[HN Gopher] GraphQL kinda sucks
       GraphQL kinda sucks
       Graphql is great, but is totally over hyped. This is probably more
       of a rant or a frustrated dev outburst.  but beginner to mid level
       developers are lead down the path of USE GRAPHQL especially on
       youtube... and this is just unfair and wrong.  The good:  - It
       makes working with describing the data you want easy  - It can save
       you bandwidth. Get what you ask for and no more  - It makes
       documentation for data consumers easy  - It can make subscription
       easier for you to use  - Can let you federate API calls  The bad  -
       It is actually a pain to use, depending on the backend you are
       using you'll have to manage  two or more type systems if there are
       no code first generates in your language  - It doesn't support
       map/tables/dictionaries. This is actually huge. I get that there
       might be  some pattern where you don't want to allow this but for
       the majority of situations working with json api's you'll end up
       with a {[key: string] : T} somewhere  - No clear path for Api
       versioning you'll end up with MyQueryV1.01 MyQueryV1.02
       MyQueryV1.03  Don't use Graphql unless you're managing a
       solution/problem set that facebook intended graphql for  Invest
       your time in a simpler solution then running to GraphQL first
       thanks for reading my ted talk  please any senior dev's drop your
       wise words so that any new dev's can avoid tarpits
       Author : randytandy
       Score  : 505 points
       Date   : 2022-08-06 10:25 UTC (12 hours ago)
       | randytandy wrote:
       | Hey all, didn't think this would be anything more than 1 or 2
       | comments.
       | I appreciate everyones passion and level of thought going into
       | the replies. I will try read most of them.
       | Please note that if you reading this.
       | My intention of this post was to get a little rant off my chest
       | and find out about potential solutions and gotchas about using
       | GraphQl. It's unproductive attacking me or anyone else for
       | character like "clearly not a senior developer" or "clearly never
       | used API's before" because if anything this is about trying to
       | find a solution and to save each other time.
       | NonNefarious wrote:
       | I was psyched to hear about GraphQL, but when I looked at it and
       | found no apparent way to do joins... I wondered what the big deal
       | is.
         | vlod wrote:
         | I think the general idea is that it's a graph rather than
         | relations.
         | You "join" by using the parent ID (e.g. employerID of parent
         | container to get employees). This can (and often) introduces an
         | n+1 problem unless you watch for it and use dataloaders.
         | Not saying this is great or anything. :)
           | NonNefarious wrote:
           | Thanks. The issue is what if I want to pull all the employees
           | from the table of all customers, to determine how many
           | employees have made purchases under our employee-discount
           | plan?
           | I just made that up as something that would likely require a
           | join without really thinking it through too much...
       | cletus wrote:
       | My usual experiene is that people use GraphQL wrong. GraphQL's
       | primary use case is to homogenize access to a bunch of
       | heteregenous backend services. If you find yourself just taking
       | your Postgres database and creating a 1:1 mapping between your
       | tables and GraphQL, this probably isn't a good fit as you'r ejust
       | adding another layer for no reason.
       | > No clear path for Api versioning
       | GraphQL came about as a way for mobile clients to call backend
       | services. At Facebook, once a version (of th emobile app) was
       | released, it was essentially out there forever. Some people would
       | simply never upgrade until they absolutely had to.
       | So the point of GraphQL is that you want to get away from
       | thinking about versioning your API and cleanly upgrading because
       | you probably can't. You can do versions but you don't have clean
       | divisions. You'll mark a given field as "since v2.1". And fields
       | that you ahve added can basically never be removed. The best you
       | can do is make them return null or an error.
       | So if you want to do versions it probably means you have control
       | over the server and the client such that you can deploy them
       | almost simultaneously. If so, GraphQL isn't really designed for
       | your use case. If not, get out of the mindset that client and
       | server versions can move in lockstep.
       | I will say I think GraphQL made one mistake and that's baking in
       | string values into the API. You can't change a field name without
       | breaking your API. Same with enum values.
       | Protocol buffers (including gRPC) instead went for numbering. The
       | name is just a convenience for reading the IDL and data
       | definitions and for code generation but it doesn't translate to
       | the wire format at all.
       | This can have downsides too but they're fairly minimal. For
       | example, if you accidentally renumber your enums by inserting a
       | new value in the middle, the whole thing can break (side note:
       | always explicitly number your enum values in protobuf! That
       | should've been the only way to do it).
       | Another issue is that fragments seem like a good idea for code
       | reuse but they can get really out of hand. It's so much easier
       | just to add a field to an existing fragment. If that fragment is
       | used in a bunch of places you may find yourself regenerating a
       | ton of code. You will never be able to remove that field from the
       | fragment once added.
       | Disclaimer: Ex-Facebooker.
         | hamandcheese wrote:
         | My company has many backends federated together, but a
         | monolithic, web-based frontend. It's actually really easy to
         | remove a field from graphql.
         | 1. Remove all uses from the frontend. 2. Deploy. 3. A day
         | later, delete it from the schema.
         | If deleting it causes relay compiler errors, go back to step 1.
         | (The less lazy way to do it would be to actually pull some
         | stats about how long-lived frontend bundles are)
         | Not being able to delete fields only really applies if you have
         | a huge number of clients that you can't easily force to update
         | on a whim. Plenty of folks just have web clients.
         | My company doesn't have this, but I'd love to get per-field
         | usage stats about our schema.
           | cletus wrote:
           | That affirms my point: you have complete control over the
           | front end.
       | kehrin wrote:
       | > It doesn't support map/tables/dictionaries.
       | I don't understand this point. Is this talking about implementing
       | GraphQL on the backend? Because consuming GraphQL you get a map,
       | you get JSON! Do you mean a more specific data structures like a
       | Set or Stack?
         | the_mitsuhiko wrote:
         | GraphQL has no native map type which means if you have a map
         | data structure you cannot represent it within the type system.
         | nawgz wrote:
         | I think they were complaining that you couldn't get back a
         | query with unknown keys like a "select * from my_table" GQL
         | equivalent
           | drcode wrote:
           | That also doesn't make sense: No matter what, you're going to
           | have to parse the returned document linearly, everything in
           | it is therefore equivalent to a list in performance.
           | Random-access structures like dictionaries, hashmaps make no
           | sense in this context: It would be stupid if you had to do
           | extra work to tell graphql what your preferred key
           | parameter(s) are so that it can create a dictionary, and then
           | you get list-like performance anyway.
           | kehrin wrote:
           | But can't you? During development I had this with errors,
           | where I just enter "error" as a key in my query, but the
           | actual data was JSON. So it had keys that I didn't specify,
           | but that I received non-the-less.
       | legalcorrection wrote:
       | Ignore all the noise and just use an RPC model between your
       | backend and frontend. All these stupid trends and overengineered
       | abstractions will come and go, but people will still be using
       | plain RPC in 5, 10, 100, and 1000 years.
         | mark_and_sweep wrote:
         | But before you use RPC, try rendering your markup on the
         | server. That, too, reduces a lot of complexity.
           | [deleted]
           | runald wrote:
           | and let all the non-browser clients parse html?
           | samarthr1 wrote:
           | At cost of reducing cache ability though no?
           | It is cheaper for me to put my react app in front of a cdn,
           | split out my app into an api and front end than for me to
           | have my site be entirely uncacheable.
           | I can also cache certain endpoints behind the cdn that are
           | mostly invariant for users. And, the network egress of json
           | is much lesser than the egress of markup.
             | jddil wrote:
             | What? Server rendered content is infinitely more cacheable,
             | maybe I'm not understanding what you're saying.
             | In the boring old days we just did it all on the server and
             | used the semantics of HTTP to handle caching ... it worked
             | great.
         | jddil wrote:
         | The longer I do this the more I realize the part of engineering
         | most of us enjoy is solving a problem in a novel way. Which
         | means if left to their own devices engineers will recreate the
         | entire tech stack every few years instead of using the shit
         | we've already built 20 years ago cause it's too boring.
           | x86x87 wrote:
           | Resume driven development. It's the same shit: reinvent
           | stuff. Use "cutting edge" tech. Get credit, move on. Who has
           | time to just solve the problem and build something that just
           | works?
       | bryanrasmussen wrote:
       | In the systems where I designed both front and backend and the
       | API I did not need graphQl, but in many of the large companies I
       | have come in to where things have been developed by many people
       | over a significant length of time GraphQL really improved the
       | frontend performance and time to release new functionality once
       | it was introduced.
       | Perhaps it would have been the case if they just cleaned up and
       | released a new Rest endpoint, but I'm not so sure.
       | [deleted]
       | alexnewman wrote:
       | I usually agree with stuff like this, but this one is wrong. It
       | is true that graphql is overused, but frankly stuff like
       | thegraph.com make graphql Freaking amazing! it's totally
       | eliminated our need for anything like a backend to make stuff
       | like https://dashboard.humanprotocol.org/
       | nazka wrote:
       | I feel 2 critical points are missing in the bad things: some
       | control and security on the backend side, and more importantly
       | scaling. Did these things got fixed? What is the cost on the
       | cloud versus the same backend with an API (I saw a horrible story
       | about that). Can I cache queries efficiently? Is it efficient and
       | fast with high throughput of RPS? Or tell GraphQL to use Redis
       | for some data? Etc...
       | maximilianburke wrote:
       | One of the things I dislike about GraphQL is that though the
       | standard doesn't really specify a format all the implementations
       | are closely tied to JSON.
       | Between that and the (at the time, anyways) abysmal serialization
       | performance of Juniper we ended up abandoning GraphQL.
       | wzy wrote:
       | GraphQL: A whole lot of work to do REST differently
         | x86x87 wrote:
         | A whole lot of work to do REST poorly.
           | speedgoose wrote:
           | Which is a good thing, because REST is not that great outside
           | basic CRUD apps with tiny models.
       | electrondood wrote:
       | We use GraphQL at my current company, but it's a service that
       | sits between the backend and the frontend and just munges
       | together several different API requests from one. It's... I
       | really hate it. The way we're using it, it simply adds a layer of
       | opacity that makes debugging a client-server issue a giant PITA.
       | I've worked at a few companies that used GraphQL poorly. I've yet
       | to see it done in a way that makes me think it's the right tool
       | for the job. And I understand the benefit of allowing the client
       | to choose what they want to get back.
       | gabereiser wrote:
       | I tried graphql in a microservices environment and had huge
       | headaches over schema stitching.
       | Turns out, if you have lots of objects from disparate sources,
       | graphql don't like that. Now you must stitch these schemas
       | together into an uber schema roll query and use with graphql.
       | Maybe we missed a step. Maybe we misunderstood. Maybe it was a
       | bad decision.
         | vlod wrote:
         | I think Apollo Federation is for that:
         | https://www.apollographql.com/docs/federation/
         | Worth watching some youtube tutorial videos. Here's one I
         | watched recently (~26mins):
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_1bn2sHdk4
           | gabereiser wrote:
           | Not everything is a graphql api
         | locutous wrote:
         | I used graphql at one place and our stitching was a disaster.
         | I'm thinking bad decision.
         | We also had micro services. It was the most unstable backend
         | I've ever worked with.
         | Yet the architects who picked all these techs were mostly
         | lauded and didn't stick around to deal with the mess.
         | soccersofia15 wrote:
         | Same! We've been using WunderGraph to help with schema
         | stitching and integrating other data sources
         | PUSH_AX wrote:
         | And good luck doing that in a language that isn't JS. All our
         | GQL services were Go, but were forced to use JS for any
         | stitching needs.
       | stickfigure wrote:
       | The biggest problem with graphql is that you have to do a lot of
       | non-obvious work to harden your system against DOS attacks or
       | people that want to fly by and download your whole database. It's
       | easy to construct a query which puts unreasonable load on your
       | system.
       | The more fine-grained nature of boring REST calls makes it more
       | easy to control client impact on the system.
       | If you want to see the kind of work you actually need to put in
       | to make a graphql API, look at Shopify. They have rate limits
       | based on quantity of data returned. Cursors and pagination. The
       | schema is a huge ugly mess with extra layers that never show up
       | in the pretty examples of GraphQL on the internet.
       | Note that even if you use graphql for a private api to your web
       | client, folks will reverse engineer it and use it for their own
       | purposes. There are no private apis on the web.
       | I'm not a fan of graphql for anything that the public could see.
       | It's somewhat akin to exposing a SQL interface; it opens up too
       | many avenues of trouble. Keep public communication channels as
       | dumb as possible.
         | SnowHill9902 wrote:
         | > It's easy to construct a query which puts unreasonable load
         | on your system.
         | Can you give an example?
           | pdpi wrote:
           | Details will depend on your schema, but the moral equivalent
           | of "SELECT * FROM master_table" is a good start.
             | withinboredom wrote:
             | Have you seen the "turn your database into a graphql
             | schema" products? I shudder at the poor souls who used
             | those products. I mean, I assume they are decent products,
             | but man, it's got to be so easy to screw it up and
             | literally expose too much...
               | throwawaymaths wrote:
               | Hasura seems to be fine which we use internally in our
               | company, though to be honest I don't do any complex
               | queries and I don't think anyone is doing aggressively
               | nested joins.
           | lazyasciiart wrote:
           | https://payatu.com/blog/manmeet/graphql-exploitation-part-4
           | query dos { allDogs(onlyFree: false, limit: 1000000) { id
           | veterinary { id dogs { id veterinary { id dogs { id
           | veterinary { id dogs { .....
         | pan69 wrote:
         | > Note that even if you use graphql for a private api to your
         | web client, folks will reverse engineer it and use it for their
         | own purposes. There are no private apis on the web.
         | How is this a GraphQL specific problem?
           | crabmusket wrote:
           | It's not, but the OP is saying this to pre-empt the "just use
           | GraphQL for private APIs" defence.
           | agucova wrote:
           | At least compared to classical REST, usually access is
           | limited to whatever the programmer explicitly chose to add,
           | instead of being open by default.
         | thr0wawayf00 wrote:
         | It's also not that hard to implement attribute filtering with
         | REST endpoints. People make a big deal about being able to
         | control the shape of your API responses with GraphQL, but this
         | completely achievable with standard REST APIs as well.
           | tshaddox wrote:
           | Sure, you could have a syntax for requesting (potentially
           | recursive) nested resources in the query string of a REST
           | API, and there are some systems that do something close [0],
           | but if you do it's probably a less friendly syntax than
           | GraphQL and has all the same problems as GraphQL regarding
           | performance and rate limiting.
           | [0]
           | A very simple convention for including nested resources in a
           | JSON API: https://www.jsonapi.net/usage/reading/including-
           | relationship...
           | A totally cool but kinda over the top library that exposes a
           | REST API over your database with a very GraphQLesque query
           | string syntax that supports recursively nested resource
           | inclusion, filtering, etc.:
           | https://postgrest.org/en/stable/api.html#nested-embedding
         | softfalcon wrote:
         | We avoid this by statically analyzing the queries that are used
         | by the client, generating id'ed persisted queries for them, and
         | only allowing those to be run if you're un-authenticated/a
         | regular user.
         | We also have user roles, which, if you're an admin, you can run
         | raw queries of whatever you want, but basic users are locked to
         | the persisted query options.
         | It's pretty cool, definitely adds complexity to our
         | builds/permissions, but it works. We rolled our own, but I
         | think Apollo GraphQL supports this out of the box now.
         | Not saying people should use GraphQL for everything though.
         | It's kind of overkill for a lot of apps.
         | humbleMouse wrote:
       | thdxr wrote:
       | Be careful with anyone with a take that says some technology is
       | 100% bad always. Given enough experience / skill you can make any
       | technology fairly enjoyable so I've only ever seen mixed
       | reactions at worst from people giving things a fair try.
       | GraphQL is a way to describe not only your API but also the
       | entities and relationships in it. This enables certain useful
       | things for client heavy applications, like cache normalization.
