[HN Gopher] Large Hadron Collider discovers three new exotic par...
       Large Hadron Collider discovers three new exotic particles
       Author : geox
       Score  : 612 points
       Date   : 2022-07-05 11:58 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (home.cern)
 (TXT) w3m dump (home.cern)
       | mrlonglong wrote:
       | So if atoms are composed of electrons, protons, and in turn
       | electrons, protons are composed of these particles, can we
       | potentially drill down a bit deeper into these hadrons, might
       | they be composed of further sub particles yet unknown to science
       | yet?
         | drexlspivey wrote:
         | That's the premise of string theory
         | centilliard wrote:
         | Based on this comment on reddit [1], it looks at some point one
         | needs to use the mass of a solar system.
         | [1]
         | https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/vri4ih/e...
         | davrosthedalek wrote:
         | As far as we know, both leptons (electrons, positrons, muons,
         | taus) and quarks are fundamental, i.e. not composed out of
         | other particles (also, they are pointlike, i.e. they have no
         | extend). That's not true for protons (which are made out of
         | quarks and gluons. It's a little bit complicated because of
         | vacuum polarization, but if you count a certain way, you'll
         | find it's composed out of two up and one down quark). They also
         | have a measurable size.
         | These new particles are also made from quarks (4 for the tetra
         | quark and 5 for the pentaquark), and they also have a size.
           | ars wrote:
           | It's not known if quarks are fundamental, nor is it known if
           | they are pointlike.
           | We've never seen a free quark, so we just don't know.
             | davrosthedalek wrote:
             | Doesn't have to be free to be studied. We can do deep
             | inelastic scattering to measure the quark shape, the same
             | way we can do quasi-elastic scattering to study the neutron
             | shape. SM certainly assumes leptons and quarks to be point-
             | like. (of course, in general, we can not prove any theory,
             | only disprove.)
               | ars wrote:
               | Deep inelastic scattering of the nucleus did not find
               | quarks. It only found nucleons.
               | The same thing here: it's not known if quarks have an
               | internal structure. And unless your energy is higher than
               | the size of the object being measured you certainly can't
               | tell if it's point like.
       | tonymet wrote:
       | whatever they did 10 years ago opened up pandora's box . can we
       | please return to the pre kony 2012 timeline ? Ever since Harambe
       | died it's been a total apocalypse
       | sylware wrote:
       | Allright, at high energy, the LHC manages to observe some
       | particule configuration never seen before. Anything to "milk"
       | something interesting from those?
       | logicalmonster wrote:
       | Given that all of these exotic particles that are apparently
       | discovered are extremely short-lived (at the limits of human
       | technology to even register them) is it possible that scientists
       | are radically misinterpreting the meaning of these experiments
       | and finding particles where there's some other force or phenomena
       | being observed? I'm very skeptical that it's apparently just
       | smaller and smaller particles all of the way down, and every time
       | they get bigger and badder technology to collide atoms, they tell
       | us that they coincidentally discover new particles. What if
       | everything here about reality is being misinterpreted?
       | Here's an analogy that might not make sense to everybody, but to
       | me, this feels a bit like the famous memes from the Chernobyl
       | movie. "3.6 Roentgen. Not great, Not terrible." where the real
       | answer about the radiation exposure was radically different. Some
       | the people tasked with coming up with that 3.6 answer might not
       | have had a bad intent, but they were at the limits of their
       | technology to provide an answer and radically misinterpreted what
       | they were seeing partially because of that.
         | tooltower wrote:
         | The new particles in this case aren't "smaller" than the ones
         | we already know about. They are short-lived because they are
         | heavier. They quickly decay into something simpler.
         | Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. This article
         | doesn't really describe anything that unexpected. It's not that
         | hard to believe.
         | CoastalCoder wrote:
         | Question from a non-physicist: In this context, what does it
         | mean for something to be a "particle"?
         | I.e., if I see some feature in the LHS data, what makes me call
         | it a "particle" vs. some other concept / object / phenomenon?
         | lisper wrote:
         | These aren't really "discoveries". These particles were already
         | known to exist (or, to be precise, whose existence was
         | predicted by the Standard Model, just like the Higgs boson).
         | This is just the first time they have actually been observed.
         | The headline is misleading, but the first sentence in the
         | article gets it right:
         | "The international LHCb collaboration at the Large Hadron
         | Collider (LHC) has observed three never-before-seen particles."
           | ClumsyPilot wrote:
           | I think I would be very happy to be the first person to
           | observe a new particle, its discovery enough for me :) It
           | does not need to appent all of known physics or be unexpected
           | for us to call it a discovery
             | lisper wrote:
             | I get what you're saying, but it's not like someone looked
             | through a microscope and actually saw one of these things
             | for the first time. It's computers crunching trillions of
             | data points and spitting out a result. So it's not clear
             | who "the first person to observe this" actually was.
           | HansHamster wrote:
           | > These aren't really "discoveries". These particles were
           | already known to exist (or, to be precise, whose existence
           | was predicted by the Standard Model, just like the Higgs
           | boson). This is just the first time they have actually been
           | observed.
           | But doesn't that make it a discovery? Sure, a discovery of
           | something already predicted by the Standard Model, but unless
           | it has been observed, we just don't know for sure if it
           | actually exists. The Standard Model just has been very
           | successful at predicting stuff :)
             | lisper wrote:
             | To my way of thinking one of the defining characteristics
             | of a _discovery_ is that it is _unexpected_ , so a
             | confirmation of a theoretical prediction doesn't count.
             | deelowe wrote:
             | Isn't that a bit like saying the atom was not truly
             | discovered until scanning microscopes were put to use?
         | k__ wrote:
         | I think the process is:
         | Scientists make a theory.
         | The theory predicts a bunch of particles.
         | Scientists build LHC to check if the theory is right.
         | LHC finds the predicted particles.
         | The theory was right.
           | nxpnsv wrote:
           | Except it is not a single theory, but whole families of
           | theories.
         | [deleted]
         | killerstorm wrote:
         | Currently the best known theory of physics at small scales is a
         | quantum field theory known as the Standard Model.
         | "Particles" are phenomena which appear when fields are
         | quantized. They aren't really balls of stuff. E.g. photon is a
         | quantum of a wave in electromagnetic field.
         | These exotic particles are simply a confirmation of predictions
         | made by the Standard Model, they are not surprising, it's just
         | the first time there was enough data to test this particular
         | prediction of the theory.
         | > I'm very skeptical that it's apparently just smaller and
         | smaller particles all of the way down
         | The Standard Model was formulated in 1970s, no principally new
         | phenomena were discovered since. So it's been strong for ~50
         | years.
         | It's known to be incomplete as it does not explain gravity, and
         | physicists hope that better theories will be found in future.
         | But so far nobody was able to formulate a theory which would
         | make better predictions than the SM.
         | > What if everything here about reality is being
         | misinterpreted?
         | The topic of physics is to build models which predict observed
         | phenomena. Knowing what reality _is_ is a topic of philosophy
         | and religion.
         | jeremyjh wrote:
         | Your analogy is poor because the "3.6 Roentgen" was a story the
         | politicians were telling each other; where the actual scientist
         | knew they were measuring the limit of their equipment. Perhaps
         | it's uncharitable but I feel like I could restate your question
         | as: "I know nothing about particle physics - is it possible the
         | entire field is just cranks deluding themselves?"
           | jfjrkkskdik wrote:
           | jacobr1 wrote:
           | Should that question be asked of the string theorists
           | instead?
