[HN Gopher] Godot 4.0 development enters feature freeze ahead of...
       Godot 4.0 development enters feature freeze ahead of the first beta
       Author : tianreyma
       Score  : 102 points
       Date   : 2022-07-28 15:13 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (godotengine.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (godotengine.org)
       | strictfp wrote:
       | How do you people feel about the Godot object and lifetime model?
       | I found it hard to test my code because of how objects are tied
       | to the tree, that emulating the tree isn't easy during testing,
       | and that initialization during live use is different than if you
       | instantiate manually, making it hard to rely on a constructor,
       | since you might not be able to use it live.
       | I can't remember the exact details around this, since I only used
       | Godot for a couple of jams and the last time was a year ago. But
       | I was wondering if others have had the same reaction, perhaps
       | this could be fixed? I love the engine in general, but this thing
       | irked me.
         | omoikane wrote:
         | Probably not the most efficient way to do it, but I setup test
         | scenes for just the functionalities I wanted to test and run
         | those manually.
         | blamestross wrote:
         | /sarcasm/ Why would game devs write tests?
         | On a more serious note, I do expect test-ability isn't a high
         | customer priority for Godot. Godot is self-hosted, maybe check
         | how they run their tests?
         | b33j0r wrote:
         | It's something that's pretty nice once you've implemented these
         | lifecycles a bunch.
         | The tree turns out to be a great place to keep things, and you
         | get several levels of control. Here's how I think about it now.
         | `_init`: constructor. I usually use this to create dynamic
         | child nodes
         | `_enter_tree`: now we have a parent; subscribe to signals, copy
         | initial config, etc
         | `_ready`: I can be sure that all child nodes have called
         | _ready, so anything I depend on there is... er, ready
         | `_exit_tree`: cleanup, especially anything we did with the
         | parent and other ancestors. usually symmetric to `_enter_tree`
         | if I'm using them
         | I just did a find all in my biggest recent project, and I never
         | actually use `queue_free` or `free` for explicit memory
         | management. Most of the times when I've thought I needed to, I
         | actually was creating a bug
           | strictfp wrote:
           | Thanks. Do you setup an artificial tree during testing? If
           | so, how?
             | b33j0r wrote:
             | I'm not sure your mental model matches mine, but in my
             | "real job" I deal with the shadow and virtual DOM. Maybe
             | that's the metaphor you're looking for?
             | I'll have to be a little practical and hope it makes sense.
             | The tree in the editor is the same tree. Godot engine is
             | written in Godot engine, so what is the distinction between
             | being in the editor and being in the game?
             | The answer is that godot will ignore all project scripts by
             | default while you are in the editor, but it offers
             | mechanisms to enable them. The main way is a keyword in
             | GDScript.
             | In Godot 3, you put `tool` as the first line of a script,
             | and it will be loaded. Godot 4 has grown a pre-processy
             | decorator syntax, so it's the same, but `@tool`.
             | In your scripts, you can detect whether you are in the
             | editor by checking `Engine.editor_hint`. You can do amazing
             | things with this.
             | Then you can take it a step further, and convert your tool
             | scripts into an addon. With an addon, which is just a
             | directory structure for assets, your custom in-editor
             | functionality becomes indistinguishable from native godot
             | behavior.
             | https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/plugins/ru
             | n...
             | PS: I created a virtual node tree a few times to wrap UI
             | components. Much like react. But honestly, I usually find a
             | more idiomatic pattern later.
           | tpxl wrote:
           | How do you remove objects if you don't queue free them? Just
           | remove them from the tree?
             | b33j0r wrote:
             | Yes, or they are free'd automatically as the parent is
             | free'd recursively. If you have called `add_child` on a
             | node you created dynamically, godot will handle its
             | lifecycle from there.
             | If you don't add a dynamically-created node to the tree,
             | you are responsible for `free`.
             | That almost never comes up, because I eventually figure out
             | how to decompose everything into a tree Node, or! A
             | Resource.
             | Resources are managed in a separate memory pool, and don't
             | need to be added to the tree for godot to take care of it.
             | Go ahead, you just try and `free` a resource! ;)
               | tpxl wrote:
               | Damn, I didn't know that. Time to remove queue_free from
               | my project :)
       | TillE wrote:
       | It's not clear to me whether .NET 6 (and therefore C# support) is
       | going to make 4.0 freeze. It's really just been one guy working
       | on the dotnet6 branch, which is unfortunate.
