[HN Gopher] Non-Obvious Docker Uses
       Non-Obvious Docker Uses
       Author : zdw
       Score  : 128 points
       Date   : 2022-07-24 14:44 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (matt-rickard.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (matt-rickard.com)
       | palata wrote:
       | I have been using Dockcross for years for cross-compiling
       | debarshri wrote:
       | We actually use docker multistage build as mentioned here as a
       | replacement for make file. The nice thing is you can run it
       | locally to build but also run it in a podman container as a part
       | of CI/CD process as is without any changes.
       | Nice thing about this strategy is that you can uniformly enforce
       | dependencies, versions, etc
         | tlarkworthy wrote:
         | The horrible thing is that it is slow, hard to debug and
         | develop on. I personally think it is a bad tradeoff and will
         | make developers hate their day.
           | dingleberry420 wrote:
           | Why would it be slow? Docker is just as fast as running
           | native on Linux.
           | Unless you're talking about running it on Windows or Mac. In
           | which case, don't do that. You don't want your developers
           | developing on a different OS than your CI & deployment
           | environment anyway.
             | nicoburns wrote:
             | > You don't want your developers developing on a different
             | OS than your CI & deployment environment anyway
             | Eh, this kinda depends on what tech you're using. We use
             | node.js at work which has very good cross-platform support.
             | And we've had literally zero issues developing on mac and
             | deploying to Linux in the 3 years I've been here.
               | OJFord wrote:
               | Your (potential) problems will come at the installing
               | node/packages (that might use C extensions or whatever)
               | level, not developing on top of it.
               | Or just tooling issues like BSD vs. GNU versions,
               | Homebrew installing things differently (e.g. using the
               | more logical 'openapi-generator' vs. 'openapi-generator-
               | cli' used by upstream and respected by at least apt, apk,
               | and pacman).
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | Do you use Python by any chance? Node.js native modules
               | typically bundle the native code as part of the module,
               | and don't depend on externally installed tools. I've
               | never used OpenAPI generator, but that looks true of this
               | npm package too
               | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@openapitools/openapi-
               | generato... (read me mentions the tool is downloaded and
               | installed on first run).
               | I've had issues where modules didn't run when upgrading
               | OS versions (either macOS or Linux - but usually macOS),
               | but we run prod on LTS versions of Ubuntu so that doesn't
               | happen very frequently, gets caught by our staging
               | server, and is usually a case of simply upgrading
               | libraries to newer versions.
               | OJFord wrote:
               | I use both, and have had such issues with both.
               | I suppose using busybox as your base image will most
               | readily highlight any missing library issues if you fancy
               | it.
               | (If I remember in the morning I think I can quite quickly
               | find whatever it was that was last a problem - it was
               | definitely an npm not a pip install when last I
               | encountered it.)
               | deckard1 wrote:
               | MacOS has a case insensitive filesystem (default). If you
               | mix up the case with your files/folders and imports then
               | everything will work just fine on your machine. We had a
               | coworker that did this once. Stupidly, it even passed
               | staging and somehow was merged upstream.
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | Indeed. This is the one incompatibility I have seen in
               | the wild. On my previous machine I actually created a
               | secondary case-sensitive partition to store code on. But
               | unfortunately our iOS app doesn't work on a case-
               | sensitive file system so this meant having two different
               | project folders. On my new machine I've not bothered and
               | I'm just careful about casing.
               | folkrav wrote:
               | Anecdotally as well, we've had two that I can think of in
               | the last two years (both were specific to Windows).
             | TameAntelope wrote:
             | You can argue or disagree all day long about what OS is
             | best for development, but it's not reasonable to think that
             | developers on MacOS would only write code for MacOS
             | servers.
             | You can very successfully write code that runs on Linux on
             | either MacOS or Windows, depending on what you're
             | developing.
             | Probably not a big deal, but just seems pointlessly narrow
             | to think all developers would or should prever actually
             | developing on Linux exclusively.
             | lmeyerov wrote:
             | WSL2 solved docker for us on windows (except broken
             | opencl), so afaict just OS X now unless you go into major
             | contortions
             | We do both containerized and native for developing one
             | service, but generally docker compose for the composition
             | (vs say k8s or all native). And important that CI is in
             | docker: that means we can do accurate local docker testing
             | of same env in case of CI fails.
