[HN Gopher] The Wang 2200 (2008)
       The Wang 2200 (2008)
       Author : ok123456
       Score  : 53 points
       Date   : 2022-07-25 14:34 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.wang2200.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.wang2200.org)
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | A few years ago I saw a concert in the Shubert Theater, in Boston
       | MA.
       | On my way out, coming down the stairs from the balcony, was a
       | portrait of Dr. Wang!
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | Dr. Wang's pithy quotes:
         | https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/an-wang-quotes
       | D-Coder wrote:
       | I worked with Wangs back in the day, in BASIC.
       | I remember reading the manual for a customer's machine (2200T?
       | aka "Model T", or maybe 2200VP, aka "2200 very profitable"). The
       | manual indicated that several disk operations were implemented in
       | an extra chip in the new model.
       | Some time later, their machine kind of broke. I experimented and
       | discovered that only the disk operations were not working,
       | everything else was fine.
       | I was pleased as a software engineer to be able to tell the
       | customer, "Call Wang maintenance and tell them the XYZ chip is
       | fried."
       | jmclnx wrote:
       | I used to be an operator (admin), for the 2200, I forgot the
       | application it ran but I think it was some kind of billing and it
       | would dial out to get/receive data. It was a very nice machine,
       | the application was written in Wang Basic.
       | But I had a copy of their IN/ix 16 bit UNIx that ran on their
       | PCs, being a dummy I tossed the hardware when I moved many years
       | ago :(
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | Lesser known was the language/compiler combo created for it:
       | Wang-69.
       | Archelaos wrote:
       | Our school had a Wang 2200 and several Commodore CBM 4016. Those
       | were the computers I started programming with in the early 80s.
       | The best thing about the Wang was its typeball printer. It
       | sounded like World War 1.
       | dcminter wrote:
       | This makes me nostalgic so the following might get a little
       | long...
       | My late father, after a short stint with Wang, set himself up as
       | an independent developer creating bespoke software (usually book-
       | keeping) for smaller companies in Wang 2200 BASIC.
       | As a consequence these machines regularly turned up in our small
       | middle-class living room. I pretty much learnt to write on green-
       | lined fanfold paper and I played in the huge boxes that they
       | arrived in. Family legend has it that at a very tender age when
       | asked what I wanted for Christmas I answered "pooter" ( a story
       | later embellished further as that having been my first word).
       | Enjoyable memories:
       | The terminal's keyboard had a "TRON" key (TRace ON and there was
       | a TROFF key for TRace OFF, which caused the line of BASIC code
       | executing to be displayed on the screen).
       | Those little compact cassette drives in the terminal were
       | intended for data only, but in practice didn't get much use once
       | (8 inch) floppy disks were added. They may have had some superior
       | tape speed but the media was otherwise a completely normal (but
       | very short) compact cassette. My father had various programs
       | recorded from the radio on spare ones at about 10 minutes per
       | cassette or so (both sides) with the inevitable missed bit while
       | he'd swapped tapes. Frustrating to listen to on long car
       | journeys.
       | When you activated the cassette tape drive in the terminal, the
       | fields from the electric drive motors distorted the display on
       | the adjacent CRT.
       | At one point we had an Apple II system on trial, but nothing came
       | of that (I don't know why), and then a ZX81 that was sufficiently
       | close to being a toy that it ended up in my own hands at the age
       | of 9 and I taught myself to program from the manual.
       | I have to mention that mentioning in the school playground that
       | my Dad "programmed Wangs" did not go down particularly well.
       | Once the IBM PC arrived on the scene it was fairly obvious that
       | the Wang days were numbered, but a licensed emulation package
       | from Niakwa allowed my Dad to keep on plugging away in 2200 BASIC
       | for a good long while after that.
       | If I remember rightly the Niakwa system was originally run on the
       | Wang PC, a weird DOS based but not IBM compatible system
       | (mentioned in other threads here). I had the fun of teaching
       | myself how to use a demo version of AutoCAD on that machine and
       | then my Dad had me demo it to a manufacturing customer. That demo
       | went down very well, from a barely-teenaged kid I guess it proved
       | ease of use!
       | Some while later, during a summer break from college, my Dad
       | asked me to see if I thought I could convert one of his old
       | programs to a more modern language. I was given access to one of
       | the real Wang 2200 MVP terminals at a customer site to take a
       | look through the code. Pure spaghetti code! No comments (REM
       | statements) to give me a clue, all sorts of clever PACK/UNPACK
       | processing to make maximum use of what had originally been very
       | restricted amounts of memory. It didn't help that the terminal
       | was in a cupboard with a movement detector on the light so I had
       | to stand up and wave my arms around every five minutes or so when
       | that turned off. He didn't seem too surprised when I threw in the
       | towel.
       | A different client had a big MVP machine (with capacity for eight
       | terminals I think) that they wanted to get rid of - some college
       | friends and I picked it up and we had it set up in our student
       | house. It sounded like a jet engine winding up when you turned it
       | on.
       | Some of the customers were a nuisance, but others became family
       | friends. His last and best, the one to whom I demonstrated
       | AutoCAD, is still in business, and attended my father's funeral.
       | I kind of miss those noisy old machines. Not as much as I miss my
       | Dad though.
         | jes wrote:
         | > _... all sorts of clever PACK /UNPACK processing to make
         | maximum use of what had originally been very restricted amounts
         | of memory._
         | Up thread, I mentioned that I helped with the development of a
         | C language interpreter for BASIC-2.
         | You're exactly right about how tight memory was.
