[HN Gopher] Things I've learned building a modern TUI framework
       Things I've learned building a modern TUI framework
       Author : willm
       Score  : 326 points
       Date   : 2022-08-03 13:24 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.textualize.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.textualize.io)
       | rochak wrote:
       | I love TUI and CLI based tools that keep me in my terminal as I
       | have started to dread web applications more and more with every
       | passing day. For obvious reasons, these tools have a better and
       | more consistent UX since they need to rely on keyboard a lot more
       | and are catered to more tech minded people. Not to mention the
       | fact that they help avoid getting distracted by the endless ocean
       | that is the internet.
       | MaxBarraclough wrote:
       | A neat FOSS project. Have to admit I was surprised to see you're
       | hiring and already have 2 developers on staff besides the
       | founder. Where does the money come from? Paid support?
       | It would be good if the _What we do_ page answered this.
         | asicsp wrote:
         | From https://www.willmcgugan.com/blog/tech/post/textualize-is-
         | hir...
         | > _At the end of last year I took a year off to work on my
         | Open-source projects and develop an idea that I believe will
         | allow the terminal to eat some of the browser's lunch. Turns
         | out this idea was compelling enough to attract some sweet sweet
         | VC cash and I am now hiring a third Python developer to join
         | the company._
           | teddyh wrote:
           | The question then becomes: What do _the VCs_ think that the
           | money will come from?
             | __tyler__ wrote:
             | Textualize mention they want to make it so that you can
             | deploy the same code base as a TUI and a web app. My guess
             | this will be additional paid functionality that makes a
             | seamless hosting experience.
             | stjohnswarts wrote:
             | VCs are naturally risk takers, there is a lot of VC money
             | out there seeking novel projects. Maybe if textual can land
             | some companies like Dell/IBM/AMD/Oracle/AWS who want
             | snappier textual frontends for sysadmins rather than
             | slow/clunky web interfaces for sysadmins/app admins to do
             | stuff like board management controllers and textual
             | dashboards for app/status monitoring stuff. Lower
             | bandwidth/more dependable than web interfaces over
             | slow/spotty interconnections with something like mosh.
             | Seems like an option. Projects like this that add color,
             | etc add a 3rd dimension to a 2 dimensional text landscape
             | and I think that counts for a lot.
               | teddyh wrote:
               | > _Maybe if textual can land some companies like Dell
               | /IBM/AMD/Oracle/AWS_
               | And? What does "land" mean here, exactly? The project is
               | FOSS, so they won't sell the software the traditional
               | way. So how will they _make money_?
               | vulcan01 wrote:
               | Large companies tend to prefer support for any major
               | dependencies, so, companies built around an open-source
               | project typically sell support. Customers might also hire
               | them for consulting, custom implementations using the
               | project, etc.
               | However, it's not a high-value business so it is somewhat
               | surprising VCs are funding this.
               | teddyh wrote:
               | Maybe the VCs are quietly planning to force the company
               | to make the source proprietary once they get enough
               | adoption by such large companies?
               | zasdffaa wrote:
               | Make me happy and point me at some of these because I
               | have something and can find no-one to even look at it,
               | and I believe it has actual cash value.
             | Lendal wrote:
             | Apparently some VCs are not expecting anything back except
             | karma for making needed enhancements to civilization.
       | kmike84 wrote:
       | The advice to use lru_cache is good.
       | But there is an issue if lru_cache is used on methods, like in
       | the example given in the article:
       | 1. When lru_cache is used on a method, `self` is used as a part
       | of cache key. That's good, because there is a single cache for
       | all instances, and using self as a part of the key allows not to
       | share data between instances (it'd be incorrect in most cases).
       | 2. But: because `self` is a part of a key, a reference to `self`
       | is stored in the cache.
       | 3. If there is a reference to Python object, it can't be
       | deallocated. So, an instance can't be deallocated until the cache
       | is deallocated (or the entry is expired) - if a lru_cache'd
       | method is called at least once.
       | 4. Cache itself is never deallocated (well, at least until the
       | class is destroyed, probably at Python shutdown). So, instances
       | are kept in memory, unless the cache is over the size limit, and
       | all entries for this instance are purged.
       | I think there is a similar problem in the source code as well,
       | e.g.
       | https://github.com/Textualize/textual/blob/4d94df81e44b27fff... -
       | a DirectoryTree instance won't be deallocated if its
       | render_tree_label method is called, at least until new cache
       | records push out all the references to this particular instance.
       | It may be important or not, depending on a situation, but it's
       | good to be aware of this caveat. lru_cache is not a good fit for
       | methods unfortunately.
         | ttymck wrote:
         | Does @staticmethod run into this same issue?
           | kmike84 wrote:
           | No.
       | Philip-J-Fry wrote:
       | This is great, it feels like it's one of the better frameworks
       | that is actually trying to improve the way we write terminal UIs.
       | Seems like Textualize is coming at it from the right angle,
       | abstract as much as you can away such that a widget is something
       | self contained and your UIs are _actually_ composable a la web
       | frameworks like React or Vue.
       | Declarative UIs are the future. Now... When will someone make a
       | Go port...
       | lotw_dot_site wrote:
       | One of my proudest moments during the development of "Linux on
       | the Web" had to be the creation of a Terminal application (try it
       | at https://lotw.site/shell) that can render its output with near-
       | native efficiency. My initial attempt was based on placing
       | character images, one-by-one, onto a canvas element, but it was
       | horribly sluggish. Then I started playing around with a "Virtual
       | Dom" (React-like) approach, wherein I convert the underlying data
       | structure into an html string, and then set the innerHTML
       | property of a div element, for every time the screen has to be
       | redrawn. (Source code:
       | https://github.com/linuxontheweb/LOTW/blob/main/root/code/ap...,
       | the relevant code is the "render" function starting on line 569,
       | and the innerHTML is set on line 940).
       | I don't know how many years its been that I started working on
       | the Terminal application, but it was only within the past week or
       | so that I "bit the bullet" and figured out how to do finger
       | pad/mouse wheel scrolling of the output buffer (See the
       | 'main.onwheel' function in the source code for that little
       | tidbit!). Since I required fine-grained control over the
       | rendering process, I could not rely on the "naive" way of doing
       | scrolling on the web (which is to simply let the browser take
       | care of the entire process).
