[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Resources to learn generative art programming?
       Ask HN: Resources to learn generative art programming?
       How/where does one learn generative/algorithmic art? I see all
       these stunning creativity, but don't know where to start. Any
       Author : akudha
       Score  : 82 points
       Date   : 2022-08-06 19:03 UTC (3 hours ago)
       | hambos22 wrote:
       | I can't recommend Nature of Code enough. It's free, you can read
       | it online and it will give you a good start
       | https://natureofcode.com/book/
       | scambier wrote:
       | On a smaller scale, I sometimes like making (and looking for)
       | tweetcarts. Search for the #tweetcart hashtag on Twitter; those
       | are procedural animations made with PICO-8 in less than 280
       | chars. There is a code golf aspect to it, but it's a bunch of
       | math first. If you're interested, some basics are explained here:
       | https://demobasics.pixienop.net/tweetcarts/
       | kragen wrote:
       | Start by copying some existing example code and running it
       | locally, then edit it and see what changes. Comment pieces out,
       | look at the results. Change magic numbers to understand the
       | effect. It probably has some calls to a random number generator
       | in it; add more calls to the random number generator.
       | There are lots of examples bundled with Proce55ing, on Shadertoy,
       | on bl.ocks.org, on ObservableHQ, on Jared Tarbell's website, in
       | the Coding Train vlog, etc. My own repo of examples using Python
       | and PyGame is at https://github.com/kragen/pyconar-talk, but I've
       | also done examples like
       | http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/dev3/tweetfract with <canvas>
       | (you have to click on the invisible <canvas> to see it) and
       | http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/dev3/plotiir.html. Start with
       | small things.
       | There's probably some kind of awesome example repo out there for
       | deepdream ANN stuff but I don't know what to recommend.
       | But that's just where to _start_. Once you 're doing stuff you'll
       | want to understand what you're doing and learn about more
       | techniques (algorithmic, software design, and interfaces to
       | libraries and devices) so you can expand your range. There's lots
       | of resources out there (Tarbell in particular has given an hour
       | lecture you can find on YouTube about what techniques he finds
       | useful) but I can suggest, as techniques that give a large bang
       | for the buck:
       | [?] Multiplicity: many instances of the same thing that differ,
       | for example by incrementing a variable from one instance to the
       | next. For example, you can create 64 particles that move from
       | point A to point B at successive points in time 30 milliseconds
       | apart, or at the same point in time at 64 different velocities,
       | or 64 Bezier curves from point A to point B that start at 64
       | angles evenly spaced around a circle.
       | [?] Adding randomness to things. Adding randomness to pixel
       | colors gives you "graininess"; adding randomness to object
       | positions gives you spatial dispersion or, if the randomness
       | varies over time, jittering; adding randomness to the angles of
       | different objects gives you visual variety. Perlin noise and
       | simplex noise are especially nice kinds of randomness for some
       | purposes because they have a kind of local coherence.
       | [?] Differential equations, especially over time. Real-world
       | objects don't suddenly teleport from one position to another; if
       | objects in your generative art do that, people will have a hard
       | time seeing them as the same object in a new position, which may
       | or may not be what you want. If instead you have a relatively
       | small _velocity_ that is added to the position each timestep, it
       | 's much easier to achieve the illusion of motion. (This is
       | "Euler's method", and although it's suboptimal for accurate
       | numerical integration of differential equations, generative art
       | often doesn't care.) If the velocity itself analogously changes
       | by adding an _acceleration_ to it each timestep, the movement can
       | look a lot more natural. These differences or derivatives can
       | often be computed as linear functions of other objects. That 's
       | almost the whole deal in
       | http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/dev3/offscreen, for example: the
       | things slow down as they move because of the line
       | things.each(thing => {thing.Dx *= 0.998; thing.Dy *= 0.998}),
       | which subtracts a small fraction of their velocity every time it
       | runs. The qabbits in http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/dev3/qabbits
       | roam around by changing their velocity by a small random amount
       | each timestep.
