[HN Gopher] ffsend: A fully featured Firefox Send command line c...
       ffsend: A fully featured Firefox Send command line client
       Author : archb
       Score  : 85 points
       Date   : 2022-06-24 19:05 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | ebfe1 wrote:
       | If anyone is interested, after firefox send shutdown, i wrote
       | https://www.relaysecret.com, it's footprint is extremely small (1
       | lambda function that does all signing for s3 upload/download,
       | simple frontend code that does encryption in browser using web
       | crypto api with no 3rd party Js, no 3rd party css, no tracking.
       | Anchor tag is used for the random key material (so it wont leave
       | ya browser and files will always be encrypted regardless).
       | You can roll your own too with the terraform code in it. It costs
       | me barely anything to run it because files never live more than
       | 10 days (there is a catchall lifecycle rule on the bucket) and
       | when users select durations, i also put them in bucket prefix
       | that has lifecycle rule place on objects under them for that
       | duration. Note that we can't rely on lifecycle rule all the time
       | so i also make sure when lambda is called to access the object,
       | it checks the time-stamp, the duration and if it is meant to
       | expire and not yet cleaned up by s3 - lambda function deletes it.
       | I learnt a ton of cool things about s3 after this neat little
       | project and really dig the API, the lifecycle rule, signing url
       | etc...
       | Ps: for these type of tool, you should definitely mitm it to see
       | if plaintext file or password ever leave the browser...
       | Relaysecret does leave one item unencrypted and that is the file
       | name. You can change it upon upload but i like to leave it there
       | so people know what they are downloading. I have simple idea of
       | encrypting that with just the anchor key but haven't gotten
       | around to put that in yet.
         | laurent123456 wrote:
         | Very interesting, but why is the password optional? Doesn't it
         | mean that someone with access to the S3 bucket can decrypt the
         | data?
           | rahimnathwani wrote:
           | The file is encrypted before upload. The decryption key is
           | supplied in an anchor tag. This is the case even if there's
           | no password.
       | Barrin92 wrote:
       | send is nice but my favorite tool by far in this category is
       | magic wormhole
       | https://magic-wormhole.readthedocs.io/en/latest/welcome.html
       | it only relies on a third party for a handshake rather than
       | storing files online, so there's no limit to what you can send
       | and it's probably less likely to go away.
         | smw wrote:
         | Or croc!
         | https://github.com/schollz/croc
           | unicornporn wrote:
           | croc it is!
           | throwamon wrote:
           | Do you know how secure it is compared to Magic Wormhole?
           | I remember a few years ago reading a comparison between two
           | file sharing apps, and if my memory serves me they were croc
           | and Magic Wormhole. One of them had a litany of security
           | holes but I don't remember which of them. I googled but
           | couldn't find info on this.
             | stavros wrote:
             | AFAIK security experts swear by MW and don't like Croc as
             | much, because of the wonky protocol, but don't quote me on
             | this.
             | 0des wrote:
             | I am very interested in hearing this. I always wondered
             | what's what with MW.
           | alexeldeib wrote:
           | Yeah, I switched from magic wormhole to croc for
           | simplicity/snappiness over magic wormhole. Static binaries!
         | stock_toaster wrote:
         | I use the go version[1] implementation, for a bit easier
         | installation.
         | [1]: https://github.com/psanford/wormhole-william
           | throwamon wrote:
           | I feel like I'm slowly becoming a Nix shill, but... Nix is a
           | good alternative as well.
           | Install Nix in one command:                   sh <(curl -L
           | https://nixos.org/nix/install) --no-daemon
           | Then run Magic Wormhole in one command, without even having
           | to install it:                   nix-shell -p magic-wormhole
           | --run 'wormhole send myfile'
       | robonerd wrote:
       | Did Mozilla bring this back? Last I heard, Firefox Send was shut
       | down due to malware/etc moderation issues.
       | https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/what-happened-firefox-s...
       | > _Firefox Send has been discontinued as of September 17th, 2020.
       | You will no longer be able to upload or receive files. We'd like
       | to thank all of you who tried Firefox Send._
       | > _We started Firefox Send as a way for you to share files safely
       | and easily from any browser. Unfortunately, some abusive users
       | were beginning to use Firefox Send to ship malware and conduct
       | phishing attacks. When this problem was reported, we stopped the
       | service. Please see the Mozilla Blog for more details on why this
       | service was discontinued._
         | saghul wrote:
         | Looks like there is a maintained fork here:
         | https://github.com/timvisee/send
         | cbkeller wrote:
         | They ended the service, but you can host your own server --
         | which is what the developer of this package has done
           | Dylan16807 wrote:
           | That's valid enough, but if I'm hosting my own server and I'm
           | happy with the command line then the use case for a tool like
           | this gets very niche.
           | If I'm using the dev's server than that's pretty nice I
           | guess.
             | cbkeller wrote:
             | I actually donate a nominal amount via github sponsors just
             | to help support hosting costs since I find the utility
             | useful -- specifically in my case for allowing people using
             | my Binder notebooks to get their data out of the container
             | without having to have a server of their own.
         | ask_b123 wrote:
         | This is not the actual Firefox Send but rather just Send:
         | https://send.vis.ee/
         | > This application is not affiliated with Firefox or Mozilla in
         | any way.
         | So the title is somewhat wrong.
           | yccs27 wrote:
           | It seems like ffsend came before send.vis.ee, but the fork
           | explicitly kept compatibility (see the readme at
           | https://github.com/timvisee/send)
             | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
             | That's my understanding as well. ffsend was created as a
             | client to the Mozilla-hosted filesharing service at
             | send.firefox.com (now defunct). The server component was
             | then forked and made self-hostable.
       | aaviator42 wrote:
       | For the same purposes, I use a script I wrote that can be thought
       | of as a simple self hosted FF Send alternative.
       | Allows you to easily upload files to your server from a web
       | interface and share them.
       | It's a single PHP script you chuck on a server (shared hosting or
       | virtual private or homelab): https://github.com/aaviator42/izi
       (page generated 2022-06-24 23:00 UTC)