[HN Gopher] Roguelike Tutorial in Rust (2019)
       Roguelike Tutorial in Rust (2019)
       Author : wsc981
       Score  : 300 points
       Date   : 2022-07-12 08:29 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (bfnightly.bracketproductions.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (bfnightly.bracketproductions.com)
       | GuB-42 wrote:
       | There are orcs, dragons, spiders, gelatinous cubes but no rust
       | monsters. Disappointed.
       | No seriously, that's great, and maybe rust monsters will be
       | included eventually. Technically, it has an interesting effect
       | (damages metal items) which may have a place in a tutorial like
       | this.
       | suby wrote:
       | 75 comment discussion here from 2020
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22020229
       | Winsaucerer wrote:
       | I started working through this, except to make things difficult
       | for myself I used Godot for drawing everything, via
       | https://github.com/godot-rust/godot-rust.
       | I only got to about halfway through section 2, but I think it was
       | going well.
       | kramerger wrote:
       | I don't get it, how can people use this to learn rust?
       | Sure, game development can be fun. But this looks more like a
       | tutorial for rltk. It quickly gets pretty confusing if you don't
       | already know some rust, gamedev and rougelike.
       | (I recommend beginners to look at rust by examples instead)
         | stu2b50 wrote:
         | I consider this kind of tutorial to be about the middle area of
         | learning. It's probably too much for a beginner to rust, but
         | it's great at turning someone who merely knows rust to someone
         | proficient in rust.
         | otikik wrote:
         | If you are a beginner to Rust _and_ gamedev _and_ roguelikes,
         | it might be too much for you, yes.
         | Different tools for different people. Absolutely.
         | That said, the Venn Diagram of "roguelike enthusiasts" and
         | "game developers" approaches a circle.
       | wcarss wrote:
       | Maybe a few years out of date, another tutorial bringing you
       | through implementing a roguelike in rust:
       | https://tomassedovic.github.io/roguelike-tutorial/
       | I followed this one in 2018 and really enjoyed it, and it made a
       | playable and impressive little roguelike! Though I didn't end up
       | learning rust very deeply from the effort, it was a worthwhile
       | experience and I are least gained some familiarity.
       | m4nu3l wrote:
       | I'm currently using Godot 3 for my solo indie project. It's a
       | six-degrees of freedom space shooter. I use rigid bodies and
       | physics very extensively, but what have proved to be very hard-
       | to-remove bottlenecks were the scene tree and scripts.
       | At some point the game was spending more time on those things
       | that on the physics simulation.
       | I have rewritten some code in C++ over time and parallelized as
       | much as I can. However I'm starting to think that scripting
       | languages are a false economy. There is no intrinsic reason you
       | can't have a concise and easy to use language that can be quickly
       | (in debug mode) compiled to the metal and dynamically linked to
       | the project.
       | I might look at godot-rust at some point although It's a bit late
       | considering the amount of code I have written already.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | >However I'm starting to think that scripting languages are a
         | false economy.
         | Yet, Epic after following the path of deprecating UnrealScript
         | in name of C++ and BluePrints, has decided to hire Simon Peyton
         | Jones from Haskell fame, to design their new scripting language
         | called Verse.
         | https://discourse.haskell.org/t/an-epic-future-for-spj/3573
           | s-lambert wrote:
           | Verse doesn't sound like it has to be a scripting language
           | though, it sounds more like it's a high level simulation
           | oriented language. Scripting languages nowadays have all the
           | same constructs as typed languages, they just lack types. I
           | would expect Verse to be a whole different kind of language,
           | rather than just C++ without types.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | You can see how it looks like on these screenshots,
             | https://twitter.com/saji8k/status/1339709691564179464
           | rowanG077 wrote:
           | Afaik it's not known yet whether verse is compiled or not.
           | j-krieger wrote:
           | I really do not understand game engine designers insistence
           | on inventing a new language for their scripting needs. There
           | are dozens of well built languages that can be used for
           | simple scripting. Just pick one of those.
             | duped wrote:
             | There really aren't. You need:
             | - Fast to compile
             | - Fast to run
             | - Memory management that doesn't destroy frame times
             | - Easy to embed, ideally with a small runtime
             | - Can target whatever ISAs and OS's that the game runs on,
             | like consoles.
             | There are not dozens of languages that fit these criteria,
             | particularly memory management, embedding, and toolchain
             | support for consoles when you're using a proper JIT
             | compiler and not a bytecode interpreter.
               | patrec wrote:
               | Well, there is luajit at least (the GC isn't very
               | performant, but people who care about this sidestep it).
               | Maybe Chez or Gambit scheme as well.
               | Tuna-Fish wrote:
               | When you are sidestepping the GC and have your object
               | graph mostly in types built in the base language, Lua is
               | no longer a pleasant language to use.
