[HN Gopher] Raspberry Pico-based 100-Msps logic analyzer
       Raspberry Pico-based 100-Msps logic analyzer
       Author : unwind
       Score  : 90 points
       Date   : 2022-07-04 19:44 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | ChuckMcM wrote:
       | This kind of project is really nice, there is a great design
       | document which talks about issues building logic analyzers out of
       | Cortex-M boards here: https://sysprogs.com/w/how-we-
       | turned-8-popular-stm32-boards-... which you may find helpful as
       | well.
       | Of note, the Teensy-4.1 uses the Cortex-M7 which is even more
       | impressive than the Pico in terms of raw computer.
       | A long time ago there was a company called "boulder creek
       | engineering" which made a very clever logic analyzer where the
       | trigger pattern was downloaded into an FPGA which made for a
       | easier code (the FPGA would set a 'trigger' bit and software
       | could use it as the store/don't store flag).
       | The HP Logic Dart had a feature which I've yet to see reproduced
       | on any logic analzer (even the multi thousand $$ ones) which is
       | you could set the Vhigh and Vlow thresholds over a wide range
       | which would let you work with everything from TTL to LVDS
       | signaling all in the same instrument. Sadly I don't think anyone
       | makes the 100MHz comparator pairs that would be needed for this.
       | Dries007 wrote:
       | Looks great, only question is why invent your own software when
       | sigrok exists?
         | slig wrote:
         | Why build your own logic analyzer when you can buy one
         | Banggood?
           | iasay wrote:
           | This. I own a shitty one from Aliexpress. That and sigrok are
           | better than my old full 4U HP crate I had.
           | But if you want to build one, why not?
             | the_biot wrote:
             | For one thing, the author could have avoided all the work
             | of creating a GUI and lots of protocol analyzers, and thus
             | got his project working faster.
             | This could have been as simple as writing a sigrok driver,
             | a process which is very easy thanks to some helper scripts
             | and lots of examples.
               | [deleted]
               | analog31 wrote:
               | I found the sigrok website hard to navigate, and never
               | found these examples. I'd love to learn more, as I just
               | threw a decent fast ADC together for fun.
               | the_biot wrote:
               | https://sigrok.org/wiki/Developers#Development_guidelines
               | It's all there, and linked from the wiki's main page,
               | it's just that there's so much of it.
               | Examples: http://sigrok.org/gitweb/?p=libsigrok.git;a=tre
               | e;f=src/hardw...
               | [deleted]
             | slig wrote:
             | >But if you want to build one, why not?
             | That was my point: it's fun to create stuff.
         | mianos wrote:
         | I recently tried to run Sigrok on a Windows 11 PC with the
         | Salea clone and I could not find a version that did not crash
         | on the second capture. It seems to run fine on my Mac. So I was
         | flashing the board Windows (due to the new serial to USB chips
         | not being supported under Monterey).
         | If you run Win11 it might be worth writing a small fast native
         | dedicated capture and display application like this.
         | phendrenad2 wrote:
         | Maybe author doesn't like sigrok?
         | iwalton3 wrote:
         | There is a driver and firmware for sigrok for using the PI Pico
         | that was posted to Hackaday a while back. It hasn't been merged
         | upstream yet but I got it up and running today just fine
         | building it from source. https://github.com/pico-coder/sigrok-
         | pico
       | geerlingguy wrote:
       | People sometimes dismiss the Pico in comparison to an ESP32 or
       | other ESP-based devices (even the newer Pico W, which has
       | wireless capabilities, with Bluetooth LE potentially added via
       | software update in the future), but I've seen Picos running as
       | N64 flash carts, logic analyzers, signal generators, etc. in
       | places where formerly only more expensive FPGAs or low power ARM
       | SoCs (not on the microcontroller level) were used before. It's
       | not punching too much above it's weight, but the PIO does seem to
       | be a very useful feature.
       | I know there are still other advantages of the ESP32 (especially
       | in some of the newer revisions, like upcoming Matter/Zigbee
       | support built in), but I think some people are too quick to
       | dismiss the Pico's RP2040 as overpriced compared to the
       | alternatives.
         | _Microft wrote:
         | The mentioned N64 cartridge is most likely this project:
         | https://github.com/kbeckmann/PicoCart64/
         | The creator tweets about it frequently [0], in particular this
         | thread [1].
         | [0] https://twitter.com/kbeckmann/
         | [1] https://twitter.com/kbeckmann/status/1538634588020424708
         | fpgaminer wrote:
         | > but the PIO does seem to be a very useful feature.
         | Back in the early days of RasPi there was a competitor, the
         | BeagleBone Black. It was similar to the Pi in many ways, but
         | included embedded MCUs that were meant in much the same ways as
         | the Pico's PIO. You could use them to bitbang protocols that
         | would be difficult/impossible/unreliable to run on the SoC
         | itself.
