[HN Gopher] WordPerfect for UNIX (1992)
       WordPerfect for UNIX (1992)
       Author : taviso
       Score  : 163 points
       Date   : 2022-07-18 16:26 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (lock.cmpxchg8b.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lock.cmpxchg8b.com)
       | laurensr wrote:
       | As a kid I used to have, what I thought, was WordPerfect 6 on MS-
       | DOS 6.22 It did not have a blue background, but looked graphical
       | like MS Word today. It even had some clipart such as an alpinist.
       | Does anyone recognize the software I'm describing? I've been
       | searching for this out of nostalgia.
         | AlanYx wrote:
         | WordPerfect 6 did have a graphical mode with a white background
         | that looked a lot like MS Word, even when running on DOS. I
         | can't remember, but it might even have been the default if you
         | had a VGA card. CTRL-F3 would flip you back to the old blue
         | background character mode interface.
         | taviso wrote:
         | WordPerfect 6 did have an optional graphical mode that wrote
         | directly to the framebuffer, I've never used it though!
         | Is it possible you're thinking of that?
         | There is a screenshot of it on this page:
         | https://thewanderingnerd.wordpress.com/2015/04/19/corel-word...
       | watersb wrote:
       | "Hit F10 to Save Changes"
       | I worked in an office at the advent of the Windows era, in those
       | last years of DOS WP 5.1 dominance. Friends of mine were making
       | steady money, writing printer drivers for the crazy range of
       | laser printers coming to market.
       | I was the Macintosh Guy, and never developed a muscle memory for
       | the WordPerfect key bindings.
       | Thank you, WordPerfect, for giving me bizarre keyboard commands
       | for my BIOS settings.
       | WillAdams wrote:
       | The NeXTstep version was quite nice, especially for having been
       | ported in some six weeks, or so the story goes.
       | frognumber wrote:
       | WordPerfect for Linux, from SDCorp, was the best word processor I
       | ever used. Future versions were a lot worse; they re-ported it
       | with some Windows compatibility layer.
       | Any clue where I might find a copy?
         | haunter wrote:
         | Corel Linux 1.2 which had WP 8.1 included
         | https://archive.org/details/corel_linux_1.2
         | Then you can install it easily on modern distros either by
         | script or manually
         | http://www.xwp8users.com/wp81script.htm
         | http://www.xwp8users.com/wp81else.htm
       | snapetom wrote:
       | I worked in law offices and data entry in the early 90's through
       | high school, and some college. When HTML came along, it was
       | pretty much the same style of syntaxing as WP, so it was
       | extremely easy to pick up. I was one of the early HTMLers,
       | helping my school departments. This led me down the road to
       | software engineering.
       | There are several fortuitous milestones in my career. Working
       | with WP was probably the first major one.
         | lizknope wrote:
         | I was in college from 1993-97 and ran Linux on my PC. I started
         | to learn LaTeX but I realized that it was easier to just write
         | reports in text and do a tiny amount of formatting in HTML. I
         | could use img src to include a few diagrams and then print it
         | out in the computer lab.
         | eterps wrote:
         | Reveal codes [1] was such a useful feature, I really miss it in
         | 'modern' word processing apps.
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordPerfect#Reveal_codes
           | bombcar wrote:
           | Word has "show formatting" which .... is a very poor
           | substitute but can sometimes help.
           | I find Word becomes much more manageable if you religiously
           | use styles instead of ad-hoc formatting.
             | snapetom wrote:
             | Even WP didn't really get Reveal Codes on their own program
             | right when they went to Windows. That tool is just way more
             | appropriate for monospaced terminals instead of WYSIWYG.
             | pimlottc wrote:
             | > I find Word becomes much more manageable if you
             | religiously use styles instead of ad-hoc formatting.
             | I agree with this tip but it requires very rigorous
             | discipline and is basically impossible to maintain if
             | you're working with any collaborators.
               | themadturk wrote:
               | I worked for law firm in the mid-90s who developed a
               | robust set of Word styles that were pretty much required
               | internally and made for nice, consistent documents (and
               | could even be applied pretty well to documents from the
               | outside). Now I work for people who work heavily with
               | Word and wouldn't know a style if it bit them in the ass.
