[HN Gopher] AWS Nuke - delete all resources associated with AWS ...
       AWS Nuke - delete all resources associated with AWS account
       Author : fortran77
       Score  : 111 points
       Date   : 2022-07-02 20:23 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | Centigonal wrote:
       | This is a fantastic utility to have in my back pocket, and the
       | attention to safety is commendable. nice!
         | pcthrowaway wrote:
         | Needs a flag to run non-interactively
           | danw1979 wrote:
           | I nearly took this bait
             | pcthrowaway wrote:
             | `aws-nuke --no-dry-run --non-interactive --i-really-mean-it
             | --yes-i-agree-to-the-second-prompt-also`
       | code_duck wrote:
       | I can barely imagine what is in my AWS account. The last time I
       | used it was 2011.
       | ezekiel11 wrote:
       | so i have this weird monthly charge I cannot for the love of god
       | find out what is causing it. I cancelled my credit card and now
       | my credit score has taken a hit.
       | All because some unknown AWS service that is in some zone that I
       | cannot find at all and neither can AWS support.
       | arkadiyt wrote:
       | 99% of our AWS resources are terraformed, but developers
       | constantly push back / want to use the console to create stuff to
       | test or play around with. So we setup a separate "hack" AWS
       | account and give them admin access in there, and have an
       | automated job using AWS Nuke to delete everything in there once a
       | quarter.
         | Frajedo wrote:
         | We give each one of our developers their very own aws account
         | managed through AWS organizations service. They are full
         | administrators and responsible for resources and cost.
         | So far we haven't had any issues or bad surprises, although we
         | have setup some aws billing alerts just in case.
         | Feel free to make them responsible for cost and resources and
         | you'll be surprised how well they can manage their own account.
           | vageli wrote:
           | > We give each one of our developers their very own aws
           | account managed through AWS organizations service. They are
           | full administrators and responsible for resources and cost.
           | How many developers work at your organization?
       | jrockway wrote:
       | I sure wish cloud providers had a "fake" implementation of their
       | APIs that I could use in tests, for cases like the one that this
       | program was written for. There are so many cross-dependencies
       | that can be checked ("sorry can't create that VM, you need a
       | service account first" or "VM names can only be 69 characters and
       | can't contain '!'") without creating actual resources. You can
       | test all the edge cases that resolve to failure in a unit test,
       | and then only need one integration test to get that end-to-end
       | "when I run 800 Terraform files, can I talk to my webserver at
       | test239847abcf123.domain-name.com?".
       | I've found that the alternative to this is either a CI run that
       | takes hours, or simply not testing the edge cases and hoping for
       | the best. The former is a nightmare for velocity, the latter is a
       | nightmare for having more than one person working on the team
       | ever.
       | Lately, I've been fortunate to not be working in the "general
       | cloud provider" space (where everything is a black box that can
       | change at any moment, and documentation is an afterthought of
       | afterthoughts) and have only focused on things going on in
       | Kubernetes. To facilitate fast tests, I forked Kubernetes, made
       | some internal testing infrastructure public, and implemented a
       | kubelet-alike that runs "containers" in the same process as the
       | test. For the application I work on at work, we are basically a
       | data-driven job management system that runs on K8s. People have
       | already written the easy tests; build the code into a container,
       | create a Kubernetes cluster, start the app running, poke at it
       | over the API. These take for-fucking-ever to run. (They do give
       | you good confidence that Linux's sleep system call works well,
       | though! Boy can it sleep.) With my in-process Kubernetes cluster,
       | most of that time goes away, and you can still test a lot of
       | stuff. If you want to test "what happens when a very restrictive
       | AppArmor policy is applied to all pods in the cluster", yeah, the
       | "fake" doesn't work. If you want to test "when my worker starts
       | up, will it start processing work", it works great. (And, since
       | the 100% legit "api machinery" is up and running, you can still
       | test things like "if my user's spec contains an invalid pod
       | patch, will they get a good error message?") Most bugs (and
       | mistakes that people make while adding new features) are in that
       | second category, and so you end up spending milliseconds instead
       | of minutes testing the parts of your application that are most
       | hurtful to users when they break. (And, nobody is saying not to
       | run SOME live integration tests. You should always start with,
       | and keep, integration tests against real environments running
       | real workloads. When they pass, you get some confidence that
       | there are no major showstoppers. When they fail, you want the
       | lighter-weight tests to point you with precision to the faulty
       | assumption or bug.)
       | Anyway... it makes me sad that things like aws-nuke are the kind
       | of tooling you need to produce reliable software focused on
       | deployment on cloud providers. I'd certainly pay $0.01 more per
       | VM hour to be able to delete 99% of my slow tests. But I think
       | I'm the only person in the world that thinks tests should be
       | thorough and fast, so I'm on my own here. Sad.
