[HN Gopher] Hijacking Email with Cloudflare Email Routing
       Hijacking Email with Cloudflare Email Routing
       Author : albertpedersen
       Score  : 201 points
       Date   : 2022-08-03 14:02 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (albertpedersen.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (albertpedersen.com)
       | albertpedersen wrote:
       | Here's the write-up of a simple but severe exploit I found in
       | Cloudflare's email forwarding service.
         | LinuxBender wrote:
         | That is a good write-up and a good find. Thankyou for
         | publishing it and for the responsible disclosure timeline.
           | DanAtC wrote:
           | Over 7 months after it was fixed? Why not disclose
           | immediately after?
             | LinuxBender wrote:
             | Disclosing a vulnerability immediately after it is
             | discovered has a few problems. One is a risk to the
             | customers, as script kiddies will create git repos full of
             | tools to automation exploitation of the vulnerability.
             | Another risk is that people will jump to conclusions
             | without a proper root cause analysis being performed that
             | determines how this happened, what is required to prevent
             | it from happening and if there may be more aspects to this
             | vulnerability than was were originally thought to exist.
             | Another reason to not disclose immediately would be that in
             | most cases it will violate the agreement the penetration
             | tester or security researcher has with the bug bounty
             | program. Disclosing immediately would mean they do not get
             | paid for their discovery. This payment for bugs concept
             | provides an incentive for people to help a company fix
             | their bugs that their own developers and QA teams may have
             | overlooked.
       | lizardactivist wrote:
       | Why would anyone even allow the biggest man-in-the-middle on the
       | Internet to route their e-mail in the first place? It's a
       | situation that will never be private and secure.
         | JimWestergren wrote:
         | A smaller man-in-the-middle would be more secure? I mean if
         | email forward is really necessary (in my case yes) and
         | successful delivery of email is really important (so I don't
         | want to use my own VPS and the headache it brings) are there
         | any better options for me than CloudFlare? My domains already
         | use CloudFlare for their CDN etc.
         | fjni wrote:
         | Elephant in the room.
       | ejcx wrote:
       | I lead Product Security at Cloudflare, thanks for the writeup
       | Albert and the fantastic security research throughout the past
       | year.
       | Once this issue was fixed we investigated all prior email routing
       | configurations to ensure that this had only been found as part of
       | Albert's responsible disclosure to us.
       | Since some comments are addressing that this happened 7 months
       | ago. Our disclosure policy is to allow researchers to write about
       | us once the issue is fixed, but give us a week heads up before
       | they publish so we aren't surprised, can coordinate any public
       | comms we want to make, FAQs that need to be written for inbound
       | questions from customers, and can tailor our response to the
       | issue at hand. Can answer other questions if you have any.
       | We disclosed the issue here earlier this week once Albert told us
       | he was writing a blog: https://hackerone.com/reports/1419341
         | dreadlordbone wrote:
         | Any info about your devs doing only client side verification of
         | the beta flag? Seems like a pretty bad practice.
           | ejcx wrote:
           | What was missing was the server side ownership check. We
           | decide which customer owns the real "example.com" which is
           | very battle tested logic, but had missed the check in this
           | new service. The client side validation is expected too,
           | though
             | Operyl wrote:
             | I'm curious, if you'll disclose it, what the exclusionary
             | policy was. Enterprise zones?
             | dreadlordbone wrote:
             | Tracking, thank you.
           | OJFord wrote:
           | It's obviously not good in general, it's 'obscurity' (as in
           | 'is not security') really, but it seems pretty harmless for a
           | gradual roll-out feature toggle? If someone cares enough and
           | knows enough to find they can get past it, let them play with
           | the beta feature?
           | After all, it got them this responsible disclosure.
           | It wasn't part of the vulnerability, it just allowed OP (who
           | happened not to be legitimately in the beta) to find it.
             | systemvoltage wrote:
             | Well, the whole point of Beta program is to limit the
             | participation and thus the exposure of attack vectors, and
             | reduce the impact during the testing phase.
               | nmjohn wrote:
               | I've built numerous systems that could be called "beta
               | programs" - and the goal of none of them was security
               | related - but rather product feedback related.
