[HN Gopher] I can't believe that I can prove that it can sort
       I can't believe that I can prove that it can sort
       Author : Raphael_Amiard
       Score  : 229 points
       Date   : 2022-07-04 10:24 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.adacore.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.adacore.com)
       | donatj wrote:
       | Is this not a standard sorting algorithm? If I'm not mistaken
       | this is my coworkers go to sort when writing custom sorts.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | It manages to be more inefficient than most, and will even
         | disorder and then reorder an already sorted input. Bubble sort
         | (a very low bar to beat) doesn't even do that. If you've only
         | got a small number of items, it doesn't matter unless you're
         | sorting a small number of items a large number of times.
       | dgan wrote:
       | So, _Lionel_ knew how to implement a 3D Renderer, but had no clue
       | about O(n) complexity neither other sorting algorithms? I am
       | buffled
         | im3w1l wrote:
         | That's self-taught for you. Will know some advanced stuff, and
         | miss some basics depending on what they found interesting or
         | useful.
         | Agingcoder wrote:
         | The exact same thing happened to me, and this is how I
         | discovered algorithmic complexity. Sorting my triangles took
         | forever (I saw it in the profile, taking a whopping 90% of the
         | time ) and I eventually figured there might be a proper sorting
         | algorithms out there.
         | I was at the same time happily churning out assembly code,
         | talking to the vga card, writing a dos extender, etc.
         | You can actually do quite a few things without formal
         | education!
         | touisteur wrote:
         | Well, Hi there, it me. Back then I was 17 and wading through
         | software rendering so (light) mesh tessellation, triangle
         | projection (twice, for a stereoscopic anaglyph renderer),
         | triangle filling, texture mapping, with at most 300 objects,
         | all in crappy crashy C (first with VESA, then SDL eased my
         | life...) with lots of misunderstandings about pointers.
         | I was welllll over my head with complex stuff, and sorting
         | didn't appear in the profiles, so... I guess you can call that
         | profile-guided learning? I had the formal training, later on,
         | and even then it didn't stick until I faced the actual
         | complexity problem head-on.
         | I'll never forget that whole weekend with my AMD Athlon 900 at
         | 100% CPU sorting a 200 000 words dictionary... It was still not
         | finished on Monday. Implemented (a very primitive) insertion
         | sort and it was done in less than 2 minutes...
         | That was my 10000-a-day day https://xkcd.com/1053
         | fn_t_b_j wrote:
       | OJFord wrote:
       | Why is this algorithm at all surprising?
       | (I'm really not trying to brag - I assume I must be missing
       | something, that I'm naive to think it obviously works, and it
       | actually works for a different reason.)
       | In plain English - 'for every element, compare to every element,
       | and swap position if necessary' - .. of course that works? It's
       | as brute force as you can get?
         | Asooka wrote:
         | The comparison is not the way you'd expect. Index j goes past
         | index i, but the comparison doesn't change. What you propose is
         | a condition more like                   if ((a[i] < a[j]) != (i
         | < j)) swap(a, i, j) ;
         | Which obviously works.
         | The surprising algorithm sorts even though it swaps elements
         | that are already ordered.
           | OJFord wrote:
           | Ok, I think I see why it's a bit weird '1,2,3 when i=1 and
           | j=3 it swaps them anyway' sort of thing?
           | But i-loop comes through 'afterwards', so when i=3 (value now
           | 1) and j=1 (3) it sets them straight.
           | It still seems quite intuitive, but I think I cheated by
           | skimming over it initially and thinking it was clear, whereas
           | actually I've thought about it more now.
           | (Not to compare myself to anything like him, I'm no
           | mathematician at all, but I'm reminded of an amusing Erdos
           | anecdote in which he apparently paused mid-sentence in some
           | lecture, left the room, and came back some time later
           | continuing 'is _clearly_ [...] ' or similar!)
         | YetAnotherNick wrote:
         | If the second loop is from j = i to n, it is easy to see that
         | it will sort in decreasing order. But notice j = 1 to n, then
         | suddenly it will sort in increasing order
         | shp0ngle wrote:
         | look again at the comparison direction.
         | It is opposite!
         | It works but not as you think it does.
       | smusamashah wrote:
       | Here is how it looks.
       | https://xosh.org/VisualizingSorts/sorting.html#IYZwngdgxgBAZ...
       | If you compare it with both Insertion and Bubble sort. You can
       | see it looks more like insertion sort than bubble sort.
         | bjterry wrote:
         | The video from the article
         | (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=bydMm4cJDeU) is
         | much better because it highlights the index of the outer loop,
         | which is unclear from the cascading visualization there. By
         | seeing the indexes it becomes clear that (1) in the area before
         | the outer index, every value gets swapped in and out of the
         | outer loop location to put them in order, and (2) at the end of
         | the first outer loop iteration, the largest element will be at
         | the location of the outer loop index, and so everything to the
         | right is unchanged in each iteration.