               | I think UE is a situation where writing a new language
               | specifically for scripting it is absolutely the correct
               | choice. The user base will be large enough to support it
               | properly, and there are a lot of things that are a lot
               | more ergonomic when the language will be built to support
               | them after the base system is already built, instead of
               | the other way around.
             | badsectoracula wrote:
             | There are many engines that use existing languages, with
             | Lua being one of the most common scripting languages used
             | by games. However usually when an engine has its own
             | scripting language it is because the existing languages
             | wouldn't fit and/or the custom language can work better
             | with the underlying engine.
             | For example if a game engine keeps track of asset
             | references, scripts could be themselves assets like any
             | textures, levels, materials, etc and have asset references
             | as literals in the code that the script compiler
             | understands, allowing automatic and precise extraction of
             | asset dependencies the scripts (and the assets that refer
             | to those scripts) can have. This is, e.g. what Blueprint
             | does (BP is just a visual scripting language that uses a
             | graph with a visual editor instead of parsing text to
             | generate an AST but the same idea applies).
             | adam_arthur wrote:
             | I suspect they could easily use an off the shelf language,
             | or at least build a language that is a strict subset of one
             | that allows for isomorphic code between that language (if
             | targeting the subset first).
             | I strongly agree this is a superior approach to a custom
             | language. Even better if the games industry standardized a
             | single purpose fit scripting language
             | [deleted]
             | sjcoles wrote:
             | NaughtyDog was able to do amazing things with their in
             | house lisp GOAL[1]. I expect SPJ's work to be in a similar
             | vein.
             | [1]:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Oriented_Assembly_Lisp
             | pshc wrote:
             | My guess is that existing scripting languages don't mesh
             | well with all the parallelized staged simulation, entity
             | content systems, and lack of tracing GC that game engines
             | like Unreal tend to have.
             | I don't know much about Verse but looking at the preview I
             | already see a type called a type called `<latent>` (async
             | Promise?) and a `race` keyword (seems like a built-in
             | `await Promise.all`?). I bet building these directly into
             | the language fixes much impedance mismatch.
             | t-3 wrote:
             | A similar but opposite argument could be made that every
             | application's scripting language will necessarily be a DSL
             | focused on that application, so might as well design a new
             | language.
           | badsectoracula wrote:
           | FWIW Blueprint is basically a scripting language, except
           | instead of having you type something like "vector Foo =
           | bar.GetPosition()" it has you create a "variable reference"
           | block, a "variable assignment" block, a "GetPosition" block,
           | a "reference to bar" block and then connect all of those
           | blocks using "wires" alongside a wire that specifies
           | execution flow.
           | But for all intents and purposes it is a scripting language -
           | the blocks are even converted into an AST-like intermediate
           | representation that is then either converted to a bytecode VM
           | or is used to generate C++ (though the BP-to-C++ conversion
           | generates very weird code since BP allows -conceptually-
           | multiple things to run in parallel).
           | But the Blueprint "front end" can be replaced with another
           | (text based) scripting language that generated the same IR
           | and the rest would work the same. While i haven't seen UE3's
           | source code so i can't be 100% certain, i'd bet that the IR
           | and VM have their roots in UnrealScript - and chances are
           | Verse is also targeting the same IR.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | You are of course right, I should have phrased it in a
             | different way.
         | hackeroldz wrote:
         | How hard is Godot to learn? I have no prior game developing
         | exp.
           | thealienthing wrote:
           | It's a very easy and well documented free engine. If you have
           | used and like python, you can learn the ropes quickly. But as
           | OP mentioned there are drawbacks to the loose type system.
           | But I would encourage anyone looking to make their first game
           | to try Godot as it gets out of your way so you can start
           | making your sprites move around and interact with the world.
         | medo-bear wrote:
         | > However I'm starting to think that scripting languages are a
         | false economy. There is no intrinsic reason you can't have a
         | concise and easy to use language that can be quickly (in debug
         | mode) compiled to the metal and dynamically linked to the
         | project.
         | This might interest you:
         | * https://reader.tymoon.eu/article/413
         | *
         | https://github.com/Shinmera/talks/blob/master/gic2021-highly...
         | and the very recent still front-page discussion on hn:
         | * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32043026
         | jasonjmcghee wrote:
         | I've spent time in Godot and Godot Mono- if you're interested
         | we could pair and investigate some of your bottlenecks. I've
         | managed to remove those that I've encountered.
           | jasonjmcghee wrote:
           | Here's a simple example of a few steps, dramatically
           | improving performance.
           | It points to a few great tips- things like, being very
           | intentional about node type, collision layers,
           | monitoring/monitorable, and other concepts like pooling and
           | the physics server.