         | I thought it was a brilliant idea, but the BeagleBones never
         | got the same level of support that the Pi did. The few times I
         | tried using my Black, I ran into numerous deal breaking bugs.
         | It's great to see the spirit of this idea is still alive and
         | well. I've got my fingers crossed that they somehow convince
         | Broadcom to build PIO into their SoCs.
           | geerlingguy wrote:
           | I remember a lot of fanfare around the BeagleBone models,
           | that was in the time in my career I was focused mainly on
           | software / webdev. I remember there was even a $10 model, but
           | IIRC there were some fulfillment issues?
       | bragr wrote:
       | I've previously used an Arduino mega as an ad hoc logic analyzer.
       | Can anyone chime in with how the IO performance of the RP2040
       | differs from the ATMega range?
       | I'm an amateur so can't really justify a real logic analyzer, but
       | my hacked up sketches and python scripts for the Arduino have
       | nothing on this level of polish so definitely going to give it a
       | try next time!
         | danhor wrote:
         | I'd really recommend an fx2 logic analyzer. Basically anything
         | called logic analyzer on Amazon or Aliexpress with 24 MHz
         | sample rate, 8 channels and for less than 15 bucks.
         | They work with the open source sigrok software and basically
         | just DMA the io to the host, thus the sampling rate and the
         | cost, but can record for dozens of minutes.
           | bpye wrote:
           | You can do better with an FX3 dev kit -
           | https://community.infineon.com/t5/Knowledge-Base-
           | Articles/EZ...
             | duskwuff wrote:
             | At $50-$100, the FX3 development kit is roughly 10x the
             | price of an FX2 board.
             | the_biot wrote:
             | Except there is currently no fx3 driver in sigrok mainline.
             | It's not a compatible chip to the FX2.
         | balefrost wrote:
         | The RP2040 has a programmable IO subsystem. This lets you
         | define a simple state machine that manages the IO pins and can
         | transfer data to/from memory.
         | Here's what the project's README says:
         |  _So, how the heck the pico is able to achieve this? Well, the
         | key are the PIO units, these units are a wonder, they are
         | coprocessors explicitly dessigned to handle IO, it uses a very
         | restricted and deterministic assembler (only nine instructions
         | that each take a single cycle to execuet) but extremely
         | efficient, so efficient that with only two instructions is
         | possible to create a loop that captures GPIO data up to 30 bits
         | and redirects the program flow based in the status of one of
         | these GPIOs._
         | the_biot wrote:
         | You can hardly compare the atmega series CPUs with 32-bit ARM
         | SoCs running at 10+ times the clock speed, much more memory,
         | and many more advanced features. The RP2040 (the SoC on the
         | pico) is very much a generation beyond the atmegas, if not
         | more.
         | Notably the PIO feature on the RP2040 is used to avoid having
         | to sample input pins using the ARM CPU (which would make it
         | slow and undeterministic). The sampling is effectively
         | hardware-assisted using the PIO feature. The github page in the
         | link goes into some detail about it.
           | bragr wrote:
           | I'm asking for them to be compared in terms of IO features,
           | not absolute performance. The ATMega has it's own range of
           | hardware driven input features and that's specifically what
           | I'm asking for a comparison to.
       | sbf501 wrote:
       | That's impressive. I was suspicious until I saw the quad-byte DMA
       | ringbuffer with the super small PIO program. He's overclocking to
       | 200 MHz (!!!) and the framing protocol does have bugs (see
       | comments), but impressive all the same. Also the message buffer
       | is pretty small but now I'm just being picky: streaming to UART
       | while sampling wouldn't be possible without giving up some
       | channels and slowing down the sample rate.
       | skybrian wrote:
       | Nice! Looks like the protocol between the Pico and the Windows
       | software is quite simple. Porting it to another OS shouldn't too
       | hard.
       | Here's an unusual approach to portability for this kind of
       | software: since Chrome supports Web Serial, a web app could do
       | the UI and then it would be portable across operating systems
       | (though still Chromium specific) with no software to install
       | (assuming you already have Chrome or Edge).
       | Along those lines, I wrote a little web app that plots CSV data
       | from a microcontroller board (which happens to be a Pico).
       | There's not a lot to it, but I like it better than the Arduino
       | plotter and it might be useful as an example:
       | https://github.com/skybrian/serialviz
       | [deleted]
       | girvo wrote:
       | Very cool stuff!
       | I recently bought a cheap-ish "Zaleae [sic] Logic 16" knock-off
       | from eBay, but it's still a lot more expensive than most of the
       | other cheap ones out there.
       | I was stoked to see it works perfectly with Saleae's latest Logic
       | software, and it ended up with my boss buying us all a set of
       | real Logic Pro 8's for work.
       | Their software is by far the gold standard for logic probe
       | capture and analysis, I wonder if it would be possible to hack on
       | this project to get it to output to Logic?
