[HN Gopher] When Rustc Explodes
       When Rustc Explodes
       Author : milen
       Score  : 63 points
       Date   : 2022-07-13 18:39 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fasterthanli.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fasterthanli.me)
       | PoignardAzur wrote:
       | Every time I read one of these posts digging into logs and
       | flsmegraphs I think "man, there really should be a simpler way to
       | understand what a compiler is doing when you feed it code".
         | fasterthanlime wrote:
         | Author here: I honestly expected it to be much worse. The
         | tracing integration in particular is fantastic - being able to
         | just slap a `#[instrument(...)]` attribute on any function and
         | then be able to filter which spans you want to see is kind of a
         | superpower.
         | That said I think much could be improved, still. I only breezed
         | through the perf/nperf stuff because I've used them before, and
         | through the self-profiling stuff because rustc devs helped me
         | with it.
         | I would've killed for a REPL while I was working on this (or a
         | server architecture so I could write my _own_ rustc queries),
         | and step through them, etc. I like Kate's approach to this[1] -
         | I'd just like something a little more... interactive.
         | What do _you_ think it should look like? I feel like a ton of
         | good ideas come from folks who "simply didn't know it was
         | impossible" (more accurately: haven't been trained to accept to
         | work with subpar tools). I'm excited to try out Pernosco[2] for
         | example, it seems like a much-needed rethink of debuggers.
         | [1]:
         | https://twitter.com/thingskatedid/status/1386077675211526148
         | [2]: https://pernos.co/
       | rowanG077 wrote:
       | I recently started a Rust project coming from mostly writing
       | Haskell in my job and oh boy was I surprised. I was expecting
       | long compile times because of the complaints I read about
       | everywhere. But in fact compilation is very speedy. Much, much
       | faster then I'm used to with GHC in fact.
         | zamalek wrote:
         | It has significantly improved, and I mean _significantly,_ even
         | in the past year alone.
           | silverwind wrote:
           | According to https://perf.rust-lang.org/dashboard.html
           | compile times only have improved by like 5-10% since last
           | year.
             | rowanG077 wrote:
             | That's pretty huge though.
         | indiv0 wrote:
         | 1. Don't use the `async` ecosystem.
         | 2. Prefer dynamic dispatch to monomorphization (i.e., use fewer
         | generics).
         | 3. Don't use proc macros (i.e., don't depend on the `syn`
         | crate, even transitively).
         | Easy to say; hard to put into practice. But that's all there is
         | to it.
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | Or don't, because all of those things are great. Compile
           | times aren't that bad unless you're doing a clean uncached
           | build, which is very unlikely.
           | fasterthanlime wrote:
           | > Don't use the `async` ecosystem.
           | I want to make it /very/ clear that async isn't to blame at
           | all for the pathological build times described here. It's a
           | bug about traits and lifetimes, both very core concepts of
           | Rust that you deal with even if you stay away from async
           | code.
           | async rust will certainly be more ergonomic once some more
           | improvements land (hopefully later this year), but I don't
           | feel like it deserves all the sighs it's been publicly
           | getting these past few months. (And I /love/ to complain.
           | I've written pieces named "Surviving Rust async interface",
           | "Getting in and out of trouble with Rust futures", "Pin and
           | suffering", etc.)
           | > Prefer dynamic dispatch to monomorphization (i.e., use
           | fewer generics).
           | Unless you hit a pathological case as shown in the article,
           | it tends to not be _that_ bad, especially if you enable `-Z
           | share-generics=y` (unstable still, yet enabled by default for
           | debug builds if I remember correctly).
           | Overall still solid advice - although "use fewer generics"
           | sometimes turns out to be "just turn a big generic type into
           | `Box<dyn Trait>`" (it's not _just_ boxing, that would be
           | `Box<T>`). That's what axum[1] does with all services, and
           | it's never had the compile times issues warp[2] had, for
           | example.
           | > Don't use proc macros (i.e., don't depend on the `syn`
           | crate, even transitively).
           | Good news there, I hear there's some progress on the proc-
           | macro bridge (which improves macro expansion performance) AND
           | "wasm proc-macros". I hope this piece of advice will be
           | completely irrelevant in a year (but for now, it's spot-on.
           | using pin-project-lite instead of pin-project is worth it,
           | for example).
           | [1] https://lib.rs/crates/axum
           | [2] https://lib.rs/crates/warp
             | vgel wrote:
             | My understanding of point #2 is that LLVM may still try to
             | devirtualize the call, which would reduce the performance
             | impact -- is that true for Rust? I know it happens
             | sometimes in C++.
             | Also for proc macros, rust-analyzer seems to struggle with
             | them sometimes as well, so I try to avoid them (outside
             | Serde, which is worth any price) for that reason.
           | aaaaaaaaaaab wrote:
           | Async seems to be the first big "footgun" of Rust. It's
           | widespread enough that you can't really avoid interacting
           | with it, yet it's bad enough that it makes people resent the
           | language.
             | rowanG077 wrote:
             | Why is it a footgun? I have been using it and I didn't
             | notice anything bad with it yet.
             | vgel wrote:
             | It's really not as bad as it's made out to be. You can
             | paint yourself into a corner with it, but a lot of that is
             | that async is _fundamentally more complicated than sync /
             | threaded code_, and there's only so much any language can
             | do to paper that over. Rust exposes a lot of details, so it
             | can be complicated to get to grips with how they combine
             | with async in certain corner cases, but the happy path is
             | quite happy even now.
