[HN Gopher] I replaced all our blog thumbnails using DALL*E 2 fo...
       I replaced all our blog thumbnails using DALL*E 2 for $45: here's
       what I learned
       Author : dsmmcken
       Score  : 161 points
       Date   : 2022-08-08 20:21 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (deephaven.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (deephaven.io)
       | jrochkind1 wrote:
       | This is very interesting, but why are all the images just showing
       | up as blurred out pre-loads for me? Makes it a lot less
       | communicative, since it's literally about the images!
       | I mean, I'm guessing these aren't the intended images, since you
       | don't need DALL-E to generate blurry splotches!
       | sbf501 wrote:
       | You should've invested in CloudFront first because your site
       | isn't loading.
         | lmarcos wrote:
         | Would nginx (caching everything) work on a $5/month VPS?
           | wyager wrote:
           | Should work fine. I personally avoided using a reverse proxy
           | like nginx or apache because they tend to have a _ton_ of
           | vulnerabilities (check out the CVE database results for
           | "nginx"), making them a security management headache.
             | vient wrote:
             | Any serious vulnerability in NGINX will be big news since
             | it is so widespread. CVE database shows some entries by
             | searching for "nginx" but I looked at all 2022 entries and
             | the only ones affecting NGINX itself are in NJX plugin so
             | actually not affecting NGINX core functionality.
             | https://nginx.org/en/security_advisories.html shows one
             | "medium severity" vulnerability in the last 4 years.
               | wyager wrote:
               | Huh, guess I haven't really checked on this since mid-
               | early 2010s. Was a lot worse back then.
         | [deleted]
         | dsmmcken wrote:
         | I know. I wasn't actually expecting to hit front-page. Trying
         | to reinforce it best I can.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Fwiw, in my experience you don't actually need a CDN just to
           | survive HN. It may be enough to just make sure you're not
           | hitting a DB on every request; ideally you'd be caching the
           | HTML output wholesale (via static site generator or
           | otherwise)
           | For reference: with cached HTML, my single Node.js process
           | running on Heroku's cheapest tier has weathered the front
           | page multiple times without breaking a sweat
             | pyrolistical wrote:
             | Right. So a CDN?
               | brundolf wrote:
               | A CDN is its own thing- it's distributed across a
               | provider; it can't just be served off a simple box. It
               | requires having or gaining familiarity with a specific
               | provider, as well as other constraints like you _have_ to
               | statically export to the file system (can 't just cache
               | responses in memory), and you can't have _any_ dynamic
               | content without standing up a separate server, etc
               | Makes sense for a lot of things, but it comes with
               | downsides, especially for hobbyists! I've found I prefer
               | sticking with a simple server for my website, and OP
               | might find it's easier to do that too
               | jedberg wrote:
               | That's not at all true. A CDN is a content delivery
               | network. There is nothing that says it isn't a network of
               | a single host on the same machine as the original
               | content.
               | It's just a cache that returns content faster than the
               | original content.
             | TremendousJudge wrote:
             | At that point, why not just have a static blog hosted on an
             | AWS bucket?
               | brundolf wrote:
               | For me: it's less to manage, it's less to learn (AWS is a
               | nightmare from my perspective), and I enjoy other
               | benefits like the fact that one codebase can generate and
               | then serve up the site, and the fact that it's vendor-
               | agnostic (just clone/npm install/run). Also allows easy
               | customization of headers and redirects, allows for the
               | odd dynamic route, and makes local dev/previewing super
               | simple
               | OP may or may not feel the same! Just wanted to
               | communicate that a simple server can definitely do the
               | job
             | knicholes wrote:
             | Right, like something like Varnish.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | Hadn't heard of Varnish, but yeah, it looks like a good
               | solution the OP could probably layer over their current
               | setup without too much trouble
             | wyager wrote:
             | I switched backends a bunch of times because everything I
             | tried (Go stdlib HTTP, Tornado, etc.) kept getting taken
             | out whenever I would hit the front page, either due to CPU
             | overload or some sort of resource leak. I ended up using
             | Warp+Wai+Servant (https://github.com/yesodweb/wai) and it
             | has been smooth sailing since then off my $3/mo VPS. It can
             | take thousands of req/sec without flinching (which is
             | higher than what you see from top of HN - that maxes out at
             | a few hundred req/s).
               | mahathu wrote:
               | What VPS are you using and can you recommend it?
               | wyager wrote:
               | Vultr. They have been totally solid for me. Nothing fancy
               | - just a reliable cloud VM. Have had no reason to look
               | for alternatives for web hosting.
               | layer8 wrote:
               | Did you use some software/service for load-testing the
               | alternatives?
