[HN Gopher] APL and Array Programming
       APL and Array Programming
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 9 points
       Date   : 2022-07-08 20:37 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (forums.fast.ai)
 (TXT) w3m dump (forums.fast.ai)
       | chrisaycock wrote:
       | For anyone interested in array programming, the person who made k
       | eventually created a query language called q:
       | https://code.kx.com/q/ref/
       | Now days we refer to tables-within-a-language as "dataframes".
       | These are widely available in R, pandas, Spark, etc.
       | The q language inspired me to write my own language a few years
       | back that added static typing to dataframes:
       | https://www.empirical-soft.com
       (page generated 2022-07-08 23:00 UTC)