         | munificent wrote:
         | _> My initial attempt was based on placing character images,
         | one-by-one, onto a canvas element, but it was horribly
         | sluggish._
         | I've done web-based terminal-style renders in a number of
         | different ways for my roguelike [1]. I've done both DOM and
         | canvas renderers. I found that the fastest approach to be:
         | 1. Render each glyph to a canvas.
         | 2. Only re-render glyphs that actually changed.
         | Doing that was _much_ faster than using the DOM. I imagine I
         | could go even faster using WebGL but at this point, I
         | considered the performance good enough.
         | For anyone interested, my terminal library is written in Dart
         | and is open source:
         | https://github.com/munificent/malison
         | [1]: http://munificent.github.io/hauberk/
           | jonathan_s wrote:
           | Same experience here. Canvas rendering is much faster for
           | terminal apps if done well. I think also VS code uses a
           | canvas for its terminal because its superior performance.
           | markdog12 wrote:
           | It's been 357 years, and Dart still can't go full screen
           | without a hack like this: https://github.com/munificent/haube
           | rk/blob/master/web/main.d...
           | https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/11506 (Jun 25, 2013)
             | munificent wrote:
             | That code is seven years old: https://github.com/munificent
             | /hauberk/commit/2ba2f260baa7004...
             | I should fix it to use:
             | https://api.dart.dev/stable/2.17.6/dart-
             | html/Element/request...
             | I just never noticed because it wasn't causing any
             | problems.
           | lotw_dot_site wrote:
           | If I would have continued my original approach, I probably
           | would have been able to get something like that working
           | pretty well, but since it is pretty hard to beat Virtual DOM
           | types of approaches, I had no need to try anything else when
           | rendering full screens of text could keep up with key repeat
           | rate.
           | But of course, the idea of developing a terminal using a
           | standard DOM-centric approach is usually not going to turn
           | out very well... though Google is an exception here with the
           | hterm js library that underlies the terminal output for
           | Chromebooks: https://chromium.googlesource.com/apps/libapps/+
           | /master/hter.... Most Chromebook users will never have the
           | opportunity to put this to use, though people like me who put
           | their Chromebooks in developer mode the first chance they get
           | use it _all the time_.
         | navanchauhan wrote:
         | Didn't look through GitHub to see if someone else has already
         | mentioned the issue but it just shows a blank black screen when
         | opened in Safari
         | > Unhandled Promise Rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find
         | variable: webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL
           | lotw_dot_site wrote:
           | Yeah, I don't personally mess with anything but Chrome, and I
           | consider supporting browsers that are not Chromium-based to
           | be a fork of the entire project.
           | Per the Disclaimer in the Github README
           | (https://github.com/linuxontheweb/LOTW/):
           | ---------------
           | LOTW is developed in the crouton environment, which involves
           | ChromeOS in developer mode. All development and testing is
           | currently done on a Chromebook, using an up-to-date Chrome
           | browser.
           | The system should basically work in any modern browser and
           | host OS, but there are likely many tiny glitches that degrade
           | the user experience in other browsers and/or operating
           | systems.
           | ---------------
           | The crucial fact of LOTW is that it is based around the
           | concept of a full-featured, sandboxed file system in your
           | browser. Only Chromium-based browsers natively support that
           | kind of thing via 'webkitRequestFileSystem'.
           | That being said, there is a shim/polyfill that is supposed to
           | load and take care of that
           | (https://github.com/linuxontheweb/LOTW/blob/main/www/js/fs-
           | sh..., created by Eric Bidelman when he was at Google). Last
           | I knew, Firefox seemed to work with it.
             | ketralnis wrote:
             | > I don't personally mess with anything but Chrome, and I
             | consider supporting browsers that are not Chromium-based to
             | be a fork of the entire project
             | I see the ie6 world is coming back
               | lotw_dot_site wrote:
               | Funny, that, seeing how M$ themselves are perhaps the
               | biggest contributors to the current browser codebase
               | monoculture issue.
               | Anytime a software project develops enough complexity,
               | there is no shame in targeting a specific platform. Given
               | enough eyes on a thing, though, those kinds of
               | "supported" issues always take care of themselves.
               | But I'm just a lone developer trying to do something
               | never before done. I'm still trying to prove a concept...
             | dahfizz wrote:
             | Gotta love how cross platform the web is...
       | Illniyar wrote:
       | Everyone seems to be very excited about this framework, and while
       | it looks very impressive, I don't inderstand the impetus for it.
       | Why do I need the terminal to become an interactive visual app?
       | Why not use the tools that are designed for visual interactive
       | applications- like GUIs ?
         | brabel wrote:
         | I am on the same boat: just can't see why someone would want to
         | turn the terminal into what is basically a GUI with just poorer
         | graphis?!
         | Am I completely missing something? Should I start thinking of
         | replacing my desktop environment with a terminal emulator that
         | does everything, including displaying images, videos, windows
         | etc to gain some advantage I am unaware of?
           | cwalv wrote:
           | It's a least common denominator thing: there a places where
           | you can easily run a terminal app but not a browser/electron,
           | which are probably the next level up in the
           | portability/fidelity tradeoff.
           | BiteCode_dev wrote:
           | - you don't need compiled dependencies
           | - you may work mostly in the terminal and want to fire a
           | quick tool: dev is a lot of that so it's great for this use
           | case
           | - it's cross platform
           | - it works with no X so it works with ssh
           | - it doesn't eat a lot of resources
           | - it's fast to launch
           | - you usually already have a cli entry point, so this is a
           | natural next step. The quick script becomes really nice
           | - it's very constrained, so devs have to focus on the most
           | important things which makes the UI usually better than usual
           | - it's a common denominator so you can generate web ui and
           | native ui form that
           | - TUI have naturally good keyboard workflow for free
           | - it's just really cool
         | mikkelam wrote:
         | I honestly think this is just developers being developers. Why?
