[HN Gopher] How to advertise to developers: deep dive into paid ...
       How to advertise to developers: deep dive into paid developer
       Author : mooreds
       Score  : 248 points
       Date   : 2022-07-22 13:20 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.developermarkepear.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.developermarkepear.com)
       | dangus wrote:
       | Regarding the intro of the article: I agree, it's important not
       | to heed any advice that tells you that you just can't advertise
       | or market to any particular demographic.
       | Advertising and marketing are essentially universal truths. If
       | you are having trouble reaching someone, it most definitely isn't
       | because "ads just won't work on them."
         | sumtechguy wrote:
         | Also many websites the product is not showing what it does on
         | the front page. Many times they extol how amazing the product
         | is. Best thing ever, customer abc built more whatamdongles with
         | it, etc, etc. But what does your product actually do?! How
         | would I use it? When buying a tool I am many times not buying
         | fashion. I am buying a tool that does something. Be upfront
         | what your tool is. If you are 1 of 5 competitors explain what
         | your tool does that the others dont. Dont make me dig around on
         | your site to find it or sign up for something just to look at
         | your docs. It shows me you are not serious about helping me,
         | other than helping money out of my wallet, and trying to setup
         | a time to talk and waste my time.
       | jph wrote:
       | The Framework laptop team is doing developer advertising very
       | well IMHO.
       | I see their ads on multiple sites, and the ads are direct, clear,
       | and advice-oriented i.e. the Framework ad explains a capability
       | and why it's relevant and a differentiator.
         | plugin-baby wrote:
         | Interesting. I've never seen their ads.
       | rsweeney21 wrote:
       | In my experience, high-quality educational content works much
       | better than paid ads when targeting developers.
       | One of the best examples I've seen is digital ocean. When ever I
       | google a sys admin type question, there is a digital ocean
       | article as the top result.
         | catsarebetter wrote:
         | Yup that's technically marketing but if it's an article I find
         | useful then I win too.
         | belval wrote:
         | I never thought about it that way, but for sysadmin questions
         | if I see a DigitalOcean article I always pick it. They are
         | always high quality and they version them by major OS version
         | (Ubuntu 18/20/22).
         | Maybe that's why I have droplets, they got me by providing a
         | good well priced service. /s
         | jgable wrote:
         | The "Interrupt" blog by Memfault is another example. They are
         | adored by embedded developers.
         | spallas wrote:
         | A similar example is Neptune.ai, with one of their comparison
         | posts ranking top for almost every query about any MLOps tool.
         | It is very effective for visibility; even if the posts' quality
         | is poor and marketing is a little aggressive.
         | bluedino wrote:
         | Linode seemed really good about that, what changed?
         | tonyarkles wrote:
         | I absolutely agree, and DigitalOcean does it brilliantly.
         | I ran into a similar situation the other day trying to put
         | together some apt packages in a way that was clearly off the
         | beaten path. Found a company blog post that walked through
         | pretty much exactly what I was trying to do.
         | The marketing portion of it? At the very very end of the
         | article was "And here's the single command you'd need to run to
         | do this with our tool." I didn't end up buying the tool because
         | it didn't quite fit some other requirements I had, but it did
         | very effectively get me looking at their product and evaluating
         | whether or not it'd be good for me.
       | antonymy wrote:
       | >devs don't want it to read like an ad (hate advertising)
       | This is pretty much why I only use browsers with ublock origin
       | installed, and avoid browsing on devices I can't filter out 99.9%
       | of image/video ads. I don't see ads on youtube or google or most
       | other common sites. The only way I get advertised to is sponsored
       | segments in videos or podcasts, or reading a product review I see
       | on a site like HN.
       | In the case of the former, the sponsor is hoping my willingness
       | to watch/listen to the content provider talk about stuff I like
       | will transfer some level of tolerance to listening to them shill
       | a product. In reality I either mute it until the segment is over
       | or skip past it (if able). For the latter, I do sometimes look at
       | product pages for gizmos and software posted to HN but I bee-line
       | straight for the specs and ignore the marketing fluff, which is
       | either a wordy summary of the specs, or else completely lacking
       | in substance.
       | So I think some audiences are simply not targetable by their own
       | choice and you have to accept it. I have certainly tried pretty
       | hard to make myself impossible to advertise to (at least in a
       | consistent and reliable way), and I don't think this mindset is
       | uncommon in the industry.
         | jrockway wrote:
         | I skip most of the sponsorship on YouTube. I used to use an
         | extension to do it (i think this one:
         | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sponsorblock-
         | for-y...), but mostly just press the right arrow key until it
         | looks like it's not the ad anymore. Let's be honest. I'm not
         | going to buy your graphical website builder or VPN. I can get
         | both of those in other ways.
         | For me, you basically have to have good organic search results,
         | or I won't hear about it. Or write something interesting and
         | put it on HN. Works quite well for Tailscale and Fly.io.
       | stewx wrote:
       | I jumped through a lot of hoops to earn a free t-shirt that says
       | "Everything will be 200 OK". I had to sign up for a couple cloud
       | services and set up some kind of automation, essentially demo-ing
       | the product to myself to get the shirt. It was smart on their
       | part.
         | johns wrote:
         | As the purveyor of this shirt, it warms my heart to read this
         | comment. We pretty much copied New Relic's model for this, and
         | it worked really well. For awhile it felt like we were more a
         | t-shirt company than a software company.
         | mooreds wrote:
         | My company sponsored a coding livestream recently that featured
         | a dev integrating with our product and I was astonished at how
         | excited folks were to have a chance to win a t-shirt.
           | shepherdjerred wrote:
           | the t-shirts are the best part of working in tech
             | mooreds wrote:
             | Haha, hopefully there are other good parts too! But I
             | confess, I'm wearing a "Enjoy Code" t-shirt (like "Enjoy
             | Coke") I picked up at a conference right now.
             | And, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out anyone who wants a
             | free FusionAuth t-shirt can go to
             | https://fusionauth.io/download , install it, and share a
             | screenshot and we'll ship you one. Further instructions
             | there.
