[HN Gopher] Connect-Web: It's time for Protobuf/gRPC to be your ...
       Connect-Web: It's time for Protobuf/gRPC to be your first choice in
       the browser
       Author : slimsag
       Score  : 126 points
       Date   : 2022-08-04 17:20 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (buf.build)
 (TXT) w3m dump (buf.build)
       | newaccount2021 wrote:
       | dathinab wrote:
       | But protobuf isn't grate, especially proto v3 is tuned exactly
       | for googles needs, tools and approaches. But googles needs, tools
       | and approaches are not fitting for most smaller companies.
       | And gRPC adds a bunch of additional complexity and failure modes,
       | sure it's worth considering especially for larger projects. But a
       | lot of projects get away just fine with a surprising small number
       | of endpoints.
         | akshayshah wrote:
         | For the most part, we agree! Protobuf isn't perfect. gRPC is
         | _definitely_ optimized for megacorporation-sized problems.
         | No matter who you are, though, it's not fun to hand-write
         | boilerplate data types and fetch calls or quibble over which
         | parameters should go in the path and which should be query
         | params. Even when you're actually sending JSON on the wire and
         | using regular HTTP/1.1 POSTs, Protobuf and connect-web make it
         | easy to skip right to the interesting part of your code.
       | boardwaalk wrote:
       | It looks like the Connect protocol supports client streaming,
       | which gRPC-Web doesn't, but the only way for a server to speak
       | connect-web is to write it in Go and use their libraries?
       | What about servers in other languages? Are there any plans for
       | f.e. Envoy support for going from Connect the frontend to gRPC on
       | the backend? Like gRPC-Web to gRPC?
         | akshayshah wrote:
         | The gRPC-Web _protocol_ supports streaming - it supports
         | everything that standard gRPC does.* The client libraries that
         | operate in web browsers don't support client streaming, because
         | every major browser currently buffers request bodies.
         | Right now, you're correct - the easiest way for another server
         | to speak the Connect protocol is to use connect-go. We're
         | planning to support more backend languages soon: Node.js is up
         | next, with the JVM maybe afterwards. We'd also love to
         | contribute (time, code, review, whatever) to any other backend
         | implementations - the protocol is not that complex. File an
         | issue on one of our projects or ping us in our Slack, it'll
         | probably be an easy sell.
         | Envoy support is complicated. The honest truth is that we
         | haven't looked into it all that much because it feels rude -
         | Envoy's architecture requires first-party plugins to live in
         | the main repo, and it feels impolite to attempt a C++ code dump
         | for our new project. Maybe once Connect takes the world by
         | storm :) Even if we did do that, a Connect-to-gRPC translation
         | layer would only work for binary payloads - converting JSON to
         | binary protobuf requires the schemas, and redeploying proxies
         | every time the schema changes is an operational nightmare.
         | * Worth noting that gRPC-Web doesn't really have a
         | specification. There's a narrative description of how gRPC-Web
         | differs from standard gRPC, but they specifically mention that
         | the protocol is defined by the reference implementation in
         | Envoy.
           | boardwaalk wrote:
           | Thank you for the detailed reply!
           | Random thoughts: I personally would not mind requiring
           | Protobuf payloads so the proxy portion can stay dumb --
           | keeping proxies up to date sounds no fun. Losing
           | inspectability (not having JSON) is a minus but not a deal
           | breaker. Requiring servers to use a new library is a big lift
           | for people, and hard to sell if what you have works. Having a
           | proxy you can drop in the meantime, while getting client
           | streaming at the same time, seems nice. In any case, having
           | the shiny Typescript friendly libraries that can easily
           | switch between gRPC-Web and Connect is nice, so thanks for
           | that.
           | For what it's worth, our servers are C++ and use Arrow Flight
           | which why I'm even interested in client streaming at all (its
           | DoPut method has a streaming argument). My current solution
           | is to add a regular gRPC method that behaves similarly to
           | DoPut but is a unary call for browser clients. Not terrible,
           | but it'd be nice to not have to do that.
           | I may well take you up on filing an issue/pinging y'all on
           | Slack.
       | rektide wrote:
       | If the browser folk had ever made HTTP Push available for use to
       | the web page, such that actual grpc could run, I'd agree.
       | gRPC/the web are at an impasse versus browsermakers who are
       | resistant to new capabilities & who gave up on push as
       | unsuccessful after never letting us try. Here's a good recent (4
       | year old) issue; it links back to much older issues.
