[HN Gopher] Defensive CSS
       Defensive CSS
       Author : jacobr
       Score  : 233 points
       Date   : 2022-07-05 06:18 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (defensivecss.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (defensivecss.dev)
       | thex10 wrote:
       | I will trust any CSS content from Ahmad Shadeed, I am continually
       | impressed and I've been developing CSS my whole career.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | Agreed. It's one of the few CSS related blogs I'm subscribed to
         | via RSS.
         | earthboundkid wrote:
         | Seconded.
       | Dan42 wrote:
       | Ok, the first thing I looked at is "long content"
       | https://defensivecss.dev/tip/long-content/ and here they
       | recommend to just clip it. Because who cares about content right?
       | Who cares if the partial content you display is useless, as long
       | as it looks good. And that's the kind of tip everyone here is
       | applauding. I would like to say webdesign is in a sorry state
       | nowawadays, except it was also that way 20 years ago. Maybe this
       | "who cares about the content" attitude is inherent to web
       | designers? Sorry if I sound blase or cynical, but one gets tired
       | after long enough of this.
         | jeffxtreme wrote:
         | IMHO, I like the original better than the after too.
         | However, I did think this was a handy feature to point out,
         | just probably not the best example.
         | wnevets wrote:
         | What a odd one to single out and complain about it.
         | webstrand wrote:
         | But that's only one of the tips, the rest of the tips are about
         | adapting to arbitrary screen size and content without visually
         | breaking?
         | Sometimes you just have to clip user-generated content, though,
         | because you can't tell the user to "make sure the label
         | succinct enough to fit in this menu." The user will do as they
         | please, and the layout must adapt or break. What alternative is
         | there?
         | Sure, you could limit the length of the user-generated label
         | ahead of time. But that'll only work for one combination of
         | font-face and root font-size. The user-agent can override the
         | font-face and the root font-size, potentially causing your
         | layout to break. So, once again, you're left with two options:
         | clip the text, or let your layout break (text wrapping where it
         | shouldn't, overflowing text, etc). At least with `text-
         | overflow: ellipsis` if the user-generated label _doesn't_
         | overflow, it doesn't get clipped.
           | rmbyrro wrote:
           | Clipping shouldn't be done at the design level.
           | This is an application logic concern.
           | If the application did not impose a character limit, or
           | imposed a large one, the design must accommodate this
           | freedom.
             | webstrand wrote:
             | But what about user-agents that override font-face and
             | font-size? Those are important accessibility features for
             | people with poor vision or dyslexia.
             | Without knowing the rendered width of the text string, you
             | can't limit the text ahead of time. Or are you saying that
             | all designs that can't accommodate text-wrapping should be
             | avoided?
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | For me the 'more' button doesn't work properly so that's a
         | bummer.
         | But breaking designs with too much text can really lower the
         | perceived quality and the readability and navigation. Often you
         | would use a technique like that to preserve a 2d aligned
         | grid/table/cell/matrix/cards like design, where the overall
         | structure is really more about seeing things in context and in
         | relation to each other. Having uniform spacing really helps
         | there. If you break the 2d alignment the overall structure
         | becomes wiggly and distracting.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I used to say there are two kinds of UI designers: the ones who
         | care about the interface, and the ones who care about the user.
         | Then we renamed it UX, trying to make both words about the
         | user, and while I have spent less time navigating the post-
         | rename world than I did the pre-rename world, my understanding
         | of both human nature and the tech news cycle tells me that
         | basically nothing changed.
         | Just like calling it Software Engineering didn't stop people
         | from YOLOing spaghetti code and gambling on musical chairs or
         | an air of obliviousness to get them out of the blast radius.
         | [deleted]
       | Bolkan wrote:
       | A good offence is the best defence, which is why I prefer
       | offensive CSS.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | That's a very !important statement right there.
       | BiosElement wrote:
       | Really love the togglable examples. It's often hard to imagine
       | how a change look and while in a perfect world I'd have time to
       | make a mockup to test each version, well, it's hardly a perfect
       | world so examples are appreciated!
       | thealistra wrote:
       | Those negative examples don't work for me on Safari, I can't drag
       | the frame small enough to trigger the bad examples - it seems not
       | to allow it.
       | So tbh the content looks good for me in both bad and defensive
       | cases
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | This page needs one sentence at the top that explains what
       | Defensive CSS is. "Future proof interfaces" is far too vague (or
       | maybe I'm not smart!)
       | I went to the "Introduction To" article but it began reading like
       | a cooking recipe story.
       | The page is otherwise very elegant.
       | pseudosavant wrote:
       | I figured I would share this CSS variable technique I learned
       | here. Tying DOM events into becoming CSS variables can be very
       | powerful.
       | https://dom-event-to-css-variable.glitch.me/
       | https://github.com/pseudosavant/dom-event-to-css-variable.js
       | flanbiscuit wrote:
       | Previous discussion:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29504784
       | Not the same exact link but same author. Looks like he turned his
       | post into a full-blown site.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | Wow this is great. I could have _really_ used some of these
       | examples a few days ago.
       | CSS grid combined with media queries feels like cheating to me.
       | Am I missing something big here, or is this all safe to use in
       | 2022?
         | numlock86 wrote:
         | Media queries have been safe for over a decade. If you feel
         | uneasy with grids and/or still want to support ancient Internet
         | Explorer versions just use flexbox instead.