           | smusamashah wrote:
           | This is nice. I had a way to highlight indexes at one point
           | in this tool. Got rid of it when I was trying to add a way to
           | visualize any custom algo. I should add it back. It adds more
           | value/info to the visualization.
         | calmingsolitude wrote:
         | And here's a version I wrote that visualizes it on your
         | terminal https://github.com/radiantly/simplest-sort
         | iib wrote:
         | I guess it can be thought of as an unoptimized insertion or
         | bubble sort.
         | I think it is very possible to write this algorithm by mistake
         | in intro compsci classes when you try to code a bubble sort by
         | heart. I would think TAs may have many such instances in their
         | students' homework.
           | naniwaduni wrote:
           | There's a surprisingly large class of "sorts people
           | accidentally write while intending to write a bubble sort".
           | This one is kind of special, though, since it's somehow
           | _more_ offensive to intuition than bubble sort itself.
           | mmcgaha wrote:
           | I am guilty. I wrote this sort for a gnu screen session menu
           | years ago and even named my function bubsort.
         | raldi wrote:
         | Is the visualization supposed to animate? I can't figure out
         | how to make it start.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | There is a "start" button at the end of the list of sorts.
             | Avamander wrote:
             | If you click it multiple times it's wonderfully chaotic.
       | FrozenVoid wrote:
       | Combsort is far more elegant and faster algorithm. I've wrote a
       | type-generic combsort a while ago here:
       | https://github.com/FrozenVoid/combsort.h
       | (Combsort as well as mentioned algorithm also consists of two
       | loops and a swap)
         | JadeNB wrote:
         | I don't think that the goal here is to show a fast and elegant
         | sort, but rather to show that a sorting algorithm that seems
         | like it can't possibly work actually does. That is, probably
         | no-one will learn from this article how to sort better, but
         | hopefully people will learn from this article how to formally
         | prove things (e.g., about sorting) better.
           | touisteur wrote:
           | Yes (co-author here) that was exactly the point. Thanks for
           | putting it clearly.
       | fweimer wrote:
       | Isn't the proof incomplete because it does not ensure that the
       | result is a permutation of the original array contents? Just
       | overwriting the entire array with its first element should still
       | satisfy the post-condition as specified, but is obviously not a
       | valid sorting implementation.
         | touisteur wrote:
         | It was touched upon in the post: 'Tip: Don't prove what you
         | don't need to prove' (and surrounding text). With a link on
         | another proof for another sorting algorithm.
           | yannickmoy wrote:
           | and there are actually multiple ways to prove that the result
           | is a permutation of the entry, either by computing a model
           | multiset (a.k.a. bag) of the value on entry and exit and
           | showing they are equal, or by exhibiting the permutation to
           | apply to the entry value to get the exit value (typically by
           | building this permutation as the algorithm swaps value, in
           | ghost code), etc.
           | but none of this makes a good read for people not already
           | familiar with program proof tools.
       | carlsborg wrote:
       | Vaguely remember seeing this in the first few chapters somewhere
       | of Spirit of C by Mullish and Cooper.
       | ermir wrote:
       | Isn't the sorting algorithm in question the famous BubbleSort? I
       | understand the value of formally proving it works, but why is the
       | name mentioned nowhere?
         | [deleted]
         | justusthane wrote:
         | Nope - here's the original paper on the algorithm in question:
         | https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.01111.pdf
         | palotasb wrote:
         | No, it's not. Previously discussed on HN here:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28758106
         | (https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01111)
         | smcl wrote:
         | It feels similar at first blush but it's not really. In bubble
         | sort you compare/swap adjacent elements, and exit if you make a
         | pass through the collection without making any changes. Whereas
         | this will compare/swap the element at every index to every
         | other index, and just exits when it's done performing all those
         | comparisons.
         | ufo wrote:
         | It's actually closer to insertion sort.
       | hobo_mark wrote:
       | Wow, I wish we had these built-in provers in VHDL (which is
       | basically Ada in sheep's clothing).
         | freemint wrote:
         | They are there. You just have to pay a lot to the right
         | companies.
         | nabla9 wrote:
         | >which is basically Ada in sheep's clothing
         | Only the syntax is similar.
       | Stampo00 wrote:
       | I've been watching those mesmerizing YouTube videos visualizing
       | sorting algorithms lately. The header of this article uses a
       | screen cap from one of them.
       | Them: So what shows do you watch?
       | Me: ... It's complicated.
       | There are a lot of different sorting algorithms. Like, _a lot_ ,
       | a lot.
       | As I watch them, I try to figure out what they were optimizing
       | for. Some only scan in one direction. Some only use the swap
       | operation. Some seem to do the minimum number of writes. Some are
       | incremental performance improvements over others.