       | https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/607
       | The rest of the protobuf world has gotten so much better. But the
       | grpc on the web hacks feel bad. The awful option of running
       | http3-over-webtransport-over-http3 is becoming alluring given the
       | lack of browser care for the basics, and that's terrifying (it
       | means the page loading & running it's own page/userland http3
       | stack). But there doesn't seem to be room for progress &
       | innovation & even basic continuity/ways forward, with HTTP Push
       | getting shoved out the airplane door.
       | The work here to build yet another protocol that is gRPC like to
       | workaround limitations is heroic. It's unfortunate that protocol
       | development in general is hamstrung by these awkward longstanding
       | limitations in the browser.
         | akshayshah wrote:
         | From my limited perspective, it'd certainly be nice if browsers
         | exposed more of HTTP. I also appreciate that the web platform
         | is far larger, and far more backward-compatible, than any code
         | I've ever even considered writing. If browser makers are slow
         | to expose new protocol features, that's a cost I'm happy to
         | pay.
         | At least as I understand it, HTTP Push isn't the problem. The
         | key problem is that browsers don't want to expose HTTP
         | trailers. I understand their reluctance - even putting aside
         | the security concerns, it's a huge semantic change. Many HTTP
         | response headers, like etags, are typically computed by
         | buffering the response, running some compute, then sending
         | headers and the buffered body. All of those would, presumably,
         | now need to also be sendable as trailers. What if the server
         | sends both an etag header and trailer, and they don't match?
         | The rabbit hole goes pretty far. Here's the Chromium issue
         | where the gRPC and Chrome teams debate the issue:
         | https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=691599.
         | There's also a series of whatwg issues about exposing trailers
         | in the fetch API: https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/34.
         | For a protocol that sits above L7, the gRPC HTTP/2 protocol is
         | liberal about diving past the semantics outlined in RFC 9110
         | and specifying transport-level details. (As an example,
         | trailers-only responses must be sent in a _single_ HTTP/2
         | headers frame with the EOS bit set.) That degree of specificity
         | unlocks some performance gains, but it makes it near-impossible
         | to speak this protocol using an existing HTTP library - a
         | traditional strength of building on top of L7. For broad
         | adoption in a _lot_ of environments, gRPC-Web (and Connect) are
         | IMO much better protocols.
       | maerF0x0 wrote:
       | For those griping about using JSON manually with their APIs ...
       | This tool is a big help for working with GRPC (at least from cli)
       | https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl
       | lotw_dot_site wrote:
       | No demo. I was wondering what kinds of things I could be doing
       | here that I couldn't do before (with websockets, webrtc, etc) but
       | demo.connect.build just redirects to connect.build. I'd only
       | known of "Protocol Buffers" as something that was internal to
       | Google, but never knew exactly to what end.
         | akshayshah wrote:
         | The little demo application is on the connect.build homepage
         | and on https://connect.build/demo. I completely forgot to fix
         | the redirect from demo.connect.build to point to the actual
         | demo page - thank you for reminding me :)
         | Protocol Buffers are just a schema language. They're
         | spiritually akin to OpenAPI, Thrift, Avro, and a bunch of other
         | contract-type things. They're _also_ a binary serialization
         | format that's usually faster and more compact than JSON. The
         | intention is to use Protocol Buffers as a language-independent
         | way of describing data bags and network APIs, and then use that
         | schema/contract to generate code in the language you actually
         | work in.
         | It's not that you _can't_ do that with websockets, webrtc, or
         | just RESTful HTTP/1.1 - it's that you shouldn't _need_ to. The
         | hand-written code to define the same data bag
         | classes/interfaces/structs/etc in multiple languages, then wire
         | them up to the same HTTP boilerplate isn't difficult or
         | interesting, it's just toil. For all the times you're just
         | calling an API, Protobuf lets you get on with the interesting
         | work and skip the boilerplate. Ideally, things work well even
         | if you're writing client code in a language that the server
         | team doesn't have any expertise in.
         | If you're doing something unusual and need
         | webrtc/websockets/etc, go for it!
         | lotw_dot_site wrote:
         | Nevermind, I see the demo is the Eliza widget on the main page.
         | So, I can do Eliza with it then...
