[HN Gopher] HN Is Up Again
       HN Is Up Again
       Author : tpmx
       Score  : 732 points
       Date   : 2022-07-08 20:30 UTC (2 hours ago)
       | cryptoz wrote:
       | Obligatory "can't wait for postmortem" comment
       | lnalx wrote:
       | I finally started to have a social life... it didn't last.
       | joshstrange wrote:
       | I don't think I had ever fully internalized how often I open this
       | site throughout the day. Finish a task? HN. Got frustrated/stuck
       | on a problem? HN break. Waiting for something to
       | install/upload/compile/etc? HN.
       | Needless to say I opened a new tab, typed "n", and hit enter
       | countless times today before my brain caught up with my muscle
       | memory.
         | m4tthumphrey wrote:
         | I realised this today too. I imagine pretty much all of us are
         | the same!
         | beckingz wrote:
         | Makes you appreciate the noprocrast mode feature.
           | m4tthumphrey wrote:
           | Tried it once, never again!
             | divbzero wrote:
             | I set the delay to 1 minute: Short enough that I can wait
             | if I _really_ need to read a thread, but long enough to
             | nudge me back to my primary task if I'm just browsing.
             | function_seven wrote:
             | I've been meaning to try that feature. Will probably check
             | it out next week.
               | Dnguyen wrote:
               | I see what you did there! haha
             | beckingz wrote:
             | Yeah the delirium tremens are rough.
           | [deleted]
           | BbzzbB wrote:
           | CTRL-SHIFT-n (or -p) -> n -> ENTER
             | grepfru_it wrote:
             | Ah the elusive PorN method
           | omoikane wrote:
           | Doesn't help users who are usually not logged in.
           | ... I might have been more productive than usual today.
         | Overtonwindow wrote:
         | HN is where I get the bulk of my news and information about
         | current thinking. I visit maybe several dozen times a day.
         | robrorcroptrer wrote:
         | Amen.
         | smcl wrote:
         | This happened last couple of times I switched laptops - my old
         | habit to visit "guardian.co.uk" by typing "guar" and hitting
         | enter no longer works because I've now accidentally searched
         | too many times for "guar" :D
           | johnnymellor wrote:
           | You can make the omnibox forget about URLs and search terms
           | you've used a lot by selecting them with the down key then
           | pressing Shift+Delete (https://superuser.com/a/189334).
             | sokoloff wrote:
             | Note that that doesn't seem to work if you have a bookmark
             | with that content (as it seems to find the bookmark, which
             | is reasonable behavior but caught me out when I was trying
             | to change the URL to an internal tool and didn't realize
             | why it wasn't working to delete the auto-complete).
             | GekkePrutser wrote:
             | Nice, doesn't seem to work on firefox though, guess it's
             | chrome only?
         | bragr wrote:
         | noprocrast exists for a reason :)
           | slategruen wrote:
           | Does it work even when you're logged out?
             | timeon wrote:
             | Even if it did. Second browser will help with the urge. But
             | it can help anyway. Some people just need the reminder.
         | teeceetime2 wrote:
         | went out of my way to leave lurk mode and log in just so I
         | could say "100% same experience for me"
         | cheesewhizemacs wrote:
         | > Needless to say I opened a new tab, typed "n", and hit enter
         | countless times today before my brain caught up with my muscle
         | memory.
         | I do this too, and it's because this site is an addictive slot
         | machine just like every other social networking site. I
         | actually really hate this website, but I'm here almost every
         | day, because I can't seem to break the habit. Neat. It's
         | probably because I have a common impulse control / executive
         | functioning disorder, and the way the front page works exploits
         | some bug in my brain.
         | Reddit does this to me too. I also hate Reddit.
           | autoexec wrote:
           | > I actually really hate this website
           | Why hate this site? Because it contains interesting/useful
           | content often enough to make you come back? That'd be a weird
           | reason to hate the site. I too have a common impulse
           | control/executive functioning disorder, but I don't hate the
           | things that it makes me vulnerable to. If I were feeling
           | resentful, I'd have to put the blame on my condition.
           | I don't have to ask why you hate reddit, the valid reasons
           | for hating reddit are myriad
           | bbkane wrote:
           | Others have mentioned browser add-ons / DNS providers who can
           | limit/blacklist sites. Maybe try one of those? The thing
           | that's worked best for me though is leaving my phone in
           | another room for a while or taking a walk without it.
           | msrenee wrote:
           | If it helps, I wouldn't say it's a disorder since it appears
           | that basically everyone has a habit like this. It's probably
           | a byproduct of some kind of adaptive advantage, but I don't
           | have it in me to speculate exactly what at the moment. The
           | only variable is what exactly you do automatically. Nowadays,
           | everyone has their app or web page. Before smartphones and
           | the internet being available everywhere, I remember my mentor
           | talking about quitting cigarettes. This was shortly after the
           | non-smoking section of the restaurant became the whole
           | restaurant. She said that part of why it was so hard to quit
           | was that even when she meant to cut back, she'd still find
           | herself a third of the way through a cigarette before she
           | realized that she'd lit one. I tear at the skin next to my
           | fingernails in addition to opening HN (which was what I
           | switched to when it became painfully obvious that Reddit was
           | both bad for me and run by bad people). I moved my ebook app
           | to the first screen on my phone and moved this app to a spot
           | where I wasn't used to finding it. I figured it might get me
           | to read more. What actually happened is that I started
           | absent-mindedly swiping to the second screen and opening up
           | the app.
