[HN Gopher] There are no open issues or pull requests on Flask
       There are no open issues or pull requests on Flask
       Author : b_mc2
       Score  : 105 points
       Date   : 2022-07-01 21:50 UTC (1 hours ago)
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       | b_mc2 wrote:
       | Flask Github: https://github.com/pallets/flask
       | ece wrote:
       | Issue Zero, it's possible. TIL.
       | gkoberger wrote:
       | Just echoing what a lot of people here have said - I love Flask.
       | It was the first time I ever enjoyed programming. It was
       | beautiful, simple, easy, thoughtful. I had been programming for
       | years, and it just felt like a breath of fresh air at the time.
       | adenozine wrote:
       | What a feat! Great work, I use Flask somewhat often. I am not
       | surprised they've managed to do this, considering how rock-solid
       | the module seems.
       | followben wrote:
       | If only FastAPI could achieve the same...
         | capableweb wrote:
         | FastAPI has 50% as many issues open right now, as Flask has had
         | in total (1.1K vs 2.3K), and ~500 open PRs currently while
         | Flask has had ~2.2K PRs in total.
         | Yet, both repositories have closed the same amount of issues
         | during the last month, but FastAPI only merged 2 PRs while
         | Flask has merged 21.
         | Popularity probably plays into this a lot, but it's also just
         | very clear that whoever is doing the management of Flask, is
         | doing an excellent job! Kudos.
         | mr90210 wrote:
         | Node/JavaScript frameworks: are we a joke to you?
         | Lol
       | socialist_coder wrote:
       | Does the lack of async still make Flask a good choice for non-
       | hobby web projects?
         | kissgyorgy wrote:
         | Yes. Choosing an async framework over Flask when you don't need
         | it is a huge mistake.
       | anyfactor wrote:
       | I love flask. I use restful flask on every project and I
       | experimented with flask restplus and flask restx. I don't feel
       | technically limited with Flask or it's derivative API frameworks.
       | Flask will always be my go to framework but I am looking forward
       | to actually sitting down learning Fast API and Nestjs with
       | Typescript.
       | FastAPI for my usecase doesn't offer anything new but the hype is
       | defeaning and Typer CLI seems like a good way to build CLI
       | projects.
       | and Nestjs is something I should learn because I should learn. I
       | didn't enjoy django but I need to learn a "professional" backend
       | framework and also Typescript.
         | kolanos wrote:
         | > I didn't enjoy django
         | What didn't you enjoy about Django?
       | bigblind wrote:
       | Congrats to the maintainers!
       | mr90210 wrote:
       | Meanwhile well-known nodejs packages are being shipped with
       | malware by their maintainer/authors.
       | elbigbad wrote:
       | I love flask so much. Along with requests it has been among the
       | two single most useful things about Python for me and the things
       | I typically reach for Python for.
         | b_mc2 wrote:
         | Agreed with both of these. Flask and HTMX has been an awesome
         | combination.
           | adfm wrote:
           | Flask + HTMX is the new hot sauce.
         | maxbond wrote:
         | Fully seconded, I just want to add for those of you in the
         | asyncio world, aiohttp and FastAPI provide nearly identical
         | APIs to requests and Flask (respectively), and for those of you
         | familiar with these tools, they're a great way to be productive
         | with asyncio almost immediately.
       | spacemanmatt wrote:
       | I'm not a big Python user but Flask keeps making my radar for
       | being a _good product_.
         | roflyear wrote:
         | Read the code some time! It is a remarkably well done project.
       | zargon wrote:
       | After a cursory browse of the last few months of issues, this
       | looks legitimate and not even a case of "ornery maintainers close
       | everything as won't fix." (Not that it isn't their right to do
       | so, but I did wonder.)
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Yeah, 21 PRs (from 8-10 different contributors) & 32 issues
         | closed during the last month, pretty great stats from a FOSS
         | project that seems to mainly be maintained by just one or two
         | developers.
       | Lammy wrote:
       | This post inspired me to check on Bottle, and it can't say the
       | same: https://github.com/bottlepy/bottle
       (page generated 2022-07-01 23:00 UTC)