[HN Gopher] Build your own web framework
       Build your own web framework
       Author : jeremylevy
       Score  : 122 points
       Date   : 2022-07-29 15:35 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (vercel.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (vercel.com)
       | edgyquant wrote:
       | React made me like frontend for the first time since I was
       | writing html by hand with maybe some PHP. Next has made me love
       | full stack again, I just wish the api server was express by
       | default.
         | hermanradtke wrote:
         | I would even take Fastify.
           | [deleted]
       | marmada wrote:
       | This is too funny. I predicted that when I entered this post the
       | first comment would be HN people bemoaning complexity. And indeed
       | it was.
       | The commenter's proposed solution was WASM. Wasm doesn't solve
       | the issues in this post. What does this post talk about:
       | - serving content from the edge (wasm doesn't do anything there)
       | - asset optimization (wasm doesn't help)
       | - pre-rendering complex pages to static HTML+css (wasm doesn't
       | help)
       | More broadly, minimizing network trips, pre-fetching data, etc.
       | etc. these are all things where Wasm won't help any more or less
       | than JS.
         | iratewizard wrote:
         | That's HN. 8 years ago it would have been how Ethereum will
         | make this all redundant
       | [deleted]
       | steventey wrote:
       | this is pretty incredible
       | wmfiv wrote:
       | I'm struggling with the idea that React is a primitive used to
       | build a Web Framework.
         | shepherdjerred wrote:
         | I think it's easier to consider when you look at the frameworks
         | that provide React + some other features. Of course you could
         | swap React with something else, or write your own rendering +
         | state management.
         | I think it's similar to how Java web servers often use the
         | library Netty under the hood. Why re-solve a problem?
         | valbaca wrote:
         | React is "just" a library, it doesn't give you everything you
         | need to build out a full-stack or framework.
         | For example, see Clojure's Luminus: https://luminusweb.com/
         | You have to dig down deep to find where React is.
         | leerob wrote:
         | You could swap out React here for another solution (e.g Svelte)
         | and it would mostly read the same. The Build Output API[1]
         | mentioned is how React, Vue, Svelte, and their "metaframeworks"
         | run on Vercel today.
         | [1]: https://vercel.com/blog/build-output-api
         | colordrops wrote:
         | I'm not a fan of React myself, but it's just a view layer. Or
         | at least that's all it was when I last looked into it a few
         | years back.
         | throw_m239339 wrote:
         | React can be used as a templating library server-side in a node
         | environment (like handlebars). It's a bit heavy for the task
         | but it works.
           | crooked-v wrote:
           | A huge benefit React (and anything else that uses JSX) has
           | over text-based templating is that you can strictly
           | lint/typecheck JSX because ultimately it's just syntactic
           | sugar over plain JS.
             | likeclockwork wrote:
             | You can typecheck anything there exists a typechecker for.
             | Vue templates are typechecked for example.
         | 0x457 wrote:
         | It's because almost no one uses React the way it was created,
         | but ultimately depends on what you mean by Web Framework. I
         | don't think react includes enough to be a web framework.
         | It's a library to make components for web pages. Notably,
         | Facebook's chat window. Later, one people decides that it's a
         | good idea to have one giant component mounted at `body` or
         | `div` directly underneath the body that would hold everything
         | else and even the sun.
         | React didn't have much for state management and doesn't have
         | anything for navigation support. It was released in 2013 and
         | Create React App, which is actually a framework, was released
         | only in 2016. Even that isn't a framework, but rather a
         | template.
         | Now, Next.js and Gatsby are actually frameworks based on React.
         | Backbone.js is an MVC framework.
       | siddontang wrote:
       | As a back-end engineer focusing on distributed database, I nearly
       | have no knowledge of web development. I rarely write JS, can't
       | tune CSS, etc.
       | But when I met Next.js and Vercel, I found that they are very
       | friendly to beginners. I can build the demos on the web, more
       | beautiful and intuitive (Previously, I had only to build demo on
       | the console).