             | Unfortunately we can only ship to the USA and Canada for
             | this offer.
           | ghaff wrote:
           | People get unreasonably excited about swag. I try not to take
           | T-shirts any longer unless there's something unique about
           | them. If it's just some random company's name I'll pass. I've
           | given away huge trash bags of lightly worn or unworn T-shirts
           | and I still have massive piles of them.
         | Jemaclus wrote:
         | This has been one of my favorite shirts for years. I also did
         | the same thing :)
         | [deleted]
       | Frost1x wrote:
       | Advertising itself isn't a bad communication strategy and I think
       | many developers are fine with it, they simply don't want
       | propoganda. Raise my awareness of something useful I'm not aware
       | of and then be honest about it, don't make absurd claims and
       | don't skip cons (I know, business types only want to ever speak
       | in the positive, especially in marketing).
       | If you give me a fair assessment of something without BS, I can
       | be happy with the benefits when I understand the shortcomings.
       | The second I see all these omissions, which is everywhere, is the
       | second you're put in the BS until proven otherwise box by
       | default. Developers trust other devs because other devs tend to
       | give you this information and don't paint everything as rosy
       | perfection.
         | giancarlostoro wrote:
         | The problem is when the dev is not the one being pitched to.
         | I've been in calls where the dev team are the ones being
         | pitched to and we ask for the cons and get useful answers.
           | eropple wrote:
           | There's real value to going "huh, yeah, this isn't a good fit
           | for you right now", too. Honestly's valuable. I've had
           | potential customers come back later when the thing I was
           | working on was a better fit for their needs because I'd been
           | up-front with them.
       | TAForObvReasons wrote:
       | > Most of those things haven't worked for me.
       | Most of the listed ad networks are blocked by uBlock Origin.
       | SponsorBlock is crowdsourced YouTube ad flagging. It is not
       | surprising that those paid channels would not be effective for
       | firms not willing to commit the $$
         | closewith wrote:
         | SponsorBlock is unfortunate, as sponsorships are the "good"
         | form of advertising. No invasive tracking or targeting,
         | contextual targeting only, and generally vetted by content
         | creators (as least far better than ads sold on exchanges).
           | tomjen3 wrote:
           | Problem is a) it is the same stuff that is being sold all
           | across youtube, b) aside from maybe audible none of that is a
           | good offer, c) the claimed benefits are non-existent or
           | bullshit (see all VPN ads) and finally d) the problem is not
           | advertising, it is terrible products. Good products should
           | not need creators to sponsor them, they should get creators
           | so excited they can't stop talking about it.
             | closewith wrote:
             | A) Youtube is a big site. It's more likely that you're
             | seeing the same ads on the channels that you watch. It's
             | very unlikely to be the same set that I see.
             | b) Apart from the products you like, none of it is a good
             | offer?
             | c) Are you sure this is true for all sponsors?
             | d) Is advertising ever justified in your mind?
             | Overall, I think you just don't like ads, so have decided
             | to arrive at that conclusion. Your arguments don't seem to
             | hold water.
           | elashri wrote:
           | NordVPN and the other VPN, Military grade sponsorship ads
           | will strongly disagree with you.
             | closewith wrote:
             | How so?
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | They're really not vetted by the creators, usually.
           | Edit: I mean the products aren't usually vetted, they just
           | make an ad saying how great it is, all the while most likely
           | not having even tried it. How many YouTubers do you think
           | actually played Raid Shadow Legends or used NordVPN?
             | closewith wrote:
             | Well, they are vetted in the literal sense. The creators
             | have to approve the ads. Most exchanges have no human in
             | the loop at all.
           | ajayyy wrote:
           | Sponsorships encourage deception (tricking the user into not
           | skipping) and building up parasocial relationships with the
           | audience to abuse their trust, the worst of the influencer
           | world
           | I made SponsorBlock, and over the years working on it, I have
           | been able to see how horrible some of the techniques people
           | use are
             | closewith wrote:
             | Two questions for you:
             | Do you believe that sponsorships are worse that targeted
             | digital advertising?
             | Do you believe there are any Youtubers who have acted
             | ethically in accepting sponsorships?
             | > I made SponsorBlock, and over the years working on it, I
             | have been able to see how horrible some of the techniques
             | people use are
             | It seems somewhat hypocritical to pretend that SponsorBlock
             | is an ethical reaction to bad sponsorships when the clear
             | ethical response would be to simply not watch the content.
             | To be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with
             | SponsorBlock, but let's be honest. It's purpose is
             | convenience, not any higher moral objective.
               | ajayyy wrote:
               | > Do you believe that sponsorships are worse that
               | targeted digital advertising?
               | With podcasts, it seems people are now trying to get the
               | worst of both worlds, with dynamic advertisements from a
               | pool based on who you are + the ads are read out by the
               | podcast creator. I can't say that either case is worse
               | than the other, but they are bad for different reasons.
               | > Do you believe there are any Youtubers who have acted
               | ethically in accepting sponsorships?
               | There exist some that have clear transitions, declare in
               | the first sentence that it is a sponsor, repeat at the
               | end that it is a sponsor, and say explicitly in the ad-
               | read that it is not their opinion but a script. That is
               | certainly less deceptive. But unfortunately, this is not
               | usually consistent. Some of their videos will do it well,
               | and some do it poorly.
               | > It's purpose is convenience, not any higher moral
               | objective
               | With "full video" labels (https://blog.ajay.app/full-
               | video-sponsorblock), I've started to delve into the
               | fixing bad declarations world. Full videos don't skip
               | anything, but just inform the viewer what to watch out
               | for. I want to make a wiki-like system for organising
               | more precise biases in the future as well, and allow
               | people to know which where each opinion in a video comes
               | from.
               | Another fact I'll point out is that we sometimes get
               | complaints that certain sponsor sections are incorrect,
               | even though they totally are correct due to them not
               | knowing it is paid promotion. An example is dbrand, which
               | pays many top tech people to randomly mention their name
               | in reviews, usually without much disclosure.
