[HN Gopher] Kubernetes Reinvented Virtual Machines (in a good se...
       Kubernetes Reinvented Virtual Machines (in a good sense)
       Author : paulgb
       Score  : 68 points
       Date   : 2022-07-31 19:30 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (iximiuz.com)
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       | aetherspawn wrote:
       | Good for some use cases, but still plenty of servers that are
       | hostile to K8s because ie you have to login and enter a license
       | key, or something like that.
       | sureglymop wrote:
       | The containerization features used by projects like Docker and
       | Kubernetes are provided by the Linux kernel. Containers are not
       | VMs, they're just regular processes.
       | rwmj wrote:
       | Wouldn't you want to use KubeVirt for this?
       | hinkley wrote:
       | Does anyone know of a good, sober treatise on the suitability of
       | microkernels for multitenancy and/or split priority systems?
       | Hypervisors just seem like particularly impoverished microkernels
       | to me. It reminds me of social programs working hard to avoid the
       | term Socialism because of emotional baggage. Oh this is
       | definitely not a microkernel? Is it a full privilege program that
       | handles a small number of system-wide concerns and delegates the
       | maximum number of other concerns to processes running at a lower
       | privilege level? Yes? Then can we call it a... no? Okay buddy.
       | avereveard wrote:
       | *chroots
       | z3t4 wrote:
       | The bus factor - your engineering skills that took you 20+ years
       | to acquire are worth nothing if _you_ can 't be replaced...
       | secondcoming wrote:
       | > On the darker side, inefficient scaling (due to uneven
       | daily/yearly traffic distribution), overly complicated
       | deployments (delivering code to many boxes quickly is hard), and
       | fragile service discovery (have you tried running consul or
       | zookeeper at scale?) would lead to higher operational costs.
       | Obviously, everyone's use-case is different but none of this has
       | been my experience with VMs:
       | - Both AWS and GCP allow you to define custom scaling policies
       | for an instance group.
       | - Deploying new code just means updating a template with your new
       | image and pushing that out. Both GCP and AWS would then cycle the
       | existing machines automatically to use this new image.
       | - At least in our case, there is no need for Service Discovery;
       | you just need to know where the Load Balancer is.
       | We have moved some things to Kubernetes and now have to deal with
       | inexplicable occasional failures. That and an everyday massive
       | YAML headache.
       | YMMV
         | awoimbee wrote:
         | IMO it takes time to get up to speed but then it's pure bliss
         | in terms of reliability. And don't go to yaml hell, use pulumi
         | or equivalent.
       | tannhaeuser wrote:
       | That doesn't make sense? K8s runs Docker images, and a Docker
       | image explicitly is _not_ a VM but, in fact, a lightweight
       | replacement for a full-blown VM. Of course, running Docker on
       | Windows or Mac OS requires a Linux VM, though.
         | jiggawatts wrote:
         | You can run Windows images on Windows clients using Docker.
       | x86x87 wrote:
       | Did K8s reinvent VMs though? People keep forgetting that
       | vm!=container and the security posture is completely different.
       | Also, for the amounts of complexity K8s adds it's not worth the
       | overhead in 95% of cases (i get it that it's cool and everyone
       | and their dog want to claim they have experience with it - I am
       | affraid that once the "movement" fizzles out we're going to be
       | stuck with a lot of things that are over-overengineered)
         | jstx1 wrote:
         | I don't think it's fizzling out, it's kind of becoming a basic
         | standard. And if your use case is simple enough to not need
         | Kubernetes, then doing it with Kubernetes isn't that much more
         | complicated either.
           | jiggawatts wrote:
           | A standard in the Linux world. Windows doesn't have
           | "distributions", so there's less need for containers in that
           | space. Microsoft uses Service Fabric internally for the Azure
           | back-end, which covers most of the other use-cases of
           | Kubernetes.
             | Jenk wrote:
             | Service Fabric needs to die. It is an abomination on
             | software.
             | Why, why, * _WHY*_ does each SF service need to have some
             | terrible wrapper code that forces it to run in, and only
             | in, SF? Oh ya.. vendor lock-in.
             | No thanks.
             | Yes, I'm aware that MS added support for docker containers
             | in SF. That integration is dreadful. They did about as good
             | a job of it as the WCF team did of shoe-horning "RESTFul
             | Services" in.
             | > Windows doesn't have "distributions", so there's less
             | need for containers in that space.
             | I don't follow. What does distributions have to do with
             | need for containers?
         | k8sToGo wrote:
         | Do you know kubernetes or are you just jumping on the hate
         | train?
         | Can't you argue with that logic against everything remotely
         | complex? If you have people who know how to use it, then why
         | not use it? Would you say the same about complicated engineered
         | car engines?
           | jmspring wrote:
           | He has a point, containers and VMs are not the same.
             | k8sToGo wrote:
             | Yes that part is true. I was not referring to that part.
           | de6u99er wrote:
           | > Do you know kubernetes or are you just jumping on the hate
           | train?
           | It seems rather that you don't know what kubernetes is. His
           | comment is justified. You can put your pitchfork back.
           | > Can't you argue with that logic against everything remotely
           | complex? If you have people who know how to use it, then why
           | not use it? Would you say the same about complicated
           | engineered car engines?
           | It seems that you don't understand ehat he's trying to say.
             | k8sToGo wrote:
             | >It seems rather that you don't know what kubernetes is.