       | dfee wrote:
       | I've been looking a lot at RedwoodJS, but it doesn't seem to be
       | "just right". Don't know if I'm bike-shedding, either.
       | I do think React is a requisite for a rich application (not
       | blog). I think auth + DB + deploy + fe/be in one asset is
       | challenging. I certainly get why folks build their own
       | constantly. But you burn out before you make any real progress.
       | I'm not sure we're really achieving any higher level abstraction
       | on our technologies.
       | henning wrote:
       | This is one of the stupidest, most circuitous ways to get a
       | simple application up and running since the days of the J2EE Pet
       | Shop example.
         | jjnoakes wrote:
         | Maybe it is and maybe it isn't, but your comment would be a lot
         | more useful to the discussion if you pointed out specific
         | issues and/or ways of doing things differently that you think
         | are better, and why.
       | koluna wrote:
       | The more I see these announcements, the more I wonder - what is
       | the appeal of something like Vercel and the likes? On the surface
       | it seems like AWS/GCP/Azure/whichever big cloud provider can
       | replicate literally everything they build within their
       | infrastructure quite easily. Why host your core infra in a BigCo
       | cloud and then the site on Vercel?
         | sebmellen wrote:
         | The edge network of a Vercel/Netlify is very hard to replicate
         | in cloud as a small startup.
           | ushakov wrote:
           | you could use Fastly or AWS Cloudfront
             | tomnipotent wrote:
             | Vercel makes app deployment a first-class citizen that's
             | baked into the CDN. Fastly doesn't offer a Vercel/Netlify
             | deploy feature, and AWS requires considerably more work to
             | setup but can easily replicate.
           | bilater wrote:
           | And if you are spending your time and resources trying to
           | replicate it instead of building your core product you're an
           | idiot/forever software engineer clueless about product.
           | koluna wrote:
           | I wasn't referring to the edge network for _startups_ to
           | replicate. I was more wondering how AWS and others can
           | replicate Vercel/Netlify and eat their lunch. They have no
           | defensible moat as a company.
             | quickthrower2 wrote:
             | The same reason IBM can't. They are incumbent and have an
             | enterprise world view. They are necessarily going to be
             | more bloaty. IAM yay!
             | I use Vercel (and Netlify) and once you spend the 2 minutes
             | setting it up you never think much of it again as it just
             | does its job.
         | ushakov wrote:
         | Vercel is easy to use and comes with batteries
         | the primary decision driver here is hype factor
         | it's just more _fashionable_ to use Vercel than AWS
         | much of web development today is like this
           | kylegill wrote:
           | > Vercel is easy to use and comes with batteries
           | On our team, we deploy our web app through Vercel primarily
           | because of this (maybe there is some hype factor bias in
           | there too?..). Everything else we rely on runs on AWS. We
           | don't necessarily need Vercel for any of the edge computing
           | or serverless environments, but the experience of building,
           | previewing, and deploying our app is FAR superior to AWS's
           | Amplify offering because it just works.
           | Trialing Amplify for a few weeks led to a world of hurt,
           | leftover build artifacts in our accounts, failed builds left
           | and right, unreliable preview environments, etc.
         | tomnipotent wrote:
         | At the end of the day, even when it's running sever-side or on
         | the edge, it still all exists to deliver a front-end
         | experience. Vercel makes delivering such an experience more
         | palatable. This includes isolated environments that can easily
         | be shared and a CDN-as-default deploy model. It's like someone
         | sprinkled a little Heroku magic on a specific front-end
         | deployment workflow.
       | skadamat wrote:
       | Do we ever think we'll collapse all of the complexity layers for
       | programming on the web? Coming from other languages, I'm finding
       | that the agreed-upon web standards make development super hard
       | (we have to collectively build these towers of babel on top of
       | them, since we can't fix the underlying stuff)
       | I guess WASM maybe is one possible solution here
         | Cyberdog wrote:
         | Well, when you start with a "tutorial" (or whatever you call
         | this thing) like this one, you get a false idea of just how
         | complex web development actually is.
