[HN Gopher] Learning Go as a Python Developer: The Good and the Bad
       Learning Go as a Python Developer: The Good and the Bad
       Author : shantnutiwari
       Score  : 137 points
       Date   : 2022-07-18 18:22 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (new.pythonforengineers.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (new.pythonforengineers.com)
       | 120photo wrote:
       | I tried porting a Python utility I wrote to Go specifically
       | because I did not want people to have to install any 3rd party
       | libraries (in this case just one). If anything I had a much
       | deeper appreciation as to how much Python does for you and just
       | lets you work. I would still like to port someday. For now I can
       | containerize my app but that would still require people to
       | install docker and learn how to use docker.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | You don't need docker to bundle an app with custom libraries.
         | You can use AppImage which is pretty much just an ordinary app
         | install rolled into a single file.
           | LtWorf wrote:
           | i guess he's not using linux, otherwise python dependencies
           | would be no problem
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | Docker is linux specific. It can only run in a VM on non-
             | linux platforms.
               | wizofaus wrote:
               | It requires a linux subsystem, true, but not a fully
               | fledged VM. The subsystem still shares the file system
               | with the primary OS, for a start. And while I haven't
               | tried it, the instructions for installing AppImage on WSL
               | (for example) don't look trivial.
               | DenseComet wrote:
               | WSL is a fully fledged VM under the hood, it's just well
               | integrated.
               | wizofaus wrote:
               | MS call it a "lightweight utility virtual machine", and
               | "not a traditional VM experience", whatever that means.
               | Docker also works on MacOS, with a basic linux distro
               | running under hypervisor that again, I'm not sure
               | qualifies as a 'fully fledged VM' (at least in terms of
               | user access to it).
         | deivid wrote:
         | The easiest way to do this is to use shiv[0] if you don't mind
         | asking people to have Python itself installed; if you want a
         | truly "one file bundle" you should use PyInstaller[1] (which
         | bundles a Python interpreter)
         | [0]: https://shiv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
         | [1]: https://pyinstaller.org/en/stable/
       | [deleted]
       | cookiengineer wrote:
       | I've been reimplementing a tool that was done in nodejs before
       | and ported it to golang.
       | I have to say that a lot of programming paradigms are different
       | in golang, a few parts are annoying, and some parts are "getting
       | there" with generics.
       | The most annoying part if you do a lot of parsing is the golang
       | mandated rule of what is public and what is private in a package.
       | If you want to parse lots of JSON into a struct, mess is on you,
       | always have to implement a custom marshal/unmarshal for it.
       | If you always have to implement a custom JSON marshalling method,
       | and abuse annotations for mapping upper/lowercase
       | properties...why was the uppercase rule mandated in the first
       | place?
       | I wish golang had gone for an export keyword instead. Structs
       | would have been so much cleaner.
       | The second issue I have with golang is that struct properties (as
       | all data types) aren't nullable except via pointers, which makes
       | consuming JSON APIs a fustercluck to deal with some times. I wish
       | there was a nullable string data type instead of having to use
       | dozens of helper functions.
       | The last issue is lack of functional ideas (as of now) but they
       | are coming. lo is a lodash inspired library that makes a lot of
       | things easier. [1] I hope that a lot of these helpers will at
       | some point be part of the core libraries, so that datatypes can
       | be easily mapped, casted and filtered.
       | [1] https://github.com/samber/lo
         | binwiederhier wrote:
         | If you do a lot of JSON parsing for unknown or large structs,
         | you can use gjson: https://github.com/tidwall/gjson
         | usmannk wrote:
         | Personally I find struct field tags a nice way to encode the
         | json fields. They also allow you to use upper case names for
         | all struct members. I've never had an issue with the way json
         | is done in golang, and I'm kind of confused by this rebuke.
         | What's wrong with using string pointers? What helper methods
         | are necessary to write? This kind of feels the same as reading
         | a rant against strict types.
       | returningfory2 wrote:
       | > I had heard of Go for many years, but never stuck with it; it
       | gets constant negative press on Hacker News/Reddit
       | I think on Hacker News it's really fashionable to criticize Go,
       | and this has led to a culture where Go gets significantly more
       | negativity than it deserves.
       | As technologists, one of our most important jobs is to see
       | through such fashions and judge languages/tools/technologies
       | based on their actual merit.
       | While gauging sentiment about things on a forum like Hacker News
       | is generally really helpful, it should not be the main basis of
       | our decisions.
         | tempest_ wrote:
         | Go is getting used in places where Java would have been used in
         | the past.
         | Java complaints go down, Go complaints go up.
           | Xeoncross wrote:
           | If Go hadn't come along, I would be using and complaining
           | about C# or Java for sure.
         | erik_seaberg wrote:
         | Some of the HN audience had already been reading PG's essays
         | for years, and our expectations of new languages were shaped by
         | http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html.
         | 37ef_ced3 wrote:
         | As an engineer who uses Go and appreciates it as a replacement
         | for most purposes where you might use C or C++, the complaints
         | just seem bizarre.
         | You've got people who argue against explicit error checking and
         | people who don't understand the important role of nil pointers
         | and people who don't see the massive net win of garbage
         | collection in concurrent programs, and so on.
         | Endlessly.
         | It feels like a waste of time defending the language when the
         | people criticizing it seem to hold such a vastly different
         | point of view. It's like trying to convince people that Natural
         | Born Killers is a good movie or that Primus makes good music.
         | There's an unbridgeable chasm between you and the people you're
         | trying to convince.
           | frazbin wrote:
           | > people who.. don't understand the important role of nil
           | pointers
           | ... I guess you're right; I really do not understand
           | LtWorf wrote:
           | But C++ had generics ages ago already... You never used
           | those?