               | OJFord wrote:
               | I suppose I wouldn't personally think of it as limiting
               | exposure like that - prod is prod, beta feature or not -
               | but if one does for a given product then yes sure it's a
               | bad bug.
               | Do we really think Cloudflare Email Routing private beta
               | was private to somehow trusted parties only though?
               | Presumably 'N-mutual trusted parties' too, for regulatory
               | compliance. I assume not; not least because the product
               | security lead is here in the comments saying they vetted
               | logs etc. after the fact to ensure that only OP took
               | advantage of this.
               | shyn3 wrote:
               | I wouldn't rely on any companies logs or audit trail.
               | OJFord wrote:
               | Fine, not the point, they did it - implies the invitees
               | weren't trusted 'they won't/doesn't matter if they do pwn
               | each other' customers.
           | Operyl wrote:
           | Usually rollouts like that are slow to prevent a flood of
           | people using it at once, and to slowly open the flood gates.
           | Not many people will manually change the flag, either. I
           | don't think the fact that the feature flag was just client
           | side is a "smoking gun".
             | brightball wrote:
             | Agreed. Feature flags can be complicated to implement both
             | client side and server side.
             | Ideally you want both but it doesn't always work out that
             | way.
         | edm0nd wrote:
         | Thank you for awarding this a bounty of $6,000.
       | nop_slide wrote:
       | Only a $6000 reward for being able to intercept someone's email?!
         | jtokoph wrote:
         | Seems to be double their max payout of $3,000:
         | https://hackerone.com/cloudflare?type=team#user-content-rewa...
         | It was also comprised of two separate $3,000 rewards. Maybe
         | they treated it as two vulnerabilities?
           | albertpedersen wrote:
           | In this case the second $3000 bounty was due to a 2x
           | promotion at the time. The guideline for a critical is $3000,
           | but Cloudflare does occasionally award bonuses for severe
           | vulnerabilities (e.g. https://hackerone.com/reports/1478633).
           | riedel wrote:
           | 6k seems to be a really low payout given the potential impact
           | (particularly with respect to personal data), the work needed
           | to discover such vulnerabilities, the revenue of cloudflare
           | and the potential money that could be made by a blackhead. Or
           | am I naive?
         | happyopossum wrote:
         | Likely impacted by the fact that this was in a private beta and
         | not a publicly available product. Betas are "supposed to" have
         | bugs.
           | r1ch wrote:
           | A well-run bug bounty should encourage early reporting of
           | issues. Should he have waited until public release so the
           | impact was bigger?
             | rsstack wrote:
             | It's a moot point because this hasn't happened. Cloudflare
             | didn't lower the payout because it was in beta.
               | r1ch wrote:
               | Yeah I didn't realize CF's payouts were so low.
           | Bytewave81 wrote:
           | A "private" beta enforced solely by a clientside check,
           | notably.
             | rsstack wrote:
             | Sure, but the client-side check completely limits the
             | exposure Cloudflare have because big enterprise corporates
             | don't get themselves into a private beta by playing with
             | client-side checks. Only a few companies were using this
             | feature at the time.
       | jmull3n wrote:
       | Good find. I can't believe it was that easy, tests should have
       | caught this.
       | dustinmoris wrote:
       | Wow did Cloudflare outsource all their development work to some
       | cheap agency or how come they develop features like this with
       | zero security and pretty damn naive, simplistic and childish bugs
       | you wouldn't expect from a company that routes half of the
       | internet's traffic through their servers.
       | megraf wrote:
       | Hey Albert, awesome first post. You made a great deal to include
       | the _right_ amount of detail, and your writing style is
       | sufficient enough to keep me engaged through the entire post.
       | Keep going!
       | wizofaus wrote:
       | So now email is unsafe for MFA/password reset messages too?
       | (actually I've long argued it's not really any safer than SMS, at
       | least in countries where there are decent regulations around
       | porting numbers).
       | theunixbeard wrote:
       | Awesome work, Albert! Looks like you are crushing it on
       | HackerOne, over $37K in bounties?
       | https://hackerone.com/albertspedersen?type=user
       | You've obviously got a strong career in Security in the future.