       | I'm really excited for many features of Godot 4, and GDScript is
       | perfectly adequate for UI glue code and stuff, but to write a
       | serious game you really want C#.
         | drmidnight wrote:
         | GDScript 2.0 has had some major performance improvements. While
         | C# will still be faster, I find GDScript in Godot 4 to be
         | viable now for things it wasn't in Godot 3.
         | I still rely on GDNative for really performance critical
         | systems though.
           | benjaminjackman wrote:
           | Sounds like Godot 4 is replacing GDNative with GDExtension.
           | Just wondering if you have tried it out and have any
           | thoughts. Is it a smoother experience / about the same etc.
         | opyate wrote:
         | > but to write a serious game you really want C#.
         | I asked someone on Twitter about this the other day [0], and
         | I'm genuinely curious: what is it about C# that makes game
         | development serious?
         | 0. https://twitter.com/LegatXyotic/status/1552219744723402756
           | Cloudef wrote:
           | Probably not serious, just that it's the language used in
           | unity
           | Waterluvian wrote:
           | I won't use the word "serious" but my limited personal
           | experience is that C# feels like the right balance between
           | flexibility and performance.
           | Rust is a joy to write in but I personally find that it asks
           | a lot from you when you just want to ship a game that doesn't
           | need to be safety rated.
           | C++ is a great choice but it's C++ and I'm just not good
           | enough to enjoy a language with fewer guardrails. It also has
           | similar verbosity issues to Rust and (likely because I'm a
           | noob) eats up a lot of my time chasing dumb bugs rather than
           | making a game.
           | I do most of my game dev in TypeScript because it's a
           | wonderful language and web is a great platform to easily ship
           | toy games (my specialty). But it just isn't fast enough for
           | anything major.
             | stu2b50 wrote:
             | I find it hard to imagine whatever glue language you choose
             | for an engine like Godot would really matter that much. All
             | you're implementing is the business logic. Even the slowest
             | language can run through basic business logic in the blink
             | of an eye relative to the heavy duty that the Godot systems
             | are doing.
             | Eve Online runs on *python*, for instance. So does Blender.
             | For a glue language, I am highly doubtful that the .net is
             | that much faster than v8 or any other runtime to make a
             | difference.
             | tmp_anon_22 wrote:
             | > isn't fast enough for anything major.
             | I think it could be fast enough if portability to different
             | platforms wasn't such a high priority for game studios
             | these days. Nobody wants to write typescript and then pay
             | $50M for someone to port it for Switch or whatever.
             | tokumei wrote:
             | I've built a few custom engines over the past decode, also
             | shipped a few games. I've lately been working with Bevy in
             | Rust, and I really absolutely love it. It's the perfect
             | framework (for me). Bevy gets out of the way enough where I
             | don't feel like I have to fight with it, which is what
             | always annoyed me with actual game engines. Plus, I love
             | working with Rust.
           | steeleduncan wrote:
           | gdscript is dynamically typed. If you have the large arrays
           | of structs common in gamedev, then all data members are
           | boxed, significantly increasing memory usage compared to
           | something like C#.
           | jayd16 wrote:
           | Well you could always go with C++ but C# has a solid balance
           | of high level features, good libraries, good tooling, a
           | feature full (if not slick) threading mode, performance
           | features when you need them and good interoperability with
           | native code.
           | Its not always fun or sexy to rewrite a reference type to a
           | value type to get around your GC but you _can_ do that in C#.
           | Its a have your cake and eat it sort of language.
         | fezfight wrote:
         | Does Godot's implenetation of C#/.net include the .net
         | temeletry?
         | https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/14556
           | Kwpolska wrote:
           | The telemetry isn't in C#/.NET proper, it's in the `dotnet`
           | CLI utility.
         | nemothekid wrote:
         | > _but to write a serious game you really want C#_
         | I haven't followed game development in a long time, but has the
         | industry moved to C#? I thought C# was limited to Unity and
         | everyone else was still using C++?
           | katamaritaco wrote:
           | You're correct, the industry has not moved to C#. Not even
           | close.
           | The biggest player that uses it is Unity, but even they have
           | their own special fork of Mono to get it to play nice.
           | Full Disclosure: I work for a Microsoft/Xbox Studio.
         | _aavaa_ wrote:
         | The Wiki page says it already supports C#. As completely on the
         | outside, what is missing?