       | If you look at clients like URQL they enable high quality
       | features in your app that are otherwise extremely difficult.
       | You can also do this with JSONAPI but the GraphQL ecosystem is
       | more developed.
       | Setting up GraphQL to minimize its rough edges is incredibly
       | difficult. I've currently landed on a combination of Pothos +
       | Genql + URQL to enable me to do everything in typescript instead
       | of untyped strings.
       | It takes very high skill to use GraphQL well. Few teams get there
       | because they don't have the upfront time to do all the research.
       | But if you pull it off it can be an incredibly productive system
       | that is friendly to iteration and refactoring. I can send you
       | some content we've produced on this if you're interested.
       | That said, if I'm not working on a client heavy app, I'd just use
       | a less featureful RPC framework.
         | deltasevennine wrote:
         | >Be careful with anyone with a take that says some technology
         | is 100% bad always. Given enough experience / skill you can
         | make any technology fairly enjoyable so I've only ever seen
         | mixed reactions at worst from people giving things a fair try.
         | So what does this mean?
         | You're saying that in the universe we live in there is
         | absolutely nothing that is 100% bad always. Everything is good
         | for something? There is no concept of bad or obsolete things
         | because it's all good for something?
         | Let's restrict this to programming languages and frameworks and
         | apis.
         | Are you saying that in the universe of ALL programming
         | languages, ALL frameworks and all APIs, None of them are at all
         | bad and they are all good for something?
         | I don't agree with this sentiment at all. In fact I think it's
         | a sign of two possibilities:
         | 1. that the person saying it is highly biased and unable to
         | detect things that are genuinely bad.
         | 2. The person saying it is just being temporarily illogical,
         | there are clearly things in the programming world that are bad.
         | He knows this but is so biased that he's incapable of
         | processing this concept while promoting his favorite
         | language/api/framework.
         | Scenario 2 is the most likely scenario here. Not saying graphQL
         | is bad. But to love graphQL so much as to say Nothing in the
         | universe is actually bad?
         | Let's be real, I am not against graphQL. However you cannot
         | actually say that people against graphQL have invalid opinions
         | because there is nothing in the programming universe that is
         | definitively bad. This argument does not make any sense at all.
           | Kaze404 wrote:
           | The point is that "bad" isn't a useful descriptor of anything
           | regarding their real-life applications, because it simply
           | doesn't mean anything. Without more context, saying something
           | is bad is just saying you dislike it with intent to present
           | it as objective rather than subjective.
           | For example:
           | 1) "Haskell is bad because it's too theoretical" 2) "Haskell
           | is bad in corporate environments, as its roots in
           | mathematical and academia make it harder for people to get
           | productive with it compared to something like Java or C#"
           | The difference is clear. In my opinion it's best if people
           | who care about what they're saying avoids #1, and instead
           | frames their criticism like in #2.
           | Note: those examples don't reflect my actual opinion on
           | Haskell, it's just something I came up with while writing
           | this.
             | deltasevennine wrote:
             | Hard disagree.
             | >The point is that "bad" isn't a useful descriptor of
             | anything regarding their real-life applications, because it
             | simply doesn't mean anything.
             | This is just a complicated way of saying "Bad things have
             | no meaning and don't exist in the universe."
             | Without getting too pedantic, in general, nobody agrees
             | with this concept. Sure if you get pedantic you may find a
             | couple people in this world who enjoy punching themselves
             | in the face, but in general the overwhelming majority agree
             | that punching yourself in the face is a pretty bad thing.
             | Note: Punching yourself in the face is just an example of a
             | universally "bad" thing. I'm not personally against
             | punching yourself in the face, it's just something I came
             | up with while writing this.
               | Kaze404 wrote:
               | Maybe I failed to express myself properly, but my point
               | is that saying "X is bad." (emphasis on the period) is
               | not really saying anything. It's much more productive if
               | you explain why, how and in what environment X is bad,
               | either before or after, like I did in example #2.
               | In my experience when someone says "X is bad", the
               | response is often either "haha" (which the subject then
               | changes), or "why" (which leads to person #1 actually
               | saying what they want to say). I'm personally not
               | interested in someone's remarks about some technology
               | completely devoid of context or nuance, and would rather
               | hear about their opinion on such technology in tangible
               | scenarios.
               | deltasevennine wrote:
               | >Maybe I failed to express myself properly, but my point
               | is that saying "X is bad." (emphasis on the period) is
               | not really saying anything.
               | This logic also works for "X is good." or "GraphQL is
               | good". This doesn't really say anything either and is an
               | equally garbage statement following your logic. But your
               | biases focus on the "bad" because you have a bias towards
               | GraphQL.
               | Either way I don't agree. Saying something like criminals
               | are bad is not an invalid statement.
               | If you want an explanation you can ask for it. If you
               | don't care to know about the explanation then you don't
               | need to ask for it. But just because somebody makes a
               | statement without an explanation doesn't automatically
               | make it invalid.
               | For example "The plane is about to crash, please pull
               | up." This is a statement without an explanation (emphasis
               | on the period). Should I demand an explanation or comply
               | without one? In your words, was this statement "really
               | saying anything?" Yes it was.
               | When you come to threads on HN it's mostly people looking
               | for confirmation of their biases. They don't realize it,
               | but almost everyone is doing this. If you weren't biased
               | you would ask for deeper explanations. You would try to
               | unravel the other persons reasoning and understand it in
               | such a way so that you find a mistake in his
               | understanding or your own. That's mainly why I'm here,
               | but this thread is littered with posts following the same
               | logical path as you.
               | Kaze404 wrote:
               | There are way too many assumptions in your post. Yes,
               | you're right that I like GraphQL, but:
               | 1) Nowhere in my comments did I say that's limited to
               | negative comments. I think "GraphQL is good" is just as
               | useful (meaning not at all).
               | 2) "Criminals are bad" is not an invalid statement, and
               | neither is "GraphQL is bad" or "GraphQL" is good. But if
               | the purpose is to discuss criminality, and not just add
               | noise to an ongoing discussion, it is also a useless
               | statement. Imagine there's a debate panel going on,
               | someone in the crowd stands up and says "criminals are
               | bad!". Where does that lead the conversation?
               | 3) "The plane is about to crash, please pull up" is an
               | expression of fact, not an opinion, and not even
               | something that warrants or is said in a discussion so I
               | don't think the comparison makes sense. Either way,
               | "GraphQL is bad" is an opinion, not a fact, and thus
               | needs more context to be useful in a discussion.
               | I'm not going to acknowledge the last paragraph because
               | I'm presuming good faith from you, and I'd rather not
               | turn this discussion into speculation about other
               | comments in this thread or why you're here.
               | That said, you're definitely right that I'm biased
               | towards GraphQL, but I think we're having different
               | discussions if you think we're discussing GraphQL's
               | merits.
         | lf-non wrote:
         | Agree with everything here, but something that often gets
         | missed is that you don't have to use all that GraphQL enables
         | from day one.
         | It is perfectly fine to start with an early implementation that
         | treats GraphQL as mostly an RPC, with only resolvers for Query
         | & Mutation types. You still benefit from GraphQL's type-safety,
         | batching and code-generation.
         | Once you have more familiarity with dataloaders, query
         | complexity etc. update your output objects to have links to
         | other output objects building the graph model.
         | The issue is that too many people get fascinated with GraphQL
         | early, then build deep & complex topologies and expose it in
         | inefficient and potentially insecure way.
         | chpmrc wrote:
         | > Be careful with anyone with a take that says some technology
         | is 100% bad always.
         | THIS 100%.
         | > It takes very high skill to use GraphQL well. But if you pull
         | it off it can be an incredibly productive system that is
         | friendly to integration and refactoring.
         | I could not agree more. It's like any other piece of tech: once
         | you internalize the mental model and are able to translate
         | those abstractions in your language of choice everything
         | clicks. And then it's hard to imagine going back to something
         | more "primitive" (i.e. what's conventionally called "REST").
         | After building "RESTful" APIs for years I can confidently say
         | GraphQL (with a decent implementation) is a step up across
         | almost every possible dimension (performance aside because of
         | the additional parsing).
           | throwawaymaths wrote:
           | Eh I think "rest for external API access, graphql for
           | internal frontend use" is probably a good thing.
         | mccorrinall wrote:
         | I love consuming graphql as a client. But writing resolvers and
         | all that stuff on the backend? God, I hate it!
           | adra wrote:
           | I don't know your language of choice, but in the JVM
           | ecosystem, Netflix DGS is so damn simple to build new
           | resolvers.
           | nawgz wrote:
           | Hasura :)
             | ant1oz wrote:
             | Have you every tried to version your permissions on Hasura?
             | Not cool. Product polish is amazing, and I love the
             | postgresql integration.
               | cpursley wrote:
               | Interesting point. What sort of approaches out there do
               | you know about for versioning permissions?
         | endisneigh wrote:
         | > Be careful with anyone with a take that says some technology
         | is 100% bad always. Given enough experience / skill you can
         | make any technology fairly enjoyable so I've only ever seen
         | mixed reactions at worse from people giving things a fair try.
         | Completely agreed. Without knowing the team experience,
         | greenfield project or not or in general more information about
         | the task at hand, how can anyone say GraphQL is good or not?
         | One thing I've noticed among some people who've failed to move
         | up in their career is that they carry these extreme opinions
         | due to a proper understanding or a bad experience. Right tool
         | for the job and all that.
         | PainfullyNormal wrote:
         | > Be careful with anyone with a take that says some technology
         | is 100% bad always.
         | On the flip side, you should also be careful of anyone who says
         | some technology is 100% good always. It's far more common to
         | see people talking up the advantages of some trendy new
         | technology without ever mentioning the downsides. All
         | technologies have tradeoffs.
         | meesterdude wrote:
         | > Given enough experience / skill you can make any technology
         | fairly enjoyable
         | Have you never used MongoDB?
           | thdxr wrote:
           | https://twitter.com/thdxr/status/1394903426023272452?t=BjMUo.
           | ..
             | mst wrote:
             | The other thing to note is that early on the default
             | configuration was optimised to score really well on trivial
             | benchmarks rather than production workloads - including
             | having important safety features turned off.
             | A crashing MongoDB instance in default configuration was
             | more likely to lose data irrevocably than a MySQL 3.23
             | MyISAM setup.
             | (note that while I still don't particularly enjoy using it,
             | post-WiredTiger MongoDB is a different story so take this
             | as a criticism of the people making choices in the early
             | days, not at all of the current state of affairs)
             | mdaniel wrote:
             | https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1394903426023272452.html
             | Kaze404 wrote:
             | That's a great thread. It mimics my (admittedly limited)
             | experience with MongoDB and it's interesting to hear that
             | wasn't an outlier.
         | eduction wrote:
         | > Be careful with anyone with a take that says some technology
         | is 100% bad always.
         | This isn't that though; the first sentence starts "GraphQL is
         | great, but" and then the post lists first "the good" and then
         | "the bad." Even the provocative headline hedges with "kinda."
         | I wish there was more of this sort of balanced discussion on
         | HN. There is a tendency among devs at least in public toward
         | trying to get others to use the tech they use and are excited
         | about, which is understandable, but everything involves trade
         | offs and it would be nice to hear more of those up front (as
         | opposed to one day "mongo is the bomb" and the next "actually
         | mongo is terrible to back to postgres for everything).
           | minusf wrote:
           | > balanced discussion
           | while the discussion can be balanced the real world outcome
           | is normally binary: use it or drop it.
           | i will not start investing huge amounts of time to learn
           | graphql if it has very specific use cases for specific
           | environments. so i naturally look for red flags and
           | objectively negative experiences to see if those might be the
           | roadblocks i would run into 2 months down the line.
           | imagine a PM coming in all happy "i know nothing about
           | graphql besides the hype but i think it's a great fit for our
           | next project". where will balanced discussion take you there?
           | thdxr wrote:
           | was referring to some of the replies
             | eduction wrote:
             | Ah ok I definitely misunderstood, thanks for clarifying.
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | What exactly is the simpler solution that doesn't result in your
       | same cons mentioned?
         | JohnHaugeland wrote:
         | Making a regular api
           | endisneigh wrote:
           | A regular api poorly implemented will have all the same cons
           | and none of the pros.
             | geysersam wrote:
             | Just make a perfect api without any drawbacks.
               | endisneigh wrote:
               | GraphQl has a set of trade-offs. REST also has trade-
               | offs. Bespoke RPC calls have trade offs. It's as if the
               | entire discipline is an exercise in selecting trade offs
               | or something.
               | anotherhue wrote:
               | Well put. Problem is we can get emotionally invested and
               | tie our identities to these systems in a way that we
               | couldn't if we were comparing the trade-offs between
               | 18/10 and 18/12 inox steel.
               | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
             | JohnHaugeland wrote:
             | > A regular api poorly implemented will have all the same
             | cons and none of the pros.
             | Okay, so don't make a poorly implemented one?
             | Also, no, it kind of won't. Let's look at what they are
             | again
             | .
             | "It is actually a pain to use"
             | Not an API characteristic
             | .
             | "you'll have to manage two or more type systems if there
             | are no code first generates in your language"
             | Not an API characteristic
             | .
             | "It doesn't support map/tables/dictionaries."
             | Not an API characteristic
             | .
             | "No clear path for Api versioning"
             | Not an API characteristic
             | .
             | Looks like it's actually zero for four
               | gabereiser wrote:
               | In order to build a properly implemented one, one must
               | first learn to build one. I find most people jump onto
               | graphql because they see the volume of work to create
               | crud endpoints for all of their models and decided to
               | punt.
               | legalcorrection wrote:
               | It's a false promise. You're just moving the complexity
               | elsewhere, into wiring this ridiculous graphql
               | infrastructure together and making it actually do what
               | you want in all but the simplest/tutorial-like scenarios.
               | intelVISA wrote:
               | Seriously. I sometimes think I'm visiting a satirical
               | alter realm when I see these obtuse systems that end up
               | requiring more cognitive energy to glue together than the
               | regular version in <lang of your choice here> being
               | praised rather than derided.