         | I'll keep that in mind for the next time that I need to get an
         | Eliza widget working ;)
       | [deleted]
       | fizx wrote:
       | There seems to be two groups of protobuf libraries for HTTP 1.1,
       | the ones that want to make it look like binary+HTTP/2 grpc (grpc-
       | web, grpc-gateway), and the ones that make it look like idiomatic
       | web tech (twirp).
       | I'm excited to see more ideas in the second category.
         | jrockway wrote:
         | grpc-gateway is actually in the second class. It allows you to
         | annotate your protobuf so as to create a JSON + HTTP method
         | based API (people call this "REST") that is translated to gRPC
         | for your actual backend.
         | (gRPC/Web is protobufs over HTTP/1.1. Different than strict
         | HTTP/1.1 transcoding, though, which is also possible for gRPC
         | to do.)
         | I think grpc-gateway is absolutely what 99% of users want to
         | do. You can generate client stubs (it will even output an
         | OpenAPI spec) like you can do for gRPC + protos, but it's all
         | HTTP/1.1 + JSON over the wire, so if you really want to hand
         | craft curl requests, you can. (But with an OpenAPI spec, you'll
         | really like just plugging it into some GUI tool to make these
         | one-off requests. Even curl diehards like myself.) grpc-gateway
         | is also up front about not supporting things browsers can't do,
         | like bidirectional streaming. gRPC/Web always disappointed me
         | on that front; "coming soon" for years.
         | In the past, I used grpc-gateway (in process, some minor
         | downsides compared to running the gateway as a separate
         | process) + gRPC for my service's internal admin API. It was
         | very few lines of code whenever you wanted to add a new
         | endpoint, and because of the OpenAPI spec, it became available
         | for use in our admin GUI as soon as you pushed the new server
         | code. If someone wanted to add a new endpoint, there was
         | basically no tedium, edit the proto, "go generate ...",
         | implement the generated interface with your actual
         | functionality, push to production. We embedded the generated
         | OpenAPI spec in the doc, so you could just point at
         | app.example.com/OpenAPI.json and clients would auto-update to
         | see your new endpoint.)
         | I actually converted in-place a hand-coded REST API; all the
         | requests and responses and endpoints stayed the same (thanks to
         | the power of the grpc-gateway annotations), but I deleted all
         | the code in every handler that did the marshaling and
         | unmarshaling. The result was something that was very easy to
         | add to and maintain. I liked it a lot and would do it again
         | without hesitation. (We used Retool as the GUI. Not sure I'd
         | recommend it, but it worked fine. I've seen some HN posts about
         | open source alternatives, those look awesome.)
         | I have also written several apps that use gRPC/Web. I didn't
         | find the experience bad, but the Javascript bundle size is
         | huge, so I never felt great about it. grpc-gateway should be
         | the first thing you look at, your server code will be simple,
         | and your client code will be small. And hey, if you have non-
         | web clients, plain gRPC is great too.
         | mf192 wrote:
         | Curious, do you see connect-web falling into the former or the
         | latter group?
       | time4tea wrote:
       | I just love how a zero byte protobuf message deserialises into a
       | valid struct. Very reassuring.
         | net_ wrote:
         | In the other direction, the "all fields at default value
         | serializes as size 0 message that you can't send" behavior has
         | been an unending annoyance since switching to proto3.
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | That's the example I always use for the people who say that
         | protocol buffers are "type-safe" which they emphatically are
         | not. Any empty buffer will successfully decode as any message
         | that has only optional fields!
           | 0x457 wrote:
           | Well, isn't still type-safe then? If every field is optional,
           | then a zero byte message is a totally valid message. The
           | issue is that every field is optional, and there are no
           | required fields at all.
           | I'm very annoyed that all fields are optional. Which means I
           | have to do additional validation on server side and in a
           | language like rust it's double annoying because now you have
           | `T` or `Option<T>` and it's confusing for some types:
           | - `string` will be rust's `String` except it is an empty
           | string by default - All "custom" types are `Option<T>` even
           | if that makes no sense semantically
           | So now you have to check if a string is empty, which I guess
           | is technically a string anyway. However, now you have no
           | idea, it is an empty string as a value or lack of value? You
           | end up wrapping `string` into a `StringValue` and now linter
           | is complaining that you shouldn't use those.
           | Overall parser for protobuf messages got simpler, but now
           | enforcing safety is on server's implementation.