             | TacticalCoder wrote:
             | > You don't want your developers developing on a different
             | OS than your CI & deployment environment anyway.
             | Who's running OS X servers in production?
             | What are the devs running OS X and IntelliJ tools deploying
             | on?
             | pid-1 wrote:
             | While that's true for processes running in containers,
             | _building_ containers is generally noticeably slower than
             | Makefiles as it involves several extra steps besides
             | executing instructions (e.g. loading build context, gziping
             | files, calculating hashes etc...)
               | folkrav wrote:
               | You'd typically not rebuild CI images that often.
             | zokier wrote:
             | IO (both network and disk) are afaik taking significantly
             | roundabout way with docker vs bare linux
           | debarshri wrote:
           | I switched from docker desktop to Colima, my life has been
           | much better since then.
           | pid-1 wrote:
           | > hard to debug
           | When I started using Docker four years ago that was my
           | biggest issue. When builds fail, I can't just pick up where
           | it left to expect the environment and try stuff out (unless I
           | purposely build an image with a ton of layers).
           | Soooo much time was wasted figuring out what was going on.
         | forty wrote:
         | Can podman run within unprivileged docker nowadays ? (My main
         | issue with those docker based builds is that they are annoying
         | to run in unprivileged docker, in a CI for example)
           | debarshri wrote:
           | You can actually [1]. See the last example.
           | [1] https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/podman-inside-kubernetes
         | rckrd wrote:
         | I've been playing around with changing the default shell for
         | some Makefiles to a shell inside a docker container (with
         | dependencies baked in). It's a bit hacky, but kind of
         | interesting!
         | [0]
         | https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Choosing-...
         | [deleted]
       | iamwpj wrote:
       | I can see the appeal as a replacement for make; in fact, it might
       | be something I do without ever thinking of using make -- just
       | because I use Docker more often than make.
       | I use Docker for sort of a virtual network interface to allow me
       | to connect to two VPNs (a VPN inside a VPN environment). Any good
       | hardware/software finds all sorts of niches to fill in time.
         | rckrd wrote:
         | Docker just announced Docker Extensions for Docker Desktop --
         | already configured long-running agents that are "managed" with
         | a nice GUI.
         | I use the Tailscale extension to let my development pods talk
         | to my tailnet. It's really handy (would be even better if it
         | worked with the local Kubernetes cluster in Desktop). Of course
         | you can do this yourself fairly easily, but it's nice to have
         | it "managed" for a non-essential part of the workflow.
       | leotaku wrote:
       | I don't know about BuildKit and `docker buildx`, but I've been
       | using an approach similar to what is outlined in paragraph two to
       | generate static executables for one of my projects.
       | I use a multistage build to generate a podman/docker image that
       | contains all my build artifacts and then just copy them out of
       | the container onto my host system. What advantages would there be
       | in using BuildKit for this sort of thing?
         | rckrd wrote:
         | Essentially the same thing in one step. Can avoid some of the
         | permission issue gotchas with `docker cp`.
       | AlphaSite wrote:
       | I think this is basically the premise for Earthly and Dagger,
       | right?
         | Tao3300 wrote:
         | > That's part of the idea behind the co-founder of Docker's
         | second act, Dagger.
         | Guess so!
         | stavros wrote:
         | Has anyone used both? How do they compare? I really like the
         | idea of Dagger, but I found the configuration files
         | impenetrable and couldn't even get started with a single build.
         | I guess some of my issue was that I had to learn Dagger and Cue
         | at the same time, and didn't know what needed what.
       | notatoad wrote:
       | any examples of the "registry as config store" idea? i've got a
       | use-case where that could be pretty handy
         | ImJasonH wrote:
         | There's lots of examples of folks packaging non-container-image
         | things and stuffing them in a registry:
         | - cosign signatures, SBOMs, attestations:
         | https://docs.sigstore.dev/cosign/overview/
         | - Istio wasm plugins:
         | https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/proxy_extensio...
         | - OPA bundles:
         | https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/v0.13.5/bundles/
         | - Tekton bundles:
         | https://github.com/tektoncd/resolution/tree/main/bundleresol...
         | There's even a demo (plug: in a talk I co-presented) of running
         | a RISC-V emulator where its memory is stored in an OCI
         | registry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt_G-pUArTM
         | These all tend to include a CLI to collect/generate/validate
         | resources and push/move/pull them, but the underlying
         | implementation is roughly the same -- package content in a
         | tarball, generate some JSON pointing to it, push that JSON to
         | the registry (with auth).
         | The real benefit to this is that basically everyone has access
         | to a registry these days -- in their cloud provider, on-prem,
         | whatever -- with exactly the same APIs and mostly sane auth and
         | client tooling.
         | If you're interested in exploring it for your use case let me
         | know, I'd be happy to give you some pointers.