           | It's a pretty universal issue. Companies are just getting
           | better at using it to their advantage.
         | xoa wrote:
         | I reference back to it for a lot of info too, which I guess I
         | should probably load more of into my own notes database. But
         | still today there were a bunch of saved comments I wanted to
         | re-read as reference multiple times, definitely noticeable to
         | miss it. Or alternatively if I'd grabbed the URLs for
         | everything I'm assuming the wayback machine probably archives
         | this pretty well. Perils of depending on the HNcloud service
         | :).
         | christophilus wrote:
         | Yep. Same. It says a lot about the quality of HN, I think.
         | Also, I can't remember the last time it was down. For a while,
         | I thought there _must_ be something wrong with my internet
         | connection or DNS config or something.
           | jwdunne wrote:
           | Me too! I was, shamefully, in the middle of work so had a
           | mini panic thinking my 5 min HN scroll was gonna become an
           | hour long battle with my connection!
           | ijidak wrote:
           | Haha. A building of ours in Canada lost internet at the same
           | time.
           | When I saw hn was down, I double-checked the news to see if a
           | major part of the internet had gone down.
           | butterNaN wrote:
           | Habitual usage doesn't necessarily correlate to quality, I'd
           | say. People who use Facebook/Twitter also have this sort of
           | muscle reflex developed over time.
           | That said, HN does have quality content and the signal/noise
           | is way better than sites designed specifically to keep you
           | addicted.
             | autoexec wrote:
             | It might not correlate to quality, but if the information
             | found at a website wasn't valued we wouldn't be constantly
             | pulling the site up, just like facebook users do.
             | I'd argue that this site has a good signal/noise ratio by
             | design and specifically to keep you addicted (where
             | "addicted" means using and constantly returning to the
             | site). This site is just designed to attract people who are
             | put off by the kinds of tricks employed elsewhere
           | devonbleak wrote:
           | Might have tried to curl it from a production system just to
           | make sure it wasn't my internet.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | I understood this reference.
               | 867-5309 wrote:
               | I didn't wget it
           | joncp wrote:
           | Indeed. I find that it's so reliable and fast that I use it
           | to check my internet connection. If I can't hit HN, then
           | something's wrong on my end.
             | andrepd wrote:
             | I use example.com for that purpose :p
               | autoexec wrote:
               | Wow, it works, but it really seems like it shouldn't. I'd
               | expected reserved domain names to not resolve at all let
               | alone be pingable and point at a working webserver. Has
               | it always had a website?
             | 40four wrote:
             | I assumed at first there was a problem with my mobile data
             | connection, before I realized it was actually HN :)
             | huevosabio wrote:
             | Same here. I thought the my internet was down or I was too
             | far from the router. HN being down was my last thought.
         | LoveMortuus wrote:
         | Ohh... I thought my phone was just being weird because I use an
         | AdBlock that works through VPN and it sometimes breaks stuff...
         | chrisshroba wrote:
         | I legitimately thought my internet was down for thirty minutes
         | until I decided to try google.
           | the_af wrote:
           | Same. HN is how I check my internet connection is working.
           | Took me a while to realize the problem wasn't my
           | connection...
         | Mixtape wrote:
         | I was in almost the exact same position all day. What made it
         | worse though was the fact that this happened right in the
         | middle of my attempts at curbing my browsing habits. Once my
         | app timers for Reddit is Fun, Instagram, and Twitter were up,
         | it was time for HN... except there was no HN. What that meant
         | is that I was reaching for a stimulus and then not getting it,
         | the same way that an alcoholic wouldn't feel satisfied by, say,
         | a can of soda. It was weird to experience, but very
         | enlightening. It both made me realize how subconsciously my
         | addiction is reinforced and reaffirmed to me that it is, in
         | fact, an addiction. I'm not going to stop using HN of course,
         | but I'm definitely going to be more aware of _how_ I use it
         | (e.g. passively vs. intentionally) from now on.
           | selimnairb wrote:
           | I picked a bad day to stop using Twitter.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | As far as addictions go, I find HN actually one that delivers
           | actual knowledge. Literally every day I read something I
           | didn't know before. Unlike on Facebook that just tries to
           | serve me with more of the stuff I have already seen.
           | I like wasting time on HN because it's time not actually
           | wasted :)
           | And don't get me started on Twitter... Sure there are some
           | gems on twitter but I have to wade through 1000s of tweets of
           | pure nonsense to see them. No thanks. If it's something
           | really great someone will post a link on HN anyway :)
           | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | lemoncookiechip wrote:
         | Same experience through out the day.
       | akomtu wrote:
       | Mr. dang, can I use the opportunity to suggest to turn the tiny
       | upvote and downvote arrows into links, separated by sufficient
       | distance? My fingertip is 15x larger than these arrows and it
       | takes quite a bit of precision to hit the right one. I bet, half
       | of upvotes and downvotes are erroneous for this reason.