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z7Z7PrTD_M
           | m4nu3l wrote:
           | What kind of game are you working on? I have managed to
           | actually removing a lot of these bottlenecks by parallelizing
           | or rewriting in C++. The ones I'm left with I believe are now
           | more on the GPU side. I'm trying to use portal rendering /
           | occludes for that.
         | thealienthing wrote:
         | >However I'm starting to think that scripting languages are a
         | false economy. There is no intrinsic reason you can't have a
         | concise and easy to use language that can be quickly (in debug
         | mode) compiled to the metal and dynamically linked to the
         | project.
         | I'm a big fan of interpreted languages like python and the
         | python like godot script. The power of quickly accomplishing
         | tasks because of their fast and loose nature is great, but as
         | I've built up some large repos at work written in pure python,
         | I'm starting to regret the loose typing. Bugs caused by a small
         | loss of data because of implicit type casting have been a
         | source of much wasted time. I'm starting to convert to rigidly
         | typed systems of program just for that peace of mind that any
         | calls I make to an API will not compile because I am not
         | passing the right type. It makes sense to switch to a language
         | like CPP/Rust for big projects like a game.
           | citizenkeen wrote:
           | Coming from C#, I couldn't handle the untyped nature of
           | GDScript, and quickly took up its static typing.
             | m4nu3l wrote:
             | It supports optional types. It's not perfect but I use them
             | consistently and it helps.
         | galangalalgol wrote:
         | I have very fond memories of Quake C. It was a bit more like
         | pascal in some ways than C but the compiler came with quake
         | (the first one with the NIN soundtrack). It had the source for
         | the existing bits of the game that were written in it, which
         | was all the behaviours, and you could change it and recompile
         | to a new dll. It was easy to use and quite performant.
           | klaussilveira wrote:
           | You're probably remembering Q3's QVM:
           | https://fabiensanglard.net/quake3/qvm.php
           | QuakeC was for Quake 1, also compiled, but not to a DLL:
           | https://www.gamers.org/dEngine/quake/spec/quake-spec34/qc-
           | me...
           | Modern QC compiler:
           | https://www.triptohell.info/moodles/fteqcc/README.html
             | galangalalgol wrote:
             | I'm definitely remembering quake1 but I might be wrong
             | about the dll? I remember doing very poor version control
             | copying the dlls into and out of the main folder.
               | galangalalgol wrote:
               | Ah yeah, progs.dat. So not a native compilation? The mod
               | I was proudest of I called summoner that let you make a
               | pet shoggoth that fought for you.
         | jhgb wrote:
         | > However I'm starting to think that scripting languages are a
         | false economy. There is no intrinsic reason you can't have a
         | concise and easy to use language that can be quickly (in debug
         | mode) compiled to the metal and dynamically linked to the
         | project.
         | The Revenge of Lisp strikes again. Yet another reason for why
         | your program should look like a big ball of mud?
         | krapp wrote:
         | >However I'm starting to think that scripting languages are a
         | false economy.
         | This is likely more an indictment of Godot's 3D capabilities or
         | GDScript than scripting languages as a whole.
           | m4nu3l wrote:
           | No, not really. It's not about the 3D capabilities (I have
           | different types of issues there) or about GDScript per se
           | (other scripting languages have even worse issues like the
           | GIL in Python), but the issue I had is that a lot of time was
           | spent doing these:
           | - Counting references. - Variant related conversions. -
           | Resolving methods. - Interpreting the bytecode. - Sorting
           | nodes before calling update functions. - Triggering callbacks
           | etc.
           | All of these would amount to a good percentage of the time
           | spent in the main thread. I managed to optimize by a
           | combination of parallelism (gladly GDScript has no GIL!) and
           | by rewriting somethings in C++.
           | I still have some bottlenecks with the rendering but that
           | should be easier to scale back.
       | chungus wrote:
       | This is what I used to learn Rust, in tandem with The Book. I
       | would read a chapter of The Book, then do a chapter of Herbert's
       | Roguelike Tutorial. Very well written and fun material, that
       | guides you deep into a tricky space with very little previous
       | knowledge required. The maintainer is also very responsive to
       | questions and pull requests. And has done an interesting talk[0]
       | on procedural map generation at the annual 'Roguelike
       | Celebration' conference[1] which is happening in October. (and
       | for which the Call For Papers is still open)
       | [0] https://youtu.be/TlLIOgWYVpI [1] https://www.roguelike.club/
         | drivers99 wrote:
         | What's "The Book"? Someone else mentioned `book` in backticks
         | as well so I'm guessing there's one canonical book that Rust
         | people are referring to.
           | dhagz wrote:
           | They're referring to this[1].
           | [1]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/
             | SnowHill9902 wrote:
             | I found it quite shallow. Am I alone in this? What's a
             | better resource for learning Rust from a C++ background?
