[HN Gopher] Usborne computer and coding books from the 1980s
       Usborne computer and coding books from the 1980s
       Author : rwmj
       Score  : 108 points
       Date   : 2022-07-23 12:50 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (usborne.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (usborne.com)
       | neilv wrote:
       | I remember the robots book. I think we found it in the gift shop
       | in a science museum, during a grade school class field trip.
       | A barrier to a young kid building the robot was the difficulty of
       | obtaining critical parts, unless you had a parent helping a lot
       | with sourcing and bankrolling.
       | (In the US, an accessible Radio Shack store had some of the
       | parts, and you could improvise some of the hobby shop materials
       | from cardboard boxes and wood scrap. But, e.g., a matching pair
       | of gearboxed motors were unobtainium that a kid might only find
       | in random mail-order catalogs they were just starting to
       | discover, at unaffordable prices.)
       | Today, things are much more accessible, thanks to Adafruit,
       | accessible online retailers, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, easier access
       | to information (not serendipity of happening to discover whatever
       | book/magazine a library/bookstore/friend happened to have), 3D
       | printers... even being able to easily get your own PCB design
       | fabricated one-off, without expensive materials followed by a
       | hazmat incident.
       | open-source-ux wrote:
       | These 1980s computer books are great and have been discussed in
       | past HN threads.
       | The most striking about these books: they are more readable and
       | enjoyable than many programming and computing books published for
       | adults today.
       | The books use illustrations extensively to explain concepts, and
       | the layouts are varied and lively to keep readers attentive.
       | (Compare to the stranglehold of markdown for any technical
       | documentation).
       | Not only are these Usborne books well-written with clear, concise
       | explanations, they are also excellent source for inspiration and
       | ideas for anyone writing a technical guide, tutorial or book.
       | mixmastamyk wrote:
       | These are great, gonna share with my favorite young person.
       | Reminds me of my commodore manual back in the day.
       | No relation to Osbourne the computer company or the metal
       | vocalist. :-D
       | nope96 wrote:
       | I've found some neat, mint quality 1980's computer books just
       | like these in furniture stores, where they fill the floor model
       | bookcases with old books.
       | flir wrote:
       | This, right here. This is how I learned to program. Especially
       | Creepy, Spacegames and Battlegames (but only got that one from
       | the library).
       | Scuds wrote:
       | My local library(US) had a few of these and I'd copied some BASIC
       | programs them onto my Apple //c and didn't know why they didn't
       | work all the time, specifically $CHR or anything involving peek
       | and poke.
       | 8 year old me knew there was something different about the comic
       | art alongside the text, yet I couldn't explain what. Turns out -
       | British!
       | The machine code books would have been useful at that time, but
       | again, I'm 8 playing with a hand-me-down Apple with no other
       | help. I don't know what I don't know and I have no mentorship and
       | no internet or bbs access to download new stuff.
       | Kids today have access to all the video tutorials they could ever
       | want.
       | e: God DAMN line numbers suck. And double god damn do line
       | editors (think ed as opposed to vim) with no proper backspace.
         | alisonatwork wrote:
         | I had the same problem - our family had an Amstrad CPC! It was
         | rare to find books that had listings that worked in their
         | entirety, but if you had a source of native listings (e.g. in
         | the CPC case from magazine Amstrad Action) then it was possible
         | to port some of the programs.
         | I was also too young in those days to be able to understand how
         | to port PEEK, POKE and so forth, but I do credit trying to get
         | stuff working (often in futility) toward my future interest in
         | becoming a professional computer programmer. (Of course I'm not
         | writing games like I imagined.) The experience of trying to
         | parse mystery code is surprisingly similar to frustrations with
         | finding libraries that almost but not quite solve your problem,
         | or web layouts that look okay in most browsers until you
         | encounter a weird screen size, and so on. I wonder if this
         | background is what led me to being the kind of developer who
         | greatly prefers maintenance, troubleshooting and bug fixing to
         | new feature development.
       | tomduncalf wrote:
       | I must have read that Better Basic book hundreds of times as a
       | kid. So nostalgic to see those graphics again! Not sure how much
       | of it I really understood as I was pretty young but no doubt
       | played a big part in getting me into programming. Some of their
       | books on other topics were awesome too I seem to recall.