           | dathinab wrote:
           | the idea of protobuf is "init to default value and then
           | incremental merge message fragments".
           | Which is even more crazy then missing parts have default
           | value, when you consider how that behaves in some cases of
           | mismatching schemas (it also can introduce annoying
           | limitations when trying to create idiomatic libraries in some
           | languages, especially such with "type-safety").
           | And then add in some of the "automatic type conversions it
           | does".
           | And to top if of some edge cases tend to very often diverge
           | in implementations of different languages, no matter what the
           | original intention was.
           | And the result is uh, just uh, very very uh.
           | I understand why google uses them, it fits them. It probably
           | a good idea given google scale problems, company and team
           | structure and "skill level" of each member.
           | But that doesn't mean it's a good fit for everyone.
             | jeffbee wrote:
             | To be fair to protobuf, its own docs make no claims about
             | "safe". That is projected upon it by people who do not
             | understand it.
       | bjt2n3904 wrote:
       | "It's time for..."
       | Good grief. Pretentious much?
         | dboreham wrote:
         | Also a reliable indicator that it was never time.
       | mosdl wrote:
       | Has anyone used their protobuf-es library? Seems interesting and
       | better than the other libraries from a quick glance. I wonder if
       | there are bazel rules for it.
         | akshayshah wrote:
         | Probably not - we wrote it alongside connect-web, so it also
         | launched very recently :)
         | We do think it's the best option for protobuf code generation
         | in TypeScript, though. It comes from quite a few years of
         | experience with proto & TS: the primary author is also the
         | author and maintainer of protobuf-ts, and we had the author of
         | ts-proto review it and give us a thumbs-up before launch.
         | There _could_ be Bazel rules for it - we certainly write enough
         | other Bazel integrations. Mind filing an issue on
         | https://github.com/bufbuild/protobuf-es?
           | mosdl wrote:
           | Sure, opened an issue.
       | masukomi wrote:
       | protobuffers are no end of pain for me at work.
       | Yes, the guarantee of no breaking changes in an API is wonderful.
       | Everything else sucks.
       | Not being able to use JSON to test your api? sucks.
       | Having to convert the changed .proto files to a new library for
       | your language (gem for ruby in my case) and then have your system
       | use that instead of the latest release (because you haven't
       | tested it yet) sucks.
       | A terrible ruby library written by people who were obviously not
       | ruby devs (it makes FooServiceService classes for example)?
       | sucks.
       | hoop-jumping to force a breaking change in something you thought
       | was good, but isn't and hasn't been released yet? Sucks
       | horribly degraded iteration loops on new functionality? sucks
       | not being able to host it anywhere that doesn't support HTTP2
       | (Heroku)? sucks
       | Unless you're working on something at google scale and the
       | performance difference and bandwidth savings are actually
       | noticeable RUN FOR THE HILLS. Protobuffers will bring you nothing
       | but pain.
         | ghayes wrote:
         | You missed my biggest gripe: the Golang influenced decision
         | that "zero strictly equals nil." This decision is non-idiomatic
         | in, honestly, most languages.
           | FridgeSeal wrote:
           | It's especially awful because protobufs will incorrectly
           | parse non-matching messages-filling in blank and mismatched
           | fields, instead of just failing out.
           | Had that happen more than once, and it made for an extremely
           | confusing situation.
           | shadowgovt wrote:
           | It makes a lot of sense for a wire format to save space by
           | having a default value and omitting the message when the
           | value is the default, and by standardizing on a specific
           | default, the protobuffer protocol avoids developers having to
           | wonder what the default is for every field.
           | I agree that it can be a sharp edge for the tool if you don't
           | see it coming... It can be convenient to deserialize a
           | protobuffer into an in-memory representation for working with
           | it. Proto doesn't do this for you because it would be
           | unnecessary overhead if your code can just work with the
           | protobuffers as-is, and protobuffer errs on the side of
           | speed.
         | franciscop wrote:
         | Agreed also with Node.js, and we didn't even see meaningful
         | improvements in data size for our usecase without double
         | encoding. The size of fairly repeated data with JSON+GZIP was
         | on the same order of magnitude as the raw data with
         | protobuffers. To be fair the protobuffers included some
         | unwanted fields, but it was expensive enough decoding them,
         | what were we going to do decode AND encode them again? No way,
         | decode, slice in JS and send the JSON, with GZIP it was the
         | same size.