             | The company, for which I helped migrating to k8s, pays me 6
             | figures to keep maintaining it, thinks otherwise (also look
             | at my username ;) ). All of our developers love it because
             | it replaced some weird hacked together deployment stuff.
             | Which part do you think he is right or wrong?
             | It just seems that in every thread people moan about k8s.
             | But it seems that it's usually people who are overwhelmed
             | by it, which is a legitimate reason not to use it. But just
             | saying that it's generally bad is what starting to annoy me
             | a bit.
               | packetized wrote:
               | I dare say that it's annoying you as a result of
               | cognitive dissonance about your employer paying six
               | figures to migrate to it.
               | If you're being paid well, obviously you'll be annoyed by
               | concepts contrary to your work.
               | actually_a_dog wrote:
               | > It is difficult to get a man to understand something
               | when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
               | - Upton Sinclair.
               | lovehashbrowns wrote:
               | That was pretty much my experience. From a distance, it
               | looks over-engineered. Once I started using it in my
               | personal projects and at work in production, it makes a
               | lot of sense and it's far easier than people make it out
               | to be.
               | I'm currently helping my employer switch everything to
               | kubernetes and we're replacing a lot of really, truly
               | over-engineered trash.
               | I will say I do hate yaml but there aren't a ton of
               | choices, tbh.
           | benreesman wrote:
           | I actually know k8 as well as another Borg-alike (Tupperware)
           | that actually runs at Borg-like scale.
           | GP is absolutely right that it is insane overkill with no
           | conceivable way to pay back the complexity investment in all
           | but a few niche cases. Working at a FAANG isn't the only
           | niche where full-Kube makes sense, there are others, but it's
           | a niche thing, with the niche being roughly: I rack and run
           | physical gear on a limited number of SKUs at "cattle not
           | pets" scale.
           | If you're on a cloud provider? You've already got secure,
           | restartable, restorable, on-demand-growable, discoverable,
           | fail-over-able, imaginary machines a zillion times more
           | robust than any half-assed Borg-alike setup most people would
           | come up with.
           | They're happy to take your money if you yo dawg like
           | imaginary computers so I put a docker in your Xen VM so you
           | can Kubernetes while you pay me big bucks, but that's because
           | they're not running charities.
         | MBCook wrote:
         | I thought the article went through the whole evolution from
         | boxes to VMs to containers to K8 very well.
         | It's so much more than it's headline.
           | codsane wrote:
           | Yeah I'm not sure if it's the Reddit mentality at play here
           | or actual outage but it just always seems like these types of
           | comments are reacting to a headline, it is unfortunate.
         | orwin wrote:
         | I am currently overengineering my previous work to run it
         | inside kubernetes. It isn't my decision, i just asked for a VM
         | and the access to ansible, but the chiefs wanted to use
         | kubernetes for everything.
         | I don't think this is that bad tbh. I runs my unit tests on
         | container construction and while it was tedious to develop,
         | mostly because i cannot run docker on my work PC, i understand
         | that it makes it easier to inventory and check the advancement.
         | The management will always love it, so i think kubernetes is
         | here to stay. Not because it solve a lot of engineering issues
         | (not for me anyway, i'd rather run a cron in my VM than declare
         | a kube cronJob), but because it solve a lot of other
         | fondamental issues for the management (inventory, visibility on
         | existing/running projects. And everybody use the same system
         | without using the _same_ system.)
           | k8sToGo wrote:
           | I don't know about your team, but in our team I try to move
           | as much as possible to kubernetes so I have a common way of
           | deployment across all members. Of course if you are just
           | thrown into the cold water without help from the Kubernetes
           | guys, it will suck.
           | Also I noticed that once developers "get it", they actually
           | like it a lot.
           | sporkland wrote:
           | Why can't you run docker on your work PC? If it's the
           | licensing issues I'd recommend using lima-vm
           | (https://github.com/lima-vm/lima) as a substitute.
           | Already__Taken wrote:
           | > while it was tedious to develop, mostly because I cannot
           | run docker on my work PC
           | Have a look at tilt.dev You can get it to build in-cluster
           | too so you only need the CLI. I've really enjoyed its
           | workflow.
           | Or try podman-remote. Should be easier to get those CLI tools
           | on your work PC.
           | CameronNemo wrote:
           | Our k8s based deployments go so much smoother than our VM
           | based deployments (Ansible). We have centralized logging set
           | up for k8s, but not VMs. We have post-update health checks
           | for k8s pods, but not systemd services. Et cetera.
         | [deleted]
         | pravus wrote:
         | I've always said that it reinvented the mainframe by turning it
         | inside-out. I did some work on an IBM 360/370 running VM/CMS
         | and I can see a lot of parallels in how both systems operate.
         | Most of the architecture is an interface that is implemented by
         | some pluggable piece of software and there's also all of the
         | resource scheduling and management which is a first-class
         | component. This makes the system very flexible and reliable.
         | And I think k8s is here to stay. If what you have is a bunch of
         | containers you can easily push that into k8s. It's not any more
         | complex than any other solution you would use to deploy them.
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | I thought we had this kind of covered 20 years ago with J2EE
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | Doesn't really handle multiple process isolation and IPC as
         | well.
           | cassianoleal wrote:
           | It also doesn't really handle anything that doesn't run on
           | the JVM.
             | jayd16 wrote:
             | Well sure but that's true of any VM, right? You still need
             | to make sure your images run on the k8s instance even if
             | that's a lower bar.
             | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-07-31 23:00 UTC)