[HN Gopher] Invisible XML is a language for describing the impli...
       Invisible XML is a language for describing the implicit structure
       of data
       Author : bryanrasmussen
       Score  : 46 points
       Date   : 2022-07-16 17:42 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (invisiblexml.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (invisiblexml.org)
       | adamretter wrote:
       | I think one of the interesting points missed here, is that if you
       | can convert to XML then you can use the large selection of mature
       | tooling around XML to query, transform, and process your data.
       | solardev wrote:
       | Now you can export your SQL dump to YAML, parse it to XML,
       | convert it to JSON, put it in NoSQL, messagepack it into a key-
       | value store and finally be able to query your customer names!
       | ironhaven wrote:
       | > Invisible XML (ixml) is a method for treating non-XML documents
       | as if they were XML, > enabling authors to write documents and
       | data in a format they prefer while providing XML for processes
       | that are more effective with XML content.
       | Interesting although this seems a little out of date because xml
       | seems to one of the least desirable data formats for modern
       | programming languages. Maybe this is more useful for legacy
       | enterprise use cases that I don't know about.
         | lucideer wrote:
         | The popularity of the target isn't as really relevant here as
         | the capability of the target. XML supports annotated trees
         | (attributes + child nodes) whereas most popular modern
         | interchange formats only support one of those dimensions (child
         | nodes). Some of them do support types that xml lacks (integers,
         | null, etc.) but these can be annotated in xml so the lack isn't
         | critical.
         | Ultimately what all that means is that all e.g. json documents
         | can be represented losslessly in xml, whereas the reverse is
         | not true without explicit external schema. Which means
         | targeting XML covers other less capable interchange formats
         | implicitly.
         | zapperdulchen wrote:
         | There are XML workflows in technical documentation outside of
         | software development where something like this could be of
         | interest.
         | tokinonagare wrote:
         | XML still has few advantages over JSON: comments, namespaces, a
         | canonical form and slightly better extensibility.
           | Dylan16807 wrote:
           | Surely you could lay out a canonical form for JSON in like
           | five minutes?
           | Oh, here: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8785
           | No duplicates, no whitespace, sort the keys, copy number
           | serialization from javascript, a couple other little details.
           | tartoran wrote:
           | At the expense of excessive verbosity. I used xml and still
           | do to this day and it is one of my least favorite formats to
           | read and edit.
           | int_19h wrote:
           | And also data query & transformation languages like XSLT and
           | XQuery that are designed around its data model.
           | mpyne wrote:
           | JSON either has those (namespaces, extensibility) or the
           | advantage is slight at best (comments, canonical form).
           | There is a real advantage of XML over JSON not mentioned
           | though, which is its usefulness in annotating computer-
           | readable data into an otherwise human-editable document.
           | There's not a _lot_ of these cases, and where they 're at
           | you're probably still better off using AsciiDoc, Markdown or
           | even HTML instead, but those use cases are out there and JSON
           | is awful for those.
             | mcswell wrote:
             | "the advantage is slight at best (comments...)" I suppose
             | that's true if the data is generated by machine and
             | consumed by machine, and never edited or looked at by
             | humans. But JSON seems to be used in a lot of datasets that
             | humans do touch, like config files that you can edit.
             | Visual Studio Code is one such user, and I've had to edit
             | my own VSC config files. And I use comments, because
             | http://catb.org/~esr/writings/unix-koans/prodigy.html.
             | Fortunately, VSC allows comments between a // and a
             | following newline.
         | gavinray wrote:
         | The fact that it's XML is not super relevant -- what you're
         | working with in code is a tree structure that may as well be
         | JSON or YAML
         | This is essentially a way to write grammars for things and get
         | the ability to parse them as trees in a common format that is
         | interchangeable with things like JSON.
         | I honestly don't see much of a difference between this, and
         | something like a PEG grammar where you do this:
         | let parsed = peg.parse(input, grammar)       let xml =
         | json2xml(parsed)
       | tannhaeuser wrote:
       | Hmm, on the one hand this proposal makes XML come full-circle and
       | re-introduce SGML concepts (eg. SHORTREF) that were explicitly
       | omitted from XML as a simplified SGML subset for canonical angle-
       | bracket markup without the need for markup declarations; OTOH,
       | Norm and Steve are fully aware of SGML. I'd really appreciate if
       | whoever wants to re-introduce SGML features to XML would justify
       | and align their proposal with SGML, just as XML has been
       | introduced as a proper, well-aligned subset of SGML.
       | pshc wrote:
       | I see you're trying to sneak XML into common use again. Haven't
       | we already suffered enough?
         | mcswell wrote:
         | I suppose you think JSON is better.
         | oofbey wrote:
         | I think the kids who never really used XML might find it quaint
         | and charming.
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | This looks like a parser generator that makes an object tree in
       | the form of an XML document.
         | secondcoming wrote:
         | +1 XML is to data what UML is to software
         | quesomaster9000 wrote:
         | I was going to say the same, it looks like an (E)BNF to AST
         | parser which outputs XML.
         | My only quandary would be whether the output XML structure
         | could be ambiguous given the parse tree and input (requiring
         | lots of context-dependent if/then logic when interpreting the
         | XML). Perhaps some kind of invisible XML stylesheet could pre-
         | process the AST before outputting the XML.
         | And secondly, can it handle CSV? If so, along with a command-
         | line app like `jq` it could be an extremely useful addition to
         | the general purpose data munging toolkit. Or do I have to pass
         | the input through a 1000+ byte `sed` script first to normalize
         | it.
       (page generated 2022-07-16 23:00 UTC)