         | I once wrote an e-book on how to use the now mostly defunct
         | Kitura web framework. It started with teaching you how to make
         | a one-file script to output a "hello world" message. After that
         | it talked about using templates and database connectivity and
         | all that, very iteratively. Client-side scripting or
         | "serverless functions" (whatever those are) were not a part of
         | it at all.
         | [deleted]
         | jeshin wrote:
         | on the note of babel, I don't usually do front end stuff but
         | the other day I wanted to transpile one single javascript file
         | to support older browsers, one time and then never again. I
         | tried for like an hour and I could not figure out how to do it,
         | without setting up like a whole environment/pipeline for it. My
         | expectation going into it was "surely there's some sort of
         | command that just lets you do input file -> output file", but i
         | struggled until I just gave up and used their web demo thing to
         | do it (which tbh I should have just done to begin with, but I
         | had not anticipated it would be so difficult).
         | I mean I'm sure it's possible somehow, but it sure isn't
         | obvious. And I get that this is not at all the usual use case
         | for it, but still
         | lotw_dot_site wrote:
         | This is _exactly_ why I started building  "Linux on the Web"
         | about a decade ago. LOTW is meant to completely abstract away
         | all the weird "browser-isms" that seem to overwhelm people like
         | you who just want to sit down and do Plain Old Programming.
         | I am currently in the midst of supporting a good selection of
         | game console emulators (GB, NES, and SNES are already working),
         | and WASM is indeed a blessing for that!
         | https://lotw.site
           | mikercampbell wrote:
           | I love this so freaking much!!!! Definitely going to be
           | playing with this over the weekend!
         | edgyquant wrote:
         | I think the problem is there aren't standards. For backend we
         | have decades of proven architecture but for frontend people are
         | still trying to hammer out the philosophy.
         | blowski wrote:
         | If you want to, you already can. It's what's so great about the
         | web, you don't have to use anything beyond HTTP and HTML. But
         | each of those layers introduces its own costs and benefits, so
         | you can pick and choose to get what you want.
       | [deleted]
       | tambourine_man wrote:
       | What a sad state "modern" web dev is in.
       | I'm glad that I'm living in a much faster and simpler world, but
       | I fear, for end users and developers alike, that it is an ever
       | shrinking one.
       | I really can't understand the appeal of what, to my eyes, amount
       | to endless layers of needless complexity.
       | I wish articles such as this one were more common:
       | https://alexcabal.com/posts/standard-ebooks-and-classic-web-...
       | This is the web I want and love.
       | upupandup wrote:
       | not sure how this differs with AWS, you can do more at less cost
       | than Vercel
         | valbaca wrote:
         | I'd say give it a shot. Vercel has a much more reasonable Free
         | Tier, was _insanely_ easy to use and incredibly fast. I had my
         | changes pushed to prod from github in  <10 secs
         | I haven't built anything big on Vercel, but from my test drive,
         | I'd be happy to use them in the future, and this is coming from
         | someone who works AT the A in AWS. AWS does NOT make the easy
         | things easy; though you are right, it does make the "more"
         | possible, but it all depends on what you're optimizing.
           | eins1234 wrote:
           | Reasonable Free Tier, yes, but "call us" Enterprise pricing
           | starts at a team of 11 people, a fact that is hidden deep in
           | their pricing grid behind a tooltip, which I find
           | distasteful.
           | In what world does a 11 person team qualify as an Enterprise?
           | Though pedanticism aside, my problem is more with the opaque
           | pricing than the naming.
         | akmittal wrote:
         | AWS is overwhelming for most of Developers. Also vercel is
         | focusing on ease of deployment for front end, it is also zero
         | config, you can just deploy nextjs, react, svelte, remix apps
         | in matter of minutes. Which is impossible with AWS
           | BenoitEssiambre wrote:
           | I've started playing with AWS App Runner
           | (https://aws.amazon.com/apprunner/) which makes things fairly
           | simple. You just point to a github repo, tell it the build
           | command and the run command and it will deploy your project
           | in containers and even load balance and scale up
           | automatically.