               | actually_a_dog wrote:
               | Agreed. At that point, LaTeX not only all but _requires_
               | you to use styles, .tex files are text-based for easy
               | version control.
               | I wouldn't necessarily say I'd endorse LaTeX for
               | collaboration _per se_ among people who don 't normally
               | use it, but I think it points the way toward what a good
               | collaborative writing tool would look like.
               | bombcar wrote:
               | For all of its faults "GitHub markdown" works decently
               | well for collaborative writing; the number of people who
               | are willing to learn LaTeX just to work on a document is
               | way too small compared to the number who would greatly
               | have their life made easier by doing so.
           | amelius wrote:
           | It's basically the browser's developer's DOM view before it
           | existed.
         | chasil wrote:
         | Just in case anybody forgot, there is a free version of
         | Wordperfect for Linux (non-commercial use only).
         | https://liam-on-linux.livejournal.com/80768.html
           | indigodaddy wrote:
           | I'm guessing WP8 isn't going to be able to open modernish doc
           | files and certainly not docx? Or might it?
         | bluedino wrote:
         | One of my first jobs was for a local MSP who had a lot of law
         | offices as clients. Beyond the massive CD towers that contained
         | Lexis Nexis and other legal libraries, everyone used
         | WordPerfect. For DOS.
         | Why would you do this, when Windows and Office 97 existed?
         | You could view open documents and scroll through them with the
         | keyboard.
         | Click, click, click, click - "That's the one I need!", a lawyer
         | would bark out. It took far too much time to use the mouse and
         | open documents one-by-one. Even if you hit Alt, F, O, you still
         | had to scroll through hundreds or thousands of files, try to
         | remember where you were...back then you had friendly filenames
         | like DM928032.WDP
       | meebee wrote:
       | Anyone ever see WP source code, or maybe an open source clone
       | project? Many aspects of WP (mostly the reveal codes) is still
       | useful (much like markdown), that I'm surprised that an up to
       | date open source app isn't available.
       | ballenf wrote:
       | I know a lots been said about WP's "reveal codes", but I just
       | realized it was the last time using a word processor where I felt
       | like I was actually in charge and not just cajoling the thing to
       | make things look how I wanted.
       | I've gotten very proficient with Word over the years, but there
       | are still times where GUI reveals itself to be a leaky
       | abstraction. Things where table formatting can vary wildly
       | depending on seemingly inconsequential change in the order of
       | making changes.
       | What makes it worse is that there's always some hidden setting or
       | configuration somewhere to blame, so you never really can blame
       | Word.
         | petilon wrote:
         | > _so you never really can blame Word_
         | Absolutely, you can. Microsoft has long stopped improving the
         | basic word processing features. When there is no competition
         | Microsoft stops improving their products.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _When there is no competition Microsoft stops improving their
           | products._
           | Coincidentally, at this very moment I am re-creating an old
           | paper form for another department in the company. They need
           | it as a PDF.
           | The people from the department sent me their best effort as a
           | Word document. It's a disaster of mismatched styles,
           | misaligned boxes, things that get cut off for no discernible
           | reason, and stuff that won't print right because it's past
           | Word's margins.
           | I'm almost done re-creating it in Pages, from which I'll
           | output a PDF. It's gone swimmingly.
           | Pages isn't yet a replacement for every single little thing
           | that Word does, but for the things it does do, it works well,
           | quickly, predictably, and fast. But that may be Word's
           | downfall: It took the kitchen sink route and became a mess.
           | Pages is a good basic word processor for those who are
           | interested in processing words. It's less "powerful" at doing
           | all the thousand other things that people use Word for that
           | they should probably do in Acrobat.
         | EEMac wrote:
         | > What makes it worse is that there's always some hidden
         | setting or configuration somewhere to blame, so you never
         | really can blame Word.
         | Yes you can.