           | sfteus wrote:
           | Godot ~3.2+ has support for a slightly older version of C#
           | via Mono, I think it's the equivalent of .NET 4.8.
           | IIRC (and this could be wrong / have changed since I last
           | looked into it) the idea was to re-work this in Godot 4 to
           | provide more like bindings, so that users could opt to use
           | Mono, .NET 6, CoreCLR, NativeAOT, or whatever version they
           | preferred.
           | [deleted]
           | nodja wrote:
           | It doesn't support .NET6 specifically which is what parent is
           | asking. According to the github issue it seems that the plan
           | is that .NET6 support will be merged after godot 4 is fully
           | released and stabilized.
         | somehnacct3757 wrote:
         | Former professional game dev getting into Godot recently for
         | fun and maybe for hire.
         | What are the limitations of gdscript you allude to? Let's say I
         | want to render an infinite scrolling hex grid. Why would c#
         | excel or gdscript struggle?
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Comes in a good moment considering recent Unity backlash.
       | mkw5053 wrote:
       | Is there something inherent with game engines that prohibits
       | small, frequent software delivery? (call it agile or lean, if you
       | want)
         | colechristensen wrote:
         | Their users. Game engines are big and complex and the
         | foundation of building a big and complex product. You can't
         | have your foundation introducing fundamental changes on a
         | regular, unpredictable basis.
         | Releasing big versions means your game can use version X.Y with
         | only bugfixes to the engine added as updates and you don't have
         | to make fundamental changes when the game engine changes.
         | jibe wrote:
         | A lot of games are fragile, and have poor or no test coverage.
         | So if the engine changes, it can break or have all sorts of
         | unforeseen consequences. So you want to be building in an
         | engine that isn't changing.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | Unity has bug fix releases every two weeks so no.
         | That said, I would say a lot of changes can be breaking because
         | backwards compatibility is a much lower priority then code
         | speed or size.
         | prox wrote:
         | They are still updating Godot 3, even backporting features from
         | 4.
         | M4v3R wrote:
         | They do small, frequent software updates, it's called minor and
         | patch versions. But when you're making a tool for creative
         | professionals you don't want to release major versions of the
         | tool every year, because these professionals care more for
         | consistency and using their current skillset more than shiny
         | new features in the next version.
           | fezfight wrote:
           | This especially true since this is a FOSS tool so there's no
           | need to ship product bumps to sell units or anything like
           | that. They can just release stuff when its ready.
             | wongarsu wrote:
             | Major version bumps with major features are still a great
             | marketing tool; like this article making it to the HN
             | frontpage. That attracts users and developers, both
             | desirable for FOSS.
           | gabereiser wrote:
           | Except that we have releases of Adobe and Unity and things
           | multiple times a year. Creatives value consistency but they
           | also value ease of use. Improvements to UX and workflow
           | should be allowed to break the mold of "don't touch it if it
           | works". What they don't do is dictate the release cycle. Many
           | patches end up in committee to be pooled together (or
           | paywalled) into a vX.N.0 patch released when the business
           | decides to.
             | jibe wrote:
             | Everyplace I've worked that's used Unity has locked into a
             | version at the start, and only upgraded (other than minor
             | versions/bug fixes) between projects. New projects today
             | would use last years version.
             | Adobe is less an issue because the new version of Photoshop
             | isn't going to break your PSD.
       | devmunchies wrote:
       | Is there a reason you wouldn't use a game engine to create
       | general purpose cross-platform apps? Is it cumbersome to create
       | textual, structural interfaces (e.g. a twitter clone, google
       | sheets clone, or an ecomm checkout flow)?
         | phreack wrote:
         | Yeah, likely you won't get as many tools to help with
         | structured GUIs and expected hooks to the operating system
         | commands that your user will want to use, but if what you're
         | looking for is unstructured, quirky, or artsy content, possibly
         | the way old school flash sites wanted to be, then it's
         | certainly a fun option for cross platform apps.
         | modeless wrote:
         | You certainly could. You would probably run into a lot of
         | issues in areas that games don't care about that much like
         | multiple windows, smooth window resizing, fancy text layout and
         | input, fast initial load times, matching OS themes and widget
         | behavior, low resource usage at idle, copy/paste/drag/drop,
         | software rendering, etc.
         | lbotos wrote:
         | Agreed with the poster below. Godot def could, but I know text
         | rendering is not as nice as browsers last I checked.
       (page generated 2022-07-28 17:00 UTC)