       | haswell wrote:
       | This downtime made me realize (again) how much I appreciate the
       | kind of interesting topics that show up here, the depth of
       | discussion, and a general attitude of good faith that (most)
       | engage with here.
       | I realized how little of this I find elsewhere in my life -
       | whether through Reddit or even my IRL friend circles.
       | This realization saddens me - I feel like I shouldn't have to
       | rely on HN so much to scratch this particular itch.
       | Perhaps I need to get out more.
         | hluska wrote:
         | The beautiful part of the internet is that it provides space
         | for people to share incredibly niche interests. For all of its
         | problems and complications, that beauty still exists.
         | telesilla wrote:
         | Enjoy it while it's here. When it's gone or you have to move
         | on, we'll miss you too and that's the meaningful part of life.
         | rco8786 wrote:
         | > This realization saddens me - I feel like I shouldn't have to
         | rely on HN so much to scratch this particular itch.
         | > Perhaps I need to get out more.
         | Another way to look at it is that you have a particular set of
         | interests and HN is the online outlet that serves those
         | interests. There's nothing wrong with that, at all and you
         | don't need to have multiple sources for it. No different than
         | someone who likes to ride bikes owning one bike, or someone who
         | likes to read going to the same local library every week for 10
         | years.
           | avalys wrote:
           | It is very different from your examples. Even if you only own
           | one bike, there are innumerable others in existence and
           | companies making new ones every day, if yours is destroyed or
           | lost. Similarly, there are plenty of local libraries to
           | choose from, even if your favorite one closes.
           | Whereas, if HN closes, there is no equivalent replacement
           | available.
             | rco8786 wrote:
             | What I am saying is that you don't need to worry about any
             | of that. Sure, if HN permanently shutters - you'll need to
             | go find a replacement. But HN isn't going anywhere, as far
             | as I am aware. You don't need redundancy for your online
             | community/content consumption
         | adamredwoods wrote:
         | Quality, non-biased news sources are (surprisingly) difficult
         | to find.
           | TameAntelope wrote:
           | Danger: that is decidedly not what HN is, at all.
         | baby wrote:
         | I've been wanting to create something similar but for
         | cryptocurrencies. A place with no scam/bullshit posts and only
         | deeply technical discussions about the latest trends in zero-
         | knowledge proofs, consensus protocols, scalability challenges,
         | etc.
         | But I'm too lazy to write the application. I wish there was
         | some SDK I could spin up, like PHPBB back in the days, to have
         | something exactly like HN.
       | alberth wrote:
       | I'd love to learn more about HN hardware & software stack.
       | I know old posts indicate it's running on a low core count but
       | high frequency Intel CPUs on FreeBSD and no database (just flat
       | files).
       | I wonder if it's still the same.
         | oblio wrote:
         | Ah, that's easy.
         | HN is running on an old laptop from Viaweb.
         | Arc is running under the pg user and it's used as the process
         | supervisor.
         | The actual web server is a VB app running on Linux through
         | Wine.
         | The flat files have been migrated to an MS Access DB, also
         | running through Wine.
           | fartcannon wrote:
           | My employer is taking notes.
           | [deleted]
       | TIPSIO wrote:
       | Went to Reddit instead today more than I should (not proud).
       | Anyone been on Slashdot lately? Checked it out too was really
       | nice.
         | doublerabbit wrote:
         | Slashdot is a slurry of Reddit and HN. My goto when bored with
         | reddit and hn...
       | cpdean wrote:
       | Its weird how I saw this headline, thought to myself "Oh good!
       | It's back!" before realizing that I was using HN to see this very
       | headline...
       | ddingus wrote:
       | Whew!
       | Thanks Dang and company.
       | I appreciate you all.
       | @my HN peers:
       | Have a great weekend and thank you all for being you. I learn a
       | ton here and enjoy the perspectives often found on these pages.
       | It is all high value.
       | anttiharju wrote:
       | I've been so used to using hn as my "is internet working" page
       | that for a while I thought my internet was just down and tried to
       | troubleshoot it haha.
       | afrcnc wrote:
       | I'm sorry... I tripped.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | Even accounting for this outage, most other SAAS platforms still
       | can't compete with HN's non-existent SLA.
       | Thank you to everyone who keeps this thing running.
         | vntok wrote:
         | > Even accounting for this outage, most other SAAS platforms
         | still can't compete with HN's non-existent SLA.
         | 8 hours of downtime in a given year is 99.9%, so only three
         | nines. The major SaaS platforms all are basically at least as
         | resilient as this, and most have more stringent SLAs.
       | thamer wrote:
       | The last post[1] before this one was posted at 12:45:10 UTC. This
       | current post was made at 20:30:55 UTC, so that's a gap of 7 hours
       | 45 minutes and 45 seconds.
       | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32026548
         | TimWolla wrote:
         | There's this comment which is newer:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32026565. There's also
         | comments on some test submission:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32026568 that itself got
         | deleted: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32026567
         | [deleted]
       | rvz wrote:
       | No news reports, press coverage or the majority of world caring
       | about this 'site' going down for longer than usual.
       | Does that mean nothing of value was lost?
       | swat535 wrote:
       | Great! Just in time for the Friday evening to kick in as well.
