything new:
         | https://github.com/sissbruecker/linkding/blob/ebbf0022bc44bf...
         | Aachen wrote:
         | Why give that link a number?
       | Eddy_Viscosity2 wrote:
       | I use Zotero for this now. I have a bunch of sub-collections
       | (e.g. technical, interesting, fitness, etc.) and when I see a
       | webpage I like I use the plug-in to save to Zotero. Better than a
       | bookmark because it also saves a snapshot of the webpage, and, I
       | can easily cite it if I'm writing a document.
       | https://www.zotero.org/
         | humanistbot wrote:
         | +1 for Zotero. If you are writing academic or technical
         | documents and need to cite the documents you save in a standard
         | format, it is a life saver.
           | TheCowboy wrote:
           | Do you or anyone else have thoughts on if Zotero would be too
           | much for someone who doesn't need to write papers or cite
           | documents? A large component of my day-to-day work is doing a
           | lot of research and managing it for the duration of the
           | project.
             | Eddy_Viscosity2 wrote:
             | I highly recommend it, even for this use case. It takes a
             | bit to get used to in how it works and setting so that it
             | works well for your given workflow. For example, I'm a
             | latex user so I had to add extensions to zotero so it can
             | output to bibtex. But again, it wasn't that bad. Once its
             | set up and you used it a few times, it easy and super
             | useful.
             | I use it not only for web bookmarks, but as my main
             | 'library' for all my documents. Even random scanned docs or
             | even funny gifs I will store in zotero because I can tag
             | them and put in notes so they are easy to find later.
         | sundarurfriend wrote:
         | Same. I don't even use the citation features of Zotero, it's
         | purely a bookmark manager for me. I can choose whether to save
         | the page with or without a snapshot, use both folders and tags
         | for organization, add notes if I want to, and on supported
         | sites (like Github), get an automatic bookmark summary too.
         | The interface took a bit of getting used to, but I learned some
         | of the shortcuts, installed Zutilo [1], and ultimately just
         | accepted the fact that I'll have to use the mouse for some
         | things, as everything else about the program makes it worth it.
         | [1] https://github.com/wshanks/Zutilo
           | Eddy_Viscosity2 wrote:
           | I hadn't heard of zutilo, I will check it out, thanks.
       | _-david-_ wrote:
       | I store them in markdown files. It allows me to have a
       | description and have multiple links for that description. I have
       | separate markdown files for different categories.
       | For some pages I will manually use an archive service and include
       | the archived links with the original link.
       | spratzt wrote:
       | I use Zotero.
       | terpimost wrote:
       | Just sending it all to my Telegram... there are tags there
       | vasili111 wrote:
       | I use Chrome extension "Save as Shortcut"
       | (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-as-shortcut/f...)
       | to save the link as a file on the file system. Works for me
       | pretty well.
       | agmand wrote:
       | I used some of the solutions listed here (like Pocket) for a
       | time. Eventually, I decided I can just post them in my website
       | [1], because why not : that way they are accessible from
       | everywhere, easy to edit, categorize and comment, shareable with
       | anyone in seconds.
       | [1] https://andirko.eu/wiki/bookmarks
       | (Edit: typo)
       | Adraghast wrote:
       | I've been using Raindrop.io for this. (Not affiliated.)
       | rsolva wrote:
       | I have tried many different solutions the last two decades, but
       | none of of them really stuck or became useful over time. I kinda
       | gave up and as a last ditch effort started to do the simplest
       | thing I could think of: ctrl+D to add bookmarks in Firefox,
       | jotting down a few keywords on each entry. No folders, no
       | structure, just a flat list and some keywords.
       | A few months in I noticed how powerful this simple system was.
       | When talking with someone else about a tool, github-repo or
       | article I had seen but did no remember the name or title of,
       | finding it back was suddenly a breeze. Since I keep my desktop
       | and mobile bookmarks in sync, it it just a matter of typing in a
       | keword in the address bar in firefox and it shows up instantly!
       | On desktop, you can limit the search to bookmarks only by
       | starting with a *, which is helpful to avoid browser history etc.
       | I have really low bar for adding a bookmark now as the mental
       | overhead is so low and it is done notime. It has become the
       | second brain I always wanted :)
         | makapuf wrote:
         | I do this, as well as having an automated menu with 10 last
         | bookmarks to continue reading things I just bookmarked
           | ngetchell wrote:
           | How do you accomplish this?
         | amazing_stories wrote:
         | Good tip. I just recently started tagging my bookmarks because
         | I have too many to easily sort.
         | JoshTriplett wrote:
         | I do this as well, and then Firefox Sync ensures I have the
         | same bookmarks on laptop and mobile.
         | JamesLeonis wrote:
         | I also use Firefox bookmarks. To tack onto this, you can also
         | select multiple tabs and bookmark them all into a bookmark
         | folder.
       | igammarays wrote:
       | I use the same app for archiving everything - bookmarks, whole
       | website crawls, 15+ years of email history, receipts, large files
       | and media, directories on my computer - everything. DevonThink -
       | native mac app with fast search that has never failed me.
       | bravetraveler wrote:
       | Can't say I ever have to be honest.
       | The furthest I go is using the facilities built into whatever
       | browser I happen to be using.
       | I don't find myself really in need
       | Arubis wrote:
       | I use and love Pinboard, plus the Instapaper-like read-it-later
       | integration Paperback (readpaperback.com) set as my home page in
       | my mobile browser. It's a great combo.
       | karaterobot wrote:
       | > If not, do you collect web pages some other way?
       | I send it to myself in the @karaterobot (or equivalent) channel
       | in Mattermost, which is the self-hosted chat program I use. This
       | is exactly equivalent to sending it to yourself in Slack, except
       | that free versions of Slack have a limited history, after which
       | your archive will be lost (or, rather, held behind a paywall).
       | The advantage of this method is that it's organized by time, and
       | searchable, and you can save links, documents, images, notes,
       | etc.
       | marcomezzavilla wrote:
       | gnrfanperu wrote:
       | Yes, I regularly use Raindrop.io
       | jamisonbryant wrote:
       | For temporary or read-later items, I have a Todoist project
       | called "Links to Read" and I use the Todoist browser extension to
       | send the page to that project.
       | For more permanent links, I maintain quite an extensive
       | collection of bookmarks, all neatly organized by subject area and
       | utility.
         | _ank_it wrote:
         | What do you use for permanent links? Manual maintenance?
         | devracca wrote:
         | I have a similar setup (I use raindrop.io) for temp links. I am
         | meaning to find better organization ways for my permanent
         | links. Curious to know details about your setup
       | wzdd wrote:
       | Yes, I wrote my own service after Maciej (very politely, this is
       | not a criticism!) asked grandfathered-in single-payment Pinboard
       | users if they would consider a recurring payment. It's a simple
       | Python / Flask app which runs on a host running Dokku.
       | jaw0 wrote:
       | I used to use delicious, but after it got bought the Nth time, I
       | went and built my own delicious clone.
       | czam wrote:
       | I'm running a bookmarking site with a specific set of features at
       | kntm.org and am using it since 2014, please join!
       | I also use OneTab (or similar) to clear up open tabs. I use
       | Pocket just for sending articles to my kobo reader and Instapaper
       | for read-it-later. Also using Materialistic app to quickly save
       | HN articles.
       | I think the basic functionality of bookmarking will never be
       | obsolete.
       | wazoox wrote:
       | I collect/sort of bookmark useful pages with Zotero.
       | xenodium wrote:
       | https://plainorg.com (iOS/share sheet from Safari) - I authored
       | this one.
       | https://braintool.org (Chrome)
       | Both powered by a plain text stores.
       | shkliarau wrote:
       | I'm only saving articles for later (and then videos directly on
       | YouTube). The problem with bookmarks is going back to them (if
       | ever), so I always tend to forget about what I've saved and then
       | just google what I need in the moment. With articles it's a bit
       | different but I used to save a lot of articles to Pocket and then
       | Instapaper, and reading them not too often. Now using Alfread
       | that sends me quotes from saved articles as reminders, so that
       | helps a bit.
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | Hard to beat Zotero as a bookmarking service IMO. Saves a copy of
       | the article and makes it available through the web interface if
       | you're not at your usual desktop. $20 a year for 2 GB of storage
       | is a good value if you want to go beyond the free plan.
       | kragen wrote:
       | I use a text file in Git with one URL per line with commentary
       | following the URL, with hashtags in the line. This makes text
       | search through the comments really easy (especially including
       | isearch in Emacs) but doesn't provide archival, thumbnailing, or
       | full-text search of page contents. I don't have the
       | collaboratively suggested tags from del.icio.us but what I miss
       | more is the feed of other people's linkblogs.
       | Each day has a blank line and a "links for 02022-06-23:" header
       | beginning it.
         | joshu wrote:
         | FWIW this is how I saved URLs originally; when it got
         | unmaneagable I built muxway and then del.icio.us. The notes
         | became tags as they were often a single word. Hash because it
         | was a comment.                   http://the.url/ #notes
         | http://another.url/         http://third.url/ #word
           | kragen wrote:
           | Interesting, did factoryjoe know that when he proposed
           | hashtags for Twitter? There weren't hash marks in the
           | del.icio.us interface but I don't remember if muxway had them
           | or not.
           | I still have an XML dump of my del.icio.us bookmarks that I
           | haven't merged in. The linkrot rate is pretty high.
       | sk8terboi wrote:
       | AlecSchueler wrote:
       | No, I used to be super into bookmarks and a lot of the first code
       | I wrote was to help me manage them and to discover new things
       | from others via delicious bookmarks and things like that.
       | In recent years I've found that I only visit 5 out so websites
       | with any regularity and everything else is as quick to Google for
       | as to search my bookmarks for.