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | > I sometimes think I'm visiting a satirical alter realm
               | when I see these obtuse systems that end up requiring
               | more cognitive energy to glue together than the regular
               | version in <lang of your choice here> being praised
               | rather than derided.
               | You're lucky, you're only visiting. I'm working in that
               | alternate reality :-)
         | hestefisk wrote:
         | SQL statements wrapped in function calls.
         | thomassharoon wrote:
         | There are patterns that can get you the same benefits without
         | having to use GraphQL.
         | Even on a REST API, you can achieve the same pros
         | > - It makes working with describing the data you want easy > -
         | It can save you bandwidth. Get what you ask for and no more
         | You can describe the fields you need (and I assume that is what
         | reduces the bandwidth)
         | GET /users?fields=name,addresses.street,addresses.zip
         | > - It makes documentation for data consumers easy
         | I don't think so in practice. You can see Shopify's GraphQL
         | documentation [1]. If anything it is more complex than their
         | REST API docs
         | > - It can make subscription easier for you to use
         | Not too different from using something like SSE or even
         | websockets and every decent web framework seems to have a
         | decent implementation
         | > - Can let you federate API calls
         | So many ways to achieve this at the application layer (which is
         | what GraphQL federation does with a Router). In the python
         | world this could be separate WSGI apps or racks in ruby? And
         | makes no difference if done at the load balancer level.
         | [1] https://shopify.dev/api/admin-
         | graphql/2022-07/enums/localiza...
           | endisneigh wrote:
           | There a lot of ways to do the same thing as GraphQL. The
           | point is if it's as easy.
           | [deleted]
       | jeroenhd wrote:
       | My problem with GraphQL: it doesn't support generics.
       | I'm fine with request batching/complexity overloads/all that
       | craziness. Most GraphQL libraries have some kind of protection
       | mechanism in there, or allow you to artificially split up the
       | request and forward it to your application load balancer.
       | I'm also fine with a lack of API versioning, especially for
       | internal services.
       | Hell, I'll even tolerate the lack of dictionaries/maps because
       | you can replicate the same data interchange by putting the key in
       | the object you're requesting most of the time.
       | What I really want is to do not have to write a custom pagination
       | wrapper type every time I write an API. Let me write a
       | Paginated<T> that contains a list of T and some metadata, dammit!
       | I don't want to dump BookPaginated/PagePaginated/AuthorPaginated
       | into different schemas!
       | Another thing that bothers me is how types extending an interface
       | need to have each and every field repeated. If I declare
       | interface Car with wheels: Int! then I don't want to have to
       | specify wheels: Int! again inside SportsCar. Any kind of
       | inheritance creates giant schemas and adding new types to the
       | super type means you have to re-insert the same parameter a
       | million times.
       | Combined with a well-integrated ORM, GraphQL can have serious
       | performance improvements over REST and similar so I definitely
       | prefer it for big applications, but there are so many things that
       | annoy me to no end.
         | csnweb wrote:
         | I think you may be should give a code first GraphQL a try, you
         | can pretty much everything you want that way. You can write
         | high level functions for pagination or whatever that way and
         | have a base object that you can extend for all Types
         | implementing the interface. I really don't know why schema
         | first seems to be the default, it's really unflexible.
       | BLanen wrote:
       | Graphql gets hyped by people who have seriously no idea what the
       | hard problems in apis are.
       | It quite literally solves many easy issues and pretends solve the
       | hard ones, but does nothing to actually do this and just says
       | that you "can".
       | I designed a typical JSON api that had customizable fields and
       | filters and joins and authorization on orm level on classes(could
       | easily be extended to do authorization on fields of the orm
       | classes.) This was years before Graphql came along and pretends
       | to solve these issues, while actually just leaving them up to the
       | implementor of the resolvers. As if the idea itself of resolving
       | per fields in so special.
       | And then you have people that think graphql = the semantic
       | web(web3 before crypto shit stole the term). Inventing the same
       | cyberpunk dreams from 40 years ago...
       | Nobody is even actually doing REST, just Rpcs over http with
       | json. If they read the REST paper they'd know this is what they
       | actually want but I fear it's a pipedream.
         | zoover2020 wrote:
         | I'm all for piggybacking off of Fielding's work, but HATEOS
         | isn't practical and the industry reflects this.
       | jongjong wrote:
       | Some other bad things:
       | - Makes caching more challenging since there are now more
       | possible permutations of the data depending on what query the
       | client uses. A hacker could just spam your server's memory with
       | cache entries by crafting many variations of queries.
       | - Makes access control a lot more complicated, slower and error-
       | prone since the query needs to be analyzed in order to determine
       | which resources are involved in any specific query in order for
       | the server to decide whether to allow or block access to a
       | resource. It's not like in REST where the request tells you
       | exactly and precisely what resource the client wants to access.
       | - Adds overhead on the server side. It requires additional
       | resources to process a query rather than just fetching resources
       | by ID or fetching simple lists of resources. A lot of work may
       | need to happen behind the scenes to fulfill a query and GraphQL
       | hides this from the developer; this can lead to inefficient
       | queries being used. I have a similar complaint about database
       | ORMs which generate complex queries behind the scenes; this makes
       | it difficult to identify performance issues in the underlying
       | queries (since these are often completely hidden from the
       | developer). Hiding necessary complexity is not a good idea...
       | Maybe worse than adding unnecessary complexity.
         | endisneigh wrote:
         | > - Makes caching more challenging since there are now more
         | possible permutations of the data depending on what query the
         | client uses. A hacker could just spam your server's memory with
         | cache entries by crafting many variations of queries.
         | You could use something like https://stellate.co/.
         | > - Makes access control a lot more complicated, slower and
         | error-prone since the query needs to be analyzed in order to
         | determine which resources are involved in any specific query in
         | order for the server to decide whether to allow or block access
         | to a resource.
         | Hasura and Postgraphile can do this - in the case of
         | Postgraphile it obviously requires Postgres.
           | the_mitsuhiko wrote:
           | If the solution for caching problems turns out to be a hosted
           | API proxy then there are still not enough tools available. If
           | you put some third party infrastructure in front of your API
           | then your availability is exactly that company's
           | availability.
         | krschultz wrote:
         | It shifts the complexity to the server side. The additional
         | logic you are describing currently lives on the client, where
         | it's harder to update and likely duplicative across platforms.
       | dmitryminkovsky wrote:
       | Some nits:
       | > It doesn't support map/tables/dictionaries. This is actually
       | huge. I get that there might be
       | It does. You can define, say, an "any" or "json" type in your
       | schema and emit anything you want at a field with such a type.
       | For example https://stackoverflow.com/a/63588485
       | > No clear path for Api versioning
       | Some options include:
       | - Prefixes (`/v1/graphql`, `/v2/graphql`)
       | - Backward compatibility: only adding and not subtracting things
       | you want to support.
       | Lots of fair criticisms though. My two cents:
       | There are very few cases for starting a GraphQL based project by
       | writing a GraphQL server (resolvers, queries, etc). This is where
       | devs waste time instead of exploring their concepts. Instead, use
       | GraphQL with something like Hasura that generates the GraphQL
       | service for you based on database schema.
       | Lapsa wrote:
       | when I talked about drawbacks of graphql like 3 years ago - I got
       | ridiculed. there surely are some nice perks but overall - I find
       | the maintenance of that tricky abstraction layer way too
       | exhaustive. then there's that (weird) architecture in which all
       | the data goes through single focal graphql endpoint. I mean -
       | there's already painful client/server division in web world but
       | now the server knows near nothing about the client intent.
       | criley2 wrote:
       | GraphQL has advantages that make it great in certain situations
       | but it can be very difficult to wrangle it at large scale and you
       | basically need to hire Facebook GraphQL engineers once you get to
       | a certain size.
       | If you are using Typescript on backend and frontend
       | (react/reactnative ok, native ios/android app no) then checkout
       | tRPC. https://trpc.io/ tRPC is basically: you just call your
       | backend functions on your frontend, and TRPC handles the API that
       | makes it work. It shares types and when you define a type for
       | your backend, and call that function, you get the type on your
       | frontend.
       | Incredible for small apps/teams, but has it's limitations
       | (especially before the most recent version) and probably not the
       | solution for a big honkin app.
       | I've been playing with create-t3-app and it's pretty nice, great
       | way to launch a basic typescript/trpc/nextjs/prisma app.
       | https://github.com/t3-oss/create-t3-app
       | I use GraphQL at work and it's fine, it's just a lot of code and
       | codegen and work for a small team, we'd be faster on tRPC but
       | tRPC didn't even exist when this codebase chose graphQL lol
       | pikdum wrote:
       | PostGraphile works really well for us. We had a lot of issues
       | when we were previously trying to wire things together ourselves,
       | though.
       | noname120 wrote:
       | Add the fact that the cache performance is unpredictable and
       | inconsistent.
       | GraphQL queries select specific fields for "performance reasons"
       | so each request is custom and you can't cache at the edge. This
       | is ridiculous because SQL joins are costly but fetching a few
       | extra textual fields is basically never a bottleneck.
       | So in order to save a few bytes or KBs (which nobody care about
       | anyway), you ruin your caching abilities...
       | ...Well unless you manually cache your GraphQL queries with more
       | fields than needed but then what's the point of using GraphQL at
       | all?
       | That's very often a terrible compromise.
       | svnpenn wrote:
       | > It can save you bandwidth. Get what you ask for and no more
       | I don't, and never have believed this argument. I would bet that
       | JSON with Gzip or Zstd is just as small, or close enough that it
       | doesn't matter.
         | itsdrewmiller wrote:
         | If you have any data sets with an open text field that you
         | don't care about, or where you really only need to get the ID
         | from a wide table, it will definitely save a ton of bandwidth.
         | How often that really matters on the other hand...
           | horsawlarway wrote:
           | And in this case usually you can easily opt to exclude the
           | troublesome field with a param, or an endpoint that returns a
           | minimum version of the entity.
         | speedgoose wrote:
         | A graphql query is usually sent inside a JSON document and a
         | graphql response is usually a JSON document sent over HTTP with
         | compression. You do have to upload the query but you can select
         | only the data you need, and you can also do that in a single
         | query compared to a classic almost REST API. That's the part
         | that saves bandwidth, sometimes.
         | locutous wrote:
         | Nothing prevents you from compressing the smaller response of
         | what you asked for.
       | Kalanos wrote:
       | it' a hack substitute for a graphdb
       | alerighi wrote:
       | To me is not that great either. I find it simpler and more robust
       | a well designed REST API, where with well designed I mean that
       | the semantic of the methods is respected and it works on
       | resources.
       | The thing is that GraphQL is an RPC mechanism, contrary to REST
       | that is a protocol to do CRUD operations on resources, and that
       | has all the complexity associated with an RPC itself.
       | willjp wrote:
       | I think graphql is fantastic, and solves tricky design decisions
       | (versioning, precise rest queries). However, I don't believe all
       | graphql client libraries are created equally, and I strongly
       | prefer those that are simpler, and closer to graphql's own syntax
       | (ex. ariadne). This is an opinion though, my preference is
       | generally explicit > implicit.
       | scottwick wrote:
       | GraphQL is nice from a consumer's perspective but results in a
       | lot of extra complexity on the backend IMO. It sounds nice in
       | theory for the frontend to just request whatever it needs but
       | there are often performance considerations that make this easier
       | said than done. You end up either tailoring the database queries
       | for particular GraphQL queries (i.e. eager loading certain things
       | you know will be fetched) or implementing some sort of more
       | generic dataloader pattern. The fields and data types become more
       | explicit through the schema but there are still implicit access
       | patterns in play. Definitely a tradeoff vs. a REST API where each
       | endpoint can be highly optimized since you know exactly what's
       | being returned.
       | mattbillenstein wrote:
       | IMHO, it's a better contract with frontend apps than REST, but
       | you have to be mindful of the backend implementation and the
       | shape of the GQL schema more or less matching your DB schema.
       | Guid_NewGuid wrote:
       | Hmm, I feel weird reading all this criticism of GQL. It reminds
       | me of when our place switched to it and I was constantly slagging
       | it off until my friend/colleague said "do you actually hate it or
       | you just don't understand it?".
       | Default hostility to new concepts and frameworks can save a lot
       | of time, energy and mistakes in software but sometimes for some
       | use cases the new (variation of an old) solution can be superior.
       | We use it as the API we expose for our React and mobile clients
       | and it's just, so good. I'd never want to consume it for a non-FE
       | client but it's night and day versus stitching the results of
       | multiple API calls together using some godawful chunk of mess
       | like Redux.
       | We have a C# backend and Typescript frontend. We write our
       | backend resolvers of the form `public async Task<SomeResultType>
       | GetSomeNamedField(TypedParams pq)` and it just works, Apollo
       | generates type safe client code and we define the schema in a
       | single place. We still write backend code to implement each
       | resolver method, exactly how we did in a normal API but... that's
       | just the same.
       | I wonder how bad other backend devx must be for all these people
       | to hate it, it seems more like a language specific implementation
       | flaw than a genuine problem.
         | jddil wrote:
         | You haven't actually described any of the unique parts of
         | GraphQL though. Generating a typesafe API whose schema is
         | defined in a single place is trivial with an OpenApi spec and a
         | client generator
         | What I've noticed is people get their first taste of a type
         | safe api and automatic client creation via GraphQL and don't
         | understand that exists without it.
           | MisterSandman wrote:
           | > What I've noticed is people get their first taste of a type
           | safe api and automatic client creation via GraphQL and don't
           | understand that exists without it.
           | I mean, yes, you can technically write any project in C if
           | you're smart and dedicated enough, but data scientists still
           | use Python because it's easier to work with for the things
           | they need to do. The fact that GraphQL is _inherently_ safe,
           | while REST is inherently not, is why people like GraphQL.
           | OpenAPI is hardly the standard in Rest APIs.
       | aleclm wrote:
       | We recently had to design an HTTP API, and we wanted to have as
       | much automatic stuff as possible. I mean:
       | * Autogenerated documentation
       | * Autogenerated wrappers for scripting languages
       | * Autogenerated validator for requests and responses
       | For a REST API, you can get most of these things with swagger or
       | stuff like that, but clearly it's an afterthought. If you have a
       | schema, it's all much more natural and elegant.
       | But the most important thing you get with GraphQL is batching.
       | For our use case (a decompilation pipeline) if you make 10
       | requests one after the other or 10 requests altogether it makes a
       | _huge_ difference in terms of performance.
       | If you need batching and design a REST API, for every nice
       | endpoint you have you need to make a _bulk_ version of the API.
       | You 're likely going to do that POST'ing a JSON. Now, once you're
       | at that point, you're reinventing the wheel with six sides.
       | If your backend is in C/C++ and I suggest to make a C API for
       | Python and use ariadne:
       | https://ariadnegraphql.org/
       | Don't do GraphQL in C/C++.
         | loosescrews wrote:
         | > But the most important thing you get with GraphQL is
         | batching.
         | Doesn't HTTP/2 make this mostly obsolete? One of its big
         | features is request multiplexing.
         | Regarding the auto-generated code bit, are auto-generated
         | GraphQL clients a thing? It seems like it would be doable, but
         | I haven't found any (at least for the languages I'm using).
           | kortex wrote:
           | I believe by batching they mean operating on collections of
           | entities instead of single ones. So you may have POST /pets
           | to create a single pet from a json object, but what if you
           | want to add a hundred pets at once? Even with multiplexing,
           | this is often way less efficient. Often the solution is to
           | have POST /pets/bulk which takes a list of objects.
             | nogridbag wrote:
             | I suppose it depends on the domain, but in all the APIs
             | I've created bulk operations are fairly rare. I guess if
             | you know upfront that your API would involve heavy bulk
             | operations then seeking a tool that makes that more
             | performant would be beneficial.
       | ant1oz wrote:
       | I totally agree, the list of frontend pro is super cool,
       | especially the subscribe real time API, but on the backend, it is
       | a pure nightmare, either using very cutting edge third parties,
       | the authorization is a super big pain in the butt to implement.
       | Cool you got a graph, now you need to make sure only user a can
       | edit row b, there is the shortest path, but the data storage is
       | still centralised.
       | And I doubt there will ever be any PWA POSSIBLE with graphql, so
       | no offline usage, no local storage , nothing cool toward the web6
       | decentralised stack.
         | lfauve wrote:
         | There is: https://rxdb.info/replication-graphql.html
       | VoidWhisperer wrote:
       | As far as the versioning goes, the prevailing wisdom seems to be
       | that it just isn't needed on graphql apis - on graphql.org they
       | say the best practice is to avoid breaking changes. [1]
       | That said, versioning of a graphql api has been done at scale
       | before. Shopify has done it, using versioning in the URL,
       | specifically their admin data api, using month-year release dates
       | as the versions [2]
       | [1]: https://graphql.org/learn/best-practices/
       | [2]: https://shopify.dev/api/usage/versioning
         | JohnHaugeland wrote:
         | > As far as the versioning goes, the prevailing wisdom seems to
         | be that it just isn't needed on graphql apis
         | In reality, of course API versioning is needed.
         | The "prevailing wisdom" is people who like the tool, don't like
         | its limitations, and want to pretend it isn't a problem.
         | .
         | > That said, versioning of a graphql api has been done at scale
         | before. Shopify has done it
         | Perl people will happily point out that object systems exist
         | for Perl.
         | Having it not be a standard, uniform part of the core tool is a
         | severe limitation. Shopify needed this rudimentary feature, and
         | tried to give it away because others need it to, and the tool
         | vendors aren't willing (or able) to deliver.