               | wyager wrote:
               | Yes, I first tested locally with httperf and some other
               | tools. I took it as a good sign when the load testing
               | tools crashed before my server did. Then, I found a few
               | services by searching for something like "website load
               | test" and using their free tier (which would typically
               | generate something like a few hundred req/sec -
               | sufficient to simulate HN).
           | dsmmcken wrote:
           | For reference, it's a fully static site on a low-end shared
           | host. The post had quite a few images, which were pngs from
           | DALL-E, but I've just now recompressed as smaller jpg.
         | [deleted]
         | mym1990 wrote:
         | Just curious, is there any general number range for how much
         | traffic a front page post might get? Less than 10k, 10-100,000,
         | 100,000+, etc
           | cube2222 wrote:
           | Second place for a few hours and ~1k points resulted in
           | around 50k unique visits.
           | If your website is a collection of static files and you're
           | hosting them on S3+CloudFront or something similar (GitHub
           | pages works too), then it'll work without any issues and cost
           | pennies for the whole thing.
           | sbierwagen wrote:
           | I front paged a couple times back in the day. In the
           | neighborhood of thousands of pageloads and hundreds of
           | concurrent users. Totally trivial for static HTML, but most
           | people get into trouble with hand-rolled or poorly tuned blog
           | frameworks that make multiple database calls on every
           | visitor.
           | spaceman_2020 wrote:
           | Hit the front page twice with two articles in the past.
           | Total traffic both times was around 60k over the course of
           | 2-3 days.
           | Swizec wrote:
           | I once frontpaged with a funny article that readers also
           | shared with others. Back when people still did that instead
           | of taking a screenshot.
           | 1,000,000 uniques over 3 days in ~2011.
           | I have been trying to re-create that high ever since, lol.
           | Going viral is one hell of a drug.
           | Syonyk wrote:
           | I'll see on the order of 10k-25k hits (hard to say exactly,
           | most of HN uses adblockers/tracker blockers and I use
           | CloudFlare for caching) from an article on the HN frontpage.
           | It's not that bad, and I could almost certainly serve it off
           | my colo'd server without any trouble - bandwidth just isn't
           | _that_ high.
           | But as my blog is entirely static (except for the comment
           | threads, hosted on my Discourse forum), I just let CloudFlare
           | serve it. I had to do some tweaks to the configs to say, "No,
           | _really,_ cache _everything!_ " (it doesn't do that by
           | default for a range of very valid reasons, none of which
           | apply to me), but once that change went in, I'll see 98.5% or
           | higher "served out of cache" ratios when I'm seeing a lot of
           | traffic from HN or somewhere.
           | I'd originally designed it to be hosted out of a Google Cloud
           | bucket with CloudFlare (egress traffic is cheaper that way
           | than out to the internet), but I eventually decided to host
           | on my server, as I could then do Tor and some other stuff
           | more easily. I've got the server anyway...
           | One of these days, I may play with dropping analytics
           | entirely and just passing requests through to my server, let
           | images remain cached as that's the bulk of my bandwidth. Then
           | I can go even more oldskool and parse my server logs for
           | stats and referrers and such!
             | Tijdreiziger wrote:
             | > Then I can go even more oldskool and parse my server logs
             | for stats and referrers and such!
             | Expect to see a bunch of bots. I tried setting up server-
             | side analytics for a WordPress-based website, but I had to
             | get rid of it as the bot traffic made it essentially
             | useless.
           | wyager wrote:
           | 10-100k iirc. Peak requests maybe 200-500req/sec (but not
           | sustained). I had a few posts get >250k but those were on
           | Reddit as well.
           | gk1 wrote:
           | I just hit #1 last week and frontpaged a bunch in the past.
           | Peaked at around 250-300 concurrent visitors, totaling around
           | 10k in a 24-hr period, which is on par with past experience.
           | dsmmcken wrote:
           | I can tell you it's more than a $5 dreamhost box can handle
           | right now.
             | [deleted]
             | wyager wrote:
             | My $3/mo vultr box can handle HN loads easily when using a
             | fast and well-designed (namely resource-leak-free) backend
             | (I've settled on https://github.com/yesodweb/wai based apps
             | - the only thing that has worked well for me so far).
           | ezekg wrote:
           | I've gotten on the front page more than a few times. In my
           | experience, it usually peaks around 1.5k concurrents for a
           | blog post. Peak was 50k total visits over a couple days, but
           | has been much less too. Depends on the content and how
           | interesting it is to the wider HN audience.
       | [deleted]
       | brundolf wrote:
       | Archive.org:
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20220808212448/https://deephaven...
       | Unfortunately the images are cached at a very low resolution
       | superchroma wrote:
       | When asked about what jobs the robots would come for first, I
       | would have had to say that digital artist was pretty low on my
       | ranking before now.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | It's coming for us, too.