       | When I see an algorithm like this, I don't assume the person who
       | wrote it was an idiot. I assume they were optimizing for
       | something that's not obvious to me. Its only modifying operation
       | is swap, so maybe that operation is faster than an arbitrary
       | insert for whatever system or data structure they're using. There
       | are no temporary variables besides loop counters, so maybe
       | they're on a memory-constrained environment. There's barely any
       | code here, so maybe this is for a microcontroller with precious
       | little ROM. Or maybe they're applying this as a binary patch and
       | they have a strict ceiling to the number of ops they can fit in.
       | Or maybe it's just the first sorting algorithm they could think
       | of in an environment that doesn't ship with one and the
       | performance is adequate for their needs. In that case, it's
       | optimized for developer time and productivity. And honestly, it's
       | a far more elegant algorithm than my "naive" version would be.
       | These are all valid reasons to use a "naive" sorting algorithm.
       | ki_ wrote:
       | a "new sorting algorithm"? Pretty sure it existed 50 years ago.
       | fdupress wrote:
       | Every time somebody proves that a sorting algorithm sorts, they
       | forget to prove that the algorithm doesn't just drop values or
       | fill the entire array with 0s (with fixed-length arrays, as
       | here).
       | On paper: "it's just swaps" Formally: "how do I even specify
       | this?"
       | (For every value e of the element type original array and the
       | final array have the same number of occurrences of e. Show that
       | that's transitive, and show it's preserved by swap.)
         | touisteur wrote:
         | Hi, co-author here. We actually touched upon this subject in
         | the article: 'Tip: Don't prove what you don't need to prove'
         | and surrounding text. Also previous comment by Yannick:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31980126
           | fdupress wrote:
           | Looked for it and missed it.
           | And thanks for writing this up, by the way. Having people
           | less familiar with formal methods try and write up their
           | experiences is, I think, much more effective at letting
           | people in than having experts try and write tutorials.
       | MrYellowP wrote:
       | > published at the end of 2021
       | I'm so confused. That "new" algorithm is just BubbleSort?
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | As addressed in other comments in this thread and past threads
         | on this sort (when the paper came out), it is _not_ bubble
         | sort. Bubble sort only compares adjacent items and swaps them
         | if they are in the wrong order. This has the effect of
         | "bubbling" the largest value to the top (the way it's often
         | written, could also reverse it to push the smallest down
         | first).
         | This sort is like a worse performance version of insertion
         | sort. But insertion sort creates a partition (and in doing this
         | performs a sort) of the first _i+1_ items, with _i_ increasing
         | until the entire sequence is sorted. This one will scan the
         | entire sequence every time on the inner loop instead of just a
         | subset of it and usually perform more swaps.
       | prionassembly wrote:
       | I taught myself this exact algorithm at 8 or 10 by sorting
       | playing cards (we established an order for the kind, diamond <
       | leaf < spades < heart) in a very very very long plane trip where
       | I had neglected to bring comic books or something.
       | ufo wrote:
       | The comments so far have tended to focus on the proof itself, but
       | for me the coolest part of the blog post were the formal methods.
       | Does anyone here also use SPARK for this sort of thing? Are there
       | other formal methods tools you'd use if you had to prove
       | something like this?
         | im3w1l wrote:
         | Yeah, I see this as a very interesting reply to the TLA+ post.
         | Might spend my evening diving into Ada and Spark.
         | Edit: Some things I noticed. The package gnat-12 does not have
         | gnatprove. Ada mode for emacs requires a compilation step that
         | failes with gnat community edition. With alire there is no
         | system gnat so it cannot compile it (quite possible I'm missing
         | something). In the end I gave up on using emacs. Gnatstudio
         | wouldn't run for me until I realized it needed ncurses. It also
         | had some unhandled exceptions for me (raised PROGRAM_ERROR :
         | adjust/finalize raised GNATCOLL.VFS.VFS_INVALID_FILE_ERROR:
         | gnatcoll-vfs.adb:340), but in the end I managed to get it up
         | and running.
         | Edit2: After playing around with it, I'm extremely impressed
         | with what spark can do. I made a function to add 7 to numbers.
         | Tried putting a post condition that the return value is bigger
         | than input. "Nuh uh, it could overflow". Ok so I add a pre
         | condition that numbers must be less than 100. "Uhm, buddy you
         | are passing in 200 right there". This is useful stuff for real
         | and easy to write too.
           | yannickmoy wrote:
           | you can ask Alire to install the latest GNAT it built, or to
           | use another version installed on your machine, see
           | https://alire.ada.dev/transition_from_gnat_community.html
           | It also explains how to install GNATprove: ``alr with
           | gnatprove``
             | im3w1l wrote:
             | Sorry if it was confusing I kind of jumped between the
             | issues I had with various approaches. I did manage to get
             | gnatprove through alire through just that command, it was
             | the apt gnat that didnt have gnatprove. What I wasn't sure
             | how to correctly do with the alire install was
             | cd ~/.emacs.d/elpa/ada-mode-i.j.k       ./build.sh
             | ./install.sh
             | Actually I didn't get that working with any of the options
             | I tried I guess.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | I predict that one day it will be common for this to be a
         | builtin language feature.