       | [?] Particle systems are a combination of the three previous
       | items: a multiplicity of mostly-identical objects, with random
       | variation from object to object, whose states evolve over time
       | according to differential equations.
       | [?] Alpha blending can go a long way to getting interesting
       | visual effects: antialiasing, layering, translucency, glow. Also,
       | gradients. The cheapest technique in the world is to generate a
       | series of frames, but instead of directly displaying them, alpha-
       | composite each new frame on top of the currently-displayed image,
       | as in http://canonical.org/kragen/sw/torus if you click the
       | "Trails" checkbox.
       | [?] Recursion; that's how
       | http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/dev3/tweetfract can be visually
       | interesting inside an old-style 140-byte tweet. If you click on
       | the canvas, anyway.
       | [?] Linear algebra is interesting in a few different ways.
       | Scaling, rotating, and squishing a 2-D image is just matrix
       | multiplication; moving it is just vector addition. Alpha blending
       | is linear interpolation between colors, and Bezier curves are
       | recursively applied linear interpolation between points. A
       | minimal amount of linear algebra in three dimensions gives you a
       | raytracer http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/aspmisc/my-very-first-
       | raytra... or a rasterizer (see torus example above). Convolution
       | is linear, though a linear algebra course often doesn't teach it,
       | and convolution gives you FIR filtering of sound including both
       | frequency response changes and reverb, as well as image filtering
       | (sharpen, blur, emboss, bokeh). Iterated function systems
       | generate fractals nonrecursively as the fixpoint of the union of
       | a small collection of affine transformations.
       | You don't have to learn _all_ of these! Think of them as magical
       | items you receive one at a time on a quest, each one augmenting
       | your powers and granting you new opportunities as you learn how
       | to use it; don 't think of them as questions that might be on the
       | exam.
       | (to be continued)
       | goldfeld wrote:
       | Are there any newsletters about generative art? Is it a popular
       | topic?
         | cdr6934 wrote:
         | https://generative.substack.com/
       | tomduncalf wrote:
       | A couple of books I enjoyed for inspiration many years ago were
       | Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with Processing
       | by Benedikt Gross et al, and Form+Code by Casey Reas. Not sure
       | how they've aged but the former was a nice tutorial type book and
       | the latter a great overview of the scene.
       | But really you can't beat downloading Processing or p5.js and
       | whatever and just start playing around, I always found it quite
       | fun as you didn't really need to worry too much about code
       | structure etc, instead just bang out a few hundred lines in a
       | single file which create a cool end result!
       | percentcer wrote:
       | Read Shane's well-commented shaders on shadertoy:
       | https://www.shadertoy.com/user/Shane/sort=popular&from=8&num...
       | swayvil wrote:
       | http://reddit.com/r/generative is a fine community.
       | pen2l wrote:
       | Learn a polygon-modeling tool. The obvious choice is Blender, but
       | Houdini and Cinema4d are also good alternatives if you're willing
       | to pay up.
       | Learn the basics, a little bit of sub-division modeling (it'll
       | take a month of youtube tutorials to get that down), a little bit
       | of particles work, a little bit of lighting setups, a little bit
       | of generator/matrix/cloner functions, flow fields and forces,
       | etc. in your chosen modeling tool.
       | When you have this down, dive into programming -- Blender and
       | Cinema4d can let you do a lot with python coding and
       | geometry/scene nodes; likewise for Houdini but with a custom DSL
       | called 'Vex'. And that's where a lot of magic is done.
       | If you're a particularly talented programmer, you can skip that
       | part and write your own ray-tracing code like Michl
       | (https://www.instagram.com/iamasoyboy/) or otherwise do 2d-stuff
       | like Tyler: https://tylerxhobbs.com/essays/2020/flow-fields
       | Keep exploring and checking out what others are doing. There's
       | r/generative: https://www.reddit.com/r/generative/top/?t=all et
       | al. for inspiration.
       | In comments, artists will more often than not share the code they
       | use to come up with their art.