           | PUSH_AX wrote:
           | > In reality, of course API versioning is needed.
           | I'd recommend not picking a technology that is versionless by
           | design if you think you're going to need it. Also I'd dispute
           | that versioning is needed as a rule.
           | krschultz wrote:
           | FB is pretty much on V1 of its GraphQL API with tens of
           | thousands of engineers editing it for over a decade. Every
           | single query is its own version, that's the point. If you
           | want to change the semantics of a field, make a new field and
           | leave the old one for the existing clients. What else would
           | you have to version?
             | hu3 wrote:
             | We're not Facebook
       | chrischen wrote:
       | Facebook intended it to be used with Relay... so a lot of
       | problems can be avoided by using Relay.
       | cube2222 wrote:
       | Having had experience with it from a "backend for the frontend"
       | perspective, GraphQL is nice because it gives you an API for free
       | and does partly decouple the frontend team.
       | At the same time, with most backend GraphQL frameworks the
       | decoupling will be very illusory, as in practice you'll have to
       | tune the backend to the frontend use cases or you'll just end up
       | with a ton of N+1 queries and terrible performance.
       | In other words, application-specific http endpoints have their
       | advantages and let you have fine tuned queries for each use case,
       | which makes sense for app-style frontends.
         | nip wrote:
         | N+1 queries performance in GraphQL is solved problem with
         | dataloaders [1]
         | [1]: https://sixfold.medium.com/reducing-database-queries-to-a-
         | mi...
       | chpmrc wrote:
       | > It is actually a pain to use, depending on the backend you are
       | using you'll have to manage two or more type systems if there are
       | no code first generates in your language
       | This is a shortcoming of the language, not of GraphQL.
       | > It doesn't support map/tables/dictionaries. This is actually
       | huge. I get that there might be
       | If you ever tried to cram a JSON like payload in a GraphQL field
       | you'll know why this limitation is in place. It quickly starts
       | getting abused by clients and you end up adding validation, which
       | you might as well have codified in a properly structured type.
       | For blobs you can just send encoded strings (JSON, base64,
       | binary, you choose).
       | > No clear path for Api versioning you'll end up with
       | MyQueryV1.01 MyQueryV1.02 MyQueryV1.03
       | The whole point of using something like GraphQL is that you don't
       | need or even want versioning. You can still deprecate fields (and
       | remove them according to your deprecation policy) but in general
       | you can just keep adding fields/types without removing the old
       | ones until you are sure consumers don't need them any more. So
       | there's no breaking change and consumers can transition to the
       | new fields whenever they want. Something else you start
       | appreciating when you have multiple, heterogeneous consumers of
       | your API.
       | Or you can just add the version to your schema URL, e.g.
       | `/graphql/v1/` and then route your queries based on that, which
       | kind of defeats the purpose.
       | > Invest your time in a simpler solution then running to GraphQL
       | first
       | GraphQL is as simple to set up as anything else, assuming the
       | language has good support for it. If it doesn't that's, again, a
       | limitation of the language, not of GraphQL.
       | GraphQL solves _a ton_ of problems related to typical JSON APIs '
       | conventions, since JSON isn't inherently "schemable" unless you
       | generate something like an OpenAPI spec which is, arguably, more
       | complicated. There might be superior alternatives (I've never
       | tried JSON schema) but I think all the pain points you described
       | can be easily solved one way or another.
       | Justsignedup wrote:
       | Personally I've used JSONApi
       | Pros:
       | - front-end implementation is near-trivial. I re-wrote half of my
       | framework because I wasn't happy with it in a few days.
       | - can use some cookbooks for some good front-end patterns
       | - overall very easy to use, and very easy to extend front-end
       | stuff
       | Cons:
       | - Poor back-end implementations. JSONApi Resources kinda sucks.
       | Graphiti might be significantly better.
       | - No clear pattern for submission of data. You don't want your
       | front-end to contain operational logic, dumb front-ends are the
       | way to go (front-ends do what they are told, they don't make
       | decisions).
       | - Not the "IT" thing, so not too much big corporate money backing
       | it. :( This is actually kind of a big deal.
       | krschultz wrote:
       | - It shifts the complexity where it belongs - out of native apps
       | deployed to user's phones and onto the backend that you control.
       | It doesn't eliminate any complexity.
       | - There's really no need for API versioning in GraphQL. Just keep
       | iterating on the fields.
       | oznog wrote:
       | It's another postmodern web development fuck-up.
       | I saw it coming for miles and evaded it.
       | Your complexity is my competitive advantage. Please continue to
       | be followers of any new shit.
       | OmarIsmail wrote:
       | Yes, graphql does indeed suck. Or rather it is not the best
       | solution for all client-server communication that people treat it
       | as, so it ends up being used in a lot of situations where it does
       | suck.
       | Backend to backend communication is almost never graphql (is that
       | changing in a big way?) which would indicate the main reason for
       | graphql in a client-server situation is data saving but at the
       | cost of complexity and other downsides. Almost certainly the data
       | savings in many cases is not worth it.
       | Oh and then you have things like Apollo having cache bugs that
       | result in incident level problems.
         | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | Does Apollo really have cache bugs? Usually it's the data
         | itself which doesn't have a unique id field, or the client
         | hasn't been configured to know about the proper id field.
         | Granted, it's a problem to have to do that. But such is life
         | with entity-level caching.
       | jddil wrote:
       | I'm glad the tide seems to be turning against GraphQL.
       | Your company is not Facebook, you don't have an impossibly large
       | graph dataset that needs querying
       | I've used it 3 times, each time it was a nightmare. REST with
       | some additional params to query extra data is so much easier and
       | safer ... that's just not very cool I guess.
       | scottwick wrote:
       | A frontend application that I work on has each component making
       | separate tiny GraphQL queries to render just what it needs. The
       | result is often 5-10+ GraphQL requests to render a single page.
       | Is this a common practice?
       | It seems like a lot of overhead to me since the backend has to
       | perform some redundant queries (i.e. fetch and authorize the
       | user, etc.) in order to serve each of those requests. I had
       | thought one of the main selling points of GraphQL was that the
       | frontend could make a single API request and have everything it
       | needs to render the entire page. Any thoughts?
         | wes-k wrote:
         | Use Apollo, it can stitch all those queries together into one
         | deduped query. It's awesome!
       | mabbo wrote:
       | Whether it was the intention or not, I find GraphQL solved a
       | fascinating problem: it let front end developers move faster by
       | greatly decoupling their data needs from the backend developers.
       | Backend developers describe the data model, expose it via
       | graphql. Front end developers, often ones who never met those
       | backend developers, can see the data model and just use it. They
       | can change what they're querying on the fly, get more or less as
       | they see fit.
       | It lets everyone move faster.
       | But as a backend developer, I actually fucking hate it, myself.
         | grumple wrote:
         | Curious as to why you hate it specifically. Because what you
         | could be doing is exposing every table / field automatically
         | based on permissions (which you could set up a system where you
         | don't even have to be involved).
           | mabbo wrote:
           | Honestly it's mostly just lack of familiarity, which is
           | getting better every day.
           | toolz wrote:
           | because either the boilerplate is massive or the libraries do
           | so much for you that you have to specialize in understanding
           | the libraries magic - front-end plus back-end code for
           | graphql is almost always more than a traditional REST api and
           | I mean a lot more code, not just a bit more, so more code is
           | strongly correlated with more problems. The exception is when
           | you use heavy libraries that have magical APIs. Then you end
           | up with teams who understand the API and have no idea how
           | graphql actually works, which is probably an even worse
           | problem.
             | mattbillenstein wrote:
             | What tooling are you using that requires a massive amount
             | of extra code? You need to define the schema and write
             | resolvers, but that's sorta similar to what you might do in
             | REST on the backend.
             | On the frontend, you have a choice to use some of the
             | heavier libraries that support all of the features (like
             | subscriptions) - but otherwise, you can just POST a gql
             | query to the server and it will return a blob of json,
             | which really isn't so much more than REST.
           | syastrov wrote:
           | e.g. postgraphile
         | NonNefarious wrote:
         | I thought it was supposed to do this, but then discovered that
         | it has no way to express joins.
         | Has this been addressed? I don't see how you can decouple the
         | back-end data from front-end queries without that.
           | vikR0001 wrote:
           | You can do something like this. This query can be created and
           | run on the client:
           | ``` const SAMPLE_JOIN_QUERY = gql` query ($main_data_id:
           | String!) { mainData( main_data_id: $main_data_id) { id
           | main_data_field_1 main_data_field_2 main_data_field_3
           | related_data{ related_data_field_1 related_data_field_2
           | related_data_field_3 } } } `; ```
             | mdaniel wrote:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/formatdoc may interest you
             | const SAMPLE_JOIN_QUERY = gql`         query
             | ($main_data_id: String!) {           mainData(
             | main_data_id: $main_data_id) {              id
             | main_data_field_1 main_data_field_2 main_data_field_3
             | related_data {               related_data_field_1
             | related_data_field_2 related_data_field_3             }
             | }          }`;
               | NonNefarious wrote:
               | Thanks!
             | platz wrote:
             | in other words, it's up to the folks writing the resolvers
             | to manifest and implement that join as a nested field.
               | zoover2020 wrote:
               | Dataloader does this IIRC
               | mst wrote:
               | Which means a lot of the time they end up just caching as
               | hard as they can and hoping that's good enough.
               | (which is often, honestly, an entirely rational decision
               | in terms of prioritising limited resources, but still
               | makes me sad)
         | breckenedge wrote:
         | I get specialization, but are there any other good reasons to
         | divide product teams between frontend and backend? I guess it
         | also helps establish patterns and contracts, but I think those
         | are only helpful above a critical mass that I haven't reached
         | in my career yet.
           | dasil003 wrote:
           | The reason is to scale teams. It's not the only way to do it
           | --you can also have vertical teams--but it's a common one
           | because frontend and backend have different technical
           | considerations. The downside is the product can lose cohesion
           | as developers get tunnel vision. Of course all big teams
           | suffer from a version of that problem depending how the lines
           | are drawn.
           | endisneigh wrote:
           | In a small organization there isn't generally any reason to
           | divide the teams between front and back end. As you've
           | alluded - once you have many clients you'll want to separate
           | responsibilities in order to increase velocity.
           | withinboredom wrote:
           | This is something I've wondered as well. Coming from the
           | military and occasionally working with spec-ops, I would say
           | having a few "full stack" teams would be the way to go. I am
           | just a lowly dev though, so what do I know?
           | The separation of front/backend has always been mildly
           | entertaining to me and I've worked on both teams. Btw, if you
           | ever want to cause a political mess, just submit a PR to add
           | a new API endpoint to the backend team that "doesn't have the
           | time" to work on it. Woah boy, they will get mighty pissed.
           | As a backend engineer these days, it would be a blessing to
           | get free work from another team... I don't know why they were
           | so pissed that one time.
             | [deleted]
           | TheAceOfHearts wrote:
           | It depends on the kind of application and scale. Consider a
           | large and complex application like Discord or Figma. Past a
           | certain point, it's hard for anyone to know how every single
           | detail works.
           | You should probably be comfortable enough to work with both
           | ends of the spectrum, but specialization allows you to do a
           | much deeper dive into complex subjects.
           | A backend engineer probably has a much deeper understanding
           | of every little nuance of their prefered database. A great
           | backend engineer can make sure that you're getting near-
           | optimal performance from every important query.
           | A frontend engineer probably knows about various UX
           | techniques along with how to avoid unecessary reflows and
           | repaints. A great frontend engineer can implement a UI
           | toolkit as well as advanced techniques such as windowing.
             | breckenedge wrote:
             | Right, that's specialization. IMO those people still belong
             | on the same feature implementation team for most
             | organizations out there.
           | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
           | > good reasons to divide product teams between frontend and
           | backend?
           | People specialize in different things. A great React
           | developer may not be a great Java developer, and vice-versa
           | satyrnein wrote:
           | From a management perspective, the fiction of the full stack
           | developer that is equally skilled at everything is the
           | easiest. You stick with that until you complicate your
           | architecture (wisely or not) to the point where having
           | specialists outweighs having to manage multiples queues of
           | work and dependencies.
             | ant1oz wrote:
             | Worse approach imo.
             | Nowadays a full stack dev is an intermediate Fe dev, with
             | junior backend skills. He will make your backend un-
             | maintainable. Get a proper master on a proper contract rate
             | to design your architecture.
               | [deleted]
           | adra wrote:
           | Frontend teams are often feature partitioned at least in
           | larger orgs. There will need to be some level of feature
           | level backend knowledge to be had somewhere, but backend
           | problems are often feature agnostic. Many companies conflate
           | backend with platform, which have subtle differences, but end
           | up working with similar results. Specialized backend teams
           | work to develop a really good "platform" feature while
           | frontend teams focus on developing customer/product oriented
           | features.
           | pragmatic wrote:
           | I think you are saying why not combine specialists on one
           | team vs the "everyone is fullstack+devops" amateur hour
           | dystopia that is becoming all too common?
             | breckenedge wrote:
             | I think we're all amateurs at some part of the stack. I am
             | not the CircleCI dude in my current gig, some other
             | competent engineer is, but I've been the Jenkins dude in
             | the past because I cared about it the most.
             | ipaddr wrote:
             | Back in the day we call this role Webmaster. Being able to
             | manage your server, write your code and design the website
             | was what a true developer tried to achieve.
             | It is strange to see developers preferring to stay in their
             | isolated environments and not wanting to touch the entire
             | stack.
               | electrondood wrote:
               | This actually made sense back in the day. Now there's
               | significantly more complexity for each part of the stack,
               | tooling, distributed design patterns for scaling, etc. We
               | don't really have "websites" any more, for example. We
               | have apps that run in the browser.
               | moonchrome wrote:
               | It's not strange at all - it takes months of work to get
               | productive with _insert whatever tech stack here_ even
               | when it 's within your experience domain. Problem domains
               | are really separate. Toolchains and languages are
               | different. It's already hard to find people competent on
               | one stack/field - hoping to find a team of competent
               | "full-stack", in the broadest sense of the word, is
               | probably prohibitively expensive.
         | mattbillenstein wrote:
         | Why do you hate it? What tooling are you using? I found it
         | fairly painless in Python - Graphene/Flask.
           | matsemann wrote:
           | If all you do is expose simple models, it's fine. But then
           | not much different than an auto-generated REST-api. But if
           | you want to query deep, list of childrens etc you quickly get
           | into queries that are very hard to write on the backend (n+1
           | issues quickly pop up etc). To solve those you need to write
           | complicated loaders, which all should be very general in
           | nature and thus you can't rely on two fields backed by the
           | same data sharing a query without doing something special.
           | Which is much more hassle than just writing whatever join you
           | want for a tailored endpoint.