             | Varqu wrote:
             | So basically your expectation is that your favorite podcast
             | authors create the content for you free of charge and don't
             | earn a dime?
             | (I assume from your message tone that you are not a fan of
             | paying for the content, either)
               | ajayyy wrote:
               | I am perfectly happy paying for content
           | marssaxman wrote:
           | "Less evil", maybe, but there is no form of advertising which
           | is "good"!
             | closewith wrote:
             | That's a fairly fundamentalist take. Are signs outside
             | shops evil? Window displays? Brochures?
               | marssaxman wrote:
               | "Fundamentalist" is a fair description; I do feel quite
               | strongly about this.
               | The function of advertising is to intrude on your
               | awareness, stealing attention from whatever it is you
               | actually care about, in order to create a desire for
               | something you were previously content without, in hopes
               | of enriching the advertiser at your expense. Ads are a
               | tax on your attention which hope to to take a toll on
               | your pocketbook; they benefit advertisers by making
               | everyone else's lives just a little bit worse.
               | In Seattle, billboards are forbidden (with a few
               | grandfathered-in exceptions), but stores are still
               | permitted to post signs. This seems like a reasonable
               | compromise; labeling the contents of the building
               | provides useful information, which seems beneficial
               | enough to outweigh the advertising function of the sign.
               | I suppose brochures are fine if you go in and get one
               | because you are curious; but someone walking down the
               | street bothering people by handing them out at random
               | would be an asshole.
               | closewith wrote:
               | Thanks for responding.
               | Where do you feel the line is online, specifically in
               | Youtube videos/podcasts, where SponsorBlock is effective?
               | marssaxman wrote:
               | I don't spend a lot of time on Youtube, and rarely have
               | the patience to watch the sort of videos people make in
               | hopes of earning money, so I don't have much of an
               | opinion there. I did install SponsorBlock recently, just
               | in case.
       | Taylor_OD wrote:
       | This is good. Very good.
       | As far as expanding customer use I think having really good and
       | actually helpful docs are critical. The services that I use that
       | have great docs get used a lot more and integrate with apps much
       | deeper than services with okay or shitty docs that feel half
       | assed.
         | mooreds wrote:
         | Docs are critical! This article focuses on awareness, but if
         | you create awareness but developers see out of date, missing or
         | incorrect docs, they'll bounce.
         | I ran a twitter poll on whether devs would prefer missing or
         | out of date docs; was interesting to see the results (N was
         | small though):
         | https://twitter.com/mooreds/status/1517508537945001984
         | That said, it's a struggle. Sure, there are some pieces of doc
         | you can generate (API docs, for sure) but others are more
         | conversational and can get out of date.
       | stratigos wrote:
       | One problem the advertising industry fails to understand is that
       | an advertising agency, or whatever source the ads originate from,
       | is a socioppath.
       | Developers are logical and practical thinkers and despise
       | sociopathic behavior.
       | Developers have a very strong resistance to this sort of
       | manipulation.
       | Advertisers are unable to cope with this reality or understand
       | their true nature in our economy, so they continue to do more
       | "research" on how to engage developers, who in turn, learn how to
       | better detect and evade sociopaths
       | Im also very surprised that in 2022, there are developers that
       | see ads at all, outside of glancing at some non technical
       | person's youtube tab.There are browsers now that are completely
       | ad free, even without add-ons or extensions. Ads are horribly
       | toxic in nature and an offense to the human psyche and to any
       | person's dignity.
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | > talk values, not features
       | Be careful. I've seen lots of ads that try to convince me how
       | valuable a certain product is; but the ad itself doesn't answer
       | the "who, what, where, when, why, and how" that I need to know.
       | So:
       | 1: Make sure it's 100% clear what your product does (and doesn't)
       | do.
       | 2: Make sure that it's super-easy for me to find out high-level
       | specifications. (For example, if you're selling a computer, it
       | needs to be super-easy to find out what ports it has.)
       | franze wrote:
       | I was the organizer of Austrias biggest developer meetup for a
       | few years. Took it from 5 people in a cellar to a monthly mini
       | conference with 100+ attendees each month. When it became to
       | expensive to pay for Pizza and beer out of my own pocket, I got
       | sponsors.
       | the sponsor got logo and link to their job boards in the
       | newsletters, and they HAD TO give a talk: 5 (to 10 min max), then
       | 4 min Q&A, then 3 for their pitch (mostly looking for devs). hard
       | time limit, hard format. only if they agreed to this they were
       | allowed to sponsor our pizza and beer.
       | oh, and the talk HAD TO include some real world code. Q&A was non
       | negotiable.
       | the HR department (the sponsor initiators) was surprised.
       | the audience loved it. as the HR did send lead devs / CTO to give
       | the talk. some of the best talks of the meetup we got that way.
       | after some time I had waiting lists for sponsorships as the
       | format worked so well.
       | the secret to advertise to developers? show some real world code!
       | meetup was called ViennaJS
       | anonymousab wrote:
       | > Pushy pop-ups, "do it now", flashy colors, and all that stuff.
       | Things that work like a charm in e-commerce or fashion will most
       | likely not work on devs.
       | Not just 'not work', but 'actively repel'. A popup chat bot or a
       | survey form request (during or after using a website or software
       | product) or anything not germane to the task that has a shadow or
       | notification highlight has slowly but surely become a form of
       | wart that elicits a deep, instinctual disgust from me. I'd even
       | say an unhealthy and unreasonable level of disgust.
       | It's enough to get me to instantly despise a product almost
       | nomatter how well it does its original job.
       | But 100 folks who actually click ads or interact with these
       | distraction baubles (mistakenly or otherwise) are worth thousands
       | of people like me, so I understand why it won't ever change for
       | the better out of a company's own volition.
       | ---
       | When it comes to advertising, say, developer tooling, I think a
       | large part of the problem is that there's just not going to be a
       | lot of relevant tools out there, for my job or hobbies, that I
       | either don't already know about (and aren't using because I have
       | already evaluated its prospects) or... I am already using it.