       | jmainguy wrote:
       | time0ut wrote:
       | I've contributed to and used this tool extensively. I have
       | accounts where I run this thing out of a CodeBuild job on a cron
       | schedule to dejunk after a day of terraform development.
       | Fantastic tool.
       | yieldcrv wrote:
       | this will shave 20% off of Amazon's earnings!
       | thedougd wrote:
       | Are Azure resource groups still pretty comprehensive? You use to
       | be able to create all your stuff in a resource group. Delete the
       | group and it deletes all the stuff with it. Super convenient.
         | bbkane wrote:
         | Yeah they seem to be. Except Azure AD stuff, which kinda makes
         | sense (still wish that part were more easily automated)
       | OJFord wrote:
       | I would love a `terraform <plan|apply> --nuke`.
       | Not `destroy` - the opposite - destroy/nuke what I _don 't_ have
       | in my config.
         | [deleted]
         | iasay wrote:
         | Oh that would be glorious. Not sure how it'd be possible
         | though.
           | mrg2k8 wrote:
           | May be possible using driftctl and some API calls.
       | lvh wrote:
       | I've used aws-nuke a bunch but the use case seems significantly
       | diminished now that AWS Organizations has the ability to delete
       | entire accounts.
         | wielebny wrote:
         | Last time I've checked it was a lengthy process involving
         | attaching a credit card, leaving the organization and then
         | deleting the account. Has it been changed?
           | dhess wrote:
           | I'm in the process of doing this now. You can close accounts
           | from Control Tower without needing to log in as root to each
           | separate account, adding a credit card, removing it from the
           | org, and then closing it manually.
           | However, you can only close them from Control Tower at the
           | rate of 2 to 3 per month, due to a hard limit quota which
           | cannot be changed, even if you request it. Needless to say,
           | this sucks when you've followed AWS's own best practices and
           | created lots of accounts using Control Tower's "vending
           | machine."
           | AWS's archaic account model is one reason we've switched to
           | GCP.
             | Aeolun wrote:
             | It seems to me this cannot possibly be a hard limit. If
             | it's a hard limit it's only because AWS wants to milk you
             | dry.
               | janstice wrote:
               | I suspect it's a hard limit to prevent disgruntled
               | (former) admin blast radius.
           | bonobocop wrote:
           | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/APIReferenc.
           | ..
           | Now has an API (with some caveats)
       | qwertyuiop_ wrote:
       | Project sponsored by Azure ?
       | evanfarrar wrote:
       | https://github.com/genevieve/leftovers
       | A co-worker made this when we worked together on a project that
       | ran a large number of terraform configurations in CI against real
       | IaaSes. Each account was a sandbox, so we would run this at the
       | end of a pipeline to clean up any failures or faulty teardowns.
         | bilekas wrote:
         | Wow! This is actually some great work!
       | hk1337 wrote:
       | I would think they should probably change the name so it doesn't
       | come across as an official AWS product but seems nice.
       | orf wrote:
       | Shout out to AWS batch, where if you delete the role assigned to
       | a compute cluster the cluster itself becomes impossible to
       | delete.
       | Found this out after using AWS nuke
         | iasay wrote:
         | There's loads of stuff like this.
         | If you detach an EC2 instance from a virtual tape library and
         | destroy it you can't delete the tape library any more. Even AWS
         | support couldn't delete it. This is fine until you have 60TB of
         | tapes online and are paying for it.
         | Fortunately we found an EBS snapshot of the VM.
         | OJFord wrote:
         | That's a weird one, but surely an aws-nuke bug? It must already
         | use a deliberate order - there's plenty of resources that need
         | anything linked/constituent deleted first - so that order
         | is/was just not correct for those?
           | Marazan wrote:
           | No, Batch's interaction with IAM roles and permission is
           | super weird and not at all documented.
           | It is easy to screw it up.
             | dekhn wrote:
             | Aws batch is a terrible product
           | bilekas wrote:
           | Nah I've seen this too. It is considered an expected
           | behavior. In a way it makes sense. But it's not well
           | documented.
         | bilekas wrote:
         | Not sure why but I laughed out loud reading this.
         | Edit : I've ran into this but it's considered a feature not a
         | bug!
         | Marazan wrote:
         | Even better if you have your cloud formation with the iam role
         | in the same stack and there is something wrong the the rollback
         | can happen such that the iam role gets deleted standing the
         | compute environment and failing the rollback.
         | zxcvbn4038 wrote:
         | Try logging into the console as root, that lets you delete
         | anything.
         | You can also try updating the cluster to have a new role.
           | orf wrote:
           | That's... not the issue. The cluster gets stuck in a deleting
           | state forever. And at which point you're unable to update it.
       (page generated 2022-07-02 23:00 UTC)