       | Being able to whip up quick protocol decoders in Python (which
       | then get baked into our actual firmware as a driver by porting it
       | to Nim in about 10 minutes of work) for some of the obscure
       | protocols and peripherals we have to connect to has been
       | fantastic, and Saleae's software makes it super easy.
       | Would be great to get the benefits of both cheap hardware and
       | great software but aside from the knock off in front of me
       | showing it can be done, I've no idea how you'd even begin to do
       | it!
       | Sanzig wrote:
       | The Pico's PIO peripheral is actually a really innovative feature
       | in a microcontroller. It plugs the gap where you need some sort
       | of fast custom I/O but you don't want to go to the complexity and
       | cost of an FPGA. I'd love to see more mainstream vendors offer
       | something similar.
         | tpmx wrote:
         | I would love a version of Pico PIO with analog out (along with
         | a limited integer ALU, or perhaps just shifts and some logical
         | ops). A fast DAC should be cheap in silicon, right?
           | regularfry wrote:
           | The pimoroni servo2040 uses the PIOs to PWM 18 servo
           | channels: https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/servo-2040?varia
           | nt=398005...
           | I'm annoyed at the power arrangement on the board but they're
           | fun to play with.
             | tpmx wrote:
             | That's a nice usecase. Servos are slow mechanical things.
             | I wanted to make a CGA/EGA-to-VGA converter, possibly
             | combined with a scandoubler. Maybe it's still possible
             | using resistor arrays on the output side.
         | JustFinishedBSG wrote:
         | It has been a feature of many TI microcontrollers ( and CPUs )
         | for quite a while under the name "PRU"
           | grawp wrote:
           | Exactly. And people have been also using them for this exact
           | purpose. https://hackaday.com/2015/02/19/turn-your-
           | beagleboneblack-in...
           | But hey, put 'Raspberry' or 'Arduino' label on it and
           | suddenly it's so new and innovative it makes me sick.
             | tpmx wrote:
             | _Programmable Real-Time Unit Subsystem and Industrial
             | Communication Subsystem (PRUICSS)._
             | Documentation: Pages 198-521 out of this 5118 page PDF:
             | https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/spruh73q/spruh73q.pdf
             | sbf501 wrote:
             | > But hey, put 'Raspberry' or 'Arduino' label on it and
             | suddenly it's so new and innovative it makes me sick.
             | I get why you feel that way. I think that's the nature of
             | the huge internet and younger folk learning every day. I
             | totally get pissy every time I see someone repost a
             | "discovery" that is 20~30 years old and I've seen many
             | times, just to farm clicks, karma, or whatever internet
             | points their platform rewards. But I think that's just life
             | now: everything is "look at me!" tiktok-ified, even
             | engineering.
             | But the dude really is pushing the limits of the PICO here,
             | always nice to see someone doing something other than
             | blinking LEDs and jizzing about it on reddit, right?
               | grawp wrote:
               | My reaction was only meant as a response to @Sanzig
               | calling PIOs innovative.
               | The logic analyzer itself, even the usage of cheap Pico
               | in it is very cool.
             | colejohnson66 wrote:
             | For one thing, the PRUs require TI's bloated mess called
             | CCS and knowing C whereas the PIO assembly can be written
             | in Python. What's really innovative is the ability to get
             | PRU-like functionality on a _literal_ $1 IC. Sure, you only
             | get 32 instructions per state machine, but not everyone
             | needs full blown ARM cores for real-time.
               | rcxdude wrote:
               | They don't require it. When I used it, everything was
               | just written in assembly (you get a few more instructions
               | but you're still basically doing bitbanging with cycle
               | counting, so using C is a bit awkward anyway). The PIOs
               | are a pretty neat trimmed down version of the idea
               | though, clearly someone put a fair amount of effort into
               | making them as flexible as they are for how minimalist
               | they are.
               | jrockway wrote:
               | I think C is a trap, honestly. I have used the PRUs
               | before and wrote my code in C. 99% of the time, I was
               | just reading the assembly outputs trying to figure out
               | how many cycles "X" compiles to in C (since it was very
               | timing dependent).
             | funstuff007 wrote:
             | Maybe because the primary markets for TI and Raspberry are
             | different.
             | gchadwick wrote:
             | Bit of a difference between a cheap microcontroller board
             | and a BeagleBone Black.
             | Superficially the PRU and the PIO do indeed look similar.
             | Look more closely and you'll see the PRU is both more
             | complex and more capable than the PIO. It's a small CPU
             | core in its own right with predictable timing. PIO is
             | significantly simpler, almost more of a programmable state
             | machine than a proper CPU. So yes less capable but also
             | integrated into a cheap micro-controller rather than a
             | Linux booting SoC with all the complexity and cost that
             | brings.
             | That really is why the PIO is interesting, it's the
             | significant capabilities they bring combined with the low
             | price point and simple chip.
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | And let's not forget poor XMOS.
       (page generated 2022-07-04 23:00 UTC)