[HN Gopher] Cramming 'Papers, Please' onto Phones
       Cramming 'Papers, Please' onto Phones
       Author : nycpig
       Score  : 1181 points
       Date   : 2022-08-06 20:43 UTC (1 days ago)
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       | xmprt wrote:
       | The blog post was a blast to read and even better, it served as a
       | great trailer for the game. Bought it immediately after reading.
       | I wish more game devs wrote blog posts like this.
       | chairhairair wrote:
       | The productivity of solo indie game devs is just really
       | impressive.
       | While I'm aware of the "go fast alone, go far together" quote,
       | I'm depressed by how inefficient app/ui development is at big
       | tech companies compared to game studios, especially short staffed
       | indies.
       | Really makes me wonder about the "engineering excellence" that
       | tech leads and "architects" pride themselves in when games are
       | developed much more quickly and are - to my eye - much more
       | stable and performant.
         | oreally wrote:
         | Yea the self wankery you see when these people place on
         | insubstantial things like correctness against all possible
         | situations in their PRs is amusing.
         | Elon once wanted to move his programmers to windows upon seeing
         | how fast world of warcraft was developed. Goes to show how fast
         | people can be if they care about the things that matter.
         | yieldcrv wrote:
         | how far do you really need to go, alone
         | You need a win, but not that big of a win in the grand scheme
         | of things
         | Six figures, a couple million
         | Whereas big studios _need_ multiple hundred million+ hits
         | spaceman_2020 wrote:
         | I don't play a lot of games anymore, but the last one I spent a
         | considerable amount of time with was Stardew Valley. And I
         | couldn't believe it was made by just one guy.
         | 999900000999 wrote:
         | Remember last Tuesday when you wanted to add something, but
         | your manager said no.
         | Remember 2 weeks ago, and you really wanted to implement CICD,
         | but the DevOps team told you not to.
         | When you're developing any solo projects, you don't have anyone
         | else telling you what you can't do.
         | This is amazing, but you can also easily spend countless hours
         | building something nobody really likes. I've made a small
         | handful of games, a few of them have been released publicly. If
         | I had to guess, at most maybe 20 people have played my games.
         | But I taught myself everything I know via learning game
         | development, and my career is amazing.
         | Even now, I'm trying out different engines and having a blast.
         | Odds are. I'll probably never produce anything that becomes all
         | that popular. It'll just be another throwaway game on itch that
         | nobody plays, but I can say without a doubt I had a hell of a
         | time building it.
         | chairhairair wrote:
         | Expanding on this in a reply to my own comment.
         | Grinding Gear Games, as an example, is a NZ based game studio
         | that releases a new expansion to their famous RPG - Path of
         | Exile - every three months.
         | The game is not a simple program by any stretch - which might
         | be a fair criticism for Papers Please by comparison since it is
         | purely client-side and all possible states of the game can be
         | fairly easily enumerated.
         | Path of Exile is a persistent cross-platform 3D online
         | multiplayer game that has daunting requirements for
         | consistency, latency, and graphical performance.
         | Despite that, each three month release cycle introduces more
         | new UI elements and features than I think the entirety of
         | Google apps release in the same timeframe. And that's not
         | because Google isn't trying to build new things - they are and
         | I've written UI for several of those projects.
         | Does anyone else feel a real sense of deflation when it comes
         | to app/web development velocity compared to games?
           | spaceman_2020 wrote:
           | The inertia at big tech companies is likely from the
           | overwhelming weight of the business itself. No one wants to
           | push out updates lest it upset the finally tuned business
           | machinery.
           | A UI change can impact usage. Which can impact revenue. Which
           | can impact stock price.
           | The end users for large tech companies are essentially
           | shareholders and investors.
           | MrDresden wrote:
           | Not to take anything away from the game devs (PoE is great
           | and I wish I had started playing sooner) but I wonder how
           | much internal politics plays a part.
           | I can imagine that the game studio has most if not everyone
           | onboard helping collectively to make the game better each
           | iteration. It is a common goal.
           | How many different product teams and managers get in the way
           | for products at other companies where each is fighting for
           | funding or privilege?
           | Being in that kind of environment is draining for the product
           | teams.
           | Having worked at places that matched both these situations, I
           | know where the quality and quantity of my output was greater.
           | bestinterest wrote:
           | I have the exact same feelings.
           | Is immediate mode GUI's just that much better? Instead of a
           | complex React/Redux style setup, how much easier would state
           | management be if we had a render loop like game dev? Does
           | that even make sense?
           | I am very envious at the pure programming skills of so many
           | game developers. UI's in indie games are just a side thing in
           | the deep complexity of a game and they end up looking
           | incredible compared to the level of effort required for year
           | long web app projects.
             | plorkyeran wrote:
             | They've drifted away from calling it that, but the whole
             | idea behind React was to bring immediate-mode rendering to
             | the web. It has an event loop where each "frame" you render
             | the current state from scratch, rather than explicitly
             | updating the state of retained controls.
             | JoeyJoJoJr wrote:
             | I use Zui with Kha/Haxe - an immediate mode GUI library. I
             | cannot overstate how immediate mode GUI greatly simplifies
             | ui development. React is massive step up from
             | OOP/scenegraph/display list style gui, but it is still so
             | complex and cumbersome compared to immediate mode. I can't
             | fathom why there is such little exploration in this space
             | and it seems mostly limited to gamedev.
             | https://github.com/armory3d/zui
               | seba_dos1 wrote:
               | Immediate mode GUI makes perfect sense for applications
               | that repaint themselves all the time 60 (or more) times
               | per second, as they're already doing the work and there's
               | little overhead added by handling such GUI. I can deal
               | with 3D editor working this way, but I don't think I
               | would be very happy if my e-mail client did.
               | bogwog wrote:
               | That's just an implementation detail. The main benefits
               | of an immediate mode UI is the API for using it. There's
               | no reason that the loop has to run at 60 FPS. It could
               | even be event-based, so it only updates when the user
               | does something, for example.
               | seba_dos1 wrote:
               | Yes and no. That API makes certain approaches easier and
               | other harder. Even if you manage to render only the
               | changed parts of the screen, you still execute all your
               | UI logic all the time so the renderer can be aware of
               | what changed in the first place. Also, more involved
               | stuff like animations become much more complex once you
               | go event-based, to the point where retained mode UI may
               | end up being a better choice from the API perspective. It
               | all depends on what exactly you're implementing, and
               | games often are a natural fit for immediate mode as they
               | usually allow to keep it simple with no real downsides.
               | JoeyJoJoJr wrote:
               | I don't have much understanding of the internals of the
               | immediate mode renderers, but I think there are
               | optimisations to only redraw regions where component
               | inputs have changed.
               | jb1991 wrote:
               | You typically have to implement those optimizations
               | yourself, and most people don't. It's outside the scope
               | of the renderer in most cases for it to decide what
               | should or should not be rendered. As a result, immediate
               | mode GUI, while fast to develop, typically really kills a
               | battery life on mobile.
           | tomc1985 wrote:
           | They don't start fresh every three months.
           | Usually they have multiple leagues cooking up in the oven at
           | any given time, so that if the league they want to release
           | isn't ready in time, another, simpler idea will likely be
           | within reach of completion.
           | The timeline is as such because their business model requires
           | engagement spikes every three months. Remember that Path of
           | Exile is free-to-play.