           | obviouslynotme wrote:
           | Go has always been a Java, C#, Python, and Ruby killer. It
           | has not and never will be a C or C++ killer. C is the
           | language of libraries and embedded, neither of which Go is
           | good for. C++ is the language of large systems that need
           | extreme control over resource allocation. Go is not good for
           | this either.
             | wizofaus wrote:
             | Is Go really killing C# though? I've rewritten Go
             | components in C# (the initial version only had basic
             | functionality requirements, but as they expanded, Go made
             | less and less sense given the rest of our codebase), but
             | can't readily imagine wanting to rewrite C# in Go. Maybe
             | once they add proper exceptions...
               | obviouslynotme wrote:
               | No. C# is usually used by Microsoft shops, and half the
               | reason to use C# is so you can use Visual Studio.
               | wizofaus wrote:
               | That implies that if a better alternative to VS came
               | along, C# developers wouldn't choose it! I certainly
               | would, for one, and I'm a long-term VS user, well aware
               | of its failings (but also yet to come across another IDE
               | that's noticeably superior. And coding with a text editor
               | and command line compiler is something I spent 10+ years
               | doing when it was all that was available, and nothing I
               | have any great hankering to go back to - even if it's
               | something I still resort to as an emergency measure, e.g.
               | when on some remote system with text-only access etc.)
               | vsnf wrote:
               | My current project was switched from C# to Go almost 2
               | years ago. It was a management decision, and while the
               | team all generally has found something or another to like
               | about Go, we all miss C#.
             | tptacek wrote:
             | It is too easy for people to forget that C was not _always_
             | the language of  "libraries and embedded", and that writing
             | large systems programs in C, of the sort that nobody would
             | realistically consider writing that way in 2022, was a
             | norm. Displacing C doesn't just mean rewriting existing C
             | dependencies, but also changing the balance of decisions
             | about which _new_ programs to write in C. Go has had a
             | tremendous amount of impact there. Without Go, Docker would
             | almost certainly be a large ball of C code.
             | ledauphin wrote:
             | I agree with you that Go does not replace C or C++, but I
             | strongly disagree that Go is an obvious replacement for
             | most uses of Python, C#, Java or Ruby, all of which are,
             | frankly, _much_ higher level languages than Go.
             | Go gets used for two main reasons that I've been able to
             | observe:
             | 1) a desire for a very specific type of concurrency 2) a
             | desire for a fast compiled language with a minimalistic
             | feature set that scales well to large teams.
             | Switching to Go from one of those languages is very much
             | giving up a kitchen sink for a purpose-built tool. It may
             | be the right decision under lots of different
             | circumstances, but it doesn't directly compete with any of
             | the languages you've mentioned because of how minimalistic
             | it tries to be.
             | Overall, in fact, I think Go does something far more
             | interesting: it's legitimately an attempt to carve out a
             | whole separate niche for software development. Whether it's
             | ultimately been successful there is for a different comment
             | thread, though. :)
               | obviouslynotme wrote:
               | Go has always been a high level language, and is even
               | more so now with generics. I would even argue that Go,
               | correctly done, is halfway between the Java tier and the
               | Lisp tier. Due to Go's quick and easy parsability,
               | generation, and compilation. It is very easy to write
               | tools for Go. Code generation and struct tags are even
               | part of the standard, but very people use them beyond the
               | basic serialization libraries. It's not quite lisp, but
               | it is very close in many ways.
               | Very few people rewrite projects. Most change happens by
               | new projects adopting one language over another. The fact
               | that I hear of Python rewrites to Go is honestly amazing.
           | adra wrote:
           | Languages generally aren't stuck in time. If we actually want
           | languages to evolve and in ways that are actually valuable to
           | real people (not a small subset of those developers writing
           | it), then these pieces should be an invaluable resource to
           | help steer the language in the direction that will most
           | reward adoption, longevity, etc.
           | bogeholm wrote:
           | > Natural Born Killers ... Primus ...
           | We should have a beer sometime!
           | devonkim wrote:
           | I think there's a lot of disagreements about what people
           | think is desirable in a language in the first place and then
           | start complaining without understanding the design concepts
           | that shaped its creation nor even agree the problems are even
           | problems to begin with. Many even seem to think that bad
           | ergonomics are to be accepted and want to create a higher
           | barrier for programming productivity (there are some merits
           | to this attitude honestly but that's not the point I'm
           | interested in).
           | I think it's more akin to trying to talk to people about
           | Quentin Tarantino movies. Lots of people enjoy them, many
           | critics like his stuff, and then there's a relatively small
           | group of people that disparage everything he does because he
           | isn't ascribed to any artistic school of filmmaking and under
           | a lot of such critical analysis his films are pop fodder.
           | It's not like he ever makes his movies to please critics is
           | the thing, he's basically a super fan that just winged it
           | all. Many fairly sane and measured, learned critics "get"
           | Tarantino and appreciate him for what he tries to do and all
           | is fine there. But it won't matter what Tarantino does going
           | forward with the other crowd - it's because they have
           | diametrically opposed ideas of wtf movies even are supposed
           | to be.
           | [deleted]
         | notduncansmith wrote:
         | "There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people
         | complain about and the ones nobody uses."
         | - Bjarne Stroustrup
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | Go is a vastly preferable language to Python or Ruby for most
         | things. The "negative press" is quite overstated, it does get
         | plenty of favorable advocacy as well.
           | metadat wrote:
           | Use an appropriate tool for the job, Python is useful for
           | tons of things that would be a nightmare to pull off in
           | golang, and vice versa.
             | suremarc wrote:
             | Indeed, try doing any sort of data analysis in Go, it's
             | maddeningly verbose.