         | Because it's cool. It's not more than that
         | gjulianm wrote:
         | Maybe you don't have access to a graphics server, or just want
         | to add a small interface to a certain part of a bigger
         | application/script that works in the terminal. For example, apt
         | will show you TUIs sometimes when it asks more complex
         | configuration questions.
         | trebbble wrote:
         | It's really handy if your "window manager" is actually _in_
         | your terminal (say, you use tmux). Otherwise you 've got two
         | layers of "window manager" to deal with--your terminal
         | multiplexer, and your actual window manager.
         | Why might one use something like tmux instead of relying on
         | Rectangle or a tilling window manager or what have you?
         | 1) The terminal is far easier to gain access to cross-platform
         | than any GUI window manager, so if you can keep most of your
         | workflow in the terminal, you can work just about anywhere. You
         | get it out-of-the-box basically everywhere but Windows
         | (assuming we mean a Unixy terminal, here, not cmd or
         | powershell) but it's very easy to gain access to a unixy
         | terminal there, too, these days.
         | 2) Maybe you are constrained to the terminal for some reason,
         | as in the case of a remote server that doesn't have X
         | installed.
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | Works from a headless server.
         | Cool, but I'm surprised at VC money to be honest.
         | rakoo wrote:
         | Because making GUIs is either native but with "complicated"
         | frameworks that aren't simply cross-platform, or web-ish and
         | fat with Electron.
         | Every OS has a terminal, so every OS can render those apps.
         | Maybe we'll finally get a Electron-less slack one day.
       | oblio wrote:
       | Now instead of supporting 3 browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
       | you now have to support 5 different terminals.
       | Though it's probably easier to fully support a different
       | terminal.
       | Interesting trade offs.
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | Every multi-platform UI toolkit must put in the work to support
         | multiple platforms, by definition.
       | jacobtomlinson wrote:
       | I'm so excited about textual!
       | I started working on a TUI application over Christmas that used
       | it but put it on the back burner until the css branch gets
       | merged.
       | fadjfadjiiitlz wrote:
       | * Fortunately the Unicode database contains a mapping of which
       | characters are single width and which are double. Rich (and
       | Textual) will look up this database for every character it
       | prints. Its not a cheap operation, but with a bit of engineering
       | effort and caching (see lru_cache) it is fast enough. *
       | A bitmap sounds suitably compact and fast. There are likely to be
       | large intervals of double-only or single-only items so it may be
       | even smaller.
       | Regarding your hiring it would be nice to actually get a reply,
       | and say why if you don't want a person.
       | public_defender wrote:
       | Has anything been built with textual yet? People here seem to be
       | discussing it mostly at the conceptual level.
         | andrewshadura wrote:
         | I'm considering porting git-crecord to it, but the lack of
         | documentation isn't particularly motivating :)
         | willm wrote:
         | We have a gallery of apps in
         | https://www.textualize.io/textual/gallery
         | I'm surprised how much has been done with it. The version in
         | master has been stuck in limbo while we've been working on the
         | CSS branch.
       | nickdothutton wrote:
       | It's this kind of project that makes me want to run a
       | shellhost/service/"club". So much interesting stuff happening in
       | the terminal these days for high-productivity individuals who are
       | sick of the way the web has gone.
       | mark_l_watson wrote:
       | Really good that he got funding for his open source project. I
       | tried Textualize earlier this year and it was really nice: easy
       | to use and the UIs look great.
       | Apologies in advance for drifting off topic: as (primarily) a
       | Common Lisp developer, it makes me sad to see great Python
       | projects that will never be replicated in my world. Perhaps there
       | are 10,000 times as many Python developers as CL, so it is
       | understandable.
         | openfuture wrote:
         | There's a nice TUI lib for cl that I am using for tala (my take
         | on this "TUIs will eat the web" thing... datalisp.is).
           | mark_l_watson wrote:
           | thank you!!
           | EDIT: do you mean cl-tui?
       | tambourine_man wrote:
       | Every time I see that scrolling demo my jaw drops. It never gets
       | old.
       | I've been using terminals for too long and the expectation of
       | what should be possible is engrained deep.
       | I want tmux to scroll and have hover states like that.
       | [deleted]
       | sebastianconcpt wrote:
       | OMG you using CSS for stying the TUI??! I love this!
       | Please tell me you can have window widgets
       | Like a modern Turbo Vision [1] where you can drag/drop them even
       | one on top of the other?
       | [1] http://tvision.sourceforge.net/#wtv
         | willm wrote:
         | Yup, it's a subset of CSS of course. But you will be right at
         | home if you know CSS.
         | We support multiple layers, but we are explicitly not
         | advocating windows that can be dragged around. It wouldn't be
         | hard to build, but I feel TUIs should avoid the requirement to
         | shuffle windows around like a desktop app.
           | mixmastamyk wrote:
           | Working notebook tabs should be fine in the short term. Don't
           | think those were mainstream in the TV days, which was more
           | the MDI era.
           | Also, please make them look like actual tabs, which TUI and
           | Web designers avoid like the plague for some reason. :-P
       | chrismorgan wrote:
       | I'm a little disappointed to see no mention of the problems of
       | colour. Perhaps Textual is just too firmly in the camp of
       | overriding _everything_ , so that these problems don't appear
       | (and it just feels extremely heavily out of place instead). As a
       | user of a light, high-contrast terminal, I will state that _most_
       | TUIs that I use are badly executed, featuring awful ugliness,
       | complete inaccessibility, or both, due to incorrect assumptions
       | about colour.
       | Terminals just have the wrong primitives for colour. It's
       | irredeemably broken, needing complete replacement with an
       | altogether different approach to colours, and I don't even know
       | quite what that approach would be, quite apart from the
       | improbability of convincing people to implement it.
       | There are default foreground and background colours, and they
       | could be black and white, white and black, or just about
       | anything, really. (People speak of 16- and 256-colour terminals,
       | but they're actually 18- and 258-colour.)
       | You want to make your text stronger? Have fun. You'll look at
       | your terminal that does #ccc-on-#000 or similar, and try bold.