       | I've completely given up on bookmarks.
       | rglover wrote:
       | Yup. Pinboard. Maciej's commitment to rigid simplicity and speed
       | has made me a customer for life.
       | dangerard wrote:
       | I built a little chrome extension[0] that allows you to like and
       | share links as you are browsing the web. It was originally
       | intended to be kind of like Digg, but most people just use it to
       | bookmark.
       | [0]
       | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/poster/heklcccecmo...
       | TimC123456 wrote:
       | I'm using Safari on macOS and iOS as my primary browsers. If I
       | find something worth bookmarking, I add it to Reading List (the
       | keyboard shortcut is muscle memory by now) which gives me a
       | searchable list of offline--readable sites synced across all my
       | devices. I've also found the History search really great at
       | quickly allowing me to solve the "what was that ZFS HOWTO was
       | looking at last week?" type of situations.
       | I, too, am (was?) a long-time paying Pinboard user, but Reading
       | List is just so much less friction. I found myself never going
       | back to look through my Pinboard bookmarks.
       | Reading List "just works."
         | fauigerzigerk wrote:
         | _> Reading List "just works."_
         | Offline reading doesn't always work. On the Mac I have to use
         | the "save offline" menu. On iOS I haven't been able to find out
         | when or why it does or doesn't work offline.
         | jxramos wrote:
         | so what is the reading list feature exactly, I was going to
         | post to AskDifferent what's the deal with that feature and what
         | does it offer precisely. I had stuff showing up in my list but
         | they all got added there accidentally.
         | Does Safari download a static version of each page and caches
         | it somewhere on disk and indexes it somewhere in the browser
         | for you?
         | segu wrote:
         | Exactly, I think friction is critical in this case. Bookmarks
         | and native reading lists definitely have an edge with that.
         | What you say about 'never going back' to bookmarked items is
         | interesting, I've been feeling the same and despite trying many
         | solutions I still have to find a tool that would help me
         | classify, fill missing tags etc. to really organize my
         | knowledge base better. I need something platform independent
         | tho
       | manmal wrote:
       | I use pinboard.in, 99,9% via either the iOS & macOS app ,,Pins".
       | This is mainly something that buys me peace of mind, in case the
       | browser history fails me.
       | unethical_ban wrote:
       | Most of the things I find interesting are on HN or reddit, though
       | I probably make about 20 bookmarks a year in my browser. I have
       | Vivaldi sync set up.
       | I have an interest in building a "saved item" extraction tool for
       | my reddit accounts that exports them to a bookmark file for
       | offline storage. Same with Hacker News. Though if the tool
       | already exists, please link it here!
       | mtone wrote:
       | I add stuff in FF Group Speed Dial [0] under a variety of
       | headings. I try to stick to ~100-150 links in there, deleting
       | entire headings once past their usefulness.
       | They're no good as a long term knowledge base however -- search
       | is too limited.
       | [0]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-
       | US/firefox/addon/groupspeeddia...
       | undoware wrote:
       | Raindrop. Every day, for all things. The snapshots of the pages
       | it takes means that if I see something I can later say something,
       | it doesn't matter who grooms the content meanwhile.
       | abraxas wrote:
       | I miss furl a lot. It was a short lived service in the days of
       | Web 2.0 where it not only bookmarked the pages for you but also
       | saved a scraped copy and indexed it so it was really easy to find
       | content later. It was an amazing academic research tool that I
       | think would be incredibly valuable for the problem it was trying
       | to solve.
       | stasm wrote:
       | If it's something I want to read and then be done with it, I keep
       | the tab open.
       | If it's something I may want to come back to, or something that
       | I'd be sad if it disappeared from the web, I save it to a synced
       | folder using the SingleFile extension which inlines all content
       | into a single HTML file.
       | pacifika wrote:
       | I use Pocket, and Alfread on top of that. Will switch out pocket
       | for instapaper though, because Pocket cannot seem to download
       | articles in the background, so when I'm reading on unreliable
       | connections the articles are never there.
       | skyzyx wrote:
       | Since 2006, I've gone from:
       | Delicious - Ma.gnol.ia - Delicious - Pinboard/Instapaper -
       | Raindrop.io
         | aquajet wrote:
         | Why so much switching?
       | corytheboyd wrote:
       | I bookmark things in the browser and have Alfred index it for
       | search (a built-in free Alfred feature). Simple and effective.
       | somehnacct3757 wrote:
       | I get the feeling most ppl keep tons and tons of tabs open these
       | days. Browsers keep having to reduce the workload of background
       | tabs, and have even added some UX features like tab grouping and
       | pinning. And then there's the success of tab manager browser
       | extensions...
       | hprotagonist wrote:
       | I have a paid pinboard subscription.
       | sbarg wrote:
       | I've been using Pocket since it was ReadItLater. Two areas need
       | improvement: 1) display of recipes in article mode and 2) display
       | and redirection of Reddit articles. I'm intrigued with the yacy
       | setup of user l72. I may check that out...
       | pratyushmittal wrote:
       | I (still) use Pinboard: https://pinboard.in/u:pratyush
       | Reasons:       1. Archives - those tutorials and guides stay when
       | the original pages go 404       2. API - I use the api to
       | automatically post my bookmarks to my blog       3. Full-text
       | search: this is very very useful when needed       4. Social
       | Discovery: Search that niche website / app on Pinboard. It shows
       | lots of other people who found that same thing as interesting. We
       | can then follow them and subscribe to their favourites as RSS
       | feed.
         | jng wrote:
         | I use pinboard as well. Early user of del.icio.us, I exported
         | it all to pinboard and paid a one-time lifetime fee. Too many
         | old links are dead, but that's the nature of the web, and I
         | hope waybackmachine can help with some of them (I never paid
         | for the full-text-archive feature of pinboard, it would have
         | been a good idea but it's too late now). Sometimes it
         | definitely helps me find some old highlights that still lurk in
         | a shiny way in my mind.
         | tclancy wrote:
         | Same. Having imported my delicious bookmarks dating back to
         | 2005 or so, I have a fairly large set of links that I try to
         | tag consistently. I don't actually read a ton of them, but
         | being able to full-text search or filter by combining tags
         | makes it really useful for digging up things I barely remember
         | coming across.
         | robterrell wrote:
         | I also continue to use Pinboard, for much the same reasons.
         | Since 2010! I don't use the social features but it's nice to
         | have a tool that's been constant and reliable for over a
         | decade.
           | ghaff wrote:
           | The same. I started using it after Magnolia died. I used to
           | do link blog posts via a script that used the API but stopped
           | doing that at one point.
         | [deleted]
         | klenwell wrote:
         | I use the API to send myself a daily email with a combination
         | of random and anniversary bookmarks:
         | https://github.com/klenwell/pinprick
         | I find it a good way to keep in touch with past bookmarks and
         | do some light maintenance.
           | AareyBaba wrote:
           | Maciej has a 'random' bookmarklet you can drag to your
           | browser toolbar. See https://pinboard.in/howto/
         | some_furry wrote:
         | I love Pinboard. It has all the features I'd expect from a
         | bookmarking service, but nothing superfluous. There's no
         | upsell. There's no advertisement or JavaScript bloat.
         | Part of the reason for Pinboard's success is the lack of VC
         | pressure for growth. I'm happy to keep paying for Pinboard
         | indefinitely.
         | jnovek wrote:
         | I just became a Pinboard customer a few months ago!
         | I picked Pinboard because the UI is simple but functional. No
         | 30mb blob of JavaScript. It pairs well with todo.txt... now I
         | just need a simple Dropbox-based notes app to complete the
         | trio.
         | windexh8er wrote:
         | Pinboard is phenomenal. I used to keep all my links in
         | Simplenote but Pinboard is far superior for a number of the
         | reasons listed here already. I may only search through it for
         | something once a week but I find I tag things much more
         | thoroughly in Pinboard than anything else I've used.
         | Semiapies wrote:
         | It's a great service.
       | scarface74 wrote:
       | Why? My Safari bookmarks are automatically synced between all of
       | my devices. When I was using Windows, I could use the official
       | Apple plug in for Firefox and Chrome to sync between
       | Safari/Chrome/Firefox and they would each stay synced
       | (eventually) between all of my browsers.
       | kirubakaran wrote:
       | I'm building https://histre.com/
       | Bookmarks are just a starting point for easy knowledge
       | management, online research, and collaboration. There's so much
       | more that you could do with it.
       | dabedee wrote:
       | I use Firefox bookmarks which syncs across all devices and has
       | tags (although it's difficult to get them out without using the
       | places.sqlite database file). I also have a subscription to
       | pinboard.in but only to sync my FF bookmarks and tags there as a
       | backup.
       | maneesh wrote:
       | I pay for raindrop.io. Their free version is fantastic and i
       | recommend it
         | aiisjustanif wrote:
         | Raindrop.io at scale did not work well for me it was a lot more
         | upkeep and the load times were a bit much. Also, the main pain
         | point for me was the browser extension would constantly crash
         | and not populate my tags or folders.
       | flixing wrote:
       | I use start.me and very with that
       | chazeon wrote:
       | I use self-hosted [linkace][1]. It is similar to Shaarli but has
       | a little nicer interface.
       | [1]: https://www.linkace.org/
         | capdeck wrote:
         | Awesome alternative. I've been using Shaarli for a very long
         | time. Very stable, always works, everywhere works. Doesn't look
         | fancy, but reliability is off the charts.
       | thearrow wrote:
       | Just switched from https://pinboard.in to https://raindrop.io for
       | this the other day. Migration went smoothly and so far the
       | product is a bit nicer.
         | and0 wrote:
         | The suggested tags is what I'm really interested in, but don't
         | want to pay extra for it. It'd be nice if a Chrome extension
         | (since my bookmarks are sync'd there anyway) handled this with
         | a nicer display but used the existing bookmarks.