       | [deleted]
       | twawaaay wrote:
       | I actually used this algorithm a decade ago to implement a log-
       | based, transactional database system for an embedded system with
       | very low amount of memory and requirement that all memory be
       | statically allocated.
       | To the frustration of the rest of the development team who first
       | called me an idiot (I was new) then they could not make quicksort
       | run as fast on inputs that were capped at something like 500
       | items. Apparently, algorithmic complexity isn't everything.
         | delecti wrote:
         | I fee like anyone who was surprised that algorithmic complexity
         | isn't everything, probably didn't totally understand it. The
         | assumptions (like ignoring constants) are straight out of
         | calculus limits. That (+10000) on the end doesn't mean anything
         | if you're sorting an infinite list, but it means a lot if
         | you're sorting 15 (or in your case 500) entries.
           | twawaaay wrote:
           | Well, it actually is kinda worse (or better, depends how you
           | look at it).
           | It is not necessarily +10000, it can also be something like
           | x5000.
           | Because CPUs really, really, really like working short,
           | simple, predictable loops that traverse data in a simple
           | pattern and hate when it is interrupted with something like
           | dereferencing a pointer or looking up a missing page.
           | So your super complex and super intelligent algorithm might
           | actually be only good on paper but doing more harm to your
           | TLB cache, prefetcher, branch predictor, instruction
           | pipeline, memory density, etc.
           | So there is this fun question:
           | "You are generating k random 64 bit integers. Each time you
           | generate the integer, you have to insert it in a sorted
           | collection. You implement two versions of the algorithm, one
           | with a singly-linked list and one with a flat array. In both
           | cases you are not allowed to cheat by using any external
           | storage (indexes, caches, fingers, etc.)
           | The question: in your estimation, both algorithms being
           | implemented optimally, what magnitude k needs to be for the
           | linked list to start being more efficient than array list."
           | The fun part of this question is that the answer is: NEVER.
             | simiones wrote:
             | > The fun part of this question is that the answer is:
             | NEVER.
             | Are you claiming that it is faster in practice to insert an
             | element at the beginning of an array with 1G items, than it
             | is to insert it at the beginning of a linked list with 1G
             | items?
             | Or that, on average, the time spent traversing the linked
             | list (assuming an average number of cache misses) the time
             | taken to move all elements in the array one to the right?
             | I am certain the first item will not be true, and the
             | second may or may not be true depending on many many other
             | details (e.g., in a language with a compacting GC, the
             | linked list elements will often be stored approximately
             | like in the array case, and you may not pay too high a cost
             | for cache misses).
               | twawaaay wrote:
               | > Are you claiming that it is faster in practice to
               | insert an element at the beginning of an array with 1G
               | items, than it is to insert it at the beginning of a
               | linked list with 1G items?
               | You missed that insertion point is selected at random and
               | must be found as part of the operation. But in practice
               | if you know data will be inserted preferentially at the
               | wrong end -- you can just easily reverse the data
               | structure to make insertions prefer the better end.
               | > I am certain the first item will not be true
               | I am used to it. Everybody gets it wrong until they spend
               | some time thinking about it, get it explained and/or run
               | a real life test.
               | Hint: think about the cost of iterating over half of the
               | linked list versus performing binary search over the
               | array AND moving half of it.
               | The cost of binary search goes to negligible pretty fast
               | and cost of moving 8 bytes of memory is always going to
               | be lower than the cost of iterating over one entry (16
               | bytes) of linked list. And you have statistically equal
               | number of both assuming you are selecting values at
               | random with equal chance for each 64 integer to be next
               | choice.
               | CPU can be moving a lot of bytes at the same time but it
               | has to dereference the pointer before it can get to
               | perform comparison before it can dereference the next
               | pointer...
               | Actual algorithmic complexity of both algorithms is
               | exactly the same. But an array is much more efficient
               | (instructions per item).
               | kmonsen wrote:
               | You are right and this is will know, but not only for the
               | reason you state. Cache locality is so much better on an
               | array/vector compared to linked list and that is really
               | important.
               | twawaaay wrote:
               | Good point. Cache locality is another important reason
               | that I should have mentioned. I have not run tests, but
               | it may possibly be the most important reason of them all.
               | In many linked data structures you can mitigate a lot of
               | this problem. For example, in the past I have used
               | contiguous arrays where I would allocate linked elements,
               | then I would try to exploit how the elements are produced
               | to get them placed one after another, if possible.
               | When data is produced randomly you can try to create
               | "buckets", where each bucket is backed by an array and
               | attempts to keep consecutive elements relatively close to
               | each other. You could then try to rewrite those buckets
               | in a way that gets amortised. Or you can just straight
               | write it as if it was an array of sorted linked list
               | elements where on each delete or insert you have to move
               | some of the elements, but you only need to reorganise one
               | bucket and not others.