       | Have you looked at any Crypto projects? Seems like there are some
       | massive bounties on https://immunefi.com and similar sites.
         | sammy2244 wrote:
       | upupandup wrote:
       | wow this is insane. who knows how many emails were skimmed on
       | cloudflare? definitely will not be trusting this service because
       | how many other vulnerabilities are not yet discovered?
         | ctippett wrote:
         | I place greater trust in organisations that are proactive about
         | their security posture, versus an organisation where this type
         | of vulnerability would never have been publicly disclosed.
           | upupandup wrote:
           | Proactive but not preventive. You know only after an incident
           | occurs. While I appreciate it, the risk isn't mitigated at
           | all unless you don't use the said service. ex. Heroku
         | ejcx wrote:
         | I lead Product Security at Cloudflare (and I'm one of Albert's
         | biggest fans, he's contributed a lot to our bug bounty, thank
         | you Albert).
         | Once he reported the issue we investigated all prior email
         | routing configurations to ensure that this had only been found
         | as part of Albert's responsible disclosure to us.
         | We disclosed the issue here earlier this week:
         | https://hackerone.com/reports/1419341
       | boredpudding wrote:
       | Is the 'Burp' mentioned in this, the 'Burp Suite' that can be
       | downloaded here? https://portswigger.net/burp/communitydownload
       | Am new to this kinda stuff but would love to play with it. Always
       | love reading up on responsible disclosures.
         | albertpedersen wrote:
         | Yup, 'Burp' refers to the free version of 'Burp Suite'. I don't
         | use Burp Suite anymore though. Some months ago I started using
         | mitmproxy (https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy) due to it's
         | Python scripting API. I have never looked back since then.
           | zegerius wrote:
           | This is also my goto.
           | I work with it to do reverse engineering of APIs for apps on
           | Android icw Frida.
       | js2 wrote:
       | > The restrictions were all client-side.
       | :-(
       | I've been in this industry since 1996. Must every programmer make
       | this mistake for themselves before they learn? I see this over,
       | and over, and over again, at company after company after company.
       | I'm really surprised a company as seemingly competent as
       | Cloudflare would make this mistake, to say nothing of the larger
       | error of allowing forwarding to be setup on an unverified domain.
       | I weep.
       | Edit: I'd appreciate a response from Cloudflare on how this
       | slipped through the cracks and what changes they are making to
       | prevent such mistakes in the future. Not trusting user input is
       | among the most basic thing I'd expect a programmer, especially
       | one working at CF, to know in 2022, so I'm assuming this was some
       | sort of miscommunication between teams.
         | jgrahamc wrote:
         | It wasn't mean to be client-side only, it was meant to be
         | client-side and server-side. Unfortunately, the server-side
         | check wasn't happening in the way intended allowing Albert to
         | find this vulnerability. We have a special document that
         | describes bug classes that need special attention and this
         | particular incident has been added to it.
           | ffhhj wrote:
           | >> We have a special document that describes bug classes that
           | need special attention
           | Sounds like manual testing that should be automated.
           | js2 wrote:
           | How was this feature able to ship to production w/o the
           | server-side check being tested?
           | Does CF have a launch process for new features? Does that
           | process include reviewing the special document and testing
           | the new feature against the various bug classes?
           | OJFord wrote:
           | I think you're giving too much weight to this angle - if OP
           | had happened to be in the beta, that part wouldn't have been
           | found or mentioned at all.
           | Bypassing a beta feature toggle isn't really a vulnerability
           | IMO, it just allowed OP to find one in this case.
             | mox1 wrote:
             | What!?
             | So nobody here can think of any possible scenario where
             | bypassing a server-side check for 'Account X can access
             | Feature Y' could directly lead to a security issue?
             | This is absolutely 100% a vulnerability - insomuch as that
             | CloudFlare should have an explicit policy that ALL account
             | features are enabled / verified server-side, not client
             | side.
             | Think of all the spam that would have happened, had this
             | been discovered on underground black-hat forums.
               | OJFord wrote:
               | Do you want to offer some? It's not clear this even
               | bypassed payment that should have been due. That would be
               | worse, and still not really a _vulnerability_.