           | I also want to add that PoE has grown into one of, if not THE
           | most complex games ever made; there are so many overlapping
           | systems and mechanics that there were memes about what would
           | happen if they added any more special destination buttons to
           | the worldmap. And I'm not even talking about the initial
           | release; it was a complicated game then, but now it has the
           | mechanics of at least a dozen leagues baked into the core
           | game play; many of those leagues are an entire game unto
           | themselves (like Delve)
           | I love it for this, but it makes me sad that most gamers
           | don't try and reason about this complex thing, and instead
           | follow build guides and copy streamers, instead of
           | experiment. Also, because of the nature of the game's deisgn,
           | you need to play for a stupendous amount of hours to reach
           | the end- endgame, and for most folks you also need to trade
           | items with people IRL as the designers intentionally do not
           | add a decent trade system. There are a lot of other quirks
           | that reflect the designers' intent to not make life easy,
           | either, and players both love and hate that.
         | Jare wrote:
         | A lot of it is about tradeoffs (long term vs one-off projects,
         | business stakeholders, and a long etc), but there's also
         | significant selection bias. Most "indie" projects die before
         | having much of a playable thing, and many successful solo indie
         | projects can take many long and grueling years (e.g. Stardew
         | Valley).
         | Engineering in most organisations will place stability and
         | predictability very high among priorities, and pay a hefty
         | price for it (sometimes, messing up along the way and getting
         | neither benefit). An individually brilliant engineer can be a
         | great asset if properly managed, but you need the majority of
         | people to be less of an outlier.
           | chairhairair wrote:
           | I think we can ignore the selection bias because I'm not
           | aware of any "AAA app" (for lack of a better term) that moves
           | as quickly and productively as the best game studios do (see
           | my comment about Grinding Gear Games below). Additionally,
           | these apps employ engineers that are supposedly amongst the
           | best money can buy. At least, if there is some better way to
           | hire top engineers it should be fairly obvious in AAA app
           | output of some orgs with better hiring processes - but I'm
           | not aware of any such apps or orgs.
           | As for stability and predictability, I'm not confident that
           | AAA apps are hugely (or maybe even significantly) more stable
           | or predictable than the best games. Maybe my tolerance for
           | bugs is higher in games than apps, but I do seem to tolerate
           | quite a lot of jank and slowness from apps, so I'm not sure.
             | bogwog wrote:
             | Part of that is probably that game developers tend to be
             | passionate about the work they do, whereas most people
             | working in app development probably don't give too much of
             | a shit about the boring apps they're making. It's hard to
             | get motivated when you're just making a glorified front-end
             | to a database, _another_ e-commerce site, etc.
             | Of course, the tradeoffs in work-life balance for game
             | development is massive, so it's not like that extra
             | productivity is free (unless you're management). Nobody
             | working at a typical software firm is going to be expected
             | to crunch 12 hour work days for weeks just to ship.
         | ElevenLathe wrote:
         | I've had my eyes opened recently onto the world of modern game
         | editors (Unity, Unreal, Godot, etc.) by watching gamedev
         | streams. The productivity of these environments, and their
         | associated asset stores, is amazing. You can't help but think
         | that other domains would also be well-served by a fully-
         | integrated experience like this. Surely the universe of
         | "webapps" or "unix-y network services" is at least as
         | constrained as "3D games" is (possibly more?).
         | I would certainly be interested in a "Unity for line-of-
         | business apps." I guess this was VB6 lol.
           | BigJono wrote:
           | The interesting thing is that the other comment alongside
           | yours is talking about GGG, who rolled their own as a team of
           | about 6 (in the early days), and they're by far the most
           | productive game developer I've ever seen.
           | I think Unity and the like have made the average project much
           | more productive, but they don't add power to the top end. The
           | power of having everything perfectly customisable by a team
           | of experts with perfect domain knowledge is just too much for
           | anyone else to match by getting quick wins off the work of
           | others.
           | ink404 wrote:
           | do you have any streams that you'd recommend?
             | ElevenLathe wrote:
             | I typically bounce around the twitch category before
             | settling on one. These tend to be smaller streamers who
             | don't have regular hours. One that I try not to miss is
             | Jonathan Blow, though his current project is in a custom
             | engine (written in new language on a custom compiler, even)
             | so it's not immediately relevant to learning about modern
             | game editors.
               | phist_mcgee wrote:
               | A bit of a tangent, but I lost quite a bit of respect for
               | Jonathon Blow when he made comments about impostor
               | syndrome:
               | https://youtu.be/ECwHZlvvVH4?t=3370
               | matttb wrote:
               | Interesting you feel that way, I found it comforting.
               | robocat wrote:
               | I think what he said is awesome! You are presuming that
               | others are on the same page as you: I have zero
               | understanding as to why you "lost respect" at all.
               | Perhaps you could share your own thoughts, opening
               | yourself to criticism and a chance for interaction, and
               | perhaps learning. I wrote a few comments on
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31990217 (discussing
               | an opaque article titled "The Mysterious Return of
               | Imposter Syndrome").
         | grapeskin wrote:
         | Having a complete mental map of your work environment is the
         | key. Nothing changes without your approval and you have some
         | idea of when and where every change was made along with what it
         | does.
         | Most of dev work is making sure other people can make sense of
         | your work. With solo dev, that step is basically unnecessary.
         | I think it's also why some indie games (eg binding of Isaac)
         | get completely remade instead of making updates a year later.
         | Walk away from the project for a couple months and it's an
         | untamable beast.
       | Linda703 wrote:
       | yieldcrv wrote:
       | I thought this has been on ipad forever
         | MattRix wrote:
         | Yes it has. He talks about the iPad version in the post.
       | keyle wrote:
       | The blog post is really top tier. Consider how much time some
       | engineers spend considering details when they're just being
       | contracted to do a job (I've work with lots) and how this indie
       | game project is being explained, nitpicked, loved and cherished.
       | The blog post alone makes you want to purchase whatever this
       | person has been working on based on how much passion is oozing
       | off the explanation of how it's made.
       | Side note... A lot of YouTubers also work like this: pushing the
       | craftsmanship to beyond expectation to almost cause an emotional
       | reaction.
       | In this case though, it's genuine engineering with high
       | standards.
         | lemming wrote:
         | IMO you should absolutely buy what he produces, partly as you
         | say to support a genuine craftsman, but also because
         | (unsurprisingly) the games he produces are really good. I also
         | think of my purchases as a donation to keep his blog posts
         | coming.
         | wly_cdgr wrote:
         | This blog post is good, but is pretty average stuff for a real
         | professional. You are just used to reading webdev tip&trick
         | postlets from third-rate hacks
           | deathanatos wrote:
           | No, this is definitely high-quality. Like the person you're
           | responding to, far higher quality than a lot of professional
           | work I've seen. This is very clearly someone who cares about
           | the end result, not just about getting it done, and a lot of
           | work I've seen in my career, the person cares more about just
           | getting it done, than they do about getting it done _right._
           | I'd also say it's about having the skill to do this: as other
           | posters note, there are _multiple_ competencies on display in
           | that post; graphics, coding, testing, etc. Each of those
           | takes time to hone. I 've worked with any number of people
           | that are not honing their skills, because when they get stuck
           | or hit problems, will not take the time to dig into them and
           | really _understand_ exactly what problem they hit, why they
           | hit it, and how whatever language /tool/system they're
           | working with works. They'll guess until something appears to
           | work, and then move on.
           | I'd put the detail in this blog post up there with Friday
           | Factorio Facts, and that is also another top-notch game.
           | If your professional environment is just full of people
           | working at or even above the level here, you should know you
           | have it good. And I think they do exist: I've definitely
           | joined places where there are just _lots_ of incredible
           | people; in hindsight I wish I 'd done a better job of
           | learning and listening, when I had that...