           | [deleted]
           | shadowgovt wrote:
           | Honestly, that's one of the nicest things about JSON. While
           | it has a lot of on the wire redundancy, it is a very
           | compressible shape of redundancy.
         | hardwaresofton wrote:
         | I know it's unlikely, but has anyone ever tried using protobuf
         | + HTTP/1/2/3 with `Content-Type`? It's an experiment I've been
         | wanting to run forever but haven't found time to.
         | I wonder if all the speed gains people are seeing would work
         | just fine with reasonable `Content-Type` and maybe an extra
         | header for intended schema.
         | akshayshah wrote:
         | Couldn't agree more, especially about the un-idiomatic
         | libraries in many languages and gRPC's insistence on end-to-end
         | HTTP/2 and trailer support. All of this is, in essence, what
         | we're trying to solve with the Connect family of libraries.
         | Eventually, we'd like you to have `connect-rails` (or maybe
         | `connect-rack`, I'm an awful Ruby programmer). It would
         | automatically support the gRPC-Web and Connect protocols, and
         | hopefully standard gRPC too (no idea if rails/rack/etc supports
         | trailers). It should feel like writing any other HTTP code, and
         | it should fit right into any existing web application. We'd
         | probably end up writing a new protobuf runtime for Ruby, so the
         | generated classes feel idiomatic. Now your Ruby code is
         | accessible to curl, bash scripts, and plain fetch from the
         | browser, but it's also accessible to a whole ecosystem of
         | clients in other languages - without anybody writing the boring
         | plumbing code over and over.
         | Protobuf and gRPC aren't perfect, by any stretch, but they're
         | effective. At least IMO, they're also past critical mass in
         | medium-to-large systems: Cap'n Proto _is_ nicer and better-
         | designed, but it doesn't have the adoption and language support
         | that Protobuf has (imperfect as the support may be). Once your
         | backend is gRPC and protobuf, it's really convenient to have
         | that extend out to the front-end and mobile - at least IMO,
         | it's just not worth the effort to hand-convert to RESTful JSON
         | or babysit a grpc-gateway that needs to be redeployed every
         | time you add a field to a message.
         | kitsunesoba wrote:
         | It's also increasingly common for languages and platforms to
         | come with decent JSON parsing capabilities, which is a huge
         | point in JSON's favor in my eyes -- fewer dependencies to have
         | to wrestle is always welcome.
         | aseipp wrote:
         | Also, even if you _do_ want to have some kind of binary-ized
         | transport with a strict type-checked schema and compilers for
         | multiple languages -- ultimately a noble goal, I think -- there
         | are much better options available, design and technology wise.
         | Cap 'n Proto is wonderful with a very strong foundational
         | design and good implementation, it's major drawback being a
         | relatively sparse set of working languages, and a lack of
         | tooling. But then again the quality of 3rd party Protocol
         | Buffers libraries has always been a complete gamble (test it
         | until you break it, fork it and patch it to make due), and as
         | you note the tools aren't all there for gRPC either.
         | So in general I completely agree. If you are exposing a Web API
         | to consumers -- just keep doing RPC, with HTTP APIs, with
         | normal HTTP verbs and JSON bodies or whatever. Even GraphQL,
         | despite having a lot of pitfalls, and being "hip and fancy",
         | still just works normally with cURL/JSON at the end of the day
         | because it still works on these principles. And that matters a
         | lot for consumers of Web APIs where some of your users might
         | literally be bash scripts.
         | agotterer wrote:
         | Take a look at Twirp (https://github.com/twitchtv/twirp) open
         | sourced by TwitchTv. It's a lot lighter weight than gRPC. It
         | does use Protobufs but addresses some of the concerns you
         | mentioned, such as being able to test with JSON payloads, works
         | over HTTP 1.1 and HTTP/2, good client libraries, and doesn't
         | require a proxy.
         | They address your concerns in more detail in the Twirp release
         | announcement (2018) -
         | https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2018/01/16/twirp-a-sweet-new-rpc-f...
           | akshayshah wrote:
           | Twirp is excellent. Their protocol is _very_ similar to the
           | Connect protocol for unary RPCs.
           | However, the semantics that Twirp exposes are different from
           | gRPC. That means that it's impossible (or at least _very_
           | awkward) to have the same server-side code transparently
           | support Twirp and gRPC clients. The Twirp ecosystem is
           | smaller, and has more variable quality, than the gRPC
           | ecosystem; when you choose Twirp for your server, you're
           | betting that you'll never want a client in a language where
           | Twirp is painfully bad.