       | mountainriver wrote:
       | > The libraries for Go aren't as good as for Python- certainly,
       | the documentation is lacking
       | Huh, Go has some of the best autodoc features of any language.
       | Also the library assertion is insane to me. I switch back and
       | forth from Go to Python all day and generally Go has more stable
       | better maintained libs
         | Zopieux wrote:
         | Sadly I agree with the author on the general feel of Go
         | libraries. I can feel the language design itself and non-
         | written philosophical identity of Go strongly affects what APIs
         | people write in it. Most often, they suck. They feel
         | monolithic, unforgiving, and impossible to extend. I don't
         | belive we can only blame the lack of generics for that, it runs
         | deeper.
         | On documentation, I've never seen a language community that
         | comes with so little examples most of the time. Take any random
         | Python library RTD, it's full of it. You can skim through said
         | examples to understand the overall features and capabilities
         | before you dive into the API reference. No such luck in Go:
         | here is the bare-bones godoc, good luck!
       | maerF0x0 wrote:
       | All the docs are easily found here: https://pkg.go.dev/
       | The complaint about aws-sdk-go (presumably v1) is legitimate, it
       | seems to me that code was generated and therefore the repo can be
       | less than ideal w/ Go. I suspect that is improved/ing in v2.
       | using goimports as your formatter solves the complaint about
       | unused imports
       | There was a significant portion of time where python 2.x and
       | earlier releases of Go overlapped, and finding UTF-8 safe python
       | libraries was non-trivial. Go makes utf-8 the default. As I
       | understand it many companies still have python2 w/o a EoL plan.
       | One thing I really miss about working with python is list/dict
       | comprehensions and lambdas
         | kelvie wrote:
         | It's still valid for v2. While it's a bit easier to use in
         | almost all respects, the documentation is still kind of crazy
         | because it's mostly autogenerated.
         | In Go, the first thing you run into when making an API call is
         | figuring out how to handle the errors, and the aws-sdk-go docs
         | still don't give you much help there --you have to still dive
         | into the official REST docs, or worse, the Java docs via
         | google, and sort of guess how each exception/error code gets
         | mapped into what Go error.
         | Jumping into the library code works for _most_ Go libraries,
         | but with the autogenerated REST bindings that is the AWS SDK,
         | it usually isn 't much more illuminating.
       | benhoyt wrote:
       | This roughly matches my experience, though he doesn't really
       | discuss the language differences in this article. Here's a
       | similar kind of article I wrote a few years ago, "Learning Go by
       | porting a medium-sized web backend from Python":
       | https://benhoyt.com/writings/learning-go/ -- mine focuses more on
       | language and standard library differences.
       | atwood22 wrote:
       | I don't understand how the author struggled to find a good
       | DynamoDB library. The official AWS SDK has a very useable
       | DynamoDB client and provides utility classes for marshaling and
       | unmarshaling Go types: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-
       | go/api/service/dynamodb/...
       | nathants wrote:
       | i dragged my feet on go for a long time. i also thought that
       | skipping go and moving to rust was the play. a few years later, i
       | still write python often, but i don't build systems with it.
       | python i now use like bash, to glue things together and automate
       | random things. it's a fantastic language and i will never drop
       | it.
       | the verbosity of go is the biggest hurdle for a pythonista. the
       | thought of giving up context managers, decorators, iterators,
       | comprehensions, exceptions, coroutines, it's unthinkable. in
       | comparison go is ugly. your aesthetic mind screams in protest.
       | write go full time. dive in. as months pass, not only will those
       | aesthetic objections fade, your mental model from python cleanly
       | transforms to go. go is what mypy tried to be. the cost was
       | aesthetic changes. the benefit is worth it.
       | the zen of python says if it's easy to explain it might be a good
       | idea. this is go, and it is.
       | i rebuilt a reasonably sized project from python[1] to go[2] over
       | the last few years. i also have a system that i maintain both
       | python[3] and go[4] implementations for, sharing a test suite in
       | python. squint at the implementations. consciously ignore
       | aesthetic objections. they are basically the same, not very
       | different from a python codebase with and without type
       | annotations.
       | go, like python, is fantastic. use both in whatever amount works
       | for you. don't read about them, build with them. you won't regret
       | it.
       | 1. https://github.com/nathants/cli-
       | aws/tree/bb78e529e7d1d3f95ac...
       | 2. https://github.com/nathants/libaws
       | 3. https://github.com/nathants/s4/tree/python
       | 4. https://github.com/nathants/s4
         | jerf wrote:
         | Obviously the closest thing in the general sense to Python is
         | Ruby. But I think a case can be made that in practice, the
         | closest thing to Python on the static language side is Go. The
         | list of superficial differences is a mile long, I don't deny,
         | nor will I exhaust my audience's patience with actually writing
         | them out. But the interface orientation of Go captures the
         | _essence_ of how you design in Python surprisingly well. Of all
         | the static languages, Go has the closest thing to duck typing,
         | in particular the ability to declare a  "duck type" for an
         | existing third-party thing that you don't want to or can't
         | change, and integrate it into your code as a compile-time
         | checked member of that "duck type".
           | nathants wrote:
           | very true! to be a WriteCloser[1], you have to be able to
           | Write[2] and to Close[3]. quacking confirmed.
           | 1. https://pkg.go.dev/io#WriteCloser
           | 2. https://pkg.go.dev/io#Writer
           | 3. https://pkg.go.dev/io#Closer
         | vonseel wrote:
         | Do Go programmers also not like capitalization? Just a tease, I
         | noticed the readme and your comment don't have any Capitalized
         | Letters. Well, the readme has a few but you know what I mean.
           | nathants wrote:
           | i can only speak for myself. i reserve raising my voice for
           | where it's APPROPRIATE. as with the python/go debate,
           | aesthetics are subjective.
