[HN Gopher] Prose.sh - A blog platform for hackers
       Prose.sh - A blog platform for hackers
       Author : jstanley
       Score  : 226 points
       Date   : 2022-07-17 16:08 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (prose.sh)
 (TXT) w3m dump (prose.sh)
       | qudat wrote:
       | Hey all! Thanks to everyone for checking our prose!
       | We just launched support for custom domains and plan to add image
       | hosting shortly.
       | We also have two sibling services that leverage the same
       | technology:
       | - https://lists.sh -- microblog for lists
       | - https://pastes.sh -- pastebin
       | Also happy to answer any questions!
         | ezekg wrote:
         | How does the SSH UI work? I thought that was pretty neat and a
         | good way to give off a hacker vibe right off the bat.
           | birktj wrote:
           | It seems like they are using [1] Wish [2], a library for "SSH
           | apps"
           | [1]: https://git.sr.ht/~erock/prose.sh/tree/main/item/cmd/ssh
           | /mai... [2]: https://github.com/charmbracelet/wish
             | ezekg wrote:
             | I didn't know this was open source! Thanks.
         | dmix wrote:
         | That's great. Why not combine the three services into one? I'd
         | like to sometimes post lists and pastebins on my blog? It'd be
         | easier to login to one ssh and have a central website.
         | Unless I missed something.
           | qudat wrote:
           | Thanks for engaging! Right now we are experimenting with
           | different services and seeing what sticks. We have lofty
           | ideas of combining everything into one service or at least a
           | service that aggregates them. We will chat about this idea in
           | #pico.sh on libera so feel free to join the convo!
         | carapace wrote:
         | First, congratulations, this seems really cool. :)
         | My question is, how are you going to deal with spam and,
         | y'know, bad stuff? Related to that, how do you contact users
         | without an email address? (I know it's possible, like you could
         | send a custom banner, I'm curious about how you do it.)
           | qudat wrote:
           | Spam and bad stuff: we are seeing if it'll ever get to the
           | scale that it'll be an issue. Our hunch is since you have to
           | use terminal tools to publish that it'll weed out a lot of
           | nefarious activity.
           | Contacting users: this is a very interesting limitation that
           | we want to see how far we can take it. Right now we have no
           | way of contacting users and see that as a feature.
           | Having said that we have an official blog
           | (https://hey.prose.sh) with an RSS feed to notify users of
           | updates.
             | ducktective wrote:
             | >since you have to use terminal tools to publish that it'll
             | weed out a lot of nefarious activity.
             | Meanwhile: _script kiddie copy-pasting noises_
       | pwillia7 wrote:
       | I just got something setup pretty simple with Hugo, Netlify,
       | GoogleDrive and a simple action. It's still a little much to be
       | super accessible especially since you need to fuss over markdown
       | editor settings for pasting images and I only know of Typora that
       | does this well, but it's pretty manageable.
       | That is my vision -- Something nice and simple to use like
       | markdown in a Gdrive folder, flexibility and theme niceness of
       | Hugo and full automation without ever needing to get into a
       | terminal or repo unless you're coding.
       | Last time I tried to do this with org mode but since decided,
       | while I learned a lot of takeaways and had a good experience, org
       | mode isn't something I want to use every day, or even emacs for
       | that matter.
       | kaashif wrote:
       | Maybe this doesn't make any sense, but when I write a blog post,
       | I don't necessarily want lots of people to read it. My blog is
       | primarily for me, the public nature of it just forces me to think
       | about what I'm writing a bit more, and try to articulate my
       | thoughts better.
       | It seems that the main reason you'd post to a "blog platform"
       | rather than just your own website or some GitHub pages thing is
       | to get more people to read it, so I've never really been
       | attracted to any of these things.
       | jeroenhd wrote:
       | Don't have much to say about this other than that it's nice that
       | it's just plain old HTML+CSS.
       | However, I get white flashes of content every three or four times
       | I navigate this website despite the CSS being downloaded just
       | fine. Anyone have an idea why my browser won't cache the CSS?
       | layer8 wrote:
       | Hopefully they'll be adding a light theme and _prefers-color-
       | scheme_ support.
       | mike-cardwell wrote:
       | I selected username www and it told me I would find my blog at
       | https://www.prose.sh. Yet, I went to that URL, and found some
       | other random persons content. Please remove that other persons
       | content so I can display mine.
         | qudat wrote:
         | Great catch! We need to add this to the deny list. Thanks for
         | your feedback!
         | indigodaddy wrote:
         | Cmon dude
       | webwanderings wrote:
       | What's the deal with copycats and similarities? This looks like a
       | copy of bearblog.dev and one cannot tell who has copied whom. Is
       | there anything on the Internet that is trustworthy anymore?