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | It sounds like it is promoting a siloed cogs in the machine
         | type of work ethic. Where you are either front end or back end
         | and no one is thinking end-to-end about the system.
           | adra wrote:
           | Sr enough developers who's role expands beyond a single team,
           | architects, product managers, product owners, the list goes
           | on for the roles of people who are often task of thinking big
           | picture about the health and "end-to-end" picture of any
           | given software project. Your narrow synicism makes me assume
           | you don't work in a company that has a large dev org. People
           | specialize and if you want to be the learn and do everything
           | person, you'll find that you're doing less and learning more
           | which isn't a good fit for most orgs.
           | satyrnein wrote:
           | I think the causality runs the other way. Once the frontend
           | had gotten so complex that it required a specialized team,
           | solutions arose to reduce the back and forth necessary
           | between frontend and backend teams.
           | locutous wrote:
           | That's generally true for sizable companies. Small companies
           | can and do use full stack devs.
           | Segmentation makes some sense but the industry is lacking end
           | to end thinking as you point out.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | To me it's a weird way to go about this decoupling. Another way
         | is you can just keep your own view-model client side and
         | abstract the backend data with that.
         | FFBs and GraphQL is a way to tightly couple to a backend system
         | and then have that backend system loosely coupled.
         | I guess its all 6 of one, half-dozen of the other, but I
         | usually prefer to just handle things client side. You can maybe
         | get less data transfer optimization but that's down the road
         | from the fast development stage, anyway.
       | andrewingram wrote:
       | _Context: I do front-end and back-end, so I'm usually the one who
       | ends up maintaining the GraphQL server_.
       | The vast majority of people who've used GraphQL haven't used it
       | with something like Relay; and in my mind that means they haven't
       | used GraphQL in a way that really shows off its strengths. This
       | isn't to say that GraphQL doesn't have any benefits without
       | Relay, but rather that the cost/benefit scale only really tip
       | heavily towards benefits if you're using it to solve the problems
       | it was intended to solve -- that of reliably getting a
       | component's data dependencies into the component.
       | Every time I use GraphQL without Relay I find myself questioning
       | whether it's adding anything except complexity, every time I use
       | Relay (other than the initial architecture build, on-ramp is
       | steep) it feels great. Relay's learning curve and poor
       | documentation is really unfortunate, because the difference is
       | quite pronounced.
       | spankalee wrote:
       | Among the many problems with GraphQL are
       | 1) That it doesn't deal in graphs, but trees, and 2) It's not a
       | query language, but an RPC language with result subsetting
       | I would love to see something similar to GraphQL that could
       | return actual graphs. Like in the canonical Books/Authors
       | example, a query over books that included the authors would
       | return Books with _references_ into an Authors collection so that
       | authors were not duplicated as children of the books.
       | I would also love to see real and standard query operations like
       | where, limit, groupby, and ideally some sort of cursor. All that
       | has to be added bespoke on top of GraphQL severely limiting the
       | ability to write generic frontends and interfaces against GraphQL
       | APIs.
       | Then there's the type-system problems like lack of Maps, the
       | overly strict input/output separation, paltry scalar types with
       | no standard for dates and times, etc...
         | nkozyra wrote:
         | > 1) That it doesn't deal in graphs, but trees, and 2) It's not
         | a query language, but an RPC language with result subsetting
         | I'll resist pedantry on point one but I totally agree on point
         | 2. Plus its syntax poorly reflects the data 'schema' it's
         | defining.
       | replygirl wrote:
       | > It is actually a pain to use, depending on the backend you are
       | using you'll have to manage two or more type systems if there are
       | no code first generates in your language
       | hasn't been a problem for years in the ts, python, and .net
       | communities
       | > It doesn't support map/tables/dictionaries. This is actually
       | huge. I get that there might be some pattern where you don't want
       | to allow this but for the majority of situations working with
       | json api's you'll end up with a {[key: string] : T} somewhere
       | unions, embedded types, and custom resolvers, OR better api
       | design
       | > No clear path for Api versioning you'll end up with
       | MyQueryV1.01 MyQueryV1.02 MyQueryV1.03
       | this one is actually insane. /api/v1/graphql. sounds like you are
       | new to apis
       | ---
       | all of the complaints i hear about graphql have come from people
       | who are early in the process of learning it and/or have built up
       | faulty assumptions through malpractice
         | valenterry wrote:
         | > > It doesn't support map/tables/dictionaries. This is
         | actually huge. I get that there might be some pattern where you
         | don't want to allow this but for the majority of situations
         | working with json api's you'll end up with a {[key: string] :
         | T} somewhere
         | > unions
         | Then you need to know the keys in advance
         | > embedded types, and custom resolvers
         | That is "kind of" cheating. I think OP meant a builtin type.
         | > OR better api design
         | Sometimes possible but not always.
         | It's a valid criticism. Emulating another http endpoint in
         | graphql should be super simpel in the best case, but sometimes
         | it is not.
         | Another example where that is true is union inputs - you can
         | define and return a union of types, but you cannot accept the
         | exact same union in a mutation. Very very unfortunate.
       | FpUser wrote:
       | All my backend servers expose JSON based RPC api. It does exactly
       | what was intended. No more no less. Works like a charm. I can
       | hardly imagine why would I want to invest in developing /
       | exposing GraphQL layer. Facebook might have their valid reasons
       | but businesses/clients I deal with are not FB scale and do not
       | really give a flying fuck about what FB does. They just need to
       | solve their own particular problems with good ROI.
       | rglover wrote:
       | Having spent several years working with GraphQL (using it in
       | multiple projects and teaching it to others), I've found that in
       | the majority of cases just doing a plain JSON-RPC API is
       | preferable and far easier to reason about for all skill levels.
       | When I built Joystick [1], this is why I implemented the API
       | system [2] as a JSON-RPC model, but stole the idea of validating
       | inputs (optionally) and then on the client, optionally specifying
       | tailored output (also optional--like how you can request specific
       | fields back in GraphQL but instead of a custom query language,
       | just pass an array of paths like
       | ['customers.creditCard.expirationMonth',
       | 'customers.creditCard.expirationYear'] for the specific data you
       | want returned).
       | What I learned implementing that is that the typing/querying for
       | specific fields ideas is brilliant, but much better when it's
       | flexible (i.e., I want it sometimes but not _all_ the time).
       | [1] https://github.com/cheatcode/joystick
       | [2] https://github.com/cheatcode/joystick#api-1
       | stutsmansoft wrote:
       | I also had a bad experience with graphQL, or perhaps more
       | accurately the Apollo client for it.
       | I hated the namespaces on the code-generated classes and ended up
       | manually wrapping them, obviating the benefit.
       | It was also super brittle, when the back end would change
       | something it would break the clients.
       | lofatdairy wrote:
       | From what I've read GraphQL makes the most sense in the context
       | of large scale teams and large databases. It introduces a large
       | amount of overhead to your backend to parse queries, but allows
       | those queries to be more flexible and not think about the
       | database's schema which is a tremendous boon when you get to the
       | scale where communication between teams is more expensive than
       | implementation time. For junior and midlevel devs watching
       | youtubes and reading blogs it's obviously an exciting technology
       | because of what it promises (in this sense GraphQL is hardly
       | unique), but there's a practical cost to production workloads.
       | That said, if I'm not mistaken GraphQL is almost explicitly
       | designed with a versionless paradigm in mind. Whether or not
       | that's a good decision is up for debate, but it's less "no clear
       | path" and more like it's the responsibility of the backend to add
       | support for new access patterns without causing old patterns to
       | fail.
         | NegativeLatency wrote:
         | Some libraries offer enterprise features for versioning.
         | Like you said it makes sense in larger companies. As a consumer
         | of a well documented API it's great, as someone who had to
         | stitch together 2 microservices to provide the required data it
         | sucks.
       | jwr wrote:
       | "Very Senior Dev" here (though it amuses me to call myself that).
       | I had managed to avoid GraphQL for a while, but recently had to
       | actually look at it and use it. I was appalled that in this day
       | and age, this hyped silver bullet basically requires me to build
       | queries using strings.
       | I was honestly surprised by this: when I first heard about the
       | idea behind GraphQL, I was certain that I'd pass in nested data
       | structures.
       | I use it because I have to (external services jumped on the hype
       | bandwagon), but I don't consider it significant progress. And
       | this "save bandwidth" advantage is totally oversold, I really
       | can't see how the savings can be significant in a practical way.
         | chpmrc wrote:
         | > I was appalled that in this day and age, this hyped silver
         | bullet basically requires me to build queries using strings.
         | That's like saying SQL is crap because you need to build
         | queries by hand. Conflating a protocol/spec with its
         | implementation and/or the way it's used is not something a
         | "very senior dev" should do (not questioning you personally,
         | just the validity of what you wrote in this specific comment).
         | There are plenty of good GraphQL libraries that make writing
         | queries/mutations and the whole schema a breeze. I've been
         | using graphene for Python for a couple of years and, although
         | it has some rough edges, it's actually pretty decent. And
         | GraphQL is quite a good mental model to work with that both
         | backend and frontend can share.
         | <rant>Honestly I'm getting tired of seeing these comments on
         | HN, it's the same for Kubernetes or other technologies. Often
         | written by someone who didn't take the time to actually _study_
         | and understand the tech and use it for actual projects. Often
         | with no data to back it up whatsoever. The quality of posts and
         | comments here used to be a lot higher but it 's slowly turning
         | into a plaintext version of dev.to </rant>
           | spion wrote:
           | The GP is right. GraphQL is especially annoying because it
           | looks so close to JS/JSON, yet since no thought was put into
           | how it might integrate into existing typed languages its
           | actually surprisingly difficult to build a type-safe API
           | around it.
           | And yes, SQL is "bad" because you write query strings. The
           | funny bit is that GraphQL may be just as hard to model in a
           | type-safe way as SQL is, if not a little harder. At least
           | with SQL we have a reasonably good way to model it with
           | methods (see LINQ). LINQ was built 15 years ago, so this
           | problem was well understood back then.
             | chpmrc wrote:
             | > yet since no thought was put into how it might integrate
             | into existing typed languages [...]
             | Says who?
             | > [...] its actually surprisingly difficult to build a
             | type-safe API around it.
             | Again, says who? The consumers of the APIs I work on are
             | mostly written in Typescript and constructing types based
             | on the GraphQL schema is a completely automated process.
             | Are you telling me that it's easier to build type safe APIs
             | based on examples of what JSON each endpoint might output?
             | > And yes, SQL is "bad" because you write query strings
             | Ok then every single language is bad because every
             | language's syntax is based on (conceptually) constructing
             | strings. I don't get your point.
               | spion wrote:
               | > Says who?
               | Says me, and also any other person that has tried to
               | build a type-safe GraphQL query builder
               | > Consumers of the APIs I work on are mostly written in
               | Typescript and constructing types based on the GraphQL
               | schema is a completely automated process
               | Constructing "types" of what kind, and in what way? Types
               | for queries? Do you need to rerun the tool every time you
               | modify any of your queries? Does it need to watch your
               | query strings to generate the right types for them?
               | > Ok then every single language is bad because every
               | language's syntax is based on (conceptually) constructing
               | strings. I don't get your point.
               | Instead of arguing, why not look at what LINQ does?
               | For the best experience, you should probably try them
               | with an editor/compiler: https://github.com/dotnet/try-
               | samples#basics
               | valenterry wrote:
               | It would be helpful if you actually explain how LINQ does
               | it better.
               | spion wrote:
               | LINQ lets you write SQL queries using the language. This
               | means you get to take full advantage of the language (and
               | language service) features, including the typechecker,
               | code completion etc.
               | Examples: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/writing-
               | complex-querie...
               | The hard bit here is making sure the language type-
               | checker is fully aware of the involved types, both while
               | writing the query as well as while selecting the results
               | to be returned
               | This approach has since been copied in more capable
               | languages. One of my favorite examples lately is Rust's
               | Diesel: https://diesel.rs/ (see the "complex queries")
               | example.
               | A query language designer aware of the above lessons
               | learned with SQL might take special care to ensure their
               | new query language is easier to model in existing
               | languages. For example, they might consider an
               | alternative OOP or FP based syntax, or to generalize they
               | might put some thought into what would make it easy to
               | write a type-safe query builder. After all, while SQL was
               | developed in 197x and we had a different model for data
               | access early on (stored procedures instead of flexible
               | language-integrated queries) TypeScript already did exist
               | when GraphQL first appeared in 2015.
               | Yet, we still went the stored procedures route. Tools
               | such as graphql-codegen [1] require you to regenerate
               | your types every time you edit your query strings
               | [1]: https://www.graphql-code-generator.com/
           | jwr wrote:
           | > That's like saying SQL is crap because you need to build
           | queries by hand
           | If we want to use these terms, then SQL is indeed crap,
           | because you need put query parameters in-band instead of out-
           | of-band. This led to numerous exploits over the years, as
           | it's difficult to ensure the data is correctly escaped.
           | GraphQL just repeated the same mistakes.
             | chpmrc wrote:
             | Calling SQL crap just because there's a way to abuse it is
             | like saying C is crap because I could do `int * userGuess =
             | get_number_from_user(); * userGuess;` with nothing more
             | than a compiler warning (if I'm lucky).
             | Would be nice if we all stopped with these blanket
             | statements and just focused on evaluating individual
             | pros/cons of things.
             | EDIT: formatting of pointer
             | zokier wrote:
             | https://graphql.org/learn/queries/#variables ?
           | endisneigh wrote:
           | Yeah, if you use something like Postgres and Hasura for a new
           | project it's pretty simple. I doubt you could make a REST API
           | much easier. Django + Django Admin is close, but that's not
           | really an equivalent per se.
           | oznog wrote:
           | > The quality of posts and comments here used to be a lot
           | higher but it's slowly turning into a [..]
           | You can go on with your GraphQL, Kubernetes, gigantic
           | frameworks, and pages with 3MB of JS if you want.
           | And let's see what stands the test of time.
             | chpmrc wrote:
             | Well, GraphQL aside I've been using the same stack for
             | almost ten years and it's only becoming more and more
             | popular so I'd say I'm doing pretty well in terms of
             | choosing the tech, thanks for your concern though!
         | spion wrote:
         | Agreed. I'm working on a typed query builder for GraphQL and TS
         | but secretly I'm a little mad that nobody gave some thought to
         | making it easier to integrate in a type-safe way at least in
         | the client languages
         | https://github.com/typed-graphql-builder/typed-graphql-build...
         | No docs yet, that's WIP
           | eurasiantiger wrote:
           | It looks like a lot more boilerplate than normal GraphQL
           | queries.
             | spion wrote:
             | Not sure what you mean, I added the expected resulting
             | GraphQL queries and they're about the same size. They
             | aren't really normal queries, because I'm trying to
             | exercise all of the features at once in the tests :)
         | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | Hmm, there's really nothing preventing you from writing a
         | library which allows you to pass a data skeleton to an async
         | function and get a full body back.
           | [deleted]
       | sonthonax wrote:
       | GraphQL seems to be one of those 'bootcamp technologies'. I see
       | it being advertised as a skill a bootcamp teaches more than I've
       | ever seen used. I can imagine that for a junior developer the
       | endless freedom might be quite paralysising.
       | What I don't understand about GraphQL, is that the majority of
       | data people deal with is simple and relational. It's rare enough
       | to have a deep (more than 4 layers) relational data structure
       | that needs to be queried at once. And usually those data
       | structures are relational to ever smaller relations; think
       | user->company->address->country->county. Solving this with
       | GraphQL just seems a bit bizarre when you can write a view of
       | this data.
       | Maybe though, it owes its popularity in bootcamps because it
       | allows unqualified developer to forget about writing the query
       | layer.
         | sibeliuss wrote:
         | With GraphQL you are making a view of your data. You're using
         | types to describe an idealized API response. It's a frontend
         | and it can do anything you want.
         | jahewson wrote:
         | You're right! You don't understand GraphQL.
       | pharmakom wrote:
       | GraphQL let's you write optimisations once that apply across all
       | you queries which is a huge advantage.
       | I think we can do better than GraphQL but until that solution
       | arrives and achieves wide adoption I will keep using it
       | InvOfSmallC wrote:
       | I admit I never seen a use case that justify the complexity of
       | usage. Let's say you have a native app and a web app. I don't see
       | these 2 changing that much in terms of data so a an API
       | middlelayer is just simpler.
       | At work we have a use case like: well we create the data layer
       | that you can query the way you want and the field you want with
       | many clients involved. So like an API where you can make
       | composable queries.
       | To me that sounds like an API with query parameters, do we really
       | need to use GraphQL?
       | Let's see!
         | nrb wrote:
         | > To me that sounds like an API with query parameters, do we
         | really need to use GraphQL?
         | Do you care about the API being discoverable and the schema
         | being well described? Being able to see the relationships
         | between the data? The type-safety that comes from the tooling?