             | corrral wrote:
             | Breaking basic language norms in this way is the equivalent
             | of CONSTANTLY RAISING YOUR VOICE. It's distracting and
             | attention-getting. Which may be your goal, but if your goal
             | is to be easily understood and sympathetic to your reader,
             | it's counterproductive.
               | nathants wrote:
               | this is exactly correct.
               | i sincerely apologize to any who have been harmed, even
               | slightly, by my oddity.
       | tptacek wrote:
       | I hated the "damnable use requirement" (the error you get on
       | unused imports) for years, but I've been keeping a count of how
       | many bugs they've caught (I was surprised the first time this
       | happened) and I'm up to 3-4 now. What people who code in Go
       | seriously do is just hook `goimports` up to their editor, and
       | then never think about this again.
         | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
         | How is this better than downgrading the error into a warning?
         | You'd be able to build but would still know something was
         | wrong-ish. Certainly a warning would be sufficient to chase
         | down any bugs, and is very freeing compared to an error.
           | tptacek wrote:
           | I'm not offering any opinion about the use requirement other
           | than to say that it has caught 3-4 bugs for me.
           | xboxnolifes wrote:
           | Turned around, what's the benefit of allowing someone to
           | build something that may potentially break, when the
           | alternative is an easy to fix error instead?
             | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
             | The benefit is not needing to make any additional source
             | changes when you go from using an import to not using it to
             | using it again.
         | morelisp wrote:
         | goimports seems an endless source of absolutely bizarre bugs
         | unless your packages' terminal path element exactly matches the
         | package name (even sometimes if it does e.g.
         | https://github.com/golang/go/issues/29041).
         | These do get addressed over time but also seems to break in a
         | new way at least a couple times a year.
       | ActorNightly wrote:
       | >sharing your code is even pain with colleagues even if they are
       | using the same operating system, mainly because the Python
       | requirement file doesn't pin dependencies,
       | wat? Pretty sure you can use == in requirements.txt
       | Also, its very possible, and quite easy to just include the code
       | for the library in your package, which effectively "locks in" the
       | version. We did this all the time when building AWS lambda
       | deployments.
         | pletnes wrote:
         | Sure can pin versions, it's easy too, if you just use <<pip
         | freeze>>.
           | pid-1 wrote:
           | Now you lost track of which are your top level dependencies
           | and which are dependencies of dependencies.
           | anyfactor wrote:
           | Better option is to use pipreqs.
           | Virtual Environment gets on my way. Looking at you Jupyter
           | notebook.
           | ska wrote:
           | That only solves part of the problem.
           | something like poetry's approach is the right one here; you
           | need a list of core dependencies (not derived ones), you need
           | a solver for when anything changes to find a new set of
           | viable versions, and you need a lock file of some sort to
           | uniquely & reproducible construct an environment.
         | paulsef11 wrote:
         | There's lots of cases where you wouldn't want to pin your
         | requirements.txt, the main one being if you're authoring a
         | package. You need to leave the versions unpinned, preferably
         | just bound to a major version, allowing some variability for
         | the users of your package in case there's a shared dependency.
         | I have a feeling that's what the author is describing here,
         | because Poetry solves this dilemma by introducing a poetry.lock
         | file which pins the dev versions of all the dependencies, but
         | publishes a package with unpinned deps.
         | giantrobot wrote:
         | The issue is transitive dependencies. A dependency you pin
         | isn't guaranteed to pin its own dependencies. A bug somewhere
         | in a grandchild dependency can manifest for you even if you
         | have a version pinned but the dependency did not.
         | It's not automatically a problem but it certainly can become
         | one.
         | linsomniac wrote:
         | I'm a huge, long time, python fan. I don't tend to have a lot
         | of problems with dependencies, but it clearly is something that
         | certain situations have problems with.
         | As I understand the post, the author is saying "It sure is nice
         | to be able to just hand off a go executable and be done with
         | it." And I think we can agree that the Python runtime situation
         | is far from this.
         | I largely control my work environment, so this isn't a huge
         | issue for me. But I'm right at this very moment converting a
         | "python" to "python3" in a wrapper script because the
         | underlying code got converted to py3 and can't "import
         | configparser". (Actually, I'm removing "python" entirely and
         | adding a shebamg).
         | I've been looking at writing a small tool in Python and then
         | porting it to Go (I don't know go, so seems like a reasonable
         | way to approach it), because the main target of the app is my
         | developers, who probably don't have the right Python
         | environment set up, and I just want them to be able to use it,
         | not give them a chore.
         | alexanderh wrote:
         | This is what I came to the comment section to say... You
         | absolutely can pin dependencies.... da fudge?
         | Sounds like this guy needs to finish learning Python before he
         | learns something else.
         | From what you suggested, to containerizing things with
         | something like Docker, there are ways to make Python more
         | easily distributable.
           | anacoluthe wrote:
           | What if the depedencies you pinned have non-pinned
           | depedencies?
           | packageA==1.0.0 depends itself on packageB
           | Therefore, you can find yourself with a different set of
           | deps. Had a bug like this once.
             | im3w1l wrote:
             | Pip freeze will pin explicit as well as transitive
             | dependencies
               | fnord123 wrote:
               | It's a hassle to do this correctly and upgrade the
               | dependencies. Use poetry.
               | robertlagrant wrote:
               | pip freeze > requirements.txt
         | shrimpx wrote:
         | > Pretty sure you can use == in requirements.txt
         | You can, but one of those packages that you depend on will have
         | a loose version spec for one of _its_ dependencies, making your
         | `pip install -r requirements.txt` non-deterministic.