           | Our hope is that the Connect protocol appeals to the same
           | folks who like Twirp, and that the server-side Connect
           | implementations make it easier to interop with the gRPC
           | ecosystem.
           | dontlaugh wrote:
           | We use it at work, it does indeed address all of the
           | concerns.
           | The problem is gRPC, not protobuf.
         | ohCh6zos wrote:
         | The only really nice thing I can say about protobuffers is that
         | they've caused less trouble than gRPC has caused.
         | francislavoie wrote:
         | Seconded, for PHP. It's such a nightmare to work with.
       | halfmatthalfcat wrote:
       | gRPC-web just isn't there yet but appreciate the work in the
       | space. There's also an issue with a proliferation of
       | transpilation (protoc) projects:
       | - grpc-web (the standard binary protocol) with the optional TS
       | emit
       | - grpc-web-text with the optional TS emit
       | - gprc-ts
       | - ts-proto
       | Which to use when, why and the issues with interop between
       | backend/frontend server implementations. Also the streaming story
       | isn't great. Also the need for Envoy as another piece of infra to
       | manage isn't great either.
         | lucas_codes wrote:
         | What is grpc-web-text?
         | mf192 wrote:
         | You're right, gRPC-web isn't there and likely won't get there.
         | That's why we need something like connect-web.
         | - no proxies - smaller bundle size - idiomatic TS code in both
         | runtime and generated code - streaming - ... and more
       | FpUser wrote:
       | Been using post only JSON based RPC of my own cooking for ages.
       | Worked well for me and my clients.
       | victorvosk wrote:
       | or... https://github.com/t3-oss/create-t3-app
       | hmillison wrote:
       | I have used protobufs and grpc on the web before. Maybe this
       | project is the magic bullet that makes it easy to do, but in the
       | past that typescript support from Google and 3rd parties
       | (improbable eng) was lacking and there was little interest in
       | making simple changes to make it easier to use.
       | On top of that, the increase in JS shipped to user's due to the
       | size of the generated protobuf objects was unacceptable for
       | anything that cares about keeping their bundle size manageable.
       | Have you done anything to address this issue?
         | timostamm wrote:
         | Not sure if it is a magic bullet, but it was definitely written
         | by TypeScript developers, for TypeScript developers.
         | The generated TypeScript code is already pretty minimal because
         | all serialization ops are implemented with reflection instead
         | of generated code (which is only marginally slower than
         | generated code in JS).
         | But you can also switch to generating JavaScript + TypeScript
         | declaration files, which is truly minimal: JavaScript is an
         | entire dynamic language, so we actually only generated a small
         | snippet of metadata in the .js output, and create a class at
         | run time with a function call. The generated typings (.d.ts)
         | give you type safety, autocompletion in the IDE, and so on.
         | You can see the output here:
         | https://github.com/bufbuild/protobuf-es/blob/main/packages/p...
         | rockemsockem wrote:
         | The article specifically mentions that bundle sizes for grpc
         | packages in the past were unacceptable and that they've made
         | big improvements.
           | hmillison wrote:
           | That's great news! I missed that in my initial skim of the
           | article.
           | mf192 wrote:
           | Ye, fwiw there is an example code size comparison here:
           | https://github.com/bufbuild/connect-
           | web/blob/main/packages/c...
           | I'm sure someone will chime in on the implementation details,
           | but hopefully others can give it a try with their projects!
       | sgammon wrote:
       | I am so incredibly excited about this. Buf is an amazing tool
       | that every proto developer should know
       | Great work Buf team
       | vosper wrote:
       | If you've got Typescript on front-end and back-end then I'd
       | recommend looking at tRPC. The schema is your types, which might
       | often just be the type of your DB response, leading to low-code
       | but fully type-safe coding.
       | https://trpc.io/
         | junon wrote:
         | Or just use AJV which has the ability to statically represent
         | JSON Schemas as full-fledged types, so that the schemas
         | themselves become the authoritative IDL, via the new
         | JSONDataType in AJV@7.
         | sgammon wrote:
         | pretty useless as an RPC layer if it imposes language
         | restrictions...
           | bluepizza wrote:
           | Why?