       | One some terminals, this will also change the colour to #fff, but
       | on others it won't. You kind of want to, because bold-but-the-
       | same-colour isn't drawing the attention you want, so you figure
       | you'll set the colour to bright white. Well, now your text is
       | _completely invisible_ for may light terminal users. So you
       | begrudgingly roll that back and decide to try yellow. Eh, it's a
       | bit dull, but not _too_ bad. You'll still get complaints from
       | light terminal users, though, because although it does have the
       | advantage of distinctiveness, it's _much_ lower contrast. Don't
       | even think of bright yellow, because that's back to being almost
       | invisible in most light terminals.
       | Light terminal themes have to decide whether colours 8-15 mean
       | "bright" (increase lightness and perhaps saturation) or "higher
       | contrast" (where you _decrease_ lightness). Having played the
       | game, I can report that both choices will break some things, but
       | that "bright" is _probably_ the more reasonable of the two. But
       | know that you can't rely on any particular direction in the
       | relationship between colours 0-7 and 8-15.
       | You think you'll get around all of this by setting background
       | colours? Please don't, this just guarantees that your app will
       | feel _completely_ out of place, and probably be unpleasant to
       | use.
       | You're fed up with light terminal considerations? Well then,
       | perhaps you'd like some blue in your dark terminal. Pity that
       | there are still widely-used terminals out there where blue so
       | dark that it's almost invisible and _extremely_ hard to read. And
       | even bright blue is commonly mildly painful to read. So blue's
       | out for any length of text.
       | My advice ends up: by default, you should not set _any_
       | background colours, and for foregrounds you can use the default
       | colour and colours 1 (red), 2 (green), 5 (purple) and 6 (teal),
       | and I will graciously permit you to use colours 3 (yellow) and 4
       | (blue) for no more than one word at a time (e.g. "warning:" in
       | yellow). Seriously. Until the user opts into anything else, treat
       | the entire thing as a five-and-a-bit-colour terminal, because
       | you'll cause misery if you go any further. _Never_ use colours 0,
       | 7, 8 or 15 by default without determining what they and the
       | default colours are, because they may be high contrast or _zero_
       | contrast. You can also use bold, which _may_ give brighter
       | colours, whatever that means, but shouldn't use colours 7-15
       | directly.
       | In many terminals it is possible to determine what the default
       | background and foreground colours and other colours are, and if
       | you have a _really_ good reason why you want to use a bunch more
       | colours you can try reading them and at least doing something
       | simple like switching between a light and dark theme, but I
       | recommend against that, because setting backgrounds is still just
       | generally... _non-native_ is probably a decent way of putting it.
       | Stay colour-neutral by default, fit in rather than standing out.
       | This is hardly the only place terminals are using a fundamentally
       | bad model. The article does talk about the problems of column
       | widths, seen especially in emoji. We seriously need to burn the
       | current scheme of terminals down and build something _sound_ in
       | its place. Of course, this is extraordinarily unlikely to happen,
       | and only stands any chance whatsoever if compatibility can be
       | maintained in some way.
         | eesmith wrote:
         | Textual builds on Rich. Rich says this, at
         | https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/latest/console.html#color-sys...
         | :
         | > There are several "standards" for writing color to the
         | terminal which are not all universally supported. Rich will
         | auto-detect the appropriate color system, or you can set it
         | manually by supplying a value for color_system to the Console
         | constructor.
         | with options None, "auto", "standard", "256", "truecolor", and
         | "windows".
         | willm wrote:
         | These issues are precisely why Textual uses Truecolor by
         | default. It is supported on the vast majority of terminals.
         | Colors are reduced to 256 (actually 240 because we avoid the
         | ANSI colors) on terminals without truecolor support.
         | 16.7 million colors gives you a lot more control over emphasis,
         | and de-emphasis. You can fade foreground / background, you can
         | draw subtle borders, and you can boost saturation. Many of the
         | techniques that web-developers have enjoyed for years.
         | It's true we don't make use of the user's theme, but you've
         | laid bare the problems with ANSI themes. Respecting the user's
         | color theme isn't going to guarantee readability (probably the
         | opposite).
       | simonw wrote:
       | This is all great, but I particularly liked the tip here on using
       | Python Fraction objects for screen positioning calculations where
       | floating point errors could result in a whole extra character
       | causing display bugs.
         | drewzero1 wrote:
         | I think I missed the point of that exercise, so I appreciate
         | your brief summary. Thanks!
       | ketralnis wrote:
       | I miss vbdos. This used to be so easy.
       | skavi wrote:
       | Why don't more languages offer a zero allocation way to view a
       | HashMap K V as a HashSet K.
       | lilyball wrote:
       | A key weakness of TUIs is the complete lack of accessibility.
       | Everything is characters arranged for the eye to see, there's
       | nothing at all for screen readers to use to extract semantic
       | meaning.
         | trebbble wrote:
         | I'm having trouble imagining how to solve this in the terminal
         | itself--there a way to pass information to a screen-reader via
         | some kind of side channel?
       | cbm-vic-20 wrote:
       | Most of these modern TUIs don't work on real "glass" terminals.
       | Sure, nobody uses them anymore. I asked one of the Charm
       | developer relations people if their stuff worked on old-school
       | terminals like the VT-420, but they'd never even heard of that,
       | didn't know what it was. Of course, the VT-420 came out before
       | they were born, but still...
         | azinman2 wrote:
         | Do you use a VT-420?
       | dragontamer wrote:
       | > The first trick is "overwrite, don't clear". If you clear the
       | "screen" and then add new content, you risk seeing a blank or
       | partially blank frame for a brief moment. It's far better to
       | overwrite the content in the terminal entirely so that there is
       | no intermediate blank frame.
       | > The second trick [...]
       | > The third trick [...]
       | This is pretty hilarious to consider when coming from Win32API.
       | Its traditional to clears the window before showing anything on
       | Win32. Clearing the window happens so fast that you shouldn't see
       | a flicker, even as the mouse moves over your window (each pixel
       | your mouse cursor moves, Win32API will clear the window to its
       | background, redraw the window (erasing the old mouse pointer),
       | and draw the mouse pointer in the new location.
       | This "TUI needs to be overwritten, not cleared" idea seems quaint
       | and slow. Win32API was drawRect(background color) for decades on
       | ancient 386 machines and fast enough to deliver a good
       | experience. Why is a 80 x 24 terminal window so much slower?
