[HN Gopher] Vim 9.0
       Vim 9.0
       Author : craftuser
       Score  : 129 points
       Date   : 2022-06-30 18:42 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.vim.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.vim.org)
       | Yuioup wrote:
       | Previous discussion:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31907883
       | givemeethekeys wrote:
       | I'm curious: - How deep a rabbit hole do most people go down when
       | setting up their vim / neovim environment?
       | Apart from setting up a preferred color and language specific tab
       | spacing and highlighting, I don't need more, but I've seen some
       | pretty fancy setups.
       | Out of the different plugins, which would you never operate
       | without?
         | cercatrova wrote:
         | Out of everything, if I want to use (neo)vim as a serious code
         | editing environment, it has got to be LSP support. To that end,
         | I use coc.vim although of course there are many other LSP
         | plugins.
         | rbongers wrote:
         | Definitely ALE. Being able to use LSPs is the only reason I
         | haven't switched.
         | kirillbobyrev wrote:
         | I've spent so much time on configuring my (Neo)vim over the
         | years I wouldn't even be able to estimate it (here it is if
         | you're curious: https://github.com/kirillbobyrev/dotfiles/tree/
         | main/.config/...).
         | The most important ones lately seem to be the LSP integrations
         | (basically IDE features like autocompletion, go-to-definition
         | etc) and auto-completion managers. But honestly it's been
         | breaking all the time over the last year or so that I code more
         | often in VSCode and maybe it's about time I stop trying to make
         | an ever-improving IDE out of Neovim :(
         | Neovim project's direction seems to be aligned with making it
         | easier to have IDE-like experience with LSP integration but
         | it's been painful in Neovim. In Vim, it's typically even worse
         | and even harder to set it up.
         | Overall, I've been using Vim for about 8 years and went from a
         | really simple set-up of "this is just a text editor" down the
         | IDE rabbit hole. I also went for Vim -> Neovim -> Vim -> Neovim
         | and eventual split of the two configs in the end and. I'm
         | thinking about making it much simpler again :D
         | Diederich wrote:
         | I've been using vi/vim on a near daily basis for 34 years now
         | and this is the only thing I put in ~/.vimrc:
         | set tabstop=4       set expandtab       set shiftwidth=4 " or 2
         | or whatever       set shiftround       syntax on
         | EDIT:
         | Just for some fun archeology, I google searched on the 3rd
         | line, 'set shiftwidth=4 " or 2 or whatever' because I very
         | dimly recall copying most of my standard set (minus the syntax
         | on bit) from someone else a long long time ago. This was the
         | only hit I found:
         | https://www.perlmonks.org/index.qs1968.pl/perlmonks.org?disp...
           | threatofrain wrote:
           | No line numbers? @_@
             | bayindirh wrote:
             | It is already present on the lower right by default. Why
             | lose a column?
               | cassepipe wrote:
               | Then I can easily go to the line I want to go. :34 takes
               | me to line 34
               | imron wrote:
               | It makes it easy to jump to other lines on your screen,
               | e.g. maybe you want to split out half the code from a
               | loop to another function. You can't use di{ to delete
               | everything in the {} because you only want half of it,
               | but if you can see that the loop contents end on line 98
               | you can go d98G
               | bluenose69 wrote:
               | I like line numbers because when I'm editing code in a
               | remote meeting, I or someone else can refer to lines by
               | number. The current line is not the only one that
               | matters. I use relative line numbers because I like doing
               | e.g. 9k or whatever. Others on a remote call often refer
               | to other parts of the code with "9 up" or "9 down" (since
               | "9k" and "9j" sound too alike in a noisy call).
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | You can selectively turn them on as a meeting aid, no?
               | Diederich wrote:
               | Yup that's what I do as needed, which for me is pretty
               | rare.
               | necheffa wrote:
               | I mean, I have a 32" 4k monitor for a reason.
               | avgcorrection wrote:
               | Reason being outdated indexing UX?