           | Now it's not fully baked yet. DNS configuration is broken if
           | you want to use your own domain (see
           | https://github.com/aws/apprunner-roadmap/issues/37 and
           | https://github.com/aws/apprunner-roadmap/issues/65 ) but you
           | can get around that by putting cloudFront in front with just
           | a few more clicks (and you get the benefit of having some of
           | your files cached if you want).
         | leerob wrote:
         | AWS offers a set of primitives, not frameworks. These low-level
         | primitives can be combined to build anything you want. Vercel's
         | Build Output API[1] is a level of abstraction higher.
         | Consider Image Optimization. In this post, there's a
         | `/_vercel/image` URL made available to send an image and return
         | it compressed with a format like `.webp`, if possible based on
         | the browser.
         | With AWS, this would be a combination of S3 (store images),
         | Lambda (compute the image transformations), Cloudfront (CDN),
         | and Route53 (DNS). With the Build Output API, the entire
         | infrastructure is defined by a JSON object (similar to
         | Terraform). I do think the AWS CDK and Copilot[2] are making
         | infra-as-code easier, but infra-as-filesystem[3] is an
         | interesting twist.
         | [1]: https://vercel.com/blog/build-output-api
         | [2]: https://aws.github.io/copilot-cli/
         | [3]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32192498
           | syastrov wrote:
           | Or use imgix for that part
           | CSSer wrote:
           | Or you could use AWS Amplify.
           | upupandup wrote:
           | didn't you just describe AWS Amplify? It also integrates with
           | Cognito not sure if Vercel offers Auth out of the box.
           | also I'm not sure if I'm alone in this but I set up
           | everything through the web console and then generate CDK or
           | Terraform.
       | knoebber wrote:
       | Thanks, but I'll stick with phoenix + fly.io
       | moojd wrote:
       | This is a nice overview of modern front-end development but I'm
       | constantly disappointed with what 'web framework' means in node-
       | land. None of these things are strictly necessary when building a
       | web app but authz/authn, user management, databases, server-side
       | logic vs client-side logic, are pretty much always needed. When I
       | see the phrase 'web framework' these are the things I am
       | interested in seeing and they all seem to be treated as
       | afterthoughts in the node community. Most tutorials either point
       | you to paid/proprietary services or to really bad local solutions
       | like back in the hotscripts days of php. If you google 'node user
       | login' the first tutorial has you storing a password in plain
       | text and checking the password with the equivalent of '=='. The
       | first result when googling the same for php, python, and ruby all
       | returned solutions using a hash.
         | DanHulton wrote:
         | This is largely why I built Nodewood [1]. Every time I wanted
         | to start a new project, almost always a SaaS idea, I'd skip
         | over the "boring stuff" like building user management,
         | subscription management, teams, admin, all that, to get to the
         | meat of the business logic, to make sure I had a valid idea.
         | But I still needed all that stuff eventually, so I'd have to
         | lose time later building it all in!
         | So I decided to just build it all once so I could re-use it,
         | and then I found that others had the same problem and are happy
         | to pay a reasonable amount to have it solved for them, and now
         | it's doing pretty okay for itself.
         | It did end up taking a lot longer and involving a lot more work
         | than I expected, but I figure that's alright, it just means a
         | more-reliable base to start from each time.
         | [1] https://nodewood.com
           | numinoid wrote:
           | Just an FYI, your styling doesn't seem to be responsive on an
           | iPhone X
             | DanHulton wrote:
             | Oh thanks for pointing that out! I originally owned a 12
             | Pro when I built out that front page, but have since moved
             | to a 13 Mini and I'm seeing some responsiveness bugs now,
             | too.
         | tofuahdude wrote:
         | Its pretty hard to trust a lot of the eng content on the web
         | right now; so much blogspam, self promo stuff from frankly
         | underqualified people who are trying to build up a profile to
         | get hired.
         | Somehow I still don't feel that way about StackOverflow. Google
         | and random results though... yikes.