         | akshayshah wrote:
         | tRPC is awesome - if you're writing full-stack TypeScript and
         | don't care about other languages, it's very convenient.
         | Protobuf might be a more appealing choice if you want to
         | support clients in other languages, or if you're interested in
         | getting a bit more value out of your contract language (e.g.,
         | breaking change detection).
       | fyrn- wrote:
       | Cap'nProto Is so much better. Really a lot are, but Cap'nProto is
       | main by the original protobuff dev so his description of why he
       | made it is relevant. I use protobuff everday at work and honestly
       | the generated code is incredibly awful conpared to pretty much
       | any alternative. We're way to bought in to switch now though
       | sadly.
         | melony wrote:
         | There aren't enough good cap'n proto code generators (compared
         | to protobuffs/flatbuffs). It is not viable unless your stack is
         | mainly C++.
           | junon wrote:
           | I use it in Rust just fine, FWIW.
         | kentonv wrote:
         | Hi. That's me. I'm glad you like it.
         | Unfortunately, melony is right: I've only really been able to
         | focus on the C++ implementation of Cap'n Proto. Some of the
         | others are solid (e.g. Go, Rust), but many are sort of half-
         | baked weekend projects of random people, which were later
         | abandoned. As a result it's tough for me to recommend Cap'n
         | Proto in polyglot environments. Maybe someday I'll be able to
         | find the time / resources to build out the ecosystem more
         | fully. Great tooling is really important for any of this to
         | work.
         | I'm also an investor in Buf FWIW. I think what they're doing is
         | pretty cool.
           | junon wrote:
           | Hi, I like capnproto as well, thanks for making it. :)
       | AtNightWeCode wrote:
       | This is not the first attempt to run gRPC from web. It is still a
       | bad idea since it does not play nice with common web infra. I
       | don't understand what one even tries to accomplish with this.
         | biggestlou wrote:
         | I strongly suggest that you read the post to see why this
         | project is different and specifically intended to place nicely
         | with common web infra.
       | yandie wrote:
       | But then we have to use yet another protocol?
         | timostamm wrote:
         | If you want to be able to see data in the browsers network
         | inspector, you do. If you are already serving gRPC-web, you can
         | use the gRPC-web transport in connect-web, it supports both
         | protocols. It doesn't support plain gRPC because web browsers
         | do not expose trailers, and gRPC uses them extensively.
       | theogravity wrote:
       | I would really emphasize the no proxy required part in the intro
       | of this post. To me its one of the huge factors for not using
       | grpc from the web.
         | no_circuit wrote:
         | No proxy is required if you only write servers in go with their
         | connect-go library. Packing protos is not glamorous work, but
         | I'm not willing to adopt a gRPC protocol that limits
         | implementation choices.
         | If you have gRPC services chances are you already have a L7
         | reverse-proxy like envoy running with grpc/grpc-web support
         | whether doing it yourself, or as part of your cloud provider.
         | So IMO their connect-go library is only useful if you directly
         | expose the server on the internet, and only use the go
         | programming language.
         | rektide wrote:
         | But your services have to support the Connect protocol. You can
         | also ship services that support gRPC-Web directly too & run
         | without a proxy.
         | This is definitely a step up, nicely convenient. But also, it
         | has downsides too. gRPC is incredibly well supported by a huge
         | number of observability tools and service-layers/service-mesh
         | systems. Few have support for gRPC-Web. Which if any have
         | support for Connect-Web?
         | In general, it's just massively sad that the browser never got
         | around to making HTTP Push useful for protocols. gRPC should
         | have been positioned to do great things, was a very common-
         | sense overlay atop HTTP2 that provided just a little more
         | semantics to say how things ought work. It triangulated nicely
         | on where we were going, at it's inception, back in 2014/2015.
         | But the browser basically never evolved, never gave developers
         | access to do the good stuff we thought we'd start to have
         | access to. I still see brand new specs that shout out to the
         | Low Level Extensibility Manifesto[1], but for some reason, in
         | terms of the most base layer of the web, HTTP, this simple
         | guidance has been roundly ignored & the capabilities were never
         | delivered. So gRPC has been stuck with a pretty ok protocol, &
         | frustratingly discompatible browser.
         | [1] https://github.com/extensibleweb/manifesto
           | sjroot wrote:
           | Yeah this is the deal breaker for me as well. This smells
           | like an embrace-extend-extinguish campaign frankly?