               | lr1970 wrote:
               | I found that the following book is much better suited for
               | programmers with C/C++ experience:
               | "Programming Rust, 2-nd edition" by Jim Blandy, Jason
               | Orendorff, Leonora F. S. Tindall [1]
               | [1] https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/programming-
               | rust-2nd/97...
         | thealienthing wrote:
         | Amazing how powerful the concept of building a game is in
         | teaching someone to program. The combination of graphics and
         | learning some technical chops helps the user really get
         | seasoned quickly in any language while also giving them
         | something they can show their friends and family. Having
         | someone cool to show off really helps maintain that excitement
         | in the learning process.
         | Aaronstotle wrote:
         | I'm glad this tutorial popped up, I just started going through
         | The Book over the weekend and I've been doing that and some of
         | the Rustlings exercises.
         | I need to check this out because as a new programmer, I have a
         | hard time caring about exercise programs whereas a game
         | provides a lot more motivation
       | 0xRusty wrote:
       | Absolutely incredible depth covered here. Very generous of the OP
       | to provide such a detailed tutorial and reference! I'm going to
       | try and go through this in a lot more detail when I get some
       | time.
       | hiyer wrote:
       | Medium subscribers can read an HTML version of this book for free
       | here - https://medium.com/pragmatic-programmers/table-of-
       | contents-1...
         | [deleted]
       | lordleft wrote:
       | One of the great blessings of the roguelike genre, especially in
       | its purer-ASCII expressions, is that the barrier to create a
       | complete and gripping game was considerably lower than games that
       | required lots of art assets, animations, etc. It's a genre born
       | out of the constraints of early computing.
         | jaunkst wrote:
         | That is one of the reasons why I got into programming. Not
         | exactly because of roguelikes but MUDs. After playing muds, and
         | wanting to make my own I started with Diku, and then started
         | building them from scratch in many other languages.
         | The ECS pattern became something really interesting to me just
         | because of the highly serializable state.
         | One of the MUDs my community was involved in had a great
         | developer behind it. It was just so amazing how fast new
         | features were added to the system. The idea that you don't need
         | assets, animations, etc is critical.
         | I would love for a book series that would cover something like
         | this in multiple languages.
         | zasdffaa wrote:
         | Hard to call it gripping when I'm trying to find out how to do
         | X in the interface. I suppose like emacs it comes with time.
         | I admit on the few times I played it and managed not to get
         | frustrated I do start to perceive it at least partly in 3
         | dimensions with immersion, like an interactive cinema in my
         | head, bit like when I played AD&D as a kid (which I admit I
         | miss).
           | kadoban wrote:
           | That is the big downside, it takes a while to get invested in
           | it, especially these days when there's a thousand other
           | things optimized to pull your attention.
           | Once you get into them though, they're some of my favorite
           | games. NetHack might be the most absorbing game I've ever
           | played, and there's a few others with that art style that
           | came close.
       | CGamesPlay wrote:
       | Man, this Specs [0] library is so strange to me, coming from a
       | Unity background. Is there some sort of comparison as to why one
       | way is better than the other?
       | [0] https://docs.rs/specs
         | jakkos wrote:
         | If you mean a comparison between SPECS' paradigm, ECS, and
         | Unity's mix of OOP/composition, the main benefit of ECS is
         | performance. The way ECS loops over arrays of data means that
         | the memory accesses it makes are nearly always already in
         | cache. Games spend a surprisingly large amount of time just
         | waiting to receive values from memory. In the right
         | circumstances, normally when dealing with huge numbers of
         | objects (think simulation games), ECS can be entire orders of
         | magnitude faster. Other than that some people just prefer
         | coding in ECS. Unity has been developing its own separate ECS
         | framework for a while now.
         | bodge5000 wrote:
         | ECS is an absolute pain to work with and makes everything so
         | much slower...until it clicks. In the past I've compared it to
         | learning programming all over again.
         | The SQL reply summed it up quite nicely, basically you perform
         | queries for anything with a class attached and then perform
         | your operations on all of those. It sounds really inefficient,
         | but in terms of raw performance the results usually speak for
         | themselves.
         | A good example I encountered with Bevy, another Rust ECS
         | framework, is imagine you want your camera to follow your
         | player. Rather than having a script on your camera and a
         | different one on your player, you could just attach a generic
         | class to both, query through anything with that class and
         | update the position of it based on the input.
         | nextaccountic wrote:
         | Maybe you would like Bevy's ECS more?
         | https://bevyengine.org/learn/book/getting-started/ecs/ (it's a
         | later design that incorporated some improvements, like, you
         | don't need to define a struct and impl a trait to define a
         | system)
           | dymk wrote:
           | Bevy's ECS is incredibly ergonomic and makes writing ECS code
           | fun. You give Bevy a function and it automagically turns it
           | into a system by doing dependency injection. No need to write
           | an impl for it, the system takes care of that for you. It
           | makes prototyping very fun, as it's cheap to experiment with
           | different system configurations.