         | The ability to expose the field once on an entity that allows
         | consumers to use it in any variety of queries?
         | Kamq wrote:
         | > I admit I never seen a use case that justify the complexity
         | of usage. Let's say you have a native app and a web app. I
         | don't see these 2 changing that much in terms of data so a an
         | API middlelayer is just simpler.
         | It has some benefits when you have multiple different products
         | that need different "pieces" of the data, rather than 2
         | different clients for the same product.
         | I never quite understood how much hype it got, but it provides
         | some nice benefits in an internal corporate environment,
         | especially when data within said environment has an "owner" and
         | accessing it from a new place requires an entire process.
       | bdlowery wrote:
       | Yeah... but Shopify forces me to use it when accessing their
       | storefront api.
       | Eric_WVGG wrote:
       | The syntax of GraphQL drives me utterly mad.
       | I feel like there's two approaches that one could take to
       | approach queries: a series of programming commands (the way most
       | ORMs work), or an attempt at "plain language" (SQL and GraphQL).
       | Both approaches are fine, but if one wanted to take the latter
       | approach... why not just use the syntax of SQL? It's better in
       | every conceivable way that GraphQL, equally legible but much more
       | powerful.
       | GraphQL is idiot baby talk, I'm baffled by why we have to waste
       | time dumbing down expressions for no clear payoff.
         | valenterry wrote:
         | Yes and no.
         | SQL also sucks, since you have to SELECT before defining FROM.
         | Which means, code completion isn't there for SELECT. At least
         | with graphql you get full code completion all the time. I agree
         | though that it lacks in other areas. Choice between pest and
         | colera.
       | zelphirkalt wrote:
       | Do not forget, that GraphQL also cannot get you arbitrarily
       | nested structure, if the client doesn't know the structure ahead
       | of time. Its strength of defining of the structure you want
       | returned, also becomes its weakness. If there is some tree
       | structure you want to query, you will need to work around it.
       | This has been discussed at length on github issues and there is
       | unwillingness to change this. Who knows what kind of refactoring
       | would be required for that to work.
       | However, I think GraphQL vs REST is a false dichotomy. One could
       | probably maintain a GraphQL endpoint as well as a REST API, and
       | use whatever is most appropriate for the use case of the client.
       | People really should stop treating GraphQL as some kind of
       | complete replacement for a REST API or "the new way of doing
       | things" or acting like "the days of REST APIs are counted".
         | valenterry wrote:
         | Yes, this is a very important point.
         | One more very annoying shortcoming is that you can define a
         | union of types and return them when queried, but you cannot
         | write a mutation and ask the client to send the exact same
         | union. You'll have to create different standalone mutations.
         | In general the typesystem is quite lacking. But then again,
         | it's better than pretty much everything else language-agnostic
         | out there.
       | vikR0001 wrote:
       | When you say it doesn't support tables, can you provide more
       | info? GraphQL can return lists of course.
       | phendrenad2 wrote:
       | I also refuse to use GraphQL (after seeing it fail utterly and
       | spectacularly in a high-profile project that chose GraphQL
       | because it was the "new shiny"). But I'm sure it has some niche
       | that it works for. After all, people are still using it in 2022.
       | jasonhansel wrote:
       | IMHO the biggest issue with GraphQL is that it's often used in a
       | way that effectively breaks encapsulation. When you use GraphQL,
       | it's hard to limit the API surface of a service to avoid exposing
       | implementation details. This means it's difficult to modify the
       | internals of a service without breaking its clients, and it can
       | make things like testing and versioning more of a challenge.
       | hamandcheese wrote:
       | On the point of maps, I have had success solving this in two
       | different ways.
       | Option 1: return a property list. In other words, a list of
       | objects that have a key and a value. It's easy write a getter
       | function to search by key, or convert it to a map outright.
       | Option 2: make a Json custom "scalar", send back whatever dynamic
       | structure you want.
       | throwawaymaths wrote:
       | I'm currently dealing with an openapi schema that declares a
       | graphql query route. The mutations are still in rest (but it's
       | only one endpoint -- You kind of use it like graphql). The
       | graphql output is nonstandard so the reflection tools don't work.
       | The "cool" features of graphql (treating your data like a graph,
       | so you that n+1 queries are not the consumer's issue to deal
       | with) are not at all available, I sti have to manually do joins.
       | I am terrified that since graphql is all "you don't have to
       | version your shit" there will be a breaking API change in the
       | future that I (or worse, someone not me) will have to watch out
       | for, so on that day our supply chain database will be horribly
       | broken.
       | What the hell happened that we got APIs like this?
       | philliphaydon wrote:
       | > It can save you bandwidth. Get what you ask for and no more
       | I feel like this a false truth.
       | Most people are building a web app, or a mobile app and consuming
       | an api and displaying all the data they retrieve.
       | If you have an rest api which returns an object with 6
       | properties. And a graphQl scheme which returns those same 6
       | properties. You're not saving anything.
       | Now if you have a website and a mobile app, where the mobile app
       | needs 3 fields and the website needs 6 fields. You will obviously
       | save on bandwidth with the mobile app.
       | The problem here is most of us are not building Facebook. The
       | data saved is peanuts and the bandwidth cost is probably going to
       | be far less than the total cost of doing the work to support
       | graphql.
       | For a company like Facebook which has many different integrations
       | as well as 3rd parties integrating, graphql is obviously a
       | godsend as integrators and integrations can consume only what
       | they require and save Facebook millions of dollars in bandwidth.
         | krschultz wrote:
         | Every company I've worked for in the last 10 years had multiple
         | apps across several platforms, each with many versions, all
         | running in production at once. Even if you only care about the
         | next version you are shipping and a handful in production
         | that's a dozen variations.
         | In a REST paradigm you over fetch because not all of these
         | variations need the same data, or you send less but then the
         | clients thicker because they merge API calls and have divergent
         | presentation logic, or you have a bajillion API versions.
         | There's often a lot of back and forth between the various teams
         | for each rev of the API.
         | GraphQL lets the clients drive the definition of the data
         | fetching. That's it.
         | 95% of the criticism of GraphQL is people complaining that
         | GraphQL doesn't solve the problem of preparing the API response
         | for these different requests. While that's true, that's not
         | what it's supposed to provide. Whether you have a REST API with
         | 26 versions or a GraphQL API with 26 variations of query you're
         | going to have to write a backend-for-frontend style service
         | that resolves the results.
         | GraphQL just standardizes this process.
           | chronofar wrote:
           | > 95% of the criticism of GraphQL is people complaining that
           | GraphQL doesn't solve the problem of preparing the API
           | response for these different requests.
           | This problem is solved by quite a few GraphQL providers
           | nowadays. Hasura, DGraph (not true graphql but close enough),
           | Prisma. I like Hasura quite a lot for many projects. Just
           | define your database and you instantly have a full GQL API
           | for the clients to use however they please, no backend
           | required really. Doesn't work for everything, but it's pretty
           | great for a wide swath of projects.
         | grumple wrote:
         | > If you have an rest api which returns an object with 6
         | properties. And a graphQl scheme which returns those same 6
         | properties. You're not saving anything.
         | You aren't thinking big enough. We have a graphql API where we
         | have a bunch of enterprise users all wanting to pull out
         | different types of data. They can decide what they want to get,
         | and pull exactly that data. They want access to different
         | tables, fields, and for different purposes and with different
         | filters. We don't have to be involved, we just give them the
         | schema.
           | vsareto wrote:
           | I guess it works, but it still seems like an extra step
           | compared to giving them DB access unless they're in some
           | weird place where they can learn to use GraphQL but not
           | Sql/NoSql
           | philliphaydon wrote:
           | > We have a graphql API where we have a bunch of enterprise
           | users all wanting to pull out different types of data.
           | That's a great use for graphql. My issue is toooo many people
           | are building web apps with graphql where they are the only
           | consumer. They are not getting any of the benefits of
           | graphql, especially bandwidth savings.
           | If you have many people integrating and you in vision the
           | types of integrations needing very different queries for data
           | then graphql is great.
           | But most companies are a website, maybe some mobile stuff,
           | and not enough traffic to warrant the complexity or benefits
           | of graphql.
       | gorjusborg wrote:
       | GraphQL isn't a panacea. It has strengths and weaknesses.
       | This is true of any technology, so if you think the tech you are
       | using doesn't require a trade-off of some sort, you are likely
       | missing something.
       | I've yet to select GraphQL over straight RESTful APIs, but I also
       | don't work in an ecosystem where disparate client needs are
       | important.
       | pharmakom wrote:
       | I like GraphQL because it allows me to expose the data once and
       | then let front end devs run with it. It's a bit of work upfront
       | but it's less work over time.
       | didip wrote:
       | graphql sucks ass for backend and infra people, the people who
       | need to scale it.
       | It also doesn't speak normal REST dialect so you are missing out
       | on basic things like status 200.
       | yetanotherloser wrote:
       | Always sad at wasted effort but something here feels odd to me.
       | Use graph technologies if you genuinely have a graph problem; use
       | graph technologies if you have an "almost tree but..." problem;
       | don't use graph technologies if you have a strict tree problem or
       | a table problem. This all feels like a meta- version of "social
       | pressure pushed me to use the wrong conceptual model". All the
       | cool kids were doing it...
       | That said, graphs are dangerous because they are so flexible; you
       | can draw a tree or a table in one and it all seems fine but
       | you're paying all the time in conceptual load and friction.
       | Microcosm: graph vs table db. In the middle: social pressure
       | dominating data model choices. Macrocosm (relatively speaking):
       | The swing of the pendulum between bodgy vernacular attempts to
       | describe the world (dev don't need some control freak's schema)
       | and esoteric priesthood attempts to describe the world (all
       | knowledge graph structural changes must be initiated by our
       | ontologist...).
       | enahs-sf wrote:
       | My main gripe with it is it's an added level of indirection that
       | makes debugging just a little more difficult.
       | Back in the good old days, you could open up the network tab, see
       | the request made by the client and copy as curl to debug it.
       | Now with SSR and graphql, such a workflow is out the window.
       | 0x20cowboy wrote:
       | If you have one sever with one end point, and never use other
       | services, graphql doesn't make sense. Don't use it.
       | If you work with a bunch of Micro services, and you're only a
       | backend developer, you likely don't understand the problem
       | graphql is solving. The alternatives are almost always way worse.
       | > No clear path for Api versioning you'll end up with
       | MyQueryV1.01 MyQueryV1.02 MyQueryV1.03
       | You're not supposed to version it. That's what the @deprecation
       | is for.
       | > It is actually a pain to use, depending on the backend you are
       | using you'll have to manage
       | Do some front end work, or use your companies API as a client.
       | Something where you have to talk to several services and try to
       | stitch together some sort of combined data with all the latency
       | and unreliability of http over a cell phone network. Then
       | pontificate about how the boundaries between the services are
       | wrong, but never change anything - or better yet change a bunch
       | of boundaries then change the UI to cross different boundaries -
       | then complain about how the UI should always have to exactly
       | match your services because the world should revolve around how
       | you've decided to see the problem.
       | Yikes, where did that come from. That wasn't directed at you.
       | Don't use graphql. When you figure out what it's for, it'll be
       | easier to learn.
       | 4dregress wrote:
       | Being a good engineer (in any domain) means you have the
       | experience to can pick the correct tools for the job and then
       | explain why you have chosen those tools.
       | It all depends on what the end goal is.
       | cersa8 wrote:
       | I use GraphQL (postgraphile) for my admin backend crud. This
       | allowed me to do some incredible fast development with only
       | minimal customisation (couple of PostgreSQL functions). Anything
       | outside the happy path is handled by a REST API. Maybe we
       | shouldn't think in absolutes, eg: only use GraphQL. For the same
       | reasons I use an ORM, and raw queries where it matters most. The
       | cliche holds true: use the right tool for the job.
       | hn_user145 wrote:
       | In any fast paced business, APIs constantly change. Versioning is
       | not straightforward. Often corners are cut, and deadlines have to
       | be met. There just is one version of the API, the one in
       | production!
       | In my experience the most pain around GraphQL was due to a lack
       | of care/time. Too often schemas are not strictly defined, are too
       | generic (type: any) and fields are not documented. Errors are
       | poorly defined etc. Combine that with untyped code, it's almost
       | the same as sending blobs of arbitrary JSON around. In the short
       | term it works, the feature is live, business is happy. But takes
       | double the effort to untangle the code when you need to change
       | something....
       | GraphQL also requires effort to make tooling and monitoring work
       | well with it as it deviates from a traditional REST like model.
         | yellow_lead wrote:
         | > There just is one version of the API, the one in production!
         | Unless there are multiple in production, i.e /v1/api, /v2/api,
         | etc
       | humbleMouse wrote:
       | charbull wrote:
       | What about sparql?
       | anotherhue wrote:
       | Comparing GQL to REST is like comparing a framework to a
       | protocol. Of course it's easier to build up from REST, but if
       | you're lucky enough that your project survives it won't be long
       | before you're reimplementing the same GQL features you rubbished
       | in a half-arsed way.
       | In an ideal world, we can grow into the tech pulling in features
       | as needed, but REST (in its modern form) is all about day 1
       | productivity, not day 100.
         | yellow_lead wrote:
         | > if you're lucky enough that your project survives it won't be
         | long before you're reimplementing the same GQL features you
         | rubbished in a half-arsed way.
         | Unless you don't need those features to begin with? I also
         | think with this mentality you'd end up with a lot of teams
         | saying "lets do GQL in case we need it later" and it ends up
         | being a ton of work for no benefit later.
       | sebnukem2 wrote:
       | I'm happy to read this. I had to use GraphQL once in an old job
       | and I hated, hated the freaking thing with a passion, but there
       | was so much hype about it I concluded the problem with it was
       | caused by myself, a getting older and more close minded self. I
       | see now that GraphQL may not be that wonderful, after all.
       | datalopers wrote:
       | GraphQL's primary feature is enabling data exfiltration for bad
       | actors
         | x86x87 wrote:
         | This nails it. Had the "proviledge" of needing to secure a GQL
         | endpoint and it's a mess. AuthZ? What's that? + Runaway queries
         | that kill the database? check! + Caching? Lol.
         | Setting aside security and scalabilty for a second: Ifeel like
         | GQL is at its best a complicated database driver, with the data
         | types being defined and implemented twice: once in the DB
         | layes, once in the backed.
           | adra wrote:
           | If you're testing gql as anything remotely similar to a
           | database facade, you've already lost. GQL is meant to provide
           | functionality that generally happens to be data backed. If
           | you want to push all your work to the frontend and treat gql
           | as a db shim, you're solving the wrong problem in the wrong
           | ways.
       | geuis wrote:
       | It's not an unpopular opinion: it's true. Graphql is a terrible
       | piece of software/paradigm.
       | I've completely avoided it for years. If a potential new job
       | contacts me and they use graphql, it's an immediate no from me.
       | It's an immediate red flag that the engineering culture at the
       | company is poorly run and would be a nightmare to work in.
       | Run away, as fast as possible.
         | eknkc wrote:
         | So you are sure that some tech that you avoided completely (and
         | I assume have zero experience in) is a terrible piece of
         | software.
         | Great. What is your take on the postal service structure of
         | Turkmenistan btw?
           | mechanical_bear wrote:
           | Their service scope is waaaay too broad, no reason to be
           | responsible for quasi banking services, traffic fine payment,
           | and utility payment processing.
         | publicdaniel wrote:
         | It's not an unpopular opinion _on HackerNews_.
         | chpmrc wrote:
         | > Graphql is a terrible piece of software/paradigm.
         | Says who, exactly? What data are you basing this on? Or is it a
         | completely subjective opinion dictated by frustration likely
         | caused by the lack of understanding of it?
           | runald wrote:
           | Did you try reading the thread? What do you mean by data?