         | adamddev1 wrote:
         | Yes me too exactly! What brought back waves of nostalgia in
         | particular were the pictures of robots storing variables in the
         | boxes. I remember these were so fascinating to read, bringing
         | the code alive.
       | klondike_klive wrote:
       | The "Write Your Own Fantasy Games" features illustrations by a
       | Chris Riddell. Wonder if this is the same Chris Riddell who does
       | cartoons for the Guardian, and was UK Children's Laureate from
       | 2015-17?
       | dcminter wrote:
       | I had a handful of the Usborne books as a kid and they were
       | inspiring. Seeing the covers brings back the exact feeling of
       | being a ten year old kid besotted with microcomputers.
       | One of the books that's sadly not been made available from the
       | Usborne site had a representation of what a future portable
       | computer might look like that was hilariously off the mark while
       | being perfectly reasonable from the point of view of its era - I
       | recall it having what was clearly supposed to be a tiny green CRT
       | display for example!
       | reiichiroh wrote:
       | I only found out recently they are a pyramid scheme.
       | klodolph wrote:
       | A ton of people in industry don't know what this period of time
       | was like because they missed it or didn't have access to
       | computers at the time. This was the short period in history where
       | the following two things were simultaneously true:
       | 1. It was normal and expected to program a computer, if you had
       | one.
       | 2. Computers were inexpensive enough that many families could
       | reasonably own one at home.
       | If you go too far back in time, computers were either expensive
       | or made from kits, which meant that very few people had them. If
       | you look at more recent periods in history, it was no longer
       | normal & expected to program computers. During this period, your
       | computer came with a manual that explained how to write BASIC,
       | and you could get these Usborne books from the public library.
       | Nowadays, it is easier than ever to learn programming. There are
       | all these wonderful tools like Scratch. It's just that the normal
       | way to use computers these days is to use premade software. There
       | are tons of children who could learn to program, could even teach
       | themselves, but who are unaware that the option exists.
         | ghaff wrote:
         | >Computers were inexpensive enough that many families could
         | reasonably own one at home.
         | Sort of. There were cheap computers like the Commodore 64. But,
         | by the time you put together a floppy disk only PC clone in
         | mid-80s, you were probably still looking at a few thousand
         | dollars so maybe $6K in today's money. Not astronomical but
         | still a pretty big purchase. Hard drives were just coming into
         | the reach of consumers then but that would have added to the
         | price.
           | klodolph wrote:
           | I don't get this comment. You definitely didn't need a PC
           | clone or disk drive to learn to program.
             | ghaff wrote:
             | BASIC with line numbers and GOTOs was fine as far as it
             | went. And I did some programming in that vein for both
             | games and engineering utilities. But I moved on pretty
             | quickly.
               | klodolph wrote:
               | That's a good start. Once you've started, you have all
               | sorts of options for continuing.
               | Some people moved on from BASIC by poking machine code
               | into memory.
               | harvey9 wrote:
               | "lunchtimes in the library
               | Writing down the pokes and peeks"
               | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IagZIM9MtLo
               | rwmj wrote:
               | I programmed for years (1981-1985) with line numbers and
               | cassette tapes. In hindsight, yes, it was tedious, but
               | you don't know what you don't have. I do remember being
               | amazed at how fast a 3" [sic] floppy disk was when I
               | finally got one. I don't think I have ever used a BASIC
               | without line numbers to this day.
           | mrob wrote:
           | A 48K ZX Spectrum (the most popular model) sold for 129GBP in
           | June 1983. According to the first Google result I get for "uk
           | rpi inflation calculator"[0], that's equivalent to 523GBP
           | today. It was typically used with a television as the
           | display, which most families would already have. The usual
           | data storage system was cassette tapes, which were also
           | widespread at the time, although it was common for people to
           | buy cheap dedicated tape recorders for their microcomputers.
           | Not as cheap as the options we have now, but most people who
           | really wanted one could have found a way to afford it.
           | [0] https://www.hl.co.uk/tools/calculators/inflation-
           | calculator
             | ghaff wrote:
             | Right. That's why I mentioned the Commodore 64 which was
             | probably roughly similar in capabilities and price. Doing
             | programming on such a system was pretty different from a
             | PC-compatible however. But it was absolutely a way for kids
             | to get started.
