[HN Gopher] How does a USB keyboard work? (2021) [video]
       How does a USB keyboard work? (2021) [video]
       Author : marbu
       Score  : 145 points
       Date   : 2022-07-02 09:50 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.youtube.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.youtube.com)
       | proto_lambda wrote:
       | Ben Eater makes amazing educational videos, unfortunately he's
       | been MIA for half a year now. His patreon sneakily got updated
       | from a "per video" to a "per month" payment model a couple months
       | ago (this has since been reverted) and I cancelled my membership
       | after I didn't get any explanation for over a week, and there
       | have been no other signs of life as far as I know.
         | cmeacham98 wrote:
         | I'm very surprised Patreon would let a creator switch that
         | without asking for existing patron's consent, it seems ripe for
         | abuse and borderline illegal.
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | They hope their creators will inform them it seems, although
           | maybe there is a patreon-initiated email informing backers
           | when they make this change (I just can't find any evidence of
           | it).
           | > Letting your patrons know about billing changes in advance
           | is most important when switching from per creation to another
           | option. Patrons may want to upgrade their subscription if
           | they know that their pledged amount will be x 1. Say Patron F
           | is at your $5 tier with a monthly max of 2 creations per
           | month. When you switch to monthly, their subscription amount
           | defaults to $5 a month -- they may want to increase to $10 a
           | month to account for the change.
           | https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-
           | us/articles/115000118666-C...
             | cmeacham98 wrote:
             | IANAL, but this still looks very suspicious to me. Agreeing
             | to pay someone $5/month is not the same as agreeing to pay
             | them $5/video (or vice versa). Charging me for something I
             | never authorized is a form of fraud, no?
               | xeromal wrote:
               | I'm sure the ability to do so is buried in 50 pages of
               | terms of service.
               | cmeacham98 wrote:
               | Terms of Service don't override the law or CC networks'
               | rules.
               | lozenge wrote:
               | If their class action waiver holds, that's fairly
               | irrelevant.
         | VBprogrammer wrote:
         | Yeah, I'd wondered what he's up to. At the same time, people
         | have their own lives and sometimes shit happens. Changing the
         | terms for existing patrons though does sound slightly shady.
         | I'm surprised that is allowed without some kind of confirmation
         | on the platform.
           | [deleted]
         | protoster wrote:
         | I'd give Ben the benefit of the doubt and assume it was a
         | mistake since up to that point he has been a class act.
         | As for the radio silence, I'm afraid that this could be
         | something bad. I've seen other examples of creators doing great
         | work who are seemingly impossible to dislike, and STILL receive
         | harassment to a point of not wanting to continue (e.g. Handmade
         | Hero)
           | OJFord wrote:
           | Well, nevermind anything nefarious, life can throw unexpected
           | things in the mix too. This Old Tony was similarly away for a
           | while recently (now back) after a family member died. I
           | imagine it only gets more difficult to return too, once
           | people notice and maybe you see them asking in comments, on
           | Reddit or HN, etc. 'where' you've gone, and start to feel
           | some need to not only return but explain your absence.
           | I check occasionally for new videos, I enjoy them and hope
           | there's more to come, but I don't need to know 'why', it's
           | none of my business, and he doesn't owe me anything. (I'm not
           | a Patreon supporter, that apparent change is a bit different
           | of course, perhaps just a mistake as you said.)
             | protoster wrote:
             | All I want is a simple "channel on hiatus for personal
             | reasons" post somewhere.
       | seanalltogether wrote:
       | Are there any tools on mac that shows how much bandwidth is being
       | used on a usb/thunderbolt port? I've always suspected that I'm
       | saturating the connection from laptop to hub but don't have a
       | definitive way of knowing for sure. When I move my second monitor
       | off the hub and plug directly into a different usb port on my
       | laptop I seem to have less problems.
         | LaputanMachine wrote:
         | CL!ng may be what you're looking for [1]. The app is available
         | in the App Store, but I have not tested it.
         | [1]: https://egpu.io/forums/mac-setup/monitoring-thunderbolt-
         | band...
         | mikequinlan wrote:
         | You can use a cable like this https://www.amazon.com/Wiredge-
         | Display-Charging-Braided-Comp...
         | Note I am not recommending this specific cable; it is just the
         | first one that showed up in my search.
           | akelly wrote:
           | That cable only shows power draw not bandwidth. And I'm not
           | aware of a cable that does show bandwidth.
         | MrLeap wrote:
         | Wireshark has usb tools, might be derivable.
       | HPsquared wrote:
       | Is there anything like this on how optical mice work? It'd be
       | interesting to see how the sensor and algorithm works.
         | rasz wrote:
         | Look into HP patents around 1990-99 on optical paper sensors.
         | Afaik mouse sensor came from research into large format plotter
         | paper tracking.
         | US Patent 5,729,008. Interview with inventor: Oral History of
         | Travis Blalock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmqa9XJED-Q
         | https://archive.computerhistory.org/resources/access/text/20...
         | "each array element had nearest neighbor connectivity so you
         | would calculate nine correlations, an autocorrelation and eight
         | cross-correlations, with each of your eight nearest neighbors,
         | the diagonals and the perpendicular, and then you could
         | interpolate in correlation space where the best fit was. "
         | all in analog domain
         | another one from HP/Agilent/Avago: Oral History of Gary Gordon
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxxoWhCzIeU
         | also this https://blueironip.com/hp-capshare-how-a-failed-
         | product-yiel...
         | zargon wrote:
         | A USB mouse just sends x/y distance traveled over USB HID
         | protocol. All the details are integrated into silicon. The
         | sensor is a camera and the processor diffs the images to
         | calculate the distance. To learn about the algorithms for that
         | you could look into patents by Avago or PixArt.
       (page generated 2022-07-02 23:01 UTC)