           | > Or is it a completely subjective opinion dictated by
           | frustration likely caused by the lack of understanding of it?
           | You can ask this this very same question when people say
           | graphql is an amazing piece of software/paradigm, except
           | s/frustration/hype/
             | chpmrc wrote:
             | Your argument stops being valid the second you realize that
             | a lot of devs who use GraphQL started out as skeptics (e.g.
             | me), then spent time actually understanding its nuances
             | before coming to a conclusion _for a specific project
             | /team_.
             | And, in general, there's no such thing as a "good" or a
             | "bad" technology, there are dimensions and each dimension
             | is a spectrum: utility, adoption, availability, cost,
             | complexity (although hard to determine), etc. to compress
             | all that down to "hype" or "it sucks" just show how little
             | time has been spent on understanding the nuances I
             | mentioned above.
             | I don't claim GraphQL is _amazing_ or even _good_ , it just
             | proved to be a great way to build APIs for the projects I
             | worked on. I'm sure someone who builds firmwares for
             | embedded automated plumbing systems would disagree (within
             | that context). If you decide not to adopt it I just hope
             | you do it after a rational, unbiased review of what the
             | tech is capable of and what the shortcomings are, rather
             | than "oh it's over hyped".
             | > Did you try reading the thread? What do you mean by data?
             | Please don't question whether someone read the thread or
             | not (which is irrelevant within the scope of this
             | discussion anyway) just because they disagree with you.
         | soccersofia15 wrote:
         | Based on your logic, you've never worked for Airbnb, Uber,
         | Facebook, Twitter, etc... which is also funny cause they have
         | fantastic engineering culture. What a strange way to filter
         | yourself out of great engineering companies just because of a
         | piece of technology
         | zmxz wrote:
         | Yup, gotta trust the words from some unknown from internet,
         | with 0 proof. As if we're all there, up in your head, able to
         | hear every single thought you have and determine that what you
         | say is pure, unfiltered truth.
         | If many manage to use GraphQL and be content with it, that
         | should be an indicator to you. But, you chose it isn't and that
         | you'll merely display how politely negative you can be.
         | Thank you.
           | runald wrote:
           | > trust the words
           | > pure, unfiltered truth
           | noone is forcing anyone to believe in anything, it's just
           | some guy expressing his strong opinions about a subject, but
           | no, you act like someone uttered a blasphemy against the
           | lord's name
         | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
         | > It's an immediate red flag that the engineering culture at
         | the company is poorly run and would be a nightmare to work in.
         | Well, at least I'm glad I know I'll never be working with you!
         | I'm not giving you shit because you don't like GraphQL, I'm
         | giving you shit because of your asinine "if you use GraphQL
         | your company is poorly run and a nightmare" comment.
         | Whenever I see a comment from any developer that says "If you
         | use technology X then you are an idiot", then I know that
         | developer is either incredibly junior and doesn't understand
         | the tradeoffs in choosing any technology, or they're showing
         | typical "if you don't like what I like than you don't know what
         | you're doing" arrogance that inevitably always makes it a pain
         | in the ass to work with that person.
           | NonNefarious wrote:
           | Yep. I worked at a place that fired almost its entire
           | programming staff because they insisted on using Visual C++
           | to build a CRUD app, while a team of contractors built a
           | prototype in Visual Basic.
           | Needless to say, the VB app worked fine and became the
           | product.
             | mechanical_bear wrote:
             | Why is this "needless to say", as if it should be apparent
             | to anyone?
               | NonNefarious wrote:
               | Because a CRUD app doesn't require any serious computing
               | performance from the application, making C++ unnecessary.
               | If another implementation won the race to functional
               | completion, then... needless to say... it was the one to
               | go with.
               | Today you'd probably just use browser-based UI.
               | Also if you've spent time in corporate development
               | (rather than a software company), I think this scenario
               | is a common one. If you show management a prototype that
               | works, they're going to ask why we don't just make that
               | the product. And if you don't have a good reason... you
               | don't have a good reason.
             | diarrhea wrote:
             | If you don't mind, would you explain this more? I don't
             | understand the implications; VB does sound "worse" than
             | Visual C++ for such a job, from an outsider perspective?
               | koonsolo wrote:
               | In C++ you have to manage your own memory. Why would you
               | want to do that when you're simply pushing data around.
               | I wouldn't choose VB myself, but when it's between VB and
               | C++ for simple data pushing, I would indeed choose VB.
               | Let's say it like this: if you need to move stuff, would
               | you choose a F1 car or a minivan. I would pick the
               | minivan.
               | NonNefarious wrote:
               | No problem. At the time, Visual C++ lacked several
               | important OCX controls that were included with VB, so
               | they had to be hand-coded.
               | If you were building an application that does little more
               | than populate forms with data from a database and then
               | update the database, VB was totally adequate. The most
               | important part of the job was the DB and query design.
           | cudgy wrote:
           | You are right that this arrogant attitude is juvenile, but it
           | is prevalent amongst humans in all areas. Unfortunately,
           | there would be few developers to work with if you apply the
           | policy of not working with arrogant, dogmatic developers.
             | Kaze404 wrote:
             | There's this stereotype of a programmer, that while I think
             | can be funny sometimes, still reflects a professional that
             | doesn't really exist anymore from my perspective.
             | Most software engineers I've worked with have been
             | incredibly humble and dedicated. The mythical bearded guy
             | that showers three times a day, comes to the office with
             | shorts and flip flops, and refuses to install Windows on
             | the accountant person's machine because it's objectively
             | bad is something I've only seen in memes and stories from
             | older people I've worked with.
             | I personally think dissolving this myth, along with the one
             | that programming is easy and / or none of us know what
             | we're doing, should be a shared goal between people who
             | care about what they do and how others perceive it.
             | Otherwise we're unknowingly cultivating it into existence,
             | and I definitely don't want to work with arrogant, dogmatic
             | developers.
             | koonsolo wrote:
             | For me it signals maturity.
             | When it's a junior, I remember myself and think they still
             | need to learn.
             | When it's a senior, I know it's not a senior.
             | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
             | Strongly disagree, primarily because when this type of
             | attitude infects dev teams it is usually a _cultural_
             | issue, not an individual one.
             | The primary, inviolable value I have, and look for, in dev
             | teams is "strong opinions, loosely held". Meaning I _want_
             | to work with engineers that have the experience, motivation
             | and intelligence to have strong opinions about how things
             | should be done, but it 's also critically important that
             | developers are humble enough to know other developers may
             | have other experiences that can inform why a different
             | decision can be better.
             | If you've worked in a dev team that embodies this attitude,
             | you know how great it can be and how dev team members will
             | naturally work to strongly defend the group dynamic that it
             | fosters. Meaning if a developer with a bit too much
             | arrogance joins the team, they can often be trained into
             | not having to be so judgemental, or making disagreements
             | about real issues and not emotional arguments ("GraphQL
             | sucks and you're stupid if you use it") If not, the
             | existing team will quickly reject that arrogant developer
             | because they know how dangerous they can be to a healthy
             | group dynamic.
             | ttfkam wrote:
             | I'm truly saddened to hear that this has been your
             | experience throughout your career so far. It is not a
             | universal experience. I hope you find a better managed shop
             | soon that recognizes that it's easier to teach folks a tech
             | stack than to teach someone to be a decent (or honest)
             | person.
             | Too many tech shops sabotage their culture and dozens of
             | potentially great contributors in order to keep a few (or
             | one) toxic contributors that the powers that be erroneously
             | believe are irreplaceable.
             | Anyone can be a 10x developer when you sabotage the well-
             | being and productivity of those around you.
               | ant1oz wrote:
               | Well said. I would also add that it is perfectly fine to
               | have a list of red flags, and it is perfect fine to
               | define your own bondaries. Graphql is a red flag for me
               | too, as well is React and node.js, and even git to some
               | extend. I love simplicity when designing web apps, their
               | backend, their frontend and the deployment process in
               | between. Although the tech is old , I came up that
               | vue3+pouchdb+quasar is an amazing combination for a
               | stable replicable dev environment, pwa, supports offline
               | usage, and introduces possible p2p replication between
               | browser's pouchdb instances trough webrtc.
               | React , imo, is a good over engineered library suffering
               | from fragmentation. Angular is less fragmented, and Vue
               | is the most elegant, performant and versatile of the 3.
               | Good Devs choose Vue after having worked with both react
               | and angular. React Dev never tried Vue, nor Angular Dev
               | try React. Vue Dev usually know all 3.
               | Having a red flag like graphql can tell a lot about
               | technical overview and experience in failure.
               | Graphql solves a caching issue that Facebook has. Makes
               | the frontend team life easy, making the backend team life
               | hell , big big hello. Scope changes in the backend are
               | terrible.
               | Unless your team is engineered driven, and engineers take
               | tech decision, and setup the sprints, going graphql in
               | the backend is a recipe for disaster.
           | spywaregorilla wrote:
           | I felt pretty confident about my conclusions of my first
           | dusty old bank job that used a custom shittier homebrew of
           | google web toolkit and no source control.
             | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
             | But that's very different. "No source control" means they
             | aren't following or don't understand the very basics of
             | software process management. That's very different from "If
             | you use SCM system X, Y or Z you're an idiot."
               | spywaregorilla wrote:
               | Email and the windows file system is a SCM system if
               | you're dumb enough.
       | spullara wrote:
       | GraphQL can also be a performance nightmare if you aren't
       | rewriting every GraphQL query into a single SQL query.
         | jahewson wrote:
         | Same applies to REST APIs if you don't offer batch endpoints.
         | Most of those n+1 query examples I see thrown at GraphQL would
         | be n+1 GETs in REST.
           | spullara wrote:
           | For sure. Don't do that.
       | NotTameAntelope wrote:
       | Meh, each of your complaints is solved by understanding GraphQL
       | better.
       | If the main issue is you have to learn something complex, sure
       | that's probably a little fair, but it's really easy to get
       | GraphQL to do what you want once you've gotten over that initial
       | learning curve.
       | Specifically, queries and mutations can literally do whatever you
       | want them to.
       | dqpb wrote:
       | I have only played with GraphQL a little, but from what I could
       | tell, the client can't define the structure of the response, they
       | can only choose to have some fields missing. Am I wrong, or is
       | that basically all it does?
       | brillout wrote:
       | If you use Node.js, check out Telefunc[1] which enables you to
       | seamlessly call Node.js functions from the frontend (in other
       | words RPC). Including first-class TypeScript support.
       | Its guide "RPC vs GraphQL/REST"[2] explains you when to use
       | GraphQL and when not.
       | [1]: https://telefunc.com/ [2]: https://telefunc.com/RPC-vs-
       | GraphQL-REST
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | IME GraphQL is kinda great on the consuming side, but the
       | complexity and maintenance overhead of query resolvers can
       | outweigh the benefits. I agree that it makes sense to look
       | elsewhere first. For example, react-query can solve many of the
       | problems GraphQL aims to solve (eg overfetching), without the
       | downsides.
         | wizofaus wrote:
         | Can you expand on that? If your existing RESTish/JSON Api
         | doesn't support the level of fine tuning of what data you want
         | back, how can react-query prevent overfetching? I ask because
         | I'm currently involved in converting some code over to react-
         | query, despite the fact there's a longer term plan to move to
         | GraphQL which I'm concerned will obviate the need for the
         | current rewrite.
       | infinitezest wrote:
       | Ive used GQL on several projects for work and its been _OK_ to
       | work with but not really worth the hassle in our cases. It ended
       | up costing us lots of time to onboard new devs and hasnt given is
       | much in return aside from type safety between the front and back
       | ends. Im sure there are good use cases for GQL but I have not
       | personally run into them.
       | vlod wrote:
       | > It can save you bandwidth. Get what you ask for and no more
       | On the other hand, you tend to do "select * from FOO" and get
       | more data from the db, because you don't know what the caller
       | will ask for.
       | I don't think I've even seen a codebase filter the SQL based on
       | the caller. I think I tried doing it once and it was a pita.
       | (Please correct me if it's easy).
         | coder543 wrote:
         | The typical approach that I've seen is to do "select * from
         | FOO" for simple scalar fields that cost very little to retrieve
         | from the database. If you have any fields that often contain
         | large amounts of data, or any relations, you can provide a
         | separate resolver for that field or relation, and then that
         | resolver will only get invoked if the caller requested it. It's
         | pretty straightforward, at least when using Apollo and
         | TypeScript. (Obviously you would modify the original query to
         | exclude such expensive fields so that you're not duplicating
         | work with the additional resolver.)
         | I still don't think I would _personally_ recommend GraphQL to
         | most companies.
       | E2EEd wrote:
       | I built an app with a REST API a long time ago, now a defunct
       | startup. In an effort to save API calls, the front end devs
       | requested that I add various other resources in new endpoints,
       | often a subset of another endpoint's response fields. The API
       | spec ended up being fairly unwieldy.
       | I've often thought that this would be a great use case for GQL.
       | Seems like a good choice if your front end wants to specify
       | exactly what data to get.
       | b33j0r wrote:
       | I loved the idea, then I found out that _doing_ anything devolved
       | into completely custom RPC implementations.
       | I'm not always RESTful, but in GraphQL the state transfer part is
       | left as an exercise for the reader.
       | I love natural data models. I also think RPC makes sense when
       | there are clear verbs in a system.
       | Poor GraphQL. It's like a Greatish novel where the first half is
       | compelling and intricate, and the last half was rushed by the
       | publisher.
       | jsdwarf wrote:
       | GraphQL Performance is abysmal, because query language is
       | completely detached from the way data is stored and encourages
       | you to select as much as possible.