             | A lot of the async Rust code I work with already looks like
             | `async fn foo() -> ... { do_request().await?.blah().await
             | }`, plus the occasional gathering of futures into a `Vec`
             | to join on. That sort of thing, not much different from
             | Javascript, but with a lot more control of the low-level
             | details.
             | A good deal of corner cases should get better once async
             | traits are stabilized, which will mean much less need for
             | manually writing out Future types. But honestly, even now
             | it's not _that_ bad. I have a codebase that uses async to
             | read hundreds of thousands of files[1], streaming gunzip
             | them, pass them to another future which streaming parses
             | records from them, and then pushes those parsed records
             | into a `FnMut` closure for further non-async processing. It
             | took a bit of thinking and design to get everything moving
             | together nicely, but that corner of the codebase now is
             | only ~200 lines of pretty straightforward code -- there 's
             | like 1 instance of `Unpin`. It's not _that_ bad.
             | [1]: I know async isn't necessarily faster for reading
             | files, but it started life doing network requests and it
             | can still saturate a 200-core machine so I haven't felt the
             | need to port it over to threads.
               | inferiorhuman wrote:
               | FWIW I really don't like async in rust. It's improved
               | significantly over the past couple years and it's nowhere
               | near as bad as callback hell in Javascript but things
               | still feel opaque. I've been toying around with a little
               | monitoring agent (think Nagios or Sensu) to keep an eye
               | on my defective LG fridge. So far I've managed to crash
               | rustc twice. Trying to wrap my head around one library
               | (that I was using incorrectly) I managed to "fork bomb"
               | the damn thing and realize that I've little to no insight
               | into the runtime. Try to find the current number of
               | running tasks being managed by tokio...
               | The beauty of the rust async stuff is that you can move
               | to a multi-threaded runtime as you desire with minimal
               | effort.
               | fasterthanlime wrote:
               | > Try to find the current number of running tasks being
               | managed by tokio...
               | As a heavy user of async Rust in production (at a couple
               | places), resource leaks / lack of visibility into that
               | has been a top issue.
               | In this area, tokio-console[1] is an exciting
               | development. I have high hopes for it and adjacent tools
               | in the future. (Instrumenting your app with
               | tracing+opentelemetry stuff can help a lot, too).
               | Until those become featureful/mainstream enough, Go has
               | the upper hand in terms of "figuring out what's going on
               | in an async program at any given time".
               | [1]: https://lib.rs/crates/tokio-console
               | fasterthanlime wrote:
               | Quick aside: if you're willing to live the nightly life
               | (unstable rustc), the `type_alias_impl_trait` feature
               | gets you most of the way to "async trait methods". You
               | still have to have a `Future` associated type, but in
               | impl blocks, it just becomes `type Future = impl
               | Future<Output = Blah>`, and then the compiler infers what
               | the concrete (and probably unnameable, if you use async
               | blocks) type is - no need to mess with `Pin<Box<T>>`.
               | The most egregious code comes when implementing one of
               | the `AsyncRead`/`AsyncWrite` traits or similar, and that
               | can come up a bunch in backend services, for example if
               | you want to record metrics on how/when/where data flows,
               | apply some limits etc. I'm curious how the ecosystem will
               | adapt once async trait methods land for real.
       | svnpenn wrote:
       | > The crux of the problem is "gee grandma, what big types you
       | have there", because... essentially, tower is a couple of
       | important traits.
       | > And the basic idea is "oh shit we don't have async trait
       | methods" (hence the Future associated type) but also
       | "backpressure is love, backpressure is life", by way of the
       | poll_ready method.
       | I really don't like this guys style of writing. It seems like the
       | bones of the article are interesting, but then they slap like
       | three layers of meme talk, irony and sarcasm, and it just ruins
       | the read for me. It reminds me of TARS humor setting. It doesn't
       | need to be zero, but its currently at like 98, can we turn it
       | down some?
         | fasterthanlime wrote:
         | > but its currently at like 98
         | Come on now. There's two chasms between "an academic paper", my
         | blog, and "a blog with minion/the office reaction GIFs".
         | The amount of humor is finely-tuned so that it's not /too/
         | distracting from the actual technical topic at hand (of which
         | there's always one, I'm not a sit-down comic), but it also
         | filters out folks who'd rather focus on the form than the
         | content / take themselves too seriously.
         | Looks like the net caught you! Hi!
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | I would really like to see more minion gifs in your posts
           | svnpenn wrote:
           | No, I just don't want to read the TikTok equivalent of a blog
           | post, but nice try.
             | sophacles wrote:
             | Isn't the TikTok equivalent of a blog post just a Tweet? I
             | mean, back when the first came out there was a whole notion
             | of "microblogging" that they were tapping into.
             | This post has paragraphs, sections, coherent layout. It's
             | certainly not a TikTok analogue.
             | biorach wrote:
             | Seriously! Some of Amos' posts about Rust as in-depth as
             | anything on the internet. TikTok it is not.
             | With the amount of effort he puts in he's earned the right
             | to make a few dumb jokes
         | aaaaaaaaaaab wrote:
         | It's the kind of humor that usually not even the author finds
         | funny. They just learned that this is how "funny" people talk.
           | vgel wrote:
           | It's fair to not appreciate the humor oneself, but this is a
           | really unfair judgement / assumption of the author's intent.
           | game-of-throws wrote:
           | The emperor has no sense of humor?
       (page generated 2022-07-13 23:00 UTC)