           | StanislavPetrov wrote:
           | >is it possible the entire field is just cranks deluding
           | themselves?
           | That's a question better saved for psychiatry and sociology.
       | mkr-hn wrote:
       | I assume this isn't from the run that started today.
         | fnands wrote:
         | Definitely not.
         | stjohnswarts wrote:
         | I'm pretty sure they go over their data for quite a while
         | before confirming new particles, so no it wasn't today's run.
       | coldcode wrote:
       | Physics is not my thing, but I love that the more is discovered,
       | the more is discovered that there is more to discover.
       | GartzenDeHaes wrote:
       | To quote Alan Watts, "There is no end to the minuteness that you
       | can unveil through physical investigation. For the simple reason
       | that the investigation itself is what is chopping things into
       | tiny little pieces. And the sharper you can sharpen your knife,
       | the finer you can cut it. And the knife of the intellect is very
       | sharp indeed. And with the sophisticated instruments that we can
       | now make, there's probably no limit to it."
       | It's almost as if we're looking at a continuous functions that
       | can generate an infinite number of discrete segments.
         | nxmnxm99 wrote:
         | Not surprising you're downvoted on HN, but your comment is the
         | only one that makes sense in this entire thread. I wonder at
         | one point our collective consciousness will wake up to the fact
         | that we've completely hit a wall in our understanding of the
         | universe, and that spending billions detecting more particles
         | isn't magically going to explain reality.
           | timbit42 wrote:
           | Let's keep going until we figure out how to harness gravity.
       | formvoltron wrote:
       | So.. maybe it's a good time to pause the collider and see if we
       | can use this discovery for any practical purpose. If not, that
       | money could go towards clean energy research or lab grown meat
       | research, anti cancer or anti aging research... something that
       | might do people some good.
         | 4khilles wrote:
         | I think a species of 7.8 billion individuals can afford to do
         | things in parallel.
       | croes wrote:
       | So crisis averted?
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30516078
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | I wonder if this discovery constitutes "new physics" to any
         | degree.
           | lamontcg wrote:
           | No, not "fundamentally". This all fits within the framework
           | of QCD.
           | Like the wikipedia article on pentaquarks says, a five-quark
           | bound cluster was considered by Gell-Mann back in 1964.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | Nope. It just further confirms decades-old predictions within
         | the Standard Model of particle physics:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentaquark
       | alberth wrote:
       | Off topic: what's the convention on what your root is for a
       | branded TLD?
       | I see CERN is using "home.cern".
       | Google has ".google" but I'm not sure what the root is since they
       | have many.
       | What's the convention for the root of a companies branded TLD?
       | macspoofing wrote:
       | who ordered that?
         | dkural wrote:
         | The Standard Model did, in the 50s.
         | frutiger wrote:
         | This is a reference to the famous quip by Rabi:
         | > The eventual recognition of the muon as a simple "heavy
         | electron", with no role at all in the nuclear interaction,
         | seemed so incongruous and surprising at the time, that Nobel
         | laureate I. I. Rabi famously quipped, "Who ordered that?"
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muon
           | ncmncm wrote:
           | Which is itself a reference to eating at a Chinese
           | restaurant, and a dish is brought to the Lazy Susan nobody
           | recognizes.
           | high_byte wrote:
           | I love this.
       | nonrandomstring wrote:
       | Things I didn't get from article:
       | What changed to make a slew of new discoveries possible? Is it
       | pure chance like Bitcoin mining? If so, what's the chance of
       | discovering nothing for years and then, like London buses, three
       | all come along at once?
       | What are the implications of a new "particle zoo"? Can I do
       | anything with these, like build new atoms, or use them to detect
       | something?
         | letmeoknmmm wrote:
         | > If so, what's the chance of discovering nothing for years and
         | then, like London buses, three all come along at once?
         | Means we are in a pretty tricky timeline.
         | stevenwoo wrote:
         | There's another article floating about how they increased
         | energy of collisions recently at LHC.
         | https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01388-6
           | dicknuckle wrote:
           | Fairly sure this was scheduled to happen today, July 5th.
         | legohead wrote:
         | Cool results considering the recent article I saw on HN
         | suggesting there's not much else to find [1].
         | [1] https://bigthink.com/hard-science/large-hadron-collider-
         | econ...
         | davrosthedalek wrote:
         | They came together most likely because they were detected in
         | the same/similar analysis. There are probably hundreds of
         | analysis performed in parallel on the LHCb data sets, by
         | different sub-groups of the collaboration, looking at different
         | reactions / channels etc. It could also be that they grouped
         | several results together because they are similar. There is
         | always an internal review process, and committee meetings (for
         | the final "go ahead, publish") can impose a granularity on the
         | time of release. Could also be that the paper is already on the
         | arXiv for days, and this is just the common press release.
         | hypertele-Xii wrote:
         | Think of it like taking series of blurry photos of an unknown
         | object. A single photo just looks like a blob, but accumulate
         | enough of them and apply some algorithmic magic and eventually
         | the picture sharpens.
         | When particles are collided and the result measured, there's
         | probably lots of noise in the data. In a single picture, a
         | single pixel (datapoint) tells you nothing. But capture enough
         | results, and you can begin to filter the noise out, revealing
         | patterns underneath.
         | chicX wrote:
         | The change is the gradual accumulation of statistics. These are
         | relatively rare events. The LHC has been running, high-energy
         | proton-proton collisions have been occurring, and the LHCb
         | detector in this case has been measuring them. The statistics
         | increase, and eventually the characteristic peaks of short-
         | lived resonances can be identified above the noise of
         | "background" collisions.
         | I think the goal of this work is to understand the nature of
         | the strong force. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is pretty
         | difficult as far as quantum field theories go, its strongly-
         | coupled, meaning making first-principles predictions of what to
         | expect is really tough. Its a huge computational effort being
         | run on some of the biggest computers on the planet (lattice
         | QCD).
         | We observe that all the hadrons in experiment are "colour
         | singlets" meaning that the colour charge of QCD is hidden.
         | These are usually three-quark states (protons, neutrons, etc)
         | or quark-antiquark states (pions, kaons, etc). There are many
         | other ways of making "colour singlets". For example, these
         | tetra and pentaquark combinations. There are also "hybrids"
         | made of a gluon and some combination of quarks. There is some
         | evidence on both experimental and theoretical sides for at
         | least a few of these hybrids. Glueballs are also possible,
         | states made entirely of gluons, but there is only really
         | theoretical evidence for these so far in specific limits. We
         | just don't know if they exist in reality.
         | Everything is made of this stuff. Most of the mass around us
         | comes from the strong interactions. It's important to
         | understand it.
           | parineum wrote:
           | > The change is the gradual accumulation of statistics. These
           | are relatively rare events. The LHC has been running, high-
           | energy proton-proton collisions have been occurring, and the
           | LHCb detector in this case has been measuring them. The
           | statistics increase, and eventually the characteristic peaks
           | of short-lived resonances can be identified above the noise
           | of "background" collisions.
           | I think people are a bit spoiled by the Higgs
           | leak/announcement/discovery timeline. I'm sure those in the
           | know have known about this discovery for some time but, like
           | you said, it takes some time to gather enough data to be
           | confident (and to qualify as the mathematical standard set
           | for "discovery").
             | ncmncm wrote:
             | Right, after the bump reaches 3x sigma they have some
             | confidence it deserves their own attention, and at 4x they
             | are sure, but the rule is you don't publish until you have
             | enough data for a 5x sigma result, which just takes a lot
             | more data and a lot longer.