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | Cassette tapes were an awful storage medium though. They
             | were just about usable enough for loading software from
             | previously written tapes, and even that was slow. Floppy
             | disk media was a total game changer, allowing for some
             | amount of actual productive work even on the old 8-bit
             | machines.
               | shever73 wrote:
               | They weren't ideal, but I owe my career to writing games
               | for the ZX Spectrum and distributing them on cassette. It
               | wasn't until 1988 that I was able to get an Amstrad
               | PC1512 with floppy drives.
         | Zenst wrote:
         | Indeed the documentation was a level that service engineers
         | today would envy and more so techincal details at a level you
         | only get from some serious reverse engineering/hacking today.
         | Kinda best way to put it is documentation was akin to what you
         | would expect from a mature MCU today as comparable level and in
         | some ways, more accesable and you felt you owned the computer
         | more and had a more intermate understanding.
         | Though many things go that way, Cars another example and cars
         | of that era, you could get documentation and fix yourself.
         | Today, you under your hood might as well be a Borg cube.
         | keithnz wrote:
         | not sure about "expected". Quite a few of my friends and myself
         | got computers in this era, vic20s, c64s, Spectrums, Ataris
         | mostly. Most of my friends just loaded games. I learnt to
         | program mine ( I had a few of these books! ), another friend
         | spent a little bit of time learning basic also, but pirating
         | quickly became a thing and soon everyone had a ton of games.
         | briHass wrote:
         | I feel fortunate that, as a child of the early 80s, by the time
         | I started programming (age 8 or so), it was the late 80s and
         | these personal computers were available for cheap at yard
         | sales. One of the first I owned was a VIC20, which I think I
         | bought (or convinced my parents to buy) with all the
         | peripherals at a garage sale for $30. I got a C64 soon after in
         | a similar way.
         | A few years later, my dad would bring home IBM PC XTs and ATs
         | they were throwing out at his work. The rest is, as they say,
         | history.
         | I loved these books, and I'm pretty sure I had almost the
         | complete library. A few of these books, a curious kid, and a
         | simple computer that boots directly into BASIC, with no
         | distractions.
           | enneff wrote:
           | Basically describes my experience too.
           | One thing that was amazing about this time is that even a
           | 10yo (as I was) could understand almost everything that was
           | going on in those machines (in a functional way, if not the
           | finer details). Then as we grew up the programming world
           | became more complex, and we were able to track that
           | complexity as it happened.
           | I don't envy new programmers today who have to contend with
           | vast complexity even to do the simplest of things.
         | IMSAI8080 wrote:
         | I agree. The fact the 80s micros booted to BASIC put
         | programming in front of you from the get go and subsequent
         | machines hid programming away. The fact the machine came with a
         | manual that was mostly about programming, they expected you to
         | do that. If you wanted to play a game you often typed it in
         | from a book (like the Usborne series). You tried to see if you
         | could cheat or change the game by messing with the numbers
         | which exposed you to tinkering with programming.
         | mattbee wrote:
         | _There are tons of children who could learn to program, could
         | even teach themselves, but who are unaware that the option
         | exists._
         | This just isn't true, there are a billion ways into programming
         | that there weren't in the 80s and 90s, and computers are
         | cheaper too. Sure you don't get to tinker with your OS as
         | casually but the scope of "learner" programming environments is
         | so much greater. Even a keyboard isn't a necessity - look at
         | the results from Dreams on the PS4. And Scratch is ubiquitous
         | in (UK) schools, my son picked it up without any prompt from
         | me.
         | It might just feel like kids don't want to learn programming
         | because most people don't want to learn, but most people (you
         | know) are now _using_ computers compared to the 90s. So
         | proportionally that is fewer computer users becoming
         | programmers, even if numbers are going up!
           | klodolph wrote:
           | >> There are tons of children who could learn to program,
           | could even teach themselves, but who are unaware that the
           | option exists.
           | > This just isn't true, [...]
           | Let me get this straight... you're saying that children are
           | generally aware that they can learn to program, and that
           | children who aren't aware of these opportunities are rare or
           | something?
           | I must be misunderstanding something here, because that
           | sounds like complete horseshit to me. I have years of
           | experience teaching children how to program, and the vast
           | majority show up unaware that learning to program is
           | something within their reach.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | The point is that these computers don't come with development
           | tools installed by default and made available in the default
           | environment. They don't provide any equivalent to the BASIC
           | interpreters of old, or to the REPL of a Lisp Machine
           | workstation. You can install e.g. Linux distributions that do
           | provide the means to code and rebuild nearly any part of the
           | installed system, but these are very much the exception not
           | the rule.