       | > In Textual the layout process creates a "render map". Basically
       | a mapping of the Widget on to it's location on the screen. In an
       | earlier version, Textual would do a wasteful refresh of the
       | entire screen if even a single widget changed position. I wanted
       | to avoid that by comparing the before and after render map.
       | Win32API creates and maintains the "invalidRect", the rectangle
       | that needs to be re-rendered from scratch (ie: draw-calls called
       | upon the hierarchy of "windows" from the background to
       | foreground, in order , to make the overall window look
       | unchanged).
       | Not only from mouse-cursor movements, but also as other windows
       | "move" ontop of your window, or Clippy's speech bubble disappears
       | (if you remember that little UI from the 90s version of Microsoft
       | Word).
       | And again, this needed to be done every time the mouse moved one
       | pixel, to erase the old mouse cursor (aka: redraw the entire
       | window from scratch "over" the old mouse cursor, making it look
       | like you've erased it) and redraw the mouse cursor on top of the
       | fresh coat of paint. It was an incredibly common operation even
       | in 20MHz 80386 land from the early `90s.
       | There's just no way a modern terminal is that slow, unless
       | there's a billion layers of vsync / refreshes going on. There's
       | definitely something wrong going on IMO here.
       | > Unicode art is good
       | This is true. Heck, ASCII art / symbols are often good enough to
       | do many, many things.
       | There's something wrong with the terminal model at the
       | fundamental level if you're a couple of magnitudes slower than
       | the 1980s. I can't say I'm an expert on TUI (or guis for that
       | matter), but... this whole blog post is kind of a horror story
       | IMO.
         | willm wrote:
         | Win32API was designed to render a GUI from day 1. The terminal
         | protocol pre-dates Windows and wasn't designed with modern
         | hardware in mind. It's not that it is slow per se.
           | dragontamer wrote:
           | A 1920 byte (80x24x1-byte each) character window shouldn't be
           | having performance problems on modern systems (ie: seeing
           | blank-characters or whatever) when a 1080 x 1920 x 4-byte ==
           | 8MB desktop completes any execution faster than the eye can
           | see on 30 year old hardware (blank, redraw, scale, etc. etc.)
           | Something, somewhere, is flushing the screen and waiting for
           | V-Sync, or something like that. You can write a 2D Canvas or
           | even 3D world (involving the reupload of entire geometries
           | each frame) that executes faster in Javascript compared to
           | this 80x24x1 byte TUI window.
             | willm wrote:
             | It's not a "performance" issue, it's a protocol issue. One
             | which is largely solved with the synchronisation protocol.
             | Workarounds are needed for older emulators.
         | badsectoracula wrote:
         | > Its traditional to clears the window before showing anything
         | on Win32. Clearing the window happens so fast that you
         | shouldn't see a flicker
         | That is not due to speed but due to Windows API being smart
         | with clipping regions/rectangles to only allow pixel updates in
         | damaged regions (e.g. uncovered parts of a window as you move
         | it). Note that nowadays this only happens inside windows as
         | toplevel windows are composed via DWM in an offscreen buffer.
         | Windows also tries to doublebuffer window drawing updates to
         | avoid flickering. However in Win7 (with DWM -aka Aero mode-
         | disabled) and earlier you'd be able to see flickering by, e.g.
         | resizing windows with complex UIs.
         | Also the "tradition" here isn't to clear the window but to
         | invalidate the regions that were damaged so that the next
         | update (which does clear the window) only affects the damaged
         | regions instead of the entire window. This was most common
         | during the 90s and early 2000s though, at some point computers
         | and memory were fast and big enough to do double buffering
         | during paint events (which in some cases you still need to do
         | when working with GDI) to avoid visible flickering - and
         | nowadays most common flickering issues are solved by Windows
         | themselves doing it via composition.
         | > even as the mouse moves over your window (each pixel your
         | mouse cursor moves, Win32API will clear the window to its
         | background, redraw the window (erasing the old mouse pointer),
         | and draw the mouse pointer in the new location.
         | This is what Windows did until Windows 3.1 (and you could see
         | the cursor flickering when, e.g. a control drew itself while
         | the cursor was over it) but with Windows 95 the system composed
         | the mouse cursor to avoid that flickering. However nowadays
         | (and for a long time now actually) the mouse cursor is drawn by
         | the GPU as a separate hardware plane on top of the screen
         | contents. All Windows do in that case is to send the cursor
         | image to the GPU and set the registers that specify the plane
         | (cursor) position whenever the mouse moves - no drawing takes
         | place.
           | dragontamer wrote:
           | > All Windows do in that case is to send the cursor image to
           | the GPU and set the registers that specify the plane (cursor)
           | position whenever the mouse moves - no drawing takes place.
           | On the contrary. The modern GPU has so many buffers that its
           | constantly recalculating every pixel with custom code pixel
           | shaders (transparency and everything) every frame, maybe 60
           | FPS or faster.
           | Yeah, the CPU doesn't do any of that bit-blit stuff anymore.
           | But the GPU does that constantly every frame, over-and-over
           | again to compose modern windows. VRAM is 500GBps for a reason
           | on modern GPUs.
           | In either case, "blanking" the screen and redrawing it is a
           | fundamentally fast operation 30 years ago, let alone today.
           | Today's computers are so much faster that there are layers of
           | custom-programmable parts running on 2 different processors
           | (CPU passing data to GPU over PCIe) every frame.
           | 4GB+ VRAM buffers on the GPU allows the GPU to save off some
           | work of course, but there's an incredible amount of
           | calculations that occur on every pixel of every frame 60
           | times a second today.
           | --------
           | In any case, a pure-text, maybe ASCII (or Unicode) window
           | shouldn't be having these issues.
       | wolpoli wrote:
       | I feel like these TUI projects are popping up as a rejection to
       | the modern mobile first GUI. They are keyboard driven, have no
       | pictures, have clear borders between sections of the app, and are
       | truly focus on the content.
