[HN Gopher] Algorithms by Jeff Erickson (2019)
       Algorithms by Jeff Erickson (2019)
       Author : kkwteh
       Score  : 226 points
       Date   : 2022-07-15 10:43 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (jeffe.cs.illinois.edu)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jeffe.cs.illinois.edu)
       | jason2323 wrote:
       | As an undergrad studying an algorithms, I didn't not find this
       | book useful. Somehow it managed to confuse me more.
         | adchari wrote:
         | To be fair, this book definitely doesn't start from first
         | principles since UIUC requires several classes before 374 (the
         | class which uses this book). UIUC splits the data structures
         | material into another hands-on class, and introduces discrete
         | math and preliminary ideas about algorithm analysis and proving
         | correctness in another course.
         | On top of that, 374 only uses about half this textbook in
         | conjunction with other notes about topics not covered in this
         | book (mostly models of computation). The rest of the material
         | in this textbook is used in 473, the elective advanced
         | algorithms course.
         | That's not to say that your experience isn't valid, but within
         | the context it is primarily used in, it's a very good
         | additional resource to lecture content, which is more than can
         | be said of most textbooks
           | Apocryphon wrote:
           | So not that dissimilar from CLRS, then. Despite its
           | introductory title it is very dense and voluminous. Almost
           | more like a graduate level reference.
           | There really needs to be a text that captures the middle
           | ground between CLRS and _Grokking Algorithms_ and I guess
           | this isn't it.
             | eredengrin wrote:
             | I'm not familiar with Grokking Algorithms, but fwiw the
             | most important prereq at UIUC for 374 is 173, which also
             | happens to have a free textbook[1] written by another UIUC
             | professor, Margaret Fleck. I consider it to be a high
             | quality introduction to discrete math and have good
             | memories of her as a professor as well.
             | [1] https://mfleck.cs.illinois.edu/building-blocks/updates-
             | fa201...
               | Apocryphon wrote:
               | Grokking Algorithms is an introductory illustrated book.
               | https://www.manning.com/books/grokking-algorithms
             | bo1024 wrote:
             | Perhaps _Algorithms Illuminated_ (Roughgarden).
         | rg111 wrote:
         | What ultimately helped you?
         | pm90 wrote:
         | I think I had a similar experience. I suspect its because its a
         | very unorthodox approach; the style seems more targeted towards
         | someone with a bunch of time reading through it slowly rather
         | than gulping it down quickly like for most undergraduate
         | courses.
         | For getting me through the tests, I did end up using more
         | traditional books. However, now, several years past academia, I
         | find this style very engaging and delightful to read.
           | rg111 wrote:
           | Which book ended up helping you when you were in academia?
           | Which one helped you learn?
             | pm90 wrote:
             | For the general case, the CLRS book is recommended, but I
             | personally found Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva
             | Tardos to be the best introduction in undergrad:
             | https://www.amazon.com/Algorithm-Design-Jon-
             | Kleinberg/dp/032...
               | dmlittle wrote:
               | Despite its name CLRS goes WAY beyond an introduction
           | civilized wrote:
           | I worked through this one on Dan Luu's recommendation and
           | loved it: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0073523402
         | freyr wrote:
         | > I didn't not find this book useful. Somehow it managed to
         | confuse me more.
         | And now you're carrying on the tradition.
       | O__________O wrote:
       | Most notable prior HN posts:
       | --- 1463 points|4 years ago|238 comments
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18805624
       | --- 595 points|1 year ago|152 comments
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26074289
       | ________________________
       | * All other prior posts:
       | https://hn.algolia.com/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fjeffe.cs.illinois.edu...
       | imadr wrote:
       | The logo is "Khwarizmi" written in square kufic script, pretty
       | cool
       | quantumduck wrote:
       | Jeff also owns this domain that redirects to this book:
       | algorithms.wtf
         | nequo wrote:
         | Oh wow, that's very cool. Did he do this as a SEO hack or just
         | as an easy-to-remember shortcut for his book?