       | jzellis wrote:
       | Daniel Shiffman has amazing resources for Processing that apply
       | to any language/environment. He practically invented half of the
       | stuff out there. Jared Tarbell (who was involved with the
       | founding of Etsy) is also a great generative artist who's made
       | code available.
       | And if you were an old man like me, you would have had a forum
       | called Dreamless to refer to, but alas, that dream is twenty
       | years gone now.
       | rusticpenn wrote:
       | Godel Escher and Bach is an awesome book which is fundamentally
       | about generative art..
       | etrautmann wrote:
       | processing.org/ or p5.js are both excellent tools with lots of
       | documented examples to help get going.
       | I'd also recommend the pen plotter community, which is heavily
       | involved in generative art but also enjoys physically plotting
       | the art with robotic tools. See https://inconvergent.net/ for
       | examples, there are many others.
       | pdpi wrote:
       | Inigo Quilez is one of the authors of Shadertoy, and has some
       | amazing SDF-based art on youtube.
       | https://www.youtube.com/c/InigoQuilez
       | bsenftner wrote:
       | Check out Blender's Geometry Nodes - simply amazing. There are
       | many YouTube tutorials too.
       | Jasper_ wrote:
       | Draw a line. Then draw another. Write a for loop to draw the
       | lines. Make them different widths. Now try different colors.
       | Rotate the lines. Try making it recursive.
       | There's no tutorial, because it's a creative medium. Try shit out
       | and see what you enjoy. If you're out of ideas, try recreating
       | something else you've seen as closely as you can, to practice
       | your craft. The mistakes you make along the journey will generate
       | ideas for you.
         | fintechie wrote:
         | 7 red lines, all of them strictly perpendicular, some with
         | green ink and some with transparent...
         | b3morales wrote:
         | There's not going to be a tutorial _for the exact result_
         | someone has in their head, yes. That doesn 't mean there aren't
         | resources to learn the tools and techniques, so that a person
         | can understand how to achieve their desired result.
         | We don't tell people to just throw some vegetables in a pan and
         | expect ratatouille; or to pick up a trumpet and presto, they
         | play jazz.
           | Jasper_ wrote:
           | No, but you can't expect to read a recipe and suddenly make
           | five-star dishes either. Familiarity, practice and technique
           | are all part of the learning process, and they're things that
           | tutorials can't help you with. You can hire as many music
           | teachers as you want, but unless you sit there practicing
           | your scales and arpeggios for days at a time to build
           | familiarity with your instrument, you're not going to sound
           | like Miles Davis.
           | Plenty of other people gave links to tutorials, and those are
           | all fine. I wanted to emphasize that this is a skill that
           | takes time, effort, a good amount of practice, and play to
           | get comfortable with.
           | I think too many people are scared of learning a skill, and
           | want tutorials to guide them through the process. There was a
           | post a week ago about an app trying to teach people how to
           | cook by asking them to find a picture of a "scrambled egg" in
           | a line-up. Obviously useless, and that doesn't get people any
           | closer to what actually needs to happen -- just pick up a pan
           | and try. No, you won't get it right the first time. Nobody
           | does. That's what the practice is for.
           | Start by actually starting.
         | onion2k wrote:
         | While there is no tutorial for the creativity itself, there are
         | definitely tools and math for creative generative art that can
         | be learned. No one is born being able to do linear algebra or
         | write a shader.
           | swayvil wrote:
           | Speaking as a guy who has done a shitload of kickass
           | generative art, I have never touched a linear algebra or a
           | shader.
           | Rudimentary coding skills, a text editor, know a little math.
           | That will take you far.
             | onion2k wrote:
             | I used those examples because they're things I've used to
             | make art. It wasn't meant as an exhaustive list of things
             | every artist should know; they're just two useful things
             | that a budding code artist can learn if they want to, and
             | reasonable things for someone to need help with.
       | fxtentacle wrote:
       | Start to think of the world as a sequence of choosing things
       | based on probabilities. That's basically modern modern AI text,
       | sound, and image generation. You somehow calculate logits, then
       | sample them. Bonus points for interpreting cloud patterns,
       | meaning to infer a similar known shape from noise, i.e. the
       | denoising decoder like Google's imagen.