         | Poetry and Pipenv solve this, though, by pinning all
         | dependencies in a lock file.
           | ActorNightly wrote:
           | Pip freeze will grab all of the versions that are installed.
         | AlphaSite wrote:
         | I recommend using poetry and just moving on with your life,
         | it's far easier than trying to use pip (which is totally
         | doable, but not clean).
           | LtWorf wrote:
           | But poetry requires pip... you can't use it without using pip
             | biorach wrote:
             | They clearly mean using pip on its own, presumably by `pip
             | freeze > requirements.txt`
             | gen220 wrote:
             | Poetry requires pip in the way that `go mod` requires `go
             | get`, i.e. Poetry allows one to operate at a higher level
             | of abstraction, where it's harder to make mistakes and
             | generally easier to manage your dependency tree.
             | ryanianian wrote:
             | Kind of. It's intended to be a system package/tool. In that
             | regard you can use, wait for it, yet another python tool -
             | pipx. So instead of installing poetry to a venv or whatever
             | using pip, you can use `pipx run poetry`. Now you have to
             | install pipx...
         | jeremydw wrote:
         | This comment section itself clearly shows how crazy dependency
         | and environment management is in Python. In this thread alone,
         | we've received instructions to...
         | - poetry
         | - "Just pin the dependencies and use Docker"
         | - pip freeze
         | - Vendoring in dependency code
         | - pipreqs
         | - virtualenv
         | This is simply a mess and it's handled much better in other
         | languages. I manage a small agency team and there are some
         | weeks where I feel like we need a full-time devops person to
         | just help resolve environment issues with Python projects
         | around the team.
           | okasaki wrote:
           | Sometimes I feel people are using Python very differently
           | than me. I just use pip freeze and virtualenv (these are
           | Python basics, not some exotic tools) and I feel it works
           | great.
           | Granted, you don't get a nice executable, but it's still
           | miles ahead of C++ (people literally put their code into
           | header files so you don't have to link to a library), and
           | even modern languages like rust (stuff is always broken, or I
           | have some incompatible version, even when it builds it
           | doesn't work)
           | By the way if you're a Python user, Nim is worth checking
           | out. It's compiled, fast and very low fuss kind of language
           | that looks a lot like Python.
             | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
             | When I was a Python dev, I never saw that happen in ten
             | years or so of work. Pip freeze and virtualenv just worked
             | for me.
             | I will say, though, that this only accounts for times where
             | you're not upgrading dependencies. Where I've always run
             | into issues in Python was when I decided to upgrade a
             | dependency and eventually trigger some impossible mess.
             | pdimitar wrote:
             | > _and even modern languages like rust (stuff is always
             | broken, or I have some incompatible version, even when it
             | builds it doesn 't work)_
             | Been working on and off with Rust for the last 3 years,
             | never happened to me once -- with the exception of the
             | Tokio async runtime that has breaking changes between
             | versions. Everything else always worked on the first try
             | (checked with tests, too).
             | Comparing Python with C++ doesn't make do argument any
             | favours, and neither does stretching a single Rust accident
             | to mean the ecosystem is bad.
               | mcronce wrote:
               | This is consistent with my experience. Semantic
               | versioning is very very widely used in the Rust
               | ecosystem, so you're not looking at breaking changes
               | unless you select a different major version (or different
               | minor version, for 0.x crates) - which you have to do
               | manually, cargo will only automatically update
               | dependencies to versions which semver specifies should be
               | compatible.
               | For crates that don't follow semver (which I'm fairly
               | certain I've encountered zero times) you can pin a
               | specific exact version.
             | tempest_ wrote:
             | Comparing anything to C++ is a very low bar.
             | I have rarely encountered issues in rust. Most rust crates
             | stick to semver so you know when there will be a breaking
             | change. My rust experience with Cargo can only be described
             | as problem free(though I only develop for x86 linux).
             | As for pip freeze and virtualenv things start to fall apart
             | especially quickly when you require various C/C++
             | dependencies (which in various parts of the ecosystem is a
             | lot) as well as different python versions (if you are
             | supporting any kind of legacy software). This is also
             | assuming other people working on the same project have the
             | same python yadda yadda the list goes on, its not great.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | The issue I've encountered in rust is looking at a
               | library and seeing that it requires a nightly build of
               | the compiler.
           | ksdnjweusdnkl21 wrote:
           | I agree that it is handled better in many other languages.
           | However, Go has some weird thing with imports going on. When
           | I tried to learn it I just could not import a function from
           | another file. Some env variable making the program not find
           | the path. Many stackoverflow/reddit threads condecendenly
           | pointed to some setup guide in official docs which did not
           | fix or explain the situation.
           | After an few hours or so of not making much progress in AOC
           | day 1 I just gave up and never continued learning Go.
           | Bullfight2Cond wrote:
           | one more that supports the latest standards:
           | https://pdm.fming.dev/
           | SloopJon wrote:
           | This has indeed been eye opening. We got bit by a dependency
           | problem in which TensorFlow started pulling in an
           | incompatible version of protobuf. After reading these
           | comments, I don't think that pip freeze is quite what we
           | want, but poetry sounds promising. We have a relatively small
           | set of core dependencies, and a bunch of transitive
           | dependencies that just need to work, and which we sometimes
           | need to update for security fixes.
           | chpmrc wrote:
           | - Poetry is a 3rd party package manager, I'm sure it's great
           | but it's not widely used (yet)
           | - Pip freeze just pins all dependencies at once to
           | requirements.txt
           | - I don't know what "vendoring in dependency code" means
           | - I've never used pipreqs in my life (and 80% of my work has
           | been in Python)
           | - Virtualenvs are just a convenient way to keep project
           | runtimes separated
           | And for 90% of Python projects in existence the following is
           | sufficient (assuming Python3 is installed):
           | - python -m venv .venv
           | - source .venv/bin/activate
           | - pip install -r requirements.txt
           | That's it. And all of that requires a single dependency:
           | Python. Could it be better? Sure. But to call that a "mess"
           | is an exaggeration.