         | pornel wrote:
         | It is a very different and seemingly weird approach. It's
         | almost like writing SQL queries for your game world (e.g. "find
         | all entities with a Flying component and attach them a
         | WooshSound component). A clever memory layout makes these
         | queries super fast.
         | It makes separation of concerns very natural. Different
         | parts/layers of the game, like inputs, AI, sounds, graphics,
         | effects and animations can be coded separately. You don't end
         | up with "god class" for player's object that does a bit of
         | everything. You have player entity that has components
         | attached, and each system operates on its own set of
         | components.
         | I can't really do it justice in a comment. It's a quite
         | different approach, so it's not directly comparable. It's like
         | OOP vs Rust's traits. ECS happens to match Rust's memory model
         | and traits incredibly well.
         | Here's a more in-depth talk about this:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKLntZcp27M
           | wdroz wrote:
           | Even the Data-oriented design[0] is eyes opening (which is
           | part of the ECS).
           | The classic example is[1]: Instead of having a list of
           | structs, where each struct get some types (int, float, ...),
           | you use one struct, where the fields are list of types (array
           | of int, array of floats, ...)
           | [0] -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-oriented_design [1]
           | -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AoS_and_SoA
             | kramerger wrote:
             | Unity uses ECS, just in a more visual way.
               | wdroz wrote:
               | I did some Unity3d back in 2013, I don't remember using
               | ECS (intentionally?). After a quick search, it's seem
               | that the MonoBehaviour are the old way and ECS the new
               | ways? That's nice.
               | kramerger wrote:
               | When you drag and drop something into an object, you are
               | actually adding a component to an entity.
               | It's kinda behind the scene ECS.
       | throwaway894345 wrote:
       | I'm a little embarrassed to say that I've heard "roguelike"
       | mentioned frequently, but I still have no idea what it means.
       | What are some popular roguelike games that I might have played or
       | could easily play to get an idea?
         | nanomonkey wrote:
         | Nethack is the one that springs to my mind. But I've never
         | actually played the original Rogue. Angband is also fun, but
         | never captured my attention like Nethack.
         | fknorangesite wrote:
         | > Roguelike (or rogue-like) is a subgenre of role-playing
         | computer games traditionally characterized by a dungeon crawl
         | through procedurally generated levels, turn-based gameplay,
         | grid-based movement, and permanent death of the player
         | character.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roguelike
         | cupofpython wrote:
         | Dead Cells is a popular recent one. Hades classifies as well I
         | believe.
         | A ~roguelike~ _rogue-lite_ is something where you start from
         | the beginning repeatedly, and each  "run" or playthrough you
         | change the game state somehow (varies by game) so that the next
         | run is easier / you have more in-game options for progression.
         | Almost always with randomized game features available each run.
         | It's worth noting that "rogue-like" is a description for the
         | Game Play Loop, not the look / feel of the game. A roguelike
         | can be top-down, side scroller, 2d, 3D, etc.
           | fknorangesite wrote:
           | > Hades classifies as well I believe. ... each "run" or
           | playthrough you change the game state somehow (varies by
           | game) so that the next run is easier / you have more in-game
           | options for progression.
           | Usually this is how the community differentiates between
           | "roguelikes" (i.e., like the original Rogue[1] - with _no_
           | persistence between runs), and  "roguelites" where there is
           | some amount of carryover, like in Hades.
           | Of course, like any time you have a bunch of dorks arguing
           | about nomenclature, there are a bunch of grey-area examples
           | that people fight over as if it matters more than it actually
           | does.
           | Anyway, tangent: Hades fucking rules.
           | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(video_game)
             | cupofpython wrote:
             | Oh cool, I wasn't aware of that distinction
           | hypertele-Xii wrote:
           | > each "run" or playthrough you change the game state somehow
           | (varies by game) so that the next run is easier / you have
           | more in-game options for progression.
           | You've fallen for the hostile takeover. Roguelike _used to_
           | mean the exact _opposite_ of that: Each run starts from
           | scratch, independent of all previous runs. _Some_ roguelikes,
           | that is, games _like Rogue_ [0], implemented  "player
           | ghosts", monsters based on previously dead player characters,
           | but _that 's the only persistent progression_ in a roguelike.
           | It saddens me that the term has been hijacked by modern indie
           | developers to pretend to mean just about any game that has
           | any amount of randomness in it. Dead Cells is not a
           | roguelike. Hades is not a roguelike. They are action RPGs
           | more like Diablo. Diablo, by the way, is also not a
           | roguelike.
           | WHAT IS A ROGUELIKE?