         | For example, a tag of the subreddit would be excellent for all
         | my recent /r/unixporn inspiration saves. Managing bookmarks is
         | a hassle and why I usually don't bother or throw them into a
         | "Misc" folder.
       | mcint wrote:
       | I use Wallabag on a yunohost server. I highly recommend it. Easy
       | saving, offline reading, and sharing between devices. I wish it
       | were easier to share with others, but I read some PR comments
       | yesterday clarifying why support has bigger implications for the
       | tool.
       | DaniDaniel5005 wrote:
       | I'm working on one which auto saves your link as a screenshot and
       | PDF:
       | https://github.com/Daniel31x13/link-warden
       | racl101 wrote:
       | Still use Pinboard cause it's simple.
       | syspec wrote:
       | Raindrop.io It feels like a modern version of all the previous
       | iterations of bookmarking.
       | nojito wrote:
       | Nope. I print every interesting website to pdf and use ripgrep to
       | search through it.
       | anshumankmr wrote:
       | I use Onetab
       | epberry wrote:
       | I've been enjoying https://daily.dev. The way they integrate into
       | the browser is quite nice too. Well built all around.
       | chiefalchemist wrote:
       | Not sure if you noticed this bubble up on HN earlier in the week
       | but this might be helpful.
       | It's not bookmarking as much as site-marking, and then having
       | your own search engine based on that collection.
       | Figured it was worth mentioning.
       | https://github.com/brave/goggles-quickstart/blob/main/gettin...
       | jimmySixDOF wrote:
       | Also using Raindrop.io - it works great with Make integrations
       | and the dev responds to issues. Good to sync between multiple
       | browsers on multiple devices.
         | eirikvaa wrote:
         | Came to mention Raindrop.io - great service.
           | eddyg wrote:
           | Came here to say the same. I'm also a very satisfied
           | raindrop.io user. Native Safari integration for both macOS
           | and iOS is a huge plus, and the friction is low to put
           | bookmarks into categories and apply tags when saving them.
       | dontbesquare wrote:
       | I use Nextcloud's bookmark features via the YunoHost instance I
       | self host. A simple roll your own solution of sorts.
       | https://yunohost.org/ is a really cool project. I love what
       | they're doing.
       | ryankshaw wrote:
       | I have the pocket extension installed in chrome. Not so much
       | because I actually refer back to the things I have added to it
       | but so that when I have wayyyy too many tabs open I can click the
       | "add to pocket" button on a few of them and not agonize about
       | closing them.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | Do you pay for pocket or use the free tier? I hadn't heard of
         | pocket before, but am looking at it... it's not clear to me
         | what is limited in free tier/what the difference is. "Permanent
         | library of everything you've saved" is listed as a feature of
         | only the premium paid tier, leading me to wonder if that means
         | your saved things disappear from the free tier after a certain
         | amount of time?
           | probotect0r wrote:
           | I use the free tier, didn't even know they had a paid tier,
           | and I have had nothing disappear.
           | Edit: They have more details here:
           | https://help.getpocket.com/article/929-pocket-premium-
           | perman...
           | Permanent library means they make copies of the articles and
           | links that you save, so they are available even if the
           | original goes down.
           | gxqoz wrote:
           | I pay for the premium tier. I've been disappointed by their
           | promises about content being retained forever. There's a big
           | caveat that they don't actually keep paywalled content
           | forever. This is annoying because I might save something
           | that's not paywalled right now, highlight it, then come back
           | a year later and I can't get to my highlights anymore. And
           | they've been extremely unreliable in being able to retrieve
           | all of my content from searching. Articles I'm positive I've
           | saved routinely don't appear in my searches. There's some
           | sort of caching going on where they don't include articles I
           | haven't recently interacted with and they haven't been able
           | to fix it for 3+ years. I really want to like Pocket but they
           | just fail in this important use case for me.
         | dkarl wrote:
         | Same here, but I've started tagging certain kinds of links. I
         | haven't used the tags much, except to look up recipes, so it
         | remains to be seen how much mileage I'll get out of the tages,
         | but I do like using Pocket as a kind of reading queue to help
         | keep my tabs tidy.
       | matiastucci wrote:
       | I use guardo.io and so far I'm pretty happy with it
       | user00012-ab wrote:
       | I use http://dynalist.io you can clip anything into your inbox,
       | either the url (default when nothing is selected), or selected
       | text on the page (with url of where it came from), and it works
       | on all platforms. Once you have your data in a list you can do
       | whatever you want with it and curate it the way you want, search
       | it, and tag it.
       | Also, you can export the data out pretty easily also, which may
       | not be the case with other bookmarking services.
       | yakorevivan wrote:
       | danielovichdk wrote:
       | I bookmarked this comments page because it has a lot of great
       | tools
       | aantix wrote:
       | I developed a product, Critical Context. Shared bookmarking and
       | search for software teams.
       | You share a document with your team. E.g. "best cloud vendors".
       | Then for that document, each team member installs a bookmarklet,
       | and collectively contributes to the research by submitting
       | bookmarks, search queries, and screen shots.
       | Helpful if your team is collectively researching vendors,
       | frameworks, etc.
       | Works well for my individual needs too.
       | https://critical.cx/
       | pizzicato wrote:
       | I use Pocket quite a bit.
       | I've also recently cobbled together a CLI tool that lets me save
       | discussion threads on Reddit, HN and Stack Exchange. Very much a
       | beginner-level project but here it is in case anyone is
       | interested:
       | https://github.com/PizzaMyHeart/filum
       | aiisjustanif wrote:
       | Pinboard forever
       | ews wrote:
       | I switched from pinboard.in / del.icio.us (the social aspect was
       | becoming less and less important) to a workflow based on
       | braintool (https://braintool.org/) and org-mode TODO and tags, it
       | completely changed the way I work with bookmarks now.
         | tconfrey wrote:
         | Hey this is great to hear @ews (BrainTool dev here). FWIW WRT
         | this conversation, my long term hope for BrainTool is to
         | generate a thriving ecosystem of shared curated topic trees,
         | each one a little summary of a corner of the internet.
       | circa1977 wrote:
       | Raindrop.io is great.
       | theandrewbailey wrote:
       | Isn't HN a bookmarking service?
         | night-rider wrote:
         | Well you could use it that way by adding stuff to your
         | favourites. A largely unused but useful feature of HN.
           | dividedbyzero wrote:
           | HN has a favorites feature?
             | frosted-flakes wrote:
             | For posts, it's in the list of button links under the post
             | title at the top of the discussion page. For comments, you
             | have to click the timestamp first.
             | Note that favourites are public and anyone can see what you
             | added to your list. If you don't upvote spuriously, upvotes
             | can also function as a private favourites list.
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | I totally didn't know/forgot that I can get a list of
               | everything I upvoted from HN, but yeah, there it is on my
               | profile! That could have saved me a lot of time in the
               | past trying to figure out "what was that thing again I
               | saw on HN last week?"
               | aquajet wrote:
               | I've been using upvotes as a way to save things, and then
               | using a script (https://github.com/anishthite/HN-Saved-
               | Links-Export) to export them to json so I can search
               | through them.
           | quickthrower2 wrote:
           | I do this sometimes. Enjoyable to read through it once in a
           | while.
           | anyfactor wrote:
           | I literally posted my last post, so I can add it to my
           | favourites on HN.
       | mjmsmith wrote:
       | I use Keep It [1] on macOS/iOS and save pages as PDFs.
       | [1] http://reinventedsoftware.com/keepit/
       | steve_adams_86 wrote:
       | I use https://mymind.com
       | It's also a good dumping ground for any kind of interesting
       | snippet, image, or whatever I find interesting. There are some
       | neat little features for occasionally sorting through your "mind"
       | and discarding unused information.
       | It's not free, but I don't mind because the UI happens to work
       | well for me. It's thoughtful, well-crafted, and I'm happy to
       | support them.
       | asaddhamani wrote:
       | I made my own [0][1] that saves archives of the pages bookmarked,
       | stores the browsing history, open tabs, and more. I've open
       | sourced it but the open source code on GitHub is a bit out of
       | date.
       | [0] https://www.crestify.com [1]
       | https://www.github.com/dhamaniasad/crestify
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | Iphone safari is my default bookmarking tool.
       | causi wrote:
       | Frankly I just want a progressive bookmark system. I want to be
       | able to hit Ctrl+D on John Doe's blog site and have the bookmark
       | keep track of where I was on the site. If I read the first three
       | posts and then close the tab I want to pick up where I left off
       | when I open the bookmark.
       | lamontcg wrote:
       | I only use bookmarks on firefox so I just sync them with firefox.
       | I generally don't open bookmarked pages in chrome, and if I ever
       | did, I'd just use copy+paste.
       | bueno wrote:
       | I recently launched an iOS app that may be relevant here!
       | Unlike other apps that save bookmarks that stay unread forever,
       | Ephemera sets a deadline that the bookmark must be read by. Miss
       | the deadline, and that bookmark is gone.
       | https://deadpan.io/ephemera/
       | I'd love for the hacker news community to check it out!
       | sqwrell wrote:
       | I have been using this https://tagpacker.com I was able to import
       | from my old delicio.us account years ago TagPacker extension is
       | nice
       | tacheiordache wrote:
       | Im using onetab. I setup a shortcut (ctrl+shift+z) and close all
       | my tabs which I may want back at some point with that shortcut.
       | This healed me from wanting to hold onto my tabs. I kill them off
       | with onetab and rarely do I revisit. Just knowing it's there
       | helps a ton.
         | ilaksh wrote:
         | Thanks for the recommendation. This is going to change my life.