       | I was worried that I may actually have to go out and do things
       | instead of lurking here this weekend..
       | damsta wrote:
       | It was really funny to read advices to move HN to cloud from all
       | those "experts".
       | edgartaor wrote:
       | HN is so reliable that I distrusted my wife first.
       | "Did you unplug the router?"
       | jandrusk wrote:
       | Had to take a bunch of Xanex to get through the data without HN.
       | droptablemain wrote:
       | Hypothesis: a link from HN hit the front-page of HN and inception
       | ensued. In short, HN got HN'd.
       | booleandilemma wrote:
       | This was a rough one. I actually opened slashdot at one point.
         | ddingus wrote:
         | Same
         | Early on /. was amazing! Remember Cmdrtaco it all out, often
         | taking us for the ride?
         | Good times, frequently good discussion.
         | HN has been better for years now, was better at inception, for
         | the most part.
         | /. has improved a bit. Good to see, or I caught it on a good
         | day.
       | ilikeitdark wrote:
       | I've been noticing internet problems here and there all week, and
       | was getting a little sketched out (is the heat waves, Russia, or
       | alien attack:) so this really got me worried.
       | ahepp wrote:
       | I read an article recently on avoiding fallback in distributed
       | systems.[0]
       | Is it more appropriate to call the strategy in this case
       | fallback, or failover? Since the secondary server wasn't running
       | in production until the first one failed, it sounds like
       | fallback?
       | Perhaps higher reliability strategies would have been instead of
       | having a secondary server, just have more mirrored disks on the
       | main server, to reduce the likelihood of the array being
       | compromised?
       | Alternatively, to run both the primary and secondary servers in
       | production all the time. But that would presumably merely move
       | the single point of failure to the proxy?
       | [0] https://aws.amazon.com/builders-library/avoiding-fallback-
       | in...
       | I_complete_me wrote:
       | I really enjoyed the outage.
       | Disclaimer: I did not cause it.
       | CSMastermind wrote:
       | A huge thank you to everyone who keeps this amazing site running
       | :)
       | humanwhosits wrote:
       | Spent so long debugging my home network..
       | Couldn't possibly have been HN that was the problem haha
         | pbhjpbhj wrote:
         | Same, I ended up updating my pihole which was long overdue.
         | Just finished, loaded up HN and it worked - "huh, wonder what
         | the problem was with my pihole" I thought ... well it needed
         | doing anyway.
         | D-Coder wrote:
         | All sites broke on my machine this morning.
         | I reset the router... and HN was _still_ down.
         | <sniff>
         | tekacs wrote:
         | I always use https://isup.me
         | (https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/) in these situations, to
         | find out if I'm losing my mind. :)
       | sam0x17 wrote:
       | > HN Is Up Again
       | I'm not sure I believe you what is your source for this ;)
       | ru552 wrote:
       | grats on the reload
       | onenukecourse wrote:
       | I'm traveling, so I just assumed my internet had died instead and
       | didn't refresh all day. I literally just found out HN was down by
       | this post.
       | nyadesu wrote:
       | Just installed a new router and was trying to browse HN to check
       | if my internet connection was working properly, lol
       | anewpersonality wrote:
       | This downtime is a wakeup call for many
         | m0llusk wrote:
         | a call to go back to sleep for others
       | qwertox wrote:
       | What a ride. HN should shut down once a month on purpose on a
       | random working day just to allow us to recalibrate our inner
       | compass a bit.
       | srj wrote:
       | My first thought was that my own Internet was down. My second was
       | that HN was somehow dependent on Rogers. Hard to go through a
       | Friday afternoon without HN!
       | beckingz wrote:
       | Previous post on the HN status twitter account is from June 2021.
       | Over a year with no issues. Impressive.
       | https://twitter.com/HNStatus
         | jve wrote:
         | Twitter doesn't bother with minor issues, but there were some
         | for sure.
         | This logs lesser ones: https://hn.hund.io/
       | coding123 wrote:
       | Damn, and I got a LOT done today.
       | johnsutor wrote:
       | Worst couple of hours of my life.
       | ithinkso wrote:
       | I've realized that I check if my internet works by opening HN...
       | robotsquidward wrote:
       | HN is my default 'is the internet working' site and that
       | genuinely threw me for a loop across multiple devices today
       | dealing with hotspots while our power was out.
       | jeffbee wrote:
       | I wonder if things like double disk failures and restores from
       | backup make HNers of the "bare metal 4ever" tribe revisit their
       | cloud hatred.
         | wumpus wrote:
         | No.
       | onion2k wrote:
       | I did some work. Please don't let this happen again.
       | divbzero wrote:
       | Thank you HN admins for bringing the site back online with
       | everything restored from backup. Thank you also for the 99.99% of
       | the time that HN just runs and runs without issue.
       | O__________O wrote:
       | Thank you Dang!!
       | ____________
       | Related:
       | https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-silicon-valley/th...