         | badsectoracula wrote:
         | The linked video looks like it follows mobile/web styling
         | though, it feels like if you could run a modern mobile-first
         | web site through elinks. Sure there aren't pictures (which is
         | really the least of modern GUI issues) but everything looks
         | "flat" with big sizes (e.g. scrollbars) and aside from
         | background color there isn't any other distinction between
         | elements. Compare this with, e.g., the Debian textmode
         | installer (which i guess is based on the Newt TUI library) or
         | the console version of Yast in openSUSE (which is based on
         | libyui, itself using ncurses for the console backend). In those
         | the elements are very clear (though Newt's buttons are a bit
         | too big IMO), scrollbars are thin (perhaps too think for
         | libyui) and everything has a clear border.
         | Also no scrolling areas inside scrolling areas, which is always
         | annoying.
         | [0]
         | https://news.softpedia.com/images/reviews/large/debianinstal...
         | [1] https://documentation.suse.com/sles/15-GA/html/SLES-
         | all/imag...
       | nisegami wrote:
       | Textual seems to be the right fit for a project I just started,
       | but I have some concerns about its maturity and longevity. I feel
       | better about both after reading the post (and seeing the call for
       | applicants at the end despite the economy). Maybe I should just
       | jump in.
       | idomi wrote:
       | There are so much stuff you could do with it right?
       | forrestthewoods wrote:
       | I'm sad that Python is so slow it needs an LRU cache for trivial
       | math operations like computing the overlap between a pair of 2D
       | rects.
       | jorgenbuilder wrote:
       | I have to say that my immediate reaction is "why the *#%# would
       | one want to render a gui in a terminal"
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | Uses 1/100 the resources of a modern GUI, maybe 1/1000 of an
         | electron app. Works over ssh.
       | mixmastamyk wrote:
       | I like this, seems to be the answer to the promise of Urwid.
       | Unfortunately the main developer of which left for a long time
       | once it hit 1.0. It was enough to build a widget toolkit, but
       | didn't get proper widgets implemented for long enough that I lost
       | track.
       | I wanted to build an CUA terminal editor with one of these for
       | decades but micro is recently good enough. So am cheering on in
       | spirit.
       | baobob wrote:
       | Does Textualize have a good example application? I was impressed
       | by the demos (moreso that the company is somehow funded!), but I
       | couldn't find any actual real world application using it yet.
       | Also reliance on the mouse in the demos made me feel a bit
       | queasy. Anything involving overriding the default mouse semantics
       | in a terminal window can go straight to hell
         | willm wrote:
         | We have a [gallery](https://www.textualize.io/textual/gallery)
         | of Textual apps, although largely using the older version on
         | Textual/
       | shrubble wrote:
       | For full-on terminal nuttiness, see the demo video (and it is
       | like a demoscene video) at https://notcurses.com . Someday I will
       | figure out how to use that library...
         | robocat wrote:
         | Semi-pornographic soundtrack to the demo makes it feel rather
         | non-professional to me ("penitrate my face" is not what I want
         | to hear at work).
           | shrubble wrote:
           | Apologies, I watched the video but didn't catch that.
       | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
       | > Fortunately the Unicode database contains a mapping of which
       | characters are single width and which are double.
       | This doesn't work for all emoji. Some are categorized as
       | ambiguous width and their rendered width is system dependent.
       | dahfizz wrote:
       | This is really cool! I was impressed by the demo. I would be sad
       | to see this replace a more "traditional" cli/tui, but for highly
       | complex command line applications like qemu this is really
       | awesome!
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | I really like this trend of "making the terminal great again".
       | Between rich/textual in python and lipgloss/bubble tea for
       | golang, this turns cmd from "the default ugly stuff that is easy
       | to produce" into "something fun and pretty".
       | Also note that those projects have the (not anymore) secret goal
       | to also produce a web app from the same code base automatically.
       | I imagine native will follow, or wasm, or something.
       | Nevertheless, having the terminal as the smallest denominator for
       | UI makes a lot of sense for small utilities. You won't build the
       | next Figma with it but a lot of scripts could benefit from that.
         | mastry wrote:
         | Agreed. I cut my programming teeth on the Dr. Dobbs/Al Stevens
         | "D-flat" series which was a text-based windowing system in C.
         | Some of the most fun I've ever had programming. The hardest
         | part was waiting for the next issue to be published!
           | password4321 wrote:
           | I've tried to find the most recent version of that library,
           | even emailing the author, but he's long since moved on and I
           | could only find bits and pieces.
           | Maybe https://archive.org/details/dflat is best now?
         | mr_tristan wrote:
         | The general workflow I'm finding useful is to generate a ton of
         | simple logs, ingest all those logs into a SQLite database (that
         | acts like a "data lake"), and then use the customized REPL to
         | generate some charts (typically .png files), CSV, or ascii
         | reports.
         | I could see using a REPL to generate a TUI, e.g., "run a query
         | and generate your own `top`". This seems like it could be a lot
         | easier than trying to generate a PDF, interactive Excel, or
         | complex HTML report (which usually means a bunch of
         | javaScript).
         | There's something about text interfaces that just fundamentally
         | "flows" from most programming environments.
         | zokier wrote:
         | I feel the opposite, these kinds of projects imho are just
         | moving terminals away from their key benefits, being simple,
         | predictable, brutally functional with no gratuitous animations
         | or flourishes, allowing no-hassle adaptation to any colortheme
         | and font.
         | Indeed, if all the features of modern graphical/web
         | applications are dragged into terminals, then what is the point
         | of using terminal anymore instead of native graphics/web?
         | Furthermore the CLI proponent in me is saddened seeing this
         | being largely another step away from CLI tools, although
         | strictly speaking its true that the technology doesn't really
         | define the interaction model.
           | gjulianm wrote:
           | > Indeed, if all the features of modern graphical/web
           | applications are dragged into terminals, then what is the
           | point of using terminal anymore instead of native
           | graphics/web?
           | It's not "all the features", but just being able to build a
           | basic interface without too much trouble is a blessing.
           | Several use cases:
           | - The most important: you don't have access to native
           | graphics/web. A lot of people still need to work with remote
           | servers where installing X is not viable and you can't access
           | web ports.