         | It won't be long before most software engineer positions are
         | eliminated while some are replaced by software "technicians"
         | with enough expertise to command AI to generate working code.
         | Perhaps the technicians will be tasked with building tests and
         | some automation, but even that stuff can be delegated to AI to
         | an extent.
         | This may seem far off because the present economy is accustomed
         | to paying engineers large sums of money to write apps. Even
         | with the retractions we've been seeing in hiring and venture
         | capital, there's just enough easy money still there and the
         | capabilities of code-writing AIs isn't quite there yet.
         | All we need is a significant market correction and the next
         | generation of AI to wipe out a large swath of tech jobs.
         | The next step regardless is applying technologies like DALL-E
         | to web design, and for said technology to be widely used, open
         | and affordable. We won't need web designers or even UXD.
         | Then we won't need as many engineers when AI can solve a lot of
         | common problems in building software. AI can do it better
         | because it won't spend inordinate amounts of time dillydallying
         | over next-gen frameworks, toolchains, and preprocessors. AI
         | won't even have to worry about writing "clean" and maintainable
         | code because those things will no longer matter.
           | ipaddr wrote:
           | Wouldn't millions of unemployed developers start creating
           | software that would compete/overthrow existing software
           | companies?
           | xwdv wrote:
           | It will never come for us. You think it will, but that's
           | because you don't understand software.
           | Pick any random Jira ticket for a large software project.
           | Could an AI understand and implement that feature into a
           | larger project? Can it correctly deploy it without
           | interruptions to production jobs? Will it correctly implement
           | tests and decent code coverage? If there are regressions will
           | it know how to go in and fix them? If there are bugs reported
           | by users will it be able to investigate and accurately fix
           | them? What about when multiple branches of feature
           | development have to be merged, will it know how to do it
           | correctly? Will it know how to write high performance
           | software or just use shitty random algorithms?
           | If it can't do these things AI is basically useless. Because
           | this is basically 90% of software development.
             | silvestrov wrote:
             | Writing software is like writing novels: putting words
             | together to make sentences is easy. Making the story make
             | sense is difficult.
             | One could think that much of art is just pretty form
             | without sense and that is why DALL-E works.
           | chiefalchemist wrote:
           | > "This may seem far off..."
           | After experimenting with GitHub Co-Pilot I can see that day
           | being 50% - perhaps even just 25% - as far as it used to
           | feel.
           | [deleted]
           | amildie wrote:
           | I don't think we'll see this in our lifetimes.
           | For that scenario to be possible, general AI needs to be
           | developed first.
           | A huge (and awful) part of software engineering is figuring
           | out what exactly the stakeholders want you to build or fix.
           | Sometimes, they themselves don't even know.
           | Dealing with ambiguos jira tickets, poorly reported bugs,
           | non-existent requirements, missing or outdated documentation;
           | these are the "common problems" in building software. Current
           | AI technology isn't even close to being able to sort these
           | types of problems today, and it won't be until a monumental
           | breakthrough in the field is achieved.
           | Generating art is "easy" in the sense that art can't be wrong
           | or right, it just is.
           | Generating the backend of a streaming platform? I'd like to
           | live long enough to see it.
             | amelius wrote:
             | > A huge (and awful) part of software engineering is
             | figuring out what exactly the stakeholders want you to
             | build or fix. Sometimes, they themselves don't even know.
             | Yeah, but that part can be learned by anyone without a CS
             | degree.
             | Perhaps not everything in software can be automated, but I
             | could see a team of 10 programmers be replaced by 1 person
             | (programmer or not) handy enough to control a bunch of AI
             | software tools.
           | losteric wrote:
           | "Physical" engineering fields will probably come first...
           | think AI-generated architecture, with AI-generated structural
           | engineering, plumbing, electrical wiring, etc... _with_
           | human-guidance of the generative process, and human-review
           | /accountability of final output. Amplification of humans, not
           | obsolescence.
           | In software, yeah boiler-plate and function-level code-
           | generation... I could also see generating trivial UIs for
           | CRUD apps, or no-code data-pipelines for small businesses...
           | maybe even generating high-level architectures for new
           | services... but we're far off from AI auto-generating code
           | for enterprise applications or foundational services. The
           | differentiation being making changes within an existing
           | complex domain/code-base, in contrast with generating new
           | assets from nothing.
             | joenot443 wrote:
             | Most of the math for structural engineering is already done
             | through software, we just don't call it AI. The difficult
             | part and valuable part of being a good structural engineer
             | is translating requirements and dealing with clients. The
             | actual math and engineering work is often not much more
             | difficult than what's done taught in their undergrad, and
             | much of it is offloaded to designers anyway.
             | Source: My family owns one of the largest civil engineering
             | firms in my home province.