               | All a bit cumbersome and at the end of it you are still
               | wasting at least half of the cache on pointers.
               | jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
               | A fun related thing I first learned about years ago due
               | to a Dr Dobbs article: some strided access patterns are
               | FAR worse than random access patterns. This is because
               | certain strides hit the worst case behavior of limited
               | associativity caches, dramatically reducing the effective
               | cache size.
               | kmonsen wrote:
               | Here is a video by Bjarne himself explaining this:
               | https://youtu.be/YQs6IC-vgmo
               | Note there is a use case for linked list,
               | inserting/deleting one or few items once in a while. But
               | in general you can just use vector for anything that is
               | not a leetcode problem.
               | jwilk wrote:
               | I think you misunderstood the question.
               | If you insert an element at the beginning, there's no
               | list iteration cost.
               | twawaaay wrote:
               | Please, read the question.
               | It stipulates that elements are selected at random.
               | You select k integers at random.
               | Some of them might be inserted faster into linked list,
               | but when you average it over k integers you will still be
               | slower because inserting into array will be faster, on
               | average.
               | Just think what happens if the integer is inserted at the
               | END of the list (same probability...) You need to slowly
               | iterate over entire linked list. While you quickly land
               | at the result with a binary search on an array and then
               | pay almost no cost inserting it there.
               | If you think about it, ON AVERAGE, you have to search
               | through half of the list (if you are linked list) or move
               | half of the array (if you are an array).
               | jwilk wrote:
               | The parts of simiones's message you quoted are not about
               | the average case. They are about the corner case when an
               | item would be added the beginning, meaning the linked
               | list has the biggest advantage.
               | twawaaay wrote:
               | You don't get to change the rules of the game while the
               | game is being played.
               | The original problem, as stated by me, was:
               | "You are generating k random 64 bit integers. Each time
               | you generate the integer, you have to insert it in a
               | sorted collection.
               | (...)
               | The question: in your estimation, both algorithms being
               | implemented optimally, what magnitude k needs to be for
               | the linked list to start being more efficient than array
               | list."
               | The cost is not evaluated for any individual insertion,
               | only for the total cost of inserting k integers.
               | For some of the integers the cost of inserting to linked
               | list will be higher, and for some the cost of inserting
               | to array will be higher. It does not matter. We do not
               | care. We just care about what is the cost of inserting k
               | integers thus randomly generated a) into sorted linked
               | list and b) into sorted array list.
             | [deleted]
             | layer8 wrote:
             | Well, there is one case where a linked list may be faster:
             | when due to memory fragmentation you are unable to allocate
             | contiguous _k_ elements (hence efficiency would drop to
             | zero) but you would still able to allocate _k_ nodes (or
             | _k_ / _n_ nodes with _n_ elements each). It can therefore
             | make sense to use a linked list of arrays with some
             | sensible limit on the array size (e.g. in the gigabyte
             | range). As long as a smaller number of elements is used,
             | the linked list will only have one node and degenerate to
             | the array solution.
               | twawaaay wrote:
               | If that was on a very old operating system (think MS-
               | DOS?)
               | On new operating systems process address space is pieced
               | together independently from physical space. So you can
               | have contiguous, multi-GB array even if you don't have
               | contiguous, multi-GB physical region.
               | As you read/write your virtual address space the CPU
               | detects that there is no TLB mapping and interrupts into
               | operating system which behind the scenes finds a page,
               | returns the mapping and continues as if nothing ever
               | happened.
               | This is why a process nowadays can allocate any amount of
               | memory -- more than there is physical memory on the
               | machine. It only starts grinding to a halt when you
               | actually try to use it all. (This actually is one of my
               | interview questions -- Can a process allocate more memory
               | than is physically available on the machine? Why does it
               | work?)
         | texaslonghorn5 wrote:
         | If I understand correctly, you would just run the n+1 th outer
         | loop to insert the new item each time?
           | [deleted]
         | dahart wrote:
         | You sure it was this algorithm and not Bubble Sort?
         | > algorithmic complexity isn't everything
         | Yeah very true. Or at least hopefully everyone knows that
         | complexity analysis only applies to large n, and small inputs
         | can change everything. In console video games it was very
         | common to avoid dynamic allocation and to use bubble sort on
         | small arrays. Also extremely common to avoid a sort completely
         | and just do a linear search on the (small) array while
         | querying, that can end up being much faster than sorting and
         | binary searching, especially when the total number of queries
         | or the number of queries per frame is also low.
           | twawaaay wrote:
           | Oh yeah, linear search I did a lot to the same consternation
           | of other devs.