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=dang
       | jacquesm wrote:
       | And all those poor project managers at the end of 2022 wondering
       | what on earth they did right on the 8th of July that caused
       | productivity to reach previously unthinkable heights.
       | Johnny555 wrote:
       | Will you be posting a postmortem?
       | Not that I deserve or expect one from a free service, but because
       | I enjoy reading postmortems from failures where both the primary
       | and backup systems failed, I like to see what holes I might have
       | in my own failover setup.
       | abarrak wrote:
       | For me, HN is one of the default pages when browser's open.
       | olingern wrote:
       | While the naysayers will say, "Why isn't this in the cloud?," I
       | think the response times and uptime of hackernews is really
       | impressive. If anyone has a write-up of the infrastructure that
       | runs HN, I would be interested. Maybe startups really can be run
       | off of a rasberry pi
         | tpmx wrote:
         | It seems like it is in the cloud (AWS) now. See
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32027091.
         | NKosmatos wrote:
         | If I was (re)designing this, I would keep the existing bare
         | metal server but I would also put in place double (or triple)
         | cloud redundancy/failover. We all love HN so much that it
         | should have zero downtime :-)
         | pyb wrote:
         | AWS has had more outages than HN in recent times
           | [deleted]
           | mpyne wrote:
           | AWS also operates at a significantly larger scale. When was
           | the last AWS outage due to two critical disks failing at the
           | same time?
             | hosteur wrote:
             | Failures due to increasing complexity are still failures.
               | mpyne wrote:
               | Sure, but you're talking about all of AWS as if every
               | customer is impacted when any part of AWS suffers a
               | failure. But that's not the case, which makes it quite an
               | apples/oranges comparison.
               | But even comparing the apples to the oranges, this HN
               | status page someone else pointed out https://hn.hund.io/
               | seems to show that HN has had more than one outage in
               | just the past month. All but today's and last night's
               | being quite short, but still. Sometimes you need some
               | extra complexity if you want to make it to zero downtime
               | overall.
               | That's not something the HN website needs but I think AWS
               | is doing fine even if that's your point of comparison.
           | fartcannon wrote:
           | Agree. Same with places like github.
       | lkxijlewlf wrote:
       | Feels snappier. :)
       | zacharycohn wrote:
       | I have a flakey internet connection. Because HN loads so fast, I
       | use it to test if my internet is working/is back up after it
       | disconnects.
       | smn1234 wrote:
       | Not S3 static site hosting + DynamoDB?
       | SilasX wrote:
       | I think I found the last one before the outage:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32026565
       | The ones after it are hours later and usually deleted, until this
       | post (...71).
       | jhatax wrote:
       | It might just be my devices (iPhone, iPad), but the fonts for
       | stories and comments have changed since the restore. Anyone else
       | noticing this?
       | clintonwoo wrote:
       | When HN went down I was reading the stuff that was up before it
       | went down on https://remix.hnclone.win
       | GitHub page for that project:
       | https://github.com/clintonwoo/hackernews-remix-react
       | rob_c wrote:
       | So, why and what lessons were learnt? We get to post about others
       | having that problems
       | willhinsa wrote:
       | I just figured my internet wasn't working! It's a testament to
       | how well this site works!
       | rr808 wrote:
       | Whenever I get frustrated by cloud complexity I wonder if its all
       | worth it, as HN, stackoverflow, camelx3 etc are still on real
       | servers. Maybe it is worth it after all.
         | geoffeg wrote:
         | I've wondered about this a lot recently as I've spent a lot of
         | time recently fighting with Terraform, Atlantis, CircleCI,
         | github and AWS. The first half of my career was deploying code
         | to various UNIX machines. When there was a problem I could
         | login to that machine and use various (common) tools to
         | diagnose the issue. I may not have had root but I was at least
         | able to gain insight into what was likely the culprit. The
         | interface was immediate and allowed quick iteration to test out
         | a solution.
         | It feels like we've lost a lot of that observability and
         | immediacy with the cloud. It's not as easy to quickly
         | understand the larger picture. You can understand the state of
         | various services with the web console or command line tools but
         | tracing a path through those services is much less obvious and
         | efficient.
         | I'm kind of nervous to even discuss this as I wonder if it's
         | just my age showing, especially since I see very people mention
         | this as one of the downsides of various cloud solutions. Maybe
         | I'm just jaded?
           | bbkane wrote:
           | Oh my goodness yes. I had the "great" idea to use Azure
           | Functions to do a task at work. It's **ing insane how
           | difficult it is to specify an Azure Function all in code with
           | reasonable CI/CD, AD permissions, logging, and dev/prod
           | instances. I wrote about what it takes at
           | https://www.bbkane.com/blog/azure-functions-with-terraform/
           | but the experience really soured me on cloud services.
           | rr808 wrote:
           | Lol, same boat. Not sure if I'm the old wise guy who really
           | knows his sh*t about what's important, or the old useless guy
           | rambling and moaning in the corner.
       | jonnycomputer wrote:
       | Did global productivity go up today, or were we all hopelessly
       | clicking refresh to see if HN was back up?
         | bawolff wrote:
         | Rogers engineers too busy refreshing ;)
       | caycep wrote:
       | granted, this is probably the most exciting post here all day!
       | hbn wrote:
       | Prove it
       | nmajor25 wrote:
       | Phew, we're back!
       | Pr0ject217 wrote:
       | Yay. Thank you HN.
       | Sjonny wrote:
       | HN was down?