           | xSxY3fj5gVCmvWE wrote:
           | Imma be honest, working as an artist who has to come up with
           | Dall-E prompts and as a programmer who has to maintain a
           | codebase slapped together from GPT-5 output sounds equally
           | horrifying. I think I'll stick to my grug brain engineering.
           | skunkworker wrote:
           | I am personally bearish on this assumption unless a few
           | hurdles are reached. Being a software engineer involves a lot
           | of translation of intent from a required feature into an
           | efficient and maintainable implementation.
           | In a good number of cases it is more difficult to communicate
           | what needs to be built rather than actually building the end
           | product.
           | The recent work with DALL-E 2 echos a similar problem, coming
           | up with a descriptive prompt can be difficult to do and needs
           | fine tuning to be done. Not unlike trying to communicate with
           | a graphic designer your expected intentions and giving
           | similar works to draw from.
           | ceeplusplus wrote:
           | The problem with that theory is that writing code is easier
           | than reading code. This is generally not the case in other
           | professions. It is definitely not the case for an artist.
           | You still need correct code, and the halting problem says you
           | can't prove whether code does what you want it to. At the end
           | of the day, someone needs to be able to go in and fix shit
           | the AI did wrong, and to do that you need to understand the
           | code the AI wrote.
             | tablespoon wrote:
             | > The problem with that theory is that writing code is
             | easier than reading code. This is generally not the case in
             | other professions. It is definitely not the case for an
             | artist.
             | > You still need correct code, and the halting problem says
             | you can't prove whether code does what you want it to. At
             | the end of the day, someone needs to be able to go in and
             | fix shit the AI did wrong, and to do that you need to
             | understand the code the AI wrote.
             | This might have been your point, but chances are the "code
             | the AI wrote" will be an unmaintainable mess, so "fixing
             | it" means throwing it away and re-doing it.
           | kache_ wrote:
           | programming is going to get automated with language models in
           | <5 years
           | however, I find that my job (SWE) is about 1% programming and
           | 99% strategizing, designing & communicating.
           | Dylan16807 wrote:
           | > software "technicians" with enough expertise to command AI
           | to generate working code
           | People keep trying to make simplified programming
           | environments for significantly less-trained people and they
           | keep failing. Is mixing in an AI actually going to make it
           | _easier_ to get a result that has no crippling bugs?
             | numpad0 wrote:
             | And how is it going to increase information in the output
             | by having AI involved, if these AIs aren't actually
             | thinking and pouring out of their own entropy source into
             | outputs?
             | lmm wrote:
             | No, but when have crippling bugs ever stopped software
             | businesses from shipping it anyway?
               | tablespoon wrote:
               | >> People keep trying to make simplified programming
               | environments for significantly less-trained people and
               | they keep failing. Is mixing in an AI actually going to
               | make it easier to get a result that has no crippling
               | bugs?
               | Yeah. I've even worked in one of those environments for a
               | year (not my choice).
               | I'm of the opinion those kind of environments won't ever
               | work. They'll either be:
               | 1. Extremely cookie-cutter (e.g. make a clone of our
               | "standard app" with a insignificant little tweaks).
               | 2. Require software engineers to get anything useful out
               | of them, and those engineers will feel like they're
               | working with one hand tied behind their backs (or banging
               | their heads against a wall).
               | IMHO, one of the main skills of a software engineer is
               | translating user requirements into technical requirements
               | that work and understanding when they work. I don't think
               | skill is automatable without a fairy-tale AGI.
               | > No, but when have crippling bugs ever stopped software
               | businesses from shipping it anyway?
               | A lot? Depends on your definition of "crippling." A
               | software engineer will gripe and say, "I don't want to
               | use this;" something that's awkward but the people who
               | use it can still get their work done; or the system
               | literally incapable of performing its function?
           | sjducb wrote:
           | I think when AI can do the full job of a programmer we'll
           | have reached the singularity. Programmer will be the last job
           | to go.
           | sbmassey wrote:
           | Judging by the current state of DALL-E, the generated
           | software will look good at first impression, but have lots of
           | weird bugs when examined closely. So yeah, not much different
           | to current software dev.
           | bearjaws wrote:
           | Time for me to open up my "AI Code Refurbishing" shop and
           | specialize in fixing all the disasters these "AI technicians"
           | make.
           | thrown_22 wrote:
           | AI has been over promising and under delivering for 50 years.
           | There's a reason why the general models aren't being
           | released. The second you look under the hood and start poking
           | the unhappy paths you see that it doesn't understand anything
           | and you're talking to something dumber than a hamster.
             | andybak wrote:
             | There's a weird tension between people who say saying "AI
             | is overblown" and people who say "this is the most magical
             | thing I've seen in my lifetime".