             | linsomniac wrote:
             | "Vendoring" means including the library in your package. So
             | instead of listing it in requirements.txt, you copy the
             | code of the library.
           | korijn wrote:
           | Is it a mess? Yes. But, is the problem to be solved perhaps
           | much simpler "in other languages"? Do you interface with C++
           | libraries, system-managed dependencies, and perhaps your GPU
           | in these other languages? Or are all your dependencies purely
           | coded in these other languages, making everything simpler?
           | Of course the answer to these questions could be anything but
           | to me it feels like attacks on Python's package management
           | are usually cheap shots on a much much more complicated
           | problem domain than the "complainers" are typically aware of.
             | pdimitar wrote:
             | Or the "complainers" work with Rust and Elixir and giggle
             | at Python's last-century dependency-management woes, while
             | they run a command or two and can upgrade and/or pin their
             | dependencies and put that in version control and have
             | builds identical [to those on their dev machines] in their
             | CI/CD environment.
             | -\\_(tsu)_/-
             | Your comment hints that you are feeling personally attacked
             | when Python is criticized. Friendly unsolicited advice:
             | don't do that, it's not healthy for you.
             | Python is a relic. Its popularity and integration with
             | super-strong C/C++ libraries has been carrying it for at
             | least the last 5 years, if not 10. There's no mystery: it's
             | a network effect. Quality is irrelevant when something is
             | popular.
             | And yes I used Python. Hated it every time. I guess I have
             | to thank Python for learning bash scripting well. I still
             | ended up wasting less time.
               | Zopieux wrote:
               | It's a bit ironic to pick someone's up on "taking things
               | personally upon criticism", then proceeding to display a
               | deep, manichean, unfounded hatered for a language that,
               | despite its numerous flaws, remains a popular and useful
               | tool.
               | pdimitar wrote:
               | Hanging people upon dawn was popular as well; people even
               | got their kids for the event and it was happening
               | regularly. Popularity says nothing about quality or even
               | viability.
               | Use Python if it's useful for you, obviously. To me
               | though the writing is on the wall -- it's on its loooong
               | and painful (due to people being in denial) way out.
               | EDIT: I don't "hate"; it was a figure of speech. Our work
               | has no place for such emotions. I simply get "sick of"
               | (read: become weary of) something being preached as good
               | when it clearly is not, at least in purely technical
               | terms. And the "hate" is not at all unfounded. Choosing
               | to ignore what doesn't conform to your view is not an
               | argument.
           | ActorNightly wrote:
           | Its not a mess, people just make it a mess because of the
           | lack of understanding around it, and getting lazy with using
           | a combination of pip install, apt install, and whatever else.
           | Also, the problem is compounded by people using Mac to
           | develop, which have a different way of handling system wide
           | python installs from brew, and then trying to port that to
           | Linux.
           | takeda wrote:
           | Keep in mind that Python is 31 year old (it's even older than
           | Java) it was created around the same time as world wide web.
           | So it started when no one even knew they would need
           | dependency management and evolved over time from people
           | posting packages on their home pages, to a central website to
           | what we now call PyPI. Similarly the tooling and way of
           | packaging the code evolved.
           | What you described are multiple tools that also target
           | different areas:
           | > - poetry
           | from what you listed this seems like the only tool that
           | actually takes care of dependency management
           | > - "Just pin the dependencies and use Docker"
           | this is standard fallback for all languages when people are
           | lazy and don't want to figure out how to handle the
           | dependencies
           | > - pip freeze
           | all this does it just lists currently installed packages in a
           | form that can be automatically read by pip
           | > - Vendoring in dependency code
           | this again is just a way that applies to all languages, and
           | it is still necessary even if there's a robust dependency
           | management as there are some cases where bundling everything
           | together is preferred
           | > - pipreqs
           | this is just a tool that scans your code and tells you what
           | dependencies you are using. You are really lost if you need a
           | tool to tell you what packages is your application is using,
           | but I suppose it can be useful for one offs if you inherit
           | some python code that wasn't using any dependence management.
           | > - virtualenv
           | this is just a method to have dependencies installed locally
           | in project directory instead per system. This was created
           | especially for development (although it can be used for
           | deployment as well) as people started working on multiple
           | services with different dependencies. It's now included in
           | python so it's more like a feature of the language.
           | feet wrote:
           | Even using conda to manage reqs is an absolute nightmare. Did
           | a subreq get updated? Did the author of the library pin that
           | subreq? No? Have fun hunting down which library needs to be
           | downgraded manually
             | MonkeyMalarky wrote:
             | I used a couple of tricks to solve this. First, make cond
             | env export a build step and environment.yml an artifact so
             | you've got a nice summary of what got installed. Second,
             | nightly builds so you aren't surprised by random package
             | upgrade errors the next time you commit code to your
             | project.
           | MonkeyMalarky wrote:
           | Don't forget Anaconda because you're on windows and have no
           | idea how to compile random packages that are really C++ code
           | with Python bindings!
             | jjoonathan wrote:
             | Solving environment |         Solving environment /
             | Solving environment -         Solving environment \
             | Solving environment |         ...
             | One day it takes 10 seconds, next month it takes 10
             | minutes, and the month after that it takes 30 minutes and
             | then fails entirely.
               | darkarmani wrote:
               | Are you using conda-forge? Solving from over 6TBs of
               | packages can take quite a while. Conda-forge builds
               | _everything_. This isn 't a criticism, but because of
               | that the number of packages is massive.