       | In effect, geberative art is about gently nudging noise
       | distributions and about finding the valuable needle in a haystack
       | of noise.
       | monetus wrote:
       | I started with Max for live, and it has one of the most gentle
       | introductions to programming in general that I have ever seen.
       | More than any one tutorial, will be the communities that help
       | you.
       | Follow communities like: old.reddit.com/r/creativecoding /r/p5js
       | /r/maxmsp /r/puredata
       | https://forum.puredata.info/category/7/pixel
       | https://openframeworks.cc/ (<-- highly recommend this)
       | Find the programming environment you want, feel them out. Do you
       | want to focus on the simplicity and abstract a lot of the
       | animation details away? Open frameworks and libcinder are my
       | recommendations there, though I imagine JavaScript libraries have
       | come to the forefront. Visual languages like VVVV are a bit
       | better at making you reckon with how the hardware sees the code,
       | but have smaller communities. Vsxu is for example, amazes me but
       | is seemingly entirely undocumented. Go for the big communities
       | before you pivot, maybe.
       | Google things that you'd guess are introductions. Typing creative
       | coding JavaScript into duckduckgo yielded a bunch of university
       | courses, whose coursework might be free. That is often the case
       | with pure data, which I like.
       | Paid languages, usually based around the entertainment industry
       | tend to have very involved and helpful communities, as they can
       | be focused on the concepts rather than the language.
       | https://derivative.ca/download. <-- touch designer
       | https://cycling74.com/search/page/1?sortBy=rel&tags%5B0%5D=&...
       | <-- maxmspjitter
       | Search forums for links to blogposts. Use generative music as
       | well as visualizations.
       | abetusk wrote:
       | One of the better ones I've found is Tyler Hobbes [0].
       | I recently found the "Bridges Archive" online [1]. It's a
       | goldmine of ideas (I won't link to them but they have tilings,
       | space filling algorithms, multi-scale Truchet patterns and many
       | more).
       | I favor the ideas rather than the implementation as I already
       | know how to program so you may do better with learning something
       | like processing/p5.js [2].
       | In terms of raw ideas, I've found Jared Tarbell to be a huge
       | inspiration [3] [4].
       | I'm sure I'll get lashed on here for the mere mention of NFTs but
       | I've found there are consistently awesome generative art being
       | displayed on Twitter for artists showing their work and
       | advertising their NFTs for sale. One resource that I've found to
       | be pretty consistently good is fxhash.xyz [5] [6]. Looking for
       | #fxhash tags on Twitter will probably give you rich results.
       | I also have my own NFTs whose source code I've released as CC0 if
       | you want to take a look [7] (none are for sale right now) along
       | with a half assed attempt at making a list of resources for
       | generative art [8].
       | There's plenty of "awesome" generative art lists [9] as well as
       | many examples and other projects on p5.js [2]. And of course
       | there's always Reddit [10] [11].
       | Oh and "Coding Train" is deceptively deep, packing complex ideas
       | in a kind of "cutesy" veneer but still managing to tackle topics
       | that run the gamut of easy to incredibly difficult [12].
       | There's really too many resources to list. It depends on what
       | level you're at. I tend to focus on Javascript and the 'ideas'
       | rather than the implementation so much. If you're starting from a
       | point of learning programming, you're probably better off going
       | through a tutorial or two on how to actually program and then try
       | and tackle some "classic" generative art examples (grids,
       | recursive grides, flow fields, etc.).
       | I occasionally run into people who have all their experiments on
       | GitHub which might be enlightening [13].