             | "Sigma" here refers to standard deviations off the Gaussian
             | normal mean. Zero means completely random. In psychology
             | they publish at 2x sigma, 95%, which means 20:1 odds
             | against a spurious result, and they publish a _lot_ of
             | spurious results because you can generate an unlimited
             | number of hypotheses. In physics, things are considered
             | more deterministic, and an experiment doesn 't need to
             | recruit undergrads to be data points, so you run your LHC
             | for a few more months and avoid wasting people's attention.
               | huijzer wrote:
               | The chance of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis
               | increases as you gather more data. Put more simply,
               | finding something that differs "significantly" from some
               | distribution becomes easier as you gather more data.
               | Imagine having only 3 psychology student in a study, the
               | required effect size has to be huge for the test to say
               | that it is significantly different.
               | However, the approach taken by CERN is of course right.
               | They find a result at a certain significance level and
               | then collect more data to verify the result. As long as
               | there aren't thousands of simultaneous verifications
               | running, this approach is sound. Obviously yes,
               | physicist's know what they're doing.
               | Having said that, please don't read this comment as me
               | approving of frequentists statistics. Bayesian or cross-
               | validations are way easier to interpret where possible.
           | cryptonector wrote:
           | Probably also just time: time to run more experiments, time
           | to improve analysis compute capability, and to analyze new
           | data and re-analyze the data they already have. These
           | experiments yield enormous amounts of data.
           | ijidak wrote:
           | Thank you for this explanation.
           | Follow-up question. Why don't quark anti-quark combinations
           | self annihilate?
           | I've been trying to understand this.
             | whatshisface wrote:
             | The particles are very shortlived, so the brief answer is
             | that they do.
             | chicX wrote:
             | They do. The Tcs0 tetraquarks don't have quark-antiquark
             | pairs however, you see from the article and figures, that
             | the quark content is charm + anti-strange + up + anti-down,
             | these can't annihilate because the quarks have different
             | flavours. They can "annihilate" via the weak interactions
             | though, which can connect quarks and anti-quarks of
             | different flavours. For example the charm-antistrange part
             | could decay via a W-boson to a positron and a neutrino.
             | This is a much slower process however.
             | In the pentaquark, charm-anticharm annihilation can and
             | will happen. The time for charm-anticharm annihilation is
             | usually slower relative to light and strange hadronic
             | interactions though. In part because the strength of strong
             | interactions reduces at higher energies, and the charm
             | quark is more massive and so the relevant energy scale for
             | the decay is higher.
             | One charm-anticharm resonance, the J/psi(3097) is very long
             | lived even though the quarks can annihilate. In many
             | theoretical models of these things, its often treated as a
             | stable particle.
           | nonrandomstring wrote:
           | Thanks for trying to explain. It's all still largely beyond
           | me TBH.
           | But more idiot's questions if you have any thoughts....
           | My understanding was that particle accelerators were being
           | used to try and deconstruct matter, to do for want of a
           | better word "fission" by smashing things together and seeing
           | what smaller bits came out - by analogy to mass spectrometry.
           | What seems to be going on now is that we're trying to make
           | new particles. Have we switched to a sort of "fusion" - to
           | see if smashing things together will get them to stick in
           | bigger configurations?
           | Have all the most fundamental bits (quarks?) been found now?
           | Can we prove that those are irreducible?
           | chreers
             | richardwhiuk wrote:
             | Essentially, you smash particles together. When you do so,
             | they will give off a bunch of energy.
             | That energy forms into a bunch of particles, each of which
             | will then decay into less esoteric particles.
             | We have no proof (and it's probably impossible to do so),
             | that anything we've found is fundamental.
               | omegalulw wrote:
               | How do we even know that the universe has fundamental
               | particles?
               | Zamicol wrote:
               | The Planck constant appears fundamental.
               | michaelfeathers wrote:
               | It may not.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunk_(mereology)
               | adamrezich wrote:
               | > We have no proof (and it's probably impossible to do
               | so), that anything we've found is fundamental.
               | this entire discussion is fully outside of my knowledge
               | wheelhouse but why should we believe that the universe is
               | anything less than infinitely fractal at the micro scale?
               | like you said, how would we even know if something is
               | fundamental?
               | platz wrote:
               | > why should we believe that the universe is anything
               | less than infinitely fractal at the micro scale
               | And what basis does that claim rest on
               | adamrezich wrote:
               | sheer intuition based upon the adage "you don't know what
               | you don't know", repeated incorrect assumptions that
               | we've finally discovered fundamental building blocks of
               | reality, and lack of capacity for imagination (sorry--I
               | tried!) for what the discovery of absolutely positively
               | _provably_ fundamental building blocks of reality could
               | even potentially look like
               | platz wrote:
               | I disagree. Not that you're wrong but that you're right.
               | adamrezich wrote:
               | ???
               | ijidak wrote:
               | > We have no proof (and it's probably impossible to do
               | so), that anything we've found is fundamental.
               | This is a good statement.
               | I've seen many online state that quarks are fundamental.
               | There is no way we can make such a definitive statement.
               | Quarks may be not be fundamental.
               | shmoe wrote:
               | What would it take to actually prove that they are? I did
               | miss the "impossible" above when first posting this --
               | but pretend it isn't?
               | ncmncm wrote:
               | This is the problem String theorists have.
               | We will never, in the lifetime of anybody who guesses we
               | ever existed, be able to build an accelerator powerful
               | enough to check whether it is right about gravity. So,
               | they potter and try to show this or that family of
               | variations (among 10^500 imagined) does or doesn't
               | contradict details of the Standard Model we have most
               | confidence in.
               | baremetal wrote:
               | it would require being able to generate a high enough
               | energy beam
               | But using current accelerator technology it would require
               | an accelerator many times the size of the earth, _many_.
               | I use to work at a particle accelerator, part time, when
               | i was in college. Fun fact i once confirmed Einsteins
               | photoelectric effect using a high energy x-ray beam, a
               | copper target, and high voltage.
         | adregan wrote:
         | I believe it's due to the fact that after several years of
         | upgrades, they started running it today at much higher power
         | (13.6 trillion electronvolts).
           | Quinner wrote:
           | They would definitely not be publishing results of the power
           | increase on the same day of the increase. These experiments
           | take a lot more time than a day to perform and analyse.
             | swader999 wrote:
             | Or time travel. That's a lot of power they just added.
       | benreesman wrote:
       | The top few comments are reasonable but not written by ATLAS
       | folks: what's the layman's takeaway by an expert?
         | davrosthedalek wrote:
         | This is from LHCb, not ATLAS ;)
           | benreesman wrote:
           | I think I lowered the bar a bit on "layman" there but I
           | difinitely got critical expert information ;)
           | Well done sir.
       | FabHK wrote:
       | Could someone put this in context?
       | Is this big news that could lead physics out of its long stasis?
       | Or "just" relatively small details?
         | bradrn wrote:
         | I'm no particle physicist, but this doesn't look like anything
         | too fundamental -- no new _elementary_ particles, just some new
         | and interesting combinations of existing elementary particles
         | (in this case, quarks). It might have lots of further
         | relevance, but it might not just as easily.
         | throwawaymaths wrote:
         | They are not elementary particles, just permutations of a
         | higher number of quarks.
           | nxpnsv wrote:
           | "just"
         | gus_massa wrote:
         | Closer than business as usual. The problem to get out of the
         | current "long stasis" [1] is to find a new elementary particle
         | or an experiment that can't be explained with the current
         | elementary particles and can be refined to discover a new
         | elementary particle.