         | https://www.one-tab.com/
       | jqpabc123 wrote:
       | Brave browser has this built in --- easy access from multiple
       | devices.
         | mikece wrote:
         | Does it allow you to share bookmarks or collections of
         | bookmarks?
           | jqpabc123 wrote:
           | Yes, I share one set of bookmarks between a desktop, a
           | laptop, a phone and a tablet.
       | kordlessagain wrote:
       | I'm still working on https://Mitta.is, which saves sites, PDFs
       | and images. It has some auto tagging enabled right now, with some
       | additional GPT3 features coming soon for discussions about
       | content saved.
       | jbrun wrote:
       | I use Instapaper for articles, videos and more. Does not work for
       | dynamic web apps obviously.
       | drittich wrote:
       | I'm still using a clone of https://del.icio.us/ that I wrote in
       | 2004 after a fit of pique when it went down for a day or two. I
       | use it almost daily and have amassed 11,490 links as of today,
       | and most of them have the HTML cached.
       | It's kind of fun to track my interests over time by counting tag
       | frequency, but I mainly use it out of nostalgia and for the mere
       | constancy of it.
         | aquajet wrote:
         | How do you get it to work with sites that are javascript-heavy
         | or have heavy bot restrictions? I've been trying to make
         | something similar but spent weeks just fighting edge cases on
         | HTML not caching correctly.
       | asdff wrote:
       | I started just saving web pages I like. Bookmarks are great but
       | they are so prone to link rot I find, so its better to save a
       | local copy you can keep forever.
         | jxramos wrote:
         | what technique do you use, a pdf printed copy or the
         | File-->Save as-->Webpage Complete html thing?
       | mikece wrote:
       | I haven't thought about it in years... but is Delicious still a
       | thing? I would think (hope?) there would be an open source, PHP-
       | based project I could throw onto commodity hosting to collect and
       | manage bookmarks. If this doesn't exist it should -- and I wonder
       | how hard it would be to also integrate saving/sharing tab-sets as
       | well.
         | night-rider wrote:
         | You can self host with Wallabag
         | night-rider wrote:
         | Pinboard bought del.icio.us
         | lexa1979 wrote:
         | What you're looking for is Shaarli =>
         | https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli
         | There's a whole community of "shaarlist" in France, you can
         | also fuse several shaarli in a "river"... Some rivers are my
         | 2nd HckrNws when I want to read something.
       | l72 wrote:
       | I have started doing something completely different than using
       | bookmarks. I set up yacy[1] on a personal, internal server at my
       | home, which I can access from all my devices, since they are
       | always on my wireguard vpn.
       | Yacy is actually a distributed search engine, but I run in
       | 'Robinson mode' as a private peer, to keep it isolated, as I just
       | want a personal search of only sites I have indexed.
       | Anytime I come across something of interest, I index it with
       | yacy, using a a depth of 0 (since I only want to index that one
       | page, not the whole site). This way, I can just go to my search
       | site, and search for something, and anything related that I've
       | indexed before pops up. I found this works way better than trying
       | to manage bookmarks with descriptions and tags.
       | Also, yacy will keep a cache of the content which is great if the
       | site ever goes offline or changes.
       | If I need to browse, I can go use yacy's admin tools to see all
       | the urls I have indexed.
       | I have been using this for several months and I am using this way
       | more than I ever used my bookmarks.
       | [1] https://yacy.net/
         | ericcholis wrote:
         | This is an incredible idea.
         | Nition wrote:
         | What a good idea. A search engine like Kagi could support
         | importing your existing bookmarks as a custom lense.
         | pacifika wrote:
         | Nice! I've been working on and off on a similar idea
         | (searchable index of link contents) as a cli app eventually web
         | web frontend. It's on Python so packaging has been an issue.
         | dopidopHN wrote:
         | Thanks this look neat. Can you easily share index accros
         | clients?
         | Edit : looks like the docker config allow to mount a arbitrary
         | folder , that folder can be shared. I don't need it to be
         | concurrent proof.
         | Again, thanks this look nice.
         | ComputerGuru wrote:
         | How does yacy handle paywalls? Does it use the cookies from
         | your browser instance or can it use bypass services like 12ft
         | and co?
         | brokenkebab2 wrote:
         | Can it cache indexed pages? If not how do you deal with
         | disappearance/changes online?
           | l72 wrote:
           | Yes, it does automatically keep a cache from when it indexed
           | the site. I have it set to not automatically recrawl sites,
           | so the cache is from when I added the site.
         | jxm262 wrote:
         | Ive never even considered something like this before, but its
         | genius!
         | The offline caching sounds awesome.
         | Thanks for sharing
         | BiteCode_dev wrote:
         | Nice
         | I have wished for a while that browser would store the entire
         | page of any bookmark you save automatically, and put a decent
         | search engine on it. I wrote a script once to do it for my
         | bookmarks, and it didn't even take that much space on my hard
         | drive.
         | Your system could be a Firefox addon, kinda like what scrapbook
         | used to be, but automatic. Even with a note system, and storing
         | metadata, Zotero style, but without the need for the dual
         | setup.
         | srinathkrishna wrote:
         | This is fascinating! I've been meaning to set something up on a
         | spare rpi for this and I hadn't heard of yacy before. Thanks!
         | kybernetikos wrote:
         | This is great, and is something I've wanted for a while. I use
         | pinboard which is supposed to have similar capabilities (click
         | 'search full text', 'search mine' after turning on and paying
         | for 'archiving'), but I've never been totally confident in it
         | (pages would change, and the cached version was updated to a
         | 404 page), and ended up letting my archiving subscription
         | lapse.
         | I think google used to offer something that did this as well as
         | search all your local files, but I think that went the way of
         | all gThings.
           | danesparza wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Search_Appliance
             | kybernetikos wrote:
             | That's a good one, but I was thinking of
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Desktop
             | > Google Desktop was a computer program with desktop search
             | capabilities, created by Google for Linux, Apple Mac OS X,
             | and Microsoft Windows systems. It allowed text searches of
             | a user's email messages, computer files, music, photos,
             | chats, _Web pages viewed_ , and the ability to display
             | "Google Gadgets" on the user's desktop in a Sidebar.
             | Discontinued in September 2011
           | mitchdoogle wrote:
           | There's also https://historio.us/ - it's essentially same as
           | what OP is doing but it's as easy as bookmarking
             | kybernetikos wrote:
             | That does look pretty cool, and unusually for a SaaS has
             | chosen a pricing I think is reasonable for the service (not
             | everything should be $9 a month!).
             | Do you know if it does pdfs? That's a key thing I want in
             | this kind of service.
         | mitchdoogle wrote:
         | If anybody is interested in this, there is also a service which
         | offers very similar thing: https://historio.us/
           | stavros wrote:
           | That's mine! Feel free to drop a line if you need anything.
             | cupofpython wrote:
             | "i like historious" as the only review at the bottom gave
             | me a laugh for some reason
             | jrib wrote:
             | product looks very promising!
             | Some UI feedback: I went to check out https://historio.us/
             | and on my macbook air I saw the top of the green button
             | "see our plans". Took me a couple of clicks until I
             | realized I had to scroll down to click the real "plans and
             | pricing" button that was off my screen.
               | stavros wrote:
               | Ahh, thanks! The same link is at the top, but I'll see if
               | I can reposition.
             | ryan29 wrote:
             | I have 3 tech related subscriptions; BorgBase, JetBrains,
             | and historio.us. I self-host _everything_ , but I've never
             | found anything that replaces historio.us. It indexes just
             | enough to always get me a complete copy of the data I want
             | cached and the search results are just right. I often have
             | about 1 page of search results when I'm looking for old
             | info and I can pick out the page I'm looking for instantly.
             | I use it a lot when I'm learning something new. As I'm
             | looking for beginner info I'll often find more advanced
             | stuff that I'd like to try or learn at some point, but I
             | don't have a good enough understanding to know if it's
             | truly useful info. I historify those sites and move on
             | knowing that I can find it in my historio.us search at a
             | later date.
             | I also reference cached pages in a lot of my personal docs.
             | I recently started using ArchiveBox for that, but the
             | search doesn't make it a good replacement for the above use
             | case.
             | I've been using historio.us since 2011 (!) and have never
             | found anything to replace it. Great job!
               | stavros wrote:
               | Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I really should give it
               | some love, but I'd need to do a fairly sizable rewrite
               | for most stuff...
         | omitmyname wrote:
         | That's amazing! I wanted to make something similar. Thank you!
         | hcarvalhoalves wrote:
         | Didn't know about yacy - interesting! Thank you
         | [deleted]
         | Veen wrote:
         | I'd love something similar to automatically crawl and index
         | every site I visit. I'm forever losing stuff. I know I saw it
         | but I can't remember where.
           | nix23 wrote:
           | Use the yacy-proxy funktion.
           | chillpenguin wrote:
           | I use BrowserParrot for this. Works really well.
           | https://www.browserparrot.com/
             | dingleberry420 wrote:
             | > Right now we only support MacOS
           | mttjj wrote:
           | This is Mac only and I have no affiliation other than I like
           | this developer but your request reminded me that he just
           | launched this app: https://andadinosaur.com/launch-history-
           | book
             | prepend wrote:
             | That's a really genius idea. I also like the author's
             | pricing mode. I was fearing some stupid "$10 is just the
             | price of coffee. This is worth 24 coffees a year for the
             | rest of your life" and have a reasonable $7 purchase price.
           | asselinpaul wrote:
           | https://heyday.xyz comes to mind
           | fudged71 wrote:
           | Vortimo
           | akrymski wrote:
           | I use Google for this. It's really annoyingly good at finding
           | previously visited pages.
           | thinkmassive wrote:
           | ArchiveBox documents how to automatically archive links from
           | your browser history:
           | https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Usage#Import-l.
           | ..
