[HN Gopher] What's the maximum size of a DNS response?
       What's the maximum size of a DNS response?
       Author : vinnyglennon
       Score  : 56 points
       Date   : 2022-07-27 18:24 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.netmeister.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.netmeister.org)
       | jagged-chisel wrote:
       | > the actual maximum sizes [and how various factors] influence
       | the practical limit are far from obvious.
       | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
       | Why EDNS0        Because DNSSEC        Why DNSSEC        Because
       | cache poisoning        Why cache poisioning        Because
       | remote, shared caches        Why remote, shared caches
       | Was the idea for remote, shared caches suggested in RFC 1035.
       | RFC 1035 suggests that the resolver and the cache are part of the
       | user's operating system.
       | "User queries will typically be operating system calls, and the
       | resolver and its cache will be part of the host operating
       | system."
       | The expectation is that the cache is local, not remote.
       | "Resolvers answer user queries with information they acquire via
       | queries to foreign name servers and the local cache."
       | Mockpatris' DNS does not direct anyone to make use of remote,
       | shared caches. It is entirely optional.
       | "Foreign nameservers" refers to authoritative servers, not third
       | party caches.
       | DNS can work without using third party DNS service. I have been
       | using it this way for 14 years. Remote, shared caches are
       | optional. As is making remote DNS queries contemporaneous with
       | HTTP requests, generally. For myself, the DNS data I need can be
       | collected in bulk and stored.
       | IMO, a general historical principle that applies to computer
       | software is that "features" can carry risks. In a non-DNS
       | context, Apple's latest "Lockdown Mode" has now provided a
       | popular contemporary illustration. Not every "feature" makes
       | sense for every user in every situation. EDNS0 is an optional
       | feature. Some computer owners may choose not to use it.
       | There are risks in DNS "extensions".^1 It is for users to decide
       | whether they wish to undertake those risks by using them.
       | Personally, I still adhere to original DNS packet sizes on the
       | networks I control. The now relatively small 512 byte packets are
       | one of the things I like most about DNS. I do not enable EDNS0. I
       | do not send ECS.
       | NB. I am not against extensions, per se. RFC 1035 contemplated
       | them. I remain keen to to learn what the "Z" bits will be
       | eventually be used for. However using remote caches "safely" and
       | facilitating someone else's DNS-based load balancing are not
       | "features" that interest me.
       | 1. EDNS0/DNSSEC becoming a DoS vector and user privacy leakage
       | via ECS.
       | Notes
       | EDNS0 may have spawned further extensions with different
       | impetuses. EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) being an obvious example.
       | Here I refer to what appears to be the initial impetus for EDNS0.
       | ECS has been the source of problems, e.g, with user privacy.^2
       | Its impetus was to help CDNs, not users.^3 It may or may not also
       | be used to further the commercially useful data collection (read:
       | advertising-related services) of those who provide third party
       | DNS service.
       | Remote, shared caches are sometimes referred to as "open
       | resolvers". Problems have been associated with open resolvers.
       | 2. User privacy against the third party and its commercial
       | pertners, not against the operator of the authoritative
       | nameserver.
       | 3. Whether it is "mandatory" (cf. optional) for CDNs is
       | debatable. Cloudflare, a large CDN and third party DNS provider,
       | has said they do not send it. Unless the RFCs have changed, IETF
       | recommends that it be disabled unless it provides a clear benefit
       | to clients.
         | jsmith45 wrote:
         | RFC 1035 did in one part suggest a model in which some bigger
         | more powerful machines may run a recursive resolver as the
         | local resolver, but other machines would probably use a stub
         | resolver that redirected a local service running a recursive
         | resolver as a service to the network.
         | This had benefits like the centralized cache of the local
         | networks' recursive resolver being more beneficial.