             | I lean towards the latter but with a healthy dose of "it's
             | deeply weird and hard to get anything useful from". But
             | that doesn't make it any less _magical_.
             | And no - it's not "intelligent" in any human sense.
             | But I can't relate to people who pooh-pooh it as if there's
             | nothing exciting happening. Either they are deliberately
             | cultivating a dismissive air, or they are deeply jaded and
             | weary.
             | EDIT - There's a 3rd option. People are making a rhetorical
             | point because they perceive a need to correct an imbalance
             | in the general mood. This is actually the most likely
             | explanation and is often under-appreciated as motivator in
             | public statements. I've noticed it in myself frequently.
           | substation13 wrote:
           | Programming requires far more breadth and precision than 2D
           | art.
           | I think that in the very long run programming work will be
           | automated, but by that stage we will either be post-scarcity
           | or reconstituted in computation substrate.
             | echelon wrote:
             | You say that with such confidence.
             | I'm looking for ways to hedge my reliance on my skills.
               | substation13 wrote:
               | I'm confident that society would be so radically
               | different that trying to predict and prepare is a fools
               | game.
               | thrown_22 wrote:
               | >This time will be different.
               | The 20th time you hear that is when you stop caring.
           | samatman wrote:
           | I don't think it will be like that, for two reasons.
           | One, coming up with a correct description of a program is
           | what computer programming actually is. Implementation is
           | something we're always looking to do faster, so we can
           | describe more behaviors to the computer.
           | Two, we're nowhere near the scale of software production
           | which would clear market demand. If everyone who writes code
           | for a living woke up and was ten times as productive, there
           | would be more churn than usual while the talent finds its
           | level, but the result would be ten times as much code per
           | year, not five times and 50% unemployment.
           | Today I wrote a little bit of code to generate a prefix trie
           | and write it out in a particular format, with some extra
           | attention to getting the formatting 'nice'. This took me
           | about three hours.
           | It won't be long before something in the nature of Copilot
           | could have gotten this down to, _maybe_ , a half hour for
           | results of the same (minimal, acceptable) quality.
           | Wonderful! Can't wait, I'll be six times as productive at
           | this kind of task.
           | This might make it hard, on the margin, for some of the more
           | junior and glue-oriented developers to find work, but I think
           | the main result will be more software gets written, the same
           | way using a structured programming language got people
           | further in a day than writing in assembler did.
           | pphysch wrote:
           | AI is great for recommendation systems and art because they
           | are fuzzy. "Good enough" results are relatively easy to
           | achieve. There is lots of tolerance for errors, because human
           | preferences are flexible and fuzzy themselves.
           | Engineering is a different ballgame... If anything, all the
           | code monkeys will simply become QA monkeys/test-engineers,
           | because you need to be really sure that your black box
           | algorithm is actually doing what you think it should be
           | doing.
         | gitgud wrote:
         | The reason it's focused so much is that art has incredibly low
         | stakes... and people don't want AI making any seemingly
         | important decisions...
         | Dylan16807 wrote:
         | Maybe, but this is replacing fifty cents of stock photo, not
         | digital artists.
           | [deleted]
           | jonas21 wrote:
           | Who do you think created that 50-cent stock art?
             | Dylan16807 wrote:
             | Probably not a digital artist. Is there a big fraction of
             | that on stock photo sites?
       | lagrange77 wrote:
       | Is DALL-E 2 generating the images on every page request? ;)
         | [deleted]
       | akamaka wrote:
       | Am I one of the few people who finds these generated pictures
       | really bad? They often have weird and unsettling details when you
       | look closely.
       | I mean, it's an incredible achievement in AI that we can generate
       | images at this level, but I don't want them shown to me on a
       | daily basis while I'm reading blogs.
         | lxe wrote:
         | For maximum coherency, you have to make batches of 50 - 100 and
         | pick the best one. Which can be time consuming and expensive.
         | ebjaas_2022 wrote:
         | I agree. They're pretty in the same way as fractals are pretty,
         | but still boring and bland.
         | I would not have any of the ones that I've seen this far on my
         | wall, or as my blog icons.
         | WheelsAtLarge wrote:
         | I'm with you. I would hate to see these images all over the
         | place -many are just unpleasant to see.
         | The cover image generated for the cosmopolitan cover is
         | stunning at first but after seeing it a few times it begins to
         | feel uncomfortable to look at. The uncanny valley is alive and
         | well in many of these images.
         | amelius wrote:
         | The pictures are certainly deep down in the uncanny valley, but
         | I think they would be great for nightmarish games. In fact,
         | game developers (and especially game artists) might be the next
         | profession on the line, to be automated by AI.