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | Nice! How about getting it to automatically index your whole
         | search history?
         | Not what you're going for -- you don't have a list of
         | specifically opted-in 'bookmarks' to browse.
         | but I have often wanted "wait, what was that site involving X I
         | was looking at maybe last week?"
           | pmoriarty wrote:
           | It would also be nice to be able to search through my
           | aggregated browsing history on every device I use.
           | Maybe I should open a feature request to Google/Fracebook to
           | provide an API hook for that, since they probably already
           | have all that information anyway.
             | jrochkind1 wrote:
             | Facebook doesn't share data out in APIs!
             | hbarka wrote:
             | This. I wonder if there is a way to direct my searches
             | first to the domains I have ever visited. Oftentimes I will
             | search for something that I am sure I've hit before but can
             | vaguely remember which result set it was that scored my
             | search.
             | Jarwain wrote:
             | My chrome history appears to aggregate my browsing across
             | devices Anyways, so it should just be a matter of exposing
             | that info
             | nix23 wrote:
             | Yes works, you just need to use the proxy function of yacy,
             | and everything get s indexed.
         | a5huynh wrote:
         | A bit different, but I've been building something similar that
         | runs locally: https://github.com/a5huynh/spyglass
         | You create some rules for topics you want to index and it'll go
         | out and crawl them. Searching through it is a global hotkey
         | away.
         | mejutoco wrote:
         | This is how I always imagined the search engines of the future
         | to work. All the data is local first and the user is in
         | control.
       | obaid wrote:
       | I have been looking into this lately as well. My problem is that
       | even if I visit back those pages, I don't remember the context of
       | why I bookmarked it.
       | I have been toying with a chrome extension that enables me to add
       | "annotations" to these pages and it helps me find websites based
       | on my note search. It's far from perfect but I realized that I
       | remember my notes / thoughts more than the website url or name.
         | kirubakaran wrote:
         | https://histre.com/ lets you add notes and highlights to your
         | bookmarks, if that's what you're looking for. Disclosure: I'm
         | working on it.
           | obaid wrote:
           | Neat. I will check it out!
       | res0nat0r wrote:
       | I just use buku now and sync the db file via Dropbox
       | pomatic wrote:
       | My incredibly unsophisticated, but surprisingly effective
       | approach, is to share by email with myself (e.g. mail to
       | myname+bookmark@mydomain.com).
       | Mail rules can then file them, I can add any relevant notes or
       | hashtags to the mail body at the time I share the link, and the
       | chronological ordering is helpful. Imap search is usually 'good
       | enough' to turn up a half-remembered link or article.
       | I have been meaning to add an imap script to complement this with
       | something like a simplepage archive, but have never got round to
       | it.
         | blaydator wrote:
         | Email rocks for this. I have developed an app to email myself
         | in one click : https://boomerang-app.io
           | moozeek wrote:
           | Thank you for making Boomerang. I use it all the time on my
           | tablet and phone.
         | LanternLight83 wrote:
         | I like this, and will be changing my mail situation in the near
         | future, when I might take some inspiration c:
         | icy wrote:
         | Hah, you might like my project https://forlater.email. :)
           | throwaway23234 wrote:
           | small critical comment, if btc is not preferred, remove the
           | option, or don't say that. That may be meaningful to you, but
           | not to anyone else.
             | joebob42 wrote:
             | It was meaningful to me. To me it meant "the other options
             | are better for me, but I'll take payment in btc if that's
             | the best option for you. Here's the link for that"
             | Not sure what the harm is?
           | videogreg93 wrote:
           | For the record, just tried this with my protonmail and the
           | response went straight to spam.
           | nso wrote:
           | Took me a while to parse the name, forlater is a verb meaning
           | "leaving" in Norwegian. "Jeg forlater deg" = "I am leaving
           | you"
             | [deleted]
             | jfk13 wrote:
             | Hah, to me it looked like an ASCII-fied version of the
             | Swedish word verb meaning "forgive".
             | "Jag forlater dig" = "I forgive you".
       | tenzo wrote:
       | https://www.instapaper.com
       | tin7in wrote:
       | I'm storing links in Apple Notes or in the notes software I am
       | building myself (https://saga.so)
       | ecliptik wrote:
       | I use Raindrop.io and have it hooked up to NewsBlur and
       | ArchiveBox as secondary backups [1].
       | This way whenever something is bookmarked it's saved in Newsblur
       | and published to Dropbox, which ArchiveBox picks up every hour
       | and saves a local copy and to archive.org.
       | 1. https://www.ecliptik.com/bookmarking-with-raindrop/
         | megaman821 wrote:
         | I also use Raindrop.io. It is the nicest looking of the
         | bookmarking services.
       | kaffeeringe wrote:
       | Yes. The app in Nextcloud is great.
       | johncalvinyoung wrote:
       | I still use Instapaper, though their mobile apps are not terribly
       | useful, and very slow. Mostly I just use it to bookmark things--I
       | read so voraciously that searching through 25 new bookmarks a day
       | is way easier than searching through 250+ history entries a day,
       | not to mention Chrome isn't indexing every page I've visited.
       | teepo wrote:
       | I use an org mode capture template and a couple browser
       | extensions. Dead simple for bookmarks and surfacing the context
       | inside Emacs. - I have two use cases: 1. a simple bookmark I want
       | to revisit (maybe) and 2. A bookmark with an excerpt from the
       | page. I can copy in the material I want to capture all withe the
       | same process.
       | njharman wrote:
       | What's a bookmarking service?
       | night-rider wrote:
       | Pinboard is still quite active. If you need proof just go to
       | /recent which is a live firehose and interesting to see what
       | people are bookmarking. I use Pinboard and regularly export my
       | bookmarks incase their servers are hacked/wiped/corrupted.
         | ghaff wrote:
         | That actually reminds me I haven't done an export in a looong
         | time and I should.
         | I was using Magnolia before Pinboard and it went down
         | permanently. Fortunately, at the time, I was doing link blog
         | posts once or twice a week so I was able to recover most of my
         | links with a bit of work.
         | benrapscallion wrote:
         | As a paying customer, I would not recommend pinboard. Just look
         | at some recent discussions on HN. It has been abandonware for
         | years now.
           | rglullis wrote:
           | Is it failing for you? Would you switch to some other
           | alternative?
             | santoshalper wrote:
             | Exactly, I hate the idea that software has to be constantly
             | updated. That's how we end up with so many bloated messes
             | that started out simple ( _cough_ dropbox _cough_ ).
             | Pinboard is simple, and for my needs at least, perfect. If
             | he kept it in maintenance mode forever, I'd be fine with
             | that.
               | warmwaffles wrote:
               | Ah yes, this is why Hackernews is now abandonware. /s
             | paulcole wrote:
             | Part of it is definitely that Pinboard as a service (feels
             | to be at least) is in "maintenance mode" with minimal
             | support. But what new features does a bookmarking service
             | need?
             | Part of it is also that tech bros are upset that Maciej
             | didn't go full-coinbase and is instead pretty active
             | socially/politically.
             | I'm happy to keep using it and paying for it. Works fine
             | for my needs.
           | laveer wrote:
           | I switched from Pinboard to Raindrop after not getting a
           | response to pinboard support emails. I hope Pinboard's
           | creator is okay.
             | benrapscallion wrote:
             | Likewise. I switched to Raindrop.io.
             | sleepyhead wrote:
             | Probably busy tweeting
               | mortenjorck wrote:
               | His last tweet is from December, declaring he'd spend a
               | year off Twitter. He's made it halfway so far!
             | tsp wrote:
             | Same for me. Got an answer to my support requests months
             | later. I left long time ago (to Raindrop).
           | [deleted]
           | incanus77 wrote:
           | Paying customer ~4 years here (prior use for years). Happy
           | with it. Use it for extensive private bookmarking.
           | mikestew wrote:
           | _It has been abandonware for years now_
           | I pay to keep the servers running, not so I can have
           | something new and shiny every month. If it somehow quits
           | doing what pinboard does, then I'll look at alternatives.
             | benrapscallion wrote:
             | Well, the archiving hasn't been working.
         | nafizh wrote:
         | Paying customer. Really happy with it. None of the other
         | options compare in terms of functionality and minimalism.
       | helipad wrote:
       | I pay for Pinboard with archiving, in fact my 5 year archiving
       | was about to expire to paid for 10 years.
       | The entropy of links is staggering. I'm glad to have archives of
       | some of the oldest links.
       | niqdev wrote:
       | Hi,
       | these are similar threads
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22158218
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22105561
       | I personally ended up building my own solution with the following
       | requirements * easy to export or convert later e.g. json * simple
       | to build/maintain e.g. github action + hugo * easy to access from
       | the phone e.g. telegram
       | These are my bookmarks https://myawesome.dev and this is the
       | template https://github.com/my-awesome/my-awesome-template
       | it's not perfect but it cover my needs ;-)
       | bazmattaz wrote:
       | I've tried every app under the sun over the last few years but
       | found myself not using them after awhile.
       | In the end I just email myself links and it works a treat. My
       | emails are bookmarks are in the same place
       | jascii wrote:
       | I just copy the url to a plain text file, wget and grep if I need
       | to find something and can't remember what's what.
       | derekzhouzhen wrote:
       | For private stuff I only bookmark locally. For non-private stuff
       | I use https://roastidio.us
       | daniel_iversen wrote:
       | Yes I looove Instapaper still after many years
       | looknround wrote:
       | I still fill up my bookmarks bar with folders and use Skrollo.com
       | to store all my memes/fun stuffs.
       | mmcdermott wrote:
       | A few years ago, I started using a wiki as a sort of all
       | encompassing knowledgebase. In time, my wiki took over even using
       | browser bookmarks. When I found a link that I wanted to remember,
       | I would include a link to it in the context of the entry. The
       | upshot is that I always had context for what I wanted or thought
       | about the link.