         | They discover two new composite particles. There are hundred of
         | composite particles, so it's somewhat business as usual.
         | Anyway, most composite particles have 2 or 3 quarks, but the
         | new particles have 4 or 5 quarks. So they are weird new
         | composite particles.
         | Making calculations of particles made of a few quarks is very
         | difficult, borderline impossible, so it's interesting to find
         | new particles and verify that the current approximations for
         | particles made of a few quarks are good enough or fix them.
         | Also, the approximations for particles made of a few quarks use
         | virtual particles that appear and disappear. And some of these
         | virtual particle may be a unknown new particle. So if the
         | calculation is too wrong it may be an indirect way to discover
         | a new elementary particle and escape the "long stasis". But I'd
         | not be too optimistic about a groundbreaking discovery.
         | [1] I don't think it's a problem yet. The current "long stasis"
         | it's overrated IMHO.
           | fhars wrote:
           | What makes these kind of particles interesting and "exotic"
           | is that they are not the kind of particles the Standard Model
           | was originally developed to describe. Those particles, mesons
           | and baryons, consist of two and three quarks, respectively,
           | with some quantum numbers that must obey certain rules for
           | the particles to exist, and we have found that (almost?) all
           | of the two and three quark combinations allowed by the rules
           | are in fact observable as particles in experiments.
           | But those rules for the quantum numbers can also be fulfilled
           | with certain combinations of four or five quarks, and there
           | is nothing in the Standard Model that either forbids or
           | requires these combinations to exist as real particles. So it
           | was new information when the first resonances that could be
           | interpreted as those kind of particles were discovered and it
           | is interesting that there are more of these. But it is not
           | unexpected, either, the earliest paper on pentaquarks cited
           | on the wikipedia page is from 1987.
           | So it is indeed close to business as usual. It is
           | interesting, and new, but is is still filling out the corners
           | of the Standard Model.
       | tux3 wrote:
       | Is it possible, even it principle, that some of these exotic
       | hadrons could be long-lived (let alone stable)?
       | They're probably interesting to study on their own, but the
       | engineering instinct is to want to build something out of them,
       | or use them as tools, which seems pretty hard if they
       | disintegrate in a quintillionth of a second!
         | aqme28 wrote:
         | Typically no, because higher energy collisions exist naturally
         | with cosmic particles, so we would have _probably_ observed
         | some of these stable particles by now. But in practice they
         | could be rare and hard to detect.
           | Enginerrrd wrote:
           | I'm not even sure if "typically no" is justified here. We
           | don't know what dark matter is, but we do know that it
           | appears that there's a lot of it out there. You could
           | definitely do some math and maybe if you were really clever
           | about it relate the quantity of it that exists to exclude
           | some particular energy range of interactions, but I don't
           | think that's been done.
             | zeroonetwothree wrote:
             | The whole point of "dark matter" is it can't be made of
             | normal matter (ie quarks).
             | (It might not even exist, after all...)
               | zamalek wrote:
               | WIMPs, were they to exist, would consist of regular
               | matter.
               | shagie wrote:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weakly_interacting_massive_
               | par...
               | > There exists no formal definition of a WIMP, but
               | broadly, a WIMP is a new elementary particle which
               | interacts via gravity and any other force (or forces),
               | potentially not part of the Standard Model itself, which
               | is as weak as or weaker than the weak nuclear force, but
               | also non-vanishing in its strength.
               | That's not regular matter.
               | Its MACHOs that are made up of regular matter (well,
               | brown dwarfs and black holes).
               | There are also theories that put an undetected form of
               | neutrino as dark matter which would be a bit more
               | regular.
               | kadoban wrote:
               | > That's not regular matter.
               | > Its MACHOs that are made up of regular matter (well,
               | brown dwarfs and black holes).
               | I mean...isn't this "technically correct" on a level
               | that's beyond even the usual extremes of pedantry? Or
               | maybe I'm missing something?
               | There's no cheese in my fridge, only blocks of cheese
               | that are made up of cheese...
               | lamontcg wrote:
               | The person who started off this comment thread made a
               | sloppy reference to "normal matter (i.e. quarks)". That
               | statement should be read in good faith as meaning the
               | existing known elementary particles as "normal" matter.
               | That implies that some particle which only interacts via
               | gravity and some unknown force is not included in
               | "normal" matter.
               | To twist that by claiming such a particle would still be
               | viewed as matter just like all the rest of the matter
               | that goes into the stress-energy tensor is where the
               | pedantry started in this thread. The original statement
               | is pretty clear in its intent. The pedantic reading that
               | followed that comment results in "normal" matter just
               | being all matter by definition and hence "normal" is
               | redundant since there can't be abnormal matter. That
               | clearly isn't what the first comment intended since they
               | actually meant something by "normal".
               | gamblor956 wrote:
               | No, a WIMP is the theoretical dark-matter equivalent of a
               | particle.
               | A MACHO is a low-energy star or whatever that would
               | explain the apparent presence of dark matter without
               | actually requiring anything exotic like WIMPs. The idea
               | is that these objects are (relatively) massive, numerous,
               | and so low-energy that they are hard to detect and their
               | combined mass would theoretically explain the effects we
               | currently attribute to dark matter.
               | Or in other words, a WIMP would be like claiming that
               | your fridge is disintegrating your cheese, and a MACHO
               | would be the kid raiding the fridge for cheese at
               | midnight when you're asleep.
         | at_a_remove wrote:
         | No.
         | If a particle _can_ decay into a lighter set of particles and
         | still obey all of the conservation principles, they will. The
         | heavier they are, the more they 're going to decay and the more
         | "options" they have to decay. An electron isn't going to do
         | anything because there is nothing lighter than an electron that
         | still carries charge, etc. Something much heavier, like a free
         | neutron, will fall apart into a proton, an electron, and an
         | anti-electron neutrino.
         | These particles have _options galore_ as to what they can fall
         | apart into being, and so they do, and with great haste.
           | wesammikhail wrote:
           | I know nothing about physics as it is not my domain. So I
           | don't know if what you're saying is true or not. But if it
           | is, I find that notion somewhat poetic.
           | For the sake of my own edification, I'd like to follow this
           | up with a few somewhat seemingly dumb questions if you dont
           | mind:
           | Is it the case that a given particle is trying to settle into
           | a "lowest energy state" possible? I am not using physics
           | terms here. More like conceptually, are these particles, due
           | to the number of options available to them, decaying into the
           | lightest stable variant allowed by the laws of physics? if
           | that is the case, then could we perhaps find ways to engineer
           | structures within which these particles last for a whole lot
           | longer than they should (on a human timescale)? And what is
           | stopping us from doing that? is it the energy cost associated
           | with such a structure/device or is there a more fundamental
           | reason we cant do that?
             | at_a_remove wrote:
             | More or less.
             | Sometimes they will have intermediates, which then decay,
             | and then those products decay, and so on. That's quite
             | common. Eventually they just ... fall apart. The more
             | options, the faster. The greater the energy stepdown, the
             | faster, by which I mean "can it release a gamma? Or fall
             | apart into some much smaller things?"
             | However, it is independent of "nearby" structure, where
             | nearby is any distance larger than the nucleus. So, no, we
             | cannot contain these particles within anything to prevent
             | their decay, it is like trying to build a bouncy castle
             | around a hand grenade in hopes that it won't go off.