       | retrocryptid wrote:
       | Sixels are effing awesome. A friend built some tools for us to do
       | basic graphics for environments we're already ssh'ing into. So we
       | can get basic graphs from the command line without having to move
       | over to the browser and click around to log in and figure out
       | which dashboard to look at. https://youtu.be/0LTfGgqboE8
       | bluedino wrote:
       | If you're up for a read about how WordPerfect got started and
       | rose to fame, _Almost Perfect_ isn 't a bad read. They battle
       | Microsoft, OS/2 is mentioned a lot, lots of fun stuff.
       | http://www.wordplace.com/ap/
         | russellbeattie wrote:
         | I actually thought it was a great read and, in my opinion,
         | shows exactly why non-technologists should _never_ be in charge
         | of tech companies or products. Peterson was technically inept -
         | by his own admission - and in the long run, this is what killed
         | WP. Releasing a flagship DOS product in 1993?? It was mind
         | boggling even back then when I first entered the tech industry.
         | bolangi wrote:
         | I still have a reference manual for XyWrite on my shelf. Cool
         | people used XyWrite. WP won.
         | ExtremisAndy wrote:
         | Second this recommendation. Fun read! I know a lot of HN folks
         | won't be as impressed as I was, but I had no idea they wrote
         | the first several versions of WordPerfect for DOS in assembly.
         | To me, at least, THAT is impressive. I wouldn't even know where
         | to begin to start a project like that in assembly.
           | bombcar wrote:
           | You start with a macro assembler - MASM being an example -
           | which lets you handle many things in a surprisingly high-
           | level manner.
           | linguae wrote:
           | There was a Macintosh word processor named WriteNow that was
           | a major competitor to MacWrite back in the 1980s and was also
           | written in assembly:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WriteNow
       | smm11 wrote:
       | And now "View Source" is like staring at the night sky trying to
       | see what the fancy satellites do.
       | shrubble wrote:
       | The notcurses project, notcurses.com has some pretty wild demos
       | of what can be done with sixel etc.
       | h2odragon wrote:
       | Never played with WP Unix that much, but the notion that their
       | printer driver system could be adapted to terminal output doesn't
       | seem surprising: it could print that image on dot matrix printers
       | speaking several different "printer control language" variants,
       | some of which required some ingenious hacks. Terminal graphics
       | fit quite well within that family.
       | WP also had pretty good support for the early laser printers,
       | which had a _wide_ range of ways to tell them to do stuff. Some
       | wanted bitmaps, some built their own and you had to sent them
       | fonts; etc. It was UGLY.
       | IIRC they even had some drivers for optical type setter things,
       | the old stuff that used thermal paper. Not sure of those made it
       | to version 5 era.
         | taviso wrote:
         | It's not surprising that it's possible, sixels are basically
         | just a canvas. It's that they've always been a novelty, very
         | rarely used or supported. Yet somehow they made it into a
         | commercial product in 1992 -- that's surprising!
         | I think sixels are seeing some resurgence today, terminals are
         | fast enough now to use it to render video. I wonder if GNU ls
         | will add ls --thumbnails :)
         | acomjean wrote:
         | Oh yeah, because it was a MSDOS (or unix) program, it had a lot
         | of printer drivers built it, the OS not providing those.
         | I remember working for the Government and having to use carbon
         | paper in the 1990s, which meant using the "daisy wheel"
         | printer[1]. Somehow I selected the wrong printer, and every
         | line printed backwards. Strange times. I don't think this sixel
         | graphics would have printed..
         | [1]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_wheel_printing
         | therealcamino wrote:
         | If you read the sixel Wikipedia page, it sounds like sixel
         | actually originated as a format to drive DEC's dot matrix
         | printers. So if WP had an LA210 driver, maybe they were most of
         | the way there already.
       | rubinlinux wrote:
       | Novell purchased WordPerfect in 1994, and then sold it to Corel
       | in 1996. So congratulations goes to Wordperfect Corporation
       | itself, since this was 1992.
       | abotsis wrote:
       | I'll be damned - printing to postscript even works!
       | ilaksh wrote:
       | Its really fascinating to me to imagine what computing would be
       | like if we used different types of protocols.
       | xterm also supports vector graphics
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tektronix_4010#Graphics_protoc...
       | I wonder if there could be some kind of revival of some of this
       | stuff if we saw more support in modern tools.