       | lukaszkups wrote:
       | Similarly to other commenters here, I would like to share my
       | approach:
       | - if it's an article related to my interests and that fits for
       | the overall contents I share on twitter - I simply tweet about
       | it.
       | - if it's code-related (e.g. github repo) - I just "star" it
       | - if it's something else - it depends what category it is,
       | because I have two bookmark folders in the browser: "4 later" (so
       | that if something seems to be interesting but I don't have time
       | right now to read it) or "saved" folder where I just put
       | something that I would like to have bookmarked (I've also have
       | then nested year sub-folders (as I don't bookmark THAT often that
       | this approach wouldn't be sufficient for me)).
       | - if something is very important for me, I simply send an e-mail
       | to myself with tagged content so I can easily find it through
       | e-mail search engine later - I have a dedicated e-mail suffix for
       | this (imagine xyz+bookmark@gmail.com) and it automatically goes
       | archived into "bookmarks" folder instead to inbox.
       | igaray wrote:
       | After I reached around 7-8k bookmarks the only thing that worked
       | for me is an orgmode text file in a git repo, but it's true that
       | I don't need fancy syncing or sharing/social features.
       | freediver wrote:
       | I use TinyGem (disclaimer: creator) as a reading list/bookmarking
       | tool
       | https://tinygem.org
       | My public feed https://tinygem.org/tomcat/
         | marban wrote:
         | Does Reddit support lookups by url? Since you're linking to
         | comment threads.
           | freediver wrote:
           | Not really, there is some code involved to do that.
         | marcomezzavilla wrote:
       | miiiiiike wrote:
       | I use Google Keep. It's amazing. It's one of those side tabs on
       | GMail that you close when you first start a new account and never
       | look at again.
       | I use the web and iOS version (through "share") half a dozen
       | times a day.
       | https://keep.google.com/
         | danesparza wrote:
         | You just wait. You're going to get hooked. Then Google is going
         | to take it away. I used Google Reader daily until Google taketh
         | away.
         | I'm not bitter, or anything.
           | doubled112 wrote:
           | Miniflux is pretty good though.
         | nafizh wrote:
         | I used to use Keep. But have switched to pinboard for the last
         | 8 months and incredibly happy about it. Just don't want to wake
         | up one morning and see Google is shutting it down and go
         | through all the hassle that comes with it.
       | chaostheory wrote:
       | Yup, still using pinboard. It's cheap and easy to use with no
       | maintenance which imo is expensive
       | Overtonwindow wrote:
       | My bookmarks have not changed in a long time. I use the same
       | bookmarks. I never really use the service, because I never really
       | use bookmarks all that much, I'll just Google something. I found
       | the bookmarks get on wielding and I start losing track of them
       | and I start having lists of bookmarks that are 9 years old.
       | Rather than bookmarks I use Pocket. It's been very helpful
       | especially for articles and technical websites that I want to be
       | able to reference later.
         | themadturk wrote:
         | I'm also a heavy Pocket user, though a few things I clip into
         | OneNote.
       | dzuc wrote:
       | https://www.are.na/
       | comboy wrote:
       | I use Zim.
       | Not much different from just having a text file. Easy to backup,
       | can grep keywords etc. Lack of sync is a disadvantage so I
       | sometimes use "note to self" on signal when I want to save
       | something from mobile.
       | thefourthchime wrote:
       | I tweet it. There's always an option to tweet anything anywhere.
       | Nobody reads my Twitter except me, so it works fine.
       | jazzyjackson wrote:
       | I've had too many bookmarks go offline a few years after the
       | fact, so now I just print anything interesting to PDF (I use
       | safari's "Share" button and send it to DEVONthink, two clicks and
       | I have a permenant archive sorted into categories.)
       | have_faith wrote:
       | I'd rather not use a 3rd party service. All I really need is the
       | bookmarking UX already built into the browser but behind the
       | scenes it captures the contents of the link (locally) and stores
       | it against the bookmark. Bonus points if it asks where I want the
       | bookmarks and their snapshots to be stored/synced to.
       | Does such a plugin exist?
         | aquajet wrote:
         | I've been working on a solution to this: https://diva.so mainly
         | cause I had the same issue.
         | It's a third-party service unfortunately, but it can index the
         | contents of your bookmarks + other sources to let you search
         | them. I haven't got it to work locally yet since the search
         | needs a decently large server to work (I want to use a LLM
         | eventually) but I do encrypt all data. I don't know how it
         | compares to similar systems linked here, but I'm down to try to
         | help you out to set it up in a way to your liking.
       | bhub wrote:
       | I used to use pinboard[1] but since I started dicking around with
       | self hosting I use Wallabag[2] for "read it later" articles and
       | linkding [0] for saving links that I want to refer to later.
       | Linkding is pretty much a self hosted pinboard
       | [0] https://github.com/sissbruecker/linkding
       | [1] http://pinboard.in/
       | [2] https://www.wallabag.it/en
         | dawnerd wrote:
         | Wallabag is pretty great, the chrome extension is nice too.
       | throwawayjun21 wrote:
       | I have been using Firebox for a long time.
       | wrycoder wrote:
       | Firefox bookmarks (three layers deep) plus Instapaper for random
       | non-technical articles.
       | jandrusk wrote:
       | I use Slack as my bookmark manager ;) Have my own personal Slack
       | workspace where I have various channels for certain types of
       | bookmarks(coding/emacs/history,etc). On my Debian box at home I
       | have weechat with the weeslack plugin where my weechat instance
       | runs in a tmux session 24X7 and I log everything locally to disk.
       | That way I can just open up the Slack log for a given channel to
       | find a specific bookmark in Emacs via search/regex search. Have
       | Slack clients at work, mobile, and home, so it seems to work
       | pretty good for me.
       | bhaney wrote:
       | I just leave the tab open forever
         | bravasaurus wrote:
         | This is how I discovered Safari on iOS has a hard limit of 500
         | open tabs. Rather horrifyingly, when you try to open tab number
         | 501, it asks if you want to close all open tabs.
           | TillE wrote:
           | It's strange to me that browsers - both desktop and mobile -
           | aren't more aggressive about "paging out" unused tabs. I end
           | up just restarting Firefox now and then when I'm not ready to
           | do a full cleanup.
           | Even with the fancy mobile interface you really just need to
           | store a thumbnail (plus the URL and title) for each tab, and
           | even an older iPhone should have little trouble scrolling
           | through thousands of tiny images.
             | hhh wrote:
             | I haven't ever had issues with hundreds of tabs on iOS. It
             | just works for me.
           | zaphodq42 wrote:
           | one of best comment I have read.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | same
       | twblalock wrote:
       | I've pretty much stopped using bookmarks.
       | I used to have a large amount of bookmarks, carefully sorted into
       | folders. I didn't use most of them on a regular basis, and the
       | links broke over time. The end result was a bunch of broken
       | bookmarks.
       | The combination of autocomplete, history, and web searches seems
       | good enough to find anything I want.
         | chrisan wrote:
         | Ya, the only bookmarks I use these days are the ones in
         | Firefox's bookmark toolbar which are more there for quick
         | access purposes than saving interesting articles
       | bradneuberg wrote:
       | I think most people's "bookmarking service" these days, including
       | myself, is to just have an extra browser window that has a
       | million "read later" tabs.
         | hackermanve wrote:
         | been there, i have a folder "TOREAD"
         | dizhn wrote:
         | I use the Simple Tab Groups extension. Some of my tab group
         | names: "Good Articles", "Work but Later"
         | (As a bonus they get backed up automatically including my
         | pinned tab which Firefox loves to lose.)
       | BlackForestBoy wrote:
       | I found bookmarking tools often lacking a more holistic
       | integration into research workflows that are not just about
       | saving things, but also taking notes.
       | We've developed Memex to solve for that. It's an offline first
       | extension for bookmarking and annotating websites, pdfs and
       | youtube videos. Also you can collaboratively curate and discuss
       | them, and it has a mobile app to save and annotate websites. It's
       | availabe for Chrome/Brave and Firefox (memex.garden)
       | 3min Demo: https://links.memex.garden/3mindemo
       | delvallejonatan wrote:
       | https://guardo.io/ does exactly this, it saves the entire page in
       | case it gets deleted. It comes with a nice search engine where
       | you can search for any words included in the page you save.
       | arrosenberg wrote:
       | I use Raindrop.io. Hits the sweet spot in terms of price and
       | usability/UX.
         | gxqoz wrote:
         | I don't suppose Raindrop has a read-aloud feature? This is one
         | of my most heavily used features in Pocket. Looking at
         | Raindrop's features I might be inclined to move if it does
         | support this.
       | nostromo wrote:
       | Apple Notes is where I put urls along with just about everything
       | else.
       | The one and only thing I miss about Delicious is that it was
       | great to see what other people were saving under a specific tag
       | or topic.
         | akrymski wrote:
         | I do the same, but search really sucks.
         | I miss Delicious, and tag based org.
       | philistine wrote:
       | I use Pocket to send pages to my RSS reader.
       | What I mean by that is if I see a page I want to read later, I
       | need to have it in NetNewsWire to read it; otherwise I never read
       | them. So I subscribe to my Pocket account's RSS feed, so whenever
       | I bookmark something in Pocket, it's ready to be started in
       | NetNewsWire whenever I get to reading my feeds.
       | I'm big on having one destination for all the things I follow. I
       | follow YouTube accounts through RSS as well.
         | pro_zac wrote:
         | This is great! I use Feedly for RSS but didn't realize I could
         | subscribe to my own Pocket feed.