           | The issue was the device was so low in memory (2MB of unified
           | NV and flash for code, files and operating memory) that there
           | simply did not exist enough space for a lot of things to be
           | held to be any problem for the 20MHz ARM7 controller as long
           | as you did not do anything stupid. 600kB of it was used by
           | OpenSSL and further 300kB by operating system anyway (I am
           | aware of how funny it sounds when OpenSSL takes twice as much
           | space as OS).
             | eranation wrote:
             | That is pretty awesome if you came up with this exact
             | algorithm a decade ago, ( it was published in 2021, but
             | apparently was in the wild in 2015[1] and I assume
             | discovered earlier, but no one thought it was interesting
             | enough to publish). Why didn't you use bubble sort /
             | insertion sort? (The algorithm in the paper looks like
             | bubble sort at first look but is basically a clever
             | insertion sort) what was the benefit of using it this way?
             | [1] https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/45348/why-does-
             | this-s...
               | twawaaay wrote:
               | I am not sure how awesome it is. It looks like something
               | you can stumble on your own by accident on a whiteboard
               | on an interview and use successfully even if you don't
               | know why it works exactly.
               | Honestly, I always thought it is a common knowledge and
               | it is just too simple and for this reason gets omitted
               | from books.
               | People in CS/IT tend to not spend a lot of time on
               | algorithms with bad complexity and so I am used to people
               | discounting algorithms with useful properties just
               | because there is another that is a bit more efficient
               | when n goes to infinity.
               | yannickmoy wrote:
               | For a related eye-opening result, with both practical
               | application and interesting research backing it, see this
               | talk on "Quicksorts of the 21st century" at Newton
               | Institute on Verified Software last year:
               | https://www.newton.ac.uk/seminar/30504/
               | TLDR; practical complexity computation needs to take into
               | account things like memory access latency on different
               | architectures.
               | Izkata wrote:
               | Yeah, this sorting algorithm is something you can come up
               | with by accident if you do bubble sort wrong. I wouldn't
               | be surprised if a lot of beginners came up with this one
               | in intro courses. I think I saw it around 2006-2008 when
               | I was a TA and one of my students couldn't figure out why
               | his array got sorted in the wrong order (don't remember
               | for sure though).
               | For example, from 2016, here's someone not getting the
               | difference between the two:
               | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40786409/whats-the-
               | diffe...
       | jwilk wrote:
       | The paper discussed on HN:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28758106 (318 comments)
       | drdrek wrote:
       | He starts from the wrong axiom that its hard to prove and creates
       | a lot of nonsense over that.
       | Its requires just two induction proofs: - One that for I=1, after
       | N comparisons the largest number is at position 1 (Proven with
       | induction) its the base case - The other, that for any I=n+1 if
       | we assume that the first n slots are ordered we can treat n+1 as
       | a new array of length N-n and solve using the base case proof.
       | Talking about computer science and not doing the bare minimum of
       | computer science is peak software engineering :)
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | tonmoy wrote:
         | Note that the equality sign is less than, but the algorithm
         | sorts in a descending order.
           | umanwizard wrote:
           | Not true.
           | Clojure code:                   (defn swap [items i j]
           | (assoc items                  i (items j)                  j
           | (items i)))                  (defn weirdsort [items]
           | (let [ct (count items)                 indices (for [i (range
           | ct)                               j (range ct)]
           | [i j])]             (reduce (fn [items [i j]]
           | (let [ith (nth items i)                             jth (nth
           | items j)]                         (if (< ith jth)
           | (swap items i j)                           items)))
           | items indices))           )
           | Then in the repl:                   my-namespace> (def items
           | (shuffle (range 20)))         #'my-namespace/items
           | my-namespace> items         [19 0 13 16 14 18 15 7 10 17 9 11
           | 6 1 3 4 12 2 5 8]         my-namespace> (weirdsort items)
           | [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
         | puffoflogic wrote:
         | That is an elegant proof... for a totally different algorithm.
         | J starts at 1, not at I. Every element of the loop is subject
         | to be moved in every single outer iteration. Besides it gets
         | the comparison backwards.
           | drdrek wrote:
           | You are absolutely correct, I was gun ho and got punished
           | with internet shame, bellow is the correct proof. but the
           | point still stands.
           | Solution is even simpler:
           | Empty case after 1 iteration (I=1) the largest number is at
           | position 1 Base case: after 2 iterations (I=2) the 2 first
           | elements are ordered, and the largest number is at position 2
           | Assume N case: after N iterations the first N numbers are
           | ordered (within the sub list, not for the entire array) and
           | the largest number is at position N
           | N+1 case (I=N+1): For Every J<N+1 and A[J]>= A[I] nothing
           | will happen From the first J where J<N+1 and A[J] < A[I]
           | (denote x) each cell will switch as A[J] < A[J+1] At J=N+1
           | the largest number will move from A[N] to A[I] For every
           | J>N+1 Nothing will happen as the largest number is at A[I]
           | Not part of the proof but to make it clear we get: - for J<x
           | A[J]<A[I] - for J=x A[J]=A[I] - for J<x A[J]>=A[I] and the
           | list is ordered for the first J elements
             | alex_smart wrote:
             | > Solution is even simpler:
             | Press X to doubt.