       | Is there something like xterm for linux that is more up-to-date
       | but includes Tektronix and sixel?
       | I think it could be really useful to have a new interactive
       | streaming protocol focused on being lightweight and fast loading
       | with high compression, but for VR devices and 3d interfaces.
       | It could also be streaming in data from multiple peers, content-
       | oriented. Focus on efficient, small modules describing scenes and
       | programs.
       | But the biggest concept is that we aren't waiting for millions or
       | billions of bytes to load.
         | jrm4 wrote:
         | Absolutely, especially if you watch (and lament) the absolute
         | mess that is GUI programming in Linux. I feel like something
         | like https://github.com/BashGui/easybashgui (in terms of
         | user/creator experience) shouldn't be that hard.
         | ok123456 wrote:
         | Back in high school in the late 90s, I bought a pallet of
         | Tektronix 4211 terminals [1] for about $40 from a local place
         | that resold old computer junk. All in total there were about 10
         | of the terminal base units and three, for the time, extremely
         | large 21" monitors. I figured this came from an engineering
         | firm, since these terminals also came with some digitizer pads.
         | I thought they were X-Terminals and was very disappointed that
         | I couldn't get them do anything beyond being text terminals. It
         | was only recently that I discovered that they were actually
         | intended to be used with this proprietary graphics protocol.
         | [1] Exactly like this:
         | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/1994._Sh...
           | ilaksh wrote:
           | Do you still have them?
             | ok123456 wrote:
             | I gave a couple to friends. (I think one of them ended up
             | becoming target practice.)
             | The rest got thrown out after I moved out.
         | georgia_peach wrote:
         | The achilles heel of these old inline display protocols is that
         | there's little to no reporting from the client side as to
         | dimension/resolution/resize/interaction... And to fix this in a
         | performant way, it would need the ability to handle as many of
         | those events as possible on the client side, hence some kind of
         | VM & endless mitigations for it--chrome all over again.
         | > _something like xterm for linux that is more up-to-date_
         | Dickey put _a lot_ of effort into xterm--especially on the
         | correct emulation of old protocols like tektronics. The GPU-
         | accelerateds may be the new hotness, but I don 't think many of
         | those devs are interested in software archaeology like
         | tektronics & sixel.
       | jhallenworld wrote:
       | Sixel should be more universal: in particular I'm wishing that
       | PuTTY and especially TeraTERM on Windows supported it. It would
       | allow non-sw engineers (hence Windows) to see graphics from
       | embedded systems that use serial ports.
         | georgia_peach wrote:
         | mintty (cygwin) supports sixel & iTerm2 format inline
         | png/gif/jpg
         | https://iterm2.com/documentation-images.html
           | jhallenworld wrote:
           | Yeah, mintty is too difficult (the user would need to use
           | picocom or something to connect to the serial port). iTerm2
           | is MAC only...
             | georgia_peach wrote:
             | RLogin also supports sixel & iTerm2 formats, and has built-
             | in serial support. The default is in Japanese, but they
             | have language packs.
             | https://kmiya-culti.github.io/RLogin/
               | jhallenworld wrote:
               | Rlogin looks promising. One other requirement I forgot is
               | that it needs to support x/y/z-modem, and Rlogin does.
         | csdvrx wrote:
         | > Sixel should be more universal
         | Agreed!
         | So try sixel-tmux: https://github.com/csdvrx/sixel-tmux
         | > It would allow non-sw engineers (hence Windows)
         | I run Windows 11 as my main OS. sixel-tmux was written to help
         | the users of non-sixel-aware terminals: every time a sixel
         | sequence is intercepted, it's either:
         | - rewritten to ASCII art through derasterize if your terminal
         | doesn't support sixels
         | - passed as-is if your terminal supports sixels
         | > to see graphics from embedded systems that use serial ports
         | If you use a serial port software such as minicom inside a
         | terminal running sixel-tmux (ex: Windows terminal) it should
         | work
         | k4r1 wrote:
         | You should try some modern terminals fx.:
         | - Contour https://github.com/contour-terminal/contour
         | - Wezterm https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/
         | Both fast terminals with modern features and cross platform.