       | low_tech_punk wrote:
       | I use a browser extension to store bookmarks in GitHub
       | https://github.com/osmoscraft/osmosmemo
       | Pros:
       | 1) Hostless, GitHub is the backend
       | 2) works in multiple browsers
       | 3) Has tagging
       | Cons:
       | 1) No mobile client
       | 2) Search is primitive
       | browningstreet wrote:
       | I use bookmarks.
       | leray_J wrote:
       | Not really bookmarking, but close to, i use
       | https://www.eesel.app/
       | dewey wrote:
       | I realized that I never go back to my bookmarks and if I really
       | wanted to find something again I usually am able to. I came to
       | the same realization with hoarding movies / tv shows.
         | bombcar wrote:
         | The only bookmarks I use are to particular pages on particular
         | systems that I need to reference relatively often and
         | navigating to them is annoying.
         | Otherwise, my bookmarks are the history in the browser - "ne"
         | is hacker news, "yo" is YouTube, etc.
         | jeffwask wrote:
         | This is the state I am rapidly approaching. Outside of Toolbar
         | quick access stuff I find I always search or it pops up in
         | history suggestions before I search
           | baal80spam wrote:
           | This is great until you need to reinstall the OS/browser and
           | suddenly everything you typed in the omnibar is gone.
             | jeffwask wrote:
             | yeah but I also feel like the occasional purge isn't the
             | worst thing
         | hn_version_0023 wrote:
         | I've also come to this realization. It was one of the more
         | freeing realizations I've had, along with "I don't have to save
         | every email I've ever received for all time".
         | The weight off my mind from skipping the maintenance, care, and
         | feeding of various digital libraries is considerable, and I
         | recommend it to stressed out friends & family.
         | imiric wrote:
         | As a counterpoint, I don't go to my bookmarks often, but when I
         | do, it's invaluable, and I'd feel lost without them.
         | Especially with tags, I can quickly find a number of things I
         | find/found interesting just by using one or two tags.
         | I agree about hoarding media, though. But I still like to have
         | metadata on content I want to watch, and content I've watched
         | and what I thought about it.
       | honkycat wrote:
       | I use the notion web clipper. Works great, I can have multiple
       | databases for different interests.
       | djlewald wrote:
       | Funnily enough, I made a CLI tool recently that bookmarks SSH
       | connection strings. https://github.com/IamFlowZ/ssh-bm
       | kristiandupont wrote:
       | I typically write the URL in my notes if I need to look at it
       | again for some specific reason.
       | For more silly things, I created a private subreddit together
       | with my brother. We post things that we find interesting enough
       | to share and re-visit in there, which is quite a nice format.
       | didip wrote:
       | I don't use bookmarking services.
       | In between:
       | 1. Sending email to myself with appropriate keywords.
       | 2. Writing them in Notes app.
       | 3. and private git repo for my personal knowledge bank.
       | I got all my needs covered.
       | depingus wrote:
       | https://www.xbrowsersync.org/
       | Locally encrypted, open source, free with no ads or can be self-
       | hosted. And most importantly, its not tied to any particular
       | browser. With xBrowserSync for bookmarks and Bitwarden for
       | passwords, I can browser hop as much as I want.
       | Oliver-Fish wrote:
       | I mostly use bookmarks for easy access to commonly used tools and
       | documentation; however, typically, I suffer from the fact when I
       | need to share a set of bookmarks, the browser support of
       | export/import is really awful for both the exporter and importer.
       | I encountered it so much that I built a tool in the last few
       | months to allow sharing of bookmarks natively in the browser. I
       | didn't want to use a new tool to manage my bookmarks; I just
       | wanted to enhance the browser bookmark feature with the ability
       | to share bookmarks.
       | https://www.bookmarkllama.com
       | tr1ll10nb1ll wrote:
       | I've been using Raindrop. It seems cool.
       | wild-eep wrote:
       | I use the browser, mainly just to get autocomplete in the address
       | bar.
       | But, browser bookmark management ranges from barely acceptable to
       | irritating. Never great, or innovative, like some of these
       | services. I wish the browser vendors would adopt some of this
       | stuff.
       | archi42 wrote:
       | For private use: I rarely bookmark anything anymore. Lots of info
       | is easy to find (e.g. Arch Linux Wiki) and reasonable reliable.
       | Also my password manager has a list of all accounts with
       | associated URLs, so I can search that.
       | For work I have a wider variety of information. I'm often doing
       | Pentests, so I read up on related research a lot. Since I can't
       | keep every minor detail in my head, I bookmark interesting things
       | in the browser; that's then backed up, but that's about it.
       | As a typical tech hobby, I run a few home servers and recently
       | got myself an "always on" machine. Now I'm looking at self hosted
       | services my family and/or I could genuinely benefit from.
       | Bookmark sync between my work laptops could be nice, but Yacy
       | mentioned in the top comment is insanely attractive - indexing
       | (+archiving?) beats bookmarking.
       | coastflow wrote:
       | I use Evernote. It's the last "killer feature" of the platform.
       | The software is too slow and clunky for taking notes (OneNote or
       | Apple's stock Notes app are far better for this), even after the
       | somewhat-recent update that improved performance, but it succeeds
       | at saving webpages where other services fail. I tried to switch
       | to OneNote's web clipper, but too often it could only save a link
       | instead of clipping the page. Evernote also works on iOS.
       | There was an interesting comment on r/Evernote by a former
       | employee who worked there about why the clipper works so well
       | (link:
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/Evernote/comments/fbf8an/comment/fj...),
       | based on acquisitions of other companies, custom code for certain
       | websites, and a willingness to test websites where clipping
       | doesn't work and (eventually) fix them.
       | However, there are issues with clipping on desktop Safari
       | (occasionally there are bugs for periods of time, until fixes are
       | implemented in an update), and sometimes clipping does break for
       | certain websites (though this eventually gets fixed). I also find
       | searching can take effort to find specific past web clips, though
       | I'm not sure if the services is actually worse than before.
       | Web clipping is the last reason I'm staying with Evernote,
       | writing as a user who has paid money in an attempt to migrate
       | notes to another service (then finding that the other service was
       | inadequate for web clipping).
         | pqs wrote:
         | On my 4 year old Windows 10 ThinkPad laptop it now works very
         | fast. I have 20k notes. At the beginning it was very clunky,
         | now it works very well. At least this is my experience.
         | anotherman554 wrote:
         | I use Evernote as well. But for some stuff I'd rather be
         | encrypted I find Joplin is a good open source Evernote
         | alternative that lets you encrypt entire notebooks. Joplin's
         | web clipper seems to work fine on Desktop though I've never
         | tried it on mobile.
         | RandomWorker wrote:
         | Totally agree, application is weak. Don't understand the new
         | listing and task management features. It just seems like a
         | distraction.. why not have a proper table editor before you
         | start adding new features. Also, the time to startup should be
         | much shorter. I suggest they make a simple version of the tool,
         | just list on the left (simplify the notebooks, and tags, etc).
         | Get rid of the homepage. However, I just can't leave that
         | clipper.
         | Even the simple fact that you can screenshot a part of the
         | screen, annotate it, a toss it on the heap is so awesome. I
         | don't worry about space, I don't worry about finding it. Search
         | is really great on Evernote even picks up the text in images
         | way..... before any tool was doing that.
         | Also, you can actually save the content of a page to a note
         | (not just a link with an avatar). This is great for recipes
         | that once you found it, you can never seem to find it ever
         | again on google. Having a copy of that particular recipe with
         | the right mix of ingredients I still have laying around.
         | PERFECT!
           | pqs wrote:
           | Tasks might seem a distraction to you but they have
           | simplified my life a lot. They are central to my workflow and
           | I'm glad they introduced them.
       | pointlessone wrote:
       | I use DEVONthink to keep a local copy (WebArchive) of interesting
       | pages. On top of obvious bookmarking features like tags I get
       | good search, annotations, and preservation to name a few things.
       | Preservation is underrated. I have quite a few pages that are no
       | longer available on the web (even in various archives).
         | walterbell wrote:
         | DevonThink is one of those rare old-school apps which support
         | open-standard protocols, e.g. self-hosted (FreeNAS/TrueNAS)
         | WebDAV for sync of archives between iOS and macOS.
         |  _> Preservation is underrated. I have quite a few pages that
         | are no longer available on the web (even in various archives)._
         | Lire is an RSS reader that can archive the full text of all
         | articles, even if the RSS feed is limited. Allows offline
         | reading and mitigates the risk of blogs disappearing.
         | http://lireapp.com/
       | micromacrofoot wrote:
       | I pay for Pinboard but don't actually use it, I just like Maciej
       | simonw wrote:
       | I use Pocket, then I have my own tool that exports my data from
       | Pocket to SQLite: https://datasette.io/tools/pocket-to-sqlite
         | gxqoz wrote:
         | Awesome, I've been looking for something like this forever! I
         | use Pocket a ton and make lots of highlights. But its search
         | and archive features have been practically unusable for 3 years
         | for me despite frequent complaints to support.
           | gxqoz wrote:
           | Bummer, though, since it looks like Pocket's API doesn't
           | export the highlights or any metadata about them. Unless it's
           | hidden in the "fts" or whatever that is.
       | abnry wrote:
       | For a couple years I've been working on a personal Flask App that
       | will collect and organize my SingleFile [1] downloads. Uses
       | inotify to automatically detect a SingleFile generated html file
       | and processes it into a database, where it also creates a
       | screenshot thumbnail.
       | Been working great for me so far, and definitely help me improve
       | my coding skills. One of the things I like the most is that it
       | records the time I downloaded the SingleFile page, which means I
       | can view a timeline of bookmarks. It is nice to visually review
       | over the month what I decided to save, often as a way to
       | reinforce what I learned.
       | [1]
       | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/singlefile/mpiodij...