         | Implementation wise, most implementations are either stub
         | resolvers, or full blown dns servers capable of serving up
         | arbitrary sets of domains authoritatively. There are fewer
         | implementations that do recursive lookup without a full
         | authoritative server implementation. Obviously including a full
         | capability DNS server in every OS install is absurd, so they
         | come with with the stub resolvers instead.
         | And originally when the Internet was just big organizations
         | connecting their networks, each network running a recursive
         | resolver for the other machines made sense and worked fine. But
         | along comes home internet, where originally just one machine
         | running windows was getting connected. ISPs could perhaps have
         | required users to run their own recursive resolver, this would
         | be painful, and inefficient. (Keep in mind that a recursive
         | resolver's cache is more efficient the more machines it is
         | providing services to). So the ISPs ended up running recursive
         | resolvers for customers.
         | But now since the ISPs customers don't all trust each other,
         | concerns like cache poisoning become possible, which were not
         | much of an issue when you ran and trusted your own networks
         | recursive resolver.
         | jiggawatts wrote:
         | These extensions aren't solely intended for "greedy CDN
         | corporations".
         | Anyone who has set up multi-site load balancers knows that
         | telcos aggregating DNS via just a couple of egress IP addresses
         | makes load balancing too coarse. Similarly, session stickyness
         | may not work.
         | These extensions largely fix this issue.
         | Having said all this, anycast routing is arguably superior for
         | solving this problem, but nonetheless it's a real problem that
         | needs _some_ solution.
       | tptacek wrote:
       | A fun bonus detail: the libc used by many Docker containers
       | doesn't implement TCP DNS at all, and just returns the truncated
       | result from the UDP response as if it was the whole answer.
       | nimbius wrote:
       | totally untelated but I wonder if DNS response size is optimized
       | in faang..
         | toast0 wrote:
         | Mostly faangs use load balancers and don't return more than one
         | A/AAAA record. Sometimes there's some CNAME chaining which
         | isn't ideal, but might be expedient. Otherwise, not too much to
         | optimize.
         | Otoh, they like their really short TTLs, which results in a lot
         | of queries.
       | toast0 wrote:
       | One thing to consider if you're packing in A records, but want to
       | fit in 512 bytes is that there may be an intermediary server
       | doing DNS64, turning your A's into AAAA's at a much increased
       | size. It's been a while since I looked at that, but I was
       | encouraged to return no more than 8 A records, so that T-Mobile
       | could return 8 AAAA and not go over the 512-byte length where
       | things tend to get dicey.
       | more_corn wrote:
       | udp or tcp?
         | mobilio wrote:
         | "Now just about every website on this here internet will tell
         | you that the DNS uses UDP port 53, and that any response must
         | fit into a single 512 byte UDP packet, and of course that
         | answer is right. Except when it isn't. But let's start with
         | that assumption and see how much data we can then fit into a
         | single 512 byte response:"
       | Dwedit wrote:
       | People used to use DNS Tunneling to get free internet in a
       | captive portal, so a lot of data was getting transmitted in DNS
       | packets.
         | ipdashc wrote:
         | Is DNS tunneling not used anymore? I've been thinking of
         | setting one up recently
           | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
           | It's used by malware, and detectable via high entropy nature
           | of the traffic (most domains don't have thousands of txt
           | records containing b64). Recently I sent a 1mb file over dns,
           | which terminated abruptly, I suspect dns resolvers
           | blacklisted the domain.
           | It also multiplies bandwidth by at least 2-3x I think, so I'd
           | call it bad etiquette to use unless you have a very very good
           | reason to.
         | siraben wrote:
         | This still works in a lot of circumstances with iodine[0],
         | including several US domestic flights.
         | [0] https://github.com/yarrick/iodine
       | CraigJPerry wrote:
       | This made me wonder about DNS over HTTP but it seems the standard
       | accounts for size and limits both GET / query string and POST
       | methods to 512 bytes.
       | So tcp supports the longest then?
       (page generated 2022-07-27 23:00 UTC)