       | [deleted]
       | Mockapapella wrote:
       | Well on the plus side I got a lot done today
       | elcapitan wrote:
       | Oh noes, now my productivity is in the toilet.
         | bell-cot wrote:
         |   news.ycombinator.com   # REQUIRED for meaningful
         | productivity
       | Amfy wrote:
       | Interesting though, HN is now hosted on AWS and no longer on bare
       | metal (m5 hosting).
       | % host news.ycombinator.com
       | news.ycombinator.com has address
       | and also interesting: DNS TTL is set to 1 (one).
         | bestinterest wrote:
         | Oh that is interesting, I guess they just spun up a beefy EC2
         | instance. I'm noticing slower performance, I used to get about
         | <200ms for front page. Now it's 500ms-1s? Or is this placebo
         | with my bias to thinking AWS is slow?
         | NetRange: -         CIDR:
         |         NetName:        AMAZON-EC2-USWESTOR
         | NetHandle:      NET-50-112-0-0-1         Parent:         NET50
         | (NET-50-0-0-0-0)         NetType:        Direct Allocation
         | OriginAS:       AS14618         Organization:   Amazon.com,
         | Inc. (AMAZO-47)
           | doublerabbit wrote:
           | I hope it's temporary. Would hate HN to move to the "cloud"
           | from bare metal.
             | GekkePrutser wrote:
             | This, totally.
             | It's great that they were able to spin it up in the cloud
             | for recovery purposes. But it's more legendary on a real
             | server <3
             | Yes I'm old :P
           | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | jdoliner wrote:
       | That was a rough 6 hours
         | tpmx wrote:
         | It really was.
           | sabjut wrote:
           | Yeah, I had to _actually work_ for once. Glad that I can
           | finally distract myself again :)
         | dboreham wrote:
         | Someone suggested lobste.rs, which I hadn't come across before.
         | It needs an invite though so read-only today for me.
         | hansword wrote:
         | I went for a long walk. When I came back, HN was still down. :(
       | [deleted]
       | peter_retief wrote:
       | What happened? wasn't resolving at all.
       | crorella wrote:
       | it is back! I wonder what happened.
         | jmt_ wrote:
         | https://twitter.com/HNStatus/status/1545409429113229312
         | https://twitter.com/HNStatus/status/1545461511870566400
         | Disk and fallback server failure. Was definitely a long day for
         | their ops team, on a Friday no less.
       | ricefield wrote:
       | thank god
       | throw7 wrote:
       | thanks!
       | gruturo wrote:
       | Thanks for all the daily work in running and keeping up the site,
       | which we too easily take for granted, even those of us with
       | similar jobs.
       | function_seven wrote:
       | Everyone, you're welcome. My last F5 must've jogged it loose
       | finally.
         | badrabbit wrote:
         | Thank you for your service.
         | [deleted]
         | leeoniya wrote:
         | are you wearing a cape, or are you not?
         | hguant wrote:
         | 07
         | proactivesvcs wrote:
         | You can't fool us, we know you're an F7.
         | DamnInteresting wrote:
         | A refreshing take!
         | gedy wrote:
         | Name almost checks out
         | raydiatian wrote:
         | Thank you
       | dom96 wrote:
       | Hurray! Is this the longest downtime ever for HN? I don't
       | remember it being down for this long in the past, anyone know?
       | [deleted]
       | Jcampuzano2 wrote:
       | My routine is usually to check HN first thing in the morning when
       | sitting down at my computer before work.
       | I definitely spent a non-reasonable amount of time thinking my
       | internet had a problem trying to open HN since it's always just
       | been so constant.
       | ImpulseGuided wrote:
       | Life felt so meaningless. Don't ever do this to me again.
       | ghostoftiber wrote:
       | RCA? AAR? "Ooops someone tripped over the cord?"
       | pjbeam wrote:
       | Just when I was starting to get some work done. Thank you!
       | thebitstick wrote:
       | I nearly died... of boredom...
       | aasasd wrote:
       | You don't say.
       | collegeburner wrote:
       | Ong i couldnt stand being that productive so relieved
       | sillysaurusx wrote:
       | HN was down because the failover server also failed:
       | https://twitter.com/HNStatus/status/1545409429113229312
       | Double disk failure is improbable but not impossible.
       | The most impressive thing is that there seems to be no dataloss,
       | almost whatsoever. Whatever the backup system is, it seems rock
       | solid.
         | tgflynn wrote:
         | According to this comment:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32024485
         | each server has a pair of mirrored disks, so it seems we're
         | talking about 4 drives failing, not just 2.
         | On the other hand the primary seems to have gone down 6 hours
         | before the backup server did, so the failures weren't quite
         | simultaneous.
         | bell-cot wrote:
         | I'm extremely curious about the makes & models of the failed
         | hardware...
         | hunterb123 wrote:
         | What was the test to determine the dataloss?
           | Cerium wrote:
           | I came to the same conclusion by observing that there are
           | posts and comments from only eight hours ago.
             | jbverschoor wrote:
             | So that means dataloss.. Probably restored from backup.
             | Good news for people who were banned, or for posts that
             | didn't get enough momentum :)
             | edit: Was restored from backup.. so def. dataloss
               | joshuamorton wrote:
               | > So that means dataloss.. Probably restored from backup.