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | I mean, every column counts, even in a 32" 4K display.
               | Also, not all of us have the space to fit these screens
               | everywhere we work.
             | Diederich wrote:
             | Nope. Back in the day that would greatly interfere with
             | copy/paste. One way or another, it's so easy to see what
             | line number you're on and/or jump to a specific line.
               | theposey wrote:
               | can't you just yank to +? you might need the vim build
               | with +clipboard if it's not default these days
               | deadbunny wrote:
               | I have vim use the clipboard by default, with that said I
               | still use the mouse to copy stuff now and then.
               | AlecSchueler wrote:
               | :set nu!
               | Just toggle them off when you copy/paste, then on again.
               | Takes a fraction of a second.
           | billti wrote:
           | Similar, but you can do most of those in one line! I also
           | turn on line numbers and map "jk" to Escape in insert mode:
           | set expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 tabstop=4
           | syntax on         set number         inoremap jk <Esc>
             | ben174 wrote:
             | I tried that 'jk' thing way back, and I seem to recall it
             | introducing some lag. Like a few milliseconds so it could
             | process and see if you were hitting the followup key. Just
             | enough to be annoying.
               | addcninblue wrote:
               | The lag thing is due to this:
               | If you type `j` in insert mode, it waits to see if
               | there's a possible `k` following. That's the lag.
               | There's a setting for how long it waits.
           | jcranmer wrote:
           | TIL about set shiftround... that would definitely help with >
           | commands...
           | imron wrote:
           | Almost identical to mine, except I set ai and nu, and wasn't
           | setting shiftround (because I didn't know about it until
           | today!)
           | pbohun wrote:
           | Doesn't expandtab mess with creating/editing makefiles?
             | Diederich wrote:
             | It surely can. If I have to casually mess with a Makefile,
             | I'll just remember to use control-v TAB as needed, or vi
             | yank/put another line with a proper tab and edit. In the
             | very rare case I'm doing more serious work, I'll
             | temporarily turn it off.
             | mr_toad wrote:
             | It's been a while but I seem to remember being able to
             | configure different tab behaviour specifically for make
             | files.
         | Bromeo wrote:
         | Having gone from a stock vim to a highly modified vim and back
         | again, here are some plugins that I find really boost my
         | productivity:
         | - neoterm, for opening a REPL in a split buffer and quickly
         | sending chunks of lines to the REPL
         | (https://github.com/kassio/neoterm)
         | - fzf for faster buffer and file navigation
         | (https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim)
         | - vim fugitive for good git integration
         | (https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive)
         | - some other tpope plugins (surround, unimpared, commentary,
         | vinegar)
         | jl6 wrote:
         | I put some time into learning vanilla vim to a fairly basic
         | level, about 20 years ago. It's been sufficient ever since.
         | Occasionally I look up rarely used commands, but as far as I'm
         | concerned my configuring days are over.
         | VTimofeenko wrote:
         | I've gone down that rabbit hole quite a few times and each time
         | for a much longer period than I am willing to admit. I use
         | neovim for hobby development and as a general text editor.
         | The plugin that I find myself using all the time is vim-
         | surround with a couple of minor language-specific tweaks.
         | [deleted]
         | kzrdude wrote:
         | I'd always use airline and show a buffer line with it.
         | dbrueck wrote:
         | No idea if I'm typical or an outlier, but I have a couple of
         | syntax highlighting plugins, NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme, a vim
         | rc file with my favorite keybindings (e.g. faster navigation
         | among splits), and a python file with some helpers for opening
         | terminals in vim and... that's it.
         | Every once in awhile I think I might do a fancier setup but
         | then I lose interest. Ditto for checking out neovim. I'm sure
         | I'd get some gains, but I guess I've sort of settled into a
         | decent sweet spot that I haven't left for almost a decade, haha
         | (been using vim for ~25 years total).
         | aidos wrote:
         | It's definitely a deep rabbit hole. There's a lot to figure out
         | - even as an old vim user moving to a more modern neovim setup
         | about a year ago.
         | One of the issues I found was that every plugin seemed to
         | reference other plugins and you need to figure out how to make
         | them play nicely together yourself. Most of the best info is
         | just buried in GitHub issues and neovim was such a moving
         | target that everything needed more digging into to get working
         | correctly.
         | For me now essentials include; Telescope, Trouble, Cmp and a
         | good LSP setup.
         | trufas wrote:
         | The fzf plugin is really nice for navigating through files and
         | for code search, but not really necessary.