           | umanwizard wrote:
           | No, it works, there's just a bit of an unstated step in the
           | proof.
           | After j ranges from 1 to i, it will still be the case that
           | the values from 1 to i are sorted. So you can assume that j
           | starts at i without disturbing the induction condition.
           | The reason this is true is... If A[i] is >= any element A[j]
           | for j < i, then it is clearly true. Otherwise, there is some
           | smallest j in 1 to i-1 inclusive such that A[i] < A[j]. Then
           | A[i] will swap with that A[j], then it will swap again with
           | the next A[j+1] (because the original A[j] was < A[j+1]) by
           | the induction case, then with the next element, ... swapping
           | with every element until j reaches i.
           | After this is done we have maintained the condition that A[1]
           | .. A[i] are sorted after j ranges from 1 to i.
             | leereeves wrote:
             | That is the correct inductive step all by itself.
             | That's all we need to know: during each iteration after the
             | first, the algorithm inserts the ith element into the
             | previously sorted list from A[1] to A[i-1], giving a new
             | sorted list from A[1] to A[i], and doesn't touch the rest
             | because A[i] contains the maximum element.
             | Then when i=n the whole list is sorted.
         | phkahler wrote:
         | I thought his goal was to get the prover to prove it without
         | understanding it himself.
         | By realizing the low-indexed portion is always sorted, you've
         | already proved the algorithm yourself and the prover is just
         | checking for bugs in your logic.
         | I'm not saying the proof isnt valuable, just that it's not
         | magical and actually requires the user to understand the
         | majority of the proof already.
           | leereeves wrote:
           | This algorithm is surprising and interesting because it
           | doesn't work at all like it at first seems to.
           | The low-indexed portion is sorted, but isn't guaranteed to
           | contain the lowest or the highest _i_ elements of the list
           | (except when i=1), and the list is ultimately sorted in
           | decreasing, not increasing order. The final sort doesn 't
           | occur until the last iteration of the outer loop when the
           | inequality is reversed (the interesting variable, j, is on
           | the right).
           | Because of that, the proof outline discussed here doesn't
           | work.
           | Consider what happens if the unique smallest element starts
           | at position n. It is placed at the start of the list (the
           | correct final position) in the final iteration of the outer
           | loop (i=n), and not before.
           | Proof (for simplicity the list is indexed 1 to n):
           | Let A[n] < A[k] for all k != n in the initial list.
           | Elements are only swapped when A[i] < A[j]. If i != n and j =
           | n, then A[i] > A[n] = A[j], so A[n] is not swapped.
           | Then, when i = n and j = 1, A[i] = A[n] < A[1] = A[j], so
           | A[1] and A[n] are swapped, placing the smallest element in
           | position 1 at last.
             | umanwizard wrote:
             | It's not true that it's sorted in decreasing order. See my
             | comment here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31978942
               | leereeves wrote:
               | Quite right, that was a silly mistake on my part. I did
               | say the smallest element was placed first, but wrote "the
               | list is ultimately sorted in decreasing, not increasing
               | order" backwards.
               | I meant to contradict the top post: "the largest number
               | is at position 1...we can treat n+1 as a new array of
               | length N-n and solve using the base case proof", which
               | would result in decreasing order (largest first).
         | tromp wrote:
         | If the (i+1)'st outer loop starts with the first i elements in
         | sorted order, then it ends with the first i+1 elements in
         | sorted order.
         | In fact if k of the first i elements are <= A[i+1], then the
         | first k iterations of the inner loop will not swap, and the
         | next i-k iterations will swap. The latter can be seen to
         | maintain order.
         | The last n-i iterations of the inner loop (where j>=i) do not
         | affect this reasoning and can be omitted, as can the first
         | iteration of the outer loop.
       | MattPalmer1086 wrote:
       | Interesting. It is a bit counter intuitive at first but not too
       | hard to see how it works.
       | After the first main loop, the first item will be the biggest
       | item in the list.
       | The inner loop, as it always starts from 1 again will gradually
       | replace the bigger items with smaller items, and so on.
         | JadeNB wrote:
         | > After the first main loop, the first item will be the biggest
         | item in the list.
         | > The inner loop, as it always starts from 1 again will
         | gradually replace the bigger items with smaller items, and so
         | on.
         | I think the "and so on" is the point. To put it more precisely,
         | I think that anyone (with a suitable familiarity with the
         | tools) can prove formally that "after the first main loop, the
         | first item will be the biggest item in the list"; but I think
         | that it might take a bit more work to prove the "and so on" in
         | a way that satisfies a formal prover.
         | (As to the intuition--I can buy that the "and so on" part is
         | reasonably intuitive, but only at a level of intuition that can
         | also believe wrong things. For example, just always replacing
         | bigger items with smaller items doesn't guarantee you'll get a
         | sorted list!)