           | aliqot wrote:
           | Until now I had not found an eloquent way to express that
           | emotion, but you come close.
           | Somewhere around the time node got very popular, I started to
           | notice a lot of impeccably branded (is that the right word?
           | trendy maybe?) websites with tutorials that used all the
           | right buzzwords to get me interested. Once I'd step through
           | the content, it'd be very low quality. Despite the smooth
           | lines and round edges, a lot of them were riddled with
           | inaccuracies, assumptions, unabashed spelling and grammar
           | issues, stolen content and lots of candid offtopic
           | observations.. Not to mention they all loaded very slowly.
           | I used to joke about it mockingly during the early node days
           | that you could judge the trajectory of a project based on the
           | ratio of bytes dedicated to persona and branding vs actual
           | content. Anything passing the 1:2 ratio generally didn't last
           | long.
             | iratewizard wrote:
             | There aren't many good reasons to make good web content
             | like that today. Money? It's way oversaturated with people
             | who can live off $400/y. Recognition? Your content will be
             | stolen by the previous group a thousand times over. To make
             | a difference? There are more rewarding ways to do that if
             | you've got the deep industry knowledge.
             | moojd wrote:
             | I am optimistic though. We are still in the early days of
             | server-side javascript. It took 20 years for the greater
             | php community to coalesce around a handful of quality
             | libraries, frameworks, and solutions to things like user
             | management instead of everyone rolling their own or using
             | things like '$_GET["pass"] == "foo"' they they grabbed from
             | a google search. Node is barely over a decade old. We are
             | already seeing patterns mature in the node ecosystem and I
             | hope things keep progressing that way.
               | tannhaeuser wrote:
               | > _early days of server-side javascript_
               | Err ... Netscape's LiveWire introduced server-side
               | Javascript in 1996 even before Java became widely used on
               | the server side. The module convention, the (synchronous)
               | core modules of Node.js, and its canonical http
               | middleware API and express.js/Connect/JSGI is from the
               | CommonJS initiative, a co-op of 2000's SSJS framework
               | developers [1].
               | [1]: https://www.commonjs.org/
               | Cyberdog wrote:
               | This is an "um ackshually" reply. Nobody used LiveWire
               | and it died a swift death.
               | And don't "um ackshually" me about saying "nobody." You
               | know what I mean.
               | rileymat2 wrote:
               | Classic asp also supports JavaScript, it is old and wide
               | spread in the bowels of legacy sites.
               | I thought of node as a victory for async more than
               | anything else.
               | Cyberdog wrote:
               | > I thought of node as a victory for async more than
               | anything else.
               | In terms of server-side development? Async is rather
               | useless on the server side. Can't generate a web page or
               | JSON blob with the results of a database query until you
               | actually get those results from the database. I can see
               | the application for something like websockets but I
               | presume most Node sites aren't using those.
               | I figured its success was due to V8 being reasonably
               | fast, plus a generation of front-end-centric developers
               | coming along who had learned to use JS quite heavily on
               | the front end and didn't realize or didn't care that
               | better options already existed on the back end.
               | lowercased wrote:
               | > It took 20 years ... Node is barely over a decade old.
               | We are already seeing patterns mature in the node
               | ecosystem and I hope things keep progressing that way.
               | But... much of the earliest web work (PHP, etc) occurred
               | in the early days of search. Example of quality code,
               | best security practices, etc all were fairly ..
               | rudimentary and hard to find.
               | Just because it took 20 years starting 20 years ago
               | doesn't justify 20 years starting from 10 years ago.
               | There are infinitely more and better resources for just
               | about everything these days.
               | bdcravens wrote:
               | Many frameworks or languages were fairly well developed
               | by a decade's time. Node is 13 years old; compare it to
               | Rails circa 2018.
               | I don't think PHP makes for a great comparison, because
               | the web ecosystem was still growing. Node was birthed in
               | the age of Github, social media, Stack Overflow, and
               | Google. PHP was released in 1995, when search engines
               | were still stuck in their infancy and only a small
               | percentage of the world was even using the WWW. 20 years
               | in PHP's time is like maybe 5 years from 2009.