       | Conversely, seeing ads for something I am already using has
       | potential for negative effects (see above). Tasteful advertising
       | is thus useful for the rare case of something I don't know about,
       | but I don't think it's worth it when 999/1000 of these ads are
       | detrimental and irrelevant.
         | mike_hock wrote:
         | There's no form of marketing that I "like" or actively reward,
         | at most there's marketing that I fell for.
         | Anything that comes from the primary source is an automatic
         | nope, I'll only take positive accounts from third-party
         | sources. Unfortunately, not even that is enough, so I've become
         | wary of HN comments praising any particular product.
         | What's even more unfortunate is that you have to apply the same
         | skepticism to open source "products" these days as it has
         | become common even for open source projects to exaggerate the
         | project's capabilities and be dishonest about its limitations.
           | motoxpro wrote:
           | So I am assuming you are putting Hacker News in the "fell
           | for" category?
           | nonameiguess wrote:
           | I used to be a bar manager 16 years ago and would often see
           | the Anheuser-Busch marketing rep for our region out and
           | about, and she would never fail to use her corporate credit
           | card to buy me some free drinks. I liked that form of
           | marketing.
             | mgdlbp wrote:
             | TIL open-source beer...
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Beer
           | retcon wrote:
           | >There's no form of marketing that I "like" or actively
           | reward, at most there's marketing that I fell for.
           | For very high value software licensing agreements there's
           | huge financial rewards for performing the marketing dance
           | with the vendor. Paying list for enterprise software doesn't
           | happen. Customers who even know what Oracle RAS is , or SQL
           | SERVER Parallel, are numbered in the hundreds. The
           | expenditure on manpower to design and commission a new major
           | database installation is two to three orders of magnitude
           | greater than the license costs. That's per database not
           | enterprise wide. You embark upon a courtship from the outset.
           | This isn't what the article nor what most everyone's
           | discussing, but I thought it worthwhile to offer a real
           | illustration of a very viable means of sales and marketing
           | that can be made to work if you have a high value application
           | or service and can identify a small finite number of
           | customers.
           | Edit: I probably should have said the number of customers who
           | know what they're doing with the most sophisticated databases
           | is very likely in the hundreds. Arguably the market is rather
           | larger but if the behaviour F500 generally is any indication,
           | there's a lot of nameplate and marquee buying driven by C
           | suite egos. If you're selling a unique and expensive
           | application this is where your margins are. And where tales
           | of sales excess and bad reputation / hubris attaching to your
           | product originate.
           | michaelbrave wrote:
           | When I was younger, I sold turquoise jewelry at the Grand
           | Canyon and I feel about the same towards sales and marketing,
           | I mean they are the same with different levels of scale. I
           | found an exception though, the way we sold in the shop I
           | worked at would only teach people interesting things if they
           | showed interest, explain the history, the nuances, give some
           | background on the artist who made it, things like that. Even
           | if there wasn't a sale the ones who took the time to listen
           | still learned something interesting, and those who did buy
           | now had something cool to tell to people who would ask them
           | about it later.
           | So I guess I'm saying that tutorial style marketing is ok,
           | but that's such a small amount of what passes for marketing
           | nowadays, and marketing tends to always take anything and
           | everything too far to the point of ruining it and whatever
           | platform supports it.
           | Torwald wrote:
           | > There's no form of marketing that I "like" or actively
           | reward, at most there's marketing that I fell for.
           | You don't like Paul Graham's essays? Because they are
           | marketing. One of the best I've ever seen I may add.
             | natpalmer1776 wrote:
             | I would personally say that while marketing elements exist
             | within the essays, they are more like an attempt to
             | influence the industry he operates in (tech focused venture
             | capital) to as much an extent as he is capable with words
             | alone.
             | His essays strike me as appeals promoting a certain manner
             | of thinking that he wishes to impart, while also naturally
             | acting as marketing simply due to his own default mode of
             | thought being deeply entrenched in entrepreneurship.
         | lysp wrote:
         | > Not just 'not work', but 'actively repel'.
         | Exactly. If I see something like that I'll often add a custom
         | ad-block rule so it never shows again.
         | throw10920 wrote:
         | It'd be _very_ interesting to see the results of some A /B
         | tests where they looked at the effectiveness of a marketing
         | funnel with some of these distracting features on and off.
         | I mean, I think we all know what the results would be, but I
         | think that a lot of bean-counter types will only listen to
         | beans counted...
           | edmundsauto wrote:
           | I think everyone would be surprised at the results. Humans
           | are so good at thinking they are representative of other
           | people.
           | The marketers would be surprised because they believe people
           | need the shit they advertise.
           | Some devs would be surprised because this stuff is effective
           | at getting a larger N - total sales funnel volume, not
           | efficiency, is most of their goal.
           | Most devs would be surprised that it's even something people
           | talk about.
           | And the regular citizen like my mom would be surprised that
           | such a thing even exists.
             | JoshTriplett wrote:
             | > Some devs would be surprised because this stuff is
             | effective at getting a larger N - total sales funnel
             | volume, not efficiency, is most of their goal.
             | This is a short-term/long-term tradeoff. If you have the
             | choice between:
             | - N people into the funnel, 10% decide to join, the rest go
             | away without a negative opinion, some of them even with a
             | "not right now but maybe later" opinion
             | - 10*N people into the funnel, 2% decide to join, the rest
             | go away with varying degrees of negative opinion
             | Short-term, the second choice will give you 2x the users
             | joining. Long-term, the second choice will give your
             | company a bad reputation.
               | naniwaduni wrote:
               | Fortunately(?), most companies aren't expecting to
               | survive long enough to see a bad reputation come back to
               | bite them.
           | geoduck14 wrote:
           | A/B testing creative is pretty typical. I'm certain "flashy"
           | ads that _get your attention_ perform better. Of course, they
           | change the style of your page, and if _you don 't like they
           | way_ they make your site look, don't use them.
         | [deleted]
         | TimTheTinker wrote:
         | > Not just 'not work', but 'actively repel'.
         | Anything connected to ads or marketing triggers a visceral
         | response of disgust in me.