           | MattPalmer1086 wrote:
           | Sure, formal proof would be a lot harder. I just didn't find
           | it quite as surprising that it works as the article implied.
       | asrp wrote:
       | After each outer loop iteration, A[:i] (the array up to i) is in
       | ascending order with the max of A at A[i].
       | This is true the first iteration since max(A) is eventually
       | swapped to A[1]. This is true in subsequent iterations since
       | during the ith iteration, it inserts the next element, initially
       | at A[i], into A[:i-1] and shift everything up with swaps with
       | A[i] so A[:i] is sorted, with the max of A moved to A[i]. After
       | that no more swaps happen in the ith iteration since A[i]
       | contains the max of A.
       | [deleted]
       | roenxi wrote:
       | If it looks "obviously wrong" the quick proof that it works ...
       | the j loop will move the largest unsorted element in the array
       | into a sorted position. Since the i loop executes the j loop n
       | times, the array must be sorted (since the n largest elements
       | will be in the correct order).
       |  _EDIT_
       | ^W^W^W
       | Nope, I'm wrong. I did a worked example on paper. I think the
       | devious thing here is the algorithm looks simple at a lazy
       | glance.
       | To sort: 4-3-6-9-1, next round pivot for the _i_ loop in [].
       | [4]-3-6-9-1         9-[3]-4-6-1         3-9-[4]-6-1
       | 3-4-9-[6]-1         3-4-6-9-[1]              1-2-3-6-9 & sorted
       | I can see that it sorts everything to the left of a pivot, then
       | because it does that n times it comes to a sorted list. A
       | reasonable proof will be more complicated than I thought.
         | phkahler wrote:
         | The list on the left (index less than i) is always sorted. The
         | ith element is inserted by the j loop and the rest of the list
         | is shifted right by one element by repeated swapping with the
         | ith position. Nothing to the right changes because the ith
         | element is the max of the entire list, which seems to be a red
         | herring for analysis.
         | blueflow wrote:
         | This somewhat looks like bubble-sort minus the early exit.
           | MrYellowP wrote:
           | It _is_ BubbleSort. At least that 's how I've learned it in
           | the 80s.
           | zajio1am wrote:
           | It is just quirky insert-sort. In each outer cycle, it
           | inserts value originally from the A[i] position to already
           | sorted sequence A[1]..A[i-1], while using A[i] as a temporary
           | variable to shift higher part of the sorted sequence one
           | position up.
       | jeffhuys wrote:
       | Small sort implementation in ES6:                  const args =
       | process.argv.slice(2).map(Number);             for (let i = 0; i
       | < args.length; i++)          for (let j = 0; j < args.length;
       | j++)            if (args[i] < args[j])              [args[i],
       | args[j]] = [args[j], args[i]];
       | console.log(args.join(' '));
       | Didn't expect it to be actually that simple, but now that I wrote
       | it, it makes complete sense.
       | To PROVE it, is another thing. Good work.
       | [deleted]
       | eatonphil wrote:
       | This is a fantastic post! It's great to have a concrete example
       | of proving a not-trivial algorithm. And somehow this Ada code
       | feels more approachable to me than HOL4 and other functional
       | proof assistants I've looked at.
       | While it's been on my list for a while, I'm more curious to try
       | out Ada now.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | It'll take you less than a week to get proficient enough in it
         | to make something useful, or at least interesting. It's a very
         | straightforward language, overall.
         | https://learn.adacore.com/ - Pretty much the best free source
         | until you're actually ready to commit to the language. The
         | "Introduction to Ada" course took me maybe a week of 1-2 hours
         | a day reading and practicing to go through. There's also a
         | SPARK course that takes a bit longer, but is also interactive.
         | The language reference manuals for 2012 and 202x (which should
         | become Ada 2022):
         | http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/ada12.html
         | http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/ada2x.html
           | touisteur wrote:
           | Also, don't hesitate to use Rosetta Code to find useful
           | little snippets. Not all perfect but a good jump-start.
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | Yep, I wrote a bunch of those RC examples too. It was a
             | useful exercise when I decided to learn Ada (and with other
             | languages, too).
         | touisteur wrote:
         | Two of the most interesting things that trickled down during
         | the design of Spark2014:
         | 1- contracts are written in the same language as the code to be
         | checked/proved. This made important to add expressive features
         | to the language (for all / for some: quantifiers! expression
         | functions, if- and case-statements and more recently the new
         | delta-aggregates notation): these additions make the language
         | far more expressive without too much loss of readability.
         | 2- executable contracts: most contracts can be checked at
         | runtime or proved. And the escape hatch (code only present for
         | proof) is 'ghost' code which is also a nice addition.
         | Lots of little nifty additions to the language, from just
         | 'thinking in contracts' or 'designing for probability'.
       | rationalfaith wrote:
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