           | > And Scratch is ubiquitous in (UK) schools, my son picked it
           | up without any prompt from me.
           | Scratch is a huge downgrade from the likes of LOGO (a real
           | LISP implementation, with a few syntactic conveniences to
           | help novices) and even BASIC on the BBC Micro, which used to
           | be taught in UK schools.
             | ghaff wrote:
             | >The point is that these computers don't come with
             | development tools installed by default and made available
             | in the default environment.
             | I mean, Linux aside that's technically true. But, you got a
             | BASIC interpreter that was pretty barebones even for the
             | mid-80s in a PC of that era. And Turbo Pascal was a
             | revelation when it came out because other "real"
             | programming tools cost hundreds of dollars.
             | But, today, for free, you can install any number of
             | advanced programming languages and IDEs in about 10
             | minutes. (And, on a Mac, Python at least comes pre-
             | installed.)
             | redwall_hp wrote:
             | It's funny...because this is exactly me. When I was a kid
             | circa 2000, I learned to program because I found one of
             | these exact Usborne books at the local library. The idea
             | that people who didn't work for Microsoft could develop
             | software hadn't exactly occurred to me until I found that
             | book and learned the basics. Of course, I didn't have a
             | computer with a BASIC interpreter to run the listings, so I
             | searched for more books and ended up porting the BASIC
             | listings to JavaScript and running them in Internet
             | Explorer 4. That also got me into learning how to build web
             | pages by hand.
             | There are more resources than ever if you already want to
             | learn to program, but it's still hard to cross that
             | threshold from _using_ computers to realizing that learning
             | to program them is something approachable. Microsoft and
             | Apple have both always promoted this sort of learned
             | helplessness with their users, treating the GUI like a
             | tangible thing and not providing obvious tools that
             | encourage programming.
               | zozbot234 wrote:
               | Microsoft Windows actually shipped with a BASIC
               | interpreter in the IE4 days. And Apple had Hypercard.
             | rwmj wrote:
             | I think it was the immediacy combined with the lack of
             | choice. The ZX81 "booted" into BASIC (in about 2 seconds),
             | and there was nothing else to do. You programmed it or you
             | asked your mum to take you to WHSmiths to spend more money
             | than you had on a game which would take 15+ minutes to load
             | from tape. I wasn't interested in games so I programmed
             | instead.
             | jll29 wrote:
             | I had an interesting debate with a respected colleague at a
             | British university about this once. My view was that
             | teaching kids should be in a way that is "real", e.g.
             | typing in Python code and not "toy" (e.g. Scratch) so that
             | - they can get a feel for how real-life programmers work;
             | - they can incrementally refine and build on what they know
             | until they have picked up a very valuable (in terms of job
             | market) skill
             | I agree Scratch is sufficient to understand loops etc. but
             | it doesn't "scale", i.e. at some point you need to switch
             | over from Scratch to an "grown-up" language.
               | zozbot234 wrote:
               | Python is actually a pretty bad language for novice
               | coders, the programming model is _way_ too complicated
               | and hard to get a feel for. I 'm not sure how people can
               | even manage to "learn to code" via Python alone.
               | antod wrote:
               | I remember reading "Learning Python" in the 1.5 days and
               | then a bit later properly using Python the 2.0 days. It
               | seemed a lot simpler back then, and seemed like a clean
               | powerful successor to the 8bit BASICs I started with. And
               | nothing else at the time seemed to capture that clean
               | easy on ramp to coding feeling, but still allowing you to
               | go much further than eg an 8bit BASIC.
               | Presumably if you limited which parts of the now massive
               | 3.10 you exposed to newbies, you could still get the same
               | result? The very basics haven't changed too much since
               | 20+ yrs ago. I suppose the trouble is that any web
               | searching is going send newbies off the tracks into
               | advanced topics pretty quickly now, but that is still
               | likely in just about any language.
       | mixmastamyk wrote:
       | Could someone link to a copy that doesn't require a google
       | account to download? I tried with an older one I had and it
       | demanded a telephone number, can you believe?