               | bdcravens wrote:
               | Another point about PHP: Wordpress, the largest deployed
               | PHP app, was released in 2003, PHP's 8 year mark.
           | JustSomeNobody wrote:
           | It's almost always been like that. When NoSql was the new
           | hotness, there was blogspam and fistfights everywhere. When
           | DI frameworks were the new hotness, there was blogspam and
           | fistfights everywhere. I could go on. Devs see something new,
           | learn enough to be annoyingly dangerous and blog like crazy.
           | Other devs will glazed-eyed follow along because it makes
           | their resume shiny.
           | your_username wrote:
           | brentm wrote:
           | Very accurate. There was a time that I enjoyed this stuff but
           | now it just takes too much effort to filter.
           | ushakov wrote:
           | this 100%
           | sometimes i Google stuff i already know just to verify i
           | remembered it correctly
           | lately i've been refreshing my memory on Vue JS and this
           | website comes up a lot: https://thewebdev.info
           | the solutions i read there were often incorrect and
           | misleading
           | i can't imagine becoming a developer today, when most of the
           | stuff you read on the internet bullsh*t
           | of course you can browse the docs, but some docs are tedious
           | to comprehend when all you're looking for is a simple one-
           | line answer
           | begueradj wrote:
           | Maybe that's the fault of those "who know" but don't write
           | and contribute online ?
             | LtWorf wrote:
             | Those who know are fewer, they get outnumbered by the low
             | quality content.
             | jjnoakes wrote:
             | I don't think so. If you know where to look then good
             | content is available, but it doesn't get as widely shared
             | because it isn't as interesting to as many people.
         | jacobsimon wrote:
         | Sorry but that's a pretty un-generous take on the state of the
         | Node ecosystem. There's so many mature solutions for all of
         | these problems and tons of great examples online.
         | That said, I agree that in the Vercel/Next universe, everything
         | on the backend seems to be an afterthought.
         | Kerrick wrote:
         | The only framework of that scale and quality I've found in
         | node-land is Adonis [0]. It's why I chose Adonis 5 for my
         | latest product--it needed to be built in JS or TypeScript but I
         | wanted the "batteries included" feel of Laravel or Rails.
         | [0]: https://adonisjs.com/
           | granshaw wrote:
           | It's also the most rails like node framework (is it still?),
           | which emphasizes DX, expressiveness, convention over
           | configuration, etc
           | which in my book is a plus
           | ilrwbwrkhv wrote:
           | Unfortunately they just directly copy laravel line by line
           | when I had last seen it. It doesn't use the strengths of
           | JavaScript as much.
             | jstummbillig wrote:
             | Any specific criticism?
         | rlyshw wrote:
         | Im building with featherjs[0] right now and I love it. Jwt,
         | user handling, routing, and (most notably to me) real-time
         | functionality is all built in. Probably the most rails-like
         | backend framework I've worked with in Node so far.
         | [0] https://feathersjs.com/
         | ksbrooksjr wrote:
         | The fact that googling 'node user login' returns an insecure
         | result is more indicative of the quality of Google's search
         | results than it is of Node. Node has had a built in password
         | hashing function since before it even hit version 1.0 (pbkdf2)
         | [1]. It also has a built in timing safe comparison function for
         | safely comparing values without leaking data via timing attacks
         | [2]. The crypto module is actually pretty extensive.
         | If you're looking for a traditional web framework (something
         | similar to Flask or Sinatra) I would take a look at Hapi (which
         | has no third party dependencies and is maintained by one of the
         | original authors of the oAuth spec), or you could always try
         | Express (the most popular Node framework), or Fastify (the
         | fastest Node framework).
         | [1]
         | https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v18.x/docs/api/crypto.html#cr...
         | [2]
         | https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v18.x/docs/api/crypto.html#cr...
       (page generated 2022-07-29 23:00 UTC)