[HN Gopher] Using GPT-3 to explain how code works
       Using GPT-3 to explain how code works
       Author : simonw
       Score  : 100 points
       Date   : 2022-07-09 15:53 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (simonwillison.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (simonwillison.net)
       | layer8 wrote:
       | Tangential question: Is GPT-3 (and similar tools) being kept up
       | to date with new information? Or would it basically have to be
       | retrained from scratch to properly incorporate new data?
         | simonw wrote:
         | There's a mechanism you can use to add your own training data
         | on top of GPT-3. This tutorial talks about using that to
         | generate song lyrics (about half way through):
         | https://wingedsheep.com/songwriting-with-gpt-3/
         | I don't know how often OpenAI build new versions of the core
         | GPT-3 language model.
           | abirch wrote:
           | What would be highly beneficial is for the AI to understand
           | changes so when it spots an old pattern in my code, it could
           | suggest the new pattern. I'd pay for a Copilot that did that.
       | pornel wrote:
       | This as an assistant/teacher could be incredibly empowering for
       | people learning to program.
       | I'm sceptical of AI writing programs for people, but I can easily
       | imagine such AI guiding/unblocking non-programmers enough for
       | them to actually program.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | It's a double-edged sword. From the article:
         |  _GPT-3 doesn't actually know anything about anything at all.
         | It's a huge pattern generator. You can't trust anything it
         | says, because all it does is group words together into
         | convincing looking shapes based on text that it's seen before.
         | Once again, I'm reminded that tools like GPT-3 should be
         | classified in the "bicycles for the mind" category. You still
         | have to know how to pedal!
         | They're fantastic tools for thinking, but to actually use their
         | output effectively requires VERY deep knowledge--both of the
         | subject matter in question, and of the way that the AI tools
         | themselves work._
           | l33t2328 wrote:
           | What is thinking if not pattern generating?
             | trention wrote:
             | It's not enough to state that the human mind is a pattern
             | matcher as pretty much everyone of the "scale is all you
             | need" crowd does. You have to prove it too.
             | Otherwise it's just a variant of Russell's teapot.
               | abrax3141 wrote:
               | Even if you prove it, it's not useful.
             | abrax3141 wrote:
             | You aren't actually serious, are you?
             | Swenrekcah wrote:
             | We use far more variety of inputs than GPT-3.
             | GPT-3 has more textual training data than any human could
             | read in a thousand lifetimes, but we base our judgment on
             | much more than that.
             | layer8 wrote:
             | I agree that in a sense it's probably only a matter of
             | degree. However, take for example its explanation of the
             | _xm_ modifiers, where it only explains the _x_ , but
             | remains silent one the fact that it only explains the _x_.
             | It's unclear whether it has any awareness that it provides
             | an incomplete and potentially misleading explanation. It
             | would be interesting to see how it reacts to "what you
             | explained is only the _x_ , what about the _m_?".
           | duskwuff wrote:
           | And, in particular, GPT-3 will be _very_ easily misled by
           | plausible-but-incorrect inputs -- like programs written by
           | amateur developers. I definitely wouldn 't trust it to find
           | subtle logical errors in a student's computer program, for
           | example.
           | Transfinity wrote:
           | The types of error made by the model in the article are
           | exactly the sort of error that I (senior engineer / decade of
           | experience) would make if asked to describe how something
           | works and I didn't want to spend too much time on the
           | details. The difference is, I can usually give a decent
           | estimate of how sure I am of something, and know how to zero
           | in on the truth when it's important.
           | Maybe a confidence level for a given explanation, along with
           | some sort of "here's where you can go to learn more" would be
           | useful? No idea if language models would be good at that kind
           | of meta reasoning.
       | loufe wrote:
       | This is fantastic, I've been enjoying myself thoroughly with
       | Dall-E 2 recently and similar to this love trying to imagine how
       | the training method / training data must have led to the output.
       | It's truly amazing times we live in, but it will take a lot more
       | work than people 70 years ago thought to get to a level of
       | polish.
       | booleandilemma wrote:
       | Could they do this for legal documents too?
       | I'd hate to see just the programmers put out of work by GPT-3.
         | Transfinity wrote:
         | A buddy of mine works at a startup doing exactly this:
         | https://www.advocat.ai/
         | Unsure if they use GPT-3 specifically, but the core idea is the
         | same.
       | akamoonknight wrote:
       | This is a fascinating use case that wouldn't have occurred to me
       | at all, quite cool, even if it "doesn't know anything about
       | anything at all".