             | seba_dos1 wrote:
             | I believe it all boils down to being an artist working on a
             | project you're passionate about. If I was forced to work on
             | someone else's project that I don't really care about just
             | to make a living, I'd probably simply execute my tasks to
             | make sure I reach the expectations, and that's it. I'd
             | strive to finish my tasks fast to have more time doing
             | something I actually care about, be it a side project,
             | hobby, family time or even just a walk in a park. However,
             | when I'm a one-man orchestra doing a project where my main
             | motivation is to see that project being done, it's actually
             | getting hard to restrain myself from going into all those
             | interesting rabbit holes that could easily postpone the
             | completion of that project almost indefinitely. I find it
             | hard _not to_ hone my skills and dig into stuff to
             | understand it in that setting.
             | (of course, when I was young it was easy for me to get
             | passionate not about the project itself, but on mere
             | technical aspects of work I was doing for someone else;
             | this kind of motivation, however, doesn't last very long
             | unless you're able to change your job often to keep it
             | fresh and challenging)
             | What I deeply regret is that I struggle with writing about
             | stuff I'm doing. There's a lot of interesting knowledge one
             | acquires from such projects, but it often gets almost lost
             | and only really lives on as a vague "experience" you can
             | indirectly apply to your future projects. I would like to
             | have my own experiences written down in such a neat way
             | like in this post, not just for publicity, but also for my
             | own personal needs when I want to go back to something I've
             | done years ago. Usually, my attempts end with an
             | unfinished, incomplete document that gets so out of date
             | before completion that it's best to throw it out and start
             | over, which of course doesn't happen until the memory of
             | what I've done becomes foggy enough to make reminding
             | myself what to write about a challenge on its own :( As it
             | is right now, I'd struggle to describe the vast majority of
             | my past passion work if anyone asked me about it; I'd need
             | plenty of time and some "detective work" to reconstruct my
             | memories.
         | kergonath wrote:
         | > The blog post alone makes you want to purchase whatever this
         | person has been working on based on how much passion is oozing
         | off the explanation of how it's made.
         |  _Papers Please_ is nice, but _Return of the Obra Dinn_ is a
         | masterpiece. Honestly. A very cool concept with some impressive
         | attention to detail. Pixel-perfect 1-bit dithered graphics,
         | amazing soundtrack, and a nice story. I don't have a link here
         | but there was a forum thread somewhere where he discussed his
         | progress as he was making the game. It's a bit long but we'll
         | worth a read as well.
           | the_af wrote:
           | I consider both games to be masterpieces, keeping my
           | attention even when I was bored with gaming in general.
           | I also played Helsing's Fire on the iPad, which while not a
           | masterpiece, is still pretty fun!
             | kergonath wrote:
             | I like the idea of _Papers, Please_ more than actually
             | playing it, I think. But I never played Helsing's Fire,
             | thanks for the suggestion!
               | vanderZwan wrote:
               | This may be true, but in the same way that paintings
               | don't have to be "beautiful" to be good paintings, games
               | don't always have to be fun experiences to be good games.
               | I think _Papers Please_ is a perfect example of such a
               | game. I didn 't enjoy it so much as that it engaged me in
               | its bleak bureaucracy.
               | the_af wrote:
               | Good point!
               | Though I _actually_ enjoyed  "Papers, Please" gameplay. I
               | was overjoyed when I found it has an endless mode. I
               | enjoy stamping those red "denied"!
       | neycoda wrote:
       | Oh, I forgot that desktop computers don't exist. I'll have to do
       | my work on my phone now.
       | diebeforei485 wrote:
       | I own the iPad version. Anyone know if I need to pay again for
       | the iPhone version?
         | snoopy_telex wrote:
         | https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/25/23277003/papers-please-mo...
         | > He added that the game would be available as an update to the
         | 2014 iPad app
         | routerl wrote:
         | You don't. Go buy it and the price will be gone.
       | yojo wrote:
       | I played through Papers, Please back when it came out on desktop,
       | and at the time I remember wondering: "why is this fun?" I
       | enjoyed it tremendously, but on the surface that didn't make any
       | sense. Who wants to play an immigration officer sim? Getting this
       | peek behind the curtain helped me understand all the little
       | decisions that add up to an unexpectedly fun experience.
       | The level of thought given to tiny UI interactions here is
       | wonderful. Details like being able to swipe around to "play" with
       | the dangling pull chain. Any other dev would just make it a
       | static image and call it a day. But these little bits of magic
       | working together transform one of the most boring possible topics
       | into a real gem of a game. This post should be required reading
       | for interaction designers.
         | chii wrote:
         | > I remember wondering: "why is this fun?"
         | Other than the tactility of the UI (which is a major part of
         | the game), the reason, i believe, it is fun is because the
         | game's mechanics matches that of the actual role you play in
         | the story. Many games don't really get this correct
         | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludonarrative_dissonance).
         | In papers please, your decisions aren't clear cut, like in a
         | regular RPG game, where you can "choose" to be a good guy or a
         | bad guy by selecting one of two options, and one is clearly
         | meant to be the good choice with the good ending, and the other
         | bad. Papers please actually make you think like someone
         | surviving a authoritarian regime, and your actions reflect that
         | role too (you would, for example, choose not to feed, if family
         | isn't absolutely hungry, or that you would attempt to deny
         | entry as fast as possible, since a denied entry doesn't make
         | you any money - no room for sympathies).
         | It makes the game feel "real".
           | marvin wrote:
           | The "RPG" element of "obviously good, obviously evil"
           | decision always felt contrived to me. Most people would never
           | choose to be evil. Evil grows out of processes much more
           | complicated and human than that.
           | This seemed obvious to me even when I was 14, but maybe our
           | culture has been stuck in a place where people's
           | understanding of good and evil does not match reality.
           | Propaganda during WWII (or any was, really) would be an
           | obvious culprit.
         | seba_dos1 wrote:
         | > Any other dev would just make it a static image and call it a
         | day.
         | You think so? Games are often full of little things like that.
         | That's a good thing to point out, but it certainly doesn't seem
         | as unusual as you paint it. Letting the user be playful is
         | generally what games are good at ;)
           | yojo wrote:
           | I agree that good games give you things to play with, but
           | this is literally the toggle to slide out a UI element, and
           | only exists because a phone screen was too small for the
           | original design to fit. If it had been a little triangle that
           | you tapped, no one would have said anything. Instead it's got
           | realistic chain physics and jingles around as you move the
           | card.
           | I'm trying to think of another instance of "sliding out a
           | control" being given this level of attention, and I'm drawing
           | a blank. It feels like an unusually high level of effort to
           | put into a UI concession for a port that was going to sell
           | well anyway.
           | Granted, this game is mostly about sliding UI elements
           | around, so maybe it is more integral to the experience than
           | in other games.
             | seba_dos1 wrote:
             | There is barely any external UI in this game (at least when
             | you're actually playing), most of what you see is in
             | universum. Had the game chosen a different art style, those
             | could be 3D models that you would interact with in 3D
             | space. You can easily imagine putting a VR headset on and
             | having all these documents, stamps and pullchains around
             | you, so it's only natural for them to behave in a realistic
             | way - just like, say, SUPERHOT VR is started by pushing a
             | floppy into the drive, when it could be just a simple
             | button.
       | unstatusthequo wrote:
       | For those annoyed with the Apple Store not finding it under
       | "papers please" and forcing you to use the comma instead of being
       | sensical, here is the link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/papers-
       | please/id935216956
       | I scrolled several screens finding only knock offs without the
       | comma. The App Store and Apple Music search experience is not
       | great.
       | Anyway, happily bought this game again in this new format! Well
       | done, sir!
       | bbx wrote:
       | I knew about this game at launch but only bought it last year to
       | play on a Windows tablet. Always thought I'd love the game... And
       | I did.
