[HN Gopher] Swift Proposal: Move Function
       Swift Proposal: Move Function
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 71 points
       Date   : 2022-07-28 12:54 UTC (4 hours ago)
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       | pbardea wrote:
       | Are there existing tools that help debug compiler time properties
       | (e.g. reference counting) easily? I know of many interactive
       | debugging techniques for investigating runtime errors, but when
       | I'm faced with a compiler error it seems like the best interface
       | I have is just an error message and then meticulously reading the
       | code. I'd find something like that really useful for type-related
       | errors too.
       | Even something as simple as breakpoints and printlns let me
       | inspect the intermediary state of these systems.
         | dwaite wrote:
         | Since reference counting is automatic for the most part, the
         | language tries to express the semantics of references itself -
         | for instance, you can capture self weakly for a callback later,
         | and have to check that you still have a valid capture before
         | use.
         | After that, your issues then are typically reference cycles,
         | which can really only be found by tooling at runtime or by
         | certain linting tools (e.g. warn that the type definitions make
         | reference cycles possible, even if your code isn't making
         | cycles). There are tools such as Instruments included with
         | Xcode to help detect cycles at runtime.
       | Kukumber wrote:
       | good idea, but it's stupid to put it in the standard library
       | it should be built in
         | Someone wrote:
         | One of the stated goals is _which enforces this by causing the
         | compiler to emit a diagnostic upon any uses that are after the
         | move function_ , so they may say it will be part of the
         | standard library, but the compiler will have to know what it
         | does, just as a C compiler can assume what _strlen_ (if
         | #included from the right system header) does and inline it any
         | way it wishes.
         | stephencanon wrote:
         | Very, very little of the swift surface language is not part of
         | the standard library. "Basic" types like `Int` and operations
         | like `==` are defined in the standard library, rather than
         | built-in.
       | aaaaaaaaaaab wrote:
       | Move should have been the default...
         | dagmx wrote:
         | Swift is ref counted so I'm not sure how having move semantics
         | be the default would really work with that? If it weren't, I'd
         | agree, but that was one of the core tenets of the language as a
         | successor of ObjC
         | p4bl0 wrote:
         | What do you mean? Like using a variable automatically sets it
         | as unusable anymore except if you opt-in to mark it as still
         | usable? It kinds of remind me of linear logic, but wouldn't
         | that be a real pain to program with?
           | roblabla wrote:
           | So, Rust has this very awesome thing where all variables are
           | move by default, but _types_ may opt in to be copied by
           | implementing the Copy trait (a trait being the Rust
           | equivalent of a Swift protocol).
           | This works _exceedingly well_. It essentially maps to what I
           | want to do in almost all cases: Things that can trivially be
           | copied (because they don 't contain a resource) will usually
           | work as you'd expect in any other programming language, while
           | things that cannot (because they contain a resource like a
           | file descriptor, or an owned pointer to some allocated
           | memory) will indeed mark the old variable as unusable.
           | This is a really pleasant model to work with. So much so that
           | I miss it terribly whenever I work in another language.
             | thealistra wrote:
             | I believe this was in the swift roadmap to have an opt-in
             | borrow semantics for a block of code, if you want to do low
             | level systems programming - just like rust.
             | But I guess it didn't fit to migrate from current obj-c
             | ecosystem so they left it for later.
       | usrusr wrote:
       | Even if we ignore ownership semantics for a moment, I find myself
       | missing an explicit per-identifier end of scope ("undeclare")
       | surprisingly often. The workaround is anonymous blocks, at least
       | if you're one of those who don't like chopping up code into
       | countless single-use functions. But that forces you to do early
       | declaration when aiming for overlapping scopes and I really don't
       | see a reason for this limitation. I guess the main reason for the
       | absence of "undeclare" in most languages is that features
       | affecting only local scope are beneath most language designers?
       | ChildOfChaos wrote:
       | Not sure what this means, but I'm learning Swift and SwiftUI
       | right now, since i'm in the apple eco system and hoping i've made
       | the right choice, because my time is fairly limited, being an
       | adult in my late 30's and having a full time job, it does seem a
       | bit of a mess though.
         | drmidnight wrote:
         | I too am in my late 30s and I've been writing Swift for 7 years
         | now and the language itself is not buggy, at least anymore.
         | SwiftUI has it's issues and one is platform support. If you
         | want to support anything before iOS 13 (even that has limited
         | support) then you are out of luck. The only SwiftUI I have
         | shipped is for WidgetKit and WatchOS, both being somewhat
         | forced upon you.