         | His illinois.edu page is the second hit for me for "algorithms
         | wtf" in DuckDuckGo and the first hit in Google. There is a non-
         | zero probability that I would find his book by searching for
         | that.
         | Edit: Sorry if this came across as disrespectful. I don't think
         | that a SEO hack in this case is bad. If you put your care and
         | attention into writing and revising a 472-page textbook, you
         | want people to find it. There's nothing wrong with that.
           | quantumduck wrote:
           | I don't think Jeff cares about SEO. He was out probably
           | looking for a simple domain and I'm sure algorithms.com,
           | algorithms.org etc. were already taken.
           | If I had to pick between say algorithms.me and
           | algorithms.wtf, I'd definitely go with the second one,
           | especially because students like me will remember it for
           | life.
       | jacamera wrote:
       | As a self-taught developer this book has been an incredibly
       | valuable resource. I'm immensely grateful that resources like
       | this exist freely on the internet.
         | pm90 wrote:
         | If you haven't reached out to Jeff, I would highly recommend
         | sending him an email explaining how its impacted you. He is
         | just an amazing person overall and _loves_ to teach.
           | jacamera wrote:
           | I have not and that's a great idea. Thanks!
           | cinntaile wrote:
           | I think he's on HN, so there is a chance he'll see that post!
       | anewpersonality wrote:
       | A must read before any coding interview.
       | herpderperator wrote:
       | Link should be updated to the HTTPS version:
       | https://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/
         | hdjsbdusn wrote:
         | Why?
           | Supermancho wrote:
           | Because of how the most popular browser on the planet treats
           | http and there's no downside to using https. Obvious.
             | dhhsbeb wrote:
             | But there is a downside, it uses more power. I don't see
             | the upside in this case, hence the question.
             | It sounds like think so because it's it's what you've
             | become accustomed to without questioning.
               | herpderperator wrote:
               | Because otherwise everyone can read and change what
               | you're browsing without your knowledge. AES is hardware-
               | accelerated on most machines.
         | dang wrote:
         | Ok, we've done that.
       | johnohara wrote:
       | Family, pancakes and algorithms. In that order (no pun intended).
       | azhenley wrote:
       | Jeff was also very active on Academia.StackExchange, where he was
       | invaluable in helping many early career faculty and PhD students,
       | including myself. Nearly 97,000 reputation from more than 500
       | answers.
       | His profile: https://academia.stackexchange.com/users/65/jeffe
         | therein wrote:
         | Also known to be the best Theory of Computation (373&374, they
         | made changes) teacher in UIUC back in the day, potentially to
         | this day.
       | primitivesuave wrote:
       | Jeff Erickson was my favorite professor at UIUC, and his ability
       | to explain complex ideas in meaningful ways inspired my own
       | journey as a computer science educator.
         | pizza234 wrote:
         | He also has a very interesting history:
         | > I have the lowest undergraduate GPA (2.4/4.0) of any
         | professor I've ever met
         | with reference to https://3dpancakes.typepad.com/ernie/2005/03/
         | re_phd_with_low....
           | dataflow wrote:
           | I love this quote:
           | > I discovered (or remembered) that I was more interested in
           | doing things RIGHT than doing them NOW, which is bad news in
           | the software industry; this wasn't the place for me.
       | rg111 wrote:
       | Here are some books that I suggest to learn DSA properly:
       | 1. _A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structure and Algorithms_ from
       | PragProg Bookshelf. Written in a very approachable manner with
       | very good code. The best for self-learners.
       | 2. _Algorithms_ by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani (DPV). Very
       | short and concise book- extremely well-written with a
       | personality. Requires basic CS math.
       | 3. _Algorithm Design Manual_ by Skeina. Extremely approachable as
       | well. Has  'battle stories' of algorithm usage. Good for self-
       | learners. Links to problems in Leetcode is given.
       | 4. CLRS is of course nice for a mathematically rigorous study.
       (page generated 2022-07-16 23:00 UTC)