         | The editing plugins I use most heavily are probably vim-
         | surround and vim-commentary. My development would definitely
         | slow down without them.
         | hulitu wrote:
         | I don't set anything. I use vim as vi.
         | nobleach wrote:
         | For me, I'll say "never ending-ly" deep. I've been hacking on
         | Vim for the last 20ish years. First plain old Vim, and in the
         | last 3 years, NeoVim. Even this morning I started by switching
         | out VSnips (snippet manager) for Luasnip. I am always looking
         | at things that could make my dev life more streamlined. I don't
         | really care so much about having a bunch of bling plugins
         | (although I do have a nice status bar, and a file tree). I'm
         | more looking more at the things that I do on a day to day
         | basis. Are there existing plugins that fit those patterns? If
         | there are, I try them out. Sometimes I have to write the
         | functionality myself. (Want to console log the variable under
         | my cursor, with a label? Done.)
         | Since this editor (and Emacs) are SO extensible, it's hard to
         | find two long-time users with similar configs.
         | JulianWasTaken wrote:
         | It depends what kind of person you are, how much energy you
         | want to invest, how much patience you have for stuff that isn't
         | the code you're writing, how much you enjoy editing itself,
         | etc.
         | I have a quite extensive setup
         | (https://github.com/Julian/dotfiles/tree/main/.config/nvim)
         | which I built up over 10+ years, indeed sometimes including
         | sitting there for an hour or two and just investigating plugins
         | or writing some function to make editing easier. I enjoy it,
         | and it means I can do lots of things in my setup that involved
         | time investment.
         | Others obviously just want to get on with their work.
         | To me though part of the reason I _use_ vim /neovim is because
         | anytime something annoys me about editing I can automate it, or
         | find a plugin which has done so already.
       | [deleted]
       | mikl wrote:
       | Shame that Bram is doubling down with vim9script. This will give
       | vimscript a Python 3 moment, splitting an already small community
       | into even smaller pieces.
       | I wish he'd have embraced Lua like Neovim. It has already been
       | proven to work great (half my plugins are Lua these days, and it
       | performs great), but alas, it was not to be.
       | capableweb wrote:
       | As Vim9 comes alive, and Neovim community focuses on Lua plugins
       | instead, it seems this release is finally the update that will
       | put a hard branch on the two communities. Up until now, most
       | plugins (except Lua-only ones of course) have worked in both
       | editors, but it doesn't seem like Vim9 will be supported in
       | Neovim, so I guess what people go with now, will decide what you
       | might stick with in the future (unless you're eager to switch
       | development environments).
         | tomtomtom777 wrote:
         | Although I am currently tip-toeing on NeoVim, I still feel this
         | is a horrible break-up.
         | Yes, Open Source simply allows you to branch whenever you're
         | unhappy with the original but this comes at a cost for the
         | community. The cost of having two diverging programs to deal
         | with.
         | In this case, the motivation was simply insufficient. Some
         | people wanted vimscript+lua instead of vimscript. They felt the
         | code was too difficult. They wanted to develop on their own.
         | Not bad reasons in itself, but does it weigh against the
         | tremendous cost for the community of the split? Isn't a split
         | only justified in situation like OpenOffice/LibreOffice when
         | there is no other choice? Couldn't they not convince Bram
         | Moolenaar of proposed changes, and if not, doesn't this have a
         | good reason.
         | I hate NeoVim for the reason they've split, even though I
         | understand it might become even better than Vim in the long
         | run. You need better reasons to fork and divide an ecosystem.
           | kzrdude wrote:
           | Neovim has already been very productive by giving Vim some
           | good competition and in so doing having better features come
           | out in Vim.
           | To me it doesn't make sense to 'hate' neovim for wanting to
           | develop features that they tried to have in Vim but couldn't
           | due to the main developer stalling it.
           | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
           | I think Neovim had a whole bunch of other reasons to split.
           | I'm pretty sure that Neovim's server mode, which allows it to
           | be used with other editor frontends, is simply not present in
           | vim. For me this is the whole reason to use Neovim. But I
           | think it also natively supports tree sitter and/or LSPs,
           | which really improve the coding experience.