       | My only regret was that I couldn't play it more often, on the go,
       | on my phone. I understood why, considering the intricate gameplay
       | and the precise interface required, it wasn't possible.
       | And then suddenly... this. Instant buy.
       | krallja wrote:
       | This is exactly how I would have hoped to find out "Papers,
       | Please!" is out for mobile phones.
       | jordanmorgan10 wrote:
       | There's a certain energy that's either unmatched, or it's just
       | new to me, specifically from indie game developers that
       | invigorates me. His post is just kinda filled with a "love of the
       | game" vibe. I don't feel like other tech related industries have
       | that same art house feel like game developers seem to have, or at
       | least write about. You don't really see it in the sass space, or
       | in my world of iOS, etc.
       | Just something I've noticed about the indie games world. Seems
       | like an inspiring, genuine space.
         | spaceman_2020 wrote:
         | Imo, indie game devs don't get nearly the amount of mainstream
         | attention they get as artists. So many of them do everything on
         | their own, from the art and music to, of course, the coding.
         | That kind of cross-discipline talent is so hard to find.
         | marvin wrote:
         | I think indie game devs of Pope's talent, motivation and
         | ability are exceedingly rare. We're seeing only those who
         | survive a filter that removes 99%. But the results are
         | absolutely formidable.
           | jordanmorgan10 wrote:
           | True, I'm looking at the top 1% I'm sure when I made that
           | comment. I guess another observation is someone of his
           | stature could come off a lot more...entitled? I guess? But
           | man, his post is pure though.
       | wowokay wrote:
       | Desktops still exist! In fact streamers and PC gamers use them! I
       | don't really play games on my phone I think the people that do
       | are usually playing games because it's convenient or prioritized
       | in cost over desktops, since everyone believes they and there
       | kids need phones.
       | dicytea wrote:
       | Anyone else experiencing a weird visual illusion with the second
       | code screenshot, or am I just going crazy? It looks almost as if
       | the text is slightly tilted, but measuring it with a grid shows
       | that they're perfectly aligned.
       | alexb_ wrote:
       | I actually didn't know it was on mobile, so I searched for
       | "Papers Please" on the Google Play store. Only complete garbage
       | came up, and I had to actually go to the website to find a link
       | to the game (which only has 5k downloads!)
       | I wonder if there's a solution to this.
         | djhworld wrote:
         | Thanks, I searched the play store for both "papers please" and
         | "papers, please" which didn't yield any meaningful results. If
         | I hadn't have read this comment I would have (lazily) assumed
         | it was iOS only.
         | Play store says there have been 4000 downloads so at least some
         | people are getting to that page, but probably through direct
         | links rather than search
         | mijoharas wrote:
         | Weirdly I was lookingt to see if there was a papers please on
         | Android last week and concluded it hadn't been ported to mobile
         | because of the results.
         | Lucky this came up on HN so I found out. If that weren't the
         | case I doubt I'd have thought about it again and wouldn't have
         | ever bought/played it.
         | komadori wrote:
         | Oh, wow, thanks! I did likewise and assumed the mobile port
         | hadn't actually been released yet. Google's search is clearly
         | awful :-/.
           | fragmede wrote:
           | Hilariously the correct play store link is the second hit for
           | https://www.google.com/search?q=papers+please+android
         | Hyperbolicum wrote:
         | The issue is the missing comma, I ran into the same problem.
         | Searching for "Papers, please" will yield the expected result.
         | Maybe that's something that can be configured?
           | danparsonson wrote:
           | And for me at least it was necessary to include the quotation
           | marks too.
       | game-of-throws wrote:
       | > I created Papers, Please in 2013 specifically for desktop
       | computers with mouse control.
       | This is interesting to read. When I first played it I was dying
       | for touch controls. It seemed like such a natural fit for the
       | gameplay of sliding papers around.
         | lupire wrote:
       | Eric_WVGG wrote:
       | Magnificent craftsmanship.
       | Another of my favorite games on the iPad is Darkest Dungeon.
       | While perfectly legible and playable on the touch screen, the
       | ignored opportunities for touch improvement (entire inches of
       | "letterboxed" screen space, buttons sized for mouse but too small
       | for pinkies, drag-to-scroll lists) are so disappointing.
       | sintezcs wrote:
       | Can't find it in the AppStore :(( looks like some regional
       | restrictions are set
         | metahost wrote:
         | https://apps.apple.com/in/app/papers-please/id935216956
           | mysterydip wrote:
           | I thought this just came out for mobile? There's reviews that
           | say 7 years ago.
             | Hackbraten wrote:
             | Used to be iPad-only, now it supports iPhone, too. See also
             | the v1.4.0 entry of the version history.
       | ridiculous_fish wrote:
       | Just wanted to say thank you for Papers, Please! I loved playing
       | it on my iPad and it's awesome to have it available for my phone
       | now too - a free update no less.
       | rolph wrote:
       | "I created Papers, Please in 2013 specifically for desktop
       | computers with mouse control. Now, here, in 2022, desktop
       | computers no longer exist and all computing is done via handheld
       | mobile telephone."
       | No . Desktop and mobile are 2 different ecosystems. The users
       | have desktops; those who are used, have mobile; those who are
       | kings, have both.
       | mastax wrote:
       | Haxe is really unusual and interesting, and I don't think it gets
       | talked about enough.
       | > Haxe can build cross-platform applications targeting
       | JavaScript, C++, C#, Java, JVM, Python, Lua, PHP, Flash, and
       | allows access to each platform's native capabilities. Haxe has
       | its own VMs (HashLink and NekoVM) but can also run in interpreted
       | mode.
       | Compiling from one language to another isnt particularly unusual,
       | but compiling from one language to _so many_ is very unusual. On
       | first impression it sounds unserious-- _real_ compilers output
       | machine code--it 's tempting to denigrate it by calling it a
       | transpiler. But there are a lot of advantages that come with this
       | approach. You always have access to the full capabilities of your
       | target platforms. From a single language you can write code that
       | is massively portable while also targeting specific platforms
       | with just an if statement.
       | The "real" compiler authors spend months working on linkage,
       | calling conventions, runtimes, symbol mangling, allocators, and
       | debuginfo trying to get their native code to link properly to the
       | objective-c frameworks on iOS--and it never feels quite right. If
       | you instead compile to objective-c, a lot of things get easier.
       | It's a very pragmatic approach.
         | bogwog wrote:
         | Haxe's transpiling helped me in a project once. The client
         | needed a small-ish web app written ASAP, but they didn't know
         | anything about their backend/stack when asked since they were
         | non-technical and using an external provider for everything.
         | The provider was not responding to emails for some reason, and
         | the deadline was approaching, so I decided to start writing the
         | thing in Haxe.
         | I figured they were either running PHP/SQL or Node, so I wrote
         | a simple backend in a way that would make it easy for to deploy
         | to either one with minimal changes. By the time the provider
         | finally replied, the project was nearly half way complete. It
         | turned out that they were using a standard PHP/SQL stack, so
         | had I gone with Javascript there would've been problems.
         | Instead, all I had to do was change one flag in my build
         | system.
         | I don't know if this is a big selling point for Haxe since it's
         | such a highly specific situation... but it's probably at least
         | worth mentioning :P
           | sitkack wrote:
           | Brilliant!
         | TazeTSchnitzel wrote:
         | > The "real" compiler authors spend months working on linkage,
         | calling conventions, runtimes, symbol mangling, allocators, and
         | debuginfo
         | Don't worry: targeting high-level languages gives you a
         | different, equally-frustrating set of problems! Actually, many
         | of them have equivalents to the low-level ones: you also have
         | to worry about calling conventions, name mangling, runtimes...