               | > Think of all the spam that would have happened, had
               | this been discovered on underground black-hat forums.
               | What spam would have happened as a result of early access
               | to a new Cloudflare feature, that's independent of any
               | (other) bugs/security flaws in that feature?
               | (Also, even with the _actual_ vulnerability here, what
               | 'spam' would have happened? This hijacks recieving.
               | Worse, yes, but I don't see how it helps spammers.)
             | systemvoltage wrote:
             | jgc is just responding to the OP, don't strawman him. OP is
             | the person focusing on the client-side beta check, so jgc
             | is responding to _that_ particular thing. Has zero bearing
             | on the overall issue.
               | OJFord wrote:
               | I'm not 'strawmanning' him, I'm saying responding to that
               | line of argument (or at least in the way that he did,
               | accepting the claim it's bad and defending on the back
               | foot) lends it undeserved credence.
               | I agree it 'has zero bearing on the overall issue'. That
               | is pretty much my entire point.
         | freedomben wrote:
         | Sadly, yes :-(
         | At this point I'm nearly an old man yelling at a cloud, but
         | anytime a junior engineer starts I try to go over a handful of
         | basic security things. Seems that most people coming out of
         | school are aware of SQL injection and XSS, but the concept of
         | client-side security is no security is not sinking in, even
         | after it's been explained.
         | I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out why, and the best
         | I can come up with is that they just think something like the
         | following myths:
         | * Nobody would ever do that.
         | * Nobody would ever hit the API directly.
         | * It would be too hard to do that for somebody who isn't the
         | developer.
         | * The need for an auth token would make it impossible to hit it
         | with curl or another client.
         | * Nobody can change the client code because it's obfuscated and
         | unreadable for humans.
         | Doing it on the server side is harder and a pain in the ass, so
         | there's a lot of incentive to do it on the client and not worry
         | about the server. It particularly doesn't help that as an
         | industry now we're obsessed with speed and quality be damned.
         | We can always fix it/do it right later (spoiler alert: you
         | never do and you never have time because there will always be
         | important new features that are high priority).
         | deanc wrote:
         | Because we are humans and we make mistakes. Not everyone is an
         | expert at every one thing and whilst this is a pretty bad bug
         | and should have come up in the planning phase when considering
         | security risks, or a security review before hitting production,
         | shit happens. Get off your high horse.
           | dcow wrote:
           | This type of response makes me think you don't actually
           | understand how important security is during the product
           | development process and to customers. And that GP is on the
           | mark being critical. Someone messed up and humans are humans,
           | everyone gets that. But that doesn't absolve CF of some due
           | explanation to people who are rightfully very concerned. CF
           | got really lucky that a bad actor didn't find this. I don't
           | like high horses either but you could also use a dose of
           | humility.
             | deanc wrote:
             | I very much do understand the important of security in
             | product development. I've been part of numerous security
             | audits amongst other things I shan't get too deep into here
             | as it's not the point.
             | The point is that software is developed by humans. Humans
             | make mistakes. Find me a single Fortune 500 company that
             | hasn't had an embarrassing security issue due to human
             | error. As I said, shit happens.
             | The response time for fixing this and everything else
             | entailed in a big bounty process looks good to me. I'm sure
             | whatever team worked on this feature will learn from it.
           | js2 wrote:
           | We put processes in place because not everyone is an expert
           | and because humans make mistakes. Shipping new features at a
           | company of CloudFlare's maturity and scope should have a
           | launch checklist. That checklist should include verifying the
           | security of new API endpoints. This was a big goof up and I
           | think my criticism is warranted, though I could have worded
           | it more charitably.
           | groffee wrote:
           | It's literally the most basic shit imaginable, never trust
           | user input.
         | vxNsr wrote:
         | Yea this was a surprise.
       | powerhour wrote:
       | > The bug has since been fixed and Cloudflare has kindly allowed
       | me to publish this write-up.
       | Seems wild that they can deny you the opportunity to publish your
       | findings for 7 months after the fix for a beta product went live.
       | What is that about? Was that a requirement to get the bug bounty?
       | Seems like a great way to encourage finding another buyer
       | instead.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-08-03 23:00 UTC)