           | Anyway iirc Neovim wanted these features integrated into Vim
           | itself and only started a separate project when it became
           | clear that that wasn't going to happen. My understanding was
           | that at the time Bram was hostile to lots of the changes that
           | people wanted integrated. You can read some of the discussion
           | [here](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14245705) and
           | [here](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7287668)
             | deadbunny wrote:
             | And when Bram did finally add async support rather than
             | take the neovim work and us that he did it in a
             | specifically non compatible way. I don't know the ins and
             | outs but as an observer that does come across as a little
             | petty.
           | teilo wrote:
           | Vim was stagnant until Neovim became a threat. And it was
           | never about Lua. It was about the need for async. Bram
           | ignored the community, and so the community responded, and
           | made something better.
           | otikik wrote:
           | It could be also argued that if Vim wanted to keep the
           | community together they could have just deprecated vimscript
           | and adopted Lua.
           | Of course I am stretching things a little, I know.
           | I personally think Neovim's reasons for a fork are valid.
           | They wanted some parts, not others, and they were willing to
           | pull the work. So a fork is made. That is all ok. If my
           | memory serves both projects have interchanged patches and
           | improvements in both directions, so everyone has benefitted
           | in some ways. The community (communities) will live on.
           | akerl_ wrote:
           | Nobody needs to justify forking a project to other people.
           | Tyr42 wrote:
           | I mean all Bram had to do was accept the async patches
           | instead of ignoring them.
           | Then neovim wouldn't have got off the ground.
           | Once they started building, they wanted to "cut the cruft"
           | and just went from there
           | capableweb wrote:
           | > In this case, the motivation was simply insufficient. Some
           | people wanted vimscript+lua instead of vimscript. They felt
           | the code was too difficult. They wanted to develop on their
           | own.
           | > Couldn't they not convince Bram Moolenaar of proposed
           | changes
           | I think (but someone correct me if I'm wrong) it started out
           | with one of the persons who started Neovim, tried to get in a
           | patch adding async support in Vim, but Moolenaar didn't want
           | to merge it, for one or another reason.
           | That cascaded to a bunch of other reasons over time, like
           | adding Lua support and trying to rely less on Vimscript.
           | But that's how I remember it being started at least, but I
           | could remember it wrong.
       | rickstanley wrote:
       | Is there something equivalent for LunarVim[0] or NvChad[1], in
       | Vim ecosystem? I want to try something different. I learn a lot
       | hacking around these opinionated setups.
       | [0]: https://lunarvim.org/
       | [1]: https://nvchad.github.io/
         | bern4444 wrote:
         | Yes, there is spacevim: https://spacevim.org
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | For emacs with vim keybindings, there is also Spacemacs
           | https://www.spacemacs.org/
       | threatofrain wrote:
       | Does anyone have a good from-scratch setup guide for Neovim?
         | NERD_ALERT wrote:
         | https://github.com/LunarVim/Neovim-from-scratch
         | azemetre wrote:
         | What do you want to do? My best advice would be to search up
         | some dot files from people you may follow on GitHub. There are
         | all kinds of configs, but typically just fork someone's you
         | like then make minor tweaks. Here's mine, I also linked the
         | three people I copied from in my read me:
         | https://github.com/azemetre/dotfiles
       | undoware wrote:
       | I loved vi for decades, but I don't miss it. Neovim is my current
       | go-to but even this feels stodgy these days. Helix Editor is
       | probably my future -- it manages to have just the right features,
       | but with saner defaults and syntax -- but it will take a while
       | for me to work up the nerve to let go of the investment in muscle
       | memory.
         | BaculumMeumEst wrote:
         | I don't think going all in on treesitter is very practical,
         | considering basic python indentation has not been functional
         | for over a year. I think Helix is a little bit too much of
         | niche layered on niche, and Kakoune is much better all around
         | in my experience.
         | https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/issues/80...
         | cassepipe wrote:
         | I am currently looking forward Helix too. I like the Kakoune
         | philosophy (Object - Action rather than the contrary) better
         | and I like the out of the box experience they are aiming at.
         | I never really enjoyed having to configure vim. What I like
         | about vim is the idea of modal editing which and the fact it
         | runs and interacts in/with the shell. Still waiting a bit more
         | before making the jump.