               | MonkeyMalarky wrote:
               | That's half of why from 2017 to 2021 I had a yearly
               | "uninstall Anaconda and start fresh" routine. The other
               | half is because I'd eventually corrupt my environments
               | and have no choice but to start over.
               | jjoonathan wrote:
               | Me too. In 2021 it got so egregious that I finally jumped
               | ship. Pip or bust.
               | Since you specifically mentioned 2021 instead of 2022, I
               | half suspect you had the same experience.
           | punnerud wrote:
           | Not a mess, but options. That's what's encourage innovation
           | and open up for new ideas.
           | This Fortran vs Python example is worth reading:
           | https://cerfacs.fr/coop/fortran-vs-python
           | throwawaymaths wrote:
           | Now try installing tensorflow. Treat yourself to ice cream if
           | you get it to install without having to reinstall Linux and
           | without borking the active project you're on.
             | derac wrote:
             | The major issues you'll see involve library version
             | mismatches. It's a very good idea to use venv with these
             | tools since there are often mismatches between projects.
             | raffraffraff wrote:
             | And unless things have gotten a lot better in the 2 years
             | since I last did `pip install numpy` on ARM, prepare for a
             | very long wait because you'll be building it from source.
           | Gordonjcp wrote:
           | It's not crazy at all. You use requirements.txt to keep a
           | track of the dependencies needed for development, and you put
           | the dependencies needed to build and install a package into
           | setup.py where the packaging script can get it.
           | These are two different things, because they do two different
           | jobs.
           | It's really very simple.
         | dagw wrote:
         | _Also, its very possible, and quite easy to just include the
         | code for the library in your package_
         | This only works if installing on exactly the same os and
         | architecture. It can also make the installer for your quick
         | little command line tool hundreds of megabytes.
         | That being said packing up the python interpreter and all
         | dependencies is the approach I ended up using when shipping
         | non-trivial python applications in the past.
         | iasay wrote:
         | That's fine until it wont compile on someone else's machine.
         | Had that many times before with python.
         | SciPy is a bastard on macs for example.
           | geraneum wrote:
           | On the other hand tools on par with SciPy are not common in
           | other languages.
         | jossclimb wrote:
         | Yep, I have no idea how they do not even understand the basics
         | of python dependency management. pip freeze > requirements.txt
         | will do it all for you. No wonder they found rust to hard.
           | shrimpx wrote:
           | Your dismissal of the author is unwarranted.
           | You can do you want you suggest, but it's an operational pain
           | in the ass. You need to maintain two files, the actual
           | requirements.txt and the `pip freeze` one that locks the
           | environment. And you better never `pip install` anything by
           | hand or you'll capture random packages in your frozen file,
           | or else always take care to create your frozen file in a
           | fresh virtualenv. And if you don't want to install your dev
           | packages into the production environment, then you need to
           | maintain two requirements.txt and two of those frozen files.
           | The author mentions Poetry which does solve these issues with
           | a nice interface.
           | vietthan wrote:
           | recommend pipreqs
           | fnord123 wrote:
           | `pip freeze > requirements.txt` will generate a lock file.
           | You want a requirements listing as well as a lock file (like
           | rust, poetry, golang, npm, ruby).
             | [deleted]
         | syassami wrote:
         | You can go even further now with PEP508
         | https://peps.python.org/pep-0508/
       | Areibman wrote:
       | > I especially struggled with the DynamoDb library for Go; so
       | much so I wrote a Python script to query Dynamodb, and called it
       | from Go.
       | This seems like a compelling enough reason to stick with Python
         | atwood22 wrote:
         | The official AWS SDK contains a perfectly good DynamoDB client,
         | especially when combined with this utility library (also part
         | of the AWS SDK): https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-
         | go/api/service/dynamodb/...
       | wodenokoto wrote:
       | I was kinda hoping an article with a headline like that would
       | present some code and tooling and explain it in terms of how a
       | Python programmer sees the world.
       | barefeg wrote:
       | How to combine both languages as he suggests? I.e. creating
       | python binds for the go binary? What about the opposite?
         | arccy wrote:
         | you could do something like
         | https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/cgo-and-python/
         | kitd wrote:
         | Nim operates in the same space as Go, but with a syntax very
         | much in the spirit of Python.
         | https://nim-lang.org/
       | pojzon wrote:
       | About unused imports, cannot you simply use formatter on build
       | hook ?
       | travisgriggs wrote:
       | I realize that Go's original release is later than Python's, but
       | they still feel roughly the same vintage to me. Usually, these
       | articles have a "old to newer" feel, but these two ecosystems
       | feel just different to me. Which is not bad.
       | What would be fascinating is to see some HN links to articles
       | where the journeyman programmer went backwards in time, e.g.
       | "Learning Fortran as a Python developer" or something like that.
       | linsomniac wrote:
       | TL;DR: Python is hard because of library dependencies, go is
       | better about that because of compiling to an executable, but is
       | pickier about code quality ("I just want to try something"), and
       | has more issues with library quality.
         | LtWorf wrote:
         | I've encountered input libraries in go tha for some reason just
         | grab all the signals and whatnot, so you can't ctrl+c, sighup,
         | sigterm, use ctrl+z to return to the shell... the only option
         | is to do a kill -9 from a different shell.
         | Great library indeed :D
           | linsomniac wrote:
           | Maybe there's a go library that implements that "kill but
           | make it look like an accident" functionality on HN a few days
           | ago? :-)
       | bumper_crop wrote:
       | > I hate how it forces to you create a module everytime.
       | This affected me recently, so I have sympathy for the author.