       | It even does pretty good with Verilog, which I assumed it would
       | have issues with, admittedly some of this is just "google-able",
       | but even so. It can even create a reasonable attempt at a
       | testbench (even though it doesn't quite get it right), which is
       | crazy to me.
       | *Explain this code:
       | module my_module(a,c,y); input a,c; output y; assign y= c ? a :
       | 1'bz; endmodule*
       | This code is a Verilog module that defines three inputs (a, c, y)
       | and one output (y). The output y is assigned to the value of a if
       | c is true, otherwise it is assigned to 1'bz.
       | *What is 1'bz ?*
       | 1'bz is a Verilog constant that represents a bit value of 'z',
       | which is used to indicate a high impedance state.
       | *Why is high impedance used ?*
       | High impedance is used in digital circuits to allow multiple
       | drivers to share a single bus without contention. When two or
       | more drivers attempt to drive the same bus at the same time, a
       | contention can occur and the bus voltage can become undefined. By
       | using high impedance, drivers can avoid contention and allow the
       | bus to remain stable.
       | *Give me a testbench for this module*
       | module testbench; reg a; reg c; wire y;                 my_module
       | dut(a, c, y);              initial begin         a = 1'b0;
       | c = 1'b0;         #1;         a = 1'b1;         c = 1'b1;
       | #1;         a = 1'bz;         c = 1'b1;         #1;         a =
       | 1'bx;         c = 1'b1;         #1;         $stop;       end
       | endmodule
       | *Create the same testbench but add validation of the output.*
       | module testbench; reg a; reg c; wire y;                 my_module
       | dut(a, c, y);              initial begin         a = 1'b0;
       | c = 1'b0;         #1;         a = 1'b1;         c = 1'b1;
       | #1;         a = 1'bz;         c = 1'b1;         #1;         a =
       | 1'bx;         c = 1'b1;         #1;         $stop;       end
       | always @(*) begin         if (c == 1'b0)           assert(y ==
       | 1'b0);         else if (c == 1'b1)           assert(y == a);
       | else if (c == 1'bz)           assert(y == 1'bz);         else if
       | (c == 1'bx)           assert(y == 1'bx);       end
       | endmodule
       | punnerud wrote:
       | This would be great for blind people, or you could program while
       | biking.
         | ctoth wrote:
         | As a blind programmer I'm trying to understand how I should
         | find this more useful than anyone else?
           | netsec_burn wrote:
           | I think what they're saying is, you can quickly understand
           | the contents of a file by having it summarized for you
           | audibly. Versus having each token read out to you. Then you
           | can locate the part that you're trying to program faster.
       | f38zf5vdt wrote:
       | > As with everything GPT-3, this answer sounds very convincing!
       | But is this actually true? I would expect the SQL query optimizer
       | to be smart enough to optimize the LEFT JOIN to the point where
       | it would run efficiently. I think GPT-3's answer to that question
       | is actually very misleading.
       | I really enjoy how well it gives wrong answers. The internet
       | being polluted with GPT3-like text models is going to send us
       | back to the time when verifying anything online as truthful is
       | difficult, if it hasn't already.
         | mwint wrote:
         | Maybe my next move should be to start a consulting shop: "We
         | Fix GPT-3 Code".
           | abrax3141 wrote:
           | Good luck with that. I don't think that these things are
           | fixable. They're basically giant grammatical confabulation
           | engines. When you want grammatically-correct random noise,
           | great. Don't fly a plane with them, please...or at least not
           | one I'm on!
             | trention wrote:
             | He meant fixing the output(s) not the model that produced
             | them.
       | jwilk wrote:
       | > The (?xm) notation is a modifier that allows the regular
       | expression to span multiple lines and to use comments.
       | This is incorrect.
       | (?xm) enables the VERBOSE (X) and MULTILINE (M) flags.
       | From the docstring:                 M  MULTILINE   "^" matches
       | the beginning of lines (after a newline)                       as
       | well as the string.                       "$" matches the end of
       | lines (before a newline) as well                       as the end
       | of the string.            X  VERBOSE     Ignore whitespace and
       | comments for nicer looking RE's.
         | xdfgh1112 wrote:
         | The X flag also allows the written regex to span multiple
         | lines, i.e. it counts newlines as whitespace. Interesting
         | confusion there.
         | simonw wrote:
         | Hah yeah, good catch - I'd missed that incorrect "allows it to
         | span multiple lines" statement.
       (page generated 2022-07-09 23:00 UTC)