         | Also checkout Notcurses:
         | https://notcurses.com/
         | Here is a video of the Notcurses demo running in a terminal:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcjkezf1ARY
         | retrocryptid wrote:
         | There's been talk about adding sixel support to windows term
         | for a couple years. I went back to BSD as a daily driver as
         | work on this issue started picking up, but it looks like
         | progress is being made:
         | https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/448
         | junon wrote:
         | There have been pushes for sixel for ages. I just don't think
         | it's going to happen.
           | georgia_peach wrote:
           | It's okay for low-color/solid-run images, terrible for
           | everything else. Nachman's image mime blobs (iTerm2 style) is
           | the superior approach. mintty/mlterm/rlogin/wezterm already
           | support it. Kitty has an (incompatible) variant--same idea,
           | but delivered in chunks.
             | jhallenworld wrote:
             | Thanks, will try this. Wish xterm was on the list, but
             | mlterm is OK.
             | retrocryptid wrote:
             | Sixels are compatible with cursor positioning escape
             | sequences, so I can position the image on the screen. I
             | wasn't able to do this with term2. Very possible I just
             | didn't see how to do it though. If you have a pointer to
             | docs for making that work, I'd love to play around with it.
             | csdvrx wrote:
             | > terrible for everything else
             | Define terrible. Wasteful, yes. But when we run chat
             | programs inside electron apps, does it really matters?
             | > is the superior approach
             | My idea of superiority is linked to availability and
             | support. Multiple competing formats are often a problem
             | > Kitty has an (incompatible) variant
             | Indeed, the multiple competing formats might each have some
             | specific technical advantages, but networks effect makes
             | your life harder.
               | georgia_peach wrote:
               | > _when when run chat programs inside electron apps, does
               | it really matters?_
               | From a dev perspective, it's a lot easier to base64 an
               | image you already have, with a base64 that's already in
               | your stdlibs, than to scour github for a passable sixel
               | library to pre-rasterize that jpeg & reformat it as
               | sixel. I say this as someone who's written a sixel
               | conversion library.
               | > _competing formats_
               | It's not a very old format, yet already supported on 4-5
               | terminals last I checked.
               | retrocryptid wrote:
               | Or you could just use the libsixel package. Downloading
               | libraries isn't unknown to developers (thinking about
               | `apt-get install libncurses5-dev libsixel-dev` or the
               | like.) Or sysadmins: `apt-get install libncurses5` or
               | `apt-get install libsixel`.
               | mongol wrote:
               | > Indeed, the multiple competing formats might each have
               | some specific technical advantages, but networks effect
               | makes your life harder.
               | Any hope for standardization?
           | pcwalton wrote:
           | Yeah, I don't see the point in trying to resurrect a dead
           | standard that isn't very efficient or widely supported.
           | Backwards compatibility is important, but sixels aren't even
           | that well supported nowadays+, so there's not much to be
           | compatible _with_. Better to just push for new de facto
           | standards for images in the terminal; trying to resurrect
           | sixels is an exercise in retrocomputing.
           | + xterm and iTerm2 are the only widely-used terminal
           | emulators nowadays that support sixels. Few Linux users use
           | plain old xterm nowadays due to lack of desktop integration,
           | and iTerm2 is not the OS default terminal (and it supports a
           | better image format anyway). Also note that no popular
           | Windows terminal emulators (conhost.exe, conemu, Microsoft
           | Terminal) support sixels at all.
             | retrocryptid wrote:
             | The idea here is you can get graphics via a ssh connection.
             | You don't need to setup a web interface to collect and
             | process metrics.
             | It's useful cause you don't have to take your fingers off
             | the keyboard to get graphical information.
             | And yeah. I would be just as happy to use NAPLPS, but Sixel
             | support is what we have.
             | jph00 wrote:
             | sixel works fine, and is better supported than a "new de
             | facto standard" the doesn't even exist yet. It's not at all
             | true that no popular windows s/w supports it -
             | mintty/wsltty supports it just fine and is widely used.
       (page generated 2022-07-18 23:00 UTC)