[HN Gopher] Maybe powers of p don't have unexpectedly good appro...
       Maybe powers of p don't have unexpectedly good approximations?
       Author : thomasahle
       Score  : 51 points
       Date   : 2022-07-13 16:42 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (11011110.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (11011110.github.io)
       | madcaptenor wrote:
       | I wonder what happens for powers of e. This should be different
       | than pi, since e has continued fraction coefficients that make a
       | nice pattern [2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, ...]. e^2 does as well
       | (https://oeis.org/A001204). (I know this fact but have never
       | understood any of the proofs.)
       | But e^3 (https://oeis.org/A058282) does not have a "nice
       | pattern", and neither does e^4 (https://oeis.org/A058283)
         | pyrolistical wrote:
         | Often a nice pattern can be found if one uses a generalized
         | continued fraction
         | westurner wrote:
         | /? 3blue1brown e^ipi
         | https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=3blue1bro...
         | Given:                 e = limit((1 + 1/n)^n, +[?])  # Euler's
         | number       i = [?]-1  # orthogonal; i_0^2 = -1       pi =
         | (666/212 - 22/7)*p  # circle circumference / diameter
         | Euler's identity:                 e^ip + 1 = 0
         | Euler's formula:                 e^ix = cos(x) + i*sin(x)
         | Euler's formula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler's_formula
         | e (Euler's number)
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(mathematical_constant)
           | westurner wrote:
           | Is there something fundamental here - with e.g. radix base e
           | - about countability and a continuum of reals, and maybe
           | constructive interference?
       | Dwedit wrote:
       | The font I'm seeing this in makes the pi look like a lowercase N.
         | colejohnson66 wrote:
         | It's an uppercase pi. The lowercase one is what we're all
         | familiar with. What's interesting is that the actual post has
         | the lowercase one. Is it a bug in HN's capitalization fixer?
       | bonzini wrote:
       | Wouldn't the right question be "do the powers of pi have
       | unusually big terms _towards the beginning_ of their continued
       | fractions? " Because even one such term is enough to have a
       | surprisingly good approximation, but many small terms at the
       | beginning would create an approximation with a larger numerator
       | and denominator, which may seem less remarkable than 355/113.
       | thomasahle wrote:
       | Pretty cool that you can determine the exact probability
       | distribution for the digits of fraction expansion of a random
       | real number:
       | lim_{n->inf} Pr[k_n = k] = -log_2(1 - 1/(k+1)^2)
       | And this was determine already in 1929! I think fraction
       | expansions was all the rage back then.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss%E2%80%93Kuzmin_distribut...
         | arutar wrote:
         | Results like this are a lot of fun, and like many a reasonable
         | number of cool results in number theory, are "surprisingly
         | easy". There's a proof only using two ideas:
         | 1) Birkhoff ergodic theorem, which states for a "nice"
         | dynamical system, the probability that certain events occur can
         | be described explicitly by an invariant distribution (see [1]),
         | and
         | 2) Continued fractions have an associated "nice" dynamical
         | system (the Gauss map) which has an explicit probability
         | distribution that is not too challenging to compute.
         | Of course, writing this argument out takes a bit of work [2].
         | In fact, the argument is structured in the exact same way as
         | the fact that uniformly randomly chosen numbers in [0,1] are
         | normal (i.e. the digit frequencies in a base-b expansion are
         | all 1/b).
         | However, proving such results about _specific_ numbers is
         | notoriously hard [3]. As far as I am aware, there has not been
         | a single irrational algebraic number proven to be normal.
         | Normality of well-known constants like pi and e is also an open
         | problem! I would not be surprised if proving distributional
         | results for continued fraction expansions of pi is also very
         | hard.
         | [1]:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergodic_theory#Ergodic_theorem...
         | [2]:
         | http://www.geometrie.tugraz.at/karpenkov/cf2011/cf2011s_7.pd...
         | [3]:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_number#Properties_and_e...
         | svat wrote:
         | Yes! Not only that, here's something I found mind-blowing: for
         | _almost all_ real numbers, the nth root of the nth convergent
         | 's denominator has as limit the _same_ value, and that value is
         | e^(pi^2 /12ln2).
         | Am typing from phone so can't write it down here properly, but
         | some details at an old blog post of mine:
         | https://shreevatsa.wordpress.com/2010/04/30/some-incredibly-...
           | madcaptenor wrote:
           | there's also Khinchin's constant - for almost all real
           | numbers, the geometric mean of the first n continued fraction
           | coefficients approaches a constant K as ngoes to infinity. K
           | is about 2.68 (the geometric mean of the Gauss-Kuzmin
           | distribution).
           | I like to pair this with a more trivial fact - for almost all
           | real numbers, the arithmetic mean of the first n digits of
           | the decimal expansion, as n goes to infinity, approaches 4.5.
       | rich_sasha wrote:
       | This is stretching my long gone education, but pi is a
       | transcendental number, meaning it us not a root of any integer-
       | coefficient polynomial, and these tend to not have good rational
       | approximations
         | [deleted]
         | ykonstant wrote:
         | On the contrary, due to Roth's theorem [0], transcendental
         | numbers are the only ones who have a chance to be atypically
         | well approximable by rational numbers.
         | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roth%27s_theorem
           | [deleted]
           | SilasX wrote:
           | Huh? The link says Roth's Theorem is about algebraic numbers,
           | which are the opposite of transcendental numbers.
           | And I'm pretty sure 100% of integers are approximable by
           | rational numbers, which has got to be at least as good a
           | figure as the transcendentals can claim.
             | henrydark wrote:
             | Actually integers are very poorly approximable by rational
             | numbers, even though each integer is very well approximated
             | by a single specific rational number
             | The definition of "well approximated" is that there are
             | infinitely many good approximations, not just one really
             | good one, and this is what integers, and algebraic numbers
             | in general, fail to have
               | SilasX wrote:
               | Every integer has an infinite number of combinations of
               | integers that add up to it.
               | henrydark wrote:
               | Indeed!
               | Mathematics is a lot about defining something and then
               | proving stuff (and sometimes going the other way around).
               | Different combinations giving the same approximation are
               | considered a single approximation, namely the result of
               | the combination
           | rich_sasha wrote:
           | Ah so just off by 1 :)
           | Now I remember, the "canonical" transcendental number is sum
           | of reciprocals of n! Which is almost rational.
             | ykonstant wrote:
             | Precisely. In fact, that features in many proofs of
             | transcendence: you find too good rational approximations,
             | which contradicts things like Roth's theorem, so your
             | number cannot be algebraic.
               | madcaptenor wrote:
               | IIRC the first number proven to be transcendental was
               | Liouville's number
               | 0.110001000000000000000001...
               | where the digits after the decimal place are 1 in the
               | n!th place and 0 otherwise. This is explicitly
               | constructed to be very close to the sequence of rational
               | numbers
               | 0.1, 0.11, 0.110001, ...
               | (I expect there's nothing special about base 10 here;
               | surely the proof works in binary as well.)
             | henrydark wrote:
             | So actually the number you're referring to the natural base
             | of logarithm, usually written "e".
             | It turns out that e has the same irrationality measure as
             | irrational algebraic numbers (2), meaning it can be
             | approximated similarly well as irrational algebraic
             | numbers, and not as well as some other transcendstal
             | numbers like Liouville's constant
         | zeroonetwothree wrote:
         | Actually the irrational number that is hardest to approximate
         | is phi (the golden ratio) which is not transcendental.
           | hprotagonist wrote:
           | "the most irrational" irrational:)
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-07-13 23:01 UTC)