[HN Gopher] LocalStack 1.0 General Availability
       LocalStack 1.0 General Availability
       Author : kiyanwang
       Score  : 47 points
       Date   : 2022-07-22 15:37 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (localstack.cloud)
 (TXT) w3m dump (localstack.cloud)
       | microflash wrote:
       | I have used LocalStack for all sorts of tinkering and local
       | development without the fear of credit bomb on a "trial" AWS
       | account. Highly recommended and very easy to get started with. So
       | excited to see this growing and hitting v1.0.
         | dboreham wrote:
         | Also handy for CI pipeline-hosted tests of code that targets
         | cloud services.
       | anelson wrote:
       | We use localstack for as much of our integration tests as we can,
       | and have multiple paid licenses. When we started using it I was
       | skeptical that it could reliably mimic all the AWS services we
       | use, and I was right. Don't get me wrong it's a valiant effort
       | and it lets us run tests much faster (and obviously cheaper) than
       | the real thing, but those same tests need to pass on live AWS too
       | before we have any confidence in our code.
       | If any of the localstack authors are reading this, thank you for
       | your tireless efforts!
         | nhoughto wrote:
         | Yeah we gave up when we got to using lambda. Even if the api
         | works it can't scale the same way!
       | Bombthecat wrote:
       | Is there something like this but for azure?
         | code_runner wrote:
         | Azurite is good for azure storage service emulation and they
         | respond to issues with lightning speed. Aside from storage I'm
         | not aware of anything
         | Quick edit: there is a cosmosdb emulator out there for windows.
         | Last I looked (6 months ago?) there was not a Linux version (so
         | no docker). If you're in windows with wsl though not bad. Azure
         | function core tools is also excellent for local dev.
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | That question came up in the last thread about it, and the
         | response was "email us:"
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28820881
         | While I admire their effort to do all the clouds, I would
         | expect the actual code overlap between emulating the AWS APIs
         | and Azure APIs would be infinitesimal and would likely benefit
         | from a separate localstack-azure project
         | Or, actually, put another way: since localstack stood on the
         | shoulders of the absolutely incredible moto library, I would
         | find out if there is an equivalent for Azure and start there
       (page generated 2022-07-22 23:01 UTC)