         | While it can be cumbersome to do simple things in SwiftUI that
         | were easy to do in UIKit, I haven't found too many bugs. Most
         | issues I have run into are on the Xcode side.
         | If you work with any Apple platform it is worth pursuing. If
         | you want to just learn and use Swift it does have decent
         | support on Linux thanks to being able to bind with C libraries.
         | Windows support is there, but is very much in its infancy.
         | herodotus wrote:
         | I have a published App written in SwiftUI and I have written
         | many thousands of lines of Swift. But I just scratch the
         | surface of the language, and that is OK with me. There are many
         | parts of the language that I almost certainly do not
         | understand. But my code works, it runs fast and it does what I
         | want. Yes, Swift does have a large "surface area" and that is
         | too bad. But you can get by well without bothering with many of
         | the darker parts.
           | happytoexplain wrote:
           | I think the fact that advanced features are available, but
           | their existence doesn't impact most developers writing most
           | apps, is a great thing. (Not that Swift - especially SwiftUI
           | - is perfect.)
         | scottiebarnes wrote:
         | Don't worry, most consumer facing software development is a
         | mess, there's constantly changing frameworks and shiny new ways
         | of doing things.
         | hbn wrote:
         | I tried to get into learning Swift/UI several months back and
         | was pretty disappointed how buggy the whole thing is, even when
         | you're trying to do pretty basic things.
         | It seems like a lot of the iOS veterans are still not
         | interested in switching to it so who knows, maybe I'll come
         | back to that in the future when it's actually production-ready
         | like Apple claims it is.
           | herodotus wrote:
           | Strange, but this was not my experience. I found it took me a
           | while to wrap my head around the way SwiftUI works, and the
           | documentation was really bad. But buggy, not.
             | skohan wrote:
             | I wouldn't say I found it buggy, but rather limited. For
             | instance even something simple like a list view has limited
             | customisability, and some of the styling is mandatory
             | unless you want to rebuild the entire component from
             | scratch. It's a far cry from UITableView which can do just
             | about anything.
             | Also I found that once you get into stuff like animations,
             | things get messy _very_ quickly since everything has to be
             | expressed declaratively. It 's a nice idea for simple
             | static views, but I really missed the ability to have
             | separation of concerns the way you can with UIKit.
             | Also I _did_ find the tooling quite buggy. Like certain
             | things would break the preview, and not give meaningful
             | errors or just crash the Xcode process, so I would have to
             | fix it through trial and error with commenting out sections
             | of code until it would work again.
             | I am sure it will improve, but with UIKit you can basically
             | achieve anything, and SwiftUI still seems like it has a lot
             | to figure out.
             | I think it's a shame FRP has basically won front-end at
             | this time, because while it's been a revelation in web
             | (since it solves a lot of the problems which make web a
             | mess) it carries a lot of its own problems, and I think
             | there are going to be a lot of apps which will be horrific
             | to maintain over the next few years.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | I like the idea.
       | It's a fairly fundamental change, though. I'm not a compiler
       | person, so I don't know how much cheese it would move. It also
       | may argue with some of the built-in optimizations.
       | If you want to see these in action, run the symbolic debugger in
       | release mode.
         | anonymouse008 wrote:
         | I have wasted many, many hours tracking down reference cycles,
         | so in some sense, I welcome this change.
         | However, the scope creep of Swift is becoming nightmarish -
         | nothing just makes sense anymore.
         | My hopes for Swift are that it teaches a whole generation how
         | to program really compelling applications, full stack, in a
         | profitable ecosystem (though open source, Swift is a 'gateway
         | drug' to get people into the ecosystem). We will see if these
         | decisions advance or detract from that.
           | pixelrevision wrote:
           | I had been feeling that way until I worked on a project that
           | uses modern React and realized that a lot of other stuff is
           | becoming this way. At least with Swift the compiler helps you
           | along a lot and you can lookup most language concepts easily
           | without them being so out of date.
           | That said I really wish the tooling would keep up. Debugging
           | stuff like SwiftUI and async/await code is really painful
           | right now. It feels like they keep adding this stuff without
           | updating the tools we need to have available to really
           | support it. This is in stark contrast to what was/is
           | available for Objective-C and UIKit with the debugger and
           | instruments. I'm not sure it's a good tradeoff... The high
           | level code becomes a lot easier to read and write but keeping
           | a mental model of what's happening is a lot harder and it
           | becomes very thorny when things go sideways.
           | scarface_74 wrote:
           | I live in the Apple ecosystem as a user. But as a developer,
           | I could not imagine tying myself to it. It would put my
           | career too much at the whims of Apple.
             | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
             | Well, I have had my career pinned to it since 1986.