         | thrownaway561 wrote:
         | It's not about being perfect, it's about having something that
         | doesn't take time to produce. like the article says, searching
         | google and stock image sites looking for a picture that very
         | few people are going to ingest is a huge waste of time.
         | Kranar wrote:
         | I find the images to be incredible, but it's very unsettling
         | when you focus on certain details like hands, feet, and eyes.
         | The hands and feet that it draws are almost always mangled, and
         | while it does a good job of drawing an individual eye, it
         | doesn't seem to draw two eyes in a well coordinated manner,
         | either one eye is bigger than the other, or there is something
         | weirdly unsymmetrical about the eyes that makes the image look
         | creepy.
           | Rodeoclash wrote:
           | I have a great example of this:
           | "Jesus takes a selfie" - https://imgur.com/a/togE2ko
           | I'm pretty sure this snap was three days after the
           | resurrection.
           | Jiro wrote:
           | Online DALL-E generators often are deliberately prevented
           | from producing good faces, because of the potential for
           | abuse.
             | WheelsAtLarge wrote:
             | FYI, "ARC: FACE RESTORATION" is an AI that fixes distorted
             | faces. It won't do miracles but it does a pretty good job
             | when the face is just off a bit.
             | I suspect that overtime there will be many AIs that will
             | target very specialized functions similar to ARC.
         | Alex3917 wrote:
         | > Am I one of the few people who finds these generated pictures
         | really bad?
         | Bad compared with what? They certainly convey a lot more
         | information than a randomly generated gravatar.
         | ryanSrich wrote:
         | > Am I one of the few people who finds these generated pictures
         | really bad?
         | Well they're bad at not looking like AI generated art. It's
         | impressive, but I've yet to come across an example that doesn't
         | look like AI generated art. A few seconds of surface level
         | inspection and you can see the weird AI psychodelic circling
         | effect (no idea what the technical name is - eye-ball-
         | ification?)
         | upupandup wrote:
         | They are good enough for most people and over time those
         | details will get better until we have no need for illustrators.
         | Already I see website agencies and bloggers using DALL-E. What
         | I do see is that it is easy to pick out DALL-E generated
         | images, in that its too fantastic. Way over the top to a fault.
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | >Way over the top to a fault.
           | way over the type _as a style_
           | it's like the uber-modern modern art. the next level of those
           | goofy over-the-top meme images that make the rounds in
           | socials
           | while you may not like it, you just know that this will be a
           | thing on how to create AI-like images without AI. I used to
           | refer to that as grade school ;P
         | ajqreh wrote:
         | The article isn't loading for me, so I can't really comment on
         | the images it contains, but I've found telling the ai to apply
         | an impressionistic filter does wonders for removing the
         | unsettling aspect. Obviously that limits you to a specific
         | style of image, but I imagine there are other stylistic filters
         | you might apply that achieve the same goal.
         | I could spend all day looking at the output of "impressionist
         | cats" and similar queries.
           | petercooper wrote:
           | I'm over 1000 credits into Dalle so far (I know, I know..)
           | and you're on the money. You can go a lot further than
           | impressionism, though. Specifying the names of famous
           | illustrators, photographers or artists. Specifying the media
           | used. Lens types. Colorways. Film types. Lighting. The right
           | combinations can yield some incredibly realistic looking
           | things, even faces, and then for the rest of it, there's
           | Photoshop, Gigapixel, and other tools to patch things up.
           | (I've had more luck creating 'elements' with Dalle and then
           | montaging them the old fashioned way.)
           | The images used in the blog linked by OP are okay but
           | stylistically all over the place. OP acknowledges how
           | difficult good prompts are to write. Beyond that, though, you
           | still need to think like an art director and establish a way
           | to set a common style to avoid jarring the readers, and Dalle
           | alone can't do that.
             | jiggawatts wrote:
             | Dall-E is very "first generation" in its design and
             | interactivity with the users.
             | It's just a matter of time until setting a "consistent art
             | style" becomes a feature of these things.
             | Similarly, asking the AI to produce multiple views/poses of
             | the same thing will likely become a common feature.
         | boredemployee wrote:
         | I tried it a lot and I think it works _ok_ for simple, mundane,
         | trivial prompts, but when you start to ask for sophisticated
         | stuff it gets weird.
         | throw_m239339 wrote:
         | These are good enough for 99% of blogs out there.
         | Just like AI generated articles are good enough for 99% of
         | content farms out there.
       | jedberg wrote:
       | > Maybe it was because this was my first attempt, but with 100
       | more posts to go, I hoped I could get better with practice. It
       | would be super cool to just feed DALL-E a whole blog post and
       | have something great pop out, but even with some GPT-3 magic we
       | probably aren't there yet.