         | they just look quite different.
         | Especially you want to support any kind of dynamic
         | functionality, there are many uncomfortable trade-offs
         | involved.
         | vmladenov wrote:
         | > On first impression it sounds unserious--real compilers
         | output machine code--it's tempting to denigrate it by calling
         | it a transpiler.
         | What? No, this is so wrong. "Real" compilers transform input
         | from a source language to a target language. That's it. A
         | program could compile a language to itself with functions
         | inlined and it would still be a compiler. Transpiler is a dumb
         | word made up to identify compilers that output valid source for
         | a chosen language.
           | cedilla wrote:
           | Transpiler is a very useful word. It makes it clear that the
           | translation doesn't happen from a high-level language to a
           | low-level language as is usually implicitly assumed.
           | Arguing about the technical definition of compiler misses the
           | point outside of a scientific paper. Connotations are more
           | important than an arbitrary definition you happen to agreee
           | with.
         | boondaburrah wrote:
         | There's also that Haxe is older than a lot of the stuff we take
         | for granted today. It's roots are in ActionScript, and it
         | started as basically a successor to AS2 before Adobe came out
         | with ActionScript 3. It did "same codebase on server and
         | client" by compiling to flash bytecode and PHP before node
         | existed. It's ECMAScript/AS roots + static types + type
         | inference make it feel like alternate-timeline TypeScript as it
         | also compiles to JS.
         | So it's completely comfortable for me. AND I can hit C++ if the
         | platform demands it!
           | chii wrote:
           | one aspect that's a bit underrated in haxe isn't just the
           | cross-compilation, but the macro system - it's way more
           | powerful a macro system than the regular macros found in
           | C/C++. It's closer to a LISP macro, but only at compile time
           | (rather than also runtime macros).
           | For example, you can define a json file, and have a macro
           | that produce a class that matches that json file's fields. It
           | would type-check (and you get auto-complete, for example, if
           | you called that class's fields in another function). Of
           | course, there's nothing special about a json file...why not
           | use a live schema fetched from the internet!
           | https://code.haxe.org/category/macros/completion-from-
           | url.ht...
             | bogwog wrote:
             | Another cool thing about macros is that, since the Haxe
             | compiler itself implements a language server, you can go
             | really crazy with AST manipulations and it will all show up
             | in your IDE's autocomplete feature (if you have one).
             | There was a demo I saw a while back where someone added
             | Google search suggestions to their IDE by hitting a Google
             | endpoint in a Haxe macro.
       | lastdong wrote:
       | Love this game, bought it for different platforms over the years.
       | I'll prob end up doing the same for mobile :) Papers Please, FTL
       | and Don't Starve (discovered them around the same time) are on my
       | top list of games, it was a period of very fine releases.
         | macintux wrote:
         | Thanks for reminding me I need to play Don't Starve again.
         | Dangerously addictive though.
       | radiojasper wrote:
       | This is one of the coolest things I've read in a while. I love
       | the thought process behind each element of the game and it's all
       | executed very well. As a fan of the desktop game, I can't wait to
       | try this out on mobile.
       | Ava433 wrote:
       | at_ wrote:
       | Find his work endlessly inspiring not just in terms of how good
       | it is, but also in the way it has proved there's an audience
       | hungry for the experimental and conceptually quite challenging
       | games he makes, too -- carved a path and set the bar for
       | artistically inclined game-devs (and game-dev inclined artists)
       | psyc wrote:
       | I was ready to charge in here and pitch a fit because I thought
       | the title was referring to storage / memory.
         | zbird wrote:
         | Yeah, though on the other hand the title does not seem
         | particularly taxing. "Shove it down to Unity" and then the big
         | bulk of the work is cramming the game into a small screen.
         | The 'Auto Player Testing' is smart and a token of good design,
         | as he must have completely decoupled IO from the main game
         | logic. That seemed the most interesting to me.
       | egypturnash wrote:
       | Man it is gonna be so nice when the average young adult has a
       | device in their pocket that folds out to the size of a paperback,
       | or even a magazine, and we can start making popular culture that
       | fits that size again instead of everything having to make sense
       | through the tiny window of a phone.
         | soylentgraham wrote:
         | Phones could be fine if 95% of the screen wasn't covered in
         | popups, adverts, mailing list & cookie prompts.
           | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
           | Firefox mobile + UBO brings the future to you today.
             | asdff wrote:
             | Only on android though
               | haunter wrote:
               | And iOS with Firefox Focus
               | seba_dos1 wrote:
               | Not only - uBlock Origin works great on GNU/Linux phones
               | too.
           | egypturnash wrote:
           | I make comics. I grew up reading stuff that used the space of
           | a magazine spread in all kinds of clever ways, I fell in love
           | with the way I can play with layout across a page. I made an
           | entire graphic novel with multiple storylines running in
           | parallel across every page.
           | A phone can show one or two panels at a time, at best.
           | There's a lot of stuff you just can't do. It's a tiny,
           | limited canvas, even before it gets shitted up with ads and
           | pop ups.
             | asojfdowgh wrote:
             | randomly grabbing the first thing on tapas:
             | https://tapas.io/episode/1123711
             | I don't think any book could give the feeling of
             | _transitions_ as the webtoon format can, yes, its only a
             | panel (or less!) at a time, but the artist can give a
             | halting thought-by-thought feel of a man on his deathbed,
             | or roll out an entire red carpet of flourishes to introduce
             | a character of nobility
             | You can't go super transition-heavy in print, because well,
             | printing and pages cost. and people need to move their big
             | hands to flick the pages, there is an expected consumption
             | rate for that effort put in, so even if cost wasn't an
             | issue, people would get fed up with the transitions anyhow.
             | so yeah, 1 panel at a time, is a bit of a downside, but IMO
             | its also an upside in that one can give each panel its own
             | treatment and such. an infinite vertical strip as one's
             | canvas
             | - - -
             | of course, getting all the bits into the right places with
             | the right breathing rooms and the right flow is a true
             | skill in of itself, but, I dunno, is it better to read 1
             | super good comic, or 100 entertaining enough ones? the bar
             | is lowered by all of this, yes, but is that a bad thing?
               | boondaburrah wrote:
               | I've noticed this smartphone layout in comics before and
               | I recognise the strengths but find it really less
               | enjoyable to read. I have to be constantly scrolling and
               | it's difficult to ever settle into a scene and feel it
               | since they're gone in the blink of an eye. In regular
               | pages that panel is still on the page and/or you can play
               | with panel size and layout to create impact, but I just
               | don't feel it with these scrolling comics.
               | That being said, I /do/ like the transition thing you
               | mentioned.
             | wingerlang wrote:
             | I posted below but I will post a direct reply. Modern
             | phone-first comics simply don't follow the 'grid' and it
             | works really well. Check this one out
             | https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/not-even-
             | bones/ep-1/vie... for a cool example.
             | Torifyme12 wrote:
             | Scott McCloud of Zot fame was an early adopter of the web,
             | I attended a talk from him where he was talking about how
             | frustrated he was that the 3 panel format had persisted to
             | the web, when there were so many ways to use space
             | creatively.
             | He later adapted that talk for his "understanding comics"
             | Ted talk. Worth a watch if you love the medium
               | morelisp wrote:
               | You could also read the book, which is... well, "not a
               | TED talk" should be sufficient to convince anyone.
               | egypturnash wrote:
               | I've got all his books and he's even linked to one of my
               | comics in the past. http://egypt.urnash.com/rita/ if
               | you're curious.