             | It has not always been fun. Lots of atomic wedgies, in the
             | recess yard, but things have worked out OK, in the long
             | run.
           | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
           | I have encountered very few of these, with Swift. The
           | reference counter seems good.
           | I tend to declare many of my object references as weak,
           | anyway; even if not necessary.
           | Of course, I'm old-fashioned (and I primarily work with
           | UIKit), so I use classes a lot.
           | If I am doing it the "current" way, most of the program uses
           | value semantics, so it should not be an issue (in theory,
           | anyway).
             | anonymouse008 wrote:
             | Aye - same here. Was once just a novice who had no idea how
             | an application could hog up 62Gb of ram - and have weird
             | changes to objects that shouldn't. Then I learned about
             | references, and what a biological messaging system really
             | means (thanks, Alan and NotificationCenter!).
           | [deleted]
       | georgelyon wrote:
       | The move function is not move semantics (though the latter is
       | being discussed by the community). The main purpose of the move
       | function is to explicitly document where performance sensitive
       | code depends on a specific type of compiler optimization and
       | providing diagnostics if those conditions change in a subsequent
       | revision of the code.
       | Swift's focus on progressive disclosure means most Swift users
       | won't need to worry about this.
         | tambourine_man wrote:
         | Swift's focus continues to be "how do we make the compiler
         | happy to help it emit faster code" IMO. Very much in line with
         | Lattner's, a compiler guy par excellence, original vision.
         | Unfortunately for me, it's not aligned with my preferences. I
         | like small languages and frameworks that I can master and build
         | upon. Tough luck for me, of course, who cares.
         | But I'm not convinced Swift is also aligned with what should be
         | the language's main purpose: build great iOS and Mac apps.
           | tambourine_man wrote:
           | Lattner wanted it all: a language great at system
           | programming, scripting and web framework and building apps.
           | It's very ambitious and unheard of, but so was LLVM, so who
           | knows, maybe he was onto something.
           | 8 years later, it's safe to say it's not the language of
           | choice for the new kernel or driver code, not the one for the
           | hot new web framework and it's not replacing Python.
           | The only thing it's got going for it is that it's the only
           | officially supported choice for making iOS apps going
           | forward. Ultimately, no one uses Swift voluntarily, and
           | that's a bad sign.
           | I write all of this with sorrow, I was cheering with joy when
           | Swift was released.
             | wwalexander wrote:
             | I personally love Swift and find it a joy to use. To be
             | fair, I'm ultimately doing {i,mac}OS dev with it [1] but
             | the parts that actually touch SwiftUI/UIKit/AppKit are just
             | a small part, and I usually start by writing packages with
             | all the business logic/model data.
             | I write Go for work and my all-time favorite language is
             | probably still Rust, but I find that a ton of really
             | thoughtful and smart choices have gone into Swift-the-
             | language as well as how it's used to build apps.
             | Happy to expand more on what I like about using Swift if
             | you're curious.
             | [1] which you can now write as the same codebase using
             | SwiftUI
             | ezfe wrote:
             | > Ultimately, no one uses Swift voluntarily, and that's a
             | bad sign.
             | Not true for me, I've used it successfully for server side
             | work. Being able to use the same language is nice since I
             | can pull in the same routines/data structures and not re-
             | implement them.
             | vips7L wrote:
             | > a language great at system programming, scripting and web
             | framework and building apps.
             | Sounds like D.
             | mojuba wrote:
             | > Ultimately, no one uses Swift voluntarily, and that's a
             | bad sign.
             | Sorry but this can't be more wrong. I love Swift so much
             | that I can tolerate and forgive its compiler's
             | sluggishness.
             | Swift is now available on Linux (has been for a while) and
             | there's Apple's server framework called SwiftNIO. It's
             | designed for fast and efficient multithreaded server-side
             | code. I _voluntarily_ picked it for my next backend project
             | and am very happy so far.
             | jamil7 wrote:
             | > Ultimately, no one uses Swift voluntarily
             | I would use it in more places if I could, it's a language I
             | feel extremely productive in. Apple however has shown zero
             | interest in helping popularise it anywhere outside of their
             | ecosystem and left it up to the community.
               | skohan wrote:
               | You could even say they're basically hostile to it.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Apple stated at WWDC that is now being used on system level
             | on Ventura.
             | They also dedicated some time on the state of the
             | frameworks session, to put it clearly out there that
             | Objective-C is done and it is time to move on.
             | It took about 20 years for C++ to take over some key areas
             | to C, and even there it wasn't a success in POSIX and
             | embedded, where C still rules.
             | 8 years isn't nothing.