         | One of guys at TOM Software, "Russ," used to keep a
         | 1-dimensional array variable in his code. I remember one day we
         | did something to the interpreter that wound up giving BASIC-2
         | programs a few additional bytes of program storage space. Russ
         | just about had an orgasm as he updated his "free space"
         | variable. When I asked him about it, he indicated that "When I
         | get enough free memory, I can implement another feature!"
         | Way to take one for the team, Russ, wherever the hell you are
         | these days!
       | drewzero1 wrote:
       | I'm a big fan of Wang, especially the PC-compatibles that came
       | out in the later 80s. Jan van de Veen[0] has a Wang-themed
       | website/personal museum with some great pics.
       | [0]: http://home.wxs.nl/~janvdv/wang/wangmuseummenu.htm
         | Finnucane wrote:
         | In the mid 1980s I worked for a guy who did COBOl programming
         | on Wang VS systems. I recall setting up a PC network for one of
         | our clients. The Wang PC boxes were _huge_.
         | The other thing I remember was that when An Wang announced his
         | retirement no one had any confidence in Fred. My boss and our
         | more clued-in clients all thought Fred was going to run the
         | company into the ground, adn they were right.
           | georgia_peach wrote:
           | To be fair, I think An shot himself in the foot long before
           | the boy took over--by making a "PC" with a 16-bit bus when
           | the standard was 8-bit. From a computer engineering
           | perspective, it was the obvious and correct thing to do. From
           | a business perspective, it was an epic fail.
             | Finnucane wrote:
             | that could be--it's been a long time, but my memory is that
             | the network cards were Wang-specific, you couldn't use
             | generic pc cards. They really did not get the whole PC
             | thing. They'd basically invented office automation, but
             | couldn't get to the next stage.
               | georgia_peach wrote:
               | DOS was barely an operating system, so the programs had
               | to bundle their own drivers & speak directly to the
               | hardware for anything more than disk/compute. Because of
               | this, that one little 8/16 change cut Wang off from the
               | lion's share of the PC software library--first man to the
               | gold rush, but without a pick or a shovel.
               | It's a shame they didn't make it though. From a technical
               | perspective, the old man knew what he was doing.
       | themadturk wrote:
       | I worked for a law firm in the late 80s - early 90s that used a
       | Wang VS system for data and word processing, before and until
       | just after we installed a Novell LAN. My boss programmed the
       | system using a language called SPEED-2, which I never managed to
       | learn. We had a number of highly non-PC compatible Wang PCs for a
       | time, and eventually started installing Wang terminal cards in
       | standard PCs to link to the main system.
       | My major memory of that time was doing backups with huge, multi-
       | platter removable disk packs. Incrementals at noon every day,
       | fulls one Sunday a month, and managing the offsite storage...such
       | a pain.
         | jes wrote:
         | Here's some additional information on the SPEED-I and SPEED-II
         | applications.[1]
         | [1]. https://www.appx.com/history
         | mikestew wrote:
         | Wang did sell an IBM-compatible board after it was obvious that
         | Wang wasn't going to win the desktop computing market. I had
         | one of those boards, and the Wang to go with it; worked fine,
         | and I don't ever recall any incompatibilities.
         | jes wrote:
         | Yep, SPEED-1 and SPEED-2 were products of a company called "TOM
         | Software," where TOM was short for "The Office Manager."
         | Here's a little inside baseball on that.
         | TOM Software (Burien, Washington) had many applications written
         | in Wang Basic-II. Sometime in 1983, or so, I hired on with TOM
         | Software to help with finishing and porting an interpreter for
         | Wang Basic-II to various small (and not so small) UNIX systems
         | that UNIX system vendors provided to TOM Software in the hopes
         | of getting some applications on their systems.
         | It was a hugely fun time, working on that interpreter. It was
         | all written in C, and unfortunately, it's wasn't as fast as we
         | would have liked. It did work and we did ship it on a number of
         | platforms. Machines like the Fortune 32:16, the Pixel, Zilog
         | Z-8000 micro, Perkin-Elmer 8/32, and even a Burroughs system
         | (wtf?)
         | As I remember, the Wang VS system was released and was a
         | competitor to the Wang 2200.
         | There was another company, Niakawa (sp?) if I remember, that
         | did have a fast port of the Wang Basic-II interpreter to
         | Windows based systems.
         | Towards the end of my time there, we were coding certain
         | SPEED-1 subroutines directly in C in the interpreter. They
         | could be called via a magic command ... "BOB-N", that was
         | embedded in the interpreter. So you had BOB-1 XXX, BOB-2 XXX
         | YYY, etc.
         | There is a book by Payne and Payne called "Writing
         | Interpreters," which if memory serves, kind of centers around
         | Wang Basic-II. I think I still have a copy of it in my storage
         | unit, but I might have chucked it. I didn't find it on Amazon
         | when I just searched, so perhaps I'm wrong.
         | It was really a good time for me. I learned a lot about writing
         | interpreters and other V7-ish stuff working there.
           | smarks wrote:
           | The VS was more of a successor to the 2200 than a competitor.
           | The 2200 was mostly a single-user system with a ROM-based
           | (later, firmware-based) OS that simply ran a BASIC
           | interpreter. Later versions (e.g., 2200 MVP) supported
           | limited multi-terminal, multi-user capability, but it was
           | essentially multiple independent BASIC interpreters, one per
           | user.
           | The VS came out a few years later and was an IBM 370-like
           | machine in a minicomputer form factor. It supported 370-like
           | assembly language and several compiled languages including
           | COBOL, RPG-II, and BASIC. The BASIC was quite a bit different
           | and considerably evolved compared to 2200 BASIC.
       (page generated 2022-07-25 23:01 UTC)