         | Not just towards products or companies that try to show me an
         | ad, but for the advertising/marketing industry itself, the very
         | concept of ads, and all the professions staffed with people who
         | make it their life's work to promulgate it all. It _reeks_ to
         | me of hot air and lies.
         | Any I don't trust any company (looking at you, Google and
         | Facebook) whose revenue comes primarily from ads - such income
         | poisons everything it touches.
         | groestl wrote:
         | > or... I am already using it.
         | For something I am already using and actively repel (because I
         | have to use it but hate it) I do the following: I click on
         | every ad I can find, because they advertise a lot, to make them
         | pay 1.30 usd per click for nothing. I'm only seeing this ad
         | now, everywhere.
           | dexterdog wrote:
           | Why are you seeing ads?
         | paskozdilar wrote:
         | > Not just 'not work', but 'actively repel'. A popup chat bot
         | or a survey form request (during or after using a website or
         | software product) or anything not germane to the task that has
         | a shadow or notification highlight has slowly but surely become
         | a form of wart that elicits a deep, instinctual disgust from
         | me. I'd even say an unhealthy and unreasonable level of
         | disgust.
         | Same here. I've even setup a bunch of Firefox extensions just
         | to keep the annoying ad-like stuff away from me.
         | Sometimes, when I open up a browser on a computer I don't own,
         | I get surprised by how filled internet is with annoyances. It
         | feels like I've put on the glasses from They Live and can
         | suddenly see all the bullsh-t.
       | EddieDante wrote:
       | > devs don't want it to read like an ad
       | I hate advertising. I _especially_ hate stealth ads that are
       | written to resemble a legitimate article, blog post, etc.
       | Don't insult what little intelligence I possess.
       | > devs want the ad to be relevant
       | I have never, _ever_ seen a relevant ad. Not once in almost fifty
       | years on this godforsaken planet.
       | monksy wrote:
       | Speaking about marketing to developers. Pushing your product
       | through developer relations/advocates is pretty gross as well.
       | It's frustrating to see all of the marketing content produced by
       | those people. As a developer I'm trying to solve the problems
       | sorrounding my domain. To see people acting as sales people and a
       | dev is not something i want.
       | chinchilla2020 wrote:
       | > Reddit - find subreddits where your devs are
       | yikes. We've been seeing alot of advertisers sneaking into
       | discussion forums and stackoverflow posts lately. I wonder how
       | much more astroturfed engagement is coming from advertisers.
         | wheybags wrote:
         | I think they mean actual platform ads, not ads posing as posts
         | from normal users. That said, I do think writing genuinely
         | interesting tech articles on a company blog and posting them on
         | Reddit/hn is a totally legit and effective method. The quality
         | needs to be there though.
         | tmp_anon_22 wrote:
         | Most tech-adjacent subreddits (even sports subs) have tech
         | products advertising for my user. Now a lot of this could be
         | based off my activity as a user, I'm subbed to a few programmer
         | subs that I could get targeted through.
         | That said all the ads tend to be from large vendors that seem
         | to be targeting very senior engineering leadership. Not sure
         | how great thats going for them.
       | jrockway wrote:
       | For me, the deal is often lost on the landing page. "Give us your
       | phone number to get the one piece of technical documentation we
       | have prepared." Nope. I do not want to receive a phone call from
       | you and won't answer it. "Contact sales for pricing." I don't
       | have time. I have more than enough meetings as it is, and I would
       | rather use the time to put together a proof of concept. The next
       | step would be building a consensus internally to get permission
       | to give you the money. Some things I just can't afford, if it's
       | $100k per year, then I'm not interested. If it's $5/month and the
       | product is useful, then I can maybe build a case.
       | I get why people want to funnel everything through sales; their
       | entire day is meetings and if they have an empty slot, they're
       | wasting money. I could, of course, dramatically misunderstand how
       | to use the product and pass on it if I do an unguided evaluation,
       | and that's a risk they want to avoid. But I think that's the
       | nature of selling to developers; they are the types that want to
       | explore on their own. If the docs don't cut it, your company is
       | dead. They can't just issue a purchase order after a 30 minute
       | phone call. ("Contact sales" also works around the "how much
       | should this even cost" problem. I get that companies want to know
       | if they're losing sales because of the price being too high and
       | can't collect that information from a simple web visit. I say,
       | that's kind of too bad. I want to solve a problem, not be a test
       | subject in your A/B test. Start low, and work your way up after
       | you have existing customers. Or start high, and sell to someone
       | other than me.)
       | Finally, if I do reach out, spell my name the same way I typed it
       | into the "contact us" form. Nobody calls me "John" and those
       | letters don't appear in my name in that order. I know you think
       | you know better than I do, but you don't.
         | khuey wrote:
         | > the deal is often lost on the landing page
         | In most cases the deal isn't being lost there, you're being
         | qualified out. The products that do this are going to be a lot
         | closer to your $100k/year that you can't afford than your
         | $5/month that you have to build a case for.
           | jrockway wrote:
           | Qualifying out makes sense, but I don't think the companies
           | are making the right decision. I was recently looking at a
           | web UI that visualizes the output of your team's Bazel runs.
           | No pricing information. That seems like a product that is
           | going to be $X/developer/month, and when that's a lot of
           | money, sure, invite them to a private Slack channel or
           | whatever and charge an extra $30k/year. Otherwise, it's
           | basically free money.
           | The outcome of the no pricing information is that three
           | options were listed on the Bazel website, so I looked at the
           | other ones instead. They did the hard part of getting me to
           | the website, not to mention typing in code to implement their
           | thing. Now I just want to type in a credit card and use their
           | thing.
           | Not everything is an Oracle database for a Fortune 500
           | company. The long tail is long, and contains a lot of money.
         | Terr_ wrote:
         | > But I think that's the nature of selling to developers; they
         | are the types that want to explore on their own. If the docs
         | don't cut it, your company is dead.
         | Amen, if potential-customers _must_ schmooze with sales to get
         | access to the docs or pair-program with a sales-engineer to get
         | Hello World running, then I get worried (reasonably or
         | otherwise) about things like:
         | 1. The product is a tangled mess so a native guide is
         | _required_ to get anything done, and they 've given up on
         | making it independently-navigable.