           | TheTon wrote:
           | I had hoped ObjCs successor for app development would be
           | something like FScript. Something that removed the footguns
           | and unnecessary ceremony from ObjC but that had good interop
           | with existing code.
           | Instead we got Swift, which ironically, given its uptake by
           | external devs, I think was aimed at complaints from internal
           | Apple users. Internal users at Apple were frustrated by how
           | easy it was for external devs to introspect and modify
           | private ObjC framework code. They also wanted performance
           | features like value types and method inlining.
           | I don't think many external app devs cared about those
           | things, or to the extent they did C++ was an attractive
           | option because a stable ABI doesn't really matter internal to
           | application code.
           | I continue to use ObjC for Mac and iOS dev because it's a
           | much simpler language than Swift, the system APIs I interact
           | with are still implemented in ObjC, and C++ interop is easier
           | via ObjC++. I suppose the day will come where I need
           | something that is only accessible from Swift, and I'll write
           | Swift then, but for now Swift doesn't solve any problems that
           | I have.
             | thealistra wrote:
             | I was very happy when swift was introduced and it solved
             | many classes of bugs that were very popular in Obj-C. It
             | was very much a big help for external developers.
             | Swift apps are not crashing randomly, you don't have nils
             | running rampant because of type safety.
             | You can create types that nicely convey reality using rich
             | enums and you don't have to define objects with 18 fields
             | that are mostly always nil, but when propertyA == 16, then
             | this field has some value.
             | Swift also is not an official superset of C, like
             | Objective-C, so you don't have all the footguns of C
             | language, like integer promotions and assignment being an
             | expression.
             | You just have so much improvements over objective-C if you
             | want to ship an app to hundreds of thousands of users and
             | be sure that it works correctly and that unhandled edge
             | cases won't blow up.
             | Maybe it is more complex to write a compilable piece of
             | swift, that a compilable piece of Objective-C, but I am
             | happy that this is the case, because it means that the
             | compiler has my back and finds bugs and issues for me.
           | skohan wrote:
           | I actually see it in the exactly opposite way. A couple years
           | ago, Swift was a nicely designed language, with a manageable
           | number of composable features which could be used to do just
           | about anything.
           | With the features which were released alongside SwiftUI, it
           | seems like that went out the window, and Swift pivoted
           | towards being a DSL for iPhone apps.
             | kaba0 wrote:
             | I honestly don't understand what were they thinking. Choose
             | a random language's random feature and swift has it. That's
             | hardly a good thing for a programming language, and it
             | shows -- there are some very nasty interactions between
             | different features.
               | skohan wrote:
               | I still think there's a lot to like about Swift, and
               | actually programming in some subset of Swift is some of
               | the most fun and expressive programming I can think of,
               | but it has undoubtedly become kind of a mess. A lot of
               | magic happening, and not in a good way.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | I agree, I was very enthusiastic at the beginning of
               | learning it. And if nothing else, it is a great refresher
               | of Pl features.
               | I'm just afraid that the language can't be properly
               | maintained from the insane matrix of all these features
               | (I once got a type inference timed out error..)
             | pohl wrote:
             | I find it difficult to empathize with that reaction. Other
             | languages have complicated corners that I can safely
             | ignore, why not Swift?
             | Rust has its macros, Swift has its result-builders.
             | The latter wins a nice way to declaratively-describe UI
             | widgets, but if that's not what I'm doing I don't need to
             | think about it.
               | skohan wrote:
               | It's not about the features it's about priorities. In
               | principal as you say you can just ignore the bits you
               | don't use, but there are still some glaring holes like
               | variadic generics which didn't get attention presumably
               | because the core team was focused on SwiftUI.
               | And due to the governance of the language, the
               | "community" priorities will always take a back seat to
               | Apple's product priorities, so it feels a bit funny to
               | invest too heavily in the language for that reason alone.
               | pohl wrote:
               | Thank you for elaborating, that does help me appreciate
               | your point of view better. I personally prefer that they
               | prioritized result builders higher -- I guess I agree
               | with them that the needs of the UI layer were more
               | urgent.
               | It would be nice to have variadic generics, though.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | The language main purpose was always to be a replacement for
           | C, C++ and Objective-C.
           | It has been on Swift documentation from day one.
             | tambourine_man wrote:
             | Officially stated goal, sure.
             | But read/listen to Lattner says and you get a different
             | take.
         | xbar wrote:
         | This is a helpful clarification.
       | jordanmorgan10 wrote:
       | Swift epitomizes easy to pickup, difficult to master.
       (page generated 2022-07-28 17:00 UTC)