             | Note that there is an _apparent_ delay in decay, from our
             | perspective, when particles are moving very fast, like a
             | relativistic muon lasting longer (although still a very
             | brief period of time by our standards) than expected,
             | simply due to special relativity. But here this also would
             | not help.
             | Things fall apart, the center cannot hold, and so on.
             | holmium wrote:
             | As another not-physicist who is interested in physics, I've
             | found the articles/explainers at Of Particular Significance
             | very helpful. There are a few on particle decay, and I
             | think that these two provide a longer answer to your
             | questions:
             | Most Particles Decay -- But Why?
             | https://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-
             | ph...
             | Most Particles Decay -- Yet Some Don't!
             | https://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-
             | ph...
             | Neutron Stability in Atomic Nuclei
             | https://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-
             | ph...
             | samstave wrote:
             | (I' in the exact same boat as you)
             | ---
             | >> _trying to settle into a "lowest energy state"
             | possible?_
             | What if its actually the reverse: Its attempting and
             | succeeding to be the most it can be given the eddy of
             | forces around it - the particle is "becoming" - not
             | "falling apart"
             | sethhovestol wrote:
             | It is the case that particles always try to settle into the
             | lowest energy, and the more options they have the faster.
             | We may be able to engineer places where they're stable,
             | like in the example from my grandparent of a neutron. They
             | are unstable since their mass is greater than the mass of a
             | proton and an electron combined, but they're stable in all
             | common elements we're used to. So much so that we think of
             | radioactive elements as the exception, but (mostly) all
             | that's happening there (in beta decay) is a neutron
             | decaying. I'm not an expert, but I'd imagine making a
             | stable situation for a heavier particle much harder than
             | just making an atom, and the fine grained control is even
             | hard still.
             | chriswarbo wrote:
             | > Is it the case that a given particle is trying to settle
             | into a "lowest energy state" possible?
             | It's more accurate to think of the energy "spreading out"
             | (remember that mass is a form of energy too, since E=mc^2).
             | The energy can rearrange (subject to conservation laws),
             | between being one massive particle, or several lighter ones
             | (in fact there's a superposition of possibilities, because
             | quantum).
             |  _In principle_ the probability of switching back-and-forth
             | is equal, e.g. the probability of particle A decaying into
             | a B+C pair, is identical to the probability of a B+C
             | collision producing an A. However, most of the directions
             | those light particles can take will result in them _flying
             | apart_ rather than colliding; that spreads out the energy,
             | so it can no longer switch back into the massive particle
             | configuration.
             | Note that this is essentially the first and second laws of
             | thermodynamics (energy is conserved, and concentrations
             | tend to "spread out" over time)
             | lisper wrote:
             | These are great questions!
             | > Is it the case that a given particle is trying to settle
             | into a "lowest energy state" possible?
             | Not exactly. Energy is conserved during these decays. In
             | fact, energy is conserved during all physical processes, so
             | the "lowest energy state possible" is a little bit of a
             | white lie. What makes it a white lie is that it is a very
             | good approximation to the truth for thermodynamic systems,
             | i.e. systems consisting of large numbers of particles. But
             | for quantum systems, it is no longer a good approximation.
             | In quantum systems, what happens is that you have a wave
             | function that describes all of the possible states a system
             | can be in. The more mass the system contains, the more
             | possible states there are in its wave function, and so the
             | more likely it is to end up in some state other than the
             | one it started out in.
             | It is even possible for the process of decay to reverse
             | itself, and for the constituent particles to come back
             | together and reconstruct the original, but for that to
             | happen all the constituents have to be brought back
             | together, so as a practical matter this never happens
             | spontaneously in nature. In fact, that is the whole reason
             | for building the LHC -- to make particles (protons) come
             | together and make high-mass systems which then decay in
             | interesting ways.
             | > are these particles, due to the number of options
             | available to them, decaying into the lightest stable
             | variant allowed by the laws of physics?
             | Not the lightest stable variant, just to one of the
             | possibilities described by that particle's wave function.
             | These will always be subject to the constraints of
             | conservation laws, so the decay products will always be
             | lighter than the original. But which particular set of
             | possible decay products is actually produced in any given
             | decay event is fundamentally random.
             | > if that is the case, then could we perhaps find ways to
             | engineer structures within which these particles last for a
             | whole lot longer than they should (on a human timescale)?
             | No. The wave functions for particles are fixed by nature.
             | They are what give particles their identities. They cannot
             | be engineered. The only thing that we can engineer is the
             | arrangement of particles. Particles are like Lego bricks.
             | You can stick them together in lots of different ways, but
             | you can't change the shape of a given brick. Sometimes
             | quantum Lego bricks fall apart spontaneously, but there is
             | no way to control that.
               | dotopotoro wrote:
               | If neutron is likely to decay into. Why protons dont
               | decay while being part of an atom?
               | (Wouldn't this be example of a structure that prevents
               | decaying?)
               | davrosthedalek wrote:
               | Neutrons don't decay while being part of a stable atom,
               | because the atom has actually less energy than the sum of
               | the constituents -- the difference is the binding energy.
               | Look at deuterium, for example. It has a mass of 2.0141
               | u. A proton alone is 1.0073 u, and a neutron is 1.0087 u.
               | Deuterium is lighter than the mass of proton + neutron.
               | It's also slightly lighter than two protons, so the
               | neutron cannot decay without external energy input.
               | wyager wrote:
               | This is a direct counter-example to the claim that we
               | cannot engineer a situation where a particle lasts longer
               | than it would in its free state.
               | DiggyJohnson wrote:
               | This comment caps off an exceedingly educational thread
               | of questions and answers.
               | at_a_remove wrote:
               | No. Protons weigh less than neutrons. What will your
               | proton decay into?
               | Be careful to remember your conservation of baryon number
               | when listing your options!
               | dotopotoro wrote:
               | Edit: If neutron is likely to decay into. Why *neutrons*
               | dont decay while being part of an atom? (Wouldn't this be
               | example of a structure that prevents decaying?)
               | lisper wrote:
               | https://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-
               | posts/particle-ph...
               | Gerard0 wrote:
               | I wished I had a friend like you so I could hear these
               | things!
               | ngcc_hk wrote:
               | I thought in q field theory there is on a fundamentally
               | level no particle. They are artificial excite state in a
               | field. Hence the all possible state possibly as it is not
               | the particle as this is already in a state, but a wave.
               | The interaction of fields ... wonder if we reframe the q
               | as CSB we have or find new operators to ...
               | lisper wrote:
               | > I thought in q field theory there is on a fundamentally
               | level no particle. They are artificial excite state in a
               | field.
               | That is correct. "Particle" is another one of those
               | "white lies."
               | https://arxiv.org/abs/1204.4616
           | H8crilA wrote:
           | What kind of haste are we talking about here? Is it
           | nanoseconds, or even faster?
             | at_a_remove wrote:
             | Depends entirely on the particle. A free neutron might have
             | a half life of around twenty minutes. These pentaquark
             | particles, well, nanoseconds are too long to describe, by
             | about ten orders of magnitude.
             | Some of the heavy elements assembled in colliders are
             | described as decaying so quickly that _one_ side of the
             | nucleus is coming together even as the other side is
             | disintegrating, a sort of brief wave of existence traveling
             | at nearly the speed of light across this thing that has
             | been forced together and wants to fly apart.
             | kibwen wrote:
             | Well, technically yes. 0.0000000000001 nanoseconds, to be
             | semi-precise. :P
             | (Or at least, that's the magnitude of a Higgs boson decay,
             | about 160 yoctoseconds.)