       | [0] https://tylerxhobbs.com/essays
       | [1] https://archive.bridgesmathart.org/#gsc.tab=0
       | [2] https://p5js.org/examples/
       | [3] http://www.complexification.net/gallery/
       | [4] http://levitated.net/
       | [5] https://www.fxhash.xyz/
       | [6] https://twitter.com/fx_hash_
       | [7] https://github.com/abetusk/iao
       | [8] https://github.com/abetusk/iao/blob/main/Notes.md
       | [9] https://github.com/kosmos/awesome-generative-art
       | [10] https://www.reddit.com/r/generative
       | [11] https://www.reddit.com/r/proceduralgeneration/
       | [12] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvjgXvBlbQiydffZU7m1_aw
       | [13] https://github.com/anaulin/generative-art
       | pacaro wrote:
       | You might enjoy Context Free Art
       | https://www.contextfreeart.org/
       | gnramires wrote:
       | I've learned a lot from trying to imitate nature. So making
       | generative trees, animals, landscapes, whatever you like (I try
       | to mathematically derive properties whenever I can too -- like,
       | if a tree branches into 2, how does the thickness of the branches
       | related to the original?). That's my small suggestion.
       | Depending on how committed you are, I think it's well worth it to
       | participate (ie read lessons and material) in the wider art world
       | (traditional drawing, painting, whatever you like). Although I
       | also believe generative art is not very well explored or
       | understood yet. Remember that you don't have to take any advice
       | as a recipe, just as a springboard for ideas -- you can express
       | yourself however you like.
       | Cieplak wrote:
       | I would start off by learning the Canvas API for HTML/JavaScript
       | [1][2]. All you need is a web browser, no extra software or
       | dependencies (well, maybe just a text editor to edit an
       | index.html file on your Desktop). You can test out snippets from
       | MDN and StackOverflow in your browser's JavaScript console. Once
       | you have a minimal, working example (e.g., a 512x512 square
       | canvas with a color gradient), start messing around with the code
       | and see how it affects the canvas image. For example, modify the
       | parameters of your loops or flip the loop order of nested loops.
       | Focus on the principles rather than on learning any particular
       | technology. Simpler is better when learning; the "best"
       | production software is not necessarily the best to learn with;
       | don't forget the Telescope Rule [3]. Once you have a foundation
       | for basic graphics, it will be much easier to learn shaders.
       | [1] https://codepo8.github.io/canvas-images-and-pixels/
       | [2] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API
       | [3] https://wiki.c2.com/?TelescopeRule
       | iancmceachern wrote:
       | I've loved these books:
       | Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with Processing
       | by Hartmut Bohnacker
       | Generative Art: A Practical Guide Using Processing by Matt
       | Pearson
       | xor99 wrote:
       | Why? Shouldn't you think about whether this style is over in
       | terms of its contribution to art? Sure all the cool AI companies
       | drop "generative" in their press stuff but is it interesting
       | anymore? The main advances were made in the 50s and 60s (e.g. the
       | very idea of generative and systems art was invented). Now we can
       | see generative systems taken to their literal extreme in DALL-E.
       | But if generative art is just an idea about art then what else is
       | there?
       | Anyway some early generative art pioneers (I take a European mid
       | 20th century angle because mid 2000s MIT grads did not invent
       | this field):
       | https://monoskop.org/Max_Bense (his idea of information
       | aesthetics is what we are in now and has becoming more or less
       | boring as an idea about art imo)
       | https://monoskop.org/Frieder_Nake Many nice examples here
       | http://dada.compart-bremen.de/
         | jrajav wrote:
         | It's simply not true that the main advances in generative art
         | were made in the 50s and 60s and nothing new is being done now.
         | Generative art is a huge, thriving field right now with
         | thousands of communities and subcultures around it, using
         | traditional coding techniques or visual programming systems
         | like TouchDesigner. Honestly, just reading through this thread
         | for yourself should be some perspective on this.
         | That's not even counting new tools like DALL-E or Midjourney,
         | though personally I don't think we can write them off as
         | uninteresting or low-effort. They're an exciting and powerful
         | new tool, and like any tool they can be used to make art. Maybe
         | as an artist making art that others could not also easily make
         | is important to you, but that is not what makes art.