       | Trying to upgrade an older project I had to the module system
       | meant trying to find out how to import modules which don't have
       | reachable URLs and were only on the GOPATH. At I hate how it
       | forces to you create a module everytime. some point programming
       | in Go stopped being for fun.
       | brodouevencode wrote:
       | Organizing a golang-based project is also something that, while
       | documented, is not front of mind for most new golang users, nor
       | does the "beginning go" posts out there do a good job of how to
       | lay out a project for success.
         | morelisp wrote:
         | Is Python significantly better in this regard? I don't think
         | so, especially with the differentiation between modules which
         | are directories with an __init__.py and modules which are files
         | you import directly but if not in the same directory _also_
         | still need an __init__.py which has tripped up probably 80% of
         | the people I try to teach Python to.
         | In Go you can at least get pretty far with a totally flat
         | namespace and _there 's nothing wrong with that_, up to at
         | least 50kloc or so. That's less true in any language where
         | files become a unit of modularization.
           | DandyDev wrote:
           | Directories with an __init__.py are not modules, they are
           | packages. Modules are .py files
             | morelisp wrote:
             | The __init__.py is also itself a module, which you import
             | by importing the package. That's confusing, and not easily
             | avoided!
               | LtWorf wrote:
               | Make it an empty file?
           | Scarblac wrote:
           | > modules which are files you import directly but if not in
           | the same directory also still need an __init__.py which has
           | tripped up probably 80% of the people I try to teach Python
           | to.
           | Not necessary anymore since Python 3.3 (released in 2012).
             | tandav wrote:
             | Still necessary for mypy (if you want type checks) and
             | setuptools (if you want to publish library to pypi)
             | morelisp wrote:
             | Thanks, I went from a lifetime of Python 2.7 straight to
             | 3.8 and missed this.
           | kccqzy wrote:
           | With python you can also go pretty far without __init__.py
           | IMO. Just put everything in a single directory.
             | morelisp wrote:
             | Beginners trying this are still liable to make import
             | cycles, which... sort of work? Depending on what you do
             | with them? I feel like Go and Java have much better (and
             | different) answers here; I wonder what a Python equivalent
             | of the Java style would look like.
         | jamal-kumar wrote:
         | I always felt that the official documentation is pretty
         | excellent (Worth a re-read if you haven't in a while):
         | Code organization: https://go.dev/doc/code
         | Pretty much everything else you should know:
         | https://go.dev/doc/effective_go
         | There's one thing I think that people getting started with this
         | language should know and that's in the pursuit of getting the
         | stuff you mentioned right, is making sure the reference
         | material (blog post, book, whatever it is) you're reading is
         | something written within the past two or three years. The
         | official site really has enough that you need to know in order
         | to have good knowledge coverage, but the module system beyond
         | version 1.16 especially is something you need to get right and
         | which a ton of old information is out of date on:
         | https://go.dev/doc/modules/developing
       | Uptrenda wrote:
       | I don't think Python packaging is as bad as people make out (if
       | packages only stick to the basic features of Python!) A far
       | bigger issue I see is despite Python supposedly being 'cross-
       | platform': the language introduces so many small, backwards-
       | compatibility breaking changes that you really need to use the
       | most up to date interpreter you can.
       | For instance: there is now a really cool operator that lets you
       | do expressions where you assign a value and evaluate the result
       | in one line. So you can write the C equivalent of something like
       | while(buf = recv(...)) ... and it will work. Well, any program
       | that uses this new feature won't run on anything but the most
       | bleeding edge Python versions. Despite a program only needing a
       | small fix to remove such expressions. It wouldn't run at all.
       | I think the Python interpreter needs to be 'smarter' and add the
       | capability to automatically install parallel Python versions if
       | it detects a package using a more recent interpreter. Would
       | honestly solve so many issues.
       | [deleted]
       | loosescrews wrote:
       | While the documentation of many open source Go libraries is
       | definitely lacking, I find that the combination of types and
       | links to readable source in the generated docs more than make up
       | for it. While the documentation for Python libraries is often
       | better, it is generally much harder to answer questions not
       | answered by the docs yourself.
         | akpa1 wrote:
         | I agree with this. I also derive quite a lot of value from
         | having a consistent way of reading and navigating documentation
         | for every library too. I can have an applet in my browser's
         | toolbar and hit it when I'm looking at the Git repo and it'll
         | almost always take me to the right place to ser the docs.
       | JustSomeNobody wrote:
       | On the subject: What is a good, idiomatic, Go project to study?
       | Something big enough to be a good example of code organization,
       | yet small enough not to become a new hobby.
       | erik_seaberg wrote:
       | Tooling aside, Python is a more powerful language, so I'm
       | wondering whether he started generating code to work around stuff
       | like try/except and defaultdict and itertools and decorators.
       | vippy wrote:
       | aidenn0 wrote:
       | I only use python casually, but it seems to me that python
       | library authors are always refactoring and breaking interfaces.
       | Recently, there was a bug in a second order dependency, and the
       | version that fixed this bug was after a version that moved a
       | function into a submodule.
       | So I had to make a local patch to my dependency that changed all
       | of the imports.
       | Was the new interface more consistent? Yes, but could they have
       | left a shim for backwards compatibility, or just lived with the
       | old slightly less consistent interface? Seems to me like they
       | could.
         | takeda wrote:
         | I think that depends on library. The ones I use seem to use
         | appear to not do that. In fact I think I actually have seen
         | that more in Go. What goes for Go though is that you won't
         | compile your code until you fix it. In Python you could use
         | mypy, but unfortunately is optional and will work only if you
         | and library author uses annotations.
           | aidenn0 wrote:
           | I don't use Go at all, but TFA was concerned with pinning
           | dependencies, and stuff like this makes dependency pinning
           | much more important
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