               | H8crilA wrote:
               | Lol, that's a lot faster than I thought.
               | To save some googling: about 10^-22 seconds for a Higgs
               | boson decay. Whe a nanosecond, one tick in a 1GHz clock,
               | is 10^-9 seconds.
             | shagie wrote:
             | An example of something considered to be "slow" is the
             | muon. You could kind of thinking of it as a heavy electron
             | (though that hand waves away a _lot_ ). It has a mean
             | lifetime of 2.2 ms - which is fairly slow.
             | Also note that they're not rare and there's a fair bit of
             | neat science behind that too.
             | > About 10,000 muons reach every square meter of the
             | earth's surface a minute
             | (from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/muons-for-
             | peace/ ).
             | There's also neat stuff with time dilation and muons (
             | http://hyperphysics.phy-
             | astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Relativ/muon.html ) - there should be
             | far fewer observed muons at the surface if muons didn't
             | experience time dilation from their relativistic speeds.
             | > The historical experiment upon which the model muon
             | experiment is based was performed by Rossi and Hall in
             | 1941. They measured the flux of muons at a location on Mt
             | Washington in New Hampshire at about 2000 m altitude and
             | also at the base of the mountain. They found the ratio of
             | the muon flux was 1.4, whereas the ratio should have been
             | about 22 even if the muons were traveling at the speed of
             | light, using the muon half-life of 1.56 microseconds. When
             | the time dilation relationship was applied, the result
             | could be explained if the muons were traveling at 0.994 c.
             | (note: mean lifetime and half-life are different numbers)
             | The thing here is that 2.2 ms is slow, but even with
             | something that is that fast (on a human scale), there's a
             | lot of neat science that can be done with them. They've
             | even made muonic atoms (where the electron is replaced by a
             | muon) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotic_atom ... and
             | _that_ leads to possibilities on lowering fusion
             | temperature ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muon-
             | catalyzed_fusion ) because the muon is much closer to the
             | nucleus in its ground state.
         | chicX wrote:
         | These particles are hadrons held together by the strong force.
         | They all contain charm or strange quarks which are relatively
         | heavy, and via the weak interactions, they can decay to hadrons
         | containing light quarks. Because of the large mass difference
         | between the charm and strange compared with the light quarks,
         | it's unlikely that any of these will be stable.
         | Lone neutrons are unstable, they decay in about 15 minutes to
         | lighter particles. They have only a few MeV mass difference to
         | the stable final state (the proton + electron + anti-neutrino).
         | For comparison, these particles are 2000+ MeV above their
         | ground states so they decay pretty quickly.
           | [deleted]
           | ClumsyPilot wrote:
           | sicne neutrons are stable in a neucleous, is it possible that
           | there is any atom-like structure that is stable that contains
           | at least one 'abnormal' particle, like a bozon, or any
           | 'large' particle made of quarks that is not a proton or
           | neutron?
         | dariusj18 wrote:
         | It'd be cool if they could be created and combined in specific
         | combinations and quantities to create new particles that
         | wouldn't exist due to natural formation. Sounds like a good
         | sci-fi mechanic, creating new particles without the Higgs Boson
         | to facilitate FTL or at least some sort of anti-gravity.
           | simiones wrote:
           | Note that the Higgs Boson has no part in the mass (and
           | presumably gravitational interaction) of elementary fermions
           | like quarks or electrons, and even less to do with the mass
           | of hadrons (whose mass is the mass of quarks + the mass of
           | the extraordinary amount of energy sticking the quarks
           | together, which dwarfs the mass of the quarks by ~100:1).
           | Even if all elementary particles were massless, protons,
           | nuclei, and atoms would still have most of the mass they have
           | today (though of course many other interactions would be very
           | different indeed).
             | gnomewascool wrote:
             | > Note that the Higgs Boson has no part in the mass (and
             | presumably gravitational interaction) of elementary
             | fermions like quarks or electrons
             | This is incorrect -- the coupling with the Higgs field is
             | responsible for the rest mass of electrons and isolated
             | quarks.
             | > and even less to do with the mass of hadrons
             | Yes, this is true -- the contribution of the separate
             | masses of the constituent quarks to the mass of hadrons is
             | small, like you write.
             | jamincan wrote:
             | What is the Higgs Boson responsible for if it's not
             | involved in the mass of fermions or hadrons?
               | simiones wrote:
               | The mass of the massive gauge bosons, the W and Z bosons.
               | Edit: there is an excellent in-depth (but math-light)
               | explanation about the Higgs mechanism by Leonard
               | Susskind. I highly recommend it if you are interested, it
               | lasts about 1h (plus some Q&A) and is extremely
               | approachable, while being presented by an established
               | authority in the field.
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqNg819PiZY
               | gmadsen wrote:
               | unless im wrong (im not a physicist) interaction with the
               | higgs field does give a none zero amount of mass to
               | quarks. but the vast majority of mass of a proton ~99% is
               | due to the energy in the gluon field
         | willis936 wrote:
         | On the surface they might not seem useful, but these
         | discoveries develop sub-atomic models, which help predict
         | atomic, and in turn molecular, models, which helps materials
         | research. There are countless materials we haven't
         | discovered/invented yet. We don't know how far we can push it.
           | moonchrome wrote:
           | > On the surface they might not seem useful, but these
           | discoveries develop sub-atomic models, which help predict
           | atomic, and in turn molecular, models
           | If those models had predictive power that translates to
           | atomic scale you wouldn't need a multibillion collider to
           | prove them.
             | paskozdilar wrote:
             | If those models didn't have predictive power that
             | translates to atomic scale, nobody would give them billions
             | for a collider to prove them.
             | gus_massa wrote:
             | I 99.99% agree.
             | One of the few molecular level effects that depends on the
             | virtual particles that are important in the standard model
             | is the Lamb shift https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamb_shift
             | In this case the virtual particle is a virtual photon, not
             | a virtual weird particle, so it's just scratching the
             | standard model.
             | I'm not sure if the g-2 Anomalous magnetic dipole moment of
             | electrons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anomalous_magnetic_
             | dipole_mome... can be measured with a cheap equipment.
           | morbia wrote:
           | I'm not aware of any predictive power the standard model has
           | over nuclear physics and atomic physics directly. In
           | principle, yes the standard model _should_ be able to predict
           | things at those energy scales, in practice no one has a clue
           | how.
           | To use a more relatable analogy, it's a bit like using
           | quantum mechanics to build a skyscraper. In principle it
           | should be possible, it practice it is incalculable. Newtonian
           | physics does the job fine in that scenario.
             | snovv_crash wrote:
             | You use the quantum mechanics to design the graphene
             | conformation that yield the best loads, and then infuse the
             | concrete in your skyscraper with the graphene. Everything
             | needs abstraction layers otherwise of course the complexity
             | becomes mindboggling.
               | dangerlibrary wrote:
               | As I understand it, this is not really how most practical
               | materials research is done today. Bridging the "scale
               | gap" between nano-scale research, micro-scale research,
               | etc. up to something the size of a foundation for a
               | skyscraper is very hard (read: almost impossible) right
               | now. Those nano-scale research areas are pretty siloed
               | and only in extreme cases like transistor manufacturing
               | is there any meaningful overlap with production use
               | cases.
               | In general, materials researchers for something like
               | concrete are going to be better off exploring the (very
               | large!) high dimensional space of possible formulations
               | of existing concrete ingredients and pushing out the
               | pareto frontier for the best possible concrete that way.