               | It's pretty cool on a decent-sized screen, it was
               | designed around the size of the iPad I'd just gotten when
               | I started it. Not so cool on a phone. Try it on both and
               | you'll see what I mean.
             | pbronez wrote:
             | I've recently started following a few webcomics that are
             | phone first. I'm sure they've been around a while, but it
             | was novel to me to have a story set up as a continuous
             | downward scroll. There isn't as much flexibility as you get
             | with a comic spread, but there are still interesting tricks
             | that contribute significantly to the overall feel and
             | pacing of the story.
               | wingerlang wrote:
               | Definitely agree with this. They achieve a form of
               | dynamic animation sometimes, where the continuous scroll
               | can "lead" objects on the screen into new scenes which
               | can be really cool. I'd recommend the previous poster to
               | read a couple of episodes, one example I found really
               | cool was this one
               | https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/not-even-
               | bones/ep-1/vie...
               | Works best on the phone where you can have it fullscreen
               | and smooth scrolling.
               | naet wrote:
               | I love comics like MSPA that use web elements like
               | animation, hypertext, chatlogs, and interactive panels as
               | progressive enhancements on the comic form. But I
               | actually really dislike the scroll comic format.
               | I don't enjoy fiddling with the scroll position, or
               | things peeking in from the edges, I like a nicely laid
               | out scene and a button or other control that takes me to
               | the next "page" or scene without the fuss that scrolling
               | to the right position adds.
           | daguava wrote:
           | You have severely painted this as something that's easily
           | done while clearly not reading what he posted...
         | blooalien wrote:
         | > From the article: "Now, here, in 2022, desktop computers no
         | longer exist and all computing is done via handheld mobile
         | telephone."
         | They're _kidding,_ right? Nobody in their right mind actually
         | believes that, do they?
           | DizzyDoo wrote:
           | Of course, he just called it a "handheld mobile telephone",
           | that's tongue-in-cheek.
           | kencausey wrote:
           | It's hyperbolic truth, acknowledging that the future is now.
           | fragmede wrote:
           | _All_ is hyperbole, since the ergonomics on a laptop are
           | terrible, and there will always be a segment for which that
           | 's a showstopper, but it's already true for certain segments
           | of the population. Especially among the less privileged where
           | there may not even _be_ a desktop computer available or only
           | at school /library, mobile phones are increasingly where work
           | is done. Writing essays and emails, and filling out important
           | forms, may not be the most ergonomic, but it beats not being
           | able to.
           | Look at devices with foldable screens and external keyboards
           | like the Asus Zenbook 17. Without getting lost in arguing
           | semantics of if an iPad (mini/pro/regular) sized tablet
           | counts as a mobile telephone, it's clearly not a desktop, and
           | it's easy enough to imagine that desktop computers will go
           | the way of the mainframe.
             | matheusmoreira wrote:
             | > the ergonomics on a laptop are terrible
             | Agreed. Honestly if I had a way to comfortably write
             | software on my phone I don't think I'd ever use my laptop
             | ever again. Phones are simply too comfortable.
             | Unfortunately the vast majority of them are consumer
             | devices: unlike real computers they don't come with the
             | tools used to program them. I can't make a new app on my
             | phone and run it.
             | lotu wrote:
             | I was stunned when I went to a writing circle and saw
             | college students using their phones.
               | krallja wrote:
               | It would be reasonable if they had a Bluetooth keyboard.
               | macintux wrote:
               | I remember when young adults were blazing fast at typing
               | on flip phones. It's perfectly reasonable to be
               | productive without a keyboard.
               | seba_dos1 wrote:
               | Flip phones had keyboards though.
               | macintux wrote:
               | My point is that people will adapt to typing on nearly
               | anything.
           | kergonath wrote:
           | In terms of number of hours used daily, there is no context.
           | Mobiles are the largest video game market, and the most used
           | computing platforms. So, not quite _all_ computing, but an
           | awful lot of it.
           | a9h74j wrote:
           | I took that as either [kidding] overstatement (to bypass
           | discussion of _why_ ) or short for _desktop computers no
           | longer exist [for my market purposes]_.
           | To your general question, I've heard a professor lament a
           | student stating that _all CAD applications should work on
           | phones._
             | dagw wrote:
             | _I 've heard a professor lament a student stating that all
             | CAD applications should work on phones._
             | And why is that such a lamentable idea? Modern phones have
             | the processing power these days. Walking around a factory,
             | building sites or a muddy field with a phone in your hand
             | is a lot easier than walking around with a laptop. Plus
             | modern phones have LiDAR and multiple cameras opening up
             | for all kinds of interesting options. Frankly any CAD
             | platform which doesn't embrace mobile will probably fall
             | out of favour over the next few years.
               | a9h74j wrote:
               | You are probably right to the extent of multimodal _for
               | some tasks_ or for sensor input. But redlining a 200 page
               | set of drawings to capture _as built_ info is still
               | different from assembling that set of drawings in the
               | first place. I doubt it will be all or nothing. E.g.,
               | supporting field service will require generating
               | particular views, but I don 't see engineering review
               | meetings skimping on monitor pixels, at a cost of N
               | laptops per hour just to assemble a meeting.
           | the_af wrote:
           | Yes, it's tongue in cheek.
         | Animats wrote:
         | Yeah. This is a big problem with the "metaverse". Peering into
         | a high-resolution 3D world via a hand-sized screen is tunnel
         | vision. We're still a long way from the "swim goggles" form
         | factor in VR headgear, which is what Carmack says is the
         | minimum for reasonable consumer adoption levels.
         | Playing "Papers Please" on a phone requires a good memory. Do
         | you remember what the recognized visa issuing cities for
         | Kolechia are? You need to know that. If you have to swipe to
         | the rulebook to look it up, your productivity will drop and you
         | won't make enough money for the day to keep your family fed.
         | aliqot wrote:
         | I'm noticing a lot of the younger crowd don't seem as glued to
         | the phone as their parents. Materialists will always be
         | materialists, but as an adherent to Ordnung, I don't own/need a
         | phone, so it sticks out and it's obvious to me that the normal
         | garden variety youth these days are not as absorbed as the
         | first generation to this little thing known to 'create fire'
         | because it is now commonplace. A computer in your pocket has 0
         | novelty or wow-factor to this generation, as it should. Nobody
         | fawns over a butane-lighter or debit card, they're commonplace
         | despite being relatively new.
         | This isn't just in my community, it's noticeable enough in my
         | travels that it seems to be a trend. I assume it is because of
         | more short-format digestible content, along with the shift of
         | social being one-to-one and one-to-many, to being many-to-many,
         | in the sense that you're not necessarily seeking out those you
         | had a direct relationship with, you're seeking out elements and
         | segments of a topical zeitgeist, whether that be tech videos,
         | memes, cat compilations etc.
         | I also have another hypothesis- when phones that provided a
         | rich experience first debuted, it was the nerds and city folk
         | who got it first. iPhone then brought this mobile-first-
         | lifestyle to the stylemakers and artists and those whose inner
         | monologue is narrated by Justin Long, folks who'd likely have
         | bought anything apple anyway. From there, smartphones and rich
         | experiences were disseminated into the lesser elements of the
         | greater public who either are receptive to tastemaker's
         | influences or have limited option to refute the convenience of
         | popularity; popular hardware is cheap, ubiquitous and
         | accessible, some might say in some regards modern smart phones
         | are disposable.
         | What I'm getting at is this, this stuff is no longer a mystery
         | to this generation. We are now 2 or 3 generations removed from
         | this type of pocket-computer being anything wow-inducing. I
         | think of it sometimes like when I was a youngster, the class of
         | people who traveled via air vs everyone else at ground level.