           | 1. Embrace gRPC and protobuf 2. Extend with Connect, get
           | everyone using this in their APIs and web apps 3. Drift away
           | from established gRPC and/or protobuf standards, build
           | platforms/business around this and trap as many folks as
           | possible
           | As silly as it may seem, one thing that really sends this
           | signal for me is the nice trademark symbol on the Buf name.
           | their intention for all of this stuff is to build a business.
             | akshayshah wrote:
             | In many ways, you're spot on. We are trying to build a
             | business: a schema registry for Protobuf. We think that
             | schema-driven APIs makes a lot of sense, that Protobuf is
             | the de facto best schema language, and that the biggest gap
             | is good tooling to share and leverage the schemas.
             | To retire in Scrooge McDuck-sized vaults of gold,* though,
             | we need to make Protobuf super awesome so that individual
             | developers and companies are willing to use it. It's not
             | super-awesome today, and gRPC is often even worse. To
             | everyone's benefit (I hope), we have the funding and runway
             | to tackle this problem.
             | From our perspective, your plan looks more like:
             | (1) Meet everyone where they are, which is mostly Protobuf
             | v3 and gRPC. Adopting a new implementation of a
             | standardized wire protocol in some portion of your system
             | is risky, but not crazy.
             | (2) Offer a graceful upgrade path to an RPC protocol we
             | think is better, and genuinely solves many pain points with
             | the current status quo.
             | (3) If we're wildly successful, influence the Protobuf
             | language community whenever a v4 is under discussion. There
             | are certainly warts to fix and nice features to add, but
             | stability and widespread support have a powerful magic of
             | their own.
             | Good intentions are hard to prove, of course. Hopefully
             | releasing good, well-supported OSS code can be a first step
             | in building some trust.
             | * Kidding about the piles of gold. I wouldn't say no, but
             | this is the most fun I've had at work in a decade :)
           | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
           | > Which if any have support for Connect-Web?
           | As far as I can tell it's just HTTP, so... all of them?
             | rektide wrote:
             | gRPC is also just HTTP too, yet these tools go much much
             | further to provide good observability of the specific gRPC
             | transactions happening over HTTP. With this application
             | level protocols flowing atop the hypertext transfer
             | protocol, being able to reach in & see what the app
             | protocol doing is invaluable for observability. So no, just
             | about none of these tools will have actually good Connect-
             | Web support. Being able to see streams, parameters, a host
             | of other capabilities is unlikely to just work fine.
               | akshayshah wrote:
               | Unless you're all-in on server streaming, the Connect
               | protocol is indistinguishable from RESTful HTTP to this
               | class of L7 proxies - it's just a POST to a Protobuf-
               | looking path, with an `application/json` or
               | `application/proto` Content-Type. Most of the
               | proxies/service mesh things that provide rich gRPC
               | instrumentation are also capable of providing rich
               | instrumentation for this style of HTTP.
               | rektide wrote:
               | I dunno. I'd like to see some comparisons. HTTP is so
               | broad. Observability tools do good with it. But I think
               | it's deceitful & disingenuous to blow this topic off like
               | this.
               | Streams use features like HTTP2+ Push, & there's all
               | manner of semantic meaning implicit in headers & schemas
               | that regular http wont see that these tools pick up on. I
               | want to be sold that the complex multi-directional multi-
               | stream works fine, are fully observable, but I suspect
               | seriously we're overreducing, not being honest, by
               | discarding the difficulties of tuning observability to
               | specific protocols here & saying general http support
               | will buy us everything.
       | 89vision wrote:
       | I once worked on a home built browser grpc implementation where
       | the protobufs were serialized over the wire in base64. It
       | certainly had it's kinks to work out, but sharing/generating the
       | service definitions and models from the same protobuf markup
       | between backend and frontend was really nice.
         | miohtama wrote:
         | I was working with Cosmos nodes in a hackathon and they did RPC
         | where one had Protobufs embedded as base64 encoded within JSON.
         | nine_k wrote:
         | Doesn't OpenAPI (nee Swagger) give you the same for plain HTTP
         | + JSON?
           | 89vision wrote:
           | yeah, I've done both, but I far prefer writing protobuf
           | markup than swagger. YMMV
           | AtNightWeCode wrote:
           | Yes, you can even generate models from JSON directly. Then
           | there is JSON Schema and other schema first options that
           | mostly no one uses anymore.
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