       | ascorbic wrote:
       | Ah, memories of carefully copying BASIC from these books. All
       | Usborne books are great (and my kids love the current ones too)
       | but these in particular were such a formative part of my learning
       | to love coding, aged 8-10 or so.
       | felixfurtak wrote:
       | I remember as a kid having that Robot book and building it.
       | Cutting out the balsa wood templates, mounting the motors. It
       | worked pretty well, but I managed to destroy it pretty quickly
       | when I tried actually make it move. My programming skills were
       | never that great.
       | AgentME wrote:
       | As a kid in 1999ish in the US, my elementary school library had a
       | book on computers that got me into programming, and I've been
       | trying to find the book again since then. I think the book was
       | just titled "Computers". The book had many pictures and diagrams
       | about lots of computer-related things, but it definitely wasn't
       | aimed at only young kids. Among many things, it talked about
       | computers being used by NASA, it speculated about future
       | computers and the internet (mostly as a future thing), and it
       | also had classic diagrams of CPUs, logic gates, and the half-
       | adder like out of college textbooks. I'd trace out copies of
       | half-adders in my notebook and execute it on paper to see that it
       | added numbers correctly. One page in an aside had a small example
       | BASIC program that immediately got me obsessed with programming
       | when I realized how simple it was to follow.
       | In previous searches for the book, I found this site, and I
       | realized the book had many similarities with the Usborne books,
       | but I can't find it in any listing of them. I don't understand
       | how, but the book "The Usborne Young Scientist: Computers" (1992)
       | has some of the same content as the book I remember but it's
       | missing a lot while also having some content I'm completely
       | unfamiliar with. Maybe there was another lesser-known Usborne
       | title that repackaged some of its content? If this sounds
       | familiar at all to anyone, I have a few more notes on my memories
       | and search for the book at
       | https://tildes.net/~talk/is4/whats_one_thing_you_havent_been...
       | and I'd appreciate any pointers.
       | fipar wrote:
       | For anyone else who may get a nicely-styled 404 in their native
       | language:
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20220724171102/https://usborne.c...
         | Kim_Bruning wrote:
         | Thanks!
       | Kim_Bruning wrote:
       | The link links to the us site at
       | https://usborne.com/us/books/computer-and-coding-books . But the
       | site sniffs my IP, rewrites the URL to a different country (
       | https://usborne.com/nl/books/computer-and-coding-books ), and
       | then 404s on that.
       | Even if I _explicitly_ go to the  /us/ url, it still rewrites the
       | URL and makes it impossible for me to read the content. I
       | literally can't look at the same content as someone from a
       | different country, and there is thus no way for me to compare.
       | Don't do that! IP sniffing is a terrible idea on a good day, but
       | this is the worst. How is returning 404 ever the best choice
       | here?
         | julianz wrote:
         | Mine redirects to their NZ site which still has the page, maybe
         | try that one: https://usborne.com/nz/books/computer-and-coding-
         | books
         | adrian_b wrote:
         | When clicking that link from another country of the European
         | Union, I got a dialog box prompting me to select a country,
         | with the country for my IP selected by default, but I was able
         | to choose USA instead of the default.
         | Then I could see the expected content. Maybe whether that
         | dialog box is seen or not depends on the browser used and on
         | its settings.
           | Kim_Bruning wrote:
           | That could be it. I'll try some different browsers and see.
             | adrian_b wrote:
             | I got that dialog box (having the "Welcome to Usborne"
             | title) with both Chromium and Firefox, on Linux, but
             | without having any ad blocker or script disabling, which
             | could prevent the appearance of a dialog box.
               | gpvos wrote:
               | For me that happened only when I went to the home page
               | _and_ turned off uBlock Origin for the domain (on latest
               | Firefox).
           | wslh wrote:
           | It works but there is another detail. If you came from a
           | country with a different language (e.g. Spanish) you should
           | choose first the language and just then can select "United
           | States".
         | kragen wrote:
         | Yeah, here in Argentina I also get a 404 error.
       | kar1181 wrote:
       | This is how I learned to program these books were so ubiquitous
       | in the 80s even my (very_ rural Australian) school library had a
       | few. I'm only had a Vic 20 so had to translate the listings that
       | tended to be aimed at the c64.
       | So many careers had their origin in these books.
       (page generated 2022-07-24 23:00 UTC)