         | Air travel had a mystique and prestige, this person must be
         | doing something to be enjoying a cigarette and being served a
         | glass of wine however many feet in the air, direct to
         | destination. The same way I might not be in admiration of my
         | neighbors boots for having a good welt, because a good welt is
         | a given, I assume the youngster of today are no longer enamored
         | by the novelty of a mobile phone or pocket-computer. As such,
         | it is no longer a status symbol for most. So what the new
         | iPhone came out and you got one, that's only a valid status
         | symbol for maybe a few weeks, for over 1,000 USD invested in
         | some models.
         | Youth of today, I don't see them going for a pocket atlas or
         | any such form factor, I see them going for augmented spectacles
         | or lenses. Everything indicates that a new 'moores law' is
         | taking effect around energy storage and thermodynamics - we are
         | no longer optimizing per-core clock speed, we are optimizing
         | core count and the amount of energy that can be stored to later
         | be turned into CPU cycles rather than heat. As soon as the
         | battery technology will allow it, you will see lenses, whether
         | they be spectacles or contacts, that will take in and
         | assimilate your surroundings, your focus, and the imperceptible
         | changes to your heart rate, retinal dilation, and ocular
         | pressure responses to commercial items. It's not far fetched,
         | we already know of this research being done. Despite the
         | cumbersome experience of VR, we are seeing a point where it is
         | no longer 3D TV or bluray level tech, it's sub-standard as a
         | whole but more and more people are buying it because it shows
         | promise.
         | I see in the future that our interface devices, whether they be
         | communicators like phones, or additive interfaces like AR
         | spectacles that can dole out retail info in response to a brief
         | biomarker-spike like pupil dilation when glancing at a new pair
         | of shoes. These devices will be funded by corporations much the
         | same way tech learning materials, operating systems, and
         | software is today. It makes most sense that before wider
         | adoption, they'd first be available to those with the most
         | capacity for realizing an ad-prompt via converting to a
         | purchase, so think of like snapchat goggles release, but at
         | your local best buy.
         | pocket-held mobile phones are the least optimal form factor for
         | every purpose or task it can accommodate other than "fits in
         | pocket". Mark my words, as soon as it can be bonded to a
         | wearable lens, it will be, and the corporations will subsidize
         | it heavily. You think adtech is bad now, just wait.
           | arthurcolle wrote:
           | You're Amish? Are you allowed to use a computer? I won't tell
           | - just wondering.
           | adolph wrote:
           | The Ordnung is a set of rules for Amish, Old Order Mennonite
           | and Conservative Mennonite living. Ordnung is the German word
           | for order, discipline, rule, arrangement, organization, or
           | system. Because the Amish have no central church government,
           | each assembly is autonomous and is its own governing
           | authority. Thus, every local church maintains an individual
           | set of rules, adhering to its own Ordnung, which may vary
           | from district to district as each community administers its
           | own guidelines.
             | aliqot wrote:
             | Yes, nice to meet you
       | macintux wrote:
       | Had to skim for a bit to figure out what was going on, because I
       | distinctly remember playing on my iPad many years ago. Turns out
       | it was iPad only, this was the first time it was redesigned to
       | fit on the phone screen. The author didn't want to force users
       | into landscape mode, which I completely understand: playing games
       | in landscape feels alien on my iPhone.
       | Interesting look at the process of making the UI work well.
       | daguava wrote:
       | The attention to detail and player experience in this is second
       | to none, this article is a treat, thank you for sharing.
       | Working in the gaming industry myself, everything here spoke to
       | what I want gaming to be.
       | silisili wrote:
       | I don't know a lot about Haxe, or C#, but that has to be the
       | cleanest transpiler results I've seen to date.
       | Most transpilers I've toyed with(admittedly, not many, and years
       | ago) gave every variable and function awful autogenerated names.
       | funstuff007 wrote:
       | > here, in 2022, desktop computers no longer exist and all
       | computing is done via handheld mobile telephone. Time to update
       | this dinosaur.
       | What a witty fellow.
         | Underphil wrote:
         | I took it as tongue-in-cheek but as a desktop loving dinosaur I
         | couldn't help feel mildly personally attacked :)
       | tosh wrote:
       | Fantastic write-up. Thanks for sharing this!
       | simonbarker87 wrote:
       | I'm always amazed at how many programming languages there are.
       | I'd never heard of Haxe, I don't think it would have crossed my
       | mind to look for something like it but here it is powering a
       | highly successful game with, from what I can tell, a vibrant eco
       | system around the language as well.
       | Perhaps I'm not curious enough to go exploring for these
       | languages. I've used a few smaller ones in my years (usually
       | because of an external forcing factor - like Squirrel running on
       | ElecticImp devices) but I tend to stick to the big names we all
       | know
         | boondaburrah wrote:
         | Haxe is wild to me since I recently started learning it and
         | realised it's basically TypeScript but before TypeScript. Since
         | it's statically typed and can hit C#/Java/C++/JS, I really want
         | to try it in line of business applications as well.
         | MBCook wrote:
         | I've only ever heard of it in one context. About seven years
         | ago TiVo announced that they were going to start using it to
         | program their devices when they made the new (terrible)
         | interface.
         | I don't think I've heard about it since then.
           | egypturnash wrote:
           | Haxe is very much a games language, it started out (IIRC) as
           | an ActionScript compiler by a game studio (Motion Twin, now
           | most famous for Dead Cells) who was sick of trying to program
           | in the shitty bare-minimum editor built into Flash, and
           | evolved into its own language that compiled to the Flash
           | plug-in's VM. Motion Twin released it and its support tools
           | as open source, and a lot of other Flash game devs picked it
           | up.
             | MBCook wrote:
             | Interesting. I don't do any games development so outside
             | the small amount I know about from watching various AAA
             | games being discussed I'm pretty ignorant.
             | Thanks for the context.
         | dhosek wrote:
         | I came of age in an era in which it was often important _which_
         | version of a language you were programming in. Not all C code
         | could compile with all C compilers (which was part of the
         | motivation behind the C preprocessor), likewise with Pascal,
         | BASIC, FORTRAN, etc. IBM had two different Pascal compilers for
         | VM /CMS named, confusingly, VS/Pascal and Pascal/VS which were
         | almost but not quite identical in functionality and features.
         | On timesharing systems, you might discover all manner of legacy
         | languages lurking on the (dishwasher-sized) hard drives. I
         | checked out a book on SNOBOL from the library to understand
         | what was happening in some SPITBOL code that I found on UIC's
         | mainframe that was part of the source for a C compiler. Most
         | personal computers came with some version of a Microsoft BASIC
         | in ROM, but there were differences from one platform to the
         | next so you couldn't necessarily just type in a program written
         | in AppleSoft BASIC and run it in QBASIC under DOS. The fact
         | that in 2022 JVM languages run identically anywhere and that
         | Rust is (almost) platform-agnostic is, to be honest, kind of
         | miraculous.
         | tokinonagare wrote:
         | > I'd never heard of Haxe
         | Well it was born in France in a web game company (some of their
         | games were pretty famous domestically) as an internal language,
         | and the main selling point at first was the multiple
         | compilation targets (PHP, JS) which included Flash. It wasn't
         | something developed in English in the open at first like a lot
         | of new languages are nowadays, so obviously it took some time
         | to get some international exposure.
           | PoignardAzur wrote:
           | Wait, you mean Motion Twin?
             | govg wrote:
             | Yes, who are famous in large part for Dead Cells. One of
             | the developers even went on to lead Shiro Games, which has
             | done stuff like Dune and Northgard.
               | ptato wrote:
               | but also DinoRPG and My Brute. I played a ton of those
               | when I was younger.