           | xor99 wrote:
           | As an activity art implements ideas that have been formulated
           | conceptually previously ("conceptual" here could be a drunk
           | artist taking a pic of their butt and isn't philosophical +
           | more related to surprisal). The immediately exciting thing
           | about art is the experience of the product but that
           | experience gives way to a more conceptual excitement (its
           | interesting because they are exploring this idea!). When an
           | idea is repeated x amount of times as an artistic expression
           | it gets boring. Generative art is boring on these terms, to
           | me, right now, even if many technical advancements relating
           | to the speed or complexity of the generative system are made.
           | H/w this is just a fun argument about art which is basically
           | impossible to concretely describe anyway and i'm prob wrong
           | (e.g. some kid is going to make something incredible with a
           | new idea about generative art x AI).
             | jrajav wrote:
             | I see what you're saying, and defining what makes art is
             | nebulous to the point of being impossible. Rather than a
             | positive proof, I would just counter by asking whether you
             | think art can be defined purely by its aesthetics, or by
             | virtue of the methods used to make it - that is, without
             | considering at all any concepts or ideas put forward by it.
               | xor99 wrote:
               | It's got to be a combination of both (e.g. made from wood
               | and shaped like a ball but feels like this in this room
               | etc) but maybe that is too neurotic and not conducive to
               | new aesthetic experience. I think my pattern recognition
               | for generative art would be quite high based on how many
               | times I've seen it as a style of art previously. For most
               | images i've seen DALL-E has all of the fingerprints of
               | generative art and on some level I notice that even if
               | the fidelity is approaching something that takes over
               | aesthetically (e.g. where those kinds of perceptual
               | fingerprints fade away a little bit).
         | vestrigi wrote:
         | I don't think any particular style of art is ever finished.
         | That just assumes is all about differentiation from what was
         | there before. OP is obviously showing interest in generative
         | art and is probably doing it for fun and that's required for
         | doing anything great in my opinion, that you're in for
         | yourself. Everything else would just be manufacturing.
         | Other than that great recommendations! I had the pleasure to
         | attend a course of Frieder and must say that he is one of the
         | kindest, inspiring people I've met!
         | Kiro wrote:
         | Because it's fun?
           | xor99 wrote:
           | Oh you have me there! Things that are boring (to me) are not
           | fun (to me). If you find it fun then great :) This area of
           | art has stagnated horrifically and because it is art as well
           | as programming it should be critiqued via that other angle as
           | well.
             | User23 wrote:
             | DALL-E is observably a better artist than the hacks the
             | money launderers in the gallery system promote.
               | xor99 wrote:
               | Yep true
       | swayvil wrote:
       | Given the task of making a cool picture, achieve that
       | algorithmically. There are depths, but ya, it really is as simple
       | as that.
       | You can also generate sequences of images, thus animation. Or
       | arrays of integers, thus sound.
       | You can do this in any language.
       | The medium is pure goosh. You just gotta try.
       | Here's a nice generative art thing. Video and sound. Deep but
       | simple : https://vimeo.com/313049496
       | quechimba wrote:
       | Here are some of my favorite YouTube channels, I've learned a lot
       | from them
       | - The Coding Train, mostly p5.js:
       | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvjgXvBlbQiydffZU7m1_aw
       | - The Art of Code, glsl:
       | https://www.youtube.com/c/TheArtofCodeIsCool
       | - Inigo Quilez, glsl: https://www.youtube.com/c/InigoQuilez
       | matsemann wrote:
       | This presentation is what got me started. _Tim Holman -
       | Generative Art Speedrun_ [0].
       | It gives a nice introduction and you end up with a nice tool belt
       | of simple techniques to later experiment with. Like drawing
       | simple shapes. Then repeating them. Then adding noise etc. A very
       | simple and gradual approach. Highly recommend watching.
       | [0]: https://youtu.be/4Se0_w0ISYk
       | qbasic_forever wrote:
       | The Processing community has been around for a long time and I
       | bet there are some good video tutorials to check out. Just watch
       | other folks making things or talking about their art and start
       | experimenting. This is a really good list of interesting tools
       | and things to check out too:
       | https://github.com/everestpipkin/tools-list
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