           | As the name suggests, it is a game _like Rogue._ The genre
           | hasn 't evolved a better name yet, kind of how first-person
           | shooters were originally called "Doom clones". So what was
           | Rogue _like?_ First and foremost it was a turn-based tactics
           | game, where you had an unbounded amount of time to ponder
           | your next move. It had highly randomized content, you 'd have
           | to make do with what you found. It was a dungeon crawling,
           | exploration, turn-based tactical combat game with
           | _permadeath_ and no persistence of progression. You lose, you
           | start all over.
           | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(video_game)
             | fknorangesite wrote:
             | > It saddens me that the term has been hijacked by modern
             | indie developers to pretend to mean just about any game
             | that has any amount of randomness in it
             | I think you are misunderstanding where people come from
             | with this: it's not the randomness; it's games where when
             | you lose, you start over from the beginning - not the last
             | save/checkpoint/whatever. What this indicates is that, in
             | the broader gaming scene, _this_ is the defining
             | characteristic of Rogue(likes), not the permadeath.
             | And in that sense, something like Hades or Everspace or FTL
             | or whatever absolutely fits the bill, even if on your next
             | run - from the beginning - even if you are very slightly
             | stronger the second [third, fourth, hundredth] time around.
             | I understand that there are still some purists out there
             | who work themselves into a tizzy over splitting these
             | hairs. But it's okay for there to be subgenres. It's okay
             | for colloquial terms like this to have fuzziness to them.
               | hypertele-Xii wrote:
               | > I think you are misunderstanding where people come from
               | with this: it's not the randomness; it's games where when
               | you lose, you start over from the beginning - not the
               | last save/checkpoint/whatever. What this indicates is
               | that, in the broader gaming scene, this is the defining
               | characteristic of Rogue(likes), not the permadeath.
               | Starting over when you die is exactly how games worked
               | since the arcade days. It only becomes meaningful in a
               | roguelike when coupled with randomness; otherwise you're
               | just replaying the same game over and over again (which
               | is like, exactly the reason Rogue and its likes exist - a
               | different adventure every time).
               | > from the beginning - even if you are very slightly
               | stronger the second [third, fourth, hundredth] time
               | around.
               | If you're stronger than before then it isn't _the
               | beginning,_ is it? It 's a continuation. It's a save
               | file. Rogue deletes your save file when you die.
             | cupofpython wrote:
             | I was going off of how the rogue-like tag is _currently_
             | used in game marketplaces, like Steam. You are technically
             | correct, I learned something new, and I updated - but as
             | far as seeing the phrase in the wild and trying to predict
             | what to expect, my comment stands.
             | Hades and Dead Cells are certainly _not_ like diablo. the
             | core game loop is to lose and try again, not build up a
             | strong character over the course of a single playthrough as
             | is typically expected of action-rpgs.
             | It seems like the definition of rogue-like has expanded due
             | to popularity of the genre (as things do) and you have a
             | purist attitude that rejects the new compromises. Rather
             | than create contention over something you cant control, it
             | might be better to highlight permadeath and no persistence
             | as a subtype of rogue-likes for which the original game
             | falls under.
             | And yes, it probably does need a better general-purpose
             | name but unfortunately the thing it describes is rather
             | abstract so idk what a concise self-evident phrase could be
             | for it
               | remram wrote:
               | Most games labelled as rogue-like on Steam do not feature
               | a persistent progression. Examples are Slay the Spire and
               | Spelunky.
               | Saying that it's _a feature of the genre_ is definitely
               | wrong.
               | cupofpython wrote:
               | >Saying that it's a feature of the genre is definitely
               | wrong.
               | good thing I am not saying that then
               | The point is that if you see "roguelike" then those
               | features _could_ be there, not that they necessarily will
               | be there. We are talking about a genre, which is a pretty
               | general thing
               | An FPS _could_ have grenades, but it might not. And
               | including grenades does not suddenly mean it is no longer
               | an FPS.
               | Steam does list Dead Cells as both a roguelike and a
               | roguelite. So yeah, you literally will find these
               | features in this genre.
         | nrjames wrote:
         | Brogue is an excellent and free roguelike. You can grab the
         | Community Edition of it over here:
         | https://github.com/tmewett/BrogueCE
         | It's fun to get a group of friends together and play a daily
         | seed run... see who gets the most gold, who gets deepest, etc.
       | graboid wrote:
       | Holy cow, that's amazing. And it is so extensive. Thanks a lot
       | for the link.
       | bodge5000 wrote:
       | Maybe a good place to ask, does anyone have any recommendations
       | for game dev frameworks? Preferably something performant, stable
       | and not too much of a pain to work with.
       | Been using Godot for a year or two and loving it, but I do want
       | to try out the code only workflow, I feel like it'd suit me
       | better being freed of the constraints of an engine, but I'd at
       | very least like to try so I can be sure.