           | - Simplicity. For simple interfaces, it's far easier to just
           | use the terminal with an extra Python dependency, than it is
           | to create a regular UI that will require a graphical server,
           | graphics libraries and such. A web interface would be even
           | harder to do.
           | - Easy adding interfaces to existing scripts. In fact I used
           | textualize precisely for this, a script that launched some
           | long running tasks, and I wanted to check the progress and be
           | able to stop/throttle them. Launching a simple interface was
           | easy enough, the rest of the script is still a regular Python
           | script, but for that situation it just pops up a TUI.
           | Also, it's not like TUI apps are new. A lot of terminal
           | applications will launch a TUI sometimes because it's just
           | easier. See for example some configuration dialogs for APT.
             | tcoff91 wrote:
             | Another great thing is that they are keyboard driven.
             | Keyboard driven computing is far more powerful than using a
             | mouse for many things.
               | zokier wrote:
               | TUI apps are not inherently more keyboard driven than GUI
               | apps. Indeed, if you look at the demo video linked in the
               | article, majority of the interactions are done with
               | mouse.
               | willm wrote:
               | Textual supports both keyboard and mouse control. But we
               | are aiming for a keyboard-first interface, which I feel
               | is a better fit for terminals.
               | zasdffaa wrote:
               | Powerful? you mean it can do more than is actually
               | possible to do with a mouse?
               | agentwiggles wrote:
               | Power is the amount of work done over a period of time,
               | so even if you can do the same exact set of things with a
               | mouse and keyboard, if the keyboard is faster at doing
               | them, it's more powerful.
               | You can do all your text entry by clicking keys on an on-
               | screen keyboard if you like, but saying that a physical
               | keyboard is a more "powerful" way to enter text seems
               | reasonable to me.
               | (sorry in advance, I know this is needlessly "well
               | ackchually" lol)
               | zasdffaa wrote:
               | > but saying that a physical keyboard is a more
               | "powerful" way to enter text seems reasonable to me
               | No. It's _faster_ and that 's all. So call it by that
               | word which is very precise.
               | If you say 'power' = 'speed' then you've destroyed the
               | meaning of one of those words, just for the modern habit
               | of co-opting a fancier word for a simpler one. I'd prefer
               | people didn't do that, and differentiated 'speed' from a
               | thing you call power which indicates "I can't do that at
               | all, at any speed".
               | If you don't like bullshit marketing and PR, don't follow
               | it.
               | Sparkle-san wrote:
               | If we go by the physics definition power is work over
               | time, so the same work over a shorter time is by
               | definition more powerful. I don't think applying that
               | term to software is inherently wrong.
               | [deleted]
               | clucas wrote:
               | Interesting, so do you avoid describing one programming
               | language as being "more powerful" than another? They're
               | all Turing complete, after all... it's just a question of
               | how fast you can develop in one, right?
               | zasdffaa wrote:
               | Good question, 'power' I reserve for turing completeness
               | (some aren't, such as SQL before recursive CTEs were
               | added, and... well, here's a list
               | https://iq.opengenus.org/non-turing-complete-programming-
               | lan...)
               | For "how much crap do I have to write to get it to do
               | something", I call that expressivity. Scala is more
               | expressive than fractran (I guess...).
               | robertlagrant wrote:
               | What's the case for power equals Turing completeness over
               | power equals speed of development?
               | clucas wrote:
               | Sounds like you are consistent with your usage of terms,
               | and I understand the logic and the motivation.
               | I would just caution that it's fairly idiosyncratic -
               | plenty of people out there don't use the word "power" the
               | way you do. For example, here is how Paul Graham talks
               | about the "power" of programming languages:
               | http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html
               | Just saying, as consistent as your definitions are
               | internally, being too rigid about it may hinder your
               | ability to communicate with others in the field. Good
               | luck buddy <3
               | zasdffaa wrote:
               | Thoughtful reply and it is much appreciated dude, take
               | care!
               | [deleted]
               | layer8 wrote:
               | One benefit is that you can operate "blindly", without
               | needing the hand-eye-coordination feedback loop. This
               | tends to make frequent operations more automatic and
               | decrease cognitive overhead.
               | Another benefit is that keyboard input is higher-bandwith
               | than mouse operations. Imagine a mouse-only interface for
               | everything you can do on the Linux command line, or all
               | the operations you can do in Vim or Emacs (beyond actual
               | text input).
               | It's more powerful in the sense of "power user".
             | mark_l_watson wrote:
             | Well said! I do a lot of my work over SSH or Mosh with tmux
             | to remote servers. Projects like Textualize fulfill a real
             | need here. Another cool hack: using a terminal backend for
             | matplotlib to get inline plots while working via SSH/Mosh.
           | jonpalmisc wrote:
           | I agree. Seeing the next generation of terminal apps that
           | often seem to use "pretty" and "fancy" output formatting
           | (read: "non-parseable" and "overly-decorated") makes me sad.
           | Plain, simple, human-readable, and machine-parseable output
           | can't be beat in my mind.
             | capitol_ wrote:
             | More and more terminal apps come with a --json parameter,
             | so that their output can be easily machine parseable.
             | Cramming output intended for humans, and output intended
             | for data transfer between processes into the same format
             | makes the lives of both groups of recipients worse.
             | dymk wrote:
             | Human-readable and machine-readable: not the same thing in
             | the general case.
             | Hence -porcelain and friends.
             | mrighele wrote:
             | Not all console programs are meant to be batch tools whose
             | output needs to be piped and parsed.
             | Sometimes you need an interactive tool and you may want to
             | run then in a console.
             | Emacs is an example
             | bigyikes wrote:
             | I think there's room for two categories of terminal apps.
             | "Library" apps, and "User" apps.
             | Library apps are intended to be consumed by other terminal
             | apps, or by advanced users. User apps are strictly intended
             | for humans.
             | Take ffmpeg as an example. This is an excellent "library"
             | app, so much that there are many actual libraries that are
             | thin wrappers around it. It's incredibly versatile.
             | Do I want to interact with ffmpeg, though? For one-off
             | tasks, no, I'll just fire up VLC or some other tool instead
             | of reading the ffmpeg man pages.
             | Friendly, stylized, non-parseable, "user" terminal apps are
             | a comfortable middle ground between hard-core "library"
             | apps and full-on GUI apps.