         | metadat wrote:
         | Agreed, seeing both atop the frontpage simultaneously is
         | confusing. An enlightening explanation for the rest of us would
         | be great.
         | For reference, here is the "Bear Blog" thread:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32127363
         | kup0 wrote:
         | Yes, how dare one site inspire another to make something
         | similar. Not sure how that automatically makes it
         | untrustworthy... would rather have _more_ players in the
         | minimal blog space than only one or two
         | nkrisc wrote:
         | You can create your own versions of things that other people
         | have already made. Consult local law for limitations.
         | protonbob wrote:
         | I think this is a great trend. Why have only one website doing
         | it?
         | alexwennerberg wrote:
         | These are open source apps, copycats are great and should be
         | encouraged. That's the nature of open source!
         | qudat wrote:
         | Hi! Co-creator of prose.sh. This blog was heavily inspired by
         | bear. We have acknowledgements at the bottom of this page:
         | https://prose.sh/ops
           | gigatexal wrote:
           | This looks dope. I live at the command line and ssh is secure
           | and good. Question on pricing. Because if I invest time in
           | this I'd like to know it will be around. Sure I'll have the
           | data and can push to anything else but it's still nice to
           | know that this will be paid and reasonably around for years
           | to come.
             | qudat wrote:
             | We have heard this a couple of times and read you loud and
             | clear. We would price the blog to pay for its costs. Join
             | #pico.sh on libera or sub to https://hey.prose.sh to get
             | updates
         | na85 wrote:
         | Back in the 90s we considered the ability to "View Source" an
         | indispensable tool not just for learning but also for keeping
         | the spirit of the early web alive.
         | If your design is so precious to you, you can use flash or DRM
         | or something similar so nobody can copy your design quite as
         | easily, but this is a disappointing attitude to see.
         | holler wrote:
         | Ah yes, reminds me of this video "everything is a remix":
         | https://vimeo.com/563833916
         | tomc1985 wrote:
         | Nobody owns ideas or designs
         | throwaway675309 wrote:
         | A lot of people (especially software devs) seem to have zero
         | ethical quandaries over completely ripping off other people's
         | designs, mechanics or ideas without even so much as giving
         | attribution to the original source that directly inspired them.
         | I feel like these are the same people that are absolutely
         | losing their shit over something like github copilot though.
         | Cognitive dissonance is fun.
         | Fortunately, prose is doing the right thing by giving credit
         | where credit is due. Sadly this is typically the exception
         | rather than the rule.
       | brad0 wrote:
       | What's the value of this over GitHub Pages?
         | nephanth wrote:
         | Nice TUI it seems
       | danielvaughn wrote:
       | Might want to rethink the name, as the tool seems very similar to
       | https://prose.io/
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | ushakov wrote:
       | how will you keep that thing afloat?
       | do you plan making money?
       | jll29 wrote:
       | 2 bug reports:
       | * dashes in file names (that become blog post titles) are
       | elminated! ( proof: https://leidner.prose.sh/welcome-2022-07-17 )
       | * my blog's first post has a wrong date ("01 Jan, 0001"; proof:
       | https://leidner.prose.sh/ )
       | blacklight wrote:
       | I've checked this out with genuine interest because I've been
       | looking for pure text file, Markdown-based blogging platform for
       | a while.
       | I built Madblog some months ago
       | (https://git.platypush.tech/blacklight/madblog) to fill that gap.
       | Madblog has a lot of the features I wanted (including RSS feeds,
       | git versioning for the static files, a good looking index and
       | LaTeX support), all while being purely staticly served with zero
       | JavaScript. But now I feel the need for some more meaningful user
       | interactions - adding comments on articles, preferably through
       | Fediverse/OpenID login instead of using Disqus or other bloated
       | stuff. But I don't feel like going down that rabbit hole
       | implementation.
       | Is there any source code for prose.sh by the way? Can it be self-
       | hosted?
         | eikenberry wrote:
         | Link is at the bottom. https://git.sr.ht/~erock/prose.sh
       | MatthiasPortzel wrote:
       | Honest question: why not Gemini and Gemtext support?
         | qudat wrote:
         | One of our sibling services (https://lists.sh) has support for
         | Gemini. Because we are targeting people that would otherwise
         | use something like Hugo, we wanted to offer rich markdown
         | support.
         | Converting GitHub flavored markdown to Gemini is work and we
         | aren't sure if the juice is worth the squeeze. If enough people
         | feel otherwise I'd be happy to add it to the roadmap.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | Easier interoperability, more available tooling, less
         | complexity by supporting only one format that is already wide-
         | spread.