         | 2. The vendor's business-model is to lock you in and then bleed
         | you dry. (Possibly by paying for said native-guides.)
         | 3. The vendor is focused on selling to management rather than
         | making a product that'll work well for engineers.
       | okasaki wrote:
       | IME you don't advertize to developers, you advertize to/court
       | their clueless managers.
         | altruios wrote:
         | That is why Red won the digital camera wars: they marketed to
         | producers. Same idea.
           | 35mm wrote:
           | Although Arri still do well by marketing to cinematographers,
           | who would be the devs in this analogy.
           | https://www.arri.com/news-en/2022-oscar-winners-rely-on-
           | arri...
           | zingplex wrote:
           | Didn't Arri win the digital camera wars though?
             | biztos wrote:
             | I wasn't aware the digital camera wars had ended --
             | somebody better tell Canon -- but "advertising to
             | developers" sure sounds like what Blackmagic does:
             | https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/developer/
       | [deleted]
       | boesboes wrote:
       | Just don't. We will find you when we need you.
       | munk-a wrote:
       | Large corporations trying to be "cute" really deeply annoys me. I
       | have received enough "Alexa find me a software developer" emails
       | to last me until the end of days.
       | Recruiters tend to be pretty nice to talk with generally - unless
       | they're single client recruiters... and Amazon seems to be
       | particular unchoosey about who they let wear their name around. I
       | have a moderate amount of difficulty even comprehending why they
       | advertise so aggressively, as someone in the Vancouver market
       | believe me, I know that Amazon is literally always hiring, just
       | like I know that EA would be happy to have me as a tester any day
       | of the week. The issue isn't that we aren't aware that you're
       | hiring, it's that working conditions and compensation are poor
       | and most of us would prefer a job that lets us sleep at night.
       | [deleted]
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | Most of those things would be blocked by my adblockers. If you
       | want to reach me, that's now how to do it.
       | People that managed to reach me did so by either:
       | - helping me solving one problem
       | - creating something that looked really cool and fun
       | jordanmorgan10 wrote:
       | As someone who makes something solely for developers, I can
       | attest to the fact that it's not easy.
       | I've tried a lot of things, but for my money, podcast
       | sponsorships have worked the best and it's not even really close.
         | Veuxdo wrote:
         | If I may ask, do you reach out to podcasts individually, or use
         | a broker?
           | jordanmorgan10 wrote:
           | I just reach out myself
         | squeaky-clean wrote:
         | I wonder if this is because podcasts don't have any popular
         | adblockers yet, and I'd assume developers have the highest
         | rates of using an adblocker.
           | jordanmorgan10 wrote:
           | Certainly could play a role. Another benefit is they have a
           | long tail effect, where people who listen to it a year from
           | the original air date will hear it.
           | diarrhea wrote:
           | Probably one of the top reasons.
           | I listened to a podcast the other day on Spotify on my phone.
           | Last time I did podcasts was maybe 10 years ago. I was
           | properly confused when an ad block appeared. I had forgotten
           | what ads even were like, and there was no skip button! (For
           | example, for YouTube there's Sponsorblock)
       | dev_markepear wrote:
       | I wrote this article.
       | Thanks for all the comments. Learning so much.
         | ayewo wrote:
         | Congrats on landing on the HN front page! Good stuff, although
         | a table of contents could make navigation easier for readers.
         | EDIT: I originally read your article on mobile but viewing on a
         | desktop, I see a ToC on the left-hand side of the page. So,
         | scratch my earlier remark about a ToC.
         | I'm working on something similar, but from a different angle:
         | marketing to developers organically. Hoping to have it
         | published soon.
       | guzik wrote:
       | How to sell to developers:
       | 1. Go to your local Hackerspace (or makerspace). If you don't
       | have a Hackerspace in your city - create one.
       | 2. Sit there with your target audience. Don't be pushy.
       | 3. Solve their problem with your solution, in real-time.
       | Also, you should spend like half of my time on Meetup.com and try
       | to attend all possible dev-oriented events where you could pitch
       | my product. Time consuming, but rewarding. Worked with
       | https://aidlab.com/developer
         | guzik wrote:
         | half of your time* pitch your product*
         | texasbigdata wrote:
         | Create a maker space in an increasing all remote working
         | environment as a marketing tool? Slow, expensive, small user
         | base....maybe if you convert a ton but that $$$ might be better
         | used doing the digital ocean strategy mentioned above (ie be
         | useful)
       | [deleted]
       | dqpb wrote:
       | Dear author, please read each sentence you've written before
       | posting your article.
       | borissk wrote:
       | Advertising effectively to developers is crazy expensive.
       | At my last place they found most effective to sponsor a couple of
       | popular podcasts - they were paying $15 to 20K per month.
         | no_wizard wrote:
         | The company for the ads or is that revenue from the ads?
           | borissk wrote:
           | For the ads.
       | O__________O wrote:
       | Surprised promotional prizes & swag were not mentioned.
       | - (1) For example, YC startup had API integration contest with a
       | real battle axe as the prize:
       | https://www.wufoo.com/blog/win-a-real-battle-axe-in-the-wufo...
       | - (2) Then there's the free developer swag promotions:
       | https://iq.opengenus.org/ways-to-earn-free-cool-developer-sw...
         | karmakaze wrote:
         | I did the Hacktoberfest one for years getting a T-shirt every
         | time. I liked the T-shirt and might have done it anyway, as I
         | sometimes continued contributing for a while after the event.
         | After a while the sense I got from Hactoberfest changed. Both
         | from the projects and the promoters in ways that disagreed with
         | the way I think about opensource and contributing to it. So I
         | haven't participated since.
         | PeterCorless wrote:
         | Exactly. I'd love to hear about folks' most beloved swag and
         | sticker acquisitions! This is where people's affinity and
         | affiliation is shown.
         | In my own career, I remember my first IBM "THINK" button back
         | in the 1980s, as well as my first six-colored "Apple" stickers.