       | I tried Bevy before and it was fantastic, but its just not
       | production ready. Also tried Raylib, the main problem with that
       | being the sheer number of bindings somewhat segments the
       | community and makes it harder to figure out how to start off
       | with, but it might be worth another go. Might also consider going
       | without a framework and just finding libraries to fill in what I
       | need, but that might not play nice with "not too much of a pain
       | to work with"
         | krapp wrote:
         | May be more lower level than what you're looking for but my
         | current drug of choice when I want to write all the code is
         | SDL2 and LuaJIT in Visual Studio.
           | bodge5000 wrote:
           | SDL2 I've been heavily tempted by, but it has a similar
           | problem as Raylib where everyones writing it in a different
           | language. Great when you know what your doing, but a bit more
           | difficult to get up and started with.
           | But maybe it is worth that extra time investment just for how
           | popular and battle-tested it is
         | pizza234 wrote:
         | In Rust, there is none; they're just not ready, and not used
         | either (there are very few full games written in Rust). The
         | Bevy maintainers in particular give very low priority to
         | foundational functionalities (see 1 frame lag and the unusable
         | stages+states), and focus on advanced ones instead.
         | There aren't so many alternatives actually (SDL is a very valid
         | framework, but it isn't a game engine), and the choice depends
         | on what's your real goal (experiment or develop a real game).
         | In my opinion, if the goal is to produce a real game, for
         | somebody who doesn't have significant experience, documentation
         | (including: availability of books) is the top priority.
           | bodge5000 wrote:
           | Doesn't have to be Rust, pretty much any language (though I'd
           | rather not Java just for personal preference).
           | I'd say my goal is to produce a real game, its really just to
           | experiment, but the experiment is to see if it should replace
           | Godot for me
         | Barrera wrote:
         | What's not production ready about Bevy?
           | norman784 wrote:
           | Not stable release yet, so each release might bring a lot of
           | breaking changes, when they release 1.0 the API at least will
           | be more stable.
           | pizza234 wrote:
           | Two main problems:
           | 1. state/stages can't be used together; since plugins may use
           | states (and even baisc funcionality, like the fixed frame
           | step), you can't use stages
           | 2. in order to flush commands, you need stages, but you can't
           | use them due to 1.
           | The result is that with Bevy itself, writes (commands) become
           | effective only at the end of each frame. There is a plugin
           | written by a 3rd party, but the Bevy developers are treating
           | this as very low priority (it's been open for a very long
           | time, and it's not even scheduled for the next release).
           | Paradoxically, it matters little because there's a lot of
           | hype about Bevy, but there are little (or none) significant
           | projects - only very small ones or demos, which don't require
           | efficiency or precise timing.
           | Additionally: the Bevy team doesn't write documentation at
           | all. The "cheat book" is written by a 3rd party, with the
           | consequence that it's partial, superficial, and it may be
           | halted at any time (note that I don't fault the book
           | maintainer(s); their contribution is crucial!). This isn't
           | great when one approaches the engine for the first time; it
           | actually sucks because engines like Bevy are (relatively)
           | large beasts.
             | pcwalton wrote:
             | Note that https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/45 is
             | actually fairly active; it doesn't look like "very low
             | priority" to me.
             | alice-i-cecile wrote:
             | Hi! I'm one of the four formal maintainers of Bevy. I'm not
             | particularly interested in convincing you personally, but I
             | think it's important to publicly address some
             | misunderstandings.
             | The scheduling rework that you're complaining about is
             | _extremely_ high priority, and I have personally invested
             | hundreds of hours into redesigning and refactoring this
             | mess (which is now in its third serious iteration). It 's a
             | challenging problem, and the volunteer who has taken
             | responsibility for the rewrite has needed to step back for
             | a while as they transition to a new job.
             | I have also personally invested hundreds of hours writing,
             | editing and reviewing docs for Bevy. That's what got me
             | involved in the first place, and the team has done a great
             | job. A fully revised book is also in the works, but getting
             | the subtle details right are critical.
             | As for serious projects: I've spoken with about a half-
             | dozen commercial teams, including one with a team size of
             | about 10 and a lifespan of nearly two years. Their feedback
             | is remarkably positive given the immaturity of Bevy and the
             | supporting ecosystem. While there are missing features that
             | they want (hi bevy_ui), and annoying papercuts (yep, those
             | scheduling concerns sure are annoying), they've over all
             | been wildly impressed been how easy to maintain, reliable
             | and performant Bevy has been for them.
         | otikik wrote:
         | > being freed of the constraints of an engine
         | I am going to suggest the opposite: subject yourself to _more_
         | constraints. Try programming on a retro-fantasy console like
         | Pico-8 or some of its free alternatives.
         | I found the (sometimes ridiculous) restrictions very
         | liberating. In exchange you get raw immediacy. I want a game
         | with a chicken on it. I spend doodle something with the 8-bit
         | 8x8 bitmap editor. I draw it with 1 line of code, 4 more lines
         | to control with the arrow keys. Total time: maybe 2 minutes.