               | Also, one probably shouldn't be using bleeding-edge
               | concrete tech for a skyscraper foundation - in a safety
               | critical application like that you just build it 1.2x
               | bigger than you need and it'll still be much cheaper and
               | safer than a process like what you just described.
               | Materials research is super interesting, though, even if
               | it's not building up from quantum-particle scale
               | research. And atomic / molecular features of inputs can
               | yield interesting material candidates.
               | Source: I work (as a software dev, not a materials
               | researcher) at Citrine Informatics, selling software to
               | assist companies who are trying to do practical materials
               | things like make better concrete.
               | marcosdumay wrote:
               | Your metaphor simply doesn't reflect the reality.
               | Material sciences, condensed matter physics, chemistry
               | and etc work up from the abstraction layer of "atoms".
               | It's a quite well defined and relevant layer. So, until
               | that work brings some different configuration1 for atoms,
               | they will have no impact at all.
               | 1 - It doesn't need to be as new elements, but even for
               | the resonance between the nucleus and electrosphere they
               | didn't create anything new, and only things affecting the
               | electrosphere matter. (Even then, they didn't create
               | anything new on a nucleus either.)
             | peteradio wrote:
             | If you wanted to build a skyscraper taking into account
             | quantum mechanics then maybe you are hoping to induce a
             | scaled quantum mechanic effect? Perhaps in the ultra-modern
             | evolution of buildings the structure of the building itself
             | will have a communication aspect associated with its
             | natural largess and to accomplish this quantum mechanics is
             | used to derive the appropriate building structure. Just
             | because it sounds far-fetched or hard doesn't mean it won't
             | be humdrum engineering decades or a century in the future.
             | It all starts somewhere.
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | > We don't know how far we can push it.
           | Like all things in science has any stopped to think if we
           | should push it?
             | bettysdiagnose wrote:
             | Yes, certainly, this isn't Jurassic Park.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | You reply in jest, but I'm not asking to be funny with a
               | movie reference.
               | We see it day in and day out where science has developed
               | something without slowing down to do research into the
               | affects other than the one they are scoped in on while
               | making what they are making. I'm specifically thinking of
               | the new chemical sciences that have brought out some
               | formulas that are great at a specific thing, but are
               | absolutely tragic to nature in so many more ways. The
               | science shows these chemicals to be tragically toxic, yet
               | that info gets shoved in a drawer so inventors can make
               | money.
               | Great, we made something, but we should be able to say
               | thanks but no thanks. Let's put that in the column of
               | good idea, good science tech to achieve, but best left
               | alone. Take that learning and try to achieve the
               | samething in a different manner so that it doesn't kill
               | everything else.
               | empi wrote:
               | There's a clear difference between discovery/development
               | and practical application. The latter is not a problem of
               | science.
               | Shelving discoveries based on the perceived effect they
               | (could) have (who would even evaluate that?) is a
               | slippery slope if I ever seen one.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | >Shelving discoveries based on the perceived effect they
               | (could) have (who would even evaluate that?) is a
               | slippery slope if I ever seen one.
               | This is precisely what _should_ happen though. We made
               | ICE powered cars that used leaded gasoline because
               | reasons, but the results of that were horrible for
               | everything except the ICE. We shelved that tech because
               | it was just bad.
               | We've shelved the widespread use of lead in paint. We've
               | shelved the widespread use of asbestos in lots of things.
               | There's nothing wrong with realizing the juice isn't
               | worth the squeeze. We know that it is something that
               | happens. Sometimes we make something that comes with a
               | heavy cost. Obviously we don't have a way to know that
               | until it exists. Then again, we should be able to start
               | recognizing that particular chemical chains results in
               | bad things so we should be super careful with the new
               | thing because it is looks like something we've seen
               | before. We can do this with virus and what not. Why not
               | with chemistry?
               | echelon wrote:
               | > There's nothing wrong with realizing the juice isn't
               | worth the squeeze.
               | The LHC employs a lot of people working on smart things.
               | CERN gave rise to the world wide web and there are many
               | other innovations in computing, construction, and theory
               | that come from the work being done there.
               | > The Large Hadron Collider took about a decade to
               | construct, for a total cost of about $4.75 billion. [1]
               | > Since the opening of Mercedes-Benz Stadium in 2017, the
               | Falcons organization has publicly pegged the cost of the
               | building at $1.5 billion [2]
               | It's the same order of magnitude of cost as a sports
               | stadium. It's a tiny slice of the worldwide economy.
               | We don't know where the key discoveries in "theory state
               | space" are, so we continue to search. Finding the right
               | evidence or surprises could lead to rapid changes in how
               | we think and view the universe.
               | I'm sure some medieval people must have found scientific
               | tinkerers wasteful as well.
               | Diversification of investment is good. It's not like all
               | research dollars are going to high energy physics.
               | [1]
               | https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2012/07/05/how-
               | much-d...
               | [2] https://www.ajc.com/sports/atlanta-falcons/mercedes-
               | benz-sta...
               | JackFr wrote:
               | > The science shows these chemicals to be tragically
               | toxic
               | I doubt that the science can show a compound to be
               | tragically toxic any more than it could show a compound
               | to be hilariously toxic, frightenly toxic or delightfully
               | toxic.
               | Apart from an observer, who is typically human (though
               | sometimes in our mind an athropomorphized animal or
               | superhuman deity) I'm not sure anything in nature can be
               | tragic. It just is. No one mourns the trilobites.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | You say that, but it _should_ be part of the creating of
               | something new. It should be studied to see what negative
               | effects it has. We have enough collective knowledge to
               | know that even when things are created to do good, some
               | negative things sometimes occur. It 's not beyond
               | reasonable to have the new thing tested in these negative
               | reactions as well.
             | optimalsolver wrote:
             | Obligatory:
             | http://dresdencodak.com/2009/09/22/caveman-science-fiction/
       | tonymet wrote:
       | can someone explain where Cern gets the $50B+ to build and
       | operate the LHC? their discoveries have a dubious theoretical and
       | practically zero commercial application. there must be a hidden
       | weapons / military application to justify a massive money hole
         | jamesmaniscalco wrote:
         | You are off by a factor of ten [0].
         | [0] https://home.cern/resources/faqs/facts-and-figures-about-
         | lhc
         | sampo wrote:
         | It's been a tradition for 90 years now.
         | Since first "high energy" particle accelerator in 1932, we have
         | used particle accelerator to smash and study subatomic
         | particles. First we found a whole zoo of them, but then 1961
         | Gell-Mann's quark model explained how all those subatomic
         | particles are not elementary particles, but made of various
         | combinations of quarks.
         | From 1975 we've had the standard model of particle physics, and
         | after 2012 with the experimental discovery of the Higgs boson,
         | now we've found all the particles in the standard model. But
         | the road up to 2012 was: Keep building bigger accelerators,
         | keep adding more energy, keep finding new particles. Why stop
         | now?
         | Some skeptics say that now we have maybe found them all. And we
         | don't have a good theory that would predict new particles, so
         | maybe we won't find new elementary particles, no matter how we
         | go on. Maybe we should pause and reconsider. Work on new
         | theories.
         | But, we also have theories: Supersymmetry, and string theory.
         | Supersymmetry predicts the existence of the superpartners of
         | all the 17 elementary particles. Maybe their discovery is just
         | behind the corner, if we just keep going? Or maybe
         | supersymmetry is wrong, and the superpartners don't exist at
         | all.