         | Showed them off with pride.
         | I saw the story above about the "200 OK" t-shirt. I still wear
         | t-shirts for an industry I haven't worked for in over two
         | decades.
         | This is where brands aren't fighting for your attention. You're
         | _happy_ to champion them. Because you are sold on their tech,
         | and you consider yourself part of their tribe. Or it just has
         | some sort of totally obscure geeky formula or tech reference
         | that only you and others in the tribe will get the in-joke.
           | O__________O wrote:
           | No idea why, but just realized Apple's "Think Different"
           | campaign was likely a direct response to IBM's "Think"
           | campaign.
         | dev_markepear wrote:
         | Love the battle axe contest. Putting it on my backlog.
       | shaburn wrote:
       | jayroh wrote:
       | Apologies for grammar-police'ing here but ...
       | > Advertising to developers with feels like asking for trouble.
       | ~with~. "Advertising to developers feels like asking for
       | trouble."
       | Looking forward to reading the rest of this :)
         | dqpb wrote:
         | And this amazing piece of text:
         | > CircleCi is (or was) remarketing withyoutube pre-roll video
         | ads to people who with case study testimonials to users who
         | visited the page but haven't signed up
           | nyanpasu64 wrote:
           | Remarketing ads towards people based on past browsing history
           | is stalking, full stop.
           | dev_markepear wrote:
           | Yeah, not my proudest moment -> fixed
           | tomxor wrote:
           | sounds like they had three cups of tea while writing that
           | sentence.
         | ccn0p wrote:
         | maybe that was part of their marketing the article to you.
           | jayroh wrote:
           | Effective! Seriously!
         | dev_markepear wrote:
         | Thanks for finding those.
         | Not sure how I fk it up when updating/editing.
         | But I did...
           | chatmasta wrote:
           | Is this the nitpick thread? Here's mine: there's a horizontal
           | overflow on iOS, so it's difficult to scroll vertically down
           | the y-axis of the page without accidentally scrolling on the
           | x-axis too. This is a pet peeve of mine and so many websites
           | (my own included at times) do this.
           | But thanks for sharing your site and this analysis. It's easy
           | to trust your authority on the matter in the title of this
           | post, considering its current ranking on the front page of
           | HN!
           | Will you post a follow-up with numbers analyzing today's
           | success of marketing to developers who market to developers?
           | :)
         | [deleted]
       | Joel_Mckay wrote:
       | We found for skilled workers it is mostly peer referral, as
       | people already know who they prefer to work with on a team.
       | Notably, assigning nontechnical staff to screen talent is going
       | to exclude a lot of interesting folks, and still incurs a 3 month
       | 54% attrition rate at some firms.
       | andix wrote:
       | I think JetBrains is doing it quite well. They have different
       | subscriptions, but also an affordable All-Products-Pack. And they
       | have discounts for individual developers over companies.
         | chrsig wrote:
         | Jetbrains succeeds because of their products, not their
         | advertising. Mostly, I suppose. It was the mayan end of the
         | world sale in 2012 that lowered the price point enough for me
         | to make my first purchase from them.
         | They're probably the only tool that I pay money for, and I'm
         | generally happy to do so, because I get a _ton_ of value from
         | it.
         | My only complaint is in a polyglot environment it can be
         | painful to have multiple jetbrains ides running in the same
         | project root.
         | A number of years ago they shipped all of the different
         | products as plugins to intellij. unfortunately at some point
         | that stopped. I wish they resolve it, because it's slowly
         | driving me to vscode.
           | xbar wrote:
           | This is a forgotten time, and an important loss.
           | It would really be lovely if the Jetbrains all-in license
           | gave you each product as its own standalone and as an
           | IntelliJ plug-in.
             | alostpuppy wrote:
             | Aren't the specific ides just plugins loaded into rebranded
             | IntelliJ?
               | andix wrote:
               | To some extent probably, but I guess not completely.
               | That's why you don't have everything everywhere.
           | urthor wrote:
           | The upside of different IDEs is they can change the keymaps
           | and various options to cater for language specific
           | preferences.
           | My issue is the things they just don't do, Jupyter Notebooks,
           | more than anything else.
           | andix wrote:
           | Only very few companies can build a working business model
           | without a good product.
           | tfigment wrote:
           | This is same for me. It was great value in 2012 and product
           | was good enough to keep using. I subscribed to Resharper
           | before that but now use the other products like datalink. The
           | fact that a personal license can be used at work also helped
           | my adoption of the tools.
             | squeaky-clean wrote:
             | > The fact that a personal license can be used at work also
             | helped my adoption of the tools.
             | Same here, and because of that I sub to the All Products
             | bundle, while if I had to convince my employer it would be
             | for PyCharm only. The Personal All Products license is $50
             | more per year than a Corporate Single Language license.
             | Gaining a perpetual license after 1 year of subscription
             | also makes the subscription an easier pill for me to
             | swallow.
           | shepherdjerred wrote:
           | > A number of years ago they shipped all of the different
           | products as plugins to intellij. unfortunately at some point
           | that stopped. I wish they resolve it, because it's slowly
           | driving me to vscode.
           | Did they stop? I still use IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate for most
           | languages (Go, Java, Rust, JavaScript/TypeScript). I had to
           | use Rider for C#, AppCode for Swift, and CLion for C/C++, but
           | those are the only special cases afaik, or are those
           | languages the ones you use & have problems with?
           | The plugin updates are sometimes a bit behind the dedicated
           | IDEs in terms of feature releases which is annoying but I
           | think you can often download an EAP build to get around that.
             | chrsig wrote:
             | I've been under the impression that there are significant
             | capability differences between any of the plugins and the
             | corresponding product
             | I mainly use goland & clion, and clion definitely doens't
             | have an equivalent plugin. It's been a long time since I've
             | tried to use intellij though, so perhaps my impressions are
             | antiquated.
               | shepherdjerred wrote:
               | You're right that you'd have to use clion for C/C++. I'm
               | not sure why they don't have plugins for that.
