[HN Gopher] Wails: Build beautiful cross-platform applications u...
       Wails: Build beautiful cross-platform applications using Go
       Author : sph
       Score  : 55 points
       Date   : 2022-07-13 10:38 UTC (3 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (wails.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (wails.io)
       | iasay wrote:
       | _> It does not embed a browser, so it is resource efficient.
       | Instead, it uses the native rendering engine for the platform. On
       | Windows, this is the new Microsoft Webview2 library, built on
       | Chromium._
       | How does this make it magically resource efficient? It's still
       | another Chrome tab running some inevitable pile of inefficient
       | excrement that burns watts. It's just not shipping it with the
       | package. Disk and bandwidth is cheap compared to watts and
       | latency which is the biggest problem with any web based
       | technology.
       | I just want my native apps back (and no I don't want wx/Qt/Gtk!)
         | doodlesdev wrote:
         | If you're using Linux GNOME then GTK IS native, same thing for
         | KDE and QT. wxWidgets uses native system components on all
         | operating systems (and provides both GTK and QT backends for
         | Linux). I agree that applications that are made for a single
         | operating system are generally more appropriate because they
         | feel better, but I don't feel it's realistic to expect from any
         | company developing software simply because there's so many
         | permutations of different systems to support. If you're
         | developing for Windows for instance then "native" depends on
         | the operating system version (win32 > uwp > winui3).
         | Also using the system webview (compared to loading a whole
         | dedicated browser just for the application) in my experience is
         | better when it comes to application bloat in the runtime, Tauri
         | for instance achieves half of the memory usage that a Electron
         | application needs and it's also possible to reduce CPU usage
         | significantly by offloading any computations to the Rust
         | backend.
         | I'm not saying I'm satisfied with the situation, just that I
         | don't expect that anyone cares enough for truly native
         | applications to become relevant again.
       | howeyc wrote:
       | I don't get these projects. If you're going to write an html/js
       | app, why not just launch the web browser against the local url of
       | your app?
         | 0x20cowboy wrote:
         | Using the the apps I have built in this style as an example
         | (not this library in particular though) - starting a whole
         | browser comes with a lot of baggage you may not need - plug-ins
         | as a small example. It's easier to target 3 OSs than some
         | random permutation.
         | Also, doing it this way, you can extend the Javascript to add
         | custom callback functions - if that is something you need.
         | Also, it's all in one process so there is less fiddly bits
         | (request / response and all that)
         | You do bring up a good point though, and I hadn't thought of
         | the PWA angle. It would be an easy way to add a cli interface
         | (just curl I guess)... I might try that next time.
         | shroompasta wrote:
         | performance.
         | some apps need native functionality, for example, instagram
         | needs access to your camera.
         | dainiusse wrote:
         | Why would you run visual studio code in your computer?
           | timeon wrote:
           | To use all the RAM.
             | solardev wrote:
             | That's what WebStorm is for.
         | stewbrew wrote:
         | This way you know exactly which browser people are using and
         | you don't have to deal with idiosyncrasies.
         | skyfalldev wrote:
         | Mostly because with Wails/Tauri/Electron, you get file system
         | access, native code etc.
           | howeyc wrote:
           | yeah, the exe running the server (Go in the current case) has
           | access to all that.
         | solardev wrote:
         | An embedded webview gives you more control over the browser
         | chrome (as in UI), extensions, cookies, etc. It also gives you
         | a shim into some filesystem/OS APIs that a regular sandboxed
         | browser page wouldn't have. It gives you a predictable HTML/JS
         | renderer that you control, instead of blindly hoping that your
         | user will happen to have a compatible browser.
         | Still, webview UIs are a lazy alternative to actual native
         | apps. I don't like them either, but not every org can afford to
         | hire native devs and write 3x-4x the UI code.
           | giantrobot wrote:
           | > It also gives you a shim into some filesystem/OS APIs that
           | a regular sandboxed browser page wouldn't have.
           | If you're just talking to a localhost server, it's got all
           | the local access it needs. The web UI doesn't have to do
           | anything besides control the native service running. I'd much
           | rather be able to ship a tiny binary and use the local
           | browser than pack around a whole browser just to access
           | otherwise restricted/sandboxed APIs. You can just drop a URL
           | shortcut on the desktop (or wherever) during installation.