         | FirstLvR wrote:
         | Gemini are liars, don't trust
         | asymmetric wrote:
         | Honest question: why Gemini and Gemtext support over Markdown?
         | emptysongglass wrote:
         | There's https://smol.pub for that!
       | user00012-ab wrote:
       | I click on "discover some interesting posts" and none of them
       | were interesting; same issue I have with most everything on
       | reddit, all the posts are "I POSTED!"
       | The only reason I bring this up is because it is a "Platform for
       | Hackers" but none of the posts really reflect anything like that.
       | Just seems like another new site where people post the "I'm on
       | this site now, and setup a default page" and then it never really
       | goes beyond that.
       | There was some pub/bar themed Gemini site awhile back, and every
       | new post was some variation of being in a virtual pub; again,
       | nothing interesting and I moved on.
         | [deleted]
         | jstanley wrote:
         | That's the majority of everyone's first blog posts ever though.
         | It's nothing wrong with this platform, that's just what
         | people's first blog posts look like.
         | Most people write 1 blog post, saying they have a blog, and
         | then never write any more. That's fine.
         | Any new blogging platform is going to first attract users who
         | are new to blogging: everyone who is _not_ new to blogging
         | already has their blog set up, so unless they 're particularly
         | unhappy with it there is no reason for them to use a new
         | blogging platform.
           | user00012-ab wrote:
           | It was mostly an "Old man yells at cloud" post. I'm always
           | excited about small communities online, since in theory they
           | aren't pandering to the lowest common denominator, so there
           | is a chance they could have more specific and interesting
           | content, like back in the day when magazines could target a
           | specific group of people and have in depth articles on tech,
           | instead of today where they have to write for the lowest
           | common denominator to reach the most people for ads.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | The blogs https://erock.prose.sh/ and https://ben.prose.sh/ do
         | have substantial content. Maybe give it some time?
           | user00012-ab wrote:
           | That's good to know, ""discover some interesting posts"
           | should be a curated list of things like that to get people in
           | the door.
             | layer8 wrote:
             | Well, it's obvious that it's just linking to the "recent
             | posts" page and that you're supposed to discover for
             | yourself what you find interesting.
               | user00012-ab wrote:
               | So there is a new content platform on hacker news almost
               | weekly if not more. I doubt most people are going to sort
               | through a ton of "my first posts" posts on each new
               | platform to look for something interesting.
       | elashri wrote:
       | I always admired these kind of projects but unfortunately having
       | a blog without JS means no LaTeX.
         | detaro wrote:
         | You can run LaTeX-to-HTML/SVG/... server-side too.
         | folmar wrote:
         | Tex4ht makes for a nice LaTeX to HTML renderer, use as static
         | generator and JS is a non-issue.
       | stevenjgarner wrote:
       | Kudos. How about a voting mechanism so that quality rises to the
       | top?
         | jimmygrapes wrote:
         | It is that sort of thing that ruins the internet
           | stevenjgarner wrote:
           | You mean like getting on page 1 of HN?
         | nope96 wrote:
         | like https://everything2.com/ ?
       | mholt wrote:
       | I see something about using Caddy in the repo. Nice! That's a
       | great solution for custom domain TLS.
         | antoniomika wrote:
         | Thanks for Caddy :)
         | I use certmagic for a different project, but saw on_demand_tls
         | with the ask feature and knew it was a good fit!
       | woodruffw wrote:
       | This is a cool idea (I love seeing clever uses of SSH, and this
       | is definitely one of them), but I wonder who the intended
       | audience is: it's not complete novices or the non-technical, and
       | it's presumably not people like me (who already use an SSG +
       | rsync over SSH to accomplish the same thing on their own).
         | unsafecast wrote:
         | It's turnkey blogging but without the BS.
         | There's blogger, and wordpress(.com), and a lot more, but I
         | (and presumably you and OP) would take anything over those
         | types of platforms.
         | This fills the gap between 'do your own thing' and 'just use
         | wordpress'.
           | woodruffw wrote:
           | Makes sense, thanks for the explanation.
             | jll29 wrote:
             | Very neat, from a technical perspective. I hope you don't
             | have business aspirations, since from a business point of
             | view, key creation may throw off 99% of potential user
             | volume, so this limits your audience and growth.
             | Out of curiosity, was this developed as an exercise in
             | procrastination while preparing for a pharmacology exam?
               | woodruffw wrote:
               | I'm not the creator, so maybe this response was on the
               | wrong comment?
               | (I don't think key creation throws off adoption by
               | developers, who are clearly the target audience. I just
               | didn't understand _which_ subset of developers was being
               | targeted.)
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-07-17 23:00 UTC)