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | Helm can store kubernetes charts in an OCI/docker registry
           | too: https://helm.sh/blog/storing-charts-in-oci/
             | notatoad wrote:
             | helm links to https://oras.land/, which seems like a pretty
             | cool generalization of all this.
         | rckrd wrote:
         | I can't find the code anymore but I originally saw this in
         | docker/compose.
         | I forget what they were using it for, but it boiled down to
         | packing up a json file or two in a tarball and pushing it to
         | the local daemon with a special suffix. Then it could pull that
         | and unpack it on the next run.
         | jonjonsonjr wrote:
         | I gave a very compressed lightning talk last year about this:
         | https://youtu.be/ExyWAhS2zBA
         | john-tells-all wrote:
         | Note that with "Docker as package" style development, you lose
         | the ability to specify dependencies. Consider building real
         | packages, then installing them in shim Docker images. This
         | gives you the best of both worlds: rich dependency
         | specification, and "just run the thing" facility with Docker.
       | 2bluesc wrote:
       | Wish I would see more mentions of `podman` where you can just run
       | a container without a daemon and all permissions issues (root by
       | default in Docker).
       | Podman seems like a simpler container management tool for things
       | that are merely wrapping/emulating traditional command line
       | tools.
       | niros_valtos wrote:
       | I would expect to see a code example, but overall makes sense.
         | rckrd wrote:
         | Sorry, I should I have linked some in the article.
         | - Alternative docker frontends - https://matt-
         | rickard.com/building-a-new-dockerfile-frontend/
         | (https://github.com/r2d4/mockerfile)
         | - Docker merge - https://matt-rickard.com/docker-merge/
         | (https://github.com/r2d4/docker-merge)
       | mechtaev wrote:
       | Apart from caching, BuildKit also provides automatic
       | parallelization. Because of these two features, we use BuildKit
       | to make our research results, experiments with program analysis
       | tools on software benchmarks, easier to share and faster to
       | execute.
       | As a more expressive frontend of BuildKit, we created a simple,
       | non-Turing-complete logic programming language, which can also be
       | thought of as docker-based Makefile.
       | https://modus-continens.com/
       | cmckn wrote:
       | I think Earthly is a better replacement for make; but
       | containerized builds are definitely slower (often to a
       | disappointing degree). Luckily Earthly has a ton of knobs you can
       | turn re: caching to make things suck less.
       | https://earthly.dev
       | vesinisa wrote:
       | Docker doesn't really help with ARM/Intel differences. You need
       | something like JVM for that.
         | rckrd wrote:
         | It actually does nowadays. The --platform flag integrates with
         | QEMU. It's emulation so it's slower, but better than doing it
         | manually.
         | [0] https://docs.docker.com/build/buildx/#build-multi-
         | platform-i...
           | pydry wrote:
           | Either QEMU itself or the QEMU integration seems a bit buggy
           | to me coz it goes wrong a lot.
             | bavell wrote:
             | I use QEMU on a regular basis and have hardly ever have
             | issues so I'd guess it's the integration piece.
         | k__ wrote:
         | I like, how someone solves the OS issue and suddenly people
         | start using different CPU archs.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | It does help, docker's buildkit backend (enabled when you use
         | the buildx command instead of build) supports building for
         | other architectures automatically. You can for example on an
         | ARM device build a perfectly fine x86 or x64 image and push it
         | to a registry, or vice-versa. It works by behind the scenes
         | using QEMU to emulate the other architecture and binfmt_misc to
         | run its executables. This all happens transparently and wraps
         | up what used to be a bit of manual work and tweaking.
         | It also supports running other architecture images using the
         | same QEMU magic. It's really quite polished and works well.
       | hultner wrote:
       | Something about a hammer and nails.
         | doliveira wrote:
         | When the options are a hammer or a book of secret spells...
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-07-24 23:00 UTC)