               | As far as Go, I've had a great experience with the Go
               | plugin for IntelliJ. You do need the ultimate license for
               | that though, iirc.
         | ta988 wrote:
         | A d they are giving away licences in meetups, conferences,
         | discounts on podcasts. They offer licences for opensource, for
         | academics... If I didn't have free access as an academic I
         | probably would not be using it with a license today.
         | spaetzleesser wrote:
         | For me the winner with Jetbrains is that I can see clear
         | prices, the product is defined and I can cancel easily.
         | With other enterprise products it takes forever to get pricing,
         | scope of what you buy and how to cancel.
         | A while ago we had to price Windows for 5000 custom devices and
         | it was infuriating to go through a convoluted process with lots
         | of different people, meetings and whatever.
           | andix wrote:
           | I once tried to buy 2 Windows embedded licenses for a
           | prototype. All the official resellers in my country couldn't
           | even connect me with a person who could give me a quote,
           | without first getting a certification, finishing courses,
           | signing contracts, etc.
           | We rewrote our application on Linux then, it was much easier
           | than dealing with MS licensing BS.
         | dclowd9901 wrote:
         | This is, I think, most appealing. I do need to know a product
         | exists but the most important thing is when I land on the
         | product page am I going to find a free product that turns into
         | a $10k/yr product? Is there going to be a price range that's
         | suitable for my use case? Having a good range of offerings and
         | skus makes a huge difference on whether I actually pull the
         | trigger or not.
       | davidfischer wrote:
       | I work on EthicalAds, one of the ad networks mentioned in the
       | post. We focus on targeting relevant developer-focused ads to
       | content rather than to individuals.
       | The post is great. My only nitpick is that the author mentions
       | that they think retargeting will go away. The scope of
       | retargeting might be reduced especially as third-party cookies
       | stop working but I don't think retargeting will completely go
       | away. Big ad companies with whom visitors have a direct
       | relationship with (Google, FB) will always be able to do it. They
       | know the pages on their sites and those linked from their site
       | that visitors visit and they will use it to target ads. They
       | don't need third-party cookies since they have first-party
       | cookies.
       | Networks that just do ads and don't have relationships with
       | visitors except for advertising will find it harder and harder.
       | At EthicalAds, we don't do retargeting at all because of our
       | privacy focus, but many ad networks will find retargeting more
       | challenging (less precise, they can always fingerprint users) to
       | do. Doing away with it is a good thing from a privacy perspective
       | but it probably will further entrench the big players.
         | dclowd9901 wrote:
         | This is some sneaky good advertising right here.
           | davidfischer wrote:
           | Ads don't need to track folks to be targeted and effective
           | =).
             | charcircuit wrote:
             | But ads that do will be more effective.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | I don't know if it's a danger or just the illusion of one,
             | but one of the things that targeted ads supposedly avoid is
             | that of influence. In theory if the floor wax I'm
             | advertising in my hypothetical home improvement content
             | decides that they have a personal issue with some of the
             | ethics I have espoused, then there is pressure for me to
             | change or lose the endorsement.
             | This could be either direction as well. We could disagree
             | on anything from me showcasing work by a feminist or LGBTQ+
             | carpenter, to me making a statement about fair trade goods
             | and one of their suppliers is in a country known for
             | rampant human rights violations.
             | The problem I think is that life is full of compromises,
             | and I don't know that the bargain we've made and are now
             | experiencing the consequences of is a particularly good
             | one.
       | 300bps wrote:
       | How to advertise to developers: write a blog post about
       | developers and post it where they hang out.
       | daniel-cussen wrote:
       | Yeah the one that's been actively marketing me recently is
       | tailscale. Good job of it too...consensual.
       | algem wrote:
       | I love how the article is one big collage of ads for developers.
       | The irony in discussing this topic as a way of marketing to
       | developers.
       | austinpena wrote:
       | How I've marketed to devs successfully (former YC head of growth,
       | currently work in paid media):
       | 1. Paid search.
       | If someone is searching, give them a good product and good reason
       | to sign up. Be relevant, be clear, and offer a no-risk way for
       | someone to get started with your product.
       | 2. Reddit
       | If there is a subreddit _already_ talking about the problem your
       | products solves, you've got a goldmine. Keep your ad simple. Keep
       | comments on. Respond to comments.
       | 3. Organic Search
       | Have the best content on a specific topic related to your
       | product. Add in CTA's in your content while being respectful.
       | 4. Follow trends
       | Monitor keywords on Hacker News/Reddit and see what's going on. I
       | hit the top of HN twice in a row doing this.
       | --
       | General notes:
       | 1. Understand your customer's problems. Lead with benefits then
       | explain with features. Read books like "Breakthrough Advertising"
       | by Eugene Schwartz or "Reality in Advertising by Rosser Reeves.
       | 2. Talk to people who make it work. The more people you can talk
       | to, the better.
       | 3. Focus on testing messages. Find what resonates and scale that
       | cm2012 wrote:
       | I do B2B advertising for a living, and that includes a lot to
       | developers. Fun article!
       | Facebook is going to work better than twitter for direct response
       | just be sheer volume, even though developers are less likely to
       | use FB than the average person.
       | Generally to target working developers you want to let them know
       | your free trial exists so they can poke around in it. To market
       | to the bosses you use gated content.
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | Simple, you're developing like a beast, and your app is ready to
       | go live...
       | exabrial wrote:
       | Basically, devs are smart enough to call out the _actual lies_
       | that marketing firms push on other audiences.
       | pigtailgirl wrote:
       | -- been doing developer marketing for 20 years - it's very simple
       | - developers are like cats - just make sure they know you're
       | there - treat them well - & eventually they'll come sit with you
       | - last thing you wanna do is be mauling them --
       | goatcode wrote:
       | > they only really believe other devs when it comes to tech
       | I have an issue with this one. When it comes to tech, I've found
       | other developers to have opinions as strong as their actual
       | knowledge is weak. It's been a hard thing to learn from some for
       | this reason, given how over-agreeable I am in real life.
       (page generated 2022-07-22 23:00 UTC)