               | If the server went down at XX:XX, and the backup they
               | restored from is also from XX:XX, there isn't dataloss.
               | If the server was down for 8 hours, the last data being 8
               | hours old isn't dataloss, it's correct.
           | sillysaurusx wrote:
           | Informal. My last upvote was pretty close to when HN went
           | down, so I expected my karma to go down, but it didn't.
           | Also I remember the "Why we're going with Rails" story on the
           | front page from before it went down.
             | [deleted]
         | digitallyfree wrote:
         | By second disk failure do they mean that the disks on both the
         | primary and fallback servers failed? Or do they mean that two
         | disks (of a RAID1 or similar setup) in the fallback server
         | failed?
         | The latter is understandable, the former would be quite a
         | surprise for such a popular site. That means that the machines
         | have no disk redundancy and the server is going down
         | immediately on disk failure. The fallback server would be the
         | only backup.
           | spiffytech wrote:
           | 14 hours ago HN failed over to the standby due to a disk
           | failure on the primay. 8 hours ago the standby's disk also
           | failed.
           | Primary failure:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32024036 Standby
           | failure:
           | https://twitter.com/HNStatus/status/1545409429113229312
         | dboreham wrote:
         | CP => !A
           | [deleted]
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | If you have an active/passive HA setup and don't test it
         | periodically (by taking the active server offline and switching
         | them afterwards), my guess is that double disk failures will be
         | more common than single disk failures for you.
         | Still, I see no reason for prioritizing that failure mode on a
         | site like HN.
         | pastor_bob wrote:
         | is dang pushing changes and such on his own?
         | sounds like it is run by one guy
           | sillysaurusx wrote:
           | HN will be around a hundred years. I think it's more than
           | just a forum. We've seen lots of people coordinate during
           | disasters, for example. Dan and his team do a good job
           | running it. (I'm not a part of it.)
           | EDIT: My response was based on some edits that are now
           | removed.
             | rat9988 wrote:
             | You are overstimating HN way too much.
               | nominusllc wrote:
               | A hundred years, I give it 10 tops.
               | sillysaurusx wrote:
               | It's already been around since 2007. How many decades
               | does HN need to be around before people realize it's an
               | institution?
               | grepfru_it wrote:
               | Slashdot has been around since 1997 and people still rave
               | about its moderation system today. However, while I have
               | high hopes for HN, it could very well go the way of digg
               | overnight
               | GekkePrutser wrote:
               | I doubt that though. Digg was hyped way too much and the
               | inevitable decline that comes after a hype killed it.
               | Some things are good enough to survive that phase but
               | Digg wasn't. HN never had a hype phase, just slow but
               | strong & steady growth. And not growing too much either.
               | It seems the perfect circumstances to really last. It
               | doesn't have an invasive business model, or investors
               | screaming for ROI either. That's the kind of thing that
               | often leads to user-hostile changes that so often start
               | the decline into oblivion.
               | Also, I would imagine it's pretty cheap to host, after
               | all it's all very simple text, I don't think it hosts any
               | pictures beside the little Ycombinator logo in the corner
               | :)
               | [deleted]
               | jethro_tell wrote:
               | The reason it's an institution is because it hasn't been
               | bought by some corp trying to squeeze value out of
               | eyeballs, which is why it hasn't really changed much.
               | However, it takes money and time to keep it around in a
               | not for profit way, so it will be an institution as long
               | as it's funding is the same.
               | GekkePrutser wrote:
               | Yeah I really hope that if Ycombinator ever wants to pull
               | out, that they don't sell it but let the community pull
               | together to support it. I'd gladly donate to keep it
               | running as it is.
               | It would be even better if they just keep doing it as
               | they are though <3
           | jacquesm wrote:
           | What makes you think that? That's just a tweet from an
           | unrelated account.
             | pastor_bob wrote:
             | Nevermind, I thought the OP ran that twitter account
           | swyx wrote:
           | theres two people fulltime on it but dang appears to be both
           | DBA and SRE
             | openthc wrote:
             | And Mod; hope he gets three cheques
         | chippiewill wrote:
         | > Double disk failure is improbable but not impossible.
         | It's actually surprisingly common for failover hardware to fail
         | shortly after the primary hardware. It's normally been exposed
         | to similar conditions to what killed the primary and the strain
         | of failing over pushes it over the edge.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | Isn't that more for load balancing than failover?
           | For load balancing I would consider this very likely because
           | both are equally loaded. But "failover" I would usually
           | consider a scenario where a second server is purely in wait
           | for the primary to fail, in which case it would be virtually
           | unused. Like an active/passive scenario as someone mentioned
           | below.
           | But perhaps I got my terminology mixed up. I'm not working
           | with servers so much anymore.
         | davedunkin wrote:
         | > Double disk failure is improbable but not impossible.
         | It's not even improbable if the disks are the same kind
         | purchased at the same time.
           | kabdib wrote:
           | I once had a small fleet of SSDs fail because they had some
           | uptime counters that overflowed after 4.5 years, and that
           | somehow persistently wrecked some internal data structures.
           | It turned them into little, unrecoverable bricks.
           | It was not awesome seeing a bunch of servers go dark in just
           | about the order we had originally powered them on. Not a fun
           | day at all.