         | 999900000999 wrote:
         | I really like Haxe.
         | I want smaller game engines to succeed, but the tooling is just
         | painful to use.
         | From the time I spent with Haxe, it's very neat language. At
         | the same time, half of why I make games is to learn.
         | If I have to use your custom language I'm not learning skills
         | to use at work.
         | For example, with C# you can make games with several languages,
         | you can also work on boring Fintech so you can pay your rent.
         | With .net core open source I'd love for more engines to use it.
         | Godot 4 with Mono will be a very very strong contender.
       | stijnsanders wrote:
       | ( https://dukope.com/devlogs/ doesn't appear to have a feed URL?
       | )
       | MOARDONGZPLZ wrote:
       | This is such a good blog post. I also didn't know this author was
       | behind Obra Dinn, but that one is also great. I used to play
       | Papers Please years ago and will certainly purchase it when it
       | does come out for iPhone.
         | emllnd wrote:
         | It's available on the iPhone App Store for me!
       | rossvor wrote:
       | If you see a devlog post from Lucas Pope you know it's going to
       | be a goldmine. No matter the topic. Dude has a real knack in
       | writing these, clearly describing the problem and the thought
       | process on possible solution. And making it all very interesting
       | so you yourself start thinking how would you address it or what
       | other cool thing could be built instead.
       | Here's some of his other huge devlogs on TIGSOURCE:
       | 1. Papers, Please.
       | https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=29750.0
       | 2. Return of the Obra Dinn.
       | https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=40832.0
         | franknine wrote:
         | Another great devlog thread on TIGSOURCE is Leilani's Island by
         | Craig Forrester, it's a treasure trove of 2D platformer
         | development:
         | https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=46289.0
         | collegeburner wrote:
         | Arstechnica did a war stories with him on Return of the Obra
         | Dinn, combining one of my fave video series with one of my fave
         | gamedevs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMi6xgdSbMA
         | scyzoryk_xyz wrote:
         | Yes - I remember even coming across those before Papers became
         | a bigger thing. So thorough
         | dclowd9901 wrote:
         | From a practical standpoint, I can't even understand how he
         | writes these! Presumably, this process took him months (a
         | year?) to work through. What was he doing that whole time?
         | Taking notes and captures for an eventual blog post? It just
         | seems he has an incredible ability for organization and
         | foresight, one that I am deeply jealous of.
         | aerovistae wrote:
         | Yes, the guy is honestly some type of genius. To be this
         | talented of a programmer, and across multiple platforms,
         | languages, and toolsets just dazzles me. It's hard enough to
         | just be competent with one platform. I can't imagine.
         | And on top of that he composes the music and makes the art and
         | literally everything else.
         | I honestly just don't understand how a person can get that good
         | at that many things.
           | hbn wrote:
           | He's also a fantastic game designer. I played through Return
           | of the Obra Dinn last year and it was one of the coolest game
           | experiences I've had. It really doesn't hold your hand, it's
           | just using logic and clues to piece together a mystery and
           | put names to faces. Keep a notepad handy and it's a real fun
           | time!
             | rkagerer wrote:
             | Huh. I got bored of Papers, Please. Guess it's just not my
             | cup of tea. Will have to try Obra Dinn.
               | aerovistae wrote:
               | Same. Obra Dinn is a much more complicated and
               | interesting game. It's 10x the game Papers, Please is.
               | thrwyoilarticle wrote:
               | Interestingly Lucas Pope says he thinks Papers Please is
               | a better game. As a method of telling a story I think
               | it's as good as you can get - e.g. the gameplay in Obra
               | Dinn doesn't thematically link to the story in the same
               | way - but I'm just don't enjoy the game. I know: you're
               | supposed to be bored, it's supposed to be unwieldy,
               | you're supposed to be frustrated by the rules. But I just
               | want to do something else.
             | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
             | His post on how exactly he came up with those really nice
             | 2bit graphics in a way that it doesn't hurt the eyes and
             | creates that very unique look was very enlightening.
             | bspammer wrote:
             | This is what's truly mindblowing about Lucas Pope to me.
             | Many people are technically talented, but good game
             | designers are really, really hard to come by. Having both
             | in one person just feels unfair.
             | Obra Dinn, especially, is one of my favourite games of all
             | time, it's such a unique experience.
               | slazaro wrote:
               | Aesthetically too. If you've seen screenshots of Obra
               | Dinn, you remember. It has such a distinctive look to it.
             | the_af wrote:
             | I was about to write this. Lukas Pope is not only
             | technically talented, he's also a brilliant games designer.
             | As for Obra Dinn, I found it very cool that many puzzles
             | have more than one answer, in particular when it's a
             | subjective matter!
           | turdit wrote:
           | testing7787 wrote:
           | 1ark wrote:
           | Speaking as a game dev, I think you can learn it, but it
           | takes time. I was interested since a kid to make games. And
           | as a teenager programmed some for the web, and trying to
           | learn C++ reading Quake2 source or whatever I could find,
           | also bought some game dev books. Not much came out of it I
           | thought. At around twenty, there were enough tutorials in
           | Macromedia tools to sort of guide me toward something. Then I
           | struck luck getting into game programming at a tech
           | institute. Finally I could make something, it took more than
           | a decade to get simple games on the screen for me. But I get
           | easily distracted, procrastinate and lack enough IQ. Those
           | books and formulas were hard for a mediocre teenager.
           | Parallel to all this I was interested in music too. Fooling
           | around in ReBirth and Fruity Loops. Many years later got a
           | guitar and tried to learn that, you get a lot of music theory
           | from that. That theory is much easier than programming, still
           | takes a lot of time.
           | Drawing I'm not really good at, but got an eye for what looks
           | decent and can play with colors. On a computer it can almost
           | be like cheating because you can be "inspired" by others. But
           | books and tutorials on art exists too of course, how far that
           | rabbit hole do you want to go? And 3D is a bit of a mix
           | between tech and art, you could draw a cute character on
           | paper front and side with a pencil. And when you model,
           | texture, rig and animate that; it can be really impressive.
           | What I am trying to say, it looks like genius but it is a lot
           | of work over a period. But it is creative/craft work, and not
           | boring. And you can learn the basics of all the areas and
           | make something great. When making apps, all those areas of
           | you are unused. No music, no art. At best some graphic design
           | (UI).
           | If you want to really put it in a compressed environment
           | where it is not (?) overwhelming, but still technical, try
           | C64 programming. There are lots of resources and step-by-step
           | guides, and you will get a taste of everything and can build
           | from there. We are many that have the desire to make our
           | _own_ games. Some are indeed geniuses, or very strong in
           | multiple areas. Others just stumbled across Unity and are
           | going through whatever guides there are with desire. These
           | days you can choose your difficulty and dedication level.
           | For simpler games, getting your game to run on desktop, iOS
           | and Android is not that hard. Because most platform code will
           | be some glue, and then you are off inside your own game code.
           | It takes weeks/months to figure that out, but then you are
           | done and carry it with you for every game in the future. Then
           | when you put it all together plus the uniqueness of your game
           | (because it is unique right?!), you get a great and
           | interesting blog post like this one!
         | frenchie14 wrote:
         | His youtube[0] also has some very interesting behind the scenes
         | content. If you haven't seen the Obra Dinn ship building
         | timelapse[1] you're in for a treat! (Major spoilers - don't
         | watch unless you've already beaten the game!)
         | [0] https://www.youtube.com/user/dukope1 [1]
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZFoBvJf8Ug
           | dclowd9901 wrote:
           | He wrote an entire app in unity just for the schematic
           | playback. I'm gobsmacked by his ingenuity!
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