               | diarrhea wrote:
               | Git follows this model as well, calling it porcelain and
               | plumbing (the internals). Arguably, there's a third layer
               | in actual GUIs wrapping the porcelain (and sometimes
               | plumbing).
               | Beltalowda wrote:
               | ffmpeg specifically is a bit of an outlier; together with
               | some other tools like qemu.
               | For the rest of things, you can go a long way by just
               | aligning things nicely, indentation, wrapping/indenting
               | properly according to the terminal width, and maybe
               | adding a bit of bold text which is both easily parsed by
               | machines _and_ human readable.
               | I generally think these are often considerably more user-
               | friendly than outputting 6 different colours - half of
               | which don't work well on many background colours so it's
               | unreadable - assuming the terminal is 290 characters wide
               | - many tools these days seem to think you've got
               | infinitely wide screens - and all the other things these
               | "modern" things do.
               | Something like "df" is a simple but classic example; GNU
               | df at least aligns nicely no matter the column sizes
               | (some other dfs, like NetBSD df, don't) and that's still
               | easily used by machines _and_ humans. Maybe -h should be
               | the default though (which would break scripts, so it can
               | 't be changed for /usr/bin/df, but in an ideal world...)
               | Basically, you can have your cake and eat it too.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | > I feel the opposite, these kinds of projects imho are just
           | moving terminals away from their key benefits, being simple,
           | predictable, brutally functional with no gratuitous
           | animations or flourishes
           | This stuff is not "new" at all. It's just the latest twist on
           | the ANSI art of old, and the use case is similar.
           | smolder wrote:
           | I still use IRSSI as an IRC client, running in a screen
           | session, through SSH, from multiple machines or even from my
           | phone. The TUI in gnu screen over SSH setup is really handy
           | for securely accessing a continuously-running application
           | from anywhere you happen to be. I could use irccloud or some
           | other web based thing, sure, but I like hosting my own
           | services and having auth and device whitelisting uniformly
           | handled the SSH way. Yet a chat client doesn't work well as a
           | set of CLI commands as opposed to a TUI. Email from TUI might
           | not be too bad either. There are lots of cases where I think
           | it'd fit.
           | wiseowise wrote:
           | Nobody forces you to use them.
           | BiteCode_dev wrote:
           | Ah but that's the best part about TUI, you can fall back on
           | the cli when you don't want the whole burrito.
             | spicybright wrote:
             | Well, sticking with the analogy you're falling back to a
             | taco made from different ingredients rather than just a
             | part of the burrito. That can be intrusive if they decide
             | to put chicken instead of ground beef in it.
             | More concretely, it's using a totally different tool to get
             | a subset of functionality you want vs other solutions.
             | Personally I don't see a reason why one would do that, but
             | more power to you if you do. If anything, ordering the taco
             | sometimes is going to give you a more refined palette than
             | if you got the same burrito each time (i.e. more experience
             | in the problem space you're working in).
             | (I'm getting hungry now...)
             | stjohnswarts wrote:
             | .... if the tui app includes the functionality.
           | leejoramo wrote:
           | As someone who started out using pre-PC micro-computers
           | (TRS-80, Apple ][, CP/M), I often would like to have access
           | to a good suite of what we now call TUI programs.
           | Having a common TUI would be a bonus, which briefly existed
           | back in Borland's heyday.
           | woodrowbarlow wrote:
           | in practice, i rarely see a tool that _only_ offers a tui.
           | most tui tools i encounter will respond helpfully to a
           | `--help` flag and let me do anything i need from a script.
           | any tool that doesn 't is nearly useless - i don't think this
           | is lost on most cli app developers, and i don't think it's at
           | odds with the quest for 'pretty' UIs in interactive mode.
           | icedchai wrote:
           | I feel the same. Simple ANSI color is enough. Call me old
           | school, I don't want emojis in my terminal.
             | cauefcr wrote:
             | With emojis you usually also get unicode, which is great
             | for all the non-ascii-languages out there.
         | shreyshnaccount wrote:
         | imagine cross platform apps that work just as well on phones,
         | and built using this type of almost scripting like code. (check
         | out pywebio too)
           | ludston wrote:
           | Like a Web browser?
             | shreyshnaccount wrote:
             | yes, minus the Javascript.
       | K0nserv wrote:
       | I wrote[0] something similar to the first part of this post a
       | while back for one of the AoC 2019 puzzles. However, it didn't
       | strike me that you can represent each frame as a set and use the
       | difference to figure out the resulting render commands, that's
       | super neat.
       | Something strange that I found was: If you redraw only two
       | characters in the terminal, neither iTerm nor macOS's terminal
       | would render the update. In my solution I always rendered some
       | characters redundantly to get around this.
       | EDIT: I went back and looked at this code again based on the
       | insights from this blog post and figured out a few more issues I
       | had and fixed them.
       | 0: https://hugotunius.se/2019/12/29/efficient-terminal-
       | drawing-...
       | silon42 wrote:
       | The biggest problems with terminals are: - some terminals support
       | escape sequences that can do bad stuff (like when you accidentaly
       | 'cat' a binary file - keyboard support is severly limited,
       | especially regarding the Esc key and the modifiers.
         | ilc wrote:
         | People underestimate this. But you are very right.
         | I'll give a small story from my distant past:
         | I went to a college with Sun IPCs and IPXs. It turns out, if
         | you make the terminal beep on one, it is the HIGHEST priority
         | thing the machine can do as far as we could tell. So when
         | someone sent someone else, 2 megs of ^Gs via some mechanism
         | usable in the 1990's, and recipient is sitting in the middle of
         | a cathedral computing center. The machine literally will beep,
         | and beep, and you can't stop it.
         | That is a lot of bleeping, beeping. They had to power the poor
         | machine off. Since I've used visual bell on every terminal
         | program I use. Since I've turned on Virtual Bell in every
         | terminal emulator, and I don't trust much on a terminal.
         | May a terminal emulator author read my cautionary tale. (Before
         | you ask: No I was not the user involved.)
           | wrycoder wrote:
           | Back in the day, this was called feeping creatures.
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