           | spiffytech wrote:
           | Yep: if you buy a pair disks together, there's a fair chance
           | they'll both be from the same manufacturing batch, which
           | correlates with disk defects.
             | clintonwoo wrote:
             | This makes total sense but I've never heard of it. Is there
             | any literature or writing about this phenomenon?
             | I guess proper redundancy is having different brands of
             | equipment also in some cases.
               | athenot wrote:
               | Not sure about literature but that was a known thing in
               | the Ops circles I was in 10 years ago: never use the same
               | brand for disk pairs, to minimize wear-and-tear related
               | defects from arising at the same time.
               | AceJohnny2 wrote:
               | I don't know about literature, but in the world of RAID
               | this is a common warning.
               | Having a RAID5 crash and burn because the backup disk
               | failed during the reconstruction phase after a primary
               | disk failed is a common story.
               | eganist wrote:
               | Not sure about literature, but past anecdotes and HN
               | threads yes.
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4989579
               | toast0 wrote:
               | I also don't know about literature on this phenomenon,
               | but i recall HP had two different SSD recalls because
               | when the uptime counter rolled over, they would fail.
               | That's not even load dependent, just did you get a batch
               | and power them on all at the same time. Uptime is too
               | high causing issues isn't that unusual for storage,
               | unfortunately.
               | It's not always easy, but if you can, you want
               | manufacturer diversity, batch diversity, maybe firmware
               | version diversity[1], and power on time diversity. That
               | adds a lot of variables if you need to track down issues
               | though.
               | [1] you don't want to have versions with known issues
               | that affect you, but it's helpful to have different
               | versions to diagnose unknown issues.
               | GekkePrutser wrote:
               | The crucial M4 had this too but it was fixable with a
               | firmware update.
               | https://www.neoseeker.com/news/18098-64gb-
               | crucial-m4s-crashi...
               | davedunkin wrote:
               | I hadn't heard of it either until disks in our storage
               | cluster at work started failing faster than the cluster
               | could rebuild in an event our ops team named
               | SATApocalypse. It was a perfect storm of cascading
               | failures.
               | https://web.archive.org/web/20220330032426/https://ops.fa
               | ith...
               | Flott wrote:
               | Great read, thank you!
               | mceachen wrote:
               | Wikipedia has a section on this. It's called "correlated
               | failure."
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID#Correlated_failures
             | bragr wrote:
             | Yeah just coming here to say this. Multiple disk failures
             | are pretty probable. I've had batches of both disks and
             | SSDs with sequential serial numbers, subjected to the same
             | workloads, all fail within the same ~24 hour periods.
               | mpyne wrote:
               | Seems like it was only a few days ago that there was a
               | comment from a former Dropbox engineer here pointing out
               | that a lot of disk drives they bought when they stood up
               | their own datacenter had been found to all have a common
               | flaw involving tiny metal slivers.
               | schroeding wrote:
               | Had the same experience with (identical) SSDs, two
               | failures within 10 minutes in a RAID 5 configuration.
               | (Thankfully, they didn't completely die but just put
               | themselves into read-only)
             | [deleted]
             | GekkePrutser wrote:
             | Eek - now I'm glad I wait a few months before buying each
             | disk for my NAS.
             | Not doing it for this reason but rather financial ones :)
             | But as I have a totally mixed bunch of sizes I have no RAID
             | and a disk loss would be horrible.
         | deltarholamda wrote:
         | >the failover server also failed
         | Those responsible for the sacking have also been sacked.
         | [deleted]
       | jchw wrote:
       | I assume this post will be flagged as off topic, but I actually
       | just went to visit moments before it came back up. I didn't
       | figure out that it wasn't an issue with my internet connection
       | until I saw this post.
       | codegeek wrote:
       | This was traumatic :). Felt like I had lost a part of me lol.
       | Glad to be back.
       | cableshaft wrote:
       | How many times did people refresh to check this today? I did at
       | least four times. I might have a bit of a problem.
         | beckingz wrote:
         | like 40 times. Probably more.
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | What? I refreshed way more than 4 times before I believed it
         | was offline.
         | At the early 00's, when Google went offline I wouldn't believe
         | it, and go check my connection (even if I was fetching other
         | sites at the same time). Looks like nowadays HN is in that
         | place.
         | timbit42 wrote:
         | My RSS app refreshes every hour.
       | nickmyersdt wrote:
       | The muscle memory that kept opening HN was strong today. Thank
       | you for bringing it back.
       | Bayart wrote:
       | Did you turn it off and on again ?
       | MrBlueIncognito wrote:
       | Top post in just 3 minutes
       | Edit: 100 points in 4 minutes
       | bevdecloud wrote:
       | Didn't even notice
       | erwincoumans wrote:
       | Thanks for fixing the site! Keep up the good work.
       | nimbius wrote:
       | but why was it down though
       | drpgq wrote:
       | I was wondering if HN was running on Rogers
         | UncleOxidant wrote:
         | Same here. HN is from Canada? Who knew?
       | gmiller123456 wrote:
       | Thought my RSS reader was broken because I came to the site and
       | saw it was up, then saw this headline.
       (page generated 2022-07-08 23:00 UTC)