         | This radical immediacy is something I really missed in more
         | unconstrained environments. I would get analysis paralysis
         | "should it be a male or female chicken? what shader should I
         | use to properly render the chicken wings when there's rain".
           | hypertele-Xii wrote:
           | Developing an actual game on PICO-8 is like solving a
           | Zachtronics puzzle. Appealing to a small subset of developers
           | who enjoy hex editing, hacking, and squeezing performance out
           | of a limited system.
           | But if you're more artistically inclined, you will only find
           | frustration where PICO-8 flaunts its "cozyness". It imposes
           | completely arbitrary and unnecessary restrictions where there
           | should be none. These restrictions _will_ become a brick wall
           | you eventually hit, and then you _have to_ start peeking and
           | poking raw memory with hexadecimals like you 're programming
           | in fucking C, or just give up trying to make the game you
           | wanted to make.
             | otikik wrote:
             | I realize that this might not be for you, and that is fine.
             | I must object to the "arbitrary and unnecessary" part. You
             | might not agree with the reasons, but there _are_ reasons
             | for the restrictions.
             | I also want to say that I think of myself as actually very
             | artistically inclined. An 128x128 screen in 16 colors is
             | just a medium. You prefer other mediums and that's fine,
             | but the implication of "Pico-8 isn't for artistic people"
             | is simply not true.
               | hypertele-Xii wrote:
               | You're talking about surface level details and artistic
               | choises. I'm talking about the _underlying workings_ of
               | the engine, and the strangling limits placed thereupon.
               | Limits like token count, which only serves to force you
               | to  "optimize" your code somewhere along development of
               | your game because you suddenly "run out of words" to code
               | a new feature you just thought of. Then the framework
               | turns from "helps you make games quickly" to "grinds your
               | progress to a halt because REASONS". Or if you wanted to
               | make another level, the creative artist you are, but
               | there's just not enough room in the map editor, so now
               | you have to plug in a data compression library and lose
               | access to the built-in map editor!
         | garrypettet wrote:
         | I've just started out with Flame and Flutter. As a newcomer to
         | game development (but experienced in other genres of coding)
         | I've found it great.
         | lc9er wrote:
         | There's Monogame, if you know C#. It's got a decent sized
         | community and it's been used to create a number of popular
         | games.
           | bodge5000 wrote:
           | Monogame is really tempting, I've heard great things about
           | it. Funny little anecdote actually, I was originally against
           | it as I felt it sat too close to microsoft, so decided to try
           | a different framework with my usual editor, VSCode. Took me
           | longer than you'd think to figure out the irony of that
         | brennopost wrote:
         | I enjoy love2d for small 2d games.
         | jasonjmcghee wrote:
         | You can do Godot with a code only workflow. The UI is just an
         | abstraction over setting variables and writing configuration
         | files. You'll likely want to use a language with good IDE
         | support though, like C# (Mono). The Scene files can also be
         | written by hand.
         | But the Tool class (which you use to leverage the GUI) is so
         | useful in Godot. You're probably going to use egui or imgui to
         | build a replacement yourself in any other engine anyway.
         | The instant feedback of changing key variables and seeing their
         | effect is too useful not to leverage.
           | bodge5000 wrote:
           | Really good idea actually, I could test out the workflow of a
           | framework whilst working with something I know. I remember I
           | briefly looked this up in the past and there wasn't much on
           | it, but maybe I should take another look.
           | As for the tool class, I don't use that much in regular godot
           | to be honest. It always felt a little like variable exports,
           | a bit of a hack for users coming over from Unity to feel more
           | at home but not "standard practice". Not sure why it feels
           | like that to me, but I do alright without it.
             | jasonjmcghee wrote:
             | Oh man, it's so much more. You can put any code behind
             | Engine.EditorHint condition and it only runs inside the
             | editor. You can make shortcut keys to do things or execute
             | code in _Process.
             | For example, i've made a script where editing one tilemap
             | updated another, the first being a palette for wave
             | function collapse, generating the other.
             | When i implemented vector fields, i first had it track the
             | mouse instead of the player and did it all in the editor
             | (not hitting play)
       | fredrikholm wrote:
       | I used this to learn Rust (after `book`), highly recommended!
       | sanjayts wrote:
       | What's the relation between this tutorial and the "hands on rust"
       | book? Overlapping content or contains bits and pieces from the
       | book?
       | NonNefarious wrote:
       | A "Rogue-Like?"
       | Come on.
         | NonNefarious wrote:
       | greybox wrote:
       | It's wonderful that someone took it upon themselves to write this
       | and release it open source, thank you!
       (page generated 2022-07-12 23:01 UTC)