         | pseudosavant wrote:
         | CSS Grid is that amazing. I hadn't looked into it much for a
         | while because I had already adopted flexbox, but grid is so
         | much better for most scenarios I encounter.
         | CSS Grid + CSS Variables really take CSS to another level.
         | chiefalchemist wrote:
         | This is worth the price ;)
         | Aside from the Grid-centric lessons, the Grid v Flexbox is
         | worth watching more than once.
         | https://cssgrid.io/
         | open-source-ux wrote:
         | " _Am I missing something big here, or is this all safe to use
         | in 2022?_ "
         | CSS Grid has been safe for use for a few years now (if you're
         | supporting modern browsers).
         | https://caniuse.com/mdn-css_properties_display_grid
         | The problem is that popular frameworks like Bootstrap and Bulma
         | still don't support CSS Grid (they use flexbox only for
         | layout).
         | It's ironic that developers have rightly complained how
         | cumbersome CSS layout has been in the past. Now we have CSS
         | Grid - and yet developers still aren't using it.
           | dgb23 wrote:
           | I think the "issue" is that CSS grid is already powerful and
           | expressive enough so that you don't really need something
           | like Bootstrap/Bulma to get in the way. They would simply
           | rename stuff and be a useless middleman. I don't think even
           | utility/functional CSS frameworks like Tailwind do much with
           | CSS grid (not sure). It's that good.
       | remi wrote:
       | Reminds me of the classic CSS book (2005?) by Dan Cederholm:
       | https://www.amazon.com/Bulletproof-Web-Design-flexibility-pr...
       | partiallypro wrote:
       | Most of these are pure common sense if you are apt with CSS.
       | However, one problem mentioned here is vendor prefix grouping.
       | I've never experienced this problem or seen a grouped prefix
       | ignored by any browser. Autoprefixer doesn't even ungroup prefix
       | rules. I even ran a grouped prefix through W3C validator and came
       | away validated, though the article mentions it's not W3C
       | compliant.
         | have_faith wrote:
         | Input placeholder vendor prefixes had to be ungrouped last time
         | I checked. Wouldn't work when together is a couple browsers but
         | I forget which.
         | iamben wrote:
         | > Most of these are pure common sense if you are apt with CSS.
         | I see SO many designers/devs that absolutely do not think of
         | these things. The minute the design is being used 'for real' it
         | becomes messy _real_ quick.
         | easrng wrote:
         | I ran in to this with ::-webkit-progress-bar and ::-webkit-
         | progress-value. Also it turns out you can't animate them, so I
         | had to put the animation on the progress element and manually
         | inherit it on the tree of psuedoelements to get the animation I
         | wanted working.
       | Cloudef wrote:
       | As someone who is not very good at UX / frontend, and especially
       | CSS, these kind of tips are very good.
       | simonw wrote:
       | Suggestion for the breadcrumb example on this page (and other
       | examples like it): https://defensivecss.dev/tip/flexbox-
       | wrapping/#breadcrumbs
       | Show the HTML and CSS for the example in plain text below the
       | example - saves me from firing up the browser inspector tools,
       | which aren't available if I'm browsing on my phone.
       | mrcartmeneses wrote:
       | Some really nice tips here.
       | spoils19 wrote:
       | It's crazy that there's so much extra cruft when it comes to
       | crafting web interfaces when a CLI is most often the most
       | powerful and easiest way to get a job done. Am I just taking
       | crazy pills?
         | jakearmitage wrote:
         | The real crazy thing is that Delphi/VB got UIs right in the 90s
         | and the JS folks keep reinventing everything.
           | asciiresort wrote:
           | What are examples of successful Delphi/VB UIs?
           | drath wrote:
           | Did it, though? I don't think I've used a Delphi/VB-based
           | application like... ever? I've made some myself back in the
           | day and fiddled around with my friend's university
           | assigments, but I can't think of any real world application
           | using it. Maybe you have some examples?
         | FinalBriefing wrote:
         | How do you write a CLI tool for viewing a photo album? Would
         | Netflex be better suited as a CLI-only interface?
           | danogentili wrote:
           | imv *jpg :)
         | madeofpalk wrote:
         | Did you post this from a CLI?
         | lordnacho wrote:
       | jakearmitage wrote:
       | I constantly struggle with CSS grids when compared to, say, just
       | using Bootstrap. I know Bootstrap comes with a lot of baggage,
       | but the syntactic sugar is just so useful.
         | chiefalchemist wrote:
         | I mentioned this above. But in case you don't see it.
         | https://cssgrid.io/
       | distantsounds wrote:
       | CSS3 got approved in 2006 and now we are at the point where we
       | have to treat the language like it's fighting against us. Quality
       | work the consortium has done in the past 15 years, eh?
         | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | That's not what the site is about at all.
         | It's "defensive" in the same sense as "defensive programming":
         | handling possible future / edge cases gracefully.
           | distantsounds wrote:
           | the fact you can set a CSS version in your code, and have it
           | not act as it did when that version was originally
           | standardized, is exactly what being "defensive" is about. the
           | code you wrote years ago doesn't work anymore because the
           | browsers have decided to do things differently now.
           | and yet I can run applications from 30 years ago and it will
           | still function as it once did. no hacks or code changes
           | required.
           | you shouldn't have to "future proof" source code against an
           | outside entity just coming in and breaking it all. especially
           | when it's supposed to be an open standard.
       (page generated 2022-07-06 23:00 UTC)