       | I see a business opportunity here. Feed text into GPT-3 and have
       | it generate DALL-E prompts to make appropriate images.
       | Then you have it do the same thing for a children's book.
         | gbrindisi wrote:
         | Already done: https://medium.com/@glan1k/dall-e-
         | gpt-3-d1aaaff38639
       | glofish wrote:
       | Visit their main blog page to see a subset of the resulting
       | images all at once
       | https://deephaven.io/blog/
       | https://deephaven.io/blog/page/2/
       | etc
         | Guest9081239812 wrote:
         | I find the images fairly distracting and they take all the
         | focus on the above page. The artwork also isn't very consistent
         | which makes it feel like a jumbled mess. When you click a post
         | the image takes the entire screen and pushes all the content
         | below the fold. It's more like browsing a community art
         | portfolio instead of a tech blog.
         | I'd prefer smaller thumbnails or icons that give more context
         | to the actual post. This way they could add some benefit, such
         | as helping to visually categorize the content. As of now,
         | they're just a bunch of random illustrations taking up valuable
         | screen real estate.
         | That being said, thanks for sharing, it's interesting to see an
         | example of someone integrating DALL*E 2 into their workflow.
       | Halan wrote:
       | Suggestion for the next blog entry: How my blog post going viral
       | on Hacker News pushed me to finally use a CDN
         | l00sed wrote:
         | I wrote that one, but haven't gotten enough traffic again to
         | see if it works... https://l-o-o-s-e-d.net/hug-of-death
         | motoboi wrote:
         | How I generated static html for my static site and it got
         | served and cached.
         | [deleted]
         | amsterdorn wrote:
         | this. I couldn't even load the page.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | Honestly, this is an awesome use of DALL-E and I'll probably
       | start doing the same for my blog
       | It's perfect because:
       | - The images just need to get across a vibe, they don't need to
       | be perfect
       | - It's a low-value enough use of images that you'd probably never
       | commission a human artist to do them; instead you'd either use
       | stock photos, or skip having images completely
       | - The nature of header images for a tech blog tends toward the
       | abstract/surreal, which means it's either hard to find the right
       | stock images, or the ones you do find will be _super_ abstract to
       | the point of being boring
       | All of these make it a great use of the technology
       | dreadlordbone wrote:
       | Archived link: https://archive.ph/uNfeK
         | robocat wrote:
         | That is missing the images.
       | jwaterhouse wrote:
       | I take your point about images and increased engagement but I'm
       | so over useless imagery in blog/article content. I think I first
       | really noticed it with Medium. So many pointless header images
       | that very rarely have anything to do with the article. Just
       | visual noise.
       | My prediction is that a lot of blogs will do what you've done
       | too, and then they'll all look/feel the same. New models will
       | come out I guess, but then they'll proliferate too and everything
       | will look the same again. And then maybe to differentiate, those
       | few that value it/can afford it will make the effort to find
       | actually relevant images or commission artwork.
       | thenerdhead wrote:
       | What service did they use for $45? Is this legal to include in
       | published works too like a book?
         | jdminhbg wrote:
         | From the Dall-E terms of use:
         | > Use of Images. Subject to your compliance with these terms
         | and our Content Policy, you may use Generations for any legal
         | purpose, including for commercial use. This means you may sell
         | your rights to the Generations you create, incorporate them
         | into works such as books, websites, and presentations, and
         | otherwise commercialize them.
           | markdown wrote:
           | They must be well-funded if they're leaving money on the
           | table like this. I'd pay a few a dollars for commercial use.
       | SilverBirch wrote:
       | > Our approach so far has been to spend 10 minutes scrolling
       | through tangentially related but ultimately ill-fitting images
       | from stock photo sites, download something not terrible,
       | This just seems... Not interesting, well done you've recreated
       | images that clearly even before AI everyone ignored.
       | WheelsAtLarge wrote:
       | >"While the role of the artist isn't going away soon, the role of
       | stock image sites might disappear. "
       | Not, yet. While it's cheap relative to stock images, it's time
       | consuming to generate exactly what you want. Prices for stock
       | images will collapse for the common quick to use images but the
       | price for the specialized high end images will hold their value
       | or even increase in value. Those historical and such images will
       | continue to be valuable.
       | It will be interesting to see if a specialized job will rise
       | where people will get paid to generate just the right image. It
       | might be called "A.I. image artist " This individual will
       | generate an image with an A.I. but use graphic tools to finalize
       | it for use.
         | andreyk wrote:
         | Agreed - having played around with DALL-E 2 a fair bit and
         | having made a lot of usage of stock images over the years (for
         | blog posts with specific subjects), I would say the former
         | takes more work/time than the latter. With stock images I can
         | just do a quick search on Shutterstock and find a lot of high
         | quality options (usually), whereas with DALL-E 2 I need to
         | figure out the exact prompt I want and iterate on it for a
         | while. Stock images are not that expensive -- if you buy many
         | it's as low as $2 per image, or on the high end (if you pay to
         | just download a few per month) it's more like $10 per image. It
         | does cost more, but time is money, so...