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | It suffers the same peoblem as WSDL, (or "proper" REST for that
       | matter), which is inflexibility and boilerplate. It provides a
       | mechanics garage worth of tooling when you probably just need a
       | swiss army knife.
       | mLuby wrote:
       | Having worked in big tech and small startups, I think GraphQL is
       | a brilliant way to solve an _organizational_ problem that massive
       | tech companies have.
       | It's that the team maintaining the API is different from the team
       | that needs changes to the API. Due to the scale of the
       | organization the latter doesn't have the access or know-how to
       | easily add fields to that API themselves, so they have to wait
       | for the maintainers to add the work to their roadmap and get back
       | to it in a few quarters. Relevant Krazam:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8OnoxKotPQ
       | At a small start-up, if the GET /foo/:fooId/bar/ endpoint is
       | missing a field baz you need, you can usually just add it
       | yourself and move on.
         | jonhohle wrote:
         | If that field isn't populated aren't you in the exact same
         | spot?
           | vikR0001 wrote:
           | Let's say you need to get a field back that is already in the
           | database table, but that wasn't previously returned by the
           | GraphQL endpoint. All you have to do on the front end is ask
           | for it and GraphQL will populate it for you on the server.
             | ahepp wrote:
             | Why not just query the database directly then?
               | eatYourFood wrote:
             | _3u10 wrote:
             | For external users of the API this can be quite helpful
             | when you're looking for the password column on the users
             | table.
             | For some reason I don't think graphql actually works this
             | way. Can't quite put my finger on why allowing access to
             | any column on a table might be a _really_ bad idea.
               | HelloNurse wrote:
               | Putting passwords in a database, and that database behind
               | some kind of service that allows queries, is a stupid
               | mistake that can be implemented with SOAP, CORBA, a
               | remote shell, or any other protocol or API style.
               | I don't think GraphQL makes the problem worse except by
               | encouraging experimentation by putting an unusually
               | powerful query language in the hands of the users
               | jonhohle wrote:
               | Ancestors of your post are suggesting exposing entire DB
               | schemas (I would assume mechanically). While that could
               | also be the case in other protocols, typical an IDL is
               | used to separately define the API layer. Of course it's
               | completely possible to generate a WSDL, etc. from a DB
               | schema, in practice I've never seen it done.
             | dragon-hn wrote:
             | If your GraphQL schema is just a mapping of database
             | tables, in my experience you are in for a world of hurt in
             | the future.
               | vidarh wrote:
               | It's possible to do this without it getting painful, but
               | you need to annotate the database schema with a lot of
               | meta data.
               | We don't use GraphQL, but we do use an API that is mostly
               | generated from meta data about the schema and permissions
               | on a per field basis, with the ability to override on a
               | per table basis.
               | To the API consumer it's invisible if they're referring
               | to something that refers directly to a real database
               | columns or to a method on a model class that doesn't
               | correspond directly to the database (e.g. the user
               | "password" attribute is
               | Effectively there are two schemas: the API schema and the
               | database schema, it's just that the API schema is
               | "prepopulated" from introspecting the database schema
               | using Sequel (Ruby ORM), with the model classes
               | translating between the two, with a synthesised default
               | mapping.
               | The "API schema" includes more granular type information
               | suitable for the frontend, and permissions, including
               | type information returned to the frontend to provide
               | default client side form rendering and validations (also
               | enforced on the server, of course). It also auto-
               | generates documentation pages with example data, inspired
               | by Airtable's doc pages.
               | But key to avoiding what you describe is that these are
               | all easily overridable defaults, and the permissions
               | default to allowing no columns, so while the db schema
               | introspection makes it quick to expose things where a
               | direct mapping makes sense, it also makes it easy to
               | avoid.
               | Unlike GraphQL we explicitly avoided allowing you to
               | request arbitrary complex sets of data, but what you can
               | do is expose queries by defining model metadata for them
               | that either wraps suitable views or custom queries. We
               | have a UI to allow us to define and store custom queries
               | and views for e.g. reporting needs, so we can prototype
               | new API needs in the browser writing just queries with
               | some metadata annotation.
               | It gets us the flexibility of being able to quickly
               | return exactly the desired data, while retaining control
               | over the queries and complexity.
               | crispyalmond wrote:
               | At my workplace they made this decision before I started
               | and I can fully agree with this. It's essentially a typed
               | REST without any of the benefits. No joins, everything is
               | multiple calls away to perform a "full" query.
               | I don't even want to think about undoing this mess.
             | sholladay wrote:
             | A world where the front end can access any database field
             | it wants sounds like a security / privacy nightmare to me.
             | Of course there are ways to prevent data from being
             | returned but that's fragile.
               | purerandomness wrote:
               | How does GraphQL help here?
               | netik wrote:
               | This isn't remotely a problem. Field by field granular
               | security is trivial to implement in GraohQL
               | hamandcheese wrote:
               | I have to disagree with you there. It is possible, but it
               | causes other annoying problems.
               | For example, field-level security pretty much means every
               | field could be null at any time. Depending on your
               | graphql server implementation, this might cause an entire
               | request to fail rather than just that field to be
               | omitted, unless you change your schema to where
               | everything is nullable.
               | Checking every field can also easily lead to performance
               | issues, because it's not uncommon for a large, complex
               | graphql request to have hundreds or thousands of fields
               | (particularly when displaying lists of data to a user).
               | dragon-hn wrote:
               | > unless you change your schema to where everything is
               | nullable
               | At my current job, this was done before I was involved.
               | It isn't a deal breaker, but it throws away one of the
               | best features of GraphQL.
               | In the end you just have every client implement the rules
               | that should have been in an API tier (if they are
               | competent), or worse no validation that gets you a giant
               | mess.
               | withinboredom wrote:
               | Not to mention GraphQL wasn't designed with security and
               | user-state in mind. It was an afterthought that was
               | bolted on, varying from framework implementation to
               | implementation.
               | jfengel wrote:
               | How the heck was that not on their minds from day 1? It's
               | the most obvious question to ask about a project like
               | that.
               | withinboredom wrote:
               | It's from before the https-everywhere days, or around the
               | same time letsencrypt was started up, IIRC. Back then, I
               | feel like security wasn't as big of an issue, at least
               | for less sensitive things. Like literally the entire site
               | would be http until you got to checkout and the only
               | reason you had the certs was to be PCI compliant.
             | BerislavLopac wrote:
             | Assuming the backend actually supports mapping of that
             | particular field.
         | the_mitsuhiko wrote:
         | In many ways you also need to be a massive tech company to not
         | create a massive scalability problem. The first time someone
         | ships a shitty query to a large user base on a mobile app you
         | are now dealing with the consequences of a frontend engineer
         | creating a bad query you can not kill quickly any more.
         | Making scalable, well performing queries work is nontrivial,
         | particularly with the current ecosystem of GraphQL libraries.
         | The main workaround for this provided appears to be directly
         | mapping GraphQL to an ORM.
         | makeitdouble wrote:
         | I used to see GraphQL (and to an uglier respect Soap like
         | interfaces) as complicated solutions to that problem you
         | describe.
         | But more and more, I think Backend For Frontends solve this
         | issue in a much better way. And of course that idea isn't new
         | and Yahoo for instance had that kind of architecture.
         | Frontend teams get to adjust by themselves a simple interface
         | to their needs, and backend teams can provide more info through
         | internal APIs with less restrictions than if it was directly
         | exposed to the outside.
           | gedy wrote:
           | I'm not following if you think GraphQL is a bad fit still,
           | but we used GraphQL with the BFF pattern, and it was nice to
           | use from Frontend to BFF. The backend services would use REST
           | or whatever appropriate behind the BFF.
             | makeitdouble wrote:
             | I see GraphQL as unneeded if you already have a BFF managed
             | by front teams.
             | Going with basic REST gives you simpler
             | caching/optimisation paths, more straightforward mapping
             | between the front request and the backend calls, and it
             | makes it easier for other teams to look at what you're
             | doing and comment on/fix stuff as needed. GraphQL would be
             | pure syntax sugar, and I'm not sure it would be worth the
             | trade-off.
           | kbumsik wrote:
           | You can use GraphQL for BFF btw.
           | no_wizard wrote:
           | Do you have any reference material for the Yahoo
           | architecture?
             | makeitdouble wrote:
             | It was pretty basic so I'm not sure how much it was talked
             | outside of Yahoo. I see this presentation
             | http://www.radwin.org/michael/talks/php-at-yahoo-
             | zend2005.pd... providing an overview, but otherwise the
             | basic principle was to have each addressable web server
             | host an apache with a routing module, and that module will
             | map a request path to a cgi file.
             | With that structure you can have any number of layers with
             | your front call and the different business abstractions all
             | representated by an API (let's say you want a user's
             | average engagement with a service, you'd hit the high level
             | API, which will fetch access stats from another API, which
             | rely on a lower level API which goes through another
             | separate layer managing DB cache etc.
             | Most of these call are of course internal to a data center.
         | masklinn wrote:
         | I think an other thing with graphql is it reduces friction when
         | trying to _discover_ what your API should be.
         | So what you can do is some sort of generative graphql thingie
         | when doing your initial iteration, with the client hitting
         | whatever is convenient (in that situation you'd just expose the
         | entire backend unprotected).
         | Once the needs have gelled out you strip it out and replace the
         | graphql queries by bespoke API endpoints.
           | coffee_beqn wrote:
           | I just have never had this as a problem having worked on many
           | APIs at many companies. Usually we decide what we want to
           | work on and the frontend/full stack can read the
           | documentation / chat with the backend engineers if it's not
           | clear. At no point is "discoverability" a issue
             | masklinn wrote:
             | The discoverability I'm talking about is not about knowing
             | what the API _is_ , it's finding out what the API _should
             | be_.
         | demarq wrote:
         | That's the theory. In my experience at both large and small
         | organisations is that NONE of the theory makes it into
         | practice.
         | Some reasons:
         | - Front end devs save time by.... sharing queries. So component
         | B ends up fetching records it has no use for because its
         | sharing GQL with component A.
         | - Backenders never optimise column selection. You may think you
         | are really optimising by sending a GQL query for one column,
         | but the backend will go ahead and collect ALL the columns and
         | then "filter" down the data that was asked for.
         | - Backenders can also forget to handle denormalisation. If you
         | query related many to many records but the GQL only asks for
         | related ids of implementations will go ahead and do a full join
         | instead of just returning results from the bridge table.
         | - Frontenders aren't even aware you can send multiple graphql
         | GraphL requests simultaneously.
         | GraphQL is great, but any technology is limited by how well
         | people can extract its value. I personally feel sometime we'd
         | be better off with REST, or at least make sure people receive
         | the training to use GraphQL effectively.
           | squidsoup wrote:
           | > Front end devs save time by.... sharing queries. So
           | component B ends up fetching records it has no use for
           | because its sharing GQL with component A
           | An unfortunate problem that really only exists with Apollo.
           | Facebook's graphql client, relay, does not have this issue as
           | it requires each component to explicitly declare its data
           | dependencies.
         | danabrams wrote:
         | 100% agree that it's about dependence on other teams. That
         | said, I'd much rather that we were communicating across a well
         | defined api boundary, rather than a graphql api. You could, of
         | course, very easily do this with an api layer in the middle.
           | YZF wrote:
           | Nobody seems to get the idea of building software out of
           | pieces with well defined APIs any more </rant>. I would say
           | it's not possible to build large software without adhering to
           | this principle but I seem to be proven wrong. You can build
           | large poor quality software and just throw more people at it.
           | The other part about team dependence is very true but it also
           | shows a lack of knowledge/thinking/care by whoever formed the
           | teams. It seemed for a while Amazon had things right both in
           | terms of boundaries of teams and in terms of forcing people
           | to use APIs- not sure what they do these days.
             | ako wrote:
             | What is a well defined API to access a lot of related
             | datasets if you have 100s of external users, using it for
             | 10s of different types of use cases?
             | Compare it to a database, what if you couldn't use random
             | queries with SQL, but only had the option to call stored
             | procedures?
               | YZF wrote:
               | It's the narrowest abstraction fitting those use cases. A
               | database by its nature is a generic component. So sure,
               | the piece of your software that's "SQL database" has a
               | SQL interface, pretty quickly you'd want some
               | abstractions on top of that around the different uses of
               | that database.
               | The problem is when genericity diffuses its way into a
               | large system it becomes impossible to maintain. How do
               | you refactor a code base when everything everywhere is
               | just SQL queries. If you want to change the schema how do
               | you know you're not breaking anything? The short answer
               | is you don't and so the software becomes incredibly
               | brittle. The common workaround is testing but you can
               | never test everything and now your tests also become
               | coupled to everything else making things even more
               | difficult to change.
               | The database in your example, while being generic is
               | already an abstraction of sorts. Now if you're building
               | lessay gmail the external users should see "create
               | email", "get all emails", vs. issuing SQL queries to the
               | database. That makes it easier to change the two pieces
               | (client and server in this simplified example).
             | [deleted]
             | pphysch wrote:
             | This is one of the strengths of gRPC, it forces and
             | centralizes the (mostly type safe) API design from the get-
             | go.
             | Also tends to use a lot less bandwidth.
               | withinboredom wrote:
               | The biggest issue with GRPC is that it is only suitable
               | for stateful languages (iow, languages that can hold
               | values and share them between requests). GRPC is
               | basically worthless for stateless languages and unusable.
               | These stateless languages also don't work well for
               | websockets either, so it is what it is.
               | Until they solve the stateful part, I'm not using it or
               | recommending it to be used anywhere. Bandwidth is cheap,
               | type safety is overrated, and compute is expensive.
               | YZF wrote:
               | What's a "stateful language"? Can you give an example
               | here? gRPC is orthogonal to whether an API relies on
               | state or not.
               | pphysch wrote:
               | Is this bait? Lol
         | NeedMoreCowbell wrote:
         | +1 This is it. Great for internal API's, not so much for public
         | facing ones.
       | rootext wrote:
       | > It doesn't support map/tables/dictionaries. This is actually
       | huge.
       | It's actually easy to implement. Just define custom scalar type:
       | scalar JSON type MyObject { myField: JSON }
       | https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/schema/cust...
         | randytandy wrote:
         | Hey thanks for taking the time to find the resource
         | I have used this before this works to get past the errors but
         | doesn't actually solve the issue GraphQL tries to solve. This
         | just hides it so you have to deal with it months later.
         | - The consumers don't know what the JSON looks like unless they
         | test the query or get told what the query is explicitly. This
         | means that the schema definitions don't capture the problem
         | that the graphql try's to solve "describe your data that you
         | want"
         | - also some of the other languages that aren't Javascript don't
         | have GraphqlJsonScalar
         | I think that supporting dictionaries/maps/tables as apart of
         | the Graphql language spec could of been possible as the key and
         | value types are static. They are also iterable so it should be
         | fairly straight forward for a consumer to deal with the data
         | returned.
       | raydiatian wrote:
       | Check out EdgeDB, and EdgeQL
       | anothernewdude wrote:
       | You just ignore the main selling point? It solves the latency of
       | getting the data you need. The only alternative is to provide
       | specific extra APIs.
       | If it's a pain to use, perhaps you're using the wrong language or
       | framework.
       | You're right that many APIs have maps, those are bad APIs. The
       | map should be happening in your API. The alternative was a poor
       | workaround to stop latency in a REST api.
       | carapace wrote:
       | First, s/opinoin/opinion/
       | Second, there's a reason DBA (Database Administrator, something
       | like that) is a formal, separate role.
       | If you don't have a DBA it's not because that's a good idea, it's
       | because you (or your bosses) are too cheap to do things well.
       | That's okay, a lot of times cheap is more important than correct.
       | You're still going to need _schema_.
       | Both NoSQL and GraphQL seem to throw the baby out with the bath
       | water. It was all done before, and Relational Model won. Gotta
       | know your history kids:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database#History
       | - - - -
       | Tidbit of lore: SQL is not the original language for relational
       | model databases, Codd had a language he called Alpha:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_(programming_language)
       | SQL is the JS of DBs!
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | I woyld really love to be able to consume GraphQL API's all the
       | time, but I would never ever want to have to write or maintain
       | one. That pretty much sums up the problem.
       | jensneuse wrote:
       | The GraphQL specification doesn't mention HTTP. It's just a query
       | language, like SQL, but with a different focus. I understand what
       | people complain about in this discussion. It makes sense. Talking
       | GraphQL between client and server can be a headache. That said,
       | I'd like to propose a completely different use case. Have you
       | thought about using GraphQL as a "meta-language" to compose APIs?
       | A pure Server-Side solution to manage APIs as "dependencies", and
       | turn them into a JSON-RPC API as you need them. I wrote about
       | this here: https://docs.wundergraph.com/docs/architecture/manage-
       | api-de...
       | I'm curious what people think about this use case of the Query
       | language.
         | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
         | > It's just a query language, like SQL, but with a different
         | focus.
         | No, no, no! I love GraphQL, and have been using it on projects
         | for many years now, but the thing that is difficult for me to
         | forgive the original designers of the spec that they put "QL"
         | in the name, confusing so many developers into thinking it is a
         | generic query language.
         | GraphQL is simply a spec and contract for exposing an API. Its
         | "competing technologies" are things like RESTful APIs and gRPC.
         | It really has nothing to do with a generic "query language"
         | like SQL.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | It is a query language in that one can select the fields one
           | wishes to be returned, including conditional evaluation of
           | interior clauses via e.g.
           | https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec--skip
           | The field selection is certainly possible in REST via
           | something like /foo?include=a,b,c but starts to get just
           | downright silly with /foo?include=a,b.c[1].d,e[*].f which has
           | now become its own DSL
       | [deleted]
       | gsvclass wrote:
       | I would say it depends on how you use it. With GraphJin you use
       | GraphQL to define your API and GraphJin auto compiles it into SQL
       | and instantly gives you a REST and a GraphQL API endpoint to use
       | it with.
       | https://github.com/dosco/graphjin
       (page generated 2022-08-06 23:00 UTC)