         | stu2b50 wrote:
         | Because normal users expect a unified app experience and
         | launching a local server that opens a tab in the browser is not
         | an acceptable experience to them.
         | There's also limitations with that, like the inability to use
         | the browser native file browser picker.
         | dewey wrote:
         | Because you might ship this to users and just having an app for
         | them to click on and open is a lot more user friendly than
         | telling people to type in some localhost URL or open browser
         | tabs with "cryptic" urls.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Just have the application start the browser like daemons used
           | to 20 years ago.
           | Nowadays they can even send the PWA manifest to hide the
           | browser appearance.
             | dewey wrote:
             | Are we really arguing why someone might want to have a
             | "native" app instead of a browser window? There's many
             | reasons why someone might want to have that.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Yes we are, Web technologies belong in the browser.
               | I wasn't impressed with MSHTML when it came up as Active
               | Desktop, nor I am impressed with anything that followed
               | suit.
               | dewey wrote:
               | > Web technologies belong in the browser
               | That ship has sailed a long time ago. These days
               | sometimes whole operating systems are based on HTML based
               | interfaces (LGs TV OS would be one example).
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | WebOS applications don't ship a browser alongside them,
               | they use what is already installed.
               | Doing Web development alongside native since Web exists,
               | hasn't made me like shipping browsers with applications
               | (or Web views) any better during the last 20 years.
               | solardev wrote:
               | This framework does this same thing:
               | > It does not embed a browser, so it is resource
               | efficient. Instead, it uses the native rendering engine
               | for the platform. On Windows, this is the new Microsoft
               | Webview2 library, built on Chromium.
               | https://wails.io/docs/introduction#native-elements
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | You missed my remark between parenthesis.
               | solardev wrote:
               | Not really sure what your point is. That these things are
               | unimpressive? Agreed. It's just one lazy approach to a
               | problem (multi-platform apps) that's not easy to solve.
               | Webviews are a cheap way to get there.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | The way is to use the Web as is, and native for
               | everything else.
               | solardev wrote:
               | Yeah, if you have unlimited time and money.
       | ValentinTrinque wrote:
       | At vega, we are building a desktop application for our wallet
       | with wails 2.0 beta.
       | You can have a look at
       | https://github.com/vegaprotocol/vegawallet-desktop
       | Wails works pretty well so far. The project is worth to use, even
       | on production.
       | Sure it's not perfect but eh, it helped us to ship stuff.
       | And the maintainers are very nice and welcoming.
       | dugmartin wrote:
       | I played with this a few days ago and it is still early days with
       | rough edges but at the same time encouraging. I used the latest
       | beta which supports Linux (the banner on the main site still says
       | just Mac and Windows but the blog announces Linux support). The
       | default app built after I increased the max file watcher system
       | parameter and the dev mode reloaded quickly on changes after
       | that. There was a flash of white as the app view loaded but I
       | remember early Electron apps doing the same. Kudos to the devs
       | for working on this - I'm hoping it brings some competition for
       | Electron as it matures.
       | blacklion wrote:
       | We don't need more beautiful apps. We need usable and consistent
       | apps. Typical beautiful app is barely-usable.
       | dosshell wrote:
       | It states you can use native components and that it uses webkit.
       | How does this work? I thought native components meant using the
       | OS gui like Win32/MFC etc. How does this work through webkit?
       | Does webkit have Win32 bindings?
         | solardev wrote:
         | Only a couple of elements are truly native: dialogs (like file
         | pickers) and menus (like the old-fashioned app kind, File,
         | Edit, etc.). See https://wails.io/docs/reference/runtime/dialog
         | and https://wails.io/docs/reference/runtime/menu/
         | Everything else is rendered in a DOM.
         | And it doesn't always use WebKit; on Windows it would use
         | Microsoft WebView2, which uses Blink/Edge.
       | cyansmoker wrote:
       | A while ago, I had posted about an app I made, - using Wails, -
       | using Webview.
       | You can compare both: https://github.com/fusion/pngsource
       | Spoiler alert: it works, but... "meh."
       | orthoxerox wrote:
       | Wooby on Wails?
         | solardev wrote:
         | Lol, I imagined a series of mournful cries, like "Wail wail
         | waaaaaiiiiil, not yet anoooooother webview framework...."
       (page generated 2022-07-16 23:00 UTC)