       | the_duke wrote:
       | I'm curious how many users are now using vim versus neovim.
       | I switched a few years ago,and ever since Lua plugin support the
       | Neovim ecosystem is thriving.
         | cge wrote:
         | Neovim occasionally has really basic functionality regressions
         | compared to vim: I switched back to preferring vim after
         | realizing that neovim silently deletes all ACLs on a file
         | (https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/1200).
         | However, I use Emacs and VS Code for more involved editing, and
         | mostly use vim as a light remote editor via SSH, so my
         | priorities may be very different.
         | bcrescimanno wrote:
         | This comment thread on the previous conversation has a lot of
         | good replies:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31908731
         | A few highlights:
         | * "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
         | * People don't like Lua (or just simply prefer VimScript)
         | * Divergence over time means that they are not still
         | compatible.
           | alex_smart wrote:
           | > People don't like Lua (or just simply prefer VimScript)
           | :shock:
             | Beltalowda wrote:
             | I prefer VimScript over Lua. VimScript is really not that
             | bad of a language and I think its deficiencies have been
             | greatly exaggerated, and Vim9Script fixed most of the
             | oddities that were in there (e.g. '1' == 1 and such,
             | JS/PHP-style).
             | Lua, on the other hand, won't give me an error if I mistype
             | a variable name, and the ecosystem doesn't really have good
             | static analysis tools to catch these kind of silly errors.
             | There's some other things I don't like either, like how
             | "arrays" are really just hashmaps, as well as some other
             | things. The whole versioning story wrt. compatibility is
             | also annoying (it's basically a Python 2/3 story with
             | _every single Lua version_ ).
             | It's not Lua is _horrible_ , but the fawning over it from
             | some Neovim people is something I always found curious,
             | like it's a fantastic brilliant language. Meh, I found it
             | quite average overall, at best. And if I look at some Lua
             | vimrcs or plugins then it's all a lot more verbose and
             | awkward than VimScript.
             | Not that VimScript is _perfect_ by any means, but overall I
             | find it 's quite a decent DSL for an editor.
           | krylon wrote:
           | > People don't like Lua
           | Who doesn't like Lua? That is right up there next to
           | disliking kittens and puppies...
             | azangru wrote:
             | Arrays start at 1?
           | Macha wrote:
           | > * People don't like Lua (or just simply prefer VimScript)
           | Lua is not my favourite language, but I'd sure take it over
           | vimscript.
         | gkfasdfasdf wrote:
         | I switched over to neovim a few years ago and haven't looked
         | back. The embedded language server is awesome.
         | agotterer wrote:
         | I switched to NeoVim and then back to Vim a few years ago. I
         | ran into some bug that prevented my setup from working
         | correctly that forced me back. Vim has been working fine for me
         | and I haven't found the motivation or a reason to try and
         | switch again.
           | aidos wrote:
           | It was only in the last year or so that neovim really hit its
           | stride. Features like treesitter provide the basis for some
           | really interesting functionally.
         | nobleach wrote:
         | I stuck with Vim for a long time. I had friends that made the
         | jump and honestly, around version 0.4.3, it still didn't seem
         | to offer anything I cared about. So I stuck with my decade old
         | .vimrc. I had started to get into CoC stuff, and NeoVim was
         | just starting to release their native LSP integration. On a
         | whim, I decided to give it a shot. I ended up sticking with it.
         | Now there'd have to be a heck of a good reason for me to go
         | back. I never enjoyed VimL. Any of the personal plugins I've
         | written, I've had to struggle through writing. While Lua isn't
         | the most amazing language either, I do like it far more. I feel
         | like NeoVim's ecosystem is pushing the boundaries far more than
         | Vim but, isn't that kinda what Vim wanted? They want to remain
         | the conservative slow-moving text-editor. There's nothing wrong
         | with that at all!
       | hossbeast wrote:
       | The headline should point at the actual release announcement on
       | vim.org
       | https://www.vim.org/vim90.php
         | dang wrote:
         | Ok, changed from
         | https://groups.google.com/g/vim_announce/c/f_-N3hYxK20. Thanks!
       (page generated 2022-06-30 23:00 UTC)