         | Timeline of discoveries of the elementary particles:
         | 1800-1895 photon         1897 electron         1937 muon
         | 1956 electron neutrino         1962 muon neutrino         1969
         | down quark         1969 strange quark         1969 up quark
         | 1974 charm quark         1975 tau         1977 bottom quark
         | 1979 gluon         1983 W boson         1983 Z boson
         | 1995 top quark         2000 tau neutrino         2012 higgs
       | pbhjpbhj wrote:
       | Discovers? Or invents? I've only studied particle physics at
       | undergrad level but strikes me that these tetraquarks and
       | pentaquarks could be combinations never created by any [other]
       | natural process.
         | davrosthedalek wrote:
         | There are cosmic rays of almost arbitrary energy, collisions
         | like the ones at LHC are happening all the time in the
         | universe. So surely these particles will have been created
         | before somewhere else.
         | [deleted]
         | tsimionescu wrote:
         | By my understanding, the LHC isn't doing anything different
         | from what's happening in the upper atmosphere every
         | microsecond, when solar rays are hitting the Earth; except that
         | the LHC is much lower energy than some of those collisions.
           | easygenes wrote:
           | Yep, there's a class of thing called UHECR (Ultra-High Energy
           | Cosmic Rays). We still have barely a clue what generates
           | them, but they hit our atmosphere with roughly ten million
           | times the energy of what LHC can muster.
             | lumost wrote:
             | Isn't it more accurate to say we don't know their primary
             | sources? It's extremely likely that the are generated in
             | stellar processes and black hole ejects, no?
               | semi-extrinsic wrote:
               | I mean, saying something in the universe is generated in
               | a stellar process is borderline tautological, no? We are
               | all stardust and we derive all our energy from the sun,
               | after all.
               | shagie wrote:
               | Kind of... maybe... there are some interesting problems
               | with various sources.
               | First, not sure about the process that generates them.
               | Saying "they came from an active galactic nuclei is ok...
               | but _how_ did they get accelerated to such energies?
               | The next problem is that being so highly energetic, they
               | should be interacting with the cosmic background
               | radiation if they're traveling about 160 mLy which would
               | drain off some energy (
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greisen-Zatsepin-
               | Kuzmin_limit ) and there are some observations that
               | appear in violation of that limit (
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh-My-God_particle )
               | https://www.quantamagazine.org/cosmic-map-of-ultrahigh-
               | energ... is also interesting to look at (very neat
               | visualization).
               | Part of the problem is that we're not entirely sure what
               | they're made of. Most theories have been working on the
               | "they're protons" assumption, but other approaches with
               | having them be heavier nuclei means that they don't need
               | to travel as fast to have the same amount of energy
               | (which also changes the equation for the GZK limit as
               | that applies to protons).
               | lumost wrote:
               | Thanks this makes sense, My underlying assumption was
               | that a typical star has magnetic acceleration paths which
               | have many orders of magnitude more energy than the LHC
               | (Many intentionally used ambiguously as I have not done
               | the math).
               | I suppose given the energies involved, we would need to
               | observationally ascertain where in the sky the cosmic
               | rays come from in order to put bounds on how they were
               | made and what they are made of.
               | Do yo know of any efforts to observe cosmic ray sources
               | or build a cosmic ray telescope?
               | shagie wrote:
               | > ... we would need to observationally ascertain where in
               | the sky the cosmic rays come from in order to put bounds
               | on how they were made and what they are made of.
               | This is part of the challenge - the map of where they are
               | hint at some hot spots (
               | https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/cosmic-rays-
               | hint-... ) but as these are charged particles (not light)
               | the path that they follow isn't necessarily a "draw a
               | straight like back to the source"
               | > Do yo know of any efforts to observe cosmic ray sources
               | or build a cosmic ray telescope?
               | We don't directly observe the cosmic rays, but rather the
               | cascade of particles that they make as they crash through
               | the atmosphere.
               | There are several different approaches to this.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic-ray_observatory
               | For example, there's Ice Cube ( https://en.wikipedia.org/
               | wiki/IceCube_Neutrino_Observatory ) and a visualization
               | of some of its results - https://youtu.be/2DDQYHIbL3Q and
               | https://youtu.be/rSwbL2coz_Y
               | Another cosmic ray observatory - https://www.auger.org //
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Auger_Observatory
               | > But since these high energy particles have an estimated
               | arrival rate of just 1 per km2 per century, the Auger
               | Observatory has created a detection area of 3,000 km2
               | (1,200 sq mi)--the size of Rhode Island, or Luxembourg--
               | in order to record a large number of these events. It is
               | located in the western Mendoza Province, Argentina, near
               | the Andes.
               | Pierre Auger is looking at air showers -
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_shower_(physics)
               | ---
               | I'd also suggest checking out PBS Space Time (in general)
               | and in particular this episode - The Oh My God Particle -
               | https://youtu.be/osvOr5wbkUw
             | jug wrote:
             | Could it simply be far travelled gamma-ray bursts? Not sure
             | how it works, if tiny bits of them towards Earth can
             | survive very far, without far less likely extinction
             | events. Just trying to think of extremely energetic
             | sources...
             | Of course, we aren't entirely sure of what GRB's come from
             | _either_ :D
               | metalliqaz wrote:
               | no they aren't gamma rays
           | jug wrote:
           | I have to keep reminding me of this! We're here down on Earth
           | looking for ways to push science further and reconcile the
           | quantum world with the Standard Model, while the atmosphere
           | may already produce things like gravitons or some exotic
           | version of Supersymmetry that demands higher energies than
           | expected.
             | turbinerneiter wrote:
             | So we just need to lift the measurement equipment into the
             | upper atmosphere and wait :D
               | snowwrestler wrote:
               | You joke, but before powerful particle accelerators,
               | physicists really did just lift detectors higher into the
               | atmosphere--either on planes or by carrying them up very
               | tall mountains.
               | turbinerneiter wrote:
               | I know of some high altitude balloon and satellite
               | experiments as well. I guess size and weight are a
               | limiting factor to what one can detect with those.
           | FredPret wrote:
           | So we should build the Even Larger Hadron Collider? (I vote
           | yes to use my tax dollars for this)
           | ars wrote:
           | It's not exactly the same - the energy of solar rays is
           | higher, but the residual momentum is a problem. Most of the
           | available energy is needed to conserve momentum in the final
           | product, unlike the LHC which collides two particles moving
           | in opposite directions, leaving all kinetic energy available.
           | ufmace wrote:
           | Yup. The main advantage of the LHC is that they're happening
           | right in the middle of a giant sophisticated detector and at
           | known energy and timing.
       | peteradio wrote:
       | LHCb != LHC
       | LHCb refers to the specific detector and group responsible for
       | measurements related to b-quark.
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | Space marketing is tough as it is with space station updates,
       | rovers, Mars etc from NASA et al, but this is just a whole other
       | struggle. Is the general public supposed to care about the LHC
       | starting up again etc? Higgs Boson was a total 'meh' moment ten
       | years ago after a bit of hype. I suppose particle physics etc is
       | just too obscure.
       | immmmmm wrote:
       | composite particles: quarks and gluons in weird configuration :)
       | still the desert otherwise, a higgs and nothing else :(
       | OseArp wrote:
       | It may need clarifying that "exotic hadron" simply and
       | specifically means "hadron with more than three quarks." What's
       | being reproted is finding new particles belonging to a family
       | that already has several known members.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotic_hadron
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