           | paulcole wrote:
           | Time is only money if you someone will pay you for your time.
           | If that's not true, then it's just a good excuse to spend
           | your money when you could (in some cases should) be spending
           | your time.
         | texaslonghorn5 wrote:
         | Would that be similar to a "prompt engineer" role?
       | [deleted]
       | sfink wrote:
       | Ugh, this immediately drives home the realization that
       | representative images are soon going to be devalued and useless,
       | to the point that we'll all be ignoring them soon. Possibly even
       | stripping them with ad blockers or similar tools.
       | I actually think it's really awesome to be able to do this with a
       | series of blog posts, and even if you look past the stylistic
       | inconsistencies and oddities, this particular usage is good and
       | adds value.
       | Which is kind of the problem. Relatively low cost, currently high
       | benefit? It's going to be driven into the ground.
       | We've seen this over and over again. Some reliable form of
       | signal, or of value, becomes inexpensive enough to produce that
       | it gets commoditized, monetized, and weaponized against us all.
       | Email is a major productivity advance that gives a low-friction
       | way of communicating for mutual gain? Well, now we're drowning in
       | spam and phishing attempts and people won't read random
       | unsolicited messages--if they even make it pass the automated
       | filters. Same for text messages. Bold images and lettering used
       | to be good for highlighting and accentuating important
       | information. Now we don't see them, even if they make it past our
       | ad blockers, because the neural networks living in our skulls
       | know to filter them out as negative-value advertisements.
       | The same thing will happen here. Nearly all blogs will soon be
       | sprouting cutesy images to go along with the posts. Initially,
       | many of them will be useful and add value, suggesting a metaphor
       | or analogy or simply providing a visual anchor to make the
       | content more memorable.
       | But they'll quickly become expected and necessary and we'll have
       | the usual race to the bottom. Everyone will have _some_ image
       | because it boosts engagement by 8%... wait now 6%... oops it 's
       | too common, we're awash in crappy irrelevant images just added
       | for the boost, which is down to 2%... oh crap, now the _absence_
       | of an image is a good signal for content quality, we 're at -1%!
       | (If you put work into the prompt and curate carefully, it will
       | still be a net positive to your content. But it won't matter for
       | long in terms of traffic/engagement, because everyone will be
       | mentally ignoring it.)
         | iroh2727 wrote:
         | Yep. My analogy for this kind of effect is McDonald's (and
         | other fast or prepackaged food). Fast food never eclipsed good
         | food because, well, it's not that good. But it spreads. It's
         | just the result of unfettered capitalism (tech is no different
         | in this regard to any other industry).
         | But it's also a culture thing...like people trying to convince
         | us that mediocre stuff is good or cool. I mean in this case
         | it's _new_ because a machine is doing it, but what are OpenAI's
         | real economic motivations behind all their press releases I
         | wonder...?
         | jedberg wrote:
         | > But they'll quickly become expected and necessary and we'll
         | have the usual race to the bottom. Everyone will have some
         | image because it boosts engagement by 8%... wait now 6%... oops
         | it's too common, we're awash in crappy irrelevant images just
         | added for the boost, which is down to 2%... oh crap, now the
         | absence of an image is a good signal for content quality, we're
         | at -1%!
         | Too late. It already started happening a while ago. Tons of
         | blogs with annoying animated gifs and now browsers have the
         | ability to block them.
         | lupire wrote:
         | [deleted]
         | thorum wrote:
         | How is this different from the current status quo with most
         | websites using stock photos? If anything, I would expect AI-
         | generated images to be more closely related to the content than
         | whatever random image you get by searching "business" on
         | Shutterstock.
       | cowmix wrote:
       | I'll wait to read it when it actually comes up but until then I
       | have to say when I finally got access to the DallE2 beta, I was
       | underwhelmed. The mini-Dalle, while not as good in the image
       | fidelity department, is much more fun.
       | wyager wrote:
       | An important lesson: >99% of your blog readers will visit during
       | <1% of the time.
       | If your goal is to allow people to read the stuff you write, you
       | _must_ be capable of serving your content to  >1000 people per
       | second.
       | Use a good backend (I recommend Servant+Warp or Snap - the only
       | two I've tried that could handle it, out of probably 15 popular
       | options tested) or a good caching reverse proxy (insofar as such
       | a thing can be said to exist) and/or a CDN.
         | motoboi wrote:
         | Static html, from a cloud bucket.
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-08-08 23:00 UTC)