       | mark_h wrote:
       | I recently started actively bookmarking pages again recently
       | (after being an early Pinboard customer, but not a particularly
       | busy one). I wrote a script to email me 5 random bookmarks every
       | day, so now I treat bookmarking as a "like" button; something I
       | find interesting at the time, and may want to rediscover in the
       | future. I rarely use bookmarks to find something I'm searching
       | for though.
       | andyjohnson0 wrote:
       | Sites and pages that i use get bookmarked in Firefox and synced
       | to my devices.
       | Notable things that ai might need in the future go into Notion
       | with (critically) some notes on context and why theyre important.
       | If i xant be bothered to write any notes then its not important
       | enough to be added.
       | hegzploit wrote:
       | I'm using raindrops across all my devices for curating links and
       | tagging them.
       | It's a nice tool.
         | hegzploit wrote:
         | Raindrop*
       | focusedone wrote:
       | Pockey + Pocket 2 Kindle for things I want to read later.
       | Otherwise, HN favorites and digging through Firefox history /
       | other devices to find that one page whatwasitcalled
       | IknowIreadthatyesterday.
         | longnguyen wrote:
         | Did you run into any trouble or limitations with this setup?
       | RheingoldRiver wrote:
       | I have literally thousands of bookmarks in Firefox that I use for
       | their keyword aliases and manage by regex. But I don't think
       | that's what you meant.
       | I also have several hundred "normal" bookmarks across several
       | folders. Documentation, Hobby, "randomly cool," etc. But I
       | definitely lose a lot of content that I wish I didn't.
       | abruzzi wrote:
       | I haven't bookmarked anything in over 20 years. I just use my
       | memory + search. Obviously bookmarking can retain far more than
       | my memory, but my use of the web is deep, not wide (i.e. small
       | number of sites, used heavily) so is easily handled by local site
       | search engines.
       | viburnum wrote:
       | I've been really happy with "Save as PDF" into my Dropbox folder.
       | If you use Safari's reader mode before you save it's especially
       | nice and the files are small. Works great with spotlight search
       | and accessible on mobile.
       | ubersnack wrote:
       | I've started using History Book on iOS/macOS, runs as an
       | extension in safari and can automatically save a copy of every
       | page for easy searching later
       | DHPersonal wrote:
       | For articles to read later I use the Safari Reading List. To
       | store bookmarks I use GoodLinks
       | (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/goodlinks/id1474335294) that syncs
       | via iCloud and has iOS and macOS apps to store and display the
       | collection. To catch any articles I may forget to store I use the
       | Safari extension History Book
       | (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/history-book-browse-search/id1...)
       | that saves a searchable article list to return to later.
       | klausjensen wrote:
       | I use Pinboard - and I always tag my bookmarks. Then I usually
       | never look at them again.
       | kkfx wrote:
       | I generally archive as pdf ONLY things really interesting me, in
       | org-mode/org-roam managed notes as org-attachments, most other
       | links are just noted with a not-that-good but the best I found
       | combo:
       | - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/copy-as-org-m...
       | and https://github.com/kuanyui/copy-as-org-mode
       | - https://beepb00p.xyz/promnesia.html and
       | https://github.com/karlicoss/promnesia and
       | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/promnesia/
       | - https://beepb00p.xyz/grasp.html and
       | https://github.com/karlicoss/grasp/ and
       | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/grasp
       | The first to quickly copy text from html, the second to see if
       | something is already noted, the third to quickly archive the
       | bookmark. In the past I've used Zotero witch works automatically
       | VERY well (and on deduplicated storage does not consume so much
       | disk space) but since it's a kind of walled-garden in the sense I
       | can't really integrate it in anything else I decide to have a bit
       | less features but hyper-superior integration with org-mode.
       | 5evOX5hTZ9mYa9E wrote:
       | I just create a note in my personal wiki/notes and leave it there
       | with enough metadata that I can later find it. If it makes sense,
       | I also take a snapshot via archive.is or ghostarchive.org if it
       | makes sense (the website is not a web-app).
       | nikivi wrote:
       | My bookmarking service is Alfred workflow I wrote:
       | https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/alfred-my-mind
       | It searches through links in my wiki:
       | https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/knowledge
       | creativityland wrote:
       | Yes and depending on what.
       | - Notable things that are urgent gets emailed to myself.
       | - Sites and pages get bookmarked in the browser
       | - Notes and tasks are added directly into an extension like
       | Notion [0] or Taskade [1] or Pocket [2] and synced to all my
       | devices
       | ----
       | [0] - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/notion-web-
       | clipper...
       | [1] - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/taskade-team-
       | tasks...
       | [2] - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-to-
       | pocket/nil...
       | cabbagesauce wrote:
       | With FF it's Tab Stash for me[0]. Then I export to Chrome when I
       | have a period of using it as my main browser.
       | For portability, I use a public Telegram channel that I post
       | interesting links to for later reading. Given the web version
       | doesn't require to be logged in and has a search bar it's very
       | good for accessing everything you have.
       | [0] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tab-stash/
       | SoftTalker wrote:
       | I used to use instapaper quite a bit, but when I figured out that
       | I almost never went back and read any of my saved links, I
       | stopped.
       | If I'm not interested enough to read the link now, I almost
       | certainly am not going to read it later.
       | Sort of the same reason I don't take photos anymore. I never go
       | back and look at them, so it's just a waste of time and a
       | distraction from being really present in the moment.
         | gnuj3 wrote:
         | You might change your mind about looking back at photos in 20
         | years and you probably gonna regret your current approach
       | dusted wrote:
       | I've never had to, all the browsers I've ever used had bookmark
       | support.
       | tpoacher wrote:
       | I do use bookmarks, but usually it's about crudely saving a
       | session for easy access, to continue from where I left off the
       | next day more than anything.
       | If I want to save a page for future reference because it's useful
       | more generally, I actually have a special "References" deck in
       | Anki for that, which has various useful levels of categorization
       | applied.
       | Similarly, if it's an article I want to queue for serious future
       | reading, I have a "Reading" deck. After reading (and potentially
       | after having been converted to anki notes in the Main deck) notes
       | from the reading deck go either in the Archived deck after
       | reading, or in the References deck accordingly.
       | xeromal wrote:
       | I use my browser's bookmarks bar.
       | KolenCh wrote:
       | I use the Pocket free tier.
       | Then I use the web export function there to export it to xml.
       | I wrote a script that would read that xml and pull (and if not
       | available, fall back to archive.org) and cache (so only new
       | bookmarks are downloaded) the sites, and built an offline version
       | for archival and searching.
       | SN76477 wrote:
       | I use the notion web clipper, then tag in Notion.
       | goddamnyouryan wrote:
       | I created yet another place for me to store all my own bookmarks:
       | https://link.horse
       | I mostly wanted to be able to categorize bookmarks within
       | multiple tags, and easily be able to save them, using a
       | bookmarklet.
         | gnuj3 wrote:
         | Is this going to exist one year from now?
       | devinegan wrote:
       | I use a self-hosted docker image of Wallabag. Has worked well for
       | years and replaced Pinboard for me.
       | ibobev wrote:
       | For some types of bookmarks I started to use a GitHub
       | repositories with a markdown document in them. Those are my
       | bookmarks collected mainly through HN:
       | - A list of freely available articles, tutorials, book about
       | programming, math and science:
       | https://github.com/bobeff/programming-math-science
       | - A list of open source games: https://github.com/bobeff/open-
       | source-games
       | Kerrick wrote:
       | I use the bookmark feature built into my web browser, which also
       | syncs with my smartphone. For bookmarks I want to share publicly,
       | I just drop them onto a hand-coded HTML page on my website:
       | https://kerricklong.com/bookmarks/
       | askafriend wrote:
       | I stopped because I realized it was hoarding-behavior more than
       | anything meaningful or productive.
       | I still do it occasionally, but I'm not longer obsessive about it
       | the way I might have been in the past.
       | FunnyBadger wrote:
       | The internet is far too "entropic" to trust bookmarks alone. This
       | has been a clear failing of the web since the 1990s.
       | I've literally been downloading pages since then to have a local
       | image. I've written various native code tools to extract text,
       | index that and then markup the files with keywords and then
       | create a local search engine back.
       | SO MUCH is shadow-edited, deleted or lost. It's foolish to rely
       | on ANYTHING online for more than a year or even less. If it
       | matters you must have a full archive.
       | When PDFs are referenced (e.g. scientific papers - I have 1000s
       | of COVID papers), I download those and index them.
       | This is also why I never rely on e-books - I order a hard copy
       | because in 20-100 years, it will ONLY be the paper version that
       | will still be around.
       | AndrewDucker wrote:
       | Pinboard too. Pretty happy with it.
       | TavsiE9s wrote:
       | I'm still using pinboard to access bookmarks on multiple devices.
       | Cryptoclidus wrote:
       | pinboard.in
       | eterps wrote:
       | Yes, but in combination with highlights and annotation (I use
       | diigo.com). memex.garden is a similar offering, although I
       | haven't used it myself.
       | lonelyasacloud wrote:
       | Yes. Have used for years and pay for https://www.diigo.com/ .
       | As a service it doesn't appear to be being actively developed,
       | but it is reliable, isn't too fugly and has the required
       | functionallity (multiplatform/browser/mobile support, good
       | search, read later, tags, highlighting, sticky notes, private and
       | public libraries and archiving for important stuff) in a
       | reasonably easy to use form.
       | diigo's not perfect by any means - automated tagging suggestions
       | could benefit from ML pixie dust - but certainly the best first
       | stage of research and web page archiving solution I've found
       | (compared to DevonThink, Pocket, Evernote, InstaPaper, A's Notes
       | (and a few others I've forgotten))
       (page generated 2022-06-23 23:00 UTC)